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In preparing for impact of emerging technologies on tomorrow ’s
adaptability, recourse, and employment, the cliché‐ ‘Change,
the evident constant’ seems to be the answer to this adaptive
If we are changing, we are growing. If we are not growing, then
we are not living. Thence, it is important that we keep
changing/adapting to the technological requirements being
driven by the newer innovations. In the age and era of the
human quest for knowledge and the desire to unfold the
mysteries of nature (which is always self‐ challenging),
technology and human life cannot be separated. Technology
brings with it both shades: positive and negative.
Society seems to have a cyclical dependence on technol ogy. We
use technology inadvertently in all walks of our life; depend on
technology in our daily life and our needs and demands for
technology keep on rising. In a way, so as to say, are now
shackled in the chains of the same. We use technology to travel,
to learn, to communicate, to work, and to live in comfort. Come
to think of it, I guess, there is no act of human kind today,
where technology does not intrude or is not depended on us!!
The advancements in the field of technology and its deployment
to serve humankind (as per design and intent) was a good idea,
but getting tied up in knots of it has also caused us concerns,
besides the phenomenon of cyclic upset it brings with itself, in
the process of its evolution. The biggest challenge looking at us
in our faces is to determine the type of future we need to have
and then create relevant technologies which will simplify the
way we do things.[1]
Besides the plethora of challenges, which poor application/
misuse of technology and its over‐ dependence pose to human
kinds, the one I would like to focus on in this note is the impact
of technological development/evolution on employment and
education empowerment. Technological
innovation will squeeze many people in the short term but will
lead to overall higher levels of wealth in the long term. This
period of uncomfortable maladjustment and dangerous
concentrations of wealth to a handful of a lucky few can be
minimized if educational leaders accelerate the changes
necessary to adapt.
Vividly, there are many examples of technological advances,
which have upset employment, prior to creating more
opportunities by virtue of its proper deployment. As I
mentioned, the relationship between human and technology is
cyclical. The travel agents closed shops when web enabled
applications got popular. Train tickets, cinema hall ticket
bookings, airline ticketing, and paying bills got so much
simpler, but many (offering agent services) lost their jobs.
Cyclic as I mentioned, these applications returned the jobs to
human but only to the adaptive and skilled, in the form of
employment opportunities, in the form of call centers, data
centers, research and customer support, and service in the
applied fields connected to the application. Even an article in
Fortune Magazine reports that “Data‐ driven healthcare won’t
replace physicians entirely, but it will help those receptive to
technology perform their jobs better.”
Ever wondered, what does a doctor (physician) do? The entire
activity of a physician (physical checkup, laboratory
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License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon
the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited
and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
tests, diagnosis, prescription, behavior modification,
modulations, etc.) while interacting with his patient, if broken
down at macro level, comprises data collection and analyzing
(80% of the effort) and applying the acquired knowledge and
experience in diagnosis (20% of the effort)!! Hence, is a doctor
data sampler? The doctor’s main role/value addition (and was
correctly realized by technology) is to absorb all that data
provided by checkups/tests and evaluate/analyze the same in
context of the latest medical developments/reports and findings
including the patient’s history and figure out if something is
wrong, which is called “to diagnose.” Technology interestingly
recognized this and deployed sensors, data analyzers, laws of
probability, and the intelligence of the processor to collate the
patient information at a snap of a finger and report for diagnosis
without any error (while considering more options and making
fewer errors). This interestingly reduced 80% of the efforts put
in by a doctor and gave him more time to fruitfully do what he
is primarily chartered to, wiz “diagnose.” While this
(technological advancement in the process of diagnosis, which
did take a toll on employment, in a way to say and sieved out
nonadaptive/nontech savvy professionals) was happening,
telemedicine came to existence, and further challenged the
balance as most of the average doctor’s medical knowledge is
from when they were in medical school, while cognitive
limitations prevent them from remembering the innumerable
diseases known to humans. Technology snuggly filled in this
gap and allowed the doctor to do justice to his main agenda:
“diagnose” and see more patients in a day. This, brought in
more (and fierce
competition), and thereby lesser opportunities for many doctors
practicing privately.[2]
Change is inevitable, and adaptability (honing the skills,
designing futuristic education at par with technological
advancements) is the key, to tide over the cyclical perils of
technology over humans.
The future demands that the professionals be trained, keeping
adaptability in the focus and forefront. As said above,
educational leaders should accelerate the changes that will
allow the education system to arm the future students with the
1. To use creativity and flexibility unflinchingly, using trial and
error path to build machines with improvisation in processes
2. To explore offbeat professions that are emotive and beyond
the realms of machines (at least as of now)
3. Entrepreneurship building and harboring newer ideas should
be a habit
4. Build cognitive dexterity or the ability to adapt to unique and
complicated problems as they arise.
Sangeeta Dhir
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of International Clinical Dental
Research Organization, India E-mail: [email protected]
1. Antoniou PH, Ansoff HI. Strategic management of
technology. Technol Anal Strateg Manage 2004;16:275‐ 91.
2. McGinn RE. Science, Technology, and Society. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice‐ Hall; 1991.
Dhir: Technology, science and growth l of the International
Clinical Dental Research Organization | July-December 2016 |
Vol 8 | Issue 2
Copyright of Journal of the International Clinical Dental
Research Organization is the property of Medknow Publications
& Media Pvt. Ltd. and its content may not be copied or emailed
to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright
holder's express written permission. However, users may print,
download, or email articles for individual use.
Teaching – Transparency and Information Technology 451
of computers within specific spheres of social life. They were
the result of the initial attempts to understand the changes in the
economic and social sphere under the impact of the emerging
telecommunications and information ex- change innovations.
Science formed the basis of these new technological pro-
cesses, as shaped in the course of the two previous decades. As
a result, com- puters became miniaturized and in 1975, a
computer consisting of only a printed circuit was invented. The
turning point in the development of scien- tific and
technological progress was, nevertheless, in 1981, when the
first mass personal computer was invented, thus beginning the
informational and technological revolution. Since that,
industrial and social processes in the spheres directly connected
with information started to develop rapidly. The most important
contributions to this new speed included the enhancement of
technologies, the miniaturization of equipment, the increase in
computer ca- pacity and memory, and the cheapening of
electronic devices. Under condi- tions of intense development
of global society information and the newest technologies based
on it have principally changed both interstate and inter-
personal relations, which have become more mobile, more open,
more trans- parent and less dependent on distances.
A. N. Chumakov
Technology and Science in Global Perspective: The worldwide
scope of social and technological problems is vital. Science and
technology, despite their origins embedded within Western
political economy and cultural sources, have now become world
science and world technology.
In the historically evolved division of labor, technical elites
derive their power from specialized competence; they are
partially insulated from others and from democratic decision
making by a scientific and technological so- phistication, which
easily allows for esoteric secrecy (whether military or
industrial). These technological threats to human societies are
broadly of three sorts: political, social, and ideological.
In the political sphere, the threat due to elitism may outweigh
the bene- fits of specialized learning and specialized practice:
(1) by undermining the competence of representative democracy
or by distorting the procedure of electing representatives; (2) by
diverting or frustrating the development of self-management
institutions (such as workers’ control in the work place, the
market, or other production spaces of societies); (3) by the
overriding techno- logical necessity of quick military response
to security dangers with the con- sequent and accepted social
necessity of hot-line elitism; and (4) by linking populist
counter-elitism to neo-Luddism.
Scientific and technological innovations threaten to undermine
the re- ceived qualities of cultural life and human
consciousness: (1) by challenging the power, validity, and even
the presence of the literal and the figurative icons and rites of
traditional religious and aesthetic sensitivity in all their for ms;
(2) by promoting the psychologically symbolical fetishism of
science and technol- ogy, or of anti-science and irrationalism;
(3) by transforming human living relations through transforming
the social relations of production, consumption, and
communication; and (4) by transforming the social relations of
pleasure and fulfillment, and, in the process, weakening the
momentum of cultural tra-
452 Global Studies Encyclopedic Dictionary
ditions, leaving the individual increasingly without moorings,
open prey to the immediacy and irrationality of quick-fix
populist manipulation.
Ideologically, technological society poses problems, sets
criteria for ex- planations and solutions, provides resources of
people and materials, creating and distorting the cognitive
culture along with daily life. Technological inno- vations
produce their own political economy of culture along with a
political economy of science; these are the objects of new work
in the social sciences and, in turn, they stimulate critics who
then must consider whether science and technology are
themselves partial, ideological, and merely instrumental
reasoning, whether seen from traditional (largely religious)
premises or from humanistic and other viewpoints.
R. S. Cohen
Techno-Optimism: Cory Doctorow defines “techno-optimism”
as the belief that technology could be used to make the world
worse held at the same time with the hope that it can be steered
to make the world better (2011). From this point of view,
technical means of production (such as machines, mechanisms,
computers, and innovative technologies), and scientific and
technical knowledge, are the determinative factor that defines
different aspects of social life and the nature and direction of
social development.
Interest in technical research can be found in works as early as
Aristotle, but the technocratic mood appeared for the first time
much later, related to the development of engineering during the
Renaissance. Then, during the seven- teenth, eighteenth, and
nineteenth century, as scientific and technological achievements
were growing and the industrial revolution was underway, this
mood grew stronger and was developed by active followers of
scientific and technological advance, such as Francis Bacon,
Marquis de Condorcet, Julien Mettrie, Voltaire, and Saint-
Simon, who had common views on technology and saw
technological advances as the most important means of solving
so- cial contradictions and achieving well being for all. At the
same time, the opposite mood to techno-optimism emerged.
Followers of this ideology were pessimistic about the
development of scientific and technological advance.
The best-developed forms of technocratic theories appeared
under the influence of impressive scientific and technological
achievements in the 1920s. The author of such a theory that
became widely known was an Ameri- can economist and
sociologist Thorstein Veblen who was one of the first to provide
a philosophical ground for the leading role of industrial
production and technological progress in the development of
society. According to him, engineers and technical specialists
should govern a modern state, because they are the only kind of
people who can develop production in the interests of society
(the pathos of T. Veblen’s technocratic theory), and they need
po- litical power to achieve this goal.
However, by the beginning of the 1960s, the above views were
obscured by a new and even more powerful wave of
technocratic and progressive spir- its inspired by an industrial
upsurge that involved virtually all economically developed
countries of the world in the post-war period. The prospects of
social progress in the 1950s–1960s seemed boundless to many
people both in the West and in the East. The public mind ever
more acquired techno-
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may print, download, or email articles for individual use.
Invention and technology have changed our lives,
for our betterment. And there are so many positive and negative
advantages, if some one uses the modern technologies in right
An individual will get the positive advantages from
the technology, for example the use of internet for the study or
research purpose is the positive advantage of the
internet technology.
Now a days due to the passage of time, the technology is
developed. In 19's century the use of the television is commo n,
but in 20's century the LCD's and LED's are used in every
This change in the technology is not discontinuous but it is
continuously developing day by day. Without the technology the
human lives are more difficult to live, in every step
of life the technology has been used.
Positive advantages of technology
1. In the Education System for Teaching and Learning.
The powerful use of Technology in Education has modified the
face of education and it has created more instructional
possibilities. Both instructors and college students have
benefited from numerous educational technology, teachers have
learned how to integrate technology in their school rooms and
students are becoming more interested by learning with
The use of technology in schooling has eliminated instructional
boundaries, both students and teachers can collaborate in actual
time using advanced instructional technology. Students also use
the technology for listening online lectures through the channels
or links just like Youtube and other websites. They also use the
links for the research purpose.
Technology has helped within the increment of mobile getting
to know and long distance getting to know. The use of internet
generation has enabled instructors to reach students throughout
boarders and additionally students from developing nations have
used internet generation to subscribe for advanced educational
Many universities and colleges have embraced on-line education
through developing virtual lecture rooms. Online schooling is
flexible and low-priced, students can attend lecture rooms
throughout their free time, and that they also can have a chance
to engage with other students sincerely.
2. Healthcare Department
Medical generation is a wide subject wherein innovation
performs a essential position in sustaining fitness. Areas like
biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, records generation, the
development of clinical devices, and more have all made
significant contributions to improving the fitness of human
beings all around the global.
From “small” improvements like adhesive bandages and ankle
braces, to large, greater complex technology like MRI
machines, synthetic organs, and robot prosthetic limbs, era has
absolutely made an wonderful impact on medicine.
Through the use of technology in medical research, scientists
have been able to examine diseases on a cellular level and
produce antibodies against them. These vaccines against life-
threatening diseases like malaria, polio, MMR, and more
prevent the spread of disease and save thousands of lives all
around the globe.
In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that
vaccines save about 3 million lives per year, and prevent
millions of others from contracting deadly viruses and diseases.
3. Communication
Modern Tech has modified the manner we interact and talk with
other. With the accelerated use of social based totally networks,
people can create new relationships and also discover old
friends. With era, mother and father can talk and preserve music
in their youngsters. So communication has emerge as simpler
and less expensive.
Even although social networks are seeking to replace e-mail
communication; there may be sure facts which customers cannot
change through social networks. So e-mail services like yahoo
mail, Hotmail, and Gmail have eased communique.
It's now very uncommon to discover someone writing a letter
because with the intention to contain posting it to a postal
workplace and paying delivery charges, which isn't the case
whilst you operate email.
Negative advantages of technology.
1. Laziness
With the use of social media just like facebook, messenger,
snapchat and other various apps, the students waste more time
on them, that's why most of the young generation has become
Most of the students are wasting time by watching movies rather
than playing in parks this thing also traumatizes the young
2. Dependency
Nowadays, it has become addiction most of the people relying
on internet such as if some one wants to purchase some things
like clothes , mobiles cars and even vegetables by ordering
through the online stores. For example, amazon,,etc. it
also creates letharginess.

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In preparing for impact of emerging technologies on tomorrow’s a

  • 1. In preparing for impact of emerging technologies on tomorrow ’s adaptability, recourse, and employment, the cliché‐ ‘Change, the evident constant’ seems to be the answer to this adaptive process! If we are changing, we are growing. If we are not growing, then we are not living. Thence, it is important that we keep changing/adapting to the technological requirements being driven by the newer innovations. In the age and era of the human quest for knowledge and the desire to unfold the mysteries of nature (which is always self‐ challenging), technology and human life cannot be separated. Technology brings with it both shades: positive and negative. Society seems to have a cyclical dependence on technol ogy. We use technology inadvertently in all walks of our life; depend on technology in our daily life and our needs and demands for technology keep on rising. In a way, so as to say, are now shackled in the chains of the same. We use technology to travel, to learn, to communicate, to work, and to live in comfort. Come to think of it, I guess, there is no act of human kind today, where technology does not intrude or is not depended on us!! The advancements in the field of technology and its deployment to serve humankind (as per design and intent) was a good idea, but getting tied up in knots of it has also caused us concerns, besides the phenomenon of cyclic upset it brings with itself, in the process of its evolution. The biggest challenge looking at us in our faces is to determine the type of future we need to have and then create relevant technologies which will simplify the way we do things.[1] Besides the plethora of challenges, which poor application/ misuse of technology and its over‐ dependence pose to human kinds, the one I would like to focus on in this note is the impact of technological development/evolution on employment and education empowerment. Technological
  • 2. innovation will squeeze many people in the short term but will lead to overall higher levels of wealth in the long term. This period of uncomfortable maladjustment and dangerous concentrations of wealth to a handful of a lucky few can be minimized if educational leaders accelerate the changes necessary to adapt. Vividly, there are many examples of technological advances, which have upset employment, prior to creating more opportunities by virtue of its proper deployment. As I mentioned, the relationship between human and technology is cyclical. The travel agents closed shops when web enabled applications got popular. Train tickets, cinema hall ticket bookings, airline ticketing, and paying bills got so much simpler, but many (offering agent services) lost their jobs. Cyclic as I mentioned, these applications returned the jobs to human but only to the adaptive and skilled, in the form of employment opportunities, in the form of call centers, data centers, research and customer support, and service in the applied fields connected to the application. Even an article in Fortune Magazine reports that “Data‐ driven healthcare won’t replace physicians entirely, but it will help those receptive to technology perform their jobs better.” Ever wondered, what does a doctor (physician) do? The entire activity of a physician (physical checkup, laboratory This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms. tests, diagnosis, prescription, behavior modification, modulations, etc.) while interacting with his patient, if broken down at macro level, comprises data collection and analyzing (80% of the effort) and applying the acquired knowledge and experience in diagnosis (20% of the effort)!! Hence, is a doctor data sampler? The doctor’s main role/value addition (and was correctly realized by technology) is to absorb all that data
  • 3. provided by checkups/tests and evaluate/analyze the same in context of the latest medical developments/reports and findings including the patient’s history and figure out if something is wrong, which is called “to diagnose.” Technology interestingly recognized this and deployed sensors, data analyzers, laws of probability, and the intelligence of the processor to collate the patient information at a snap of a finger and report for diagnosis without any error (while considering more options and making fewer errors). This interestingly reduced 80% of the efforts put in by a doctor and gave him more time to fruitfully do what he is primarily chartered to, wiz “diagnose.” While this (technological advancement in the process of diagnosis, which did take a toll on employment, in a way to say and sieved out nonadaptive/nontech savvy professionals) was happening, telemedicine came to existence, and further challenged the balance as most of the average doctor’s medical knowledge is from when they were in medical school, while cognitive limitations prevent them from remembering the innumerable diseases known to humans. Technology snuggly filled in this gap and allowed the doctor to do justice to his main agenda: “diagnose” and see more patients in a day. This, brought in more (and fierce competition), and thereby lesser opportunities for many doctors practicing privately.[2] Change is inevitable, and adaptability (honing the skills, designing futuristic education at par with technological advancements) is the key, to tide over the cyclical perils of technology over humans. The future demands that the professionals be trained, keeping adaptability in the focus and forefront. As said above, educational leaders should accelerate the changes that will allow the education system to arm the future students with the followings: 1. To use creativity and flexibility unflinchingly, using trial and error path to build machines with improvisation in processes 2. To explore offbeat professions that are emotive and beyond
  • 4. the realms of machines (at least as of now) 3. Entrepreneurship building and harboring newer ideas should be a habit 4. Build cognitive dexterity or the ability to adapt to unique and complicated problems as they arise. Sangeeta Dhir Editor-in-Chief, Journal of International Clinical Dental Research Organization, India E-mail: [email protected] REFERENCES 1. Antoniou PH, Ansoff HI. Strategic management of technology. Technol Anal Strateg Manage 2004;16:275‐ 91. 2. McGinn RE. Science, Technology, and Society. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice‐ Hall; 1991. Dhir: Technology, science and growth l of the International Clinical Dental Research Organization | July-December 2016 | Vol 8 | Issue 2 Copyright of Journal of the International Clinical Dental Research Organization is the property of Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. Teaching – Transparency and Information Technology 451 of computers within specific spheres of social life. They were the result of the initial attempts to understand the changes in the economic and social sphere under the impact of the emerging telecommunications and information ex- change innovations. Science formed the basis of these new technological pro- cesses, as shaped in the course of the two previous decades. As a result, com- puters became miniaturized and in 1975, a computer consisting of only a printed circuit was invented. The turning point in the development of scien- tific and
  • 5. technological progress was, nevertheless, in 1981, when the first mass personal computer was invented, thus beginning the informational and technological revolution. Since that, industrial and social processes in the spheres directly connected with information started to develop rapidly. The most important contributions to this new speed included the enhancement of technologies, the miniaturization of equipment, the increase in computer ca- pacity and memory, and the cheapening of electronic devices. Under condi- tions of intense development of global society information and the newest technologies based on it have principally changed both interstate and inter- personal relations, which have become more mobile, more open, more trans- parent and less dependent on distances. A. N. Chumakov Technology and Science in Global Perspective: The worldwide scope of social and technological problems is vital. Science and technology, despite their origins embedded within Western political economy and cultural sources, have now become world science and world technology. In the historically evolved division of labor, technical elites derive their power from specialized competence; they are partially insulated from others and from democratic decision making by a scientific and technological so- phistication, which easily allows for esoteric secrecy (whether military or industrial). These technological threats to human societies are broadly of three sorts: political, social, and ideological. In the political sphere, the threat due to elitism may outweigh the bene- fits of specialized learning and specialized practice: (1) by undermining the competence of representative democracy or by distorting the procedure of electing representatives; (2) by diverting or frustrating the development of self-management institutions (such as workers’ control in the work place, the market, or other production spaces of societies); (3) by the overriding techno- logical necessity of quick military response to security dangers with the con- sequent and accepted social necessity of hot-line elitism; and (4) by linking populist
  • 6. counter-elitism to neo-Luddism. Scientific and technological innovations threaten to undermine the re- ceived qualities of cultural life and human consciousness: (1) by challenging the power, validity, and even the presence of the literal and the figurative icons and rites of traditional religious and aesthetic sensitivity in all their for ms; (2) by promoting the psychologically symbolical fetishism of science and technol- ogy, or of anti-science and irrationalism; (3) by transforming human living relations through transforming the social relations of production, consumption, and communication; and (4) by transforming the social relations of pleasure and fulfillment, and, in the process, weakening the momentum of cultural tra- 452 Global Studies Encyclopedic Dictionary ditions, leaving the individual increasingly without moorings, open prey to the immediacy and irrationality of quick-fix populist manipulation. Ideologically, technological society poses problems, sets criteria for ex- planations and solutions, provides resources of people and materials, creating and distorting the cognitive culture along with daily life. Technological inno- vations produce their own political economy of culture along with a political economy of science; these are the objects of new work in the social sciences and, in turn, they stimulate critics who then must consider whether science and technology are themselves partial, ideological, and merely instrumental reasoning, whether seen from traditional (largely religious) premises or from humanistic and other viewpoints. R. S. Cohen Techno-Optimism: Cory Doctorow defines “techno-optimism” as the belief that technology could be used to make the world worse held at the same time with the hope that it can be steered to make the world better (2011). From this point of view, technical means of production (such as machines, mechanisms, computers, and innovative technologies), and scientific and technical knowledge, are the determinative factor that defines
  • 7. different aspects of social life and the nature and direction of social development. Interest in technical research can be found in works as early as Aristotle, but the technocratic mood appeared for the first time much later, related to the development of engineering during the Renaissance. Then, during the seven- teenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth century, as scientific and technological achievements were growing and the industrial revolution was underway, this mood grew stronger and was developed by active followers of scientific and technological advance, such as Francis Bacon, Marquis de Condorcet, Julien Mettrie, Voltaire, and Saint- Simon, who had common views on technology and saw technological advances as the most important means of solving so- cial contradictions and achieving well being for all. At the same time, the opposite mood to techno-optimism emerged. Followers of this ideology were pessimistic about the development of scientific and technological advance. The best-developed forms of technocratic theories appeared under the influence of impressive scientific and technological achievements in the 1920s. The author of such a theory that became widely known was an Ameri- can economist and sociologist Thorstein Veblen who was one of the first to provide a philosophical ground for the leading role of industrial production and technological progress in the development of society. According to him, engineers and technical specialists should govern a modern state, because they are the only kind of people who can develop production in the interests of society (the pathos of T. Veblen’s technocratic theory), and they need po- litical power to achieve this goal. However, by the beginning of the 1960s, the above views were obscured by a new and even more powerful wave of technocratic and progressive spir- its inspired by an industrial upsurge that involved virtually all economically developed countries of the world in the post-war period. The prospects of social progress in the 1950s–1960s seemed boundless to many people both in the West and in the East. The public mind ever
  • 8. more acquired techno- Copyright of Value Inquiry Book Series is the property of Editions Rodopi BV and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. Invention and technology have changed our lives, for our betterment. And there are so many positive and negative advantages, if some one uses the modern technologies in right way. An individual will get the positive advantages from the technology, for example the use of internet for the study or research purpose is the positive advantage of the internet technology. Now a days due to the passage of time, the technology is developed. In 19's century the use of the television is commo n, but in 20's century the LCD's and LED's are used in every home. This change in the technology is not discontinuous but it is continuously developing day by day. Without the technology the human lives are more difficult to live, in every step of life the technology has been used. Positive advantages of technology 1. In the Education System for Teaching and Learning. The powerful use of Technology in Education has modified the face of education and it has created more instructional possibilities. Both instructors and college students have benefited from numerous educational technology, teachers have learned how to integrate technology in their school rooms and students are becoming more interested by learning with generation. The use of technology in schooling has eliminated instructional boundaries, both students and teachers can collaborate in actual
  • 9. time using advanced instructional technology. Students also use the technology for listening online lectures through the channels or links just like Youtube and other websites. They also use the links for the research purpose. Technology has helped within the increment of mobile getting to know and long distance getting to know. The use of internet generation has enabled instructors to reach students throughout boarders and additionally students from developing nations have used internet generation to subscribe for advanced educational publications. Many universities and colleges have embraced on-line education through developing virtual lecture rooms. Online schooling is flexible and low-priced, students can attend lecture rooms throughout their free time, and that they also can have a chance to engage with other students sincerely. 2. Healthcare Department Medical generation is a wide subject wherein innovation performs a essential position in sustaining fitness. Areas like biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, records generation, the development of clinical devices, and more have all made significant contributions to improving the fitness of human beings all around the global. From “small” improvements like adhesive bandages and ankle braces, to large, greater complex technology like MRI machines, synthetic organs, and robot prosthetic limbs, era has absolutely made an wonderful impact on medicine. Through the use of technology in medical research, scientists have been able to examine diseases on a cellular level and produce antibodies against them. These vaccines against life- threatening diseases like malaria, polio, MMR, and more prevent the spread of disease and save thousands of lives all around the globe. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that vaccines save about 3 million lives per year, and prevent millions of others from contracting deadly viruses and diseases. 3. Communication
  • 10. Modern Tech has modified the manner we interact and talk with other. With the accelerated use of social based totally networks, people can create new relationships and also discover old friends. With era, mother and father can talk and preserve music in their youngsters. So communication has emerge as simpler and less expensive. Even although social networks are seeking to replace e-mail communication; there may be sure facts which customers cannot change through social networks. So e-mail services like yahoo mail, Hotmail, and Gmail have eased communique. It's now very uncommon to discover someone writing a letter because with the intention to contain posting it to a postal workplace and paying delivery charges, which isn't the case whilst you operate email. Negative advantages of technology. 1. Laziness With the use of social media just like facebook, messenger, snapchat and other various apps, the students waste more time on them, that's why most of the young generation has become lazy. Most of the students are wasting time by watching movies rather than playing in parks this thing also traumatizes the young people. 2. Dependency Nowadays, it has become addiction most of the people relying on internet such as if some one wants to purchase some things like clothes , mobiles cars and even vegetables by ordering through the online stores. For example, amazon,,etc. it also creates letharginess. technology-making-everyday-life-better