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Build plugins to support the cLEMENCy architecture
September 9, 2017
r2con 2017
• MaskRay (宋方睿 Sòng Fāng-ruì)
• Twitter @HaskRay
• Software Engineer, San Francisco Bay Area, California, US
• Member of Tea Deliverers (CTF team)
• DEF CON 21∼25 CTF Finals (21∼23 blue-lotus, 24 b1o0p,
25 Tea-Deliverers)
• Sadly my RE skill has not improved much over the years…
Tea Deliverers
• Tea Deliverers = blue-lotus + Nu1L + 110066 + Chaitin Tech
• Chinese
DEF CON 25 CTF Finals
Curtain call of 5-year organizer Legitimate Business Syndicate
• Architecture developed by Lightning
• 1 ‘byte’ (nyte) = 9 bits
• 32 27-bit registers + 1 flags register
• ST=r29 (stack register), RA=r30 (link register), PC=r31, r28
(frame register)
• middle-endian
cLEMENCy manual
% cLEMENCy/cLEMENCy-emu/clemency-emu-debug -d 0 hello.bin
> t # step
R00: 0000000 R01: 0000019 R02: 0000002 R03: 0000007
R04: 0000000 R05: 0000000 R06: 0000000 R07: 0000000
R08: 0000000 R09: 0000000 R10: 0000000 R11: 0000000
R12: 0000000 R13: 0000000 R14: 0000000 R15: 0000000
R16: 0000000 R17: 0000000 R18: 0000000 R19: 0000000
R20: 0000000 R21: 0000000 R22: 0000000 R23: 0000000
R24: 0000000 R25: 0000000 R26: 0000000 R27: 0000000
R28: 0000000 ST: 0000000 RA: 0000000 PC: 0000006
FL: 0000000
0000006: 5200780 smp R00, R01, E
> db 2 3 # hexdump
0000002: 040 001 000
> u 0 2 # disassemble
0000000: 2b0402000002b8 ldt R01, [R00 + 0x57, 3]
0000006: 5200780 smp R00, R01, E
• 2,3,4,6 nytes
• AD r0, r1, r2 # ADd
• ADCI r0, r1, -4 # ADd Immediate with Carry
• M-suffixed instructions: adjacent registers as a pair
• DVSM r3, r27, r31 # r3:r4 = (r27<<27 | r28) /
(r31<<27 | r0)
• LD[SWT] # LoaD 1/2/3 nytes, middle-endian
• ST[SWT] # STore 1/2/3 nytes, middle-endian
Word of 2 nytes: a[1] << 9 | a[0]
low 0 1 high
Tri-word of 3 nytes: a[1] << 27 | a[2] << 18 | a[0]
low 2 0 1 high
Instruction decoding
Instructions consist of 3-nyte groups, with permutation in each group
Opcode in high bits
2 nytes low 0 1 high
3 nytes low 2 0 1 high
4 nytes low 3 2 0 1 high
6 nytes low 5 3 4 2 0 1 high
Memory mappings
[0000000,4000000) Main Program Memory
[4000000,400001e) Clock IO
[4010000,4011000) Flag IO # Capture the Flag!
[5000000,5002000) Data Received
[5002000,5002003) Data Received Size
[5010000,5012000) Data Sent
[5012000,5012003) Data Sent Size
[5100000,5104000) NFO file
[7ffff00,7ffff1c) Interrupt Pointers
[7ffff80,8000000) Processor Identification and Features
left-closed right-open intervals are convenient
radare2 plugins
• IO
• custom commands
• loader
• (dis)assembler
• instruction semantics and emulation
• C-like pseudo disassembler and asm.varsub
• More plugin types in core/libs.c:r_core_loadlibs_init
• language, filesystem, debugger, debugger breakpoint, egg
1 nyte = 9 bits
Expand 1 nyte to 16-bit unsigned short
RIOPlugin r_io_plugin_clcy = {
.name = "clcy",
.desc = "cLEMENCy io",
.license = "LGPL3",
.check = _check,
.close = _close,
.extend = _extend,
.lseek = _lseek,
.open = _open,
.read = _read,
.write = _write,
• .open: file → 9-bit units → 16-bit units (2 bytes)
• len = len_bytes*8/9; buf = malloc(len*2);
• One address unit has 2 bytes
io->addrbytes = 2; // RIO::addrbytes
• len argument in read/write still refers to bytes, not 16-bit
• Make sure buffers used by read()/write() are aware of
• .close: 16-bit → 9-bit → file
// A buffer of length RCore::blocksize (default: 256) contains
// blocksize/addrbytes (256/2=128) address units
// Before (every address unit is 1 byte):
while (idx < len) {
r_anal_op (anal, &op, addr + idx, buf + idx,
len - idx);
// After (buf access is aware of RIO::addrbytes):
while (addrbytes * idx < len) {
r_anal_op (anal, &op, addr + idx, buf + addrbytes * idx,
len - addrbytes * idx);
Call path of a user command
• r_core_prompt_exec
• r_core_cmd
• r_core_subst(;,repeat,comment)
• r_core_subst_i
• r_core_subst_i(@,backquotes,double
• r_cmd_call
• RCorePlugin::call / builtin commands
RCorePlugin r_core_plugin_clcy = {
.name = "clcy",
.desc = "cLEMENCy core",
.license = "LGPL3",
.call = r_cmd_clcy,
static int r_cmd_clcy(struct r_core_t *core, const char *input) {
if (input[0] == '_') {
case 'x': hexdump_9byte (core, input, l); break; // "_px"
case 'w': hexdump_18word (core, input, l); break; // "_pw"
case 't': hexdump_27tri (core, input, l); break; // "_pt"
return true;
return false;
• Create sections according to cLEMENCy memory mappings
• .add=true, .name="Main", .paddr=0, .size=sz,
• .vsize=0x4000000, .srwx=R_IO_READ|R_IO_EXEC
• Simple IO Layer creates two RIOMap
• file map [0, size) + null map [size, vsize)
[Main_Program_Memory:0x00000000]> om
10 fd: 3 +0x00000000 0x00000000 - 0x00006b67 -r-x fmap.Main_Program_Memory
9 fd: 12 +0x00000000 0x00006b68 - 0x03ffffff -r-x mmap.Main_Program_Memory
8 fd: 11 +0x00000000 0x00000000 - 0x0000001d -rw- mmap.Clock_IO
7 fd: 10 +0x00000000 0x04010000 - 0x04010fff -r-- mmap.Flag_IO
6 fd: 9 +0x00000000 0x05000000 - 0x05001fff -rw- mmap.Data_Received
5 fd: 8 +0x00000000 0x05002000 - 0x05002001 -rw- mmap.Data_Received_Size
4 fd: 7 +0x00000000 0x05010000 - 0x05011fff -rw- mmap.Data_Sent
3 fd: 6 +0x00000000 0x05012000 - 0x05012001 -rw- mmap.Data_Sent_Size
#2 fd: 5 +0x00000000 0x05100000 - 0x05103fff -r-x mmap.NFO
1 fd: 4 +0x00000000 0x07ffff00 - 0x07ffff1b -rw- mmap.Interrupt_Pointers
Main Program Memory has both file map (fmap.) and null map (mmap.)
RBinPlugin r_bin_plugin_clcy = {
.name = "clcy",
.desc = "cLEMENCy bin plugin",
.license = "LGPL3",
.baddr = _baddr,
.check_bytes = _check_bytes,
.create = _create,
.destroy = _destroy,
.info = _info,
.load = _load,
.minstrlen = 0,
.patch_relocs = _patch_relocs,
.sections = _sections,
• How to initialize NFO?
• How to initialize NFO?
• .patch_relocs
• How to initialize NFO?
• .patch_relocs
• Patch relocations in ELF/bFLT/CGC (Cyber Grand
Challenge), especially useful for ET_REL
• How to initialize NFO?
• .patch_relocs
• Patch relocations in ELF/bFLT/CGC (Cyber Grand
Challenge), especially useful for ET_REL
• Abuse it: create and initialize a malloc:// map
bin_clcy _patch_relocs
static RList *_patch_relocs(RBin *b) {
RIOSection sec = {.name = "NFO", .size = n_buf * 2, .vsize = 0x4000,
.flags = R_IO_READ | R_IO_EXEC};
(void)r_io_create_mem_map (b->, &sec, NFO_VADDR, false);
(void)r_io_write_at (b->, NFO_VADDR, (const ut8 *)buf, len * 2);
• IDA Pro processor in the game, processor_t.{ana,out}
• disassembler
• assembler
• by Plaid
Parliament of Pwning
• X macros
static RAsmPlugin r_asm_plugin_clcy = {
.name = "clcy",
.desc = "cLEMENCy asm",
.arch = "clcy",
.license = "LGPL3",
.bits = 64, // in accordance with r_anal_plugin_clcy
.disassemble = _disassemble,
.assemble = _assemble,
asm_clcy struct inst_t
typedef struct {
ut64 code, opcode;
int id, size;
ut32 pc, funct;
st32 imm;
ut16 cc, reg_count;
ut8 adj_rb, arith_signed, is_imm, mem_flags, rA, rB, rC, rw, uf;
} inst_t;
asm_clcy disassembler
// Group instructions by forms
do {
FORMAT( R ) // assume this is an R-form instruction
// If funct == 0b0000000 && arith_signed == 0 && is_imm == 0
// This is ad --> break
INS_3( ad, 0b0000000, funct, 0, arith_signed, 0, is_imm, 0 )
// Try adc
INS_3( adc, 0b0100000, funct, 0, arith_signed, 0, is_imm, 0 )
// Try others
FORMAT( R_IMM ) // assume this is an R_IMM-form instruction
INS_2( adci, 0b0100000, arith_signed, 0, is_imm, 1 )
} while (0);
#define FORMAT(fmt) ok = decode_##fmt ...
#define INS_1(x,opc,f1,v1) if (inst.opcode==opc && inst.f1==v1) ...
#define INS_2(x,opc,f1,v1,f2,v2) if (inst.opcode==opc && inst.f1==v1 && 
inst.f2==v2) ...
Descriptions: asm/d/clcy.sdb
asm_clcy assembler
• "wa ldt r1, [r0+0x57, 7]; ad. r0,r1,r1"
• Recursive descent parser:
• Reuse X macros in disassembler
Suggest using a recursive descent parser in command parsing
asm_clcy assemble_BIN_R_IMM
#define FIELD(name, offset, count) | ((ut64)inst->name << 
#define FORM_BIN_R_IMM 
FIELD(opcode, 0, 8) 
FIELD(rA, 8, 5) 
FIELD(imm, 13, 14)
static int assemble_BIN_R_IMM(inst_t *inst, const char **src) {
int bit_size = 27;
if (parse_space (inst, src)) return 1; // parse error
if (parse_rA (inst, src)) return 1;
if (parse_comma (inst, src)) return -1;
if (parse_imm_st (inst, src, 14)) return 2;
inst->imm &= (1 << 14) - 1;
if (parse_end (src)) return 2;
inst->size = 3; // 3 nytes
inst->code = 0 FORM_BIN_R_IMM; // assemble all components
return 0;
• IDA Pro processor in the game, processor_t.emu
• Differentiate JMP/CALL/MOV/PUSH/RET/SWI/…, whether
COND,IND,MEM,REG,… are used
• include/r_anal.h anal/p/anal_gb.c
• Stack pointer delta (arguments, local variables), add_stkpnt
• ESIL translator
• Evaluable Strings Intermedate Language
• anal/esil.c
• Stack-oriented, Forth, DWARF expressions
• mh r0, 0xffdf: 0x3ff,r0,&,10,65503,<<,|,r0,=
• Decent support for 32/64 bits, needing work for 8/16 bits
• What if 27-bit/54-bit (register pair) + middle-endian?
anal_clcy ESIL
• Just set RAnal::bits to 64 and define custom commands
• binop: another argument for variants (carry/multi reg/imm/
signedness/update flags) + instruction family (add/sub/…)
• addcm. r3,r2,r0 : "r0,r2,r3,'.cm+,binop"
• '.cm+
• ' no special, arbitrary character borrowed from Lisp
• . update flags
• c with carry
• + add
r_anal_esil_set_op (esil, "binop", clcy_custom_binop);
static int clcy_custom_binop(RAnalEsil *esil) {
bool carry = false, uf = false, mf;
char *op = r_anal_esil_pop (esil), *op1 = op + 1,
*rA = r_anal_esil_pop (esil), *rB = r_anal_esil_pop (esil),
*rC = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (*op1 == '.') uf = true, op1++; // .: update flags
if (*op1 == 'c') carry = true, op1++; // c: carry
if (*op1 == 'm') ... // m: multi reg
switch (*op1) {
case '+': a = b + c; if (carry && read_fl (esil) & 2) a++; ...
case '-': ...
if (uf) { /* update Carry/Overflow/Sign/Zero flags */ }
Local variables/arguments detection
• Analysis engine detects with patterns like 0x..,st,+
• We have custom load/store commands to emulate
• No-op 0x34,st,+,POP to appease analysis engine
static RAnalPlugin r_anal_plugin_clcy = {
.name = "clcy",
.desc = "cLEMENCy analysis",
.license = "LGPL3",
.arch = "clcy",
.bits = 64, // we use 64-bit integers in esil to emulate 27-bit and 54-bit
.esil_init = esil_clcy_init,
.esil_fini = esil_clcy_fini,
.esil_intr = esil_clcy_intr,
.esil = true,
.op = &clcy_op,
.set_reg_profile = set_reg_profile,
• Bad name
• How to substitue variables for BP/SP offsets: asm.varsub
• How to generate C-like pseudo disassembly: pdc
static int _parse(RParse *p, const char *src, char *dst);
static bool _varsub(RParse *p, RAnalFunction *f, ut64 addr,
int oplen, char *src, char *dst, int len);
RParsePlugin r_parse_plugin_clcy = {
.name = "clcy",
.desc = "cLEMENCy",
.parse = _parse,
.varsub = _varsub,
parse_clcy _parse
static int _parse(RParse *p, const char *src, char *dst) {
RCore *core = p->user;
RAsmOp op;
int len;
// `assemble` could be saved if we had access to metadata of previous
// call to `assemble`
if ((len = assemble (core->assembler->pc, &op, src)) > 0 &&
disassemble (core->assembler->pc, &op, op.buf, len, true) > 0) {
strcpy (dst, op.buf_asm);
} else {
strcpy (dst, src);
return true;
parse_clcy _varsub
static bool _varsub(RParse *p, RAnalFunction *f, ut64 addr, int oplen,
char *src, char *dst, int len) {
// Stack register variable st+%#x
r_list_foreach (bpargs, iter, var) {
if (var->delta >= 0) {
sub = r_str_newf ("[st+%#x", var->delta);
} else {
sub = r_str_newf ("[st-%#x", -var->delta);
// replace sub with var->name
See local_* variables. 0 offset is not handled currently
Left as exercise.

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r2con 2017 r2cLEMENCy

  • 1. r2cLEMENCy Build plugins to support the cLEMENCy architecture MaskRay September 9, 2017 r2con 2017
  • 2. whoami • MaskRay (宋方睿 Sòng Fāng-ruì) • Twitter @HaskRay • Software Engineer, San Francisco Bay Area, California, US • Member of Tea Deliverers (CTF team) • DEF CON 21∼25 CTF Finals (21∼23 blue-lotus, 24 b1o0p, 25 Tea-Deliverers) • Sadly my RE skill has not improved much over the years… 1
  • 3. Tea Deliverers • Tea Deliverers = blue-lotus + Nu1L + 110066 + Chaitin Tech • Chinese 2
  • 4. DEF CON 25 CTF Finals Curtain call of 5-year organizer Legitimate Business Syndicate 3
  • 5. cLEMENCy • Architecture developed by Lightning • 1 ‘byte’ (nyte) = 9 bits • 32 27-bit registers + 1 flags register (Zero,Carry,Overflow,Sign+others) • ST=r29 (stack register), RA=r30 (link register), PC=r31, r28 (frame register) • middle-endian • • def-con-ctf-2017-final-scores-and-data.html 4
  • 7. clemency-emu % cLEMENCy/cLEMENCy-emu/clemency-emu-debug -d 0 hello.bin > t # step R00: 0000000 R01: 0000019 R02: 0000002 R03: 0000007 R04: 0000000 R05: 0000000 R06: 0000000 R07: 0000000 R08: 0000000 R09: 0000000 R10: 0000000 R11: 0000000 R12: 0000000 R13: 0000000 R14: 0000000 R15: 0000000 R16: 0000000 R17: 0000000 R18: 0000000 R19: 0000000 R20: 0000000 R21: 0000000 R22: 0000000 R23: 0000000 R24: 0000000 R25: 0000000 R26: 0000000 R27: 0000000 R28: 0000000 ST: 0000000 RA: 0000000 PC: 0000006 FL: 0000000 0000006: 5200780 smp R00, R01, E > db 2 3 # hexdump 0000002: 040 001 000 > u 0 2 # disassemble 0000000: 2b0402000002b8 ldt R01, [R00 + 0x57, 3] 0000006: 5200780 smp R00, R01, E 6
  • 8. Instructions • 2,3,4,6 nytes • AD r0, r1, r2 # ADd • ADCI r0, r1, -4 # ADd Immediate with Carry • M-suffixed instructions: adjacent registers as a pair • DVSM r3, r27, r31 # r3:r4 = (r27<<27 | r28) / (r31<<27 | r0) • LD[SWT] # LoaD 1/2/3 nytes, middle-endian • ST[SWT] # STore 1/2/3 nytes, middle-endian 7
  • 9. Middle-endian Word of 2 nytes: a[1] << 9 | a[0] low 0 1 high Tri-word of 3 nytes: a[1] << 27 | a[2] << 18 | a[0] low 2 0 1 high 8
  • 10. Instruction decoding Instructions consist of 3-nyte groups, with permutation in each group Opcode in high bits 2 nytes low 0 1 high 3 nytes low 2 0 1 high 4 nytes low 3 2 0 1 high 6 nytes low 5 3 4 2 0 1 high 9
  • 11. Memory mappings [0000000,4000000) Main Program Memory [4000000,400001e) Clock IO [4010000,4011000) Flag IO # Capture the Flag! [5000000,5002000) Data Received [5002000,5002003) Data Received Size [5010000,5012000) Data Sent [5012000,5012003) Data Sent Size [5100000,5104000) NFO file [7ffff00,7ffff1c) Interrupt Pointers [7ffff80,8000000) Processor Identification and Features left-closed right-open intervals are convenient 10
  • 12. radare2 plugins • • IO • custom commands • loader • (dis)assembler • instruction semantics and emulation • C-like pseudo disassembler and asm.varsub • More plugin types in core/libs.c:r_core_loadlibs_init • language, filesystem, debugger, debugger breakpoint, egg 11
  • 13. 1 nyte = 9 bits Expand 1 nyte to 16-bit unsigned short 12
  • 14. r_io_plugin_clcy RIOPlugin r_io_plugin_clcy = { .name = "clcy", .desc = "cLEMENCy io", .license = "LGPL3", .check = _check, .close = _close, .extend = _extend, .lseek = _lseek, .open = _open, .read = _read, .write = _write, }; 13
  • 15. io_clcy • .open: file → 9-bit units → 16-bit units (2 bytes) • len = len_bytes*8/9; buf = malloc(len*2); • One address unit has 2 bytes io->addrbytes = 2; // RIO::addrbytes • len argument in read/write still refers to bytes, not 16-bit • Make sure buffers used by read()/write() are aware of RIO::addrbytes • .close: 16-bit → 9-bit → file 14
  • 16. RIO::addrbytes // A buffer of length RCore::blocksize (default: 256) contains // blocksize/addrbytes (256/2=128) address units // Before (every address unit is 1 byte): while (idx < len) { r_anal_op (anal, &op, addr + idx, buf + idx, len - idx); // After (buf access is aware of RIO::addrbytes): while (addrbytes * idx < len) { r_anal_op (anal, &op, addr + idx, buf + addrbytes * idx, len - addrbytes * idx); 15
  • 17. Call path of a user command • r_core_prompt_exec • r_core_cmd • r_core_subst(;,repeat,comment) • r_core_subst_i • r_core_subst_i(@,backquotes,double quotes,grep,pipe,redirection) • r_cmd_call • RCorePlugin::call / builtin commands (RCore.cmds.cmd['p']) 16
  • 18. r_core_plugin_clcy RCorePlugin r_core_plugin_clcy = { .name = "clcy", .desc = "cLEMENCy core", .license = "LGPL3", .call = r_cmd_clcy, }; static int r_cmd_clcy(struct r_core_t *core, const char *input) { if (input[0] == '_') { ... case 'x': hexdump_9byte (core, input, l); break; // "_px" case 'w': hexdump_18word (core, input, l); break; // "_pw" case 't': hexdump_27tri (core, input, l); break; // "_pt" ... return true; } return false; } 17
  • 19. bin_clcy • Create sections according to cLEMENCy memory mappings • .add=true, .name="Main", .paddr=0, .size=sz, • .vsize=0x4000000, .srwx=R_IO_READ|R_IO_EXEC • Simple IO Layer creates two RIOMap • file map [0, size) + null map [size, vsize) 18
  • 20. om [Main_Program_Memory:0x00000000]> om 10 fd: 3 +0x00000000 0x00000000 - 0x00006b67 -r-x fmap.Main_Program_Memory 9 fd: 12 +0x00000000 0x00006b68 - 0x03ffffff -r-x mmap.Main_Program_Memory 8 fd: 11 +0x00000000 0x00000000 - 0x0000001d -rw- mmap.Clock_IO 7 fd: 10 +0x00000000 0x04010000 - 0x04010fff -r-- mmap.Flag_IO 6 fd: 9 +0x00000000 0x05000000 - 0x05001fff -rw- mmap.Data_Received 5 fd: 8 +0x00000000 0x05002000 - 0x05002001 -rw- mmap.Data_Received_Size 4 fd: 7 +0x00000000 0x05010000 - 0x05011fff -rw- mmap.Data_Sent 3 fd: 6 +0x00000000 0x05012000 - 0x05012001 -rw- mmap.Data_Sent_Size #2 fd: 5 +0x00000000 0x05100000 - 0x05103fff -r-x mmap.NFO 1 fd: 4 +0x00000000 0x07ffff00 - 0x07ffff1b -rw- mmap.Interrupt_Pointers Main Program Memory has both file map (fmap.) and null map (mmap.) 19
  • 21. r_bin_plugin_clcy RBinPlugin r_bin_plugin_clcy = { .name = "clcy", .desc = "cLEMENCy bin plugin", .license = "LGPL3", .baddr = _baddr, .check_bytes = _check_bytes, .create = _create, .destroy = _destroy, .info = _info, .load = _load, .minstrlen = 0, .patch_relocs = _patch_relocs, .sections = _sections, }; 20
  • 22. bin_clcy • How to initialize NFO? 21
  • 23. bin_clcy • How to initialize NFO? • .patch_relocs 21
  • 24. bin_clcy • How to initialize NFO? • .patch_relocs • Patch relocations in ELF/bFLT/CGC (Cyber Grand Challenge), especially useful for ET_REL 21
  • 25. bin_clcy • How to initialize NFO? • .patch_relocs • Patch relocations in ELF/bFLT/CGC (Cyber Grand Challenge), especially useful for ET_REL • Abuse it: create and initialize a malloc:// map 21
  • 26. bin_clcy _patch_relocs static RList *_patch_relocs(RBin *b) { ... RIOSection sec = {.name = "NFO", .size = n_buf * 2, .vsize = 0x4000, .flags = R_IO_READ | R_IO_EXEC}; (void)r_io_create_mem_map (b->, &sec, NFO_VADDR, false); (void)r_io_write_at (b->, NFO_VADDR, (const ut8 *)buf, len * 2); ... } 22
  • 27. asm_clcy • IDA Pro processor in the game, processor_t.{ana,out} • disassembler • assembler • by Plaid Parliament of Pwning • X macros 23
  • 28. r_asm_plugin_clcy static RAsmPlugin r_asm_plugin_clcy = { .name = "clcy", .desc = "cLEMENCy asm", .arch = "clcy", .license = "LGPL3", .bits = 64, // in accordance with r_anal_plugin_clcy .disassemble = _disassemble, .assemble = _assemble, }; 24
  • 29. asm_clcy struct inst_t typedef struct { ut64 code, opcode; int id, size; ut32 pc, funct; st32 imm; ut16 cc, reg_count; ut8 adj_rb, arith_signed, is_imm, mem_flags, rA, rB, rC, rw, uf; } inst_t; 25
  • 30. asm_clcy disassembler // Group instructions by forms do { FORMAT( R ) // assume this is an R-form instruction // If funct == 0b0000000 && arith_signed == 0 && is_imm == 0 // This is ad --> break INS_3( ad, 0b0000000, funct, 0, arith_signed, 0, is_imm, 0 ) // Try adc INS_3( adc, 0b0100000, funct, 0, arith_signed, 0, is_imm, 0 ) // Try others ... FORMAT( R_IMM ) // assume this is an R_IMM-form instruction INS_2( adci, 0b0100000, arith_signed, 0, is_imm, 1 ) ... } while (0); #define FORMAT(fmt) ok = decode_##fmt ... #define INS_1(x,opc,f1,v1) if (inst.opcode==opc && inst.f1==v1) ... #define INS_2(x,opc,f1,v1,f2,v2) if (inst.opcode==opc && inst.f1==v1 && inst.f2==v2) ... 26
  • 32. asm_clcy assembler • "wa ldt r1, [r0+0x57, 7]; ad. r0,r1,r1" • Recursive descent parser: parse_{imm,rA,rB,rC,uf,comma,space,…} • Reuse X macros in disassembler Suggest using a recursive descent parser in command parsing 28
  • 33. asm_clcy assemble_BIN_R_IMM #define FIELD(name, offset, count) | ((ut64)inst->name << bit_size-count-offset) #define FORM_BIN_R_IMM FIELD(opcode, 0, 8) FIELD(rA, 8, 5) FIELD(imm, 13, 14) static int assemble_BIN_R_IMM(inst_t *inst, const char **src) { int bit_size = 27; if (parse_space (inst, src)) return 1; // parse error if (parse_rA (inst, src)) return 1; if (parse_comma (inst, src)) return -1; if (parse_imm_st (inst, src, 14)) return 2; inst->imm &= (1 << 14) - 1; if (parse_end (src)) return 2; inst->size = 3; // 3 nytes inst->code = 0 FORM_BIN_R_IMM; // assemble all components return 0; } 29
  • 34. wa 30
  • 35. anal_clcy • IDA Pro processor in the game, processor_t.emu • Differentiate JMP/CALL/MOV/PUSH/RET/SWI/…, whether COND,IND,MEM,REG,… are used • R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_{JMP,COND,RCALL,RJMP,CRET,…} • include/r_anal.h anal/p/anal_gb.c • Stack pointer delta (arguments, local variables), add_stkpnt • ESIL translator 31
  • 36. ESIL • Evaluable Strings Intermedate Language • anal/esil.c • Stack-oriented, Forth, DWARF expressions • mh r0, 0xffdf: 0x3ff,r0,&,10,65503,<<,|,r0,= • Decent support for 32/64 bits, needing work for 8/16 bits • What if 27-bit/54-bit (register pair) + middle-endian? 32
  • 37. anal_clcy ESIL • Just set RAnal::bits to 64 and define custom commands (r_anal_esil_set_op) • binop: another argument for variants (carry/multi reg/imm/ signedness/update flags) + instruction family (add/sub/…) • addcm. r3,r2,r0 : "r0,r2,r3,'.cm+,binop" • '.cm+ • ' no special, arbitrary character borrowed from Lisp • . update flags • c with carry • + add 33
  • 38. clcy_custom_binop r_anal_esil_set_op (esil, "binop", clcy_custom_binop); static int clcy_custom_binop(RAnalEsil *esil) { bool carry = false, uf = false, mf; char *op = r_anal_esil_pop (esil), *op1 = op + 1, *rA = r_anal_esil_pop (esil), *rB = r_anal_esil_pop (esil), *rC = r_anal_esil_pop (esil); ... if (*op1 == '.') uf = true, op1++; // .: update flags if (*op1 == 'c') carry = true, op1++; // c: carry if (*op1 == 'm') ... // m: multi reg switch (*op1) { case '+': a = b + c; if (carry && read_fl (esil) & 2) a++; ... case '-': ... } if (uf) { /* update Carry/Overflow/Sign/Zero flags */ } ... } 34
  • 39. Local variables/arguments detection • Analysis engine detects with patterns like 0x..,st,+ • We have custom load/store commands to emulate LD[STW], ST[STW] • No-op 0x34,st,+,POP to appease analysis engine 35
  • 40. RAnalPlugin static RAnalPlugin r_anal_plugin_clcy = { .name = "clcy", .desc = "cLEMENCy analysis", .license = "LGPL3", .arch = "clcy", .bits = 64, // we use 64-bit integers in esil to emulate 27-bit and 54-bit .esil_init = esil_clcy_init, .esil_fini = esil_clcy_fini, .esil_intr = esil_clcy_intr, .esil = true, .op = &clcy_op, .set_reg_profile = set_reg_profile, }; 36
  • 41. VV 37
  • 42. parse_clcy • Bad name • How to substitue variables for BP/SP offsets: asm.varsub • How to generate C-like pseudo disassembly: pdc 38
  • 43. r_parse_plugin_clcy static int _parse(RParse *p, const char *src, char *dst); static bool _varsub(RParse *p, RAnalFunction *f, ut64 addr, int oplen, char *src, char *dst, int len); RParsePlugin r_parse_plugin_clcy = { .name = "clcy", .desc = "cLEMENCy", .parse = _parse, .varsub = _varsub, }; 39
  • 44. parse_clcy _parse static int _parse(RParse *p, const char *src, char *dst) { RCore *core = p->user; RAsmOp op; int len; // `assemble` could be saved if we had access to metadata of previous // call to `assemble` if ((len = assemble (core->assembler->pc, &op, src)) > 0 && disassemble (core->assembler->pc, &op, op.buf, len, true) > 0) { strcpy (dst, op.buf_asm); } else { strcpy (dst, src); } return true; } 40
  • 46. parse_clcy _varsub static bool _varsub(RParse *p, RAnalFunction *f, ut64 addr, int oplen, char *src, char *dst, int len) { ... // Stack register variable st+%#x r_list_foreach (bpargs, iter, var) { if (var->delta >= 0) { sub = r_str_newf ("[st+%#x", var->delta); } else { sub = r_str_newf ("[st-%#x", -var->delta); } // replace sub with var->name ... } 42
  • 47. asm.varsub See local_* variables. 0 offset is not handled currently 43