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A Better Way to
Talk Tech
how non-technical people can improve
their work with tech teams
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
64%of projects meet their goals
*according to a 2015 PMI Study
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Sometimes we have to wade
into technical conversations
outside of our areas of
So what do we do?
Why it matters...
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglinPhoto credit: NEED URL
● the bobble head
Do we play... Photo credit:
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
● the bobble head
● the imposter
Do we play...
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
● the bobble head
● the imposter
● the jargon junkie
Do we play...
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
● the bobble head
● the imposter
● the jargon junkie
● the novice
Do we play... ?!?!
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
Who we are...
Natasha Baglin
Senior Project Manager
AYC Media
- 8+ yrs in the industry
- B.S. in Speech &
Hearing Sciences
- Ecommerce +
hospitality expertise
Sloan Miller
Operations + Strategy
- 14+ yrs in the industry
- B.S. in Mechanical
- Lead PM/Biz Dev at
Archer + P’unk Ave
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Who you are...
● Entrepreneurs
● Account + Project Managers
● Sales + Marketing Professionals
● Creative + Content Team
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
In an hour, you’ll...
Improve your interaction with
your technical counterparts
● Communicate better
● Be more empathetic
● Understand motivations
● Hone your “BS” meter
Photo credit: iStock
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Be able to ask better, more
engaging technical questions
● What do you need to know
● What don’t you need to know
● Be more comfortable knowing
the difference
to credit: iStock
In an hour, you’ll...
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Narrative 1:
The Curious Case of the Unexpected Delay
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Setting the scene
● You’re the VP of Marketing
● You’re leading the charge of very important
improvement to your organization’s website
● It is targeted for launch at the end of next month
● You’ve worked well with your technical team
...until this morning’s meeting
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
You’ve just been informed
that there is suddenly a
significant timeline delay of
at least two or even three
weeks that will make the
launch target unlikely.
Photo credit:
Setting the scene
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
As the VP of Marketing your
first thoughts are...
Asking a question
Photo credit: iStock
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“According to our timeline we
should have reviewed the
product page download library a
week ago.
After seeing it I’m also
concerned the layout and
functionality don’t reflect the
approved design.
How are we now two weeks
behind? What is causing this
The question:
● obviously you’re frustrated
● is past focused
● no mention of specifics
● doesn’t ask for options
Evaluating the question
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“According to our timeline we
should have reviewed the
product page download library a
week ago.
After seeing it I’m also
concerned the layout and
functionality don’t reflect the
approved design.
How are we now two weeks
behind? What is causing this
The question:
● it’s fair + well reasoned
● works from common ground
● reiterates expectations
● asks timeline specifics
Evaluating the question
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“According to our timeline we
should have reviewed the
product page download library a
week ago.
After seeing it I’m also
concerned the layout and
functionality don’t reflect the
approved design.
How are we now two weeks
behind? What is causing this
A technical answer
The lead developer responds with...
“There is a problem with
Javascript targeting image IDs
But it’s working in Chrome,
almost in Firefox, and not at all
in IE.
I need to re-code a significant
portion of the page to ensure it
will load correctly in all
browsers and continue to
debug the code.”
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Let’s break it down
Define the technical issues by finding
the keywords...
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“There is a problem with
Javascript targeting image IDs
But it’s working in Chrome,
almost in Firefox, and not at all
in IE.
I need to re-code a significant
portion of the page to ensure it
will load correctly in all
browsers and continue to
debug the code.”
Evaluating the answer
The answer:
● indicates work order
● addresses “cause of delay”
● uses some tech jargon
● seems a little defensive
● avoids “layout v. designs”
● ignores stated
“There is a problem with
Javascript targeting image IDs
But it’s working in Chrome,
almost in Firefox, and not at all
in IE.
I need to re-code a significant
portion of the page to ensure it
will load correctly in all
browsers and continue to
debug the code.”
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Is it reasonable?
Given the explanation of
the core issues, is a two
to three week delay
“There is a problem with
Javascript targeting image IDs
But it’s working in Chrome,
almost in Firefox, and not at all
in IE.
I need to re-code a significant
portion of the page to ensure it
will load correctly in all
browsers and continue to
debug the code.”
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
The Curious Case of the Unexpected Delay
As the VP of Marketing your
first thoughts are...
“According to our timeline we
should have reviewed the
product page download library a
week ago.
After seeing it I’m also
concerned the layout and
functionality don’t reflect the
approved design.
How are we now two weeks
behind? What is causing this
Asking a question
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
A technical answer
The lead developer responds with...
“When you requested to edit the
image file to add a new version in
the download library, that
functionality was new scope.
It might seem like a small change,
but I had to setup the database in
a new way - requiring a significant
amount of additional work - a
week of coding and a week of
cross browser testing.”
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Let’s break it down
Define the technical issues by finding
the keywords...
“When you requested to edit the
image file to add a new version in
the download library, that
functionality was new scope.
It might seem like a small change,
but I had to setup the database in
a new way - requiring a significant
amount of additional work - a
week of coding and a week of
cross browser testing.”
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Evaluating the answer
The answer:
● fact based v. defensive
● references to a request
● address timeline changes
● elaborates “taking so
● uses less tech jargon
● doesn’t address options
“When you requested to edit the
image file to add a new version in
the download library, that
functionality was new scope.
It might seem like a small change,
but I had to setup the database in
a new way - requiring a significant
amount of additional work - a
week of coding and a week of
cross browser testing.”
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Is it reasonable?
Given the explanation of
the core issues, is a two
to three week delay
“When you requested to edit the
image file to add a new version in
the download library, that
functionality was new scope.
It might seem like a small change,
but I had to setup the database in
a new way - requiring a significant
amount of additional work - a
week of coding and a week of
cross browser testing.”
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Lessons learned
(your digital projects)
● Change happens
● Timeline + cost are
● Is there enough QA time?
● Define launch needs...
○ Approved design v. ‘live’
user interface
○ Functionality specifics
○ Browser compatibility
Photo credit:
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Lessons learned
(your tech counterparts)
● Personality types + tells
● Monitor ‘red flags’
● Work through tech jargon
● Ask for timeline specifics
● Estimating complex work
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
Narrative 2
Confessions of a Busted Piggy Bank
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Setting the scene
● You’re a Yoga Studio Owner
● You’re adding an Events Calendar to your website that
will manage all class schedules
● All your students are super excited to have a digital
calendar, replacing paper schedules
● The project is nearing it’s end + you’ve worked well with
your technical team
...until this afternoon’s meetingSloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
You’ve just been informed
that your developer is
requiring more funds to
purchase a plugin that sets
you well over budget. This
need was never discussed
before today.
Setting the scene
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglinPhoto credit: iStock
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Asking a question
As the owner of a yoga studio
your first thoughts are...
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“I’m confused as to why suddenly
we are being asked to provide
additional funds to launch a
calendar which is the focal point
of the website?
This was always included as part
of our agreement. What has
changed to cause the need for
more funds?”
Photo credit: iStock
Your question...
● obviously you’re frustrated
● is a little aggressive
● doesn’t ask for options
Evaluating the question
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“I’m confused as to why suddenly
we are being asked to provide
additional funds to launch a
calendar which is the focal point
of the website?
This was always included as part
of our agreement. What has
changed to cause the need for
more funds?”
Your question:
● reaffirms the goals
● invokes the project scope
● reiterates an expectation
● asks a specific question
about a budget change
Evaluating the question
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“I’m confused as to why suddenly
we are being asked to provide
additional funds to launch a
calendar which is the focal point
of the website?
This was always included as part
of our agreement. What has
changed to cause the need for
more funds?”
A technical answer
The lead developer responds with...
“What you want isn’t included in
the free calendar plugin. The
functionality you need requires
the use of widget shortcodes.
The free plugin doesn’t work with
shortcodes as they conflict with
the code in the WordPress
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Let’s break it down
Define the technical issues by finding
the keywords...
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“What you want isn’t included in
the free calendar plugin. The
functionality you need requires
the use of widget shortcodes.
The free plugin doesn’t work with
shortcodes as they conflict with
the code in the WordPress
Evaluating the answer
The answer...
● touches on functionality
● answers cause of “more
funds” request
● uses tech jargon
● indicatives a lack of
proper planning
● doesn’t address why this
wasn’t discussed earlier
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“What you want isn’t included in
the free calendar plugin. The
functionality you need requires
the use of widget shortcodes.
The free plugin doesn’t work with
shortcodes as they conflict with
the code in the WordPress
“What you want isn’t included in
the free calendar plugin. The
functionality you need requires
the use of widget shortcodes.
The free plugin doesn’t work with
shortcodes as they conflict with
the code in the WordPress
Is it reasonable?
Given the explanation of
the core issues, is the
request for additional
funds reasonable?
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Confessions of a Busted Piggy Bank
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Asking a question
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“I’m confused as to why suddenly
we are being asked to provide
additional funds to launch a
calendar which is the focal point
of the website?
This was always included as part
of our agreement. What has
changed to cause the need for
more funds?”
As the owner of a yoga studio
your first thoughts are...
Photo credit: iStock
A technical answer
The lead developer responds with...
“There are decent free calendars
plugins available, but they don’t
include the multi-view
functionality you are looking for.
Plus the free plugin that we were
going to use hasn’t been updated
in over a year and has three
known security vulnerabilities.”
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Let’s break it down
Define the technical issues by finding
the keywords...
“There are decent free calendars
plugins available, but they don’t
include the multi-view
functionality you are looking for.
Plus the free plugin that we were
going to use hasn’t been updated
in over a year and has three
known security vulnerabilities.”
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Evaluating the answer
The answer...
● fact based, not defensive
● references functionality
specifics + realities
● provides insight on value
● doesn’t address why
research wasn’t done
● doesn’t provides options
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“There are decent free calendars
plugins available, but they don’t
include the multi-view
functionality you are looking for.
Plus the free plugin that we were
going to use hasn’t been updated
in over a year and has three
known security vulnerabilities.”
“There are decent free calendars
plugins available, but they don’t
include the multi-view
functionality you are looking for.
Plus the free plugin that we were
going to use hasn’t been updated
in over a year and has three
known security vulnerabilities.”
Is it reasonable?
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Given the explanation of
the core issues, is the
request for additional
funds reasonable?
Lessons learned
(your digital projects)
● Ideal project planning order:
○ define the needs
○ research options
○ refine requirements
○ execute on functionality
● Weigh the cost/benefits
● Who pays for unexpected
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
Lessons learned
(your tech counterparts)
● Tough conversations will
(should) occur
● Reiterate common goals
● Discuss available options
● Review scope + previous
change decisions
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Narrative 3:
Legend of the Assumptions
Setting the scene
● You’re the Advancement Director of a large non-profit
● You’ve recently added a new, more robust third party
tool to your fundraising efforts
● You’re worked well with your technical team to get them
to add this new tool to your website
...until today’s demonstration
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
You’ve just had a ‘beta’ demo
to review the new donation
workflow and you’re not
happy. It doesn’t meet your
expectations or assumed
needs of your donors.
Photo credit: TBD
Setting the scene
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“I don’t like how this is working. It
takes a user over three clicks to get
to where they enter their
Plus the payment page looks
nothing like our website. Users
might think it’s a scam and we’ll
lose donations. When we talked
about this, we said it would be easy
to use, this isn’t.
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
As the Advancement Director
your first thoughts are...
Asking a question
Photo credit: iStock
The question:
● is emotional + aggressive
● reflects ‘personal use’ bias
● doesn’t ask a question
Evaluating the question
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“I don’t like how this is working. It
takes a user over three clicks to get
to where they enter their
Plus the payment page looks
nothing like our website. Users
might think it’s a scam and we’ll
lose donations. When we talked
about this, we said it would be easy
to use, this isn’t.
The question:
● states an expected user
● references stated goals
● reiterates an expectation
● expresses your displeasure
Evaluating the question
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“I don’t like how this is working. It
takes a user over three clicks to get
to where they enter their
Plus the payment page looks
nothing like our website. Users
might think it’s a scam and we’ll
lose donations. When we talked
about this, we said it would be easy
to use, this isn’t.
A technical answer
The lead developer responds with...
“You wanted to use
since they charge the lowest fee
per transaction.
They don’t have an embed or API,
plus we don’t have an SSL cert,
nor do we want to worry about
PCI compliance. We have to
redirect users to’s
payment gateway which doesn’t
allow for theming.
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“You wanted to use
since they charge the lowest fee
per transaction.
They don’t have an embed or API,
plus we don’t have an SSL cert,
nor do we want to worry about
PCI compliance. We have to
redirect users to’s
payment gateway which doesn’t
allow for theming.
Let’s break it down
Define the technical issues by finding
the keywords...
Evaluating the answer
The answer:
● highlights a few technical
● acknowledges decisions
made + reasoning
● uses a tons of jargon
● seems defensive +
● doesn’t make much
sense Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“You wanted to use
since they charge the lowest fee
per transaction.
They don’t have an embed or API,
plus we don’t have an SSL cert,
nor do we want to worry about
PCI compliance. We have to
redirect users to’s
payment gateway which doesn’t
allow for theming.
“You wanted to use
since they charge the lowest fee
per transaction.
They don’t have an embed or API,
plus we don’t have an SSL cert,
nor do we want to worry about
PCI compliance. We have to
redirect users to’s
payment gateway which doesn’t
allow for theming.
Is it reasonable?
Given the explanation of
the core issues, does the
explanation for the
disappointment hold
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Legend of the Dangerous Assumptions
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“I don’t like how this is working. It
takes a user over three clicks to get
to where they enter their
Plus the payment page looks
nothing like our website. Users
might think it’s a scam and we’ll
lose donations. When we talked
about this, we said it would be easy
to use, this isn’t.
As the Advancement Director
your first thoughts are...
Asking a question
Photo credit: iStock
A technical answer
The lead developer responds with...
“We’re using Raiser’s Edge for
donations because of their robust
constituents record system.
Blackbaud builds closed systems
that don’t allow for seamless
integration. Their API is very
limiting but they do have a forms
product we can use, but I didn’t
think you wanted that extra
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“We’re using Raiser’s Edge for
donations because of their robust
constituents record system.
Blackbaud builds closed systems
that don’t allow for seamless
integration. Their API is very
limiting but they do have a forms
product we can use, but I didn’t
think you wanted that extra
Let’s break it down
Define the technical issues by finding
the keywords...
Evaluating the answer
The answer:
● brings up a number of
technical issues
● acknowledges decisions
made + reasoning
● provides alternatives
● uses technical jargon
● doesn’t reiterate nor
confirmed assumptions
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
“We’re using Raiser’s Edge for
donations because of their robust
constituents record system.
Blackbaud builds closed systems
that don’t allow for seamless
integration. Their API is very
limiting but they do have a forms
product we can use, but I didn’t
think you wanted that extra
“We’re using Raiser’s Edge for
donations because of their robust
constituents record system.
Blackbaud builds closed systems
that don’t allow for seamless
integration. Their API is very
limiting but they do have a forms
product we can use, but I didn’t
think you wanted that extra
Is it reasonable?
Given the explanation of
the core issues, does the
explanation for the
disappointment hold
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Lessons learned
(your digital projects)
● Third-party tools can have both
expertise + limitations
● Be aware of your biases v. target
audience statistics
● Balance user’s needs with those
of your organization
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo cred
Lessons learned
(your tech counterparts)
● Articulate your vision
thoroughly with words,
examples + sketches
● Guideposts v. duplication
● Define what ‘integration’ means
for you
● Don’t leave anything up to
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Evaluation Tips
How to Build Your Tech Team
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
For non-technical people who lead or
participate in the hiring of technical
team members
● Go-to interview questions
● Build a connection
● Feel confident in explaining your
hiring decisions
Top Interview
Questions to Ask
What projects are you most/least
proud of and why?
Given the opportunity, what would
you change about those projects?
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
Top Interview
Questions to Ask
What is your favorite
programming language? Why?
Which ones do you hate?
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
Top Interview
Questions to Ask
You are required to work with a
huge chunk of code and you have
no idea how it works.
There is no documentation nor
anyone to consult with how it
works - how do you approach it?
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
Code Review
How do you review ‘sample code’
or determine someone’s skills if
you don’t actually code?
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
the bobble head
● Avoids asking tough questions
● One-sided communication
● Has a limited perspective
● Fails to advocate for goals
● Seeks a “confrontation” free
To Recap... Photo credit:
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
the imposter
● Misses an opportunity to learn
● Lacks understanding
● Inefficient increases to
● Masks lack of knowledge
● Dishonesty
Photo credit: iStock
To Recap...
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
the jargon junkie
● Insular
● Barrier to effective
● Mask true meaning + content
● Risk appearing pretentious
Photo credit: iStock
To Recap...
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
the novice
● Ask enough questions to learn
or uncover answers
● Roundabout education
● Inefficient use of project time
Photo credit: iStock
To Recap...
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
The Curious Case of the Unexpected Delay
Hopefully we’ve empowered you to ask about...
● cost + timeline impacts of changes
● differences in UI + ‘approved’ designs
● breaking time estimates into smaller chunks
● if enough QA time has been set aside
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Confessions of a Busted Piggy Bank
Hopefully we’ve empowered you to ask about...
● researching functionality early
● weighing the value of paying for external tools
● having tough conversation about money
● all available options
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Legend of the Assumptions
Hopefully we’ve empowered you to ask about...
● how best to convey your vision
● what the word “integration” means
● understand there are limitations or benefits of
using 3rd party tools
● making sure personal preferences does not
outweigh anticipated user behavior
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
It’s been an hour...
Have we empowered you to...
● know when communication
needs to be a little clearer?
● understand some of your
tech team’s motivations?
● sharpen your “BS” meter?
Photo credit: iStock
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Are you better able to...
● ask engaging technical questions?
● determine what do you need +
don’t need to know?
● be more comfortable in technical
to credit: iStock
It’s been an hour...
Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin
@PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
Natasha Baglin
Senior Project Manager
AYC Media
Sloan Miller
Operations + Strategy

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#PTW16 - A Better Way to Talk Tech

  • 1. A Better Way to Talk Tech how non-technical people can improve their work with tech teams Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 2. 64%of projects meet their goals *according to a 2015 PMI Study Only... Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 3. Sometimes we have to wade into technical conversations outside of our areas of expertise. So what do we do? Why it matters... Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglinPhoto credit: NEED URL
  • 4. ● the bobble head Do we play... Photo credit: Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 5. ● the bobble head ● the imposter Do we play... Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
  • 6. ● the bobble head ● the imposter ● the jargon junkie Do we play... Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
  • 7. ● the bobble head ● the imposter ● the jargon junkie ● the novice Do we play... ?!?! Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
  • 8. Who we are... Natasha Baglin Senior Project Manager AYC Media Background - 8+ yrs in the industry - B.S. in Speech & Hearing Sciences - Ecommerce + hospitality expertise Sloan Miller Operations + Strategy Consultant Background - 14+ yrs in the industry - B.S. in Mechanical Engineering - Lead PM/Biz Dev at Archer + P’unk Ave Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 9. Who you are... ● Entrepreneurs ● Account + Project Managers ● Sales + Marketing Professionals ● Creative + Content Team Members Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 10. In an hour, you’ll... Improve your interaction with your technical counterparts ● Communicate better ● Be more empathetic ● Understand motivations ● Hone your “BS” meter Photo credit: iStock Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 11. Be able to ask better, more engaging technical questions ● What do you need to know ● What don’t you need to know ● Be more comfortable knowing the difference to credit: iStock In an hour, you’ll... Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 12.
  • 13. Narrative 1: The Curious Case of the Unexpected Delay Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 14. Setting the scene ● You’re the VP of Marketing ● You’re leading the charge of very important improvement to your organization’s website ● It is targeted for launch at the end of next month ● You’ve worked well with your technical team ...until this morning’s meeting Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 15. You’ve just been informed that there is suddenly a significant timeline delay of at least two or even three weeks that will make the launch target unlikely. Photo credit: Setting the scene Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 16. As the VP of Marketing your first thoughts are... Asking a question Photo credit: iStock Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “According to our timeline we should have reviewed the product page download library a week ago. After seeing it I’m also concerned the layout and functionality don’t reflect the approved design. How are we now two weeks behind? What is causing this delay?”
  • 17. The question: ● obviously you’re frustrated ● is past focused ● no mention of specifics ● doesn’t ask for options Evaluating the question Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “According to our timeline we should have reviewed the product page download library a week ago. After seeing it I’m also concerned the layout and functionality don’t reflect the approved design. How are we now two weeks behind? What is causing this delay?”
  • 18. The question: ● it’s fair + well reasoned ● works from common ground ● reiterates expectations ● asks timeline specifics Evaluating the question Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “According to our timeline we should have reviewed the product page download library a week ago. After seeing it I’m also concerned the layout and functionality don’t reflect the approved design. How are we now two weeks behind? What is causing this delay?”
  • 19. A technical answer The lead developer responds with... “There is a problem with Javascript targeting image IDs But it’s working in Chrome, almost in Firefox, and not at all in IE. I need to re-code a significant portion of the page to ensure it will load correctly in all browsers and continue to debug the code.” Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 20. Let’s break it down Define the technical issues by finding the keywords... Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “There is a problem with Javascript targeting image IDs But it’s working in Chrome, almost in Firefox, and not at all in IE. I need to re-code a significant portion of the page to ensure it will load correctly in all browsers and continue to debug the code.”
  • 21. Evaluating the answer The answer: ● indicates work order ● addresses “cause of delay” but... ● uses some tech jargon ● seems a little defensive ● avoids “layout v. designs” ● ignores stated expectations “There is a problem with Javascript targeting image IDs But it’s working in Chrome, almost in Firefox, and not at all in IE. I need to re-code a significant portion of the page to ensure it will load correctly in all browsers and continue to debug the code.” Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 22. Is it reasonable? Given the explanation of the core issues, is a two to three week delay reasonable? “There is a problem with Javascript targeting image IDs But it’s working in Chrome, almost in Firefox, and not at all in IE. I need to re-code a significant portion of the page to ensure it will load correctly in all browsers and continue to debug the code.” Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 23. Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin The Curious Case of the Unexpected Delay
  • 24. As the VP of Marketing your first thoughts are... “According to our timeline we should have reviewed the product page download library a week ago. After seeing it I’m also concerned the layout and functionality don’t reflect the approved design. How are we now two weeks behind? What is causing this delay?” Asking a question Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
  • 25. A technical answer The lead developer responds with... “When you requested to edit the image file to add a new version in the download library, that functionality was new scope. It might seem like a small change, but I had to setup the database in a new way - requiring a significant amount of additional work - a week of coding and a week of cross browser testing.” Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 26. Let’s break it down Define the technical issues by finding the keywords... “When you requested to edit the image file to add a new version in the download library, that functionality was new scope. It might seem like a small change, but I had to setup the database in a new way - requiring a significant amount of additional work - a week of coding and a week of cross browser testing.” Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 27. Evaluating the answer The answer: ● fact based v. defensive ● references to a request ● address timeline changes ● elaborates “taking so long” but... ● uses less tech jargon ● doesn’t address options “When you requested to edit the image file to add a new version in the download library, that functionality was new scope. It might seem like a small change, but I had to setup the database in a new way - requiring a significant amount of additional work - a week of coding and a week of cross browser testing.” Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 28. Is it reasonable? Given the explanation of the core issues, is a two to three week delay reasonable? “When you requested to edit the image file to add a new version in the download library, that functionality was new scope. It might seem like a small change, but I had to setup the database in a new way - requiring a significant amount of additional work - a week of coding and a week of cross browser testing.” Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 29. Lessons learned (your digital projects) ● Change happens ● Timeline + cost are impacted ● Is there enough QA time? ● Define launch needs... ○ Approved design v. ‘live’ user interface ○ Functionality specifics ○ Browser compatibility Photo credit: Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 30. Lessons learned (your tech counterparts) ● Personality types + tells ● Monitor ‘red flags’ ● Work through tech jargon ● Ask for timeline specifics ● Estimating complex work Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
  • 31.
  • 32. Narrative 2 Confessions of a Busted Piggy Bank Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 33. Setting the scene ● You’re a Yoga Studio Owner ● You’re adding an Events Calendar to your website that will manage all class schedules ● All your students are super excited to have a digital calendar, replacing paper schedules ● The project is nearing it’s end + you’ve worked well with your technical team ...until this afternoon’s meetingSloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 34. You’ve just been informed that your developer is requiring more funds to purchase a plugin that sets you well over budget. This need was never discussed before today. Setting the scene Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglinPhoto credit: iStock
  • 35. Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Asking a question As the owner of a yoga studio your first thoughts are... Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “I’m confused as to why suddenly we are being asked to provide additional funds to launch a calendar which is the focal point of the website? This was always included as part of our agreement. What has changed to cause the need for more funds?” Photo credit: iStock
  • 36. Your question... ● obviously you’re frustrated ● is a little aggressive ● doesn’t ask for options Evaluating the question Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “I’m confused as to why suddenly we are being asked to provide additional funds to launch a calendar which is the focal point of the website? This was always included as part of our agreement. What has changed to cause the need for more funds?”
  • 37. Your question: ● reaffirms the goals ● invokes the project scope ● reiterates an expectation ● asks a specific question about a budget change Evaluating the question Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “I’m confused as to why suddenly we are being asked to provide additional funds to launch a calendar which is the focal point of the website? This was always included as part of our agreement. What has changed to cause the need for more funds?”
  • 38. A technical answer The lead developer responds with... “What you want isn’t included in the free calendar plugin. The functionality you need requires the use of widget shortcodes. The free plugin doesn’t work with shortcodes as they conflict with the code in the WordPress theme.” Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 39. Let’s break it down Define the technical issues by finding the keywords... Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “What you want isn’t included in the free calendar plugin. The functionality you need requires the use of widget shortcodes. The free plugin doesn’t work with shortcodes as they conflict with the code in the WordPress theme.”
  • 40. Evaluating the answer The answer... ● touches on functionality ● answers cause of “more funds” request but... ● uses tech jargon ● indicatives a lack of proper planning ● doesn’t address why this wasn’t discussed earlier Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “What you want isn’t included in the free calendar plugin. The functionality you need requires the use of widget shortcodes. The free plugin doesn’t work with shortcodes as they conflict with the code in the WordPress theme.”
  • 41. “What you want isn’t included in the free calendar plugin. The functionality you need requires the use of widget shortcodes. The free plugin doesn’t work with shortcodes as they conflict with the code in the WordPress theme.” Is it reasonable? Given the explanation of the core issues, is the request for additional funds reasonable? Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 42. Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Confessions of a Busted Piggy Bank
  • 43. Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Asking a question Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “I’m confused as to why suddenly we are being asked to provide additional funds to launch a calendar which is the focal point of the website? This was always included as part of our agreement. What has changed to cause the need for more funds?” As the owner of a yoga studio your first thoughts are... Photo credit: iStock
  • 44. A technical answer The lead developer responds with... “There are decent free calendars plugins available, but they don’t include the multi-view functionality you are looking for. Plus the free plugin that we were going to use hasn’t been updated in over a year and has three known security vulnerabilities.” Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 45. Let’s break it down Define the technical issues by finding the keywords... “There are decent free calendars plugins available, but they don’t include the multi-view functionality you are looking for. Plus the free plugin that we were going to use hasn’t been updated in over a year and has three known security vulnerabilities.” Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 46. Evaluating the answer The answer... ● fact based, not defensive ● references functionality specifics + realities ● provides insight on value but... ● doesn’t address why research wasn’t done ● doesn’t provides options Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “There are decent free calendars plugins available, but they don’t include the multi-view functionality you are looking for. Plus the free plugin that we were going to use hasn’t been updated in over a year and has three known security vulnerabilities.”
  • 47. “There are decent free calendars plugins available, but they don’t include the multi-view functionality you are looking for. Plus the free plugin that we were going to use hasn’t been updated in over a year and has three known security vulnerabilities.” Is it reasonable? Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Given the explanation of the core issues, is the request for additional funds reasonable?
  • 48. Lessons learned (your digital projects) ● Ideal project planning order: ○ define the needs ○ research options ○ refine requirements ○ execute on functionality ● Weigh the cost/benefits ● Who pays for unexpected expenses/resources? Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
  • 49. Lessons learned (your tech counterparts) ● Tough conversations will (should) occur ● Reiterate common goals ● Discuss available options ● Review scope + previous change decisions Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 50.
  • 51. Narrative 3: Legend of the Assumptions
  • 52. Setting the scene ● You’re the Advancement Director of a large non-profit ● You’ve recently added a new, more robust third party tool to your fundraising efforts ● You’re worked well with your technical team to get them to add this new tool to your website ...until today’s demonstration Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 53. You’ve just had a ‘beta’ demo to review the new donation workflow and you’re not happy. It doesn’t meet your expectations or assumed needs of your donors. Photo credit: TBD Setting the scene Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 54. “I don’t like how this is working. It takes a user over three clicks to get to where they enter their information. Plus the payment page looks nothing like our website. Users might think it’s a scam and we’ll lose donations. When we talked about this, we said it would be easy to use, this isn’t. Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin As the Advancement Director your first thoughts are... Asking a question Photo credit: iStock
  • 55. The question: ● is emotional + aggressive ● reflects ‘personal use’ bias assumptions ● doesn’t ask a question Evaluating the question Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “I don’t like how this is working. It takes a user over three clicks to get to where they enter their information. Plus the payment page looks nothing like our website. Users might think it’s a scam and we’ll lose donations. When we talked about this, we said it would be easy to use, this isn’t.
  • 56. The question: ● states an expected user behavior ● references stated goals ● reiterates an expectation ● expresses your displeasure Evaluating the question Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “I don’t like how this is working. It takes a user over three clicks to get to where they enter their information. Plus the payment page looks nothing like our website. Users might think it’s a scam and we’ll lose donations. When we talked about this, we said it would be easy to use, this isn’t.
  • 57. A technical answer The lead developer responds with... “You wanted to use since they charge the lowest fee per transaction. They don’t have an embed or API, plus we don’t have an SSL cert, nor do we want to worry about PCI compliance. We have to redirect users to’s payment gateway which doesn’t allow for theming. Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 58. Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “You wanted to use since they charge the lowest fee per transaction. They don’t have an embed or API, plus we don’t have an SSL cert, nor do we want to worry about PCI compliance. We have to redirect users to’s payment gateway which doesn’t allow for theming. Let’s break it down Define the technical issues by finding the keywords...
  • 59. Evaluating the answer The answer: ● highlights a few technical issues ● acknowledges decisions made + reasoning but... ● uses a tons of jargon ● seems defensive + dismissive ● doesn’t make much sense Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “You wanted to use since they charge the lowest fee per transaction. They don’t have an embed or API, plus we don’t have an SSL cert, nor do we want to worry about PCI compliance. We have to redirect users to’s payment gateway which doesn’t allow for theming.
  • 60. “You wanted to use since they charge the lowest fee per transaction. They don’t have an embed or API, plus we don’t have an SSL cert, nor do we want to worry about PCI compliance. We have to redirect users to’s payment gateway which doesn’t allow for theming. Is it reasonable? Given the explanation of the core issues, does the explanation for the disappointment hold water? Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 61. Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Legend of the Dangerous Assumptions
  • 62. Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “I don’t like how this is working. It takes a user over three clicks to get to where they enter their information. Plus the payment page looks nothing like our website. Users might think it’s a scam and we’ll lose donations. When we talked about this, we said it would be easy to use, this isn’t. As the Advancement Director your first thoughts are... Asking a question Photo credit: iStock
  • 63. A technical answer The lead developer responds with... “We’re using Raiser’s Edge for donations because of their robust constituents record system. Blackbaud builds closed systems that don’t allow for seamless integration. Their API is very limiting but they do have a forms product we can use, but I didn’t think you wanted that extra expense.” Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 64. Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “We’re using Raiser’s Edge for donations because of their robust constituents record system. Blackbaud builds closed systems that don’t allow for seamless integration. Their API is very limiting but they do have a forms product we can use, but I didn’t think you wanted that extra expense.” Let’s break it down Define the technical issues by finding the keywords...
  • 65. Evaluating the answer The answer: ● brings up a number of technical issues ● acknowledges decisions made + reasoning ● provides alternatives but... ● uses technical jargon ● doesn’t reiterate nor confirmed assumptions Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin “We’re using Raiser’s Edge for donations because of their robust constituents record system. Blackbaud builds closed systems that don’t allow for seamless integration. Their API is very limiting but they do have a forms product we can use, but I didn’t think you wanted that extra expense.”
  • 66. “We’re using Raiser’s Edge for donations because of their robust constituents record system. Blackbaud builds closed systems that don’t allow for seamless integration. Their API is very limiting but they do have a forms product we can use, but I didn’t think you wanted that extra expense.” Is it reasonable? Given the explanation of the core issues, does the explanation for the disappointment hold water? Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 67. Lessons learned (your digital projects) ● Third-party tools can have both expertise + limitations ● Be aware of your biases v. target audience statistics ● Balance user’s needs with those of your organization Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo cred
  • 68. Lessons learned (your tech counterparts) ● Articulate your vision thoroughly with words, examples + sketches ● Guideposts v. duplication ● Define what ‘integration’ means for you ● Don’t leave anything up to assumptions Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 69.
  • 70. Evaluation Tips How to Build Your Tech Team Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 71. BONUS LEVEL! Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin For non-technical people who lead or participate in the hiring of technical team members ● Go-to interview questions ● Build a connection ● Feel confident in explaining your hiring decisions
  • 72. Top Interview Questions to Ask #1 What projects are you most/least proud of and why? Given the opportunity, what would you change about those projects? Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
  • 73. Top Interview Questions to Ask #2 What is your favorite programming language? Why? Which ones do you hate? Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
  • 74. Top Interview Questions to Ask #3 You are required to work with a huge chunk of code and you have no idea how it works. There is no documentation nor anyone to consult with how it works - how do you approach it? Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
  • 75. Code Review </help> How do you review ‘sample code’ or determine someone’s skills if you don’t actually code? Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin Photo credit: iStock
  • 77.
  • 78. the bobble head ● Avoids asking tough questions ● One-sided communication ● Has a limited perspective ● Fails to advocate for goals ● Seeks a “confrontation” free relationship To Recap... Photo credit: Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 79. the imposter ● Misses an opportunity to learn ● Lacks understanding ● Inefficient increases to time/cost ● Masks lack of knowledge ● Dishonesty Photo credit: iStock To Recap... Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 80. the jargon junkie ● Insular ● Barrier to effective communication ● Mask true meaning + content ● Risk appearing pretentious Photo credit: iStock To Recap... Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 81. the novice ● Ask enough questions to learn or uncover answers ● Roundabout education ● Inefficient use of project time ?!?! Photo credit: iStock To Recap... Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 82. The Curious Case of the Unexpected Delay Hopefully we’ve empowered you to ask about... ● cost + timeline impacts of changes ● differences in UI + ‘approved’ designs ● breaking time estimates into smaller chunks ● if enough QA time has been set aside Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 83. Confessions of a Busted Piggy Bank Hopefully we’ve empowered you to ask about... ● researching functionality early ● weighing the value of paying for external tools ● having tough conversation about money ● all available options Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 84. Legend of the Assumptions Hopefully we’ve empowered you to ask about... ● how best to convey your vision ● what the word “integration” means ● understand there are limitations or benefits of using 3rd party tools ● making sure personal preferences does not outweigh anticipated user behavior Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 85. It’s been an hour... Have we empowered you to... ● know when communication needs to be a little clearer? ● understand some of your tech team’s motivations? ● sharpen your “BS” meter? Photo credit: iStock Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 86. Are you better able to... ● ask engaging technical questions? ● determine what do you need + don’t need to know? ● be more comfortable in technical conversations? to credit: iStock It’s been an hour... Sloan Miller Natasha Baglin @PMOwned @NatashaBaglin
  • 87. THANK YOU! Natasha Baglin Senior Project Manager AYC Media @NatashaBaglin Sloan Miller Operations + Strategy Consultant @PMOwned