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Pros And Cons Of Student Government
Current Events #8–daily–endorses–daniel–pae–for–student–government–association–president
/article_afb4831c–8661–11e5–9d05–832a944b391e.html THE DAILY ENDORSES DANIEL PAE FOR STUDENT GOVERNMENT
ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT. "The Daily's editorial board has chosen to endorse Daniel Pae and his running mate Michael Lutter for their tangible
platform goals and experience with OU's student government." Pae's Goals for this presidency were the most clear and the best ones to choose out of
the three teams. The other two presidential candidates were Hill and Depew. Their platforms were focused on very important issues but were not as
specific as Pae's goals which is the main reason Pae won the presidency.–makes–a–leader
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Student Council
Participating in student council has impacted my life extremely. Running in seventh grade was the best spur impulse decision I have made. I wasn't
certain I wanted to run because of previous losses in fifth and sixth grade and how heavyhearted those losses made me. I'm so glad I ended up
running. I got interested in student council in fourth grade when I was my closest friends campaign manager when she had run, which kind of sounds
frivolous in fourth grade. Even though I was pretty bashful and reserved as a little kid, once I got in middle school, I was ready to finally take a vast
step into becoming myself, which for me was being in the student council. In seventh grade I was a candidate for Team Cougar Representative.
The two weeks we had to campaign were the longest two weeks of my life. I worked so hard making posters and trying to impress everyone to get
the maximum amount of votes. I ran against several sweet girls and close friends, which was very stressful and emotional for me. Even though I had
fears of losing, I didn't let anything stop me. While I endeavored this new goal, I realized all the love and support I receive from my family and
friends and it's because of their encouragement that I am where more content...
On April 26, 2017 I was made eighth grade secretary. Last year Mrs. Trimble, our advisor, just had us in her advisory. Thirty minutes a week to
organize immense school functions for a little over one–thousand students wasn't enough time, imagine that. This year we have student council as an
elective class, so we are allowed more time to do what we need to. This is extremely nice because we have a lot to do as a board. Student council
positions in high school can open up opportunities to apply for scholarships and prepare you for future jobs. Soon enough, I'll start thinking about those
possibilities, but all the worry is worth
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Student Government: Personal Statement
Recently, I gave up Student Government for a childish matter. It was not dragged on as it may seem but it should have been nipped in the bud
sooner. I was nominated by the student body to run for Student Government Treasurer. Although I was afraid to be in office for such a huge club, I
went for it. I was excited to endeavor a new aspect of my life as a leader. I wanted to have a positive influence on the people around me. I continued
contributing my time to bake sales after school, planning for events, T–shirt making for powder–puff, and posters for awareness. After a while, I started
picking up on signs that the adult leader did not appreciate my efforts. My thoughts were confirmed after a meeting between her and me apropos to my
leadership. Although I cannot confirm if this decision was because of me, more content...
Tension rose between us when she felt that I did not like her and my only intentions were to replace her. I explained that was not the case, it was
just a suggestion. I walked out quickly because I am aware of the potential an argument has. I decided to quit Student Government because I did
not want to put effort where I was not appreciated. I realized later that I made a mistake because I have always told myself I would not ever let
anyone steal my joy. When I quit, it only affected me because I was losing something I cared deeply for. It did not matter to her whether I was there
or not. I wish I handled the situation differently. I wish I attended the next meeting and continued contributing my efforts because I was not a part of
student government for her, but for me. I was making a difference in my school and I had that to carry with me. Quitting just allowed her to keep that
from me. This I learned and I can take this experience with me to prevent quitting things I am passionate about just because someone may not appreciate
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Essay on Government in Education
Government in Education
Government in education has always been a disputable topic. The Republican Party believes that the role of federal government must be limited.
Teachers, parents, and school boards should have most of the control over schools. The party is in favor of home schooling and calls for enforcement
of laws that would protect the family's privacy to do so. As college tuition continues to rise, Republicans want to increase the access to these
universities with savings accounts. These savings would target higher benefits for students who take more challenging courses in high school. There is
also much debate over prayer in schools. The Republican Party continues to work to get voluntary prayer back into schools. I more
The Republican Party wants to reform and toughen the current immigration system in order to emphasize family. The system needs to devote
resources to border control and give priority to spouses and children. The party believes that needed skills for determining eligibility for admission to
our country should be emphasized. Republicans also support increasing the number of H–1B visas to ensure that workers with more high–tech skills
are placed into specialized positions. The H–2A program for short–term agricultural workers also needs expansion. President Bush supports the concept
called "English–Plus", which insists on English proficiency but recognizes the valued richness that other languages bring to our country. Democrats
are in support of the reforming of the INS to provide better services. Also, there needs to be increased resources for English language courses. The
party believes that "family reunification" should continue to be the most important aspect of our current immigration system. Democrats want
protection of immigrants who are hired by employers in order to exploit them. There is need for restoration of basic due process protections, so that
immigrants can no longer be deported for minor offenses. The Green Party says, "Don't blame immigrants
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Student Government: National Honor Society
Through experience in student government, national honor society, and leadership, my passion for helping others has grown. By emerging in public
policy and international relations, I can learn the different levels (districtпј€
Đ”Ń‘â€šĐ·â€Ń”Đ¶Ńœâ€˜ĐżŃ˜â€°, prefectures, Japan, and internationally) in order to run a
civilized society. With law, I can communicate with representatives from different countries by sharing the latest issues and the laws that applies.
Students may attend college in Japan to pursue their career there, but, I would like to not only adjust to the society in Japan but be able to work
internationally with the diversity ICU provides.
Furthermore, I intend to intern at companies and governmental organizations. By the end of my first year, I would
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Vice President Essay
Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,
First and foremost, thank you for being here in support of the student government association. I want to thank our amazing dean Edina for
encouraging me to run for vice president of SGA. Many people have asked me why I am running for vice president. Would you ask a fifth grader if he
is going to go to the 6th grade? No right because they have to keep going to the next level. Ever since I came to the University of Bridgeport, I
constantly looked for ways to become more involved and to keep having an impact in the university. Every year, here at the University of Bridgeport
I am involved in something new. Whether it's being an OL, President of a Club or even starting a chapter/club which is known as the food recovery
network, with the help of my peers. The food recovery network have recovered more than 300 pounds of food that would otherwise have been thrown
My last involvement with SGA was when I was a senator. As a senator, I held various town halls that had a high number of participants from students
and teachers. I engaged the students in various topics in those town halls, such as what we could do to make the school of business better? How we
can implement what we learned more content...
UB is most known for its diversity; therefore, you need a candidate that best understand the demographic of students and can voice the concern of the
student body to the right authorities. That candidate ladies and gentlemen, is me. Since my freshman year, I fell in love with UB but I mostly fell in
love with what UB can one day be. I am constantly sitting down with Edina, the provost, and even sometime president solyen to discuss how we can
better UB and how we can increase the retention rate and build the school spirit that we sometimes lack and help students make the best out of their
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On Tuesday, September 9, 2017, at 9 P.M. in the Alumni room I attended a meeting for Student Government Association. During this meeting, I was
sworn–in to have a seat on the Student Government board as a senator. I learned that Student Government is a very important association on campus
and serves many purposes like keeping West LibertyUniversity a great college to attend. In the Student Government meeting, we discussed several
different things like budgets for clubs, homecoming, and our goals for the year. I believe being a senator for Student Government will benefit me in
many ways such as giving me a great extracurricular to put on my application for the Dental Hygiene program or any other program, activity, or job I
would like to apply
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Student Government Application Essay
I would like to run for a Student Government Officer position for many reasons. One reason is to help others. Although helping others maybe the
first thing that someone may put on this application, it's important and I try to help others as much as I can, from helping someone with their
homework to helping someone when they have dropped their books or even helping teachers do tasks like putting things away to helping them with
a project. Also in technology class I help a lot too since if someone needs help with their project or help using a program Mr. Seelig may not be able
to help everyone right away or some kids may not want Mr. Seeligs help and I guide them how to do it. Another reason is to have something occupy
my time. I'm not more content...
I've had to take charge and be a leader many times in a group throughout my time in school. An example is in projects that I have to work with
other people like many times in technology class or biology class we all state our ideas and if the other person doesn't agree with my ideas I
compromise and make a plan we all like. One time we had to do a lab in biology class and it was with about 8 to 9 kids and we couldn't decide on
much and since there was many kids in the group and we all wanted it our own way since the lab was graded. Alex Temidis is in my biology class
we made ideas for the hypothesis and procedure for the lab and explained why it was that way and we listened to others and made everyone
focused and on task participating in the group. The good thing is the lab was on heart rate we made the other half the class do the exercise part of
the lab and we had to sit and do nothing for our part of the lab. I also take charge by helping with problems in homework or classwork that not much
people understand. I hope that this year in student council we all will take charge and do things that will benefit everyone and make our class have more
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A Study On Student Government Association
Pace's Student Government Association–also known as SGA–is another school meeting public to the student body. Those who are in the Student
Government Association are eboard Senators that represent different types of on–campus organizations and clubs. SGA senators meet every other
Friday from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. or until time permits on the top floor of Kessel building in the Multi–Purpose room. If special events are being
held on SGA meeting days, SGA is usually in Butcher Suite, which is also on the top floor of Kessel. Members of SGA are expected to dress in
formal business attire or in a modest appropriation. These members sit in rows and are assigned to specific seats in the room with signs–similar to
congressional placards–that distinguish the type of club or organization the individual senator represents. The President and his board sits at the front of
the room–separate from the senators; it is like the formation of a panel. This association uses parliamentary motions on a normal basis during their
meetings. The purpose of SGA meetings is for senators to voice their concerns and make proposals to the President on behalf of the club and
organization. The goal of the President and his board is to find solutions to the issues that are raised and to look into supporting students by ensuring
that students are also doing well academically. Clubs and organizations also update each other about projects that they are working on and the progress
they have made over time.
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Engage In Student Government Benefits Students
From these examples, it is clear that everyone benefit. Engage in student government benefits students because it teaches them the importance of
citizenship and the importance of the democratic process. In addition, it teaches students the necessary leadership skills. PBIS is beneficial to students,
teachers, and parents because the program teaches students how to manage their behavior in a positive manner. Teachers benefit because they receive
the additional support for maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and parents benefit because they know that the school has
a vested interest in the success of their child. Another area that I would suggest as an area for improvement would be parental involvement. Although
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Government Class Reflection
I went into Government class thinking I knew a lot about government. I quickly figured out there was a lot I had to learn. I am very glad I was
required to take this class because without taking it, how would I know how everything works or know how I am affected by the government? My
beliefs didn't change nor did the political party I identify myself with but I have a much better understanding about what goes on in our Country. I
learned much more than I thought I would learn, from the ways someone can become president, to how a bill becomes a law, to who were considered
to be the best presidents. I've learned that each state makes many of their own decisions. I learned that the law gives us freedom of Speech, Religion,
Press, and Assembly.
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Government Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay
Classrooms filled with ignorant teenagers, the value of education has been lost and the importance of government has completely disappeared in
today's America. Students are growing up with a mentality that government 'does not matter' and it is 'not important'. This mentality can be changed
through proper education. Knowledge of past documents that our founding fathers created as the basis of our country are essential to understanding
our government. Students need to learn about the founding documents in order to be well educated citizens able to vote and take part in our
government. Amendments listed in the United States Constitution are the backbone of our country. Our main liberties are listed in the first
amendment; "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom
of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." (Baltell) These
freedoms give citizens of the United States a chance to have rights and have them be ensured by the highest law of the land. Citizens' rights give the
people opportunities that many other governments do not give their constituents. Rights in judicial cases are all listed in the 6th–8th amendments and
list the right to a jury, a fair speedy trial and a right to a defense provided by from the court. These rights are important because if one is committed of
a crime then one is ensured many freedoms during the entire court case. U.S. citizens also have voting rights listed in the 14th and 19th amendments.
Having the ability to vote for executive positions in the government and having a voice are the most significant parts of our democracy to ensure a fair
This country was formed from rebellions, huge gatherings and a sense of unity from every single citizen to one another. The Boston Tea Party was a
huge event which ended with more U.S. citizens being aware of Great Britain's actions and increased patriotism and passion to create a country of
freedom. This was a small start to a huge revolution leading to the US gaining independence and creating one of the first
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Why I Want To Be A Student Council President
I would be honored to take the position of being student council president. There are qualities a president of student council should possess that I
believe I have.
Initially, I would like to list all of the qualities I shall bring to the Student Council. I am very respectful of my peers and teachers. I have numerous
academic accomplishments which I believe a president must not only be a good role model for the rest of the student body but also lead in
academics as well. In addition to my academic skills I developed leadership skills that I have obtained from Beta and 4–H. In these clubs I have learned
how to communicate and work in groups I am very flexible at taking on any task and conforming to each and every job when it is needed of me.
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Essay on Government
Government! You can't live with it! You can't live without it! It is the "common cold" that everyone dreads. The American Heritage College Dictionary,
Third Edition defines government as, "The exercise of authority in a political unit in order to control and administer public policy." Webster's Desk
Dictionary of the English Language defines government as, "The political direction and control exercised over a nation, state, community, etc." The
common individual might define government as the root of all evil. The thing about government is that no one stops to think about how government
came about.
Government falls into two categories; monarchy or a republic. A monarchy is a form of government that is always headed by more content...
King Fahad has complete control over it's citizens in all aspects pertaining to their country. Laws, punishments, and regulations are in the hands of King
If the government of a country does not fall into any of these categories, it is a republic. A republic is defined in Webster's Desk Dictionary of the
English Language as any government in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives
chosen directly or indirectly by them. There are three types of republics; dictatorship, oligarchy, or democracy.
A dictatorship is a republic ruled by one individual. Cuba has a dictatorship. Fidel Castro is the main contributor to Cuban society. He oversees his
people yet allows his people the right to vote him in or out of office.
An oligarchy is another type of republic. This type is ruled by a select few. An example of an oligarchic society would be France. King Louis XV is
king but he has a complete parliament to assist him in the law making procedure of France.
The third type of republic is a democracy. A democracy is defined as a society ruled by the majority. An example of a democratic republic would be
the United States.
There are four theories that coincide with government; divine, natural, social compact, and force.
The divine theory was developed out of religion. The theory states that government ordained itself from God, and its main purpose is
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Government And State And Government Essay
Government and state is like a two sides of a coin. Some political thinkers do not make any distinction between state and government. As a state
Bangladesh has experienced different types of government since 1971 including democracy and military government. None of the experience is good
for the people of the state. As a form of government democracy has some advantages and also some disadvantages. But in a country like Bangladesh
you mostly have to suffer the demerits of democracy.
Many political thinker defined "State" in different ways. State is mainly a organized unit of a particular portion of mankind (Burgess, 1890). On the
other hand government A group of people that governs a residential district or unit. That sets and administers community policy and workout routines
executive, political in addition to sovereign power as a result of customs, institutions, and laws in just a state. A government is usually classified into
several types–dictatorship, monarchy, democracy, aristocracy are only a few.
Bangladesh is a small country with huge population. So the needs and rights of people of country is can be reflected best by the democratic
government system. It insures participation of every legal voters and give them the opportunity to choose their own government. But the problem is
that relationship between public and MP's had always been bad and it always has effected development of our country. Democratic governments in our
country often act as a pseudo
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My Goals For Student Council
As a student finishing out middle school and entering high school, I had many ambitions for my future life. I wanted to become a student leader,
and, as I went through my freshman year, I wanted to be involved in Student Council through the Central Minnesota Association of Student
Councils (CMASC). Despite these ambitions, I had two major hurdles that I had to get over in order to reach these goals: my shyness and my fear
of public speaking. In order to achieve my goals for Student Council, I would have to campaign, get to know others, and speak in front of a large
group of them. However, these activities fell far outside of my comfort zone, and it would take a lot of work to be able to do these things. In order to
encourage myself to overcome these two fears, I decided that I would continue to pursue my ambition without even considering that I had my
reservations. My friends in the more content...
Although I was wondering whether it would be crazy to run as a sophomore, for the first time, I did not question my abilities. After some considerable
thought and talking with my family, I decided to chase after this office as well. This time around, I was able to campaign for myself without any fear
or reservation, and successfully delivered my speech to an audience of about 400 delegates.
Although I did not win this election as a sophomore, it put me on track to become President as a junior and proved that I am capable of
overcoming my fears and achieving success. Now, as a senior, I speak on a regular basis in front of other student councils at conventions across
Minnesota and have found it enjoyable to meet new people and learn more about them. These skills will be very useful when I enter college as one of
many students from across the United States, and will allow me to make connections that will last a
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American Government Essay example
American Government
Each type of government holds different views as to the role the leaders and citizens should perform in their country .Different types of government
include, oligarchy where the government is run by the best leaders, Tyranny, where they believe those in power should have complete control over its
people. In the United States of America, we believe in democracy, rule by the majority. The main problem with our type ofgovernment is maintaining it.
Our government and its citizens have lost sight of their roles and responsibilities, in government.
The role of the government in our country is defined in our Constitution as to, "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
defense, promote more content...
Although I myself do not wish to participate in theses activities, I do not think that is my duty or that of the governments to tell others that they cannot
do these things. The government is crossing the line from being a democracy to becoming a combination of Oligarchy and Tyranny type government
by telling its people what they can and cannot do in their private lives.
The private citizens seem to have lost sight of their role in government as well. The people have forgotten that they are just as part of the government
as the people that hold positions in office. Citizens of this country sit around and complain about what the governments does or doesn't do. They
complain about the government running their lives. What they seem to have forgotten is, they have elected theses people. When it comes to voting,
the people should look into the person that they are voting for. They need to ask themselves, What does this person stand for? Does this person
believe in the things that are important to me? Will this person make the right decisions? The problem is,too many people just vote for whom ever is
affiliated to the party of their choice. It is the duty of the citizens of America to vote and vote wisely. We need to remember our role in government, if
we want the government to remember theirs.
How perfect would It be if our government was run according to Lao–tzu and his teachings in Tao–te Ching? Lao–tzu believed in the unseen
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Purpose Of Government Essay
What is the purpose of government? When looking up the definition of a government it says, "the governing body of a nation, state, or
community"( This helps to understand it a bit more, but what is the purpose of a government. Government has many purposes that
keep its people safe and protected, this includes to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general
welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. There are so many ways that the government is use and there are so many sub
categories and even those have categories. So when one is faced with a question like this there any number of responses, and but the main purpose of a more content...
government ensures the right of the people are protected by having the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights has many other articles that protect the
people's rights however, this is not the only way the government protects our right. Another way the government protects our rights is by the justice
system. The justice system includes creating and passing laws that protect the rights of people. There has been a lot of conflicting feelings about equal
right among everything, but what hold the most controversy is the LGBT becoming equal with the rest of the world and recently laws have been
passed to try and equalize the LGBT community with the rest of the citizens, in 2015 the Supreme Court's announced "States cannot keep same–sex
couples from marrying and must recognize their unions, the Supreme Court says in a ruling that for months has been the focus of speculation.
"(Chappell). This means all 50 states must allow same–sex marriage no matter how the states feel about the issue, in order for the law to pass it had to
go through the Justice System. This proves that the Justice System helps to protect the right of citizens because everyone has the right to marry even if
it is the same–sex, by it becoming law it further protects this right that citizens are entitled to. This isn't the only case of the the Justice system has
helped to safeguard people's rights. In California a law
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Why I Want To Be A Student Council Secretary
I am Andrea Villezcas and i am running for student council secretary. I am running for student council secretary because i am organized, committed,
and i want to make a difference during my time at Kellis. Many of the staff at Kellis see me as a friendly and reliable person because that is how i
show myself. I have obtained a good reputation and i do truly believe that i will benefit student council strongly. To be a student council officer, you
need to be confident and assertive, which can used mixed ways but i use it positively. My 7th grade year i was student council secretary, in 8th grade
i was 8th grade student council president and NJHS vice president, and in 6th grade i was a class representative. Those 3 years i was known for having
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Pros And Cons Of Student Government

  • 1. Pros And Cons Of Student Government Current Events #8–daily–endorses–daniel–pae–for–student–government–association–president /article_afb4831c–8661–11e5–9d05–832a944b391e.html THE DAILY ENDORSES DANIEL PAE FOR STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT. "The Daily's editorial board has chosen to endorse Daniel Pae and his running mate Michael Lutter for their tangible platform goals and experience with OU's student government." Pae's Goals for this presidency were the most clear and the best ones to choose out of the three teams. The other two presidential candidates were Hill and Depew. Their platforms were focused on very important issues but were not as specific as Pae's goals which is the main reason Pae won the presidency.–makes–a–leader Get more content on
  • 2. Student Council Participating in student council has impacted my life extremely. Running in seventh grade was the best spur impulse decision I have made. I wasn't certain I wanted to run because of previous losses in fifth and sixth grade and how heavyhearted those losses made me. I'm so glad I ended up running. I got interested in student council in fourth grade when I was my closest friends campaign manager when she had run, which kind of sounds frivolous in fourth grade. Even though I was pretty bashful and reserved as a little kid, once I got in middle school, I was ready to finally take a vast step into becoming myself, which for me was being in the student council. In seventh grade I was a candidate for Team Cougar Representative. The two weeks we had to campaign were the longest two weeks of my life. I worked so hard making posters and trying to impress everyone to get the maximum amount of votes. I ran against several sweet girls and close friends, which was very stressful and emotional for me. Even though I had fears of losing, I didn't let anything stop me. While I endeavored this new goal, I realized all the love and support I receive from my family and friends and it's because of their encouragement that I am where more content... On April 26, 2017 I was made eighth grade secretary. Last year Mrs. Trimble, our advisor, just had us in her advisory. Thirty minutes a week to organize immense school functions for a little over one–thousand students wasn't enough time, imagine that. This year we have student council as an elective class, so we are allowed more time to do what we need to. This is extremely nice because we have a lot to do as a board. Student council positions in high school can open up opportunities to apply for scholarships and prepare you for future jobs. Soon enough, I'll start thinking about those possibilities, but all the worry is worth Get more content on
  • 3. Student Government: Personal Statement Recently, I gave up Student Government for a childish matter. It was not dragged on as it may seem but it should have been nipped in the bud sooner. I was nominated by the student body to run for Student Government Treasurer. Although I was afraid to be in office for such a huge club, I went for it. I was excited to endeavor a new aspect of my life as a leader. I wanted to have a positive influence on the people around me. I continued contributing my time to bake sales after school, planning for events, T–shirt making for powder–puff, and posters for awareness. After a while, I started picking up on signs that the adult leader did not appreciate my efforts. My thoughts were confirmed after a meeting between her and me apropos to my leadership. Although I cannot confirm if this decision was because of me, more content... Tension rose between us when she felt that I did not like her and my only intentions were to replace her. I explained that was not the case, it was just a suggestion. I walked out quickly because I am aware of the potential an argument has. I decided to quit Student Government because I did not want to put effort where I was not appreciated. I realized later that I made a mistake because I have always told myself I would not ever let anyone steal my joy. When I quit, it only affected me because I was losing something I cared deeply for. It did not matter to her whether I was there or not. I wish I handled the situation differently. I wish I attended the next meeting and continued contributing my efforts because I was not a part of student government for her, but for me. I was making a difference in my school and I had that to carry with me. Quitting just allowed her to keep that from me. This I learned and I can take this experience with me to prevent quitting things I am passionate about just because someone may not appreciate Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Government in Education Government in Education Government in education has always been a disputable topic. The Republican Party believes that the role of federal government must be limited. Teachers, parents, and school boards should have most of the control over schools. The party is in favor of home schooling and calls for enforcement of laws that would protect the family's privacy to do so. As college tuition continues to rise, Republicans want to increase the access to these universities with savings accounts. These savings would target higher benefits for students who take more challenging courses in high school. There is also much debate over prayer in schools. The Republican Party continues to work to get voluntary prayer back into schools. I more content... The Republican Party wants to reform and toughen the current immigration system in order to emphasize family. The system needs to devote resources to border control and give priority to spouses and children. The party believes that needed skills for determining eligibility for admission to our country should be emphasized. Republicans also support increasing the number of H–1B visas to ensure that workers with more high–tech skills are placed into specialized positions. The H–2A program for short–term agricultural workers also needs expansion. President Bush supports the concept called "English–Plus", which insists on English proficiency but recognizes the valued richness that other languages bring to our country. Democrats are in support of the reforming of the INS to provide better services. Also, there needs to be increased resources for English language courses. The party believes that "family reunification" should continue to be the most important aspect of our current immigration system. Democrats want protection of immigrants who are hired by employers in order to exploit them. There is need for restoration of basic due process protections, so that immigrants can no longer be deported for minor offenses. The Green Party says, "Don't blame immigrants Get more content on
  • 5. Student Government: National Honor Society Through experience in student government, national honor society, and leadership, my passion for helping others has grown. By emerging in public policy and international relations, I can learn the different levels (districtпј€ Đ”Ń‘â€šĐ·â€Ń”Đ¶Ńœâ€˜ĐżŃ˜â€°, prefectures, Japan, and internationally) in order to run a civilized society. With law, I can communicate with representatives from different countries by sharing the latest issues and the laws that applies. Students may attend college in Japan to pursue their career there, but, I would like to not only adjust to the society in Japan but be able to work internationally with the diversity ICU provides. Furthermore, I intend to intern at companies and governmental organizations. By the end of my first year, I would Get more content on
  • 6. Vice President Essay Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, First and foremost, thank you for being here in support of the student government association. I want to thank our amazing dean Edina for encouraging me to run for vice president of SGA. Many people have asked me why I am running for vice president. Would you ask a fifth grader if he is going to go to the 6th grade? No right because they have to keep going to the next level. Ever since I came to the University of Bridgeport, I constantly looked for ways to become more involved and to keep having an impact in the university. Every year, here at the University of Bridgeport I am involved in something new. Whether it's being an OL, President of a Club or even starting a chapter/club which is known as the food recovery network, with the help of my peers. The food recovery network have recovered more than 300 pounds of food that would otherwise have been thrown out. My last involvement with SGA was when I was a senator. As a senator, I held various town halls that had a high number of participants from students and teachers. I engaged the students in various topics in those town halls, such as what we could do to make the school of business better? How we can implement what we learned more content... UB is most known for its diversity; therefore, you need a candidate that best understand the demographic of students and can voice the concern of the student body to the right authorities. That candidate ladies and gentlemen, is me. Since my freshman year, I fell in love with UB but I mostly fell in love with what UB can one day be. I am constantly sitting down with Edina, the provost, and even sometime president solyen to discuss how we can better UB and how we can increase the retention rate and build the school spirit that we sometimes lack and help students make the best out of their college Get more content on
  • 7. On Tuesday, September 9, 2017, at 9 P.M. in the Alumni room I attended a meeting for Student Government Association. During this meeting, I was sworn–in to have a seat on the Student Government board as a senator. I learned that Student Government is a very important association on campus and serves many purposes like keeping West LibertyUniversity a great college to attend. In the Student Government meeting, we discussed several different things like budgets for clubs, homecoming, and our goals for the year. I believe being a senator for Student Government will benefit me in many ways such as giving me a great extracurricular to put on my application for the Dental Hygiene program or any other program, activity, or job I would like to apply Get more content on
  • 8. Student Government Application Essay I would like to run for a Student Government Officer position for many reasons. One reason is to help others. Although helping others maybe the first thing that someone may put on this application, it's important and I try to help others as much as I can, from helping someone with their homework to helping someone when they have dropped their books or even helping teachers do tasks like putting things away to helping them with a project. Also in technology class I help a lot too since if someone needs help with their project or help using a program Mr. Seelig may not be able to help everyone right away or some kids may not want Mr. Seeligs help and I guide them how to do it. Another reason is to have something occupy my time. I'm not more content... I've had to take charge and be a leader many times in a group throughout my time in school. An example is in projects that I have to work with other people like many times in technology class or biology class we all state our ideas and if the other person doesn't agree with my ideas I compromise and make a plan we all like. One time we had to do a lab in biology class and it was with about 8 to 9 kids and we couldn't decide on much and since there was many kids in the group and we all wanted it our own way since the lab was graded. Alex Temidis is in my biology class we made ideas for the hypothesis and procedure for the lab and explained why it was that way and we listened to others and made everyone focused and on task participating in the group. The good thing is the lab was on heart rate we made the other half the class do the exercise part of the lab and we had to sit and do nothing for our part of the lab. I also take charge by helping with problems in homework or classwork that not much people understand. I hope that this year in student council we all will take charge and do things that will benefit everyone and make our class have more Get more content on
  • 9. A Study On Student Government Association Pace's Student Government Association–also known as SGA–is another school meeting public to the student body. Those who are in the Student Government Association are eboard Senators that represent different types of on–campus organizations and clubs. SGA senators meet every other Friday from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. or until time permits on the top floor of Kessel building in the Multi–Purpose room. If special events are being held on SGA meeting days, SGA is usually in Butcher Suite, which is also on the top floor of Kessel. Members of SGA are expected to dress in formal business attire or in a modest appropriation. These members sit in rows and are assigned to specific seats in the room with signs–similar to congressional placards–that distinguish the type of club or organization the individual senator represents. The President and his board sits at the front of the room–separate from the senators; it is like the formation of a panel. This association uses parliamentary motions on a normal basis during their meetings. The purpose of SGA meetings is for senators to voice their concerns and make proposals to the President on behalf of the club and organization. The goal of the President and his board is to find solutions to the issues that are raised and to look into supporting students by ensuring that students are also doing well academically. Clubs and organizations also update each other about projects that they are working on and the progress they have made over time. Get more content on
  • 10. Engage In Student Government Benefits Students From these examples, it is clear that everyone benefit. Engage in student government benefits students because it teaches them the importance of citizenship and the importance of the democratic process. In addition, it teaches students the necessary leadership skills. PBIS is beneficial to students, teachers, and parents because the program teaches students how to manage their behavior in a positive manner. Teachers benefit because they receive the additional support for maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and parents benefit because they know that the school has a vested interest in the success of their child. Another area that I would suggest as an area for improvement would be parental involvement. Although Get more content on
  • 11. Government Class Reflection I went into Government class thinking I knew a lot about government. I quickly figured out there was a lot I had to learn. I am very glad I was required to take this class because without taking it, how would I know how everything works or know how I am affected by the government? My beliefs didn't change nor did the political party I identify myself with but I have a much better understanding about what goes on in our Country. I learned much more than I thought I would learn, from the ways someone can become president, to how a bill becomes a law, to who were considered to be the best presidents. I've learned that each state makes many of their own decisions. I learned that the law gives us freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, and Assembly. Get more content on
  • 12. Government Argumentative Essay Argumentative Essay Classrooms filled with ignorant teenagers, the value of education has been lost and the importance of government has completely disappeared in today's America. Students are growing up with a mentality that government 'does not matter' and it is 'not important'. This mentality can be changed through proper education. Knowledge of past documents that our founding fathers created as the basis of our country are essential to understanding our government. Students need to learn about the founding documents in order to be well educated citizens able to vote and take part in our government. Amendments listed in the United States Constitution are the backbone of our country. Our main liberties are listed in the first amendment; "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." (Baltell) These freedoms give citizens of the United States a chance to have rights and have them be ensured by the highest law of the land. Citizens' rights give the people opportunities that many other governments do not give their constituents. Rights in judicial cases are all listed in the 6th–8th amendments and list the right to a jury, a fair speedy trial and a right to a defense provided by from the court. These rights are important because if one is committed of a crime then one is ensured many freedoms during the entire court case. U.S. citizens also have voting rights listed in the 14th and 19th amendments. Having the ability to vote for executive positions in the government and having a voice are the most significant parts of our democracy to ensure a fair system. This country was formed from rebellions, huge gatherings and a sense of unity from every single citizen to one another. The Boston Tea Party was a huge event which ended with more U.S. citizens being aware of Great Britain's actions and increased patriotism and passion to create a country of freedom. This was a small start to a huge revolution leading to the US gaining independence and creating one of the first Get more content on
  • 13. Why I Want To Be A Student Council President I would be honored to take the position of being student council president. There are qualities a president of student council should possess that I believe I have. Initially, I would like to list all of the qualities I shall bring to the Student Council. I am very respectful of my peers and teachers. I have numerous academic accomplishments which I believe a president must not only be a good role model for the rest of the student body but also lead in academics as well. In addition to my academic skills I developed leadership skills that I have obtained from Beta and 4–H. In these clubs I have learned how to communicate and work in groups I am very flexible at taking on any task and conforming to each and every job when it is needed of me. Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Government Government Government! You can't live with it! You can't live without it! It is the "common cold" that everyone dreads. The American Heritage College Dictionary, Third Edition defines government as, "The exercise of authority in a political unit in order to control and administer public policy." Webster's Desk Dictionary of the English Language defines government as, "The political direction and control exercised over a nation, state, community, etc." The common individual might define government as the root of all evil. The thing about government is that no one stops to think about how government came about. Government falls into two categories; monarchy or a republic. A monarchy is a form of government that is always headed by more content... King Fahad has complete control over it's citizens in all aspects pertaining to their country. Laws, punishments, and regulations are in the hands of King Fahad. If the government of a country does not fall into any of these categories, it is a republic. A republic is defined in Webster's Desk Dictionary of the English Language as any government in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. There are three types of republics; dictatorship, oligarchy, or democracy. A dictatorship is a republic ruled by one individual. Cuba has a dictatorship. Fidel Castro is the main contributor to Cuban society. He oversees his people yet allows his people the right to vote him in or out of office. An oligarchy is another type of republic. This type is ruled by a select few. An example of an oligarchic society would be France. King Louis XV is king but he has a complete parliament to assist him in the law making procedure of France. The third type of republic is a democracy. A democracy is defined as a society ruled by the majority. An example of a democratic republic would be the United States. There are four theories that coincide with government; divine, natural, social compact, and force.
  • 15. The divine theory was developed out of religion. The theory states that government ordained itself from God, and its main purpose is Get more content on
  • 16. Government And State And Government Essay Introduction Government and state is like a two sides of a coin. Some political thinkers do not make any distinction between state and government. As a state Bangladesh has experienced different types of government since 1971 including democracy and military government. None of the experience is good for the people of the state. As a form of government democracy has some advantages and also some disadvantages. But in a country like Bangladesh you mostly have to suffer the demerits of democracy. Many political thinker defined "State" in different ways. State is mainly a organized unit of a particular portion of mankind (Burgess, 1890). On the other hand government A group of people that governs a residential district or unit. That sets and administers community policy and workout routines executive, political in addition to sovereign power as a result of customs, institutions, and laws in just a state. A government is usually classified into several types–dictatorship, monarchy, democracy, aristocracy are only a few. Bangladesh is a small country with huge population. So the needs and rights of people of country is can be reflected best by the democratic government system. It insures participation of every legal voters and give them the opportunity to choose their own government. But the problem is that relationship between public and MP's had always been bad and it always has effected development of our country. Democratic governments in our country often act as a pseudo Get more content on
  • 17. My Goals For Student Council As a student finishing out middle school and entering high school, I had many ambitions for my future life. I wanted to become a student leader, and, as I went through my freshman year, I wanted to be involved in Student Council through the Central Minnesota Association of Student Councils (CMASC). Despite these ambitions, I had two major hurdles that I had to get over in order to reach these goals: my shyness and my fear of public speaking. In order to achieve my goals for Student Council, I would have to campaign, get to know others, and speak in front of a large group of them. However, these activities fell far outside of my comfort zone, and it would take a lot of work to be able to do these things. In order to encourage myself to overcome these two fears, I decided that I would continue to pursue my ambition without even considering that I had my reservations. My friends in the more content... Although I was wondering whether it would be crazy to run as a sophomore, for the first time, I did not question my abilities. After some considerable thought and talking with my family, I decided to chase after this office as well. This time around, I was able to campaign for myself without any fear or reservation, and successfully delivered my speech to an audience of about 400 delegates. Although I did not win this election as a sophomore, it put me on track to become President as a junior and proved that I am capable of overcoming my fears and achieving success. Now, as a senior, I speak on a regular basis in front of other student councils at conventions across Minnesota and have found it enjoyable to meet new people and learn more about them. These skills will be very useful when I enter college as one of many students from across the United States, and will allow me to make connections that will last a Get more content on
  • 18. American Government Essay example American Government Each type of government holds different views as to the role the leaders and citizens should perform in their country .Different types of government include, oligarchy where the government is run by the best leaders, Tyranny, where they believe those in power should have complete control over its people. In the United States of America, we believe in democracy, rule by the majority. The main problem with our type ofgovernment is maintaining it. Our government and its citizens have lost sight of their roles and responsibilities, in government. The role of the government in our country is defined in our Constitution as to, "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote more content... Although I myself do not wish to participate in theses activities, I do not think that is my duty or that of the governments to tell others that they cannot do these things. The government is crossing the line from being a democracy to becoming a combination of Oligarchy and Tyranny type government by telling its people what they can and cannot do in their private lives. The private citizens seem to have lost sight of their role in government as well. The people have forgotten that they are just as part of the government as the people that hold positions in office. Citizens of this country sit around and complain about what the governments does or doesn't do. They complain about the government running their lives. What they seem to have forgotten is, they have elected theses people. When it comes to voting, the people should look into the person that they are voting for. They need to ask themselves, What does this person stand for? Does this person believe in the things that are important to me? Will this person make the right decisions? The problem is,too many people just vote for whom ever is affiliated to the party of their choice. It is the duty of the citizens of America to vote and vote wisely. We need to remember our role in government, if we want the government to remember theirs. How perfect would It be if our government was run according to Lao–tzu and his teachings in Tao–te Ching? Lao–tzu believed in the unseen Get more content on
  • 19. Purpose Of Government Essay What is the purpose of government? When looking up the definition of a government it says, "the governing body of a nation, state, or community"( This helps to understand it a bit more, but what is the purpose of a government. Government has many purposes that keep its people safe and protected, this includes to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. There are so many ways that the government is use and there are so many sub categories and even those have categories. So when one is faced with a question like this there any number of responses, and but the main purpose of a more content... government ensures the right of the people are protected by having the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights has many other articles that protect the people's rights however, this is not the only way the government protects our right. Another way the government protects our rights is by the justice system. The justice system includes creating and passing laws that protect the rights of people. There has been a lot of conflicting feelings about equal right among everything, but what hold the most controversy is the LGBT becoming equal with the rest of the world and recently laws have been passed to try and equalize the LGBT community with the rest of the citizens, in 2015 the Supreme Court's announced "States cannot keep same–sex couples from marrying and must recognize their unions, the Supreme Court says in a ruling that for months has been the focus of speculation. "(Chappell). This means all 50 states must allow same–sex marriage no matter how the states feel about the issue, in order for the law to pass it had to go through the Justice System. This proves that the Justice System helps to protect the right of citizens because everyone has the right to marry even if it is the same–sex, by it becoming law it further protects this right that citizens are entitled to. This isn't the only case of the the Justice system has helped to safeguard people's rights. In California a law Get more content on
  • 20. Why I Want To Be A Student Council Secretary I am Andrea Villezcas and i am running for student council secretary. I am running for student council secretary because i am organized, committed, and i want to make a difference during my time at Kellis. Many of the staff at Kellis see me as a friendly and reliable person because that is how i show myself. I have obtained a good reputation and i do truly believe that i will benefit student council strongly. To be a student council officer, you need to be confident and assertive, which can used mixed ways but i use it positively. My 7th grade year i was student council secretary, in 8th grade i was 8th grade student council president and NJHS vice president, and in 6th grade i was a class representative. Those 3 years i was known for having Get more content on