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Energy conservation refers to reducing energy consumption through using less of an
energy service. Even though energy conservation reduces energy services, it can result in
increased environmental quality, national financial security and higher savings. On a large scale,
energy conservation is an important element of energy policy. Energy conservation is often the
most economical solution of energy shortages. Energy conservation is unquestionably of great
importance to all of us, since we rely on energy for everything we do every single day. Energy
supplied are limited and to maintain a good quality of life, we must use energy wisely.
Energy conservation refers to the methods of reduction in energy consumption by way of
elimination of wastage and promotion of efficiency. We know that due to the vast gap between
demand and supply, lot of efforts is being done to bridge the gap in terms of generation of more
electricity, which requires a lot of investment and create lots of environmental issues.
Energy conservation is the key element of energy management. We can reduce the
energy consumption by adopting various ways of energy conservation which includes efficient
use of technologies and avoiding energy wastages.
Energy Conservation means energy prevention from being wasted. Energy conservation
means enhancing efficiency of energy consumption throughout a society. It is nothing but the
full utilization of energy without being wasted. It can be achieved by using energy more
efficiently. Energy conservation reduces the need for energy services and can result in increased
environmental quality, savings etc. Energy conservation is required in our daily life for our better
future along with the upcoming generations. Energy conservation doesn’t implies the savings of
money, but means more than the savings of money. It is required for our better standard of living.
New energy can be conserved in many different levels. The rate at which energy is being
consumed has become staggeringly high and uncountable. It can be started with our own home.
At home simple actions like turning off the lights and unplugging computers or turning off
television can help us to reduce our consumption and thereby consume energy. Installing
thermostat technology is another means of saving energy and identifying the gadgets and
appliances that are drawing power from the outlets even when not in use.
At commercial level, updates older buildings with new, more efficient technology can
help to reduce the amounts of efficiency required to power a business. Energy conservation is a
process used to reduce the quantity of energy that is used for different purposes. By reducing
emissions, energy conservation is an important method to prevent climate change. Energy
conservation makes it easier to replace non-renewable resources with renewable energy.
Although energy conservation has played an important role in improving the energy
efficiency of forest industries in the industrialized world, it has received less attention by those
industries in the developing countries. For these countries, energy conservation would be
especially important since most of them spend large amounts of valuable foreign currency on
their fuel imports. Increased energy efficiency would also reduce their manufacturing costs.
A growing awareness as to the importance of reducing energy consumption is becoming
widespread throughout the industry of developed countries, resulting in conservation measures
being adopted through capital expenditure, management involvement and improved plant
operation and maintenance. However, by the very nature of the mechanical forest industries, in
which no two mills are alike, combined with the diversity of raw materials and products, the
applications and results of energy conservation measures will vary according to individual
circumstances. However, the close relationship of energy costs and profit margins is common to
most mills, in which improved energy efficiency may be directly related to improved profits.
Energy we use in our day to day life is classified on the basis of availability,
conventionality and renewability.
On the basis of availability energy source can be classified as:
a) Primary Energy Resources: These energy Source are directly obtained from the environment.
It includes-
i) Fossil fuel such as coal, natural gas.
ii) Nuclear fuels such as uranium.
iii) Hydro energy.
iv) Solar Energy.
v) Wind Energy.
vi) Geo-thermal Energy.
vii) Ocean energy such as tidal energy, wave Energy.
viii) Biomass energy such as gobar gas.
ix) Hydrogen Energy.
b) Secondary Energy Resources: These are derived from the primary energy resource which
i) Petrol, diesel, kerosene oil.
ii) CNG and LPG.
On the basis of conventionality in deriving energy, energy source can be classified as:
a) Conventional Energy Resources: It includes coal, oil, and natural gas.
b) Non Conventional Energy Resource:
It includes-
i) Solar Energy.
ii) Wind Energy.
iii) Geo-thermal Energy.
iv) Bio-Mass Energy.
On the basis of renewability energy resource can be classified as:
a) Renewable Energy Resources: It holds favourable future prospect not only for India but also
for the world. These eco-friendly energy resource have the greatest potential to substitute the
depleting non-renewable energy resources as alternative source of energy in the long run.It
includes- solar, wind and geo-thermal energy.
b) Non Renewable Energy Resources: Oil and Natural Gas occupy the first position intionin
producing energy to mankind. But these limited resources are on the verge of due to their
massive utilisation. So in the near future, these non-renewable energy sources should be replaced
by renewable energy resources.
Some other sources of Energy:
a) Fossil fuel based Energy- i) Coal Energy
ii) Petroleum or Crude Oil.
Fossil fuels are fuel found inside the earth's crust where they have formed through heat
and compression of waste and organic matter which got buried due to earthquake, landslide etc.
for e.g- coal, petroleum, and natural gas.
Coal is the most abundantly found fossil fuel in the world. It accounts to 70% of the total
energy of the world. In India about 58% of commercial energy is obtained from coal and 38%
from petroleum and natural gas.
b) Solar Energy- It is a renewable source of enormous energy, available at a very low-cost.
Solar Energy is received in the form of cosmic radiations which then converted into electrical
energy by solar panels. Today in India production of Solar Energy is given utmost importance.
The state of Gujrat is currently manufacturing the largest solar production centre which will be
capable of providing energy to an entire town or city.
c) Biomass Energy- Biomass energy or biomass conversion refers to the direct burning of wood,
agricultural waste, manure and converting them to fuel. Biomass energy should be preferred
wherever energy can be produced as a byproduct of waste disposal.
d) Hydrogen Energy- It is currently regarded as a fuel for future. As hydrogen burns in air, it
combines with O2 to form water and a large amount of energy is released. Due to its high
calorific value, hydrogen serves as an excellent fuel. Moreover it is also non-polluting. However
hydrogen is highly inflammable and explosive in nature. It requires safe handling when used as
a fuel.
e) Hydroelectric Energy- It is the cleanest, cheapest and best source of electricity generation. It
is a type of renewable energy resource. It is obtained from the energy of flowing water, which is
then converted into electrical energy by turbines. It is then transmitted through long distances by
wires and cables.
The rate at which energy is being consumed has become staggeringly high and
uncontrollable. Now-a-days, people prefer using motorized vehicles to cover a distance which
would take a were 30 minutes on foot or may be 15 minutes on a bicycle. Another classic
example: charging cell phones for hours and hours even after they get fully charged. We have
limited resources available on earth. Our demands are continuously increasing day by day. It is
possible that someday most of the non-renewable resources will be exhausted and we will have
to switch over to alternate energy. Conserving energy leads to reduce pollution.
1) Conservation can save you money. This is one of the biggest reasons may began to
cultivate a culture of conservation, however, as more and people learn, it is certainly not the only
2) Less electricity used means less fossil fuels burned. It’s true that we can obtain
electricity from cleaner sources of energy such as wind and solar power, but much of the
electricity that we use is still from sources such as oil-minerals and coal. Fossil fuels are not
renewable sources and the more electricity we consumed, the faster these resources will be
3) Fossil fuels are not a clean source, of energy either. Conservation of electrical energy
can help to lessen pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emission.
4) As part of the big picture, conservation can also help to reduce the risk of oil spells and
the threats that coal and oil procurement pose to our ecosystem.
5) We save the country a lot of money when we save energy. We have energy about 75%
of our crude oil needs are met from imports which would cast about Rs.1,50,000 core per year.
6) We save our energy when we save energy. When we use fuel wood efficiently, our
fuel wood requirements are lower and so is our drudgery for its collection.
7) Energy saved is energy generated. When we save a unit of energy, it is quivalent to 2
units of energy produce. Since we are not capable of producing energy till now, we must save
energy for the well being of ourselves with the environment.
8) Energy should be conserve to reduce pollution. Energy production and use account to
large proportion of air pollution and more than 83% of green house gas emission.
9) Impact on the environment: The foremost reason behind the necessity of energy
conservation is related to our environment. The more fossil fuels are burned, the more our
environment is hit by pollution. Even switching off a bulb when not in use; help in reducing the
consumption of some fuel sources, which is burnt to produce that kilowatt/hour of energy. Now,
this fuel source may be fossil fuels, nuclear power, coal plants or alternative energy. Fans,
televisions, refrigerators and several other electronic equipments deal in conserving energy, but
also in protecting the environment.
10) Socio-economic impact: Energy conservation is important even with regard to social
impact on countries and communities. It is certain that economic standards are the ones which
have better economic standards are the ones which tend to utilize more energy than others. So,
being conscious and wise in the use of enegy proves helpful to other countries and communities
for achieving the same.
11) Effect on future generation: If we live aside all those points, the most important
reason that we should use our energy sources wisely is related to our future generations.
Conserving energy is equivalent to saying a good deal of fortune for our kids and their
generations. It would be unfair to comment that the human race is utilizing all possible energy
sources day in and day out. Unfair because of the technology and population on the rise, the
utilization of energy is something which is inevitable. But energy must be used only when it is
Energy conservation has become vital to protect not only the resources and the
environment but also the people around us, as our dependence on these resources has increased
ever so rapidly. It is important to be energy conscious and make every efforts to conserve energy.
Here, we discuss about some energy conservable processes and techniques related to various
usual perhaps.
Use microwave ovens
Microwave ovens use 50% less energy than conventional electric/gas stove. Besides
being energy efficient, cooking or heating in microwaves can save up to 45% of cooking time.
While cooking, don't preheat or open the oven door to peek inside the oven more than necessary,
as it expels out all the heat, thereby increasing the cooking time.
Place the refrigerator away from direct sunlight
Placing your refrigerator in direct sunlight will make it and the foodstuff inside hot,
thereby requiring more energy to cool the foodstuffs inside. Also, ensure that you close the door
as soon as you finish adding stuff or removing them from your fridge. This helps maintain the
temperature inside.
Set the refrigerator at a proper temperature
Set the refrigerator temperature at about 38 degrees Fahrenheit for fresh food
compartment, and your freezer at 0 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Defrost your freezer often so that
there is no frost buildup inside it. Frost increases the energy consumption for maintaining the
temperature inside the refrigerator. Also, clean your fridge regularly. Clean the coils behind the
refrigerator with vacuums or dusters. This will help conserve energy.
Check for features in dishwashers
While buying a dishwasher, look for energy saving features like a short wash cycle,
which saves water and the energy used to pump and heat it. While washing dishes, scrape off the
food from the dishes and put them into the dishwasher instead of pre-washing them using the
pre-rinse cycle. If your dishwasher has a filter screen, ensure that you are cleaning it often
because a clean appliance operates more efficient.
Conserve the energy in the rest of the house
Maintain air conditioners regularly
Improve the efficiency of air-conditioning units by cleaning and replacing the air filter
regularly. Dirty filters restrict airflow, causing the system to run harder and longer. This results
in increased use of energy.
Use washing machines efficiently
About 80% of energy is consumed to complete a washing cycle even when the machine
is half-loaded. So, use the machine only when it is fully loaded. Wash clothes in cold or warm
water instead of hot water, unless the clothes are very dirty. This can save you both energy and
money. Choose the highest spin speed when washing clothes. It helps reducing the energy
needed to drying clothes. Buy a front-loading washing machine as they save much water and
energy compared to the top-loading one.
Set your thermostat
Always lower the thermostat setting while going to bed and before leaving the house. It
will bring down your energy bills without you compromising on your comfort. During winter, set
your thermostat to around 68 degrees or less and in summers, set it at around 78 degrees to save
on heating costs.
Insulate your home
Insulating the walls, ceilings and floor insulation will keep warmth inside homes during
the winter months and heat out during the summer. Suring summers, insulation resists heat flow
and prevents hot air from entering your home. During winters, it prevents heat to escape outside
from your home.
Use CFL bulbs
CFL bulbs have become popular and are preferred over traditional light bulbs, due to
their longevity. The reason for this is, people are able to save substantially on their energy bills
by using them, as these CFL bulbs use 70-90% less energy than regular light bulbs.
Check dampers
When you use room heaters, ensure that the dampers are switched off because dampers
work against the heater, and hence, more energy is required to heat the room. During summer,
use the air conditioner in the fan mode so that the energy consumption reduces.
Remove plugs after use
Battery chargers of electronic devices draw power even when left unattended. These
devices consume a huge amount of energy, and the result is sheer wastage of power. After
charging is complete, pull the plug and save energy.
Use geysers to the extent required
Geysers consume a lot of electricity. They should be used to heat only that amount of
water that is required.
Switch off not stand-by
Keeping your computer on 24X7 can be a huge energy constraint. Instead, the computer
can be switched off or left in the stand-by mode, which absorbs 70% less power than in working
mode. The same can be done to your other electronic or electrical appliances.
Use public transport
Using of mass rapid transit, instead of a car, may help to a great extent in controlling air
pollution. Lesser number of vehicles on the road would lead to lesser demand for gas, not to
mention the reduction in emission of harmful gases.
Opt for a carpool
You can also save gas by opting for a carpool rather than using your car and consume
four times more gas than you actually need to. It has been found out that carpooling with about
three people has helped in cutting emissions by 75%.
Drive at optimum speed
Do not waste fuel by driving at high speeds. It has been observed, that the faster you
drive, the more gasoline is consumed. Driving at a speed of 65 mph rather than 55 mph, which is
the average driving speed, reduces the fuel economy leading to excess gas consumption.
Check tire pressure regularly
This is another way to save fuel and subsequently energy. You need to maintain tire
pressure of the car regularly. A tire with less or more than optimum air pressure can reduce gas
mileage, leading to wastage, especially for long distance travel.
Plant trees
If you plant even a single tree, it will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime. It
provides shade that can reduce your utility bills by about 15%.
Choose Energy Star appliances
When planning to buy a new appliances, choose to buy energy saving ones with an
Energy Star label, to cut down on energy consumption. Though Energy Star label appliances
may cost more than regular ones, in the longer run, they help you save on your utility bills.
Switch to renewable sources
In order to combat global warming, we need to switch over to renewable resources such
as wind and solar energy to cut down on the excess energy consumption by regular appliances.
Recycle waste
With human population increasing day by day, there is huge concern about the
availability of natural resources and whether there are enough to cater to the demand. To ease
this, the concept of recycling can be adopted, which is a process of reusing the items from which
utility can be derived. Many items like paper, cardboard, and plastic can be recycled in order to
reduce demand for resources.
Besides saving energy in all these ways, we should also look for alternative sources of
energy, like solar power, if not all energy needs, but a few can definitely be supported by solar
power, and if every home follows and implements these suggestions, we would definitely doing
our bit to make our planet a better place to live in.
 Recycle compositing waste materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially
useful materials.
 Turn off all the electronic devices that are not in use. Not only turn off but try to
remember to unplug them. You will be surprised how much you will save with this
simple step.
 Replace old light bulbs with energy saving fluorescent bulbs. They may cost more, but
will save you much more in the long run.
At Home:
 We should not keep lights unnecessarily switch on.
 Reduce the energy your appliances consume by analyzing star ratings.
 Improve your water heating efficiently to reduce energy costs.
At Public Places:
 Switch off the fans and lights in the places like bus stops and railway stations when
not necessary.
 Switch off the street lights.
 Big hoardings, lightened up for the whole evening and nights are other wastage of
power which can be and should be avoided.
Conservation of Energy in Various Levels:
1) Energy conservation at household level
 Conservation in refrigerator
 Conservation in micro-wave
 Conservation in cooking
 Switching off lights, fans
 Using energy efficient lights like LED’s
2) Energy conservation at community level
 Computers, monitors, photocopies and other business equipments should be set to their
energy saving mode
 Skylight should be used for warehouses
 We should ensure that offices having air conditions have proper windows and all doors
are closed when the air conditioner is in use.
3) Use of renewable energy resources:
 Alternative resources ie; renewable energy sources should be used in place of non-
renewable energy sources e.g.- Solar energy, wind energy
 Solar energy for cooking and heating should be promoted
 Projects involving wind generated energy for community and municipal needs should be
demonstrated to the whole community.
In this era of living, there is a great need for energy conservation. The world is moving
towards energy sustainability leading to sustainable development. Every home and society is
thinking about the re-establishment of its connection with nature. An energy efficient home is a
personal step towards the direction of renewable energy, environmental protection, and
sustainable living.
By doing this project, I was able to conclude a lot of things. My hypothesis was right.
Reducing usage and switching some usage to off-peak hours does make a difference. We must
save electricity by turning of lights that weren’t being used. The conserving society was able to
save even more by using fluorescent bulbs and by turning off lights and appliances. I learned a
lot of things while doing this project. I learned the meaning of energy conservation, how to
conserve energy and why to conserve energy.
In day to day life, energy conservation has a big role to play. It can lead to decrease in
pollution. It also leads to a better environment. Again, since the fossil fuels are not unlimited, so
must save all these for the future generation. So, energy conservation plays a big role in this
Again, energy conservation has saved the need for many power plants and fuel imports. It
has also avoided CO2 and environmental pollution. When we save energy, we also save money.
For it reduces the demand for fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gases.
Since, energy is a short supply in India, and is expensive, especially for industry.
Management of energy sources is an important part of power system. So, as to save natural
resources, the conservation of energy has to be done at different levels, i.e. at social and
commercial levels. More renewable resources can be used at consumer level for energy
conservation. It is more important to provide education regarding energy conservation to the
general mass.
Thus, we should start saving energy wherever we are, at home, at school, at work and in
the neighbourhood. Thus, the earth a place that’s convenient and sustainable for our future
generation someday. So, we can say that energy conservation can improve the possibilities of
energy fulfillment.
“Energy Conservation is the foundation of Energy Independent.”---Tom Allen
-American Politician
1/ The Visual Handbook Of Energy Conservation: A Comprehensive Guide To Reducing Energy
Use At Home(Charles Wing,2013)
2/ Energy Efficient and Environmental Landscaping(1993)
3/Winning Our Energy Independence( S. David Freeman, 2007)

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Project on Energy Conservation

  • 3. ABSTRACT Energy conservation refers to reducing energy consumption through using less of an energy service. Even though energy conservation reduces energy services, it can result in increased environmental quality, national financial security and higher savings. On a large scale, energy conservation is an important element of energy policy. Energy conservation is often the most economical solution of energy shortages. Energy conservation is unquestionably of great importance to all of us, since we rely on energy for everything we do every single day. Energy supplied are limited and to maintain a good quality of life, we must use energy wisely. Energy conservation refers to the methods of reduction in energy consumption by way of elimination of wastage and promotion of efficiency. We know that due to the vast gap between demand and supply, lot of efforts is being done to bridge the gap in terms of generation of more electricity, which requires a lot of investment and create lots of environmental issues. Energy conservation is the key element of energy management. We can reduce the energy consumption by adopting various ways of energy conservation which includes efficient use of technologies and avoiding energy wastages.
  • 4. ENERGY CONSERVATION INTRODUCTION: Energy Conservation means energy prevention from being wasted. Energy conservation means enhancing efficiency of energy consumption throughout a society. It is nothing but the full utilization of energy without being wasted. It can be achieved by using energy more efficiently. Energy conservation reduces the need for energy services and can result in increased environmental quality, savings etc. Energy conservation is required in our daily life for our better future along with the upcoming generations. Energy conservation doesn’t implies the savings of money, but means more than the savings of money. It is required for our better standard of living. New energy can be conserved in many different levels. The rate at which energy is being consumed has become staggeringly high and uncountable. It can be started with our own home. At home simple actions like turning off the lights and unplugging computers or turning off television can help us to reduce our consumption and thereby consume energy. Installing thermostat technology is another means of saving energy and identifying the gadgets and appliances that are drawing power from the outlets even when not in use. At commercial level, updates older buildings with new, more efficient technology can help to reduce the amounts of efficiency required to power a business. Energy conservation is a process used to reduce the quantity of energy that is used for different purposes. By reducing emissions, energy conservation is an important method to prevent climate change. Energy conservation makes it easier to replace non-renewable resources with renewable energy. Although energy conservation has played an important role in improving the energy efficiency of forest industries in the industrialized world, it has received less attention by those industries in the developing countries. For these countries, energy conservation would be especially important since most of them spend large amounts of valuable foreign currency on their fuel imports. Increased energy efficiency would also reduce their manufacturing costs. A growing awareness as to the importance of reducing energy consumption is becoming widespread throughout the industry of developed countries, resulting in conservation measures being adopted through capital expenditure, management involvement and improved plant operation and maintenance. However, by the very nature of the mechanical forest industries, in which no two mills are alike, combined with the diversity of raw materials and products, the applications and results of energy conservation measures will vary according to individual circumstances. However, the close relationship of energy costs and profit margins is common to most mills, in which improved energy efficiency may be directly related to improved profits.
  • 5. CLASSIFICATION OF ENERGY: Energy we use in our day to day life is classified on the basis of availability, conventionality and renewability. On the basis of availability energy source can be classified as: a) Primary Energy Resources: These energy Source are directly obtained from the environment. It includes- i) Fossil fuel such as coal, natural gas. ii) Nuclear fuels such as uranium. iii) Hydro energy. iv) Solar Energy. v) Wind Energy. vi) Geo-thermal Energy. vii) Ocean energy such as tidal energy, wave Energy. viii) Biomass energy such as gobar gas. ix) Hydrogen Energy. b) Secondary Energy Resources: These are derived from the primary energy resource which includes: i) Petrol, diesel, kerosene oil. ii) CNG and LPG. On the basis of conventionality in deriving energy, energy source can be classified as: a) Conventional Energy Resources: It includes coal, oil, and natural gas. b) Non Conventional Energy Resource: It includes- i) Solar Energy. ii) Wind Energy. iii) Geo-thermal Energy. iv) Bio-Mass Energy. On the basis of renewability energy resource can be classified as: a) Renewable Energy Resources: It holds favourable future prospect not only for India but also for the world. These eco-friendly energy resource have the greatest potential to substitute the depleting non-renewable energy resources as alternative source of energy in the long run.It includes- solar, wind and geo-thermal energy. b) Non Renewable Energy Resources: Oil and Natural Gas occupy the first position intionin producing energy to mankind. But these limited resources are on the verge of due to their massive utilisation. So in the near future, these non-renewable energy sources should be replaced by renewable energy resources.
  • 6. Some other sources of Energy: a) Fossil fuel based Energy- i) Coal Energy ii) Petroleum or Crude Oil. Fossil fuels are fuel found inside the earth's crust where they have formed through heat and compression of waste and organic matter which got buried due to earthquake, landslide etc. for e.g- coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Coal is the most abundantly found fossil fuel in the world. It accounts to 70% of the total energy of the world. In India about 58% of commercial energy is obtained from coal and 38% from petroleum and natural gas. b) Solar Energy- It is a renewable source of enormous energy, available at a very low-cost. Solar Energy is received in the form of cosmic radiations which then converted into electrical energy by solar panels. Today in India production of Solar Energy is given utmost importance. The state of Gujrat is currently manufacturing the largest solar production centre which will be capable of providing energy to an entire town or city. c) Biomass Energy- Biomass energy or biomass conversion refers to the direct burning of wood, agricultural waste, manure and converting them to fuel. Biomass energy should be preferred wherever energy can be produced as a byproduct of waste disposal. d) Hydrogen Energy- It is currently regarded as a fuel for future. As hydrogen burns in air, it combines with O2 to form water and a large amount of energy is released. Due to its high calorific value, hydrogen serves as an excellent fuel. Moreover it is also non-polluting. However hydrogen is highly inflammable and explosive in nature. It requires safe handling when used as a fuel. e) Hydroelectric Energy- It is the cleanest, cheapest and best source of electricity generation. It is a type of renewable energy resource. It is obtained from the energy of flowing water, which is then converted into electrical energy by turbines. It is then transmitted through long distances by wires and cables.
  • 7. IMPORTANCE OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY The rate at which energy is being consumed has become staggeringly high and uncontrollable. Now-a-days, people prefer using motorized vehicles to cover a distance which would take a were 30 minutes on foot or may be 15 minutes on a bicycle. Another classic example: charging cell phones for hours and hours even after they get fully charged. We have limited resources available on earth. Our demands are continuously increasing day by day. It is possible that someday most of the non-renewable resources will be exhausted and we will have to switch over to alternate energy. Conserving energy leads to reduce pollution. 1) Conservation can save you money. This is one of the biggest reasons may began to cultivate a culture of conservation, however, as more and people learn, it is certainly not the only reason. 2) Less electricity used means less fossil fuels burned. It’s true that we can obtain electricity from cleaner sources of energy such as wind and solar power, but much of the electricity that we use is still from sources such as oil-minerals and coal. Fossil fuels are not renewable sources and the more electricity we consumed, the faster these resources will be depleted. 3) Fossil fuels are not a clean source, of energy either. Conservation of electrical energy can help to lessen pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emission. 4) As part of the big picture, conservation can also help to reduce the risk of oil spells and the threats that coal and oil procurement pose to our ecosystem. 5) We save the country a lot of money when we save energy. We have energy about 75% of our crude oil needs are met from imports which would cast about Rs.1,50,000 core per year. 6) We save our energy when we save energy. When we use fuel wood efficiently, our fuel wood requirements are lower and so is our drudgery for its collection. 7) Energy saved is energy generated. When we save a unit of energy, it is quivalent to 2 units of energy produce. Since we are not capable of producing energy till now, we must save energy for the well being of ourselves with the environment. 8) Energy should be conserve to reduce pollution. Energy production and use account to large proportion of air pollution and more than 83% of green house gas emission. 9) Impact on the environment: The foremost reason behind the necessity of energy conservation is related to our environment. The more fossil fuels are burned, the more our environment is hit by pollution. Even switching off a bulb when not in use; help in reducing the consumption of some fuel sources, which is burnt to produce that kilowatt/hour of energy. Now, this fuel source may be fossil fuels, nuclear power, coal plants or alternative energy. Fans,
  • 8. televisions, refrigerators and several other electronic equipments deal in conserving energy, but also in protecting the environment. 10) Socio-economic impact: Energy conservation is important even with regard to social impact on countries and communities. It is certain that economic standards are the ones which have better economic standards are the ones which tend to utilize more energy than others. So, being conscious and wise in the use of enegy proves helpful to other countries and communities for achieving the same. 11) Effect on future generation: If we live aside all those points, the most important reason that we should use our energy sources wisely is related to our future generations. Conserving energy is equivalent to saying a good deal of fortune for our kids and their generations. It would be unfair to comment that the human race is utilizing all possible energy sources day in and day out. Unfair because of the technology and population on the rise, the utilization of energy is something which is inevitable. But energy must be used only when it is required.
  • 9. HOW WE CONSERVE ENERGY Energy conservation has become vital to protect not only the resources and the environment but also the people around us, as our dependence on these resources has increased ever so rapidly. It is important to be energy conscious and make every efforts to conserve energy. Here, we discuss about some energy conservable processes and techniques related to various usual perhaps. CONSERVE ENERGY IN THE KITCHEN Use microwave ovens Microwave ovens use 50% less energy than conventional electric/gas stove. Besides being energy efficient, cooking or heating in microwaves can save up to 45% of cooking time. While cooking, don't preheat or open the oven door to peek inside the oven more than necessary, as it expels out all the heat, thereby increasing the cooking time. Place the refrigerator away from direct sunlight Placing your refrigerator in direct sunlight will make it and the foodstuff inside hot, thereby requiring more energy to cool the foodstuffs inside. Also, ensure that you close the door as soon as you finish adding stuff or removing them from your fridge. This helps maintain the temperature inside. Set the refrigerator at a proper temperature Set the refrigerator temperature at about 38 degrees Fahrenheit for fresh food compartment, and your freezer at 0 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Defrost your freezer often so that there is no frost buildup inside it. Frost increases the energy consumption for maintaining the temperature inside the refrigerator. Also, clean your fridge regularly. Clean the coils behind the refrigerator with vacuums or dusters. This will help conserve energy. Check for features in dishwashers While buying a dishwasher, look for energy saving features like a short wash cycle, which saves water and the energy used to pump and heat it. While washing dishes, scrape off the food from the dishes and put them into the dishwasher instead of pre-washing them using the pre-rinse cycle. If your dishwasher has a filter screen, ensure that you are cleaning it often because a clean appliance operates more efficient.
  • 10. Conserve the energy in the rest of the house Maintain air conditioners regularly Improve the efficiency of air-conditioning units by cleaning and replacing the air filter regularly. Dirty filters restrict airflow, causing the system to run harder and longer. This results in increased use of energy. Use washing machines efficiently About 80% of energy is consumed to complete a washing cycle even when the machine is half-loaded. So, use the machine only when it is fully loaded. Wash clothes in cold or warm water instead of hot water, unless the clothes are very dirty. This can save you both energy and money. Choose the highest spin speed when washing clothes. It helps reducing the energy needed to drying clothes. Buy a front-loading washing machine as they save much water and energy compared to the top-loading one. Set your thermostat Always lower the thermostat setting while going to bed and before leaving the house. It will bring down your energy bills without you compromising on your comfort. During winter, set your thermostat to around 68 degrees or less and in summers, set it at around 78 degrees to save on heating costs. Insulate your home Insulating the walls, ceilings and floor insulation will keep warmth inside homes during the winter months and heat out during the summer. Suring summers, insulation resists heat flow and prevents hot air from entering your home. During winters, it prevents heat to escape outside from your home. Use CFL bulbs CFL bulbs have become popular and are preferred over traditional light bulbs, due to their longevity. The reason for this is, people are able to save substantially on their energy bills by using them, as these CFL bulbs use 70-90% less energy than regular light bulbs. Check dampers When you use room heaters, ensure that the dampers are switched off because dampers work against the heater, and hence, more energy is required to heat the room. During summer, use the air conditioner in the fan mode so that the energy consumption reduces.
  • 11. Remove plugs after use Battery chargers of electronic devices draw power even when left unattended. These devices consume a huge amount of energy, and the result is sheer wastage of power. After charging is complete, pull the plug and save energy. Use geysers to the extent required Geysers consume a lot of electricity. They should be used to heat only that amount of water that is required. Switch off not stand-by Keeping your computer on 24X7 can be a huge energy constraint. Instead, the computer can be switched off or left in the stand-by mode, which absorbs 70% less power than in working mode. The same can be done to your other electronic or electrical appliances. CONSERVE ENERGY OUTSIDE THE HOUSE Use public transport Using of mass rapid transit, instead of a car, may help to a great extent in controlling air pollution. Lesser number of vehicles on the road would lead to lesser demand for gas, not to mention the reduction in emission of harmful gases. Opt for a carpool You can also save gas by opting for a carpool rather than using your car and consume four times more gas than you actually need to. It has been found out that carpooling with about three people has helped in cutting emissions by 75%. Drive at optimum speed Do not waste fuel by driving at high speeds. It has been observed, that the faster you drive, the more gasoline is consumed. Driving at a speed of 65 mph rather than 55 mph, which is the average driving speed, reduces the fuel economy leading to excess gas consumption. Check tire pressure regularly This is another way to save fuel and subsequently energy. You need to maintain tire pressure of the car regularly. A tire with less or more than optimum air pressure can reduce gas mileage, leading to wastage, especially for long distance travel.
  • 12. SECONDARY WAYS TO CONSERVE ENERGY Plant trees If you plant even a single tree, it will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime. It provides shade that can reduce your utility bills by about 15%. Choose Energy Star appliances When planning to buy a new appliances, choose to buy energy saving ones with an Energy Star label, to cut down on energy consumption. Though Energy Star label appliances may cost more than regular ones, in the longer run, they help you save on your utility bills. Switch to renewable sources In order to combat global warming, we need to switch over to renewable resources such as wind and solar energy to cut down on the excess energy consumption by regular appliances. Recycle waste With human population increasing day by day, there is huge concern about the availability of natural resources and whether there are enough to cater to the demand. To ease this, the concept of recycling can be adopted, which is a process of reusing the items from which utility can be derived. Many items like paper, cardboard, and plastic can be recycled in order to reduce demand for resources. Besides saving energy in all these ways, we should also look for alternative sources of energy, like solar power, if not all energy needs, but a few can definitely be supported by solar power, and if every home follows and implements these suggestions, we would definitely doing our bit to make our planet a better place to live in.
  • 13. ROLE OF SOCIETY IN THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY:  Recycle compositing waste materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials.  Turn off all the electronic devices that are not in use. Not only turn off but try to remember to unplug them. You will be surprised how much you will save with this simple step.  Replace old light bulbs with energy saving fluorescent bulbs. They may cost more, but will save you much more in the long run. At Home:  We should not keep lights unnecessarily switch on.  Reduce the energy your appliances consume by analyzing star ratings.  Improve your water heating efficiently to reduce energy costs. At Public Places:  Switch off the fans and lights in the places like bus stops and railway stations when not necessary.  Switch off the street lights.  Big hoardings, lightened up for the whole evening and nights are other wastage of power which can be and should be avoided. Conservation of Energy in Various Levels: 1) Energy conservation at household level  Conservation in refrigerator  Conservation in micro-wave  Conservation in cooking  Switching off lights, fans  Using energy efficient lights like LED’s 2) Energy conservation at community level  Computers, monitors, photocopies and other business equipments should be set to their energy saving mode  Skylight should be used for warehouses  We should ensure that offices having air conditions have proper windows and all doors are closed when the air conditioner is in use.
  • 14. 3) Use of renewable energy resources:  Alternative resources ie; renewable energy sources should be used in place of non- renewable energy sources e.g.- Solar energy, wind energy  Solar energy for cooking and heating should be promoted  Projects involving wind generated energy for community and municipal needs should be demonstrated to the whole community.
  • 15. CONCLUSION In this era of living, there is a great need for energy conservation. The world is moving towards energy sustainability leading to sustainable development. Every home and society is thinking about the re-establishment of its connection with nature. An energy efficient home is a personal step towards the direction of renewable energy, environmental protection, and sustainable living. By doing this project, I was able to conclude a lot of things. My hypothesis was right. Reducing usage and switching some usage to off-peak hours does make a difference. We must save electricity by turning of lights that weren’t being used. The conserving society was able to save even more by using fluorescent bulbs and by turning off lights and appliances. I learned a lot of things while doing this project. I learned the meaning of energy conservation, how to conserve energy and why to conserve energy. In day to day life, energy conservation has a big role to play. It can lead to decrease in pollution. It also leads to a better environment. Again, since the fossil fuels are not unlimited, so must save all these for the future generation. So, energy conservation plays a big role in this aspect. Again, energy conservation has saved the need for many power plants and fuel imports. It has also avoided CO2 and environmental pollution. When we save energy, we also save money. For it reduces the demand for fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gases. Since, energy is a short supply in India, and is expensive, especially for industry. Management of energy sources is an important part of power system. So, as to save natural resources, the conservation of energy has to be done at different levels, i.e. at social and commercial levels. More renewable resources can be used at consumer level for energy conservation. It is more important to provide education regarding energy conservation to the general mass. Thus, we should start saving energy wherever we are, at home, at school, at work and in the neighbourhood. Thus, the earth a place that’s convenient and sustainable for our future generation someday. So, we can say that energy conservation can improve the possibilities of energy fulfillment. “Energy Conservation is the foundation of Energy Independent.”---Tom Allen -American Politician
  • 16. REFERENCES: 1/ The Visual Handbook Of Energy Conservation: A Comprehensive Guide To Reducing Energy Use At Home(Charles Wing,2013) 2/ Energy Efficient and Environmental Landscaping(1993) 3/Winning Our Energy Independence( S. David Freeman, 2007) 4/ 5/