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The Power of Storytelling Essay examples
Story telling is a uniquely human attribute. It is an imaginative process between the composer and
responder that invites us, as the audience to engage vicariously with the experience of others. Stories
or narratives have been shared in all culture as a mean of education, entertainment and also to notify
the audience of the values and belief systems of our culture. The texts of 'Through the tunnel' and
'Green tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe' conspicuously highlight the ability of storytelling to
empower the individual and outline storytelling as a device to inform us of values and people's
transmission is able to transcend time. The power of storytelling can create connections between
people and allow individuals to find their more content...
Even though, jerry wants to be accepted and in control of his life, the harsh reality is Jerry's identity
wants to be with his mother. Further throughout the story the tunnel is shown as the symbol of the
story; letting the reader know that Jerry senses that it is the door to his identity. Additionally, the
chronological structure is effective throughout the story in showing the process of growing up and
an insight into Jerry's transformation. Moreover, the 3rd person omniscient narrator and formal
register presents the character of Jerry and his mother in a distanced way and without a biased
perspective. This suggests the sense of detachment and alienation that Jerry is starting to feel from
his mother as he is growing up and wanting to make his own choices. The story is firstly introduced
with a description of the mother carrying a bright striped purse. It was this and other uses of
describing Jerry's surroundings with the use of bright colours symbolising jerry's childish world and
thoughts. In addition, the thought of jerry's childish thoughts shows his struggle to establish his own
identity. The author writes that Jerry goes swimming "over a region where rocks lay like
discoloured monsters under the surface". The simile shows that even though Jerry wants to be
independent and swim alone in the bay, he's terrified of being alone in the water and not seeing his
mother again. Briefly, Jerry learns that you cannot
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My Reading and Writing Experience over the Years
Literacy Narrative: My Reading and Writing Experience over the Years
I have never been the type of student who enjoyed reading or writing. I have always found it
difficult to express myself by writing narratives, book reports, and any other required assignment. I
am far more skilled at speaking or verbal expression in general as I have found over the years that
people tend to misunderstand my point if it is written.
When I sit to write, I have to think about what I want to say. This is not easy for me as I tend to
think about several things at once. Clearing my mind and focusing on the writing task is a challenge
in itself. I do not consider myself a strong writer and find it intimidating especially when I know it
will be critiqued. The sense of failure when seeing the paper I worked so hard on look like the
newest local headline of a recent murder is disheartening for me. I assume I am being overly
critical of myself but those feelings seem to be redeemed when I look over the aftermath of what
was my wonderful work of mental art.
The irony of all of this is I write many different things in my current job. One any given day I draft
contracts, amendments, and addendums to name a few. I have learned a great deal from my bosses
and mentors which has made me a better writer and more aware of my grammar and proofreading
of work. My Vice President is an attorney and English major with a keen ability to find the minutest
errors. I try to take any criticism
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The literacy narrative essay, "Proficiency" by Shannon Nichols, is intended for people who
suddenly quit after facing setbacks or challenges in their lives. Its purpose is to show people,
especially the arrogant people, that failures should humble you. Failures can demoralize us after
working so hard to get where we are at. However, failures shouldn't stop you from getting to your
goals. Failures should serve as a motivation. I can personally relate to Nichols, because I have
failed at something I worked so hard for. Unlike Nichols, I did not quit, or felt discouraged. The essay
was about Shannon Nichols describing her experience taking the writing proficiency test in high
school. Nichols thought highly of herself, because of her achievements
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What Is A Narrative Essay
The main aim of a narrative essay is to tell of a particular consequential experience within a specific
time–frame. What's more, the narrative essay discusses the gained insights or makes a point. It is
habitually a story which has happened to the author of the essay or a person she/he knows. It has all
the conventional story elements: a plot, recounted chronologically; characters, climax, and setting.
This essay has a clear–cut structure, including an introduction with a thesis, main body and
conclusion with the author's insight. As for the main body, in a narrative essay its structure is
different from the one we have discussed in Part 1: here you may have as many paragraphs as
conditioned by the content. The main body usually comprises setting (although it could be described
in more content...
5.2. Writing a Narrative Essay: Practice
Activity 1. Read the introductions to the narrative essays. Point out the thesis and the hook in each
one. Which introductions catch the readers' attention? Why?
Activity 2. Read through the following paragraphs. Is the story told explicitly? Which moments
should be made clearer? What information seems irrelevant?
Activity 3. Read through the following conclusions from the essays introduced in Activity 2. Do
they explain the lesson learned and the insights gained? How can the paragraphs be improved?
Activity 4. Research the internet sources. Prepare a short three minute talk on how to better write a
narrative essay.
Activity 5. Team up with your group mates. On the basis of your talks compose a rubric on
assessing a narrative essay.
Activity 6. Pre–draft, draft, revise, and edit your narrative essay. Print out the work for the peer
Activity 7. Using the feedback from the peer review, revise your work and prepare to hand it in.
The requirements for the final draft are described in Activity 14, page
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Narrative In 4-10 Paragraphs
Very briefly summarize the narrative in 4–10 sentences. 2) Identify one particular detail (we will call
this a "salient detail") that stood out to you from the text. Quote a portion of that detail here and
explain why you think this detail stuck with you after reading the essay. 3) Explain what you think
was the point or purpose of the essay. In other words, if you had to try to create a thesis for the
essay, what would that be? This narrative talking about a boy with his girl friend who had
completed an advanced self–defense course. then one day while they are strolled two men bounding
out of a pedestrian underpass. they are loud and drunk .his girl friend said to them very firmly back
off! go away! then they went to cash machine and wait
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Narrative Essay
Narrative Essays: To Tell a Story
There are four types of essays:
Exposition – gives information about various topics to the reader.
Description – describes in detail characteristics and traits.
Argument – convinces the reader by demonstrating the truth or falsity of a topic.
Narrative – tells a story, usually from one person's viewpoint.
A narrative essay uses all the story elements – a beginning and ending, plot, characters, setting and
climax – all coming together to complete the story.
Essential Elements of Narrative Essays
The focus of a narrative essay is the plot, which is told using enough details to build to a climax.
Here's how:
It is usually told chronologically.
It usually has a purpose, which is more content...
However, I have discovered that when reflecting on my childhood, it is not the trips that come to
mind, instead there are details from everyday doings; a deck of cards, a silver bank or an ice
cream flavor. One memory that comes to mind belongs to a day of no particular importance. It
was late in the fall in Merced, California on the playground of my old elementary school; an
overcast day with the wind blowing strong. I stood on the blacktop, pulling my hoodie over my
ears. The wind was causing miniature tornados; we called them "dirt devils", to swarm around me."
Christmas Cookies
The second of the two narrative essay examples is an excerpt from "Christmas Cookies."
"Although I have grown up to be entirely inept at the art of cooking, as to make even the most
wretched chef ridicule my sad baking attempts, my childhood would have indicated otherwise; I
was always on the countertop next to my mother's cooking bowl, adding and mixing ingredients
that would doubtlessly create a delicious food. When I was younger, cooking came intrinsically
with the holiday season, which made that time of year the prime occasion for me to unite with
ounces and ounces of satin dark chocolate, various other messy and gooey ingredients, numerous
cooking utensils, and the assistance of my mother to cook what would soon be an edible
masterpiece. The most memorable of the holiday works of
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Personal Narrative Essay : My Hero Is A Hero
My inspiration...
A hero is not a person with strength or a person how fight monsters. A hero is a person that
inspires you to be the best you can be, a person how tells you that there is nothing in the world
that you can't do, a person how will speak to you in a different way. My hero doesn't need strength
or able to fight monster, but their able to change your life in a different way. My heroes inspire
me to be the person I can be today and other every day. The people in my store inspire me to do
thing I never want to do but they make me do it by changing my mind. The reason I picked these
people because they don't just inspire me they inspire other people to.
Paul walker is an actor who started acting at a young age. In 2001 Paul Walker had a role of a
lifetime and he had started acting in a movie called The Fast and the Furious. The director of the
movie knew that Walker was the right person for that role. A few years later Walker also got a role
in the movie Flag of Our Father. The director knew that Walker was inspiring people likeVin Diesel
to do things they would never do. Vin Diesel never wanted to have kids, but when he met Paul
Walker he had his first k id because Walker encouraged him to imagine his life with a child. Diesel
said "A lot of tough guys will tell you to wait in the hallway, don't go in the delivery room," but
Walker told Vin diesel to go into that delivery room, be present and cut that umbilical cord and it
will be the best day of your life" (MailOnline). After Paul Walker death Vin Diesel named his third
child Pauline. Paul walker inspired me to do things I never wanted to do like. They day my sister
was going to college we made a primes that she will do to RCC for two years and why I graduate
high school we both will go to VCU together. I didn't want to say goodbye when she told me that
she can't white for me. But after reading about Paul walker and how he help Vin Diesel. I know that
I had to let her go without me.
Oprah Gail Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954 in Kosciusko, Mississippi. The person that
inspired Oprah was Nelson Mandela. He inspired her to changer the lives of young African Girls.
Oprah new that Mandela was her hero because the way he change her life, he also
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How To Write A Literacy Narrative Essay
On the other hand, writing on topics that fascinate and intrigue me, is rather enjoyable than feeling
like a chore. Ideas stream and words flow naturally without having to mimic and echo others voice.
A literacy narrative is a piece of text written from my own perspective for the intermediate English
composition class. A literacy narrative is anessay about my writing and reading literacy, looking
back to various incidents with a brand new outlook. Writing this essay allowed me to revisit and
assess highlights that contributed to my writing and reading literacy. The main goal of literacy
narrative essay is to define literacy, discuss my own personal literacy rituals leading to how my
literacy formalized every step of the way. In general, the
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Narrative Essay
The Narrative Essay
*What is a Narrative Essay? Narrative writing tells a story. In essays, the narrative writing could
also be considered reflection or an exploration of the author's values told as a story. The author may
remember his or her past, or a memorable person or event from that past, or even observe the
present. The author may write about: –An experience or event from his or her past. –A recent or
ongoing experience or event. –Something that happened to someone else, such as a parent or a
*Basic qualities of a narrative essay: A narrative essay is a piece ofwriting that recreates an
experience through time. Unlike other essays, more content...
*Revising your narrative essay:
After spending time away from the draft of your narrative essay, read through the essay and think
about whether the writing effectively recreates the experience for your readers. Ask other people to
read through the essay and offer their impressions. Identify where more details and descriptions are
needed. Identify and consider removing any information that seems to distract from the focus and
main narrative of the essay. Think about whether you've presented information in the most effective
*Prompts for your narrative essay:
1. A childhood event. Think of an experience when you learned something for the first time, or when
you realized how important someone was for you. 2. Achieving a goal. Think about a particularly
meaningful achievement in your life. This could be something as seemingly minor as achieving a
good grade on a difficult assignment, or this could be something with more long–lasting effects, like
getting the job you desired or getting into the best school to which you applied. 3. A failure.
Think about a time when you did not perform as well as you had wanted. Focusing on an
experience like this can result in rewarding reflections about the positive emerging from the
negative. 4. A good or bad deed. Think about a time when you did or did not stand up for yourself or
someone else in the face of adversity or challenge.
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A Narrative Essay About Moving To A New Country
Bags and bags of packages were traveling to the opposite side of the world during the summer of
2009, and it was time to get settled down again, in an unfamiliar environment. It was strange when I
took my first step into this new country––a place where I have never been to before.
Three weeks later, school in elementary was starting. It was awkward for me to go to school, due
to the reason of me being shy and still not used to the new environment, I did not know any English
at that time, and wasn't able to communicate with anyone, I was only capable of communicating
through my body languages. It was stressful not being able to say things that I wanted to say, but
people were nice to me, and as time goes by, I'm starting to learning English little by
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I wanted to be able to make friends and talk to them in English. I started watching disney movies,
trying to improve my listening and speaking skills, yet the reality wasn't as easy as how it sounded
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The Importance Of Narrative Writing
Narrative Writing is a story that is told and the order in which it is told. Some stories have
narrators and some without. The narrator is normally a series of characters or one character who tell
the story. Sometimes narrative writing can be classified as fiction writing which is a made up from
start to finish. When there is narrative writing that is based on true stores, then the narrative writing
is non fiction. Most narrative writing in the law enforcement sector is a "how to" format or a
guideline on how a report should be written. It also explains the actual facts on how a crime
occurred during the investigation. According to the text Biggs (2016), There are five rules of
narrative writing. The first rule of narrative writing is, the report should always be written in first
person. When the narrative explains first person, the narrative is stating that using "I or Me" in
the reports identify the author of the person who is writing the investigative report. If "I or Me"
is not being used to write the investigative reports, the investigation could be sought as made up or
fake. The second rule of narrative writing is, the report should also be written in past tense along
with first person view. According to the text, If you write in the past tense, you will develop
consistency and, as a result, create a report that is professional and easy to read. With this type of
consistency, the reports are easily believable to the reader and makes it easy to follow the
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The literary theory of narratology surrounds the ideology of how a story is told to an audience
through literature. The underlying syntax of the word 'narrative' is projected as being a story told or
spoken, but when it comes to literature, the audience is meant to look at how the written word
conveys the story through its characters and its underlying plot. Narratology is a perspective that
brings the audience's head into the author's way of bringing their story to life through their style of
writing, creation of plot, and through the ways characters interact. What literary critics do within this
theory is take into account the narratology – the way the story creates an impact and how the author
projected their idea into literature. The narratological perspective can be displayed through three
major layers; the framework, the in–depth analysis of the story, and how the work makes an impact.
With the use of theorists Valdmir Propp, Aristotle, Gerard Genette, Roland Barthes, Julien Greimas
and Tzvetan Todorov, and the literary work, The Turn of the Screw, the audience is able to
understand what narratology entails. The framework of a narrative is a staple to the theory of
narratology because it is one of the main steps towards understand what narrative truly is. Narrative
itself has a basic formation, in which the story (being the major movement of events in the
narrative) or plot (the way story is organized) encompass a major framework. The narrative has a set
of goals
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Personal Narrative Essay
Narrative Essay Write a two (or more) page essay in which you will tell a personal narrative
(story) in the first person. You are encouraged to share a memory or story that you would be
comfortable sharing with myself and the entire class. Remember, your audience is your fellow
students or peers. Although no topic is off–limits and no censorship is required, please do not share a
story that would make you uncomfortable to share. Everyone has stories to tell, but please peruse
through other short narrative accounts to get a sense of how they develop. Reader?s Digest is a
good source for this, or personal accounts from magazines, or the ?This I Believe? series on NPR.
A narrative essay depends on a narrative that is profound and memorable, life–changing and
hopefully interesting and/or entertaining. A trip to the grocery store, unless more
Unique and engaging title ? Introduction with an attention getter ? Theme or thesis: usually the
lesson learned ? Background of the complication or conflict ? Complication or conflict ?
Engaging and relatable character(s) ? Plot with events ? Vivid details?engage the senses ?
Resolution or wrap up of the complication in a clear conclusion If you do use outside sources,
please cite using proper MLA documentation or make clear in the essay what your source is.
However, the source must be relevant to the narrative itself. A works cited page is not required.
Assessment: Your proposal is worth 15% of your overall grade and worth 100 points. ? Content:
How thoughtfully and thoroughly you write about each required narrative section, with vivid
detail. 50 points. ? Organization: How clearly ideas and information are arranged within and
between paragraphs. Use of MLA style and proper flow. 30 points. ? Style: How effectively you
use word choice and sentences to convey ideas. 20 points. Due dates: ? Outline (on this sheet or
you can make your own) brought to class for an activity on Mon
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The Importance Of Narrative Writing
This unit was my favorite kind of writing, so it was easy for me to understand. Learning how to
write narratives was very informative. I never thought that narrative writing had a specific structure
or purpose. The details in narrative writing is essential for a good story. Describing the scene and
allowing the reader to develop their own opinion on the character allows the story to be more
interesting. Characters should develop throughout the story to show the purpose. Peer editing a
narrative allows the author to gain more insight on the story.
Narrative writing is a story that can be either fiction or nonfiction, but needs to contain a purpose
or lesson. The lesson learned from the story is the theme. When reading books, I do not usually
look for a lesson. This has given me a new perspective on narratives. I love to read, but now when
I read I try to figure out the purpose of the story. Stories have always been an escape for me, but
now I can find the purpose of the story. I have learned many different lessons from the short
stories in this unit. In the story "Getup", I learned that I should always be myself and should
never change who I am. Maya Angelou argued that "you will always be in fashion if you are true
to yourself" (30). Moving around a lot has made me feel like an outcast. I moved to Georgia in the
middle of eighth grade and wanted to be the same as everyone else, so I started wearing tons of
makeup. I was young, naГЇve and did not want to be different. Now,
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Essay Writing: Writing with Purpose
One–word essay:
The one–word essay is quite manageable as it allows you to decide which essay type you are going
to write about. Take the topic "Floods". If you choose to write an expository essay, you can write
about the causes and effects of floods; if you choose to write a narrative essay, you can narrate a
story related to floods; and if you choose to write a descriptive essay, you can focus on describing
Descriptive Essay:
WRITING a descriptive essay is perhaps more difficult than writing a narrative essay because it
makes more demands on one's use of language.
In a descriptive essay, you need to give a detailed description of a person, place, object, experience or
memory. Your description must be so effective more content...
The general rule is that no new infor– mation should be brought into the conclusion: everything in
the conclusion should logically follow from the infor– mation provided to the reader in the paper.
Just as in a detective story you don't want to п¬Ѓnd out in the last scene that the crime was
committed by a character you hadn't met, in an essay a reader doesn't want to be introduced in the
conclusion to a major piece of information or evidence which wasn't discussed in the body of the
Writing Takes Practice
If all this information seems new or complicated, don't worry. Remember that practice will help you
to improve your writing. And try following the guidelines contained in the Fastfacts handout
Improving Your Writing.
99% of you will be using the same sources of information so the overall structure is the thing that
will largely differentiate one essay from another.
Once you havea clear structure, you will find it MAKES WRITING EASY (it's a matter of filling
in the blanks, not a case of writing from scratch). The essay structure will probably go through
SEVERAL VERSIONS. Start off with relatively little regard for details – you shouldn't have to do
excessive reading to be able to generate a good essay structure.
So what makes a GOOD STRUCTURE? There are no
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Writing Purposes: A Narrative Analysis
In the two non–fiction articles "He Survived a Tornado" and "Killer Storms", the authors had
different purposes for their writing. Even though both articles were about tornadoes, the authors had
separate purposes for which they wrote the articles. Each writing purpose in the articles influenced
the focus of each text.
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What Is The Purpose Of A Persuasive Essay
The purpose of my paper will be to convince the audience that within a balance of society and
nature, true happiness can be found. Pros: In order to achieve true happiness, there must be a
balance of societal confines and true human nature. Cons: Society hinders the ability to be truly
happy. Possible Sources: Wuthering Heights, Lord of the Flies, "Bartleby the Scrivener", Pride and
Prejudice, Othello, To Kill a
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Narrative Essay About Having A Dream
Everyone has a dream. Whether it's small or big...we all have one. We also give up on them. We get
stuck in the idea that our ideas are too far–fetched either because of other people's comments or
because of our own self–doubt. We allow ourselves to forget about them and move on to things we
believe are better for us. To things that although don't make us happy, are what society tells us is the
right way to live. It's hard to have a dream and keep it. The world we live in today is so cruel that a
lot of times we don't even bother to dream anymore. We've gotten to the point where dreaming is just
that. A dream.
Yet, for my mom, that wasn't the case.
My mother was born on March 24, 1973, in a small village in Guatemala. She grew up
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She sat me down and said well why not do both. I remember when she said that I was so happy.
We began to think of how I could do both and came up with the idea of a singing lawyer. It was
probably the worst idea we've ever had. I don't even think it would have worked out well either, but
it was the fact that I could have done it and my mom would be completely okay with it and made it
seem perfectly normal that helped me to never quit on my dreams.
Her experience growing up wasn't at all how she made mine. Her mother and step father never
encouraged or supported her. Growing up my mother struggled a lot. She had to grow up a lot
faster than most kids and had to deal with the real world way before she should have had to. She
was never pushed to do better or told that her dreams could come true.
Since she was little she was always having to take care of her three sisters. She wasn't allowed to
go out a lot so she was always home studying or in her room. She was so restricted in her own home
that even now I can't imagine how terrible that must have felt. To constantly have to worry not only
about yourself but for other people when you haven't even reached puberty.
Her stepfather was the worst of all. He would always put her down and would try to make her feel
like nothing. She didn't even have protection from her own mother, because her mom would never
say anything about it. She just let it happen.
My mom
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Narrative and Descriptive Essay
Compare–Contrast Essay
Eng121: English Composition I (AXC13480)
Regina McKinney
Professor: Nancy Segovia
January 1, 2014
A narrative essay is about storytelling for a narrative story to work it must capture and hold the
audience attention you must give a clear understanding of your story. A descriptiveessay lets you
describe in detail what the essay is all about using words that appeal to your sense of smell, hearing,
see, touch, and taste. A descriptive essay lets you use words that describes a person, place, or object.
When I compare the author's narrative essay "Are the Rich Happy?" by Steven Leacock and the
author's descriptive essay "Sister Flowers" by Maya Angelou it is clear that more
Make the description vivid and interesting. I think that a descriptive essay is more powerful
because it tell a story in detail. It tells you what it is all about how to except the story where the
story originated from whether it is fiction or a documentary. My opinion on the essays are similar
because narrating the story is the author who is writing the story and also describing the essays in
many ways. I think you must like the descripting essay better it is giving you vivid detail in your
essay. It appeals to your senses in many ways follow your feelings when listening to a descriptive
essay. Can you feel the passion or can you taste the cookies Sister Flowers made and the lemons,
sugar, in the lemonade. And I believe she made those cookies and lemonade with lots of love for
Marguerite. I believe she wanted to encourage Marguerite to talk more in class. And bring more
detail to her work. "Words mean more than what is set down on paper."( "It take
the human voice to infuse them with the shades of deeper meaning."( "I
memorized the part about the human voice infusing words."( "It seemed so
valid and poetic."( My opinion is that a descriptive essay is more powerful than
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In this paper, I will be discussing the relevance of narrative therapy pertaining to its use in social
work. I will discuss the background and current use of this intervention as well as the intended use of
this strategy with client populations and its cultural sensitivity. Overall, this practice has numerous
studies which have evaluated its use with individuals, families, and groups and have validated the
effectiveness of this practice with various client populations. Narrative therapy is based on the work
of Michael White and David Epston and was developed during the 1970s and 1980s. Narrative
Therapy relies on postmodern–constructivist approach as the client is recognized as the expert and
that individual experiences are viewed from the client's interpreted meaning (Young, 2010). The
postmodern approach in clinical social work posits each society establishes normal behavior,
however, diverse communities can be better understood through their unique perspectives (Maguire,
2002). The therapy asserts that cultural norms and expectations influence identity development,
which becomes perpetually reinforced as individuals interact within their social environment
(Robinson, 2015). According to Morgan (2000), "Narrative Therapy seeks to be a respectful,
non–blaming approach to counseling and community work, which centers people as the experts in
their own lives. It views problems as separate from people and assumes people have many skills,
competencies, beliefs, values,
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Purpose Of A Narrative Essay

  • 1. The Power of Storytelling Essay examples Story telling is a uniquely human attribute. It is an imaginative process between the composer and responder that invites us, as the audience to engage vicariously with the experience of others. Stories or narratives have been shared in all culture as a mean of education, entertainment and also to notify the audience of the values and belief systems of our culture. The texts of 'Through the tunnel' and 'Green tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe' conspicuously highlight the ability of storytelling to empower the individual and outline storytelling as a device to inform us of values and people's transmission is able to transcend time. The power of storytelling can create connections between people and allow individuals to find their more content... Even though, jerry wants to be accepted and in control of his life, the harsh reality is Jerry's identity wants to be with his mother. Further throughout the story the tunnel is shown as the symbol of the story; letting the reader know that Jerry senses that it is the door to his identity. Additionally, the chronological structure is effective throughout the story in showing the process of growing up and an insight into Jerry's transformation. Moreover, the 3rd person omniscient narrator and formal register presents the character of Jerry and his mother in a distanced way and without a biased perspective. This suggests the sense of detachment and alienation that Jerry is starting to feel from his mother as he is growing up and wanting to make his own choices. The story is firstly introduced with a description of the mother carrying a bright striped purse. It was this and other uses of describing Jerry's surroundings with the use of bright colours symbolising jerry's childish world and thoughts. In addition, the thought of jerry's childish thoughts shows his struggle to establish his own identity. The author writes that Jerry goes swimming "over a region where rocks lay like discoloured monsters under the surface". The simile shows that even though Jerry wants to be independent and swim alone in the bay, he's terrified of being alone in the water and not seeing his mother again. Briefly, Jerry learns that you cannot Get more content on
  • 2. My Reading and Writing Experience over the Years Literacy Narrative: My Reading and Writing Experience over the Years I have never been the type of student who enjoyed reading or writing. I have always found it difficult to express myself by writing narratives, book reports, and any other required assignment. I am far more skilled at speaking or verbal expression in general as I have found over the years that people tend to misunderstand my point if it is written. When I sit to write, I have to think about what I want to say. This is not easy for me as I tend to think about several things at once. Clearing my mind and focusing on the writing task is a challenge in itself. I do not consider myself a strong writer and find it intimidating especially when I know it will be critiqued. The sense of failure when seeing the paper I worked so hard on look like the newest local headline of a recent murder is disheartening for me. I assume I am being overly critical of myself but those feelings seem to be redeemed when I look over the aftermath of what was my wonderful work of mental art. The irony of all of this is I write many different things in my current job. One any given day I draft contracts, amendments, and addendums to name a few. I have learned a great deal from my bosses and mentors which has made me a better writer and more aware of my grammar and proofreading of work. My Vice President is an attorney and English major with a keen ability to find the minutest errors. I try to take any criticism Get more content on
  • 3. The literacy narrative essay, "Proficiency" by Shannon Nichols, is intended for people who suddenly quit after facing setbacks or challenges in their lives. Its purpose is to show people, especially the arrogant people, that failures should humble you. Failures can demoralize us after working so hard to get where we are at. However, failures shouldn't stop you from getting to your goals. Failures should serve as a motivation. I can personally relate to Nichols, because I have failed at something I worked so hard for. Unlike Nichols, I did not quit, or felt discouraged. The essay was about Shannon Nichols describing her experience taking the writing proficiency test in high school. Nichols thought highly of herself, because of her achievements Get more content on
  • 4. What Is A Narrative Essay The main aim of a narrative essay is to tell of a particular consequential experience within a specific time–frame. What's more, the narrative essay discusses the gained insights or makes a point. It is habitually a story which has happened to the author of the essay or a person she/he knows. It has all the conventional story elements: a plot, recounted chronologically; characters, climax, and setting. This essay has a clear–cut structure, including an introduction with a thesis, main body and conclusion with the author's insight. As for the main body, in a narrative essay its structure is different from the one we have discussed in Part 1: here you may have as many paragraphs as conditioned by the content. The main body usually comprises setting (although it could be described in more content... 5.2. Writing a Narrative Essay: Practice Activity 1. Read the introductions to the narrative essays. Point out the thesis and the hook in each one. Which introductions catch the readers' attention? Why? Activity 2. Read through the following paragraphs. Is the story told explicitly? Which moments should be made clearer? What information seems irrelevant? Activity 3. Read through the following conclusions from the essays introduced in Activity 2. Do they explain the lesson learned and the insights gained? How can the paragraphs be improved? Activity 4. Research the internet sources. Prepare a short three minute talk on how to better write a narrative essay. Activity 5. Team up with your group mates. On the basis of your talks compose a rubric on assessing a narrative essay. Activity 6. Pre–draft, draft, revise, and edit your narrative essay. Print out the work for the peer review. Activity 7. Using the feedback from the peer review, revise your work and prepare to hand it in. The requirements for the final draft are described in Activity 14, page Get more content on
  • 5. Narrative In 4-10 Paragraphs Very briefly summarize the narrative in 4–10 sentences. 2) Identify one particular detail (we will call this a "salient detail") that stood out to you from the text. Quote a portion of that detail here and explain why you think this detail stuck with you after reading the essay. 3) Explain what you think was the point or purpose of the essay. In other words, if you had to try to create a thesis for the essay, what would that be? This narrative talking about a boy with his girl friend who had completed an advanced self–defense course. then one day while they are strolled two men bounding out of a pedestrian underpass. they are loud and drunk .his girl friend said to them very firmly back off! go away! then they went to cash machine and wait Get more content on
  • 6. Narrative Essay Narrative Essays: To Tell a Story There are four types of essays: Exposition – gives information about various topics to the reader. Description – describes in detail characteristics and traits. Argument – convinces the reader by demonstrating the truth or falsity of a topic. Narrative – tells a story, usually from one person's viewpoint. A narrative essay uses all the story elements – a beginning and ending, plot, characters, setting and climax – all coming together to complete the story. Essential Elements of Narrative Essays The focus of a narrative essay is the plot, which is told using enough details to build to a climax. Here's how: It is usually told chronologically. It usually has a purpose, which is more content... However, I have discovered that when reflecting on my childhood, it is not the trips that come to mind, instead there are details from everyday doings; a deck of cards, a silver bank or an ice cream flavor. One memory that comes to mind belongs to a day of no particular importance. It was late in the fall in Merced, California on the playground of my old elementary school; an overcast day with the wind blowing strong. I stood on the blacktop, pulling my hoodie over my ears. The wind was causing miniature tornados; we called them "dirt devils", to swarm around me." Christmas Cookies The second of the two narrative essay examples is an excerpt from "Christmas Cookies." "Although I have grown up to be entirely inept at the art of cooking, as to make even the most wretched chef ridicule my sad baking attempts, my childhood would have indicated otherwise; I was always on the countertop next to my mother's cooking bowl, adding and mixing ingredients that would doubtlessly create a delicious food. When I was younger, cooking came intrinsically with the holiday season, which made that time of year the prime occasion for me to unite with ounces and ounces of satin dark chocolate, various other messy and gooey ingredients, numerous cooking utensils, and the assistance of my mother to cook what would soon be an edible masterpiece. The most memorable of the holiday works of Get more content on
  • 7. Personal Narrative Essay : My Hero Is A Hero My inspiration... A hero is not a person with strength or a person how fight monsters. A hero is a person that inspires you to be the best you can be, a person how tells you that there is nothing in the world that you can't do, a person how will speak to you in a different way. My hero doesn't need strength or able to fight monster, but their able to change your life in a different way. My heroes inspire me to be the person I can be today and other every day. The people in my store inspire me to do thing I never want to do but they make me do it by changing my mind. The reason I picked these people because they don't just inspire me they inspire other people to. Paul walker is an actor who started acting at a young age. In 2001 Paul Walker had a role of a lifetime and he had started acting in a movie called The Fast and the Furious. The director of the movie knew that Walker was the right person for that role. A few years later Walker also got a role in the movie Flag of Our Father. The director knew that Walker was inspiring people likeVin Diesel to do things they would never do. Vin Diesel never wanted to have kids, but when he met Paul Walker he had his first k id because Walker encouraged him to imagine his life with a child. Diesel said "A lot of tough guys will tell you to wait in the hallway, don't go in the delivery room," but Walker told Vin diesel to go into that delivery room, be present and cut that umbilical cord and it will be the best day of your life" (MailOnline). After Paul Walker death Vin Diesel named his third child Pauline. Paul walker inspired me to do things I never wanted to do like. They day my sister was going to college we made a primes that she will do to RCC for two years and why I graduate high school we both will go to VCU together. I didn't want to say goodbye when she told me that she can't white for me. But after reading about Paul walker and how he help Vin Diesel. I know that I had to let her go without me. Oprah Gail Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954 in Kosciusko, Mississippi. The person that inspired Oprah was Nelson Mandela. He inspired her to changer the lives of young African Girls. Oprah new that Mandela was her hero because the way he change her life, he also Get more content on
  • 8. How To Write A Literacy Narrative Essay On the other hand, writing on topics that fascinate and intrigue me, is rather enjoyable than feeling like a chore. Ideas stream and words flow naturally without having to mimic and echo others voice. A literacy narrative is a piece of text written from my own perspective for the intermediate English composition class. A literacy narrative is anessay about my writing and reading literacy, looking back to various incidents with a brand new outlook. Writing this essay allowed me to revisit and assess highlights that contributed to my writing and reading literacy. The main goal of literacy narrative essay is to define literacy, discuss my own personal literacy rituals leading to how my literacy formalized every step of the way. In general, the Get more content on
  • 9. Narrative Essay The Narrative Essay *What is a Narrative Essay? Narrative writing tells a story. In essays, the narrative writing could also be considered reflection or an exploration of the author's values told as a story. The author may remember his or her past, or a memorable person or event from that past, or even observe the present. The author may write about: –An experience or event from his or her past. –A recent or ongoing experience or event. –Something that happened to someone else, such as a parent or a grandparent. *Basic qualities of a narrative essay: A narrative essay is a piece ofwriting that recreates an experience through time. Unlike other essays, more content... *Revising your narrative essay: After spending time away from the draft of your narrative essay, read through the essay and think about whether the writing effectively recreates the experience for your readers. Ask other people to read through the essay and offer their impressions. Identify where more details and descriptions are needed. Identify and consider removing any information that seems to distract from the focus and main narrative of the essay. Think about whether you've presented information in the most effective order. *Prompts for your narrative essay: 1. A childhood event. Think of an experience when you learned something for the first time, or when you realized how important someone was for you. 2. Achieving a goal. Think about a particularly meaningful achievement in your life. This could be something as seemingly minor as achieving a good grade on a difficult assignment, or this could be something with more long–lasting effects, like getting the job you desired or getting into the best school to which you applied. 3. A failure. Think about a time when you did not perform as well as you had wanted. Focusing on an experience like this can result in rewarding reflections about the positive emerging from the negative. 4. A good or bad deed. Think about a time when you did or did not stand up for yourself or someone else in the face of adversity or challenge. Get more content on
  • 10. A Narrative Essay About Moving To A New Country Bags and bags of packages were traveling to the opposite side of the world during the summer of 2009, and it was time to get settled down again, in an unfamiliar environment. It was strange when I took my first step into this new country––a place where I have never been to before. Three weeks later, school in elementary was starting. It was awkward for me to go to school, due to the reason of me being shy and still not used to the new environment, I did not know any English at that time, and wasn't able to communicate with anyone, I was only capable of communicating through my body languages. It was stressful not being able to say things that I wanted to say, but people were nice to me, and as time goes by, I'm starting to learning English little by more content... I wanted to be able to make friends and talk to them in English. I started watching disney movies, trying to improve my listening and speaking skills, yet the reality wasn't as easy as how it sounded Get more content on
  • 11. The Importance Of Narrative Writing Narrative Writing is a story that is told and the order in which it is told. Some stories have narrators and some without. The narrator is normally a series of characters or one character who tell the story. Sometimes narrative writing can be classified as fiction writing which is a made up from start to finish. When there is narrative writing that is based on true stores, then the narrative writing is non fiction. Most narrative writing in the law enforcement sector is a "how to" format or a guideline on how a report should be written. It also explains the actual facts on how a crime occurred during the investigation. According to the text Biggs (2016), There are five rules of narrative writing. The first rule of narrative writing is, the report should always be written in first person. When the narrative explains first person, the narrative is stating that using "I or Me" in the reports identify the author of the person who is writing the investigative report. If "I or Me" is not being used to write the investigative reports, the investigation could be sought as made up or fake. The second rule of narrative writing is, the report should also be written in past tense along with first person view. According to the text, If you write in the past tense, you will develop consistency and, as a result, create a report that is professional and easy to read. With this type of consistency, the reports are easily believable to the reader and makes it easy to follow the Get more content on
  • 12. The literary theory of narratology surrounds the ideology of how a story is told to an audience through literature. The underlying syntax of the word 'narrative' is projected as being a story told or spoken, but when it comes to literature, the audience is meant to look at how the written word conveys the story through its characters and its underlying plot. Narratology is a perspective that brings the audience's head into the author's way of bringing their story to life through their style of writing, creation of plot, and through the ways characters interact. What literary critics do within this theory is take into account the narratology – the way the story creates an impact and how the author projected their idea into literature. The narratological perspective can be displayed through three major layers; the framework, the in–depth analysis of the story, and how the work makes an impact. With the use of theorists Valdmir Propp, Aristotle, Gerard Genette, Roland Barthes, Julien Greimas and Tzvetan Todorov, and the literary work, The Turn of the Screw, the audience is able to understand what narratology entails. The framework of a narrative is a staple to the theory of narratology because it is one of the main steps towards understand what narrative truly is. Narrative itself has a basic formation, in which the story (being the major movement of events in the narrative) or plot (the way story is organized) encompass a major framework. The narrative has a set of goals Get more content on
  • 13. Personal Narrative Essay Narrative Essay Write a two (or more) page essay in which you will tell a personal narrative (story) in the first person. You are encouraged to share a memory or story that you would be comfortable sharing with myself and the entire class. Remember, your audience is your fellow students or peers. Although no topic is off–limits and no censorship is required, please do not share a story that would make you uncomfortable to share. Everyone has stories to tell, but please peruse through other short narrative accounts to get a sense of how they develop. Reader?s Digest is a good source for this, or personal accounts from magazines, or the ?This I Believe? series on NPR. A narrative essay depends on a narrative that is profound and memorable, life–changing and hopefully interesting and/or entertaining. A trip to the grocery store, unless more content... Unique and engaging title ? Introduction with an attention getter ? Theme or thesis: usually the lesson learned ? Background of the complication or conflict ? Complication or conflict ? Engaging and relatable character(s) ? Plot with events ? Vivid details?engage the senses ? Resolution or wrap up of the complication in a clear conclusion If you do use outside sources, please cite using proper MLA documentation or make clear in the essay what your source is. However, the source must be relevant to the narrative itself. A works cited page is not required. Assessment: Your proposal is worth 15% of your overall grade and worth 100 points. ? Content: How thoughtfully and thoroughly you write about each required narrative section, with vivid detail. 50 points. ? Organization: How clearly ideas and information are arranged within and between paragraphs. Use of MLA style and proper flow. 30 points. ? Style: How effectively you use word choice and sentences to convey ideas. 20 points. Due dates: ? Outline (on this sheet or you can make your own) brought to class for an activity on Mon Get more content on
  • 14. The Importance Of Narrative Writing This unit was my favorite kind of writing, so it was easy for me to understand. Learning how to write narratives was very informative. I never thought that narrative writing had a specific structure or purpose. The details in narrative writing is essential for a good story. Describing the scene and allowing the reader to develop their own opinion on the character allows the story to be more interesting. Characters should develop throughout the story to show the purpose. Peer editing a narrative allows the author to gain more insight on the story. Narrative writing is a story that can be either fiction or nonfiction, but needs to contain a purpose or lesson. The lesson learned from the story is the theme. When reading books, I do not usually look for a lesson. This has given me a new perspective on narratives. I love to read, but now when I read I try to figure out the purpose of the story. Stories have always been an escape for me, but now I can find the purpose of the story. I have learned many different lessons from the short stories in this unit. In the story "Getup", I learned that I should always be myself and should never change who I am. Maya Angelou argued that "you will always be in fashion if you are true to yourself" (30). Moving around a lot has made me feel like an outcast. I moved to Georgia in the middle of eighth grade and wanted to be the same as everyone else, so I started wearing tons of makeup. I was young, naГЇve and did not want to be different. Now, Get more content on
  • 15. Essay Writing: Writing with Purpose One–word essay: The one–word essay is quite manageable as it allows you to decide which essay type you are going to write about. Take the topic "Floods". If you choose to write an expository essay, you can write about the causes and effects of floods; if you choose to write a narrative essay, you can narrate a story related to floods; and if you choose to write a descriptive essay, you can focus on describing floods. Descriptive Essay: WRITING a descriptive essay is perhaps more difficult than writing a narrative essay because it makes more demands on one's use of language. In a descriptive essay, you need to give a detailed description of a person, place, object, experience or memory. Your description must be so effective more content... The general rule is that no new infor– mation should be brought into the conclusion: everything in the conclusion should logically follow from the infor– mation provided to the reader in the paper. Just as in a detective story you don't want to п¬Ѓnd out in the last scene that the crime was committed by a character you hadn't met, in an essay a reader doesn't want to be introduced in the conclusion to a major piece of information or evidence which wasn't discussed in the body of the paper. Writing Takes Practice If all this information seems new or complicated, don't worry. Remember that practice will help you to improve your writing. And try following the guidelines contained in the Fastfacts handout Improving Your Writing. WORK HARD ON THE STRUCTURE/FLOW OF THE ESSAY 99% of you will be using the same sources of information so the overall structure is the thing that will largely differentiate one essay from another. Once you havea clear structure, you will find it MAKES WRITING EASY (it's a matter of filling in the blanks, not a case of writing from scratch). The essay structure will probably go through SEVERAL VERSIONS. Start off with relatively little regard for details – you shouldn't have to do excessive reading to be able to generate a good essay structure. So what makes a GOOD STRUCTURE? There are no Get more content on
  • 16. Writing Purposes: A Narrative Analysis In the two non–fiction articles "He Survived a Tornado" and "Killer Storms", the authors had different purposes for their writing. Even though both articles were about tornadoes, the authors had separate purposes for which they wrote the articles. Each writing purpose in the articles influenced the focus of each text. Get more content on
  • 17. What Is The Purpose Of A Persuasive Essay The purpose of my paper will be to convince the audience that within a balance of society and nature, true happiness can be found. Pros: In order to achieve true happiness, there must be a balance of societal confines and true human nature. Cons: Society hinders the ability to be truly happy. Possible Sources: Wuthering Heights, Lord of the Flies, "Bartleby the Scrivener", Pride and Prejudice, Othello, To Kill a Get more content on
  • 18. Narrative Essay About Having A Dream Everyone has a dream. Whether it's small or big...we all have one. We also give up on them. We get stuck in the idea that our ideas are too far–fetched either because of other people's comments or because of our own self–doubt. We allow ourselves to forget about them and move on to things we believe are better for us. To things that although don't make us happy, are what society tells us is the right way to live. It's hard to have a dream and keep it. The world we live in today is so cruel that a lot of times we don't even bother to dream anymore. We've gotten to the point where dreaming is just that. A dream. Yet, for my mom, that wasn't the case. My mother was born on March 24, 1973, in a small village in Guatemala. She grew up more content... She sat me down and said well why not do both. I remember when she said that I was so happy. We began to think of how I could do both and came up with the idea of a singing lawyer. It was probably the worst idea we've ever had. I don't even think it would have worked out well either, but it was the fact that I could have done it and my mom would be completely okay with it and made it seem perfectly normal that helped me to never quit on my dreams. Her experience growing up wasn't at all how she made mine. Her mother and step father never encouraged or supported her. Growing up my mother struggled a lot. She had to grow up a lot faster than most kids and had to deal with the real world way before she should have had to. She was never pushed to do better or told that her dreams could come true. Since she was little she was always having to take care of her three sisters. She wasn't allowed to go out a lot so she was always home studying or in her room. She was so restricted in her own home that even now I can't imagine how terrible that must have felt. To constantly have to worry not only about yourself but for other people when you haven't even reached puberty. Her stepfather was the worst of all. He would always put her down and would try to make her feel like nothing. She didn't even have protection from her own mother, because her mom would never say anything about it. She just let it happen. My mom Get more content on
  • 19. Narrative and Descriptive Essay McKinney_w5_a2.docx Compare–Contrast Essay Eng121: English Composition I (AXC13480) Regina McKinney Professor: Nancy Segovia January 1, 2014 A narrative essay is about storytelling for a narrative story to work it must capture and hold the audience attention you must give a clear understanding of your story. A descriptiveessay lets you describe in detail what the essay is all about using words that appeal to your sense of smell, hearing, see, touch, and taste. A descriptive essay lets you use words that describes a person, place, or object. When I compare the author's narrative essay "Are the Rich Happy?" by Steven Leacock and the author's descriptive essay "Sister Flowers" by Maya Angelou it is clear that more content... Make the description vivid and interesting. I think that a descriptive essay is more powerful because it tell a story in detail. It tells you what it is all about how to except the story where the story originated from whether it is fiction or a documentary. My opinion on the essays are similar because narrating the story is the author who is writing the story and also describing the essays in many ways. I think you must like the descripting essay better it is giving you vivid detail in your essay. It appeals to your senses in many ways follow your feelings when listening to a descriptive essay. Can you feel the passion or can you taste the cookies Sister Flowers made and the lemons, sugar, in the lemonade. And I believe she made those cookies and lemonade with lots of love for Marguerite. I believe she wanted to encourage Marguerite to talk more in class. And bring more detail to her work. "Words mean more than what is set down on paper."( "It take the human voice to infuse them with the shades of deeper meaning."( "I memorized the part about the human voice infusing words."( "It seemed so valid and poetic."( My opinion is that a descriptive essay is more powerful than a Get more content on
  • 20. In this paper, I will be discussing the relevance of narrative therapy pertaining to its use in social work. I will discuss the background and current use of this intervention as well as the intended use of this strategy with client populations and its cultural sensitivity. Overall, this practice has numerous studies which have evaluated its use with individuals, families, and groups and have validated the effectiveness of this practice with various client populations. Narrative therapy is based on the work of Michael White and David Epston and was developed during the 1970s and 1980s. Narrative Therapy relies on postmodern–constructivist approach as the client is recognized as the expert and that individual experiences are viewed from the client's interpreted meaning (Young, 2010). The postmodern approach in clinical social work posits each society establishes normal behavior, however, diverse communities can be better understood through their unique perspectives (Maguire, 2002). The therapy asserts that cultural norms and expectations influence identity development, which becomes perpetually reinforced as individuals interact within their social environment (Robinson, 2015). According to Morgan (2000), "Narrative Therapy seeks to be a respectful, non–blaming approach to counseling and community work, which centers people as the experts in their own lives. It views problems as separate from people and assumes people have many skills, competencies, beliefs, values, Get more content on