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PHT Insights — Third Quarter 2009
                                                   PHT Auditing Quality & Compliance

Objective Evidence that Data Collection Processes
Operate Within Established Policies and Procedures
                                                   This issue includes an article entitled PHT Auditing, written by Rod Thorell who
 Last quarter’s Insights Issue focused             is Director of Quality Management & Compliance at PHT Corporation; an interview
 on data quality, security and privacy             entitled Why Auditing is Critical to Sponsors with Laura Araujo who is a Senior
 matters, describing ‘How PHT Safeguards           Consultant of Quality Management at Halloran Consulting Group; and a brief
 Electronic Patient Reported Outcome               Question/Answer segment with Rod Thorell that reviews the contemporary
 (ePRO) Data Collected from Global                 issues of auditing, and explains what sponsors commonly ask of PHT’s
 Clinical Trials’.                                 auditing processes and procedures.

 Similar to data security, PHT’s product
 suite is compliant with all archival
 requirements of Regulations and
 Guidance in the US, Japan and the
                                                   Trust, but Verify–Russian Proverb
 European Union, as described in this Issue.                                  PHT Auditing by Rod Thorell
                                                                              Director, Quality Management & Compliance
 Core to the founding principles of PHT,                                      PHT Corporation
                                                                              September 2009
 data quality, has been under the mandate
 of the company’s Chief Executive                                                Recently, I was teaching one of my children how to
 responsible for the scientific integrity                                         make a cake from scratch. As we put together all the
 of PHT’s product suite–Steve Raymond,                                           ingredients, he grabbed a large container of what he
 Ph.D., Founder, Chief Scientific and                                             thought was sugar. “Before you put it in,” I told him,
                                                                                 “make sure you know what you have.” It was a simple
 Quality Officer. Our thanks to Steve for
                                                   test to put a few of the little white granules on the tip of a finger then touch them
 his continuing contributions to PHT
                                                   to the tongue. Instantly, it became obvious to him that it was salt, not sugar.
 Insights, his insistence that technology          They look a lot alike, but have very, very different properties. I dare say that
                            serve science,         cake would not have been very palatable with a half cup of salt. Even though he
                            and for his            thought he was doing the right thing and everything appeared to be in order, a
                            lasting gifts          second person checking his process averted a certain disaster.
                            and direction          In any business, there are hundreds of processes that occur every day; some as
                            to the clinical        simple as baking a cake, some very complex involving people inside and outside
                            and scientific          the organization, crossing departmental functions and utilizing software or tools.
                            industry                                                                  The role of auditing is to
                            at large.                                   Contents                      provide objective evidence
                                                     PHT Auditing                              p.1    that all those processes are
 Steve Raymond, Ph.D.                                                                                 running according to the
 PHT Founder, Chief Scientific and Quality Officer     Interview with Rod Thorell                p.3    policies and procedures
 PHT Corporation
                                                     Interview with Laura Araujo               p.4    put in place. Objective
                                                                                                      evidence gained about a
    PHT Insights – Third Quarter 2009
    PHT Auditing and Quality Compliance

                                                                                          participate in a full day of auditor training,
                                                                                          led by a certified lead auditor. At the conclu-
                                                                                          sion of the day, each new auditor is assigned
                                                                                          an area or process to audit alongside an
                                                                                          experienced auditor. When the audit report
                                                                                          is completed, a second audit is planned
                                                                                          with support from the Director of Quality and
                                                                                          Compliance. After this second audit is com-
                                                                                          pleted and reviewed, the training certificate
                                                                                          is issued and they are considered to be an
                                                                                          official internal auditor.
                                                                                          External Audits Confirm ISO9001:2000
                                                                                          Certification The PHT internal audit program
                                                                                          is reviewed during the annual surveillance
                                                                                         audit from the ISO9001:2000 registrar.
                                                                                         This third party inspection peers into our
                                                                                         processes, including the processes we use
                                                                                         to manage our internal audits. Every three
    process allows you to make informed decisions about quality       years, we undergo a more rigorous re-certification audit that
    of the final output. By proactive examination, we can identify     involves multiple auditors at our operation for several days.
    potential weaknesses and address them before they cause           PHT has passed this re-certification audit of our quality systems
    nonconformity (also known as Preventive Action). Proactively      and processes twice, maintaining continual ISO9001:2000 cer-
    strengthening processes are a key part of continual improvement   tification since December, 2002. PHT’s continual certification
    of the PHT Quality Management System.                             is important, because we are required to pass the inspection
    PHT Internal Audits provide PHT                                   of our quality system and demonstrate continual improvement
    managers with information on                  “The role of        from year to year. We must demonstrate with concrete evidence
    the following three aspects of                                    that we have a good system that is always getting even better.
                                                 auditing is to
    their systems:                             provide objective      PHT Audits Every Clinical Trial An audit is performed against
    • Adequacy: Do PHT’s systems,              evidence that all      every clinical trial PHT executes. This allows us to ensure
      as they are designed, have the           those processes        consistency in our practices, including project management,
      potential to succeed?                                           software development and document handling. The final
                                                  are running
                                                                      archive for each trial is audited to ensure our customers will
    • Implementation: Are PHT’s                  according to
                                                                      have all the necessary evidence to allow evaluation of the conduct
      systems being implemented as             the policies and       and data of the trial so that regulatory authorities can easily deem
      designed?                                 procedures put        the trial records to be trustworthy.
    • Effectiveness: Are PHT’s systems             in place.”
                                                                      Corrective and Preventative Action Process While proactively
      achieving their intended results?                               monitoring processes strengthen PHT systems, from time to
    PHT Auditor Training & Certification PHT utilizes people           time non-conformances occur that require corrective action.
    within the quality department as the primary auditing resource.   PHT’s Corrective and Preventive Action process includes follow-
    Additionally, there is a team of trained internal auditors from   up audits that are used to ensure the corrections remain in
    across the organization. The use of trained internal auditors     place and continue to be effective after the completion of the
    from different backgrounds and disciplines ensures fresh          corrective action plan. These corrective action plans and follow-up
    perspectives. Like the processes they are auditing, specific       audits are also readily available for reference before conducting
    SOPs, training and experience are necessary to perform internal   future audits within these process and business areas.
    audits. Volunteers that come from management and staff

PHT Vendor Audits In addition to internal         Interview with Rod Thorell
auditing, PHT audits key suppliers of prod-       Director, PHT Quality Management & Compliance
ucts and services. This gives us evidence
that key suppliers are following applicable
                                                  What is your role at PHT?
regulations, are maintaining effective
                                                  As the Director of Quality Management and Compliance, I have the responsibility,
internal policies and procedures and have
                                                  accountability, and authority to plan, direct, and administer PHT’s quality
adopted appropriate industry best practice
                                                  system. On any given day, that can mean duties as diverse as ensuring we are
for delivery of their products and services.
                                                  prepared for pandemic illness that could immobilize many of our staff, reviewing
Feedback from our audits allows our suppli-
                                                  regulatory compliance of StudyWorks™ software requirements or welcoming one
ers to strengthen their own quality systems,
                                                  of the many customer auditors that visit us each year.
creating stronger partners in business.
                                                  What are the contemporary issues of auditing?
Sponsor Audits of PHT As a supplier
ourselves, PHT is audited many times each         Truthfulness! Coast IRB went from being a growing organization with revenues
year by current and prospective customers         of $9.3m to shutting its doors in under a month, with the US Government
                                                  Accountability Office (GAO) probe and FDA warning letter scaring off existing
and partners. These audits and evalua-
                                                  and potential clients. In a recent undercover operation by the GAO, it has been
tions, which have ranged from one person
                                                  alleged that Coast IRB approved a fictitious protocol for research in humans,
on site for a day to eight people over three
                                                  claiming that the device was FDA-approved. These falsehoods led to calls for
days, are an excellent source of feedback
                                                  institutional review board (IRB) reform and a warning letter for Coast.
to strengthen our Quality Management
System. Observations from these audits are
treated the same way we would any internal           “Auditing is like pulling a thread-even the best garments have a few loose
audit by being entered into a tracking system     threads. A good auditor knows the difference between a random loose thread and
to ensure there is proper closure by the                               one that will unravel the entire sweater.”
responsible functional area. We encourage                    Rod Thorell, Director, PHT Quality Management & Compliance
any of our customers to take the time to visit
our facilities. These audits can be coordinated
through PHT’s local account executive.            What do PHT customers commonly ask of our auditing processes
                                                  and procedures?
PHT strives to maintain a comprehensive           People want to be sure that our audit program is structured and audits are
audit program. The internal audits include        performed by trained personnel that have some independence from the area
a broad range of processes from our core          they are auditing. Audits also need to have follow-up on the findings and
software development practices to Study           should be analyzed for trends that can then be reported to senior management.
Support Center operations, even Senior            There should be a ‘closed-loop’ system to ensure that audit observations are
Management. These business processes              resolved. All of these are part of PHT’s internal audit program.
must conform to all of PHT’s policies,
procedures and ISO9001:2000 standards.            How are FDA submissions affected by clinical data auditing processes
Furthermore, as a manufacturer and service        and procedures?
provider to global clinical trials, PHT has       At its best, auditing is about ensuring that sound processes and procedures
a commitment to ensure our processes              exist and they were properly followed during the execution of an eClinical trial.
conform to regulatory requirements in over        By proactively analyzing ourselves, the products and services we provide have
65 countries where we are engaged in clinical     consistently proven to meet or exceed expectations of the regulatory inspectors
trials. Auditing allows us to ensure we are       who review them.
compliant with an ever-changing global
regulatory landscape and deliver products         Rod is Quality Management Systems professional with over twenty years of
and services that reliably meet customer          experience in the Pharmaceutical industry. He joined the Quality department
requirements.                                     at PHT in March 2007. Prior to joining PHT, Rod worked with several large
                                                  organizations, leading teams in the assessment, development and validation
                                                  of computerized systems for GxP applications.

Why Auditing is Critical to Sponsors
                             By Laura Araujo                                      storage of data over time. The Quality System must identify
                             Sr. Consultant, Quality Management                   critical processes and define them up front. An Audit can
                             Halloran Consulting Group                            help identify if there are issues related to process or require-
                             August, 2009
                                                                                  ments, and enable the company to take corrective action as
                                                                                  soon as possible.
                           As an independent Auditor, Laura                   Have you ever worked with the FDA on recreating a study?
                           Araujo interfaces with a wide range
                                                                              No, but I have hosted many FDA inspections where the focus
                           of biopharmaceutical organizations,
                                                                              has been completely on the audit trails: walking through them,
                           guiding executives through trial
                                                                              explaining them, and ultimately showing control of studies
preparations and FDA inspections. Following are excerpts taken
                                                                              over time. Many people are mistaken in believing that technology
from a recent interview with Laura.
                                                                              companies like PHT provide software or devices as their
How do you explain the auditing                                                                           deliverable. The software and devices
function to your clients?                                                                                 are merely tools to assist in gathering
                                                 “One of the most impressive things from a
The best way to think about audit-                                                                        the data for a trial. The real deliverable for
                                                 sponsor perspective of PHT is the Archive,
ing is an activity of assurance and                                                                       PHT is actually the Archive—including
                                                 which enables every sponsor to completely                all specifications, data, deliverables,
continuous improvement—assuring
you are following your processes,                recreate a trial with data and context, without          and change control over the course
assuring you are collecting the                  any time limit. The Archive doesn’t require any          of the trial. PHT’s responsibilities do
correct deliverables, assuring you               additional funding (such as server support).             not end at successful distribution of
can recreate a study—and then                    The PHT Archive is the best example of                   devices. It ends when the Archive
evaluating results and output to                                                                          is complete.
                                                 complete trial validation and recreation I’ve
continually improve over time.                                                                            Laura joined Halloran Consulting Group
                                                 ever seen in my 25 years of process auditing.”
What is your fundamental recom-                                                                           in 2008, and assists biopharmaceutical
mendation to biopharmaceutical                   Laura Araujo                                             companies with their quality manage-
companies preparing for a clinical               Certified Auditor and Corporate Trainer                   ment system implementation, software
trial?                                                                                                    development, validation and training.
The most important thing a company                                                                        Laura brings over 25 years experience
can do in preparation for running a clinical trial is to have clear           in quality assurance, technology management and software
and well defined processes up front. If you do, even the most                  development with a focus on the biotechnology and pharma-
complex study is simple to audit. If you don’t have your processes            ceutical industries. Prior to Halloran Consulting, Laura was Vice
well defined, including deliverables and responsibilities, even the            President of Quality at Perceptive Informatics, a subsidiary of
simplest Audit will be difficult, and the study may be unable to               PAREXEL International, where she managed quality assurance
be recreated.                                                                 and computer systems validation as well as corporate quality
                                                                              systems including validation, supplier management, internal
Can an audit ‘fix’ data quality?                                               audit program, regulatory, patient confidentiality and training.
No, you cannot “audit in” data quality. The key to data quality               Prior Perceptive, Laura was the Vice President of Quality,
is ensuring that you have sufficiently defined and addressed                    Information Technology, Customer Support and Hosting
all issues up front related to collection, security, integrity, and           Services at Clinsoft.

PHT Corporation                                                                                                    InsightsQ32009

500 Rutherford Avenue                                       
Boston, MA 02129 USA                                                  Copyright © 2009 PHT Corporation

Toll-Free: 877-360-2901

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ePRO: Objective Patient Data Collection

  • 1. PHT Insights — Third Quarter 2009 PHT Auditing Quality & Compliance Objective Evidence that Data Collection Processes Operate Within Established Policies and Procedures This issue includes an article entitled PHT Auditing, written by Rod Thorell who Last quarter’s Insights Issue focused is Director of Quality Management & Compliance at PHT Corporation; an interview on data quality, security and privacy entitled Why Auditing is Critical to Sponsors with Laura Araujo who is a Senior matters, describing ‘How PHT Safeguards Consultant of Quality Management at Halloran Consulting Group; and a brief Electronic Patient Reported Outcome Question/Answer segment with Rod Thorell that reviews the contemporary (ePRO) Data Collected from Global issues of auditing, and explains what sponsors commonly ask of PHT’s Clinical Trials’. auditing processes and procedures. Similar to data security, PHT’s product suite is compliant with all archival requirements of Regulations and Guidance in the US, Japan and the Trust, but Verify–Russian Proverb European Union, as described in this Issue. PHT Auditing by Rod Thorell Director, Quality Management & Compliance Core to the founding principles of PHT, PHT Corporation September 2009 data quality, has been under the mandate of the company’s Chief Executive Recently, I was teaching one of my children how to responsible for the scientific integrity make a cake from scratch. As we put together all the of PHT’s product suite–Steve Raymond, ingredients, he grabbed a large container of what he Ph.D., Founder, Chief Scientific and thought was sugar. “Before you put it in,” I told him, “make sure you know what you have.” It was a simple Quality Officer. Our thanks to Steve for test to put a few of the little white granules on the tip of a finger then touch them his continuing contributions to PHT to the tongue. Instantly, it became obvious to him that it was salt, not sugar. Insights, his insistence that technology They look a lot alike, but have very, very different properties. I dare say that serve science, cake would not have been very palatable with a half cup of salt. Even though he and for his thought he was doing the right thing and everything appeared to be in order, a lasting gifts second person checking his process averted a certain disaster. and direction In any business, there are hundreds of processes that occur every day; some as to the clinical simple as baking a cake, some very complex involving people inside and outside and scientific the organization, crossing departmental functions and utilizing software or tools. industry The role of auditing is to at large. Contents provide objective evidence PHT Auditing p.1 that all those processes are Steve Raymond, Ph.D. running according to the PHT Founder, Chief Scientific and Quality Officer Interview with Rod Thorell p.3 policies and procedures PHT Corporation Interview with Laura Araujo p.4 put in place. Objective evidence gained about a
  • 2. 2 PHT Insights – Third Quarter 2009 PHT Auditing and Quality Compliance participate in a full day of auditor training, led by a certified lead auditor. At the conclu- sion of the day, each new auditor is assigned an area or process to audit alongside an experienced auditor. When the audit report is completed, a second audit is planned with support from the Director of Quality and Compliance. After this second audit is com- pleted and reviewed, the training certificate is issued and they are considered to be an official internal auditor. External Audits Confirm ISO9001:2000 Certification The PHT internal audit program is reviewed during the annual surveillance audit from the ISO9001:2000 registrar. This third party inspection peers into our processes, including the processes we use to manage our internal audits. Every three process allows you to make informed decisions about quality years, we undergo a more rigorous re-certification audit that of the final output. By proactive examination, we can identify involves multiple auditors at our operation for several days. potential weaknesses and address them before they cause PHT has passed this re-certification audit of our quality systems nonconformity (also known as Preventive Action). Proactively and processes twice, maintaining continual ISO9001:2000 cer- strengthening processes are a key part of continual improvement tification since December, 2002. PHT’s continual certification of the PHT Quality Management System. is important, because we are required to pass the inspection PHT Internal Audits provide PHT of our quality system and demonstrate continual improvement managers with information on “The role of from year to year. We must demonstrate with concrete evidence the following three aspects of that we have a good system that is always getting even better. auditing is to their systems: provide objective PHT Audits Every Clinical Trial An audit is performed against • Adequacy: Do PHT’s systems, evidence that all every clinical trial PHT executes. This allows us to ensure as they are designed, have the those processes consistency in our practices, including project management, potential to succeed? software development and document handling. The final are running archive for each trial is audited to ensure our customers will • Implementation: Are PHT’s according to have all the necessary evidence to allow evaluation of the conduct systems being implemented as the policies and and data of the trial so that regulatory authorities can easily deem designed? procedures put the trial records to be trustworthy. • Effectiveness: Are PHT’s systems in place.” Corrective and Preventative Action Process While proactively achieving their intended results? monitoring processes strengthen PHT systems, from time to PHT Auditor Training & Certification PHT utilizes people time non-conformances occur that require corrective action. within the quality department as the primary auditing resource. PHT’s Corrective and Preventive Action process includes follow- Additionally, there is a team of trained internal auditors from up audits that are used to ensure the corrections remain in across the organization. The use of trained internal auditors place and continue to be effective after the completion of the from different backgrounds and disciplines ensures fresh corrective action plan. These corrective action plans and follow-up perspectives. Like the processes they are auditing, specific audits are also readily available for reference before conducting SOPs, training and experience are necessary to perform internal future audits within these process and business areas. audits. Volunteers that come from management and staff
  • 3. 3 PHT Vendor Audits In addition to internal Interview with Rod Thorell auditing, PHT audits key suppliers of prod- Director, PHT Quality Management & Compliance ucts and services. This gives us evidence that key suppliers are following applicable What is your role at PHT? regulations, are maintaining effective As the Director of Quality Management and Compliance, I have the responsibility, internal policies and procedures and have accountability, and authority to plan, direct, and administer PHT’s quality adopted appropriate industry best practice system. On any given day, that can mean duties as diverse as ensuring we are for delivery of their products and services. prepared for pandemic illness that could immobilize many of our staff, reviewing Feedback from our audits allows our suppli- regulatory compliance of StudyWorks™ software requirements or welcoming one ers to strengthen their own quality systems, of the many customer auditors that visit us each year. creating stronger partners in business. What are the contemporary issues of auditing? Sponsor Audits of PHT As a supplier ourselves, PHT is audited many times each Truthfulness! Coast IRB went from being a growing organization with revenues year by current and prospective customers of $9.3m to shutting its doors in under a month, with the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) probe and FDA warning letter scaring off existing and partners. These audits and evalua- and potential clients. In a recent undercover operation by the GAO, it has been tions, which have ranged from one person alleged that Coast IRB approved a fictitious protocol for research in humans, on site for a day to eight people over three claiming that the device was FDA-approved. These falsehoods led to calls for days, are an excellent source of feedback institutional review board (IRB) reform and a warning letter for Coast. to strengthen our Quality Management System. Observations from these audits are treated the same way we would any internal “Auditing is like pulling a thread-even the best garments have a few loose audit by being entered into a tracking system threads. A good auditor knows the difference between a random loose thread and to ensure there is proper closure by the one that will unravel the entire sweater.” responsible functional area. We encourage Rod Thorell, Director, PHT Quality Management & Compliance any of our customers to take the time to visit our facilities. These audits can be coordinated through PHT’s local account executive. What do PHT customers commonly ask of our auditing processes and procedures? PHT strives to maintain a comprehensive People want to be sure that our audit program is structured and audits are audit program. The internal audits include performed by trained personnel that have some independence from the area a broad range of processes from our core they are auditing. Audits also need to have follow-up on the findings and software development practices to Study should be analyzed for trends that can then be reported to senior management. Support Center operations, even Senior There should be a ‘closed-loop’ system to ensure that audit observations are Management. These business processes resolved. All of these are part of PHT’s internal audit program. must conform to all of PHT’s policies, procedures and ISO9001:2000 standards. How are FDA submissions affected by clinical data auditing processes Furthermore, as a manufacturer and service and procedures? provider to global clinical trials, PHT has At its best, auditing is about ensuring that sound processes and procedures a commitment to ensure our processes exist and they were properly followed during the execution of an eClinical trial. conform to regulatory requirements in over By proactively analyzing ourselves, the products and services we provide have 65 countries where we are engaged in clinical consistently proven to meet or exceed expectations of the regulatory inspectors trials. Auditing allows us to ensure we are who review them. compliant with an ever-changing global regulatory landscape and deliver products Rod is Quality Management Systems professional with over twenty years of and services that reliably meet customer experience in the Pharmaceutical industry. He joined the Quality department requirements. at PHT in March 2007. Prior to joining PHT, Rod worked with several large organizations, leading teams in the assessment, development and validation of computerized systems for GxP applications.
  • 4. 4 Why Auditing is Critical to Sponsors By Laura Araujo storage of data over time. The Quality System must identify Sr. Consultant, Quality Management critical processes and define them up front. An Audit can Halloran Consulting Group help identify if there are issues related to process or require- August, 2009 ments, and enable the company to take corrective action as soon as possible. As an independent Auditor, Laura Have you ever worked with the FDA on recreating a study? Araujo interfaces with a wide range No, but I have hosted many FDA inspections where the focus of biopharmaceutical organizations, has been completely on the audit trails: walking through them, guiding executives through trial explaining them, and ultimately showing control of studies preparations and FDA inspections. Following are excerpts taken over time. Many people are mistaken in believing that technology from a recent interview with Laura. companies like PHT provide software or devices as their How do you explain the auditing deliverable. The software and devices function to your clients? are merely tools to assist in gathering “One of the most impressive things from a The best way to think about audit- the data for a trial. The real deliverable for sponsor perspective of PHT is the Archive, ing is an activity of assurance and PHT is actually the Archive—including which enables every sponsor to completely all specifications, data, deliverables, continuous improvement—assuring you are following your processes, recreate a trial with data and context, without and change control over the course assuring you are collecting the any time limit. The Archive doesn’t require any of the trial. PHT’s responsibilities do correct deliverables, assuring you additional funding (such as server support). not end at successful distribution of can recreate a study—and then The PHT Archive is the best example of devices. It ends when the Archive evaluating results and output to is complete. complete trial validation and recreation I’ve continually improve over time. Laura joined Halloran Consulting Group ever seen in my 25 years of process auditing.” What is your fundamental recom- in 2008, and assists biopharmaceutical mendation to biopharmaceutical Laura Araujo companies with their quality manage- companies preparing for a clinical Certified Auditor and Corporate Trainer ment system implementation, software trial? development, validation and training. The most important thing a company Laura brings over 25 years experience can do in preparation for running a clinical trial is to have clear in quality assurance, technology management and software and well defined processes up front. If you do, even the most development with a focus on the biotechnology and pharma- complex study is simple to audit. If you don’t have your processes ceutical industries. Prior to Halloran Consulting, Laura was Vice well defined, including deliverables and responsibilities, even the President of Quality at Perceptive Informatics, a subsidiary of simplest Audit will be difficult, and the study may be unable to PAREXEL International, where she managed quality assurance be recreated. and computer systems validation as well as corporate quality systems including validation, supplier management, internal Can an audit ‘fix’ data quality? audit program, regulatory, patient confidentiality and training. No, you cannot “audit in” data quality. The key to data quality Prior Perceptive, Laura was the Vice President of Quality, is ensuring that you have sufficiently defined and addressed Information Technology, Customer Support and Hosting all issues up front related to collection, security, integrity, and Services at Clinsoft. PHT Corporation InsightsQ32009 500 Rutherford Avenue Boston, MA 02129 USA Copyright © 2009 PHT Corporation Toll-Free: 877-360-2901