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The Pros and Cons of Technology Essay
The question of whether modern technological development has been beneficial or detrimental to
human beings is perhaps the most pressing question that faces our society. If technology is harmful,
then we need to minimize or eliminate the danger. If technology is not the source of the problems
and concerns that are frequently attributed to it, then we need to find another cause for the social
and psychological pressures faced by our society, so we can address these problems. Ever since the
advent of the Industrial Revolution, people have voiced complaints about the harmful effects of
technology. Therefore, we need to examine what Martin Heidegger, a twentieth–century German
philosopher, called "The Question Concerning Technology." In more content...
Entire genres of popular music with revealing names, such as "Industrial" and "Techno" have also
arisen in recent decades. For example, "Industrial" music frequently deals with existential anguish,
alienation, and meaninglessness of life as important themes. Some "Industrial" bands, such as Nine
Inch Nails, have even produced multi–platinum albums and won important popular music awards.
These factors indicate that problem of technology pervades our society and culture, whether
consciously or subconsciously. And yet, in order to consider the problems posed by technology, it is
necessary to discover the nature of the problem. While examining arguments against modern
technology, I have encountered two main strands of thought concerning its dangers.
Perhaps one of the best critiques of the modern technological–industrial system can be found in FC's
document Industrial Society and Its Future, more commonly known as the "Unabomber Manifesto."
Because this text has had such a wide–ranging impact on our society, I will examine it first. Although
there are many discrepancies with the argument presented in the Manifesto, the concerns expressed
within it are valid. For the sake of discussion, I will focus mainly on the issues presented in the
Manifesto and the solution proposed therein, rather than on the argument itself.
In brief, FC's argument is that the present technological–industrial system
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Pros And Cons Of Space Exploration
Space exploration can lead to a giant leap for mankind. However, it is also criticized for not
having achieved any major scientific breakthroughs. While some believe that space exploration and
research in the field has many advantages, there are others who criticize the field for having no real
benefit for mankind. As a people we need to decide what is the best course of action regarding space
exploration, but in order to do that, we need to become educated. What are the pros and cons of
space exploration?
One reason myriad proponents argue that space travel is a good thing is because of the potential to
discover life. Most exploration of the cosmos has revolved around finding planets with the same
environment as earth's. Somewhere more content...
We always equate space exploration with the discovery of life or materials that could useful for
mankind. however, this may not be the case, exploring space may land us in trouble. In space, we
may find something that is dangerous or even lethal to the life on Earth. We may discover
something that can be harmful to the living beings on our planet. In an article by Dave Mosher,
science and technology correspondent at Business Insider, "Space Makes Bacteria More
Dangerous", Mosher states, "Bacteria express different sets of genes in different environments to
ensure their survival. Inhospitable conditions, for example, can turn on a "master switch" in
some bacteria and allow the microbes to form tough spores that can survive the extreme
conditions of space" (Mosher). Space can alter forms of life and even material. Space is different
than our living conditions here on earth, and different is not always a good thing. This change
can be very dangerous for life on earth and even threaten our existence. We need to be careful
with what our space exploration brings. Along with space exploration comes space research, this
research can bring many changes in our lives. It can lead to new discoveries in science and open
doors too much information. In fact, space exploration has already benefited us in many ways. For
example, space satellites help locate minerals and fossil fuels. Due to our knowledge of the sun, we
have been able to harness solar energy. Currently
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The Pros And Cons Of Conflict
"The people to fear are not those who disagree with you, but those who disagree with you and are
too cowardly to let you know ."– Napolean Bonaparte
Conflict can be referred to as a difference of opinion caused by opposing attitudes, behaviors, ideas,
needs, wants or goals. Conflict is usually associated with negative thoughts or unpleasant situations,
which if ignored can lead to destructive situations. Conflict at the workplace is common, but can be
serious if not resolved at the right time. It has the potential to decrease productivity, increase
employee stress, undermine morale, hamper performance, increase absenteeism and lead to more content...
Conflict between groups involving teams or large group of employees and management. Conflict
between individuals, colleagues can happen due to clash of personalities or strong differences of
opinion over work. It can also be due to an " overspill" from personal issues outside work. Such
conflicts, between people of the same rank can often lead to accusations of bullying and
harassment. Good managers in such a scenario will always keep the lines of communication
open. To create a climate of open and positive dialogue, would best deal with the situation. If an
employee feels free to approach the manager, problems can be nipped in the bud before they
escalate into formal grievances. If conflict involves an employee and the manager, then it may not
be easy to identify the cause. The management style may be too authoritarian or too weak . The
manager may be indulging in favoritism while assigning tasks. An employee may talk to the
manager about how he feels or he may suddenly confront the manager with a list of grievances. It
can be hard for employees to express their concerns with senior colleagues. If they don't feel free to
talk to their immediate boss, they may even approach another manager or employee representative,
which can create still more conflicting
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Cloud Computing: Pros and Cons Essay
Cloud computing has greatly influenced many aspects within the growing technology sector. This
innovative approach has altered the way many businesses and individuals use technology. While
there is no one clear definition of cloud computing, the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) defines cloud computing as "a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient,
on–demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks,
servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with
minimal management effort or service provider interaction" (Mell & Grance, 2011). It is composed
of three service models: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS,) Platform as a more
Cloud Computing: Advantages and Disadvantages The primary concern of cloud computing for
many business users is its cost. Cloud computing is economically feasible because it reduces the
computing costs for the end user by "eliminating its fixed and overhead costs for hardware and
software" (Jackson, 2011). This economical feasibility will help lead to increased efficiency.
Kevin L. Jackson (2011), general manager of cloud services for NJVC, also realizes that the "cost
savings can only be realized through the use of significant pooling of these configurable computing
resources or resource pooling." Businesses can minimize costs by ensuring that their employees use
the cloud service and only pay for the amount of the service consumed as an alternative to spending
money on additional servers and storage devices that are seldom used, in addition to licenses fees
that accumulate from the infrequent use of software by employees (Jackson, 2011). While on the
topic of costs, start–up costs are lower because the service does not require investing a great deal of
money in any new hardware, software, or additional employees if the user already has a computer
and access to the internet. Many people are more likely to prefer this service over a system that
requires a higher initial investment. Many sources
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Persuasive Essay On Pros And Cons
There has always been an unofficial borderline between what is right and what is wrong in our
society, especially when concerning the rights of the average American citizen, are there things that
conflict with the amendments or not? What do we truly have a right to in our country as of today?
There is known to be mass surveillance happening today and we don't have a say in rather it's right
or wrong or rather if we want it to continue, there are, of course, downsides and positives to such a
thing like mass surveillance, for example, it's easy to track down stolen vehicles if the situation
ever arises. This mass surveillance occurs within big private corporations who don't exactly have
any set parameters for where they exactly tread too close to the privacy of other people, which is
where the problem lies. Individuals sometimes don't wish to be under surveillance due to past
issues that have occurred, such as someone in the Witness Protection Program, it is obvious that
some people have to be exempt from this mass surveillance. The two arguments presented are the
collection of license plate numbers and mass surveillance harbored by private corporations who
operate on a daily basis. One argues that collecting license plate numbers is simply a collection of
public information, while the other states that these private corporations have no right to track the
average citizen. So, where's the line drawn, do they or do they not have a right to collecting this data
about license
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The Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing Essay
Standardized testing is a down fall to many students but also an opportunity for many others.
Standardized testing has its pros and its cons. It can be the make it or break it factor into getting
into colleges you are hoping to attend or the scholarships you want to earn. Some people may have
their opinions about the test, whether they hate it or not but the fact is that it's here to stay.
What exactly is standardized testing you may ask, it is a test which measures the knowledge among
different students. There are many different standardized test in many different forms. High school
standardized test include the SAT, ACT, and the awful dreaded FCAT. There are also standardized
test in many different fields such as Medical (MCATs) more content...
For this reason we give standardized test so admission committees can look at results from their
standardized test knowing the students knowledge among other students. This is fair in most cases
since all students are receiving the same material and are offered the same opportunity as the other
Standardized testing has many cons but it also has its pros. Standardized Testing can be a guideline
for teachers on what to teach their students and what they are learning and if they need help If they
are falling behind. Since all students around the state and county take standardized test such as the
ACT the SAT or the FCAT it can let parents know where there child stands compared to other
students around the state. One major cause standardized testing has to helping teachers is that it
allows us to track the students progression. For example it tells us if the student has improved over
the years , stayed consistent, or has fallen behind. We can track this because students take test like
the FCAT year–round which lets us calculate the progression of the student. Standardized test also
lets us compare how boys are doing compared to the girls.(Margie)
Standardized Testing has many cons compared to pros. The biggest con of all is the stress it puts on
students and teachers alike. The stress it puts on teachers is that sometimes teacher's teach according
to the test because they want to
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Persuasive Essay On A Camping Trip
Camping in Alaska, Arizona, and Colorado The wilderness is vast, unforgiving, and beauteous;
those who visit it unprepared find thorns instead of roses, but even as tough as a trip into the wild
is, the pros can be worth the cons. Many venture into camping with no wary thoughts about the
dangers it brings; the wildlife, environment, weather, and location can instantaneously alter your
seemingly perfect trip. Surprisingly, these problems can be avoided, but only through careful
planning. Planning a camping trip revolves around: climate, location, and environment. For
example, I would like to discuss three different places you can camp: Arizona, Colorado, and
Alaska. To begin with, choosing a season like spring, summer or fall can greatly alter the
temperature, and also determines the amount of rain you will experience. Because of its limited
rainfall, Arizona is an extremely dry, arid state. If you arrange to camp there, you would need tools
and nutrients fitted for a desert–like landscape. One of the more important items is water, without it
you would be helpless; water is important no matter where you are, whether a barren desert, or bitter
arctic wasteland. There is no doubt, In the Arizona desert; temperatures of over 125 degrees
Fahrenheit have occurred, yet the average in July and August is commonly found to be around 104
to 107 degrees. Despite the sweltering temperatures, at night the temperatures lower from
approximately 81 to 84 degrees. The next
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The biosphere consists of a compound infusion of gases; the main components are oxygen, nitrogen,
and carbon dioxide. The concentration of these gases have been changing for many years. For the
most part, this is influenced by human activity. In a persistent effort to improve the quality and
longevity of life, humans (particularly in industrialized societies) have tendencies to negatively
impact the environment, and at the same time, we strive to replenish what we have nearly depleted
to balance the scale.
The first example of human manipulation of changes within the biosphere is through expansion. The
rapid growth of the population has led to expansion in development; the need for more space is
causing strain on other living organisms such as plants and animals. Human procurement of forest,
grass, and wetlands has weighed on the animal population heavily. As a result of this domination,
animals have lost areas they use to thrive in, causing migration and in more serious cases extinction.
Animals are a prevalent source of protein for humans, and when a species is threatened by
extinction, it not only disrupts the balance of the ecosystem, but it also disrupts the food chain. The
more resources that are required to sustain human life, the bigger the need to migrate to surrounding
areas in a short period of time (Haines).
In contrast to the upheaval of animals in a development area, humans also make efforts to preserve
biodiversity and forests by creating wild life
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Pros And Cons Of Social Media Essay
Just like everything else in life, social media has pros and cons. However, the pros outweigh the
cons. Social networking assists businesses in various different ways. Also, while helping people
communicate more with others and to become more connected with them too. A fast and effortless
way to spread and receive crucial information is through social media. In the beginning, it was just
kids spending their time on websites like Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter. Now over seventy– eight
percent of the US has an account on a social networking website (Kerpen). The outcomes of social
media all depend on the ways the users are utilizing the advantages and disadvantages of it.
Some new and up in coming businesses owe their success to the power of social media. Social
media helps businesses promote their product for free. Not only is it free, but also its quick and
painless. Social media allows small businesses to get there products known. In today's society, it
is very common to online shop instead of actually going to the store's in person. People are
always looking for new stores especially cheaper stores. This allows all businesses to have their
own personal branding. Although, it is free to promote businesses online there are some sites that
allow brands to pay for an advertisement. The advertisement ensures that more people will see the
post, but if you still want to promote for free you just have to be clever about what is being
posted. Posting things that are related and relevant to today's society help get more attention.
Approximately ninety percent of large companies using social networking websites to promote
have proclaimed "at least one measurable business benefit"("Are Social Networking Sites Good for
Our Society?"). The shopping side of social media isn't just for customers and owners, it can also be
for employees too. Social networking websites have introduced a new improved industry that has
produced thousands of jobs. Ninety–six percent of job recruiters utilize social media throughout the
process of recruiting workers. "Social media sites help employers find employees and Job–seekers
find work("Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?"). Social media has given people the
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Pros And Cons And Pros
Pros and Cons T–Chart
Costs Benefits
If you plan to get your whole family implanted with the chip it could range from $920– $1,160 and
that could be expensive for some families. (FDA Approves Computer Chip For Humans,
The implantation site may become infected, or the chip may migrate elsewhere in the body. (Merrit
Kennedy, Wisconsin Company Offers To Implant Chips In Its Employees)
The article, Microchip Implants for Employees? One Company Says Yes, it mentions, "But
'encrypted is a pretty vague term'," he said, "which could include anything from a truly secure
product to something that is easily hackable."
The chip could be used for secret tracking, no one really knows too much more
being stolen. (Andrew Brown, Human Microchipping: An Unbiased Look at the Pros and Cons)
The chip can be used to make purchases, open doors, login to computers, and track employee
breaks. So as you see it can help a lot with daily life. (Merrit Kennedy, Wisconsin Company Offers
To Implant Chips In Its Employees)
Benefits and Cons paragraph
The RFID chip is rice grain sized electronic chip that gets implanted above your thumb in your
hand. It can be used to make your daily life easier by storing your personal credit card information or
medical information, open doors for you, unlock computers, and even can protect children from
being abducted by tracking them with the chip. The chip has its Pros and Cons but, because of the
harm and danger that the cons bring, the cons outweigh any benefits that may be gained. According
to Andrew Brown in "Human Microchipping: An Unbiased Look at the Pros and Cons," it
mentions that the chip is already be used for tracking children in other countries, such as Brazil, to
prevent or help save the children from child abduction. Now however, that benefit is really
important because of how now in our generation kidnapping and sex trafficking has been rising, so
this chip can save lives in that situation, however not everyone
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The Pros And Cons Of The Right To Privacy
"The Constitution was written in very general language, which has resulted in ambiguity about
where national power and authority end and state power and authority begin" (Fine, 2016). In other
words, American Federalism, a system of government where people distribute power between
national and state governments. The constitution gives each government their own power, but they
also share some power and responsibilities. All people living in the United States have the right to
privacy. The privacy of American citizens was a Supreme Court decision, which over the years has
established that the right to privacy is a basic human right. The right to privacy is often protected by
certain laws. For example, the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act that protects the
health information of individuals, The Privacy of Children on the Internet, The Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act, the Federal Trade Commission that enforces the right to privacy in several
ways and many other laws that help citizens maintain their rights to privacy. These are some of the
national and state policy that would help me explain the advantages and disadvantages of the privacy
Privacy is a fundamental right and most governments around the world have tried to protect the
privacy rights of their citizens. A person has the right to determine what kind of information is taken
about them and the purpose of that information. This helps to protect people
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Pros And Cons Of Playing Sports Essay
In today's world, parents either push their children out into the real world, or they keep the real
world hidden from them. Parents keep their kids from doing so much in life because of their own
fear. Every day children ask their parents for something; in most situations it is an easy "yes" or
"no", but in others it is a little harder to answer. In situations such as if they can buy something or
go somewhere it is an easy answer, but in situations such as playing sports, they have to consider
the pros and cons before they give an answer. Although there are many risks involved in playing
sports, there are also many benefits. Keeping a child from playing a sport because it is dangerous
limits the child's possibilities and benefits more content...
Physical safety is important to think about, but over protecting your child is harming them in many
ways. Keeping the real world hidden from them is going to make it harder on them in the long run,
they need to know that they cannot always win at life, and that they must work together to make
this world a better place. Playing sports may have its risks, but it also teaches valuable lessons.
Children get hurt daily, so why not let them benefit from it.
Every sport has potential risk factors. Injuries are very common in sports. When signing up for
sports you are potentially signing up to have nose bleeds and sometimes even death. When
professional snowmobiler Caleb Moore signed up for extreme snowmobiling he knew the risks
that were involved in it. During his run in the snowmobiling freestyle competition he "came up
short and the skis on the front of his snowmobile caught the lip of the landing area, sending [him]
flying over the handle bars", which led to his death (Golinkin 616). Although Moore's death is
looked at as a tragedy, it really is not. Caleb Moore died doing what he loved, and most incredibly,
"He literally died trying to fly" (Golinkin 617). Although the risk factor is very high when playing
sports, the benefits could make it well worth it. Playing sports is a mental, physical and emotional
thrill. "Sports, even violent and dangerous sports, continue to represent something
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Pros And Cons Of College Essay
As pounded in our heads by teachers and adults, after high school the best idea is to go to college.
This may not be the case for everyone. There are many pros and cons for college. College is not for
everyone, and I believe students should have the freedom to choose the path they take. For people
who desire to acquire a well paying job, a degree may be required. Most data points that the fastest
growing job categories require at least a college degree. Getting a degree can be as simple as going
for 2 years or even 6. Getting a college degree will draw employers attention and gain respect.
Some people who have a degree may get paid more at their job than others who do not. Expanding
your knowledge is important as there is always more to learn. In my opinion, college is the best idea
for any age student.
When planning your future, you can decide between a two–year community college or a four–year
university. You can base your decision depending on your career field or job you want to pursue.
Some jobs may not even require a degree, in which college is unnecessary. Some jobs may only
require an associate's degree, so why waste your money at a university. Some may say that the
experience at a four–year university is critical to growing up. Mr. Perlstein states, "the college
experience– a rite of passage as it was meant to be– must have come to an end." Rick Perlstein
believes that the four–year experience is meaningful. At a four–year, you may experience more
diversity, and
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Vaccine Pros And Cons Essay
There has been controversy over vaccines for decades, but scientific research shows that they are
more beneficial than harmful. They have stopped epidemics, but what is a vaccine? A Vaccine is the
injection of a killed or weakened organism (living thing that causes the disease) that produces
immunity in the body against that organism by letting the immune system "practice" on defeating
that organism. Vaccines help save lives every day and not the contrary. Vaccines are proven to be
very beneficial to society as a whole. Actually they have eliminated some very severe illnesses in the
U.S.A like polio. Polio was an infectious disease that attacked the nervous system, and 13,000 to
20,000 cases that resulted in paralysis were reported more content...
One of the many arguments about vaccines is that they don't work because the majority of people
who get sick are vaccinated. This argument is actually correct, but in many developed countries the
majority of the population is vaccinated making the statistic true. Also we know today that
85%–95% of childhood vaccines are effective as stated by WHO. Many people also argue that the
side effects outweigh the benefits. The most discussed side effect from a vaccine is autism from the
MMR vaccine. This was proven false in multiple scientific studies all across the world. Discussed
in a scientific paper published in the oxford journals stated that to this day every study that was
performed to support an association between the MMR vaccine and autism have failed to support
it. Vaccines save lives every day protecting the world from an epidemic every day. If a child isn't
vaccinated for a disease and they go to school, they can start spreading a new strain of a virus
because it would mutate to get transferred to a vaccinated patient. People that don't get vaccinations
have the potential to make a super "bug' without even knowing it just because of the mutations the
organism will have to go through to infect other
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Pros And Cons
As we approach the middle of October, many of our friends and neighbors are thinking about
updating their New Jersey or New York Metro home with Energy Star certified replacement
windows and patio doors. Cold weather is ahead, and you've decided this year you aren't going to
fight drafty corners or put up with excessive condensation that drips onto the floor beneath your
windows, we can help. Making financial decisions if just as important as considering which style,
or styles, are perfect for every room, and which accessories to add for enhanced comfort and
beauty. So, let's talk about several options you can use to pay for your new Renewal by Andersen
replacement windows.
The Pros & Cons of Financing Modern Replacement Windows more content...
Shop area. Explain why you need the money. And, don't be afraid to skip this option if your credit
card company isn't willing to work with you.
#3 Tax Advantages
If you itemize deductions, some points (if you pay down the interest rate) are fully deductible, and
you may be able to also claim interest. Talk to your tax accountant and/or your lender to determine
which tax credits and deductions are available.
Disadvantages of Financing
Low interest rates and tax deductions don't automatically mean that financing is better than paying
cash. Here are some possible drawbacks for you to consider.
Adding another monthly payment can mean added stress it means you'll have to adjust your lifestyle.
There are additional fees associated with getting a loan that may increase the overall debt more than
you are willing to accept.
Long–term credit card debt (unless you negotiate for zero–interest financing) will ultimately cost you
more than paying cash. And, if you are ever late, the card company can boost your interest rate
significantly, which could mean any savings you could have capture will be consumed with late fees
and higher interest.
The Pros & Cons of Investing Cash for High–Quality Replacement Windows
Buying any big–ticket item can be scary. And, if you'll be drawing down your savings significantly,
that can make the whole process more stressful. If you're planning to buy a new vehicle, retire soon,
or change jobs in the near future, paying cash may not be the best
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The Pros and Cons of Technology Essay
People very often debate whether technology is good or bad. Many people believe that technology
can only cause harm to their lives and society, while many others strongly defend the technologies
which have made their lives much more leisurely and enriching than it could have been several
hundred years ago. In my opinion, both of these views are correct to an extent, but I also believe
that what should be examined is not whether technology in its self is good or bad, but rather how we
as humans use it.For decades now, television has been accused of contributing to the dissolution of
the American family and the destruction of the minds of those who watch it. However, although the
TV has been involved in this, the problem roots not more content...
Refrigerators, gas and electric ovens, microwaves, vacuums, dishwashers....the list goes on and on.
All these things have made housework tremendously easier than it would have been about 100 years
This results with both positive and negative effects. It has given us easier ways to get jobs done,
leaving more time for other things, but the bad part of this is what is chosen to do in this extra
time. In many cases, this extra time is spent doing leisurely things, which might make us more
happy, but also has an effect on our health. Lately we have become aware of the dangers of heart
disease and the health benefits of exercise....the exercise we would have gotten 100 years ago just
from doing our daily chores but now aren't getting enough of because we don't have to work as hard
to do those same chores.
This can be blamed on technology, but again, in fact it is our own fault because we chose to use
the technology and spend the extra time lazing around.Now, something that really bothers me
about technology is what is made out of it. I often question why people spend so much time and
money trying to come up with so many useless things when we have global warming problems
and starving children working in shoe factories. For example, scientists spent years to make a
clone of a sheep. Now let me ask you, is their any practical use in knowing how to clone a sheep?
Many people think that eventually this scientific advancement will lead into
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Vaccination Pros And Cons Essay
Just as some people support vaccinations, There are many who don't for a number of reasons. Firstly,
numerous Americans don't support vaccinations because it goes against their religion; the mandation
of vaccinations infringes on people's amendment rights. "Several religions oppose vaccines and
mandatory vaccinations. The First Amendment of the US Constitution states, 'Congress shall make
no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
('" Religious opposers believe mandatory vaccinations go against their first amendment
right: Freedom of religion. They believe that being forced to get vaccinated make them go against
god; "some believe it violates their religious freedom and subverts more content...
(Tolsma 5) They also know some vaccinations contain fetal tissue and those who are "prolife"
(many religious groups) are against the scientific use of fetuses. "...further detailed research by
several prolife groups has provided direct proof of a connection between aborted fetal tissue and
many vaccines. That connection, and its implications for whether prolife citizens should consider
using the vaccines, raises some complicated issues. (Life notes)" Some religious groups are against
abortions so, the use of aborted fetuses or aborted fetal tissue is something they do not support. "Still
other catholic groups have 'specific opposition to vaccinations manufactures using human cell lines
derived from aborted fetuses.' Regardless of specific belief, it stems from religious conviction.
(Tolsma 5)" Secondly, researchers have found correlations between young children who get
vaccinated and young children with autism. Some believe vaccinations cause autism. "The anti–
vaccine movement has been going strong since prestigious british medical journal that Lancet
published a study in 1998 linking a common vaccine to autism. The journal later retracted the study,
which was thoroughly discredited. (Why do so many people doubt
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Pros And Cons Persuasive Essay
Camping in Alaska, Arizona, and Colorado The wilderness is vast, unforgiving, and beauteous;
those who visit it unprepared find thorns instead of roses, but even as tough as a trip into the wild
is, the pros can be worth the cons. Many venture into camping with no wary thoughts about the
dangers it brings; the wildlife, environment, weather, and location can instantaneously alter your
seemingly perfect trip. Surprisingly, these problems can be avoided, but only through careful
planning. Planning a camping trip revolves around: climate, location, and environment. For
example, I would like to discuss three different places you can camp: Arizona, Colorado, and
Alaska. To begin with, choosing a season like spring, summer or fall can greatly alter the
temperature, and also determines the amount of rain you will experience. Because of its limited
rainfall, Arizona is an extremely dry, arid state. If you arrange to camp there, you would need tools
and nutrients fitted for a desert–like landscape. One of the more important items is water, without it
you would be helpless; water is important no matter where you are, whether a barren desert, or bitter
arctic wasteland. There is no doubt, In the Arizona desert; temperatures of over 125 degrees
Fahrenheit have occurred, yet the average in July and August is commonly found to be around 104
to 107 degrees. Despite the sweltering temperatures, at night the temperatures lower from
approximately 81 to 84 degrees. The
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Internet Pros And Cons Essay
"In today's world, the internet is a huge part of everyone's daily lives. People are extremely reliant
on the internet because most jobs and schools use it as a tool to increase efficiency and to save
time. It seems that the internet is massively beneficial but it also has its cons. The internet can be
beneficial because it can be a place for people so escape and help with their mental health.
Another reason the internet is good is because it is an amazing tool that allows a person to access
any information within minutes. Some cons that come with having access to the internet is that it
can be addictive and this results in a person always spending their time on the internet rather than
doing other things that can benefit their health and life. Another con that could also be consider a
pro is social media and the press. Social media and the press often cause more harm than good
because their main focus is to bring in money so they will exaggerate as much as possible if it
means that they will make a few more content...
It seems like bullying is more common on the internet because the bully is able to hide behind
their screen so they can say pretty much whatever they want without any repercussions. I think that
schools should definitely be aloud to keep tabs on a student's social media, but there should be
rules so no one is being taken advantage of. The school should only keep tabs on a student's social
media if they are suspicious of bullying or if someone brings it to their attention. Bullying is not
okay so if this will be an effective way to stop it then I say that it is a good idea. I also think that it is
important that schools monitor what is being searched because without this, students could waste
their time looking at pointless things or they could also use the internet to cheat on their assignments
so having restrictions will ensure that students cannot access these sights while at
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Pros And Cons Essay Topics

  • 1. The Pros and Cons of Technology Essay The question of whether modern technological development has been beneficial or detrimental to human beings is perhaps the most pressing question that faces our society. If technology is harmful, then we need to minimize or eliminate the danger. If technology is not the source of the problems and concerns that are frequently attributed to it, then we need to find another cause for the social and psychological pressures faced by our society, so we can address these problems. Ever since the advent of the Industrial Revolution, people have voiced complaints about the harmful effects of technology. Therefore, we need to examine what Martin Heidegger, a twentieth–century German philosopher, called "The Question Concerning Technology." In more content... Entire genres of popular music with revealing names, such as "Industrial" and "Techno" have also arisen in recent decades. For example, "Industrial" music frequently deals with existential anguish, alienation, and meaninglessness of life as important themes. Some "Industrial" bands, such as Nine Inch Nails, have even produced multi–platinum albums and won important popular music awards. These factors indicate that problem of technology pervades our society and culture, whether consciously or subconsciously. And yet, in order to consider the problems posed by technology, it is necessary to discover the nature of the problem. While examining arguments against modern technology, I have encountered two main strands of thought concerning its dangers. Perhaps one of the best critiques of the modern technological–industrial system can be found in FC's document Industrial Society and Its Future, more commonly known as the "Unabomber Manifesto." Because this text has had such a wide–ranging impact on our society, I will examine it first. Although there are many discrepancies with the argument presented in the Manifesto, the concerns expressed within it are valid. For the sake of discussion, I will focus mainly on the issues presented in the Manifesto and the solution proposed therein, rather than on the argument itself. In brief, FC's argument is that the present technological–industrial system Get more content on
  • 2. Pros And Cons Of Space Exploration Space exploration can lead to a giant leap for mankind. However, it is also criticized for not having achieved any major scientific breakthroughs. While some believe that space exploration and research in the field has many advantages, there are others who criticize the field for having no real benefit for mankind. As a people we need to decide what is the best course of action regarding space exploration, but in order to do that, we need to become educated. What are the pros and cons of space exploration? One reason myriad proponents argue that space travel is a good thing is because of the potential to discover life. Most exploration of the cosmos has revolved around finding planets with the same environment as earth's. Somewhere more content... We always equate space exploration with the discovery of life or materials that could useful for mankind. however, this may not be the case, exploring space may land us in trouble. In space, we may find something that is dangerous or even lethal to the life on Earth. We may discover something that can be harmful to the living beings on our planet. In an article by Dave Mosher, science and technology correspondent at Business Insider, "Space Makes Bacteria More Dangerous", Mosher states, "Bacteria express different sets of genes in different environments to ensure their survival. Inhospitable conditions, for example, can turn on a "master switch" in some bacteria and allow the microbes to form tough spores that can survive the extreme conditions of space" (Mosher). Space can alter forms of life and even material. Space is different than our living conditions here on earth, and different is not always a good thing. This change can be very dangerous for life on earth and even threaten our existence. We need to be careful with what our space exploration brings. Along with space exploration comes space research, this research can bring many changes in our lives. It can lead to new discoveries in science and open doors too much information. In fact, space exploration has already benefited us in many ways. For example, space satellites help locate minerals and fossil fuels. Due to our knowledge of the sun, we have been able to harness solar energy. Currently Get more content on
  • 3. The Pros And Cons Of Conflict "The people to fear are not those who disagree with you, but those who disagree with you and are too cowardly to let you know ."– Napolean Bonaparte Conflict can be referred to as a difference of opinion caused by opposing attitudes, behaviors, ideas, needs, wants or goals. Conflict is usually associated with negative thoughts or unpleasant situations, which if ignored can lead to destructive situations. Conflict at the workplace is common, but can be serious if not resolved at the right time. It has the potential to decrease productivity, increase employee stress, undermine morale, hamper performance, increase absenteeism and lead to more content... Conflict between groups involving teams or large group of employees and management. Conflict between individuals, colleagues can happen due to clash of personalities or strong differences of opinion over work. It can also be due to an " overspill" from personal issues outside work. Such conflicts, between people of the same rank can often lead to accusations of bullying and harassment. Good managers in such a scenario will always keep the lines of communication open. To create a climate of open and positive dialogue, would best deal with the situation. If an employee feels free to approach the manager, problems can be nipped in the bud before they escalate into formal grievances. If conflict involves an employee and the manager, then it may not be easy to identify the cause. The management style may be too authoritarian or too weak . The manager may be indulging in favoritism while assigning tasks. An employee may talk to the manager about how he feels or he may suddenly confront the manager with a list of grievances. It can be hard for employees to express their concerns with senior colleagues. If they don't feel free to talk to their immediate boss, they may even approach another manager or employee representative, which can create still more conflicting Get more content on
  • 4. Cloud Computing: Pros and Cons Essay Cloud computing has greatly influenced many aspects within the growing technology sector. This innovative approach has altered the way many businesses and individuals use technology. While there is no one clear definition of cloud computing, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines cloud computing as "a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on–demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction" (Mell & Grance, 2011). It is composed of three service models: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS,) Platform as a more content... Cloud Computing: Advantages and Disadvantages The primary concern of cloud computing for many business users is its cost. Cloud computing is economically feasible because it reduces the computing costs for the end user by "eliminating its fixed and overhead costs for hardware and software" (Jackson, 2011). This economical feasibility will help lead to increased efficiency. Kevin L. Jackson (2011), general manager of cloud services for NJVC, also realizes that the "cost savings can only be realized through the use of significant pooling of these configurable computing resources or resource pooling." Businesses can minimize costs by ensuring that their employees use the cloud service and only pay for the amount of the service consumed as an alternative to spending money on additional servers and storage devices that are seldom used, in addition to licenses fees that accumulate from the infrequent use of software by employees (Jackson, 2011). While on the topic of costs, start–up costs are lower because the service does not require investing a great deal of money in any new hardware, software, or additional employees if the user already has a computer and access to the internet. Many people are more likely to prefer this service over a system that requires a higher initial investment. Many sources Get more content on
  • 5. Persuasive Essay On Pros And Cons There has always been an unofficial borderline between what is right and what is wrong in our society, especially when concerning the rights of the average American citizen, are there things that conflict with the amendments or not? What do we truly have a right to in our country as of today? There is known to be mass surveillance happening today and we don't have a say in rather it's right or wrong or rather if we want it to continue, there are, of course, downsides and positives to such a thing like mass surveillance, for example, it's easy to track down stolen vehicles if the situation ever arises. This mass surveillance occurs within big private corporations who don't exactly have any set parameters for where they exactly tread too close to the privacy of other people, which is where the problem lies. Individuals sometimes don't wish to be under surveillance due to past issues that have occurred, such as someone in the Witness Protection Program, it is obvious that some people have to be exempt from this mass surveillance. The two arguments presented are the collection of license plate numbers and mass surveillance harbored by private corporations who operate on a daily basis. One argues that collecting license plate numbers is simply a collection of public information, while the other states that these private corporations have no right to track the average citizen. So, where's the line drawn, do they or do they not have a right to collecting this data about license Get more content on
  • 6. The Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing Essay Standardized testing is a down fall to many students but also an opportunity for many others. Standardized testing has its pros and its cons. It can be the make it or break it factor into getting into colleges you are hoping to attend or the scholarships you want to earn. Some people may have their opinions about the test, whether they hate it or not but the fact is that it's here to stay. What exactly is standardized testing you may ask, it is a test which measures the knowledge among different students. There are many different standardized test in many different forms. High school standardized test include the SAT, ACT, and the awful dreaded FCAT. There are also standardized test in many different fields such as Medical (MCATs) more content... For this reason we give standardized test so admission committees can look at results from their standardized test knowing the students knowledge among other students. This is fair in most cases since all students are receiving the same material and are offered the same opportunity as the other students. Standardized testing has many cons but it also has its pros. Standardized Testing can be a guideline for teachers on what to teach their students and what they are learning and if they need help If they are falling behind. Since all students around the state and county take standardized test such as the ACT the SAT or the FCAT it can let parents know where there child stands compared to other students around the state. One major cause standardized testing has to helping teachers is that it allows us to track the students progression. For example it tells us if the student has improved over the years , stayed consistent, or has fallen behind. We can track this because students take test like the FCAT year–round which lets us calculate the progression of the student. Standardized test also lets us compare how boys are doing compared to the girls.(Margie) Standardized Testing has many cons compared to pros. The biggest con of all is the stress it puts on students and teachers alike. The stress it puts on teachers is that sometimes teacher's teach according to the test because they want to Get more content on
  • 7. Persuasive Essay On A Camping Trip Camping in Alaska, Arizona, and Colorado The wilderness is vast, unforgiving, and beauteous; those who visit it unprepared find thorns instead of roses, but even as tough as a trip into the wild is, the pros can be worth the cons. Many venture into camping with no wary thoughts about the dangers it brings; the wildlife, environment, weather, and location can instantaneously alter your seemingly perfect trip. Surprisingly, these problems can be avoided, but only through careful planning. Planning a camping trip revolves around: climate, location, and environment. For example, I would like to discuss three different places you can camp: Arizona, Colorado, and Alaska. To begin with, choosing a season like spring, summer or fall can greatly alter the temperature, and also determines the amount of rain you will experience. Because of its limited rainfall, Arizona is an extremely dry, arid state. If you arrange to camp there, you would need tools and nutrients fitted for a desert–like landscape. One of the more important items is water, without it you would be helpless; water is important no matter where you are, whether a barren desert, or bitter arctic wasteland. There is no doubt, In the Arizona desert; temperatures of over 125 degrees Fahrenheit have occurred, yet the average in July and August is commonly found to be around 104 to 107 degrees. Despite the sweltering temperatures, at night the temperatures lower from approximately 81 to 84 degrees. The next Get more content on
  • 8. The biosphere consists of a compound infusion of gases; the main components are oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. The concentration of these gases have been changing for many years. For the most part, this is influenced by human activity. In a persistent effort to improve the quality and longevity of life, humans (particularly in industrialized societies) have tendencies to negatively impact the environment, and at the same time, we strive to replenish what we have nearly depleted to balance the scale. The first example of human manipulation of changes within the biosphere is through expansion. The rapid growth of the population has led to expansion in development; the need for more space is causing strain on other living organisms such as plants and animals. Human procurement of forest, grass, and wetlands has weighed on the animal population heavily. As a result of this domination, animals have lost areas they use to thrive in, causing migration and in more serious cases extinction. Animals are a prevalent source of protein for humans, and when a species is threatened by extinction, it not only disrupts the balance of the ecosystem, but it also disrupts the food chain. The more resources that are required to sustain human life, the bigger the need to migrate to surrounding areas in a short period of time (Haines). In contrast to the upheaval of animals in a development area, humans also make efforts to preserve biodiversity and forests by creating wild life Get more content on
  • 9. Pros And Cons Of Social Media Essay Just like everything else in life, social media has pros and cons. However, the pros outweigh the cons. Social networking assists businesses in various different ways. Also, while helping people communicate more with others and to become more connected with them too. A fast and effortless way to spread and receive crucial information is through social media. In the beginning, it was just kids spending their time on websites like Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter. Now over seventy– eight percent of the US has an account on a social networking website (Kerpen). The outcomes of social media all depend on the ways the users are utilizing the advantages and disadvantages of it. Some new and up in coming businesses owe their success to the power of social media. Social media helps businesses promote their product for free. Not only is it free, but also its quick and painless. Social media allows small businesses to get there products known. In today's society, it is very common to online shop instead of actually going to the store's in person. People are always looking for new stores especially cheaper stores. This allows all businesses to have their own personal branding. Although, it is free to promote businesses online there are some sites that allow brands to pay for an advertisement. The advertisement ensures that more people will see the post, but if you still want to promote for free you just have to be clever about what is being posted. Posting things that are related and relevant to today's society help get more attention. Approximately ninety percent of large companies using social networking websites to promote have proclaimed "at least one measurable business benefit"("Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?"). The shopping side of social media isn't just for customers and owners, it can also be for employees too. Social networking websites have introduced a new improved industry that has produced thousands of jobs. Ninety–six percent of job recruiters utilize social media throughout the process of recruiting workers. "Social media sites help employers find employees and Job–seekers find work("Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?"). Social media has given people the opportunity Get more content on
  • 10. Pros And Cons And Pros Pros and Cons T–Chart Costs Benefits If you plan to get your whole family implanted with the chip it could range from $920– $1,160 and that could be expensive for some families. (FDA Approves Computer Chip For Humans, The implantation site may become infected, or the chip may migrate elsewhere in the body. (Merrit Kennedy, Wisconsin Company Offers To Implant Chips In Its Employees) The article, Microchip Implants for Employees? One Company Says Yes, it mentions, "But 'encrypted is a pretty vague term'," he said, "which could include anything from a truly secure product to something that is easily hackable." The chip could be used for secret tracking, no one really knows too much more content... being stolen. (Andrew Brown, Human Microchipping: An Unbiased Look at the Pros and Cons) The chip can be used to make purchases, open doors, login to computers, and track employee breaks. So as you see it can help a lot with daily life. (Merrit Kennedy, Wisconsin Company Offers To Implant Chips In Its Employees) Benefits and Cons paragraph The RFID chip is rice grain sized electronic chip that gets implanted above your thumb in your hand. It can be used to make your daily life easier by storing your personal credit card information or medical information, open doors for you, unlock computers, and even can protect children from being abducted by tracking them with the chip. The chip has its Pros and Cons but, because of the harm and danger that the cons bring, the cons outweigh any benefits that may be gained. According to Andrew Brown in "Human Microchipping: An Unbiased Look at the Pros and Cons," it mentions that the chip is already be used for tracking children in other countries, such as Brazil, to prevent or help save the children from child abduction. Now however, that benefit is really important because of how now in our generation kidnapping and sex trafficking has been rising, so this chip can save lives in that situation, however not everyone Get more content on
  • 11. The Pros And Cons Of The Right To Privacy Introduction "The Constitution was written in very general language, which has resulted in ambiguity about where national power and authority end and state power and authority begin" (Fine, 2016). In other words, American Federalism, a system of government where people distribute power between national and state governments. The constitution gives each government their own power, but they also share some power and responsibilities. All people living in the United States have the right to privacy. The privacy of American citizens was a Supreme Court decision, which over the years has established that the right to privacy is a basic human right. The right to privacy is often protected by certain laws. For example, the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act that protects the health information of individuals, The Privacy of Children on the Internet, The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the Federal Trade Commission that enforces the right to privacy in several ways and many other laws that help citizens maintain their rights to privacy. These are some of the national and state policy that would help me explain the advantages and disadvantages of the privacy laws. Advantages Privacy is a fundamental right and most governments around the world have tried to protect the privacy rights of their citizens. A person has the right to determine what kind of information is taken about them and the purpose of that information. This helps to protect people Get more content on
  • 12. Pros And Cons Of Playing Sports Essay In today's world, parents either push their children out into the real world, or they keep the real world hidden from them. Parents keep their kids from doing so much in life because of their own fear. Every day children ask their parents for something; in most situations it is an easy "yes" or "no", but in others it is a little harder to answer. In situations such as if they can buy something or go somewhere it is an easy answer, but in situations such as playing sports, they have to consider the pros and cons before they give an answer. Although there are many risks involved in playing sports, there are also many benefits. Keeping a child from playing a sport because it is dangerous limits the child's possibilities and benefits more content... Physical safety is important to think about, but over protecting your child is harming them in many ways. Keeping the real world hidden from them is going to make it harder on them in the long run, they need to know that they cannot always win at life, and that they must work together to make this world a better place. Playing sports may have its risks, but it also teaches valuable lessons. Children get hurt daily, so why not let them benefit from it. Every sport has potential risk factors. Injuries are very common in sports. When signing up for sports you are potentially signing up to have nose bleeds and sometimes even death. When professional snowmobiler Caleb Moore signed up for extreme snowmobiling he knew the risks that were involved in it. During his run in the snowmobiling freestyle competition he "came up short and the skis on the front of his snowmobile caught the lip of the landing area, sending [him] flying over the handle bars", which led to his death (Golinkin 616). Although Moore's death is looked at as a tragedy, it really is not. Caleb Moore died doing what he loved, and most incredibly, "He literally died trying to fly" (Golinkin 617). Although the risk factor is very high when playing sports, the benefits could make it well worth it. Playing sports is a mental, physical and emotional thrill. "Sports, even violent and dangerous sports, continue to represent something Get more content on
  • 13. Pros And Cons Of College Essay As pounded in our heads by teachers and adults, after high school the best idea is to go to college. This may not be the case for everyone. There are many pros and cons for college. College is not for everyone, and I believe students should have the freedom to choose the path they take. For people who desire to acquire a well paying job, a degree may be required. Most data points that the fastest growing job categories require at least a college degree. Getting a degree can be as simple as going for 2 years or even 6. Getting a college degree will draw employers attention and gain respect. Some people who have a degree may get paid more at their job than others who do not. Expanding your knowledge is important as there is always more to learn. In my opinion, college is the best idea for any age student. When planning your future, you can decide between a two–year community college or a four–year university. You can base your decision depending on your career field or job you want to pursue. Some jobs may not even require a degree, in which college is unnecessary. Some jobs may only require an associate's degree, so why waste your money at a university. Some may say that the experience at a four–year university is critical to growing up. Mr. Perlstein states, "the college experience– a rite of passage as it was meant to be– must have come to an end." Rick Perlstein believes that the four–year experience is meaningful. At a four–year, you may experience more diversity, and Get more content on
  • 14. Vaccine Pros And Cons Essay There has been controversy over vaccines for decades, but scientific research shows that they are more beneficial than harmful. They have stopped epidemics, but what is a vaccine? A Vaccine is the injection of a killed or weakened organism (living thing that causes the disease) that produces immunity in the body against that organism by letting the immune system "practice" on defeating that organism. Vaccines help save lives every day and not the contrary. Vaccines are proven to be very beneficial to society as a whole. Actually they have eliminated some very severe illnesses in the U.S.A like polio. Polio was an infectious disease that attacked the nervous system, and 13,000 to 20,000 cases that resulted in paralysis were reported more content... One of the many arguments about vaccines is that they don't work because the majority of people who get sick are vaccinated. This argument is actually correct, but in many developed countries the majority of the population is vaccinated making the statistic true. Also we know today that 85%–95% of childhood vaccines are effective as stated by WHO. Many people also argue that the side effects outweigh the benefits. The most discussed side effect from a vaccine is autism from the MMR vaccine. This was proven false in multiple scientific studies all across the world. Discussed in a scientific paper published in the oxford journals stated that to this day every study that was performed to support an association between the MMR vaccine and autism have failed to support it. Vaccines save lives every day protecting the world from an epidemic every day. If a child isn't vaccinated for a disease and they go to school, they can start spreading a new strain of a virus because it would mutate to get transferred to a vaccinated patient. People that don't get vaccinations have the potential to make a super "bug' without even knowing it just because of the mutations the organism will have to go through to infect other Get more content on
  • 15. Pros And Cons As we approach the middle of October, many of our friends and neighbors are thinking about updating their New Jersey or New York Metro home with Energy Star certified replacement windows and patio doors. Cold weather is ahead, and you've decided this year you aren't going to fight drafty corners or put up with excessive condensation that drips onto the floor beneath your windows, we can help. Making financial decisions if just as important as considering which style, or styles, are perfect for every room, and which accessories to add for enhanced comfort and beauty. So, let's talk about several options you can use to pay for your new Renewal by Andersen replacement windows. The Pros & Cons of Financing Modern Replacement Windows more content... Shop area. Explain why you need the money. And, don't be afraid to skip this option if your credit card company isn't willing to work with you. #3 Tax Advantages If you itemize deductions, some points (if you pay down the interest rate) are fully deductible, and you may be able to also claim interest. Talk to your tax accountant and/or your lender to determine which tax credits and deductions are available. Disadvantages of Financing Low interest rates and tax deductions don't automatically mean that financing is better than paying cash. Here are some possible drawbacks for you to consider. Adding another monthly payment can mean added stress it means you'll have to adjust your lifestyle. There are additional fees associated with getting a loan that may increase the overall debt more than you are willing to accept. Long–term credit card debt (unless you negotiate for zero–interest financing) will ultimately cost you more than paying cash. And, if you are ever late, the card company can boost your interest rate significantly, which could mean any savings you could have capture will be consumed with late fees and higher interest. The Pros & Cons of Investing Cash for High–Quality Replacement Windows Buying any big–ticket item can be scary. And, if you'll be drawing down your savings significantly, that can make the whole process more stressful. If you're planning to buy a new vehicle, retire soon, or change jobs in the near future, paying cash may not be the best
  • 16. Get more content on
  • 17. The Pros and Cons of Technology Essay People very often debate whether technology is good or bad. Many people believe that technology can only cause harm to their lives and society, while many others strongly defend the technologies which have made their lives much more leisurely and enriching than it could have been several hundred years ago. In my opinion, both of these views are correct to an extent, but I also believe that what should be examined is not whether technology in its self is good or bad, but rather how we as humans use it.For decades now, television has been accused of contributing to the dissolution of the American family and the destruction of the minds of those who watch it. However, although the TV has been involved in this, the problem roots not more content... Refrigerators, gas and electric ovens, microwaves, vacuums, dishwashers....the list goes on and on. All these things have made housework tremendously easier than it would have been about 100 years ago. This results with both positive and negative effects. It has given us easier ways to get jobs done, leaving more time for other things, but the bad part of this is what is chosen to do in this extra time. In many cases, this extra time is spent doing leisurely things, which might make us more happy, but also has an effect on our health. Lately we have become aware of the dangers of heart disease and the health benefits of exercise....the exercise we would have gotten 100 years ago just from doing our daily chores but now aren't getting enough of because we don't have to work as hard to do those same chores. This can be blamed on technology, but again, in fact it is our own fault because we chose to use the technology and spend the extra time lazing around.Now, something that really bothers me about technology is what is made out of it. I often question why people spend so much time and money trying to come up with so many useless things when we have global warming problems and starving children working in shoe factories. For example, scientists spent years to make a clone of a sheep. Now let me ask you, is their any practical use in knowing how to clone a sheep? Many people think that eventually this scientific advancement will lead into Get more content on
  • 18. Vaccination Pros And Cons Essay Just as some people support vaccinations, There are many who don't for a number of reasons. Firstly, numerous Americans don't support vaccinations because it goes against their religion; the mandation of vaccinations infringes on people's amendment rights. "Several religions oppose vaccines and mandatory vaccinations. The First Amendment of the US Constitution states, 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. ('" Religious opposers believe mandatory vaccinations go against their first amendment right: Freedom of religion. They believe that being forced to get vaccinated make them go against god; "some believe it violates their religious freedom and subverts more content... (Tolsma 5) They also know some vaccinations contain fetal tissue and those who are "prolife" (many religious groups) are against the scientific use of fetuses. "...further detailed research by several prolife groups has provided direct proof of a connection between aborted fetal tissue and many vaccines. That connection, and its implications for whether prolife citizens should consider using the vaccines, raises some complicated issues. (Life notes)" Some religious groups are against abortions so, the use of aborted fetuses or aborted fetal tissue is something they do not support. "Still other catholic groups have 'specific opposition to vaccinations manufactures using human cell lines derived from aborted fetuses.' Regardless of specific belief, it stems from religious conviction. (Tolsma 5)" Secondly, researchers have found correlations between young children who get vaccinated and young children with autism. Some believe vaccinations cause autism. "The anti– vaccine movement has been going strong since prestigious british medical journal that Lancet published a study in 1998 linking a common vaccine to autism. The journal later retracted the study, which was thoroughly discredited. (Why do so many people doubt Get more content on
  • 19. Pros And Cons Persuasive Essay Camping in Alaska, Arizona, and Colorado The wilderness is vast, unforgiving, and beauteous; those who visit it unprepared find thorns instead of roses, but even as tough as a trip into the wild is, the pros can be worth the cons. Many venture into camping with no wary thoughts about the dangers it brings; the wildlife, environment, weather, and location can instantaneously alter your seemingly perfect trip. Surprisingly, these problems can be avoided, but only through careful planning. Planning a camping trip revolves around: climate, location, and environment. For example, I would like to discuss three different places you can camp: Arizona, Colorado, and Alaska. To begin with, choosing a season like spring, summer or fall can greatly alter the temperature, and also determines the amount of rain you will experience. Because of its limited rainfall, Arizona is an extremely dry, arid state. If you arrange to camp there, you would need tools and nutrients fitted for a desert–like landscape. One of the more important items is water, without it you would be helpless; water is important no matter where you are, whether a barren desert, or bitter arctic wasteland. There is no doubt, In the Arizona desert; temperatures of over 125 degrees Fahrenheit have occurred, yet the average in July and August is commonly found to be around 104 to 107 degrees. Despite the sweltering temperatures, at night the temperatures lower from approximately 81 to 84 degrees. The Get more content on
  • 20. Internet Pros And Cons Essay "In today's world, the internet is a huge part of everyone's daily lives. People are extremely reliant on the internet because most jobs and schools use it as a tool to increase efficiency and to save time. It seems that the internet is massively beneficial but it also has its cons. The internet can be beneficial because it can be a place for people so escape and help with their mental health. Another reason the internet is good is because it is an amazing tool that allows a person to access any information within minutes. Some cons that come with having access to the internet is that it can be addictive and this results in a person always spending their time on the internet rather than doing other things that can benefit their health and life. Another con that could also be consider a pro is social media and the press. Social media and the press often cause more harm than good because their main focus is to bring in money so they will exaggerate as much as possible if it means that they will make a few more content... It seems like bullying is more common on the internet because the bully is able to hide behind their screen so they can say pretty much whatever they want without any repercussions. I think that schools should definitely be aloud to keep tabs on a student's social media, but there should be rules so no one is being taken advantage of. The school should only keep tabs on a student's social media if they are suspicious of bullying or if someone brings it to their attention. Bullying is not okay so if this will be an effective way to stop it then I say that it is a good idea. I also think that it is important that schools monitor what is being searched because without this, students could waste their time looking at pointless things or they could also use the internet to cheat on their assignments so having restrictions will ensure that students cannot access these sights while at Get more content on