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Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRMAttachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM
•• Material, Service & Limit itemMaterial, Service & Limit item procurement in Extended Classic Scenario are intended to transferred thruprocurement in Extended Classic Scenario are intended to transferred thru
RFC routeRFC route
•• Quotes from the Supplier has to beQuotes from the Supplier has to be attached as a reference document while Buyerattached as a reference document while Buyer sends a POsends a PO
•• Craftsmen have to use the explodedCraftsmen have to use the exploded view diagram from the manufacturer to findview diagram from the manufacturer to find the item they needthe item they need
•• Technical Documents/Drawings that have to be attached to the ECC PRTechnical Documents/Drawings that have to be attached to the ECC PR
•• Only ECC PR canOnly ECC PR can be transferred thru BBP_EXTREQ_TRANSFERbe transferred thru BBP_EXTREQ_TRANSFER
•• There is no SC header therefore PRThere is no SC header therefore PR Header attachments cannot be seen in theHeader attachments cannot be seen in the SC headerSC header
•• Hence PR Header attachments have to be attached to the SC first Line ItemHence PR Header attachments have to be attached to the SC first Line Item
•• DMS (Document Management Server)DMS (Document Management Server)
•• GOS (General Object Service)GOS (General Object Service)
•• DMS & GOS for attachment transferDMS & GOS for attachment transfer
Scenario: One wants to transfer a PR header attachment from ECC to SRM Shopping Cart.Scenario: One wants to transfer a PR header attachment from ECC to SRM Shopping Cart.
This blog shows how to transfer header attachments from PR to SRM SC when--This blog shows how to transfer header attachments from PR to SRM SC when--
1. PR header attachments are Service (GOS) and NOT DMS.1. PR header attachments are Service (GOS) and NOT DMS.
2. Report BBP_EXTREQ_TRANSFER is used to send PR to SRM.2. Report BBP_EXTREQ_TRANSFER is used to send PR to SRM.
Since there is no concept of attachment at SC header we will attach the PR header attachments to first item of SC.Since there is no concept of attachment at SC header we will attach the PR header attachments to first item of SC.
Step1--> Fetch the attachment data in ERP systems as explained below.Step1--> Fetch the attachment data in ERP systems as explained below.
Create an RFC enabled function module in back end system with following interface:Create an RFC enabled function module in back end system with following interface:
Importing Parameters:Importing Parameters:
Exporting Parameters:Exporting Parameters:
Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM
Source Code of Function Module:
**conversion declaration
DATA: lv_codep TYPE cpnormcp,
lo_conu TYPE REF TO cl_abap_conv_uc_number.
DATA: lt_asci_list TYPE TABLE OF solisti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
lv_inp TYPE string,
lv_ous TYPE xstring,
lv_len TYPE i.
DATA: lo_is_object_a TYPE sibflporb.
DATA: lt_rel TYPE obl_t_relt,
wa_rel LIKE LINE OF lt_rel.
DATA: lt_links TYPE obl_t_link,
lw_links TYPE obl_s_link,
lv_document_id TYPE so_entryid,
ls_data TYPE sofolenti1.
DATA lt_content TYPE swuoconttab.
lo_is_object_a-typeid = 'BUS2105'.
lo_is_object_a-catid = 'BO' .
lo_is_object_a-instid = p_bo_id .
wa_rel-sign = 'I'.
wa_rel-option = 'EQ'.
wa_rel-low = 'ATTA' .
APPEND wa_rel TO lt_rel.
Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM
CALL METHOD cl_binary_relation=>read_links
is_object = lo_is_object_a
it_relation_options = lt_rel
et_links = lt_links.
CATCH cx_obl_parameter_error .
CATCH cx_obl_internal_error .
CATCH cx_obl_model_error .
* DESCRIBE TABLE lt_links LINES ev_records.
* LT_LINKS contains one record for each attachment at header
* Read all attachments one by one
* In case of text files table it_solix(binary) is initial after below FM call but lt_asci_list is populated with CHAR
format string passing this directly as *export/table parameter to the calling system(SRM)causes dump
PARAMETER_CONVERSION_ERROR in calling system so alwasy convert the *CHAR strinh into Binary data before
sending to calling system
READ TABLE lt_links INTO lw_links INDEX iv_read_index.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
lv_document_id = lw_links-instid_b .
document_id = lv_document_id
document_data = ls_data
object_content = lt_asci_list
contents_hex = it_solix
document_id_not_exist = 1
operation_no_authorization = 2
x_error = 3
es_data = ls_data.
Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM
* In case converting CHAR string to Binary data for sending to calling system
IF NOT lt_asci_list[] IS INITIAL.
CALL FUNCTION 'SYSTEM_CODEPAGE' "get the current code page
codepage = lv_codep
CREATE OBJECT lo_conu "instantiate cl_abap_conv_uc_number
im_source_codepage = lv_codep
converter_creation_failed = 1
LOOP AT lt_asci_list.
WRITE cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf TO lt_asci_list-line+253. "to put linefeed at end
MOVE lt_asci_list-line TO lv_inp. "move char to input string
CALL METHOD lo_conu->convert_char_stream "call method to convert
im_stream = lv_inp
ex_stream = lv_ous
ex_stream_len = lv_len
conversion_error = 1
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
CONTINUE. "if error in conversion than do no append to table
MOVE lv_ous TO lt_conhex-line. "move the binary string to binary table
APPEND lt_conhex.
it_content[] = lt_conhex[].
ev_exit = 'X'.
Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM
Step2--> Changes on SRM Side
Create a new function module in SRM as shown below:
Importing Parameter:
Exporting Parameter:
Source Code of Function Module:
DATA: is_data TYPE sofolenti1,
it_content TYPE tabtype_solix,
it_solix TYPE tabtype_solix,
ls_attach TYPE bbps_pdext_attach,
ls_sdokfext_c TYPE sdokfext_c,
ls_sdokfext TYPE sdokfext .
DATA: lv_pr_no TYPE char10 ,
lv_logsys TYPE char10,
iv_exit TYPE flag,
ev_read_index TYPE i VALUE 1,
lv_xstring TYPE xstring.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_hdr> TYPE any,
<fs_pr_no> TYPE any,
<fs_logsys> TYPE any.
Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM
* Get PR no.
ASSIGN i_header TO <fs_hdr>.
<fs_hdr> TO <fs_pr_no>.
lv_pr_no = <fs_pr_no>.
* Get Logical system
<fs_hdr> TO <fs_logsys>.
lv_logsys = <fs_logsys>.
**Fetch header attachments from Backend System
p_bo_id = lv_pr_no
iv_read_index = ev_read_index
es_data = is_data
it_content = it_content
it_solix = it_solix
ev_exit = iv_exit.
ev_read_index = ev_read_index + 1.
ls_attach-guid = lv_pr_no.
ls_attach-p_guid = '0001'.
ls_attach-description = is_data-obj_descr.
* Get and set mime type
TRANSLATE is_data-obj_type TO LOWER CASE.
ls_attach-phio_ext = is_data-obj_type.
* Searching in customer defined mime types
CLEAR ls_sdokfext_c .
INTO ls_sdokfext_c
WHERE extension = is_data-obj_type.
IF sy-subrc NE 0 OR ls_sdokfext_c-type IS INITIAL.
* Searching in default mime types
CLEAR ls_sdokfext .
INTO ls_sdokfext
WHERE extension = is_data-obj_type.
IF sy-subrc NE 0 OR ls_sdokfext-type IS INITIAL.
* no mime type found - assigning default mime type
Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM
ls_attach-phio_mime = 'application/octetstream'.
ls_attach-phio_mime = ls_sdokfext-type.
ls_attach-phio_mime = ls_sdokfext_c-type.
ls_attach-phio_fname = is_data-obj_descr.
ls_attach-phio_ps_mime = is_data-obj_descr.
ls_attach-phio_fsize = is_data-doc_size.
ls_attach-phio_fsize = is_data-doc_size.
**convert SOLIX to XSTRING
CALL METHOD cl_bcs_convert=>solix_to_xstring
it_solix = it_solix
* iv_size =
ev_xstring = lv_xstring.
ELSEIF NOT it_content IS INITIAL."for text files it_solix is initial and it_content has converted binary data
CALL METHOD cl_bcs_convert=>solix_to_xstring
it_solix = it_content
* iv_size =
ev_xstring = lv_xstring.
buffer = lv_xstring
binary_tab = ls_attach-phio_content.
APPEND ls_attach TO et_attach.
Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM
Standard function module BBP_BD_PDDOC_FROM_BAPI_MAPS is called on SRM side when transferring PR uses
Enhance function module BBP_BD_PDDOC_FROM_BAPI_MAPS at end.
We check the call stack to ensure that the FM is called by BBP_EXTREQ_TRANSFER only and not in any other
Dated: 7
 March 2013
Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM
Following are the additional discussions from SCN:
We are customizing the plan-driven Procurement in SRM 5.5.
We implement badi in order to transfer Zfield from reservation (ECC document) to SC (SRM document). We want to
populate header SC data (table BBP_PDHGP).
In order to do it we have previously followed these steps:
1. We add zfields to HEADER_CUST_IMP structure
2. We add zfields to BBPS_ER_SC_HEADER_CUST_C structure
If we run program BBP_EXTREQ_TRANSFER in debugging mode, we find that the problem appears in
bapi BBP_BD_PDDOC_FROM_BAPI_MAPS. Structures IS_HEADER and IS_HEADER_CUST are populated
correctly, but ES_HEADER is only filled up with IS_HEADER information, but not with IS_HEADER_CUST data.
If the zfield is not passed from R/3 to SRM,try this workaround:
Create the custom field in R/3 and populate the value for that field in R/3(manually/trhough transaction).
Instead of passing this field from R/3 to SRM,in SRM ,create a custom field at the SC header level(refer notes
672960 and 458591 ).Then in the badi "BBP_DOC_CHANGE_BADI",populate the value for that field using the SC
number. Pass the SC number to the FM "BBP_PD_SC_GETDETAIL" and in the table ET_ITEM,in the fiel
d"EXT_DEMID",you will get the backend reservation number from which this SC is created.Then make an RFC call
to the backend using the FM "BAPI_RESERVATION_GETDETAIL" and fetch the value of the custom field in the R/3
backend reservation and accordingly populate in the SRM custom field.A bit tedious method but will work!
If i understand your question correctly you want to transfer documents which are attached at the shopping cart
level in SRM to flow in to ECC at PR or PO level? If that the case following steps require to have documents flow
into ECC.
SRM Side:
Implement BADI BBP_CREATE_BE_RQ_NEW (If you are on classic scenario i.e. Shopping cart to PR creation) or
BBP_CREATE_BE_PO_NEW (For extended classic) with following code:
cs_ctrl_att-BE_DOC_TYPE = 'SRM'.
cs_ctrl_att-BE_storage_cat = 'DMS_C1_ST'.
cs_ctrl_att-TRANSFER_ACTIVE = 'X'.
ECC Side:
-Create a new document type for SRM with T. Code DC10. Following parameters need to be set for that
a. Check Use KPro
b. Check Version Assignment
c. Check Change Docs
d. Assign Internal number range as u201C02u201D and external number range as u201C01u201D
e. Select Number Exit u201CMCDOKZNRu201D
f. Version number increment u201C1u201D
g. File Size u201C10000000u201D
Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM
- Assign following Object links to the new created document type u201CSRMu201D.
a. Type as u201CSRMu201D
b. Object as u201CEBANu201D and u201CEKPOu201D respectively
c. Object description as u201CPurchase req. itemu201D and u201CPurchase order itemu201D respectively
d. Screen number u201C247u201D for EBAN and u201C248u201D for EKPO.
- Request basis to verify DC30 transaction code that all the necessary document type are allowed to x'fer (i.e. .doc,
.xls , .jpg etc)
With this setting we were able to successfully transfer document from SRM side to ECC side
The usual procedure for integrating SRM AND DMS is as follows,
1.OAC0- Creation of the SAP Content Repository
b.HTTP Content Server
2 repositories were created one with a Document Area of Archive Link and another with a document area of DMS.
SRM will use the Content Repository with the DMS document area.
Maintain categories->
The storage category links the storage category with a content repository.
SRM will reference the storage category and from this configuration determine the storage location as a content
respect ur specific Q for other areas u will find while configuring cotent repositry.
1.u will find FTP wile u configuring ur content repository.
this is used for external file handling purpose.
I want open a document stored in DMS through RFC BAPI, from an external application (for example .NET)
EasyDNS run OK: I have included the bapi Z_EASYDMS_ECL_OPEN_DOCUMENT (code from a SAP note) in the
system and I can open ECL/EAI & local documents (pdf, word, ...)
If I run Z_EASYDMS_ECL_OPEN_DOCUMENT from SE37 run OK: I can see every document, document is
downloaded to local system and then open.
Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM
But when I call bapi Z_EASYDMS_ECL_OPEN_DOCUMENT from my external application through RFC I don't receive
any result: document is not download to local system.
I have debugged the bapi (with SM50) and I have see that the calling entry in bapi, run and then ... crash.
I have detected the fail in OLE_FLUSH_CALL: system has a dump.
- EasyDMS run Ok
Any idea?
It is possible to extract DMS's file to application server directory:
""Interfase local
CLEAR: doc_files.
REFRESH: doc_files.
DATA: i_doc_files like bapi_doc_files2.
 DATA: i type i.
 i = 2.
 while i = 2.
 i = 2.
 endwhile.
Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM
DOCUMENTFILE = i_doc_files
ORIGINAL_PATH must be a directory of application server.
By background is not possible (I don't know how can we do that) download this file to PC.
Then with the file in application server we can :
- to map application server directory in a drive unit of Pc
- to transfer with a ftp client from Pc
- rfcexec
But always the bapi can not download the file: it must be a process in Pc who transfer the file.
you need to set attachement active with statement
Configure Document Type in R/3
- Transaction DC10 - Add a New Document Type SRM (if not already exists). Set 'Use KPro', 'Version Assign' and
'Change Docs'. Set the Internal and External Number Range (02 and 01). Use MCDOKZNR as Number Exit. Ver No.
Incr = 1 and Set the File Size (Usually 10000000 bytes).
Once the Document Type is created, define Object links to PO Item and Pur Req Item. Use - Screen Number 247
and Screen Number 248 with Valuation Object of EBAN and EKPO for Objects EBAN (PReq) and EKPO (PO) for Doc
Type SRM.
Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM
3. Check whether you have all the workstation applications configured in R/3 (DOC, TXT, PDF, XLS etc) in
Transaction DC30.
Additional Checks:
- If you are transferring attachments and not link - make sure you have Implemented OSS Note: 820897 in R/3.
If the above settings does not give you results - you may want to debug and find out the exact error message while
creating the attachment.
- Check the R/3 Release and get the corresponding driver from BBP_FUNCTION_MAP table with Object Type as
DOCUMENT and Method - CreateFromData.
- Set the Breakpoint at Function Module BAPI_DOCUMENT_CREATE2 and at CVAPI_DOC_CHECKIN in the above
driver. These Function Modules will return you the exact error message.
Attachment transfert to R/3 purchasing doc is now standard since SRM 4.0.
Your R/3 backend should be at least 46C.
It must be activated in BADI BBP_CREATE_REQ_BACK.
You must also specify backend content storage parameters in this BADI, based on the backend customizing of
You can use the following parameters for transferring the attachements to the backend system:
CT_ATTACH_BE KW attachments including document
CV_ATTACH_BE_DOC_TYPE Document type (standard is SRM)
CV_ATTACH_BE_STORAGE_CAT Storage type (standard is DMS_C1_ST)
CV_ATTACH_TRANSFER_ACTIVE Activate transfer of attachments
Then during the PR creation, SRM uses META_ATTACHMENT_CREATE using previous parameters.
BAPI_DOCUMENT_CREATE2 will be called in R/3.
To complete this integration I think you just need to Create your new External Repository 'ZA' in OAC0.
Then go in OACT and open BBPFILESYS. In Content Rep put 'ZA' our External Repository.
We had a similar situation where we had to switch the storage of attachments from SAP SRM server to Archive doc
After making the switch we had to migrate the attachments from the old Shopping carts to the new Content
to achieve this we executed a report RSIRPIRL via SA38. Here you would enter the Target and Source category,
Document area
Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM
and PHIO class.
I know the response might be old and too late for you but still would like to log the info for the benefit of others in
the future.
# Configuring Attachment Transfer
If you wish to store shopping cart attachments in the backend system, you must first activate the data transfer by
creating an active method in the BAdIs BBP_CREATE_BE_PO_NEW (for purchase orders) or
BBP_CREATE_BE_RQ_NEW (for purchase requisitions).
For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Supplier Relationship Management: SRM Server
®Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) ® Follow-On Document Generation in the Backend-System ® Purchase Order in Backend
Or choose SRM Server ® Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) ® Follow-On Document Generation in the Backend-System ®
Purchase Requisition in Backend-System.
You have to configure the R/3 Document Management System (DMS) in transaction DC10:
1. Create document type SRM. Note that no flag is set in any of the columns.
2. Double-click in the detail view to define the new Doc. type desc. = SRM Documents. Set the Use KPro
¡ Enter 1 in the Number assignment field.
¡ Enter an internal number range interval. You can use an existing interval or create a newone in transaction
CV90. The internal number range must be used, because the GUID of the SRM attachments has more digits than
the number in the backend system.
¡ Maintain the number exit. The number exit is a program exit for document numbers. It controls number
assignment and version numbering for documents. The default setting is MCDOKZNR. If you want to control the
number assignment or the version increment via a USER_EXIT, then you have to replace the program
MCDOKZNRwith a company-specific program. You can find further information in the field help for number exit.
¡ In the screen area Field selection, enter u2013 in the Document Status field.
3. Go to the dialog structure and double-click the entry Define object links. Define the new object links EKPO
and EBAN. Maintain object link descriptions for EKPO (Purchase order item; 248) and EBAN (Purchase req.
item; Scr. no. 247)
4. Define the workstation application in transaction DC30.
All required file types should be included in this list.
Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM
Relevant BAPI to attachments:
BBP_ATTACHMENT_FROM_EXT_MAPV Wertemapping Attachment extern nach intern
BBP_ATTACHMENT_IN_FROM_XI_MAPS Strukturmapping Attachment XI -> intern
BBP_ATTACHMENT_IN_MAPCB Common mapping for incoming attachments to BAPI
BBP_ATTACHMENT_OUT_MAPC Common mapping for outgoing attachment from BAPI
BBP_ATTACHMENT_OUT_MAPCB Common mapping for outgoing attachment from BAPI
BBP_ATTACHMENT_OUT_TO_XI_MAPS Strukturmapping Attachment intern -> XI
BBP_ATTACHMENT_TO_EXT_MAPV Wertemapping Attachment intern nach extern

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R3 tosrm attach

  • 1. Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRMAttachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM Situation:Situation: •• Material, Service & Limit itemMaterial, Service & Limit item procurement in Extended Classic Scenario are intended to transferred thruprocurement in Extended Classic Scenario are intended to transferred thru RFC routeRFC route Requirement:Requirement: •• Quotes from the Supplier has to beQuotes from the Supplier has to be attached as a reference document while Buyerattached as a reference document while Buyer sends a POsends a PO •• Craftsmen have to use the explodedCraftsmen have to use the exploded view diagram from the manufacturer to findview diagram from the manufacturer to find the item they needthe item they need •• Technical Documents/Drawings that have to be attached to the ECC PRTechnical Documents/Drawings that have to be attached to the ECC PR Challenges:Challenges: •• Only ECC PR canOnly ECC PR can be transferred thru BBP_EXTREQ_TRANSFERbe transferred thru BBP_EXTREQ_TRANSFER •• There is no SC header therefore PRThere is no SC header therefore PR Header attachments cannot be seen in theHeader attachments cannot be seen in the SC headerSC header •• Hence PR Header attachments have to be attached to the SC first Line ItemHence PR Header attachments have to be attached to the SC first Line Item Methods:Methods: •• DMS (Document Management Server)DMS (Document Management Server) •• GOS (General Object Service)GOS (General Object Service) •• DMS & GOS for attachment transferDMS & GOS for attachment transfer Recommendation:Recommendation: Scenario: One wants to transfer a PR header attachment from ECC to SRM Shopping Cart.Scenario: One wants to transfer a PR header attachment from ECC to SRM Shopping Cart. This blog shows how to transfer header attachments from PR to SRM SC when--This blog shows how to transfer header attachments from PR to SRM SC when-- 1. PR header attachments are Service (GOS) and NOT DMS.1. PR header attachments are Service (GOS) and NOT DMS. 2. Report BBP_EXTREQ_TRANSFER is used to send PR to SRM.2. Report BBP_EXTREQ_TRANSFER is used to send PR to SRM. Since there is no concept of attachment at SC header we will attach the PR header attachments to first item of SC.Since there is no concept of attachment at SC header we will attach the PR header attachments to first item of SC. Step1--> Fetch the attachment data in ERP systems as explained below.Step1--> Fetch the attachment data in ERP systems as explained below. Create an RFC enabled function module in back end system with following interface:Create an RFC enabled function module in back end system with following interface: Importing Parameters:Importing Parameters: Exporting Parameters:Exporting Parameters:
  • 2. Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM Source Code of Function Module: **conversion declaration DATA: lv_codep TYPE cpnormcp, lo_conu TYPE REF TO cl_abap_conv_uc_number. DATA: lt_asci_list TYPE TABLE OF solisti1 WITH HEADER LINE, lt_conhex TYPE solix OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE, lv_inp TYPE string, lv_ous TYPE xstring, lv_len TYPE i. **End DATA: lo_is_object_a TYPE sibflporb. DATA: lt_rel TYPE obl_t_relt, wa_rel LIKE LINE OF lt_rel. DATA: lt_links TYPE obl_t_link, lw_links TYPE obl_s_link, lv_document_id TYPE so_entryid, ls_data TYPE sofolenti1. DATA lt_content TYPE swuoconttab. lo_is_object_a-typeid = 'BUS2105'. lo_is_object_a-catid = 'BO' . lo_is_object_a-instid = p_bo_id . wa_rel-sign = 'I'. wa_rel-option = 'EQ'. wa_rel-low = 'ATTA' . APPEND wa_rel TO lt_rel. TRY.
  • 3. Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM CALL METHOD cl_binary_relation=>read_links EXPORTING is_object = lo_is_object_a it_relation_options = lt_rel IMPORTING et_links = lt_links. CATCH cx_obl_parameter_error . CATCH cx_obl_internal_error . CATCH cx_obl_model_error . ENDTRY. * DESCRIBE TABLE lt_links LINES ev_records. * LT_LINKS contains one record for each attachment at header * Read all attachments one by one * In case of text files table it_solix(binary) is initial after below FM call but lt_asci_list is populated with CHAR format string passing this directly as *export/table parameter to the calling system(SRM)causes dump PARAMETER_CONVERSION_ERROR in calling system so alwasy convert the *CHAR strinh into Binary data before sending to calling system READ TABLE lt_links INTO lw_links INDEX iv_read_index. IF sy-subrc = 0. lv_document_id = lw_links-instid_b . CALL FUNCTION 'SO_DOCUMENT_READ_API1' EXPORTING document_id = lv_document_id IMPORTING document_data = ls_data TABLES object_content = lt_asci_list contents_hex = it_solix EXCEPTIONS document_id_not_exist = 1 operation_no_authorization = 2 x_error = 3 OTHERS = 4. es_data = ls_data.
  • 4. Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM * In case converting CHAR string to Binary data for sending to calling system IF NOT lt_asci_list[] IS INITIAL. CALL FUNCTION 'SYSTEM_CODEPAGE' "get the current code page IMPORTING codepage = lv_codep . CREATE OBJECT lo_conu "instantiate cl_abap_conv_uc_number EXPORTING im_source_codepage = lv_codep EXCEPTIONS converter_creation_failed = 1 OTHERS = 2. LOOP AT lt_asci_list. WRITE cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf TO lt_asci_list-line+253. "to put linefeed at end MOVE lt_asci_list-line TO lv_inp. "move char to input string CALL METHOD lo_conu->convert_char_stream "call method to convert EXPORTING im_stream = lv_inp IMPORTING ex_stream = lv_ous ex_stream_len = lv_len EXCEPTIONS conversion_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CONTINUE. "if error in conversion than do no append to table * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ELSE. MOVE lv_ous TO lt_conhex-line. "move the binary string to binary table APPEND lt_conhex. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. it_content[] = lt_conhex[]. ENDIF. ELSE. ev_exit = 'X'. ENDIF. * ENDLOOP. ENDFUNCTION.
  • 5. Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM Step2--> Changes on SRM Side Create a new function module in SRM as shown below: Importing Parameter: Exporting Parameter: Source Code of Function Module: DATA: is_data TYPE sofolenti1, it_content TYPE tabtype_solix, it_solix TYPE tabtype_solix, ls_attach TYPE bbps_pdext_attach, ls_sdokfext_c TYPE sdokfext_c, ls_sdokfext TYPE sdokfext . DATA: lv_pr_no TYPE char10 , lv_logsys TYPE char10, iv_exit TYPE flag, ev_read_index TYPE i VALUE 1, lv_xstring TYPE xstring. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_hdr> TYPE any, <fs_pr_no> TYPE any, <fs_logsys> TYPE any.
  • 6. Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM * Get PR no. ASSIGN i_header TO <fs_hdr>. ASSIGN COMPONENT 'EXT_DEMID' OF STRUCTURE <fs_hdr> TO <fs_pr_no>. lv_pr_no = <fs_pr_no>. * Get Logical system ASSIGN COMPONENT 'EXT_DEM_LOGSYS' OF STRUCTURE <fs_hdr> TO <fs_logsys>. lv_logsys = <fs_logsys>. WHILE iv_exit IS INITIAL. **Fetch header attachments from Backend System CALL FUNCTION 'RFC_CREATED_IN_BE_SYSTEM' DESTINATION lv_logsys EXPORTING p_bo_id = lv_pr_no iv_read_index = ev_read_index IMPORTING es_data = is_data it_content = it_content it_solix = it_solix ev_exit = iv_exit. ev_read_index = ev_read_index + 1. IF NOT is_data IS INITIAL. ls_attach-guid = lv_pr_no. ls_attach-p_guid = '0001'. ls_attach-description = is_data-obj_descr. * Get and set mime type TRANSLATE is_data-obj_type TO LOWER CASE. ls_attach-phio_ext = is_data-obj_type. * Searching in customer defined mime types CLEAR ls_sdokfext_c . SELECT SINGLE * FROM sdokfext_c INTO ls_sdokfext_c WHERE extension = is_data-obj_type. IF sy-subrc NE 0 OR ls_sdokfext_c-type IS INITIAL. * Searching in default mime types CLEAR ls_sdokfext . SELECT SINGLE * FROM sdokfext INTO ls_sdokfext WHERE extension = is_data-obj_type. IF sy-subrc NE 0 OR ls_sdokfext-type IS INITIAL. * no mime type found - assigning default mime type
  • 7. Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM ls_attach-phio_mime = 'application/octetstream'. ELSE. ls_attach-phio_mime = ls_sdokfext-type. ENDIF. ELSE. ls_attach-phio_mime = ls_sdokfext_c-type. ENDIF. ls_attach-phio_fname = is_data-obj_descr. ls_attach-phio_ps_mime = is_data-obj_descr. ls_attach-phio_fsize = is_data-doc_size. ls_attach-phio_fsize = is_data-doc_size. **convert SOLIX to XSTRING IF NOT it_solix IS INITIAL. CALL METHOD cl_bcs_convert=>solix_to_xstring EXPORTING it_solix = it_solix * iv_size = RECEIVING ev_xstring = lv_xstring. ELSEIF NOT it_content IS INITIAL."for text files it_solix is initial and it_content has converted binary data CALL METHOD cl_bcs_convert=>solix_to_xstring EXPORTING it_solix = it_content * iv_size = RECEIVING ev_xstring = lv_xstring. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY' EXPORTING buffer = lv_xstring TABLES binary_tab = ls_attach-phio_content. APPEND ls_attach TO et_attach. ENDIF. ENDWHILE. ENDFUNCTION.
  • 8. Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM Standard function module BBP_BD_PDDOC_FROM_BAPI_MAPS is called on SRM side when transferring PR uses BBP_EXTREQ_TRANSFER Enhance function module BBP_BD_PDDOC_FROM_BAPI_MAPS at end. We check the call stack to ensure that the FM is called by BBP_EXTREQ_TRANSFER only and not in any other process. IF SY_SUBRC = 0. CALL FUNCTION 'FM_CREATED_IN_SRM_SYSTEM' EXPORTING I_HEADER = IS_HEADER <--Already there in FM BBP_BD_PDDOC_FROM_BAPI_MAPS IT_ITEMS = IT_ITEMS <--Already there in FM BBP_BD_PDDOC_FROM_BAPI_MAPS IMPORTING ET_ATTACH = ET_ATTACH <--Already there in FM BBP_BD_PDDOC_FROM_BAPI_MAPS ENDIF. Source: transfer-to-srm-shopping-cart-first-item Dated: 7 th  March 2013
  • 9. Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM Following are the additional discussions from SCN: # We are customizing the plan-driven Procurement in SRM 5.5. We implement badi in order to transfer Zfield from reservation (ECC document) to SC (SRM document). We want to populate header SC data (table BBP_PDHGP). In order to do it we have previously followed these steps: 1. We add zfields to HEADER_CUST_IMP structure 2. We add zfields to BBPS_ER_SC_HEADER_CUST_C structure If we run program BBP_EXTREQ_TRANSFER in debugging mode, we find that the problem appears in bapi BBP_BD_PDDOC_FROM_BAPI_MAPS. Structures IS_HEADER and IS_HEADER_CUST are populated correctly, but ES_HEADER is only filled up with IS_HEADER information, but not with IS_HEADER_CUST data. If the zfield is not passed from R/3 to SRM,try this workaround: Create the custom field in R/3 and populate the value for that field in R/3(manually/trhough transaction). Instead of passing this field from R/3 to SRM,in SRM ,create a custom field at the SC header level(refer notes 672960 and 458591 ).Then in the badi "BBP_DOC_CHANGE_BADI",populate the value for that field using the SC number. Pass the SC number to the FM "BBP_PD_SC_GETDETAIL" and in the table ET_ITEM,in the fiel d"EXT_DEMID",you will get the backend reservation number from which this SC is created.Then make an RFC call to the backend using the FM "BAPI_RESERVATION_GETDETAIL" and fetch the value of the custom field in the R/3 backend reservation and accordingly populate in the SRM custom field.A bit tedious method but will work! - # If i understand your question correctly you want to transfer documents which are attached at the shopping cart level in SRM to flow in to ECC at PR or PO level? If that the case following steps require to have documents flow into ECC. SRM Side: Implement BADI BBP_CREATE_BE_RQ_NEW (If you are on classic scenario i.e. Shopping cart to PR creation) or BBP_CREATE_BE_PO_NEW (For extended classic) with following code: cs_ctrl_att-BE_DOC_TYPE = 'SRM'. cs_ctrl_att-BE_storage_cat = 'DMS_C1_ST'. cs_ctrl_att-TRANSFER_ACTIVE = 'X'. ECC Side: -Create a new document type for SRM with T. Code DC10. Following parameters need to be set for that a. Check Use KPro b. Check Version Assignment c. Check Change Docs d. Assign Internal number range as u201C02u201D and external number range as u201C01u201D e. Select Number Exit u201CMCDOKZNRu201D f. Version number increment u201C1u201D g. File Size u201C10000000u201D
  • 10. Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM - Assign following Object links to the new created document type u201CSRMu201D. a. Type as u201CSRMu201D b. Object as u201CEBANu201D and u201CEKPOu201D respectively c. Object description as u201CPurchase req. itemu201D and u201CPurchase order itemu201D respectively d. Screen number u201C247u201D for EBAN and u201C248u201D for EKPO. - Request basis to verify DC30 transaction code that all the necessary document type are allowed to x'fer (i.e. .doc, .xls , .jpg etc) With this setting we were able to successfully transfer document from SRM side to ECC side - **** # The usual procedure for integrating SRM AND DMS is as follows, 1.OAC0- Creation of the SAP Content Repository a.ArchiveLink b.HTTP Content Server 2 repositories were created one with a Document Area of Archive Link and another with a document area of DMS. SRM will use the Content Repository with the DMS document area. Maintain categories-> The storage category links the storage category with a content repository. SRM will reference the storage category and from this configuration determine the storage location as a content repository. respect ur specific Q for other areas u will find while configuring cotent repositry. 1.u will find FTP wile u configuring ur content repository. this is used for external file handling purpose. - **** # I want open a document stored in DMS through RFC BAPI, from an external application (for example .NET) EasyDNS run OK: I have included the bapi Z_EASYDMS_ECL_OPEN_DOCUMENT (code from a SAP note) in the system and I can open ECL/EAI & local documents (pdf, word, ...) If I run Z_EASYDMS_ECL_OPEN_DOCUMENT from SE37 run OK: I can see every document, document is downloaded to local system and then open.
  • 11. Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM But when I call bapi Z_EASYDMS_ECL_OPEN_DOCUMENT from my external application through RFC I don't receive any result: document is not download to local system. I have debugged the bapi (with SM50) and I have see that the calling entry in bapi, run and then ... crash. I have detected the fail in OLE_FLUSH_CALL: system has a dump. Summary: - EasyDMS run Ok - SE37 Z_EASYDMS_ECL_OPEN_DOCUMENT run ok - Z_EASYDMS_ECL_OPEN_DOCUMENT dump at OLE_FLUSH_CALL Any idea? - **** # It is possible to extract DMS's file to application server directory: FUNCTION Z_DMS_VIEW. *"---- ""Interfase local *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(DOC_NUMBER) LIKE BAPI_DOC_DRAW2-DOCUMENTNUMBER OPTIONAL *" VALUE(DOC_PART) LIKE BAPI_DOC_DRAW2-DOCUMENTPART OPTIONAL *" VALUE(DOC_TYPE) LIKE BAPI_DOC_DRAW2-DOCUMENTTYPE OPTIONAL *" VALUE(DOC_VERS) LIKE BAPI_DOC_DRAW2-DOCUMENTVERSION OPTIONAL *" VALUE(ORIGINAL_PATH) LIKE BAPI_DOC_AUX-FILENAME OPTIONAL *" EXPORTING *" VALUE(P_RETURN) LIKE BAPIRET2 STRUCTURE BAPIRET2 *" TABLES *" DOC_FILES STRUCTURE BAPI_DOC_FILES2 OPTIONAL *"---- CLEAR: doc_files. REFRESH: doc_files. DATA: i_doc_files like bapi_doc_files2.  DATA: i type i. *  i = 2.  while i = 2.  i = 2.  endwhile. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKOUTVIEW2' EXPORTING
  • 12. Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM DOCUMENTTYPE = DOC_TYPE DOCUMENTNUMBER = DOC_NUMBER DOCUMENTPART = DOC_PART DOCUMENTVERSION = DOC_VERS DOCUMENTFILE = i_doc_files GETSTRUCTURE = '0' GETCOMPONENTS = 'X' ORIGINALPATH = ORIGINAL_PATH HOSTNAME = ' ' GETHEADER = 'X' PF_HTTP_DEST = 'SAPHTTPA' PF_FTP_DEST = 'SAPFTPA' IMPORTING RETURN = P_RETURN TABLES DOCUMENTFILES = DOC_FILES. ENDFUNCTION. ORIGINAL_PATH must be a directory of application server. By background is not possible (I don't know how can we do that) download this file to PC. Then with the file in application server we can : - to map application server directory in a drive unit of Pc - to transfer with a ftp client from Pc - rfcexec But always the bapi can not download the file: it must be a process in Pc who transfer the file. - **** # BADI BBP_CREATE_BE_RQ_NEW (in SRM) you need to set attachement active with statement CS_CTRL_ATT-TRANSFER_ACTIVE = 'X'. BADI BBP_SC_TRANSFER_BE. Set CV_ATTCH_TRANSFER_ACTIVE paramater in SRM Configure Document Type in R/3 - Transaction DC10 - Add a New Document Type SRM (if not already exists). Set 'Use KPro', 'Version Assign' and 'Change Docs'. Set the Internal and External Number Range (02 and 01). Use MCDOKZNR as Number Exit. Ver No. Incr = 1 and Set the File Size (Usually 10000000 bytes). Once the Document Type is created, define Object links to PO Item and Pur Req Item. Use - Screen Number 247 and Screen Number 248 with Valuation Object of EBAN and EKPO for Objects EBAN (PReq) and EKPO (PO) for Doc Type SRM.
  • 13. Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM 3. Check whether you have all the workstation applications configured in R/3 (DOC, TXT, PDF, XLS etc) in Transaction DC30. Additional Checks: - If you are transferring attachments and not link - make sure you have Implemented OSS Note: 820897 in R/3. If the above settings does not give you results - you may want to debug and find out the exact error message while creating the attachment. - Check the R/3 Release and get the corresponding driver from BBP_FUNCTION_MAP table with Object Type as DOCUMENT and Method - CreateFromData. - Set the Breakpoint at Function Module BAPI_DOCUMENT_CREATE2 and at CVAPI_DOC_CHECKIN in the above driver. These Function Modules will return you the exact error message. - **** # Attachment transfert to R/3 purchasing doc is now standard since SRM 4.0. Your R/3 backend should be at least 46C. It must be activated in BADI BBP_CREATE_REQ_BACK. You must also specify backend content storage parameters in this BADI, based on the backend customizing of DMS. You can use the following parameters for transferring the attachements to the backend system: CT_ATTACH_BE KW attachments including document CV_ATTACH_BE_DOC_TYPE Document type (standard is SRM) CV_ATTACH_BE_STORAGE_CAT Storage type (standard is DMS_C1_ST) CV_ATTACH_TRANSFER_ACTIVE Activate transfer of attachments CV_ATTACH_USE_URL Transfer URL only Then during the PR creation, SRM uses META_ATTACHMENT_CREATE using previous parameters. BAPI_DOCUMENT_CREATE2 will be called in R/3. - To complete this integration I think you just need to Create your new External Repository 'ZA' in OAC0. Then go in OACT and open BBPFILESYS. In Content Rep put 'ZA' our External Repository. - **** # We had a similar situation where we had to switch the storage of attachments from SAP SRM server to Archive doc server. After making the switch we had to migrate the attachments from the old Shopping carts to the new Content server. to achieve this we executed a report RSIRPIRL via SA38. Here you would enter the Target and Source category, Document area
  • 14. Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM and PHIO class. I know the response might be old and too late for you but still would like to log the info for the benefit of others in the future. - **** # Configuring Attachment Transfer Prerequisites If you wish to store shopping cart attachments in the backend system, you must first activate the data transfer by creating an active method in the BAdIs BBP_CREATE_BE_PO_NEW (for purchase orders) or BBP_CREATE_BE_RQ_NEW (for purchase requisitions). For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Supplier Relationship Management: SRM Server ®Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) ® Follow-On Document Generation in the Backend-System ® Purchase Order in Backend System. Or choose SRM Server ® Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) ® Follow-On Document Generation in the Backend-System ® Purchase Requisition in Backend-System. Procedure You have to configure the R/3 Document Management System (DMS) in transaction DC10: ... 1. Create document type SRM. Note that no flag is set in any of the columns. 2. Double-click in the detail view to define the new Doc. type desc. = SRM Documents. Set the Use KPro indicator. ¡ Enter 1 in the Number assignment field. ¡ Enter an internal number range interval. You can use an existing interval or create a newone in transaction CV90. The internal number range must be used, because the GUID of the SRM attachments has more digits than the number in the backend system. ¡ Maintain the number exit. The number exit is a program exit for document numbers. It controls number assignment and version numbering for documents. The default setting is MCDOKZNR. If you want to control the number assignment or the version increment via a USER_EXIT, then you have to replace the program MCDOKZNRwith a company-specific program. You can find further information in the field help for number exit. ¡ In the screen area Field selection, enter u2013 in the Document Status field. 3. Go to the dialog structure and double-click the entry Define object links. Define the new object links EKPO and EBAN. Maintain object link descriptions for EKPO (Purchase order item; 248) and EBAN (Purchase req. item; Scr. no. 247) 4. Define the workstation application in transaction DC30. All required file types should be included in this list. -
  • 15. Attachment Transfer from ECC PR to SRM Relevant BAPI to attachments: BBP_ATTACHMENT_FROM_EXT_MAPV Wertemapping Attachment extern nach intern BBP_ATTACHMENT_IN_FROM_XI_MAPS Strukturmapping Attachment XI -> intern BBP_ATTACHMENT_IN_MAPCB Common mapping for incoming attachments to BAPI BBP_ATTACHMENT_OUT_MAPC Common mapping for outgoing attachment from BAPI BBP_ATTACHMENT_OUT_MAPCB Common mapping for outgoing attachment from BAPI BBP_ATTACHMENT_OUT_TO_XI_MAPS Strukturmapping Attachment intern -> XI BBP_ATTACHMENT_TO_EXT_MAPV Wertemapping Attachment intern nach extern