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Definition of prolapse
Descent of one or more of vaginal segments
ICS 2002
Leading edge of any vaginal segment
≥ -1cm above hymenal remnant
NIH 2001
Lifetime risk for surgery for prolapse /
urinary incontinence
(ACOG 2007)
>30% require repeat surgery
(Progress 2007)
Possible risk factors
Genetic predisp.
Vaginal birth
Advancing age
Prior pelvic surgery
Connective tissue dis.
↑ IA pressure
Chronic constipation
↑ Straining
ACOG 2007
Established risk factors
Vaginal delivery (levator ms injury/
endopelv.fascia )
Advancing age
Lancet 2007
Baden & Walker (1972)
Prolapse not due to stretching but rather
breaks in the fascia which could & should be
repaired individually.
 3
Delancey’s three levels of pelvic support.
The vagina can be divided into three levels.
Reprinted from DeLancey (1992, AJOG)
Ischial spine & sacrospinous
Levator ani
Pubocervical fascia
Rectovaginal fascia
Copyright ©2007 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.
Doshani, A. et al. BMJ 2007;335:819-823
Delancey's three levels of pelvic support. Reprinted from Barber,8 with permission from
the Cleveland Clinic Foundation
 Level 1: The cardinal-uterosacral ligament complex
provides apical attachment of the uterus and vaginal
vault to the bony sacrum. Uterine prolapse occurs
when the cardinal-uterosacral ligament complex
breaks or is attenuated.
 Level 2: The arcus tendineous fascia pelvis and the
fascia overlying the levator ani muscles provide
support to the middle part of the vagina.
 Level 3: The urogenital diaphragm and the perineal
body provide support to the lower part of the vagina.
 This level consists of the cardinal and
uterosacral ligaments attachment to the
cervix and upper vagina
 This support consists of the paravaginal
attachments that are contiguous with the
cardinal/uterosacral complex at the ischial spine.
 These are the connective tissue attachments of
the lateral vagina anteriorly to the arcus
tendineus fascia pelvis and posteriorly to the
arcus tendineus rectovaginalis.
 Detachment of this connective tissue from the
arcus tendineus fascia pelvis leads to lateral or
paravaginal anterior vaginal wall prolapse.
Level II
 POP at this level can be described as a central
 through the pubocervical fascia—i.e. a
cystocoele and/or an
 enterocoele or
 rectocoele—when herniation is occurring
through the rectovaginal fascia in the upper or
middle part
 The perineal body, superficial and deep perineal
muscles, and fibromuscular connective tissue
comprise level III.
 Collectively, these support the distal one-third of
the vagina and introitus. The perineal body is
essential for distal vaginal support as well as
proper function of the anal canal.
 Damage to level III support contributes to
anterior and posterior vaginal wall prolapse,
gaping introitus, and perineal descent.
Weakening of / Dysfunction
↓ ↓
Lev.ani Endopelvic fascia
Direct injury & its condensn.
Denervation Congenital
Age related
Child birth injury
Potential risk factors
Shape / orientation bony pelvis
Family H/O
Race / Ethnicity
Occup. Heavy weight lifting
Connective tissue disorder
H/O hysterectomy (esp.for prolapse)
Lancet 2007
Potential risk factors
Preg. irrespective of mode of delivery
Young age at 1st delivery
Prolonged 2nd stage
Large baby
Lancet 2007
R. Shaw
S. Stanton
Ant. Vag. wall prolapse 51%
Post. Vag. wall prolapse 27%
Uterine / Vault prolapse 20%
Midline or distension cystocele. Note the
characteristic loss of vaginal wall rugae
a lateral cystocele, also termed paravaginal or
displacement cystocele. Rugae are present, which
indicates that loss of support is lateral rather than central
Subtotal hysterectomy not protective
Prophylactic culdoplasty protective
Demonstarting uterine descent
Single tooth valsellum to cervix
Gentle traction
The only symptom specific to prolapse is the awareness
of a vaginal bulge or protrusion. For all other pelvic
symptoms, resolution with prolapse treatment cannot be
Bulge / Protrusion
Discharge (if ulcer)
Weak / Prolonged stream
Manual reduction- void
Position change to start or complete voiding
Retention (rare)
Urinary Frequency
Most women void 8 times per day or less.
Without a history that reflects increased fluid
intake, increased voiding may indicate
 urge incontinence,
 urinary tract infection,
 calculi, or urethral pathology, and
 should prompt additional evaluation.
 In women with IC, the number of voids may
commonly exceed 20 per day.
Williams Gynecology
Urinary Retention
 It is important to determine if the patient
adequately empties her bladder. Often
incomplete emptying can result in
incontinence associated with either stress
or urgency.
 The term overflow incontinence is no
longer used.
Williams Gynecology
Williams Gynecology
The volume of urine lost with each episode
may also provide diagnostic clues.
 Large volumes are typically lost following the
spontaneous detrusor contractions associated
with urge urinary incontinence and may often
involve loss of the entire bladder volume.
 In contrast, women with SUI usually describe
smaller volumes lost.
Postvoid dribbling is classically
associated with urethral diverticulum,
which may often be mistaken for urinary
Incontinence (because of common risk
Feeling of incomplete emptying
Straining during defecation
Splinting / Digital pushing
? Back pain (Advanced prolapse- ↓ back
? Dysparenunia
Lancet 07
Although patients with pelvic organ
prolapse sometimes attribute back and
pelvic pain to their prolapse, very little
evidence is available to show that the
disorder causes pain. The complaint of
pain in a woman with prolapse should
prompt clinicians to search for other
sources of the pain before attributing it to
the disorder.
Resting Straining Retract post
wall to see
Dorsal / Squatting / Lt. lateral / ant wall
Lithotomy / standing prolapse &
Sims speculum vice versa.
Bivalve speculum
 The extent of prolapse of the anterior
vaginal wall can be assessed by placing a
Sim’s speculum in the vagina to retract the
posterior vaginal wall
 The blade is then placed to retract the
anterior vaginal wall and she strains again
to reveal any posterior prolapse.
Lancet -07
A bivalve speculum is inserted and the cervix or—in
women who have had a hysterectomy—vaginal cuff
is identified to assess apical vaginal support. While
the patient strains the speculum is slowly withdrawn
and the descent of the vaginal apex is noted
A rectovaginal examination can be useful to identify
presence of a rectocoele and establish the integrity of
the perineal body
A bimanual and rectal examination is undertaken to
rule out coexistent gynaecological or rectal
pathological fi ndings.
Bivalve speculum to assess apical vaginal
support (cervix / vaginal cuff)
Patient strains --speculum gradually
 The Marshall test, otherwise known as the Marshall-
Bonney test, is performed by placing an index finger and
the second finger on either side of the bladder neck.
With the bladder relatively full, the patient is instructed to
perform Valsalva or cough. The 2 fingers at the bladder
neck serve to support the proximal urethra during
Valsalva maneuver. The absence of leakage with
bladder neck elevation and the presence of leakage with
loss of bladder neck support confirms stress urinary
incontinence due to urethral hypermobility. However, the
Marshall test is neither sensitive nor specific enough to
diagnose stress urinary incontinence by today's
standards. Thus, the Marshall test is not widely practiced
BJOG Bonney's test—fact or
 Bonney test produced significant increases in
the urethral closure pressure and transmission
of impulse from the abdomen to the urethra
which indicated occlusion of the urethra rather
than elevation of the bladder neck. The Bonney
test does not differentiate between patients with
sphincter weakness and those with bladder
instability and therefore should be discarded.
 Received 5 December 1985, Accepted 10 May
Q-tip test: This test is performed by inserting a
sterile lubricated cotton swab (Q-tip) into the
female urethra. The cotton swab is gently
passed into the bladder and then slowly pulled
back until the neck of the cotton swab is fit
snugly against the bladder neck. The patient
then is instructed to perform a Valsalva
maneuver or to contract the abdominal muscles.
Excessive motion of the urethra and bladder
neck (hypermobility) with straining is an
important finding for type II stress incontinence.
A Q-tip excursion angle greater than 35°
indicates urethral hypermobility
The Q-tip, Bonney, Marshall, and Fluid-Bridge
tests are not recommended in the assessment of
women with UI.
A urine dipstick test should be undertaken in all
women presenting with UI to detect the
presence of blood, glucose, protein, leucocytes
and nitrites in the urine.
R / V
Rectocoele / Enterocoele
Integrity of perineal body
Williams Gynecology
 Enterocele can only definitively be diagnosed by
observing small bowel peristalsis behind the vaginal wall
In general, bulges at the apical segment of the posterior
vaginal wall should implicate enteroceles, whereas
bulges in the distal posterior wall are presumed to be
 Further distinction may be found during standing
rectovaginal examination. A clinician's index finger is
placed in the rectum and thumb on the posterior vaginal
wall. Small bowel may be palpated between the rectum
and vagina, confirming enterocele.
 Detection of an enterocele is performed
best in the awake, straining patient by
noting a mass of small intestine between
the rectum and vagina; it may not be
suspected in a supine individual at rest.
Valsalva / Cough stress testing with full
bladder with reduced prolapse
In instances in which the uterus is not
necessarily going to be removed, uterine
support should be tested before it is
assumed that the uterus is well supported.
This can be done by grasping the cervix
with a tenaculum or ring forceps and
applying traction until it stops descending.
Occult prolapse, in which the cervix comes
below the hymenal ring, can be detected
in this way
The five stages of prolapse
Stage 0: No prolapse
Stage I: The most distal portion of the prolapse is >1 cm
above the level of the hymen
Stage II: The most distal portion of the prolapse is ≤1cm
proximal or distal to the hymen
Stage III: The most distal portion of the prolapse is >1 cm
below the hymen but protrudes no further than 2 cm
less than the total length of the vagina
Stage IV: Complete eversion of the vagina
The staging system is not as sensitive as
the POPQ for description and follow-up of
individual patients.
Pelvic muscle function assessment
Palpate pelvic muscles a few cms. inside
hymen : 4 & 8 o’clock
Baseline tone / Increase with contraction
May identify women who benefit from pelvic
muscles exercise
Women taught
 For women with positive prolapse
reduction stress test results who are
planning vaginal prolapse repair, tension-
free vaginal tape (TVT) midurethral sling
(rather than suburethral fascial plication)
appears to offer better prevention from
postoperative stress incontinence
Need for ancillary testing beyond a
comprehensive history and physical examination
depends largely on the
 patient’s presenting symptoms. Most
women will need little additional testing.
 Those with pelvic organ prolapse who
complain of lower urinary-tract symptoms
should undergo urinalysis and post-void
residual volume testing with a urethral
catheter or bladder ultrasound.
Lancet 07
Lancet 07
Urodynamic assessment :
 with substantial urinary incontinence,
 irritative voiding symptoms, or
 voiding dysfunction.
Although urodynamics are currently being used
to predict postoperative urinary incontinence,
findings of a randomised trial have disputed the
usefulness of this test as a predictor of altering
surgical management
Prevention of VAULT PROLAPSE following
McCALL culdoplasty
Approximating the uterosacral ligaments
using continuous sutures so as to
obliterate the peritoneum of posterior cul-
de-sac as high as possilble.
After midline approximation the uterosacrals
fixed to the vault.
A similar procedure described for abdominal
Uterosacrals identified prior to dividing them
from the uterus
(Progress 2007)
vaginal hysterectomy is recommended for
(at the end of ant. vag. wall closure)
(RCOG 2007 oct)
Incidence of vault prolapse after
↓ ↓
After vag. After abd.
(for prolapse) (non prolapse)
12% 2%
(J Reprod Med 1999)
Urodynamic studies
No urinary stmptoms – not justified
Do only if significant urinary symptoms
Urodynamic studies(cont..)
↓ ↓ ↓
Obstructed Atonic Overactive
voiding bladder ↓
↓ ↓ surgery will
good prog. less not improve
after cystocoele favourable symptoms
R / V examination
Anterior displacement of rectal finger
towards vagina --- rectocoele
Pt. asked to strain
Non rugated vag. epithelium proximal to
examining finger --- enterocoele
McCall culdoplasty
Uterosacral ligament SUSPENSION for
Upto 3 sutures placed in each uterosacral
ligament & incorporated into the ant & post
(fibromuscular layers + vag epith.)
Some surgeons approximate
The uterosacral lights in midline
Done if esp.redundant cul-de-sac
McCALL Culdoplasty (cont..)
↓ ↓
Excessive redundant Otherwise
cul-de-sac suspend the rt & lt
Approximate the 2 vag. apex to ipsilateral
uterosacrals in uterosacral ligament
↓ Less post op bowel
vaginally done by dysfunction
Post. Colporrhaphy
Midline plication of subepithelial vaginal
Traditionally MEDIAL PORTION of
Largely abandoned because of dyspareunia
ACOG 2007
Reconstruction of perineal body
= Perineorrhaphy
Mesh use in ANT / POST
 WHO (2005) Mesh transvaginally only in
 May have place in recurrent cases
Junction of cervix &
uterus is attached by a
mesh,which is
peritonised,to the ant.
longitudnal ligament
over S1 or S2.
Med contraindic. to surgery
Debilitated patients
Can be fitted in most women regardless of
prolapse stage or site of predominant
ACOG 2007
Pessaries (cont..)
Clinicians should discuss option with ALL
Should be considered before surgery
ACOG 2007
Women who fail / decline pessary are
candidates for surgery
Ant colporrhaphy Posterior
Site sp.repairs Uterine Vault colporraphy
VH+repair Sacrocolpopexy
Sacrohysteropexy Sacrospinous fixation
Sling Operations
Cystourethrocoele with USI
↓ ↓
Ant.colporrhaphy Burch
+ Colposuspension
 Improves as prolapse extends beyond
hymen possibly from urethral obstruction
 Latent stress incontinence in
symptomatically continent – also called
(Level A):
Stress-continent women with positive stress
test results (prolapse reduced) are at higher
risk for developing postoperative stress
incontinence after prolapse repair alone
compared with women with negative stress
test results (prolapse reduced)
(Level A):
For stress-continent women planning
abdominal sacral colpopexy, regardless of
the results of preoperative stress testing,
the addition of the Burch procedure
substantially reduces the likelihood of
postoperative stress incontinence without
increasing urgency symptoms or
obstructed voiding.
Uterine descent +
Uterine preservation
 Manchester operation
 Shirodkar operation
 Purandare’s operation
 Sacrohysteropexy
 Sacrospinous fixation
The following recommendations and conclusions
are based on limited or inconsistent scientific
evidence (Level B): ACOG 2007
Compared with vaginal sacrospinous
ligament fixation, abdominal sacral
colpopexy has less apical failure and less
postoperative dyspareunia and stress
incontinence, but is also associated with
more complications.
Women Considering Pregnancy
Ideally, childbearing should be complete
before considering surgery for prolapse to
avoid the theoretical but plausible risk of
recurrent prolapse after subsequent
pregnancy and delivery. For women who
become pregnant after prolapse repair,
decisions regarding mode of delivery
should be made on a case-by-case basis;
evidence to guide such decisions is
Complications were more frequent in
women aged 80 years and older and in
women who had reconstructive rather than
obliterative surgery.
Stress urinary incontinence Green 04
complaint of involuntary leakage during effort or exertion, occurs
at least weekly in one third of adult women.
basic evaluation of women with stress urinary incontinence
includes a history, physical examination, cough stress test,
voiding diary, postvoid residual urine volume, and urinalysis.
Formal urodynamics testing may help guide clinical care, but
whether urodynamics improves or predicts the outcome of
incontinence treatment is not yet clear.
The distinction between urodynamic stress incontinence
associated with hypermobility and urodynamic stress
incontinence associated with intrinsic sphincter deficiency
should be viewed as a continuum, rather than a dichotomy, of
urethral function.
Q-Tip Test
 If urethra is poorly supported, it may display hypermobility
during increases in intra-abdominal pressures.
 To assess mobility, a clinician places the soft end of a cotton
swab into the urethra to the urethrovesical junction. Failure to
insert the swab to this depth typically leads to errors in
assessment of urethrovesical junction support. Termed the Q-
tip test, this evaluation may be uncomfortable and application
of intraurethral analgesia may prove helpful. Commonly, 1
percent lidocaine jelly is placed on the cotton swab prior to
insertion. Following placement, Valsalva maneuver is
prompted, and the swab angle excursion at rest and with
Valsalva maneuver is measured with a goniometer or
standard protractor (Fig. 23-8).
 An angle excursion at rest or with Valsalva maneuver greater
than 30 degrees above the horizontal indicates urethral
hypermobility, and may help direct planning of surgical
treatment for stress incontinence
post void residual volume
 of less than 50 mL is regarded as normal
 greater than 150–200 mL are regarded as
 In older women, up to 100 mL may be regarded
as normal, depending on the circumstances
 NOVAK:provided the patient has voided 150 mL
or more, a PVR less than or equal to 100 mL is
Overactive bladder syndrome
Urgency that occurs with or without urge UI and
usually with frequency and nocturia.
OAB that occurs with urge UI is known as ‘OAB wet’.
OAB that occurs without urge UI is known as ‘OAB
These combinations of symptoms are suggestive of
the urodynamic finding of detrusor overactivity, but
can be the result of other forms of urethrovesical
 Expert opinion concludes that
symptomatic categorisation of UI based on
reports from the woman and history taking
is sufficiently reliable to inform initial, non-
invasive treatment decisions.

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Prolapse .ppt

  • 1. Definition of prolapse Descent of one or more of vaginal segments (ANT., POST., APEX) ICS 2002 Leading edge of any vaginal segment ≥ -1cm above hymenal remnant NIH 2001
  • 2. Lifetime risk for surgery for prolapse / urinary incontinence 11% (ACOG 2007) >30% require repeat surgery (Progress 2007)
  • 3. Possible risk factors Genetic predisp. Vaginal birth Parity Menopause Advancing age Prior pelvic surgery Connective tissue dis. ↑ IA pressure Obesity Chronic constipation ↑ Straining ACOG 2007
  • 4. Established risk factors Vaginal delivery (levator ms injury/ endopelv.fascia ) Advancing age Obesity Lancet 2007
  • 5. Baden & Walker (1972) Prolapse not due to stretching but rather breaks in the fascia which could & should be repaired individually.
  • 6.  3 Delancey’s three levels of pelvic support.
  • 7. The vagina can be divided into three levels. Reprinted from DeLancey (1992, AJOG) Ischial spine & sacrospinous ligament Levator ani Pubocervical fascia Rectovaginal fascia
  • 8. Copyright ©2007 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. Doshani, A. et al. BMJ 2007;335:819-823 Delancey's three levels of pelvic support. Reprinted from Barber,8 with permission from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation
  • 9.  Level 1: The cardinal-uterosacral ligament complex provides apical attachment of the uterus and vaginal vault to the bony sacrum. Uterine prolapse occurs when the cardinal-uterosacral ligament complex breaks or is attenuated.  Level 2: The arcus tendineous fascia pelvis and the fascia overlying the levator ani muscles provide support to the middle part of the vagina.  Level 3: The urogenital diaphragm and the perineal body provide support to the lower part of the vagina.
  • 10.  LEVEL I SUPPORT  This level consists of the cardinal and uterosacral ligaments attachment to the cervix and upper vagina
  • 11. LEVEL II SUPPORT  This support consists of the paravaginal attachments that are contiguous with the cardinal/uterosacral complex at the ischial spine.  These are the connective tissue attachments of the lateral vagina anteriorly to the arcus tendineus fascia pelvis and posteriorly to the arcus tendineus rectovaginalis.  Detachment of this connective tissue from the arcus tendineus fascia pelvis leads to lateral or paravaginal anterior vaginal wall prolapse.
  • 12. Level II  POP at this level can be described as a central hernia  through the pubocervical fascia—i.e. a cystocoele and/or an  enterocoele or  rectocoele—when herniation is occurring through the rectovaginal fascia in the upper or middle part
  • 13. LEVEL III SUPPORT  The perineal body, superficial and deep perineal muscles, and fibromuscular connective tissue comprise level III.  Collectively, these support the distal one-third of the vagina and introitus. The perineal body is essential for distal vaginal support as well as proper function of the anal canal.  Damage to level III support contributes to anterior and posterior vaginal wall prolapse, gaping introitus, and perineal descent.
  • 14. Weakening of / Dysfunction ↓ ↓ ↓ Lev.ani Endopelvic fascia Direct injury & its condensn. Denervation Congenital Age related Child birth injury
  • 15. Potential risk factors (cont..) Shape / orientation bony pelvis Family H/O Race / Ethnicity Occup. Heavy weight lifting Constipation Connective tissue disorder H/O hysterectomy (esp.for prolapse) SERM Lancet 2007
  • 16. Potential risk factors OBSTETRICS Preg. irrespective of mode of delivery Forceps Young age at 1st delivery Prolonged 2nd stage Large baby Lancet 2007
  • 17. R. Shaw S. Stanton Ant. Vag. wall prolapse 51% Post. Vag. wall prolapse 27% Uterine / Vault prolapse 20%
  • 18. Midline or distension cystocele. Note the characteristic loss of vaginal wall rugae
  • 19. a lateral cystocele, also termed paravaginal or displacement cystocele. Rugae are present, which indicates that loss of support is lateral rather than central
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22. Subtotal hysterectomy not protective Prophylactic culdoplasty protective
  • 23. Demonstarting uterine descent Single tooth valsellum to cervix Gentle traction
  • 24. SYMPTOMS VAG. URINARY BOWEL SEXUAL ACOG RECOMMENDATIONS (Level A): The only symptom specific to prolapse is the awareness of a vaginal bulge or protrusion. For all other pelvic symptoms, resolution with prolapse treatment cannot be assumed
  • 25. VAGINAL SYMPTOMS Bulge / Protrusion Pressure Heaviness Discharge (if ulcer)
  • 26. URINARY SYMPTOMS Frequency Urgency Incontinence Weak / Prolonged stream Hesitancy Manual reduction- void Position change to start or complete voiding Retention (rare)
  • 27. Urinary Frequency Most women void 8 times per day or less. Without a history that reflects increased fluid intake, increased voiding may indicate  urge incontinence,  urinary tract infection,  calculi, or urethral pathology, and  should prompt additional evaluation.  In women with IC, the number of voids may commonly exceed 20 per day. Williams Gynecology
  • 28. Urinary Retention  It is important to determine if the patient adequately empties her bladder. Often incomplete emptying can result in incontinence associated with either stress or urgency.  The term overflow incontinence is no longer used. Williams Gynecology
  • 29. Williams Gynecology The volume of urine lost with each episode may also provide diagnostic clues.  Large volumes are typically lost following the spontaneous detrusor contractions associated with urge urinary incontinence and may often involve loss of the entire bladder volume.  In contrast, women with SUI usually describe smaller volumes lost.
  • 30. Postvoid dribbling is classically associated with urethral diverticulum, which may often be mistaken for urinary incontinence
  • 31. BOWEL SYMPTOMS Incontinence (because of common risk factors) Feeling of incomplete emptying Straining during defecation Urgency Splinting / Digital pushing
  • 32. OTHERS ? Back pain (Advanced prolapse- ↓ back pain) ? Dysparenunia
  • 33. Lancet 07 Although patients with pelvic organ prolapse sometimes attribute back and pelvic pain to their prolapse, very little evidence is available to show that the disorder causes pain. The complaint of pain in a woman with prolapse should prompt clinicians to search for other sources of the pain before attributing it to the disorder.
  • 34. Examination Resting Straining Retract post wall to see Dorsal / Squatting / Lt. lateral / ant wall Lithotomy / standing prolapse & Sims speculum vice versa. Bivalve speculum P/V P/R R/V
  • 35.  The extent of prolapse of the anterior vaginal wall can be assessed by placing a Sim’s speculum in the vagina to retract the posterior vaginal wall  The blade is then placed to retract the anterior vaginal wall and she strains again to reveal any posterior prolapse.
  • 36. Lancet -07 A bivalve speculum is inserted and the cervix or—in women who have had a hysterectomy—vaginal cuff is identified to assess apical vaginal support. While the patient strains the speculum is slowly withdrawn and the descent of the vaginal apex is noted A rectovaginal examination can be useful to identify presence of a rectocoele and establish the integrity of the perineal body A bimanual and rectal examination is undertaken to rule out coexistent gynaecological or rectal pathological fi ndings.
  • 37. Bivalve speculum to assess apical vaginal support (cervix / vaginal cuff) Patient strains --speculum gradually withdrawn
  • 38.  The Marshall test, otherwise known as the Marshall- Bonney test, is performed by placing an index finger and the second finger on either side of the bladder neck. With the bladder relatively full, the patient is instructed to perform Valsalva or cough. The 2 fingers at the bladder neck serve to support the proximal urethra during Valsalva maneuver. The absence of leakage with bladder neck elevation and the presence of leakage with loss of bladder neck support confirms stress urinary incontinence due to urethral hypermobility. However, the Marshall test is neither sensitive nor specific enough to diagnose stress urinary incontinence by today's standards. Thus, the Marshall test is not widely practiced today.
  • 39. BJOG Bonney's test—fact or fiction?  Bonney test produced significant increases in the urethral closure pressure and transmission of impulse from the abdomen to the urethra which indicated occlusion of the urethra rather than elevation of the bladder neck. The Bonney test does not differentiate between patients with sphincter weakness and those with bladder instability and therefore should be discarded.  Received 5 December 1985, Accepted 10 May 1986
  • 40. Q-tip test: This test is performed by inserting a sterile lubricated cotton swab (Q-tip) into the female urethra. The cotton swab is gently passed into the bladder and then slowly pulled back until the neck of the cotton swab is fit snugly against the bladder neck. The patient then is instructed to perform a Valsalva maneuver or to contract the abdominal muscles. Excessive motion of the urethra and bladder neck (hypermobility) with straining is an important finding for type II stress incontinence. A Q-tip excursion angle greater than 35° indicates urethral hypermobility
  • 41. NICE UI The Q-tip, Bonney, Marshall, and Fluid-Bridge tests are not recommended in the assessment of women with UI. A urine dipstick test should be undertaken in all women presenting with UI to detect the presence of blood, glucose, protein, leucocytes and nitrites in the urine.
  • 42. R / V Rectocoele / Enterocoele Integrity of perineal body
  • 43. Williams Gynecology  Enterocele can only definitively be diagnosed by observing small bowel peristalsis behind the vaginal wall In general, bulges at the apical segment of the posterior vaginal wall should implicate enteroceles, whereas bulges in the distal posterior wall are presumed to be rectoceles.  Further distinction may be found during standing rectovaginal examination. A clinician's index finger is placed in the rectum and thumb on the posterior vaginal wall. Small bowel may be palpated between the rectum and vagina, confirming enterocele.
  • 44. Danforth  Detection of an enterocele is performed best in the awake, straining patient by noting a mass of small intestine between the rectum and vagina; it may not be suspected in a supine individual at rest.
  • 45. Valsalva / Cough stress testing with full bladder with reduced prolapse
  • 46. Danforth In instances in which the uterus is not necessarily going to be removed, uterine support should be tested before it is assumed that the uterus is well supported. This can be done by grasping the cervix with a tenaculum or ring forceps and applying traction until it stops descending. Occult prolapse, in which the cervix comes below the hymenal ring, can be detected in this way
  • 47. The five stages of prolapse Stage 0: No prolapse Stage I: The most distal portion of the prolapse is >1 cm above the level of the hymen Stage II: The most distal portion of the prolapse is ≤1cm proximal or distal to the hymen Stage III: The most distal portion of the prolapse is >1 cm below the hymen but protrudes no further than 2 cm less than the total length of the vagina Stage IV: Complete eversion of the vagina
  • 48. The staging system is not as sensitive as the POPQ for description and follow-up of individual patients.
  • 49. Pelvic muscle function assessment Palpate pelvic muscles a few cms. inside hymen : 4 & 8 o’clock Baseline tone / Increase with contraction
  • 50. May identify women who benefit from pelvic muscles exercise Women taught
  • 51.  For women with positive prolapse reduction stress test results who are planning vaginal prolapse repair, tension- free vaginal tape (TVT) midurethral sling (rather than suburethral fascial plication) appears to offer better prevention from postoperative stress incontinence
  • 52. Need for ancillary testing beyond a comprehensive history and physical examination depends largely on the  patient’s presenting symptoms. Most women will need little additional testing.  Those with pelvic organ prolapse who complain of lower urinary-tract symptoms should undergo urinalysis and post-void residual volume testing with a urethral catheter or bladder ultrasound. Lancet 07
  • 53. Lancet 07 Urodynamic assessment :  with substantial urinary incontinence,  irritative voiding symptoms, or  voiding dysfunction. Although urodynamics are currently being used to predict postoperative urinary incontinence, findings of a randomised trial have disputed the usefulness of this test as a predictor of altering surgical management
  • 54. Prevention of VAULT PROLAPSE following VAGINAL HYSTERECTOMY McCALL culdoplasty Approximating the uterosacral ligaments using continuous sutures so as to obliterate the peritoneum of posterior cul- de-sac as high as possilble. After midline approximation the uterosacrals fixed to the vault.
  • 55. A similar procedure described for abdominal hysterectomy. Uterosacrals identified prior to dividing them from the uterus (Progress 2007)
  • 56. SACROSPINOUS FIXATION at the time of vaginal hysterectomy is recommended for MARKED UTEROVAGINAL PROLAPSE WHEN the VAULT DESCENDS to INTROITUS DURING CLOSURE (at the end of ant. vag. wall closure) (RCOG 2007 oct)
  • 57. Incidence of vault prolapse after hysterectomy ↓ ↓ ↓ After vag. After abd. (for prolapse) (non prolapse) 12% 2% (J Reprod Med 1999)
  • 58. Urodynamic studies No urinary stmptoms – not justified Do only if significant urinary symptoms
  • 59. Urodynamic studies(cont..) ↓ ↓ ↓ Obstructed Atonic Overactive voiding bladder ↓ ↓ ↓ surgery will good prog. less not improve after cystocoele favourable symptoms repair
  • 60. R / V examination Anterior displacement of rectal finger towards vagina --- rectocoele Pt. asked to strain Non rugated vag. epithelium proximal to examining finger --- enterocoele
  • 61. McCall culdoplasty Uterosacral ligament SUSPENSION for VAGINAL APEX Upto 3 sutures placed in each uterosacral ligament & incorporated into the ant & post vaginal (fibromuscular layers + vag epith.) Some surgeons approximate The uterosacral lights in midline Done if esp.redundant cul-de-sac
  • 62. McCALL Culdoplasty (cont..) ↓ ↓ Excessive redundant Otherwise cul-de-sac suspend the rt & lt Approximate the 2 vag. apex to ipsilateral uterosacrals in uterosacral ligament midline ↓ Less post op bowel vaginally done by dysfunction McCALL
  • 63. Post. Colporrhaphy Midline plication of subepithelial vaginal tissue Traditionally MEDIAL PORTION of LEVATOR ANI PLICATED Largely abandoned because of dyspareunia ACOG 2007
  • 64. Reconstruction of perineal body = Perineorrhaphy
  • 65. Mesh use in ANT / POST COLPORRHAPHY  WHO (2005) Mesh transvaginally only in TRIALS  May have place in recurrent cases
  • 66. Sacrohysteropexy Junction of cervix & uterus is attached by a mesh,which is peritonised,to the ant. longitudnal ligament over S1 or S2.
  • 67. Pessaries TRADITIONALLY Pregnancy Med contraindic. to surgery Debilitated patients CURRENTLY Can be fitted in most women regardless of prolapse stage or site of predominant prolapse ACOG 2007
  • 68. Pessaries (cont..) Clinicians should discuss option with ALL WOMEN WHO have SYMPTOMATIC PROLAPSE Should be considered before surgery ACOG 2007 Women who fail / decline pessary are candidates for surgery LANCET 2007
  • 69. Surgery compartment Ant colporrhaphy Posterior Site sp.repairs Uterine Vault colporraphy VH+repair Sacrocolpopexy Sacrohysteropexy Sacrospinous fixation Sling Operations ANT. MIDDLE POST.
  • 70. Cystourethrocoele with USI ↓ ↓ ↓ Ant.colporrhaphy Burch + Colposuspension TVT
  • 71. STRESS INCONTINENCE  Improves as prolapse extends beyond hymen possibly from urethral obstruction  Latent stress incontinence in symptomatically continent – also called OCCULT / MASKED
  • 72. ACOG RECOMMENDATIONS (Level A): Stress-continent women with positive stress test results (prolapse reduced) are at higher risk for developing postoperative stress incontinence after prolapse repair alone compared with women with negative stress test results (prolapse reduced)
  • 73. ACOG RECOMMENDATIONS (Level A): For stress-continent women planning abdominal sacral colpopexy, regardless of the results of preoperative stress testing, the addition of the Burch procedure substantially reduces the likelihood of postoperative stress incontinence without increasing urgency symptoms or obstructed voiding.
  • 74. Uterine descent + Uterine preservation  Manchester operation  Shirodkar operation  Purandare’s operation  Sacrohysteropexy  Sacrospinous fixation
  • 75. The following recommendations and conclusions are based on limited or inconsistent scientific evidence (Level B): ACOG 2007 Compared with vaginal sacrospinous ligament fixation, abdominal sacral colpopexy has less apical failure and less postoperative dyspareunia and stress incontinence, but is also associated with more complications.
  • 76. Women Considering Pregnancy Ideally, childbearing should be complete before considering surgery for prolapse to avoid the theoretical but plausible risk of recurrent prolapse after subsequent pregnancy and delivery. For women who become pregnant after prolapse repair, decisions regarding mode of delivery should be made on a case-by-case basis; evidence to guide such decisions is lacking.
  • 77. Complications were more frequent in women aged 80 years and older and in women who had reconstructive rather than obliterative surgery.
  • 78. Stress urinary incontinence Green 04 complaint of involuntary leakage during effort or exertion, occurs at least weekly in one third of adult women. basic evaluation of women with stress urinary incontinence includes a history, physical examination, cough stress test, voiding diary, postvoid residual urine volume, and urinalysis. Formal urodynamics testing may help guide clinical care, but whether urodynamics improves or predicts the outcome of incontinence treatment is not yet clear. The distinction between urodynamic stress incontinence associated with hypermobility and urodynamic stress incontinence associated with intrinsic sphincter deficiency should be viewed as a continuum, rather than a dichotomy, of urethral function.
  • 79. Q-Tip Test  If urethra is poorly supported, it may display hypermobility during increases in intra-abdominal pressures.  To assess mobility, a clinician places the soft end of a cotton swab into the urethra to the urethrovesical junction. Failure to insert the swab to this depth typically leads to errors in assessment of urethrovesical junction support. Termed the Q- tip test, this evaluation may be uncomfortable and application of intraurethral analgesia may prove helpful. Commonly, 1 percent lidocaine jelly is placed on the cotton swab prior to insertion. Following placement, Valsalva maneuver is prompted, and the swab angle excursion at rest and with Valsalva maneuver is measured with a goniometer or standard protractor (Fig. 23-8).  An angle excursion at rest or with Valsalva maneuver greater than 30 degrees above the horizontal indicates urethral hypermobility, and may help direct planning of surgical treatment for stress incontinence
  • 80. post void residual volume  of less than 50 mL is regarded as normal  greater than 150–200 mL are regarded as abnormal.  In older women, up to 100 mL may be regarded as normal, depending on the circumstances  NOVAK:provided the patient has voided 150 mL or more, a PVR less than or equal to 100 mL is acceptable
  • 81. Overactive bladder syndrome (OAB) Urgency that occurs with or without urge UI and usually with frequency and nocturia. OAB that occurs with urge UI is known as ‘OAB wet’. OAB that occurs without urge UI is known as ‘OAB dry’. These combinations of symptoms are suggestive of the urodynamic finding of detrusor overactivity, but can be the result of other forms of urethrovesical dysfunction.
  • 82.  Expert opinion concludes that symptomatic categorisation of UI based on reports from the woman and history taking is sufficiently reliable to inform initial, non- invasive treatment decisions.