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Short Stories
Written by Nguyen Hoang Phuong Trang
During the time I wrote these short stories, the pencils had
always accompanied me and they were also the poor
characters in “My Life as a Pencil”.
Thank you very much, my dear friends!!!
- Trang Nguyen (Tutor 4) -
1. Three Wishes of Tutor 4
2. My Life as a Pencil
3. My friend
4. Tutor 4's House and Family
5. I was once Santa Claus
6. Tutor 4's Holiday
7. Tutor 4's Tet plan
8. The Diary of the school-bag
9. The story of a Class Lead
10. A letter to the President
11. Smoking is bad
12. The lost Tabby
Topic: Imagine on your vacation, your parents take you to a beach. You
find a bottle washed ashore, and as you pick up the bottle a Genie pops
out and says "Hello little boy/girl, I'm a Genie and I've been locked in that
bottle for thousands of years. Since you rescued me from the bottle, and I
know you are a good kid, I will grant you 3 wishes".
What would you wish? Share with us your 3 wishes and tell us why you
want to have such wishes.
Three Wishes of Tutor 4
One day, our family decided to go to Hillden Bay. The caves were
mysterious. Many men had gone in, but never came out. Nobody dared
to go there. One morning, my Mom and Dad went swimming in the Bay. I
was alone, feeling sad; I got out of my room and went to the cave. There
was a nice smell in the cave. There was a big lake inside the cave. Then I
saw a bottle. It was very beautiful. I picked it up and opened it, and
smoke came out. Then I saw a big blue guy come out. He was very
friendly. He said that he would give me three wishes because I rescued
him. I didn't have any yet, so I said to him:
- I don't have any wish yet.
Then he said:
- Remember, your trip is almost over. When you need me, I will be here.
What should I call you?
- Call me Trang.
- Ok Trang.
I invited him to go with me as a friend. He told me that he would but he
had to return to the cave before nightfall. Then he turned himself into a
small pin. I wore the pin on my hair.
Then we went back to my room. Mother asked me to go to the market.
There were a lot of beautiful things. Mother wanted me to buy a new pin
to replace the one I was wearing but I refused. I asked my Mom to buy a
ring. Then she gave me money. I went to a jewelry store to buy a ring.
When paying I didn't know how to count money. Everyone in the store
laughed at me. Then the clerk helped me. Walking out of the store, I said
to the Genie:
- Genie, I wish that I were a genius.
- Your wish is my command. Said the Genie.
Then I got a headache and fell down. When I woke up, my Mom asked:
- Are you ok?
- My temperature is 37. Let me sleep for one hour and I will be ok.
Then I thought “How can I know that? Oh I am a genius. Aha"
That night I heard my Mom said to my Dad:
- You shouldn't go to that party. We don't have money for the party
My second wish was decided:
- I wish my family were very rich.
Then my pockets were full of money.
On the next day before we returned home, I went to the cave and said to
the Genie:
- Do you love freedom?
- Oh, yes I do. I love to travel around the world.
- Then this is my last wish. I wish you to be free.
- Oh, thank you.
Then he gave me a ring and said:
- If you want to see me again just tell this ring, I will come.
Then he shouted "I am free. I am free"
I smiled happily and went home.
The end
Oct 17, 2008
Topic:Tell us about you.
My Life as a Pencil
Hi! My name is Long Pencil. I was born in the factory. Then I moved to the
store. One day, a lovely girl named Bobo came and bought me. I am her
lucky pencil because every time Bobo used me, she always got good
Every day, my work starts from 7 Am until 9 PM, while my Master does her
work, other pens are still sleeping.
When we go to school, I am always locked in the locker with the books.
I'm very happy when jumping out of the locker whenever the writing class
comes. The writing class is the last class on the schedule. After that, we go
home in the joy of the girl having good grades thanks to me, her lucky
But today, I had no luck. She went home in tears. She got a grade 5 in the
writing class. She said that I was too short, so she couldn't have beautiful
hand-writings as usual. Her mom said: ”I will buy a new pencil for you so
that you can say goodbye to your bad grades and your useless Long
When I heard those words, my heart was broken. Then that night, I slipped
out of the room. When I climbed out of the window, I looked around the
room and at my master Bobo once again and said: ”Good bye. I will
treasure all of our memories, sad or happy" .
The end
Oct 23, 2008
TTopic: Tell us about your house and your family.
My friend
In my room, there is a blue vase. It is not perfect. It has many cracks but it
presents for the friendship of Hien and me. She gave me the vase when
Hien and I with our dads flew home from the vacation. I sat next to her.
When we flew half way, she gave me the vase. Soon we became best
friends. Her shoulder was where I cried when my cat died. She had an
important position in my heart.
A test day came. When we went to the test room, we said to each other
that the score had to be earnest. That test was easy for me because I
studied hard. But Hien couldn't do it. She asked me to help but I refused.
She was very angry at me. Then she didn't say to me a word. I called her
to my room. We had a fight. When she got out, she closed the door with a
bang. The vase fell down. It broke into pieces. I picked the pieces up in
tears because I knew that our friendship was gone and I missed her.
One day, her dog died. I knew she needed me. I wanted to cheer her up
but before doing so, I wanted her to apologize me. But she didn’t. That
made me sad. On my birthday, instead of joy, it was the sadness. Then the
bell rang, outside it was Hien. She gave me a silver bracelet with the
wordings on it "Happy birthday Trang. PS I am sorry!" and went away. Then
I ran after her, hugged her and said: “Friends forever". When I went back
to my room, I began to glue up the broken vase.
That is the story of our friendship.
The end
November 3, 2008
Topic: Tell us about your house and your family.
Tutor 4's House and Family
In the Halloween town, you will see a black house. It is my house. It is
surrounded by a graveyard. My house has two floors. There are many
rooms in my house. First, there is a study room. It has everything, from the
magic books, magic wands, to the cauldron. And all kinds of rooms that
normal houses have.
My dad is a vampire count Dracula. He sucks blood. Every night, he goes
to the park and kills somebody. My mother is a witch. Every day she
cooks poisons and teaches me and my brother how to be a witch.
My brother is a wizard and I am a witch. In the morning, we go to school
like normal kids. But in the afternoon, we go to the study room and our
mom teaches us how to make poisons and to use spells...
When we become adults, only one child can keep the family's magic so
we will have a competition to find out who will keep the family's magic.
The end
November 9, 2008
Topic: If you could be one of the cartoon/Disney characters, who would
you want to be? and Why?
Tell us what is so interesting about this character that you want to walk in
his/her shoes for once?
Optional: if you could change one thing about the story of your
character, what would you do?
I was once Santa Claus
It is Christmas time. Everyone knows about the Santa Claus. My dream
was to walk in his shoes for just one time in my life. But I waited and
waited, it became hopeless. I tried to forget that by thinking it was just an
imaginative dream. There was no such thing like Santa Claus. All of the
lovely gifts I had received in the socks near the fireplace for many years
were just the presents from my Dad and Mom. But, one night, that dream
became true.
It was Christmas night and my parents went to the church. I couldn’t go
because I was sleepy. I turned on the music and felt to sleep. Then I saw
that I was in a place that full of snow. Oh my god, I cried out, I was no
longer a young lady. At that time, I was looking like an old man, wearing
a red shirt and red pans. Then, an elf ran toward me and shouted with full
of scary:
- Oh, you are here. Come along. We have no time. 15 minutes to drop the
- Who are you? I asked.
- Oh very funny! You know who I am, right? Oh, is this some kind of joke?
Oh, I get it. You are trying to make me laugh. Ha ha. Very funny! Now
come on!
- Ok Mr…
- Are you ok today?
- Yeah, sure, never mind.
Then, we went to a factory; it was more like a castle.
- You should be on the carriage by now. Go, I will pile the toys in your
carriage later.
- Thanks.
Then, he put some magic flour on the carriage. The carriage began to fly
slowly. I traveled around the world to give the children presents. It felt so
good when I was in the sky. The wind beat into my face. The sky was dark
blue, there were many stars like diamonds in Cinderella’s dress which had
been left here since yesterday after the ball. But the above all others was
when I gave the children happiness. Then I heard a lovely voice. It was the
Queen of the Snow Land. She said:
- My dear. I hope that this trip will make you believe in Santa Claus. The
man who appeared in your side was a kind man and brought to children
a lot of happiness.
Then she touched me with her wand and turned me back to a young
The next morning, I got up with full of join. Mom called me:
- Honey. It is present time.
- Ok Mom.
Then, I ran to the fireplace, where I saw a beautiful doll in my sock.
That was the happiest day in my life.
The end
November 10, 2008
Topic: How did you spend your Christmas/New Year?
Tutor 4's Holiday
In the afternoon of 28th of Lunar New Year, we are walking around the
Flower Market. Then someone screams out:
- Hey! Where are you going?- It is Lan.
- We are looking for something for Phuong.
- Who is Phuong? Oh, is Phuong from the camp?
- Yes. I just received Phuong's letter.
"Hi guys!
Lunar New Year is coming to Hanoi. It is cold here. The sky appears grey.
But it is so warm when I am merging in the stream of people. All of the
markets here are colorful with many kinds of flowers...
Send me a letter soon.
Yours truly
- Wow, she is a good writer!
- I know!
- So, we are looking for something for Phuong. But we have no idea what
Everyone is silent then Lan smiles. Everyone knows that Lan smiles when
she has an idea. So everyone surrounds her and asks:
- What is that?
- What is that?
- We will send her something that the North can't give her.
- What is that?
- What is that?
- The sunshine from the South.
- The sunshine from the South?
- Yes.
- But how can we do that?
- Mai flower.
- Mai flower.
- A sprig of Mai flower carries the sunshine of the South.
We come back to the Flower Market where Mai flowers are shining bright.
p/s: Mai flower is the name of a white flower which open out in Tet.
The end
Jan 3, 2009
Topic: This time of year, every family in Vietnam is busy getting ready for
Teát. Can you share with us your Teát plan? What are you going to do?
Who are you going to visit? How do you plan to use your lucky money
(tieàn lì xì)? Tell us what you like most about Teát.
Tutor 4's Tet plan
Date... month...year...
Dear diary!
I like dolls, especially the "little Ann" one. But it is too expensive for me to
buy. :(. I am going to buy it after this lunar new year, I must have it.
Date... month...year...
Dear diary!
Fortunately, my sister gave me a piggy bank. She said:
- This piggy bank will help you buy your favorite doll.
Then, all of the lucky money I received from my friends and family had a
place to stay, in my piggy bank's stomach.
Date... month...year...
Dear diary!
It was the first day at school, we gathered around to discuss about what
we were going to do with lucky money. Lan said:
- I am going to give it to poor children.
- Why? I asked.
- Silly, so everyone in our class knows me as a charity girl who gives all of
her lucky money to poor people.
- That is a good way to make you popular – Huong said - But I don't need
to be popular. So I will use it to buy birthday gifts for everyone. What
about you, Trang?
- I don't know. I think that I am going to use it to buy a doll.
- Good for you. Well when you think of something, call us.
- Ok.
Date... month...year...
Dear diary!
This afternoon, I heard a sad news from the Central region: rain-water
inundated the rice-fields. There is no rice left. Everyone is now hungry. I
went to my room and counted the money inside my piggy bank. Then I
sent my piggy bank to the Central region. But when I thought of the "little
Ann" I was sad because I wouldn't have the "little Ann" any more but at
least I helped the people in the Central region. Then I called my friends...
The end
January 17, 2009
Topic: Think of anything you want to talk about and share it with the class.
Topics are not limited but have to be appropriate for classroom.
The Diary of the school-bag
Today, my master comes home, and then he throws me on the bed. I
wonder if I did anything wrong to my master and made him angry or bad
mark did?
I have a feeling that I am heavier day by day. I am heavy to such an
extent that my master has to bend his back to carry me, poor master.
There are many textbooks. How could a boy carry those? Why do schools
make students carry too many books to school?
Bad news is: I am tattered. Good news is I can still carry the books home.
Oh, I wonder how long I have to do this. Oh, I remember that time he was
very excited when he carried me to school. I was so beautiful, and so
light. There were not many books and he even could put in the bag his
pen case that he loved it so much because his best friend- Lily made it for
him. Well, and now he hates books and me, too (Hu…hu…).He doesn't like
to study anymore. If only the books were lighter than my master and I
could still be together.
Thus, today, he has a new school bag. It is big enough to carry all of the
big and thick books and his Lily pen case (his best friend – Lily made the
pen case for him and it has a big lily on it). So, I am free from the heavy
books. But, suddenly I feel sorry for myself not being able to be with him
The end
Feb 7, 2009
Topic: Everyday you spend a lot of time at school with your teachers,
your classmates... Share with us stories about your school, your class, your
best friends or anything happens on your day at school.
The story of a Class Lead
Phuong made a doleful face, so that Gina could understand her problem:
- Do I really have to be the class lead?
Gina thought for a moment and said:
- Our teacher has faith in you. I am sorry but you have to do it.
Phuong knocked on her head then she heard Gina say:
- Good luck.
Then Phuong went home. When she got to her room, she lied down in her
bed and thought:
- Oh my God! Being the class lead of the class 6A is a nightmare.
Then she breathed a sigh. She pulled out her Ruby Bear. She talked to her
- Oh my dear, dear Ruby Bear, I am going to be the class lead of a class
full of rebels. Oh, help me. Kill me. Ahhhhhhhhhh.
Of course, no reply… She shook her head then fell to sleep…
So, she has done this "class lead job" for 1 month. Now her friends do not
call her by her name anymore but call her "boss" all the time. Somehow
she feels important and joyful. It turns out that being a class lead is much
more fun than she thought. The people in her "country" respect her and
her "country" makes fast progress. She gets many compliments from her
Now, she understands as a class lead, she is more dynamic. And she is
going to tell this to Gina, definitely.
The end
February 21, 2009
Topic: Tell us about your city/hometown. What do you like most about it?
Do you want to grow old there? If you could improve one thing, what
would it be? What do you like most about it? Do you want to grow old
there? If you could improve one thing, what would it be?
A letter to the President
Hanoi, February 29, 2009.
Dear Mr. President,
I am the Chairman of Hanoi City. Each day I sit next to the window in my
office and watch my city. There have been many changes since I
became Chairman. Not long ago, the city was very peaceful. The
pollution of the rivers was low, schoolgirls wearing long white dresses talked
and laughed as they rode their bicycles on the city streets. All of the trees
along the sidewalks were green. These trees made our city fresher, cooler
and more romantic.
Now all of that has changed. These changes have not been for the good
of the city. For example, all of the rivers in Hanoi are now dirty and
stinking. A few days ago I took a trip to the Hong River to give gifts to poor
people. While walking next to the edge of the river, I noticed that the
water of the river was black. I heard that the people here discarded dirty
things into the river, but they also used that water to cook food. I thought
“how dirty they are”. Then I realized that they had no choice. They had to
use that dirty water because they had no money to buy clean water. So I
am suggesting that you include money in your budget to help the people
here so they can have better, healthier lives.
I am also very sad when I see that the school girls who used to wear long
white dresses and ride bicycles to school have been replaced. The school
girls of today have red or blue hair and speed to school on motorbikes.
These girls honk their horns so noisily that the other people on the street
jump out of their skin.
Hanoi was once a beautiful destination with many green trees. Now, all of
the trees have been cut down because more people need more land.
I hope that you will consider doing something about the things I have
written about because I love Hanoi and want to grow old in this historic
city. I also hope that you will make up your mind to make Hanoi a more
beautiful, safe and healthy city for all to enjoy.
Nguyen Hoang Phuong Trang
The Chairman of Hanoi City
Topic: If there is one thing (anything) you can do to help less fortunate
people/children around you, what would you do?
My shoes
Last summer, I went to Ha Long bay by train. When I was stepping into to
train, I tripped and fell down. One of my shoes was thrown out of the train.
At the same time, the train started moving, the door of the train closed, I
couldn't get out to take my shoe back. Then, I threw my other shoe out of
the train. One man came and he asked:
- What do you do that for?
I answered:
- One poor man will come and he will find out those shoes, and he will
have a pair of shoes to use.
The end
March 9, 2009
Topic: Do you think that smoking is good or bad for people’s health?
Smoking is bad
(Coughing sound).Oh no! That is my dad. Since he smoked, he has had
many coughs.My family has been worried about that. I have been
searching for much information on the harm of tobacco. And I was
shocked by what I have found.
* Do you know that smokers are four times more likely to get
pneumococcal diseases than nonsmokers?
A Center for Disease Control official says that it is not known why smokers
are more likely to get pneumococcal infections. One idea is that smoking
damages protective tissue in the back of the throat. As the result, bacteria
are more likely to connect to the smoker’s windpipe and lungs. The
bacteria can infect a person’s brain, causing the disease meningitis. It can
also affect the blood. People can still die even when treated.
* Do you know that smoking can affect your hearing?
Four thousand eighty-three people took part in the study. They had a
hearing test. The researchers found a close connection between smoking
and hearing loss.
* Do you know that people who smoke can also harm non-smokers?
Expectant mothers who smoke are more likely to have babies with health
* Do you know that your mental health is more likely to suffer if you
After a time, the patients lose the ability to think, plan and organize.
* Do you know that smoking causes many kinds of cancer?
It causes lung, mouth, esophagus, kidney, and bladder and pancreatic
* There are many kinds of tobaccos. But none of them is good for your
I hope that after reading this text, my dad will stay away from the
tobacco, take a walk instead of smoking, and remember: becoming a
non-smoker is one way to gain control of your life.
The end
March 28, 2009
The Lost Tabby
It was a fine late summer’s noon. The temperature had cooled down and
everything seemed to be more cheerful. In the merry air, a woman was
sitting all by herself in a small but cozy coffee shop. Her table was in the
corner of the room where sun’s rays couldn’t reach. She was looking at
the view outside. A pair of sparrows were busy feeding their offspring. The
woman wore a faint smile on her face, peaceful but lonely.
Around 2 pm, a small boy walked in. His parents who owned the café let
him play here, and now that he was nine years old they sometimes let him
help with the orders. He was talking to his mother when he noticed the old
lady in the corner.
“A lovely scene, isn’t it?” he approached the lady and spoke with a big
smile on his face.
“It is.” the lady answered, wondering who the kid was.
“Why are you all alone in the dark? The table next to the window is still
available. You will have a much better view there.”
“I prefer it in here.” She let out a sigh. “It has been a long time since I last
sat there.”
A teenage waiter came in and interrupted the conversation “Here is your
order: Espresso, no sugar, no milk—Oh my, aren’t you Madame Luna! I am
a big fan of yours. I grew up with your stories under my pillow.”
Madame Luna managed a weak smile; clearly showing she was not
interested in the young waiter’s little joy. However, as politely as she
could, she nodded and gave her thanks for recognizing her. After the
unwanted encounter, she left the place, carrying her half-full beverage.
The boy was disappointed as he could not talk to the seemingly sorrowful
woman. He had never met one before. In his memory, everyone was nice
and friendly. Some of them were even so loud that others would
complain. So he began to interrogate the waiter, the culprit who upset
the lady.
“Who was she, that strange madam?”
“She was a writer,” answered the waiter, “a children’s writer that is. She
was known for her joyful style of writing. Everything she wrote seemed like
magic. Even tedious things like chores became alive and fun…”
The waiter was lost in his own imagination. The mere thought of Madame
Luna’s stories took him back to his childhood where nothing was boring or
dull. Happy thoughts and magic filled the air.
After quite some time of consideration, the little boy asked: “What is
‘tedious’?” He was still young, you see, and his vocabulary was small.
“What?... Ah yes.” stumbled the older one, as he was cruelly pulled away
from his dreamland. “’Tedious’, yes, it means unexciting and lifeless, I
“She has turned into one tedious woman.” said the little one with the most
serious face he could pull.
“Well, you can’t blame her, kiddo.” The teenager let out a sigh while
patting the other one’s head. “Her daughter died. After that, she stopped
writing, leaving one of her best works unfinished.”
“What was it?”
“The Lost Tabby, I recall.”
For the next few days, the little boy refused to leave the shop. “What if she
comes back? What if she comes back?” he said. After a while, his parents
were tired of his begging and crying. They let him stay, on the condition
that he had to finish his homework. It was summer vacation anyway.
However, it wouldn’t last long. School would start soon, and he was afraid
that he wouldn’t be able to meet the old writer.
One afternoon, while he was watering the peonies, Madame Luna came
back. She used a husky voice to order her usual then retreated to her
corner. The boy thought a bit, and decided to bring her his self-made
“Here you go. It is on the house,” said the boy, trying to look like a
professional waiter. “It is Mocha with just a little chocolate for a beginner.
Since you always drink ‘Espresso, no sugar, no milk,’ I figure you don’t like
sweet things. Don’t worry, though, your order is still on the way.”
Madame Luna pulled off her reading glasses as she looked at the
9-year-old kid. He was as red as a tomato, and judging from his wounded
hand, he had much trouble making the drink.
“Thank you! My… my…! I wonder how long has it been since I last had
anything but Espresso.”
She took a sip. The beverage was terrible; but the eagerness in his eyes
made her unable to tell the truth. She smiled a little and answered, “It was
delicious.” when he asked how it was.
“Tell me! What can I do to return the goodness of your heart?” she
The boy took quite a long time to think, as he had not expected the offer.
But when the chirp of the birds reached his ears, he knew exactly what to
ask from her.
“Would you change to another table next to the window? I want to show
you the nest of the sparrows, and their newborn chicks too. If we don’t
watch them now, they may go away for the winter and we can never see
such a beautiful scene again.”
The lady hesitated but decided to follow him. They sat down and began
to look out. It was just an hour before sunset. As the light turned red,
shining from the horizon, the whole world fell into silence. No voice or
sound was able to reach the two in the small coffee shop. The place
became a sanctuary for a boy and an old lady to watch the
peacefulness of the sparrow family. The mother and her chicks were
pecking each other’s feathers. They seemed satisfied after a day of
hunting for food. The father was looking at the purple sky, wondering
when they would leave for the south.
“I used to have a daughter,” Madame Luna suddenly began her story,
“but I lost her when she was around your age. Had she been alive, would I
have had a lovely home like the sparrows out there?”
The boy looked at her but remained silent. He was at a loss for words.
Should he say he felt sorry for her loss? Should he say she would definitely
have a loving family? He had heard his parents use such condolences to
those who had lost their loved ones. But never before had he felt the
depth of the meaningless of these words. It just felt so wrong if he told her
the same banal sentences. So he reached out his hands, and held hers
tightly, with all the strength a 9-year-old boy could muster.
“Emily was a nice girl, and a cheerful one as well.” whispered Madame
Luna, “You know, you remind me of her. Emily always wore radiant smile,
always ran around, and always had a soft spot for seedlings and animals.
She even made me hot chocolate once. Oh, you should have had a
taste. It was the combination of every spice we had in our kitchen. An
experiment, she said, for something one would never forget.
And now, she is just… gone, completely disappeared from my life as if she
had never existed.”
“No, she isn’t.” exclaimed the tearful boy. “She is here, she is there, and
she is everywhere. Don’t you have the eyes for this miracle? Can’t you
see she has never left you? She left you with the fragments of her
memory, as a trace of her existence. Like the little chicks, she is flying on
her own, discovering new things, seeing new wonders through her magical
eyes. If she saw you now, she would be greatly disappointed.”
Madame Luna was shocked. She had never seen it that way. Emily had
always been her muse. And when she left, she took away her mother’s
eyes for wonder, leaving her helplessly blind, unable to find a way out. Or
so she thought.
“Here, take this peony!” the boy came back with a pot of yellow buds.
“My mother said it has healing powers. Your eyes are wounded, and
need to be cured. Or I am afraid you will never be able to find Emily.”
She took the pot. The fragrance of the peony reminded her of the sweet
memories of when Emily was alive and its yellowness was the color of the
dress her daughter always loved to wear.
She smiled sincerely, for the first time in many years, as happy memories
of her daughter came flooding back. Sweet recollection is meant to be
treasured, not mourned over. It is meant to be a charm, protecting one
from sorrow and pain, so that when looking back, one could say, “I was
happy” with a smile on his face.
As the sun disappeared from the horizon, and the first star began to show
its glow, a little boy looked up and prayed that soon, the old Tabby would
find her way home.
Nguyen Hoang Phuong Trang
"Having read Trang's compositions, I am
impressed by how compassionate, articulate
and driven she is. She has a wonderful grasp
of vocabulary, and her essays reveal a mind
that is not only blessed with intelligence but
with a deep sense of empathy and charity."
- James Bird -

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  • 1. Short Stories Written by Nguyen Hoang Phuong Trang
  • 2. During the time I wrote these short stories, the pencils had always accompanied me and they were also the poor characters in “My Life as a Pencil”. Thank you very much, my dear friends!!! - Trang Nguyen (Tutor 4) -
  • 3. CONTENT 1. Three Wishes of Tutor 4 2. My Life as a Pencil 3. My friend 4. Tutor 4's House and Family 5. I was once Santa Claus 6. Tutor 4's Holiday 7. Tutor 4's Tet plan 8. The Diary of the school-bag 9. The story of a Class Lead 10. A letter to the President 11. Smoking is bad 12. The lost Tabby
  • 4. Topic: Imagine on your vacation, your parents take you to a beach. You find a bottle washed ashore, and as you pick up the bottle a Genie pops out and says "Hello little boy/girl, I'm a Genie and I've been locked in that bottle for thousands of years. Since you rescued me from the bottle, and I know you are a good kid, I will grant you 3 wishes". What would you wish? Share with us your 3 wishes and tell us why you want to have such wishes. Three Wishes of Tutor 4 One day, our family decided to go to Hillden Bay. The caves were mysterious. Many men had gone in, but never came out. Nobody dared to go there. One morning, my Mom and Dad went swimming in the Bay. I was alone, feeling sad; I got out of my room and went to the cave. There was a nice smell in the cave. There was a big lake inside the cave. Then I saw a bottle. It was very beautiful. I picked it up and opened it, and smoke came out. Then I saw a big blue guy come out. He was very friendly. He said that he would give me three wishes because I rescued him. I didn't have any yet, so I said to him: - I don't have any wish yet. Then he said: - Remember, your trip is almost over. When you need me, I will be here. What should I call you? - Call me Trang. - Ok Trang. I invited him to go with me as a friend. He told me that he would but he had to return to the cave before nightfall. Then he turned himself into a small pin. I wore the pin on my hair. Then we went back to my room. Mother asked me to go to the market. There were a lot of beautiful things. Mother wanted me to buy a new pin to replace the one I was wearing but I refused. I asked my Mom to buy a ring. Then she gave me money. I went to a jewelry store to buy a ring. When paying I didn't know how to count money. Everyone in the store laughed at me. Then the clerk helped me. Walking out of the store, I said to the Genie: - Genie, I wish that I were a genius. - Your wish is my command. Said the Genie. Then I got a headache and fell down. When I woke up, my Mom asked: - Are you ok? - My temperature is 37. Let me sleep for one hour and I will be ok.
  • 5. Then I thought “How can I know that? Oh I am a genius. Aha" That night I heard my Mom said to my Dad: - You shouldn't go to that party. We don't have money for the party ticket. My second wish was decided: - I wish my family were very rich. Then my pockets were full of money. On the next day before we returned home, I went to the cave and said to the Genie: - Do you love freedom? - Oh, yes I do. I love to travel around the world. - Then this is my last wish. I wish you to be free. - Oh, thank you. Then he gave me a ring and said: - If you want to see me again just tell this ring, I will come. Then he shouted "I am free. I am free" I smiled happily and went home. The end Oct 17, 2008
  • 6. Topic:Tell us about you. My Life as a Pencil Hi! My name is Long Pencil. I was born in the factory. Then I moved to the store. One day, a lovely girl named Bobo came and bought me. I am her lucky pencil because every time Bobo used me, she always got good marks. Every day, my work starts from 7 Am until 9 PM, while my Master does her work, other pens are still sleeping. When we go to school, I am always locked in the locker with the books. I'm very happy when jumping out of the locker whenever the writing class comes. The writing class is the last class on the schedule. After that, we go home in the joy of the girl having good grades thanks to me, her lucky pencil. But today, I had no luck. She went home in tears. She got a grade 5 in the writing class. She said that I was too short, so she couldn't have beautiful hand-writings as usual. Her mom said: ”I will buy a new pencil for you so that you can say goodbye to your bad grades and your useless Long Pencil." When I heard those words, my heart was broken. Then that night, I slipped out of the room. When I climbed out of the window, I looked around the room and at my master Bobo once again and said: ”Good bye. I will treasure all of our memories, sad or happy" . The end Oct 23, 2008
  • 7. TTopic: Tell us about your house and your family. My friend In my room, there is a blue vase. It is not perfect. It has many cracks but it presents for the friendship of Hien and me. She gave me the vase when Hien and I with our dads flew home from the vacation. I sat next to her. When we flew half way, she gave me the vase. Soon we became best friends. Her shoulder was where I cried when my cat died. She had an important position in my heart. A test day came. When we went to the test room, we said to each other that the score had to be earnest. That test was easy for me because I studied hard. But Hien couldn't do it. She asked me to help but I refused. She was very angry at me. Then she didn't say to me a word. I called her to my room. We had a fight. When she got out, she closed the door with a bang. The vase fell down. It broke into pieces. I picked the pieces up in tears because I knew that our friendship was gone and I missed her. One day, her dog died. I knew she needed me. I wanted to cheer her up but before doing so, I wanted her to apologize me. But she didn’t. That made me sad. On my birthday, instead of joy, it was the sadness. Then the bell rang, outside it was Hien. She gave me a silver bracelet with the wordings on it "Happy birthday Trang. PS I am sorry!" and went away. Then I ran after her, hugged her and said: “Friends forever". When I went back to my room, I began to glue up the broken vase. That is the story of our friendship. The end November 3, 2008
  • 8. Topic: Tell us about your house and your family. Tutor 4's House and Family In the Halloween town, you will see a black house. It is my house. It is surrounded by a graveyard. My house has two floors. There are many rooms in my house. First, there is a study room. It has everything, from the magic books, magic wands, to the cauldron. And all kinds of rooms that normal houses have. My dad is a vampire count Dracula. He sucks blood. Every night, he goes to the park and kills somebody. My mother is a witch. Every day she cooks poisons and teaches me and my brother how to be a witch. My brother is a wizard and I am a witch. In the morning, we go to school like normal kids. But in the afternoon, we go to the study room and our mom teaches us how to make poisons and to use spells... When we become adults, only one child can keep the family's magic so we will have a competition to find out who will keep the family's magic. The end November 9, 2008
  • 9. Topic: If you could be one of the cartoon/Disney characters, who would you want to be? and Why? Tell us what is so interesting about this character that you want to walk in his/her shoes for once? Optional: if you could change one thing about the story of your character, what would you do? I was once Santa Claus It is Christmas time. Everyone knows about the Santa Claus. My dream was to walk in his shoes for just one time in my life. But I waited and waited, it became hopeless. I tried to forget that by thinking it was just an imaginative dream. There was no such thing like Santa Claus. All of the lovely gifts I had received in the socks near the fireplace for many years were just the presents from my Dad and Mom. But, one night, that dream became true. It was Christmas night and my parents went to the church. I couldn’t go because I was sleepy. I turned on the music and felt to sleep. Then I saw that I was in a place that full of snow. Oh my god, I cried out, I was no longer a young lady. At that time, I was looking like an old man, wearing a red shirt and red pans. Then, an elf ran toward me and shouted with full of scary: - Oh, you are here. Come along. We have no time. 15 minutes to drop the gifts. - Who are you? I asked. - Oh very funny! You know who I am, right? Oh, is this some kind of joke? Oh, I get it. You are trying to make me laugh. Ha ha. Very funny! Now come on! - Ok Mr… - Are you ok today? - Yeah, sure, never mind. Then, we went to a factory; it was more like a castle. - You should be on the carriage by now. Go, I will pile the toys in your carriage later. - Thanks. Then, he put some magic flour on the carriage. The carriage began to fly slowly. I traveled around the world to give the children presents. It felt so good when I was in the sky. The wind beat into my face. The sky was dark blue, there were many stars like diamonds in Cinderella’s dress which had been left here since yesterday after the ball. But the above all others was when I gave the children happiness. Then I heard a lovely voice. It was the Queen of the Snow Land. She said:
  • 10. - My dear. I hope that this trip will make you believe in Santa Claus. The man who appeared in your side was a kind man and brought to children a lot of happiness. Then she touched me with her wand and turned me back to a young lady. The next morning, I got up with full of join. Mom called me: - Honey. It is present time. - Ok Mom. Then, I ran to the fireplace, where I saw a beautiful doll in my sock. That was the happiest day in my life. The end November 10, 2008
  • 11. Topic: How did you spend your Christmas/New Year? Tutor 4's Holiday In the afternoon of 28th of Lunar New Year, we are walking around the Flower Market. Then someone screams out: - Hey! Where are you going?- It is Lan. - We are looking for something for Phuong. - Who is Phuong? Oh, is Phuong from the camp? - Yes. I just received Phuong's letter. "Hi guys! Lunar New Year is coming to Hanoi. It is cold here. The sky appears grey. But it is so warm when I am merging in the stream of people. All of the markets here are colorful with many kinds of flowers... Send me a letter soon. Yours truly Phuong" - Wow, she is a good writer! - I know! - So, we are looking for something for Phuong. But we have no idea what to choose. Everyone is silent then Lan smiles. Everyone knows that Lan smiles when she has an idea. So everyone surrounds her and asks: - What is that? - What is that? - We will send her something that the North can't give her. - What is that? - What is that? - The sunshine from the South. - The sunshine from the South? - Yes. - But how can we do that? - Mai flower. - Mai flower. - A sprig of Mai flower carries the sunshine of the South. We come back to the Flower Market where Mai flowers are shining bright. p/s: Mai flower is the name of a white flower which open out in Tet. The end Jan 3, 2009
  • 12. Topic: This time of year, every family in Vietnam is busy getting ready for Teát. Can you share with us your Teát plan? What are you going to do? Who are you going to visit? How do you plan to use your lucky money (tieàn lì xì)? Tell us what you like most about Teát. Tutor 4's Tet plan Date... month...year... Dear diary! I like dolls, especially the "little Ann" one. But it is too expensive for me to buy. :(. I am going to buy it after this lunar new year, I must have it. Date... month...year... Dear diary! Fortunately, my sister gave me a piggy bank. She said: - This piggy bank will help you buy your favorite doll. Then, all of the lucky money I received from my friends and family had a place to stay, in my piggy bank's stomach. Date... month...year... Dear diary! It was the first day at school, we gathered around to discuss about what we were going to do with lucky money. Lan said: - I am going to give it to poor children. - Why? I asked. - Silly, so everyone in our class knows me as a charity girl who gives all of her lucky money to poor people. - That is a good way to make you popular – Huong said - But I don't need to be popular. So I will use it to buy birthday gifts for everyone. What about you, Trang? - I don't know. I think that I am going to use it to buy a doll. - Good for you. Well when you think of something, call us. - Ok. Date... month...year... Dear diary! This afternoon, I heard a sad news from the Central region: rain-water inundated the rice-fields. There is no rice left. Everyone is now hungry. I went to my room and counted the money inside my piggy bank. Then I sent my piggy bank to the Central region. But when I thought of the "little Ann" I was sad because I wouldn't have the "little Ann" any more but at least I helped the people in the Central region. Then I called my friends... The end January 17, 2009
  • 13. Topic: Think of anything you want to talk about and share it with the class. Topics are not limited but have to be appropriate for classroom. The Diary of the school-bag Date…month…year Today, my master comes home, and then he throws me on the bed. I wonder if I did anything wrong to my master and made him angry or bad mark did? Date…month…year I have a feeling that I am heavier day by day. I am heavy to such an extent that my master has to bend his back to carry me, poor master. There are many textbooks. How could a boy carry those? Why do schools make students carry too many books to school? Date…month…year Bad news is: I am tattered. Good news is I can still carry the books home. Oh, I wonder how long I have to do this. Oh, I remember that time he was very excited when he carried me to school. I was so beautiful, and so light. There were not many books and he even could put in the bag his pen case that he loved it so much because his best friend- Lily made it for him. Well, and now he hates books and me, too (Hu…hu…).He doesn't like to study anymore. If only the books were lighter than my master and I could still be together. Date…month…year Thus, today, he has a new school bag. It is big enough to carry all of the big and thick books and his Lily pen case (his best friend – Lily made the pen case for him and it has a big lily on it). So, I am free from the heavy books. But, suddenly I feel sorry for myself not being able to be with him anymore. The end Feb 7, 2009
  • 14. Topic: Everyday you spend a lot of time at school with your teachers, your classmates... Share with us stories about your school, your class, your best friends or anything happens on your day at school. The story of a Class Lead Phuong made a doleful face, so that Gina could understand her problem: - Do I really have to be the class lead? Gina thought for a moment and said: - Our teacher has faith in you. I am sorry but you have to do it. Phuong knocked on her head then she heard Gina say: - Good luck. Then Phuong went home. When she got to her room, she lied down in her bed and thought: - Oh my God! Being the class lead of the class 6A is a nightmare. Then she breathed a sigh. She pulled out her Ruby Bear. She talked to her bear: - Oh my dear, dear Ruby Bear, I am going to be the class lead of a class full of rebels. Oh, help me. Kill me. Ahhhhhhhhhh. Of course, no reply… She shook her head then fell to sleep… So, she has done this "class lead job" for 1 month. Now her friends do not call her by her name anymore but call her "boss" all the time. Somehow she feels important and joyful. It turns out that being a class lead is much more fun than she thought. The people in her "country" respect her and her "country" makes fast progress. She gets many compliments from her teacher. Now, she understands as a class lead, she is more dynamic. And she is going to tell this to Gina, definitely. The end February 21, 2009
  • 15. Topic: Tell us about your city/hometown. What do you like most about it? Do you want to grow old there? If you could improve one thing, what would it be? What do you like most about it? Do you want to grow old there? If you could improve one thing, what would it be? A letter to the President Hanoi, February 29, 2009. Dear Mr. President, I am the Chairman of Hanoi City. Each day I sit next to the window in my office and watch my city. There have been many changes since I became Chairman. Not long ago, the city was very peaceful. The pollution of the rivers was low, schoolgirls wearing long white dresses talked and laughed as they rode their bicycles on the city streets. All of the trees along the sidewalks were green. These trees made our city fresher, cooler and more romantic. Now all of that has changed. These changes have not been for the good of the city. For example, all of the rivers in Hanoi are now dirty and stinking. A few days ago I took a trip to the Hong River to give gifts to poor people. While walking next to the edge of the river, I noticed that the water of the river was black. I heard that the people here discarded dirty things into the river, but they also used that water to cook food. I thought “how dirty they are”. Then I realized that they had no choice. They had to use that dirty water because they had no money to buy clean water. So I am suggesting that you include money in your budget to help the people here so they can have better, healthier lives. I am also very sad when I see that the school girls who used to wear long white dresses and ride bicycles to school have been replaced. The school girls of today have red or blue hair and speed to school on motorbikes. These girls honk their horns so noisily that the other people on the street jump out of their skin. Hanoi was once a beautiful destination with many green trees. Now, all of the trees have been cut down because more people need more land. I hope that you will consider doing something about the things I have written about because I love Hanoi and want to grow old in this historic city. I also hope that you will make up your mind to make Hanoi a more beautiful, safe and healthy city for all to enjoy. Sincerely, Trang Nguyen Hoang Phuong Trang The Chairman of Hanoi City
  • 16. Topic: If there is one thing (anything) you can do to help less fortunate people/children around you, what would you do? My shoes Last summer, I went to Ha Long bay by train. When I was stepping into to train, I tripped and fell down. One of my shoes was thrown out of the train. At the same time, the train started moving, the door of the train closed, I couldn't get out to take my shoe back. Then, I threw my other shoe out of the train. One man came and he asked: - What do you do that for? I answered: - One poor man will come and he will find out those shoes, and he will have a pair of shoes to use. The end March 9, 2009
  • 17. Topic: Do you think that smoking is good or bad for people’s health? Why? Smoking is bad (Coughing sound).Oh no! That is my dad. Since he smoked, he has had many coughs.My family has been worried about that. I have been searching for much information on the harm of tobacco. And I was shocked by what I have found. * Do you know that smokers are four times more likely to get pneumococcal diseases than nonsmokers? A Center for Disease Control official says that it is not known why smokers are more likely to get pneumococcal infections. One idea is that smoking damages protective tissue in the back of the throat. As the result, bacteria are more likely to connect to the smoker’s windpipe and lungs. The bacteria can infect a person’s brain, causing the disease meningitis. It can also affect the blood. People can still die even when treated. * Do you know that smoking can affect your hearing? Four thousand eighty-three people took part in the study. They had a hearing test. The researchers found a close connection between smoking and hearing loss. * Do you know that people who smoke can also harm non-smokers? Expectant mothers who smoke are more likely to have babies with health problem. * Do you know that your mental health is more likely to suffer if you smoke?? After a time, the patients lose the ability to think, plan and organize. * Do you know that smoking causes many kinds of cancer? It causes lung, mouth, esophagus, kidney, and bladder and pancreatic cancer. * There are many kinds of tobaccos. But none of them is good for your health. I hope that after reading this text, my dad will stay away from the tobacco, take a walk instead of smoking, and remember: becoming a non-smoker is one way to gain control of your life. The end March 28, 2009
  • 18. The Lost Tabby It was a fine late summer’s noon. The temperature had cooled down and everything seemed to be more cheerful. In the merry air, a woman was sitting all by herself in a small but cozy coffee shop. Her table was in the corner of the room where sun’s rays couldn’t reach. She was looking at the view outside. A pair of sparrows were busy feeding their offspring. The woman wore a faint smile on her face, peaceful but lonely. Around 2 pm, a small boy walked in. His parents who owned the café let him play here, and now that he was nine years old they sometimes let him help with the orders. He was talking to his mother when he noticed the old lady in the corner. “A lovely scene, isn’t it?” he approached the lady and spoke with a big smile on his face. “It is.” the lady answered, wondering who the kid was. “Why are you all alone in the dark? The table next to the window is still available. You will have a much better view there.” “I prefer it in here.” She let out a sigh. “It has been a long time since I last sat there.” A teenage waiter came in and interrupted the conversation “Here is your order: Espresso, no sugar, no milk—Oh my, aren’t you Madame Luna! I am a big fan of yours. I grew up with your stories under my pillow.” Madame Luna managed a weak smile; clearly showing she was not interested in the young waiter’s little joy. However, as politely as she could, she nodded and gave her thanks for recognizing her. After the unwanted encounter, she left the place, carrying her half-full beverage. The boy was disappointed as he could not talk to the seemingly sorrowful woman. He had never met one before. In his memory, everyone was nice and friendly. Some of them were even so loud that others would complain. So he began to interrogate the waiter, the culprit who upset the lady. “Who was she, that strange madam?” “She was a writer,” answered the waiter, “a children’s writer that is. She was known for her joyful style of writing. Everything she wrote seemed like magic. Even tedious things like chores became alive and fun…”
  • 19. The waiter was lost in his own imagination. The mere thought of Madame Luna’s stories took him back to his childhood where nothing was boring or dull. Happy thoughts and magic filled the air. After quite some time of consideration, the little boy asked: “What is ‘tedious’?” He was still young, you see, and his vocabulary was small. “What?... Ah yes.” stumbled the older one, as he was cruelly pulled away from his dreamland. “’Tedious’, yes, it means unexciting and lifeless, I guess.” “She has turned into one tedious woman.” said the little one with the most serious face he could pull. “Well, you can’t blame her, kiddo.” The teenager let out a sigh while patting the other one’s head. “Her daughter died. After that, she stopped writing, leaving one of her best works unfinished.” “What was it?” “The Lost Tabby, I recall.” For the next few days, the little boy refused to leave the shop. “What if she comes back? What if she comes back?” he said. After a while, his parents were tired of his begging and crying. They let him stay, on the condition that he had to finish his homework. It was summer vacation anyway. However, it wouldn’t last long. School would start soon, and he was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to meet the old writer. One afternoon, while he was watering the peonies, Madame Luna came back. She used a husky voice to order her usual then retreated to her corner. The boy thought a bit, and decided to bring her his self-made Mocha. “Here you go. It is on the house,” said the boy, trying to look like a professional waiter. “It is Mocha with just a little chocolate for a beginner. Since you always drink ‘Espresso, no sugar, no milk,’ I figure you don’t like sweet things. Don’t worry, though, your order is still on the way.” Madame Luna pulled off her reading glasses as she looked at the 9-year-old kid. He was as red as a tomato, and judging from his wounded hand, he had much trouble making the drink. “Thank you! My… my…! I wonder how long has it been since I last had anything but Espresso.”
  • 20. She took a sip. The beverage was terrible; but the eagerness in his eyes made her unable to tell the truth. She smiled a little and answered, “It was delicious.” when he asked how it was. “Tell me! What can I do to return the goodness of your heart?” she continued. The boy took quite a long time to think, as he had not expected the offer. But when the chirp of the birds reached his ears, he knew exactly what to ask from her. “Would you change to another table next to the window? I want to show you the nest of the sparrows, and their newborn chicks too. If we don’t watch them now, they may go away for the winter and we can never see such a beautiful scene again.” The lady hesitated but decided to follow him. They sat down and began to look out. It was just an hour before sunset. As the light turned red, shining from the horizon, the whole world fell into silence. No voice or sound was able to reach the two in the small coffee shop. The place became a sanctuary for a boy and an old lady to watch the peacefulness of the sparrow family. The mother and her chicks were pecking each other’s feathers. They seemed satisfied after a day of hunting for food. The father was looking at the purple sky, wondering when they would leave for the south. “I used to have a daughter,” Madame Luna suddenly began her story, “but I lost her when she was around your age. Had she been alive, would I have had a lovely home like the sparrows out there?” The boy looked at her but remained silent. He was at a loss for words. Should he say he felt sorry for her loss? Should he say she would definitely have a loving family? He had heard his parents use such condolences to those who had lost their loved ones. But never before had he felt the depth of the meaningless of these words. It just felt so wrong if he told her the same banal sentences. So he reached out his hands, and held hers tightly, with all the strength a 9-year-old boy could muster. “Emily was a nice girl, and a cheerful one as well.” whispered Madame Luna, “You know, you remind me of her. Emily always wore radiant smile, always ran around, and always had a soft spot for seedlings and animals. She even made me hot chocolate once. Oh, you should have had a taste. It was the combination of every spice we had in our kitchen. An experiment, she said, for something one would never forget.
  • 21. And now, she is just… gone, completely disappeared from my life as if she had never existed.” “No, she isn’t.” exclaimed the tearful boy. “She is here, she is there, and she is everywhere. Don’t you have the eyes for this miracle? Can’t you see she has never left you? She left you with the fragments of her memory, as a trace of her existence. Like the little chicks, she is flying on her own, discovering new things, seeing new wonders through her magical eyes. If she saw you now, she would be greatly disappointed.” Madame Luna was shocked. She had never seen it that way. Emily had always been her muse. And when she left, she took away her mother’s eyes for wonder, leaving her helplessly blind, unable to find a way out. Or so she thought. “Here, take this peony!” the boy came back with a pot of yellow buds. “My mother said it has healing powers. Your eyes are wounded, and need to be cured. Or I am afraid you will never be able to find Emily.” She took the pot. The fragrance of the peony reminded her of the sweet memories of when Emily was alive and its yellowness was the color of the dress her daughter always loved to wear. She smiled sincerely, for the first time in many years, as happy memories of her daughter came flooding back. Sweet recollection is meant to be treasured, not mourned over. It is meant to be a charm, protecting one from sorrow and pain, so that when looking back, one could say, “I was happy” with a smile on his face. As the sun disappeared from the horizon, and the first star began to show its glow, a little boy looked up and prayed that soon, the old Tabby would find her way home.
  • 22. Nguyen Hoang Phuong Trang Shotystory "Having read Trang's compositions, I am impressed by how compassionate, articulate and driven she is. She has a wonderful grasp of vocabulary, and her essays reveal a mind that is not only blessed with intelligence but with a deep sense of empathy and charity." - James Bird -