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Examples Of Psychological Resilience
Psychological Resilience
People contend with many difficult and trying times every day. These may be the loss of a loved
one, a serious illness, the loss of a job or source of income, a terrorist attack, to mention but a few
tragic events. More often than not, these events tend to be life changing, and how people react to
them matters. For the most part, most people react to such incidences with a sense of uncertainty,
accompanied by a flood of strong emotions. In retrospect, people have the tendency to adapt
c0onsidrably to such life–changing situations, albeit over time. This process involves a lot of
resilience, which is an ongoing process that necessitates effort, time, and engagement, with the
people going through a series of stages. Of interest to this discourse, therefore, are some of the
coping strategies individuals employ, to cope with some of these challenging situations. To do
this, this essay uses the example of Frederic Henry in Ernest Hemingway's A Farwell to Arms.
First, we will talk about how Henry has a series of misfortunes from his past, which he appears to
cope with rather well. Second, we will talk about Catherine Barkley, Frederic's love interest. She has
also lost her fiancГ© when she more content...
psychological dysfunction may range from persistent negative moods, or even a mental illness. This
constitutes the mainstream perception of psychological resilience. In this sense, Neill observes that
psychological stressors, also dubbed "risk factors," are those experiences of major chronic or acute
stress, such as the death or someone close, chronic illness, or even the sexual, emotion, or even
physical abuse (par. 2). Other common stress factors include sudden employment, fear, or even
community violence, such as the recent upheaval of terrorist attacks across the
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Examples Of Discursive Psychology
1.6.3: Discursive psychology: The social constructionist forms of discourse analysis have been
developed in the field of social psychology. Discourse analysis has become one of the most social
constructionist approaches within social psychology. Discursive psychology treats written and
spoken language as constructions of the world oriented towards social action. Language shapes
social world. It constructs identities and social relations and helps in understanding the world.
Language is a dynamic form of social practice. Discursive psychology draws partly on Ludwig
Wittgenstein's later philosophy in which it emphasized that claims about psychological states should
be treated as social activities instead of as manifestations of deeper 'essences' more content...
In the former text, Potter develops a systematic account of the way versions are built as objective,
as mere descriptions of actions or events. This addresses the question of how speakers manufacture
the credibility of versions, and how this building can be challenged and undermined. Taking the
example of attitudes again, this work considers the way in which versions can be produced to
generate evaluations as features of the objects and events rather than positions or dispositions of
speakers. This is clearly a key task when talk is about delicate or controversial topics, where motives
and dispositions may be closely inspected. Thus constructing a version of a minority group that
simultaneously produces negative characteristics (e.g. involvement with sexual violence) combined
with a display of 'sympathetic' motivation toward that group (perhaps drawing on one of the culture
repertoires discussed above) can work to avoid being seen as having racist attitudes. It should be
noted the way the relationship between 'mind' and 'the world' is reworked here in the talk. One of
the achievements of Discursive psychology has been to highlight how crucial this relationship as a
practical feature of interaction. People construct versions of the world that have implications for
their own disposition and thoughts;
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Essay on Psychology Class Reflection
Over the course of this class I have pieced together many things about my own life that before
went unnoticed. I am now able to see things in a bit of a different light. Now that I have been
introduced to the realm of psychology I understand some of the reasons for behavior around me. I
have learned that there is a reason for most everything and a lot of our behaviors and mental
processes can be explained through psychology. Studies have been conducted for many years to try
and pinpoint the source of our behavior and it is not something that most people think about every
day. Having a better understanding of why we operate the way we do will help me to better
understand myself and the others around me. Our behavior more content...
role confusion stage. (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2009) It is a coping mechanism that probably stems
from his childhood in some way. This is just one example of how I am seeing the world from a
more psychological perspective. I now try and form some theory about abnormal behavior rather
that just shrugging it off. While I have not really had any experience with anyone with any very
serious psychological conditions I see now that there is much more than meets the eye when it
comes to their behavior. There is typically some sort of explanation that can be found in
psychology and I think if everyone had a basic understanding of psychology they would
understand the abnormal behavior a little better. After this introduction to psychology I can now
also better understand my behavior and understand the things that are affecting my life. There are
certain aspects in my life that limit me from making the choices I may prefer to make. I have
obligations and responsibilities that I must maintain in order to provide a decent life for my
family. There is much at stake for me and I cannot always just do whatever it is that I would like
to do. As a child I was raised in a house where honesty was the key. It has been instilled in my life
and to this day I know the right thing to do is to be honest. My parents were very good at
instilling a since of honor in me. I am still not sure how they did it but I know it affected the
decisions that I made and make today. I was always
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Essay about Behavior Psychology
Behavior Psychology Psychology is defined as a science that focuses on the study of and to explain
the way human's think, behave, and feel. The behaviourist school of psychology is concerned with
the explanation of behaviour through observable outcomes without making reference to mental
events. Behaviourism is very narrow and can be strongly objected in its approach to psychology as it
does not consider the mental thought process involvement in behaviour. This school of psychology
is very much about nurture rather more content...
The belief is that human behaviour can be trained because human emotions are so malleable
therefore personality is forever changeable (Cohen, 1979). Behaviour is simply a reaction to a
stimulus which once learned becomes part of learned habit. It was also believed learning occurs
through the reinforcement of certain aspects of the situation. Reinforcement is when something is
added to the situation which makes the same reaction in that situation more likely in future
(McInerney, 1998). The belief was that most of behaviour is a result of what has been learnt, which
is to say that it is the result of the environment rather than biological influences. Therefore the study
of learning and the conditions under which it occurs is the core project of behaviourism (Tennant,
1997) Behaviouristic therapy is aimed at the modification of behaviour especially undesirable ones
by mainly reinforcing the desirable behaviour and suppressing or punishing the undesirable and
unwanted behaviour. Once the therapist has identified the behaviour and triggering factors they may
employ several techniques to condition or recondition the person's behaviour. These methods of
therapy have been derived and adapted by experiments done by earlier behaviourists such as Pavlov,
Watson and Skinner. Methods used today
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Ethics in Psychology Essay
Ethics in Psychology Our country was founded on certain moral principles. The moral principles
which guide our lives are referred to as ethics. These ethics have an impact on how we interact
with the world around us and shape our personalities; this happens even if we do not realize their
immediate impact. It is for this very reason that ethics in psychological research became necessary.
"One may also define ethics as a method, procedure, or perspective for deciding how to act and for
analyzing complex problems and issues" (Resnik, 2011). We are expected to behave or be treated a
particular way in society, therefore we should be granted certain ethical treatments in regards to
research. Human Participants According to the more content...
Animal Subjects This is a sensitive issue area in regards to research. There are many types of
research that just are not feasible to do with human subjects; therefore the justification for
non–human animals come into the experiment. Even though there are many benefits to using
animals, many animal rights groups maintain strong opposition to using animals for research. This
is why the APA has developed the Committee on Animal Research and Ethics (CARE). It is the
responsibility of CARE to audit that all ethics regarding animal usage is followed ("Committee on
animal," 2014). Due to the sensitivity of testing on animals the APA has developed very strict
standards regarding usage of animals as subjects. They range from justification, housing of said
animal, acquisition, and procedures. These requirements outline absolute necessity in order to
reduce the unnecessary usage of animals in testing. Therapy relationships with clients. The
psychologist to patient relationship during therapy is a crucial aspect. It is within ethical guidelines
that the psychologist clearly establish his role whether it be with an individual, group, or family
therapist. These roles need to be understood for the variety of issues that may arise; one of which is
the disclosure of information. Psychologists, for obvious reasons, are not to have sexual
relationships with patients or former patients within a
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The Five Approaches to Psychology Essay examples
1Name five approaches to psychology
There are five approaches to psychology,
Cognitive Psychology
Cognition is the term used to describe a range of mental activities associated with thinking. Cognitive
processes include reasoning, problem solving, paying attention and remembering.
Social Psychology
Social Psychology studies the way we interpret events that are going on around us and how we
interact with one another.
Physiological Psychology
Physiological Psychology is the study of how the functions of the brain, in particular how the
functions of the nervous and endocrine systems are related to the influence of behaviour and mental
processes. Other aspects of physiology such as stress, looking at the way we respond more
This is the primary concern of social psychologists, to understand our behaviour in a social context
and the ways in which social context can influence behaviour.
People interact with one another by using gestures, facial expressions and uniforms as well as speech.
Social psychology also studies the way people behave in large crowds. Individuals often adjust and
alter their actions so that they can fit into the group. This is known as conformity–yielding to group
pressure. How you dress or the music you listen to are probably influenced by your peer group
though it isn't always obvious. Authority figures request or demand that you act in certain ways but
your peers expect certain behaviour of you. Cultural beliefs also show a difference in conformity.
A large part of social psychology is concerned with social behaviour studying how people conform
to the social norms, obedience to authority and how people behave in large groups.
Social psychology is also concerned with social cognition. Looking at how we interpret what is
going on around us.
Social psychologists look at the processes which people use to make social judgements studying
attitudes and personal values such as prejudice.
Social psychology also looks at how we are attracted to other people, interpersonal relationships,
whether we actually
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Example Of A Positive Psychology Paper
Positive psychology is a growing field in psychology that focuses on understanding and
encouraging personal growth and potential (Kramer, Bernstein, & Phares, 2014). The article, "Why
Happiness Isn't Always Good: Asians vs Americans" published by Time Magazine and written by
John Cloud looks at a study done by Janxin Leu, that examines positive emotions. The focus on this
paper is to look at how research studies are portrayed in the public sphere, specifically looking at
Cloud's article.
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Essay about Definition of Psychology
Definition of Psychology
The term psychology comes from two Greek words: psyche, which means
1. The spirit or soul. 2. The human mind. 3. In psychoanalysis, the mind functioning as the center of
thought, emotion, and behavior.
And logos, "the study of." or according to modern researches "science"
These root words were first combined in the 16th century, at a time when the human soul, spirit, or
mind was seen as distinct from the body.
Definition of Psychology:
Psychology is one of the youngest sciences. It is still going through the process of its development.
There has been much fierce controversy about its definition. It has been variously defined as the
science of soul, more content...
Great psychologist like Sigmand Freud support this fact.
The science of Behavior:
J.B. Watson described Psychology as the science of Behavior.. He said that external action or
behavior is the only concern of Psychology. He totally ignored mental processes. He said that what
goes on in our mind eventually comes out as our behavior. But this is not true for all times so this
was considered incomplete.
Now a days the most comprehensive definition of Psychology is:
"Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior, and its application to solve human
"Psychology is the schematic study of behavior and mental processes"
This definition contains three elements. The first is that psychology is a scientific enterprise that
obtains knowledge through systematic and objective methods of observation and experimentation.
Second is that psychologists study behavior, which refers to any action or reaction that can be
measured or observed–such as the blink of an eye, an increase in heart rate, or the unruly violence
that often erupts in a mob. Third is that psychologists study the mind, which refers to both conscious
and unconscious mental states. These states cannot actually be seen, only inferred from
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A Career as a Psychologist Essay
Psychologists are very important people; they help millions of people with their everyday
struggles and problems that they have to deal with. Not only do psychologists help people with
problems that they cannot handle on their own, they also are scientists who study human minds
and behaviors. With being a psychologist, there are many different careers to choose from within
this profession (Explore Health Careers). The first type of psychologists to choose from is a
clinical psychologist. Clinical psychologists help people with counseling and psychotherapy. They
work with people who have all around life problems, such as new adjustments in life. Clinical
psychologists also help people who have emotional disorders more content...
They also provide consolation to courts and attorneys in different types of legal proceedings (Psyris).
Next is an organization psychologist, which helps in the productivity of groups and individuals in a
workplace. These types of psychologists focus on improving the function of organizations, and to
keep individuals healthy within the organization (Psyris). Another type of psychology to choose from
is a counseling psychologist. These are important psychologists because they teach people how to
deal with their everyday problems. They help their patients determine their problems and help them
understand the problems they are facing. Not only do counseling psychologists help their patients
with the issues they are experiencing at home but also in their workplace or their community in
general. By helping their patients identify their strengths and resources, is how counseling
psychologists help them with their problems (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The next type of
psychology is the developmental psychologist. Developmental psychologists work with
psychological processes and development that takes place throughout life. They study aging and
problems the elderly may face, but this type of psychologist mainly focuses on children and
adolescents (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The last type of psychologist to choose from is the social
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Essay about Psychology Theories
I chose Gestalt Psychology for my first perspective, it is how people experience objects and
perceive things as a whole. Gestalt allows us to look at everyday objects and distinguish them
from their surroundings. Without the Gestalt Theory people would see every atom that made up
a whole object. As I look at my computer screen, I do not see every little atom, I see the screen as
a whole. From this perspective, learning objects as a whole instead of each individual part is
beneficial because it allows us to open our minds for new learning experiences. However, there may
be things in life that do not provide enough visual clues to determine what it is supposed to be. The
Functionalist Theory is based on behavior and mental life. more content...
This allows us to be able to avoid waling into a hole or hitting our head on a door. Humanistic
Personality Theory is more of a behavioral theory. I can say they both deal with the "here and
now" issues though. The Functionalist Theory however is associated with the Humanistic
Personality Theory because they are both behavioral and mental theories. Functionalism is based
on experiences and how it affects our current behavior. With the Humanistic Theory and its
beliefs of dealing with the present functionalism allows you to retrieve memories to help you
make your decision. I believe that functionalism also contributes to self worth. My whole life I
have been achieving accomplishments, whether big or small, and it gives me a self worth to look
back at all of them. "Cognitive theory is focused on the individual's thoughts as the determinate of
his or her emotions and behaviors and therefore personality. Many cognitive theorists believe that
without these thought processes, we could have no emotions and no behavior and would therefore
not function. In other words, thoughts always come before any feeling and before any action."
("Cognitive theory in," 2004) Cognitive theory could have an effect on Gestalt Psychology
because if a person has a learning disorder is can change how they perceive things. They may not
be able to distinguish every day objects for what they truly are. My six year old cousin has down
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Example Of A Behavioral Psychology Essay
A behavioral psychologist would explain the psychological symptoms or disorders of depression and
anxiety disorders differently from a cognitive–learning psychologist. In terms of depression, a
behavioral psychologist would point out behavioral symptoms. Such examples of these symptoms
would be fatigue, loss of energy, insomnia, slowed speech and movement, and social withdrawal (pg.
433). Whereas a cognitive–learning psychologist would point out cognitive symptoms. Such
examples of this would be impaired ability to think and make decisions, slowed thought processes,
excessive worry, rumination, and guilt, self–blame, and unrealistic negative evaluation of one's
worth (pg. 433). In addition, for anxiety disorders, a behavioral psychologist more
Young women are much more likely to develop eating disorders fueled by unrealistic cultural
standards for weight in Western societies (pg. 448). We often see on television or on social media,
what the "ideal" body looks like. Young women are looking at this and comparing themselves to
what they feel like they should look like. In reality though, the "ideal" body is a complete sham.
It's not about how "ideal" a body can look or be, but rather how healthy you are as a person. A
personal example of mine was when l was around thirteen years old and l looked at a fashion
magazine with a bunch of beautiful models on the front cover. At the time, l thought to myself,
"Oh, they're so pretty! I want to look like that too!" But in reality, l was hurting myself by taking
extreme measures to either be as skinny or as porcelain as these models. The truth is, l would
never look like them, no matter how much l tried. My body was built a certain way, and of course
l can be healthy and exercise and eat nutritious food, but if l was going to do that, it would be for
my own personal reason and not to look like someone l wish l could be. Like me, a lot of young
women go through this, but unfortunately, go through much more extreme measures like developing
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Sample Undergraduate Psychology Essay
NB This is not a perfect essay. It was graded at 60% (A 2.1) and the bibliography is missing!
Drawing on Freudian and Attachment Theories assess the Relationship between early year's
experiences and criminality.
Psychological theories have attempted to explain the reasons for and how criminality occurs. The
psychoanalytic perspective involves two major theories – Freud's theory of the Sexual Stages of
Development and the Theory of Attachment purposed by Bowlby (1947). These theories conclude
that there is an association between the formation of personality in childhood and that of future
criminal behaviour. The Freudian theory of development suggests that we go through several stages
of more content...
In addition, the majority of boys interviewed (93%) came from homes where there was lax parental
supervision and they were allowed to make their own decisions. Therefore, these findings suggest
that the attachment or bond between a child and their main care giver is important in the formation
of personality and the development of their moral beliefs.
This research also identifies how the parental use of punishment may be a cause of delinquency and
anti–social and criminal behaviour. However, later research was to show this conclusion to be
incorrect (e.g. Schuck, 1974). Later studies have infact indicated that parental permissiveness was a
cause of juvenile delinquency and aggression (Lipton, Martinson, and Wilks, 1975). This latter point
is a criticism of the Freudian approach to parenting skills. Freudian theorists argue that parents
should be permissive and allow children to work their way through problem situations without the
parent causing internal trauma in the child by being too strict in their expectations with their child.
The Freudian theory believes that healthy development will be encouraged through a warm
parent–child bond, whereby the child is helped through interactive talk to uncover and reveal the
unconscious conflicts that are inhibiting the child's progression. Therefore, Freudian theory suggests
that anti–social or criminal behaviour is heavily influenced by early year's experiences and the
child's ability to progress through the sexual
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Essay on my interest in psychology
my interest in psychology
I have always been intrigued by the mental processes of humans and animals. As a young child and
into adolescence, as a student and teacher and as a caregiver, I have always been interested in
psychology in one form or another. This essay will reflect not only the development of my interest
in psychology, but the development of myself as a person.
I was born into a family with Native American heritage that practiced a strict protestant religion. As
a child, I would often wonder why people's attitudes, behaviors and beliefs could be so different
from one another. I wondered why some people believed in things with great zeal, yet other people
believed the contrary just as more content...
I then went back to school with more determination and plunged myself into more psychology
In these classes, I found myself naturally drawn to the topics of research methods and statistics.
These two academic areas in particular provided an environment in which I was able to develop and
excercise my naturally analytical way of thinking. I then geared my undergraduate education towards
learning to perform research in psychology by taking more research and science based psychology
classes. Additionally, I sought out and obtained research assistantships with professors of cognition,
physiological and clinical psychology. Specifically, I have been a primary research assistant for an
investigation of the effect of irony on recall and recognition, an investigation of the performance of
children with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on a computer
anticipation task, and an investigation of the effect of Polychlorinated Biphenyls on ADHD–like
behavior in laboratory rats. I have also assisted in literature reviews in the area of receptive
language and Autism, as well as a review on sleep and genetics. In addition, I have been a
participant recruiter for a research project on familial inheritance of depression and REM sleep
abnormalities. For complete information, please see my attached curriculum vitae.
While taking research–based courses, I found that I had another natural inclination:
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How Psychology Changed My Life
When I look at my life, one event stands out as having shaped the young woman I have become
and the adult I look forward to being. The event that occurred that will forever stand out as having
altered my life was being diagnosed with an eating disorder during my freshman year of high
school. My eating disorder overtook my life in many ways. Through determination, education, the
love of my family, and the support of my friends, I was able to overcome this disorder, thrive in
school, and move forward as a productive, driven, aspired person. It was this same determination
and drive that allowed me to graduate high school in only three years and has led me down a path
upon which I will earn an Associate of Arts degree in advanced as well. Within the recovery process
of my eating disorder I found my love for psychology. I had to face challenges that not only made me
uncomfortable, but challenged the way I looked at life and my values. Being hospitalized and going
through much therapy I learned self–respect, self–value and determination. I learned the importance
of valuing what you have and not taking anything for granted. This process helped teach me more
about how the mind works, how to reform a thought process and differing methods of self–help. It
was within these euphoric moments of clarity within my more content...
Petersburg College has educated me on many differing fields of psychology, such as abnormal
psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology and developmental psychology of the
life span. The process of recovery in which I went through has helped me relate to the issues and
differing aspects of these classes, giving me the chance to look back at what I went through and
really understand the mindset of differing stages of grief, depression, anxiety and loss. I feel that
being able to relate to such stages as I study psychology helps me understand the material at a level
many individuals cannot understand or
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Introduction to Psychology Essay examples
Introduction to Psychology The concern about life is a main human characteristic. No matter if his
concern is concentrated in himself or in persons or things that surround him and constitute his
environment, everybody wants to know why people, himself included, behave the way they
behave. Everybody, also, wants to improve his behavior, so as to live in harmony with himself and
the society. The Greek word Psychology, is a word consisted of the words
ψυχή–soul and λόγος–utterance, talk. So,
generally, psychology is the science that examines the soul. But , since the psychologists work on
the problems of the personal, family, school, professional and social life, we could say,
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The heartbeats, the movements of our head are behavior. The way we eat, the way we drink, the
way we walk, we talk, are behavior. The construction of a bridge, the composition of a song are
behavior. The fantasies of a child, the dreams of a adolescent, the illusions of an alcoholic are
behavior. Although we are all familiar with human behavior, a little do we understand or we can
explain about it. Since our infancy we learn about behavior through the experiences and the
knowledge that we get by observing other people or having relations with them. Living in society
leads us to watch and try to explain the way people behave. But that is not always easy. Sometimes
we cannot understand even ourselves. Psychology comes to give answers to all this uncertainty.
Therefore, according to modern psychology, the term behavior means all the conscious,
unconscious, verbal, mental and kinetic expressions of ourselves. Psychology uses statistic
researches so as to distinguish the normal behavior from the abnormal one. Such a thing is very
difficult because every society has its own behavior standards, and, consequently, an act that is
normal according to one society, may be abnormal according to another. For example, polygamy is
not permitted in Europe, but it is permitted in certain societies in Africa. So, the judgement of a
behavior must bear in mind the social environment in which it takes place .
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Essay on Educational Psychology
One of the more popular areas of psychology is Educational Psychology. Educational Psychology
can be explained several ways. The idea is to study theories and concepts from different parts of
psychology and apply them in educational settings. These educational settings may occur in different
school settings such as preschool. The goal of educational psychology is to create a positive
student–teacher relationship. Educational psychology uses five different types of psychology,
behavioral, cognitive, developmental, and social cognitive, and constructivist in this research paper
I will be briefly discussing each type of psychology listed above. Behaviorism is the point of view
where learning and behavior are described and explained in more content...
Some examples are belief, desire, ideas and motivation. Next, cognitive psychologists think memory
structures determine how information is perceived, processed, stored, retrieved and forgotten.
Cognitive psychology include perception, categorization, memory, knowledge representation,
language and thinking processes. "The relationship of cognitive psychology to classroom is like the
relationship of physics to engineering. Knowledge of the mind gleaned from cognitive psychology
experiments will not tell teachers how to teach children, any more than knowledge of physics can
prescribe what a bridge should look like" (Willingham, 2009) Developmental psychology is the point
of view that occurs in learners over the course of a period of time. The developmental perspective
includes theories that are continuous and discontinuous. Discontinuous theories are stage–like. The
processes of learning and development involve distinct stages, which are characterized by qualitative
differences in behavior. Theorists who use discontinuous theories use a specific beginning and end
period for each stage. Continuous theories explain that learning and development generally happen
in incremental processes. Learning involves changes throughout the lifespan. "Contemporary views
on the nature of cognitive development have been vastly influenced by the work of one man. This
was Jean Piaget (1896–1980), once a biologist, who turned his
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Psychology Experiment Essay examples
Title: An investigation into the impact of group pressure on an individual's estimate of the amount
of beads in a pot (ginger granules in a jar).
IV = Group/Individual
DV = Individual beads estimate
This experiment investigated the impact of group pressure on the individual. The hypothesis is that
group pressure does indeed impact on the individual and in this case the individual's estimate of the
number of ginger granules in a jar. Participants were asked to make a judgement of the number of
ginger granules in a jar, first individually and then as a group. The individual participants were then
interviewed again to see if their estimates had changed. The results proved the hypothesis that group
pressure does make an more content...
It will be performed using a method similar to the one used by Jenness in his experiment. This will in
effect test the reproducibility and validity of the Jenness experiment. There are no contentious or
controversial issues surrounding this experiment and its method, and it is certainly within the law
i.e. there are no deceptions or misleading intentions toward the participant; it is fair.
The influence of group pressure will affect individuals' estimates of the number of ginger granules
in a glass jar. The estimate of the individual will change after a group decision to lie closer to the
figure of the group.
The IV was the group or individual, and the DV was the number of ginger granules in the glass jar.
Two separate rooms were used; one for interview of the individual – one at a time. When not being
interviewed the individual was instructed to go the second room where the rest of the group resided
– for the period of the experiment. Both rooms contained only the subjects of the experiment, and of
course the experimenter, and no one else was permitted into the aforementioned areas. Television,
radio and other forms of communicative devices were forbidden from these areas.
The participants were three members of a family. The first was male and 67 years of age. The
second was female and 52 years old. The third member of the family was male, and 25 years old.
Materials: * Jar of ginger granules * Watch * Sheets of paper
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Classic Study in Social Psychology Essay example
Classic Study in Social Psychology
Erica Mariscal Vigil
Diana Wheatley
Classic Study in Social Psychology The bystander effect is associated with the phenomenon,
which states that when a larger amount of people are present, the less likely people are to help a
person in need of assistance. When an emergency occurs, people are more likely to help when there
are little or no other people. A summary about this study as well as an explanation of the results and
how the concept of situationism relates to the study will be discussed.
The Bystander Effect In 1964 the murder case of Kitty Genovese, a woman who was stabbed 38
times while bystanders watched and did nothing to help, caught the attention more content...
The students were then divided into three different experimental conditions. The participants in
group 1 believed they would only be talking to one other person; participants in group 2 thought
they were talking to two others and those in group 3 were told that they would be talking to five
other people. In actuality, the subjects were alone and the voices were on tape (Darley and Latane,
1968). Darley and Latane then decided that most people would interpret a realistic epileptic seizure
as an emergency. As the discussions began, the participants heard from the first "student," a male,
who had trouble concentrating on his studies and sometimes, suffered severe seizures. Then the
conversations were switched, in group 1 it was the participants turn while in the other two groups the
participants heard from other students before it was their turn. The emergency occurred when the
first student spoke again. The first student spoke normally, but then began to have a seizure (Darley
and Latane, 1968). Darley and Latane measured the percentage of subjects in each group who left
their cubicle to help the student in trouble. They also measured how long it took participants to
respond to the emergency. The participants were given four minutes to act, before the experiment
was ended (Darley and Latane, 1968).
The results from the study supported their hypothesis, which they called diffusion of responsibility.
According to Darley and Latane (1968), " As subjects believed
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Humanistic Psychology Essay examples
In general, human nature consists of three main parts: the mind (intellect), the body (biological
makeup) and the spirit (emotional makeup). As the mind and the body are being well explored in
behaviorism and psychoanalysis, the spirit of a person has been increasingly popular from the
mid–20th century. In the early 1960s, a movement named third–force psychology started as a
reaction to the defect of behaviorism and psychoanalysis to deal fully with the human condition
(Hergenhahn, 2008). This third–force movement is humanistic psychology, which refers to the
combination of the philosophy of romanticism and existentialism. Humanistic psychology instead
paid more attention to each individual's potentials and highlighted the more
The major difference between existential and humanistic psychology is that the former views human
nature as neutral whereas the latter views it as basically good (Hergenhahn, 2008). There is no right
to determine which one is correct. I prefer believing that people at birth are naturally kind–hearted.
No one is born for being evil, and I think the reason why a man will become evil is their experiences
in nurturing. This reminds me of the Three Character Classic that is one of the Chinese classic texts.
The first four verses tell us the core of Confucianism: human nature is inherently good, which is
similar to the humanistic psychology in the Western country. This idea was written in the 13th
century and has come down to us. Although there are many other opposite statements of human
nature, I believe that thinking positively is better, especially for health.
When it comes back to existential psychology, the first person I want to talk about is Rollo May, an
American existential psychologist. May (1967) and other existentialists emphasized the importance
of freedom and life meaning. The dual aspect of human nature is that people exist physically in the
sense and they also make the experiences meaningful by interpreting, valuing, and making decisions.
In my opinion, people have the basic rights to make their own decisions. Because of the participation
of humans, the tasks needed to be done become significant.
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Examples Of Personality Psychology
I feel too attached to this case study of George in a sense that I am a very introverted. I enjoy my
time alone and basically prefer it any day over being with others. The most interesting thing is that
in the theories I used to explain the case study I saw myself in most of the facts. An example is
movement away from others. Personality psychology had made me think about myself the first time
we had the module. It surprised me the way that people who are in most ways different from
myself are able to put together information as if they had been with me all my life. On the group
front I have found that I like taking the lead role because a lot of people do not want to do it. The
way that I take control in the group does not go hand in hand with my personality but I figured that I
put my more content...
Positivity is something that I have always been looking for but we all know that one cannot go
through life being happy or positive at all times, with so many bad happening in the world or even
just people in our lives trying to put us down due to them not being happy about themselves. The
way that the strategies of coping are put in my assignment; I thought were perfect for myself due to
my interpersonal style.
When someone (me) likes having time to themselves and is not bothered by others being around
each other and not him/ her, writing is one of the best ways to get out of boredom or even just
spend your time making plans for your life, writing poems, or little booklets. The coping
intervention strategies are the things that I would think everyone does. When I have a problem I
either do two things, I watch YouTube videos of people facing or have conquered the same
problem or I write down my problems in my diary.
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Psychology Essay Example

  • 1. Examples Of Psychological Resilience Psychological Resilience People contend with many difficult and trying times every day. These may be the loss of a loved one, a serious illness, the loss of a job or source of income, a terrorist attack, to mention but a few tragic events. More often than not, these events tend to be life changing, and how people react to them matters. For the most part, most people react to such incidences with a sense of uncertainty, accompanied by a flood of strong emotions. In retrospect, people have the tendency to adapt c0onsidrably to such life–changing situations, albeit over time. This process involves a lot of resilience, which is an ongoing process that necessitates effort, time, and engagement, with the people going through a series of stages. Of interest to this discourse, therefore, are some of the coping strategies individuals employ, to cope with some of these challenging situations. To do this, this essay uses the example of Frederic Henry in Ernest Hemingway's A Farwell to Arms. First, we will talk about how Henry has a series of misfortunes from his past, which he appears to cope with rather well. Second, we will talk about Catherine Barkley, Frederic's love interest. She has also lost her fiancГ© when she more content... Such psychological dysfunction may range from persistent negative moods, or even a mental illness. This constitutes the mainstream perception of psychological resilience. In this sense, Neill observes that psychological stressors, also dubbed "risk factors," are those experiences of major chronic or acute stress, such as the death or someone close, chronic illness, or even the sexual, emotion, or even physical abuse (par. 2). Other common stress factors include sudden employment, fear, or even community violence, such as the recent upheaval of terrorist attacks across the Get more content on
  • 2. Examples Of Discursive Psychology 1.6.3: Discursive psychology: The social constructionist forms of discourse analysis have been developed in the field of social psychology. Discourse analysis has become one of the most social constructionist approaches within social psychology. Discursive psychology treats written and spoken language as constructions of the world oriented towards social action. Language shapes social world. It constructs identities and social relations and helps in understanding the world. Language is a dynamic form of social practice. Discursive psychology draws partly on Ludwig Wittgenstein's later philosophy in which it emphasized that claims about psychological states should be treated as social activities instead of as manifestations of deeper 'essences' more content... In the former text, Potter develops a systematic account of the way versions are built as objective, as mere descriptions of actions or events. This addresses the question of how speakers manufacture the credibility of versions, and how this building can be challenged and undermined. Taking the example of attitudes again, this work considers the way in which versions can be produced to generate evaluations as features of the objects and events rather than positions or dispositions of speakers. This is clearly a key task when talk is about delicate or controversial topics, where motives and dispositions may be closely inspected. Thus constructing a version of a minority group that simultaneously produces negative characteristics (e.g. involvement with sexual violence) combined with a display of 'sympathetic' motivation toward that group (perhaps drawing on one of the culture repertoires discussed above) can work to avoid being seen as having racist attitudes. It should be noted the way the relationship between 'mind' and 'the world' is reworked here in the talk. One of the achievements of Discursive psychology has been to highlight how crucial this relationship as a practical feature of interaction. People construct versions of the world that have implications for their own disposition and thoughts; Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Psychology Class Reflection Over the course of this class I have pieced together many things about my own life that before went unnoticed. I am now able to see things in a bit of a different light. Now that I have been introduced to the realm of psychology I understand some of the reasons for behavior around me. I have learned that there is a reason for most everything and a lot of our behaviors and mental processes can be explained through psychology. Studies have been conducted for many years to try and pinpoint the source of our behavior and it is not something that most people think about every day. Having a better understanding of why we operate the way we do will help me to better understand myself and the others around me. Our behavior more content... role confusion stage. (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2009) It is a coping mechanism that probably stems from his childhood in some way. This is just one example of how I am seeing the world from a more psychological perspective. I now try and form some theory about abnormal behavior rather that just shrugging it off. While I have not really had any experience with anyone with any very serious psychological conditions I see now that there is much more than meets the eye when it comes to their behavior. There is typically some sort of explanation that can be found in psychology and I think if everyone had a basic understanding of psychology they would understand the abnormal behavior a little better. After this introduction to psychology I can now also better understand my behavior and understand the things that are affecting my life. There are certain aspects in my life that limit me from making the choices I may prefer to make. I have obligations and responsibilities that I must maintain in order to provide a decent life for my family. There is much at stake for me and I cannot always just do whatever it is that I would like to do. As a child I was raised in a house where honesty was the key. It has been instilled in my life and to this day I know the right thing to do is to be honest. My parents were very good at instilling a since of honor in me. I am still not sure how they did it but I know it affected the decisions that I made and make today. I was always Get more content on
  • 4. Essay about Behavior Psychology Behavior Psychology Psychology is defined as a science that focuses on the study of and to explain the way human's think, behave, and feel. The behaviourist school of psychology is concerned with the explanation of behaviour through observable outcomes without making reference to mental events. Behaviourism is very narrow and can be strongly objected in its approach to psychology as it does not consider the mental thought process involvement in behaviour. This school of psychology is very much about nurture rather more content... The belief is that human behaviour can be trained because human emotions are so malleable therefore personality is forever changeable (Cohen, 1979). Behaviour is simply a reaction to a stimulus which once learned becomes part of learned habit. It was also believed learning occurs through the reinforcement of certain aspects of the situation. Reinforcement is when something is added to the situation which makes the same reaction in that situation more likely in future (McInerney, 1998). The belief was that most of behaviour is a result of what has been learnt, which is to say that it is the result of the environment rather than biological influences. Therefore the study of learning and the conditions under which it occurs is the core project of behaviourism (Tennant, 1997) Behaviouristic therapy is aimed at the modification of behaviour especially undesirable ones by mainly reinforcing the desirable behaviour and suppressing or punishing the undesirable and unwanted behaviour. Once the therapist has identified the behaviour and triggering factors they may employ several techniques to condition or recondition the person's behaviour. These methods of therapy have been derived and adapted by experiments done by earlier behaviourists such as Pavlov, Watson and Skinner. Methods used today Get more content on
  • 5. Ethics in Psychology Essay Ethics in Psychology Our country was founded on certain moral principles. The moral principles which guide our lives are referred to as ethics. These ethics have an impact on how we interact with the world around us and shape our personalities; this happens even if we do not realize their immediate impact. It is for this very reason that ethics in psychological research became necessary. "One may also define ethics as a method, procedure, or perspective for deciding how to act and for analyzing complex problems and issues" (Resnik, 2011). We are expected to behave or be treated a particular way in society, therefore we should be granted certain ethical treatments in regards to research. Human Participants According to the more content... Animal Subjects This is a sensitive issue area in regards to research. There are many types of research that just are not feasible to do with human subjects; therefore the justification for non–human animals come into the experiment. Even though there are many benefits to using animals, many animal rights groups maintain strong opposition to using animals for research. This is why the APA has developed the Committee on Animal Research and Ethics (CARE). It is the responsibility of CARE to audit that all ethics regarding animal usage is followed ("Committee on animal," 2014). Due to the sensitivity of testing on animals the APA has developed very strict standards regarding usage of animals as subjects. They range from justification, housing of said animal, acquisition, and procedures. These requirements outline absolute necessity in order to reduce the unnecessary usage of animals in testing. Therapy relationships with clients. The psychologist to patient relationship during therapy is a crucial aspect. It is within ethical guidelines that the psychologist clearly establish his role whether it be with an individual, group, or family therapist. These roles need to be understood for the variety of issues that may arise; one of which is the disclosure of information. Psychologists, for obvious reasons, are not to have sexual relationships with patients or former patients within a Get more content on
  • 6. The Five Approaches to Psychology Essay examples 1Name five approaches to psychology There are five approaches to psychology, Cognitive Psychology Cognition is the term used to describe a range of mental activities associated with thinking. Cognitive processes include reasoning, problem solving, paying attention and remembering. Social Psychology Social Psychology studies the way we interpret events that are going on around us and how we interact with one another. Physiological Psychology Physiological Psychology is the study of how the functions of the brain, in particular how the functions of the nervous and endocrine systems are related to the influence of behaviour and mental processes. Other aspects of physiology such as stress, looking at the way we respond more content... This is the primary concern of social psychologists, to understand our behaviour in a social context and the ways in which social context can influence behaviour. People interact with one another by using gestures, facial expressions and uniforms as well as speech. Social psychology also studies the way people behave in large crowds. Individuals often adjust and alter their actions so that they can fit into the group. This is known as conformity–yielding to group pressure. How you dress or the music you listen to are probably influenced by your peer group though it isn't always obvious. Authority figures request or demand that you act in certain ways but your peers expect certain behaviour of you. Cultural beliefs also show a difference in conformity. A large part of social psychology is concerned with social behaviour studying how people conform to the social norms, obedience to authority and how people behave in large groups. Social psychology is also concerned with social cognition. Looking at how we interpret what is going on around us. Social psychologists look at the processes which people use to make social judgements studying attitudes and personal values such as prejudice. Social psychology also looks at how we are attracted to other people, interpersonal relationships, whether we actually Get more content on
  • 7. Example Of A Positive Psychology Paper Positive psychology is a growing field in psychology that focuses on understanding and encouraging personal growth and potential (Kramer, Bernstein, & Phares, 2014). The article, "Why Happiness Isn't Always Good: Asians vs Americans" published by Time Magazine and written by John Cloud looks at a study done by Janxin Leu, that examines positive emotions. The focus on this paper is to look at how research studies are portrayed in the public sphere, specifically looking at Cloud's article. Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about Definition of Psychology Definition of Psychology The term psychology comes from two Greek words: psyche, which means 1. The spirit or soul. 2. The human mind. 3. In psychoanalysis, the mind functioning as the center of thought, emotion, and behavior. And logos, "the study of." or according to modern researches "science" These root words were first combined in the 16th century, at a time when the human soul, spirit, or mind was seen as distinct from the body. Definition of Psychology: Psychology is one of the youngest sciences. It is still going through the process of its development. There has been much fierce controversy about its definition. It has been variously defined as the science of soul, more content... Great psychologist like Sigmand Freud support this fact. The science of Behavior: J.B. Watson described Psychology as the science of Behavior.. He said that external action or behavior is the only concern of Psychology. He totally ignored mental processes. He said that what goes on in our mind eventually comes out as our behavior. But this is not true for all times so this was considered incomplete. Now a days the most comprehensive definition of Psychology is: "Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior, and its application to solve human problems" OR "Psychology is the schematic study of behavior and mental processes" This definition contains three elements. The first is that psychology is a scientific enterprise that obtains knowledge through systematic and objective methods of observation and experimentation. Second is that psychologists study behavior, which refers to any action or reaction that can be measured or observed–such as the blink of an eye, an increase in heart rate, or the unruly violence that often erupts in a mob. Third is that psychologists study the mind, which refers to both conscious
  • 9. and unconscious mental states. These states cannot actually be seen, only inferred from Get more content on
  • 10. A Career as a Psychologist Essay Psychologists are very important people; they help millions of people with their everyday struggles and problems that they have to deal with. Not only do psychologists help people with problems that they cannot handle on their own, they also are scientists who study human minds and behaviors. With being a psychologist, there are many different careers to choose from within this profession (Explore Health Careers). The first type of psychologists to choose from is a clinical psychologist. Clinical psychologists help people with counseling and psychotherapy. They work with people who have all around life problems, such as new adjustments in life. Clinical psychologists also help people who have emotional disorders more content... They also provide consolation to courts and attorneys in different types of legal proceedings (Psyris). Next is an organization psychologist, which helps in the productivity of groups and individuals in a workplace. These types of psychologists focus on improving the function of organizations, and to keep individuals healthy within the organization (Psyris). Another type of psychology to choose from is a counseling psychologist. These are important psychologists because they teach people how to deal with their everyday problems. They help their patients determine their problems and help them understand the problems they are facing. Not only do counseling psychologists help their patients with the issues they are experiencing at home but also in their workplace or their community in general. By helping their patients identify their strengths and resources, is how counseling psychologists help them with their problems (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The next type of psychology is the developmental psychologist. Developmental psychologists work with psychological processes and development that takes place throughout life. They study aging and problems the elderly may face, but this type of psychologist mainly focuses on children and adolescents (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The last type of psychologist to choose from is the social Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about Psychology Theories I chose Gestalt Psychology for my first perspective, it is how people experience objects and perceive things as a whole. Gestalt allows us to look at everyday objects and distinguish them from their surroundings. Without the Gestalt Theory people would see every atom that made up a whole object. As I look at my computer screen, I do not see every little atom, I see the screen as a whole. From this perspective, learning objects as a whole instead of each individual part is beneficial because it allows us to open our minds for new learning experiences. However, there may be things in life that do not provide enough visual clues to determine what it is supposed to be. The Functionalist Theory is based on behavior and mental life. more content... This allows us to be able to avoid waling into a hole or hitting our head on a door. Humanistic Personality Theory is more of a behavioral theory. I can say they both deal with the "here and now" issues though. The Functionalist Theory however is associated with the Humanistic Personality Theory because they are both behavioral and mental theories. Functionalism is based on experiences and how it affects our current behavior. With the Humanistic Theory and its beliefs of dealing with the present functionalism allows you to retrieve memories to help you make your decision. I believe that functionalism also contributes to self worth. My whole life I have been achieving accomplishments, whether big or small, and it gives me a self worth to look back at all of them. "Cognitive theory is focused on the individual's thoughts as the determinate of his or her emotions and behaviors and therefore personality. Many cognitive theorists believe that without these thought processes, we could have no emotions and no behavior and would therefore not function. In other words, thoughts always come before any feeling and before any action." ("Cognitive theory in," 2004) Cognitive theory could have an effect on Gestalt Psychology because if a person has a learning disorder is can change how they perceive things. They may not be able to distinguish every day objects for what they truly are. My six year old cousin has down syndrome. Get more content on
  • 12. Example Of A Behavioral Psychology Essay A behavioral psychologist would explain the psychological symptoms or disorders of depression and anxiety disorders differently from a cognitive–learning psychologist. In terms of depression, a behavioral psychologist would point out behavioral symptoms. Such examples of these symptoms would be fatigue, loss of energy, insomnia, slowed speech and movement, and social withdrawal (pg. 433). Whereas a cognitive–learning psychologist would point out cognitive symptoms. Such examples of this would be impaired ability to think and make decisions, slowed thought processes, excessive worry, rumination, and guilt, self–blame, and unrealistic negative evaluation of one's worth (pg. 433). In addition, for anxiety disorders, a behavioral psychologist more content... Young women are much more likely to develop eating disorders fueled by unrealistic cultural standards for weight in Western societies (pg. 448). We often see on television or on social media, what the "ideal" body looks like. Young women are looking at this and comparing themselves to what they feel like they should look like. In reality though, the "ideal" body is a complete sham. It's not about how "ideal" a body can look or be, but rather how healthy you are as a person. A personal example of mine was when l was around thirteen years old and l looked at a fashion magazine with a bunch of beautiful models on the front cover. At the time, l thought to myself, "Oh, they're so pretty! I want to look like that too!" But in reality, l was hurting myself by taking extreme measures to either be as skinny or as porcelain as these models. The truth is, l would never look like them, no matter how much l tried. My body was built a certain way, and of course l can be healthy and exercise and eat nutritious food, but if l was going to do that, it would be for my own personal reason and not to look like someone l wish l could be. Like me, a lot of young women go through this, but unfortunately, go through much more extreme measures like developing eating Get more content on
  • 13. Sample Undergraduate Psychology Essay SAMPLE UNDERGRADUATE PSYCHOLOGY ESSAY NB This is not a perfect essay. It was graded at 60% (A 2.1) and the bibliography is missing! Drawing on Freudian and Attachment Theories assess the Relationship between early year's experiences and criminality. Psychological theories have attempted to explain the reasons for and how criminality occurs. The psychoanalytic perspective involves two major theories – Freud's theory of the Sexual Stages of Development and the Theory of Attachment purposed by Bowlby (1947). These theories conclude that there is an association between the formation of personality in childhood and that of future criminal behaviour. The Freudian theory of development suggests that we go through several stages of more content... In addition, the majority of boys interviewed (93%) came from homes where there was lax parental supervision and they were allowed to make their own decisions. Therefore, these findings suggest that the attachment or bond between a child and their main care giver is important in the formation of personality and the development of their moral beliefs. This research also identifies how the parental use of punishment may be a cause of delinquency and anti–social and criminal behaviour. However, later research was to show this conclusion to be incorrect (e.g. Schuck, 1974). Later studies have infact indicated that parental permissiveness was a cause of juvenile delinquency and aggression (Lipton, Martinson, and Wilks, 1975). This latter point is a criticism of the Freudian approach to parenting skills. Freudian theorists argue that parents should be permissive and allow children to work their way through problem situations without the parent causing internal trauma in the child by being too strict in their expectations with their child. The Freudian theory believes that healthy development will be encouraged through a warm parent–child bond, whereby the child is helped through interactive talk to uncover and reveal the unconscious conflicts that are inhibiting the child's progression. Therefore, Freudian theory suggests that anti–social or criminal behaviour is heavily influenced by early year's experiences and the child's ability to progress through the sexual Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on my interest in psychology my interest in psychology I have always been intrigued by the mental processes of humans and animals. As a young child and into adolescence, as a student and teacher and as a caregiver, I have always been interested in psychology in one form or another. This essay will reflect not only the development of my interest in psychology, but the development of myself as a person. I was born into a family with Native American heritage that practiced a strict protestant religion. As a child, I would often wonder why people's attitudes, behaviors and beliefs could be so different from one another. I wondered why some people believed in things with great zeal, yet other people believed the contrary just as more content... I then went back to school with more determination and plunged myself into more psychology classes. In these classes, I found myself naturally drawn to the topics of research methods and statistics. These two academic areas in particular provided an environment in which I was able to develop and excercise my naturally analytical way of thinking. I then geared my undergraduate education towards learning to perform research in psychology by taking more research and science based psychology classes. Additionally, I sought out and obtained research assistantships with professors of cognition, physiological and clinical psychology. Specifically, I have been a primary research assistant for an investigation of the effect of irony on recall and recognition, an investigation of the performance of children with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on a computer anticipation task, and an investigation of the effect of Polychlorinated Biphenyls on ADHD–like behavior in laboratory rats. I have also assisted in literature reviews in the area of receptive language and Autism, as well as a review on sleep and genetics. In addition, I have been a participant recruiter for a research project on familial inheritance of depression and REM sleep abnormalities. For complete information, please see my attached curriculum vitae. While taking research–based courses, I found that I had another natural inclination:
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  • 16. How Psychology Changed My Life When I look at my life, one event stands out as having shaped the young woman I have become and the adult I look forward to being. The event that occurred that will forever stand out as having altered my life was being diagnosed with an eating disorder during my freshman year of high school. My eating disorder overtook my life in many ways. Through determination, education, the love of my family, and the support of my friends, I was able to overcome this disorder, thrive in school, and move forward as a productive, driven, aspired person. It was this same determination and drive that allowed me to graduate high school in only three years and has led me down a path upon which I will earn an Associate of Arts degree in advanced as well. Within the recovery process of my eating disorder I found my love for psychology. I had to face challenges that not only made me uncomfortable, but challenged the way I looked at life and my values. Being hospitalized and going through much therapy I learned self–respect, self–value and determination. I learned the importance of valuing what you have and not taking anything for granted. This process helped teach me more about how the mind works, how to reform a thought process and differing methods of self–help. It was within these euphoric moments of clarity within my more content... Petersburg College has educated me on many differing fields of psychology, such as abnormal psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology and developmental psychology of the life span. The process of recovery in which I went through has helped me relate to the issues and differing aspects of these classes, giving me the chance to look back at what I went through and really understand the mindset of differing stages of grief, depression, anxiety and loss. I feel that being able to relate to such stages as I study psychology helps me understand the material at a level many individuals cannot understand or Get more content on
  • 17. Introduction to Psychology Essay examples Introduction to Psychology The concern about life is a main human characteristic. No matter if his concern is concentrated in himself or in persons or things that surround him and constitute his environment, everybody wants to know why people, himself included, behave the way they behave. Everybody, also, wants to improve his behavior, so as to live in harmony with himself and the society. The Greek word Psychology, is a word consisted of the words ψυχή–soul and λόγος–utterance, talk. So, generally, psychology is the science that examines the soul. But , since the psychologists work on the problems of the personal, family, school, professional and social life, we could say, more content... The heartbeats, the movements of our head are behavior. The way we eat, the way we drink, the way we walk, we talk, are behavior. The construction of a bridge, the composition of a song are behavior. The fantasies of a child, the dreams of a adolescent, the illusions of an alcoholic are behavior. Although we are all familiar with human behavior, a little do we understand or we can explain about it. Since our infancy we learn about behavior through the experiences and the knowledge that we get by observing other people or having relations with them. Living in society leads us to watch and try to explain the way people behave. But that is not always easy. Sometimes we cannot understand even ourselves. Psychology comes to give answers to all this uncertainty. Therefore, according to modern psychology, the term behavior means all the conscious, unconscious, verbal, mental and kinetic expressions of ourselves. Psychology uses statistic researches so as to distinguish the normal behavior from the abnormal one. Such a thing is very difficult because every society has its own behavior standards, and, consequently, an act that is normal according to one society, may be abnormal according to another. For example, polygamy is not permitted in Europe, but it is permitted in certain societies in Africa. So, the judgement of a behavior must bear in mind the social environment in which it takes place . Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Educational Psychology One of the more popular areas of psychology is Educational Psychology. Educational Psychology can be explained several ways. The idea is to study theories and concepts from different parts of psychology and apply them in educational settings. These educational settings may occur in different school settings such as preschool. The goal of educational psychology is to create a positive student–teacher relationship. Educational psychology uses five different types of psychology, behavioral, cognitive, developmental, and social cognitive, and constructivist in this research paper I will be briefly discussing each type of psychology listed above. Behaviorism is the point of view where learning and behavior are described and explained in more content... Some examples are belief, desire, ideas and motivation. Next, cognitive psychologists think memory structures determine how information is perceived, processed, stored, retrieved and forgotten. Cognitive psychology include perception, categorization, memory, knowledge representation, language and thinking processes. "The relationship of cognitive psychology to classroom is like the relationship of physics to engineering. Knowledge of the mind gleaned from cognitive psychology experiments will not tell teachers how to teach children, any more than knowledge of physics can prescribe what a bridge should look like" (Willingham, 2009) Developmental psychology is the point of view that occurs in learners over the course of a period of time. The developmental perspective includes theories that are continuous and discontinuous. Discontinuous theories are stage–like. The processes of learning and development involve distinct stages, which are characterized by qualitative differences in behavior. Theorists who use discontinuous theories use a specific beginning and end period for each stage. Continuous theories explain that learning and development generally happen in incremental processes. Learning involves changes throughout the lifespan. "Contemporary views on the nature of cognitive development have been vastly influenced by the work of one man. This was Jean Piaget (1896–1980), once a biologist, who turned his Get more content on
  • 19. Psychology Experiment Essay examples Title: An investigation into the impact of group pressure on an individual's estimate of the amount of beads in a pot (ginger granules in a jar). IV = Group/Individual DV = Individual beads estimate Abstract This experiment investigated the impact of group pressure on the individual. The hypothesis is that group pressure does indeed impact on the individual and in this case the individual's estimate of the number of ginger granules in a jar. Participants were asked to make a judgement of the number of ginger granules in a jar, first individually and then as a group. The individual participants were then interviewed again to see if their estimates had changed. The results proved the hypothesis that group pressure does make an more content... It will be performed using a method similar to the one used by Jenness in his experiment. This will in effect test the reproducibility and validity of the Jenness experiment. There are no contentious or controversial issues surrounding this experiment and its method, and it is certainly within the law i.e. there are no deceptions or misleading intentions toward the participant; it is fair. Hypothesis The influence of group pressure will affect individuals' estimates of the number of ginger granules in a glass jar. The estimate of the individual will change after a group decision to lie closer to the figure of the group. Method The IV was the group or individual, and the DV was the number of ginger granules in the glass jar. Two separate rooms were used; one for interview of the individual – one at a time. When not being interviewed the individual was instructed to go the second room where the rest of the group resided – for the period of the experiment. Both rooms contained only the subjects of the experiment, and of course the experimenter, and no one else was permitted into the aforementioned areas. Television, radio and other forms of communicative devices were forbidden from these areas. The participants were three members of a family. The first was male and 67 years of age. The second was female and 52 years old. The third member of the family was male, and 25 years old. Materials: * Jar of ginger granules * Watch * Sheets of paper Get more content on
  • 20. Classic Study in Social Psychology Essay example Classic Study in Social Psychology Erica Mariscal Vigil PSYCH/620 Diana Wheatley 04/14/14 Classic Study in Social Psychology The bystander effect is associated with the phenomenon, which states that when a larger amount of people are present, the less likely people are to help a person in need of assistance. When an emergency occurs, people are more likely to help when there are little or no other people. A summary about this study as well as an explanation of the results and how the concept of situationism relates to the study will be discussed. The Bystander Effect In 1964 the murder case of Kitty Genovese, a woman who was stabbed 38 times while bystanders watched and did nothing to help, caught the attention more content... The students were then divided into three different experimental conditions. The participants in group 1 believed they would only be talking to one other person; participants in group 2 thought they were talking to two others and those in group 3 were told that they would be talking to five other people. In actuality, the subjects were alone and the voices were on tape (Darley and Latane, 1968). Darley and Latane then decided that most people would interpret a realistic epileptic seizure as an emergency. As the discussions began, the participants heard from the first "student," a male, who had trouble concentrating on his studies and sometimes, suffered severe seizures. Then the conversations were switched, in group 1 it was the participants turn while in the other two groups the participants heard from other students before it was their turn. The emergency occurred when the first student spoke again. The first student spoke normally, but then began to have a seizure (Darley and Latane, 1968). Darley and Latane measured the percentage of subjects in each group who left their cubicle to help the student in trouble. They also measured how long it took participants to respond to the emergency. The participants were given four minutes to act, before the experiment was ended (Darley and Latane, 1968). Results The results from the study supported their hypothesis, which they called diffusion of responsibility. According to Darley and Latane (1968), " As subjects believed Get more content on
  • 21. Humanistic Psychology Essay examples In general, human nature consists of three main parts: the mind (intellect), the body (biological makeup) and the spirit (emotional makeup). As the mind and the body are being well explored in behaviorism and psychoanalysis, the spirit of a person has been increasingly popular from the mid–20th century. In the early 1960s, a movement named third–force psychology started as a reaction to the defect of behaviorism and psychoanalysis to deal fully with the human condition (Hergenhahn, 2008). This third–force movement is humanistic psychology, which refers to the combination of the philosophy of romanticism and existentialism. Humanistic psychology instead paid more attention to each individual's potentials and highlighted the more content... The major difference between existential and humanistic psychology is that the former views human nature as neutral whereas the latter views it as basically good (Hergenhahn, 2008). There is no right to determine which one is correct. I prefer believing that people at birth are naturally kind–hearted. No one is born for being evil, and I think the reason why a man will become evil is their experiences in nurturing. This reminds me of the Three Character Classic that is one of the Chinese classic texts. The first four verses tell us the core of Confucianism: human nature is inherently good, which is similar to the humanistic psychology in the Western country. This idea was written in the 13th century and has come down to us. Although there are many other opposite statements of human nature, I believe that thinking positively is better, especially for health. When it comes back to existential psychology, the first person I want to talk about is Rollo May, an American existential psychologist. May (1967) and other existentialists emphasized the importance of freedom and life meaning. The dual aspect of human nature is that people exist physically in the sense and they also make the experiences meaningful by interpreting, valuing, and making decisions. In my opinion, people have the basic rights to make their own decisions. Because of the participation of humans, the tasks needed to be done become significant. Get more content on
  • 22. Examples Of Personality Psychology PERSONALITY PSYCHOLOGY PERSPECTIVE I feel too attached to this case study of George in a sense that I am a very introverted. I enjoy my time alone and basically prefer it any day over being with others. The most interesting thing is that in the theories I used to explain the case study I saw myself in most of the facts. An example is movement away from others. Personality psychology had made me think about myself the first time we had the module. It surprised me the way that people who are in most ways different from myself are able to put together information as if they had been with me all my life. On the group front I have found that I like taking the lead role because a lot of people do not want to do it. The way that I take control in the group does not go hand in hand with my personality but I figured that I put my more content... Positivity is something that I have always been looking for but we all know that one cannot go through life being happy or positive at all times, with so many bad happening in the world or even just people in our lives trying to put us down due to them not being happy about themselves. The way that the strategies of coping are put in my assignment; I thought were perfect for myself due to my interpersonal style. When someone (me) likes having time to themselves and is not bothered by others being around each other and not him/ her, writing is one of the best ways to get out of boredom or even just spend your time making plans for your life, writing poems, or little booklets. The coping intervention strategies are the things that I would think everyone does. When I have a problem I either do two things, I watch YouTube videos of people facing or have conquered the same problem or I write down my problems in my diary. SOCIAL & COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY Get more content on