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Prostate Cancer
  & Sexuality
   Dr. Jo-an Baldwin Peters
        BSc MSc PhD
Dr. Jo-an Baldwin Peters
                 BSc MSc PhD
• Feels the fact that treatments for prostate cancer carry
  significant side effects that change many issues.
• Recognizes that prostate cancer becomes a problem for
  the survivor and partner.
• Understands that traditional concepts of masculinity and
  femininity often complicate the problem and the
  problem is ignored and not solved.
• Her PhD was completed at the age 69.
• As the wife of a prostate cancer survivor and an
  Epidemiologist Jo-an felt that partners, especially
  women were left out of the picture.
• Jo-an is staying involved, hopeful that other women will
  join her.
Prostate Cancer Sexuality
   Online Survey Results

First Response      19 Oct 2009
Last Response       29 Oct 2010

                 Survivor Partner
# Questions        65          45
Responses          448         203
 Total Responses         651
Ven ezu ela      Au str a lia
                      0%               2%
                                      F r a n ce
                                         0%         Gr eece
                                                   H olla n d
      Ca n a d a                                      0%
       19%                                         H u n ga r y
78%                                                    0%
                                                     I sr a el
                                                      J apan
                                      M on golia
                                         0%       Sp a in
                                  Sou th Afr ica   0%
                                           Sw itzer la n d
                                 UK              0%
Prostate Cancer Sexuality Survey
                                              448 Survivor Respondent Ages
                                   30                                                      28
Nu m b er o f r esp o n d en t s

                                   25                                                                      23


                                   15                            13


                                        2                                                                                                     2
                                        42   46   48   50   52   54   56    58   60   62    64   66   68   70   72   74   76   78   80   82   84

                                                                           Age a t r esp o n se t im e
Prostate Cancer Sexuality Survey
Respondent Reported Treatments

                                                      H I FU
                                          Ch e m o     0%
              H or m one        B r a ch y 2 %
                 16%               7%
                                              R a dia tion
   R obotic                                           Cr yo
     14%                                               2%
                       R a d i ca l
S25. How would you rate your ability to have a
       spontaneous erection after treatment for prostate
               cancer? Treatments/Time/Age
               Respondents answered “Sometimes” or “Always”
Months                                 3      6    12    18    24    +24   Resps.
Radical prostatectomy                 14%    22%   26%   27%   28%   29%    144
Radical retropupic prostatectomy      13%    20%   13%   13%   20%   20%    15
Radical nerve sparing prostatectomy   25%    33%   40%   46%   42%   38%    48
Robotic prostatectomy                 16%    19%   22%   22%   27%   21%    73
Radicals All                          16%    23%   27%   28%   30%   28%    280
Brachytherapy/seed implants           66%    68%   73%   66%   56%   56%    41
Cryosurgery/Crotherapy                44%    44%   33%   33%   33%   44%     9
External beam radiation               50%    60%   50%   40%   50%   30%    10
Proton beam radiation                 100%   60%   60%   60%   60%   60%     5
Radiation Totals                      67%    60%   53%   47%   53%   40%    15
Age 50 and less                       31%    13%   19%   13%   19%   13%    16
Age 50-60                             23%    30%   33%   31%   31%   30%    122
Age 60-70                             43%    49%   54%   55%   56%   54%    144
Age 70+                               21%    21%   24%   24%   21%   22%    102
S25 P11 How would you rate your partner's ability to
have a spontaneous erection after treatment for prostate
           Never           So m et i m es       Al w a ys
                          SURVIVOR PARTNER
                 Each category read columns left to right
            Within 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 and “more than 24” months
S42 S44 P28 P30
 Overall how big a problem do you consider your sexual
             dysfunction (all respondents)

      N o p r o b lem   Ver y sm a ll     Sm a ll       M o d er a t e   B ig p r o b lem
                         p r o b lem    p r o b lem     p r o b lem

       Su r vivo r                             P a r tn er Gu es s F o r Su r vivo r
       P a r tn er                             Su r vivo r Gu es s fo r P a r tn er
         How important do you think is penetrative sex is?
             (Survivor Choice minus Partner Choice)

                                                            D iffer en ce
S42 S44 P28 P30
 Overall how big a problem do you consider your sexual
             dysfunction (all respondents)
      N o p r o b lem   Ver y sm a ll     Sm a ll       M o d er a t e   B ig p r o b lem
                         p r o b lem    p r o b lem     p r o b lem

        Su r vivo r                               P a r tn er Gu es s F o r Su r vivo r
        P a r tn er                               Su r vivo r Gu es s fo r P a r tn er
      How important do you think is penetrative sex is?
             (Survivor responded “Very Important”)

                                                                                                          R esp o n se
                                             So m ew h a t
       im p o r t a n t

                          im p o r t a n t

                                                                      I m por ta n t

                                                                                         I m por ta n t
                                             im p o r t a n t
                           N o t ver y

                                                                                             Ver y


     Su r vivo r          P a r tn er Gu es s                   P a r tn er            Su r vivo r Gu es s
S25. How would you rate your ability to have a
 spontaneous erection after treatment for prostate
           cancer? Treatments/Time
       Respondents answered “Sometimes” or “Always”
             3                  6                12            18                 24               24+     Months

       R a d ica l p r osta tectom y                       R a d ica l r etr op u p ic p r osta tectom y
       R a d ica l n er ve sp a r in g p r osta tectom y   R ob otic p r osta tectom y
       R a d ica ls All                                    B r a ch yth er a p y/ seed im p la n ts
       Cr yosu r ger y/ Cr oth er a p y                    E xter n a l b ea m r a d ia tion
       P r oton b ea m r a d ia tion                       R a d ia tion T ota ls
S25. How would you rate your ability to have a
 spontaneous erection after treatment for prostate
               cancer? Age/Time
      Respondents answered “Sometimes” or “Always”






0%                                                                          Months

         3            6         12         18             24          24+

      Age 5 0 a n d les s   Age 5 0 -6 0   Age 6 0 -7 0        Age 7 0 +
S30 & P16 How important is it to experience an orgasm
   on a regular basis even if it does not result from
                   penetrative sex?
      Completed the questions: 94 % Survivors, 86% Partners

70%                                                       60%
50%                                                                            42%
20%            8%                 8%
                No t I m p o r ta n t             I m p o r ta n t o r ver y im p o r ta n t

                                    Su r vivo r     P a r tn er
S33 Which of these forms of assistance resulted in an orgasm with or
                       without penetration?
                            Did not     Achieved     Achieved    Achieved
                            achieve      orgasm    orgasm most    orgasm    Response
                            orgasm    infrequently of the time    always     Count     Success Rate
   Self masturbation          12          26           85           65        190          94%

   Mutual masturbation         7          16           48           25        103          93%

   Penile shots                8           8           23           18         59          86%

   Oral sex                   16          16           31           29         94          83%
   Sex toys such as
                               4           3           9            5          24          81%
   Penile implant              3           2           5            5          18          80%

   Pump                       19          16           19           9          68          70%
   Oral medication
   (provide medication
   name in comment            31          18           29           24        113          70%
   box below, if
   Other                       1           1           1            0          5           67%

   Nothing                    11           7           6            6          54          63%

   Urethral suppositories      8           3           2            2          18          47%
S33 Which of these forms of assistance resulted in an orgasm with or
                       without penetration?

                                         Achieved     Achieved
                                       orgasm most     orgasm    Response
              Method                    of the time    always     Count     Success Rate
              Self masturbation            140          108        326          76%

              Mutual masturbation          83            49        189          71%

              Penile shots                 31            29         84          70%

              Oral sex                     56            43        161          67%
              Sex toys such as
                                           16            9          42          63%
              Penile implant                8            6          21          61%

              Pump                         28            12         97          56%

              Oral medication
              (provide medication
                                           51            41        178          52%
              name in comment box
              below, if possible)

              Other                         2            0          6           47%

              Nothing                       6            6          54          41%

              Urethral suppositories        2            2          18          33%
S33 P19 Which of these forms of assistance resulted in an orgasm with
                      or without penetration?
   (94% PCa Survivors & 86% of Partners answered this Question)

                                  Achieved     Achieved
                                orgasm most     orgasm    Response                Achieved
        Method                   of the time    always     Count     Success Rate Achieved Achieved Response Percentage
        Self masturbation           140          108        326          76%         29       39
                                                                                                        93      73%
        Penile shots                83           49         189          71%         11        8        44
        Mutual masturbation         31           29          84          70%         42       37       115
        Penile implant               8            6          21                      1         3        6
                                                                         67%                                    67%
                                    56           43         161                      34       32       100
        Oral sex                                                         61%                                    66%
        Toys,vibrators,movies       16            9          42                      15       15        47
                                                                         56%                                    64%
        Oral medication             51           41         178          52%         24       14        76
        Pump                        11            6          40          43%         11        6        40      43%
                                     2            0          6           33%         0         0        2
        Other                                                                                                    0%
                                     4            2          18                      1         1        8
        Urethral Supositories                                            33%                                    25%
        Nothing                     13           12          60          42%
                                                                                     10        3        46      28%
Prostate Cancer
 Online Survey
• I passed out when I self-injected.
  Then we went to Cialis with no
  positive result. Now back to
  injections, with my wife doing it.
  We have not had frequent sex
  beause it upsets her to do the
  injections and ruins the mood.
  Will keep trying
• We tend to keep too busy and
  have not been concentrating
  on sex lately. Levitra almost
• The range of time mattered a lot.
  It's been over two years. The first
  six months there was almost
  nothing; now after two years we
  can often have enjoyable sex
  without Viagra, although we
  usually do it with Viagra to be
  sure we have the fun we want.
• Hard to answer since most of the 12 years were
  satisfactory and only recently started hormone
  therapy which changed everything. Other issue is
  that I am 12 years older so always wonder what
  would be the natural course of my potency if I was
  not treated or had Prostate Cancer. Once it
  metastasizes and survival becomes an issue one's
  oersoective on the importance of sex changes. I
  wish there were more resources available now to
  both my wife and i about achieving intimacy
  without intercourse. She does not like to use the
  internet for a source.
• Some of the implications of these questions appear
  to center on whether of not we can have successful
  intercourse or not. Many men I believe must reach a
  point where they come to peace with the situation.
  Is sex more important than life. We also must learn
  that our partner, especially nearing age 60 is more
  interested in feeling loved, than having rousing
  sexual encounters. The intimacy that results when
  the man concentrates on the female's needs, and
  bringing her to an aroused state and orgasm is a
  satisfying sexual encounter for both.
• Thanks for being willing to
  research this area. For
  individuals like me, it's
  important to see that there are
  others out there that have
  similar issues.
• Again, I think it is important that
  the doctor visit with both husband
  and wife. I think my wife may
  have been more interested if she
  realized that my sexual desires
  were normal for a man of my age
  (65 ) at the time of surgery.
Broaden discussion/presentation topics beyond just PC
treatment and fundamental incontinence and ED
treatments. Emphasize that an active life, including sex, is
quite achievable despite damaged plumbing. Emphasize
that early PC detection is very important--every male
should know this!

My greatest hope is that more doctors will be told that they
must address the subject of sex. If they aren't comfortable
doing this, or don't have the time to do it properly, they
should direct the patient & his partner to a good source of
information. It's sad when the problems are not
understood until they've become established, and the
patient doesn't even know he could have done things to
help with his rehabilitation.

Lack of success achieving penetrative sex has left us with
a failing desire for sex at all. We agreed prior to his
operation 8 years ago that life was more important... it
seems it was so easy to believe that then. We failed to
appreciate how devastating it would be to a relationship.
It's like losing a loved-one; the memory is dear but the loss

Thank you!

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Prostate Cancer and Sexuality: Survey

  • 1. Prostate Cancer & Sexuality Dr. Jo-an Baldwin Peters BSc MSc PhD
  • 2. Dr. Jo-an Baldwin Peters BSc MSc PhD • Feels the fact that treatments for prostate cancer carry significant side effects that change many issues. • Recognizes that prostate cancer becomes a problem for the survivor and partner. • Understands that traditional concepts of masculinity and femininity often complicate the problem and the problem is ignored and not solved. • Her PhD was completed at the age 69. • As the wife of a prostate cancer survivor and an Epidemiologist Jo-an felt that partners, especially women were left out of the picture. • Jo-an is staying involved, hopeful that other women will join her.
  • 3. @
  • 4. Prostate Cancer Sexuality Online Survey Results First Response 19 Oct 2009 Last Response 29 Oct 2010 Survivor Partner # Questions 65 45 Responses 448 203 Total Responses 651
  • 5. Ven ezu ela Au str a lia 0% 2% F r a n ce 0% Gr eece 0% H olla n d Ca n a d a 0% 19% H u n ga r y USA 78% 0% I sr a el 0% J apan 0% M on golia 0% Sp a in Sou th Afr ica 0% 0% Sw itzer la n d UK 0% 1%
  • 6. Prostate Cancer Sexuality Survey 448 Survivor Respondent Ages 30 28 Nu m b er o f r esp o n d en t s 25 23 20 15 13 10 5 2 2 0 42 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 Age a t r esp o n se t im e
  • 7. Prostate Cancer Sexuality Survey Respondent Reported Treatments H I FU Ch e m o 0% H or m one B r a ch y 2 % 16% 7% R a dia tion 21% R obotic Cr yo AS 14% 2% 2% R a d i ca l 36%
  • 8. S25. How would you rate your ability to have a spontaneous erection after treatment for prostate cancer? Treatments/Time/Age Respondents answered “Sometimes” or “Always” Months 3 6 12 18 24 +24 Resps. Radical prostatectomy 14% 22% 26% 27% 28% 29% 144 Radical retropupic prostatectomy 13% 20% 13% 13% 20% 20% 15 Radical nerve sparing prostatectomy 25% 33% 40% 46% 42% 38% 48 Robotic prostatectomy 16% 19% 22% 22% 27% 21% 73 Radicals All 16% 23% 27% 28% 30% 28% 280 Brachytherapy/seed implants 66% 68% 73% 66% 56% 56% 41 Cryosurgery/Crotherapy 44% 44% 33% 33% 33% 44% 9 External beam radiation 50% 60% 50% 40% 50% 30% 10 Proton beam radiation 100% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 5 Radiation Totals 67% 60% 53% 47% 53% 40% 15 Age 50 and less 31% 13% 19% 13% 19% 13% 16 Age 50-60 23% 30% 33% 31% 31% 30% 122 Age 60-70 43% 49% 54% 55% 56% 54% 144 Age 70+ 21% 21% 24% 24% 21% 22% 102
  • 9. S25 P11 How would you rate your partner's ability to have a spontaneous erection after treatment for prostate cancer? 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Never So m et i m es Al w a ys SURVIVOR PARTNER Each category read columns left to right Within 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 and “more than 24” months
  • 10. S42 S44 P28 P30 Overall how big a problem do you consider your sexual dysfunction (all respondents) 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% N o p r o b lem Ver y sm a ll Sm a ll M o d er a t e B ig p r o b lem p r o b lem p r o b lem p r o b lem Su r vivo r P a r tn er Gu es s F o r Su r vivo r P a r tn er Su r vivo r Gu es s fo r P a r tn er
  • 11. S23 P13. MATCHED How important do you think is penetrative sex is? (Survivor Choice minus Partner Choice) 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 D iffer en ce
  • 12. S42 S44 P28 P30 Overall how big a problem do you consider your sexual dysfunction (all respondents) 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% N o p r o b lem Ver y sm a ll Sm a ll M o d er a t e B ig p r o b lem p r o b lem p r o b lem p r o b lem Su r vivo r P a r tn er Gu es s F o r Su r vivo r P a r tn er Su r vivo r Gu es s fo r P a r tn er
  • 13. S23 P13. MATCHED How important do you think is penetrative sex is? (Survivor responded “Very Important”) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 R esp o n se So m ew h a t im p o r t a n t im p o r t a n t I m por ta n t I m por ta n t im p o r t a n t N o t ver y Ver y Not No Months Su r vivo r P a r tn er Gu es s P a r tn er Su r vivo r Gu es s
  • 14. S25. How would you rate your ability to have a spontaneous erection after treatment for prostate cancer? Treatments/Time Respondents answered “Sometimes” or “Always” 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 3 6 12 18 24 24+ Months R a d ica l p r osta tectom y R a d ica l r etr op u p ic p r osta tectom y R a d ica l n er ve sp a r in g p r osta tectom y R ob otic p r osta tectom y R a d ica ls All B r a ch yth er a p y/ seed im p la n ts Cr yosu r ger y/ Cr oth er a p y E xter n a l b ea m r a d ia tion P r oton b ea m r a d ia tion R a d ia tion T ota ls
  • 15. S25. How would you rate your ability to have a spontaneous erection after treatment for prostate cancer? Age/Time Respondents answered “Sometimes” or “Always” 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Months 3 6 12 18 24 24+ Age 5 0 a n d les s Age 5 0 -6 0 Age 6 0 -7 0 Age 7 0 +
  • 16. S30 & P16 How important is it to experience an orgasm on a regular basis even if it does not result from penetrative sex? Completed the questions: 94 % Survivors, 86% Partners 70% 60% 60% 50% 42% 40% 30% 20% 8% 8% 10% 0% No t I m p o r ta n t I m p o r ta n t o r ver y im p o r ta n t Su r vivo r P a r tn er
  • 17. S33 Which of these forms of assistance resulted in an orgasm with or without penetration? Did not Achieved Achieved Achieved achieve orgasm orgasm most orgasm Response orgasm infrequently of the time always Count Success Rate Self masturbation 12 26 85 65 190 94% Mutual masturbation 7 16 48 25 103 93% Penile shots 8 8 23 18 59 86% Oral sex 16 16 31 29 94 83% Sex toys such as 4 3 9 5 24 81% vibrators Penile implant 3 2 5 5 18 80% Pump 19 16 19 9 68 70% Oral medication (provide medication name in comment 31 18 29 24 113 70% box below, if possible) Other 1 1 1 0 5 67% Nothing 11 7 6 6 54 63% Urethral suppositories 8 3 2 2 18 47%
  • 18. S33 Which of these forms of assistance resulted in an orgasm with or without penetration? Achieved Achieved orgasm most orgasm Response Method of the time always Count Success Rate Self masturbation 140 108 326 76% Mutual masturbation 83 49 189 71% Penile shots 31 29 84 70% Oral sex 56 43 161 67% Sex toys such as 16 9 42 63% vibrators Penile implant 8 6 21 61% Pump 28 12 97 56% Oral medication (provide medication 51 41 178 52% name in comment box below, if possible) Other 2 0 6 47% Nothing 6 6 54 41% Urethral suppositories 2 2 18 33%
  • 19. S33 P19 Which of these forms of assistance resulted in an orgasm with or without penetration? (94% PCa Survivors & 86% of Partners answered this Question) Achieved Achieved orgasm most orgasm Response Achieved Method of the time always Count Success Rate Achieved Achieved Response Percentage Self masturbation 140 108 326 76% 29 39 93 73% Penile shots 83 49 189 71% 11 8 44 43% Mutual masturbation 31 29 84 70% 42 37 115 69% Penile implant 8 6 21 1 3 6 67% 67% 56 43 161 34 32 100 Oral sex 61% 66% Toys,vibrators,movies 16 9 42 15 15 47 56% 64% Oral medication 51 41 178 52% 24 14 76 50% Pump 11 6 40 43% 11 6 40 43% 2 0 6 33% 0 0 2 Other 0% 4 2 18 1 1 8 Urethral Supositories 33% 25% Nothing 13 12 60 42% 10 3 46 28%
  • 20. Respondent Comment Sample Prostate Cancer Sexuality Online Survey
  • 21. • I passed out when I self-injected. Then we went to Cialis with no positive result. Now back to injections, with my wife doing it. We have not had frequent sex beause it upsets her to do the injections and ruins the mood. Will keep trying
  • 22. • We tend to keep too busy and have not been concentrating on sex lately. Levitra almost works.
  • 23. • The range of time mattered a lot. It's been over two years. The first six months there was almost nothing; now after two years we can often have enjoyable sex without Viagra, although we usually do it with Viagra to be sure we have the fun we want.
  • 24. • Hard to answer since most of the 12 years were satisfactory and only recently started hormone therapy which changed everything. Other issue is that I am 12 years older so always wonder what would be the natural course of my potency if I was not treated or had Prostate Cancer. Once it metastasizes and survival becomes an issue one's oersoective on the importance of sex changes. I wish there were more resources available now to both my wife and i about achieving intimacy without intercourse. She does not like to use the internet for a source.
  • 25. • Some of the implications of these questions appear to center on whether of not we can have successful intercourse or not. Many men I believe must reach a point where they come to peace with the situation. Is sex more important than life. We also must learn that our partner, especially nearing age 60 is more interested in feeling loved, than having rousing sexual encounters. The intimacy that results when the man concentrates on the female's needs, and bringing her to an aroused state and orgasm is a satisfying sexual encounter for both.
  • 26. • Thanks for being willing to research this area. For individuals like me, it's important to see that there are others out there that have similar issues.
  • 27. • Again, I think it is important that the doctor visit with both husband and wife. I think my wife may have been more interested if she realized that my sexual desires were normal for a man of my age (65 ) at the time of surgery.
  • 28. Broaden discussion/presentation topics beyond just PC treatment and fundamental incontinence and ED treatments. Emphasize that an active life, including sex, is quite achievable despite damaged plumbing. Emphasize that early PC detection is very important--every male should know this! My greatest hope is that more doctors will be told that they must address the subject of sex. If they aren't comfortable doing this, or don't have the time to do it properly, they should direct the patient & his partner to a good source of information. It's sad when the problems are not understood until they've become established, and the patient doesn't even know he could have done things to help with his rehabilitation. Lack of success achieving penetrative sex has left us with a failing desire for sex at all. We agreed prior to his operation 8 years ago that life was more important... it seems it was so easy to believe that then. We failed to appreciate how devastating it would be to a relationship. It's like losing a loved-one; the memory is dear but the loss tangible.

Editor's Notes

  1. Change the date and this could be the heading if we leave out the words “comments”
  2. Need to develop a heading for Our presentation,
  3. Need to get your name and email address up as well
  4. Change the date and this could be the heading if we leave out the words “comments”