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The best story
Short story is a branch
     of literature;

And can be analyzed in two
different context;
Short Story Analysis
linguistic             literary
 effectiveuse of         arresting opening
 language                 interesting plot
                          well developed and
 use of narrative
                           appropriate structure
 voice                     action
 revealing use of        tension
 interior dialogue        clearly recognizable
                          satisfying ending
Short Story Analysis
linguistic                  literary
   Construction and           an imaginative
    usage of                    literature that should
    word, formatting.           appeal to the
                                emotions of the
   exclamation marks,
   diction, grammar, and      artistic use of
    descriptive analysis        language to signify
   Words chosen should         human experience
    appeal, human              strong themes
Four Basic Elements Of A Short Story

 remarkable story writers are the
 masters at combining these FOUR key
 elements in every great short story.
Surah yusuf: short story
Although the purpose of divine
revelation is not to teach the
rules and principles of literature
and it is not bound to pass the
test of man made laws of any
form, but…
Quran invites;
“Then, do they not ponder upon the
      Muslims believe that;
    The Quran is a Divine Miracle of

 Prophecy - Science - Warnings –
    Wisdom     - Truths…..
Muslims claim that a book, (a composition of
 language) should be hailed as Islam's (and
   Muhammad's pbuh) strongest argument

   To prove its claim of being
literary miracle for all times It
has to be the best literature of
all times indeed
Surah Yusuf Proves;
 Qur'anis a literary
miracle and that it is
unmatched among any
other literature even of
modern day .
This is the most detailed and fascinating
story in the Quran, involving both human
                  such as
jealousy, hatred,         pride, passion,
                          and terror
lust,    deception,      intrigue, vengea
as well as noble qualities
 such as
patience, loyalty, obedience, br
   avery, nobility, compassion
         and forgiveness.
Selection  of words is so emotive that
 reciter can visualize the whole scene
 every time.
“Now the Lady of the house attempted to
 seduce him. She bolted the doors and
 said; “come”! He replied “may Allah
 protect me from this! My lord has
 provided me with good
 residence, should I betray his trust?”
 (Yusuf; 23)
 Many of such words in Surah are used
  only once in Quran because of the unique
  style of the Surah.
 Construction of sentences fascinates the
  overwhelming emotions
    “And they sold him for a paltry(petty)
    price, for a few silver-coins, and they
    had not much interest in him.”
 personification, imagery, exaggeration, puns and
 sarcasm all are used at impeccably superior level.

  “She said, .This is the one about whom you
 reproached me! Yes, I seduced him, but he
 abstained. And should he not
 follow my command, he shall be imprisoned
 and will be disgraced..”
literary Analysis
  Construct on a powerful plot
 Characters are strongly build and highly interlinked
  with the plot
 story is presented in a sequence of episodes.
   It gives you scene after scene and the transition is
  inspiring, informative, and stirring to the imagination.
Scenes are created to stir emotions
   Surah comprises some twenty-eight scenes, each
    of which leads to the next in a manner which
    maintains the organic unity of the entire narrative.
    less than one hundred verses of the narrative
    telescope many years, present an amazing variety of
    scenes and characters in a tightly-knit plot, and offer
    a dramatic illustration of some of the fundamental
    themes of the Qur'an.
Rich in dialogues
   All such scenes are presented through dialogues
    replete with details and ideas.
Rich in Dialouges
   They said (to Yaqub), .Our father, why is it that you
    do not trust us about Yusuf, while we are his well-
    wishers indeed.
   Send him with us tomorrow, that he may eat and
    play, and of course, we will remain as guards for
   He said, .It makes me sad that you should take him
    with you, and I fear that some wolf may eat him up
    when you are heedless of him..
   They said, .If a wolf eats him up, while we are a
    whole group, we are then losers indeed..
                                       [Yusuf:12-15]
Tensions and Their Resolution
 A notable feature of the story is the way in
 which the plot thickens and is then brought to
                  its resolution.

  Major tensions are created in roughly the first
   half of the story and may be catalogued as
Tensions and Their Resolution
A. Yusuf (as)'s dream (4-6).
B. The brothers' plot against Yusuf(as) (8-18).
C. Aziz's wife's attempt to seduce Yusuf(as) (23-
D. A similar attempt by Egyptian ladies (30-
E. Yusuf(as) imprisonment (35).
F. The king's dream (43-44).
After that, the plot begins to
  unravel, but the tensions are
   resolved in reverse order.
A. The king's dream is the first to be interpreted (45-
B. followed by Joseph's release from prison (50).
C. Next come the confessions of the Egyptian ladies,
D. Followed by that of Aziz’s wife (51).
E. The brothers learn their lesson (58),
F. and finally comes the fulfillment of Yusuf's dream
This is the analogy of the literary-
rhetorical device of(involution
                  and evolution
                  in reverse).
Principal Theme of
     the story:
God’s plan is dominant (Ghalib)
    and His purposes are inevitably

   "God is in complete control of His affairs, but most people
                   have no awareness of it.“
       This verse is central to the sūra's
     meaning, and the keyword in it is ghālib
Sub themes
   Truth and goodness always prevails
   Success or failure in a moral struggle is the result of
    independent choices made and executed during the
    struggle itself
   Patience and Trust in Allah never go unrewarded
   Destiny is a combination of tadbeer and taqdeer
       “Yusuf asked the prisoner to
         mention him to he king”
Some prominent features
 Parallels
 The plot has a number of parallels which might
 escape one at a cursory reading of the story but
    which come into relief upon a close study
   In Palestine Yusuf(as) is thrown into a
             in Egypt into prison
       each time for a crime he has not
     The first incident is the result of the brothers'
                   hatred of Yusuf (as),
    the second of Aziz's wife's love of Yusuf (as).
     Effect of Prophet Yusuf‟s(as) shirt
   First time, took Prophet Yaqub‟s (as) eye sight
             Second time brought it back
Highly Dramatic
                    Dramatic Element
       There are a large number of striking
        scenes and many intensely dramatic
   “They raced towards the door, and she ripped his
    shirt from behind, and they found her master by
    the door. She said, What could be the
    punishment of him who intended evil with your
    wife, except that he be imprisoned or (given) a
    painful chastisement?.”
                                     [Yusuf:26]
Rich in irony
   Ayah No 25
 “They   raced towards the door,..”
                      They were both
                     running physically
                        in the same
                       direction, but
                       spiritually and
                     emotionally, exactl
                         y opposite.
Human Element
    The Surah draws a sharp distinction between
            good and bad characters,
   In spite of this crucial distinction, the
     humanity of the characters is never
   “She certainly desired him, and he
might have desired her, had he not seen
the proof from his Lord. Thus We did, to
 turn evil and lewdness away from him.
    Surely, he was one of Our chosen
            servants.”(Yusuf 24)
Marvelous piece of Art
    Thestory begins with a
    dream and ends with its
"O my father! Verily, I saw (in a dream) eleven
 stars and the sun and the moon, I saw them
   prostrating themselves to me." (Ch 12:4)
Characters of the story
   Major Characters       Minor Characters

   a.   Yaqub (as)        a. The Caravaneers
   b.   Yusuf (as)        b. Aziz
   c.   The Brothers      C. prison partners
   d.   Aziz’s Wife       D. women of Egypt
Hero of the story
  A protagonist (HERO) “One who plays the central
 part, is the main character (the central or primary
 personal figure) of a literary narrative, around whom
 the events of the narrative's plot revolve and with
 whom the audience is intended to most identify.”
Multi Dimensional Hero

 Prophet Yusuf
So when they saw him, they found him
great, and (were so stunned that they) cut
their hands and said, .Oh God! He is no
human being. He is but a noble angel..
Who is a hero?
The classic hero
From Greek times Hero was one
person charged by fate to create an
act of tremendous courage in an
attempt to overcome a great
existential threat.
definition of a Modern day
3. They are brave, wise, and caring.
4. They act by always putting others before
5. They always think logically, and carefully
   and plan out all decisions.
6. They take joy in seeing the happiness of
   others. ,
7. protect and maintain the dignity of their
8.utilize fear as a means to show
9.crusade compassionately for those
  unable to speak for themselves,
10.celebrate diversity for the
   enrichment of mankind.
A hero deliberately and courageously
overcomes all the obstacles that are put
forward in his way to achieve the
highest moral grounds
Great Hero of history
             Before we go on to prove
That Prophet Yusuf (as) was one of a
 very few greatest heroes of History,
       we must keep one thing in mind that
  He was a real life hero and not a supernatural
  charchter of a fiction created by any script writer.
Prophet Yusuf (as)
         Even as a young boy, Yusuf (as) was
    shy, modest, and respectful. While telling his father
    about the dream, he uses the word ra'aytu (4) twice.

    This gives a clue to his character, hesitant to report
             the dream to his father but still did;
Apparent grace and poise
    In many incidents people tend to like hime even
                   before knowing him

            Aziz said, we might adopt him
             Women said, he is an angel
            Prison men said u look pious
Immeasurably virtuous
       “And
           she, in whose house he
 was, seduced him towards herself, and
 bolted the doors, and said, .come on!.
   He said, .I seek refuge with Allah.
   Surely, he (your husband) is my
   master. He has given me a good
 lodging. Indeed, the wrongdoers do
             not prosper..”
Immeasurably virtuous
   virtuous
   Self controlled
   Humble
   Loyal
   Buoyancy
   Civilized
   Grateful
   Straight forward
Meticulous, Contender, Fighter


     They   raced towards the door..

He (Yusuf) said, .It was she who tried
            to seduce me..
OYusuf, ignore this matter, and
you (O woman,) seek forgiveness
for your sin, for you were guilty in
Considerate and courteous
Immensely meticulous
  “He (Yusuf) said, .My Lord, the prison is dearer to
 me than what these women invite me to do. If You do
 not turn their guile away from me, I shall get inclined
    towards them and shall be among the ignorant..”
  He immediately sought refuge in Allah and sincerely
 opened his heart to Him and begged for help. Great
   sincerity and purity of heart are exemplified by his
 exhibit a consistently high standard of morality and
Yusuf’s Character in dungeon

                            Genial
                         Easy going
    During his prison term we observe a few other traits
                       of his personality.
       "... Their mark is on their faces, the traces of
               prostration..." (Surat al-Fath: 29)
   Yusuf must have distinguished himself in prison
     as a man of upright character: the two young
            men testify that he is a muhsin (36)
Yusuf’s Character in dungeon
 “He said, .No food provided for you shall come to
    you, but I can give you its description before it
    comes to you. This is the knowledge my Lord
                   has given to me.”
 Intelligent
 Seeker (opportunist)
 Modest
 we see him as a person who takes his beliefs
  seriously and propagates the truth he believes in
Excellent preacher
   the manner in which he presents his religious
    convictions to them testifies to his astute intelligence.
   Thought provoking questions
   O my fellow prisoners, are different gods better or
    Allah, the One, the All-Dominant?
   he also gave examples of past prophets, recalling
    how they had all been part of the same Divine
   at the same time recalling Allah's name as the
    Conqueror. Thus he tried both to get them to think
    and to have awe of the glory of Allah.
 prison life, instead of breaking him
down, confirms him in his fierce sense
  of honor. He was thrown into prison
because he put honor over immorality.
 After many years' imprisonment, his
 spirit remains indomitable; he refuses
 to come out of prison without making
   sure that the plot of which he is an
innocent victim is laid open. Women of
   “(Then Yusuf said), .That was because he
    (the governor) may know that I did not
    betray him in his absence, and that Allah
    does not lead the guile of betrayers to
    success.” [Yusuf:53]

 Honour
 Dignity
 wisdom
Beginning of new life
Test in the life of prosperity
    “The king said, .Bring him to me, and I shall
     employ him purely for myself.. So, when he (the
     king) talked to him, he said (to Yusuf), .Today you
     are with us well-placed, fully trusted..”
     Yusuf is successful as a ruler and administrator. He
      proves his claim (55) that he Is Just, Honest, And
      Competent. And it is as a result of his benevolence
      that foreigners come to him for aid during the years
                           of famine.
Wise planner
     “         ”
Matchless, Generous heart
     “Hesaid, "No blame at all will fall on
    you. Today you have forgiveness from
     Allah. He is the Most Merciful of the
             merciful." (Yusuf: 92)
   This behaviour on the part of Prophet Yusuf (as)
            is an example to all the faithful
   “Later, when they came to Yusuf, he placed his
    parents near himself and said, .Enter Egypt, God
    willing, in peace..”
            Obedient and respectful.
       hospitality and subtlety of Prophet
Always humble and grateful
   … "My  father, truly this is now the
    interpretation of the dream I had. My
    Lord has made it all come true; and He
    was kind to me by letting me out of
    prison and brought you from the desert
    when satan had caused dissent
    between me and my brothers. My Lord
    is kind to anyone He wills. He is indeed
    All-Knowing and All-Wise." ( Yusuf: 100)
Always Optimist
 Another characteristic of Prophet Yusuf
 (as) that is noteworthy here is the way in
     which he saw the positive side of
 everything and interpreted everything in a
      favourable manner. For example,
he said that Allah had done him a kindness
      and freed him from the dungeon
 "My Lord, You have granted power to
   me on earth and taught me the true
   meaning of events. Originator of the
heavens and earth, You are my Friend in
this world and the Next. So take me as a
 Muslim at my death and join me to the
people who are righteous." ( Yusuf: 101)
        Final Supplication
Faith And Fear Of Allah.
   humble and fully conscious of the power of the baser
          self to draw a person into sin and error
     (wa mā ubarri'u nafsī inna 'l-nafsa
        la'ammaratun bi 'l-sū'i, 53),
   That is why he not only prays to God for help against
      temptations (24, 33, 53), he himself stays morally
                           alert, too.
      confirms the superiority of his moral values and
     faith, greeting everything that happened to him with
                 submission to the will of Allah.
 Yusuf  (as) was a hero and his
      story in the Quran a

   masterpiece or a
 Masterpieces are the work of
humans. Miracles are the work
    of God. A miracle, any
miracle, is superior to the best
       of masterpieces
Best way to teach
  people is by
 telling a story

     Kenneth Blanchard
By revealing this Qur„an to you, we
   hereby narrate to you the best
  narrative, while before this you
                  among those
                  unaware (of it).
Let’s Fall in Love
with Surah Yusuf
 All Over Again
Research  Supported
by Ad Duha Institute
 of Islamic Science

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Prophet yusuf great hero of history

  • 1.
  • 4.
  • 5. Short story is a branch of literature; And can be analyzed in two different context;
  • 6. Short Story Analysis linguistic literary  effectiveuse of  arresting opening language  interesting plot  well developed and  use of narrative appropriate structure voice action  revealing use of  tension interior dialogue  clearly recognizable climax  satisfying ending
  • 7. Short Story Analysis linguistic literary  Construction and  an imaginative usage of literature that should word, formatting. appeal to the emotions of the  exclamation marks, reader.  diction, grammar, and  artistic use of descriptive analysis language to signify  Words chosen should human experience appeal, human  strong themes emotions.
  • 8. Four Basic Elements Of A Short Story remarkable story writers are the masters at combining these FOUR key elements in every great short story.
  • 9. Surah yusuf: short story Although the purpose of divine revelation is not to teach the rules and principles of literature and it is not bound to pass the test of man made laws of any form, but…
  • 10. Quran invites; “Then, do they not ponder upon the Qur'an,” . Muslims believe that; The Quran is a Divine Miracle of Prophecy - Science - Warnings – Wisdom - Truths…..
  • 12. Muslims claim that a book, (a composition of language) should be hailed as Islam's (and Muhammad's pbuh) strongest argument To prove its claim of being literary miracle for all times It has to be the best literature of all times indeed
  • 13. Surah Yusuf Proves;  Qur'anis a literary miracle and that it is unmatched among any other literature even of modern day .
  • 14. This is the most detailed and fascinating story in the Quran, involving both human weaknesses such as jealousy, hatred, pride, passion, and terror lust, deception, intrigue, vengea
  • 15. as well as noble qualities such as patience, loyalty, obedience, br avery, nobility, compassion and forgiveness.
  • 16. LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS Selection of words is so emotive that reciter can visualize the whole scene every time. “Now the Lady of the house attempted to seduce him. She bolted the doors and said; “come”! He replied “may Allah protect me from this! My lord has provided me with good residence, should I betray his trust?” (Yusuf; 23) .
  • 17.  Many of such words in Surah are used only once in Quran because of the unique style of the Surah.  Construction of sentences fascinates the overwhelming emotions “And they sold him for a paltry(petty) price, for a few silver-coins, and they had not much interest in him.” [yusuf:21]
  • 18.  personification, imagery, exaggeration, puns and sarcasm all are used at impeccably superior level. “She said, .This is the one about whom you reproached me! Yes, I seduced him, but he abstained. And should he not follow my command, he shall be imprisoned and will be disgraced..” [Yusuf:33]
  • 19. literary Analysis  Construct on a powerful plot  Characters are strongly build and highly interlinked with the plot  story is presented in a sequence of episodes. It gives you scene after scene and the transition is inspiring, informative, and stirring to the imagination.
  • 20. Scenes are created to stir emotions  Surah comprises some twenty-eight scenes, each of which leads to the next in a manner which maintains the organic unity of the entire narrative.  less than one hundred verses of the narrative telescope many years, present an amazing variety of scenes and characters in a tightly-knit plot, and offer a dramatic illustration of some of the fundamental themes of the Qur'an.
  • 21. Rich in dialogues  All such scenes are presented through dialogues replete with details and ideas.
  • 22. Rich in Dialouges  They said (to Yaqub), .Our father, why is it that you do not trust us about Yusuf, while we are his well- wishers indeed.  Send him with us tomorrow, that he may eat and play, and of course, we will remain as guards for him..  He said, .It makes me sad that you should take him with you, and I fear that some wolf may eat him up when you are heedless of him..  They said, .If a wolf eats him up, while we are a whole group, we are then losers indeed..  [Yusuf:12-15]
  • 23. Tensions and Their Resolution A notable feature of the story is the way in which the plot thickens and is then brought to its resolution. Major tensions are created in roughly the first half of the story and may be catalogued as follows:
  • 24. Tensions and Their Resolution A. Yusuf (as)'s dream (4-6). B. The brothers' plot against Yusuf(as) (8-18). C. Aziz's wife's attempt to seduce Yusuf(as) (23- 29). D. A similar attempt by Egyptian ladies (30- 31).[3] E. Yusuf(as) imprisonment (35). F. The king's dream (43-44).
  • 25. After that, the plot begins to unravel, but the tensions are resolved in reverse order. A. The king's dream is the first to be interpreted (45- 49), B. followed by Joseph's release from prison (50). C. Next come the confessions of the Egyptian ladies, D. Followed by that of Aziz’s wife (51). E. The brothers learn their lesson (58), F. and finally comes the fulfillment of Yusuf's dream (100).
  • 26. This is the analogy of the literary- rhetorical device of(involution and evolution in reverse).
  • 27. Principal Theme of the story:
  • 28. God’s plan is dominant (Ghalib) and His purposes are inevitably fulfilled.  "God is in complete control of His affairs, but most people have no awareness of it.“ This verse is central to the sūra's meaning, and the keyword in it is ghālib ("dominant").
  • 29. Sub themes  Truth and goodness always prevails  Success or failure in a moral struggle is the result of independent choices made and executed during the struggle itself  Patience and Trust in Allah never go unrewarded  Destiny is a combination of tadbeer and taqdeer “Yusuf asked the prisoner to mention him to he king” 
  • 30. Some prominent features  Parallels The plot has a number of parallels which might escape one at a cursory reading of the story but which come into relief upon a close study
  • 31. Parallels  In Palestine Yusuf(as) is thrown into a pit  in Egypt into prison  each time for a crime he has not committed. The first incident is the result of the brothers' hatred of Yusuf (as), the second of Aziz's wife's love of Yusuf (as).
  • 32. Parallels Effect of Prophet Yusuf‟s(as) shirt  First time, took Prophet Yaqub‟s (as) eye sight  Second time brought it back
  • 33. Highly Dramatic Dramatic Element  There are a large number of striking scenes and many intensely dramatic moments  “They raced towards the door, and she ripped his shirt from behind, and they found her master by the door. She said, What could be the punishment of him who intended evil with your wife, except that he be imprisoned or (given) a painful chastisement?.”  [Yusuf:26]
  • 34. Rich in irony  Ayah No 25  “They raced towards the door,..” They were both running physically in the same direction, but spiritually and emotionally, exactl y opposite.
  • 35. Human Element  The Surah draws a sharp distinction between good and bad characters,  In spite of this crucial distinction, the humanity of the characters is never compromised:  “She certainly desired him, and he might have desired her, had he not seen the proof from his Lord. Thus We did, to turn evil and lewdness away from him. Surely, he was one of Our chosen servants.”(Yusuf 24)
  • 36. Marvelous piece of Art  Thestory begins with a dream and ends with its interpretation. "O my father! Verily, I saw (in a dream) eleven stars and the sun and the moon, I saw them prostrating themselves to me." (Ch 12:4)
  • 37. Characters of the story  Major Characters  Minor Characters  a. Yaqub (as)  a. The Caravaneers  b. Yusuf (as)  b. Aziz  c. The Brothers  C. prison partners  d. Aziz’s Wife  D. women of Egypt
  • 38. Hero of the story A protagonist (HERO) “One who plays the central part, is the main character (the central or primary personal figure) of a literary narrative, around whom the events of the narrative's plot revolve and with whom the audience is intended to most identify.”
  • 39. Multi Dimensional Hero Prophet Yusuf (as) So when they saw him, they found him great, and (were so stunned that they) cut their hands and said, .Oh God! He is no human being. He is but a noble angel.. [Yusuf:32]
  • 40. Who is a hero?
  • 41. The classic hero From Greek times Hero was one person charged by fate to create an act of tremendous courage in an attempt to overcome a great existential threat.
  • 42. definition of a Modern day hero 3. They are brave, wise, and caring. 4. They act by always putting others before themselves. 5. They always think logically, and carefully and plan out all decisions. 6. They take joy in seeing the happiness of others. , 7. protect and maintain the dignity of their adversaries
  • 43. 8.utilize fear as a means to show courage, 9.crusade compassionately for those unable to speak for themselves, 10.celebrate diversity for the enrichment of mankind.
  • 44. A hero deliberately and courageously overcomes all the obstacles that are put forward in his way to achieve the highest moral grounds
  • 45. Great Hero of history Before we go on to prove That Prophet Yusuf (as) was one of a very few greatest heroes of History, we must keep one thing in mind that He was a real life hero and not a supernatural charchter of a fiction created by any script writer.
  • 46.
  • 47. Prophet Yusuf (as)  Even as a young boy, Yusuf (as) was shy, modest, and respectful. While telling his father about the dream, he uses the word ra'aytu (4) twice. This gives a clue to his character, hesitant to report the dream to his father but still did;  Humble and wise
  • 48. Apparent grace and poise  In many incidents people tend to like hime even before knowing him  Aziz said, we might adopt him  Women said, he is an angel  Prison men said u look pious
  • 49. Immeasurably virtuous  “And she, in whose house he was, seduced him towards herself, and bolted the doors, and said, .come on!. He said, .I seek refuge with Allah. Surely, he (your husband) is my master. He has given me a good lodging. Indeed, the wrongdoers do not prosper..”
  • 50. Immeasurably virtuous  virtuous  Self controlled  Humble  Loyal  Buoyancy  Civilized  Grateful  Straight forward
  • 51. Meticulous, Contender, Fighter   They raced towards the door.. He (Yusuf) said, .It was she who tried to seduce me..
  • 52. OYusuf, ignore this matter, and you (O woman,) seek forgiveness for your sin, for you were guilty in fact.. [Yusuf:30] Considerate and courteous
  • 53. Immensely meticulous  “He (Yusuf) said, .My Lord, the prison is dearer to me than what these women invite me to do. If You do not turn their guile away from me, I shall get inclined towards them and shall be among the ignorant..” [Yusuf:34] He immediately sought refuge in Allah and sincerely opened his heart to Him and begged for help. Great sincerity and purity of heart are exemplified by his behavior:  exhibit a consistently high standard of morality and conscience
  • 54. Yusuf’s Character in dungeon  Genial  Easy going During his prison term we observe a few other traits of his personality. "... Their mark is on their faces, the traces of prostration..." (Surat al-Fath: 29)  Yusuf must have distinguished himself in prison as a man of upright character: the two young men testify that he is a muhsin (36)
  • 55. Yusuf’s Character in dungeon “He said, .No food provided for you shall come to you, but I can give you its description before it comes to you. This is the knowledge my Lord has given to me.”  Intelligent  Seeker (opportunist)  Modest  we see him as a person who takes his beliefs seriously and propagates the truth he believes in (35-40).
  • 56. Excellent preacher  the manner in which he presents his religious convictions to them testifies to his astute intelligence.  Thought provoking questions  O my fellow prisoners, are different gods better or Allah, the One, the All-Dominant? [Yusuf:40]  he also gave examples of past prophets, recalling how they had all been part of the same Divine religion.  at the same time recalling Allah's name as the Conqueror. Thus he tried both to get them to think and to have awe of the glory of Allah.
  • 57.  prison life, instead of breaking him down, confirms him in his fierce sense of honor. He was thrown into prison because he put honor over immorality.  After many years' imprisonment, his spirit remains indomitable; he refuses to come out of prison without making sure that the plot of which he is an innocent victim is laid open. Women of Egypt
  • 58. “(Then Yusuf said), .That was because he (the governor) may know that I did not betray him in his absence, and that Allah does not lead the guile of betrayers to success.” [Yusuf:53]  Honour  Dignity  wisdom
  • 59. Beginning of new life Test in the life of prosperity  “The king said, .Bring him to me, and I shall employ him purely for myself.. So, when he (the king) talked to him, he said (to Yusuf), .Today you are with us well-placed, fully trusted..” [Yusuf:55]  Yusuf is successful as a ruler and administrator. He proves his claim (55) that he Is Just, Honest, And Competent. And it is as a result of his benevolence that foreigners come to him for aid during the years of famine.
  • 60. Wise planner “ ”
  • 61. Matchless, Generous heart  “Hesaid, "No blame at all will fall on you. Today you have forgiveness from Allah. He is the Most Merciful of the merciful." (Yusuf: 92)  This behaviour on the part of Prophet Yusuf (as) is an example to all the faithful
  • 62. “Later, when they came to Yusuf, he placed his parents near himself and said, .Enter Egypt, God willing, in peace..” Obedient and respectful. hospitality and subtlety of Prophet
  • 63. Always humble and grateful  … "My father, truly this is now the interpretation of the dream I had. My Lord has made it all come true; and He was kind to me by letting me out of prison and brought you from the desert when satan had caused dissent between me and my brothers. My Lord is kind to anyone He wills. He is indeed All-Knowing and All-Wise." ( Yusuf: 100)
  • 64. Always Optimist  Another characteristic of Prophet Yusuf (as) that is noteworthy here is the way in which he saw the positive side of everything and interpreted everything in a favourable manner. For example, he said that Allah had done him a kindness and freed him from the dungeon
  • 65.  "My Lord, You have granted power to me on earth and taught me the true meaning of events. Originator of the heavens and earth, You are my Friend in this world and the Next. So take me as a Muslim at my death and join me to the people who are righteous." ( Yusuf: 101) Final Supplication
  • 66. Faith And Fear Of Allah.  humble and fully conscious of the power of the baser self to draw a person into sin and error (wa mā ubarri'u nafsī inna 'l-nafsa la'ammaratun bi 'l-sū'i, 53),  That is why he not only prays to God for help against temptations (24, 33, 53), he himself stays morally alert, too.  confirms the superiority of his moral values and faith, greeting everything that happened to him with submission to the will of Allah.
  • 67.  Yusuf (as) was a hero and his story in the Quran a  masterpiece or a miracle?
  • 68. Conclusion  Masterpieces are the work of humans. Miracles are the work of God. A miracle, any miracle, is superior to the best of masterpieces
  • 69. Best way to teach people is by telling a story Kenneth Blanchard
  • 70. By revealing this Qur„an to you, we hereby narrate to you the best narrative, while before this you were among those unaware (of it). [Yusuf:4]
  • 71. Let’s Fall in Love with Surah Yusuf All Over Again
  • 72. Research Supported by Ad Duha Institute of Islamic Science