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Puritan Influence On American Culture
The human brain is a story book filled with experiences. Every experience is a new page, and all of these pages combine to form our personal
perspective on the world. In America, we all have an idea of what is right and what is wrong based off of our own experiences. This causes us to have
many biased views that do not capture the full picture. The values of our immigrant ancestors define who we are today.
When we are children, we read various stories, and also taught many values from our parent's own personal views. At the beginning of new
generations, this cycle of teaching values repeats itself. Many of these values we are taught today trace back to the groups that build our country.
When the Puritans landed upon the shores of America, ... Show more content on ...
They viewed themselves as special people who had a covenant with God. They came to America seeking to build a theocratic nation with religion as
the focal point(PBS par. 2). This is why still to this day, America is centered around religion.
The holiday of Christmas has always been a part of our Christian nation. The commercialization of the holiday, however, came to be with the arrival
of German immigrants. They brought with them the idea of Santa Claus, the Christmas Trees, and the Easter Bunny(Chicchi par.6). Think of how
different Americans would be if only Christians celebrated Christmas, and Santa Claus was not a part of the holiday. All of the ads and
commercials around this time of year would be drastically different, as well as our literature. All of the books that spur children's imagination about
elves and the North Pole would be lost. Some of the greatest memories I have of reading came from my childhood around Christmas time. I loved
reading novels inspired by Santa Claus like The Polar Express. Stories of elves building toys and reindeer pulling sleighs give children across our
country a great imagination from a young
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The Commercialization Of Christmas In The 19th Century
By the beginning of the 19th century, barely anyone celebrated christmas and it wasn't really considered a holiday
By the end of the 19th century though, it was the largest annual celebrations
The change came quickly and from all parts of society
Many attributed the change to Queen Victoria
Her german born prince albert introduced her to some of the larger aspects of christmas
A news outlet in 1848 published a drawing of the family around a decorated christmas tree and suddenly most families in england had decorated trees
and small gifts below them
In 1843 an artist was commissioned to draw a card for christmas, showing a group of people around a table and a christmas message. This was the start
of the commercialization of Christmas
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A Person And / Or People
If there is anything that serves to uplift a person and/or people it is knowledge of self, and if there is anything that should drive a person and/or
people to annihilation, it is lack of knowledge of self. To avoid such annihilation steps must be taken to safeguard history and culture, for a person or
people who loses either is lost in the world.
For African Americans this is the reason we haveKwanzaa. Kwanzaa is a week–long celebration (December 26th – January 1st) held predominately in
the United States (also observed in other parts of the Americas, Western African and across the (African) diaspora) that helps bring African
together as a community, and it also helps African Americans reconnect with their African cultural and... Show more content on ...
The choice of Swahili, an East African language, reflects its status as a symbol of Pan–Africanism, especially in the 1960s, although (even though most
East African nations were not involved in the Atlantic slave trade that brought African people to America).
Kwanzaa honors the African heritage in African–American culture as it incorporates bringing African Americans together in meditation and study of
African traditions, most notably "Nguzo Saba" which are the "seven principles of Kwanzaa". "Nguzo Saba" in Swahili means "seven principles" and
these seven principles represent values of African culture which contribute to building and reinforcing community among African–Americans. The
seven principles comprise "Kawaida", a Swahili term for tradition and reason. Each of the seven days of Kwanzaa is dedicated to one of the following
principles which Karenga describes as "a communitarian African philosophy".
"Umoja (Unity) (oo–MO–jah): To strive for and to maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race."
"Kujichagulia (Self–Determination) (koo–gee–cha–goo–LEE–yah): To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves."
"Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility) (oo–GEE–mah): To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers ' and sisters '
problems our problems, and to solve them together."
"Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics) (oo–JAH–mah): To build and
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Penne Restad's Christmas In America
A Review of Penne Restad's Christmas in America: A History
Penne Restad's Christmas in America is a demonstration of the change in American acceptance of Christmas and the understanding of what the holiday
is. The book shows that the evolution from the humble European origins coming together in the United States through the 18th and 19th centuries
cumulating in an amalgamation of different traditions to create a more unified American holiday. Events that propelled the solidification of the holiday
are specific to the geographic separation creating pockets of cultural tradition to emerge without relative interference. The bedrock of Christmas history
in America paved the way to ritualistic materialism in the 1800s that continues today, accessible... Show more content on ...
People would give gifts to promote "the emotional aspects of relationships" and to reinforce the "pattern of spiritual bonds." Christmas in America
profoundly investigates the degree of bonds established in society, including the relationship among slave and master where even slaves could receive
charity during holidays. This relationship was of course predicate on the slaves' previous work, and was often done to bolster the self–image of the
slave owner, yet nonetheless incentivised slaves to work well aspiring for the prospect of a reward. The dynamic was not unlike how Santa Claus
became a conditional benefactor for children, encouraging them to be inexplicitly 'good' in hopes of presents, simultaneously allowing parents a
designated holiday to express their love through homemade or store bought
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Linking the Abolitionist Movement to the Textile Industry
The abolitionist movement would never link to the textile industry if the subject of slave labor were not the cotton grown in the southern part of the
United States. Later on, slaves from the south found new owners in the middle states that embraced cotton growing (Ferrell, 2006). The development
of commerce created a dependence of slave labor because cotton was the raw material for textile mills that supported the industrial cities that were
around Boston. Beyond the direct labor of slaves in picking and putting cotton in bales for shipment, other laborers also faced slavelike conditions in
the industrial mills where they toiled under grueling conditions (Porterfield, 2006). The quest to free factory workers and the desire of the workers to
have a better say for their involvement in the industry became an obvious attraction to the quest of the abolitionists.
The Slave Connection to the Textile Industry
When southerners confronted the issue of abolition of slavery, some thought it was unacceptable, others were not so sure of the way forward, and some
of them actually went ahead and freed their slaves. The southern economy depended on cotton and benefited mostly from the cheap and efficient slave
labor. Many thought that whites would not want to work in the farms, even after they were paid. The payment itself would become a significant cost to
the southern economy and hamper their profit margins already enjoyed with the slavery boom.
Defenders of slavery in the
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Capitalism And Consumerism
Some would say that the advertisers are responsible for building the hype and the consumer is just responding to a once in a lifetime deal (that happens
every year). Some have even gone as far as blaming capitalism and the manner in which it functions within our society. If you recall though, James
Twitchell blames the consumer and not these other outlets. "Some might blame this on capitalism, but one can love the freedom and innovation of
capitalism and hate the materialism of consumerism... However this isn't because capitalism promotes consumerism. Capitalism is just an economic
system – an imperfect one – that that reflects the values we put into it, so if we feed it consumerism, that's what we'll get. We, the consumers, are
guilty of turning Thanksgiving into a consumerist holiday" (Daniel). This isn't to say that everyone that participates in Black Thursday or Friday is
guilty of consumerism, maybe they don't have a family to spend the holiday with or maybe shopping with family is there means of spending quality
time together. The important thing is that we are all consumers in this society and we must be aware of the production companies ability to trigger
that within our brains the need to buy more and more things we don't necessarily need and sometimes even want. Playing the victim in all of this
proves that you are aware of the tactics used to get you to use your purchasing power and inturn you are aware of your own ability to change the way
consumerism is currently
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Reagan and Obama: A Comparison of Space Policy
Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama both served two terms as president of the United States. As president, both men enjoyed a measure of success
with the space program and NASA in general. Each president chose a different set of goals for NASA, however. These goals reflect the presidents'
views on America's place in the world as a scientific and commercial leader as well as the times in which the two presidents served. President Ronald
Reagan inherited the space policy of his predecessor, Jimmy Carter and was not satisfied with its current objectives and lack of direction (Logsdon,
1995). He put together a transition team to draft a new chapter for NASA which was left in an "untenable position" by Carter's lack of direction for the
agency. The NASA transition team leader, George Low, remarked that NASA can be "the best in American accomplishment and inspiration for all
citizens" (Logsdon, 1995). The team provided input to Reagan that would drive space policy during his eight year tenure. Reagan was a free–market
capitalist and felt that America's space interests were best served by a public and private partnership. Economically the United States was just digging
itself out of a long period of stagflation and budgets were tight. To ease the burden on taxpayers and create a sustainable space program, he and
Congress passed the Commercial Space Launch Act of 1984 which set the stage for the partnership between NASA and the private industry that
endures today (Kay,
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Essay On Halloween
Trick–or–Treat: The Origins of Halloween If Americans were asked to give examples of holidays, they would most likely mention the Fourth of July,
Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. These specific dates, known as calendar customs, are traditional practices that have become incorporated into
culture due to "social pressure, common usage, and parental or other authority" (Brunvand 406). Each holiday has rich, historical roots, and many of
the customs associated with them have been transmitted over several generations. In addition, most contemporary holiday customs vary dramatically
from the date's original purpose. In the case of Halloween, the commercialization of candy and costumes has contributed to a more family–oriented
atmosphere compared to the initial auspicious and superstitious beliefs surrounding this day. Despite its alterations throughout the years due to
cultural and religious reasons, Halloween still remains a prominent influence in popular culture that will continue to thrive for generations to come.
Halloween's inception began over two thousand year ago. This holiday is believed to be synonymous with Samhain, an ancient Celtic festival held
on October 31st that signified the onset of winter. Samhain had religious importance as a pagan festival, and the Celtic people often sacrificed food
and animals to appease the gods. The Celts considered this time to be rife with magic and the prime period for war and sorcery. According to one
online source, "It was
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The Effect Of Capitalist Values On The Prioritization Of
The Effect of Capitalist Values on the Prioritization of Obesity in the United States of America
In theory, the US is capable of providing a varied and healthy diet for all; yet why are more than one third (36.5%) of US adults obese (Ogden)?
Broadly defined, the World Health Organization states that obesity is a condition in which the presence of "abnormal or excessive fat accumulation
presents a risk to health" ("Obesity"). However, regardless of the growing prevalence and incidence rates, capitalism has increasingly driven consumer
behavior, perpetuating the wide spread of this health issue. Despite the fact that four of the top ten leading causes of death in the United States in 2015
were a direct result of obesity, the government ... Show more content on ...
To begin with, the negligence of obesity in the United States today is rooted on the prevalence of greed that has become a leading force in the
economy and society. By putting profits above consumer health due to the fear of not attaining the benefits of more wealth, greed has become a
socially accepted and justified trait. In a society where money is at the center of all decisions and activities, it is unsurprising that the government has
chosen the low–hanging fruit for convenience's purpose by neglecting this health issue and focusing on gaining profit instead. A clear example of this
was in 2009 when the Obama administration first issued a stimulus bill to fight against obesity through community–level anti–obesity campaigns.
Unfortunately, at first the bill was not passed as the cost was too expensive and it also came at a time where numerous households and firms were
facing economic hardships. DesJarlais, a leading US physician justifies the rejection of the bill by stating "it was absurd for the federal government to
spend billions demonizing certain foods and trying to affect people's personal dietary makes absolutely no sense that federal and city
agencies would aggressively advertise against American products made by American workers" (Crabtree). This justification explicitly depicts how,
despite attempted
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Marketing For Children 's Brand Preferences
Marketing to children
Name: Avishan Rafati
Date: July 26/2016
Professor: Dr. Timothy MacNeill
Course code: SOCI 1000
Marketers spend huge amounts of dollars a year globally persuading individuals into consumer lifestyles that has had consequences of wastefulness and
buying things we do not need (Beder, 1998). Advertisements exploit people's securities, create false needs and offer dishonest solutions. The bottom
line of advertisements is the creation of dissatisfaction to cause consumption. Youth are most prone to this kind of product manipulation (Tepperman &
Curtis, 2013). Marketers are targeting young children since they easily influence their parents' spending. Traditionally,marketing concentrated on
children items ... Show more content on ...
In 1991, Sweden banned all the advertisements in children prime hours after research established that children below the age of nine were incapable of
differentiating commercial ads and programs and could not comprehend the purpose of marketing until the age of 12 years. Research from American
Psychological Association (APA) indicates that children under the age of eight cannot comprehend televised advertised messages and readily accept
the advertiser's message as truthful and accurate. This leads to unhealthy feeding habits as proved by the increased cases of obesity. This paper will
critically analyze the current marketing situation and its impact on the children.
What is known
The order and stability of the society are cognizant to a consensus on the values, norms and the interconnected parts of the community (Tepperman &
Curtis, 2013). The maintenance of the society is dependent on the different parts fulfilling their functions which are evident in the analogy of society
and biological organisms. The body is made up of many organs which must work together for the living organism to survive (Tepperman & Curtis,
2013). Similarly, social institutions must work together for the survival of the society. Media contributes to the maintenance of the society by
surveilling the environment, entertainment, social heritage and correlating parts of the community. Structural
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Christmas : Psychological And Sociological Perspectives
Christmas is the annual festival celebrating the birth of Jesus on the 25th December, at least that is what it began as initially. Since it has expanded
into an international phenomenon for consumption, taking priority over our everyday practices of life (Michel De Certeau, 1980). Our time we spend
divided between work and leisure in accordance to the codes and conventions of society shifts, Christmas derails these expectations. Yet surprisingly
Christmas gains little attention in terms of social research, despite the fact that it can be explored diversely. The inquiry 'What is Christmas?' links to
multiple aspects of social research. The aspects of Christmas can be subdivided into the following; religion, commercialism, gift–giving, social
relationships, sensualism and mythology. This essay will analyse these fundamentals of Christmas through both psychological and sociological
perspectives, as the theories among these two social sciences are best suited to the elements which make up Christmas itself.
As aforementioned, the initial true meaning of Christmas is religion – one that has now been muchly downplayed. Of course at first glance religion is
only an important element of Christmas for those who are actually religious, for which then religion plays the dominant role of what Christmas is to
them. However, religion means to show obligation to something through faith, it could be argued that the majority of society is actually religious. We
follow a society which has
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A Christmas Holiday Speech
Good evening, parents, and family of children in the Mt. Pleasant Schools District and thank you for attending this PTA meeting. I know it's cold and
snowing out there, but I hope that this song is bringing you a little warmth in your heart. However, for some of you it has also put that anxious,
worried feeling in the pit of your stomach because the countdown has begun, 10 more days until Christmas and as world is decked out in bright lights
and lots of glitter, a significant amount of people stress about even finding something to eat this Christmas.
II. It starts off, it seems, even before Halloween ends, when the stores start advertising Black Friday sales and putting up everything related to
Christmas, from gift sets to Christmas decorations on the shelves.
A.Thanksgiving has been taken over by Black Friday.
1.In my opinion, when walking into a Supermarket there is hardly any Thanksgiving themed products on the selves.
2.Instead of with spending time with family or friends on Thanksgiving some people spend it standing in those long ridiculous, lines for Black Friday
a.According toa National Retail Federation's annual survey, this year 2017 "an estimated 69% of Americans (about 164 million people) plan to shop
during Thanksgiving weekend and spend about $967 on Christmas gifts".
b.In the metro news which is based out of the UK posted an article call "Black Friday Death Count is the Most Grim Thing About Today", with the
total of 10 deaths and over
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Christmas Speech : Christmas Of Christmas
Christmas means Christmas...
There 's no doubt about it; the season to be jolly descends in December and now we 're in November, Christmas is traipsing outside, pulling comical
faces at the window – there 's only so much you can take. I fancy going to the Supreme Court to attempt to reschedule Christmas for March 2019; y
'know change the face of consumerism and tradition as we know it – but Christmas means Christmas... this is deficient of fanfaronade, and straight to
the point.
There 's evidence of festivities too, only several days ago, the ubiquitous 'Costa ' thermal takeaway cup had a festive knitted make–over,as if kitted out
by wool loving Trinny Woodall, well, it 's getting colder; or I am getting older... I 've already had a spontaneous Christmas jingle gleefully sung down
the line, naturally, I became less stressed and immediately thought Christmas means Christmas... there 's no escaping it. I really should treat the festive
spirit as if it 's a much needed hot bath, just shut the eyes and slip into a blissful trance. Until a question looms up... but does seeing Christmas
promotions in October bother you? In truth, it didn 't bother me until I thought about it, because Christmas means Christmas and it happens every
December – no surprises.
If I was being finicky I 'd prefer St Nicholas to make an impromptu appearance; to put the case forward that Christmas means Christmas... something
like: "Good day to you all, it has come to my attention that the meaning of
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MUSI 1002 Notes
The Culture Industry Made up of economic institutions Adorno's theories fundamental Commodity Fetishism The culture industry is successful
because people fetishize cultural objects Creates false needs, alternative ways of thinking without people realizing People focus on consuming. To own
it. We need to have it. Ex. Purchasing a concert ticket Standardization Popular music standardized: 1. Number of types immediately recognizable 2.
Small number of structures 3. Small number of components to each song that's interchangeable (ex.Intro,verse,chorus etc) Pseudo–individualization
The type of variation between standardized products Surface changes (rhythm), not basic structure (chord progressions, verse, chorus) If pop... Show
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Syncopated rhythms Ex. Goldie "Angel" Electronica Not specifically made for dancing Desgned for wide range of uses Ex. Moby "Natural Blues"
"Historica Electronica Preface" Simon Reynolds 2001 Lays out parameters that define a "field of possibility" within electronic dance music Texture
matters more than actual rhythm Process of Sampling Mashups: Relies on irony and nostalgia, lots of people wil be familiar with the songs Convey
cultural critique, launch discussions on social issues Correspondences, connotations and critical readings. Turned consumptions into production.
Referring to the creative process DJ Danger Mouse, brought genre into public discourse Sampling, Meanings, and Interpretation Brackett, "Sample
Mania" Can't Touch This, resembles Super Freak. Same backing track. Hip hop is now commercial, started by 1990s. He suggested that popularity is
due to the sampling of well known songs. In 1997, hit songs based on samplings with pervasive What impact does the song have? What is popular
music text? Anything that conveys a cultural meaning Popular music text: recordings, music videos, live performances The music components in lyrics
is important but also album covers Intertextuality: The idea that text communicates its meaning in relation to other texts. Meanings represented in
popular text Preferred reading: dominant message set within codes and conventions in creation of the text Meaning may not
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Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Christ Climbed Down, AndSometime...
Lawrence Ferlinghetti is often regarded as one of the most influential American poets of the 20th century, and his writing covers a wide range of
social topics regarding the status of American culture during the 1950s and 60s. Many of Ferlinghetti's works focus on his vision of America and how
that vision had not come to fruition because of the less than ideal situations surrounding American culture at the time. Consequently, Ferlinghetti was
also an avid member of the Beat generation and used his ability to write as a platform for spreading the message of the Beatniks. As we have
discussed in class, the Beatniks refer to the generation of young people during the 1950s and 1960s that rode the wave of counterculture that was
sweeping the... Show more content on ...
In his poem, "Sometime During Eternity...", he criticizes the way Americans viewJesus Christ and questions the dogma attached to traditional
Christian beliefs. Ferlinghetti discusses how the American people like to treat Jesus as if he is some sort of high end celebrity, referring to him as
"hip" and "cat" (15), names which are usually associated with jazz musicians. However, despite the adoration the American people use when talking
about Jesus, Ferlinghetti states that we later "... Stretch him on the Tree to cool/ And everybody after that/ is always making models/ of this tree/ with
Him hung up/ and always crooning His name" (15–16). This quote shows that the American people are often able to speak romantically of Jesus and
adore Him with their words, but come up short with their actions, as they put Him on the Cross by denying their faith in Him. As we have
discussed in class, this is a reference to the biblical figure, Peter, who denied Jesus three times just before the crucifixion of Jesus. Ferlinghetti is
writing this piece to show that the American people have turned into Peter, as we want ourselves and others to believe that we are devout believers
in Christ, but our faith crumbles and our knowledge of Christ crumbles at the slightest provocation. Also, as we have discussed in class, the poem is
unorganized and does not seem to have a consistent pattern or verse, as well as many references to jazz. This is because the poem is meant to have a
theme of
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100 Essay Topics
t100 ESSAY AND JOURNAL TOPICS Ken Stewart Chapel Hill High School Chapel Hill, North Carolina Journal writing is an informal approach
to developing students' writing skills. The assessment is primarily based on improvement and completing a minimum number of pages (5 pages
skipping lines) by the established deadline. My feedback to students is focused on interaction with what they have written as opposed to correcting
syntax or orthography. Since this is a dialogue journal, I respect the confidential nature of what students choose to write. Be prepared for students to
share anecdotes that may be sensitive in content. This is a great way to get to know your students on a more personal level. I do not place a value
judgment on their ideas or... Show more content on ...
31. Should HIV+ patients have to identify themselves as positive 32. The denial of health care benefits to illegal immigrants 33. Homosexuality in the
military 34. The treatment of Native Americans on reservations Children 35. The possible effects of videogames or violent toys on children 36.
Overseas adoption of children 37. What kids can learn from grandparents and great–grandparents 38. How to train or hire a reliable babysitter 39. The
worst nightmare of my childhood / or the best dream I can remember Community 40. Fire arms should be required to be registered with the
police...why or why not 41. The effects of gangs in and beyond urban centers 42. The advantages and disadvantages of legalizing prostitution 43.
Write an editorial to your mayor complaining about problems in your town or city 44. What the individual can do to help protect the environment
Consumerism 45. The effects of fast food on your health 46. Cell phones, television, computers...luxuries or necessities 47. Should phone surveys and
telemarketing be prohibited 48. Are brand name clothes worth the price (Abercrombie, Ralph Lauren, Nike) 49. Advantages and disadvantages of
credit cards Current events 50. The importance of the ozone layer 51. The shortage of teachers nowadays 52. How to improve security of air travel 53.
Should Puerto Rica be the 51st state, a commonwealth or independent 54. Modern–day heroes and idols for young people Customs and Traditions 55.
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Effects Of Christmas On American Culture
Since the beginning of globalization and the expansion of the large firms, several selling techniques were developed. However, this gave birth to a
fierce struggle between those companies that tear their customers. This willingness to sell brings its advantages but can also be disadvantageous for
the culture of a society. This essay will approach the theme of the commercialization of Christmas by demonstrating that in Quebec this event has
become a commercial event and is less traditional and lost its religious character and by explaining the effects on adults and children. As a matter of
fact, with all the publicities and the constant apparition of messages selling values and a new image of the culture surrounding Christmas, the changing
of adult's perception is inevitable and widely affected by commercialization. Each year, the two months preceding Christmas are very important for TV
shows, magazines and other businesses because they make the promotion of Christmas in their own image. Everybody is telling you to change or to
buy a new product because your... Show more content on ...
The commercialization of the festival has not only affected his popularity but also its symbolic ." Since the children are following the footsteps of
their parents, many of them don't see Christmas as a traditional and religious event, but more as the day were you can receive many gifts if you were a
nice kid this year. In fact, parents buy more gifts than previously because with the years "the Ultramontane dogma [...] and commercialism would, little
by little, help to impose December 25th as the main holiday, gradually shifting the focus of the holiday towards children ." If parents don't shift around
their behaviour, in the next generations the real signification of Christmas will be forgotten and traditions lost by lack of pursuing our religious
traditions defining our
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What Money Can T Buy By Michael Sandel: An Analysis
All things change over a period. Whether it is a dresser that someone has had for many moons from the shoes that moms bought in the 7th grade
that still fits to this day. But because these things begin to age does the value in market tend to go down? So as a gift , someone needs a dresser,
does the moral consideration go down because the old one was given to that person and not a brand new one. In the book What Money Can't Buy by
Michael Sandel he discusses the fact that the value of things in the market have crowded over moral considerations. Gift card giving and weight loss
incentives have infiltrated where previously they did not exist. Which means that they are taking over in an area where it wasn't that big and making it
a market.... Show more content on ...
Does the term skyboxifications ring a bell ? Pretty much all it is , is a picture of society. So in a skybox at a sporting event , there is people in
there looking down, that represents the people looking down on society as if there were ants. Then you have the people who sit in the nose bleeds
and so on all the way to the floor seats right by the players. There are the ones that are looking up to society as if they would like to be up where the
people in the skybox are. This is relevant to what else is spoken on because it brings up a question that has to do with the market system. Does
commercialization erode commodity? What does this mean? because of how everything is portrayed on television and how people make it seem
to be, is it better than the real reason as to why people do what they do it ? Because a larger woman sees a smaller woman walking past her and wants
to be like her is that a reason for her to spend her well earned money to lose weight to be "happy"? And because a person is late to the work Christmas
party and doesn't have a gift for their secret Santa? Is that a reason to just get a random gift card? This where morals and values come in, if the person
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Graphene : A Sheet Of Carbon
Graphene, a sheet of carbon that is a single atom thick, is the strongest material on earth, silicone–based putty (or silly putty) is the one of the softest,
and oddest. When the two got together, electricity happened.
Approximately two–and–one–half years ago, researchers in Jonathon Coleman's lab combined broken sheets of graphene with the toy putty and created
G–Putty, a super–sensitive material that detects minuscule changes in pressure to the material. When they placed G–Putty on a lab mate's skin, and
connected it to a monitoring device, they could detect his heart beat and respiration.
Curiosity, not usefulness, drove the team's actions. Prof. Coleman said that his lab at Trinity College in Ireland routinely practices household science,
to help them understand the properties of the two–dimensional nanosheets they study in the lab.
The lab studies the physical properties of two–dimensional materials that are the width of a single atom to determine how they can be used to improve
our health and our quality of life. It also has a reputation for using common household items, like kitchen blenders and Silly PuttyВ®, in their
"I like the sort of stuff where you can do science at home," Prof. Coleman said.
"Recently we 've shown how you can make graphene a home in a blender using pencils and a household detergent. The silly putty: we made it
ourselves using a homemade recipe of oil and boric acid. Everything is doable at home," he added.
Graphene is a new
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The Commercialization Of Christmas And Easter
We live in a very materialistic society where not even religion can escape the lure of commercialism. Although advances in technology have made
consumerism more readily available to people world–wide, the root of secularization of the church can be traced back hundreds of years. Of course the
commercialization of Christmas and Easter stands out amongst holidays celebrated by Christians; other religions also include elaborate festivities and
gift giving during their religious celebrations. In addition to the merchandising during the holidays, there are countless stores and websites that offer
religious items, movies and TV shows, museums and theme parks, music of every genre and ornately decorated places of worship. Although most
religions ... Show more content on ...
In recent years, Christmas holiday shopping has begun earlier and earlier, starting even before the end of October. Stores, street lights, and houses
are decorated with brightly colored lights, animatronics, and inflatable images of Santa, Rudolph, Frosty and the Grinch. Holiday sales begin on
Thanksgiving instead of Black Friday, making it impossible for salespeople to spend time with family, enjoying food and games while reflecting on
all that the family has to be thankful for. Admittedly, I am not a fan of shopping on Black Friday, but I have friends that say that getting up early
and rushing around stores for special bargains is a fun family tradition; however, it seems that every year there are media reports of people being
injured or fights breaking out over getting that one all important item. Many people go into debt making credit card purchases of nonessential items.
All that aside, though, the holiday season causes many people to become more charitable, providing food to the homeless, visiting lonely elders in
nursing homes and providing clothing and gifts to children in need; it would be wonderful if people kept that giving spirit all year long.
Christmas music has evolved quite a bit over the years also; Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer and I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas are
heard more frequently than Silent Night or Away in a Manger. Many churches, mine included, hold Christmas pageants which include a mix of music
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Summary Of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle
In 1904 Upton Sinclair went undercover in the Chicago stockyards. He immersed himself in the meatpacking culture and studied the inner workings
of one of the world's largest industries. Through about seven weeks of posing as a worker, he had gathered enough material for his greatest work and
a catalyst for change in the 20th century. Sinclair compiled his experiences to create his classic novel The Jungle. The book follows a family of
Lithuanian immigrants and their pursuit of the American Dream. Because this novel is a forerunner in the field of investigative journalism, the scenes
and events are based off of real life observations and research. The experiences may not be exact stories from people but the circumstances were
realistic. Through ... Show more content on ...
The Stockyards were literally poisoning the American consumer; working in the industry was literally poisoning Jurgis and his family mentally,
physically, and emotionally. The Chicago stockyards were toxic for anyone involved. The early 1900's were a time when the government was much
more hands–off on the things concerning private businesses. There were inspectors there to check for tuberculosis but they were easily distracted and
not very dedicated and committed to their work (Sinclair, 1906). Some have referred to the government's hands off approach as neglectful; however,
things were about to
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Movie Vs Play Analysis
I found the play to be far superior in comparison to the original film version as the movie's writing glorified modern American consumerism. A post
war financial boom brought a great amount of advertising and promotion, and the movie was overflowing with blatant celebration of products. The
presence of sexism as well of the obvious lack of racially diverse main characters, was a big problem for me in my terms of likability of the movie. The
play was able to strip itself of the gaudiness/lack of diversity and that left room for a brilliantly crafted sub–plot with a well rounded cast and smartly
written script. As A Christmas Story appears to be set in the mid to late 1940's, during what I must presume is post World War Two due to the lack
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The movie had zero racial diversity as, any character of racial diversity was a non–speaking background character. That speaks volumes for films made
in the 80's though, as the film and television industry's diversity in characters only really started to pick up in the 90's with films and shows such as,
Clueless and The Fresh Prince of Bel–Air. By having an African Nova Scotian actor play a large speaking role such as, Ralphie's friend, Flick, the
directors took notice to today's queues of having a diverse and well rounded cast! I think it would have been very awkward not to, as the need to teach
this generation about diversity and equality for all is extremely important. The writers also added a new strong and intelligent female lead, Esther–Jane!
After looking at the IMDB page for the film, I noticed Esther–Jane was not a character in the film. Even if she was, I didn't notice her, at all. The
women in Neptune production were an important component to the story as they interacted with other main characters that, just never happened in the
movie version. Esther–Jane, especially was a strong female character as only being in grade 2, she already had a stance on politics and classic
literature. She and her friend, intimidated even the most terrifying school yard bully, Scott, and was respected by everyone in the community. Ralphie's
mother in the production reminded me of a young Jackie Kennedy–Onassis, not only by the way she was dressed, but by the way she carried herself.
She was kind and caring towards her family, well knowledgable and had a very low temper. The mother in the movie version was also very kind and
understanding but, it seemed she was not in control of herself or her family. She was annoying and almost held down by her over–confident husband.
She didn't stand up for herself in any
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Abscohost Evaluation
No matter how experienced one is with compiling and analyzing research, it continues to be an overwhelming process. However, when carried out
effectively, it can be one of the most rewarding experiences of a researcher's career. When preparing my paper on the evolution of the Christmas
season, I first consulted EBSCOhost, which I have found to be very effective in locating detailed, scholarly articles. Although this paper was for a
psychology course, I decided to include articles from all the databases EBSCOhost provides since many psychology–related articles are in databases
other than PsycINFO or PsycARTICLES. For instance, in prior assignments, I have found that Academic Search Premier and the Educational Resources
Information Center (ERIC) provide many articles that are valuable to my research. Additionally, I tried to use Dr. PГ©rez–Lane's lectures and our
course textbook to make for a stronger paper by applying the concepts we learned in class to my paper. For example, because ethnocentrism (forcing
one's culture ... Show more content on ...
During my sophomore year, he asked our class write an APA–style research paper on anything related to U.S. history. This taught me a great deal about
how to gather scholarly articles, as well as create an argument that is thorough, but objective. Additionally, I was able to further enhance my research
skills when I had to complete a similar assignment my junior year (with the same teacher). Once I moved on to college, I found that courses such as
English 101 (Writing the College Essay), English 102 (Introduction to the Study of Literature), and Psychology 250 (Reading and Writing in
Psychology) tested my ability to produce a concrete argument and better comprehend what I read. Reading comprehension was once one of my largest
struggles academically, which I have continued to develop in order to provide more effective
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Sarcasm And The Food Industry
Thanksgiving is a time when all my worries melt away and an illusionary warmth engulfs my very being. The entire family gathers and we prepare
a meal worthy of a king; there is no other holiday aside from Christmas that is greeted with such a feast. It is a means for all of us to gather, give
thanks, and enjoy life's little things. Or rather, the things that seem little to us while remaining quite a thing to behold in the shadows of one's own
mind. It would be truly a sin to pry away the shelter that encases a sad reality about the meal bestowed upon us. It does not come with surprise that my
ever expanding knowledge base for the subject of food is casting light on things that I never even once dreamed of thinking about. Our traditions are ...
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For this reason I never even so much as remember the radical thoughts I have been introduced to throughout various sources damning the food industry.
I know for a fact that I have read many articles that show aspects that make it fairly reasonable to condemn the industry for practices being somewhat
demeaning for animals and humans alike. Not to mention the environmentalists that are pointing fingers every which way when it comes to the
artificially made products, animal and plant alike. Albeit some of those articles have been rather one–sided in comprehending the significance of the
field, they have had valuable information for their side of the argument. But I digress, I do not take into consideration all of these outside factors
because I have never dealt with the process of the product. I do not fully appreciate the food that is placed on the table more for the thoughts I
have buried deep during the time of consumption. I do not remember why I need to appreciate it more. To have the knowledge and be able to cast
it aside so easily is either a curse or a blessing...if I remember it I would never want to eat what is set before me. And if I do not remember it, I am
showing much disrespect for everything that goes into processed foods. I do not condone animal cruelty and I have no viewpoint on the environment
because I have a feeling there are about twenty times more things that are occurring to ravage the earth in the background that are not being
discussed. I agree with Peter Singer's philosophy that "we need to understand nature and develop the best theories we can to explain why things are
as they are, because only in that way can we work out what the consequences of our actions are likely to be; but it would be a serious mistake to
assume that natural ways of doing things are incapable of improvements" (Singer
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Modern Culture Is Inevitable, By John Storey And The...
Evolution of culture is inevitable, as shown in John Storey's articles, Inventing Opera as art in Nineteenth–Century Manchester and The Invention of
the English Christmas. Within both articles, Storey showcases the transformation of culture, with the opera from low–class entertainment to high–class
art and Christmas transforming from a religious centered event to a capitalism driven day. Both articles look at class hierarchy, the rise of materialism
and accessibility. While both of Storey 's articles are concerned with the evolution of cultural events, the opera emphasises class hierarchy, whereas the
article on the progression of Christmas focuses on a materialistic revolution. Inventing Opera as art in Nineteenth–Century Manchester told how opera
evolved from an event centred on entertainment to a form of art that could only be accessed by the bourgeois. Opera became a social construct,
creating a class hierarchy. Original Venetian operas were considered as lowculture to the influential middle–class as they were the popular culture at
the time and attended by lower class people who did not appreciate the art form (Giroux, Nealon 2011, 53). Inventing Opera as art in
Nineteenth–Century Manchester looks at an emergence of class hierarchy and what separates high–class opera from low–class opera. In comparison,
Storey's other article The Invention of the English Christmas demonstrates a materialistic revolution that accompanied the industrial revolution in the
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Summary Of ' Salinger 's ' The Rye '
Catcher in the Rye was written by J.D Salinger in 1951, at a time when American values had forced an entire generation of kids to conform to the
standards set by a society that strongly castigated diversity. It stirred up a lot of controversy and criticism because it discussed taboo topics such as
adolescent sexuality and rebelling against societal norms. After World War II, America had become extremely prosperous due to it's industrial
advancement, but the growth of the economy also came with strict social rules that taught people how to dress, who to date, and how to face the reality
of adulthood. With the threat of the Cold War and the terror of the Red Scare, people conformed to have some continuity in their lives. They were taught
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Holden's parents establish a set of standards for Holden while he attends fancy preparatory schools. They want him to become successful and follow
the footsteps of his father, "Lawyers are all right, I guess... All you do is make a lot of dough and play golf and play bridge and buy cars and drink
Martinis and look like a hot–shot... Even if you did save guys' lives and all, how would you know you did it because you wanted to, or because you
did it because what you really wanted to do was be a terrific lawyer? How would you know you know you weren't being a phony? The trouble is,
you wouldn't" (172). This shows his unwillingness to acquiesce, and follow the standards set by his parents and society. Holden continually gets
kicked out of school, because he doesn't want to live a meaningless life. He simply has no concern about making money or achieving the American
Dream, he just wants to be complacent and live a happy life. Holden is essentially rebelling against what society has taught him that was most
important; wealth and power. He has created his own set of principles, which is often the cause of his alienation from the rest of his peers. While
attending Pencey Prep, Holden was forced into taking an oral expression class, that forced him and his classmates to standardize the way they think
and speak in order to comply with the guideline set by their teacher Mr. Vinson (183). In almost every aspect of his life, he is being continually
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Bill Melendez's Influence On People
Bill Melendez Career as an Animator. Very few people are unfamiliar with the work of Bill Melendez, although many people are likely unaware that
Melendez is creative force behind many beloved classics. An immigrant from Mexico, Melendez first began his career as an animator with the Walt
Disney Company (where he worked on classics such as Pinocchio, Bambi, and Fantasia), but moved to Warner Brothers after the 1941 animators strike.
Eventually, Melendez joined United Productions of America, a smalleranimation studio, which was characterized by its use of, "spiky lines, eerie
silence, dissonant sound effects and bold, blocky color schemes" (Seitz).
Collaboration with Charles Schulz. Several years later, ... Show more content on ...
Melendez's influence on the themes in Anderson's work is not as apparent as the visuals. "In Anderson's films, however, the adolescent (either real or
behaviorally) creator, while handled sympathetically, is also called out for his... destructive and exclusive behavior and must learn both to adapt and to
assimilate, at least partially" (Orgeron, 2007). This theme can be seen repeatedly in Anderson's work– in Suzy and Sam running away from home (and
eventually being found) in Moonrise Kingdom, and in Max's expulsion and subsequent enrollment in public school in Rushmore. In his book Wes
Anderson: Why his Movies Matter, Mark Browning asserts that, "Charlie Brown is quite different from most Anderson heroes, who lack his more
realistic self–awareness that he is likely to screw up whatever chances life appears to offer him..." (Browning, 2011). Although the typical protagonist
in a Wes Anderson movie often has an even less realistic outlook on life than a Peanuts character, there are similarities. Anderson's characters "... all
have the startling ability to view their lives according to their own desires, seeing things the way they want to see them, which is not always consistent
with reality as observed from the outside" (Hancock, 2005). Similar to the way the Linus unwaveringly believes in the great pumpkin with a sense of
childlike innocence, Sam and Suzy believe that they will not be caught, Max adamantly believes in his extracurricular
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Essay On Open Government In Canada
What is the open government partnership? Canada is a major signatory and member of the open government partnership, OGP which was launched in
2011 globally by G8 countries (Italy, Germany, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Russia and France) to offer an international platform
for national reformers dedicated to making their governments more open, responsible, and approachable to citizens. Since then, OGP has fully grown
from eight countries to the 75 collaborating countries. All told of those countries, government and civil society area unit operating along to progress and
implement remorseless open government reforms. There area unit rules, principles and machines in situ that decision upon government actors to justify
their actions, bear upon ... Show more content on ...
But government's area unit requested to mobilize voters to be engaged publically discussion, offer input, and build aids that cause a lot of
approachable, innovative and effective governance. The government of Canada's data on activities and selections is open, inclusive, timely, freely
obtainable to the general public, and meets basic open data standards.
As part of the global open government part, government's are requested to extend access to data and information, ensure transparency and
accountability, and strengthen citizen meetings in the activities of government and in the democratic process. Canada has an established pledge to
openness and responsibility as a foundation of a strong, modern democracy. From the passing of access to information legislation over 30 years ago to
current open government and proactive revelation activities, the government of Canada has worked to ensure transparency on federal operations to
enable Canadians to hold their government accountable. Canada joined the open government partnership (OGP) in April 2012, and
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Commm 34 Research Paper
Christmas is awesome essay for Comm 34 by Anne Ginn
Since the beginning of time, people have loved holidays. that's why it's so important that we honour our traditions at christmas. Christmas is a time for
giving, sharing, and eating. Candy canes are a big part of that tradition. And everyone likes Christmas because of these reasons.
The first tradition that I want to talk about is the Christmas tree. Every year, Iand my family go into the bush to get a tree. We find one that looks good
and chop it down and use the top. It'is a lovely tradition. The history of the Christmas tree is really vast and substantial. A look at the history of the tree
only shows how extensive this history actually is. According to Christmas trees used to
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The Battle For Christmas Summary
Christmas is one of the most celebrated holidays in the United States. From Christmas carols to holiday parties, this celebration seems to be deeply
embedded in American Culture. How has this holiday and its traditions become so prevalent in the United States? Historian Stephen Nissenbaum
attempted to answer this question and in doing so challenged the old assumptions about Christmas and its traditions in his book The Battle for
Christmas. In this book, he discussed how historians have previously studied Christmas in an isolated manner away from culture (page xii).
Nissenbaum wrote this book to discuss how American culture has been impactful on Christmas rituals depending upon the social landscape of the time
(page xii). The Battle for Christmas is organized into seven chapters. The first three chapters discussed the origins of Christmas and how the holiday
was commercialized (page xi). The next two chapters argued that Americans used objects such as the Christmas tree to preach against a materialistic
Christmas in the mid–nineteenth century (page xi). Chapters six and seven mention Christmas charity and how the holiday operated in the antebellum
South (page xi).
Nissenbaum started his book out by ... Show more content on ...
The author used a description of rowdy Christmas revelers as a mob from a New York newspaper to prove that the press was starting to condemn
carnival–like behavior (page 94). Nissenbaum also mentioned how the idea of domesticity was coming into vogue as children started to be defined by
their "age alone" (pages 109–110). This cultural change can be explained by "The Nutcracker" becoming popular during this time (page 131). This
book helped children experience "the carnival of the mind" without indulging in this behavior (page
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Is It Ethical to Market to Children?
For–profit corporations increasingly tend to infiltrate (overtly and subliminally) our lives. One example of their interference is marketing strategies
aimed at children. Adult consumers are like roaches: they tend to become "immune" to classical marketing strategies and advertisements. Today,
corporations tend to by–pass this phenomenon by marketing to children instead: money is indirectly extracted from adults by manipulating their
children. There are two main reasons why marketing strategies target children: because of the persuasive power children have over their parents, and
because they simply are easier to manipulate. At this point we have to ask ourselves: is it ethical to market to children? Should children be protected
from being ... Show more content on ...
According to me, parents' intervention and responsibility is essential. While advertisements transmit the idea that children need a certain product,
parents have to make use of their authority and oppose their child's nagging. First of all, children will get spoiled if all their wishes are their parents'
command. Secondly, children need to understand and respect the limits imposed by parents. It is crucial that they learn to respect their parents'
lifestyle and values. Finally, not only does the child have to learn to accept the parents "no": the parents themselves need to learn and have the courage
to oppose their child's irrational wishes. The effectiveness of advertising and marketing on children greatly depends on how parents educate their
children. Parents are responsible for protecting children from being marketed to by educating them adequately and establishing clear rules and limits.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely isolate children from marketing strategies. Thus education has to play the role of a filter against these
external 'inputs' that try to corrupt the very young.
Ironically, the industry is teaching children to punish parents. By saying "no", parents tend to feel bad and sometimes even unjust considering the
increasing urge with which their child expresses his wishes. In fact, it becomes progressively harder for parents to educate their children in a
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Nineteen Eighty-Four And Brazil Similarities
While there are many similarities between George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty–Four and Terry Gilliam's film Brazil, there are also a number of
large and fundamental contrasts between the two works of fiction. These contrasts fall into such categories as spirituality, social order, and government
structure to name a few. While the differences may at first seem negligible in their implications, further investigation shows that the daily lives of the
citizens of these two arguably–nightmarish societies would be quite different indeed. In Nineteen Eighty–Four, the remnants of the religions once
widely followed by people around the world have either been repurposed to suit the new order or simply eradicated in their entirety. While buildings...
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Most obvious is the government in Brazil's lack of any sort of supreme leader figure, figurehead or otherwise. In Nineteen Eighty–Four, the Party
revolves around a character created to represent their ideology: Big Brother. The heads of Brazil's government's departments, then, are not accountable
to any central leader or idea, and as such are often in competition with each other. This drawback of the rulership–by–group system is avoided by
Nineteen Eighty–Four's INGSOC party by having all members of the Inner Party ultimately accountable to the best interests of Big Brother, and thus
accountable to the best interests of the rest of the Inner Party. By this logic and by the relative ineffectiveness of the government in Brazil, one could
argue that INGSOC's system results in a more efficient government (albeit one that provides even its highest elites with far less freedom than Brazil's
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Comparing Ron Howard's How the Grinch Stole Christmas to...
Comparing Ron Howard's How the Grinch Stole Christmas to Dr. Seuss' Grinch
Whether or not you consider Ron Howard's version of Dr Seuss's classic How The Grinch Stole Christmas comical, yet disgraceful, there's no ignoring
the little green monster's reign over the box office. The movie, How the Grinch Stole Christmas starring Jim Carrey, was released in November of 2000,
reaching a gross high of over $200 million in the U.S alone (The Numbers). However, I feel that this version has over exaggerated the original story,
and I will back this up by showing many examples of how Dr. Seuss's classic turned into a marketing, franchise frenzy.
Dr. Seuss's original fable is a simple story told with a great moral that criticizes the ... Show more content on ...
This show can be seen on TV every Christmas season. Then Ron Howard takes this short film and draws it out to be a two and a half–hour long
movie. The worst aspect of the movie is that it makes a mockery of Seuss's main message: "Christmas doesn't come from a store." This movie is all
about selling, from those furry talking Grinch dolls to endless fast–food tie–ins.
There are many differences between the movie and the original story, one of which is Cindy Lou Who. In the original Grinch she is portrayed as
innocent two year old. In the movie however, she is about seven years old, which allows her to be slightly more skeptical about things. Jim Carrey
played The Grinch, but when watching this movie it seemed as if The Grinch was playing Jim Carrey. The original cartoon leaves you with much
more imagination as to why the Grinch is so mean. Quoting from Dr. Seuss's book:
"The Grinch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season! Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason. It could be that his head
wasn't screwed on quite right. It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were to tight. But I think that the most likely reason of all May have been that his
heart was two sizes too small." (Seuss).
However in the over–exaggerated movie it included the reason behind the Grinch's hatred of Christmas; saying it was because the kids used to tease
him when he was little, until the day he
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How Holidays Affects Consumer Culture
Holidays have always been known to affect our consumer culture for many years, but how it all began eludes many people and very few studies
have been completed on it. Even though some say that the subject is too broad to precisely identify how holidays, especially Christmas, directly
affect our market, I have found that people's values, expectations and rituals related to holidays can cause an excessive amount of spending among our
society. Most people are unaware that over the centuries holidays have become such a profitable time of year for industries that they now starting to
promote gift ideas on an average of a month and a half ahead of actual holiday dates to meet consumer demands. Religions influences on consumer's...
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In view of the fact that spirituality was very important to people in earlier days, merchant stands soon started to be seen in the churches court
yards due to the vast numbers of people who attended worships services on a daily basis. Merchants and traders soon became a familiar figure
around churches especially during the holiday season when services were held more regularly and the turnouts were larger which usually meant
they had a better chance for a sale. The merchants offered various products such as produce, meat, fabric, toys, and home made jewelry for all to
see. In the picture above a Melaka Christian churchyard is filled with merchants trying to sell their products. Religious beliefs soon formed new
values as the importance of gift giving became a 'tradition' among religions. In most religions helping others who could not help themselves was
already a steadfast belief. As people's values of wanting to help and give to others started to intertwine with the calendar holidays many people started
to look for newer and better gift ideas for their loved ones and soon strangers as well. Christian's predominantly could be found buying minuscule little
gift items, such as notebook paper, pencils, and ribbons, for the homeless children, their families and the poorer community that could not provide for
themselves during the holiday seasons. Along with people's changing values of the holidays the public was now attending
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My Favourite Beach Essay
Goa, by every standard, is becoming a popular beach destination not just in India but also in the West. While countless tourists sniff around to behold
the panoramic view of the Goan state, others just lie on the enchanting beaches to get the perfect tan and drink their troubles away.
In every part of Goa, its alluring beaches manifest with a unique charm. Beaches in the southern part of the state offer a peaceful tranquility to
tourists looking to lay off their stress and relax by the sea. The northern beaches make for a party hub for people and those who seek to savor their
adventurous side with the myriad lists of water sports.
A major shout out to all the beach lovers!
Set with few of the most beautiful beaches in the world, let ... Show more content on ...
A 15km long unexplored stretch surrounded by cliffs on two sides and a fresh water lake, Arambol is divided into two beaches– Arambol and Harmal.
It is a refuge to many tourists – especially the hippie foreigners. With much less commercialization compared to other beaches of North Goa, Arambol
beach makes for a quiet and peaceful vacation and has a bohemian feel to it. Besides dolphin watching and a peaceful walk on the beach, there are
many adventure sports, like Paragliding, one can opt.
Querim Beach, North Goa
Also known as the Keri Beach, this beach is the northernmost beach in Goa. Located at a distance of approx 30km from Mapusa, it is still virgin from
the pangs of commercialization and boasts as a seashore marvel.
Fresh and delicious seafood can be savored in the shacks perched on this white sand beach.
Mandrem Beach, North Goa
Dotted with beach shacks perched on the white sand, I find Mandrem beach one of the most beautiful beaches in North Goa. You can opt for the
excitement dolphin spotting trip or go for Paragliding. If you're looking to do something offbeat, exploring the Mandrem Village is not a bad idea. Olive
Ridley turtles make occasional visits towards the
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Should Athletes Be Paid
Should College Athletes Be Paid
George McCray
Research and Writing
Professor Pittell
Strayer University
Corruption, scandals, suspensions, firings and a systems that is systematically flawed all the while the fact of the matter is that the National
Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is a organization that is bringing in billions of dollars each year yet the labor force generating the money
gets a scholarship that many athletes believe doesn't pay enough for everything that is needed on campus so this leads the author to have to take a
look at if athletes need to be paid. I will outline numerous problems that are going on in college athletics and possible solutions to problems. I will
take a look at the scholarship itself ... Show more content on ...
Of course, after the proposal came out college athletics directors and conference commissioners began protesting the new stipend by claiming of all
things "they could not afford it". Within a month, 125 of them had signed an override request. So the NCAA decided to cave on the idea. Some of
the students who had already signed that deal got to keep the $2000 stipend yet others who take money for a different type of deal, say with an
overzealous booster for selling some of their team paraphernalia, as a few Ohio State players did violated the NCAA's rules regarding amateurism and
were hit with multi–game suspensions in addition to getting the coach Jim Trassell (see insert) fired. That is the second problem of the system that
needs to be addressed.
It all starts with money and the players see it and know it. They see that the NCAA's college football and men's basketball are huge commercial
enterprises that generate more than 6 billion in annual revenue. That is more revenue than the National Basketball Association (NBA). People can see
the television deals like the one signed with Turner Broadcasting and CBS sports to the tune of 14 years and 10.8 billion dollars for the rights to the
men's basketball championship aka March Madness. They play the college football game,(that uses their likeness), and basketball game that was
stopped in
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We Carry Our Children In Our Hearts
Motherhood is awesome and trying at the same time. Men cannot carry children, therefore motherhood is akin to a secret society of sisters. There are
so many interesting things about momness. We're a pretty cool bunch, and I hope you enjoy the varied 13 Amazing Motherhood facts I have compiled.
#### We Carry Our Children in Our Hearts, Literally
There are scores of saccharine quotes about children being our hearts living outside of our body or our hearts carrying a part of our progenies with
us wherever we go. That said, I'm not waxing poetic when I tell you that we literally carry our children in our hearts, and in our lungs, liver and
kidneys. Even our brains are sometimes infused with our child's cells. This happens when the placenta ... Show more content on ...
Ancient women relied on goddesses during pregnancy. Goddess are not covered by my HMO. Alas, ancient deities associated with childbirth include
Frigg, the Norse goddess who watched over married and laboring women; Eileithyia, the Greek goddess of labor pain; and cow–headed Egyptian
goddess Hathor, associated with motherhood and childbirth. Upon reading that, my short, balding OB doc, Dr. Heizman, doesn't seem too shabby,
despite his chronic garlic–scented breath and frequent use of the phrase *changing lady
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How Marketers And Marketers Influence The Creation Of The...
In a world of consumerism, children represent a giant portion of an important demographic to marketers because of their purchasing power. They
greatly influence their parents buying decisions and are the consumers of the future. Since children have this advantage, advertisers know that they
should be a main target. Advertising was created to influence the creation of the consumer. This method became a revolutionary development. The
advertisers' goal was to cater to the consumers' wants and desires. Although the advertisers used what they knew from the consumer to shape their
wants to create in commodities. Marketers and advertisers use several tactics such as promotion, positioning, brand voice, demographic segmentation,
narrowcasting, ... Show more content on ...
Marketers use the immense emotional attachment children have to their advantage. Marketers are well aware of the children's favorites, they use that
knowledge to keep generating money by catering the products to the children's interests. This tactic becomes very dishonest. It is marketing products by
using social aspect that can affect one's behavior rather than highlighting the products actual features. It encourages buyers to purchase products for
their personal gain, instead of the actual use of the product. For example, when a child watches "Barney and Friends" it does not insinuate that this
child is more intelligent than a child who does not watch it. Although, since children start watching these kinds of shows at such a young age, it can
damage their attention span causing it to not be as attentive as one who does not partake in watching shows that are solely for entertainment. Going
on, a major issue between advertised brand names and unadvertised brand names starts to create a structural issue that does not just stay within
children it even extends to the older buyers. It is perceived that advertised brand names are more effective than generic brands. To be effective in the
United States as a consumer, a child should be able to differentiate the real benefits of a product, rather than just focusing on the aesthetic of a
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The Commercialization of Christmas Essay
The Commercialization of Christmas
Over the years, one topic which has sparked an interesting debate among intellectuals, business men and Christians is whether or not Christmas has
enrolled into an over commercialized holiday. The period at the climax of the year, December 25th, which we celebrate asChristmas is the time when
consumers increase their spending to an outrageous level and business persons become elated as their shelves become depleted of the products that
assist in our celebrations.
The Oxford Study Dictionary describes the term commercialize as 'to make commercial or to alter in order to make profitable'. In light of this
definition, I certainly believe that it has become too ... Show more content on ...
Those gifts, which we offer as tokens are representative of the gifts, were brought be the Three Wise Men for Jesus on his day of birth.
Commercialization, however, escalates because the fruits of our own labour do not make many of the gifts that are traded. It is substantially more
convenient to stroll into any department store or corner shop and purchase a gift which one deems as appropriate for the occasion. This convenience
has allowed the opportunistic business 'sharks' of the world to exploit such an opportunity and diminish the importance of one of Christianity's most
significant holidays. Commercialization is therefore the outcome of this exploitation and its increase is becoming more and more evident. Christmas
then suffers as business flourish. The actual reason for this holiday becomes so immersed under the commercial blanket, that persons not only forget
the true reason behind Christmas but the businessmen structure their entire operations around the influx in sales during the Christmas period.
The effect this has on the society cannot be ignored. Businesses slash prices in order to attract their customers and the increase in sales is so high
during this period that profits surpass any of those made during the previous periods of the same year. Over–working becomes the direct effect of this
over commercialization. Persons have to support their families and
... Get more on ...

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Puritan Influence On American Culture

  • 1. Puritan Influence On American Culture The human brain is a story book filled with experiences. Every experience is a new page, and all of these pages combine to form our personal perspective on the world. In America, we all have an idea of what is right and what is wrong based off of our own experiences. This causes us to have many biased views that do not capture the full picture. The values of our immigrant ancestors define who we are today. When we are children, we read various stories, and also taught many values from our parent's own personal views. At the beginning of new generations, this cycle of teaching values repeats itself. Many of these values we are taught today trace back to the groups that build our country. When the Puritans landed upon the shores of America, ... Show more content on ... They viewed themselves as special people who had a covenant with God. They came to America seeking to build a theocratic nation with religion as the focal point(PBS par. 2). This is why still to this day, America is centered around religion. The holiday of Christmas has always been a part of our Christian nation. The commercialization of the holiday, however, came to be with the arrival of German immigrants. They brought with them the idea of Santa Claus, the Christmas Trees, and the Easter Bunny(Chicchi par.6). Think of how different Americans would be if only Christians celebrated Christmas, and Santa Claus was not a part of the holiday. All of the ads and commercials around this time of year would be drastically different, as well as our literature. All of the books that spur children's imagination about elves and the North Pole would be lost. Some of the greatest memories I have of reading came from my childhood around Christmas time. I loved reading novels inspired by Santa Claus like The Polar Express. Stories of elves building toys and reindeer pulling sleighs give children across our country a great imagination from a young ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Commercialization Of Christmas In The 19th Century By the beginning of the 19th century, barely anyone celebrated christmas and it wasn't really considered a holiday By the end of the 19th century though, it was the largest annual celebrations The change came quickly and from all parts of society Many attributed the change to Queen Victoria Her german born prince albert introduced her to some of the larger aspects of christmas A news outlet in 1848 published a drawing of the family around a decorated christmas tree and suddenly most families in england had decorated trees and small gifts below them In 1843 an artist was commissioned to draw a card for christmas, showing a group of people around a table and a christmas message. This was the start of the commercialization of Christmas Another ... Get more on ...
  • 3. A Person And / Or People If there is anything that serves to uplift a person and/or people it is knowledge of self, and if there is anything that should drive a person and/or people to annihilation, it is lack of knowledge of self. To avoid such annihilation steps must be taken to safeguard history and culture, for a person or people who loses either is lost in the world. For African Americans this is the reason we haveKwanzaa. Kwanzaa is a week–long celebration (December 26th – January 1st) held predominately in the United States (also observed in other parts of the Americas, Western African and across the (African) diaspora) that helps bring African –Americans together as a community, and it also helps African Americans reconnect with their African cultural and... Show more content on ... The choice of Swahili, an East African language, reflects its status as a symbol of Pan–Africanism, especially in the 1960s, although (even though most East African nations were not involved in the Atlantic slave trade that brought African people to America). Kwanzaa honors the African heritage in African–American culture as it incorporates bringing African Americans together in meditation and study of African traditions, most notably "Nguzo Saba" which are the "seven principles of Kwanzaa". "Nguzo Saba" in Swahili means "seven principles" and these seven principles represent values of African culture which contribute to building and reinforcing community among African–Americans. The seven principles comprise "Kawaida", a Swahili term for tradition and reason. Each of the seven days of Kwanzaa is dedicated to one of the following principles which Karenga describes as "a communitarian African philosophy". "Umoja (Unity) (oo–MO–jah): To strive for and to maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race." "Kujichagulia (Self–Determination) (koo–gee–cha–goo–LEE–yah): To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves." "Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility) (oo–GEE–mah): To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers ' and sisters ' problems our problems, and to solve them together." "Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics) (oo–JAH–mah): To build and ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Penne Restad's Christmas In America A Review of Penne Restad's Christmas in America: A History Penne Restad's Christmas in America is a demonstration of the change in American acceptance of Christmas and the understanding of what the holiday is. The book shows that the evolution from the humble European origins coming together in the United States through the 18th and 19th centuries cumulating in an amalgamation of different traditions to create a more unified American holiday. Events that propelled the solidification of the holiday are specific to the geographic separation creating pockets of cultural tradition to emerge without relative interference. The bedrock of Christmas history in America paved the way to ritualistic materialism in the 1800s that continues today, accessible... Show more content on ... People would give gifts to promote "the emotional aspects of relationships" and to reinforce the "pattern of spiritual bonds." Christmas in America profoundly investigates the degree of bonds established in society, including the relationship among slave and master where even slaves could receive charity during holidays. This relationship was of course predicate on the slaves' previous work, and was often done to bolster the self–image of the slave owner, yet nonetheless incentivised slaves to work well aspiring for the prospect of a reward. The dynamic was not unlike how Santa Claus became a conditional benefactor for children, encouraging them to be inexplicitly 'good' in hopes of presents, simultaneously allowing parents a designated holiday to express their love through homemade or store bought ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Linking the Abolitionist Movement to the Textile Industry Introduction The abolitionist movement would never link to the textile industry if the subject of slave labor were not the cotton grown in the southern part of the United States. Later on, slaves from the south found new owners in the middle states that embraced cotton growing (Ferrell, 2006). The development of commerce created a dependence of slave labor because cotton was the raw material for textile mills that supported the industrial cities that were around Boston. Beyond the direct labor of slaves in picking and putting cotton in bales for shipment, other laborers also faced slavelike conditions in the industrial mills where they toiled under grueling conditions (Porterfield, 2006). The quest to free factory workers and the desire of the workers to have a better say for their involvement in the industry became an obvious attraction to the quest of the abolitionists. The Slave Connection to the Textile Industry When southerners confronted the issue of abolition of slavery, some thought it was unacceptable, others were not so sure of the way forward, and some of them actually went ahead and freed their slaves. The southern economy depended on cotton and benefited mostly from the cheap and efficient slave labor. Many thought that whites would not want to work in the farms, even after they were paid. The payment itself would become a significant cost to the southern economy and hamper their profit margins already enjoyed with the slavery boom. Defenders of slavery in the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Capitalism And Consumerism Some would say that the advertisers are responsible for building the hype and the consumer is just responding to a once in a lifetime deal (that happens every year). Some have even gone as far as blaming capitalism and the manner in which it functions within our society. If you recall though, James Twitchell blames the consumer and not these other outlets. "Some might blame this on capitalism, but one can love the freedom and innovation of capitalism and hate the materialism of consumerism... However this isn't because capitalism promotes consumerism. Capitalism is just an economic system – an imperfect one – that that reflects the values we put into it, so if we feed it consumerism, that's what we'll get. We, the consumers, are guilty of turning Thanksgiving into a consumerist holiday" (Daniel). This isn't to say that everyone that participates in Black Thursday or Friday is guilty of consumerism, maybe they don't have a family to spend the holiday with or maybe shopping with family is there means of spending quality time together. The important thing is that we are all consumers in this society and we must be aware of the production companies ability to trigger that within our brains the need to buy more and more things we don't necessarily need and sometimes even want. Playing the victim in all of this proves that you are aware of the tactics used to get you to use your purchasing power and inturn you are aware of your own ability to change the way consumerism is currently ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Reagan and Obama: A Comparison of Space Policy Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama both served two terms as president of the United States. As president, both men enjoyed a measure of success with the space program and NASA in general. Each president chose a different set of goals for NASA, however. These goals reflect the presidents' views on America's place in the world as a scientific and commercial leader as well as the times in which the two presidents served. President Ronald Reagan inherited the space policy of his predecessor, Jimmy Carter and was not satisfied with its current objectives and lack of direction (Logsdon, 1995). He put together a transition team to draft a new chapter for NASA which was left in an "untenable position" by Carter's lack of direction for the agency. The NASA transition team leader, George Low, remarked that NASA can be "the best in American accomplishment and inspiration for all citizens" (Logsdon, 1995). The team provided input to Reagan that would drive space policy during his eight year tenure. Reagan was a free–market capitalist and felt that America's space interests were best served by a public and private partnership. Economically the United States was just digging itself out of a long period of stagflation and budgets were tight. To ease the burden on taxpayers and create a sustainable space program, he and Congress passed the Commercial Space Launch Act of 1984 which set the stage for the partnership between NASA and the private industry that endures today (Kay, ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Essay On Halloween Trick–or–Treat: The Origins of Halloween If Americans were asked to give examples of holidays, they would most likely mention the Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. These specific dates, known as calendar customs, are traditional practices that have become incorporated into culture due to "social pressure, common usage, and parental or other authority" (Brunvand 406). Each holiday has rich, historical roots, and many of the customs associated with them have been transmitted over several generations. In addition, most contemporary holiday customs vary dramatically from the date's original purpose. In the case of Halloween, the commercialization of candy and costumes has contributed to a more family–oriented atmosphere compared to the initial auspicious and superstitious beliefs surrounding this day. Despite its alterations throughout the years due to cultural and religious reasons, Halloween still remains a prominent influence in popular culture that will continue to thrive for generations to come. Halloween's inception began over two thousand year ago. This holiday is believed to be synonymous with Samhain, an ancient Celtic festival held on October 31st that signified the onset of winter. Samhain had religious importance as a pagan festival, and the Celtic people often sacrificed food and animals to appease the gods. The Celts considered this time to be rife with magic and the prime period for war and sorcery. According to one online source, "It was ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Effect Of Capitalist Values On The Prioritization Of The Effect of Capitalist Values on the Prioritization of Obesity in the United States of America In theory, the US is capable of providing a varied and healthy diet for all; yet why are more than one third (36.5%) of US adults obese (Ogden)? Broadly defined, the World Health Organization states that obesity is a condition in which the presence of "abnormal or excessive fat accumulation presents a risk to health" ("Obesity"). However, regardless of the growing prevalence and incidence rates, capitalism has increasingly driven consumer behavior, perpetuating the wide spread of this health issue. Despite the fact that four of the top ten leading causes of death in the United States in 2015 were a direct result of obesity, the government ... Show more content on ... To begin with, the negligence of obesity in the United States today is rooted on the prevalence of greed that has become a leading force in the economy and society. By putting profits above consumer health due to the fear of not attaining the benefits of more wealth, greed has become a socially accepted and justified trait. In a society where money is at the center of all decisions and activities, it is unsurprising that the government has chosen the low–hanging fruit for convenience's purpose by neglecting this health issue and focusing on gaining profit instead. A clear example of this was in 2009 when the Obama administration first issued a stimulus bill to fight against obesity through community–level anti–obesity campaigns. Unfortunately, at first the bill was not passed as the cost was too expensive and it also came at a time where numerous households and firms were facing economic hardships. DesJarlais, a leading US physician justifies the rejection of the bill by stating "it was absurd for the federal government to spend billions demonizing certain foods and trying to affect people's personal dietary makes absolutely no sense that federal and city agencies would aggressively advertise against American products made by American workers" (Crabtree). This justification explicitly depicts how, despite attempted ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Marketing For Children 's Brand Preferences Marketing to children Name: Avishan Rafati Date: July 26/2016 Professor: Dr. Timothy MacNeill Course code: SOCI 1000 Marketers spend huge amounts of dollars a year globally persuading individuals into consumer lifestyles that has had consequences of wastefulness and buying things we do not need (Beder, 1998). Advertisements exploit people's securities, create false needs and offer dishonest solutions. The bottom line of advertisements is the creation of dissatisfaction to cause consumption. Youth are most prone to this kind of product manipulation (Tepperman & Curtis, 2013). Marketers are targeting young children since they easily influence their parents' spending. Traditionally,marketing concentrated on children items ... Show more content on ... In 1991, Sweden banned all the advertisements in children prime hours after research established that children below the age of nine were incapable of differentiating commercial ads and programs and could not comprehend the purpose of marketing until the age of 12 years. Research from American Psychological Association (APA) indicates that children under the age of eight cannot comprehend televised advertised messages and readily accept the advertiser's message as truthful and accurate. This leads to unhealthy feeding habits as proved by the increased cases of obesity. This paper will critically analyze the current marketing situation and its impact on the children. What is known The order and stability of the society are cognizant to a consensus on the values, norms and the interconnected parts of the community (Tepperman & Curtis, 2013). The maintenance of the society is dependent on the different parts fulfilling their functions which are evident in the analogy of society and biological organisms. The body is made up of many organs which must work together for the living organism to survive (Tepperman & Curtis, 2013). Similarly, social institutions must work together for the survival of the society. Media contributes to the maintenance of the society by surveilling the environment, entertainment, social heritage and correlating parts of the community. Structural ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Christmas : Psychological And Sociological Perspectives Christmas is the annual festival celebrating the birth of Jesus on the 25th December, at least that is what it began as initially. Since it has expanded into an international phenomenon for consumption, taking priority over our everyday practices of life (Michel De Certeau, 1980). Our time we spend divided between work and leisure in accordance to the codes and conventions of society shifts, Christmas derails these expectations. Yet surprisingly Christmas gains little attention in terms of social research, despite the fact that it can be explored diversely. The inquiry 'What is Christmas?' links to multiple aspects of social research. The aspects of Christmas can be subdivided into the following; religion, commercialism, gift–giving, social relationships, sensualism and mythology. This essay will analyse these fundamentals of Christmas through both psychological and sociological perspectives, as the theories among these two social sciences are best suited to the elements which make up Christmas itself. As aforementioned, the initial true meaning of Christmas is religion – one that has now been muchly downplayed. Of course at first glance religion is only an important element of Christmas for those who are actually religious, for which then religion plays the dominant role of what Christmas is to them. However, religion means to show obligation to something through faith, it could be argued that the majority of society is actually religious. We follow a society which has ... Get more on ...
  • 12. A Christmas Holiday Speech Good evening, parents, and family of children in the Mt. Pleasant Schools District and thank you for attending this PTA meeting. I know it's cold and snowing out there, but I hope that this song is bringing you a little warmth in your heart. However, for some of you it has also put that anxious, worried feeling in the pit of your stomach because the countdown has begun, 10 more days until Christmas and as world is decked out in bright lights and lots of glitter, a significant amount of people stress about even finding something to eat this Christmas. II. It starts off, it seems, even before Halloween ends, when the stores start advertising Black Friday sales and putting up everything related to Christmas, from gift sets to Christmas decorations on the shelves. A.Thanksgiving has been taken over by Black Friday. 1.In my opinion, when walking into a Supermarket there is hardly any Thanksgiving themed products on the selves. 2.Instead of with spending time with family or friends on Thanksgiving some people spend it standing in those long ridiculous, lines for Black Friday deals. a.According toa National Retail Federation's annual survey, this year 2017 "an estimated 69% of Americans (about 164 million people) plan to shop during Thanksgiving weekend and spend about $967 on Christmas gifts". b.In the metro news which is based out of the UK posted an article call "Black Friday Death Count is the Most Grim Thing About Today", with the total of 10 deaths and over ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Christmas Speech : Christmas Of Christmas Christmas means Christmas... There 's no doubt about it; the season to be jolly descends in December and now we 're in November, Christmas is traipsing outside, pulling comical faces at the window – there 's only so much you can take. I fancy going to the Supreme Court to attempt to reschedule Christmas for March 2019; y 'know change the face of consumerism and tradition as we know it – but Christmas means Christmas... this is deficient of fanfaronade, and straight to the point. There 's evidence of festivities too, only several days ago, the ubiquitous 'Costa ' thermal takeaway cup had a festive knitted make–over,as if kitted out by wool loving Trinny Woodall, well, it 's getting colder; or I am getting older... I 've already had a spontaneous Christmas jingle gleefully sung down the line, naturally, I became less stressed and immediately thought Christmas means Christmas... there 's no escaping it. I really should treat the festive spirit as if it 's a much needed hot bath, just shut the eyes and slip into a blissful trance. Until a question looms up... but does seeing Christmas promotions in October bother you? In truth, it didn 't bother me until I thought about it, because Christmas means Christmas and it happens every December – no surprises. If I was being finicky I 'd prefer St Nicholas to make an impromptu appearance; to put the case forward that Christmas means Christmas... something like: "Good day to you all, it has come to my attention that the meaning of ... Get more on ...
  • 14. MUSI 1002 Notes The Culture Industry Made up of economic institutions Adorno's theories fundamental Commodity Fetishism The culture industry is successful because people fetishize cultural objects Creates false needs, alternative ways of thinking without people realizing People focus on consuming. To own it. We need to have it. Ex. Purchasing a concert ticket Standardization Popular music standardized: 1. Number of types immediately recognizable 2. Small number of structures 3. Small number of components to each song that's interchangeable (ex.Intro,verse,chorus etc) Pseudo–individualization The type of variation between standardized products Surface changes (rhythm), not basic structure (chord progressions, verse, chorus) If pop... Show more content on ... Syncopated rhythms Ex. Goldie "Angel" Electronica Not specifically made for dancing Desgned for wide range of uses Ex. Moby "Natural Blues" "Historica Electronica Preface" Simon Reynolds 2001 Lays out parameters that define a "field of possibility" within electronic dance music Texture matters more than actual rhythm Process of Sampling Mashups: Relies on irony and nostalgia, lots of people wil be familiar with the songs Convey cultural critique, launch discussions on social issues Correspondences, connotations and critical readings. Turned consumptions into production. Referring to the creative process DJ Danger Mouse, brought genre into public discourse Sampling, Meanings, and Interpretation Brackett, "Sample Mania" Can't Touch This, resembles Super Freak. Same backing track. Hip hop is now commercial, started by 1990s. He suggested that popularity is due to the sampling of well known songs. In 1997, hit songs based on samplings with pervasive What impact does the song have? What is popular music text? Anything that conveys a cultural meaning Popular music text: recordings, music videos, live performances The music components in lyrics is important but also album covers Intertextuality: The idea that text communicates its meaning in relation to other texts. Meanings represented in popular text Preferred reading: dominant message set within codes and conventions in creation of the text Meaning may not ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Christ Climbed Down, AndSometime... Lawrence Ferlinghetti is often regarded as one of the most influential American poets of the 20th century, and his writing covers a wide range of social topics regarding the status of American culture during the 1950s and 60s. Many of Ferlinghetti's works focus on his vision of America and how that vision had not come to fruition because of the less than ideal situations surrounding American culture at the time. Consequently, Ferlinghetti was also an avid member of the Beat generation and used his ability to write as a platform for spreading the message of the Beatniks. As we have discussed in class, the Beatniks refer to the generation of young people during the 1950s and 1960s that rode the wave of counterculture that was sweeping the... Show more content on ... In his poem, "Sometime During Eternity...", he criticizes the way Americans viewJesus Christ and questions the dogma attached to traditional Christian beliefs. Ferlinghetti discusses how the American people like to treat Jesus as if he is some sort of high end celebrity, referring to him as "hip" and "cat" (15), names which are usually associated with jazz musicians. However, despite the adoration the American people use when talking about Jesus, Ferlinghetti states that we later "... Stretch him on the Tree to cool/ And everybody after that/ is always making models/ of this tree/ with Him hung up/ and always crooning His name" (15–16). This quote shows that the American people are often able to speak romantically of Jesus and adore Him with their words, but come up short with their actions, as they put Him on the Cross by denying their faith in Him. As we have discussed in class, this is a reference to the biblical figure, Peter, who denied Jesus three times just before the crucifixion of Jesus. Ferlinghetti is writing this piece to show that the American people have turned into Peter, as we want ourselves and others to believe that we are devout believers in Christ, but our faith crumbles and our knowledge of Christ crumbles at the slightest provocation. Also, as we have discussed in class, the poem is unorganized and does not seem to have a consistent pattern or verse, as well as many references to jazz. This is because the poem is meant to have a theme of ... Get more on ...
  • 16. 100 Essay Topics t100 ESSAY AND JOURNAL TOPICS Ken Stewart Chapel Hill High School Chapel Hill, North Carolina Journal writing is an informal approach to developing students' writing skills. The assessment is primarily based on improvement and completing a minimum number of pages (5 pages skipping lines) by the established deadline. My feedback to students is focused on interaction with what they have written as opposed to correcting syntax or orthography. Since this is a dialogue journal, I respect the confidential nature of what students choose to write. Be prepared for students to share anecdotes that may be sensitive in content. This is a great way to get to know your students on a more personal level. I do not place a value judgment on their ideas or... Show more content on ... 31. Should HIV+ patients have to identify themselves as positive 32. The denial of health care benefits to illegal immigrants 33. Homosexuality in the military 34. The treatment of Native Americans on reservations Children 35. The possible effects of videogames or violent toys on children 36. Overseas adoption of children 37. What kids can learn from grandparents and great–grandparents 38. How to train or hire a reliable babysitter 39. The worst nightmare of my childhood / or the best dream I can remember Community 40. Fire arms should be required to be registered with the police...why or why not 41. The effects of gangs in and beyond urban centers 42. The advantages and disadvantages of legalizing prostitution 43. Write an editorial to your mayor complaining about problems in your town or city 44. What the individual can do to help protect the environment Consumerism 45. The effects of fast food on your health 46. Cell phones, television, computers...luxuries or necessities 47. Should phone surveys and telemarketing be prohibited 48. Are brand name clothes worth the price (Abercrombie, Ralph Lauren, Nike) 49. Advantages and disadvantages of credit cards Current events 50. The importance of the ozone layer 51. The shortage of teachers nowadays 52. How to improve security of air travel 53. Should Puerto Rica be the 51st state, a commonwealth or independent 54. Modern–day heroes and idols for young people Customs and Traditions 55. How ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Effects Of Christmas On American Culture Since the beginning of globalization and the expansion of the large firms, several selling techniques were developed. However, this gave birth to a fierce struggle between those companies that tear their customers. This willingness to sell brings its advantages but can also be disadvantageous for the culture of a society. This essay will approach the theme of the commercialization of Christmas by demonstrating that in Quebec this event has become a commercial event and is less traditional and lost its religious character and by explaining the effects on adults and children. As a matter of fact, with all the publicities and the constant apparition of messages selling values and a new image of the culture surrounding Christmas, the changing of adult's perception is inevitable and widely affected by commercialization. Each year, the two months preceding Christmas are very important for TV shows, magazines and other businesses because they make the promotion of Christmas in their own image. Everybody is telling you to change or to buy a new product because your... Show more content on ... The commercialization of the festival has not only affected his popularity but also its symbolic ." Since the children are following the footsteps of their parents, many of them don't see Christmas as a traditional and religious event, but more as the day were you can receive many gifts if you were a nice kid this year. In fact, parents buy more gifts than previously because with the years "the Ultramontane dogma [...] and commercialism would, little by little, help to impose December 25th as the main holiday, gradually shifting the focus of the holiday towards children ." If parents don't shift around their behaviour, in the next generations the real signification of Christmas will be forgotten and traditions lost by lack of pursuing our religious traditions defining our ... Get more on ...
  • 18. What Money Can T Buy By Michael Sandel: An Analysis All things change over a period. Whether it is a dresser that someone has had for many moons from the shoes that moms bought in the 7th grade that still fits to this day. But because these things begin to age does the value in market tend to go down? So as a gift , someone needs a dresser, does the moral consideration go down because the old one was given to that person and not a brand new one. In the book What Money Can't Buy by Michael Sandel he discusses the fact that the value of things in the market have crowded over moral considerations. Gift card giving and weight loss incentives have infiltrated where previously they did not exist. Which means that they are taking over in an area where it wasn't that big and making it a market.... Show more content on ... Does the term skyboxifications ring a bell ? Pretty much all it is , is a picture of society. So in a skybox at a sporting event , there is people in there looking down, that represents the people looking down on society as if there were ants. Then you have the people who sit in the nose bleeds and so on all the way to the floor seats right by the players. There are the ones that are looking up to society as if they would like to be up where the people in the skybox are. This is relevant to what else is spoken on because it brings up a question that has to do with the market system. Does commercialization erode commodity? What does this mean? because of how everything is portrayed on television and how people make it seem to be, is it better than the real reason as to why people do what they do it ? Because a larger woman sees a smaller woman walking past her and wants to be like her is that a reason for her to spend her well earned money to lose weight to be "happy"? And because a person is late to the work Christmas party and doesn't have a gift for their secret Santa? Is that a reason to just get a random gift card? This where morals and values come in, if the person has ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Graphene : A Sheet Of Carbon Graphene, a sheet of carbon that is a single atom thick, is the strongest material on earth, silicone–based putty (or silly putty) is the one of the softest, and oddest. When the two got together, electricity happened. Approximately two–and–one–half years ago, researchers in Jonathon Coleman's lab combined broken sheets of graphene with the toy putty and created G–Putty, a super–sensitive material that detects minuscule changes in pressure to the material. When they placed G–Putty on a lab mate's skin, and connected it to a monitoring device, they could detect his heart beat and respiration. Curiosity, not usefulness, drove the team's actions. Prof. Coleman said that his lab at Trinity College in Ireland routinely practices household science, to help them understand the properties of the two–dimensional nanosheets they study in the lab. The lab studies the physical properties of two–dimensional materials that are the width of a single atom to determine how they can be used to improve our health and our quality of life. It also has a reputation for using common household items, like kitchen blenders and Silly PuttyВ®, in their experiments. "I like the sort of stuff where you can do science at home," Prof. Coleman said. "Recently we 've shown how you can make graphene a home in a blender using pencils and a household detergent. The silly putty: we made it ourselves using a homemade recipe of oil and boric acid. Everything is doable at home," he added. Graphene is a new ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Commercialization Of Christmas And Easter We live in a very materialistic society where not even religion can escape the lure of commercialism. Although advances in technology have made consumerism more readily available to people world–wide, the root of secularization of the church can be traced back hundreds of years. Of course the commercialization of Christmas and Easter stands out amongst holidays celebrated by Christians; other religions also include elaborate festivities and gift giving during their religious celebrations. In addition to the merchandising during the holidays, there are countless stores and websites that offer religious items, movies and TV shows, museums and theme parks, music of every genre and ornately decorated places of worship. Although most religions ... Show more content on ... In recent years, Christmas holiday shopping has begun earlier and earlier, starting even before the end of October. Stores, street lights, and houses are decorated with brightly colored lights, animatronics, and inflatable images of Santa, Rudolph, Frosty and the Grinch. Holiday sales begin on Thanksgiving instead of Black Friday, making it impossible for salespeople to spend time with family, enjoying food and games while reflecting on all that the family has to be thankful for. Admittedly, I am not a fan of shopping on Black Friday, but I have friends that say that getting up early and rushing around stores for special bargains is a fun family tradition; however, it seems that every year there are media reports of people being injured or fights breaking out over getting that one all important item. Many people go into debt making credit card purchases of nonessential items. All that aside, though, the holiday season causes many people to become more charitable, providing food to the homeless, visiting lonely elders in nursing homes and providing clothing and gifts to children in need; it would be wonderful if people kept that giving spirit all year long. Christmas music has evolved quite a bit over the years also; Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer and I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas are heard more frequently than Silent Night or Away in a Manger. Many churches, mine included, hold Christmas pageants which include a mix of music and ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Summary Of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle In 1904 Upton Sinclair went undercover in the Chicago stockyards. He immersed himself in the meatpacking culture and studied the inner workings of one of the world's largest industries. Through about seven weeks of posing as a worker, he had gathered enough material for his greatest work and a catalyst for change in the 20th century. Sinclair compiled his experiences to create his classic novel The Jungle. The book follows a family of Lithuanian immigrants and their pursuit of the American Dream. Because this novel is a forerunner in the field of investigative journalism, the scenes and events are based off of real life observations and research. The experiences may not be exact stories from people but the circumstances were realistic. Through ... Show more content on ... The Stockyards were literally poisoning the American consumer; working in the industry was literally poisoning Jurgis and his family mentally, physically, and emotionally. The Chicago stockyards were toxic for anyone involved. The early 1900's were a time when the government was much more hands–off on the things concerning private businesses. There were inspectors there to check for tuberculosis but they were easily distracted and not very dedicated and committed to their work (Sinclair, 1906). Some have referred to the government's hands off approach as neglectful; however, things were about to ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Movie Vs Play Analysis I found the play to be far superior in comparison to the original film version as the movie's writing glorified modern American consumerism. A post war financial boom brought a great amount of advertising and promotion, and the movie was overflowing with blatant celebration of products. The presence of sexism as well of the obvious lack of racially diverse main characters, was a big problem for me in my terms of likability of the movie. The play was able to strip itself of the gaudiness/lack of diversity and that left room for a brilliantly crafted sub–plot with a well rounded cast and smartly written script. As A Christmas Story appears to be set in the mid to late 1940's, during what I must presume is post World War Two due to the lack ... Show more content on ... The movie had zero racial diversity as, any character of racial diversity was a non–speaking background character. That speaks volumes for films made in the 80's though, as the film and television industry's diversity in characters only really started to pick up in the 90's with films and shows such as, Clueless and The Fresh Prince of Bel–Air. By having an African Nova Scotian actor play a large speaking role such as, Ralphie's friend, Flick, the directors took notice to today's queues of having a diverse and well rounded cast! I think it would have been very awkward not to, as the need to teach this generation about diversity and equality for all is extremely important. The writers also added a new strong and intelligent female lead, Esther–Jane! After looking at the IMDB page for the film, I noticed Esther–Jane was not a character in the film. Even if she was, I didn't notice her, at all. The women in Neptune production were an important component to the story as they interacted with other main characters that, just never happened in the movie version. Esther–Jane, especially was a strong female character as only being in grade 2, she already had a stance on politics and classic literature. She and her friend, intimidated even the most terrifying school yard bully, Scott, and was respected by everyone in the community. Ralphie's mother in the production reminded me of a young Jackie Kennedy–Onassis, not only by the way she was dressed, but by the way she carried herself. She was kind and caring towards her family, well knowledgable and had a very low temper. The mother in the movie version was also very kind and understanding but, it seemed she was not in control of herself or her family. She was annoying and almost held down by her over–confident husband. She didn't stand up for herself in any ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Abscohost Evaluation No matter how experienced one is with compiling and analyzing research, it continues to be an overwhelming process. However, when carried out effectively, it can be one of the most rewarding experiences of a researcher's career. When preparing my paper on the evolution of the Christmas season, I first consulted EBSCOhost, which I have found to be very effective in locating detailed, scholarly articles. Although this paper was for a psychology course, I decided to include articles from all the databases EBSCOhost provides since many psychology–related articles are in databases other than PsycINFO or PsycARTICLES. For instance, in prior assignments, I have found that Academic Search Premier and the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) provide many articles that are valuable to my research. Additionally, I tried to use Dr. PГ©rez–Lane's lectures and our course textbook to make for a stronger paper by applying the concepts we learned in class to my paper. For example, because ethnocentrism (forcing one's culture ... Show more content on ... During my sophomore year, he asked our class write an APA–style research paper on anything related to U.S. history. This taught me a great deal about how to gather scholarly articles, as well as create an argument that is thorough, but objective. Additionally, I was able to further enhance my research skills when I had to complete a similar assignment my junior year (with the same teacher). Once I moved on to college, I found that courses such as English 101 (Writing the College Essay), English 102 (Introduction to the Study of Literature), and Psychology 250 (Reading and Writing in Psychology) tested my ability to produce a concrete argument and better comprehend what I read. Reading comprehension was once one of my largest struggles academically, which I have continued to develop in order to provide more effective ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Sarcasm And The Food Industry Thanksgiving is a time when all my worries melt away and an illusionary warmth engulfs my very being. The entire family gathers and we prepare a meal worthy of a king; there is no other holiday aside from Christmas that is greeted with such a feast. It is a means for all of us to gather, give thanks, and enjoy life's little things. Or rather, the things that seem little to us while remaining quite a thing to behold in the shadows of one's own mind. It would be truly a sin to pry away the shelter that encases a sad reality about the meal bestowed upon us. It does not come with surprise that my ever expanding knowledge base for the subject of food is casting light on things that I never even once dreamed of thinking about. Our traditions are ... Show more content on ... For this reason I never even so much as remember the radical thoughts I have been introduced to throughout various sources damning the food industry. I know for a fact that I have read many articles that show aspects that make it fairly reasonable to condemn the industry for practices being somewhat demeaning for animals and humans alike. Not to mention the environmentalists that are pointing fingers every which way when it comes to the artificially made products, animal and plant alike. Albeit some of those articles have been rather one–sided in comprehending the significance of the field, they have had valuable information for their side of the argument. But I digress, I do not take into consideration all of these outside factors because I have never dealt with the process of the product. I do not fully appreciate the food that is placed on the table more for the thoughts I have buried deep during the time of consumption. I do not remember why I need to appreciate it more. To have the knowledge and be able to cast it aside so easily is either a curse or a blessing...if I remember it I would never want to eat what is set before me. And if I do not remember it, I am showing much disrespect for everything that goes into processed foods. I do not condone animal cruelty and I have no viewpoint on the environment because I have a feeling there are about twenty times more things that are occurring to ravage the earth in the background that are not being discussed. I agree with Peter Singer's philosophy that "we need to understand nature and develop the best theories we can to explain why things are as they are, because only in that way can we work out what the consequences of our actions are likely to be; but it would be a serious mistake to assume that natural ways of doing things are incapable of improvements" (Singer ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Modern Culture Is Inevitable, By John Storey And The... Evolution of culture is inevitable, as shown in John Storey's articles, Inventing Opera as art in Nineteenth–Century Manchester and The Invention of the English Christmas. Within both articles, Storey showcases the transformation of culture, with the opera from low–class entertainment to high–class art and Christmas transforming from a religious centered event to a capitalism driven day. Both articles look at class hierarchy, the rise of materialism and accessibility. While both of Storey 's articles are concerned with the evolution of cultural events, the opera emphasises class hierarchy, whereas the article on the progression of Christmas focuses on a materialistic revolution. Inventing Opera as art in Nineteenth–Century Manchester told how opera evolved from an event centred on entertainment to a form of art that could only be accessed by the bourgeois. Opera became a social construct, creating a class hierarchy. Original Venetian operas were considered as lowculture to the influential middle–class as they were the popular culture at the time and attended by lower class people who did not appreciate the art form (Giroux, Nealon 2011, 53). Inventing Opera as art in Nineteenth–Century Manchester looks at an emergence of class hierarchy and what separates high–class opera from low–class opera. In comparison, Storey's other article The Invention of the English Christmas demonstrates a materialistic revolution that accompanied the industrial revolution in the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Summary Of ' Salinger 's ' The Rye ' Catcher in the Rye was written by J.D Salinger in 1951, at a time when American values had forced an entire generation of kids to conform to the standards set by a society that strongly castigated diversity. It stirred up a lot of controversy and criticism because it discussed taboo topics such as adolescent sexuality and rebelling against societal norms. After World War II, America had become extremely prosperous due to it's industrial advancement, but the growth of the economy also came with strict social rules that taught people how to dress, who to date, and how to face the reality of adulthood. With the threat of the Cold War and the terror of the Red Scare, people conformed to have some continuity in their lives. They were taught ... Show more content on ... Holden's parents establish a set of standards for Holden while he attends fancy preparatory schools. They want him to become successful and follow the footsteps of his father, "Lawyers are all right, I guess... All you do is make a lot of dough and play golf and play bridge and buy cars and drink Martinis and look like a hot–shot... Even if you did save guys' lives and all, how would you know you did it because you wanted to, or because you did it because what you really wanted to do was be a terrific lawyer? How would you know you know you weren't being a phony? The trouble is, you wouldn't" (172). This shows his unwillingness to acquiesce, and follow the standards set by his parents and society. Holden continually gets kicked out of school, because he doesn't want to live a meaningless life. He simply has no concern about making money or achieving the American Dream, he just wants to be complacent and live a happy life. Holden is essentially rebelling against what society has taught him that was most important; wealth and power. He has created his own set of principles, which is often the cause of his alienation from the rest of his peers. While attending Pencey Prep, Holden was forced into taking an oral expression class, that forced him and his classmates to standardize the way they think and speak in order to comply with the guideline set by their teacher Mr. Vinson (183). In almost every aspect of his life, he is being continually ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Bill Melendez's Influence On People BILL MELENDEZ'S INFLUENCE ON WES ANDERSON Bill Melendez Career as an Animator. Very few people are unfamiliar with the work of Bill Melendez, although many people are likely unaware that Melendez is creative force behind many beloved classics. An immigrant from Mexico, Melendez first began his career as an animator with the Walt Disney Company (where he worked on classics such as Pinocchio, Bambi, and Fantasia), but moved to Warner Brothers after the 1941 animators strike. Eventually, Melendez joined United Productions of America, a smalleranimation studio, which was characterized by its use of, "spiky lines, eerie silence, dissonant sound effects and bold, blocky color schemes" (Seitz). Collaboration with Charles Schulz. Several years later, ... Show more content on ... Melendez's influence on the themes in Anderson's work is not as apparent as the visuals. "In Anderson's films, however, the adolescent (either real or behaviorally) creator, while handled sympathetically, is also called out for his... destructive and exclusive behavior and must learn both to adapt and to assimilate, at least partially" (Orgeron, 2007). This theme can be seen repeatedly in Anderson's work– in Suzy and Sam running away from home (and eventually being found) in Moonrise Kingdom, and in Max's expulsion and subsequent enrollment in public school in Rushmore. In his book Wes Anderson: Why his Movies Matter, Mark Browning asserts that, "Charlie Brown is quite different from most Anderson heroes, who lack his more realistic self–awareness that he is likely to screw up whatever chances life appears to offer him..." (Browning, 2011). Although the typical protagonist in a Wes Anderson movie often has an even less realistic outlook on life than a Peanuts character, there are similarities. Anderson's characters "... all have the startling ability to view their lives according to their own desires, seeing things the way they want to see them, which is not always consistent with reality as observed from the outside" (Hancock, 2005). Similar to the way the Linus unwaveringly believes in the great pumpkin with a sense of childlike innocence, Sam and Suzy believe that they will not be caught, Max adamantly believes in his extracurricular ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Essay On Open Government In Canada What is the open government partnership? Canada is a major signatory and member of the open government partnership, OGP which was launched in 2011 globally by G8 countries (Italy, Germany, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Russia and France) to offer an international platform for national reformers dedicated to making their governments more open, responsible, and approachable to citizens. Since then, OGP has fully grown from eight countries to the 75 collaborating countries. All told of those countries, government and civil society area unit operating along to progress and implement remorseless open government reforms. There area unit rules, principles and machines in situ that decision upon government actors to justify their actions, bear upon ... Show more content on ... But government's area unit requested to mobilize voters to be engaged publically discussion, offer input, and build aids that cause a lot of approachable, innovative and effective governance. The government of Canada's data on activities and selections is open, inclusive, timely, freely obtainable to the general public, and meets basic open data standards. As part of the global open government part, government's are requested to extend access to data and information, ensure transparency and accountability, and strengthen citizen meetings in the activities of government and in the democratic process. Canada has an established pledge to openness and responsibility as a foundation of a strong, modern democracy. From the passing of access to information legislation over 30 years ago to current open government and proactive revelation activities, the government of Canada has worked to ensure transparency on federal operations to enable Canadians to hold their government accountable. Canada joined the open government partnership (OGP) in April 2012, and ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Commm 34 Research Paper Christmas is awesome essay for Comm 34 by Anne Ginn Since the beginning of time, people have loved holidays. that's why it's so important that we honour our traditions at christmas. Christmas is a time for giving, sharing, and eating. Candy canes are a big part of that tradition. And everyone likes Christmas because of these reasons. The first tradition that I want to talk about is the Christmas tree. Every year, Iand my family go into the bush to get a tree. We find one that looks good and chop it down and use the top. It'is a lovely tradition. The history of the Christmas tree is really vast and substantial. A look at the history of the tree only shows how extensive this history actually is. According to Christmas trees used to ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Battle For Christmas Summary Christmas is one of the most celebrated holidays in the United States. From Christmas carols to holiday parties, this celebration seems to be deeply embedded in American Culture. How has this holiday and its traditions become so prevalent in the United States? Historian Stephen Nissenbaum attempted to answer this question and in doing so challenged the old assumptions about Christmas and its traditions in his book The Battle for Christmas. In this book, he discussed how historians have previously studied Christmas in an isolated manner away from culture (page xii). Nissenbaum wrote this book to discuss how American culture has been impactful on Christmas rituals depending upon the social landscape of the time (page xii). The Battle for Christmas is organized into seven chapters. The first three chapters discussed the origins of Christmas and how the holiday was commercialized (page xi). The next two chapters argued that Americans used objects such as the Christmas tree to preach against a materialistic Christmas in the mid–nineteenth century (page xi). Chapters six and seven mention Christmas charity and how the holiday operated in the antebellum South (page xi). Nissenbaum started his book out by ... Show more content on ... The author used a description of rowdy Christmas revelers as a mob from a New York newspaper to prove that the press was starting to condemn carnival–like behavior (page 94). Nissenbaum also mentioned how the idea of domesticity was coming into vogue as children started to be defined by their "age alone" (pages 109–110). This cultural change can be explained by "The Nutcracker" becoming popular during this time (page 131). This book helped children experience "the carnival of the mind" without indulging in this behavior (page ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Is It Ethical to Market to Children? For–profit corporations increasingly tend to infiltrate (overtly and subliminally) our lives. One example of their interference is marketing strategies aimed at children. Adult consumers are like roaches: they tend to become "immune" to classical marketing strategies and advertisements. Today, corporations tend to by–pass this phenomenon by marketing to children instead: money is indirectly extracted from adults by manipulating their children. There are two main reasons why marketing strategies target children: because of the persuasive power children have over their parents, and because they simply are easier to manipulate. At this point we have to ask ourselves: is it ethical to market to children? Should children be protected from being ... Show more content on ... According to me, parents' intervention and responsibility is essential. While advertisements transmit the idea that children need a certain product, parents have to make use of their authority and oppose their child's nagging. First of all, children will get spoiled if all their wishes are their parents' command. Secondly, children need to understand and respect the limits imposed by parents. It is crucial that they learn to respect their parents' lifestyle and values. Finally, not only does the child have to learn to accept the parents "no": the parents themselves need to learn and have the courage to oppose their child's irrational wishes. The effectiveness of advertising and marketing on children greatly depends on how parents educate their children. Parents are responsible for protecting children from being marketed to by educating them adequately and establishing clear rules and limits. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely isolate children from marketing strategies. Thus education has to play the role of a filter against these external 'inputs' that try to corrupt the very young. Ironically, the industry is teaching children to punish parents. By saying "no", parents tend to feel bad and sometimes even unjust considering the increasing urge with which their child expresses his wishes. In fact, it becomes progressively harder for parents to educate their children in a ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Nineteen Eighty-Four And Brazil Similarities While there are many similarities between George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty–Four and Terry Gilliam's film Brazil, there are also a number of large and fundamental contrasts between the two works of fiction. These contrasts fall into such categories as spirituality, social order, and government structure to name a few. While the differences may at first seem negligible in their implications, further investigation shows that the daily lives of the citizens of these two arguably–nightmarish societies would be quite different indeed. In Nineteen Eighty–Four, the remnants of the religions once widely followed by people around the world have either been repurposed to suit the new order or simply eradicated in their entirety. While buildings... Show more content on ... Most obvious is the government in Brazil's lack of any sort of supreme leader figure, figurehead or otherwise. In Nineteen Eighty–Four, the Party revolves around a character created to represent their ideology: Big Brother. The heads of Brazil's government's departments, then, are not accountable to any central leader or idea, and as such are often in competition with each other. This drawback of the rulership–by–group system is avoided by Nineteen Eighty–Four's INGSOC party by having all members of the Inner Party ultimately accountable to the best interests of Big Brother, and thus accountable to the best interests of the rest of the Inner Party. By this logic and by the relative ineffectiveness of the government in Brazil, one could argue that INGSOC's system results in a more efficient government (albeit one that provides even its highest elites with far less freedom than Brazil's ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Comparing Ron Howard's How the Grinch Stole Christmas to... Comparing Ron Howard's How the Grinch Stole Christmas to Dr. Seuss' Grinch Whether or not you consider Ron Howard's version of Dr Seuss's classic How The Grinch Stole Christmas comical, yet disgraceful, there's no ignoring the little green monster's reign over the box office. The movie, How the Grinch Stole Christmas starring Jim Carrey, was released in November of 2000, reaching a gross high of over $200 million in the U.S alone (The Numbers). However, I feel that this version has over exaggerated the original story, and I will back this up by showing many examples of how Dr. Seuss's classic turned into a marketing, franchise frenzy. Dr. Seuss's original fable is a simple story told with a great moral that criticizes the ... Show more content on ... This show can be seen on TV every Christmas season. Then Ron Howard takes this short film and draws it out to be a two and a half–hour long movie. The worst aspect of the movie is that it makes a mockery of Seuss's main message: "Christmas doesn't come from a store." This movie is all about selling, from those furry talking Grinch dolls to endless fast–food tie–ins. There are many differences between the movie and the original story, one of which is Cindy Lou Who. In the original Grinch she is portrayed as innocent two year old. In the movie however, she is about seven years old, which allows her to be slightly more skeptical about things. Jim Carrey played The Grinch, but when watching this movie it seemed as if The Grinch was playing Jim Carrey. The original cartoon leaves you with much more imagination as to why the Grinch is so mean. Quoting from Dr. Seuss's book: "The Grinch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season! Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason. It could be that his head wasn't screwed on quite right. It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were to tight. But I think that the most likely reason of all May have been that his heart was two sizes too small." (Seuss). However in the over–exaggerated movie it included the reason behind the Grinch's hatred of Christmas; saying it was because the kids used to tease him when he was little, until the day he ... Get more on ...
  • 34. How Holidays Affects Consumer Culture Holidays have always been known to affect our consumer culture for many years, but how it all began eludes many people and very few studies have been completed on it. Even though some say that the subject is too broad to precisely identify how holidays, especially Christmas, directly affect our market, I have found that people's values, expectations and rituals related to holidays can cause an excessive amount of spending among our society. Most people are unaware that over the centuries holidays have become such a profitable time of year for industries that they now starting to promote gift ideas on an average of a month and a half ahead of actual holiday dates to meet consumer demands. Religions influences on consumer's... Show more content on ... In view of the fact that spirituality was very important to people in earlier days, merchant stands soon started to be seen in the churches court yards due to the vast numbers of people who attended worships services on a daily basis. Merchants and traders soon became a familiar figure around churches especially during the holiday season when services were held more regularly and the turnouts were larger which usually meant they had a better chance for a sale. The merchants offered various products such as produce, meat, fabric, toys, and home made jewelry for all to see. In the picture above a Melaka Christian churchyard is filled with merchants trying to sell their products. Religious beliefs soon formed new values as the importance of gift giving became a 'tradition' among religions. In most religions helping others who could not help themselves was already a steadfast belief. As people's values of wanting to help and give to others started to intertwine with the calendar holidays many people started to look for newer and better gift ideas for their loved ones and soon strangers as well. Christian's predominantly could be found buying minuscule little gift items, such as notebook paper, pencils, and ribbons, for the homeless children, their families and the poorer community that could not provide for themselves during the holiday seasons. Along with people's changing values of the holidays the public was now attending ... Get more on ...
  • 35. My Favourite Beach Essay Goa, by every standard, is becoming a popular beach destination not just in India but also in the West. While countless tourists sniff around to behold the panoramic view of the Goan state, others just lie on the enchanting beaches to get the perfect tan and drink their troubles away. In every part of Goa, its alluring beaches manifest with a unique charm. Beaches in the southern part of the state offer a peaceful tranquility to tourists looking to lay off their stress and relax by the sea. The northern beaches make for a party hub for people and those who seek to savor their adventurous side with the myriad lists of water sports. A major shout out to all the beach lovers! Set with few of the most beautiful beaches in the world, let ... Show more content on ... A 15km long unexplored stretch surrounded by cliffs on two sides and a fresh water lake, Arambol is divided into two beaches– Arambol and Harmal. It is a refuge to many tourists – especially the hippie foreigners. With much less commercialization compared to other beaches of North Goa, Arambol beach makes for a quiet and peaceful vacation and has a bohemian feel to it. Besides dolphin watching and a peaceful walk on the beach, there are many adventure sports, like Paragliding, one can opt. Querim Beach, North Goa Also known as the Keri Beach, this beach is the northernmost beach in Goa. Located at a distance of approx 30km from Mapusa, it is still virgin from the pangs of commercialization and boasts as a seashore marvel. Fresh and delicious seafood can be savored in the shacks perched on this white sand beach. Mandrem Beach, North Goa Dotted with beach shacks perched on the white sand, I find Mandrem beach one of the most beautiful beaches in North Goa. You can opt for the excitement dolphin spotting trip or go for Paragliding. If you're looking to do something offbeat, exploring the Mandrem Village is not a bad idea. Olive Ridley turtles make occasional visits towards the
  • 36. ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Should Athletes Be Paid Should College Athletes Be Paid George McCray Research and Writing Professor Pittell Strayer University Corruption, scandals, suspensions, firings and a systems that is systematically flawed all the while the fact of the matter is that the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is a organization that is bringing in billions of dollars each year yet the labor force generating the money gets a scholarship that many athletes believe doesn't pay enough for everything that is needed on campus so this leads the author to have to take a look at if athletes need to be paid. I will outline numerous problems that are going on in college athletics and possible solutions to problems. I will take a look at the scholarship itself ... Show more content on ... Of course, after the proposal came out college athletics directors and conference commissioners began protesting the new stipend by claiming of all things "they could not afford it". Within a month, 125 of them had signed an override request. So the NCAA decided to cave on the idea. Some of the students who had already signed that deal got to keep the $2000 stipend yet others who take money for a different type of deal, say with an overzealous booster for selling some of their team paraphernalia, as a few Ohio State players did violated the NCAA's rules regarding amateurism and were hit with multi–game suspensions in addition to getting the coach Jim Trassell (see insert) fired. That is the second problem of the system that needs to be addressed. It all starts with money and the players see it and know it. They see that the NCAA's college football and men's basketball are huge commercial enterprises that generate more than 6 billion in annual revenue. That is more revenue than the National Basketball Association (NBA). People can see the television deals like the one signed with Turner Broadcasting and CBS sports to the tune of 14 years and 10.8 billion dollars for the rights to the men's basketball championship aka March Madness. They play the college football game,(that uses their likeness), and basketball game that was stopped in ... Get more on ...
  • 38. We Carry Our Children In Our Hearts Motherhood is awesome and trying at the same time. Men cannot carry children, therefore motherhood is akin to a secret society of sisters. There are so many interesting things about momness. We're a pretty cool bunch, and I hope you enjoy the varied 13 Amazing Motherhood facts I have compiled. #### We Carry Our Children in Our Hearts, Literally There are scores of saccharine quotes about children being our hearts living outside of our body or our hearts carrying a part of our progenies with us wherever we go. That said, I'm not waxing poetic when I tell you that we literally carry our children in our hearts, and in our lungs, liver and kidneys. Even our brains are sometimes infused with our child's cells. This happens when the placenta ... Show more content on ... Ancient women relied on goddesses during pregnancy. Goddess are not covered by my HMO. Alas, ancient deities associated with childbirth include Frigg, the Norse goddess who watched over married and laboring women; Eileithyia, the Greek goddess of labor pain; and cow–headed Egyptian goddess Hathor, associated with motherhood and childbirth. Upon reading that, my short, balding OB doc, Dr. Heizman, doesn't seem too shabby, despite his chronic garlic–scented breath and frequent use of the phrase *changing lady ... Get more on ...
  • 39. How Marketers And Marketers Influence The Creation Of The... In a world of consumerism, children represent a giant portion of an important demographic to marketers because of their purchasing power. They greatly influence their parents buying decisions and are the consumers of the future. Since children have this advantage, advertisers know that they should be a main target. Advertising was created to influence the creation of the consumer. This method became a revolutionary development. The advertisers' goal was to cater to the consumers' wants and desires. Although the advertisers used what they knew from the consumer to shape their wants to create in commodities. Marketers and advertisers use several tactics such as promotion, positioning, brand voice, demographic segmentation, narrowcasting, ... Show more content on ... Marketers use the immense emotional attachment children have to their advantage. Marketers are well aware of the children's favorites, they use that knowledge to keep generating money by catering the products to the children's interests. This tactic becomes very dishonest. It is marketing products by using social aspect that can affect one's behavior rather than highlighting the products actual features. It encourages buyers to purchase products for their personal gain, instead of the actual use of the product. For example, when a child watches "Barney and Friends" it does not insinuate that this child is more intelligent than a child who does not watch it. Although, since children start watching these kinds of shows at such a young age, it can damage their attention span causing it to not be as attentive as one who does not partake in watching shows that are solely for entertainment. Going on, a major issue between advertised brand names and unadvertised brand names starts to create a structural issue that does not just stay within children it even extends to the older buyers. It is perceived that advertised brand names are more effective than generic brands. To be effective in the United States as a consumer, a child should be able to differentiate the real benefits of a product, rather than just focusing on the aesthetic of a ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Commercialization of Christmas Essay The Commercialization of Christmas Over the years, one topic which has sparked an interesting debate among intellectuals, business men and Christians is whether or not Christmas has enrolled into an over commercialized holiday. The period at the climax of the year, December 25th, which we celebrate asChristmas is the time when consumers increase their spending to an outrageous level and business persons become elated as their shelves become depleted of the products that assist in our celebrations. The Oxford Study Dictionary describes the term commercialize as 'to make commercial or to alter in order to make profitable'. In light of this definition, I certainly believe that it has become too ... Show more content on ... Those gifts, which we offer as tokens are representative of the gifts, were brought be the Three Wise Men for Jesus on his day of birth. Commercialization, however, escalates because the fruits of our own labour do not make many of the gifts that are traded. It is substantially more convenient to stroll into any department store or corner shop and purchase a gift which one deems as appropriate for the occasion. This convenience has allowed the opportunistic business 'sharks' of the world to exploit such an opportunity and diminish the importance of one of Christianity's most significant holidays. Commercialization is therefore the outcome of this exploitation and its increase is becoming more and more evident. Christmas then suffers as business flourish. The actual reason for this holiday becomes so immersed under the commercial blanket, that persons not only forget the true reason behind Christmas but the businessmen structure their entire operations around the influx in sales during the Christmas period. The effect this has on the society cannot be ignored. Businesses slash prices in order to attract their customers and the increase in sales is so high during this period that profits surpass any of those made during the previous periods of the same year. Over–working becomes the direct effect of this over commercialization. Persons have to support their families and ... Get more on ...