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SMK Lubok Buntar
09800 Lubok Buntar Kedah.
“Together, let’s go to the STAR!”
(STAR: Self Access & Training Room)
“The Launch For
Waves of English 2015”
_______________ ___________________ _________________
Soonufat A/L Muhamad Haizul bin MadamMazna binti
Supramaniam Abd Rashid Sulaiman
English Teacher Student Lead of English Panel.
Prepared by,
Mr. Soonufat
English Teacher
Assisted by,
Mr. Muhamad Haizul
bin Abd Rashid
5 Science Student
Approved by,
Madam Mazna bt
Head of English
No. Items. Page Number.
Executive Summary
Overview in Bahasa Malaysia |
Brochure for The Launch
Words from Master of Ceremony
Speech from English Head Panel
Committee Members
Launch Event Agenda
Script of the Sketch, “Lets go to the
The Different Stages of
”The STAR: Self Access & Training
The Theme Song “Counting The Stars”
Professional Learning Community
Future Plans in The STAR
4 -5
6 - 8
9- 10
14- 17
18 - 29
30 - 31
Executive Summary:
This report details the English transformation program done by English
Panel at SMK Lubok Buntar in lined with Waves of English Program. The
program was launched on Monday 19th
of January 2015 together with
Principal of the school, Mr. Azaman bin Abdul Rahman and senior English
Teacher of the school, Madam Mazna binti Sulaiman. The launching of the
program was accompanied by students’ performance, revealing of banner,
opening the learning space, transforming the walkways and posting up
inspirational quotes around the school etc.
In particular, SMK Lubok Buntar has dedicated a special learning space
titled- The STAR (which stands for Self Training and Access Room) to all
students in the school. In this space, it is equipped with speaker, color
printer, dictionaries, musical equipment to allow students to spend quality
time in learning English. This proposal details the transformation process
that took place throughout the period of time.
Overview in Bahasa Malaysia | Pendahuluan:
Alaf baru memperlihatkan peri pentingnya penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris
yang baik dalam kalangan pelajar. Kemahiran yang diperoleh di sekolah kini
aset kepada para pelajar untuk pembangunan diri dan kerjaya di masa
hadapan. Tidak dapat dinafikan Bahasa Inggeris sejak dahulu lagi telah
menjadi bahasa perantaraan utama ini telah menjadi semakin penting.
Kepentingan cukup jelas. Ia menaikkan maruah sesuatu bangsa juga
membina penghargaan kendiri seseorang individu. Justeru itu, peranan
Panitia Bahasa Inggeris SMK Lubok Buntar adalah ingin membuka peluang
seluas-luasnya kepada setiap individu pelajar untuk belajar dan menanam
minat mempelajari bahasa ini.
Menyedari kelemahan penguasaan para pelajar terhadap Bahasa Inggeris ,
maka peranan Panitia adalah untuk merancang dan menjalankan pelbagai
aktiviti yang dapat mencetuskan minat para pelajar untuk mendekati
bahasa ini. “Waves Of English 2015” yang dirancang ini bertepatan dengan
hasrat Panitia dan sekolah untuk cuba mewujudkan suasana positif
mempelajari bahasa ini. Panitia turut berusaha mengikis sifat gerun dan
fobia dengan bahasa ini. Aktiviti yang dirancang adalah bermatlamat
mencetuskan rasa ceria dan ingin mempelajari dan seterusnya
menggunakan bahasa ini.
a)Mencetuskan suasana positif dan ceria untuk mendekati dan
mempelajari Bahasa Inggeris.
b)Meransangkan minda para pelajar menerusi aktiviti bertutur dan
c) Menggunakan bahasa ini dalam konteks ‘info-tainment’
d)Mengikis rasa fobia dan gentar untuk berkomunikasi dalam
bahasa ini.
Pada penghujung ‘Wave Of English 2015’ Panitia berharap:
a. Supaya dapat mencungkil bakat-bakat para pelajar khususnya bagi
aktiviti Elocution Contest, Kuiz, Spelling Contest dan Poetry
Reading untuk mewakili sekolah dalam beberapa pertandingan di
peringkat daerah
b. Supaya para pelajar dapat melahirkan idea kreatif dalam
pertandingan tertentu
c. Supaya para pelajar dapat berinteraksi dengan selesa dengan
menggunakan bahasa ini sebagai medium komunikasi.
‘Wave Of English 2015’ dijalankan dengan membaik pulih sebuah bilik
selama 5 hari. Bilik ini disediakan sebagai bilik gerakan Panitia Bahasa
Inggeris untuk menjalan aktiviti sempena pelancaran ini. Pelancaran
program ini telah diadakan pada 19 Januari 2015 bermula pada jam 7:30
pagi. Tuan Pengetua telah merasmikan majlis ini.
for The Launch:
Recitation of Dua' by Ustaz
Abdul Razak Alias
What is Waves of English
By Rohaida Abdullah
Sketch—Let's go to the star
WOE launching by the
Principal, Mr Azaman b.
Abdul Rahman
Ceremony ends
Awesome English
A program to support Kedah
Top 5
The objectives of Waves of
The Committee
Mr Azaman bin Abdul Rahman
Mr Uzir bin Ali
Madam Mazna binti Sulaiman
Waves of English Activities
Everyday &
1. to createthe awareness of the
importanceofEnglish English Day & English
2. to improvestudents'
English Mr
Soonufat a/l
Newspaper Article
Reading in
Language proficiency with
basicprograms Emce
to promote the environment
fun learningof English
to provide support for teachers
promotesharingof best
and materials
Madam Rohaiza binti
Mr Mohd Shukri bin Abdul
Words from the Master of Ceremony:
Assalamualaikum and very good morning to the principal Mr. Azaman bin Abd Rahman,
Senior Assistant Teachers, Senior Teachers, the head panel of department, Excellent
Teachers, Counselors, teachers and beloved students.
We are here today, 19th
of January 2015 to witness the launch of Waves of English
ceremony with the theme, LET’s GO TO THE STAR. In order to accomplish the objective
of learning English, we should see English as an important language beside maintaining
our excellency in Malay language. To use correct English is significant as it will help us to
boost ourselves in terms of our confidence level. Especially when we are dealing with
anything which medium is English. Meanwhile, to use and practice it daily will help in
the learning in the language as well.
Ladies and gentleman,
Without further delay, I would like to invite, Ustaz Abd Razak bin Alias to recite the dua’.
(Dua’ recitation by Ustaz Abd Razak)
Alhamdulilah, thank you, Ustaz Abdul Razak for reciting the Dua’
Now, I would like to invite the Head of English Panel,Madam Rohaida Binti Abdullah to
deliver her speech.
We would like to thank Madam Rohaida for delivering her speech.
Now we shall proceed to the next event which the sketch performance by the student
from form 4 & 5 Science with the title “Let’s Go To The Star”.This sketch is directed by Mr.
Soonufat A/L Supramaniam. Please welcome the team.
Thank you for such inspiring sketch.
Next, I would to call upon our Language Senior Teacher, Madam Mazna Sulaiman to
accompany the principal, Mr. Azaman B. Abdul Rahman for the “Ribbon-cutting”
ceremony and therefore, officate launch of Waves Of English 2015.
(Ribbon Cutting) (Switch on the fountain)
Thank you, Mr. Azaman
Last but not least, I hope that every students will take your chance to visit The STAR, will
take part and give your full support to ensure the successful of the Wave Of English
programme. Do not worry of making mistakes because there are always rooms for
Thank You.
Opening Speech by English Head Panel:
Good morning to our school principal, Mr. Azaman bin Abdul Rahman, Senior
Assistant, Mr. Uzir bin Ali, Senior Assistant of Students’ Affair, Mr. Johar, Senior
Assistant of Co-curriculum, Mr. Ramlan, teachers and my dear students. What is
Waves of English?
Waves of English is a program to support Kedah’s Top 5 in 2015 Aspirations.
Some of the objectives are:
1. To create awareness of the importance of English as all of us well known that
starting from next year, English is a compulsory passing subject for all SPM
2. It is also to improve students’ proficiency in English.
3. Besides that, also to promote the environment of fun English.
Among the activities that we are going to conduct are Spelling Battle, MBI
Programmes and English Newsletter.
For your information, starting from this week, English Panel of SMK Lubok Buntar
has chosen Tuesday as English Day. So, teachers and students are encouraged to
speak English on Tuesday after this.
As a matter of fact, we have decided to change the name of SAL room to STAR
Room (Self Training & Access Room.
Last but not least, have confidence in English. Don’t be afraid because everything
will be okay in the end.
Thank you.
By the English Panel Leader,
Madam Rohaida Abdullah.
Committee Members:
Advisors: Mr. Azaman bin Abdul Rahman
Mr. Uzir bin Ali
Facilitator: Madam Mazna bin Sulaiman
Banner Designer & Director:
Mr. Soonufat Supramaniam
Emcee: Mr. Anuar bin Osman
Materials: Madam Rohaiza binti Hamzah
Discipline: Mr. Mohd Shukri bin Abdul Rahman
Pamphlet designed by:
Madam Rohaida Abdullah
Reported by:
Mr. Soonufat Supramaniam
Muhammad Haizul (Student)
Launch Event Agenda:
7.30am Dua’ Recitation by Student
7.35am Students’ Oath
7.40am Negaraku Song
7.45am School’s Song
The Launch of Wave Of English
7.50am Dua’s Recitation by Ustaz Abdul Razak
7.55am Opening Speech
8.00am Sketch- Let’s go to the STAR
8.08am The Launch of Wave of English
8.10am Education Department’s Song
8.15am Kedah State Song
8.18am Ceremony ends
Script for the Sketch, “Lets go to the STAR”:
4- 5 performers (with bilingual ability: Eng & Mal)
A: Ladies and Gentleman, why do we have to learn English?
B: Saudara dan saudari sekalian, kenapa kita semua perlu mempelajari Bahasa
A: I am not going to just stand here and tell you why. I have a story to tell.
B: Saya tak akan berdiri sini dan beritahu kamu jawapan. Saya ada satu cerita
nak diceritakan kepada anda.
A: There is one day, up in a bus,
B: Di suatu hari dalam sebuah bas...
A: This is what happened...
B: Ini yang berlaku...
C: Pelancong: “Hi, could you please tell me how to go to National Monumen?”
D: Pelajar nakal 1: “Huh National Monumen tu benda apa?”
B Pelajar nakal 2: “Dia nak gi umah Mak Cik Maimun kot.”
D: Pelajar nakal 1 "Hish takkan lah dia datang jauh-jauh nak cari rumah”
B: Mak Cik Maimun. Ok you go straight.. don’t belok-belok. Don’t belok-belok!
Straighttt jer... Ok?”
C: Pelancong: (Bingung)
A: Pelajar contoh: "Miss, I can help you, if you wanna go to National Monumen,
you go straight and you'll find a sign board. Then follow the sign board".
C: Pelancong: “Thank you very much.”
A: Pelajar contoh: “Tu lah, orang suruh belajar tak nak belajar. National
Monument tu Tugu Negara la.. Nah baca NST selalu. Senang dapat kerja.”
A: Do you agree with the good student?
B: Setujukah anda dengan cadangan pelajar contoh itu?
A: I absolutely agree with it.
B: Saya memang setuju dengan cadangan itu!
A: *looks doubtful* Ok... Then...
B: *looks happy* Bagus. Mari kami teruskan.
A: Ladies and gentlemen, did you know that SMK LB is committed to do this
program called Waves of English?
B: Saudara dan saudari sekalian, *cough cough* tahukah anda, sekolah Lubok
Buntar nak pelajar belajar English dengan lebih creative?
A: Lets hear from the Kedah Education State Minister.
B: Dipersilakan.
“Kebolehan bertutur dan menguasai Bahasa Inggeris amatlah penting. Pada
saya, penganjuran program Waves of English merupakan wahana yang baik
untuk meningkatkan penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris di kalangan pelajar. Program
seumpama ini perlu diutamakan dan disegerakan pelaksanaannya di semua
“Saya juga menyeru kepada semua pihak, khususnya kepada warga sekolah agar
tidak jemu-jemu memberikan kesedaran kepada pelajar-pelajar betapa
pentingnya bahasa komunikasi ini untuk kita duduk sama rendah dan berdiri
sama tinggi dengan negara-negara maju.
“Penguasaan dalam Bahasa Inggeris bukanlah bermakna kita melupai bahasa
kebangsaan yang menjadi kebanggaan kita, tetapi bangsa yang ingin maju ke
hadapan perlulah menguasai lebih daripada satu bahasa, terutamanya bahasa
yang diterima luas pada peringkat antarabangsa iaitu Bahasa Inggeris,”
A: *clap, clap, clap* Good, that’s very clear already. I think we get it.
B: Bagus. Kami faham semua semua ini dan akan mempelajari Bahasa Inggeris.
A: Then, why are you still translating my English to Malay and English to Malay
and English to Malay?
B: *sad* *frustruated* I tak faham macam mana nak belajar Inggeris, cakap
dalam bahasa Inggeris ini susah! Saya tak tahu mana ada tempat yang boleh
duduk dengan selesa, dengar Bahasa Inggeris, tengok buku cerita, komukinasi
dengan Cikgu dalam Bahasa Inggeris, tak ada tempat di sekolah ini yang boleh
berlatih Bahasa Inggeris saya.
A: Sabar. Kawanku, sabar. Be patient. Azam. Ingat tak azam yang cikgu bincang
minggu lalu? Did you know that under Waves of English program, we now have
a STAR in our school?
B: STAR? Apa itu STAR? Macam tengok bintang keh malam malam? Macam
mana boleh mempertingkatkan bahasa Inggeris saya?
A: **Cough cough** (reminds him to speak in English)
B: Ok. STAR? What is STAR? Like watching the stars at night? Macam mana
boleh help?
A: No. STAR is a program lead by English teachers in SMK LB.
B: You mean it’s a English program led by Cikgu Uzir, Puan Mazna, Puan
Rohaidah, Encik Anuar Osman, Puan Rohaizah Hamzah, Cikgu Shukri and Cikgu
A: Do you know what this STAR stands for? Let our students explain this for
C & D: Self Training & Access Room
A place where students can have lots of fun in English, we have
C: Games
D: Yummy food (OOPS) I mean, awesome teachers who sometimes share nuts
and healthy fruits.
C: Dictionaries
D: Music Player
C: Ukulele
D: What is this UKULELE?
C: It’s a small version of guitar.
D: Can I play?
C: Yes, you can. You can even bring your guitar, piano, flute to practice your
English songs!
C,D: You can go there in school hours, after school hours or even go there
to ask English teachers about tips for the best movie, best music and best book
to read this year!
A, B, C, D:
The STAR. Stands for Self Training and Access Room. We believe that learning
English is like a step closer in reaching the stars, reaching the outside world!
Together, lets go to the STAR!
A: Where is it?
B, C, D: Third Floor, Block A, next to 4 science.
A: See you there, and see you very soon...
B, C, D: Great! See you soon!
-------------------------------------------- THE END ---------------------------------------------------
The Different Stages of
“The STAR: Self Training & Access Room”
Throughout the 5 days in transforming the space,
Puan Mazna and Sir Soon led 7-9 students staying
back in school to help out in cleaning up the space,
drilling walls to install curtain railings, finding
recyclable materials within the school environment
to re-use. The installation cost was minimal but the
process in setting up the space was labor intensive
at the beginning. Students were encouraged to
participate in the cleaning process and rewarded
with foods, drinks. The work time was
accompanied with great music as well.
Stage 1:
One of the most untidy space in Blok A, SMK Lubok Buntar is going to be transformed.
Anywhere can be transformed into a fully functional learning space.
Students are the most important agents in transforming the space.
They have worked relentlessly in making The STAR a real space for all of us.
Stage 2:
Anywhere and everywhere can be a STAR room if we have
the right people, right time and right resources!
Stage 3:
Students installed the railings on the wall to cover the damage on the wall. They also
chose the “Gold” colour after a few round of discussion on which colour represent the
room the best.
Students installed railings for the curtain and the girl
students helped out in installing the golden theme
Stage 4:
Students work extremely well together in creating the STAR space.
Pictured. Students from 4 different classes sitting down together, listening to music,
designing a STAR Logo.
The Waves Of English Notice Board is filled with inspirational quotes and projects
affiliated with the English Programs.
Stage 5:
Students were extremely engaged in the sketch presentation during the launch.
Inspiring proverbs are attached to
every single wall on Block A
Waves Of English
Banner (7” x 3”) is
produced and placed
at the most public
wall for the launch
on Monday.
Theme song:
Lately I been, I been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby, I been, I been prayin' hard
Said no more counting dollars
We'll be counting stars
Yeah, we'll be counting stars
[Verse 1:]
I see this life
Like a swinging vine
Swing my heart across the line
In my face is flashing signs
Seek it out and ye shall find
Old, but I'm not that old
Young, but I'm not that bold
And I don't think the world is sold
I'm just doing what we're told
I feel something so right
By doing the wrong thing
And I feel something so wrong
By doing the right thing
I couldn't lie, couldn't lie, couldn't lie
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
Lately I been, I been losing sleep (hey!)
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby, I been, I been prayin' hard (hey!)
Said no more counting dollars
We'll be counting stars
Lately I been, I been losing sleep (hey!)
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby, I been, I been prayin' hard (hey!)
Said no more counting dollars
We'll be, we'll be counting stars
[Verse 2:]
I feel the love
And I feel it burn
Down this river every turn
Hope is our four letter word
Make that money
Watch it burn
Old, but I'm not that old
Young, but I'm not that bold
And I don't think the world is sold
I'm just doing what we're told
And I feel something so wrong
By doing the right thing
I couldn't lie, couldn't lie, couldn't lie
Everything that drowns me makes me wanna fly
Lately I been, I been losing sleep (hey!)
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby, I been, I been prayin' hard
Said no more counting dollars
We'll be counting stars
Lately I been, I been losing sleep (hey!)
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby, I been, I been prayin' hard (hey!)
Said no more counting dollars
We'll be, we'll be counting stars
Oh, oh, oh.
[Bridge 4x:]
Take that money
Watch it burn
Sink in the river
The lessons I learned
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
Lately I been, I been losing sleep (hey!)
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby, I been, I been prayin' hard (hey!)
Said no more counting dollars
We'll be counting stars
Lately I been, I been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby, I been, I been prayin' hard
Said no more counting dollars
We'll be, we'll be counting stars
[Outro 4x:]
Take that money
Watch it burn
Sink in the river
The lessons I learned
Lock RM 19.50
Ribbon (5) RM 25.00
Spray (6x RM8) RM 48.00
Laminating Film RM 42.00
Paper RM 7.50
Nails RM 6.00
RM 148.00
Professional Learning Community:
The first classroom observation (under Professional Learning
Community) was conducted on 15th
January 2015. In the picture,
Mr. Soonufat Supramaniam (as the new English teacher) was
observing Senior English Teacher in conducting her lesson. It
was followed up by a great sharing of effective teaching
practices in classroom.
Mr. Soonufat Supramaniam hopes he get to practice this and
learn more from the experienced teachers in SMK Lubok Buntar.
He has learnt a lot of student empowerment, student centered
learning and managing students expectation in a short amount
of time.
Future Plans in The STAR:
Rehearsals for Drama Practice
Choral Speaking Training
English Debate Training
Singing Competition
English Tuesday
“Proverbs” Competition
Spelling Bee
English Newsletter
Weekly Movie
E-pocket Activities
Mr. Azaman Bin Abdul Rahman,
Principal Of SMK Lubok Buntar
English Panel at SMK Lubok Buntar
Senior Management Team at SMK Lubok Buntar
PPD Bandar Baharu/ Kulim
Teach For Malaysia
5 Science, 4 Science and 4 Arif’s students in making
this a great success (in year 2015).

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STAR Project Report- SMK Lubok Buntar Waves of English 2015

  • 1. 1 SMK Lubok Buntar 09800 Lubok Buntar Kedah. “Together, let’s go to the STAR!” (STAR: Self Access & Training Room) PROJECT REPORT “The Launch For Waves of English 2015” _______________ ___________________ _________________ Soonufat A/L Muhamad Haizul bin MadamMazna binti Supramaniam Abd Rashid Sulaiman English Teacher Student Lead of English Panel. Prepared by, Mr. Soonufat Supramaniam English Teacher Assisted by, Mr. Muhamad Haizul bin Abd Rashid 5 Science Student Approved by, Madam Mazna bt Sulaiman Head of English Department
  • 2. 2 No. Items. Page Number. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Executive Summary Overview in Bahasa Malaysia | Pendahuluan Brochure for The Launch Words from Master of Ceremony Speech from English Head Panel Committee Members Launch Event Agenda Script of the Sketch, “Lets go to the STAR.” The Different Stages of ”The STAR: Self Access & Training Room” The Theme Song “Counting The Stars” Budget Professional Learning Community Future Plans in The STAR Acknowledgment 3 4 -5 6 - 8 9- 10 11 12 13 14- 17 18 - 29 30 - 31 32 33 34 35
  • 3. 3 Executive Summary: This report details the English transformation program done by English Panel at SMK Lubok Buntar in lined with Waves of English Program. The program was launched on Monday 19th of January 2015 together with Principal of the school, Mr. Azaman bin Abdul Rahman and senior English Teacher of the school, Madam Mazna binti Sulaiman. The launching of the program was accompanied by students’ performance, revealing of banner, opening the learning space, transforming the walkways and posting up inspirational quotes around the school etc. In particular, SMK Lubok Buntar has dedicated a special learning space titled- The STAR (which stands for Self Training and Access Room) to all students in the school. In this space, it is equipped with speaker, color printer, dictionaries, musical equipment to allow students to spend quality time in learning English. This proposal details the transformation process that took place throughout the period of time.
  • 4. 4 Overview in Bahasa Malaysia | Pendahuluan: Alaf baru memperlihatkan peri pentingnya penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris yang baik dalam kalangan pelajar. Kemahiran yang diperoleh di sekolah kini aset kepada para pelajar untuk pembangunan diri dan kerjaya di masa hadapan. Tidak dapat dinafikan Bahasa Inggeris sejak dahulu lagi telah menjadi bahasa perantaraan utama ini telah menjadi semakin penting. Kepentingan cukup jelas. Ia menaikkan maruah sesuatu bangsa juga membina penghargaan kendiri seseorang individu. Justeru itu, peranan Panitia Bahasa Inggeris SMK Lubok Buntar adalah ingin membuka peluang seluas-luasnya kepada setiap individu pelajar untuk belajar dan menanam minat mempelajari bahasa ini. RASIONAL Menyedari kelemahan penguasaan para pelajar terhadap Bahasa Inggeris , maka peranan Panitia adalah untuk merancang dan menjalankan pelbagai aktiviti yang dapat mencetuskan minat para pelajar untuk mendekati bahasa ini. “Waves Of English 2015” yang dirancang ini bertepatan dengan hasrat Panitia dan sekolah untuk cuba mewujudkan suasana positif mempelajari bahasa ini. Panitia turut berusaha mengikis sifat gerun dan fobia dengan bahasa ini. Aktiviti yang dirancang adalah bermatlamat mencetuskan rasa ceria dan ingin mempelajari dan seterusnya menggunakan bahasa ini.
  • 5. 5 MATLAMAT a)Mencetuskan suasana positif dan ceria untuk mendekati dan mempelajari Bahasa Inggeris. b)Meransangkan minda para pelajar menerusi aktiviti bertutur dan penulisan. c) Menggunakan bahasa ini dalam konteks ‘info-tainment’ d)Mengikis rasa fobia dan gentar untuk berkomunikasi dalam bahasa ini. OBJEKTIF Pada penghujung ‘Wave Of English 2015’ Panitia berharap: a. Supaya dapat mencungkil bakat-bakat para pelajar khususnya bagi aktiviti Elocution Contest, Kuiz, Spelling Contest dan Poetry Reading untuk mewakili sekolah dalam beberapa pertandingan di peringkat daerah b. Supaya para pelajar dapat melahirkan idea kreatif dalam pertandingan tertentu c. Supaya para pelajar dapat berinteraksi dengan selesa dengan menggunakan bahasa ini sebagai medium komunikasi. KAEDAH PERLAKSANAAN ‘Wave Of English 2015’ dijalankan dengan membaik pulih sebuah bilik selama 5 hari. Bilik ini disediakan sebagai bilik gerakan Panitia Bahasa Inggeris untuk menjalan aktiviti sempena pelancaran ini. Pelancaran program ini telah diadakan pada 19 Januari 2015 bermula pada jam 7:30 pagi. Tuan Pengetua telah merasmikan majlis ini.
  • 7. 7 Launch Program ENGLISH PANEL SMK LUBOK BUNTAR WAVESOFENGLISH2015 740am 745am 750am 810am 820am Recitation of Dua' by Ustaz Abdul Razak Alias What is Waves of English By Rohaida Abdullah Sketch—Let's go to the star WOE launching by the Principal, Mr Azaman b. Abdul Rahman Ceremony ends Awesome English SMK LUBOK BUNTAR
  • 8. 8 W WHAT IS WOE? A program to support Kedah Top 5 2015 Aspiration The objectives of Waves of English are: The Committee Advisors Mr Azaman bin Abdul Rahman Mr Uzir bin Ali Facilitator Madam Mazna binti Sulaiman Waves of English Activities MBI Programmes Spelling Battle Everyday & Everywhere English Jan—O ct Jan—O ct 1. to createthe awareness of the importanceofEnglish English Day & English Week Director 2. to improvestudents' English Mr Soonufat a/l Supramaniam Newspaper Article Reading in Throug h- Language proficiency with back-to- basicprograms Emce e clas s out the yea r to promote the environment for MrAnuarbin Osman English Newsletter Marc h, June, fun learningof English to provide support for teachers and promotesharingof best practices and materials Materials Madam Rohaiza binti Hamzah Discipline Mr Mohd Shukri bin Abdul Rahman TARGET
  • 9. 9 Words from the Master of Ceremony: Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Assalamualaikum and very good morning to the principal Mr. Azaman bin Abd Rahman, Senior Assistant Teachers, Senior Teachers, the head panel of department, Excellent Teachers, Counselors, teachers and beloved students. We are here today, 19th of January 2015 to witness the launch of Waves of English ceremony with the theme, LET’s GO TO THE STAR. In order to accomplish the objective of learning English, we should see English as an important language beside maintaining our excellency in Malay language. To use correct English is significant as it will help us to boost ourselves in terms of our confidence level. Especially when we are dealing with anything which medium is English. Meanwhile, to use and practice it daily will help in the learning in the language as well. Ladies and gentleman, Without further delay, I would like to invite, Ustaz Abd Razak bin Alias to recite the dua’. (Dua’ recitation by Ustaz Abd Razak) Alhamdulilah, thank you, Ustaz Abdul Razak for reciting the Dua’ Now, I would like to invite the Head of English Panel,Madam Rohaida Binti Abdullah to deliver her speech. (speech) We would like to thank Madam Rohaida for delivering her speech. Now we shall proceed to the next event which the sketch performance by the student from form 4 & 5 Science with the title “Let’s Go To The Star”.This sketch is directed by Mr. Soonufat A/L Supramaniam. Please welcome the team.
  • 10. 10 (Sketch) Thank you for such inspiring sketch. Next, I would to call upon our Language Senior Teacher, Madam Mazna Sulaiman to accompany the principal, Mr. Azaman B. Abdul Rahman for the “Ribbon-cutting” ceremony and therefore, officate launch of Waves Of English 2015. (Ribbon Cutting) (Switch on the fountain) Thank you, Mr. Azaman Last but not least, I hope that every students will take your chance to visit The STAR, will take part and give your full support to ensure the successful of the Wave Of English programme. Do not worry of making mistakes because there are always rooms for improvement. Thank You.
  • 11. 11 Opening Speech by English Head Panel: Good morning to our school principal, Mr. Azaman bin Abdul Rahman, Senior Assistant, Mr. Uzir bin Ali, Senior Assistant of Students’ Affair, Mr. Johar, Senior Assistant of Co-curriculum, Mr. Ramlan, teachers and my dear students. What is Waves of English? Waves of English is a program to support Kedah’s Top 5 in 2015 Aspirations. Some of the objectives are: 1. To create awareness of the importance of English as all of us well known that starting from next year, English is a compulsory passing subject for all SPM candidates. 2. It is also to improve students’ proficiency in English. 3. Besides that, also to promote the environment of fun English. Among the activities that we are going to conduct are Spelling Battle, MBI Programmes and English Newsletter. For your information, starting from this week, English Panel of SMK Lubok Buntar has chosen Tuesday as English Day. So, teachers and students are encouraged to speak English on Tuesday after this. As a matter of fact, we have decided to change the name of SAL room to STAR Room (Self Training & Access Room. Last but not least, have confidence in English. Don’t be afraid because everything will be okay in the end. Thank you. By the English Panel Leader, Madam Rohaida Abdullah.
  • 12. 12 Committee Members: Advisors: Mr. Azaman bin Abdul Rahman Mr. Uzir bin Ali Facilitator: Madam Mazna bin Sulaiman Banner Designer & Director: Mr. Soonufat Supramaniam Emcee: Mr. Anuar bin Osman Materials: Madam Rohaiza binti Hamzah Discipline: Mr. Mohd Shukri bin Abdul Rahman Pamphlet designed by: Madam Rohaida Abdullah Reported by: Mr. Soonufat Supramaniam Muhammad Haizul (Student)
  • 13. 13 Launch Event Agenda: 7.30am Dua’ Recitation by Student 7.35am Students’ Oath 7.40am Negaraku Song 7.45am School’s Song The Launch of Wave Of English 7.50am Dua’s Recitation by Ustaz Abdul Razak Alias 7.55am Opening Speech 8.00am Sketch- Let’s go to the STAR 8.08am The Launch of Wave of English 8.10am Education Department’s Song 8.15am Kedah State Song 8.18am Ceremony ends
  • 14. 14 Script for the Sketch, “Lets go to the STAR”: 4- 5 performers (with bilingual ability: Eng & Mal) A: Ladies and Gentleman, why do we have to learn English? B: Saudara dan saudari sekalian, kenapa kita semua perlu mempelajari Bahasa Inggeris? A: I am not going to just stand here and tell you why. I have a story to tell. B: Saya tak akan berdiri sini dan beritahu kamu jawapan. Saya ada satu cerita nak diceritakan kepada anda. A: There is one day, up in a bus, B: Di suatu hari dalam sebuah bas... A: This is what happened... B: Ini yang berlaku... C: Pelancong: “Hi, could you please tell me how to go to National Monumen?” D: Pelajar nakal 1: “Huh National Monumen tu benda apa?” B Pelajar nakal 2: “Dia nak gi umah Mak Cik Maimun kot.” D: Pelajar nakal 1 "Hish takkan lah dia datang jauh-jauh nak cari rumah” B: Mak Cik Maimun. Ok you go straight.. don’t belok-belok. Don’t belok-belok! Straighttt jer... Ok?” C: Pelancong: (Bingung) A: Pelajar contoh: "Miss, I can help you, if you wanna go to National Monumen, you go straight and you'll find a sign board. Then follow the sign board". C: Pelancong: “Thank you very much.” A: Pelajar contoh: “Tu lah, orang suruh belajar tak nak belajar. National Monument tu Tugu Negara la.. Nah baca NST selalu. Senang dapat kerja.”
  • 15. 15 A: Do you agree with the good student? B: Setujukah anda dengan cadangan pelajar contoh itu? A: I absolutely agree with it. B: Saya memang setuju dengan cadangan itu! A: *looks doubtful* Ok... Then... B: *looks happy* Bagus. Mari kami teruskan. A: Ladies and gentlemen, did you know that SMK LB is committed to do this program called Waves of English? B: Saudara dan saudari sekalian, *cough cough* tahukah anda, sekolah Lubok Buntar nak pelajar belajar English dengan lebih creative? A: Lets hear from the Kedah Education State Minister. B: Dipersilakan. C: “Kebolehan bertutur dan menguasai Bahasa Inggeris amatlah penting. Pada saya, penganjuran program Waves of English merupakan wahana yang baik untuk meningkatkan penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris di kalangan pelajar. Program seumpama ini perlu diutamakan dan disegerakan pelaksanaannya di semua peringkat. D: “Saya juga menyeru kepada semua pihak, khususnya kepada warga sekolah agar tidak jemu-jemu memberikan kesedaran kepada pelajar-pelajar betapa pentingnya bahasa komunikasi ini untuk kita duduk sama rendah dan berdiri sama tinggi dengan negara-negara maju. C: “Penguasaan dalam Bahasa Inggeris bukanlah bermakna kita melupai bahasa kebangsaan yang menjadi kebanggaan kita, tetapi bangsa yang ingin maju ke hadapan perlulah menguasai lebih daripada satu bahasa, terutamanya bahasa yang diterima luas pada peringkat antarabangsa iaitu Bahasa Inggeris,”
  • 16. 16 A: *clap, clap, clap* Good, that’s very clear already. I think we get it. B: Bagus. Kami faham semua semua ini dan akan mempelajari Bahasa Inggeris. A: Then, why are you still translating my English to Malay and English to Malay and English to Malay? B: *sad* *frustruated* I tak faham macam mana nak belajar Inggeris, cakap dalam bahasa Inggeris ini susah! Saya tak tahu mana ada tempat yang boleh duduk dengan selesa, dengar Bahasa Inggeris, tengok buku cerita, komukinasi dengan Cikgu dalam Bahasa Inggeris, tak ada tempat di sekolah ini yang boleh berlatih Bahasa Inggeris saya. A: Sabar. Kawanku, sabar. Be patient. Azam. Ingat tak azam yang cikgu bincang minggu lalu? Did you know that under Waves of English program, we now have a STAR in our school? B: STAR? Apa itu STAR? Macam tengok bintang keh malam malam? Macam mana boleh mempertingkatkan bahasa Inggeris saya? A: **Cough cough** (reminds him to speak in English) B: Ok. STAR? What is STAR? Like watching the stars at night? Macam mana boleh help? A: No. STAR is a program lead by English teachers in SMK LB. B: You mean it’s a English program led by Cikgu Uzir, Puan Mazna, Puan Rohaidah, Encik Anuar Osman, Puan Rohaizah Hamzah, Cikgu Shukri and Cikgu Soon. A: Do you know what this STAR stands for? Let our students explain this for you. C & D: Self Training & Access Room A place where students can have lots of fun in English, we have C: Games D: Yummy food (OOPS) I mean, awesome teachers who sometimes share nuts and healthy fruits. C: Dictionaries
  • 17. 17 D: Music Player C: Ukulele D: What is this UKULELE? C: It’s a small version of guitar. D: Can I play? C: Yes, you can. You can even bring your guitar, piano, flute to practice your English songs! C,D: You can go there in school hours, after school hours or even go there to ask English teachers about tips for the best movie, best music and best book to read this year! A, B, C, D: The STAR. Stands for Self Training and Access Room. We believe that learning English is like a step closer in reaching the stars, reaching the outside world! Together, lets go to the STAR! A: Where is it? B, C, D: Third Floor, Block A, next to 4 science. A: See you there, and see you very soon... B, C, D: Great! See you soon! -------------------------------------------- THE END ---------------------------------------------------
  • 18. 18 The Different Stages of “The STAR: Self Training & Access Room” Throughout the 5 days in transforming the space, Puan Mazna and Sir Soon led 7-9 students staying back in school to help out in cleaning up the space, drilling walls to install curtain railings, finding recyclable materials within the school environment to re-use. The installation cost was minimal but the process in setting up the space was labor intensive at the beginning. Students were encouraged to participate in the cleaning process and rewarded with foods, drinks. The work time was accompanied with great music as well.
  • 19. 19 Stage 1: One of the most untidy space in Blok A, SMK Lubok Buntar is going to be transformed.
  • 20. 20 Anywhere can be transformed into a fully functional learning space.
  • 21. 21 Students are the most important agents in transforming the space. They have worked relentlessly in making The STAR a real space for all of us.
  • 22. 22 Stage 2: Anywhere and everywhere can be a STAR room if we have the right people, right time and right resources!
  • 23. 23 Stage 3: Students installed the railings on the wall to cover the damage on the wall. They also chose the “Gold” colour after a few round of discussion on which colour represent the room the best.
  • 24. 24 Students installed railings for the curtain and the girl students helped out in installing the golden theme curtains.
  • 25. 25 Stage 4: Students work extremely well together in creating the STAR space. Pictured. Students from 4 different classes sitting down together, listening to music, designing a STAR Logo.
  • 26. 26 The Waves Of English Notice Board is filled with inspirational quotes and projects affiliated with the English Programs.
  • 27. 27 Stage 5: Students were extremely engaged in the sketch presentation during the launch.
  • 28. 28 Inspiring proverbs are attached to every single wall on Block A Waves Of English Banner (7” x 3”) is produced and placed at the most public wall for the launch on Monday.
  • 29. 29
  • 30. 30 Theme song: [Chorus:] Lately I been, I been losing sleep Dreaming about the things that we could be But baby, I been, I been prayin' hard Said no more counting dollars We'll be counting stars Yeah, we'll be counting stars [Verse 1:] I see this life Like a swinging vine Swing my heart across the line In my face is flashing signs Seek it out and ye shall find Old, but I'm not that old Young, but I'm not that bold And I don't think the world is sold I'm just doing what we're told I feel something so right By doing the wrong thing And I feel something so wrong By doing the right thing I couldn't lie, couldn't lie, couldn't lie Everything that kills me makes me feel alive [Chorus:] Lately I been, I been losing sleep (hey!) Dreaming about the things that we could be But baby, I been, I been prayin' hard (hey!) Said no more counting dollars We'll be counting stars Lately I been, I been losing sleep (hey!) Dreaming about the things that we could be But baby, I been, I been prayin' hard (hey!) Said no more counting dollars We'll be, we'll be counting stars [Verse 2:] I feel the love And I feel it burn Down this river every turn Hope is our four letter word Make that money Watch it burn Old, but I'm not that old Young, but I'm not that bold And I don't think the world is sold I'm just doing what we're told
  • 31. 31 And I feel something so wrong By doing the right thing I couldn't lie, couldn't lie, couldn't lie Everything that drowns me makes me wanna fly [Chorus:] Lately I been, I been losing sleep (hey!) Dreaming about the things that we could be But baby, I been, I been prayin' hard Said no more counting dollars We'll be counting stars Lately I been, I been losing sleep (hey!) Dreaming about the things that we could be But baby, I been, I been prayin' hard (hey!) Said no more counting dollars We'll be, we'll be counting stars Oh, oh, oh. [Bridge 4x:] Take that money Watch it burn Sink in the river The lessons I learned Everything that kills me makes me feel alive [Chorus:] Lately I been, I been losing sleep (hey!) Dreaming about the things that we could be But baby, I been, I been prayin' hard (hey!) Said no more counting dollars We'll be counting stars Lately I been, I been losing sleep Dreaming about the things that we could be But baby, I been, I been prayin' hard Said no more counting dollars We'll be, we'll be counting stars [Outro 4x:] Take that money Watch it burn Sink in the river The lessons I learned
  • 32. 32 Budget: Lock RM 19.50 Ribbon (5) RM 25.00 Spray (6x RM8) RM 48.00 Laminating Film RM 42.00 Paper RM 7.50 Nails RM 6.00 RM 148.00
  • 33. 33 Professional Learning Community: The first classroom observation (under Professional Learning Community) was conducted on 15th January 2015. In the picture, Mr. Soonufat Supramaniam (as the new English teacher) was observing Senior English Teacher in conducting her lesson. It was followed up by a great sharing of effective teaching practices in classroom. Mr. Soonufat Supramaniam hopes he get to practice this and learn more from the experienced teachers in SMK Lubok Buntar. He has learnt a lot of student empowerment, student centered learning and managing students expectation in a short amount of time.
  • 34. 34 Future Plans in The STAR: Rehearsals for Drama Practice Choral Speaking Training English Debate Training Singing Competition English Tuesday “Proverbs” Competition Spelling Bee English Newsletter Weekly Movie E-pocket Activities
  • 35. 35 Acknowledgment: Mr. Azaman Bin Abdul Rahman, Principal Of SMK Lubok Buntar English Panel at SMK Lubok Buntar Senior Management Team at SMK Lubok Buntar PPD Bandar Baharu/ Kulim Teach For Malaysia 5 Science, 4 Science and 4 Arif’s students in making this a great success (in year 2015).