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      Lauren Barrett

The aim and purpose of conducting my primary research was to allow
me to understand my target audience better. By understanding my target
   audience more, I know what needs and wants they have, which will
 allow me to alter the design and layout of my magazine accordingly to
  these specifications. By doing so, I can guarantee that the magazine I
will create will be appropriate and suitable to the audience I am aiming
  my product at, and in the real world, would help to ensure a boost in
 sales and revenue. Using audience feedback, I now know what sort of
features people would like to see in my magazine, and what they would
     possibly remove or change to make the product more suitable.

I chose to use a questionnaire and a focus group as part of my primary research
   as it allowed me to gain a mixture of both qualitative and quantitative data.
   Using a questionnaire allowed me to get mostly quantitative data as I used a
   tally method to collect and collate the results. This information will become
  very easy for me to evaluate as the results will be visually presented for me to
 make comparisons. Conducting a questionnaire was also important for me as it
 got me used to randomly asking strangers for information – something which
 any professional would have to be used to. Conducting a focus group was also
 important for me as I got more qualitative results as the method became more
   of a discussion – I noted down any important information or feedback the
group had to give me. Although this particular information cannot be presented
    in graph like the rest of the results, I will display the quotes alongside the
corresponding questions/graphs of which I also got my focus group to answer

 The results of my questionnaire show that the majority of people were female and aged
 between 16 and 18. Although the results show that more women were interested in the
genre and magazine, the number of men was only 10% less, which suggests that even if I
 visually create a product aimed more towards women, the actual content should also be
   relevant to male customers as there is a chance that both men and women would be
 interested in buying the magazine. Half of the people I asked were also students, but at
   the same time, a lot of the students I did ask were also in part-time employment, or
   currently job-seeking. Combined with the results for the age of my population, this
suggests that my target audience will to some extent have a substantial disposable income
              for which they would possibly spend on purchasing magazines.
            Age?                       Gender?                  Employment Status?
       5%                                                            5% 10%

                      16 - 18                                                       Unemployed
20%                   19 - 21              45%        Male     35%                  Student
                      22 - 25    55%                  Female                        Part-Time

              70%     26 - 30                                                 50%   Full-Time

   I needed to know about the hobbies and interests of my target                Hobbies & Interests (choose
audience as this will help me to choose the types of features that will                   two)?
   go in my contents listing. The majority of all people that asked        20
would consider music and going to concerts as one of their hobbies         16                   18
– so this clearly suggests that in my magazine, I primarily need to talk   12
about a lot of concerts and use proper music-enthusiast terminology         8
 and language. Aside from music, sports and photography were two            4
                                                                            2   4   2   2   1         5    2   3    3
  popular hobbies/interests, so this shows me that I maybe need to          0

  include something relevant to these in the contents page, such as
how a particular band likes to keep healthy, and also use them to plan
      and label specific adverts for my flat plan of the magazine.
                                                                          Looking at the results from these two
                       Town of Residence?                           questionnaires, it is clear that the vast majority of
16                                                                  my target audience lives in Harlow, but those who
12      14                                                           don‟t still make the effort to come to Harlow as
 8                                                                  they live in neighboring towns. This information
 4                                                                   is important to me as it suggests where the best
 2                 2          1          1          1          1
 0                                                                   place for my magazine to go on sale is, as many
                                                                       of my target audience live in, or at least shop
                                                                     in, Harlow, this is one of the best places for my
                                                                                   product to go on sale.
It was important for me to find out about my target audience‟s buying habits as it will help me to come to a conclusion about
the price and the release date of my magazine. From the results, I can see that the majority of people bought magazines on a
monthly basis, which indicates to me that my releasing my magazine every month would make it more popular. As the genre is
very specific, I would be limited with the amount of information I had to put in each issue, so releasing it on a weekly basis
would not be as suitable. I also learnt about how popular music magazines are. The majority answered that they bought at least
1-3 music magazines within 6 months which shows me that people out their would genuinely be interested in buying my
magazine. From looking at the results, I also found that it will be important for me to price my magazine lower than £4.99 for
each issue as this was the average maximum amount people spent on magazines a month. With regards to actually buying the
magazine (this also links in with the town of residence), I also wanted to find out where people
                                                                                                    On average, how much do you
 bought their magazines. Overall, most people purchase their magazines from either               5%
                                                                                                        spend on magazines per
supermarkets or newsagents, indicating that people still like to have physical, hard copies that                 month?
 they can keep. Some people indicated that they bought or read their magazines online, so in                                 £4.99 or less
order to meet these requirements, I can advertise inside my magazine for a digital copy               25%
                                                                                                                             £5 - £9.99
that consumers can also read online.                                                                         70%
                                                                                                                             £10 - £14.99

On average, how often do you buy or read                                                             Where do you get your
              magazines?                 How many music magazines have you                            magazines from?
                                            bought in the last 6 months?                                                     Newsagents
     20%                                                    10%
                20%                                                                                    10%
                         Weekly                                                 None                                         Supermarkets
                                                                    20%                                         35%
                                                           15%                   1-3
                         Monthly                                                                                             Service
       55%                                                                                            50%
                                                                   55%           7-9
                         Once every few months                                                                               Buy online
These results were particularly important to me as it gave me an idea as to what my target audience looks
for when they are buying other similar/competitor products. By looking at the feedback provided about
four other magazines, I can take these responses and use them to help create a magazine well suited to my
target audience. For example, the majority of respondents said that they liked the look of Q magazine the
most, closely followed by Paste. I can take these two examples of music magazines and use them as
inspiration for my own magazine, as it is clear that there is something about their overall appearance that
draws the attention of my target audience. This led to the following question where I wanted to find out
what in particular it was about the two front covers which drew in their attention. The results showed that it
was the colour scheme which made the front cover more attractive, so I will use this to ensure that I catch
the attention of my target audience. I will also focus a lot on the images/featured artists as this also proved
to be popular within my target audience.                                What is it that draws your attention to
                                                                                the chosen magazine?
 Which of these magazines do you like                             12
        the look of the most?                                     10
                                        Paste                      4
        40%          35%
                                        Q                              Colour   Title   Font Style   Images   Featured   Other
              15%                                                      scheme                                  artists
These results were important to me as they were about the design of                               What other features would interest you in a new
my magazine. As the last question proved to me that colour scheme                                   indie/indie-rock magazine (choose two)?
was a huge deciding factor for my target audience when it comes to
purchasing a magazine, I needed to know what colour scheme the
audience would prefer for an indie genre magazine. Overall the           12
results showed that they preferred the green colour scheme, but the      10
red colour scheme was also quite popular. I will go on to make my         8
magazine in these green colours, but I may also consider making           6
some of images the red/brown sort of colour in order to match the
green colour scheme. The main feature is also a huge deciding factor      0
for the audience – if a magazine has boring articles they won‟t want          Upcoming     Music charts On tour' with Exclusive     Band/artist   Games and
to read it. The most popular main feature was a gig review, so I will          gigs and                  the band      interviews    profiles      quizzes
incorporate a lot of information about live music within my                    festivals                              and photos

magazine, especially on the front cover. My target audience also                     If you bought my new indie/indie-rock music
agreed that music charts and information about upcoming live events               magazine, what sort of a story would you like to see as
would make interesting articles within my magazine. I will also try to                     the main feature on the front page?
incorporate the other, less-popular choices such as band profiles and     7
interviews at least in the contents page of my magazine.                  6
  Which colour scheme do you                                              5
prefer for a new indie/indie-rock
                          Greens                                          1
         35%                                                              0
                  50%     Blues
                                                                              Artist interviews Album or single   Gig review   New/upcoming Story behind the
                          Reds                                                                      review                      artist or band   album
Freebies, promotions and offers are also great persuasive techniques to use to get to sell a product. In
magazines, the audience is open to a lot of different rewards systems for purchasing the product – free
gifts, discount vouchers, competitions and subscription prizes. In order to make my magazine attractive to
my target audience, it is important for me to get a good combination of prizes and offers. The results of
my questionnaire shows that my target audience would like to see discount codes for concert tickets
promoted on the front cover of my magazine as a way of persuading them to buy the magazine. I also
found that they‟d be more interested in buying a magazine if they had really different and interesting
competitions for them to enter, which also links in with their hobbies/interests which I found out earlier
on in the questionnaire. The three most popular answers were all really creative completions which would
involve and love of drawing and designing. They also liked the idea of offering signed merchandise and
artwork, as well as concert tickets as the main prizes for these competitions.
          What freebies and offers would                      What competitions would
            persuade you to buy a new                                                          What prizes would you like to see on
                                                              you expect to see in a new       offer for the suggested competitions?
           indie/indie-rock magazine?                             indie/indie-rock
10                                                                                         7

                                                                     magazine?             6
                                                                             Design a t-   5
 6                                                                                         4
                                                                      20%    shirt
 4                                                            30%                          3
 2                                                                           Design an     2
                                                                             album cover
 0                                                                                         1
     Free music Sample CD    Concert      Free      Posters          50%     Artist/band   0
     download                 ticket    wristband                            inspired           Signed   Meet+greets   Concert Merchandise Albums +
                            discounts                                        artwork           artwork                  tickets  bundle      CDs
 In order to really attract the attention of my target audience, I will need to feature articles about famous
indie/indie-rock artists that they are genuinely interested in. I did some research prior to my questionnaire
  and made a list of some of the most popular indie/indie-rock artists at the moment. From this list, my
  respondents selected two artists/bands each and the majority of them were selected at least once. The
  results showed that artosts such as Mumford and Sons, Florence and the Machine and The Lumineers
were all as popular as each other, but not the most popular so I am likely to use these artists in the contents
 page, and then The Script and Ed Sheeran were voted the most popular so I am likely to use these names
             on the front page of my magazine to draw in a lot of attention from the audience.
                    Which indie/indie-rock artists/bands do you like (choose two)?






          Arctic   Florence   Oasis   The Script Ed Sheeran    Ellie     Mumford      Of       Scouting    Jake Bugg   Paloma     The         The
         Monkeys   and the                                    Goulding   and Sons   Monsters   For Girls                Faith   Lumineers   Vaccines
                   Machine                                                          and Men
How often would you be interested                    After collating all of the results about preferences to the
in buying a new indie/indie-rock                   design and content of my magazine, I wanted to know how
      magazine like mine?                          much people would be willing to pay for my magazine based
                                                     on the answers they had previously given – I needed the
              5%                                      respondents to try and imagine my magazine with the
                                                     chosen colour scheme, the artists, prizes etc. I needed to
                                    Wouldn't buy
                                                     know this information to allow me to make a reasonable
                        25%         Weekly
                                                    decision about how much I would price my magazine and
      65%                           Monthly                         how often I would release it.
                                                              What price would you expect to
                                                                pay for a new indie/indie-rock
The results of my questionnaire showed me that as their was          magazine like mine?
a lot of prizes and competitions on offer, it would be more
practical for me to publish the magazine monthly, although              10%
some suggested fortnightly, which would perhaps work if I                                     £2 - £2.99
released a special edition of the magazine. The results also                                  £3 - £3.99
showed me that the majority of people would pay £3-£3.99                                      £4 - £4.99

for an issue of the magazine, although I may decide to price it       65%

higher depending on the value of the freebies on offer.

•“Consider the fact that a lot of students are in part-time employment, or at least
searching for employment, so they are likely to have a slightly higher disposable income
than you originally thought.”
•“I‟m always listening to music – more so when I‟m enjoying my other hobbies.”
•“Yes, I like to combine a lot of my hobbies together – I enjoy most of the options
•“If I don‟t buy magazines regularly, then it‟s a case of buying one if I have the money
with me.”
•“I like both Q and Paste magazines – the warm colours are really eye-catching.”
•“I like Q magazine because it‟s the only one I know – the logo/title is very
•“Blue colours would suit folk/country music more.”
•“Red colours remind me of summer, festivals, hippies etc.”
•“The green colours are very fresh and different for a magazine.”

•“I enjoy going to concerts so if I saw a review of a concert I had been to on the front
cover of a magazine, I would buy it.”
•“I enjoy being the first person to hear about a new artist or band who could be really
big in the future.”
•“Some indie artists put a lot of emotion into their music so the inspiration behind
specific songs or albums would be quite interesting to hear about.”
•“Features like interviews, people profiles and games are very repetitive in magazines.”
•“I think all 3 of the „design‟ competition ideas are really unique and would persuade a
lot of people to enter and buy the magazine in the future.”
•“I like the idea of offering exclusive one-off prizes. Combine the signed artwork with
the merchandise prizes and I would definitely enter e.g. Win a signed guitar which has
been used by a band on stage.”
•“Make it clear of the genre of your magazine – possibly change it to indie-pop/indie-
rock as a lot of these suggested artists are more indie-pop.”

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Questionnaire results

  • 2. AIM & PURPOSE The aim and purpose of conducting my primary research was to allow me to understand my target audience better. By understanding my target audience more, I know what needs and wants they have, which will allow me to alter the design and layout of my magazine accordingly to these specifications. By doing so, I can guarantee that the magazine I will create will be appropriate and suitable to the audience I am aiming my product at, and in the real world, would help to ensure a boost in sales and revenue. Using audience feedback, I now know what sort of features people would like to see in my magazine, and what they would possibly remove or change to make the product more suitable.
  • 3. METHOD I chose to use a questionnaire and a focus group as part of my primary research as it allowed me to gain a mixture of both qualitative and quantitative data. Using a questionnaire allowed me to get mostly quantitative data as I used a tally method to collect and collate the results. This information will become very easy for me to evaluate as the results will be visually presented for me to make comparisons. Conducting a questionnaire was also important for me as it got me used to randomly asking strangers for information – something which any professional would have to be used to. Conducting a focus group was also important for me as I got more qualitative results as the method became more of a discussion – I noted down any important information or feedback the group had to give me. Although this particular information cannot be presented in graph like the rest of the results, I will display the quotes alongside the corresponding questions/graphs of which I also got my focus group to answer too.
  • 4. AUDIENCE PROFILING The results of my questionnaire show that the majority of people were female and aged between 16 and 18. Although the results show that more women were interested in the genre and magazine, the number of men was only 10% less, which suggests that even if I visually create a product aimed more towards women, the actual content should also be relevant to male customers as there is a chance that both men and women would be interested in buying the magazine. Half of the people I asked were also students, but at the same time, a lot of the students I did ask were also in part-time employment, or currently job-seeking. Combined with the results for the age of my population, this suggests that my target audience will to some extent have a substantial disposable income for which they would possibly spend on purchasing magazines. Age? Gender? Employment Status? 5% 5% 5% 10% 16 - 18 Unemployed 20% 19 - 21 45% Male 35% Student 22 - 25 55% Female Part-Time 70% 26 - 30 50% Full-Time
  • 5. AUDIENCE PROFILING I needed to know about the hobbies and interests of my target Hobbies & Interests (choose audience as this will help me to choose the types of features that will two)? go in my contents listing. The majority of all people that asked 20 18 would consider music and going to concerts as one of their hobbies 16 18 14 – so this clearly suggests that in my magazine, I primarily need to talk 12 10 about a lot of concerts and use proper music-enthusiast terminology 8 6 and language. Aside from music, sports and photography were two 4 2 4 2 2 1 5 2 3 3 popular hobbies/interests, so this shows me that I maybe need to 0 include something relevant to these in the contents page, such as how a particular band likes to keep healthy, and also use them to plan and label specific adverts for my flat plan of the magazine. Looking at the results from these two Town of Residence? questionnaires, it is clear that the vast majority of 16 my target audience lives in Harlow, but those who 14 12 14 don‟t still make the effort to come to Harlow as 10 8 they live in neighboring towns. This information 6 4 is important to me as it suggests where the best 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 place for my magazine to go on sale is, as many of my target audience live in, or at least shop in, Harlow, this is one of the best places for my product to go on sale.
  • 6. BUYING HABITS It was important for me to find out about my target audience‟s buying habits as it will help me to come to a conclusion about the price and the release date of my magazine. From the results, I can see that the majority of people bought magazines on a monthly basis, which indicates to me that my releasing my magazine every month would make it more popular. As the genre is very specific, I would be limited with the amount of information I had to put in each issue, so releasing it on a weekly basis would not be as suitable. I also learnt about how popular music magazines are. The majority answered that they bought at least 1-3 music magazines within 6 months which shows me that people out their would genuinely be interested in buying my magazine. From looking at the results, I also found that it will be important for me to price my magazine lower than £4.99 for each issue as this was the average maximum amount people spent on magazines a month. With regards to actually buying the magazine (this also links in with the town of residence), I also wanted to find out where people On average, how much do you bought their magazines. Overall, most people purchase their magazines from either 5% spend on magazines per supermarkets or newsagents, indicating that people still like to have physical, hard copies that month? they can keep. Some people indicated that they bought or read their magazines online, so in £4.99 or less order to meet these requirements, I can advertise inside my magazine for a digital copy 25% £5 - £9.99 that consumers can also read online. 70% £10 - £14.99 5% On average, how often do you buy or read Where do you get your magazines? How many music magazines have you magazines from? 5% bought in the last 6 months? Newsagents 20% 10% 20% 10% Weekly None Supermarkets 20% 35% 15% 1-3 Biweekly Subscription 4-6 Monthly Service 55% 50% 55% 7-9 Once every few months Buy online
  • 7. PERSONAL PREFERENCES These results were particularly important to me as it gave me an idea as to what my target audience looks for when they are buying other similar/competitor products. By looking at the feedback provided about four other magazines, I can take these responses and use them to help create a magazine well suited to my target audience. For example, the majority of respondents said that they liked the look of Q magazine the most, closely followed by Paste. I can take these two examples of music magazines and use them as inspiration for my own magazine, as it is clear that there is something about their overall appearance that draws the attention of my target audience. This led to the following question where I wanted to find out what in particular it was about the two front covers which drew in their attention. The results showed that it was the colour scheme which made the front cover more attractive, so I will use this to ensure that I catch the attention of my target audience. I will also focus a lot on the images/featured artists as this also proved to be popular within my target audience. What is it that draws your attention to the chosen magazine? Which of these magazines do you like 12 the look of the most? 10 8 6 Paste 4 40% 35% Indie 2 Clash 0 Q Colour Title Font Style Images Featured Other 10% 15% scheme artists
  • 8. MY MAGAZINE – COLOURS & FEATURES These results were important to me as they were about the design of What other features would interest you in a new my magazine. As the last question proved to me that colour scheme indie/indie-rock magazine (choose two)? was a huge deciding factor for my target audience when it comes to 16 purchasing a magazine, I needed to know what colour scheme the 14 audience would prefer for an indie genre magazine. Overall the 12 results showed that they preferred the green colour scheme, but the 10 red colour scheme was also quite popular. I will go on to make my 8 magazine in these green colours, but I may also consider making 6 4 some of images the red/brown sort of colour in order to match the 2 green colour scheme. The main feature is also a huge deciding factor 0 for the audience – if a magazine has boring articles they won‟t want Upcoming Music charts On tour' with Exclusive Band/artist Games and to read it. The most popular main feature was a gig review, so I will gigs and the band interviews profiles quizzes incorporate a lot of information about live music within my festivals and photos magazine, especially on the front cover. My target audience also If you bought my new indie/indie-rock music agreed that music charts and information about upcoming live events magazine, what sort of a story would you like to see as would make interesting articles within my magazine. I will also try to the main feature on the front page? incorporate the other, less-popular choices such as band profiles and 7 interviews at least in the contents page of my magazine. 6 Which colour scheme do you 5 4 prefer for a new indie/indie-rock 3 magazine? 2 Greens 1 35% 0 50% Blues Artist interviews Album or single Gig review New/upcoming Story behind the Reds review artist or band album 15%
  • 9. MY MAGAZINE – BONUS FEATURES Freebies, promotions and offers are also great persuasive techniques to use to get to sell a product. In magazines, the audience is open to a lot of different rewards systems for purchasing the product – free gifts, discount vouchers, competitions and subscription prizes. In order to make my magazine attractive to my target audience, it is important for me to get a good combination of prizes and offers. The results of my questionnaire shows that my target audience would like to see discount codes for concert tickets promoted on the front cover of my magazine as a way of persuading them to buy the magazine. I also found that they‟d be more interested in buying a magazine if they had really different and interesting competitions for them to enter, which also links in with their hobbies/interests which I found out earlier on in the questionnaire. The three most popular answers were all really creative completions which would involve and love of drawing and designing. They also liked the idea of offering signed merchandise and artwork, as well as concert tickets as the main prizes for these competitions. What freebies and offers would What competitions would persuade you to buy a new What prizes would you like to see on you expect to see in a new offer for the suggested competitions? indie/indie-rock magazine? indie/indie-rock 10 7 8 magazine? 6 Design a t- 5 6 4 20% shirt 4 30% 3 2 Design an 2 album cover 0 1 Free music Sample CD Concert Free Posters 50% Artist/band 0 download ticket wristband inspired Signed Meet+greets Concert Merchandise Albums + discounts artwork artwork tickets bundle CDs
  • 10. MY MAGAZINE – MUSIC PREFERENCES In order to really attract the attention of my target audience, I will need to feature articles about famous indie/indie-rock artists that they are genuinely interested in. I did some research prior to my questionnaire and made a list of some of the most popular indie/indie-rock artists at the moment. From this list, my respondents selected two artists/bands each and the majority of them were selected at least once. The results showed that artosts such as Mumford and Sons, Florence and the Machine and The Lumineers were all as popular as each other, but not the most popular so I am likely to use these artists in the contents page, and then The Script and Ed Sheeran were voted the most popular so I am likely to use these names on the front page of my magazine to draw in a lot of attention from the audience. Which indie/indie-rock artists/bands do you like (choose two)? 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Arctic Florence Oasis The Script Ed Sheeran Ellie Mumford Of Scouting Jake Bugg Paloma The The Monkeys and the Goulding and Sons Monsters For Girls Faith Lumineers Vaccines Machine and Men
  • 11. MY MAGAZINE – PURCHASING & RELEASE How often would you be interested After collating all of the results about preferences to the in buying a new indie/indie-rock design and content of my magazine, I wanted to know how magazine like mine? much people would be willing to pay for my magazine based on the answers they had previously given – I needed the 5% respondents to try and imagine my magazine with the 5% chosen colour scheme, the artists, prizes etc. I needed to Wouldn't buy know this information to allow me to make a reasonable 25% Weekly Fortnightly decision about how much I would price my magazine and 65% Monthly how often I would release it. What price would you expect to pay for a new indie/indie-rock The results of my questionnaire showed me that as their was magazine like mine? a lot of prizes and competitions on offer, it would be more practical for me to publish the magazine monthly, although 10% 25% some suggested fortnightly, which would perhaps work if I £2 - £2.99 released a special edition of the magazine. The results also £3 - £3.99 showed me that the majority of people would pay £3-£3.99 £4 - £4.99 for an issue of the magazine, although I may decide to price it 65% higher depending on the value of the freebies on offer.
  • 12. FOCUS GROUP •“Consider the fact that a lot of students are in part-time employment, or at least searching for employment, so they are likely to have a slightly higher disposable income than you originally thought.” •“I‟m always listening to music – more so when I‟m enjoying my other hobbies.” •“Yes, I like to combine a lot of my hobbies together – I enjoy most of the options available.” •“If I don‟t buy magazines regularly, then it‟s a case of buying one if I have the money with me.” •“I like both Q and Paste magazines – the warm colours are really eye-catching.” •“I like Q magazine because it‟s the only one I know – the logo/title is very recognisable.” •“Blue colours would suit folk/country music more.” •“Red colours remind me of summer, festivals, hippies etc.” •“The green colours are very fresh and different for a magazine.”
  • 13. FOCUS GROUP •“I enjoy going to concerts so if I saw a review of a concert I had been to on the front cover of a magazine, I would buy it.” •“I enjoy being the first person to hear about a new artist or band who could be really big in the future.” •“Some indie artists put a lot of emotion into their music so the inspiration behind specific songs or albums would be quite interesting to hear about.” •“Features like interviews, people profiles and games are very repetitive in magazines.” •“I think all 3 of the „design‟ competition ideas are really unique and would persuade a lot of people to enter and buy the magazine in the future.” •“I like the idea of offering exclusive one-off prizes. Combine the signed artwork with the merchandise prizes and I would definitely enter e.g. Win a signed guitar which has been used by a band on stage.” •“Make it clear of the genre of your magazine – possibly change it to indie-pop/indie- rock as a lot of these suggested artists are more indie-pop.”