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Ms. Daniela Bas
Secretariat Building, United Nations Headquarters, 29th Floor, New York, NY 10017
Researcher & Proposer:
POLANA BUILDING, 74 Bourke Street, Pretoria, South Africa.
+27 746575665, +27 79 9260434
Email: I Website:
PREFACE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
INTRODUCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
CHAPTER ONE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Contributory: Social Security System
Non-Contributory: Social Support System
SOCIAL PAYMENT CATEGORIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Contributory: Social Security payments
Non-Contributory: Social Support payments
Suggested Name:
CHAPTER TWO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
CHAPTER THREE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Social Security Number/Identity
Banking and Commerce:
Objectives: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Health ground: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Economic ground:
Goals & Objectives: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
Goals & Objectives: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
Objectives: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
CHAPTER FOUR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Bidding for Budget:
Finance or Budget Ministry:
OTHER AREA OF ATTENTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
CHAPTER FIVE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
ROOF TOP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
POLICING: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
Goals & Objectives:
STATE ELECTRONIC MONITORING SYSTEM: --------------------------------------------------------- 22
HEALTHCARE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
Advantages of Solar Power
Disadvantages of Solar Power -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
CHAPTER FIVE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
In more than ten years of living on South Africa, I see a country powered by a very efficient system
structure: a laid down procedure, a management system backed by a network of software technology.
There is no way you can work or do business in South Africa without passing through SARS (South Africa
Revenue Service). You must register at SARS to get your first salary paid or open a business account.
Neither can you exist in South Africa (as an immigrant or citizen) without an experience with the Home
Affairs Department.
Home Affairs is responsible for documenting the identity references and status of every soul
(immigrants and citizens) living in SA. These two social systems (Home Affairs and SARS) are like the
engine hub that powers every other socio-economic systems. These systems provides the base data
(database) upon which the micro-system economy of South Africa is operating. From identification to
verification, to the automatic audit of every transactions and the information that are processed in
financial & economic platforms are drawn from these systems.
South African Home Affairs and SARS are powered by a fixed and efficient operating software
application created/designed to be secured, unbending and difficult to compromise. These network of
software(s) are dynamic in the processing of data upon electronic platforms, across several virtual
gateways for instant identification, verification and confirmation of transactions. Such systems
(software) has made it possible for the running of economies without the use of physical cash. A micro-
system societal structure/economy is the only solution to fixing modern day corruption.
Saddened and broken hearted by the recent xenophobic attacks on foreign national in South Africa, I
climbed upon the mountain and pray to God for a positive transformation in Nigeria. As I sat and
meditate, God began to fill my head with divine contents and since then I could only think about how a
more committed, efficient, reliable and sustainable system structure (far better than that of South
Africa) is implemented and utilized in Nigeria.
Motivated by God’s inspiration, I have been living in dreams of a Nigeria that is operating upon a viable
social system structure that exhibits the pride and dignity of a wonderful nation far more than we use to
be. I live in a dream of our people, trooping back home, out of South Africa and other places of
persecution, being motivated by the benefits of developments that are happening at home. I live in a
dream of a society that cares for more than the basic needs and well-being of its people; a Nigeria
where poverty is eliminated, where social infrastructures are operating at maximum capacity, where
there is abundance of food, shelter, healthcare, security and education for all. I see a Nigeria that
protects her people; a land of greener pasture for those within and in diaspora that seeks after it. A rich
Nigeria where those who live in are rich people and no one is below the Middle-class.
Trust me, our people oppressed, suppressed and depressed. I see it with my eyes as Nigerians and other
African Migrants are hated, stigmatized and persecuted for no credible reason. The time to make a
sincere, genuine and committed change is long over-due. We can turn Nigeria around if this research
and proposal is implemented. Yes we can.
This proposal is basically about a program, a software, an electronic platform, a computerized power
base, an indispensable system structure and infrastructures backed by government policies, only by
which a genuine Societal System would truly and efficiently run the affairs of highly complex state like
Nigeria. This very same system would interlink and power other relevant sectors that are critical to the
economic and social stability of the nation. With a leadership that is genuine, ready and serious for
change, Nigeria can conform and the management systems structure would positively change for good.
Without a coordinated basic electronic system structure, a change in Nigeria is far from happening. We
are proposing a system, a program, a software, an application platform that would manage the entire
state affairs, from the civil service structure, to government parastatals and state owned facilities;
education, social forces & arm forces, revenues, budget & finance, infrastructural development, private
sectors, healthcare, housing and securities.
The implementation of the programs would transform Nigeria into a micro-system economy that would
systematically and drastically reduce the use of physical cash as the primary means or mode of doing
transactions. There would always be corruption as long as bureaucrats and civil servants comes in
contact with physical cash in the running of the system. There shall always be loop holes for corruption
to thrive when the transferring of physical cash is the primary mode of transactions. Corruption grows
out of a bad, corruptible and porous system but not of crafty people. The combination of a porous
system and crafty people makes a bad and corrupt society. A firm system that gives no room for
corruption will only encourage people to remain disciplined.
A software, program and electronic platforms that runs an entire system cannot afford to sleep. Can a
system like such be successful without a stable and reliable electricity? Answer is No. Will Nigeria have
to wait for a reliable electricity to be installed before such system can be implemented? No.
This proposal will inspire a practical emergency, immediate energy source/structure and critical policies
that would power the entire state systems structures to efficient workability and success. A nation of
170 million people like Nigeria, without a nuclear facility may only survive on this energy structure that
would remain efficient. This may be the practical immediate long lasting energy solution we have been
searching for.
We guarantee that this program, if implemented, would transform Nigeria socio-economic sectors and
shall begin to yield physical outstanding rewards in less than five years. I believe that this program is
about the only logical solution into building a foundation by which a sustainable and lasting change can
be implemented. Without the implementation of these electronic platforms as the primary mode of
running state affairs, am afraid we might see another frustrated effort of this era, where change is
elusive like we have always seen.
Social Security Programs comes in various forms and implementations. It is also described by various
names, depending on what the society in question decides to name it. They are called names like Social
Insurance System, Pension Trust Fund, Social Security Service or Agency, National or State Social Support
Agency, Social Benefit System and many more. Social Security Programs could be Contributory and Non-
contributory in structure.
Government program aimed at providing basic needs to citizens, especially those who are retired,
unemployed, or unemployable due to a disability or disadvantage. Social Security is about Social Safety.
In this very regards, it is about rendering Social welfare services provided by a proposed parastatal of
government at the state and local levels. These services are geared toward eliminating poverty in a
specific area. These services may include housing re-assignment, job placement, subsidies for household
bills, and other cash equivalents for food. Social safety networks in conjunction with a number of other
poverty reduction programs with the primary goal of reducing/preventing poverty.
Contributory: Social Security System
This is like a social insurance system that includes basic compulsory pension scheme and sickness
insurance. The contributions to the state‘s employment policy are also collected within the framework
of the system, as well as the social security contributions. It is funded usually by mandatory payroll
contributions (typically 5 to 8 percent of a paycheck) from both the employees and the employers, and
from the government's tax revenue.
The basic legal regulation which regulates the entitlements arising from the compulsory pension
insurance scheme for the case of old age, invalidity or the death of the sustenance provider is Pension
Scheme Act (as supported by the Constitution of the nation in question). The participation in the basic
pension insurance/scheme is compulsory upon the fulfilment of the designated conditions. The Pension
Insurance Act, which contains the appropriate legal regulations, does, however, also enable voluntary
participation in the pension insurance scheme at a designated extent within the framework of the basic
compulsory pension insurance scheme.
Non-Contributory: Social Support System
The National Social Support System is a non-contributory system which is financed from the state
budget and administered by the assigned state bodies. By means of the state social support system, the
state contributes in particular to families with dependent children in the case of an acknowledged social
situation which the family is unable to resolve using its own funds and abilities. The social support
payments follow the life cycle of the dependent child from birth through to the end of the education
process and they provide help to families with children in various difficult situations (such as insufficient
income, care for a new-born or small child, care for a child with a disability, an incomplete family and so
The fundamental legal regulation which regulates the system of state social support is State Social
Support Act (as supported by the Constitution of the nation in question).
For the purposes of the state social support, a family is understood to mean the cohabitation of parents
and dependent children in a common household. A dependent child is considered to be a child up to the
end of its compulsory school attendance and further, if the child is preparing for a future profession or is
disabled, but up to a maximum of 26 years of age.
Contributory: Social Security payments
• allowances in the event of sickness
• unemployment benefits
• allowances in the event of incapacity for work through sickness or invalidity
• allowances in the event of accidents at work
• allowances in the event of industrial disease
• family allowances for widow or widower
• pensions
Non-Contributory: Social Support payments
• child benefits
• parental allowances
• social supplements
• housing allowances
• birth allowances
• death allowances
• foster care allowances (contributions to the child‘s needs, remuneration for the foster carer, the
contribution upon the assumption of care for a child, a contribution towards purchasing a motor
But there could be exceptions and modifications to make it suitable for the Nigerian governing
structures. Decision has to be taken by policy makers, depending on social factors, economic strength
and availability of fund within the nation in question. Government may decide to restrict on the list of
payment categories. To suggest: it may be limited to aged, child with disabilities, orphans of both
parents, rare multiple same birth (quadruplet) only.
Suggested Name:
National Social Security Agency of Nigeria
Nigeria Social Security Agency
Nigeria Social Support Agency
Social Security Agency of Nigeria
Social Support Agency of Nigeria
Many nations started by creating a Social Security System aiming at sustainability, to later focus on
suitability, then advanced into modernization. We are in the age of modernization and there is a serious
need to bring alive and modernize Nigeria’s Social Security System and other vital operational system. In
this computer age, Social Security system is powered by an integrated Information Technology
programs. For Social Security System to be efficient in this highly complex age, a very sophisticated data
storing and processing system, an electronic platform, with the capability to process data, across
spectrums within the shortest time frames must be created and implemented. This means that sufficient
data of every individual (citizen and foreign nationals) of the Federation is to be captured and stored
into the system. By this system, every citizen of the state is provided with National Identification by
which every transactions (in respect of the individual) is performed.
Program will store, process and make available (when needed or for litigation and verification purposes)
sufficient information such as: portrait (image), names, date of birth, gender, marital status, local
government, tribe, spoken languages, schools and institutions attended, occupation, religion, contact:
address, numbers & email, names and details of Spouse, names and details of Parents, names and
details of children; medical information, employer, salary, tax reference number, name of bank, ten
finger prints, self-attestation, signature and more.
This system will be the central information base for all other social, judicial, security, and economic
governmental arms. For example in cases of crime or state security, police can apply (by the magistrate
court) to the Social Security system, to harness files of specific citizen or individual.
1. It call for an upgrade of the structural standard of all government ministries to conform and
comply with modern operating system and technology thereby boosting speed and efficiency.
2. It allows for fast and reliable identification of every individual. Identification can be easy
3. First-hand information of every citizen would be available to relevant officials (in good time) if
need be at a lawful request.
4. No person can register twice (or as a different person) because system will scan finger prints and
point out error -thereby eradicating identity theft and scams.
5. It would eradicate the proliferation of Nigeria’s International Passport thereby redeeming our
international credibility and respect at the diplomatic sector.
6. The system is automated: it process people’s salary, benefit, expenditures and pensions. It
automates status & payment and audits sectional accounts. By this: pensioners don’t have to die
while queuing to process their pension.
7. Pensioners would be issued with a Pension Smart-Card on which money would be loaded on
monthly basis. Pensioners might need to appear at the bank to activate their pension by
fingerprint technology device every month but with exemption in special cases.
8. No more ghost workers or pensioners.
9. There would be a Bar Code identification for every citizen upon there National Identity Card and
International Passport.
10. It would open Nigeria into a wider participation in the money market: Nigerian would be more
and actively involved in financial schemes like PPP –Private and Public Partnership because the
verification of identity electronically fast and reliable thereby minimizing fear of fraud and lack
of confidence.
11. It would give financial investors the confidence to deal with the Nigerian public because the
Social Security System would make fraud a very difficult task by the eradication of multiple
12. It save guard and build credibility in the nation’s Interior Affairs.
13. It is an effective tax generation and accountability tool. It would source massive internal
revenue for the government to finance social infrastructure and development projects.
14. Government would be able to know if someone is paying tax adequately or why an individual
should not be paying tax.
15. It helps to solve crimes.
16. It generates a ready, realistic and non-manipulated database of the vibrant and active work
force. This database is made available to the government for efficient planning.
17. It is a system that provides back-up that enables all other arms of government to be efficient.
18. Social Security System/Program is the parameter: meaning, if we can succeed to make it work,
then we can succeed in every other arms of social and economic development.
Government will create a Department/Ministry of Home Security. This Ministry shall work hand in hand
with the Social Security Agency and both shall be managed by a private independent expert/consultant
(contractor). The Ministry of Home Security shall be responsible for the issuance of birth and death
certificates, National Marriage certificates, International Passport and records & welfare of all migrant
citizens, by liaising with Nigerian embassies and pressure groups in diaspora. The Home Security shall
keep records and determine the status of every immigrant and foreign nationals in Nigeria.
Social Security Number/Identity
Social Security numbers would be assigned by the system to the people (citizens) living in Nigeria, for
purposes of the Social Security System. This is different from Tax reference number (for people and legal
entities who are eligible to pay tax). A National Identity (SMART) Card is issued to all eligible citizen, by
which every transaction (in regards to the individual citizen) are performed. The Social Security unique
number, appears on the National Identity Card as the Identification Number. Non-citizens must apply for
Tax Reference number if they will be temporarily working in Nigeria.
Implementation shall start by the following medium/sectors: Media (TV, Radio, Prints and Public
Campaigns), Social Media, Banking & Commerce, Education, Healthcare and Agents & Affiliates.
Media: There shall be efficient representation of the Project (Social Security Agency) over the popular
media: TV, Radio, New Journals, Posters (in all public and Business places), flyers and billboards. This
campaigns would run for minimum of six months (and continuously). It would inform and educate
people of the government objectives, advantages and benefits of participation. It would report a
deadline and display information of offices, email, social network accounts and website for further
Banking and Commerce: government shall set and implement new regulations. All new individual bank
account shall be opened with the presentation of references from the NIC (National Identity Card). All
existing individual bank accounts would be given deadline to conform or accounts would be temporarily
inactive after deadline. All owners of business account would have to update their file with presentation
and references of NIC or accounts would be temporarily inactive after deadline. Registered and licensed
banks would be granted unlimited access to the Social Security System network/information server for
constant verifications of identities.
Government shall upgrade labour laws: all hirer of labour (both private and government employer) shall
employ by presenting the employee with a standard labour contract of three (3) months minimum.
Contract must reflect the NIC number (Social Security Number) of employee. All employment with
remuneration (salary) up to the government approved minimum wage must reflect also Tax Account
(tax reference number) in their contract. All the wages of such employments must be paid into bank
account of employee. “Cash to hand” payments of salary, of such employments would be illegal
according to the new labour regulations. All salaries would be taxed (between 5% - 14%) depending of
the level. Banks would be mandated to charge a minimum cost (of about N100 - N200 per account) for
salary handling.
1. A similar computerized program (computerization) would be implemented with the Federal Tax
& Revenue Agency.
2. Employer of labour shall employ ONLY workers with NIC in cases where remuneration is up to
government approved minimum wages.
3. Labour contracts must reflect employees’ Social Security Number and Tax Reference Number.
4. No employee (of minimum wage category) would be able to get paid without a bank account
and tax account.
5. Banks would be able to verify the credibility of client/customers in a matter of minutes as they
present NIC at the counter.
6. Financial Frauds would be drastically reduced and made difficult.
7. Banks would have more customers, make more profits and pay more tax as they charge salary
handling cost on every worker of minimum wage category.
8. There would be more engagement with the bank’s salary and payment platforms.
9. This would transform Nigeria from a cash economy to a “micro-system” economy as minimal
cash would be carried about. 70 – 80% of transactions would be bank to bank as verification
would be electronically made fast easy.
10. Banks and financial institution would find it safe and comfortable to grant credit, loans and
finance the purchase of assets because customers can be easily tracked and identities would be
very difficult to changed or stolen.
11. Payment of tax would be easily and efficiently monitored, leading to more generation of
12. Investors would develop the credibility and interest to participate in our banking and commerce
13. Labour Department and agencies would be able to hold employers accountable upon their
responsibilities to their employees.
14. It would guarantee job security and strengthen the position and dignity of every worker.
15. Employment related abuses (like sexual harassment and unfair dismissal) could be easily
prosecuted and brought to justice.
16. Dismissal of employees shall be enforced to follow due process.
17. The Labour Department shall have the powers to prosecute all defaulters of labour laws and
EDUCATION: for government to have an account or details of all pupils and students, a new regulations
would have to be in place: that a child can only be registered into basic facility of learning with
references from the Social Security System; of the parent or guardian. That no school would register a
child without such references except child is eighteen (18) years of age; in which case, such child would
be eligible for a Social Security Number and NIC, by which such child shall be registered.
In due time, after the implementation of the above, government via the Social Security system would
have a brief or comprehensive account and details of relatively every child. The administration of the
institution of basic learning may recommend to the government via the Social Security Agency (SSA)
about a child’s need of support based on health or economic ground.
Health ground: if the child is disadvantaged as a result of being physically handicapped upon the
supportive part of the body or with health impediment such in the case of asthma or convulsion. The
administration of the school (on behalf) of such a child may recommend and apply (via a FORM available
at the local SSA office or downloadable over the SSA official and Affiliate websites) for medical grant and
aids. Such Applications must be backed up by comprehensive medical report from an accredited hospital
or healthcare center.
Economic ground: if such is the case, where poverty is identified, in a manner that it is evident that a
child is lacking of basic provision, the school authority may also recommend or apply on such child’s
behalf. It is easy to identify when a child is distressed due to lack of adequate feeding or clothing or
shelter over a period of time. It is the constitutional responsibility of government to protect such child.
In the case of an Application on behalf of a child from the authority of the school: It is the duty of SSA
official to investigate such claims. SSA shall commence by investigating the parents of such child,
beginning with details available in their system of the parents. SSA shall have the right to probe into the
status of such parents (which must include visiting) to identify all forms of social problem. That is: in the
case of domestic violence, distress from separation or divorce, abuse, employment status, poor job or
poor family income, problem with shelter etc. SSA is to recommend and offer counselling if need be.
After investigation, SSA, based on laid down guidelines are to decide (if parents are qualified for grants
on child’s behalf) to approve or decline application of such child. But in the case of an approval, SSA is to
upgrade the status of such parent and child in their system to a beneficiary of SSA grants. In such case, a
special grants SMART Card shall be issued, in which a monthly value shall be loaded for the purchase of
non-alcoholic or non-nicotinic consumables.
Under this circumstance, SSA shall affiliate with registered grocery and food stores where a device that
reads the Grants special SMART Card would be installed. In the case of poor condition of living like
damaged home, torn school uniforms, tuition fee payments, lack of basic apparatus that enhances
quality child psychological growth; once or periodic budget may be approved to upgrade living
standards. Where it is necessary, SSA may move family into better accommodation. It is the
constitutional responsibility of the government to cater for such child.
It is recognized that government usually makes effort but funds do not get to the intended targets due
to the lack of reliable system structure and corrupt bureaucrats & government officials. A programmed
electronic system structure is the solution in actualizing a responsible, reliable, efficient and ensuring
management of government constitutional responsibilities.
Goals & Objectives:
1. Only citizens that are registered in the system would be recognized and can qualify for grants.
2. SSA would build, own and manage standard schools.
3. SSA would invest, build and manage Community Low Cost (but) Standard Housing units all over
the Federation.
4. SSA Housing shall be subsidized for low income earners, civil servants, handicaps and less
5. Only children of people in SSA system can attend SSA school and have access to live in SSA
Housing Facilities.
6. More parents would be motivated to register with the system.
7. The building of SSA homes and communities shall be largely planned and implemented on a
direct-labour basis, by engaging local skills and artisan to work hand in hand with professionals.
8. The Building Programs would be cost effective. Building of more housing units can be achieved
and “housing for all” can be a reality.
9. It would transform many redundant youths in an active workforce and create income.
10. It would develop and engage the services of other business sectors such as Building Materials,
Estate Managers, Private Securities, electric and water meter managers etc.
HEALTHCARE: All hospitals shall work hand in hand with the Department of Home Security (DHS). It
would be mandatory that an office or section is devoted to the DHS for proper recording and issuance of
birth and death certificates. Infant (new birth) shall be processed into the system by the Social Security
(SSA) number/references of the parents. In the case of death, it shall be the responsibility of the section
(in the hospital) to identify corpse and notify Home Security via a specified FORM, which would prompt
the issuance of a death certificate.
In a situation where there is need for grants, in the case of child birth (where parent is evidently less
fortunate), impediment to health (as a result of accident) concerning the bread winner or unforeseen
health conditions, that may be terminal or render handicap, it is the duty of the hospital to write a
report that would accompany an application for grants -FORM.
SSA shall build hospitals and support government and private hospitals to render healthcare services to
people/patients that are registered in the system at highly subsidized rate. Registered people who are
less privileged or of low income will have access to subsidized healthcare services. Healthcare services
would be rendered according to the income level of the individual concerned.
Immigrants and foreign nationals with refugee status may benefit of SSA healthcare services. Foreign
nationals that are registered with Home Security (of whatever status) may also benefit by
Goals & Objectives:
1. SSA shall make it mandatory for all affiliate hospital and healthcare centers to computerize their
filing system. A file keeping software/program shall be recommended and provided to the SSA
section of every affiliate hospitals. Technical support, training or trained staff shall be provided
in representation of SSA.
2. There would be adequate and efficient inventory of medication and dispensary consumables &
3. SSA/Government will have a computerized record of those benefitting from its healthcare
services for adequate budgeting.
4. SSA/Government can collate the rate of birth and death and secure data for adequate planning.
5. With a good coordinated healthcare system, trust and confidence in the government shall be
boosted and the people shall see a need to register in the system and pay taxes.
AGENTS & AFFILIATES: SSA shall set up training centers for Agents and Affiliates. Amidst the media
campaign; SSA shall admit and accredit Agents, who shall be trained and certified as consultants. This is
not necessarily a permanent job structure but creating opportunities for active and diligent individuals
to thrive. Agents shall be trained to render consulting services (on SSA’s behalf), fill FORMs, secure all
necessary documents and perform finger printing, at a fee. Agents shall administer all documents and
submit to SSA’s office or center (on their client’s behalf) for capturing and processing.
Affiliates are private business premises built to (SSA) standard to render consulting and administrative
services on SSA’s behalf. Such businesses (Affiliates) after being approved would enter into a contract
with SSA to serve as centers and offices even at grass root level. SSA via its affiliates shall train, employ
or engage local indigenes in providing services to the community. Their duty shall include (but not
limited to) caring for the elderly, less privileged, write reports and make recommendation for the
alleviation of poverty.
Citizens who cannot afford the services of agents can simply queue up at Affiliate centers to get
registered and processed into the SSA system.
Affiliates are to be the eyes of government at the grass root level. They are to communicate with the
people, make findings and correspond with SSA on how government can make life better for the
community and her people. Agents and Affiliates are to be funded by SSA via the Income Tax Revenue.
1. Fast integration: registration into the system and obtaining of the National Identity Card would
be made easy and with options.
2. Citizens can choose to employ the service of Agents queue at any of SSA centers nationwide.
3. Jobs shall be created.
4. It would serve as a platform to engage National Youth Service Corps in community building
because SSA centers and Affiliates would be established nationwide.
5. It shall engage many idle hands especially at the grass root level.
The funding of the Social Security Structures is expected to come from the annual National Budget and
also an adequate percentage of generated tax revenue.
Software could be designed to monitor structured procedures that would ensure or guarantee proper
Due Process. To eradicate embezzlement or misappropriation of funds, there must be a change in
government policy by setting laid down policies and procedures that monitors, make transparent and
guides the development of projects and service delivery.
For instance: a governor or local government chairman/chairperson could force the accountant to
compromise or comply with the misappropriation of fund simply by threatening on the security of his
(accountant) job. But with a standard, firm and rigid labour laws, which ensures that due process must
be followed in the case of an initiated dismissal; the integrity of such employee is protected. This is to
describe a labour system in which fear and intimidation does not pressure employees to compromise;
where even a governor has no right or power to fire an employer of the state that is under a standard
labour contract without following due process.
1. Bidding for Budget: government must modify a regulations such that: it is the duty of a State and its
authorities (Governor, Commissioners and Local Government Representatives) to unanimously and
officially present a written Proposal or gazette, in which the list of projects and development that needs
funding, purposed for the fiscal year are published. Proposal/Budget is not summited to the Ministry of
Finance but to the Department of Due Diligence (DDD).
2. Probing: The Proposal is then probed by the government Department of Due Diligent. This
government department (DDD) shall be managed by a competent independent private consultant. They
are to investigate and ensure that Projects are not over charged and to check on the credibility and
capability of proposed contractors (based on experience and past performance) on each project. They
are to suggest partnership or joint ventures with foreign or local firms so that our indigenous
contractors could learn from their foreign partners or counterpart. DDD is to ensure that all contractors
are qualified and conforms or cleared by the nation’s Tax and Revenue Department and other licensing
bureau. DDD is to engage the representatives of State and their project contractors in meetings to agree
and finalize on budget/project terms and figures.
3. Finance or Budget Ministry: Approval of State Proposal/Budget is recommended by DDD and passed
to the Finance Ministry who approves and execute payment of budget when due and according to
recommendation from the DDD. The Ministry of Finance is not to decide what to be paid as budget to
each state, meaning that the jurisdiction of responsibilities has to be CLEAR and highly respected.
4. Monitoring: The Department of DD and another Department (supposedly Bureau of Standards) shall
monitor the release of funds and that project is developed according to schedule and that the deadlines
are met. The monitoring of payments and the execution of projects can be implemented by an
integrated software/program that ensure procedures are duly followed.
5. Approval: The Bureau of Standard is to monitor and verify that project is up to standard. DDD and the
Bureau of Standards must be signatory to the certification of satisfactory finished before balance of
funds are released.
Blueprints for effective management of the listed service sectors by the implementation of
software/programs and the engaging of contemporary technologies could be researched.
1. Healthcare
2. Education
3. Police
4. Military
5. Port Authorities
6. Wild life and Nature Conservation
7. Tourism Leisure and Hotels
8. Agriculture
9. Storage & Marketing Facilities for Food and Farm Produce.
There have been attempts in the past by government to implement a form of the Social Security System
(or the other), which failed due to lack of planning, competent expertize, genuine intent and relevant
infrastructure. Waiting for the power situation to get stable in Nigeria might be an indefinite wait; so we
came up with an alternative emergency power structure that is sufficient and efficient for this very
project. As Nigeria is blessed with stable and strong sunlight, we recommend to engage The Solar
There are no worth that could be placed on the amount of power that could be generated by Sun Light.
The resources that God has kept in nature is enormous and far more than earthly needs. It is left for us
to make the decision. There is no limit to the quantity or value of energy that the Sun can produce.
Unlike the Internet: the more we connect, the lesser the speed or bandwidth, or other energy
generating system: the higher the consumption, the sooner we might run out of electricity. My point is:
if the entire world connects to electricity via the Solar Power System, the Sun shall NOT shine less.
These are two prototypes of recommended Solar Power facility: the Landed and Roof Top.
We need to change our orientation concerning a lot of things in Nigeria; building is one of those things.
Our civil engineering standards are ages behind. We must conform by putting a stop to building of
homes and start building communities. Community or communities could share a Landed Solar Power
System such as below:
Rovigo Project (The Largest Single-Operating PV Solar Farm in Europe)
Location: Rovigo, Italy
Modules Used: Crystalline PV CHSM 6610M | CHSM 6610P
System Size: 70 MW (15 MW using Astronergy modules)
Completed: 11/2010
We recommend the Rooftop Solar Powering System for every (already existing) government ministries
to supplement fuel power generating plants. Roof tops of government ministries would be converted to
Solar PV panel stands and the last floor would be converted to the Technical and Power storage
platform. Our idea is that: there would be two sets of wiring. The old/normal wiring that connects to the
Power Holding grid would remain, then a special (new) wiring would run from the Solar System through
the building to form the Solar Power Source (SPS).
Location: Eggstatt, Germany
Modules Used: Crystalline PV CHSM 5612M
System Size: 1.2 Mega Watt
Completed: 06/2010
The Solar Power Source during the day (7:00am – 6:00pm), when the Sun shall shine would power
sufficiently all electric apparatus such as the computers, printers, cooling system and watering. By
evening (after closing hour), the power source from the grid will power the building. But in the event of
power failure (as it is the usual), Solar Power can be stored to power lightings at nights for security
purposes or even supply at daylight capacity (at nights) if we invest in adequate solar power storage
This is the solution we propose, to power all other technological developments that the lack of stable
power supply has prevented.
Below is a list of suggestions:
POLICING: lack of stable power supply has prevented efficiency in our policing system as far as service
delivery and combating crime is concerned. Every standard police units (stations) should be equipped
with internet & intranet, computerized systems/procedures, surveillance cameras system, access card
systems, electro-magnetic locks, remote control gates, public address systems, 24 hours internal &
security lightings.
Goals & Objectives:
1. Police infrastructures should be rebuilt, reconstructed or upgraded to allow the installation of
modern (technology) policing equipment.
2. Government should set the standard by presenting the modern architectural prototypes of
police stations.
3. Police officials would be cautious of corruption, misconduct and human right abuses when they
are aware that their premises is under 24 hours camera surveillance.
4. Efficient service delivery is the result.
5. 24 hour Camera Surveillance: shall be the recommended standard for every government
ministries, structures and public edifices.
6. It would promote individual efficiency and put every laxity and misconduct under watch.
7. Speed access to a computerized database of criminal records is an effective and efficient tool to
combating crime.
STATE ELECTRONIC MONITORING SYSTEM: Imagine cameras monitoring the metropolis of Lagos, Abuja,
Kano, Ibadan, Kaduna and all the major cities of Nigeria? This requires a Base Station equipped with
massive amount of LCD/LED screens, which needs to be powered by stable and reliable electricity
supply. With the electronic monitoring system, crime suspects can be easily tracked and crime can be
reported and responded to faster than normal.
EDUCATION: The Ministry of Education is to set standards by presenting/unveiling architectural
prototypes (for standard schools) of different grades and levels. Schools (private or state owned) that
are below standards must probably consolidate and conform by building or upgrading structures.
Licenses of school that fails to conform after deadline should be revoked. Further establishment of
schools must conform to standard prototypes. All schools and institution of learning must be structured
and provided with 24 hours electricity and camera surveillance. Roof top Solar PV panels can be a
standard for all schools. There cannot be quality education without such.
If the schools in Nigeria can be transformed and reformed, then the future of Nigeria is protected. The
education sector has lost its vitality as the poor quality of work force produced do more harm than good
to the society and economy. The Education affair and system is desperately in need of desperate change
and measures. Technology and modification in government policy can save the day. A full proposal on
Education can be researched on request.
HEALTHCARE: A similar policy in the case of Education is suggested for healthcare. Every state and
private owned clinics and hospitals must conform to government standard prototypes. These prototypes
are structurally designed to accommodate Solar Power upgrades, which we propose to be the new
solution to the crippling energy problems.
There is no denying that the entire nation of Nigeria needs the minimum of 39 Ultra-Modern Hospitals.
At least one is a State. A full proposal on Healthcare can be researched on request.
Advantages of Solar Power
1. Solar power helps to slow/stop global warming: Global warming threatens the survival of human
society, as well as the survival of countless species. Luckily, decades of research have led to efficient
solar panel systems that create electricity without producing global warming pollution. Solar power is
now very clearly one of the most important solutions to the global warming crisis.
2. Solar power saves you money: Putting solar power is likely to save you tens of thousands of dollars.
The average 20-year savings for Americans who went solar in 2011 were projected to be a little over
$20,000. Beyond solar PV panels, it’s worth noting that solar energy can actually save you money in
about a dozen other ways as well — with proper planning and structural design choices.
3. Solar power provides energy reliability: The rising and setting of the sun is extremely consistent. All
across the world, we know exactly when it will rise and set every day of the year. While clouds may be a
bit less predictable, we do also have fairly good seasonal and daily projections for the amount of
sunlight that will be received in different locations. All in all, this makes solar power an extremely
reliable source of energy.
4. Solar power provides energy security: On top of the above reliability benefit, no one can go and buy
the sun or turn sunlight into a monopoly. Combined with the simplicity of solar panels, this also provides
the notable solar power advantage of energy security, something the US military has pointed out for
years, and a major reason why it is also putting a lot of its money into the development and installation
of solar power systems.
5. Solar power provides energy independence: Similar to the energy security boost, solar power
provides the great benefit of energy independence. Again, the “fuel” for solar panels cannot be bought
or monopolized. It is free for all to use. Once you have solar panels on your roof, you have an essentially
independent source of electricity that is all yours. This is important for individuals, but also for cities,
counties, states, countries, and even companies. It is said that Ukraine in recent years has saved
approximately $3 billion in reduced oil and gas imports from Russia thanks to the solar power plants
developed by a single developer. Impressive. If we invest and implement technically and wisely on Solar,
the Oil Subsidy issue will soon be a thing of the past.
6. Solar power creates jobs: As a source of energy, solar power is a job-creating powerhouse. Money
invested in solar power creates two to three times more jobs than money invested in coal or natural gas.
On the long run, Solar Power is actually cheaper than energy generated from coal or natural gas.
Disadvantages of Solar Power
Solar power disadvantages are actually not so plentiful. In fact, there’s only one notable disadvantage to
solar power. That disadvantage is that the sun doesn’t shine 24 hours a day. When the sun goes down or
is heavily shaded, solar panels stop producing electricity. If we need electricity at that time, we have to
get it from some other source. In other words, we couldn’t be 100% powered by solar panels. At the
very least, we need batteries to store electricity produced by solar panels for use at nights.
However, there are a couple of key things to note regarding this solar power disadvantage. Firstly, the
sun actually does shine when we need electricity most. Majority of work and business open at about
8:00am and closes around 6:00pm while the sun shines. So this disadvantage plays into our advantage.
Another important point worth noting on this front is that, with storage, solar power could theoretically
supply the world with all of its electricity needs. In fact, nothing on earth compares to the energy
potential of sunshine.
Putting together a project like the Micro-system Societal Program requires a very complex structure. It
has to pass through a metamorphosed stages of development. May I briefly take you through the stages
without boring you?
1. SOURCING: We are not only looking around to buy technologies. Our intention is to put together the
best of the best of our brilliant nation Nigeria and also source experts from South Africa, Europe and
Asia. It would be a team -predominantly of Brilliant and Hardworking Nigerians (across the federation),
purpose of which to positively contribute and learn, so that we can carry along these technologies on
our own. We are more intending a Direct Labour kind of movement.
2. CONCEPT: Brain storming and putting together a credible team of researchers, developers,
programmers, designers, architects, engineers and artisans (our best of the best), to identifying each
one’s strength and weaknesses.
3. STRUCTURING THE WORK PLACE: Building the structures from where we shall work. An Ultra-Modern
Research Centre equipped with the best technologies and Solar Power Systems.
4. STRUCTURING WORK SCHEDULE: Knowing what to do, when to do, how to do and when to finish.
5. INSTALLATION OF SERVER AND CYBER PROTECTION: Server is the internet space that host the
Program from where the Project is powered. The server needs to be protected because there are people
whose business is to steal information for fraudulent purposes. We shall employ the best technologies
to make sure that the Program is protected and secured.
6. SETTING DEADLINE: Knowing which day Project would be ready for implementation
7. INSTALLATION AND TEST RUNNING OF PROJECT: When Program is completed, we put it to use to
ensure that it works perfectly. We test run all validations and functions
to our standard, all over the federation. We hire and train staffs, then get ready to go.
9. CAMPAIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION: Work begin as we persuade people to get registered or involved
in the system through commercials and other various methods.
10. We then begin to expand and spread the tentacles of reform and transformation, with the aim to
positively affect every socio-economic sector. It shall be a true new beginning in Nigeria.
The tendency to be corrupt is in every nation. It is the responsibility of committed state leadership to
put in place a system and structure that discourage or frustrate corruption.
My belief and ideology is that: there is no such thing as “Poor Countries”; what we have always had is a
Poor System or Poor Management. God has deposited enough resources for every nation to fare well. It
is our greedy, corrupt and capitalist tendencies that has left many people in poverty.
Let the new government in Nigeria be aware that every effort to bring change or move Nigeria forward
may remain frustrated if we disregard the implementation of a radical change of policies and
regulations. What I am trying to say is that: technology is the answer to battling corruption in Nigeria.
To sound a note of warning: many government bureaucrat would be eager to kick against an automotive
electronic program/platform, that can automatically audit and ensure a transparent running of the
entire system at 70% capacity at least, thereby closing many gaps by which corruption is perpetrated.
The implementation of this program requires an entire and radical change in government policies and
structures. As it is known to be that people usually react to “change” negatively, government must be
determined to close ears to sponsored criticism and radically get committed to this purpose.
As long as physical cash remains the primary mode of transaction, there would always be corruption in
Nigeria. If a genuine and sincere change would happen in Nigeria, am afraid it would only be when we all
conform and get committed to start working by such electronic management platform and structure.
That any party or group that opposes such, has definitely a different agenda other than moving Nigeria
Our system structure and standards (in almost every public sector) are obsolete. We are still utilizing
and operating as raw as the British has handed it over to us in 1960. Times has changed but we refuse to
change. If government would commit to business: that the primary purpose and responsibility of the
government is the welfare of the people, then the civil service management must come under a new
and modern system structure that is designed to work against the tentacles of corruption. Government
must depart from what use to be the “norm” –about the manners we’ve been running state affairs and
selecting of public managers. Public leaders should be chosen of recommended professional
antecedents and competence but not for political compensations.
What is most important like earlier said; is that regardless of our individual flaws, a good and
purposefully crafted system structure can make even bad leaders function well and productive.
I appeal to our Capitalist Minds.
Sincerely Yours.
Member: Africa Bureau for Good Governance
POLANA BUILDING, 74 Bourke Street, Pretoria, South Africa.
Cell: +27 74 657 5665, +27 79 926 0434
Date: 29th
June 2015

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Proposal_Micro-system Societal Program in Nigeria_UNDESA

  • 2. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 INTRODUCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 CHAPTER ONE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 SOCIAL SECURITY? Contributory: Social Security System Non-Contributory: Social Support System SOCIAL PAYMENT CATEGORIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Contributory: Social Security payments Non-Contributory: Social Support payments Suggested Name: CHAPTER TWO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 HOW WILL SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM HELPS NIGERIA TO ERACDICATE CORRUPTION? THE ADVANTAGES OF IMPLEMENTATION 9 CHAPTER THREE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 IMPLEMENTATION Social Security Number/Identity Media: Banking and Commerce: Objectives: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 EDUCATION: Health ground: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Economic ground: Goals & Objectives: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 HEALTHCARE: Goals & Objectives: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 AGENTS & AFFILIATES: Objectives: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 FUNDING CHAPTER FOUR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 OTHER RELEVANT PROGRAMS PROCEDURES TO FUNDING OF STATE PROJECT & BUDGET SUGGESTED BLUEPRINT: Bidding for Budget: Probing:
  • 3. 3 Finance or Budget Ministry: Monitoring: Approval: OTHER AREA OF ATTENTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 CHAPTER FIVE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 AN AUTOMATED SYSTEM SUCH AS THE MICRO-SYSTEM SOCIETAL PROGRAM NEEDS STABLE AND UNDISTRUPTED POWER (ELECTRICITY) SUPPLY. HOW WILL IT WORK WITH THE POWER SITUATION IN NIGERIA? SOLAR ENERGY: EMERGENCY/ALTERNATIVE POWER SOLUTION ------------------------------- 19 LANDED ROOF TOP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 POLICING: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 Goals & Objectives: STATE ELECTRONIC MONITORING SYSTEM: --------------------------------------------------------- 22 EDUCATION: HEALTHCARE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 Advantages of Solar Power Disadvantages of Solar Power -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 CHAPTER FIVE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 MAKING IT WORK
  • 4. 4 PREFACE In more than ten years of living on South Africa, I see a country powered by a very efficient system structure: a laid down procedure, a management system backed by a network of software technology. There is no way you can work or do business in South Africa without passing through SARS (South Africa Revenue Service). You must register at SARS to get your first salary paid or open a business account. Neither can you exist in South Africa (as an immigrant or citizen) without an experience with the Home Affairs Department. Home Affairs is responsible for documenting the identity references and status of every soul (immigrants and citizens) living in SA. These two social systems (Home Affairs and SARS) are like the engine hub that powers every other socio-economic systems. These systems provides the base data (database) upon which the micro-system economy of South Africa is operating. From identification to verification, to the automatic audit of every transactions and the information that are processed in financial & economic platforms are drawn from these systems. South African Home Affairs and SARS are powered by a fixed and efficient operating software application created/designed to be secured, unbending and difficult to compromise. These network of software(s) are dynamic in the processing of data upon electronic platforms, across several virtual gateways for instant identification, verification and confirmation of transactions. Such systems (software) has made it possible for the running of economies without the use of physical cash. A micro- system societal structure/economy is the only solution to fixing modern day corruption. Saddened and broken hearted by the recent xenophobic attacks on foreign national in South Africa, I climbed upon the mountain and pray to God for a positive transformation in Nigeria. As I sat and meditate, God began to fill my head with divine contents and since then I could only think about how a more committed, efficient, reliable and sustainable system structure (far better than that of South Africa) is implemented and utilized in Nigeria. Motivated by God’s inspiration, I have been living in dreams of a Nigeria that is operating upon a viable social system structure that exhibits the pride and dignity of a wonderful nation far more than we use to be. I live in a dream of our people, trooping back home, out of South Africa and other places of persecution, being motivated by the benefits of developments that are happening at home. I live in a dream of a society that cares for more than the basic needs and well-being of its people; a Nigeria where poverty is eliminated, where social infrastructures are operating at maximum capacity, where there is abundance of food, shelter, healthcare, security and education for all. I see a Nigeria that protects her people; a land of greener pasture for those within and in diaspora that seeks after it. A rich Nigeria where those who live in are rich people and no one is below the Middle-class. Trust me, our people oppressed, suppressed and depressed. I see it with my eyes as Nigerians and other African Migrants are hated, stigmatized and persecuted for no credible reason. The time to make a sincere, genuine and committed change is long over-due. We can turn Nigeria around if this research and proposal is implemented. Yes we can.
  • 5. 5 INTRODUCTION This proposal is basically about a program, a software, an electronic platform, a computerized power base, an indispensable system structure and infrastructures backed by government policies, only by which a genuine Societal System would truly and efficiently run the affairs of highly complex state like Nigeria. This very same system would interlink and power other relevant sectors that are critical to the economic and social stability of the nation. With a leadership that is genuine, ready and serious for change, Nigeria can conform and the management systems structure would positively change for good. Without a coordinated basic electronic system structure, a change in Nigeria is far from happening. We are proposing a system, a program, a software, an application platform that would manage the entire state affairs, from the civil service structure, to government parastatals and state owned facilities; education, social forces & arm forces, revenues, budget & finance, infrastructural development, private sectors, healthcare, housing and securities. The implementation of the programs would transform Nigeria into a micro-system economy that would systematically and drastically reduce the use of physical cash as the primary means or mode of doing transactions. There would always be corruption as long as bureaucrats and civil servants comes in contact with physical cash in the running of the system. There shall always be loop holes for corruption to thrive when the transferring of physical cash is the primary mode of transactions. Corruption grows out of a bad, corruptible and porous system but not of crafty people. The combination of a porous system and crafty people makes a bad and corrupt society. A firm system that gives no room for corruption will only encourage people to remain disciplined. A software, program and electronic platforms that runs an entire system cannot afford to sleep. Can a system like such be successful without a stable and reliable electricity? Answer is No. Will Nigeria have to wait for a reliable electricity to be installed before such system can be implemented? No. This proposal will inspire a practical emergency, immediate energy source/structure and critical policies that would power the entire state systems structures to efficient workability and success. A nation of 170 million people like Nigeria, without a nuclear facility may only survive on this energy structure that would remain efficient. This may be the practical immediate long lasting energy solution we have been searching for. We guarantee that this program, if implemented, would transform Nigeria socio-economic sectors and shall begin to yield physical outstanding rewards in less than five years. I believe that this program is about the only logical solution into building a foundation by which a sustainable and lasting change can be implemented. Without the implementation of these electronic platforms as the primary mode of running state affairs, am afraid we might see another frustrated effort of this era, where change is elusive like we have always seen.
  • 6. 6 CHAPTER ONE SOCIAL SECURITY? Social Security Programs comes in various forms and implementations. It is also described by various names, depending on what the society in question decides to name it. They are called names like Social Insurance System, Pension Trust Fund, Social Security Service or Agency, National or State Social Support Agency, Social Benefit System and many more. Social Security Programs could be Contributory and Non- contributory in structure. WHAT IS SOCIAL SECURITY? Government program aimed at providing basic needs to citizens, especially those who are retired, unemployed, or unemployable due to a disability or disadvantage. Social Security is about Social Safety. In this very regards, it is about rendering Social welfare services provided by a proposed parastatal of government at the state and local levels. These services are geared toward eliminating poverty in a specific area. These services may include housing re-assignment, job placement, subsidies for household bills, and other cash equivalents for food. Social safety networks in conjunction with a number of other poverty reduction programs with the primary goal of reducing/preventing poverty. Contributory: Social Security System This is like a social insurance system that includes basic compulsory pension scheme and sickness insurance. The contributions to the state‘s employment policy are also collected within the framework of the system, as well as the social security contributions. It is funded usually by mandatory payroll contributions (typically 5 to 8 percent of a paycheck) from both the employees and the employers, and from the government's tax revenue. The basic legal regulation which regulates the entitlements arising from the compulsory pension insurance scheme for the case of old age, invalidity or the death of the sustenance provider is Pension Scheme Act (as supported by the Constitution of the nation in question). The participation in the basic pension insurance/scheme is compulsory upon the fulfilment of the designated conditions. The Pension Insurance Act, which contains the appropriate legal regulations, does, however, also enable voluntary participation in the pension insurance scheme at a designated extent within the framework of the basic compulsory pension insurance scheme. Non-Contributory: Social Support System The National Social Support System is a non-contributory system which is financed from the state budget and administered by the assigned state bodies. By means of the state social support system, the state contributes in particular to families with dependent children in the case of an acknowledged social situation which the family is unable to resolve using its own funds and abilities. The social support payments follow the life cycle of the dependent child from birth through to the end of the education process and they provide help to families with children in various difficult situations (such as insufficient income, care for a new-born or small child, care for a child with a disability, an incomplete family and so on). The fundamental legal regulation which regulates the system of state social support is State Social Support Act (as supported by the Constitution of the nation in question). For the purposes of the state social support, a family is understood to mean the cohabitation of parents and dependent children in a common household. A dependent child is considered to be a child up to the
  • 7. 7 end of its compulsory school attendance and further, if the child is preparing for a future profession or is disabled, but up to a maximum of 26 years of age. SOCIAL PAYMENT CATEGORIES Contributory: Social Security payments • allowances in the event of sickness • unemployment benefits • allowances in the event of incapacity for work through sickness or invalidity • allowances in the event of accidents at work • allowances in the event of industrial disease • family allowances for widow or widower • pensions Non-Contributory: Social Support payments • child benefits • parental allowances • social supplements • housing allowances • birth allowances • death allowances • foster care allowances (contributions to the child‘s needs, remuneration for the foster carer, the contribution upon the assumption of care for a child, a contribution towards purchasing a motor vehicle). But there could be exceptions and modifications to make it suitable for the Nigerian governing structures. Decision has to be taken by policy makers, depending on social factors, economic strength and availability of fund within the nation in question. Government may decide to restrict on the list of payment categories. To suggest: it may be limited to aged, child with disabilities, orphans of both parents, rare multiple same birth (quadruplet) only. Suggested Name: National Social Security Agency of Nigeria Nigeria Social Security Agency Nigeria Social Support Agency Social Security Agency of Nigeria Social Support Agency of Nigeria
  • 8. 8 CHAPTER TWO HOW WILL SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM HELPS NIGERIA TO ERACDICATE CORRUPTION? Many nations started by creating a Social Security System aiming at sustainability, to later focus on suitability, then advanced into modernization. We are in the age of modernization and there is a serious need to bring alive and modernize Nigeria’s Social Security System and other vital operational system. In this computer age, Social Security system is powered by an integrated Information Technology programs. For Social Security System to be efficient in this highly complex age, a very sophisticated data storing and processing system, an electronic platform, with the capability to process data, across spectrums within the shortest time frames must be created and implemented. This means that sufficient data of every individual (citizen and foreign nationals) of the Federation is to be captured and stored into the system. By this system, every citizen of the state is provided with National Identification by which every transactions (in respect of the individual) is performed. Program will store, process and make available (when needed or for litigation and verification purposes) sufficient information such as: portrait (image), names, date of birth, gender, marital status, local government, tribe, spoken languages, schools and institutions attended, occupation, religion, contact: address, numbers & email, names and details of Spouse, names and details of Parents, names and details of children; medical information, employer, salary, tax reference number, name of bank, ten finger prints, self-attestation, signature and more. This system will be the central information base for all other social, judicial, security, and economic governmental arms. For example in cases of crime or state security, police can apply (by the magistrate court) to the Social Security system, to harness files of specific citizen or individual.
  • 9. 9 THE ADVANTAGES OF IMPLEMENTATION 1. It call for an upgrade of the structural standard of all government ministries to conform and comply with modern operating system and technology thereby boosting speed and efficiency. 2. It allows for fast and reliable identification of every individual. Identification can be easy verified. 3. First-hand information of every citizen would be available to relevant officials (in good time) if need be at a lawful request. 4. No person can register twice (or as a different person) because system will scan finger prints and point out error -thereby eradicating identity theft and scams. 5. It would eradicate the proliferation of Nigeria’s International Passport thereby redeeming our international credibility and respect at the diplomatic sector. 6. The system is automated: it process people’s salary, benefit, expenditures and pensions. It automates status & payment and audits sectional accounts. By this: pensioners don’t have to die while queuing to process their pension. 7. Pensioners would be issued with a Pension Smart-Card on which money would be loaded on monthly basis. Pensioners might need to appear at the bank to activate their pension by fingerprint technology device every month but with exemption in special cases. 8. No more ghost workers or pensioners. 9. There would be a Bar Code identification for every citizen upon there National Identity Card and International Passport. 10. It would open Nigeria into a wider participation in the money market: Nigerian would be more and actively involved in financial schemes like PPP –Private and Public Partnership because the verification of identity electronically fast and reliable thereby minimizing fear of fraud and lack of confidence. 11. It would give financial investors the confidence to deal with the Nigerian public because the Social Security System would make fraud a very difficult task by the eradication of multiple identity. 12. It save guard and build credibility in the nation’s Interior Affairs. 13. It is an effective tax generation and accountability tool. It would source massive internal revenue for the government to finance social infrastructure and development projects. 14. Government would be able to know if someone is paying tax adequately or why an individual should not be paying tax. 15. It helps to solve crimes. 16. It generates a ready, realistic and non-manipulated database of the vibrant and active work force. This database is made available to the government for efficient planning. 17. It is a system that provides back-up that enables all other arms of government to be efficient. 18. Social Security System/Program is the parameter: meaning, if we can succeed to make it work, then we can succeed in every other arms of social and economic development.
  • 10. 10 CHAPTER THREE IMPLEMENTATION Government will create a Department/Ministry of Home Security. This Ministry shall work hand in hand with the Social Security Agency and both shall be managed by a private independent expert/consultant (contractor). The Ministry of Home Security shall be responsible for the issuance of birth and death certificates, National Marriage certificates, International Passport and records & welfare of all migrant citizens, by liaising with Nigerian embassies and pressure groups in diaspora. The Home Security shall keep records and determine the status of every immigrant and foreign nationals in Nigeria. Social Security Number/Identity Social Security numbers would be assigned by the system to the people (citizens) living in Nigeria, for purposes of the Social Security System. This is different from Tax reference number (for people and legal entities who are eligible to pay tax). A National Identity (SMART) Card is issued to all eligible citizen, by which every transaction (in regards to the individual citizen) are performed. The Social Security unique number, appears on the National Identity Card as the Identification Number. Non-citizens must apply for Tax Reference number if they will be temporarily working in Nigeria. Implementation shall start by the following medium/sectors: Media (TV, Radio, Prints and Public Campaigns), Social Media, Banking & Commerce, Education, Healthcare and Agents & Affiliates. Media: There shall be efficient representation of the Project (Social Security Agency) over the popular media: TV, Radio, New Journals, Posters (in all public and Business places), flyers and billboards. This campaigns would run for minimum of six months (and continuously). It would inform and educate people of the government objectives, advantages and benefits of participation. It would report a deadline and display information of offices, email, social network accounts and website for further references. Banking and Commerce: government shall set and implement new regulations. All new individual bank account shall be opened with the presentation of references from the NIC (National Identity Card). All existing individual bank accounts would be given deadline to conform or accounts would be temporarily inactive after deadline. All owners of business account would have to update their file with presentation and references of NIC or accounts would be temporarily inactive after deadline. Registered and licensed
  • 11. 11 banks would be granted unlimited access to the Social Security System network/information server for constant verifications of identities. Government shall upgrade labour laws: all hirer of labour (both private and government employer) shall employ by presenting the employee with a standard labour contract of three (3) months minimum. Contract must reflect the NIC number (Social Security Number) of employee. All employment with remuneration (salary) up to the government approved minimum wage must reflect also Tax Account (tax reference number) in their contract. All the wages of such employments must be paid into bank account of employee. “Cash to hand” payments of salary, of such employments would be illegal according to the new labour regulations. All salaries would be taxed (between 5% - 14%) depending of the level. Banks would be mandated to charge a minimum cost (of about N100 - N200 per account) for salary handling. Objectives: 1. A similar computerized program (computerization) would be implemented with the Federal Tax & Revenue Agency. 2. Employer of labour shall employ ONLY workers with NIC in cases where remuneration is up to government approved minimum wages. 3. Labour contracts must reflect employees’ Social Security Number and Tax Reference Number. 4. No employee (of minimum wage category) would be able to get paid without a bank account and tax account. 5. Banks would be able to verify the credibility of client/customers in a matter of minutes as they present NIC at the counter. 6. Financial Frauds would be drastically reduced and made difficult. 7. Banks would have more customers, make more profits and pay more tax as they charge salary handling cost on every worker of minimum wage category. 8. There would be more engagement with the bank’s salary and payment platforms. 9. This would transform Nigeria from a cash economy to a “micro-system” economy as minimal cash would be carried about. 70 – 80% of transactions would be bank to bank as verification would be electronically made fast easy. 10. Banks and financial institution would find it safe and comfortable to grant credit, loans and finance the purchase of assets because customers can be easily tracked and identities would be very difficult to changed or stolen. 11. Payment of tax would be easily and efficiently monitored, leading to more generation of revenue. 12. Investors would develop the credibility and interest to participate in our banking and commerce system. 13. Labour Department and agencies would be able to hold employers accountable upon their responsibilities to their employees. 14. It would guarantee job security and strengthen the position and dignity of every worker. 15. Employment related abuses (like sexual harassment and unfair dismissal) could be easily prosecuted and brought to justice. 16. Dismissal of employees shall be enforced to follow due process. 17. The Labour Department shall have the powers to prosecute all defaulters of labour laws and processes. EDUCATION: for government to have an account or details of all pupils and students, a new regulations would have to be in place: that a child can only be registered into basic facility of learning with references from the Social Security System; of the parent or guardian. That no school would register a
  • 12. 12 child without such references except child is eighteen (18) years of age; in which case, such child would be eligible for a Social Security Number and NIC, by which such child shall be registered. In due time, after the implementation of the above, government via the Social Security system would have a brief or comprehensive account and details of relatively every child. The administration of the institution of basic learning may recommend to the government via the Social Security Agency (SSA) about a child’s need of support based on health or economic ground. Health ground: if the child is disadvantaged as a result of being physically handicapped upon the supportive part of the body or with health impediment such in the case of asthma or convulsion. The administration of the school (on behalf) of such a child may recommend and apply (via a FORM available at the local SSA office or downloadable over the SSA official and Affiliate websites) for medical grant and aids. Such Applications must be backed up by comprehensive medical report from an accredited hospital or healthcare center. Economic ground: if such is the case, where poverty is identified, in a manner that it is evident that a child is lacking of basic provision, the school authority may also recommend or apply on such child’s behalf. It is easy to identify when a child is distressed due to lack of adequate feeding or clothing or shelter over a period of time. It is the constitutional responsibility of government to protect such child. In the case of an Application on behalf of a child from the authority of the school: It is the duty of SSA official to investigate such claims. SSA shall commence by investigating the parents of such child, beginning with details available in their system of the parents. SSA shall have the right to probe into the status of such parents (which must include visiting) to identify all forms of social problem. That is: in the case of domestic violence, distress from separation or divorce, abuse, employment status, poor job or poor family income, problem with shelter etc. SSA is to recommend and offer counselling if need be. After investigation, SSA, based on laid down guidelines are to decide (if parents are qualified for grants on child’s behalf) to approve or decline application of such child. But in the case of an approval, SSA is to upgrade the status of such parent and child in their system to a beneficiary of SSA grants. In such case, a special grants SMART Card shall be issued, in which a monthly value shall be loaded for the purchase of non-alcoholic or non-nicotinic consumables. Under this circumstance, SSA shall affiliate with registered grocery and food stores where a device that reads the Grants special SMART Card would be installed. In the case of poor condition of living like damaged home, torn school uniforms, tuition fee payments, lack of basic apparatus that enhances quality child psychological growth; once or periodic budget may be approved to upgrade living
  • 13. 13 standards. Where it is necessary, SSA may move family into better accommodation. It is the constitutional responsibility of the government to cater for such child. It is recognized that government usually makes effort but funds do not get to the intended targets due to the lack of reliable system structure and corrupt bureaucrats & government officials. A programmed electronic system structure is the solution in actualizing a responsible, reliable, efficient and ensuring management of government constitutional responsibilities. Goals & Objectives: 1. Only citizens that are registered in the system would be recognized and can qualify for grants. 2. SSA would build, own and manage standard schools. 3. SSA would invest, build and manage Community Low Cost (but) Standard Housing units all over the Federation. 4. SSA Housing shall be subsidized for low income earners, civil servants, handicaps and less privileged. 5. Only children of people in SSA system can attend SSA school and have access to live in SSA Housing Facilities. 6. More parents would be motivated to register with the system. 7. The building of SSA homes and communities shall be largely planned and implemented on a direct-labour basis, by engaging local skills and artisan to work hand in hand with professionals. 8. The Building Programs would be cost effective. Building of more housing units can be achieved and “housing for all” can be a reality. 9. It would transform many redundant youths in an active workforce and create income. 10. It would develop and engage the services of other business sectors such as Building Materials, Estate Managers, Private Securities, electric and water meter managers etc. HEALTHCARE: All hospitals shall work hand in hand with the Department of Home Security (DHS). It would be mandatory that an office or section is devoted to the DHS for proper recording and issuance of birth and death certificates. Infant (new birth) shall be processed into the system by the Social Security (SSA) number/references of the parents. In the case of death, it shall be the responsibility of the section (in the hospital) to identify corpse and notify Home Security via a specified FORM, which would prompt the issuance of a death certificate. In a situation where there is need for grants, in the case of child birth (where parent is evidently less fortunate), impediment to health (as a result of accident) concerning the bread winner or unforeseen health conditions, that may be terminal or render handicap, it is the duty of the hospital to write a report that would accompany an application for grants -FORM.
  • 14. 14 SSA shall build hospitals and support government and private hospitals to render healthcare services to people/patients that are registered in the system at highly subsidized rate. Registered people who are less privileged or of low income will have access to subsidized healthcare services. Healthcare services would be rendered according to the income level of the individual concerned. Immigrants and foreign nationals with refugee status may benefit of SSA healthcare services. Foreign nationals that are registered with Home Security (of whatever status) may also benefit by recommendation. Goals & Objectives: 1. SSA shall make it mandatory for all affiliate hospital and healthcare centers to computerize their filing system. A file keeping software/program shall be recommended and provided to the SSA section of every affiliate hospitals. Technical support, training or trained staff shall be provided in representation of SSA. 2. There would be adequate and efficient inventory of medication and dispensary consumables & disposables. 3. SSA/Government will have a computerized record of those benefitting from its healthcare services for adequate budgeting. 4. SSA/Government can collate the rate of birth and death and secure data for adequate planning. 5. With a good coordinated healthcare system, trust and confidence in the government shall be boosted and the people shall see a need to register in the system and pay taxes. AGENTS & AFFILIATES: SSA shall set up training centers for Agents and Affiliates. Amidst the media campaign; SSA shall admit and accredit Agents, who shall be trained and certified as consultants. This is not necessarily a permanent job structure but creating opportunities for active and diligent individuals to thrive. Agents shall be trained to render consulting services (on SSA’s behalf), fill FORMs, secure all necessary documents and perform finger printing, at a fee. Agents shall administer all documents and submit to SSA’s office or center (on their client’s behalf) for capturing and processing. Affiliates are private business premises built to (SSA) standard to render consulting and administrative services on SSA’s behalf. Such businesses (Affiliates) after being approved would enter into a contract with SSA to serve as centers and offices even at grass root level. SSA via its affiliates shall train, employ or engage local indigenes in providing services to the community. Their duty shall include (but not limited to) caring for the elderly, less privileged, write reports and make recommendation for the alleviation of poverty.
  • 15. 15 Citizens who cannot afford the services of agents can simply queue up at Affiliate centers to get registered and processed into the SSA system. Affiliates are to be the eyes of government at the grass root level. They are to communicate with the people, make findings and correspond with SSA on how government can make life better for the community and her people. Agents and Affiliates are to be funded by SSA via the Income Tax Revenue. Objectives: 1. Fast integration: registration into the system and obtaining of the National Identity Card would be made easy and with options. 2. Citizens can choose to employ the service of Agents queue at any of SSA centers nationwide. 3. Jobs shall be created. 4. It would serve as a platform to engage National Youth Service Corps in community building because SSA centers and Affiliates would be established nationwide. 5. It shall engage many idle hands especially at the grass root level. FUNDING The funding of the Social Security Structures is expected to come from the annual National Budget and also an adequate percentage of generated tax revenue.
  • 16. 16 CHAPTER FOUR OTHER RELEVANT PROGRAMS PROCEDURES TO FUNDING OF STATE PROJECT & BUDGET Software could be designed to monitor structured procedures that would ensure or guarantee proper Due Process. To eradicate embezzlement or misappropriation of funds, there must be a change in government policy by setting laid down policies and procedures that monitors, make transparent and guides the development of projects and service delivery. For instance: a governor or local government chairman/chairperson could force the accountant to compromise or comply with the misappropriation of fund simply by threatening on the security of his (accountant) job. But with a standard, firm and rigid labour laws, which ensures that due process must be followed in the case of an initiated dismissal; the integrity of such employee is protected. This is to describe a labour system in which fear and intimidation does not pressure employees to compromise; where even a governor has no right or power to fire an employer of the state that is under a standard labour contract without following due process. SUGGESTED BLUEPRINT: 1. Bidding for Budget: government must modify a regulations such that: it is the duty of a State and its authorities (Governor, Commissioners and Local Government Representatives) to unanimously and officially present a written Proposal or gazette, in which the list of projects and development that needs funding, purposed for the fiscal year are published. Proposal/Budget is not summited to the Ministry of Finance but to the Department of Due Diligence (DDD). 2. Probing: The Proposal is then probed by the government Department of Due Diligent. This government department (DDD) shall be managed by a competent independent private consultant. They are to investigate and ensure that Projects are not over charged and to check on the credibility and capability of proposed contractors (based on experience and past performance) on each project. They are to suggest partnership or joint ventures with foreign or local firms so that our indigenous contractors could learn from their foreign partners or counterpart. DDD is to ensure that all contractors are qualified and conforms or cleared by the nation’s Tax and Revenue Department and other licensing bureau. DDD is to engage the representatives of State and their project contractors in meetings to agree and finalize on budget/project terms and figures. 3. Finance or Budget Ministry: Approval of State Proposal/Budget is recommended by DDD and passed to the Finance Ministry who approves and execute payment of budget when due and according to recommendation from the DDD. The Ministry of Finance is not to decide what to be paid as budget to each state, meaning that the jurisdiction of responsibilities has to be CLEAR and highly respected. 4. Monitoring: The Department of DD and another Department (supposedly Bureau of Standards) shall monitor the release of funds and that project is developed according to schedule and that the deadlines are met. The monitoring of payments and the execution of projects can be implemented by an integrated software/program that ensure procedures are duly followed. 5. Approval: The Bureau of Standard is to monitor and verify that project is up to standard. DDD and the Bureau of Standards must be signatory to the certification of satisfactory finished before balance of funds are released.
  • 17. 17 OTHER AREA OF ATTENTION Blueprints for effective management of the listed service sectors by the implementation of software/programs and the engaging of contemporary technologies could be researched. 1. Healthcare 2. Education 3. Police 4. Military 5. Port Authorities 6. Wild life and Nature Conservation 7. Tourism Leisure and Hotels 8. Agriculture 9. Storage & Marketing Facilities for Food and Farm Produce.
  • 18. 18 CHAPTER FIVE AN AUTOMATED SYSTEM SUCH AS THE MICRO-SYSTEM SOCIETAL PROGRAM NEEDS STABLE AND UNDISTRUPTED POWER (ELECTRICITY) SUPPLY. HOW WILL IT WORK WITH THE POWER SITUATION IN NIGERIA? There have been attempts in the past by government to implement a form of the Social Security System (or the other), which failed due to lack of planning, competent expertize, genuine intent and relevant infrastructure. Waiting for the power situation to get stable in Nigeria might be an indefinite wait; so we came up with an alternative emergency power structure that is sufficient and efficient for this very project. As Nigeria is blessed with stable and strong sunlight, we recommend to engage The Solar Energy.
  • 19. 19 SOLAR ENERGY: EMERGENCY/ALTERNATIVE POWER SOLUTION There are no worth that could be placed on the amount of power that could be generated by Sun Light. The resources that God has kept in nature is enormous and far more than earthly needs. It is left for us to make the decision. There is no limit to the quantity or value of energy that the Sun can produce. Unlike the Internet: the more we connect, the lesser the speed or bandwidth, or other energy generating system: the higher the consumption, the sooner we might run out of electricity. My point is: if the entire world connects to electricity via the Solar Power System, the Sun shall NOT shine less. These are two prototypes of recommended Solar Power facility: the Landed and Roof Top. LANDED We need to change our orientation concerning a lot of things in Nigeria; building is one of those things. Our civil engineering standards are ages behind. We must conform by putting a stop to building of homes and start building communities. Community or communities could share a Landed Solar Power System such as below: Rovigo Project (The Largest Single-Operating PV Solar Farm in Europe) Location: Rovigo, Italy Modules Used: Crystalline PV CHSM 6610M | CHSM 6610P System Size: 70 MW (15 MW using Astronergy modules) Completed: 11/2010
  • 20. 20 ROOF TOP We recommend the Rooftop Solar Powering System for every (already existing) government ministries to supplement fuel power generating plants. Roof tops of government ministries would be converted to Solar PV panel stands and the last floor would be converted to the Technical and Power storage platform. Our idea is that: there would be two sets of wiring. The old/normal wiring that connects to the Power Holding grid would remain, then a special (new) wiring would run from the Solar System through the building to form the Solar Power Source (SPS). Location: Eggstatt, Germany Modules Used: Crystalline PV CHSM 5612M System Size: 1.2 Mega Watt Completed: 06/2010 The Solar Power Source during the day (7:00am – 6:00pm), when the Sun shall shine would power sufficiently all electric apparatus such as the computers, printers, cooling system and watering. By evening (after closing hour), the power source from the grid will power the building. But in the event of power failure (as it is the usual), Solar Power can be stored to power lightings at nights for security purposes or even supply at daylight capacity (at nights) if we invest in adequate solar power storage facility. This is the solution we propose, to power all other technological developments that the lack of stable power supply has prevented.
  • 21. 21 Below is a list of suggestions: POLICING: lack of stable power supply has prevented efficiency in our policing system as far as service delivery and combating crime is concerned. Every standard police units (stations) should be equipped with internet & intranet, computerized systems/procedures, surveillance cameras system, access card systems, electro-magnetic locks, remote control gates, public address systems, 24 hours internal & security lightings. Goals & Objectives: 1. Police infrastructures should be rebuilt, reconstructed or upgraded to allow the installation of modern (technology) policing equipment. 2. Government should set the standard by presenting the modern architectural prototypes of police stations. 3. Police officials would be cautious of corruption, misconduct and human right abuses when they are aware that their premises is under 24 hours camera surveillance. 4. Efficient service delivery is the result. 5. 24 hour Camera Surveillance: shall be the recommended standard for every government ministries, structures and public edifices. 6. It would promote individual efficiency and put every laxity and misconduct under watch. 7. Speed access to a computerized database of criminal records is an effective and efficient tool to combating crime.
  • 22. 22 STATE ELECTRONIC MONITORING SYSTEM: Imagine cameras monitoring the metropolis of Lagos, Abuja, Kano, Ibadan, Kaduna and all the major cities of Nigeria? This requires a Base Station equipped with massive amount of LCD/LED screens, which needs to be powered by stable and reliable electricity supply. With the electronic monitoring system, crime suspects can be easily tracked and crime can be reported and responded to faster than normal. EDUCATION: The Ministry of Education is to set standards by presenting/unveiling architectural prototypes (for standard schools) of different grades and levels. Schools (private or state owned) that are below standards must probably consolidate and conform by building or upgrading structures. Licenses of school that fails to conform after deadline should be revoked. Further establishment of schools must conform to standard prototypes. All schools and institution of learning must be structured and provided with 24 hours electricity and camera surveillance. Roof top Solar PV panels can be a standard for all schools. There cannot be quality education without such. If the schools in Nigeria can be transformed and reformed, then the future of Nigeria is protected. The education sector has lost its vitality as the poor quality of work force produced do more harm than good to the society and economy. The Education affair and system is desperately in need of desperate change
  • 23. 23 and measures. Technology and modification in government policy can save the day. A full proposal on Education can be researched on request. HEALTHCARE: A similar policy in the case of Education is suggested for healthcare. Every state and private owned clinics and hospitals must conform to government standard prototypes. These prototypes are structurally designed to accommodate Solar Power upgrades, which we propose to be the new solution to the crippling energy problems. There is no denying that the entire nation of Nigeria needs the minimum of 39 Ultra-Modern Hospitals. At least one is a State. A full proposal on Healthcare can be researched on request. Advantages of Solar Power 1. Solar power helps to slow/stop global warming: Global warming threatens the survival of human society, as well as the survival of countless species. Luckily, decades of research have led to efficient solar panel systems that create electricity without producing global warming pollution. Solar power is now very clearly one of the most important solutions to the global warming crisis. 2. Solar power saves you money: Putting solar power is likely to save you tens of thousands of dollars. The average 20-year savings for Americans who went solar in 2011 were projected to be a little over $20,000. Beyond solar PV panels, it’s worth noting that solar energy can actually save you money in about a dozen other ways as well — with proper planning and structural design choices. 3. Solar power provides energy reliability: The rising and setting of the sun is extremely consistent. All across the world, we know exactly when it will rise and set every day of the year. While clouds may be a bit less predictable, we do also have fairly good seasonal and daily projections for the amount of sunlight that will be received in different locations. All in all, this makes solar power an extremely reliable source of energy. 4. Solar power provides energy security: On top of the above reliability benefit, no one can go and buy the sun or turn sunlight into a monopoly. Combined with the simplicity of solar panels, this also provides the notable solar power advantage of energy security, something the US military has pointed out for years, and a major reason why it is also putting a lot of its money into the development and installation of solar power systems. 5. Solar power provides energy independence: Similar to the energy security boost, solar power provides the great benefit of energy independence. Again, the “fuel” for solar panels cannot be bought or monopolized. It is free for all to use. Once you have solar panels on your roof, you have an essentially independent source of electricity that is all yours. This is important for individuals, but also for cities,
  • 24. 24 counties, states, countries, and even companies. It is said that Ukraine in recent years has saved approximately $3 billion in reduced oil and gas imports from Russia thanks to the solar power plants developed by a single developer. Impressive. If we invest and implement technically and wisely on Solar, the Oil Subsidy issue will soon be a thing of the past. 6. Solar power creates jobs: As a source of energy, solar power is a job-creating powerhouse. Money invested in solar power creates two to three times more jobs than money invested in coal or natural gas. On the long run, Solar Power is actually cheaper than energy generated from coal or natural gas. Disadvantages of Solar Power Solar power disadvantages are actually not so plentiful. In fact, there’s only one notable disadvantage to solar power. That disadvantage is that the sun doesn’t shine 24 hours a day. When the sun goes down or is heavily shaded, solar panels stop producing electricity. If we need electricity at that time, we have to get it from some other source. In other words, we couldn’t be 100% powered by solar panels. At the very least, we need batteries to store electricity produced by solar panels for use at nights. However, there are a couple of key things to note regarding this solar power disadvantage. Firstly, the sun actually does shine when we need electricity most. Majority of work and business open at about 8:00am and closes around 6:00pm while the sun shines. So this disadvantage plays into our advantage. Another important point worth noting on this front is that, with storage, solar power could theoretically supply the world with all of its electricity needs. In fact, nothing on earth compares to the energy potential of sunshine.
  • 25. 25 CHAPTER FIVE MAKING IT WORK Putting together a project like the Micro-system Societal Program requires a very complex structure. It has to pass through a metamorphosed stages of development. May I briefly take you through the stages without boring you? 1. SOURCING: We are not only looking around to buy technologies. Our intention is to put together the best of the best of our brilliant nation Nigeria and also source experts from South Africa, Europe and Asia. It would be a team -predominantly of Brilliant and Hardworking Nigerians (across the federation), purpose of which to positively contribute and learn, so that we can carry along these technologies on our own. We are more intending a Direct Labour kind of movement. 2. CONCEPT: Brain storming and putting together a credible team of researchers, developers, programmers, designers, architects, engineers and artisans (our best of the best), to identifying each one’s strength and weaknesses. 3. STRUCTURING THE WORK PLACE: Building the structures from where we shall work. An Ultra-Modern Research Centre equipped with the best technologies and Solar Power Systems. 4. STRUCTURING WORK SCHEDULE: Knowing what to do, when to do, how to do and when to finish. 5. INSTALLATION OF SERVER AND CYBER PROTECTION: Server is the internet space that host the Program from where the Project is powered. The server needs to be protected because there are people whose business is to steal information for fraudulent purposes. We shall employ the best technologies to make sure that the Program is protected and secured. 6. SETTING DEADLINE: Knowing which day Project would be ready for implementation 7. INSTALLATION AND TEST RUNNING OF PROJECT: When Program is completed, we put it to use to ensure that it works perfectly. We test run all validations and functions 8. SOURCING, ADMINISTRATION AND EMPLOYMENTS OF QUALIFIED STAFFS: We open and equip offices to our standard, all over the federation. We hire and train staffs, then get ready to go. 9. CAMPAIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION: Work begin as we persuade people to get registered or involved in the system through commercials and other various methods. 10. We then begin to expand and spread the tentacles of reform and transformation, with the aim to positively affect every socio-economic sector. It shall be a true new beginning in Nigeria. The tendency to be corrupt is in every nation. It is the responsibility of committed state leadership to put in place a system and structure that discourage or frustrate corruption. My belief and ideology is that: there is no such thing as “Poor Countries”; what we have always had is a Poor System or Poor Management. God has deposited enough resources for every nation to fare well. It is our greedy, corrupt and capitalist tendencies that has left many people in poverty.
  • 26. 26 Let the new government in Nigeria be aware that every effort to bring change or move Nigeria forward may remain frustrated if we disregard the implementation of a radical change of policies and regulations. What I am trying to say is that: technology is the answer to battling corruption in Nigeria. To sound a note of warning: many government bureaucrat would be eager to kick against an automotive electronic program/platform, that can automatically audit and ensure a transparent running of the entire system at 70% capacity at least, thereby closing many gaps by which corruption is perpetrated. The implementation of this program requires an entire and radical change in government policies and structures. As it is known to be that people usually react to “change” negatively, government must be determined to close ears to sponsored criticism and radically get committed to this purpose. As long as physical cash remains the primary mode of transaction, there would always be corruption in Nigeria. If a genuine and sincere change would happen in Nigeria, am afraid it would only be when we all conform and get committed to start working by such electronic management platform and structure. That any party or group that opposes such, has definitely a different agenda other than moving Nigeria forward. Our system structure and standards (in almost every public sector) are obsolete. We are still utilizing and operating as raw as the British has handed it over to us in 1960. Times has changed but we refuse to change. If government would commit to business: that the primary purpose and responsibility of the government is the welfare of the people, then the civil service management must come under a new and modern system structure that is designed to work against the tentacles of corruption. Government must depart from what use to be the “norm” –about the manners we’ve been running state affairs and selecting of public managers. Public leaders should be chosen of recommended professional antecedents and competence but not for political compensations. What is most important like earlier said; is that regardless of our individual flaws, a good and purposefully crafted system structure can make even bad leaders function well and productive. I appeal to our Capitalist Minds. Sincerely Yours. EYITAYO O. OYEKUNLE Member: Africa Bureau for Good Governance POLANA BUILDING, 74 Bourke Street, Pretoria, South Africa. Cell: +27 74 657 5665, +27 79 926 0434 Email:, Website: Date: 29th June 2015