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Monthly commentary from
our Agribusiness experts
around the Globe.
March 2015
Regional views	 2
Did you know?	 10
Publications	13
Calendar of events	 15
Prices	16
Global Agribusiness contacts	 24
Regional views
With teams around the Globe, this document sets
out to give a flavour of what our local agribusiness
experts are observing in their territories. Food
safety remains a dominant theme globally: in
Australia we discuss contamination of certain
imports from China and the resultant Hepatitis A
concerns. Timely then, that we are helping the
Chinese and New Zealand Government set up a food
safety centre of excellence (in China) to focus on
industry best practice across the agricultural supply
chain. Elsewhere, we note the ongoing desire in
Nigerian and other oil dependant African economies
to increase food security and diversify away from oil
based wealth – a topic we cover in depth in the
special feature on page 8. Finally, in the US we
discuss the ongoing investment in technology for
factory farming, hydroponics, telematics, sensory
integration, and aquaculture. As a reminder, it’s a
snapshot only: do feel free to contact the local
experts to discuss their views in more depth.
Mark James
2 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
The United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) increased its estimates
for Argentine wheat, corn and soybean
harvests, which are now expected to reach
12.5, 23 and 56 m tons respectively.
The increased estimate follows a
worldwide trend of improved production,
which has been dragging international
prices down. It should nevertheless be
positively received by Argentina, as it will
open up the possibility of more exports,
boosting local currency reserves in a
context of reduced trade.
According to the report, the 2014-2015
campaign will see both corn and soybean
gain a million tons of production due to the
current ‘favourable conditions’, while
wheat will produce half a million tons
more, opening up more space for sales
abroad, especially in the case of soybeans.
Recently, Congress has approved an
economic cooperation deal signed with
China. The framework agreement
establishes a legal basis for increased
economic and investments links between
both countries, in order to promote
‘commercial links and investment by public
and private companies to sustain the
economic growth of both countries’.
The deal has raised strong criticism among
the political opposition since it doesn´t
believe it will lead to Argentina selling
more added-value products. Rather, the
belief is that it may deepen the country’s
trade commoditisation. Exports of grains
and oilseeds are expected to increase
instead of products with more added value.
On the other hand China will build giant
hydroelectric dams in the southern
province of Santa Cruz, in Patagonia.
China is already the second largest
destination of Argentine agro-industrial
products, with a share of 10.8 % (US$4.5
bn) in total agro-industrial exports in 2014.
Agriculture products account for 85 %
of total exports to China, reaching
US$1.021 bn.
Mariano Tomatis
Gustavo Barrichi
Headlines in Australia have been
dominated by recent events involving
suspected contamination of imported
frozen berries from two processing
facilities in China. As of 26 February,
reports have suggested 18 cases of
hepatitis A being contracted from
consuming the frozen berries. The
‘hep A’ scare has caused a range of debate
on food labelling laws, in particular
source and origin labelling, along with
biosecurity controls and government
testing programs on imported goods.
Foreign Investment
In other news the Australian government
has announced a new threshold for
Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB)
approvals for agricultural land (A$15m)
and agribusinesses (A$55m). The new
review thresholds would not apply to
certain countries that already have free
trade agreements, namely the United
States. Commentary has been broadly
positive about the new thresholds and
investors are viewing the new protocols
as simply another process to be
undertaken. It should be noted since it’s
inception, FIRB has not declined a
purchase of any agricultural land by
foreign investors. These new proposals
come along with a review and public
consultation process announced to
consider strengthening foreign
investment protocols including the
potential for charging approval fees and
a new penalty regime for contraventions.
Craig Heraghty
February 2015
The newly appointed Minister of
Agriculture, Livestock and Supply
(MAPA), Katia Abreu has shared her
action plans:
•	to double the size of the rural middle
class over the next four years through
technical training and access to
technology in the field;
•	to increase exports;
•	to improve logistics infrastructure with
the construction of railways and
•	to open up the agricultural frontier in
the North and Northeastern regions,
especially the MAPITOBA (Maranhão,
Piauí, Tocantins and Bahia);
•	to be more responsive to the crisis in the
sugar-energy industry; and
•	and finally to promote a dialogue with
the agrarian social movements.
In respect of budget cuts for the
ministry, Minister Abreu said she had
expected a reduction in the budget and
that the year ahead is likely to be
approached with caution by both
producers and market observers.
On expectations for 2015, the National
Society of Agriculture (SNA) expects
that the contribution of agribusiness in
Brazil’s towards trade balance should
fall around 3%. One reason is the
decrease in average prices of exports.
Another challenge for the year is the
water crisis, which could affect various
cultures, such as sugarcane, orange,
coffee, wheat, and other vegetables
and fruit.
Expectations are that the resources from
both, the Harvest Plan and the National
Program for Strengthening Family
Agriculture (Pronaf), will be
maintained for the season 2015/16.
Rural credit was also helped by a new
regulation which now allows foreign
banks to accept rural properties in
border areas as a financing guarantee.
Elsewhere, other encouraging news is
that agricultural insurance funds of
approximately US$ 100m, that should
have been paid by the government in
2014, should be released in the short
term, according to Minister Abreu.
In terms of other forms of financing,
agribusiness securities on the BMF &
Bovespa grew 20% yoy in 2014 to US$38
bn, of which about 96% represents
Agribusiness Credit Bills (LCAs).
However, the government is studying
rates to tax LCAs (currently tax free).
PwC | Global Agribusiness | 3
Animal protein: 2014 in review
Beef prices are expected to remain high
in 2015, due to the low supply of cattle,
enhanced by drought, entrance into the
Chinese market, possible opening of the
US market for fresh beef and reduction
of herds in competitor countries. Also
expected in 2015 is a rise in the number
of confined animals, due to the
combination of high price of beef and
low grain prices.
Rabobank forecasts a favorable year for
the Brazilian poultry industry in 2015,
with opportunities to consolidate its
presence in largely unexplored markets
such as Mexico, and increase trade with
Russia. The prices of chicken meat are
likely to remain high vs. last year due to
greater balance between supply and
demand. An increase in beef prices may
also contribute to increased
consumption of chicken meat in the
domestic market. However, in the
international market, competition with
the United States could become intensify
due to increased US poultry production.
According to Rabobank, the
concentration of the dairy market in
Brazil is low compared to other Latin
American countries. In the future, the
market is likely to consolidate, creating
opportunities for mergers and
acquisitions. Currently, dairy prices are
declining, given high stock levels and
lower demand (mainly due to the school
holidays), according to the Cepea.
Although exports remain weak,
according to the Ministry of
Development, Industry and Foreign
Trade (MDIC), experts predict a
recovery trend in international sugar
prices in the second half of the year,
mainly due to lower production in
Brazil and Thailand, which should
generate a deficit of 2.8 m tonnes on
the world market.
Ethanol prices have already shown signs
of recovery and may increase further. The
main factors contributing to this increase
are an increase in the Social Integration
Program (PIS) and in the Contribution to
Social Security Financing (COFINS) – two
taxes on petrol and diesel prices. These
will be maintained until May 2015, when
the Intervention Contribution on the
Economic Domain (Cide), which was
zeroed since 2012, will return. The
collection of Cide should occur in a
‘piecemeal’ fashion in order to not spark
inflation, but may be raised to $ 0.28 per
litre. Separately, also on the agenda is the
increase in the percentage of ethanol
blended into gasoline which should
increase from 25% to 27%. The increase
has already been approved but still needs
the approval of Dilma Rousseff.
Grains and other crops
Grain production in Brazil in the 2015/16
season is likely to hit a new high of c. 200
m tons, according to the National Supply
Company (Conab). Soy is the dominant
grain, with expected production of
between 94 and 96 m tons. As for wheat
production, one of the cereals most
impacted by climate, Conab expects a
reduction of around one million tons and
nearly 14% drop in productivity. Prices
are also low given high inventories. As for
coffee, the drought in the Southeast
region of Brazil, especially Sao Paulo and
Minas Gerais, damaged the coffee
plantations. Although the product had
rising prices due to the weather, farmers
are not optimistic about the 2015
harvest, and 2015 results may be similar
to 2014.
Ana Malvestio
African Union report suggests
Ghana’s cocoa sector lost
almost US$1bn a year in illicit
financial flows
Ghana’s cocoa sector is the world’s
second largest producer after Cote
D’Ivoire. An African Union (AU) Panel
report on the industry – the Mbeki High
Level report – has estimated that illicit
financial flows via trade mispricing cost
US$8.1 billion in the decade 2001-2010
in illicit financial flows. It is thought that
Ghana accounts for 26.4% of all illicit
financial flows from the cocoa sector.
Unusually among African nations,
Ghana has an agricultural trade surplus.
In 2011, total agricultural exports
amounted to US$3bn while imports
amounted to US$1.8bn. Cocoa exports
are the principal reason for this
relatively strong position in contrast to
its peers across the continent.
Richard Ferguson
4 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
potentially lead to greater demand for
the unique fibre in the growing US
base-layer clothing and specialty
outdoor clothing market.
The US is likely to become NZ’s leading
wine destination this year, supplanting
the UK in volume and Australia in value.
For the year ended November 2014, NZ
exports were NZ$348m (50.7m litres) to
the US, NZ$360m (51m litres) to
Australia and NZ$332m (53.9m litres) to
the UK. Growth in sales to the US
market is expected to continue, partly
thanks to the falling NZ dollar.
Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc sales in
particular are strong with Californian
marketing brands bringing in bulk wine
and bottling it.
Delegat’s Wine Estate expects its
underlying profit will rise due to
stronger wine sales, but that falls in
asset values will hurt its bottom line,
which it forecast would slump 45% on a
fall in the value of its derivative
instruments. Sales rose by 4% to
1,129,000 cases of wine in the second
half of 2014, and full year expectations
are for continued sales growth and
for operating profit to grow 9% yoy
to NZ$34m.
Livestock Improvement Corporation
(LIC) recorded a 17.7% yoy lift in
revenue in the first half of the 2015
financial year, achieving revenue of
NZ$159m. According to the company,
the result was driven by farmers
continuing to invest in solutions that
improve their productivity. Particularly
high demand was shown for short
gestation genetics, while demand for
India recently entered into agreement
with Sri Lanka for cooperation across
multiple sectors, including agriculture.
Both countries signed a MoU towards
bilateral cooperation in agro processing,
agriculture extension, horticulture,
agricultural machinery, training in farm
mechanisation, livestock diseases etc.
This will be facilitated through relevant
institutes from both the countries.
In addition to this, last month saw the
build up to the union budget for the
Indian Economy. The agriculture and
food processing sector was prior to the
main budget. Expectations centred on
measures to improve export
competitiveness, productivity
enhancement, improvement of rural
household and livelihood, better market
and research facilities and many other
such improvements. The government’s
strong commitment towards
improvement of the agriculture sector
was reflected in the finance minister’s
budget speech. Steps towards the
improvement of soil health, irrigation
schemes (USD 900m), rural
infrastructure development, greater
disbursement of farm credit through
banks (USD 1.4 trillion) highlighted the
various agriculture sector reforms.
Further, the government also took a very
innovative step towards improvement of
the agricultural sector by the
introduction of unified National
Agriculture Market for facilitation of
country wide agriculture market trade,
level of intermediation, price stability
and better realisation for the farmers.
Estimates for the winter (Rabi) crop
stands have been revised to 95.8m tons
of Wheat. This estimate is almost at par
with the last years production levels.
With a good rabi season India is looking
at maintaining a strong food grain
production in the year 2015.
Ajay Kakra
New Zealand
The Global Dairy Trade (GDT) index
continued to recover in February,
increasing by 20% in the two auctions
during the month, driven by whole milk
powder and anhydrous milk fat. The
GDT index is now up 29.0% since the
December 2014 low adding weight to
the view that prices may have bottomed
after falling by around 50% in 2014.
Dry conditions on the east coast of the
South Island have been declared a
‘medium-scale adverse event’, triggering
Government support for farmers in parts
of Otago, Canterbury and Marlborough.
While most farmers have managed by
destocking and using feed supplies,
Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy
expects that conditions will get tougher
as the seasons change.
PGG Wrightson Wool announced a
multimillion-dollar contract to supply
22.5 micron merino wool from New
Zealand growers to point 6, a United
States-based sock manufacturer. The
contract will see PGG Wrightson Wool
source 150 tonnes per year of 22.5
micron wool from New Zealand
growers. PGG Wrightson Wool’s
Business Development Manager,
Craig Smith said the deal could
PwC | Global Agribusiness | 5
DNA parentage testing and information
and automation technology systems
remained strong. In addition, LIC
announced a new strategic partnership
with SCR (Engineers) Ltd that includes a
distribution agreement where SCR,
recently acquired by Allflex Group, will
distribute the co-operative’s Dairy
Automation Limited milking sensors
internationally and LIC will become a
NZ distributor for SCR’s cow
reproduction and health monitoring
system, Heatime. CEO Wayne McNee
said the partnership was part of the
co-operative’s strategy to grow the
business overseas.
Separately, New Zealand apple
production could drop by 6% this year
because of a cool start to spring, despite
the belief that a warm summer has
improved the crop’s quality according to
Pipfruit NZ (a New Zealand pipfruit
industry representative organisation).
Pipfruit NZ expects high export demand
for this year’s crop with about 297,000
tonnes, which will arrive in 70 export
markets within the next few weeks.
Demand, particularly in Asia, has
continued to grow and total plantings
have consequently increased by 2% this
year. While the European market (which
takes about 25% of the export crop),
remains flat for commodity type
varieties (affected by Russian food
import bans), NZ has the advantage of
supplying premium varieties such as
Royal Gala and Braeburn.
Craig Armitage
Kwara state governor outlines
agricultural plans; diversify
from oil, increase food security
Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed of Kwara
state, in a recent session organised by
the Nigerian Labour Congress and the
Trades Union Congress reinforced the
country’s need to increase its own food
security as well as diversify from
oil-based wealth.
This could now be viewed as
conventional wisdom across many
oil-producing nations in Africa. What
marks a departure is the fact that the
governor not only discussed import
substitution but also the possibility of
the nation becoming a net food exporter.
Nigeria’s current agricultural deficit is in
excess of US$5bn. We discussed the oil
price decline and its impact on the
agribusiness sector across Africa in
detail in the January edition of this
The governor recognised that training
and education were crucial to these
ambitions. Kwara State pioneered the
use of overseas farmers to develop the
local skills base notably through Shonga
Farms, which brought displaced
Zimbabwean farmers to Kwara State to
develop dairy and poultry assets.
Dr. Akinwumi Adesina,
confirmed as presidential
candidate for African
Development Bank
Dr. Adeshina, Nigeria’s Honourable
Minister of Agriculture has been
confirmed as one of seven shortlisted
candidates for the presidency of the
African Development Bank. Dr. Adesina,
previously a Purdue-educated
agricultural economist with the
Rockefeller Foundation, became
Minister of Agriculture in 20101 His
most notable reform was the
implementation of the country’s
Agricultural Transformation Agenda
(ATA) in 2011.
The aim of the ATA is to ‘achieve a
hunger-free Nigeria through an
agricultural sector that drives income
growth, accelerates achievement of food
and nutritional security, generates
employment and transforms Nigeria into
a leading player in global food markets
to grow wealth for millions of farmers’.
Specifically, between 2012 and 2015,
the plan intends to:
•	Increase production of cassava by
17mnt, rice by 2mnt and sorghum by
1mn tonnes.
•	Create 3.5mn jobs within the five value
chains of rice, cassava, sorghum, cocoa
and cotton.
•	Increase farmers’ incomes by US$2bn.
The vision for Nigeria’s sector was
captured by its view on what it would no
longer do. First among these was the
termination of viewing agriculture as a
development project. This has become a
hallmark of much development across
Africa and ought to be seen in a positive
manner. The second was to ensure that
isolated projects would have no place
unless they were part of an overall
strategic focus with clear and
identifiable aims. Finally, it was deemed
essential to prevent the public sector
crowding out the private sector. In other
words, private-sector development and a
market-led approach were crucial to the
success of the ATA.
A key plank of the ATA is to ensure
farmers can access better agricultural
inputs, notably seeds and fertilisers. The
decades-long system of government-
mandated procurement and distribution
of fertilisers became wholly corrupted to
the detriment of both private-sector
providers and local farmers. In the
inauguration of the Earth Institute at
Columbia University in September 2013,
Dr. Adesina, noted how only some 11%
of farmers managed to receive
government-distributed fertilisers.
The initial measures to combat this
fraudulence have been successful. The
launch of the Growth Enhancement
Scheme (GES) provided subsidised
inputs to farmers. The scheme’s success
has largely been helped by another
development, which has transformed
African business landscapes in the last
decade – the expansion, extension and
entrenchment of mobile phone networks
across the continent. Thus, to ensure
that the GES succeeded, it was
supported by another – wholly original
– initiative, the Electronic Wallet
System. This allows farmers to receive
subsidised vouchers for seeds and
fertilisers on their mobile phones.
In 2012 some 1.5mn smallholder
farmers received their vouchers via their
mobile phones. By September 2013, this
figure had increased to some 3.5mn
smallholders. Overall, some 20m people
most likely felt the social impact of this
innovation. The GES system has now
been extended to fisheries, livestock and
mechanisation services.
Richard Ferguson
6 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
South Africa
Proposed land ownership bill
In his State of the Nation Address on
Thursday 12 February, President Jacob
Zuma made far reaching
announcements, stating that in future,
foreigners would not be able to own
land, but would have to lease it. This ban
is only aimed at agricultural land and is
included in the Land Holdings Bill, a
new proposed law that is expected to be
enacted in 2015. If the bill is passed,
foreign nationals will be allowed a
long-term lease of agricultural land of
between 30 to 50 years. It won’t apply to
land that is already owned by foreigners
at the time the bill is enacted.
The proposed bill, furthermore, sets a
ceiling on land ownership that restricts
the amount of land that any individual,
regardless of nationality, can own to
12,000 hectares. Should an individual
own land in excess of that amount,
government will purchase and
redistribute the land.
As expected, organised agriculture
responded heavily against the proposed
amendments, stating that it will
negatively impact on investments and
development in the sector. There is still
a great deal of uncertainty on whether
the bill will be passed or not.
Budget 2015
Meanwhile, the 2015 Budget was tabled
in Parliament on 25 February 2015. It
was encouraging to note that agriculture
was identified as one of government’s
‘strategic priorities’ in a bid to speed up
economic growth and employment
creation. However, the budget was vague
on what is meant by its support of
agriculture. It was indicated that there
will be a focus on the revitalisation of the
Land Bank, definitely a good step
forward for the agricultural economy.
However, the impact of other aspects
announced in the budget speech, such as
the review (and possible drop) in the
diesel rebate, the increase in fuel levy
and the increase in electricity prices will
have a bigger negative effect on
Frans Weilbach
Bans on U.S. Poultry Imports
Multiple countries have temporarily
banned U.S. poultry imports due to an
outbreak of bird flu on non-commercial
U.S. farms. China was the most recent
country to ban U.S. poultry, poultry
products, and eggs on January 8, 2015.
A strain of the H5N8 influenza was
found in Oregon, California and
Washington. The American Farm
Bureau and the U.S. Department of
Agriculture have both called out the
decision maintaining exported poultry
is still safe. There are no commercial
birds affected by avian flu outbreaks
anywhere in the U.S. according to
USDA’s Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service.
Ag Technology
US agribusinesses are continuing to
invest in technology for factory farming,
hydroponics, telematics, sensory
integration, and aquaculture.
•	In January 2015, DuPont Pioneer
announced the expansion of Encirca
services to help growers maximise
plant stands and yield potential. The
new service is Yield Stand, which joins
the Encirca Yield Nitrogen
Management Service as a cutting-edge
input management offering for
•	In January 2015, Meridian
information technology company
ArmgaSys acquired agricultural
technology software Envio as well as
the development staff that made the
software. The Envio acquisition
expands ArmgaSys’ agribusiness
technology offerings.
•	In February 2015, Wilbur-Ellis Co.
reached an agreement with Planet
Labs to bring satellite imagery to the
AgVerdict software platform, Wilbur-
Ellis’ technology in agricultural data
usage. This enhancement will
significantly improve the delivery of
satellite imagery to a grower, making
the data available in a matter of
minutes rather than days. This new
feature will benefit Wilbur-Ellis
customers by providing imagery
using ‘ultra-compact’ satellites that
will soon scan the planet every
twenty-four hours.
Tom Johnson
PwC | Global Agribusiness | 7
The power of two
Oil and its impact on African
agriculture – special feature
The collapse in oil prices in recent months
has significant implications for the
agriculture sector across many African
nations. Much of the ‘Africa rising’
narrative can be attributed to a strong
demand for natural resources and the
corresponding capital flows that have
swollen government coffers or flooded into
the consumer expenditure patterns of a
burgeoning middle class.
Thus 2015 might represent a major
inflection point for a number of African oil
and gas-producing nations such as Nigeria,
Ghana, Angola and Mozambique. In short,
are the exceptional growth rates which has
characterised many resource-rich sub-
Saharan economies in the last two decades
durable in an environment where oil prices
are low and may remain low for the
foreseeable future?
‘Dutch Disease’ is a straightforward
economic concept. In a two-sector
economy there is one booming sector –
almost invariably a natural resource – and
a lagging sector. The former shifts the
exchange rate, and pushes up costs and
lowers returns in the latter. Thus a high oil
price makes the lagging sector – usually
manufacturing or agriculture – less
competitive. The effects were first observed
in the Dutch manufacturing sector in the
aftermath of a large discovery of offshore
natural gas in 1959, hence the name.
This became a common theme: in the
1980s the UK, with its huge discoveries of
North Sea oil and gas, delivered an
exchange rate that was disastrous for an
already moribund manufacturing sector.
The relative success of the service-based
economy of London in recent years
suggests a variant of this model as the
‘crowding out’ effect appeared in many
commentators’ eyes detrimental to the rest
of the country. In short, does a London-
centric exchange rate work for the North of
England and the Celtic nations?
This dual-sector model is particularly
relevant to many emerging economies. In
the absence of highly developed
manufacturing sectors, ‘Dutch Disease’
worked against many agricultural sectors.
Consider the impact of the ‘resource curse’
– perhaps a more common refrain than
‘Dutch Disease’ these days – on the
economic growth trajectory of Ghana in
the 1990s and 2000s. Annual growth rates
averaged almost 5% during this period and
this was achieved while the manufacturing
The Ghana example indicates the strength
of agriculture GDP growth in both terms of
output and productivity. However, the
discovery of oil in Ghana in recent years
does the country’s other sectors including
agriculture no favours at all. Likewise
Nigeria: ask any Nigerian over a certain age
how relatively advanced the country’s
agriculture sector was in the 1960s in the
early flushes of independence. However,
the discovery of oil in the Delta region –
along with other political and economic
factors – helped to kill off industries such as
palm oil and rice production. The former
industry is now dominated by Malaysian
and Indonesian groups while Nigeria
imports over 3mn tonnes of rice per
The collapse of oil prices and the
concomitant effect on the exchange rates of
these nations suggests a unique
opportunity for agriculture to redress some
of these imbalances. Africa has a US$35bn
agriculture deficit and Nigeria alone
accounts for some 15% of that deficit.
Exchange-rate devaluations obviously
push up the cost of food to domestic
consumers but, equally, they can also boost
the returns of domestic producers and
create opportunities for exporters. One of
the factors which drove Brazilian and
Argentine agriculture exports was the
1999 and 2001 exchange-rate devaluations
in both countries.
This structural adjustment makes for an
interesting discussion, for sure. However,
what gives this dual-sector model added
impetus is that, among certain oil and
gas-producing nations, it is taking place at
the same time another dual-sector model is
taking effect: the Lewis Dual-Sector
The Lewis Dual-Sector model is named
after its founder Arthur Lewis, a Nobel
Prize winning economist from Trinidad.
The model postulates that as a developing
economy urbanises, the cost of goods
– produced in cities – is held constant while
there is a continuous pool of cheap rural
labour migrating to cities and towns.
Eventually this cost advantage is
terminated when the cheap source of
labour is no longer available. This process
was evident in Japan in the 1960s and
China may have reached what is
commonly referred to as the ‘Lewis
Turning Point’ in recent years.
The key point of this model is that when
this inflection point is reached a labour-
intensive economy must become a
capital-intensive one if growth is to
continue. Equally, it also means that the
rural economy – and, by definition, its
agricultural sector – needs to make the
shift from labour to capital. Again, this is
what happened to the UK and Germany in
the latter half of the 19th century.
8 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
It would be folly to assume that Africa’s
agriculture sector has reached anything
resembling its ‘Lewis Turning Point’. Also
the model glosses over the obvious
imbalances that can occur where a readily
available pool of labour remains ‘available’
but cannot add to productivity or output
and essentially is economically
disengaged from the workings of the
model (i.e. horribly exposed to brutal
economic realities that few of us can
However, we might be witnessing
something unique: the confluence of the
two models where newly competitive
economies with a pressing need to
diversify their economies and find new
sources of income do so with a cheap
source of labour which is on the point of
becoming more capital intensive.
Of course, this is a 20-year, once-in-a-
generation economic shift. Africa
becoming a more central component of the
global agriculture sector is happening and
it might be a surprisingly rapid shift. On the
eves of their respective independences in
1957 and 1960, Ghana and Nigeria were
considered the economic peers of South
Korea and better placed than the latter to
grow. Yet, within a generation South Korea
had become the world’s 14th biggest
For sure, there will be some countries who
understand the underlying shifts taking
place within their economies and can
harness the dynamic benefits of these two
dual-sector models while eliminating the
costs associated with both. Some countries
will emerge as spectacular winners while
others will be left wondering what might
have been. Agriculture as a strategic pillar
of economic growth and development? In
an age of capital and technology? Well, if
you read academic and multilateral
descriptions of South Korea’s economic
prospects from the 1960s, they sound not
unlike North Korea now.
Richard Ferguson
Agribusiness Consultant
PwC | Global Agribusiness | 9
An extensive global network
•	We’re a network of firms in 158
countries with close to 169,000 people
who are committed to delivering
quality in assurance, tax and
advisory services.
A dedicated agribusiness
service centre in Brazil
•	Based for almost 40 years in the
northwest region of São Paulo, PwC
Brazil is well known for its expertise in
serving the agribusiness sector. For this
reason, and believing in the growth of
Agribusiness in Brazil, PwC has
expanded its activities in this industry,
creating a dedicated PwC Agribusiness
Excellence Centre in 2007.
•	Through this centre, Agribusiness
clients in this industry throughout
Brazil are served in the areas of audit,
tax consulting and business consultancy
by a team of professionals trained and
updated on major issues and industry
trends. We have hired dedicated
agribusiness professionals, such as
agronomists, foresters, veterinarians,
agro-economists, environmental
managers and others, to add value and
help in the understanding of the real
needs of our customers.
•	We have also created an Agribusiness
Research and Knowledge Centre, in
order to keep our staff and clients
updated on the main issues and
trends. With a method specially
developed by PwC, analysts study the
technical management of the main
crops in Brazil, perform
environmental, industry and
competitiveness analysis, and also
studies about the main players
operating in each agro-industrial
system analysed. The Agribusiness
Research and Knowledge Centre is
also able to provide market
intelligence services and support our
professionals in evaluating investment
options in the agribusiness industry.
An Agribusiness Service
Centre in Argentina
•	Located in Rosario, at the heart of the
Pampas region, PwC Argentina has
opened an Agribusiness Service Centre
to provide professional services to the
agribusiness community. Argentina is a
major player among food producing
countries and agribusiness is an
important strategic contributor to
the economy.
•	We believe there is extraordinary
growth potential in the long term for
further developing agricultural
activities. The Agribusiness Service
Centre provides value added services to
our clients combining strong technical
skills with an in-depth industry insights:
•	Regional agribusiness clients are better
served by coordinating activities with
the Agribusiness Centre in Ribeirao
Preto, Brazil.
•	A Research and Knowledge Centre has
also been developed to keep our
technical staff and clients updated on
main agricultural issues. Specific
sub-industry reports have already been
developed as well as quarterly
agricultural situation reports.
Dedicated agribusiness
practice in MENA
•	PwC has the only dedicated
agribusiness practice in the MENA
region among major consultancies. We
offer a full range of advisory services
to food companies, investors and
government agencies. We provide
advice on investment and partnership
strategies, technical and financial
feasibility studies, agricultural and
food security policies, corporate
transformation initiatives, and supply
chain optimisation. We cover a range
of crops and animal food production,
and we can help companies with
market expansion, product portfolio
diversification, and positioning along
the value chain.
Extensive Agribusiness team
in India
•	We have a 13 member team based at
New Delhi, Mumbai and Pune. Apart
from working in India, the team
members have experience of working
in Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh,
Tanzania, Ghana and Ethiopia. The
team brings vast experience and
knowledge of the Agricultural
subsectors such as agri-retail, food
processing, agri-marketing, farm
inputs, farm machinery, warehousing
and cold chain infrastructure, agri
banking etc.
•	Over a period of time the team has
been engaged with various private,
public and multilateral agencies,
advising on supply chain
management, project management,
value chain assessment, monitoring
and evaluation, business plan and
growth strategy development,
investor/partner search, policy
planning and implementation support,
technical due diligence, and
transaction advisory.
Extensive food security
•	PwC has helped at least four different
governments formulate comprehensive
food security strategies. These have
looked at the key risks and exposures
those countries face with regards to food
security; changing food supply/demand
dynamics locally and globally; issues by
key food commodity type; assessing
current plans to address current issues;
formulation of new initiatives to solve
key food security risks, both in the short
and long term; overall cross-government
coordination and implementation plans.
A key emphasis of the work was making
sure the plans were practical and
involved close alignment between
government and the private sector.
PwC has:
Did you know?
10 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
Commodities risk
management expertise
Over the last 4 – 5 years the world has
witnessed a period of sustained energy
and commodity price volatility, whether
this be fuel oil, gas or electricity, metals
such as aluminium, steel or copper, or
agricultural products such as cotton,
wheat or sugar. Commodity price risks
are also being quickly transferred
through the value chain, for example a
company buying plastic will be exposed
to the volatile price of oil.
This shift brings major implications for
businesses across many sectors.
Commodity price volatility is increasingly
affecting the profits, cash flows and share
prices of companies that use or consume
energy or raw materials. It is difficult to
think of a business model that isn’t in
some way exposed to commodity price
volatility – it’s just a matter of how much.
We are seeing a continued trend across
corporates, particularly in the consumer
and retail goods sectors, towards the
implementation of commodity trade
capture, valuation and risk management
systems. These systems can be vital in
ensuring sound controls in an area of
Completed a global
agribusiness review for
New Zealand Trade and
•	New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, in
partnership with the Ministry of
Economic Development, the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and the Ministry for
Primary Industries, commissioned PwC
to explore opportunities in key
international markets with a focus on
South America and China. The resulting
agribusiness research provides insight
into New Zealand’s pastoral production
system and related areas of competitive
advantage. The research is part of a
wider programme of work focused on
maximising international opportunities
for companies within the agriculture
industry. The two-part report provides a
comprehensive background analysis
and an executive summary outlining
five areas of opportunity for New
Zealand agribusiness. Segmented by
country, the study looks at production
opportunity and value chain for each of
the seven countries analysed. To learn
more and download copies of the report
high inherent business and reporting risk.
However, they can be complex to
implement, and therefore require careful
selection, project management and
integration into the business processes
and other systems. We have a dedicated
team experienced at doing this.
Efficient tax structure
Increased competitive pressures and
challenging market environment
continue to force local, regional and
global market players to centralise
certain functions. This applies to
centralised trading and can be used to
plan the tax position of agricultural
groups. PwC can help with the
centralised, cross-border trading and risk
management transactions from a tax
perspective, having particular regard to
transfer pricing (TP) and thin-cap (TC).
PwC has unique experience with respect
to advice on corporate tax compliance,
and assistance in planning tax efficient
trading structures, financing and
transactions. In addition we can help
with audits, dispute resolution and
Advance Priced Agreements to minimise
related tax risks.
PwC | Global Agribusiness | 11
Sustainability and climate
change experts
By 2050 the world’s population is
projected have to grow to approximately
9 billion. As competition for agricultural
commodities and inputs intensifies and
our ability to satisfy this demand is
increasingly constrained by economic,
social and environmental factors,
innovative solutions will be required to
ensure that we make better, more
efficient, use of resources and in some
cases find more sustainable alternatives
whilst increasing productivity and
driving economic prosperity. PwC is
working with organisations including
agribusiness, the wider private sector,
governments, NGOs and multilateral
organisations on a range of
sustainability and climate change
related projects. Recent projects include;
climate change risk mapping for soft
agricultural commodity sourcing;
sustainability strategy support for
agribusinesses; evaluating the business
case and socio-economic benefit for
local sourcing of agricultural raw
materials, climate change training for
African agri-businesses, the
development of a methodology and
carbon calculator for understanding
emissions from small holder agriculture
in Africa, and assessments of market
and financial opportunities for climate-
smart agriculture.
Extensive forensic skills and
supply chain experience
We have carried out independent
investigations and advised on
governance improvements in some of
the highest profile reputational crises of
recent years. We believe the benefits of a
robust, independent review of the facts
are considerable. Our specialists help
companies respond decisively – a key
first factor in maintaining trust and
protecting shareholder value. We work
with clients to define and implement
enhanced supply chain risk management
strategies and capabilities. This can
range from conducting supplier risk
assessments and audits, supply chain
and procurement strategy and
organisation redesign, deployment of
automated monitoring technology as
well as crisis management, financial
restructuring and company turnaround,
and administration/liquidation services.
We can:
•	Deliver forensic investigations to
identify what may have gone wrong,
the potential consequences, and
provide support in claims
•	Perform risk profiling and assessment
of the supply chain to quickly identify
and quantify key sources of risk,
dependency and vulnerability.
•	Assess the effectiveness of the control
environment and audit approach and
re-perform audits to provide
assurance as required.
•	Deploy risk monitoring solutions to
ensure compliance with agreed
•	Develop robust supply chain risk
management methodology, tools and
•	Redesign supply chain structure,
strategy and organisation to optimise
balance between cost and resilience.
PwC New Zealand assists in
development of a food-safety
joint venture in China
Higher-protein diets and lingering
distrust of domestic food sources in
China have not only increased New
Zealand’s beef and lamb exports, but
have presented further opportunities for
New Zealand to assist with developing
food safety practices.
AsureQuality and PwC New Zealand
signed a collaboration framework
agreement with China Mengniu Dairy
Company and COFCO Corporation to
investigate the development of a China-
New Zealand agribusiness service and
Food Safety Centre of Excellence in China.
AsureQuality is a commercial company,
wholly owned by the New Zealand
government, providing food safety and
biosecurity services globally to the food
and primary production sectors.
The objectives of the joint venture are to
introduce total management and
operational risk management systems to
the Chinese agriculture industry. These
management systems are based upon
the New Zealand agriculture sector
model and form a framework for the
development of industry best practice
across the agricultural supply chain in
China, with a focus on food safety.
The partnership also has the support of
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
(NZTE) and is the result of extensive
research work commissioned by NZTE
and carried out by PwC in 2012 to
identify international opportunities for
New Zealand’s agribusiness sector. In
addition, agritechnology is a sector of
focus for New Zealand in China, as
outlined in the NZ Inc China Strategy.
For more information, visit
A focus on inclusive businesses
in the agricultural sector
An established Nigerian bank seeking to
catalyse a whole new approach to
smallholder farming and rural banking,
a biscuit manufacturer developing a
commercial approach to cassava
farming in Malawi, and a summer
tomatoes contract farming venture led
by a Bangladeshi agribusiness
conglomerate. Over the past three and a
half years a PwC UK led team has
worked with these and other exciting
companies to help them develop
commercially viable business models
that are inclusive of the poor across
Africa and Asia. Results, findings and
lessons from their work on the UK
Business Innovation Facility pilot have
been documented in seven case studies,
with a final report available here
12 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
Wine Insights – New Zealand
PwC New Zealand produced the NZ
Wine Insights publication as a follow up
from the work undertaken after the
strategic review of New Zealand
winegrowers. The publication comments
on various aspects of New Zealand’s
competitive advantage and provides
insights and observations into the New
Zealand wine industry to inform
members and stakeholders about the
industry’s rapidly changing
Excerpts from the report include:
•	The competitive advantage of
New Zealand wines lies in markets
perceiving New Zealand wine to be of
higher quality and more distinctive in
style than competitors’ wines, which
translates to higher prices for New
Zealand exports.
•	The New Zealand wine industry
remains relatively young in its
development compared to many other
wine producing nations. The industry
has experienced rapid growth and
continues to evolve, with substantial
structural change occurring in various
areas. The industry will continue to
develop and evolve, which will present
both opportunities and challenges.
•	Initiatives aimed at driving efficiency
gains and cost reductions, while not
impacting quality, should be positive
for the industry. Furthermore
consolidation opportunities remain.
To learn more and download copies of
the report please visit:
Securing Food Supply Chains
through Adequate Financing
Report presented at the international
summit of cooperatives.
Over the next decades, five major
trends will re-shape the world and
the food sector: population growth
(9.5bn people on Earth in 2050 living
mainly in Africa and Asia), switch in
economic power to the benefit of
emerging markets, accelerating
urbanisation, climate change and
resource scarcity, and technological
This will put food supply chains under
huge pressure.
Between May and August 2014, we
interviewed a selection of top managers
of food cooperatives all around the
world to get their opinion on the
upcoming challenges for them in such a
context. They told us about ten main
challenges all along the value chain
that we analyse in our report. Ranging
from producing more, differently to
customising products to consumers’
new needs and tackling the price
volatility or waste issues, these
challenges are not specific to
During our discussions, we have
identified six key levers that top
managers of food cooperatives typically
leverage to take up these challenges:
1. Go bigger; 2. Be more global and
3. More integrated; 4. Build stronger
brands, 5. Be more innovative and 6. Be
more inclusive by opening doors to new
type of partnerships.
A 15 pages executive summary can be
downloaded here:
Please contact:
Ludivine Allardon
+33 1 56 57 10 13
Brazilian Agribusiness
In Brazil we have recently published a
series of documents outlining the sector
and its characteristics:
•	Doing Agribusiness in Brazil: an in
depth look at the agribusiness
•	Agribusiness highlights.
•	Agribusiness overview: key numbers
and facts.
PwC involved in major Asia-
Africa Business Forum
The Federation of Indian Chambers of
Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and the
Government of India organised the first
ever Asia-Africa Agri Business Forum
from February 4 – 6, 2014 in New Delhi.
PwC was part of this initiative, as a
knowledge partner. We produced a
paper ‘Unlocking the food belts of Asia
and Africa’ highlighting the potential of
the agricultural sector in both
continents, and the best areas for
Event details
The event was targeted at tapping the
tremendous business opportunities
between Asian and African continents in
the agriculture, agribusiness and
food-processing sectors, and had strong
political support: the Indian President
inaugurated the forum, with agriculture
ministers from many Asian and African
countries attending. Leading international
organisations like African Development
Bank, Asian Development Bank, World
Bank, World food programme,
Department for International
Development (DFID) brought a global
perspective. It provided a unique
business platform for industry leaders,
policy makers, governments and other
important stakeholders to collectively
address the issue of food security and
the opportunities to engage with each
other while looking at the huge potential
for growth, development and business.
PwC | Global Agribusiness | 13
CEOs of agribusinesses are also very
positive towards the possibility of
expansion into the rest of Africa. 70%
indicated that they would pursue such
opportunities. Africa is increasingly
becoming a preferred investment
destination and is said to represent the
last frontier in global food and
agricultural markets with its large
percentage of uncultivated fertile land
and sufficient water resources, according
to a recent report issued by the World
Bank. The report calls on governments to
work side-by-side with agribusinesses,
and to link farmers with consumers in an
increasingly urbanised Africa.
The report is available online:
PwC Netherlands report on
megatrends affecting
We discuss five megatrends that heavily
impact each link of the sector’s value
chain, and explore the drivers of this
change and the long term outlook for
the sector. Demographic change leads
to an aging workforce and fewer
students opting for a career in farming
and food engineering. In addition,
consumers spend less and spend
differently – for example on healthier
foods, or on smaller packages for
singles. Accelerating urbanisation
brings expanding cities and farming in
closer proximity, shifting the sector’s
focus in stakeholder management from
ministers to mayors. Cities also face
Publication: Unlocking the Food
Belts of Asia and Africa
Our paper analyses the major agriculture
sub-sectors of both continents in terms of
production, demand and supply, export
potential and processing capability, in
order to identify various business and
investment opportunities. It also
highlights various headwinds to
development, in areas like market policies,
increasing agriculture input accessibility,
access to finance, infrastructure
enhancement, skill development, etc. with
suggestions on how to overcome these
challenges. It also reviews various
successful case studies across different
countries in Asia and Africa which
highlight that good policies, support from
government and a favourable business
environment can promote agri-business.
We have highlighted that forming
partnerships between Asian and African
countries of Asia and Africa could bring
immense opportunities for development
and value creation and transform agri-
business in both continents. We discuss
various partnership models between
Government and Private sector, to bring
efficiency and improvement in key areas
such as skill development, agriculture
research, investment in agriculture and
agricultural operations.
Click here for a link to the document.
Agribusiness Insights Survey
– South Africa
PwC’s annual Agribusiness survey is with
a group of agribusinesses with operations
mainly focused on delivering agricultural
and related services to primary producers.
The aim of the survey is to provide the
insights of business leaders and the
benchmarking of their financial data to
add value to the agricultural industry.
The sector is confident about its growth
prospects over the next few years amidst
a raft of regulations, wage negotiations,
land reform and the global economic
uncertainty. The main reason for growth
expectations as indicated by CEOs is new
joint ventures and strategic alliances.
This sentiment is also echoed in the
Confidence Index of the Agricultural
Business Chamber (Agbiz) and the
Industrial Development Corporation
(IDC). This index indicated a further
increase in the agribusiness confidence
levels in the fourth quarter of 2013.
logistical issues how to bring food in –
and waste out. Technological advances
increased yields and reduced use of
energy and water, while food processing
extended shelf life, reduced waste and
widened variety of products. Logistics
enable year-round availability of fresh
products. Consumers share recipes on
social media – and concerns on food
safety. Resource scarcity contests the
way we produce, source and consume.
Phosphate for fertilisers, energy for
greenhouses, or cocoa for food
manufacturers abundance is not
obvious. Also, the way we ship, store,
sell and dispose food needs ethinking.
The shift in economic power increases
living standards in high-growth markets,
providing opportunities for agrifood
companies to further expand their
non-European footprint.
Click here for a copy of the report
PwC-Publication: Megatrends
in the German Agrifood
PwC just launched an analysis of five
megatrends – demographic change,
accelerating urbanisation,
technological advances, resource
scarcity and shift in economic power –
with regard to the German Agrifood
industry. The authors concluded that
there are great chances to increase
business outside the European Union as
German food products are famous for
their high quality.
14 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
Calendar of events
18th – General Mills
1st – Monsanto
23rd – The Dow Chemical Company
30th – Bunge Limited
30th – The Mosaic Company
PwC hosts African Agribusiness workshop in Nigeria
PwC hosts African Agribusiness workshop in Nigeria On 21 November, PwC hosted an African Agribusiness workshop in
conjunction with the UK Trade & Investment (UK TI). Held in Lagos, the workshop was well attended by a mixture of
Agribusiness corporates and State Ministers for Finance and Agriculture. We had a lively debate and gave a series of
presentations addressing:
The Global Picture
•	Food security
•	Urbanisation
•	Rise of the SuperFarm
•	Where our clients are focussed
•	Why farms fail
•	Client concerns and how to address them
•	Barriers to investment in Nigeria
The way forward
•	Risk mitigation and investment models
•	The best way to raise capital
Contact Mark James, Richard Ferguson or Shuli Adebolu for further details.
PwC | Global Agribusiness | 15
Source (all graphs): Datastream
One month
Three month
One year
16 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
Corn, cents/bushel
Wheat, cents/bushel
01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015
01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015
PwC | Global Agribusiness | 17
01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015
01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015
Soyabeans, cents/bushel
Cocoa, US$/mT
18 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
Coffee, cents/lb
Raw sugar, cents/lb
01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015
01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015
PwC | Global Agribusiness | 19
Cotton, cents/l
Wool, Aus cents/kg
01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015
01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015
20 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
S&P GSCI Lean Hogs
CME milk
01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015
01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015
PwC | Global Agribusiness | 21
Pork/Corn (rebased)
Milk/Corn (rebased)
01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015
01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015
22 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
PwC | Global Agribusiness | 23
Global coordinator
Mark James
+44 (0) 7803 858721
Richard Ferguson
+44 (0) 7880 827282
Mariano Tomatis
+ 54 11 4850 4757
Gustavo Barrichi
+ 54 341 446 8000
Sebastian Azagra
+54 341 446 8000
Craig Heraghty
+61 282 661 458
Ana Malvestio
+55 16 2133 6624
Jose Rezende
+55 11 3674 2279
Daniela Coco
+55 19 3794 5400
Lori Robidoux
+204 926 2464
Yves Pelle
+ 33 (0) 299 231 705
Germany, Austria and
Reinhard Vocke
+49 (0) 211 3890 195
Sven Massen
+49 (0) 30 88705 876
Ajay Kakra
+91 124 3306029
Sunjay VS
+91 124 3306171
Jimmy Maher
+353 (0) 1 792 6326
Mark Webster
+966 11 211 0400 (Ext. 1555)
Ruud Kok
+31 (0) 887926382
New Zealand
Craig Armitage
+64 3 374 3052
Anca Scurtescu
+40 21 22 53 871
Richard Skinner
+65 9823 3771
South Africa
Frans Weilbach
+27 (21) 815 3204
Olena Volkova
+38 (0) 56 733 5010
Mark James
+44 (0) 20 7212 1869
Stephen Oldfield
+44 (0) 7710 388792
Thomas Sengbusch
+44 (0) 7725 069448
Global Agribusiness contacts
Thomas Johnson
+1 612 596 4846
Commodity treasury
Nick James
+44 (0) 20 7212 6550
Tax structuring
Annie Devoy
+44 (0) 20 7212 5572
Szymon Wlazlowski
+44 (0) 20 7212 1889
Sustainability and climate
Kieron Blakemore
+44 (0) 20 7212 4212
Teresa Fabian
+44 (0) 20 7213 8309
Supply chain and forensic
Fran Marwood
+44 (0) 20 7213 4709
Matt Elkington
+44 (0) 20 7804 1417
Craig Armitage
+64 3374 3052
Private Sector and
International Development
Carolin Scramm
+44 7808 105691
Jack Newnham
+44 7889 521600
Cristina Bortes
+44 7769 941119
24 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
PwC | Global Agribusiness | 25
This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained
in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information
contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, its members, employees and agents do not accept or assume any liability,
responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision
based on it.
© 2015 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. In this document, “PwC” refers to the UK member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm
is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.

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PwC - Global Agribusiness - March 2015

  • 1. Global agribusiness Monthly commentary from our Agribusiness experts around the Globe. March 2015
  • 2.
  • 3. Contents Regional views 2 Did you know? 10 Publications 13 Calendar of events 15 Prices 16 Global Agribusiness contacts 24
  • 4. Regional views Overview With teams around the Globe, this document sets out to give a flavour of what our local agribusiness experts are observing in their territories. Food safety remains a dominant theme globally: in Australia we discuss contamination of certain imports from China and the resultant Hepatitis A concerns. Timely then, that we are helping the Chinese and New Zealand Government set up a food safety centre of excellence (in China) to focus on industry best practice across the agricultural supply chain. Elsewhere, we note the ongoing desire in Nigerian and other oil dependant African economies to increase food security and diversify away from oil based wealth – a topic we cover in depth in the special feature on page 8. Finally, in the US we discuss the ongoing investment in technology for factory farming, hydroponics, telematics, sensory integration, and aquaculture. As a reminder, it’s a snapshot only: do feel free to contact the local experts to discuss their views in more depth. Mark James 2 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
  • 5. Argentina The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) increased its estimates for Argentine wheat, corn and soybean harvests, which are now expected to reach 12.5, 23 and 56 m tons respectively. The increased estimate follows a worldwide trend of improved production, which has been dragging international prices down. It should nevertheless be positively received by Argentina, as it will open up the possibility of more exports, boosting local currency reserves in a context of reduced trade. According to the report, the 2014-2015 campaign will see both corn and soybean gain a million tons of production due to the current ‘favourable conditions’, while wheat will produce half a million tons more, opening up more space for sales abroad, especially in the case of soybeans. Recently, Congress has approved an economic cooperation deal signed with China. The framework agreement establishes a legal basis for increased economic and investments links between both countries, in order to promote ‘commercial links and investment by public and private companies to sustain the economic growth of both countries’. The deal has raised strong criticism among the political opposition since it doesn´t believe it will lead to Argentina selling more added-value products. Rather, the belief is that it may deepen the country’s trade commoditisation. Exports of grains and oilseeds are expected to increase instead of products with more added value. On the other hand China will build giant hydroelectric dams in the southern province of Santa Cruz, in Patagonia. China is already the second largest destination of Argentine agro-industrial products, with a share of 10.8 % (US$4.5 bn) in total agro-industrial exports in 2014. Agriculture products account for 85 % of total exports to China, reaching US$1.021 bn. Mariano Tomatis Gustavo Barrichi Australia Overview Headlines in Australia have been dominated by recent events involving suspected contamination of imported frozen berries from two processing facilities in China. As of 26 February, reports have suggested 18 cases of hepatitis A being contracted from consuming the frozen berries. The ‘hep A’ scare has caused a range of debate on food labelling laws, in particular source and origin labelling, along with biosecurity controls and government testing programs on imported goods. Foreign Investment In other news the Australian government has announced a new threshold for Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) approvals for agricultural land (A$15m) and agribusinesses (A$55m). The new review thresholds would not apply to certain countries that already have free trade agreements, namely the United States. Commentary has been broadly positive about the new thresholds and investors are viewing the new protocols as simply another process to be undertaken. It should be noted since it’s inception, FIRB has not declined a purchase of any agricultural land by foreign investors. These new proposals come along with a review and public consultation process announced to consider strengthening foreign investment protocols including the potential for charging approval fees and a new penalty regime for contraventions. Craig Heraghty Brazil February 2015 The newly appointed Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), Katia Abreu has shared her action plans: • to double the size of the rural middle class over the next four years through technical training and access to technology in the field; • to increase exports; • to improve logistics infrastructure with the construction of railways and waterways; • to open up the agricultural frontier in the North and Northeastern regions, especially the MAPITOBA (Maranhão, Piauí, Tocantins and Bahia); • to be more responsive to the crisis in the sugar-energy industry; and • and finally to promote a dialogue with the agrarian social movements. In respect of budget cuts for the ministry, Minister Abreu said she had expected a reduction in the budget and that the year ahead is likely to be approached with caution by both producers and market observers. On expectations for 2015, the National Society of Agriculture (SNA) expects that the contribution of agribusiness in Brazil’s towards trade balance should fall around 3%. One reason is the decrease in average prices of exports. Another challenge for the year is the water crisis, which could affect various cultures, such as sugarcane, orange, coffee, wheat, and other vegetables and fruit. Inputs Expectations are that the resources from both, the Harvest Plan and the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (Pronaf), will be maintained for the season 2015/16. Rural credit was also helped by a new regulation which now allows foreign banks to accept rural properties in border areas as a financing guarantee. Elsewhere, other encouraging news is that agricultural insurance funds of approximately US$ 100m, that should have been paid by the government in 2014, should be released in the short term, according to Minister Abreu. In terms of other forms of financing, agribusiness securities on the BMF & Bovespa grew 20% yoy in 2014 to US$38 bn, of which about 96% represents Agribusiness Credit Bills (LCAs). However, the government is studying rates to tax LCAs (currently tax free). PwC | Global Agribusiness | 3
  • 6. Animal protein: 2014 in review Beef Beef prices are expected to remain high in 2015, due to the low supply of cattle, enhanced by drought, entrance into the Chinese market, possible opening of the US market for fresh beef and reduction of herds in competitor countries. Also expected in 2015 is a rise in the number of confined animals, due to the combination of high price of beef and low grain prices. Poultry Rabobank forecasts a favorable year for the Brazilian poultry industry in 2015, with opportunities to consolidate its presence in largely unexplored markets such as Mexico, and increase trade with Russia. The prices of chicken meat are likely to remain high vs. last year due to greater balance between supply and demand. An increase in beef prices may also contribute to increased consumption of chicken meat in the domestic market. However, in the international market, competition with the United States could become intensify due to increased US poultry production. Dairy According to Rabobank, the concentration of the dairy market in Brazil is low compared to other Latin American countries. In the future, the market is likely to consolidate, creating opportunities for mergers and acquisitions. Currently, dairy prices are declining, given high stock levels and lower demand (mainly due to the school holidays), according to the Cepea. Sugar Although exports remain weak, according to the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), experts predict a recovery trend in international sugar prices in the second half of the year, mainly due to lower production in Brazil and Thailand, which should generate a deficit of 2.8 m tonnes on the world market. Ethanol Ethanol prices have already shown signs of recovery and may increase further. The main factors contributing to this increase are an increase in the Social Integration Program (PIS) and in the Contribution to Social Security Financing (COFINS) – two taxes on petrol and diesel prices. These will be maintained until May 2015, when the Intervention Contribution on the Economic Domain (Cide), which was zeroed since 2012, will return. The collection of Cide should occur in a ‘piecemeal’ fashion in order to not spark inflation, but may be raised to $ 0.28 per litre. Separately, also on the agenda is the increase in the percentage of ethanol blended into gasoline which should increase from 25% to 27%. The increase has already been approved but still needs the approval of Dilma Rousseff. Grains and other crops Grain production in Brazil in the 2015/16 season is likely to hit a new high of c. 200 m tons, according to the National Supply Company (Conab). Soy is the dominant grain, with expected production of between 94 and 96 m tons. As for wheat production, one of the cereals most impacted by climate, Conab expects a reduction of around one million tons and nearly 14% drop in productivity. Prices are also low given high inventories. As for coffee, the drought in the Southeast region of Brazil, especially Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais, damaged the coffee plantations. Although the product had rising prices due to the weather, farmers are not optimistic about the 2015 harvest, and 2015 results may be similar to 2014. Ana Malvestio Ghana African Union report suggests Ghana’s cocoa sector lost almost US$1bn a year in illicit financial flows Ghana’s cocoa sector is the world’s second largest producer after Cote D’Ivoire. An African Union (AU) Panel report on the industry – the Mbeki High Level report – has estimated that illicit financial flows via trade mispricing cost US$8.1 billion in the decade 2001-2010 in illicit financial flows. It is thought that Ghana accounts for 26.4% of all illicit financial flows from the cocoa sector. Unusually among African nations, Ghana has an agricultural trade surplus. In 2011, total agricultural exports amounted to US$3bn while imports amounted to US$1.8bn. Cocoa exports are the principal reason for this relatively strong position in contrast to its peers across the continent. Richard Ferguson 4 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
  • 7. potentially lead to greater demand for the unique fibre in the growing US base-layer clothing and specialty outdoor clothing market. The US is likely to become NZ’s leading wine destination this year, supplanting the UK in volume and Australia in value. For the year ended November 2014, NZ exports were NZ$348m (50.7m litres) to the US, NZ$360m (51m litres) to Australia and NZ$332m (53.9m litres) to the UK. Growth in sales to the US market is expected to continue, partly thanks to the falling NZ dollar. Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc sales in particular are strong with Californian marketing brands bringing in bulk wine and bottling it. Delegat’s Wine Estate expects its underlying profit will rise due to stronger wine sales, but that falls in asset values will hurt its bottom line, which it forecast would slump 45% on a fall in the value of its derivative instruments. Sales rose by 4% to 1,129,000 cases of wine in the second half of 2014, and full year expectations are for continued sales growth and for operating profit to grow 9% yoy to NZ$34m. Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC) recorded a 17.7% yoy lift in revenue in the first half of the 2015 financial year, achieving revenue of NZ$159m. According to the company, the result was driven by farmers continuing to invest in solutions that improve their productivity. Particularly high demand was shown for short gestation genetics, while demand for India India recently entered into agreement with Sri Lanka for cooperation across multiple sectors, including agriculture. Both countries signed a MoU towards bilateral cooperation in agro processing, agriculture extension, horticulture, agricultural machinery, training in farm mechanisation, livestock diseases etc. This will be facilitated through relevant institutes from both the countries. In addition to this, last month saw the build up to the union budget for the Indian Economy. The agriculture and food processing sector was prior to the main budget. Expectations centred on measures to improve export competitiveness, productivity enhancement, improvement of rural household and livelihood, better market and research facilities and many other such improvements. The government’s strong commitment towards improvement of the agriculture sector was reflected in the finance minister’s budget speech. Steps towards the improvement of soil health, irrigation schemes (USD 900m), rural infrastructure development, greater disbursement of farm credit through banks (USD 1.4 trillion) highlighted the various agriculture sector reforms. Further, the government also took a very innovative step towards improvement of the agricultural sector by the introduction of unified National Agriculture Market for facilitation of country wide agriculture market trade, level of intermediation, price stability and better realisation for the farmers. Estimates for the winter (Rabi) crop stands have been revised to 95.8m tons of Wheat. This estimate is almost at par with the last years production levels. With a good rabi season India is looking at maintaining a strong food grain production in the year 2015. Ajay Kakra New Zealand The Global Dairy Trade (GDT) index continued to recover in February, increasing by 20% in the two auctions during the month, driven by whole milk powder and anhydrous milk fat. The GDT index is now up 29.0% since the December 2014 low adding weight to the view that prices may have bottomed after falling by around 50% in 2014. Dry conditions on the east coast of the South Island have been declared a ‘medium-scale adverse event’, triggering Government support for farmers in parts of Otago, Canterbury and Marlborough. While most farmers have managed by destocking and using feed supplies, Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy expects that conditions will get tougher as the seasons change. PGG Wrightson Wool announced a multimillion-dollar contract to supply 22.5 micron merino wool from New Zealand growers to point 6, a United States-based sock manufacturer. The contract will see PGG Wrightson Wool source 150 tonnes per year of 22.5 micron wool from New Zealand growers. PGG Wrightson Wool’s Business Development Manager, Craig Smith said the deal could PwC | Global Agribusiness | 5
  • 8. DNA parentage testing and information and automation technology systems remained strong. In addition, LIC announced a new strategic partnership with SCR (Engineers) Ltd that includes a distribution agreement where SCR, recently acquired by Allflex Group, will distribute the co-operative’s Dairy Automation Limited milking sensors internationally and LIC will become a NZ distributor for SCR’s cow reproduction and health monitoring system, Heatime. CEO Wayne McNee said the partnership was part of the co-operative’s strategy to grow the business overseas. Separately, New Zealand apple production could drop by 6% this year because of a cool start to spring, despite the belief that a warm summer has improved the crop’s quality according to Pipfruit NZ (a New Zealand pipfruit industry representative organisation). Pipfruit NZ expects high export demand for this year’s crop with about 297,000 tonnes, which will arrive in 70 export markets within the next few weeks. Demand, particularly in Asia, has continued to grow and total plantings have consequently increased by 2% this year. While the European market (which takes about 25% of the export crop), remains flat for commodity type varieties (affected by Russian food import bans), NZ has the advantage of supplying premium varieties such as Royal Gala and Braeburn. Craig Armitage Nigeria Kwara state governor outlines agricultural plans; diversify from oil, increase food security Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed of Kwara state, in a recent session organised by the Nigerian Labour Congress and the Trades Union Congress reinforced the country’s need to increase its own food security as well as diversify from oil-based wealth. This could now be viewed as conventional wisdom across many oil-producing nations in Africa. What marks a departure is the fact that the governor not only discussed import substitution but also the possibility of the nation becoming a net food exporter. Nigeria’s current agricultural deficit is in excess of US$5bn. We discussed the oil price decline and its impact on the agribusiness sector across Africa in detail in the January edition of this document. The governor recognised that training and education were crucial to these ambitions. Kwara State pioneered the use of overseas farmers to develop the local skills base notably through Shonga Farms, which brought displaced Zimbabwean farmers to Kwara State to develop dairy and poultry assets. Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, confirmed as presidential candidate for African Development Bank Dr. Adeshina, Nigeria’s Honourable Minister of Agriculture has been confirmed as one of seven shortlisted candidates for the presidency of the African Development Bank. Dr. Adesina, previously a Purdue-educated agricultural economist with the Rockefeller Foundation, became Minister of Agriculture in 20101 His most notable reform was the implementation of the country’s Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) in 2011. The aim of the ATA is to ‘achieve a hunger-free Nigeria through an agricultural sector that drives income growth, accelerates achievement of food and nutritional security, generates employment and transforms Nigeria into a leading player in global food markets to grow wealth for millions of farmers’. Specifically, between 2012 and 2015, the plan intends to: • Increase production of cassava by 17mnt, rice by 2mnt and sorghum by 1mn tonnes. • Create 3.5mn jobs within the five value chains of rice, cassava, sorghum, cocoa and cotton. • Increase farmers’ incomes by US$2bn. The vision for Nigeria’s sector was captured by its view on what it would no longer do. First among these was the termination of viewing agriculture as a development project. This has become a hallmark of much development across Africa and ought to be seen in a positive manner. The second was to ensure that isolated projects would have no place unless they were part of an overall strategic focus with clear and identifiable aims. Finally, it was deemed essential to prevent the public sector crowding out the private sector. In other words, private-sector development and a market-led approach were crucial to the success of the ATA. A key plank of the ATA is to ensure farmers can access better agricultural inputs, notably seeds and fertilisers. The decades-long system of government- mandated procurement and distribution of fertilisers became wholly corrupted to the detriment of both private-sector providers and local farmers. In the inauguration of the Earth Institute at Columbia University in September 2013, Dr. Adesina, noted how only some 11% of farmers managed to receive government-distributed fertilisers. The initial measures to combat this fraudulence have been successful. The launch of the Growth Enhancement Scheme (GES) provided subsidised inputs to farmers. The scheme’s success has largely been helped by another development, which has transformed African business landscapes in the last decade – the expansion, extension and entrenchment of mobile phone networks across the continent. Thus, to ensure that the GES succeeded, it was supported by another – wholly original – initiative, the Electronic Wallet System. This allows farmers to receive subsidised vouchers for seeds and fertilisers on their mobile phones. In 2012 some 1.5mn smallholder farmers received their vouchers via their mobile phones. By September 2013, this figure had increased to some 3.5mn smallholders. Overall, some 20m people most likely felt the social impact of this innovation. The GES system has now been extended to fisheries, livestock and mechanisation services. Richard Ferguson 6 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
  • 9. South Africa Proposed land ownership bill In his State of the Nation Address on Thursday 12 February, President Jacob Zuma made far reaching announcements, stating that in future, foreigners would not be able to own land, but would have to lease it. This ban is only aimed at agricultural land and is included in the Land Holdings Bill, a new proposed law that is expected to be enacted in 2015. If the bill is passed, foreign nationals will be allowed a long-term lease of agricultural land of between 30 to 50 years. It won’t apply to land that is already owned by foreigners at the time the bill is enacted. The proposed bill, furthermore, sets a ceiling on land ownership that restricts the amount of land that any individual, regardless of nationality, can own to 12,000 hectares. Should an individual own land in excess of that amount, government will purchase and redistribute the land. As expected, organised agriculture responded heavily against the proposed amendments, stating that it will negatively impact on investments and development in the sector. There is still a great deal of uncertainty on whether the bill will be passed or not. Budget 2015 Meanwhile, the 2015 Budget was tabled in Parliament on 25 February 2015. It was encouraging to note that agriculture was identified as one of government’s ‘strategic priorities’ in a bid to speed up economic growth and employment creation. However, the budget was vague on what is meant by its support of agriculture. It was indicated that there will be a focus on the revitalisation of the Land Bank, definitely a good step forward for the agricultural economy. However, the impact of other aspects announced in the budget speech, such as the review (and possible drop) in the diesel rebate, the increase in fuel levy and the increase in electricity prices will have a bigger negative effect on agriculture. Frans Weilbach USA Bans on U.S. Poultry Imports Multiple countries have temporarily banned U.S. poultry imports due to an outbreak of bird flu on non-commercial U.S. farms. China was the most recent country to ban U.S. poultry, poultry products, and eggs on January 8, 2015. A strain of the H5N8 influenza was found in Oregon, California and Washington. The American Farm Bureau and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have both called out the decision maintaining exported poultry is still safe. There are no commercial birds affected by avian flu outbreaks anywhere in the U.S. according to USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Ag Technology US agribusinesses are continuing to invest in technology for factory farming, hydroponics, telematics, sensory integration, and aquaculture. • In January 2015, DuPont Pioneer announced the expansion of Encirca services to help growers maximise plant stands and yield potential. The new service is Yield Stand, which joins the Encirca Yield Nitrogen Management Service as a cutting-edge input management offering for growers. • In January 2015, Meridian information technology company ArmgaSys acquired agricultural technology software Envio as well as the development staff that made the software. The Envio acquisition expands ArmgaSys’ agribusiness technology offerings. • In February 2015, Wilbur-Ellis Co. reached an agreement with Planet Labs to bring satellite imagery to the AgVerdict software platform, Wilbur- Ellis’ technology in agricultural data usage. This enhancement will significantly improve the delivery of satellite imagery to a grower, making the data available in a matter of minutes rather than days. This new feature will benefit Wilbur-Ellis customers by providing imagery using ‘ultra-compact’ satellites that will soon scan the planet every twenty-four hours. Tom Johnson PwC | Global Agribusiness | 7
  • 10. The power of two Oil and its impact on African agriculture – special feature The collapse in oil prices in recent months has significant implications for the agriculture sector across many African nations. Much of the ‘Africa rising’ narrative can be attributed to a strong demand for natural resources and the corresponding capital flows that have swollen government coffers or flooded into the consumer expenditure patterns of a burgeoning middle class. Thus 2015 might represent a major inflection point for a number of African oil and gas-producing nations such as Nigeria, Ghana, Angola and Mozambique. In short, are the exceptional growth rates which has characterised many resource-rich sub- Saharan economies in the last two decades durable in an environment where oil prices are low and may remain low for the foreseeable future? ‘Dutch Disease’ is a straightforward economic concept. In a two-sector economy there is one booming sector – almost invariably a natural resource – and a lagging sector. The former shifts the exchange rate, and pushes up costs and lowers returns in the latter. Thus a high oil price makes the lagging sector – usually manufacturing or agriculture – less competitive. The effects were first observed in the Dutch manufacturing sector in the aftermath of a large discovery of offshore natural gas in 1959, hence the name. This became a common theme: in the 1980s the UK, with its huge discoveries of North Sea oil and gas, delivered an exchange rate that was disastrous for an already moribund manufacturing sector. The relative success of the service-based economy of London in recent years suggests a variant of this model as the ‘crowding out’ effect appeared in many commentators’ eyes detrimental to the rest of the country. In short, does a London- centric exchange rate work for the North of England and the Celtic nations? This dual-sector model is particularly relevant to many emerging economies. In the absence of highly developed manufacturing sectors, ‘Dutch Disease’ worked against many agricultural sectors. Consider the impact of the ‘resource curse’ – perhaps a more common refrain than ‘Dutch Disease’ these days – on the economic growth trajectory of Ghana in the 1990s and 2000s. Annual growth rates averaged almost 5% during this period and this was achieved while the manufacturing componentofGDPdeclinedbyalmost4%pa. The Ghana example indicates the strength of agriculture GDP growth in both terms of output and productivity. However, the discovery of oil in Ghana in recent years does the country’s other sectors including agriculture no favours at all. Likewise Nigeria: ask any Nigerian over a certain age how relatively advanced the country’s agriculture sector was in the 1960s in the early flushes of independence. However, the discovery of oil in the Delta region – along with other political and economic factors – helped to kill off industries such as palm oil and rice production. The former industry is now dominated by Malaysian and Indonesian groups while Nigeria imports over 3mn tonnes of rice per annum. The collapse of oil prices and the concomitant effect on the exchange rates of these nations suggests a unique opportunity for agriculture to redress some of these imbalances. Africa has a US$35bn agriculture deficit and Nigeria alone accounts for some 15% of that deficit. Exchange-rate devaluations obviously push up the cost of food to domestic consumers but, equally, they can also boost the returns of domestic producers and create opportunities for exporters. One of the factors which drove Brazilian and Argentine agriculture exports was the 1999 and 2001 exchange-rate devaluations in both countries. This structural adjustment makes for an interesting discussion, for sure. However, what gives this dual-sector model added impetus is that, among certain oil and gas-producing nations, it is taking place at the same time another dual-sector model is taking effect: the Lewis Dual-Sector model. The Lewis Dual-Sector model is named after its founder Arthur Lewis, a Nobel Prize winning economist from Trinidad. The model postulates that as a developing economy urbanises, the cost of goods – produced in cities – is held constant while there is a continuous pool of cheap rural labour migrating to cities and towns. Eventually this cost advantage is terminated when the cheap source of labour is no longer available. This process was evident in Japan in the 1960s and China may have reached what is commonly referred to as the ‘Lewis Turning Point’ in recent years. The key point of this model is that when this inflection point is reached a labour- intensive economy must become a capital-intensive one if growth is to continue. Equally, it also means that the rural economy – and, by definition, its agricultural sector – needs to make the shift from labour to capital. Again, this is what happened to the UK and Germany in the latter half of the 19th century. 8 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
  • 11. It would be folly to assume that Africa’s agriculture sector has reached anything resembling its ‘Lewis Turning Point’. Also the model glosses over the obvious imbalances that can occur where a readily available pool of labour remains ‘available’ but cannot add to productivity or output and essentially is economically disengaged from the workings of the model (i.e. horribly exposed to brutal economic realities that few of us can imagine). However, we might be witnessing something unique: the confluence of the two models where newly competitive economies with a pressing need to diversify their economies and find new sources of income do so with a cheap source of labour which is on the point of becoming more capital intensive. Of course, this is a 20-year, once-in-a- generation economic shift. Africa becoming a more central component of the global agriculture sector is happening and it might be a surprisingly rapid shift. On the eves of their respective independences in 1957 and 1960, Ghana and Nigeria were considered the economic peers of South Korea and better placed than the latter to grow. Yet, within a generation South Korea had become the world’s 14th biggest economy. For sure, there will be some countries who understand the underlying shifts taking place within their economies and can harness the dynamic benefits of these two dual-sector models while eliminating the costs associated with both. Some countries will emerge as spectacular winners while others will be left wondering what might have been. Agriculture as a strategic pillar of economic growth and development? In an age of capital and technology? Well, if you read academic and multilateral descriptions of South Korea’s economic prospects from the 1960s, they sound not unlike North Korea now. Richard Ferguson Agribusiness Consultant PwC | Global Agribusiness | 9
  • 12. An extensive global network • We’re a network of firms in 158 countries with close to 169,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory services. A dedicated agribusiness service centre in Brazil • Based for almost 40 years in the northwest region of São Paulo, PwC Brazil is well known for its expertise in serving the agribusiness sector. For this reason, and believing in the growth of Agribusiness in Brazil, PwC has expanded its activities in this industry, creating a dedicated PwC Agribusiness Excellence Centre in 2007. • Through this centre, Agribusiness clients in this industry throughout Brazil are served in the areas of audit, tax consulting and business consultancy by a team of professionals trained and updated on major issues and industry trends. We have hired dedicated agribusiness professionals, such as agronomists, foresters, veterinarians, agro-economists, environmental managers and others, to add value and help in the understanding of the real needs of our customers. • We have also created an Agribusiness Research and Knowledge Centre, in order to keep our staff and clients updated on the main issues and trends. With a method specially developed by PwC, analysts study the technical management of the main crops in Brazil, perform environmental, industry and competitiveness analysis, and also studies about the main players operating in each agro-industrial system analysed. The Agribusiness Research and Knowledge Centre is also able to provide market intelligence services and support our professionals in evaluating investment options in the agribusiness industry. An Agribusiness Service Centre in Argentina • Located in Rosario, at the heart of the Pampas region, PwC Argentina has opened an Agribusiness Service Centre to provide professional services to the agribusiness community. Argentina is a major player among food producing countries and agribusiness is an important strategic contributor to the economy. • We believe there is extraordinary growth potential in the long term for further developing agricultural activities. The Agribusiness Service Centre provides value added services to our clients combining strong technical skills with an in-depth industry insights: • Regional agribusiness clients are better served by coordinating activities with the Agribusiness Centre in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. • A Research and Knowledge Centre has also been developed to keep our technical staff and clients updated on main agricultural issues. Specific sub-industry reports have already been developed as well as quarterly agricultural situation reports. Dedicated agribusiness practice in MENA • PwC has the only dedicated agribusiness practice in the MENA region among major consultancies. We offer a full range of advisory services to food companies, investors and government agencies. We provide advice on investment and partnership strategies, technical and financial feasibility studies, agricultural and food security policies, corporate transformation initiatives, and supply chain optimisation. We cover a range of crops and animal food production, and we can help companies with market expansion, product portfolio diversification, and positioning along the value chain. Extensive Agribusiness team in India • We have a 13 member team based at New Delhi, Mumbai and Pune. Apart from working in India, the team members have experience of working in Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Ghana and Ethiopia. The team brings vast experience and knowledge of the Agricultural subsectors such as agri-retail, food processing, agri-marketing, farm inputs, farm machinery, warehousing and cold chain infrastructure, agri banking etc. • Over a period of time the team has been engaged with various private, public and multilateral agencies, advising on supply chain management, project management, value chain assessment, monitoring and evaluation, business plan and growth strategy development, investor/partner search, policy planning and implementation support, technical due diligence, and transaction advisory. Extensive food security expertise • PwC has helped at least four different governments formulate comprehensive food security strategies. These have looked at the key risks and exposures those countries face with regards to food security; changing food supply/demand dynamics locally and globally; issues by key food commodity type; assessing current plans to address current issues; formulation of new initiatives to solve key food security risks, both in the short and long term; overall cross-government coordination and implementation plans. A key emphasis of the work was making sure the plans were practical and involved close alignment between government and the private sector. PwC has: Did you know? 10 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
  • 13. Commodities risk management expertise Over the last 4 – 5 years the world has witnessed a period of sustained energy and commodity price volatility, whether this be fuel oil, gas or electricity, metals such as aluminium, steel or copper, or agricultural products such as cotton, wheat or sugar. Commodity price risks are also being quickly transferred through the value chain, for example a company buying plastic will be exposed to the volatile price of oil. This shift brings major implications for businesses across many sectors. Commodity price volatility is increasingly affecting the profits, cash flows and share prices of companies that use or consume energy or raw materials. It is difficult to think of a business model that isn’t in some way exposed to commodity price volatility – it’s just a matter of how much. We are seeing a continued trend across corporates, particularly in the consumer and retail goods sectors, towards the implementation of commodity trade capture, valuation and risk management systems. These systems can be vital in ensuring sound controls in an area of Completed a global agribusiness review for New Zealand Trade and Enterprise • New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, in partnership with the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry for Primary Industries, commissioned PwC to explore opportunities in key international markets with a focus on South America and China. The resulting agribusiness research provides insight into New Zealand’s pastoral production system and related areas of competitive advantage. The research is part of a wider programme of work focused on maximising international opportunities for companies within the agriculture industry. The two-part report provides a comprehensive background analysis and an executive summary outlining five areas of opportunity for New Zealand agribusiness. Segmented by country, the study looks at production opportunity and value chain for each of the seven countries analysed. To learn more and download copies of the report visit: export/market-research. high inherent business and reporting risk. However, they can be complex to implement, and therefore require careful selection, project management and integration into the business processes and other systems. We have a dedicated team experienced at doing this. Efficient tax structure expertise Increased competitive pressures and challenging market environment continue to force local, regional and global market players to centralise certain functions. This applies to centralised trading and can be used to plan the tax position of agricultural groups. PwC can help with the centralised, cross-border trading and risk management transactions from a tax perspective, having particular regard to transfer pricing (TP) and thin-cap (TC). PwC has unique experience with respect to advice on corporate tax compliance, and assistance in planning tax efficient trading structures, financing and transactions. In addition we can help with audits, dispute resolution and Advance Priced Agreements to minimise related tax risks. PwC | Global Agribusiness | 11
  • 14. Sustainability and climate change experts By 2050 the world’s population is projected have to grow to approximately 9 billion. As competition for agricultural commodities and inputs intensifies and our ability to satisfy this demand is increasingly constrained by economic, social and environmental factors, innovative solutions will be required to ensure that we make better, more efficient, use of resources and in some cases find more sustainable alternatives whilst increasing productivity and driving economic prosperity. PwC is working with organisations including agribusiness, the wider private sector, governments, NGOs and multilateral organisations on a range of sustainability and climate change related projects. Recent projects include; climate change risk mapping for soft agricultural commodity sourcing; sustainability strategy support for agribusinesses; evaluating the business case and socio-economic benefit for local sourcing of agricultural raw materials, climate change training for African agri-businesses, the development of a methodology and carbon calculator for understanding emissions from small holder agriculture in Africa, and assessments of market and financial opportunities for climate- smart agriculture. Extensive forensic skills and supply chain experience We have carried out independent investigations and advised on governance improvements in some of the highest profile reputational crises of recent years. We believe the benefits of a robust, independent review of the facts are considerable. Our specialists help companies respond decisively – a key first factor in maintaining trust and protecting shareholder value. We work with clients to define and implement enhanced supply chain risk management strategies and capabilities. This can range from conducting supplier risk assessments and audits, supply chain and procurement strategy and organisation redesign, deployment of automated monitoring technology as well as crisis management, financial restructuring and company turnaround, and administration/liquidation services. We can: • Deliver forensic investigations to identify what may have gone wrong, the potential consequences, and provide support in claims management. • Perform risk profiling and assessment of the supply chain to quickly identify and quantify key sources of risk, dependency and vulnerability. • Assess the effectiveness of the control environment and audit approach and re-perform audits to provide assurance as required. • Deploy risk monitoring solutions to ensure compliance with agreed standards. • Develop robust supply chain risk management methodology, tools and capability. • Redesign supply chain structure, strategy and organisation to optimise balance between cost and resilience. PwC New Zealand assists in development of a food-safety joint venture in China Higher-protein diets and lingering distrust of domestic food sources in China have not only increased New Zealand’s beef and lamb exports, but have presented further opportunities for New Zealand to assist with developing food safety practices. AsureQuality and PwC New Zealand signed a collaboration framework agreement with China Mengniu Dairy Company and COFCO Corporation to investigate the development of a China- New Zealand agribusiness service and Food Safety Centre of Excellence in China. AsureQuality is a commercial company, wholly owned by the New Zealand government, providing food safety and biosecurity services globally to the food and primary production sectors. The objectives of the joint venture are to introduce total management and operational risk management systems to the Chinese agriculture industry. These management systems are based upon the New Zealand agriculture sector model and form a framework for the development of industry best practice across the agricultural supply chain in China, with a focus on food safety. The partnership also has the support of New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) and is the result of extensive research work commissioned by NZTE and carried out by PwC in 2012 to identify international opportunities for New Zealand’s agribusiness sector. In addition, agritechnology is a sector of focus for New Zealand in China, as outlined in the NZ Inc China Strategy. For more information, visit A focus on inclusive businesses in the agricultural sector An established Nigerian bank seeking to catalyse a whole new approach to smallholder farming and rural banking, a biscuit manufacturer developing a commercial approach to cassava farming in Malawi, and a summer tomatoes contract farming venture led by a Bangladeshi agribusiness conglomerate. Over the past three and a half years a PwC UK led team has worked with these and other exciting companies to help them develop commercially viable business models that are inclusive of the poor across Africa and Asia. Results, findings and lessons from their work on the UK Business Innovation Facility pilot have been documented in seven case studies, with a final report available here 12 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
  • 15. Wine Insights – New Zealand PwC New Zealand produced the NZ Wine Insights publication as a follow up from the work undertaken after the strategic review of New Zealand winegrowers. The publication comments on various aspects of New Zealand’s competitive advantage and provides insights and observations into the New Zealand wine industry to inform members and stakeholders about the industry’s rapidly changing environment. Excerpts from the report include: • The competitive advantage of New Zealand wines lies in markets perceiving New Zealand wine to be of higher quality and more distinctive in style than competitors’ wines, which translates to higher prices for New Zealand exports. • The New Zealand wine industry remains relatively young in its development compared to many other wine producing nations. The industry has experienced rapid growth and continues to evolve, with substantial structural change occurring in various areas. The industry will continue to develop and evolve, which will present both opportunities and challenges. • Initiatives aimed at driving efficiency gains and cost reductions, while not impacting quality, should be positive for the industry. Furthermore consolidation opportunities remain. To learn more and download copies of the report please visit: publications/new-zealand-wine- industry-insights/ Securing Food Supply Chains through Adequate Financing Report presented at the international summit of cooperatives. Over the next decades, five major trends will re-shape the world and the food sector: population growth (9.5bn people on Earth in 2050 living mainly in Africa and Asia), switch in economic power to the benefit of emerging markets, accelerating urbanisation, climate change and resource scarcity, and technological breakthrough. This will put food supply chains under huge pressure. Between May and August 2014, we interviewed a selection of top managers of food cooperatives all around the world to get their opinion on the upcoming challenges for them in such a context. They told us about ten main challenges all along the value chain that we analyse in our report. Ranging from producing more, differently to customising products to consumers’ new needs and tackling the price volatility or waste issues, these challenges are not specific to cooperatives. During our discussions, we have identified six key levers that top managers of food cooperatives typically leverage to take up these challenges: 1. Go bigger; 2. Be more global and 3. More integrated; 4. Build stronger brands, 5. Be more innovative and 6. Be more inclusive by opening doors to new type of partnerships. A 15 pages executive summary can be downloaded here: formulaire_pwc_publication/ formulaire_pwc_publication_1.0.0/ index.php?tmplvarid=57&id=7312 &langview=eng Please contact: Ludivine Allardon +33 1 56 57 10 13 Publications Brazilian Agribusiness Report In Brazil we have recently published a series of documents outlining the sector and its characteristics: • Doing Agribusiness in Brazil: an in depth look at the agribusiness industry. • Agribusiness highlights. • Agribusiness overview: key numbers and facts. PwC involved in major Asia- Africa Business Forum The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and the Government of India organised the first ever Asia-Africa Agri Business Forum from February 4 – 6, 2014 in New Delhi. PwC was part of this initiative, as a knowledge partner. We produced a paper ‘Unlocking the food belts of Asia and Africa’ highlighting the potential of the agricultural sector in both continents, and the best areas for collaboration. Event details The event was targeted at tapping the tremendous business opportunities between Asian and African continents in the agriculture, agribusiness and food-processing sectors, and had strong political support: the Indian President inaugurated the forum, with agriculture ministers from many Asian and African countries attending. Leading international organisations like African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, World Bank, World food programme, Department for International Development (DFID) brought a global perspective. It provided a unique business platform for industry leaders, policy makers, governments and other important stakeholders to collectively address the issue of food security and the opportunities to engage with each other while looking at the huge potential for growth, development and business. PwC | Global Agribusiness | 13
  • 16. CEOs of agribusinesses are also very positive towards the possibility of expansion into the rest of Africa. 70% indicated that they would pursue such opportunities. Africa is increasingly becoming a preferred investment destination and is said to represent the last frontier in global food and agricultural markets with its large percentage of uncultivated fertile land and sufficient water resources, according to a recent report issued by the World Bank. The report calls on governments to work side-by-side with agribusinesses, and to link farmers with consumers in an increasingly urbanised Africa. The report is available online: PwC Netherlands report on megatrends affecting Agribusiness We discuss five megatrends that heavily impact each link of the sector’s value chain, and explore the drivers of this change and the long term outlook for the sector. Demographic change leads to an aging workforce and fewer students opting for a career in farming and food engineering. In addition, consumers spend less and spend differently – for example on healthier foods, or on smaller packages for singles. Accelerating urbanisation brings expanding cities and farming in closer proximity, shifting the sector’s focus in stakeholder management from ministers to mayors. Cities also face Publication: Unlocking the Food Belts of Asia and Africa Our paper analyses the major agriculture sub-sectors of both continents in terms of production, demand and supply, export potential and processing capability, in order to identify various business and investment opportunities. It also highlights various headwinds to development, in areas like market policies, increasing agriculture input accessibility, access to finance, infrastructure enhancement, skill development, etc. with suggestions on how to overcome these challenges. It also reviews various successful case studies across different countries in Asia and Africa which highlight that good policies, support from government and a favourable business environment can promote agri-business. We have highlighted that forming partnerships between Asian and African countries of Asia and Africa could bring immense opportunities for development and value creation and transform agri- business in both continents. We discuss various partnership models between Government and Private sector, to bring efficiency and improvement in key areas such as skill development, agriculture research, investment in agriculture and agricultural operations. Click here for a link to the document. Agribusiness Insights Survey – South Africa PwC’s annual Agribusiness survey is with a group of agribusinesses with operations mainly focused on delivering agricultural and related services to primary producers. The aim of the survey is to provide the insights of business leaders and the benchmarking of their financial data to add value to the agricultural industry. The sector is confident about its growth prospects over the next few years amidst a raft of regulations, wage negotiations, land reform and the global economic uncertainty. The main reason for growth expectations as indicated by CEOs is new joint ventures and strategic alliances. This sentiment is also echoed in the Confidence Index of the Agricultural Business Chamber (Agbiz) and the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC). This index indicated a further increase in the agribusiness confidence levels in the fourth quarter of 2013. logistical issues how to bring food in – and waste out. Technological advances increased yields and reduced use of energy and water, while food processing extended shelf life, reduced waste and widened variety of products. Logistics enable year-round availability of fresh products. Consumers share recipes on social media – and concerns on food safety. Resource scarcity contests the way we produce, source and consume. Phosphate for fertilisers, energy for greenhouses, or cocoa for food manufacturers abundance is not obvious. Also, the way we ship, store, sell and dispose food needs ethinking. The shift in economic power increases living standards in high-growth markets, providing opportunities for agrifood companies to further expand their non-European footprint. Click here for a copy of the report PwC-Publication: Megatrends in the German Agrifood Industry PwC just launched an analysis of five megatrends – demographic change, accelerating urbanisation, technological advances, resource scarcity and shift in economic power – with regard to the German Agrifood industry. The authors concluded that there are great chances to increase business outside the European Union as German food products are famous for their high quality. 14 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
  • 17. Calendar of events March 18th – General Mills April 1st – Monsanto 23rd – The Dow Chemical Company 30th – Bunge Limited 30th – The Mosaic Company PwC hosts African Agribusiness workshop in Nigeria PwC hosts African Agribusiness workshop in Nigeria On 21 November, PwC hosted an African Agribusiness workshop in conjunction with the UK Trade & Investment (UK TI). Held in Lagos, the workshop was well attended by a mixture of Agribusiness corporates and State Ministers for Finance and Agriculture. We had a lively debate and gave a series of presentations addressing: The Global Picture • Food security • Urbanisation • Rise of the SuperFarm • Where our clients are focussed Headwinds • Why farms fail • Client concerns and how to address them • Barriers to investment in Nigeria The way forward • Risk mitigation and investment models • The best way to raise capital Contact Mark James, Richard Ferguson or Shuli Adebolu for further details. PwC | Global Agribusiness | 15
  • 18. Prices Source (all graphs): Datastream One month Three month One year (20%) (10%) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% %change Corn Wheat Soyabeans Cocoa Coffee Sugar Cotton Wool Ammonia Naturalgas BrentCrude Ethanol Gasoline Cattle LeanHogs Milk Copper Gold Iron (50%) (40%) (30%) (20%) (10%) 0% 10% 20% Corn Wheat Soyabeans Cocoa Coffee Sugar Cotton Wool Ammonia Naturalgas BrentCrude Ethanol Gasoline Cattle LeanHogs Milk Copper Gold Iron %change (50%) (40%) (30%) (20%) (10%) 0% 10% %change Corn Wheat Soyabeans Cocoa Coffee Sugar Cotton Wool Ammonia Naturalgas BrentCrude Ethanol Gasoline Cattle LeanHogs Milk Copper Gold Iron 16 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
  • 19. Corn, cents/bushel Wheat, cents/bushel 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015 PwC | Global Agribusiness | 17
  • 20. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015 Soyabeans, cents/bushel Cocoa, US$/mT 18 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
  • 21. Coffee, cents/lb Raw sugar, cents/lb 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015 PwC | Global Agribusiness | 19
  • 22. Cotton, cents/l Wool, Aus cents/kg 0 50 100 150 200 250 01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015 20 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
  • 23. S&P GSCI Lean Hogs CME milk 0 50 100 150 200 250 01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015 0 50 100 150 200 250 01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015 PwC | Global Agribusiness | 21
  • 24. Pork/Corn (rebased) Milk/Corn (rebased) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 01/01/2008 01/01/2009 01/01/2010 01/01/2011 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015 22 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
  • 25. PwC | Global Agribusiness | 23
  • 26. Global coordinator Mark James +44 (0) 7803 858721 Africa Richard Ferguson +44 (0) 7880 827282 Argentina Mariano Tomatis + 54 11 4850 4757 Gustavo Barrichi + 54 341 446 8000 Sebastian Azagra +54 341 446 8000 Australia Craig Heraghty +61 282 661 458 Brazil Ana Malvestio +55 16 2133 6624 Jose Rezende +55 11 3674 2279 Daniela Coco +55 19 3794 5400 Canada Lori Robidoux +204 926 2464 France Yves Pelle + 33 (0) 299 231 705 Germany, Austria and Switzerland Reinhard Vocke +49 (0) 211 3890 195 Sven Massen +49 (0) 30 88705 876 India Ajay Kakra +91 124 3306029 Sunjay VS +91 124 3306171 Ireland Jimmy Maher +353 (0) 1 792 6326 MENA Mark Webster +966 11 211 0400 (Ext. 1555) Netherland Ruud Kok +31 (0) 887926382 New Zealand Craig Armitage +64 3 374 3052 Romania Anca Scurtescu +40 21 22 53 871 Singapore Richard Skinner +65 9823 3771 South Africa Frans Weilbach +27 (21) 815 3204 Ukraine Olena Volkova +38 (0) 56 733 5010 UK Mark James +44 (0) 20 7212 1869 Stephen Oldfield +44 (0) 7710 388792 Thomas Sengbusch +44 (0) 7725 069448 Global Agribusiness contacts USA Thomas Johnson +1 612 596 4846 Commodity treasury services Nick James +44 (0) 20 7212 6550 Tax structuring Annie Devoy +44 (0) 20 7212 5572 Szymon Wlazlowski +44 (0) 20 7212 1889 Sustainability and climate change Kieron Blakemore +44 (0) 20 7212 4212 Teresa Fabian +44 (0) 20 7213 8309 Supply chain and forensic investigations Fran Marwood +44 (0) 20 7213 4709 Matt Elkington +44 (0) 20 7804 1417 Craig Armitage +64 3374 3052 Private Sector and International Development Carolin Scramm +44 7808 105691 Jack Newnham +44 7889 521600 Cristina Bortes +44 7769 941119 24 | Global Agribusiness | PwC
  • 27. PwC | Global Agribusiness | 25
  • 28. This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, its members, employees and agents do not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it. © 2015 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. In this document, “PwC” refers to the UK member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details. 150305-174122-MJ-OS