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Forever Flowing: The Azure Legacy Ch. 2.7 As Forever Flowing as the Blue Sky.
This legacy is loosely based off of Native Americans and traditions. Native American names usually linked to the tribe of that generation. This generation is Blackfoot Indians. Only females can inherit, everyone should have hobby enthusiasm in “Nature” “Music and Dance”, and “Arts and Crafts”, basically we have a lot of creative folks here. (other hobbies are acceptable too these just are the most important). Names will all be related to the tribe for that generation in some way. Or nature related names if I run out.
Since this is continuing from the battle we ended with last chapter I guess it would be fine for me to do a recap of last chapter. If you are just dropping in right now, I highly suggest reading previous chapters.
In 2.6, generation three kids all found out they had super/magical powers. Suni, who has been after them for years, captured the kids in front of their schools and placed them in her dungeon. She used her own magic to hurt the kids and torture Siksika who’s powers had also been disabled by Suni herself, temporarily. The simselves and legacy sims came up with a plan to defeat Suni from the outside, that’s when they met up with Suni’s Zombie minions. The zombies all took the forms of everyone Suni killed in her lifetime.
As for Siksika’s brother, sister and cousins, they have found a way to escape the dungeon in which they were kept in cages…
“We must be timely in our efforts to figure out our quandary before our tormentor returns. I have been contemplating solutions.” The eldest one in the group said with a slight smirk.  “What’s up big sis?” Rozene replied as she leaned against the brick wall.
“I have been studying our captor. She’s not of the paranoid type, for she doesn’t check on us every five to ten minutes. Although it is quite random. It’s close to dawn-” Koko started. Her speech was broken by a loud rumble coming from the next cell then echoed across the room. “Sorry” The twin boys said in Unison.
Koko shook her head at her younger brothers as she looked at Rozene. “Rozie…” Koko nodded in her direction, telling her to try again.
Rozene placed her hands on the bars she felt a burning sensation. Spread through her entire body. The tough girl quickly let go as the pain stopped. Rozene wasn’t one to give up because of a little bit of pain. She brushed her hands on her uniform skirt then quickly used her strength and ripped the gate from it’s hinges.
She ran down the dungeon allowing her siblings and cousins to escape each cage. Rozie could feel her hands burning as if she has just stopped Jacy’s fire with her bare hands, or at least stuck them inside a heated oven.  “Owfrikkityow” Rozene mumbled under her breath as the pain became almost un-bearable. “So are you gonna touch my hands or what? We don’t have all frikken day.”
Rozene looked down at her younger brother Ohanko who had an annoyed look on his face.  Without saying anything Rozene put her hands on her brothers as she felt the tingling of his own powers heal the burns on her hands.  “Thanks” Rozie said sharply. Ohanko didn’t say anything he just walked past his older sister and caught up with the rest of the group.
They had made it through a door that started the dungeon hoping for a way out. What they stumbled upon was a room full of bookshelves. Crowfoot looked at the odd looking shelves. He had seen these somewhere before. “We’re never going to get out are we?” Adoette worried. “Yes we will. We have to make it quick if I’m thinking this correctly.”  Crow looked toward his cousin
Jacy looked at her older brother as she had her hands ready to shoot fire. “Jacy we are not burning the bookshelves” Crowfoot said to his younger sister. Jacy pouted as she got her power under control. “Then what are we going to do there’s no way out.”
“Actually, there is a way. The Blainee use teleporters similar to these to get from place to place in their spaceships. You see they have no actual doors it’s all teleporting.” Crowfoot explained. The teenager started to examine each individual book on the shelf. He ran his hand across the bindings before finally settling on a book. He grabbed Jacy who was nearest to him who got the sign and grabbed Ohanko. The cousins held each others hands Sinopa was on the other end.
“Certain books on the shelves are linked to one other book within other shelves within an area. They are mixed in with other Normal books so it’s not suspected. “ “Well you sure suspected it” Rozene said sarcastically. Crow ignored his cousin’s comment as he continued. “We have to be quick though since the portal will close shortly after its opened.”
Crowfoot pulled one of the books toward him, as the group felt a force pulling them into the bookshelf.  The first six got through quick enough but Rozie and Sinopa weren’t as lucky, the force pulled the sisters’ hands from each other as it separated them.  Rozene made it through before it closed but Sinopa was thrown back into the room.
She heard a familiar crack and immediately turned invisible within the room, but it wasn’t Suni she noticed through the door window it was someone lets make that something else. Sinopa noticed the rotting skin of the creatures as she screwed her face in disgust. They were looking around frantically, these must be Suni’s minions. She must have been standing there too long because one of them seemed to catch her scent. One of the monsters grunted heading toward the door. The others followed.
Sinopa had to think quick as she did as Crowfoot did and scanned the shelves. Some books felt different from the others, harder, stiffer. She heard the monsters coming closer as She pulled one of the books toward her and felt the sensation of being sucked from the room and through the portal.
The Zombies crashed through the door as they noticed no one in the room. They looked around confused unsure of what to do or where to go.
Sinopa found herself in an odd looking room, a spell book, cauldron, odd items all over the shelves as well as a chair and a window that looked into an empty room.  “Who’s there?” Sinopa heard the voice and followed it, she noticed Sika was sitting facing a corner of the room.  Sinopa went toward where her cousin was sitting. Double checking the area Sinopa returned to her visible state.
“It’s me Siksika, Sinopa” Sinopa said causing Siksika to turn her way. Sinopa noticed the look of fear and exhaustion on her older cousin’s face, what was Suni doing to Sika? This wasn’t good. “How did you get here?” Sika asked sharply.
“Your brother, actually, he figured it out. You see the bookshelves they actually are portals to get from room to room. If you pull the right book that is, we got separated I don’t know where the others went.” Sinopa whispered. Sika listened to her cousin’s story, although surprised she was grateful at the news that there was a way out of this place. “Be careful, she could be back any minute. I’m not sure when exactly.” Sika said.
Not to long later there was a familiar crack into the room Siksika jumped up from her seated position and Sinopa turned herself invisible in the corner. “Hello again, my minions have been set off on your family members as well as Lenmana. Pretty soon You will be the last one then I can stop playing, I want you to watch them suffer.” Suni cackled. From the corner Sinopa gulped quietly, she had to do something.
Meanwhile, the other seven, found themselves in a library of some sort. Looking around they noticed an antique couch and mismatched bookshelves some like the portal ones others were just normal bookshelves, they could have just has well been in the school library.  Koko examined the old dusty books that seem to have been collected over the years, it seemed as if this place hadn’t been touched. Except for a few children’s books. She noticed small fingerprints within the dust on the cover of one of them.
“My kin, before we head off to the next area, let us examine some of these books.” Koko said as she tossed another book at Crowfoot, that had just missed the teen. “But Koko I hate reading!” Ohanko whined sharply. “There aren’t a lot of books here we can read ‘Hanko, these are big kid books.” Dyami said as he looked at a book off the shelf.
“There are some children’s books here as well brothers”  The boys went over to the shelf where their eldest sister was as they started to look through the children’s books. Koko went off to another shelf as she searched.  “Where’s Sinopa?” Jacy looked toward Rozene who stared her down. She knew that Rozene was between Adoette and Sinopa.
“She didn’t make it through the portal it separated us before she could make it.” Rozene replied immediately.  “Why do we need to look through these books anyway?” Crowfoot asked as he looked through his pile. “Maybe we can unearth some data.”
She was actually quite worried about her sister’s whereabouts, she didn’t want them to know it. Rozene made herself busy by picking some books off the shelf and skimming. “Sinopa are you alright?”  Rozie telepathically said to her sister.
“Rozie? I’m ok I found the room where Sika is being kept. I’m unable to make a move, Invisible in the corner Suni is here and it’s not good. “ Sinopa answered. “Then make a move!” Rozene ordered. “I have to wait for the right time. Sika knows I’m here Suni does not.” “Well hurry up! We’re in a library, Koko’s making us read.” “Read? Well maybe you can find something we can use.”
With the knowledge her twin was safe Rozene smiled thankfully to herself, she didn’t know what she would do without Sinopa. Her twin was the only one she’d be comfortable telling everything to. Adoette on the other end of the room felt Rozene’s worry turn to relief, but she learned not to tell her older sister that she had snuck into reading her feelings. That was a sign Sinopa had to be alright.
Suni was using her magic again on Sika torturing her, Sinopa was just waiting for Suni when she had an Idea. Sneaking a bottle of something off the shelf Sinopa snuck past where Sika and Suni were by the window to the empty room and tossed whatever the ingredient was into the red cauldron, a nasty smell filled the room as it started to bubble. Sinopa quickly retreated back near the bookcase. As she watched the scene, Siksika had taken a lot from this Suni lady, she seemed to be getting weaker after each blow.
Suni’s next spell on her victim was interrupted by the smell and boiling coming from the cauldron. While Suni was distracted  by the cauldron. Sinopa was able to cross the room to Sika’s limp form  and snatch her from the floor toward the bookcase. It was hard since Sinopa didn’t have her twin’s superpower. Siksika was able to regain some strength to help out her cousin. Sinopa fiddled with the books as she quickly had to decide which one to pick, She had powered down and was now visible.
“Where did you come from girl? You should have been dead by now!” Suni noticed the visible Sinopa holding onto Siksika. Sinopa wanted to think of something to say, what would be something Rozie would say, she always came up with creative, but mean phrases. “Sorry to burst you’re bubble. Still here!” Sinopa said as she pulled on a book and her and Siksika were pulled through the portal.
The portal brought them to another room it was full of side tables Sinopa stood up but Siksika had collapsed on the floor again. The lights in the place automatically turned on and lit up the room. Sinopa was able to see what exactly was on the tables.  URNS! *music  “Through the Fire and the Flames” Dragonforce  starts here*
“On a cold winter morning in a time before the lightIn flames of death's eternal reign we ride towards the fightWhen the darkness has fallen down and the times are tough alrightThe sound of evil laughter falls around the world tonight”
“Fighting hard fighting on for the steel through the wastelands evermoreThe scattered souls will feel the hell bodies wasted on the shoresOn the blackest plains in hell's domain we watch them as they goIn fire and pain now once again we know”
“So now we fly ever free, we're free before the thunderstormOn towards the wilderness our quest carries onFar beyond the sundown, far beyond the moonlightDeep inside our hearts and all our souls”
“So far away we wait for the dayFor the light source so wasted and goneWe feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand daysThrough the fire and the flames we carry on”
“As the red day is dawning and the lightning cracks the skyThey'll raise their hands to the heavens above with resentment to their eyesRunning back through the mid morning light there's a burning in my heartWe're banished from a time in a fallen land to a life beyond the stars”
“In your darkest dreams see to believe our destiny this timeAnd endlessly we'll all be free tonight”
“And on the wings of a dream so far beyond realityAll alone in desperation now the time has comeLost inside you'll never find, lost within my own mindDay after day this misery must go on”
“So far away we wait for the dayFor the light source so wasted and goneWe feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand daysThrough the fire and the flames we carry on”
“Wha-o-o! Whao-o-oh! Whao-o-oh! Wha-o-o! Whao-o-oh! Whao-o-oh!”
“Now here we stand with their blood on our handsWe fought so hard now can we understandI'll break the seal of this curse if I possibly canFor freedom of every man”
“So far away we wait for the dayFor the light source so wasted and goneWe feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand daysThrough the fire and the flames we carry on “ -”Through the Fire and the Flames” – Dragonforce.
*music dies*
“Suni, This will be the end of your reign of terror!” Aiyana called out to Suni as three generations of Azure women, lined up.  Pocahontas stood next to her mother, Siksika lined up next to her mother and Jacy took a place next to her sister.  They noticed the four Azure women rearrange their positions. Jacy stood in front, behind her stood big sister Siksika, on one side of Sika stood Aiyana the other stood Pocahontas. They put their hands on each others shoulders except for Jacy who had her hands out in front of her. The rest of the family came closer, the simselves were held back. The women started to sparkle as a white glow surrounded them.
The others watched in amazement as the native magic appeared through the women. Through the stories and studies they had heard and learned through their life told  that this was the first time in generations that this level of power was used to kill someone who wronged them, wronged the tribe, wronged the creator, wronged the legacy. The women started to chant in a booming voice that combined the four as well as a few other unknown female voices:
“A century has passed since you were born You lived a life of hate  You destroyed your tribe because of jealousy Now you will meet you’re fate You will die how you have lived Fire, Torture and Irate The Shadowlands await…”
Suni couldn’t move, she could feel all that power she had built up throughout the years start to leave her body. The native Lenmanian magic flowed through her veins as well as the Azure line. But in her studying the magic she did as well as the pact she made with the reaper to live so long hade diluted the ancient magic. Magic much stronger much wiser much more powerful, but Suni didn’t want that magic alone she wanted more, always more.
Jacy could feel the ancient power passing through to her as it attached itself to the fire she was already sprouting from her hands. The fire changed from red and orange to blue and white as she aimed it at Suni. The family’s enemy, the woman who tortured her, her brother, cousins and most of all her beloved big sister Siksika. The preteen concentrated all of her anger into the one shot she had, the one shot to destroy.
Suni was hit, with the power of the ancient Lenmanians the power she had lost, trying to enhance her others. The connection she had lost to who she was, to her heritage, where she came from, what she had lost to gain something she believed was better.  The Ancient power numbed her body as she turned to dust . The dust was carried in the wind as her soul left the earth.
As dusk came over the field those who had been turned to zombies by Suni, the magic from the women caused their own souls to release from their undead bodies and go to finish their Wanagi Taraku. The bodies dissolved back into the soil of the earth leaving no trace that there was ever an army of Zombies.
The magic died as the women returned to their normal state. Jacy collapsed on the ground as did Siksika. Pocahontas swayed on the spot before deciding to sit on the ground. Aiyana sat down next to her daughter and granddaughters feeling exhausted but like she had used this same power, or something similar at another point in her life. This alerted the others almost immediately who went to check on the women.
“Ohanko can you…?” Adoette asked her younger brother but her voice faded. “I’m not sure, ‘Ette, I just discovered these the other day, I used them a lot already!” Ohanko said for once sounding unsure of himself. “Ohanko…” Siksika said regaining consciousness slowly.
Ohanko looked at his older cousin who was still struggling on her arms and legs. “Jacy… help her… I’ll be fine. I’ve had worse.” Sika stuttered. Ohanko looked back down at Jacy who was still lying unconscious in the middle of the field. The other three seemed like they would be ok, even Siksika who had been through so much was telling him to concentrate on Jacy-Nova.
Ohanko put his hands lightly on Jacy-Nova’s limp body as he concentrated on using what he had left to help her, if anything, at least to be conscious. His cousin’s body started to glow as his arm had done so long ago back in the dungeon. Ohanko started to shake and burn up as he removed his hands quickly from the body. He fell back onto the grass and quickly turned over before puking.
Jacy’s eyes flickered open as she looked up at the starry sky she groaned Siksika went over to help her younger sister sit up. “I don’t feel so good” Was the first thing she said before projecting her own vomit, Siksika surprisingly was able to move out of the way before being hit.
“Tomorrow will be a day of celebration and relaxation, as for tonight I think its best if we just get all these kids to bed and healed up. Don’t worry Ohanko, you will get a break as well. I think we need to find a way to train you before you can really heal anyone else. “ Aiyana stated smiling at her grandson. “I’m thinking a day off for everyone tomorrow.” Everyone was too exhausted to cheer but Aiyana could feel that this is what would be best, for everyone.
Pocahontas was able to return to her feet as the Simselves stood up themselves to face the heiress. SG walked forward, face to face with Pocahontas. “I thank you all for you’re help with defeating Suni. We couldn’t have done it without you. I hope you’re rightful simself powers will return to you.”  “You’re welcome Pocahontas. We are here to help, it’s one of the many things us simselves can do. I can feel my power returning to me slowly but surely” SG replied.
“SG we should get back to the house.” Neo said from behind as she gave Shadow Gem a look, as if sending a message to SG through her eyes. “Right” Shadow Gem replied with a nod before turning back to Pocahontas.  “You know where we are if you ever need us again” SG said as the two women hugged. The simselves came together gathered their weapons and waved on their way back to the Mansion, with a teleporting poof.
“Lets go home, my dear” Joel said as he rubbed his wife’s back.  “Can we eat first?” Crow asked reflecting his younger cousins growling stomachs. “We completely forgotten we haven't eaten since lunch at school.” “Of course I’ll call for Pizza, enough for all of us to fill our stomachs.” Powhatan chuckled at his nephew’s comment. Everyone was gathered at and that night they could eat and sleep soundly and safely.
The Azures and Hunickes had called their kids in early yesterday morning before the battle. Since it was Thursday they used the excuse that the kids were going on a vacation. They were originally uncertain about how long it would take to get them back. Although, Pocahontas was worried about their permanent records because for not getting perfect attendance, causing Danielle to calm her down since the guys didn’t know what to do.
They used that day to celebrate their victory by a bonfire and cookout, dancing and singing. Overall just enjoying themselves, they had the whole weekend to do so, but the kids would have to be back at school on Monday.
There were also two birthdays, both the youngest girls were becoming teens, Jacy who was older than Adoette by about a day had her birthday first.
She grew into a good looking Popularity sim with the LTW to become The Law. She liked guys who were hardworking especially while in a swimsuit, as long as he didn’t wear a hat.
Jacy’s pyro powers hadn’t been lost since she was still the one to light the bonfire. Family members enjoyed and danced away that Saturday night.
 Sunday came as well as Adoette’s birthday, she was surrounded by her family being the last girl to teen this generation.
She grew into another good looking teen, a change of clothes and hairstyle later we had another Family sim with the LTW to raise 20 puppies or kittens. She decided that since she already helped raise a dog she wanted to raise some cats. Of course not in a “crazy cat lady” way, she still wanted some kids.  She would also go for either gender especially if they were creative with black hair, as long as they didn’t have a lot of mechanical skills Since she would love to fix things instead.
Time went on as the Azures and Hunickes were ready to return to their normal everyday lives. The kids  returned back to finish off the school year before summer vacation started. They all stuck with the vacation story if and when anyone asked.
Days later, Aiyana found herself looking in the bathroom mirror her bright red hair was starting to change.  The elixir she had drank all those years ago was starting to wear off, this time she was going to let it go. Maybe it was her time maybe there was another way for her to live her namesake.  She looked at her bright blue eyes, wrinkles had appeared at the edges. She thought of her children, both Pocahontas and Powhatan had grown up so well with families of their own. She now had nine wonderful grandchildren.
She heard voices from the other room, everyone was starting to arrive for her birthday. Her birthday she wasn’t sure if she dreaded it or was thankful for it she had a mix of feelings. It was just how life went Sims got older at least now she would actually Look like a grandmother. Hopefully not too much though, she’d rather not be wearing a frumpy dress, wasn’t her style.
Aiyana stood uncertainly near the flaming cake. Jacy definitely went all out on the candles. The relaxation weekend the kids had revived them and gave their powers some time to rebuild.  Well most of them, Siksika’s precognition still was dormant. Aiyana had heard nine different points of view and from those she was able to put together the full story of everything they had gone through at Suni’s place.
“G’ ma, are you gonna blow out the candles, don’t want them to burn down the place!” Jacy called from behind, excitedly as she spun the noisemaker around. “Don’t worry mom we have something for you to change into once you blow out the candles” Pocahontas mentioned eying her oldest who had just walked into the room.
Aiyana smiled to herself, she had such a great family. She could feel in her heart that the line would carry on just fine through them when she is gone. Three generations of Azures (as well as some Hunickes) piled into the room to see their mother and grandmother become an elder.
And so she did the sparkles covered Aiyana’s adult body then turned into confetti to show the elderfied, still red-headed Aiyana. She grew up in an “Interesting” piece lucky for her she already had some nicer clothing waiting for her in her dresser drawer.
A quick change of hair and clothing later Aiyana was shown to be a pretty elder who still had her young soul with in her. She went back to her cake and started to eat, it wasn’t long before she was joined by her family members.
“So Grandma how does it feel to actually look like a grandma?” Her youngest grandchild Dyami asked innocently. “Are you saying I’m old?” Aiyana laughed as she joked with her grandson. The family laughed at her “old” joke. “Seriously, I actually feel more alive than ever” She replied.
Joel had been promoted to Rock God finally after all these years the day after Aiyana's birthday party and decided to celebrate with his family. He had talked to his band and they agreed to have a private concert for the Azures and Hunickes.
“Welcome ladies, gentlemen, girls and boys, Azures and Hunickes. My name is Joel Azure husband of the lovely Pocahontas Azure. Here’s you’re band: Alice Jett with the pink hair on vocals, Terry Snider with the awesome hat on bass, and Jake French who makes purple look good on the guitar. Together we make up the Musical Chairs. Enjoy you’re private concert!”
Joel sat down behind his drum set waiting for his cue. Terry and Jake stood by their own instruments, Alice grabbed the microphone ready to sing, the Rock song. Musical Chairs genre was punk and Rock much like how it started way back in College with his former band mates who have all moved on.  Joel had taken a break himself until he had reached a little further in the career. A couple years back he decided to start up the band again, His children were now older and his eldest would be heading to college real soon.
“Hit it!” Joel conducted his band.  Alice started singing in the microphone. “We’re not gonna Take it” original song by Twisted Sister. But with Joan Jett as a vocalist.
“Oh We're Not Gonna Take Itno, We Ain't Gonna Take Itoh We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore”
“We've Got The Right To Choose Andthere Ain't No Way We'll Lose Itthis Is Our Life, This Is Our Songwe'll Fight The Powers That Be Justdon't Pick Our Destiny 'causeyou Don't Know Us, You Don't Belong”
“oh We're Not Gonna Take Itno, We Ain't Gonna Take Itoh We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore”
“oh You're So Condescendingyour Gall Is Never Endingwe Don't Want Nothin', Not A Thing From Youyour Life Is Trite And Jadedboring And Confiscatedif That's Your Best, Your Best Won't Do”
“oh.....................oh.....................we're Right/yeahwe're Free/yeahwe'll Fight/yeahyou'll See/yeah”
“oh We're Not Gonna Take Itno, We Ain't Gonna Take Itoh We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore”
“oh We're Not Gonna Take Itno, We Ain't Gonna Take Itoh We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore”
“oh.....................oh.....................we're Right/yeahwe're Free/yeahwe'll Fight/yeahyou'll See/yeah”
“we're Not Gonna Take Itno, We Ain't Gonna Take Itwe're Not Gonna Take It Anymorewe're Not Gonna Take It, No!no, We Ain't Gonna Take Itwe're Not Gonna Take It Anymore”
“just You Try And Make Uswe're Not Gonna Take Itcome Onno, We Ain't Gonna Take Ityou're All Worthless And Weakwe're Not Gonna Take It Anymore”
“now Drop And Give Me Twentywe're Not Gonna Take Itoh Crinch Pinno, We Ain't Gonna Take Itoh You And Your Uniformwe're Not Gonna Take It Anymore “
When They finished with that song as well as a few others the band threw their latest CD in the music player and started to chat with the family as well as dance to the music.
And two of the boys decided to take their turn on the mic.  “…Got skills, I'm a Champion of DNDMC Escher that's my favorite MCKeep your 40I'll just have an Earl Grey teaMy rims never spin to the contraryYou'll find they're quite stationary…” “White and Nerdy” -Weird Al
“…Strangers waitingUp and down the boulevardTheir shadows searching in the nightStreetlight peopleLiving just to find emotionHiding somewhere in the nightDon't stop believin'Hold on to that feelin'Streetlight people…”  –”Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey
Both boys weren’t half bad, it must have been all those Creativity points they gained through the years. Both enjoyed every minute of singing for their “Audience”.
Through all of this Jim and Aiyana were in their own little world Just dancing together as they were lost in each other’s eyes. While their family danced and enjoyed themselves in the background to the two of them it was like they were the only ones there.
They enjoyed their private concert Joel’s actual concert was in a few days but he wanted Sika and Koko to enjoy it before heading off to college.
They had made it home safely. At the Azure house Jacy headed right for the basketball net that they had installed after her birthday party. Jacy had been showing interest to make it on the high school basketball team she had gone to a few of the games that her brother and sister told her about, it would fit her competitive personality.
“She shoots and scores and the crowd goes wild”  Jacy imitated the sound of people cheering for her as she went back to pick up the basketball again she bounced it as she moved around the area of the net before jumping and shooting.
Siksika had finished applying for scholarships before heading outside to see what her sister was up to.  She saw Jacy’s teenage form shooting hoops in the front yard, it also had her notice that her younger sister was taller than Jacy was already five foot five, Siksika was only five foot two.  “Hey Jay having fun?”  Siksika said.
“I ALMOST HAD THAT!” Jacy yelled competitively as she clenched her fists. Jacy had ways to keep her powers under control when she became angry. She turned around to confront her interrupter of the shot when she noticed her older sister with a raised eyebrow standing there. Jacy’s annoyance dimmed seeing that it wasn’t a random walk-by. “Sorry, thought you were someone else”  “It’s alright”
Jacy went back to shooting hoops as Siksika watched on. “You’re pretty good, I’d be surprised if they didn’t want you on the team.” “Thanks, I’ve been practicing watching the games helps too I can watch how they do it and try to attempt it myself.” Jacy eyed the ball and the hoop then jumped and released the ball from her hands. “Sounds like a good strategy” Siksika smiled at her younger sister.
“Whoa that was pretty cool!” The girls heard their brother’s voice from above. His window had been open and he had been looking through the telescope from his bedroom window. “What?” Sika looked up at Crowfoot. “There’s a meteor shower tonight” the teenager answered. “You’ve gotta see this.”
“You’re acting like you have never seen a meteor shower before, I bet you see a lot through there.”  Jacy called up to her brother. “Yeah I do but not many like this one.”  The three siblings eyes gazed the sky watching the shower pass by.
Over at the Hunickes Koko was packing to leave for Sim State university on the main land. She would be going to college with her cousin Sika she actually was asked to go to college earlier than her classmates because of her brain but she decided to wait, being a bit on the shyer side she preferred to go to college with someone she knew to not feel so awkward. She wanted to wait for Sika to go with her.
“Don’t forget this and this.” Adoette’s voice came from behind as she searched her sister’s wardrobe. Koko had examined the pieces her sister had chosen and settled on a dress that she had never worn. “What is you’re reasoning for this article of clothing?” Koko asked. Looking at the dress. “Well if you ever need to dress up for a dance or something it would come in handy.”
“I don’t even know if she’d go to any dances. Guys don’t like to feel stupid.” Rosie mentioned as her and Sinopa appeared in the doorway. “If he refuses to accept my intelligence he is not worth my time.” Koko replied. The girls were distracted by the boys in the hallway who has started a screaming match.
“Ohanko I was watching that” “This show is for girls, why do you watch girly shows?” “How is this a girly show?” “Because the girls aren’t damsels in distress, they fight the bad guys with the boys?” “Why do girls always have to be damsels in distress? There are such things as girl heroes, like in some of the stories grandma tells us.” “But the guys have to save the girls…”
Ohanko trailed off as he noticed the girls staring at them, Sinopa was glaring, Koko was tapping her foot, Rozene was rubbing her hands together and Adoette was looking at the boys. “Hi, um soo…” Ohanko said awkwardly looking at his sister. “I think we should get them don’t you.” Rozene said to her sisters. “But I….” Dyami started.
The girls went toward their brothers, the boys weren’t sure what to do they leaped off the couch in the hallway in order to run away but before they could head down the stairs they found themselves…
In the midst of a tickle war…
They enjoyed the rest of the summer especially when the Azures had a pool installed.  The kids had a ball swimming diving and playing Marco Polo in the new pool. The wonderful result of a good chance card  that had the family come into some extra money.
Then the time came when it was time for our two eldest to head off to college. Koko packed the van, Danielle was going to drop the girls off at Lenmana Airport downtown.  There wasn’t a bridge from Lenmana to the mainland so an airport was built by the people that had moved here after the native tribe had been wiped out. “Koko we have to pick up Siksika and her stuff”
“I understand mother, I have to load only a limited amount of items.” Koko replied placing a suitcase in the back seat.  Before getting in the car Koko was attacked by hugs from her siblings and a kiss from her father. “I shall return soon.” Koko said before getting into the van, the two drove to pick up Siksika.
“..,Ok Siksika, partying will be ok, just pay attention to you’re studies and be careful there are a lot of college guys who just…” “Pocahontas, calm down, she will be just fine it’s not like she’s going alone.” Joel said. “But I still want her to be careful”  Pocahontas replied. “I assure you mom I will be just fine, its just me and Koko.” Siksika smiled.
“I love you sweetheart” Pocahontas said to Siksika before kissing her. Joel leaned toward Sika’s ear “Here’s a tip: once you join Luyu Angeni Toga parties are a blast!”  Siksika giggled at her father who kissed her head, she then received hugs and kisses from her brother, sister and grandparents.
Danielle and Koko pulled into the drive way and Siksika, with the help of her family, packed her luggage into the van. She got into the only other free seat in the van waved at her family and Danielle took them to the airport.
After they had put their luggage on the plane Danielle said goodbye to her daughter and niece . The girls found their seats and noticed a few familiar faces from high school as well as adults who were visiting family members on the mainland or going on business trips. “College here we come!” Siksika and Koko said together as they high fived each other.
The girls made it to their college safely and started their year in the new dorm that had been built within the past few years. The girls , after a quick change of clothing, picked their dorms and started their life in college.
Unbeknownst to Koko and Sika an extra person from Lenmana Island had been assigned to the same dorm. Which was exactly what he had hoped.
DING FRIES ARE DONE! What fries are good! Anyways, I’m finally getting this generation teenified and to college.  WHEE!
Thank you to all my readers and every creator of the CC that I use in my game as well as PowerPoint , Scribd, and Boolprop for hosting my story. A Special thanks to my beta as well!
So,  Who is this mysterious boy who joined Sika and Koko in college? How will Ohanko and Dyami turn out as teenagers? How will the rest of the generation go? Tune in next time for another chapter of “Forever Flowing: The Azure Legacy”

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Forever flowing 2.7

  • 1. Forever Flowing: The Azure Legacy Ch. 2.7 As Forever Flowing as the Blue Sky.
  • 2. This legacy is loosely based off of Native Americans and traditions. Native American names usually linked to the tribe of that generation. This generation is Blackfoot Indians. Only females can inherit, everyone should have hobby enthusiasm in “Nature” “Music and Dance”, and “Arts and Crafts”, basically we have a lot of creative folks here. (other hobbies are acceptable too these just are the most important). Names will all be related to the tribe for that generation in some way. Or nature related names if I run out.
  • 3. Since this is continuing from the battle we ended with last chapter I guess it would be fine for me to do a recap of last chapter. If you are just dropping in right now, I highly suggest reading previous chapters.
  • 4. In 2.6, generation three kids all found out they had super/magical powers. Suni, who has been after them for years, captured the kids in front of their schools and placed them in her dungeon. She used her own magic to hurt the kids and torture Siksika who’s powers had also been disabled by Suni herself, temporarily. The simselves and legacy sims came up with a plan to defeat Suni from the outside, that’s when they met up with Suni’s Zombie minions. The zombies all took the forms of everyone Suni killed in her lifetime.
  • 5. As for Siksika’s brother, sister and cousins, they have found a way to escape the dungeon in which they were kept in cages…
  • 6. “We must be timely in our efforts to figure out our quandary before our tormentor returns. I have been contemplating solutions.” The eldest one in the group said with a slight smirk. “What’s up big sis?” Rozene replied as she leaned against the brick wall.
  • 7. “I have been studying our captor. She’s not of the paranoid type, for she doesn’t check on us every five to ten minutes. Although it is quite random. It’s close to dawn-” Koko started. Her speech was broken by a loud rumble coming from the next cell then echoed across the room. “Sorry” The twin boys said in Unison.
  • 8. Koko shook her head at her younger brothers as she looked at Rozene. “Rozie…” Koko nodded in her direction, telling her to try again.
  • 9. Rozene placed her hands on the bars she felt a burning sensation. Spread through her entire body. The tough girl quickly let go as the pain stopped. Rozene wasn’t one to give up because of a little bit of pain. She brushed her hands on her uniform skirt then quickly used her strength and ripped the gate from it’s hinges.
  • 10. She ran down the dungeon allowing her siblings and cousins to escape each cage. Rozie could feel her hands burning as if she has just stopped Jacy’s fire with her bare hands, or at least stuck them inside a heated oven. “Owfrikkityow” Rozene mumbled under her breath as the pain became almost un-bearable. “So are you gonna touch my hands or what? We don’t have all frikken day.”
  • 11. Rozene looked down at her younger brother Ohanko who had an annoyed look on his face. Without saying anything Rozene put her hands on her brothers as she felt the tingling of his own powers heal the burns on her hands. “Thanks” Rozie said sharply. Ohanko didn’t say anything he just walked past his older sister and caught up with the rest of the group.
  • 12. They had made it through a door that started the dungeon hoping for a way out. What they stumbled upon was a room full of bookshelves. Crowfoot looked at the odd looking shelves. He had seen these somewhere before. “We’re never going to get out are we?” Adoette worried. “Yes we will. We have to make it quick if I’m thinking this correctly.” Crow looked toward his cousin
  • 13. Jacy looked at her older brother as she had her hands ready to shoot fire. “Jacy we are not burning the bookshelves” Crowfoot said to his younger sister. Jacy pouted as she got her power under control. “Then what are we going to do there’s no way out.”
  • 14. “Actually, there is a way. The Blainee use teleporters similar to these to get from place to place in their spaceships. You see they have no actual doors it’s all teleporting.” Crowfoot explained. The teenager started to examine each individual book on the shelf. He ran his hand across the bindings before finally settling on a book. He grabbed Jacy who was nearest to him who got the sign and grabbed Ohanko. The cousins held each others hands Sinopa was on the other end.
  • 15. “Certain books on the shelves are linked to one other book within other shelves within an area. They are mixed in with other Normal books so it’s not suspected. “ “Well you sure suspected it” Rozene said sarcastically. Crow ignored his cousin’s comment as he continued. “We have to be quick though since the portal will close shortly after its opened.”
  • 16. Crowfoot pulled one of the books toward him, as the group felt a force pulling them into the bookshelf. The first six got through quick enough but Rozie and Sinopa weren’t as lucky, the force pulled the sisters’ hands from each other as it separated them. Rozene made it through before it closed but Sinopa was thrown back into the room.
  • 17. She heard a familiar crack and immediately turned invisible within the room, but it wasn’t Suni she noticed through the door window it was someone lets make that something else. Sinopa noticed the rotting skin of the creatures as she screwed her face in disgust. They were looking around frantically, these must be Suni’s minions. She must have been standing there too long because one of them seemed to catch her scent. One of the monsters grunted heading toward the door. The others followed.
  • 18. Sinopa had to think quick as she did as Crowfoot did and scanned the shelves. Some books felt different from the others, harder, stiffer. She heard the monsters coming closer as She pulled one of the books toward her and felt the sensation of being sucked from the room and through the portal.
  • 19. The Zombies crashed through the door as they noticed no one in the room. They looked around confused unsure of what to do or where to go.
  • 20. Sinopa found herself in an odd looking room, a spell book, cauldron, odd items all over the shelves as well as a chair and a window that looked into an empty room. “Who’s there?” Sinopa heard the voice and followed it, she noticed Sika was sitting facing a corner of the room. Sinopa went toward where her cousin was sitting. Double checking the area Sinopa returned to her visible state.
  • 21. “It’s me Siksika, Sinopa” Sinopa said causing Siksika to turn her way. Sinopa noticed the look of fear and exhaustion on her older cousin’s face, what was Suni doing to Sika? This wasn’t good. “How did you get here?” Sika asked sharply.
  • 22. “Your brother, actually, he figured it out. You see the bookshelves they actually are portals to get from room to room. If you pull the right book that is, we got separated I don’t know where the others went.” Sinopa whispered. Sika listened to her cousin’s story, although surprised she was grateful at the news that there was a way out of this place. “Be careful, she could be back any minute. I’m not sure when exactly.” Sika said.
  • 23. Not to long later there was a familiar crack into the room Siksika jumped up from her seated position and Sinopa turned herself invisible in the corner. “Hello again, my minions have been set off on your family members as well as Lenmana. Pretty soon You will be the last one then I can stop playing, I want you to watch them suffer.” Suni cackled. From the corner Sinopa gulped quietly, she had to do something.
  • 24. Meanwhile, the other seven, found themselves in a library of some sort. Looking around they noticed an antique couch and mismatched bookshelves some like the portal ones others were just normal bookshelves, they could have just has well been in the school library. Koko examined the old dusty books that seem to have been collected over the years, it seemed as if this place hadn’t been touched. Except for a few children’s books. She noticed small fingerprints within the dust on the cover of one of them.
  • 25. “My kin, before we head off to the next area, let us examine some of these books.” Koko said as she tossed another book at Crowfoot, that had just missed the teen. “But Koko I hate reading!” Ohanko whined sharply. “There aren’t a lot of books here we can read ‘Hanko, these are big kid books.” Dyami said as he looked at a book off the shelf.
  • 26. “There are some children’s books here as well brothers” The boys went over to the shelf where their eldest sister was as they started to look through the children’s books. Koko went off to another shelf as she searched. “Where’s Sinopa?” Jacy looked toward Rozene who stared her down. She knew that Rozene was between Adoette and Sinopa.
  • 27. “She didn’t make it through the portal it separated us before she could make it.” Rozene replied immediately. “Why do we need to look through these books anyway?” Crowfoot asked as he looked through his pile. “Maybe we can unearth some data.”
  • 28. She was actually quite worried about her sister’s whereabouts, she didn’t want them to know it. Rozene made herself busy by picking some books off the shelf and skimming. “Sinopa are you alright?” Rozie telepathically said to her sister.
  • 29. “Rozie? I’m ok I found the room where Sika is being kept. I’m unable to make a move, Invisible in the corner Suni is here and it’s not good. “ Sinopa answered. “Then make a move!” Rozene ordered. “I have to wait for the right time. Sika knows I’m here Suni does not.” “Well hurry up! We’re in a library, Koko’s making us read.” “Read? Well maybe you can find something we can use.”
  • 30. With the knowledge her twin was safe Rozene smiled thankfully to herself, she didn’t know what she would do without Sinopa. Her twin was the only one she’d be comfortable telling everything to. Adoette on the other end of the room felt Rozene’s worry turn to relief, but she learned not to tell her older sister that she had snuck into reading her feelings. That was a sign Sinopa had to be alright.
  • 31. Suni was using her magic again on Sika torturing her, Sinopa was just waiting for Suni when she had an Idea. Sneaking a bottle of something off the shelf Sinopa snuck past where Sika and Suni were by the window to the empty room and tossed whatever the ingredient was into the red cauldron, a nasty smell filled the room as it started to bubble. Sinopa quickly retreated back near the bookcase. As she watched the scene, Siksika had taken a lot from this Suni lady, she seemed to be getting weaker after each blow.
  • 32. Suni’s next spell on her victim was interrupted by the smell and boiling coming from the cauldron. While Suni was distracted by the cauldron. Sinopa was able to cross the room to Sika’s limp form and snatch her from the floor toward the bookcase. It was hard since Sinopa didn’t have her twin’s superpower. Siksika was able to regain some strength to help out her cousin. Sinopa fiddled with the books as she quickly had to decide which one to pick, She had powered down and was now visible.
  • 33. “Where did you come from girl? You should have been dead by now!” Suni noticed the visible Sinopa holding onto Siksika. Sinopa wanted to think of something to say, what would be something Rozie would say, she always came up with creative, but mean phrases. “Sorry to burst you’re bubble. Still here!” Sinopa said as she pulled on a book and her and Siksika were pulled through the portal.
  • 34. The portal brought them to another room it was full of side tables Sinopa stood up but Siksika had collapsed on the floor again. The lights in the place automatically turned on and lit up the room. Sinopa was able to see what exactly was on the tables. URNS! *music “Through the Fire and the Flames” Dragonforce starts here*
  • 36. “On a cold winter morning in a time before the lightIn flames of death's eternal reign we ride towards the fightWhen the darkness has fallen down and the times are tough alrightThe sound of evil laughter falls around the world tonight”
  • 37. “Fighting hard fighting on for the steel through the wastelands evermoreThe scattered souls will feel the hell bodies wasted on the shoresOn the blackest plains in hell's domain we watch them as they goIn fire and pain now once again we know”
  • 38. “So now we fly ever free, we're free before the thunderstormOn towards the wilderness our quest carries onFar beyond the sundown, far beyond the moonlightDeep inside our hearts and all our souls”
  • 39. “So far away we wait for the dayFor the light source so wasted and goneWe feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand daysThrough the fire and the flames we carry on”
  • 41. “As the red day is dawning and the lightning cracks the skyThey'll raise their hands to the heavens above with resentment to their eyesRunning back through the mid morning light there's a burning in my heartWe're banished from a time in a fallen land to a life beyond the stars”
  • 42. “In your darkest dreams see to believe our destiny this timeAnd endlessly we'll all be free tonight”
  • 43. “And on the wings of a dream so far beyond realityAll alone in desperation now the time has comeLost inside you'll never find, lost within my own mindDay after day this misery must go on”
  • 44. “So far away we wait for the dayFor the light source so wasted and goneWe feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand daysThrough the fire and the flames we carry on”
  • 46. “Wha-o-o! Whao-o-oh! Whao-o-oh! Wha-o-o! Whao-o-oh! Whao-o-oh!”
  • 48. “Now here we stand with their blood on our handsWe fought so hard now can we understandI'll break the seal of this curse if I possibly canFor freedom of every man”
  • 49. “So far away we wait for the dayFor the light source so wasted and goneWe feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand daysThrough the fire and the flames we carry on “ -”Through the Fire and the Flames” – Dragonforce.
  • 51. “Suni, This will be the end of your reign of terror!” Aiyana called out to Suni as three generations of Azure women, lined up. Pocahontas stood next to her mother, Siksika lined up next to her mother and Jacy took a place next to her sister. They noticed the four Azure women rearrange their positions. Jacy stood in front, behind her stood big sister Siksika, on one side of Sika stood Aiyana the other stood Pocahontas. They put their hands on each others shoulders except for Jacy who had her hands out in front of her. The rest of the family came closer, the simselves were held back. The women started to sparkle as a white glow surrounded them.
  • 52. The others watched in amazement as the native magic appeared through the women. Through the stories and studies they had heard and learned through their life told that this was the first time in generations that this level of power was used to kill someone who wronged them, wronged the tribe, wronged the creator, wronged the legacy. The women started to chant in a booming voice that combined the four as well as a few other unknown female voices:
  • 53. “A century has passed since you were born You lived a life of hate You destroyed your tribe because of jealousy Now you will meet you’re fate You will die how you have lived Fire, Torture and Irate The Shadowlands await…”
  • 54. Suni couldn’t move, she could feel all that power she had built up throughout the years start to leave her body. The native Lenmanian magic flowed through her veins as well as the Azure line. But in her studying the magic she did as well as the pact she made with the reaper to live so long hade diluted the ancient magic. Magic much stronger much wiser much more powerful, but Suni didn’t want that magic alone she wanted more, always more.
  • 55. Jacy could feel the ancient power passing through to her as it attached itself to the fire she was already sprouting from her hands. The fire changed from red and orange to blue and white as she aimed it at Suni. The family’s enemy, the woman who tortured her, her brother, cousins and most of all her beloved big sister Siksika. The preteen concentrated all of her anger into the one shot she had, the one shot to destroy.
  • 56. Suni was hit, with the power of the ancient Lenmanians the power she had lost, trying to enhance her others. The connection she had lost to who she was, to her heritage, where she came from, what she had lost to gain something she believed was better. The Ancient power numbed her body as she turned to dust . The dust was carried in the wind as her soul left the earth.
  • 57. As dusk came over the field those who had been turned to zombies by Suni, the magic from the women caused their own souls to release from their undead bodies and go to finish their Wanagi Taraku. The bodies dissolved back into the soil of the earth leaving no trace that there was ever an army of Zombies.
  • 58. The magic died as the women returned to their normal state. Jacy collapsed on the ground as did Siksika. Pocahontas swayed on the spot before deciding to sit on the ground. Aiyana sat down next to her daughter and granddaughters feeling exhausted but like she had used this same power, or something similar at another point in her life. This alerted the others almost immediately who went to check on the women.
  • 59. “Ohanko can you…?” Adoette asked her younger brother but her voice faded. “I’m not sure, ‘Ette, I just discovered these the other day, I used them a lot already!” Ohanko said for once sounding unsure of himself. “Ohanko…” Siksika said regaining consciousness slowly.
  • 60. Ohanko looked at his older cousin who was still struggling on her arms and legs. “Jacy… help her… I’ll be fine. I’ve had worse.” Sika stuttered. Ohanko looked back down at Jacy who was still lying unconscious in the middle of the field. The other three seemed like they would be ok, even Siksika who had been through so much was telling him to concentrate on Jacy-Nova.
  • 61. Ohanko put his hands lightly on Jacy-Nova’s limp body as he concentrated on using what he had left to help her, if anything, at least to be conscious. His cousin’s body started to glow as his arm had done so long ago back in the dungeon. Ohanko started to shake and burn up as he removed his hands quickly from the body. He fell back onto the grass and quickly turned over before puking.
  • 62. Jacy’s eyes flickered open as she looked up at the starry sky she groaned Siksika went over to help her younger sister sit up. “I don’t feel so good” Was the first thing she said before projecting her own vomit, Siksika surprisingly was able to move out of the way before being hit.
  • 63. “Tomorrow will be a day of celebration and relaxation, as for tonight I think its best if we just get all these kids to bed and healed up. Don’t worry Ohanko, you will get a break as well. I think we need to find a way to train you before you can really heal anyone else. “ Aiyana stated smiling at her grandson. “I’m thinking a day off for everyone tomorrow.” Everyone was too exhausted to cheer but Aiyana could feel that this is what would be best, for everyone.
  • 64. Pocahontas was able to return to her feet as the Simselves stood up themselves to face the heiress. SG walked forward, face to face with Pocahontas. “I thank you all for you’re help with defeating Suni. We couldn’t have done it without you. I hope you’re rightful simself powers will return to you.” “You’re welcome Pocahontas. We are here to help, it’s one of the many things us simselves can do. I can feel my power returning to me slowly but surely” SG replied.
  • 65. “SG we should get back to the house.” Neo said from behind as she gave Shadow Gem a look, as if sending a message to SG through her eyes. “Right” Shadow Gem replied with a nod before turning back to Pocahontas. “You know where we are if you ever need us again” SG said as the two women hugged. The simselves came together gathered their weapons and waved on their way back to the Mansion, with a teleporting poof.
  • 66. “Lets go home, my dear” Joel said as he rubbed his wife’s back. “Can we eat first?” Crow asked reflecting his younger cousins growling stomachs. “We completely forgotten we haven't eaten since lunch at school.” “Of course I’ll call for Pizza, enough for all of us to fill our stomachs.” Powhatan chuckled at his nephew’s comment. Everyone was gathered at and that night they could eat and sleep soundly and safely.
  • 67. The Azures and Hunickes had called their kids in early yesterday morning before the battle. Since it was Thursday they used the excuse that the kids were going on a vacation. They were originally uncertain about how long it would take to get them back. Although, Pocahontas was worried about their permanent records because for not getting perfect attendance, causing Danielle to calm her down since the guys didn’t know what to do.
  • 68. They used that day to celebrate their victory by a bonfire and cookout, dancing and singing. Overall just enjoying themselves, they had the whole weekend to do so, but the kids would have to be back at school on Monday.
  • 69. There were also two birthdays, both the youngest girls were becoming teens, Jacy who was older than Adoette by about a day had her birthday first.
  • 70. She grew into a good looking Popularity sim with the LTW to become The Law. She liked guys who were hardworking especially while in a swimsuit, as long as he didn’t wear a hat.
  • 71. Jacy’s pyro powers hadn’t been lost since she was still the one to light the bonfire. Family members enjoyed and danced away that Saturday night.
  • 72. Sunday came as well as Adoette’s birthday, she was surrounded by her family being the last girl to teen this generation.
  • 73. She grew into another good looking teen, a change of clothes and hairstyle later we had another Family sim with the LTW to raise 20 puppies or kittens. She decided that since she already helped raise a dog she wanted to raise some cats. Of course not in a “crazy cat lady” way, she still wanted some kids. She would also go for either gender especially if they were creative with black hair, as long as they didn’t have a lot of mechanical skills Since she would love to fix things instead.
  • 74. Time went on as the Azures and Hunickes were ready to return to their normal everyday lives. The kids returned back to finish off the school year before summer vacation started. They all stuck with the vacation story if and when anyone asked.
  • 75. Days later, Aiyana found herself looking in the bathroom mirror her bright red hair was starting to change. The elixir she had drank all those years ago was starting to wear off, this time she was going to let it go. Maybe it was her time maybe there was another way for her to live her namesake. She looked at her bright blue eyes, wrinkles had appeared at the edges. She thought of her children, both Pocahontas and Powhatan had grown up so well with families of their own. She now had nine wonderful grandchildren.
  • 76. She heard voices from the other room, everyone was starting to arrive for her birthday. Her birthday she wasn’t sure if she dreaded it or was thankful for it she had a mix of feelings. It was just how life went Sims got older at least now she would actually Look like a grandmother. Hopefully not too much though, she’d rather not be wearing a frumpy dress, wasn’t her style.
  • 77. Aiyana stood uncertainly near the flaming cake. Jacy definitely went all out on the candles. The relaxation weekend the kids had revived them and gave their powers some time to rebuild. Well most of them, Siksika’s precognition still was dormant. Aiyana had heard nine different points of view and from those she was able to put together the full story of everything they had gone through at Suni’s place.
  • 78. “G’ ma, are you gonna blow out the candles, don’t want them to burn down the place!” Jacy called from behind, excitedly as she spun the noisemaker around. “Don’t worry mom we have something for you to change into once you blow out the candles” Pocahontas mentioned eying her oldest who had just walked into the room.
  • 79. Aiyana smiled to herself, she had such a great family. She could feel in her heart that the line would carry on just fine through them when she is gone. Three generations of Azures (as well as some Hunickes) piled into the room to see their mother and grandmother become an elder.
  • 80. And so she did the sparkles covered Aiyana’s adult body then turned into confetti to show the elderfied, still red-headed Aiyana. She grew up in an “Interesting” piece lucky for her she already had some nicer clothing waiting for her in her dresser drawer.
  • 81. A quick change of hair and clothing later Aiyana was shown to be a pretty elder who still had her young soul with in her. She went back to her cake and started to eat, it wasn’t long before she was joined by her family members.
  • 82. “So Grandma how does it feel to actually look like a grandma?” Her youngest grandchild Dyami asked innocently. “Are you saying I’m old?” Aiyana laughed as she joked with her grandson. The family laughed at her “old” joke. “Seriously, I actually feel more alive than ever” She replied.
  • 83. Joel had been promoted to Rock God finally after all these years the day after Aiyana's birthday party and decided to celebrate with his family. He had talked to his band and they agreed to have a private concert for the Azures and Hunickes.
  • 84. “Welcome ladies, gentlemen, girls and boys, Azures and Hunickes. My name is Joel Azure husband of the lovely Pocahontas Azure. Here’s you’re band: Alice Jett with the pink hair on vocals, Terry Snider with the awesome hat on bass, and Jake French who makes purple look good on the guitar. Together we make up the Musical Chairs. Enjoy you’re private concert!”
  • 85. Joel sat down behind his drum set waiting for his cue. Terry and Jake stood by their own instruments, Alice grabbed the microphone ready to sing, the Rock song. Musical Chairs genre was punk and Rock much like how it started way back in College with his former band mates who have all moved on. Joel had taken a break himself until he had reached a little further in the career. A couple years back he decided to start up the band again, His children were now older and his eldest would be heading to college real soon.
  • 86. “Hit it!” Joel conducted his band. Alice started singing in the microphone. “We’re not gonna Take it” original song by Twisted Sister. But with Joan Jett as a vocalist.
  • 87. “Oh We're Not Gonna Take Itno, We Ain't Gonna Take Itoh We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore”
  • 88. “We've Got The Right To Choose Andthere Ain't No Way We'll Lose Itthis Is Our Life, This Is Our Songwe'll Fight The Powers That Be Justdon't Pick Our Destiny 'causeyou Don't Know Us, You Don't Belong”
  • 89. “oh We're Not Gonna Take Itno, We Ain't Gonna Take Itoh We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore”
  • 90. “oh You're So Condescendingyour Gall Is Never Endingwe Don't Want Nothin', Not A Thing From Youyour Life Is Trite And Jadedboring And Confiscatedif That's Your Best, Your Best Won't Do”
  • 92. “oh We're Not Gonna Take Itno, We Ain't Gonna Take Itoh We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore”
  • 93. “oh We're Not Gonna Take Itno, We Ain't Gonna Take Itoh We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore”
  • 96. “we're Not Gonna Take Itno, We Ain't Gonna Take Itwe're Not Gonna Take It Anymorewe're Not Gonna Take It, No!no, We Ain't Gonna Take Itwe're Not Gonna Take It Anymore”
  • 97. “just You Try And Make Uswe're Not Gonna Take Itcome Onno, We Ain't Gonna Take Ityou're All Worthless And Weakwe're Not Gonna Take It Anymore”
  • 98. “now Drop And Give Me Twentywe're Not Gonna Take Itoh Crinch Pinno, We Ain't Gonna Take Itoh You And Your Uniformwe're Not Gonna Take It Anymore “
  • 99. When They finished with that song as well as a few others the band threw their latest CD in the music player and started to chat with the family as well as dance to the music.
  • 100. And two of the boys decided to take their turn on the mic. “…Got skills, I'm a Champion of DNDMC Escher that's my favorite MCKeep your 40I'll just have an Earl Grey teaMy rims never spin to the contraryYou'll find they're quite stationary…” “White and Nerdy” -Weird Al
  • 101. “…Strangers waitingUp and down the boulevardTheir shadows searching in the nightStreetlight peopleLiving just to find emotionHiding somewhere in the nightDon't stop believin'Hold on to that feelin'Streetlight people…” –”Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey
  • 102. Both boys weren’t half bad, it must have been all those Creativity points they gained through the years. Both enjoyed every minute of singing for their “Audience”.
  • 103. Through all of this Jim and Aiyana were in their own little world Just dancing together as they were lost in each other’s eyes. While their family danced and enjoyed themselves in the background to the two of them it was like they were the only ones there.
  • 104. They enjoyed their private concert Joel’s actual concert was in a few days but he wanted Sika and Koko to enjoy it before heading off to college.
  • 105. They had made it home safely. At the Azure house Jacy headed right for the basketball net that they had installed after her birthday party. Jacy had been showing interest to make it on the high school basketball team she had gone to a few of the games that her brother and sister told her about, it would fit her competitive personality.
  • 106. “She shoots and scores and the crowd goes wild” Jacy imitated the sound of people cheering for her as she went back to pick up the basketball again she bounced it as she moved around the area of the net before jumping and shooting.
  • 107. Siksika had finished applying for scholarships before heading outside to see what her sister was up to. She saw Jacy’s teenage form shooting hoops in the front yard, it also had her notice that her younger sister was taller than Jacy was already five foot five, Siksika was only five foot two. “Hey Jay having fun?” Siksika said.
  • 108. “I ALMOST HAD THAT!” Jacy yelled competitively as she clenched her fists. Jacy had ways to keep her powers under control when she became angry. She turned around to confront her interrupter of the shot when she noticed her older sister with a raised eyebrow standing there. Jacy’s annoyance dimmed seeing that it wasn’t a random walk-by. “Sorry, thought you were someone else” “It’s alright”
  • 109. Jacy went back to shooting hoops as Siksika watched on. “You’re pretty good, I’d be surprised if they didn’t want you on the team.” “Thanks, I’ve been practicing watching the games helps too I can watch how they do it and try to attempt it myself.” Jacy eyed the ball and the hoop then jumped and released the ball from her hands. “Sounds like a good strategy” Siksika smiled at her younger sister.
  • 110. “Whoa that was pretty cool!” The girls heard their brother’s voice from above. His window had been open and he had been looking through the telescope from his bedroom window. “What?” Sika looked up at Crowfoot. “There’s a meteor shower tonight” the teenager answered. “You’ve gotta see this.”
  • 111. “You’re acting like you have never seen a meteor shower before, I bet you see a lot through there.” Jacy called up to her brother. “Yeah I do but not many like this one.” The three siblings eyes gazed the sky watching the shower pass by.
  • 112. Over at the Hunickes Koko was packing to leave for Sim State university on the main land. She would be going to college with her cousin Sika she actually was asked to go to college earlier than her classmates because of her brain but she decided to wait, being a bit on the shyer side she preferred to go to college with someone she knew to not feel so awkward. She wanted to wait for Sika to go with her.
  • 113. “Don’t forget this and this.” Adoette’s voice came from behind as she searched her sister’s wardrobe. Koko had examined the pieces her sister had chosen and settled on a dress that she had never worn. “What is you’re reasoning for this article of clothing?” Koko asked. Looking at the dress. “Well if you ever need to dress up for a dance or something it would come in handy.”
  • 114. “I don’t even know if she’d go to any dances. Guys don’t like to feel stupid.” Rosie mentioned as her and Sinopa appeared in the doorway. “If he refuses to accept my intelligence he is not worth my time.” Koko replied. The girls were distracted by the boys in the hallway who has started a screaming match.
  • 115. “Ohanko I was watching that” “This show is for girls, why do you watch girly shows?” “How is this a girly show?” “Because the girls aren’t damsels in distress, they fight the bad guys with the boys?” “Why do girls always have to be damsels in distress? There are such things as girl heroes, like in some of the stories grandma tells us.” “But the guys have to save the girls…”
  • 116. Ohanko trailed off as he noticed the girls staring at them, Sinopa was glaring, Koko was tapping her foot, Rozene was rubbing her hands together and Adoette was looking at the boys. “Hi, um soo…” Ohanko said awkwardly looking at his sister. “I think we should get them don’t you.” Rozene said to her sisters. “But I….” Dyami started.
  • 117. The girls went toward their brothers, the boys weren’t sure what to do they leaped off the couch in the hallway in order to run away but before they could head down the stairs they found themselves…
  • 118. In the midst of a tickle war…
  • 119. They enjoyed the rest of the summer especially when the Azures had a pool installed. The kids had a ball swimming diving and playing Marco Polo in the new pool. The wonderful result of a good chance card that had the family come into some extra money.
  • 120. Then the time came when it was time for our two eldest to head off to college. Koko packed the van, Danielle was going to drop the girls off at Lenmana Airport downtown. There wasn’t a bridge from Lenmana to the mainland so an airport was built by the people that had moved here after the native tribe had been wiped out. “Koko we have to pick up Siksika and her stuff”
  • 121. “I understand mother, I have to load only a limited amount of items.” Koko replied placing a suitcase in the back seat. Before getting in the car Koko was attacked by hugs from her siblings and a kiss from her father. “I shall return soon.” Koko said before getting into the van, the two drove to pick up Siksika.
  • 122. “..,Ok Siksika, partying will be ok, just pay attention to you’re studies and be careful there are a lot of college guys who just…” “Pocahontas, calm down, she will be just fine it’s not like she’s going alone.” Joel said. “But I still want her to be careful” Pocahontas replied. “I assure you mom I will be just fine, its just me and Koko.” Siksika smiled.
  • 123. “I love you sweetheart” Pocahontas said to Siksika before kissing her. Joel leaned toward Sika’s ear “Here’s a tip: once you join Luyu Angeni Toga parties are a blast!” Siksika giggled at her father who kissed her head, she then received hugs and kisses from her brother, sister and grandparents.
  • 124. Danielle and Koko pulled into the drive way and Siksika, with the help of her family, packed her luggage into the van. She got into the only other free seat in the van waved at her family and Danielle took them to the airport.
  • 125. After they had put their luggage on the plane Danielle said goodbye to her daughter and niece . The girls found their seats and noticed a few familiar faces from high school as well as adults who were visiting family members on the mainland or going on business trips. “College here we come!” Siksika and Koko said together as they high fived each other.
  • 126. The girls made it to their college safely and started their year in the new dorm that had been built within the past few years. The girls , after a quick change of clothing, picked their dorms and started their life in college.
  • 127. Unbeknownst to Koko and Sika an extra person from Lenmana Island had been assigned to the same dorm. Which was exactly what he had hoped.
  • 128. DING FRIES ARE DONE! What fries are good! Anyways, I’m finally getting this generation teenified and to college. WHEE!
  • 129. Thank you to all my readers and every creator of the CC that I use in my game as well as PowerPoint , Scribd, and Boolprop for hosting my story. A Special thanks to my beta as well!
  • 130. So, Who is this mysterious boy who joined Sika and Koko in college? How will Ohanko and Dyami turn out as teenagers? How will the rest of the generation go? Tune in next time for another chapter of “Forever Flowing: The Azure Legacy”