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the chartered management institute magazine            MAY/JUNE 2011

are you
Managers’ salaries
revealed in our
nationwide survey

blooms  The smoothie empire’s people
        director Karen Callaghan fuses
        order and chaos to brilliant effect

        fire fight
        Should sacking people
        really be made easier?

        club mad
        How bosses are failing
        to manage holidays

        magic circle
        Why enchanting staff
        will make them deliver
Professional Manager May | June 2011
                           Chartered Management                                             news & views
                           Institute (CMI)
                           Management House,
                           Cottingham Road, Corby,
                                                                                           05 Briefing
                           Northamptonshire NN17 1TT                                            Top bosses beat recessions with ideas, says CEO Ruth Spellman
                           t 01536 207307                                                  06 Feedback
                           e                                         Your letters and our mystery new columnist
                                                              08 agenda
                                                                                                Michael Skapinker’s essentials, plus other key management news
                           Chief Executive Ruth Spellman                                   15   View from Westminster
                           Director of Marketing and                                            John Denham MP says it’s folly to expect business alone to save us
                           Communications Simon Dolph                                      16   Debate
                           Head of Communications                                               Should firing people be made easier?
                           Mike Petrook CMgr                                               50 aoB
                                                                      7                         Managers must sell their way out of a slump, says Stefan Stern
                           Editor Ben Walker
                           Art director Scott Bentley                                       features
                           Chief Sub-editor James Debens
                           Editorial Assistant
                                                                                           18   inside innocent
                           Rebecca Kearley
                                                                                                People person Karen Callaghan mixes it up at the drinks giant to
                           Account Director
                           Sam Gallagher
                                                                                                find the perfect fusion of order and chaos
                           Publishing Director                                             24 Perform under pressure
                           Ian McAuliffe                                                        Helen Loveless says budget cuts can make you rethink – for
                                                                                                the better
                           Advertise with us: For all                                      26 the age of enchantment
                           enquiries, contact Michael                                           Tom Peck attends charm school
                           Coulsey (t 020 8962                                             30 Pay checked
                           1261, e michael.coulsey@                                             Philip Smith brings us the big findings from CMI’s salary survey.
                           Vicci Rule (t 020 8962 2942,
                                                                      26                        Is your pay keeping you up there with your peers?

                           e                              cPd Planner
                           Professional Manager                                            35 PM profile
                           © 2011. Published on                                                 BAE Systems’ Alan Robson flies the flag for CMI’s chartered
                           behalf of CMI by Think,
                                                                                                management qualification
                           The Pall Mall Deposit, 124-128
                                                                                           36 Masterclass
                           Barlby Road, London W10 6BL
                                                                                                What not to do and which questions to ask when interviewing
                           t 020 8962 3020
                           e professional.manager@
                                                                                                job candidates
                                                                                           38 ask the experts
                                                             How to motivate your people in turbulent times
                                                                                           41   the personnel touch
                                    Member of the Audit                                         Give your staff a break, says Alison Blackhurst – you will soon
                                    Bureau of Circulations                                      reap the benefits
                                    86,578 1 July 2009 to
                           30 June 2010
                                                                      36                   46 events
                                                                                                Boost your contacts book with the latest networking events

                           Printed by Headley Brothers on UPM Star
                           matt, which is certified as coming from
                           well-managed forests.

                           CMI is incorporated by Royal Charter and
                           registered as a charity (No. 1091035).
                           CMI does not necessarily agree with, nor
                           guarantee the accuracy of, statements
                           made by contributors or advertisers or

                                                                          in this issue
                           accept responsibility for any statements
                           which they may express in this
                           publication. ISSN 0969-6695©
                                                                                          Tom Peck               Philip Smith             Stefan Stern
                                                                                          The Independent’s      The business             The award-winning
                                                                                          roving reporter        writer for The Daily     business journalist
                                                                                          dons his magic         Telegraph dives into     says managers
                                                                                          hat and learns to      the data from CMI’s      must brush up their
                                                                                          cast a spell p26       salary survey p30        sales technique p50

                                                                                                                                _ 03

Ruth Spellman, chief executive, Chartered Management Institute
                                                                                                         as a cmi member, you have
                                                                                                         access to a comprehensive
                          HR                                                                             range of products and
                                                                                                         services, all designed
          new          recruitment
                                                                                                         to help you on your path
        business                                                  advertising
                        catering                                                                         to management success
                                                                                                               on the WeB
                                                                                                         With free checklists, e-learning
                                                                                                         modules, podcasts and an ‘ask
                      benefits               internat                                  t                 the researcher’ service at www.
                                                      ional                         en
        IT                                     projects
                                                                              u re
                                                                           oc                            services, the latest thinking is
                                                                                                         just a click away.

   There are good cuts,
                                                                                                              on your CV
                                                                                                         Enhance your professional
and there are bad cuts                                                                                   status with a CMI management
                                                                                                         qualification, not to mention
Necessity is the mother of invention.                  resistance is understandable –                    study tips when you need
That’s why this slump could be the making              if the business is profitable, there is little    them most.
of many companies – and many managers.                 incentive to launch a time- and energy-
While researching my new book, I talked                consuming restructure, even if the                     in your inBox
to survivors from past recessions. Not                 business is not as efficient as it might be.      Keeping on top of employment
only had some of these people survived                 But in a slump, there is an incentive. Your       law changes and management
the recession, but, in many cases, they had            business might not survive if you don’t           updates has never been easier
thrived because of it. The recession had               look again at its structure. But, if you do,      with our monthly e-newsletter
given them an incentive to be innovative,              your organisation will be fit for the future.     Membership Matters and e-alerts
to take a step back from their organisation,               The keys to an effective rethink are          from partner BusinessHR.
reassess, and make sensible adjustments.               focus – be clear about your objectives –
    I emphasise the word ‘sensible’. There             and innovation. This issue, we go inside               For the journey
is a temptation during a slump to treat                a company that has been innovative in             Make your next management
company streamlining as a simple                       its thinking – although Innocent Drinks           move with confidence using
mathematical exercise – removing, say,                 rather modestly says it is simply doing           our online continuing professional
15% from every part of one’s business in a             the basics better (see page 18). Although         development system and career
war on cost. The first casualty of that war            successful, Innocent has not been immune          guidance resources.
is likely to be product quality.                       to the difficult times. But it has handled
    Better, then, to be discerning about               those situations well. This is why the old             on your Phone
what you cut. Instead of taking a blunt axe            idiom still stands: “It ain’t what you do, it’s   Want answers on the move? Then
and top-slicing 15%, do as my recession                the way that you do it.”                          download our free CMI app (see
survivors did and think about which                        We’ve had recessions before and will          page 45) or contact our legal
sections and projects of your organisation             have them again. There are businesses             helpline for up-to-the-minute
you’d like to keep, and which you could                that come out of those slumps feeling             advice from a qualified solicitor.
handle losing. If you have 10 projects,                stronger. There is a reason for that.
better to pick the most important two and                  We have 10 copies of Ruth’s book,                   in the CoMMunity
do them well, rather than doing all 10 badly           Managers & Leaders Who Can: How You               Keep the conversation going
because you are scrimping on investment.               Survive and Succeed in the New Economy            both online – through our forums
    Making these changes, deciding                     to give away. For the chance to win, send your    – or at one of our top regional
between good cuts and bad cuts, often                  name and contacts to PMCompetitions@              networking events (see page 46).
requires something that many managers         by 30 June. CMI members
fear – a restructure. During good times,               can purchase the book with a 30% discount         not yet a MeMBer?
many managers resist restructures,                     plus free UK p&p. To take advantage of this       visit
because they can take huge lengths of                  offer, visit, email customer@       or call 01536 207307 to
time, and can cause staff to look inward,     or phone 01243 843294 quoting           join today.
rather than focusing on the customer. This             promotion code CMIML.

                                                                                                              _ 05
get in touCh
                                                                                          Send your views to
                                                                                 or pM,
                                                                                          Think, The pall Mall Deposit,
                                                                                          124-128 Barlby Road, london
                                                                                          W10 6Bl. letters may be
                                                                                          edited for length and clarity
Your chance to comment on management matters

              Prize Letter                                                             universities is low, compared to the time
                                                                                       spent on laptops accessing the internet.
              hang loose                                    Letter                        During the last 25 years of my career
              I found your interview with Sara Murray       Prize                      as chairman and managing director of
              (Professional Manager, March/April)                                      my own company, I encountered several
              very interesting and a welcome breath of                                 instances that exemplified the statement
              fresh air.  We so often hear the internet    Bob wins a copy of          of my mentor, the late Professor Peter
              sages laud the value of social media         Business: The Ultimate      Drucker: “Academic attainment is no
              for business – it was refreshing to hear     Resource. it is a one-      proof of performance.”
              someone with Murray’s experience (and        stop reference and             I am reminded of the quote from the
              technological understanding) question        interactive tool covering   Drain Brain Report 1967: “Our relative
              whether social media is really an integral   all aspects of today’s      poverty will be overcome only when
              corporate tool.                              world of work. The book     we become once more interested in
                 As no Luddite myself, I’m aware of        offers practical and        the creation of wealth rather than its
              the benefits to many brands – certainly      strategic advice for        distribution and consumption.” Things
              those that have a younger generational       anyone doing business       have not changed much.
              customer base – but the prevailing logic     today. Written by a team     Albert J Bellworthy, FCMI, FIoD
              suggests that all businesses need to have    of world-class writers
              an active social media presence to be        and editors, it is an       two-year trial
              successful. As the ever-increasing list      essential desk reference    W Chamberlain’s letter, published last
              of corporates, celebrities and members       for managers, MBA           issue, that argues for two-year degrees
              of the public get their fingers burned       and business students       makes a good case. As a non-academic
              by exposing themselves through their         and for small business      employee at a university, I must declare
              online “voice”, I applaud anyone who         owners worldwide.           an interest and that this is my view only.
              goes against the grain and questions the                                    The scale of the change to achieve a
              risks and rewards in equal measure.                                      mass of degrees in two years of studying
              Bob Johnson                                                              is daunting – not insurmountable, but
                                                                                       hugely challenging. I doubt anyone has
              Learn to earn                                                            the answer yet, but these issues are now
              With regards to W Chamberlain’s letter                                   exercising some of our best grey matter.
              in the last issue – I couldn’t agree with                                Roger Thrush
              him more. He’s right – universities do
              have to turn out graduates in a shorter                                  Lunch crunch
              period than three years. I am 81 and                                     A fall in lunch quality has come about as
              have four grandchildren. I have paid                                     the purpose of lunches in meetings has
              the tuition fees for the three who have                                  changed. I remember when lunch in a
              graduated and am still paying for the                                    meeting was a time to take a break and
              fourth to complete his degree. The                                       move away from the business matters
              number of hours that students attend                                     and spend a bit of time socialising. Now

    latest discussions                   l how much of a              l could london cope          l what were you
    on www.managers.                     problem are potholes?        with a major disaster?       expecting from
                                         Are Britain’s rocky          We’ve seen the               the Budget?
                         roads becoming a threat      shocking pictures of the     Anxious, or cautiously
                                         to business? Damage          earthquake and tsunami       optimistic? please let
                                         compensation claims          that hit Japan recently.     us know what you
                                         in london have               But the Japanese have        think of the Chancellor’s
                                         increased by more than       been impressive in their     big ideas for Britain,
                                         37% over a three-year        response. Do you think       as well as what you
                                         period, according to         londoners would be           would do if you were
                                         the BBC.                     as measured?                 in his position.

06 _ professional manager _ May /June 2011

                                                                                                  honesty                              One of the ways in which
                                                                            ManageD               is the                               management tries to build
                                                                                                                                       some sort of empathy and
                                                                                                  Best PoLiCy                          understanding with the
                                                                                                  What’s it like to be                 employees at my workplace
                                                                                                  managed? in our new                  is through meetings they call
                                                                                                  column, our mystery                  “town halls”. These give
                                                                                                  Secret Staffer reports from          a handful of the 200
                                                                                                  the shop floor. This issue:          shopworkers some oh-so-
                                                                                                  management honesty                   rare face time with the top
                                                                                                                                       man, and an opportunity to
                                                                                                                                       discuss any concerns they
                                                                                                                                       have with him.
                                                                                                                                          At my first town hall, three
                                                                                                                                       colleagues and I were told
                                                                                                                                       by our boss to discuss our
                                                                                                                                       concerns with each other and
                                                                                                                                       write down any comments.
                                                                                                                                       After being led deep into the
                                                                                                                                       bowels of the store, we were
                                                                                                                                       finally sat in a windowless
                                                                                                  room. I took the lack of any natural light or secondary escape
                                                                                                  route as a portent of doom.
                                                                                                     Our manager’s last words before leaving us in the room were
                                                                                                  simple: “Be honest.”
                                                                                                     There was little need for discussion. When you ask a group
                                                                                                  of university-educated people earning just over the minimum
                             lunch in meetings seems to be provided                               wage what their concerns about the job are, it’s fairly easy to
                             so that the meeting can continue                                     predict their answer: “I wish we earned more.”
                             uninterrupted and people don’t get                                      We passed our notes to the manager and braced ourselves
                             hungry. If this is the case, then it doesn’t                         for 10 minutes of weasel words and management doublespeak
                             matter how fancy your sandwiches are.                                on how we were valued workers and the company paid what
                             John Milburn, CMgr MCMI                                              it could, that there’s a recession on and how even the CEO has
                                                                                                  taken a pay cut in these tough times.
                             great new look!                                                         This was not what we got.
                             As a regular reader of Professional                                     After a deep breath, he said: “Here’s how it works. We used
                             Manager, I wanted to express my positive                             to pay a starting wage around £9.25 an hour, now it’s, what?
                             thoughts on the new glossy magazine.                                 £6.40? £6.50? I forget.” (For the record, it’s £6.28…)
                             The relaunched title provides the                                       “The recession brought,” he continued, “what is called a
                             motivation we need in these austere                                  ‘market correction’. That means there are lots of people looking
                             times, along with the power of innovative                            for jobs, and to be frank, we can pay less to get the same talent.
                             thinking and a positive mental attitude!                                “I would love for us to pay you guys more – I think you’re all
                             The Masterclass, for example, section                                worth more than we give you. But we run a business, a very
                             on networking enables us to improve                                  successful one, and we operate in a free market. One of the
                             the way we connect with others,                                      reasons we are successful is because we don’t overpay for
                             share thoughts and build business              Below:
                                                                                                  products or staff. And, as such, we don’t pay you more than we
                             relationships. Interestingly, though, I        Simon Cowell          need to.”
                             hadn’t come across the animal terms to         tells it like it is      This blast of truth was actually taken pretty well. It was a test
                             describe the kind of networker I might                               for him: he told us to be honest, we were, and he lived up to his
                             be, and I am not sure whether I straddle                             side of the bargain and earned some respect from his staff for
                             one or more category?  Perhaps the                                   telling it like it is.
                             term “Labrador” describes me because                                    And when it really comes down to it, would I actually trade
                             I am naturally sociable and friendly and                             respecting my boss and working for a company that talks to me
                             the term “Limpet” because, yes, when                                 like an adult for an extra few pence an hour?

                             I locate a friendly face and strike up                                  Well, we’ve all got bills to pay…
                             a conversation, I tend to remain with                                   Yours,
                             that person rather than work the room.
                             So, now I will move towards “Cat” to
                             express my clear-cut goals and hone my
                             networking skills!  Well done, CMI,
                             I look forward to the next good read.
                             Viv Leach, Business adviser and
                             motivational coach                                                      The Secret Staffer

                                                                                                                                      _ 07
For the latest management
                                                                                    news and views, visit

Insights from across the world of management

                                    management minutes
                                    Financial Times associate editor and management
                                    specialist michael skapinker lists his regular round-up
                                    of the top 10 news items for managers this spring

1   Companies should
    take on more
apprentices                          3 sickness absence
                                       to be reviewed
The government should pay            The government has
companies to take on more            ordered a review of the
apprentices and interns, as          workplace sickness
part of a drive to raise the         absence system. ill
quality of skills and training,      health is said to cost the
according to a report into
vocational education by
                                     country £100 billion per
Professor Alison Wolf. Her
                                     year. The review, which
report said many of the              will be chaired by David
vocational courses currently         Frost, director general
taught to teenagers in schools       of the British Chambers
and colleges had little value in     of Commerce and Dame
the workplace.                       Carol Black, National
                                     Director for health
                                     and Work, will look into
2     Demand to lift female
      board representation
A report from former trade
                                     how more people can
                                     be encouraged to stay
                                     in employment.
minister Lord Davies
recommended that FTSE 100
companies aim to ensure that
at least a quarter of their board
members are women by 2015.
                                    4     Middle East
                                          revolts posing
                                    ethical dilemmas
                                                                         5    All change for public
                                                                              sector pensions...
                                                                         Lord Hutton recommended,
                                                                                                            be switched into defined
                                                                                                            contribution pension
                                                                                                            schemes, as has happened in
Lord Davies said this was UK        With countries in the                in a government-                   much of the private sector.
companies’ “last chance”. If no     Middle East rocked by                commissioned report, that          Company final salary pension
progress is observed, statutory     revolt, managers have found          public-sector-defined benefit      schemes now closed to further
quotas will be brought in.          themselves caught between            schemes be based on a career       accrual from both existing and
                                                                                                                                             illUSTRATiON qUiNTON WiNTER phOTO CORBiS

Companies seem to                   their contractual obligations to     average rather than final          new members have risen to
have got the                        governments’ and protesters’         salary. He also recommended        17% of all schemes.
message,                            demands. Vodafone defended           that the retirement age for
however:                            itself after it acceded to an        all public sector workers be
according to
Egon Zehnder
                                     Egyptian government demand
                                        to shut down the mobile
                                         phone network and then
                                                                         raised to 65 and then rise in
                                                                         line with increases in the state
                                                                         pension age. Unions have
                                                                                                            7    European Court
                                                                                                                 bans annuity
                                                                                                            sex discrimination
International, more                        sent out propaganda           threatened action.                 Continuing the equality
than a third of FTSE 100                   messages from the now-                                           theme, the European Court
executive board posts                      ousted regime. Vodafone                                          of Justice ruled that pension
had gone to women in
the first few weeks
of 2011, compared with
                                           said it was legally obliged
                                           to act as it did and had to
                                           put its local employees’
                                                                         6   ...but final salary
                                                                             schemes face demise
                                                                         Lord Hutton did not, however,
                                                                                                            providers can no longer
                                                                                                            grant men better retirement
                                                                                                            annuity rates than women.
just under 15% last year.                 welfare first.                 suggest that civil servants        Men had long received

08 _ professional manager _ May /June 2011

bigger pension payouts on                              nine to FiVe
the grounds that they did not
live as long. The pensions                             asiF VaLi
and insurance industry said                            Business manager
the difference was based on                            of British boxing star
sound actuarial principles,                            Amir Khan and owner
but the court ruled that this                          of multiple childcare
differential contravened          49% of HR            and transport
European Union equal-             business leaders     businesses, the
rights provisions.                say their firms      demands on vali
                                  are held back by     could easily be 24/7.
                                  a lack of fresh      Determination and

8    Public sector pay-
     cap idea capped
Another Hutton-authored
                                  talent. Bersin
                                  & Associates’
                                                       discipline help him
                                                       keep control

government review into fair
                                  Q1 2011              0500 My son is up, and            are turned down. As soon as
pay in the public sector, this    TalentWatch®         my first meeting of the day       he’s back, we fit in as many
one by Will Hutton, dropped       survey also          is always with him. Before        activities as we can.
the idea of capping the pay       unearthed that       I leave the house, we do our
of top civil servants at 20       nearly half of all   morning prayers.                  1200 Lunch is whatever my
times the salary of the lowest    organisations                                          secretary has left-over, and
paid employees. Mr Hutton         say they find it     0700 I’ve checked in with         always at my desk.
recommended that public           hard to fill key     my transport business,
sector organisations publish      roles – up from      which will have 40 people         1400 If Amir is abroad,
their top-to-bottom employee      35% last year.       on the road. Next, I check        I check in to make sure he
pay ratios and that senior                             in with my childcare              has everything he needs.
executives’ salaries be more                           businesses – I employ
performance-related.                                   about 70 people – to make         1600 A meeting at Gloves
                                                       sure everything is all right.     Community Centre (set up
                                                                                         by Amir) to make sure the

9    Call on companies
     to mentor students
Science-based companies
                                                       0800 At the office, the
                                                       first call of the day is to
                                                       the lawyer, to catch up
                                                                                         kids have what they need
                                                                                         and the volunteers are in
                                                                                         place. This is where I get
could improve the job and life                         on anything that has              my rewards; knowing that
prospects of students from                             happened with Amir:               you charge a kid only £1 for
poorer families by arranging                           contracts, sparring, venues,      them to train in one of the
workplace experience for                               promotions and so on.             best facilities.
them and by mentoring them        47% of
at school, according to a         UK-based             1100 Answering emails.            2130 Time to wrap things
report from the Organisation      international        I get about 200 a day             up. The Americans are
for Economic Co-operation         companies            and 70% are related to            online and they’ll keep
and Development. The              manage               Amir – media, charity and         you up until 3am if you are
report also found that poorer     succession           appearance requests. While        not careful. By 10pm, I say
students who succeeded in         planning             he is in training, all of those   “that’s enough!”
science tended to have a more     globally,
positive attitude to science-     compared
based careers.                    to 69% of                    the BottoM Line ShORT, ShARp
                                  organisations                AND SMART SECRETS TO SUCCESS
                                  based in
10        Visa system
          accused of
hampering business
                                  Europe or North
                                                                              “Challenge and question
                                                                              everything. the highest-
                                  America. This is                            performing teams are those that
Companies claim that the
visa system for foreign
                                  the conclusion                              recognise that if they do things
                                  of Personnel                                in the way they’ve always done
visitors to the UK is severely                                                them, they will get what they’ve
damaging their businesses.        Today and
                                  international                               always got, and are curious
The companies, led by                                                         about finding a quicker, more
luxury retailers, say that visa   HR software                                 effective way of doing things.”
restrictions mean that non-       company                                     Jeff Grout, motivational speaker
European Union business           Cezanne,                                    and author of Mind Games:
and leisure visitors are          which recently                              Inspirational Lessons from the
increasingly choosing to go to    polled 200                                  World’s Biggest Sports Stars
continental Europe instead.       professionals.

                                                                                       _ 09
Last call for trustees           meetings in London and            the Wright stuff
                                             Don’t miss your chance,          an annual strategy day.           John Briscoe Wright CBE,
                                             as a CMI member, to join         You’ll also act as a CMI          CCMI and immediate past
                               inBrieF       our Board of Trustees and        ambassador at events.             national chairman of the
                                             help shape the strategy          For detailed criteria and         Federation of Small
                                             of the CMI. Apply by 31          a nomination form, go to          Businesses, has been
                                             May if you are interested              appointed to the Prime
                                             in one of the two Board          elections or contact Valerie      Minister’s Business
                                             vacancies. If elected, you’ll    Hamill (t 020 7421 2707,          Advisory Group. The group
                                             serve for three years from       e Valerie.hamill@managers.        meets the Prime Minister
                                             October, attending quarterly                          and Business Secretary on

risks must rise as
business priority
Cyber security threats are posing
a serious risk to the majority of
UK businesses, says a Cmi report.
   The report, Managing Threats in
a Dangerous World, examines how
prepared organisations were for the
unexpected over the past year, reinforcing
the value of proactive planning.
   nearly two-thirds (62%) of managers
report that cyber-security threats
are increasingly posing a risk to their
business and 32% of UK organisations
have come under attack in the past
12 months. The weather also caused
problems: heavy snow affected 92% of          Be prepared for
                                              emergencies by
companies; while the volcanic ash cloud       constant planning
had an impact upon 53%.
   The findings also show that the recent
media focus on high-profile business                 Future PerFeCt:
continuity failures has had a big impact             hoW to Be reaDy For
on the UK’s business planning, with                  virtually anything
15% of managers feeling that Deepwater               1. Put together a team of specialists
Horizon had strengthened the case for                from across your business to identify
business continuity management, and                  critical business processes that would
                                                     prevent or diminish its ability
14% believing Wikileaks had caused their
                                                     to operate and plan for them.
organisation to review security options.             2. Integrate business continuity
   However, despite 82% of those                     planning into the wider management
surveyed reporting that their senior                 strategy – understanding threats
management views business continuity                 and putting processes in place to
management as important or very                      mitigate them can give businesses          32% of UK organisations have come under a
important, just 58% say they have plans              a competitive advantage.                  cyber-attack in the past 12 months, with 12% of
in place to cater for the unexpected.                3. Test your crisis plans regularly         companies losing confidential information.
   nonetheless, the report shows clear               to ensure that they are comprehensive
                                                     and robust – a quarter of organisations
advantages for organisations that have
                                                     with crisis plans have never tested
crisis plans in place. of those who had              them, running the risk that the
to activate plans, 84% agreed it reduced             plans don’t work when they are
disruption and 77% stated that the costs             most needed.
are offset by the business benefits.                 4. Ensure that coordinating a media
   ruth spellman, chief executive of                 response is part of all plans – 61%
Cmi, says: “every time an unexpected                 of managers believe that reputation
event interrupts the operations of a                 damage is now a more significant
business, charity or public body in this             threat to their business than
                                                     financial loss.
country, UK plc suffers – yet with good
                                                     5. Ensure your key suppliers also have
management, this could be avoided.”                  crisis plans in place – just 5%
To download the report or get free                   of organisations check whether their       84% of those who had to activate crisis plans
advice on crisis planning, visit                     supply chain will be able to survive      said they reduced disruption. 77% said the cost                          a major disruption.                       of the plans is offset by the benefits they bring.

10 _ professional manager _ May /June 2011
a quarterly basis to advise    President to be awarded          past 25 years and recognises                     explore your social side
them on issues of concern      Chartered Manager status.        those who have excelled                          Is a social media strategy
to UK business. For updates,   Read more at www.                in areas such as guiding                         on your agenda? Discover
visit             strategic direction and                          the business benefits and
uk/professionalmanager                                          developing organisational                        pitfalls associated with
                               going for gold                   culture. Nomination forms are                    this new media – and
Leading by example             Nominations for CMI’s            available from matt.beavan@                      how to manage it
Terry Morgan, chairman         prestigious Gold Medal  and the                          effectively – in CMI’s
of Crossrail and president     award are now open. The          winner will be announced at                      new practice guide. Visit
of CMI, has made history       medal has been awarded to        the CMI National Conference            
by becoming the first CMI      inspirational leaders for the    in October.                                      social-media-guide

                                                                        in memoriam
                                                                        uK business loses an
                                                                        inspirational educator
                                                                        John Constable, director general of Cmi (then the British
                                                                        institute of management) in the 1980s, has died.
                                     in the heaDLines                     John’s name was synonymous with management education,
                                     HOW CMI HAS MADE                   best practice and business strategy. With roger mcCormick,
                                     AN IMPRESSION ON                   he created a report that has led management and business
CMi engages                          THE PRESS RECENTLY
                                                                        thinking for more than a generation. The Making of British
PriMe                                sky news carried                   Managers saw that good management and quality leadership
Minister                             a report of cmi’s                  affect economic performance, but found that UK management
                                     “Tomorrow’s Leaders”               fell short on training and development.
Cmi’s Ceo ruth spellman              survey, which flagged                Using the skills and knowledge he had developed working
is part of a new independent         up managers’ concerns              for the likes of Cranfield school of management and imeDe
employer-led taskforce               about the readiness of             Business school in switzerland, he also led a review of the
backed by the prime minister         young people for work.             provision of management education, undertaken with the CBi.
– and set up to improve levels       [Sky News Online,                    During his tenure at Cmi, there was increased activity
of employee engagement.              4 March 2011]                      between membership Branches and local schools. We will soon
   launched at a round-table                                            launch an initiative aimed at 14- to 21-year-olds. it is inspired by
in march with David Cameron          the Press association              John’s work and ensures that his legacy will live on.
and employment relations             carried comment
minister edward Davey,               from Ruth Spellman
the taskforce is a chance for        on the importance of               PresiDent’s Dinner
leading professionals from the       cooperation between
public and private sectors to        schools and employers                                         CMI Fellows, Companions and
discuss ways to help stimulate       to develop leadership                                         Ambassadors are to debate key
employee engagement and              skills, in support of the                                     management issues and socialise over
support those organisations          launch of Campus CMI                                          a three-course dinner with our new
looking to implement                 in March. [3 March 2011]                                      president, Terry Morgan CBE CCMI.
engagement practices.                                                                                 The event takes place at the Corinthian
   The group is set to build         The Sunday Times                                              Club, Glasgow, on 1 June. It begins at
on the report ‘engaging for          highlighted CMI’s                                             6.30pm with a drinks reception. It follows
success’, written by taskforce       sponsorship of the                 the President’s Dinner at the Honourable Artillery Company
chair David macleod and              Best for Training                  in London, which Terry hosted with CMI chief executive Ruth
deputy chair nita Clarke for         and Development                    Spellman in February. At the dinner, Charlie Mayfield, John Lewis
the Department for Business,         category in the                    chairman, who chairs the UK Commission for Employment and
innovation and skills in             newspaper’s 100 Best               Skills, showed how best-practice management helps companies
2009. The report looked              Places to Work list. The           thrive, while 80 guests welcomed Terry to the presidency. For
at issues such as barriers           training award winner              photos, visit Tickets
to the wider adoption of             was charity Llamau.                for 1 June (£65) are selling fast. Email
engagement, how to harness                                              uk For more info, visit
engagement for innovation
and how to maintain morale                ManageMent sPeaK
through difficult times. By
collaborating with academics,
practitioners and think tanks,     Crisitunity 1. n.The point at             2. attrib. An episode of The Simpsons,
the taskforce aims to tackle       which a crisis provides a unique          in which Lisa mistakenly informs her
these issues, offer practical      window of opportunity. The term           father Homer that the Chinese words
guidance, share examples of        gained has currency during the            for ‘crisis’ and ‘opportunity’ are
good practice and generate         economic slump.                           the same.
debate via a new website.
                                                                                                             _ 11
                                                                        PoLiCy WatCh

                                                                        George Osborne’s so-called Budget for Growth made some
                                                                        attempt to fix the UK’s economic problems. But firms are still
                                                                        gloomy – and the Government must work harder, says CMI
                                                                        policy and research director louise Brooker-carey

                              chancellor must revive optimism
                                           ollowing weak GDP            Outlook” survey went live in the                       10 managers felt that the Budget

                                 f         figures at the end of
                                           2010, much of the
                                                                        wake of the Budget. A look at the
                                                                        interim results highlights some
                                                                                                                               would improve their organisation’s
                                                                                                                               prospects for the year ahead.
                                           policy debate in the first   serious challenges.                                    Around half reported that it had
                              half of 2011 has been about how              First, around 80% of managers                       made things worse.
                              the Government can best promote           still feel that the economy                               However, Osborne’s
                              economic growth. Chancellor               is negatively affecting their                          commitment to create a more
                              George Osborne set out his                organisation. Fewer than one in                        skilled workforce is welcome. The
                              approach in March with the Budget         10 felt conditions were having                         chancellor announced support for
                              and a new Plan for Growth.                a positive impact (with the                            50,000 apprenticeship places, and
                                 While the need for growth is           remainder neutral). We might                           a doubling in the number of the
                              agreed on across the political            expect public sector managers                          new University Technical Colleges.
                              spectrum, fundamental differences         to be feeling the effects of the                       The colleges are being supported
                              exist about how best to achieve it.       Government’s austerity measures.                       by CMI – we are leading a working
                              For many, particularly on the right,      What is surprising is that a greater                   group of professional bodies
                              the key is to reduce the “burden”         number of private sector managers                      on behalf of the Baker Dearing
                              imposed by Government on                  report negative effects than they                      Educational Trust, the body
                              business in the form of regulations       did six months ago. Worse still,                       establishing UTCs.
                              and taxes. But many on the centre         private sector managers are less                          CMI welcomes the aim
                              and centre-left have challenged           optimistic about their prospects                       of creating a more educated
                              the focus on deregulation and             for the next six months: for the                       workforce and Osborne was
                              called for a more active role for         first time since 2009, those with a                    right to draw attention to the gap
                              Government. This month’s View             pessimistic outlook outweigh those                     between the UK and international
                              from Westminster article (see page        with an optimistic outlook.                            skills levels. But his aim must
                              15) sets out some Labour criticisms          So, did the Budget mitigate                         be backed up with a long-term
                              of the Government’s strategy.             this misery? Responses to a new                        programme that improves
                                 But what do CMI members think          question looking specifically at                       skills. Achieving that will be a
                              about the prospects for growth?           the impact of the Budget are not                       challenge for all policy-makers and
                              Our twice-yearly “Economic                encouraging. Fewer than one in                         politicians in the coming years.

                                                                        The Code of Ethics gives CMI members a       abide by professional guidelines at work,
                                                                        touchstone for good practice and sends       demonstrating that codes of practice
                                                                        a clear message to your peers and your       help company leaders set an example
                                                  CoDe oF               organisation that you meet the highest       for others. Sadly, the same survey
                                                 ConDuCt                standards of accountability and integrity.   showed that 36% are not governed by an
                                                                           The Code has been reviewed by the         employer’s or professional body’s code
                                                                        Professional Standards Committee (PSC)       and, of those that are, nearly 25% have
                                                                        and is now reissued. The revised Code        never read their relevant code.
                                              CoDe reaD?

                                                                        retains the spirit of the former Code, but      By distributing our revised Code to our
                                    CMi’s code of ethics for            has been made more concise. It uses more     members, CMI is providing a clear and
                                         members revised                accessible language and focuses on the       robust standard that provides you with
                                                                        important place of integrity and trust and   real value in your career. A copy of the
                                                                        the role of responsible leadership.          revised CMI Code is included with this
                                                                           In a recent CMI survey of 1,000           issue for your reference.
                                                                        non-member employees, nearly 60%                If you want to feed back on the Code, or
                                                                        of those surveyed would think better         are interested in the work of the PSC, email
                                                                        of a manager if they made an effort to

                                                                                                                                   _ 13
view from Westminster

                        Businesses Cannot
                             groW it aLone
                                              if the private sector is to rejuvenate the economy, it needs
                                              vision from Government, not news of rising unemployment
                                              and a decreased number of adult learners. Does the Government
                                              have its priorities right? John denham isn’t convinced

             n the weeks leading up to        of the challenge facing                                         work experience will be

    i        the Budget and the Growth
             Strategy, the message from
                                              our economy and the
                                              close link between state
                                                                                                              a very small proportion
                                                                                                              of young claimants and
             the Government was clear:        spending and private-                                           that the scheme is about
this will be a pro-growth plan, designed      sector growth. Chaos in                                         building their CV rather
with not just this economic cycle in view.    planning policy, cuts to                                        than guaranteeing a
It will look to the medium- to long- term     science and technology                                          permanent job.
vision setting out how Britain could pay      investment and damaging                                            Nor do 50,000 new
its way in the future.                        changes to energy policy                                        apprenticeship starts per
   But was this achieved? Although some       have all undermined                                             year replace the 500,000
measures in the Growth Strategy were          business confidence,                                            training places lost
sensible – such as building on Labour’s       and the slowdown in            name John Denham                 through the scrapping
record for improving access for SMEs          manufacturing growth           Party labour                     of Train to Gain, which
                                                                             seat Southampton itchen
to public sector procurement – it lacked      in March due to weak           first elected 1992               equipped employees
the long-term vision and systemic             consumer spending              current majority 192             with the skills businesses
approach that we need for growth. The         showed that even               former ministerial roles         need to expand and
Government is cutting the deficit too far     improving sectors are          Secretary of state for           remain competitive.
                                                                             innovation, universities
and too fast, resulting in slower growth,     fragile. The Growth            and skills (2007-09) and         The Government has
rising unemployment and increased             Strategy fails to address      communities and local            said that total adult
public borrowing. We know that growth         the prevalent economic         government (2009-10);            learners will decrease by
cannot be achieved through diktats            uncertainty experienced        minister of state for health     529,000 by 2013, taking
                                                                             (1999-2001) and home
                                              by managers, and               office (2001-03)                 more of the skills needed
                                              the Office for Budget          Political compass                for growth out of the
“The Government                               Responsibility has             Centre-left                      employment market.
is cutting the deficit                        predicted that they will
                                              have to operate in a
                                                                             Voting reCorD
                                                                                                                 The resilience of
                                                                                                              the British people has
too far and too fast,                                                        greater schools autonomy
                                              post-budget environment Moderately against                      never failed to bring our
resulting in slower                           with a reduced growth          transparent parliament
                                                                             Moderately for
                                                                                                              country through tough
                                              forecast, increased                                             economic times. But
growth and rising                             unemployment and
                                                                             eu integration
                                                                             very strongly for                this resilience needs to
unemployment”                                 a further corporation                                           be met by action from a
                                              tax cut that will                                               government that takes a
                                              have ‘minimal effect’ on growth.               systemic, long-term approach to growth
from Whitehall. Jobs must come from              Developing the skills of our workforce that ensures nobody is left behind. We
the private sector. But government            is vital for securing long-term growth.        haven’t seen it during the first wasted
policy plays a crucial role in creating the   But the 40,000-place expansion of two-         year; let’s not make it two.
environment for private-sector growth.        month work-experience placements will
Its wasted year could very easily become      not improve young people’s employment John Denham MP is shadow secretary of
a wasted two years.                           prospects in the same way that six             state for business, innovation and skills
   The disappointing, but not entirely        months of real work would, as proposed         and is leading Labour’s business and
unsurprising, Q4 2010 contraction             by our party’s call for a £600m Youth          enterprise policy review, ‘How Britain
sounded an alarm for managers in all          Jobs Fund. The Government itself has           can lead the world in enterprise and skills
sectors, highlighting both the sheer scale    already said that the target group for         and ensure no region is left behind’.

                                                                                                        _ 15
                              I was practising as a
                              solicitor before the last
   yes                        government changed

                              the previous unfair
                              dismissal period from
natasha Jones                 two years to one; it is
Solicitor and                 my understanding that

                                                          be made
head of Cheshire              claims have increased
Employment law                year-on-year ever
                              since. My experience
                              as an employment

                              lawyer is that most
                              employees know
                              their rights – better
                              than employers
                              know employment
                              legislation – and will
                              avidly litigate.            Staffers will have to work for two
   A fear of claims can act as a deterrent to
businesses taking on new employees. I meet many           years before being able to file an
entrepreneurs who tell me light-heartedly that it         unfair dismissal claim, under new
is unlikely that I will get any work from them as
an employment lawyer – they’re not taking on any
                                                          government plans. Ben willis asks
employees, mainly because of the red tape.                whether extending the length of
   I believe the current rules hinder the ability         mandatory service from 12 to 24
of companies to grow which, coupled with
the increased unemployment throughout the                 months makes sense
economic downturn, is very relevant. Last year
the Department for Business, Innovation and
Skills stated that at the start of 2009 there were
an estimated 4.8 million private enterprises in
the UK. Almost all of these – 99.3% – were SMEs
of up to 49 employees. The survey estimated
employment in SMEs had fallen by 102,000 to
13.6 million people at the start of 2009.
   I believe that 12 months is a short space of
time in the context of induction and training of a
new employee and so employers are reluctant to
take people on for fear of being sued. As soon as
an employee completes 12 months’ continuous
employment, it becomes more difficult to dismiss
them, so they simply don’t take the risk – or              Join the
dismiss them before the 12 months is up to avoid            deBate
any claim. If it went back to two years, then the
entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses
have got two years to employ staff before fear of
being sued and therefore stand a better chance of         Concerned
growing into healthy companies.                           about the new
   Employees who have 12 months’ continuous               government
employment can bring an unfair dismissal claim            plans over
at no cost to themselves. The employer then has           unfair dismissal
to spend time defending the claim or money on             claims? Email
getting a lawyer to defend the claim. If you’ve got       professional.
to wait twice as long to bring a claim, that could        manager@
lead one to think there will be half the amount of
                                                                                               phOTO CORBiS

claims. It won’t be as simple as that, obviously,         uk or visit www.
but if you have to be employed for another year,
then all of those employees out in the first 12           blog to have
months would not be able to issue a claim.                your say.

16_ professional manager _ May / June 2011

CoaLition                                               I’m not vehemently
CLaMPDoWn                                               opposed to these
                              no                        proposals; I just don’t
Earlier this year,                                      think they’ll make
business secretary                                      much of a difference.
vince Cable outlined
                          karen mannering If a manager wants to
plans to double the
                          Company owner and             get rid of a member
amount of time an
                          author of Managing            of staff, there are lots
employee must hold
                          Difficult People              of ways of doing that
his or her job before                                   such as reorganising
being able to claim                                     the company and
for unfair dismissal                                    making them
if sacked, from one                                     redundant – whether
year to two. The                                        the unfair dismissal
Government said                                         period is one year or
the tribunal system                                     two is irrelevant.
was “costly and                                            Judging by attitudes
time-consuming” for                                     I have come across
struggling businesses,    during management courses I run, managers just
revealing that the        don’t want to deal with staff performance issues.
number of tribunal           However, these proposals will give weak
claims rose by 56%        managers an excuse to keep people on for a bit
between 2009 and          longer and then get rid of them after two years.
2010 to a record          Rather than dealing with performance issues
236,000 claims.           straight away, they’ll be able to delay. I would
    The pendulum          argue that this delay makes it even more difficult
on the employment         for the manager, however, because by the time
tribunal qualifying       two years are up the employee will not only be
period has swung          well established within the company, but their
between one and two       personal life might also be more affected as the
years under the last      employee may have taken on loans or mortgages
two governments.          based on their job and salary.
The last Conservative        These changes might also affect existing
government changed        employees’ motivation. With the economic
it to two years, but it   downturn, I have been dealing with a lot of
was restored to one       people who are feeling very unsettled at work
year by the subsequent    all of the time and would like to have some
labour government.        sort of stability. But they can’t have that if
    One of labour’s       they are fearful that their job has not actually
justifications for        been confirmed, and so that will really affect
changing the tribunal     people’s motivation.
period back to one           Finally, the proposals also mean there’s
year was that a two-      a danger of having employees working for a
year period unfairly      company for as long as 18 months, but never
discriminated against     really psychologically engaging in what they’re
women. When the           doing because they fear they might not be
proposals to turn the     staying in their job. People in this position are
tribunal period back      unlikely to be working at peak performance
to two years from one     because they might not be concentrating
year were announced       properly, and may be distracted by considering
in January, the shadow    their options, for example, looking at the
minister Yvette Cooper    job advertisements.
argued that this would       It all makes for a most unsettling situation,
be the case again –       and managers may find that staff leave anyway.
because women are         If they’re coming up for their two years
more likely than men      and feeling uncertain about whether or not
to be in jobs for less    their job will continue, it is very likely the
than two years.           employee might start looking and find
                          something better.

                                               _ 17
18 _ professional manager _ May /June 2011

                      Innocent’s Karen Callaghan believes
                      great firms find the perfect fusion of order
                      and chaos – while doing the basics, better.
                      Her recipe works, says Ben walker

                      It all seems a bit contrary. Karen Callaghan is standing amid the
                      psychedelic chaos of Innocent’s Fruit Towers HQ, leaning against
                      a forest-green astroturf wall that is pockmarked by cartoon-style
                      daisies – extolling the virtues of simplicity. “Whenever people ask
                                                      me about being innovative, I just say
                                                      we do the simple things, better,” says
                                                      Callaghan, Innocent Drinks’ people
                                                      director. “Simplicity in objectives: if your
                                                      people don’t know what success looks
                                                      like, how can they be successful? And
                                                      simplicity in conversation: we always say
                                                      why wouldn’t we just tell the truth? If it’s
                                 DynaMiC important to people, we will share it! It’s
                                      DesKs very simple.”
                            “We like to mix it up,       Yet simplicity is not the word that
                               so people don’t sit springs to mind when I look around.
                           with their teams and There’s clutter and chaos everywhere:
                           the founders sit with the walls are covered in vividly coloured
                                everyone else. So handwritten notes; someone has hung
                          i sit surrounded by iT up bunting designed in the manner
                      developers. i didn’t know of country-kitchen tea towels; and,
                         the first thing about iT, if you swing your head up, there’s a
                          i still don’t, but i have menagerie of plastic farmyard animals
                       become more interested staring down at you. Contrary maybe,

                        in what they do. Mixing but the contradiction is beneficial,
                      it up makes people more says Callaghan. “My dissertation is on
                            independent in their complexity theory,” she says, referring
                             thinking, given that to the MSc she’s studying towards. “The
                      we don’t necessarily rely theory says that complex systems are at
                          on a teammate sitting their best when they are on the edge of
                                        next to us” chaos. We need process and structure; but

                                                                                 _ 19
also flexibility and space in the system.
A system can go both ways. Too much
process, and it becomes too static and
can’t adapt; too chaotic, and it becomes
inefficient. The Holy Grail is to get the
right amount of process and chaos.”
   Here, they manage just that, every day.
Innocent’s products are loved by their
customers – they have become a British
success story in a time when there have
been too few of them. And they keep

“A system can go
both ways… The
Holy Grail is to get
just the right amount
of both process
and chaos”
creating great new products, never
seeming to run out of ideas for delicious
flavours. Given their achievements as
a firm, I start to think that Callaghan
might be on to something when she
says order and chaos are actually
great bedfellows, opposites that can
be made to complement each other.                           Karen
Certainly, working in such an untamed                       CaLLaghan,
                                               milestones   PeoPLe DireCtor,
environment must stimulate the little                       innoCent DrinKs
grey cells. “It can be an energising
workplace,” she says. “It was never                         2006 
planned. It’s the staff that have filled it                 people director  –
up with all this stuff. That is what’s given                innocent Drinks
it its organic feel. What you hear is just
the hub of conversation; it’s just people                   2002
meeting, doing their work. It certainly                     head of graduate
sounds like it’s on the edge of chaos!”                     recruitment and
                                                            development / diversity
                                                            & inclusion – Standard
Process paradox                                             Chartered Bank
The noise; the crackpot décor; and
Innocent’s cuddly, kindergarten-style                       2000
branding contrive to give people an                         people strategy & hRM
impression of the company that doesn’t                      consultant – Andersen
really hold water – or, indeed, kiwi juice.
“We are very entrepreneurial,  but also                     1997
very process-orientated,” says Callaghan.                   various hRM roles
                                                            – United Biscuits
“That’s often a surprise to people.”
   While Innocent lacks the staid,                          education
clinical feel of many big food and                          MSc, people
drink brands, its values are thoroughly                     & Organisation
businesslike, corporate even. Innocent                      Development (2011),
is not in the business of seeking out the                   University of Sussex
weirdest and most outré people Britain
has to offer. In fact, everyone seems very                  BSc hons, Chemistry,
nice, bright – and normal. “We have to be                   1st class (1997),
                                                            University of leeds
careful that people don’t think it’s about
being mad or wacky or about being an
extrovert,” says Callaghan. “Whether you

20 _ professional manager _ May /June 2011
are a geek, or you want to wear the wacky
T-shirts, then go for it. But I’m more
concerned about people being good at
their jobs – so we sweat the recruitment
process. We try to identify the difference
between good and great candidates,
and say, ‘let’s look for that’.” Callaghan
shows me some software that keeps a
live record of all Innocent employees’
targets and how they are measuring up
against them. “We have 95% compliance
on employees’ objectives,” she says, “and
the 5% we don’t have is probably because
someone forgot to post them up. Lots
of companies say that their internal
processes and their people reflect their
espoused values. But I genuinely believe
that ours do. When recruiting, we ask
whether the people we meet are going
to enrich the culture and strengthen our
values. Is the company going to be better
with them on board?”

Money motive
Innocent strives to be all the things
the public might reasonably associate
with a brand that runs hippyish music
festivals in London parks: it tries to be
environmentally proactive, it advocates
fair trade with its suppliers. But its focus
is the same as every successful business
– commerciality. “Our values are not that
soft, fluffy or ephemeral,” says Callaghan.
“But they capture the things we are, the
things we care about, the things that          self-conscious about it – given most of
make us successful. Not just the things        us here are pretty into health. But I also
we aspire to, which is why, I think, that      drink a lot of Innocent smoothies, as you
they resonate well with the team.”             might expect!”
   The commerciality of the business              There’s no pretense with Callaghan.
was highlighted last year when its             She’s slightly troubled by the
                                               photographer’s assistant preening
                                               her hair – “too bouncy, I don’t really do
“Our values are not                            polished” – and I get the feeling that the
that soft, fluffy or                           whole company is like this: what you see
ephemeral. But they                            is what you get. Another of Innocent’s
                                               brand values is ‘be natural’, and,
capture the things                             incredibly, given that I’m a journalist,
we are… not just the                           everybody I meet is. “Think about
                                               our product,” says Callaghan. “It’s an
things we aspire to”                           unadulterated, natural product.” The
                                               same should go for Innocent’s people,
directors sold a majority stake to Coca        she says: “Be professional – but bring
Cola. The soft-drinks behemoth now             yourself to work! Bring the best version
controls 58% of Innocent, but Callaghan        of yourself. ”
is not worried. In fact, she seems quite          It’s a compelling confection, but can it
keen on the products of the new mother         last? As Innocent gets bigger, so must it
                                                                                             Above: innocent’s
company – and spends some of the               handle change. Not only has Coca-Cola         messageboard
interview sipping a Diet Coke. “I drink        taken over, but the company is leaving        contains vividly
it with pride!” she says. Did she always       its Fruit Towers HQ, tucked away in           coloured
drink it in the office? “Well, when I first    Hammersmith, and moving to the                from guests
joined I might have been a bit more            sparkling Portobello Dock on the other        and customers

22 _ professional manager _ May /June 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011
Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011

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Professional Manager magazine May Issue 2011

  • 1. £4.50 / FREE TO MEMBERS the chartered management institute magazine MAY/JUNE 2011 are you getting enough? Managers’ salaries revealed in our nationwide survey innocent blooms The smoothie empire’s people director Karen Callaghan fuses order and chaos to brilliant effect fire fight Should sacking people really be made easier? club mad How bosses are failing to manage holidays magic circle Why enchanting staff will make them deliver
  • 2. Professional Manager May | June 2011 Chartered Management news & views Institute (CMI) Management House, Cottingham Road, Corby, 05 Briefing Northamptonshire NN17 1TT Top bosses beat recessions with ideas, says CEO Ruth Spellman t 01536 207307 06 Feedback e Your letters and our mystery new columnist 08 agenda Michael Skapinker’s essentials, plus other key management news Chief Executive Ruth Spellman 15 View from Westminster Director of Marketing and John Denham MP says it’s folly to expect business alone to save us Communications Simon Dolph 16 Debate Head of Communications Should firing people be made easier? Mike Petrook CMgr 50 aoB 7 Managers must sell their way out of a slump, says Stefan Stern Editor Ben Walker Art director Scott Bentley features Chief Sub-editor James Debens Editorial Assistant 18 inside innocent Rebecca Kearley People person Karen Callaghan mixes it up at the drinks giant to Account Director Sam Gallagher find the perfect fusion of order and chaos Publishing Director 24 Perform under pressure Ian McAuliffe Helen Loveless says budget cuts can make you rethink – for the better Advertise with us: For all 26 the age of enchantment enquiries, contact Michael Tom Peck attends charm school Coulsey (t 020 8962 30 Pay checked 1261, e michael.coulsey@ Philip Smith brings us the big findings from CMI’s salary survey. or Vicci Rule (t 020 8962 2942, 26 Is your pay keeping you up there with your peers? e cPd Planner Professional Manager 35 PM profile © 2011. Published on BAE Systems’ Alan Robson flies the flag for CMI’s chartered behalf of CMI by Think, management qualification The Pall Mall Deposit, 124-128 36 Masterclass Barlby Road, London W10 6BL What not to do and which questions to ask when interviewing t 020 8962 3020 e professional.manager@ job candidates 38 ask the experts How to motivate your people in turbulent times 41 the personnel touch Member of the Audit Give your staff a break, says Alison Blackhurst – you will soon Bureau of Circulations reap the benefits 86,578 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 36 46 events Boost your contacts book with the latest networking events COvER phOTO ChARliE BEST Printed by Headley Brothers on UPM Star matt, which is certified as coming from well-managed forests. CMI is incorporated by Royal Charter and registered as a charity (No. 1091035). CMI does not necessarily agree with, nor guarantee the accuracy of, statements made by contributors or advertisers or in this issue accept responsibility for any statements which they may express in this publication. ISSN 0969-6695© Tom Peck Philip Smith Stefan Stern The Independent’s The business The award-winning roving reporter writer for The Daily business journalist dons his magic Telegraph dives into says managers hat and learns to the data from CMI’s must brush up their cast a spell p26 salary survey p30 sales technique p50 _ 03
  • 3. get More FroM CMi Ruth Spellman, chief executive, Chartered Management Institute as a cmi member, you have access to a comprehensive HR range of products and marketing services, all designed new recruitment to help you on your path business advertising R&D catering to management success ty uri sec on the WeB With free checklists, e-learning modules, podcasts and an ‘ask benefits internat t the researcher’ service at www. ional en IT projects u re m oc services, the latest thinking is pr just a click away. There are good cuts, on your CV Enhance your professional and there are bad cuts status with a CMI management qualification, not to mention Necessity is the mother of invention. resistance is understandable – study tips when you need That’s why this slump could be the making if the business is profitable, there is little them most. of many companies – and many managers. incentive to launch a time- and energy- While researching my new book, I talked consuming restructure, even if the in your inBox to survivors from past recessions. Not business is not as efficient as it might be. Keeping on top of employment only had some of these people survived But in a slump, there is an incentive. Your law changes and management the recession, but, in many cases, they had business might not survive if you don’t updates has never been easier thrived because of it. The recession had look again at its structure. But, if you do, with our monthly e-newsletter given them an incentive to be innovative, your organisation will be fit for the future. Membership Matters and e-alerts to take a step back from their organisation, The keys to an effective rethink are from partner BusinessHR. reassess, and make sensible adjustments. focus – be clear about your objectives – I emphasise the word ‘sensible’. There and innovation. This issue, we go inside For the journey is a temptation during a slump to treat a company that has been innovative in Make your next management company streamlining as a simple its thinking – although Innocent Drinks move with confidence using mathematical exercise – removing, say, rather modestly says it is simply doing our online continuing professional 15% from every part of one’s business in a the basics better (see page 18). Although development system and career war on cost. The first casualty of that war successful, Innocent has not been immune guidance resources. is likely to be product quality. to the difficult times. But it has handled Better, then, to be discerning about those situations well. This is why the old on your Phone what you cut. Instead of taking a blunt axe idiom still stands: “It ain’t what you do, it’s Want answers on the move? Then and top-slicing 15%, do as my recession the way that you do it.” download our free CMI app (see survivors did and think about which We’ve had recessions before and will page 45) or contact our legal sections and projects of your organisation have them again. There are businesses helpline for up-to-the-minute you’d like to keep, and which you could that come out of those slumps feeling advice from a qualified solicitor. handle losing. If you have 10 projects, stronger. There is a reason for that. better to pick the most important two and We have 10 copies of Ruth’s book, in the CoMMunity do them well, rather than doing all 10 badly Managers & Leaders Who Can: How You Keep the conversation going because you are scrimping on investment. Survive and Succeed in the New Economy both online – through our forums Making these changes, deciding to give away. For the chance to win, send your – or at one of our top regional between good cuts and bad cuts, often name and contacts to PMCompetitions@ networking events (see page 46). requires something that many managers by 30 June. CMI members fear – a restructure. During good times, can purchase the book with a 30% discount not yet a MeMBer? many managers resist restructures, plus free UK p&p. To take advantage of this visit because they can take huge lengths of offer, visit, email customer@ or call 01536 207307 to time, and can cause staff to look inward, or phone 01243 843294 quoting join today. rather than focusing on the customer. This promotion code CMIML. _ 05
  • 4. get in touCh Send your views to professional.manager@ or pM, Think, The pall Mall Deposit, 124-128 Barlby Road, london W10 6Bl. letters may be edited for length and clarity Your chance to comment on management matters Prize Letter universities is low, compared to the time spent on laptops accessing the internet. hang loose Letter During the last 25 years of my career I found your interview with Sara Murray Prize as chairman and managing director of (Professional Manager, March/April) my own company, I encountered several very interesting and a welcome breath of instances that exemplified the statement fresh air.  We so often hear the internet Bob wins a copy of of my mentor, the late Professor Peter sages laud the value of social media Business: The Ultimate Drucker: “Academic attainment is no for business – it was refreshing to hear Resource. it is a one- proof of performance.” someone with Murray’s experience (and stop reference and I am reminded of the quote from the technological understanding) question interactive tool covering Drain Brain Report 1967: “Our relative whether social media is really an integral all aspects of today’s poverty will be overcome only when corporate tool.  world of work. The book we become once more interested in As no Luddite myself, I’m aware of offers practical and the creation of wealth rather than its the benefits to many brands – certainly strategic advice for distribution and consumption.” Things those that have a younger generational anyone doing business have not changed much. customer base – but the prevailing logic today. Written by a team  Albert J Bellworthy, FCMI, FIoD suggests that all businesses need to have of world-class writers an active social media presence to be and editors, it is an two-year trial successful. As the ever-increasing list essential desk reference W Chamberlain’s letter, published last of corporates, celebrities and members for managers, MBA issue, that argues for two-year degrees of the public get their fingers burned and business students makes a good case. As a non-academic by exposing themselves through their and for small business employee at a university, I must declare online “voice”, I applaud anyone who owners worldwide. an interest and that this is my view only. goes against the grain and questions the The scale of the change to achieve a risks and rewards in equal measure. mass of degrees in two years of studying Bob Johnson is daunting – not insurmountable, but hugely challenging. I doubt anyone has Learn to earn the answer yet, but these issues are now With regards to W Chamberlain’s letter exercising some of our best grey matter. in the last issue – I couldn’t agree with Roger Thrush him more. He’s right – universities do have to turn out graduates in a shorter Lunch crunch period than three years. I am 81 and A fall in lunch quality has come about as have four grandchildren. I have paid the purpose of lunches in meetings has the tuition fees for the three who have changed. I remember when lunch in a graduated and am still paying for the meeting was a time to take a break and fourth to complete his degree. The move away from the business matters number of hours that students attend and spend a bit of time socialising. Now latest discussions l how much of a l could london cope l what were you on www.managers. problem are potholes? with a major disaster? expecting from Are Britain’s rocky We’ve seen the the Budget? roads becoming a threat shocking pictures of the Anxious, or cautiously to business? Damage earthquake and tsunami optimistic? please let compensation claims that hit Japan recently. us know what you in london have But the Japanese have think of the Chancellor’s increased by more than been impressive in their big ideas for Britain, 37% over a three-year response. Do you think as well as what you period, according to londoners would be would do if you were the BBC. as measured? in his position. 06 _ professional manager _ May /June 2011
  • 5. letters honesty One of the ways in which Being ManageD is the management tries to build some sort of empathy and Best PoLiCy understanding with the What’s it like to be employees at my workplace managed? in our new is through meetings they call column, our mystery “town halls”. These give Secret Staffer reports from a handful of the 200 the shop floor. This issue: shopworkers some oh-so- management honesty rare face time with the top man, and an opportunity to discuss any concerns they have with him. At my first town hall, three colleagues and I were told by our boss to discuss our concerns with each other and write down any comments. After being led deep into the bowels of the store, we were finally sat in a windowless room. I took the lack of any natural light or secondary escape route as a portent of doom. Our manager’s last words before leaving us in the room were simple: “Be honest.” There was little need for discussion. When you ask a group of university-educated people earning just over the minimum lunch in meetings seems to be provided wage what their concerns about the job are, it’s fairly easy to so that the meeting can continue predict their answer: “I wish we earned more.” uninterrupted and people don’t get We passed our notes to the manager and braced ourselves hungry. If this is the case, then it doesn’t for 10 minutes of weasel words and management doublespeak matter how fancy your sandwiches are. on how we were valued workers and the company paid what John Milburn, CMgr MCMI it could, that there’s a recession on and how even the CEO has taken a pay cut in these tough times. great new look! This was not what we got. As a regular reader of Professional After a deep breath, he said: “Here’s how it works. We used Manager, I wanted to express my positive to pay a starting wage around £9.25 an hour, now it’s, what? thoughts on the new glossy magazine. £6.40? £6.50? I forget.” (For the record, it’s £6.28…) The relaunched title provides the “The recession brought,” he continued, “what is called a motivation we need in these austere ‘market correction’. That means there are lots of people looking times, along with the power of innovative for jobs, and to be frank, we can pay less to get the same talent. thinking and a positive mental attitude! “I would love for us to pay you guys more – I think you’re all The Masterclass, for example, section worth more than we give you. But we run a business, a very on networking enables us to improve successful one, and we operate in a free market. One of the the way we connect with others, reasons we are successful is because we don’t overpay for share thoughts and build business Below: products or staff. And, as such, we don’t pay you more than we relationships. Interestingly, though, I Simon Cowell need to.” hadn’t come across the animal terms to tells it like it is This blast of truth was actually taken pretty well. It was a test describe the kind of networker I might for him: he told us to be honest, we were, and he lived up to his be, and I am not sure whether I straddle side of the bargain and earned some respect from his staff for one or more category?  Perhaps the telling it like it is. term “Labrador” describes me because And when it really comes down to it, would I actually trade I am naturally sociable and friendly and respecting my boss and working for a company that talks to me the term “Limpet” because, yes, when like an adult for an extra few pence an hour? phOTO REx FEATURES / AlAMY I locate a friendly face and strike up Well, we’ve all got bills to pay… a conversation, I tend to remain with Yours, that person rather than work the room. So, now I will move towards “Cat” to express my clear-cut goals and hone my networking skills!  Well done, CMI, I look forward to the next good read. Viv Leach, Business adviser and motivational coach The Secret Staffer _ 07
  • 6. For the latest management news and views, visit Insights from across the world of management management minutes Financial Times associate editor and management specialist michael skapinker lists his regular round-up of the top 10 news items for managers this spring 1 Companies should take on more apprentices 3 sickness absence to be reviewed The government should pay The government has companies to take on more ordered a review of the apprentices and interns, as workplace sickness part of a drive to raise the absence system. ill quality of skills and training, health is said to cost the according to a report into vocational education by country £100 billion per Professor Alison Wolf. Her year. The review, which report said many of the will be chaired by David vocational courses currently Frost, director general taught to teenagers in schools of the British Chambers and colleges had little value in of Commerce and Dame the workplace. Carol Black, National Director for health and Work, will look into 2 Demand to lift female board representation A report from former trade how more people can be encouraged to stay in employment. minister Lord Davies recommended that FTSE 100 companies aim to ensure that at least a quarter of their board members are women by 2015. 4 Middle East revolts posing ethical dilemmas 5 All change for public sector pensions... Lord Hutton recommended, be switched into defined contribution pension schemes, as has happened in Lord Davies said this was UK With countries in the in a government- much of the private sector. companies’ “last chance”. If no Middle East rocked by commissioned report, that Company final salary pension progress is observed, statutory revolt, managers have found public-sector-defined benefit schemes now closed to further quotas will be brought in. themselves caught between schemes be based on a career accrual from both existing and illUSTRATiON qUiNTON WiNTER phOTO CORBiS Companies seem to their contractual obligations to average rather than final new members have risen to have got the governments’ and protesters’ salary. He also recommended 17% of all schemes. message, demands. Vodafone defended that the retirement age for however: itself after it acceded to an all public sector workers be according to headhunters Egon Zehnder Egyptian government demand to shut down the mobile phone network and then raised to 65 and then rise in line with increases in the state pension age. Unions have 7 European Court bans annuity sex discrimination International, more sent out propaganda threatened action. Continuing the equality than a third of FTSE 100 messages from the now- theme, the European Court executive board posts ousted regime. Vodafone of Justice ruled that pension had gone to women in the first few weeks of 2011, compared with said it was legally obliged to act as it did and had to put its local employees’ 6 ...but final salary schemes face demise Lord Hutton did not, however, providers can no longer grant men better retirement annuity rates than women. just under 15% last year. welfare first. suggest that civil servants Men had long received 08 _ professional manager _ May /June 2011
  • 7. News bigger pension payouts on nine to FiVe the grounds that they did not live as long. The pensions asiF VaLi and insurance industry said Business manager the difference was based on of British boxing star sound actuarial principles, Amir Khan and owner but the court ruled that this of multiple childcare differential contravened 49% of HR and transport European Union equal- business leaders businesses, the rights provisions. say their firms demands on vali are held back by could easily be 24/7. a lack of fresh Determination and 8 Public sector pay- cap idea capped Another Hutton-authored talent. Bersin & Associates’ discipline help him keep control government review into fair Q1 2011 0500 My son is up, and are turned down. As soon as pay in the public sector, this TalentWatch® my first meeting of the day he’s back, we fit in as many one by Will Hutton, dropped survey also is always with him. Before activities as we can. the idea of capping the pay unearthed that I leave the house, we do our of top civil servants at 20 nearly half of all morning prayers. 1200 Lunch is whatever my times the salary of the lowest organisations secretary has left-over, and paid employees. Mr Hutton say they find it 0700 I’ve checked in with always at my desk. recommended that public hard to fill key my transport business, sector organisations publish roles – up from which will have 40 people 1400 If Amir is abroad, their top-to-bottom employee 35% last year. on the road. Next, I check I check in to make sure he pay ratios and that senior in with my childcare has everything he needs. executives’ salaries be more businesses – I employ performance-related. about 70 people – to make 1600 A meeting at Gloves sure everything is all right. Community Centre (set up by Amir) to make sure the 9 Call on companies to mentor students Science-based companies 0800 At the office, the first call of the day is to the lawyer, to catch up kids have what they need and the volunteers are in place. This is where I get could improve the job and life on anything that has my rewards; knowing that prospects of students from happened with Amir: you charge a kid only £1 for poorer families by arranging contracts, sparring, venues, them to train in one of the workplace experience for promotions and so on. best facilities. them and by mentoring them 47% of at school, according to a UK-based 1100 Answering emails. 2130 Time to wrap things report from the Organisation international I get about 200 a day up. The Americans are for Economic Co-operation companies and 70% are related to online and they’ll keep and Development. The manage Amir – media, charity and you up until 3am if you are report also found that poorer succession appearance requests. While not careful. By 10pm, I say students who succeeded in planning he is in training, all of those “that’s enough!” science tended to have a more globally, positive attitude to science- compared based careers. to 69% of the BottoM Line ShORT, ShARp organisations AND SMART SECRETS TO SUCCESS based in 10 Visa system accused of hampering business Western Europe or North “Challenge and question everything. the highest- America. This is performing teams are those that Companies claim that the visa system for foreign the conclusion recognise that if they do things of Personnel in the way they’ve always done visitors to the UK is severely them, they will get what they’ve damaging their businesses. Today and international always got, and are curious The companies, led by about finding a quicker, more luxury retailers, say that visa HR software effective way of doing things.” restrictions mean that non- company Jeff Grout, motivational speaker European Union business Cezanne, and author of Mind Games: and leisure visitors are which recently Inspirational Lessons from the increasingly choosing to go to polled 200 World’s Biggest Sports Stars continental Europe instead. professionals. _ 09
  • 8. Last call for trustees meetings in London and the Wright stuff Don’t miss your chance, an annual strategy day. John Briscoe Wright CBE, as a CMI member, to join You’ll also act as a CMI CCMI and immediate past inBrieF our Board of Trustees and ambassador at events. national chairman of the help shape the strategy For detailed criteria and Federation of Small of the CMI. Apply by 31 a nomination form, go to Businesses, has been May if you are interested appointed to the Prime in one of the two Board elections or contact Valerie Minister’s Business vacancies. If elected, you’ll Hamill (t 020 7421 2707, Advisory Group. The group serve for three years from e Valerie.hamill@managers. meets the Prime Minister October, attending quarterly and Business Secretary on risks must rise as business priority Cyber security threats are posing a serious risk to the majority of UK businesses, says a Cmi report. The report, Managing Threats in a Dangerous World, examines how prepared organisations were for the unexpected over the past year, reinforcing the value of proactive planning. nearly two-thirds (62%) of managers report that cyber-security threats are increasingly posing a risk to their business and 32% of UK organisations have come under attack in the past 12 months. The weather also caused problems: heavy snow affected 92% of Be prepared for emergencies by companies; while the volcanic ash cloud constant planning had an impact upon 53%. The findings also show that the recent media focus on high-profile business Future PerFeCt: continuity failures has had a big impact hoW to Be reaDy For on the UK’s business planning, with virtually anything 15% of managers feeling that Deepwater 1. Put together a team of specialists Horizon had strengthened the case for from across your business to identify business continuity management, and critical business processes that would prevent or diminish its ability 14% believing Wikileaks had caused their to operate and plan for them. organisation to review security options. 2. Integrate business continuity However, despite 82% of those planning into the wider management surveyed reporting that their senior strategy – understanding threats management views business continuity and putting processes in place to management as important or very mitigate them can give businesses 32% of UK organisations have come under a important, just 58% say they have plans a competitive advantage. cyber-attack in the past 12 months, with 12% of in place to cater for the unexpected. 3. Test your crisis plans regularly companies losing confidential information. nonetheless, the report shows clear to ensure that they are comprehensive and robust – a quarter of organisations advantages for organisations that have with crisis plans have never tested crisis plans in place. of those who had them, running the risk that the to activate plans, 84% agreed it reduced plans don’t work when they are disruption and 77% stated that the costs most needed. are offset by the business benefits. 4. Ensure that coordinating a media ruth spellman, chief executive of response is part of all plans – 61% Cmi, says: “every time an unexpected of managers believe that reputation event interrupts the operations of a damage is now a more significant business, charity or public body in this threat to their business than financial loss. country, UK plc suffers – yet with good 5. Ensure your key suppliers also have management, this could be avoided.” crisis plans in place – just 5% To download the report or get free of organisations check whether their 84% of those who had to activate crisis plans advice on crisis planning, visit supply chain will be able to survive said they reduced disruption. 77% said the cost a major disruption. of the plans is offset by the benefits they bring. 10 _ professional manager _ May /June 2011
  • 9. Agenda a quarterly basis to advise President to be awarded past 25 years and recognises explore your social side them on issues of concern Chartered Manager status. those who have excelled Is a social media strategy to UK business. For updates, Read more at www. in areas such as guiding on your agenda? Discover visit strategic direction and the business benefits and uk/professionalmanager developing organisational pitfalls associated with going for gold culture. Nomination forms are this new media – and Leading by example Nominations for CMI’s available from matt.beavan@ how to manage it Terry Morgan, chairman prestigious Gold Medal and the effectively – in CMI’s of Crossrail and president award are now open. The winner will be announced at new practice guide. Visit of CMI, has made history medal has been awarded to the CMI National Conference by becoming the first CMI inspirational leaders for the in October. social-media-guide in memoriam uK business loses an inspirational educator John Constable, director general of Cmi (then the British institute of management) in the 1980s, has died. in the heaDLines John’s name was synonymous with management education, HOW CMI HAS MADE best practice and business strategy. With roger mcCormick, AN IMPRESSION ON he created a report that has led management and business CMi engages THE PRESS RECENTLY thinking for more than a generation. The Making of British PriMe sky news carried Managers saw that good management and quality leadership Minister a report of cmi’s affect economic performance, but found that UK management “Tomorrow’s Leaders” fell short on training and development. Cmi’s Ceo ruth spellman survey, which flagged Using the skills and knowledge he had developed working is part of a new independent up managers’ concerns for the likes of Cranfield school of management and imeDe employer-led taskforce about the readiness of Business school in switzerland, he also led a review of the backed by the prime minister young people for work. provision of management education, undertaken with the CBi. – and set up to improve levels [Sky News Online, During his tenure at Cmi, there was increased activity of employee engagement. 4 March 2011] between membership Branches and local schools. We will soon launched at a round-table launch an initiative aimed at 14- to 21-year-olds. it is inspired by in march with David Cameron the Press association John’s work and ensures that his legacy will live on. and employment relations carried comment minister edward Davey, from Ruth Spellman the taskforce is a chance for on the importance of PresiDent’s Dinner leading professionals from the cooperation between public and private sectors to schools and employers CMI Fellows, Companions and discuss ways to help stimulate to develop leadership Ambassadors are to debate key employee engagement and skills, in support of the management issues and socialise over support those organisations launch of Campus CMI a three-course dinner with our new looking to implement in March. [3 March 2011] president, Terry Morgan CBE CCMI. engagement practices. The event takes place at the Corinthian The group is set to build The Sunday Times Club, Glasgow, on 1 June. It begins at on the report ‘engaging for highlighted CMI’s 6.30pm with a drinks reception. It follows success’, written by taskforce sponsorship of the the President’s Dinner at the Honourable Artillery Company chair David macleod and Best for Training in London, which Terry hosted with CMI chief executive Ruth deputy chair nita Clarke for and Development Spellman in February. At the dinner, Charlie Mayfield, John Lewis the Department for Business, category in the chairman, who chairs the UK Commission for Employment and innovation and skills in newspaper’s 100 Best Skills, showed how best-practice management helps companies 2009. The report looked Places to Work list. The thrive, while 80 guests welcomed Terry to the presidency. For at issues such as barriers training award winner photos, visit Tickets to the wider adoption of was charity Llamau. for 1 June (£65) are selling fast. Email engagement, how to harness uk For more info, visit engagement for innovation and how to maintain morale ManageMent sPeaK through difficult times. By collaborating with academics, practitioners and think tanks, Crisitunity 1. n.The point at 2. attrib. An episode of The Simpsons, the taskforce aims to tackle which a crisis provides a unique in which Lisa mistakenly informs her these issues, offer practical window of opportunity. The term father Homer that the Chinese words guidance, share examples of gained has currency during the for ‘crisis’ and ‘opportunity’ are good practice and generate economic slump. the same. debate via a new website. _ 11
  • 10. Agenda PoLiCy WatCh George Osborne’s so-called Budget for Growth made some attempt to fix the UK’s economic problems. But firms are still gloomy – and the Government must work harder, says CMI policy and research director louise Brooker-carey chancellor must revive optimism ollowing weak GDP Outlook” survey went live in the 10 managers felt that the Budget f figures at the end of 2010, much of the wake of the Budget. A look at the interim results highlights some would improve their organisation’s prospects for the year ahead. policy debate in the first serious challenges. Around half reported that it had half of 2011 has been about how First, around 80% of managers made things worse. the Government can best promote still feel that the economy However, Osborne’s economic growth. Chancellor is negatively affecting their commitment to create a more George Osborne set out his organisation. Fewer than one in skilled workforce is welcome. The approach in March with the Budget 10 felt conditions were having chancellor announced support for and a new Plan for Growth. a positive impact (with the 50,000 apprenticeship places, and While the need for growth is remainder neutral). We might a doubling in the number of the agreed on across the political expect public sector managers new University Technical Colleges. spectrum, fundamental differences to be feeling the effects of the The colleges are being supported exist about how best to achieve it. Government’s austerity measures. by CMI – we are leading a working For many, particularly on the right, What is surprising is that a greater group of professional bodies the key is to reduce the “burden” number of private sector managers on behalf of the Baker Dearing imposed by Government on report negative effects than they Educational Trust, the body business in the form of regulations did six months ago. Worse still, establishing UTCs. and taxes. But many on the centre private sector managers are less CMI welcomes the aim and centre-left have challenged optimistic about their prospects of creating a more educated the focus on deregulation and for the next six months: for the workforce and Osborne was called for a more active role for first time since 2009, those with a right to draw attention to the gap Government. This month’s View pessimistic outlook outweigh those between the UK and international from Westminster article (see page with an optimistic outlook. skills levels. But his aim must 15) sets out some Labour criticisms So, did the Budget mitigate be backed up with a long-term of the Government’s strategy. this misery? Responses to a new programme that improves But what do CMI members think question looking specifically at skills. Achieving that will be a about the prospects for growth? the impact of the Budget are not challenge for all policy-makers and Our twice-yearly “Economic encouraging. Fewer than one in politicians in the coming years. The Code of Ethics gives CMI members a abide by professional guidelines at work, touchstone for good practice and sends demonstrating that codes of practice a clear message to your peers and your help company leaders set an example CoDe oF organisation that you meet the highest for others. Sadly, the same survey ConDuCt standards of accountability and integrity. showed that 36% are not governed by an The Code has been reviewed by the employer’s or professional body’s code Professional Standards Committee (PSC) and, of those that are, nearly 25% have and is now reissued. The revised Code never read their relevant code. CoDe reaD? illUSTRATiON qUiNTON WiNTER retains the spirit of the former Code, but By distributing our revised Code to our CMi’s code of ethics for has been made more concise. It uses more members, CMI is providing a clear and members revised accessible language and focuses on the robust standard that provides you with important place of integrity and trust and real value in your career. A copy of the the role of responsible leadership. revised CMI Code is included with this In a recent CMI survey of 1,000 issue for your reference. non-member employees, nearly 60% If you want to feed back on the Code, or of those surveyed would think better are interested in the work of the PSC, email of a manager if they made an effort to _ 13
  • 11. view from Westminster Businesses Cannot groW it aLone if the private sector is to rejuvenate the economy, it needs vision from Government, not news of rising unemployment and a decreased number of adult learners. Does the Government have its priorities right? John denham isn’t convinced n the weeks leading up to of the challenge facing work experience will be i the Budget and the Growth Strategy, the message from our economy and the close link between state a very small proportion of young claimants and the Government was clear: spending and private- that the scheme is about this will be a pro-growth plan, designed sector growth. Chaos in building their CV rather with not just this economic cycle in view. planning policy, cuts to than guaranteeing a It will look to the medium- to long- term science and technology permanent job. vision setting out how Britain could pay investment and damaging Nor do 50,000 new its way in the future. changes to energy policy apprenticeship starts per But was this achieved? Although some have all undermined year replace the 500,000 measures in the Growth Strategy were business confidence, training places lost sensible – such as building on Labour’s and the slowdown in name John Denham through the scrapping record for improving access for SMEs manufacturing growth Party labour of Train to Gain, which seat Southampton itchen to public sector procurement – it lacked in March due to weak first elected 1992 equipped employees the long-term vision and systemic consumer spending current majority 192 with the skills businesses approach that we need for growth. The showed that even former ministerial roles need to expand and Government is cutting the deficit too far improving sectors are Secretary of state for remain competitive. innovation, universities and too fast, resulting in slower growth, fragile. The Growth and skills (2007-09) and The Government has rising unemployment and increased Strategy fails to address communities and local said that total adult public borrowing. We know that growth the prevalent economic government (2009-10); learners will decrease by cannot be achieved through diktats uncertainty experienced minister of state for health 529,000 by 2013, taking (1999-2001) and home by managers, and office (2001-03) more of the skills needed the Office for Budget Political compass for growth out of the “The Government Responsibility has Centre-left employment market. is cutting the deficit predicted that they will have to operate in a Voting reCorD The resilience of the British people has too far and too fast, greater schools autonomy post-budget environment Moderately against never failed to bring our resulting in slower with a reduced growth transparent parliament Moderately for country through tough forecast, increased economic times. But growth and rising unemployment and eu integration very strongly for this resilience needs to unemployment” a further corporation be met by action from a tax cut that will government that takes a have ‘minimal effect’ on growth. systemic, long-term approach to growth from Whitehall. Jobs must come from Developing the skills of our workforce that ensures nobody is left behind. We the private sector. But government is vital for securing long-term growth. haven’t seen it during the first wasted policy plays a crucial role in creating the But the 40,000-place expansion of two- year; let’s not make it two. environment for private-sector growth. month work-experience placements will Its wasted year could very easily become not improve young people’s employment John Denham MP is shadow secretary of a wasted two years. prospects in the same way that six state for business, innovation and skills The disappointing, but not entirely months of real work would, as proposed and is leading Labour’s business and unsurprising, Q4 2010 contraction by our party’s call for a £600m Youth enterprise policy review, ‘How Britain sounded an alarm for managers in all Jobs Fund. The Government itself has can lead the world in enterprise and skills sectors, highlighting both the sheer scale already said that the target group for and ensure no region is left behind’. _ 15
  • 12. Should I was practising as a solicitor before the last yes government changed sacking the previous unfair dismissal period from natasha Jones two years to one; it is Solicitor and my understanding that be made head of Cheshire claims have increased Employment law year-on-year ever since. My experience as an employment easier? lawyer is that most employees know their rights – better than employers know employment legislation – and will avidly litigate. Staffers will have to work for two A fear of claims can act as a deterrent to businesses taking on new employees. I meet many years before being able to file an entrepreneurs who tell me light-heartedly that it unfair dismissal claim, under new is unlikely that I will get any work from them as an employment lawyer – they’re not taking on any government plans. Ben willis asks employees, mainly because of the red tape. whether extending the length of I believe the current rules hinder the ability mandatory service from 12 to 24 of companies to grow which, coupled with the increased unemployment throughout the months makes sense economic downturn, is very relevant. Last year the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills stated that at the start of 2009 there were an estimated 4.8 million private enterprises in the UK. Almost all of these – 99.3% – were SMEs of up to 49 employees. The survey estimated employment in SMEs had fallen by 102,000 to 13.6 million people at the start of 2009. I believe that 12 months is a short space of time in the context of induction and training of a new employee and so employers are reluctant to take people on for fear of being sued. As soon as an employee completes 12 months’ continuous employment, it becomes more difficult to dismiss them, so they simply don’t take the risk – or Join the dismiss them before the 12 months is up to avoid deBate any claim. If it went back to two years, then the entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses have got two years to employ staff before fear of being sued and therefore stand a better chance of Concerned growing into healthy companies. about the new Employees who have 12 months’ continuous government employment can bring an unfair dismissal claim plans over at no cost to themselves. The employer then has unfair dismissal to spend time defending the claim or money on claims? Email getting a lawyer to defend the claim. If you’ve got professional. to wait twice as long to bring a claim, that could manager@ lead one to think there will be half the amount of phOTO CORBiS claims. It won’t be as simple as that, obviously, uk or visit www. but if you have to be employed for another year, then all of those employees out in the first 12 blog to have months would not be able to issue a claim. your say. 16_ professional manager _ May / June 2011
  • 13. Debate CoaLition I’m not vehemently CLaMPDoWn opposed to these no proposals; I just don’t Earlier this year, think they’ll make business secretary much of a difference. vince Cable outlined karen mannering If a manager wants to plans to double the Company owner and get rid of a member amount of time an author of Managing of staff, there are lots employee must hold Difficult People of ways of doing that his or her job before such as reorganising being able to claim the company and for unfair dismissal making them if sacked, from one redundant – whether year to two. The the unfair dismissal Government said period is one year or the tribunal system two is irrelevant. was “costly and Judging by attitudes time-consuming” for I have come across struggling businesses, during management courses I run, managers just revealing that the don’t want to deal with staff performance issues. number of tribunal However, these proposals will give weak claims rose by 56% managers an excuse to keep people on for a bit between 2009 and longer and then get rid of them after two years. 2010 to a record Rather than dealing with performance issues 236,000 claims. straight away, they’ll be able to delay. I would The pendulum argue that this delay makes it even more difficult on the employment for the manager, however, because by the time tribunal qualifying two years are up the employee will not only be period has swung well established within the company, but their between one and two personal life might also be more affected as the years under the last employee may have taken on loans or mortgages two governments. based on their job and salary. The last Conservative These changes might also affect existing government changed employees’ motivation. With the economic it to two years, but it downturn, I have been dealing with a lot of was restored to one people who are feeling very unsettled at work year by the subsequent all of the time and would like to have some labour government. sort of stability. But they can’t have that if One of labour’s they are fearful that their job has not actually justifications for been confirmed, and so that will really affect changing the tribunal people’s motivation. period back to one Finally, the proposals also mean there’s year was that a two- a danger of having employees working for a year period unfairly company for as long as 18 months, but never discriminated against really psychologically engaging in what they’re women. When the doing because they fear they might not be proposals to turn the staying in their job. People in this position are tribunal period back unlikely to be working at peak performance to two years from one because they might not be concentrating year were announced properly, and may be distracted by considering in January, the shadow their options, for example, looking at the minister Yvette Cooper job advertisements. argued that this would It all makes for a most unsettling situation, be the case again – and managers may find that staff leave anyway. because women are If they’re coming up for their two years more likely than men and feeling uncertain about whether or not to be in jobs for less their job will continue, it is very likely the than two years. employee might start looking and find something better. _ 17
  • 14. 18 _ professional manager _ May /June 2011
  • 15. interview Simple pleasures Innocent’s Karen Callaghan believes great firms find the perfect fusion of order and chaos – while doing the basics, better. Her recipe works, says Ben walker It all seems a bit contrary. Karen Callaghan is standing amid the psychedelic chaos of Innocent’s Fruit Towers HQ, leaning against a forest-green astroturf wall that is pockmarked by cartoon-style daisies – extolling the virtues of simplicity. “Whenever people ask me about being innovative, I just say we do the simple things, better,” says Callaghan, Innocent Drinks’ people director. “Simplicity in objectives: if your people don’t know what success looks like, how can they be successful? And simplicity in conversation: we always say why wouldn’t we just tell the truth? If it’s DynaMiC important to people, we will share it! It’s DesKs very simple.” “We like to mix it up, Yet simplicity is not the word that so people don’t sit springs to mind when I look around. with their teams and There’s clutter and chaos everywhere: the founders sit with the walls are covered in vividly coloured everyone else. So handwritten notes; someone has hung i sit surrounded by iT up bunting designed in the manner developers. i didn’t know of country-kitchen tea towels; and, the first thing about iT, if you swing your head up, there’s a i still don’t, but i have menagerie of plastic farmyard animals become more interested staring down at you. Contrary maybe, phOTO ChARliE BEST in what they do. Mixing but the contradiction is beneficial, it up makes people more says Callaghan. “My dissertation is on independent in their complexity theory,” she says, referring thinking, given that to the MSc she’s studying towards. “The we don’t necessarily rely theory says that complex systems are at on a teammate sitting their best when they are on the edge of next to us” chaos. We need process and structure; but _ 19
  • 16. also flexibility and space in the system. A system can go both ways. Too much process, and it becomes too static and can’t adapt; too chaotic, and it becomes inefficient. The Holy Grail is to get the right amount of process and chaos.” Here, they manage just that, every day. Innocent’s products are loved by their customers – they have become a British success story in a time when there have been too few of them. And they keep “A system can go both ways… The Holy Grail is to get just the right amount of both process and chaos” creating great new products, never seeming to run out of ideas for delicious flavours. Given their achievements as a firm, I start to think that Callaghan might be on to something when she says order and chaos are actually great bedfellows, opposites that can be made to complement each other. Karen Certainly, working in such an untamed CaLLaghan, milestones PeoPLe DireCtor, environment must stimulate the little innoCent DrinKs grey cells. “It can be an energising workplace,” she says. “It was never 2006  planned. It’s the staff that have filled it people director  – up with all this stuff. That is what’s given innocent Drinks it its organic feel. What you hear is just the hub of conversation; it’s just people 2002 meeting, doing their work. It certainly head of graduate sounds like it’s on the edge of chaos!” recruitment and development / diversity & inclusion – Standard Process paradox Chartered Bank The noise; the crackpot décor; and Innocent’s cuddly, kindergarten-style 2000 branding contrive to give people an people strategy & hRM impression of the company that doesn’t consultant – Andersen really hold water – or, indeed, kiwi juice. “We are very entrepreneurial,  but also 1997 very process-orientated,” says Callaghan. various hRM roles – United Biscuits “That’s often a surprise to people.” While Innocent lacks the staid, education clinical feel of many big food and MSc, people drink brands, its values are thoroughly & Organisation businesslike, corporate even. Innocent Development (2011), is not in the business of seeking out the University of Sussex weirdest and most outré people Britain has to offer. In fact, everyone seems very BSc hons, Chemistry, nice, bright – and normal. “We have to be 1st class (1997), University of leeds careful that people don’t think it’s about being mad or wacky or about being an extrovert,” says Callaghan. “Whether you 20 _ professional manager _ May /June 2011
  • 18. are a geek, or you want to wear the wacky T-shirts, then go for it. But I’m more concerned about people being good at their jobs – so we sweat the recruitment process. We try to identify the difference between good and great candidates, and say, ‘let’s look for that’.” Callaghan shows me some software that keeps a live record of all Innocent employees’ targets and how they are measuring up against them. “We have 95% compliance on employees’ objectives,” she says, “and the 5% we don’t have is probably because someone forgot to post them up. Lots of companies say that their internal processes and their people reflect their espoused values. But I genuinely believe that ours do. When recruiting, we ask whether the people we meet are going to enrich the culture and strengthen our values. Is the company going to be better with them on board?” Money motive Innocent strives to be all the things the public might reasonably associate with a brand that runs hippyish music festivals in London parks: it tries to be environmentally proactive, it advocates fair trade with its suppliers. But its focus is the same as every successful business – commerciality. “Our values are not that soft, fluffy or ephemeral,” says Callaghan. “But they capture the things we are, the things we care about, the things that self-conscious about it – given most of make us successful. Not just the things us here are pretty into health. But I also we aspire to, which is why, I think, that drink a lot of Innocent smoothies, as you they resonate well with the team.” might expect!” The commerciality of the business There’s no pretense with Callaghan. was highlighted last year when its She’s slightly troubled by the photographer’s assistant preening her hair – “too bouncy, I don’t really do “Our values are not polished” – and I get the feeling that the that soft, fluffy or whole company is like this: what you see ephemeral. But they is what you get. Another of Innocent’s brand values is ‘be natural’, and, capture the things incredibly, given that I’m a journalist, we are… not just the everybody I meet is. “Think about our product,” says Callaghan. “It’s an things we aspire to” unadulterated, natural product.” The same should go for Innocent’s people, directors sold a majority stake to Coca she says: “Be professional – but bring Cola. The soft-drinks behemoth now yourself to work! Bring the best version controls 58% of Innocent, but Callaghan of yourself. ” is not worried. In fact, she seems quite It’s a compelling confection, but can it keen on the products of the new mother last? As Innocent gets bigger, so must it Above: innocent’s company – and spends some of the handle change. Not only has Coca-Cola messageboard interview sipping a Diet Coke. “I drink taken over, but the company is leaving contains vividly it with pride!” she says. Did she always its Fruit Towers HQ, tucked away in coloured well-wishes drink it in the office? “Well, when I first Hammersmith, and moving to the from guests joined I might have been a bit more sparkling Portobello Dock on the other and customers 22 _ professional manager _ May /June 2011