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the chartered management institute magazine            WInTER 2011/12

         Olympics building
         boss Dennis Hone
         on how he saved the
         public a fortune

         ARTS OF
         Discover your literary
         leadership muse

         cONFlIcT clASh
         Is it ever right to fight?

         BRAIN DRAIN
         Why the best talent still
         slides south
Professional Manager Winter 2011/12
                            Chartered Management                                            news & views
                            Institute (CMI)
                            Management House,
                            Cottingham Road, Corby,
                                                                                           07 Briefing
                            Northamptonshire NN17 1TT                                           Even Steve Jobs knew that great managers are made not born,
                            t 01536 207307                                                      says Simon Dolph
                            e                                   08 Feedback
                                                                   Your letters and why being punctual won the Secret Staffer praise
                                                                                           12   Agenda
                            Acting Chief Executive                                              Michael Skapinker’s essentials plus CMI conference and news
                            Chris Kinsella                                                 19   View from Westminster
                            Director of Marketing and                                           Baroness Prosser on looking after your workforce in a slump
                            Communications Simon Dolph                                     20 Debate
                                                                                                Is it ever right to fight?
                            Editor Ben Walker
                            Senior Sub-editor Gemma Green
                                                                                     08    50 AOB
                                                                                                Simon Caulkin on the golden rules of innovation
                            Editorial Assistant
                            Rebecca Kearley                                                 features
                            Account Director Sam Gallagher
                            Publishing Director Ian McAuliffe
                                                                                           24 McAndrew meets… Dennis Hone
                            Advertise with us: For all
                                                                                                ITN’s special correspondent discovers how the man charged with
                            enquiries, contact Michael                                          building the Olympics saved the public nearly a billion pounds
                            Coulsey (t 020 8962                                            28 Leadership, by the book
                            1261, e michael.coulsey@                                            Meet the motivators: Shakespeare, Machiavelli and Sun Tzu. Iain
                   or                                           Hollingshead examines the management style of literary greats
                            Vicci Rule (t 020 8962 2942,                                   32 Mind spaces
                            e                                 New office designs are changing the workplace, says Leon Walker
                                                                                           34 Brains sink south
                            Professional Manager
                            © 2011. Published on
                                                                                     24         The new Enterprise Zones aren’t powerful enough to stem the
                                                                                                endless slide of talent to London, writes Dave Fawbert
                            behalf of CMI by Think,
                            The Pall Mall Deposit,                                          cPd Planner
                            124-128 Barlby Road,
                            London W10 6BL                                                 39 PM profile
                            t 020 8962 3020
                                                                                                Chartered Manager of the Year Colonel Neale Moss OBE
                            e professional.manager@
                                                                                           40 Masterclass
                                                                                                Caitlin Mackesy Davies leads you on a voyage of discovery
                                                                                           42 Fleeting thoughts
                                                                                                New motoring columnist Peter Rodger on beating
                                                                                                the snow trap
                            Member of the Audit Bureau                                     43 The personnel touch
                                   of Circulations 80,948                                       Alison Blackhurst on how to stop the Christmas party
                                   1 July 2010 to                                               turning sour
                                   30 June 2011                                      40    44 Reviews and events
                                                                                                Books rated – and our events diary to keep you in the know

                            Printed on UPM Star matt.
                            Produced at a factory that
                            holds ISO14001, environmental
                            management certificate.

                            CMI is incorporated by Royal Charter
                            and registered as a charity (No. 1091035).
                            CMI does not necessarily agree with, nor
                            guarantee the accuracy of, statements

                            made by contributors or advertisers or
                            accept responsibility for any statements
                            which they may express in this
                            publication. ISSN 0969-6695©                                  Daisy McAndrew            Iain Hollingshead      Peter Rodger
                                                                                          ITN’s special             Novelist and Daily     Motoring expert
                                                                                          correspondent             Telegraph journalist   Peter Rodger
                                                                                          talks to Olympics         takes a satirical      rolls into the
                                                                                          chief Dennis              look at leaders        Professional
                                                                                          Hone p24                  from the arts p28      Manager team p42

                                                                                                                            _ 03

Simon Dolph, director of marketing and communications, CMI
                                                                                            as a cmi member, you have
                                                                                            access to a comprehensive
                                                                                            range of products and
                                                                                            services, all designed
                                                                                            to help you on your path
    Can Apple replace                                                                       to management success
          Steve Jobs?                                                                             On THe WeB
        It seems Jobs                                                                       With free checklists, e-learning
                                                                                            modules, podcasts and an
    himself thought so                                                                      “ask the researcher” service
As readers of editor Ben Walker’s Steve                                                     managementresources, the latest
Jobs obituary on the new Professional                                                       thinking is just a click away.
Manager website will discover, there
were many facets of Jobs’ personality                                                            On yOuR CV
one would not wish to replicate. Yet the                                                    enhance your professional
great innovator certainly had something                                                     status with a CMI management
going for him. What he did well was           a vital grounding at the less-glamorous       qualification, not to mention study
to inspire: his natural charisma and          Formula Renault, which he followed with       tips when you need them the most.
remarkable imagination almost made            stints in Formulas 3 and 2. “The seeds
up for his failings in his interaction        of his current success were sown during            in yOuR inBOx
with subordinates. However, reports           that early career,” says Red Bull Racing.     Keeping on top of employment
after his tragic death revealed that far         Training is the key to everything,         law changes and management
from seeing himself as a one-off, Jobs        especially to magic intangibles such          updates has never been easier
had charged Apple’s internal university       as inspirational leadership. That’s why       with our monthly e-newsletter
with developing the next generation of        CMI provides courses, resources and           Membership Matters and e-alerts
inspirational innovators, to ensure the       ideas for creating the next generation of     from our partners at BusinessHR.
IT giant would continue to sparkle in         stellar managers. What will not work is
his wake. Perhaps this unpolished             leaving company futures to chance by               FOR THe jOuRney
maverick knew something about                 promoting juniors without the relevant        Make your next management
management after all?                         training into management roles, and           move with confidence using
   By 2017, the UK will need a net 2.2        expecting them to be natural leaders of       our online continuing professional
million new managers. However, there is       people when they get there. They may          development system and career
more to this mind-boggling equation than      be able to muddle through, they may           guidance resources.
the daunting question of how we find          be effective at day-to-day processes.
enough brains to fill those berths. The       But inspired – and inspiring – they will           On yOuR PHOne
sum is a psychological puzzle as much         not be. Those who cannot lead people,         Want answers on the move?
as a mathematical one. We need those          cannot change processes. Without              Then download our free CMI app
brains to want to manage; to want to lead.    change at the right times, UK                 (
   Inspirational managers are made, not       businesses will wither.                       or contact our legal helpline for
born. The very best may be genetically           Apple’s shares fell on the news of         up-to-the-minute advice from a
predisposed to greatness, but you still       Steve Jobs’ death, as traders feared the      qualified solicitor.
have to polish a diamond. Take Red Bull       brand would be compromised without
Formula 1 team boss Christian Horner,         its mercurial leader. Those traders                 in THe COMMuniTy
a reportedly brilliant brain who took         may well be wrong. Jobs knew how to           Keep the conversation going
the outfit in just seven seasons from         inspire, and told Apple to train its future   online – through our forums –
perennial also-rans to back-to-back           leaders to do the same. Thanks to Jobs’       or at one of our top regional
title winners, eclipsing the great names      forethought, it seems Apple has great         networking events (see page 46).
of Ferrari and McLaren in the process.        leaders in reserve. Do you?
Yet even Red Bull itself admits that its         Find out more about great leadership       nOT yeT A MeMBeR?
great leader’s skills aren’t the product of   from our ManagementDirect service at          visit
God-given genius. Rather, they are born                           or call 01536 207307 to
of hard work, experience and training.           Read our Steve Jobs obituary at            join today.
Horner’s motor sport career began with

                                                                                               _ 07
GeT in TOuCH
                                                                                                    Send your views to
                                                                                           Letters may
                                                                                                    be edited for length and clarity
Your chance to comment on management matters

PRize LeTTeR                                                                                                           Gazza’s passion

Fair’s fair
                                                                                                                       for football often
                                                                                                                       ended in tears
Tom Peck’s feature on fairness
and Daisy McAndrew’s interview
with Trades Union Congress
general secretary Brendan Barber
(September/October issue) both
raise important issues. Yet neither
journalist mentions the work of          PRize
Elliott Jaques and the Glacier
Project – which may be history
but should not be forgotten.            Barrie wins a spa
   Those working in an industrial       break for two at

                                                                                                                                            PHOTO: REx FEATURES
hierarchy were found to have            Alexander House
a very strong sense of what             Hotel in West
was a proper reward for their           Sussex, courtesy
contribution. Jaques called it felt-    of Virgin
fair pay and was able to use it as a
                                        Days. Perfect for
tool in organisation analysis. He       Christmas gifts,
found that when pay differentials
fell outside the felt-fair pay bands    experiencedays.          Managers should remember          rather learn how to use the ones
there was discontent in the    is full of      that the UK workforce is as good,    who are already here.
workforce. Employees who feel           ideas for all         or even better, than any in the      Barrie Skelcher MCMI, BSc,
that they have done a good honest       budgets. Readers      world. Those bosses who believe      MSC, MRSC, C Chem, MSRP,
job and contributed to the success      can enjoy 20%         otherwise should question their      C Rad P
of the enterprise expect to see that    discount until        own management style and
rewarded. They do not appreciate        31 December
                                        2011. enter code
                                                              maybe go back and take lessons       no woman, no cry
directors and top executives            PROF20 at the
                                                              in motivation that used to be the    Kayleigh Ziolo’s debate piece
getting all the kudos and cash.         online checkout.      vogue in the 1960s and 1970s. This   (September/October issue) asks
When this happens it leads to           Call 0844 504         country is already overpopulated     whether it is okay to cry at work.
strained industrial relations and       0844 for more         and underemployed. We do not         In my view, to answer her question,
often trade union action.               information.          need to import more workers, but     we need to examine two things.
                                                                                                       First, we need to look at the
                                                                                                   sector. As Dan Hill says in the piece,
 latest discussions on                                                         it is acceptable for sports people to
                                                                                                   cry. This is because they are using
 l why blogging can benefit       principles, according to         Europe – due to the early       their emotions, aggression and
 you as a manager                 a Financial Times report         adoption of computers           passion as part of their job... crying
 “No single thing in the past     that fuels the controversy       in the UK.
                                                                                                   when they succeed or fail in their
 15 years professionally has      sparked by Labour leader
 been more important to my        Ed Miliband’s division of        stressed
                                                                                                   goal is a more natural outcome,
 life than blogging,” says US     the business world into                                          and so areas that need emotion
 business management author       “producers” and “predators”.                                     in the job are going to consider
 Tom Peters. Indeed, far from               Early computers               crying as more acceptable. Where
 being a pastime, blogging can    ethics                             linked to lower               emotions are less needed in a job
                                                                     stress levels
 improve our skills as bosses.                                                                     – for example in administration             l British workers less                                           or accountancy – crying would, I
 blogging                         stressed than europeans                                          imagine, be less acceptable.
                                  A Cambridge academic
                                                                                                       Second, we need to look at
 l Profits before ethics?         has claimed that British
 Britain’s bosses are             workers are less stressed
                                                                                                   gender. It is socially acceptable for
 prioritising profits over        than those in continental                                        females to cry in the office: some
                                                                                                   do it a lot.

08 _ professional manager _ Winter 2011/12

                                        THinkinG                                     This issue I’m discussing review

                                        OF PuLLinG                                   time. Stressful for the monkeys,
                                                                                     bureaucratic and time-devouring for
                                        A “siCkie”?                                  the organ grinders. My store rates staff
                                        Average workers are becoming                 in 11 categories and each one has three
                                        exceptional in a culture where staff possible ranks: e for “excelling”, V for
                                        attendance levels and timekeeping “valued employee” and C for “could
                                        are not being taken seriously                improve”. Of course, these terms are
                                                                                     just management speech for good;
                                                                                     okay; and “step it up, pal”.
                                                                                         I did pretty well on my last review.
   Although I think it is socially                                                   Nine Vs and two es. Only two es? I
acceptable for a man to cry for                                                      hear you cry. Well, under HR rules, no
personal reasons, it is not, however,                                                employee is allowed to be awarded
socially acceptable for him to cry as                                                more than two “excelling” ratings
a result of something work-related.           seCReT                                 and is mandated to receive at least
Indeed, if a man cries at work I              sTAFFeR                                three suggestions for improvement.
think this is likely to be a one-way                                                 I’ll leave you to decide exactly how
street to a P45.                                                                     little sense that makes, while I discuss
Judy Craske MIC, CMC,                                     one category in which I am officially a top performer: time
CMgr, FCMI                                                management and attendance.
                                                             So what did I do to receive this A-grade rating on my
Tears for fears                                           timekeeping? Did I regularly volunteer to stay late or pick up
When examining whether it’s                               extra hours when the shift hit the fan? No. Did I never swap
ever acceptable to cry at work,                           shifts around with co-workers? No. Did I throw an unjustified
I think you need to factor in the                         sickie? No. In my book, my performance was merely adequate,
effect of stress, which can often be                      the basic level one should attain, not a model for others and
work-related. Sometimes, when                             definitely not that of someone “excelling”. My record sounds
things have been building up, even                        pretty average, right? erm, wrong.
a minor thing can be the proverbial                          I discussed this a few days after my review with a colleague
straw that breaks the camel’s back.                       – let’s call her Sophie – who started at the same time as me,
In such circumstances, tears act                          but rose through the ranks to become department head –
as a release of stress – without this                     surely a real exceller! I discovered that she agreed with me.
outlet, the effect on the individual                      Sophie explained that, in her book, my attendance level was
is potentially quite damaging.                            the minimum, not the goal, but that the attendance level of
Jim Vasey CMgr, MCMI                                      staff in her department was so poor that, in comparison with
                                                          my peers, I was, indeed, excelling. Consider the story she
The drugs do work                                         recounted of one of her staff, a 37-year-old lady whom we’ll
As the supplier of the smart drugs                        call Angela. Angela didn’t turn up for two days and didn’t call
you tested (July/August issue) I                          to say she wouldn’t be there. When Sophie asked her why she
      found the results interesting.                      didn’t at least call to say she wasn’t coming in she said: “Yeah
        In particular, I was rather                       sorry, I got in a fight.” Two days later she turned up drunk and
          surprised that Picamilon                        was subsequently fired.
            scored the highest of                            everything is indeed relative. And realising that eternal
              the lot.                                    truth definitely affected my performance – and not in a
                 I wanted to make                         good way. This is a job I tolerate rather than love and I was
              a few comments on                           overachieving in my timekeeping and attendance. Realising
the other products, just so your          Find out more   I had far more leeway than I previously thought, I’ve
readers don’t write nootropics          The Secret        relaxed a bit on the clock-watching front and, as such, have
off completely.                         Staffer’s         occasionally arrived late – although I haven’t yet sunk to the
    Sulbutiamine has its non-           experience        depths of spending 48 hours AWOL due to brawling. There are
responders but, in any event,           shows how         a few months until my next review, but I’ve still got a job so
someone weighing 20st at a height       standards can     I’m obviously doing enough to cling onto it, which is really my
of 6ft 6in would likely need to take    slip if managers  overall goal. And my “excelling” department head colleague?
more than the recommended dose.         fail to keep poor She just got sacked. For poor attendance.
The product is probably our largest     attendance and
hit-or-miss supplement. Some love       timekeeping
it, some feel nothing, so the result    under control.
isn’t entirely surprising.              For more tips
    Nonetheless, thanks for testing     on managing
the products and your subsequent        absence, visit
write-up. It is good to get feedback.   www.managers.
Raf, Mind Nutrition               The Secret Staffer

                                                                                          _ 09
For the latest management
                                                                               news and views, visit

Insights from across the world of management

                                  management minutes
                                  Financial Times associate editor and management
                                  specialist michael skapinker lists his regular
                                  round-up of the top 10 news items for managers

1                                                                                          3
       CBI to support
       primary education                                                                          many workers still not
       after riots                                                                                taking lunch breaks
The Confederation of                                                                              nearly a third of
British Industry (CBI) said                                                                 workers – 30% – said they
it might shift its focus from                                                               didn’t take a regular lunch
work experience to primary                                                                  break, according to a survey
education following August’s                                                                by Aviva Health. This was,
riots in England. John                                                                      however, an improvement
Cridland, the CBI’s director-                                                               on 2009, when 37% said
general, said raising education                                                             they didn’t take regular
standards was crucial both                                                                  lunch breaks. Pressure from
to the development of the UK                                                                employers to skip lunch was
economy and to preventing                                                                   a less significant factor than
further unrest. “The level of                                                               the availability of food. Some
under-performers who make
                                                                                            43% said their managers
no progress between the ages
of 11 and 16 tells you that you
                                                                                            encouraged them to take
can’t solve the problem in                                                                  lunch breaks but that eating
secondary schools… perhaps                                                                  options at the office were
we need a shift in investment,”                                                             too limited.
he told the Financial Times.

                                  4                                 5                                6
He praised a food company                 Relief at increase                TUC hits back                   Boardroom diversity
in Glasgow that sent factory              in A-level maths                  at health and                   consultation
workers to a primary school to            and science                       safety “myths”                  The Financial Reporting
help with children’s reading.     The CBI was, however, still       The Trades Union Congress        Council (FRC) has begun
                                  concerned with secondary          (TUC) said that the Health       consulting on whether

       Relevant work              school results, although it       and Safety Executive’s (HSE)     companies should provide an
       experience                 welcomed the increasing           campaign to show that many       annual report on their policy
       more valuable              number of pupils studying         of its rules were myths should   on gender diversity on their
than degrees                      maths and science A-levels.       not be used to undermine         boards of directors. This was
HR directors had comforting       Dr Neil Bentley, CBI deputy       workplace safety. HSE            one of the recommendations in
words for students whose          director-general, said: “We’re    denied, for example, that it     Lord Davies’ review on women
A-level results did not win       encouraged that people            was trying to prevent people     on boards. Baroness Hogg, who
them a university place. In       have heeded the call to study     celebrating the royal wedding.   chairs the FRC, said diverse
the last year before sharp        A-level maths and science, but    Brendan Barber, TUC general              boards broadened
increases in university fees,     numbers are still low and must    secretary, said the absence              perspectives.
competition for places was        increase to meet employer         of workplace issues from

intense and many missed           demand. There is already a        HSE’s list of myths                             But some
out. A poll by YouGov found       skills gap, with more than 40%    showed the idea that                            disagree…
that 85% of HR professionals      of companies having difficulty    the UK had an over-                             The Institute of
believed work experience was      recruiting people with science,   zealous health and                       Directors responded
more valuable to job seekers      technology, engineering and       safety culture was                       to the FRC’s
than a non-vocational degree.     maths skills.”                    itself a myth.                              consultation

12 _ professional manager _ Winter 2011/12

                                                    by saying that, while it
                                                    shared the concern about
                                                    the low number of female
                                                    directors, tightening reporting
                                                    requirements on this issue        nine TO FiVe
                                                    alone would not be a good idea.
                                                    Gender was just one aspect        THe MuseuM MAesTRO
                                                    of diversity. It said companies   House manager at Dennis Severs’ House, Mick Pedroli, and his team cast
                                                    should be encouraged to           spells that engage visitors to the attraction in Spitalfields, London, and
                                                    report on broader diversity       usher them briefly into another time
                                                    characteristics, including
                                                    professional background,          0900 i start the coal fire in the
                                                    nationality, age, education,      kitchen, then sift through emails and
                                                    sector experience                 listen to messages. I like to be ahead
                                                    and personality.                  of the game.
                                                                                      1000 the next stage is cleaning,

                                                          Family business             and we divide tasks among the four
                                                          workers happier             or five people who work at the house.
                                                          Employees of family-        I don’t like to call the people I work
                                                    owned businesses are happier,     with “staff”. We work together to
                                                    more loyal and work harder        create the experience.
                                                    than employees in other           1130 Before we open, I walk
                                                    companies or in public sector     around to see if anything isn’t right.
                                                    organisations. A study for the    Presentation is everything in this
                                                    Unquoted Companies Group          house. It is set up to overwhelm
                                                    found that employees in these     you, to make you putty in our
                                                    companies put in such long        hands. A guest won’t notice if
                                                    hours that they effectively       there is one candle missing or
                                                    work an extra day every week.     unlit, but I will. I see everything
                                                    More than 20% of UK workers       in detail in one glance.
                                                    are employed by family.           1200 on monday afternoons
                                                                                      more than 100 people come

                                                           Headhunters                in over two hours. I’m very good at
                                                           pledge to nominate         organising the flow of people in the     of the light. We are open every day
                                                           female candidates          house. Then I’ve usually got a few       of the week, so it is a continuous story.
                                                    A group of 19 executive search    hours to relax and get the house         1700 once we open the doors we
                                                    firms responded to the Lord       ready for the evening session.           sink into a very calming experience.
                                                    Davies review by pledging that    1300 i may have a meeting with a         So many people leave the house with
                                                    at least 30% of their longlists   journalist or a fashion editor. Movie    tears in their eyes, and that shows
                                                    for director’s position on FTSE   stars visit the house to get into        they have played our game and it
                                                    350 companies would be made       their roles, and we get visits from      works. That’s my only job: to give
                                                    up of women. The headhunters      creative people, such as designers,      people a fantastic experience.
                                                    said that they would consider     who appreciate its sensory nature.       2100 when our guests have left
                                                    “relevant skills and intrinsic    Filming sometimes takes place            we put the “curfew on the fires”, snuff
                                                    personal qualities”.              and I love the way film crews work       candles, and cover up some items to
                                                                                      together. It’s like clockwork and        protect them from dust. Then we are


                                                                Highest paid do       similar to how we work together here.    done. I cannot wait to go home. I live
                                                                better than ever      There is a closeness.                    a 15-minute bike ride away, which
                                                                A report by           1430 in the winter, it’s dark in the     clears my mind and lets me leave
                                                    the independent High Pay          house by now, and we need to run         the house behind.
                                                    Commission showed that,           around to stay warm and to make use
                                                    in 2002, FTSE 100 lead
                                                    executives could expect
                                                    bonuses worth 48% of their                            THe BOTTOM Line
                                                    salaries. By 2010, the figure                         SHORT, SHARP AnD SMART SECRETS TO SUCCESS
                                                    had risen to 90% of their
                                                    salaries. Directors’ base
                                                    salaries also increased by                            “investing in your team is the secret to
                                                    63.9% over 10 years. The                              success. you are only as good as those you
                                                    average grant of shares that a                        have the privilege to work with.”
                                                    lead executive could receive                          Tim Campbell, first UK winner of The Apprentice and
                                                    rose from 100% of salary in                           founder of the Bright Ideas Trust
                                                    2002 to 200% in 2010.

                                                                                                                                     _ 13



COnFeRenCe                                                                                         Men resist
CHALLenGes                                                                                         Women are far more
                                                                                                   likely than men to use an

                                                                                                   external coach to develop
                                                                                                   their management and
                                                                                                   leadership skills, according

                                                                                                   to recent research.
                                                                                                      Interim findings from
                                                                                                   CMI and Penna’s Impact
                                                                                                   of Management and
Unimaginative thinking came under attack at CMI’s                                                  Leadership Development
Management and Leadership Conference in London.                                                    study revealed that 40% of
Instead, fresh ideas and innovative approaches were on show                                        female respondents used
                                                                                                   an external management
                                                                                                   learning and development
                                                                                                   coach – compared to just
                                                                                                   20% of men.
                                                                                                      And, worryingly, the
                                                                                                   findings also revealed that
                                                                                                   61% of women and 46%
                                                                                                   of men thought that the
                                                                                                   mentoring support they
                                                                                                   did have came too late
                                                                                                   in their careers.
                                                                                                      The interim research
                                                                                                   was exclusively revealed
                                                                                                   at CMI’s Management and
                                                                                                   Leadership Conference in

                                                                                                   london rail
                                                                                                   project starved
                                                                                                   of skills
                                                                                                   A lack of skills means an
                                                                                                   infrastructure scheme
                                                                                                   cannot find enough workers,
                                                                                                   despite a recession and
                                                                                                   rising unemployment.
Referring to staff as human resources            being seen as part of a mechanism rather than        The Crossrail project,
can lead to managers failing to treat workers    independent minds.                                due to open in 2018,
as individuals, a senior government adviser        “[The popular terms are] human resources        requires tunnelling under
on employee engagement has warned.               and human capital,” MacLeod said. “But            the city. But CMI president
  David MacLeod, who has been commissioned       actually they are individuals.”                   Terry Morgan – who is
by the Department for Business, Innovation and     He also discussed how leaders can get the       also Crossrail chairman
Skills, fired the warning at CMI’s Management    best out of their workers. “[There needs to be]   – has warned of a lack of
and Leadership Conference in London. The         no gap between what the leaders say and what      tunnelling experts.
language used by modern business risked staff    the employees see around them,” he warned.           “We will be employing
                                                                                                   15,000 people, but the skills
                                                                                                   challenge is huge,” he said
  l A competition in which delegates were asked to match figures at the conference                 at CMI’s Management and
  with their former jobs has been won by a management academic. Manchester                         Leadership Conference in
  Metropolitan University principal lecturer, senior learning and teaching fellow Chrissy          London. “There are 500
  Ogilvie matched all seven individuals to their former jobs. Congratulations Chrissy –            tunnellers in the UK – an
  we are sending you a bottle of 2002 vintage Dom Perignon champagne for your efforts.             average age of 55 – but
                                                                                                   I need 1,000 tunnellers.”

14 _ professional manager _ Winter 2011/12

                                wINS golD
the director general of the national trust has won CMI’s highest honour for
her outstanding leadership of the cherished charity.
  Dame Fiona Reynolds DBe, who has overseen a boost in National Trust
membership grow to four million for the first time, was handed the CMI Gold
Medal in recognition of her brilliant work.
  Under her tenure, the Trust, which protects more than 600,000 acres of land,                                   Kate Speers
has become one of the largest membership and volunteer charities in the world.                                   (middle) won
  “Dame Fiona’s commitment, ability to manage resources and lead teams                                           the award
                                                                                                                 for Young
are skills that others should imitate,” said CMI president Terry Morgan.                                         Achiever
  Accepting the award, Dame Fiona said: “The National Trust is a place where                                     of the Year
our people – volunteers and employees – are committed to what they do. They all
share in this award and in accepting it I thank them all very much.”                     CMi MAnAGeMenT
                                                                                         AnD LeADeRsHiP
                                                                                         AWARD WinneRs
  Dragon breathes fire                    the customer is king. I don’t think
  on business mantra                      the customer wants to be king.                 People Management –
  the customer is no longer king.         They want to be a respected friend.”
                                                                                         Broadway Homelessness
                                                                                         and Support
  That is the message from Dragons’         Meaden warned that the days of
  Den star Deborah Meaden. Instead        customers dictating to suppliers               Outstanding Training
  of kings, the multimillionaire          were over. Suppliers should strive             Provider – enterprise
  said clients should be “respected       to work out what customers want.               Northern Ireland
  friends”. “The customer is king?”       “When you ask customers, ‘what
  Meaden asked delegates at CMI’s         else would you like to see?’ they
                                                                                         Change Management –
                                                                                         Birmingham City Council
  Management and Leadership               don’t offer anything inspirational.”
  Conference in London. “I think that       Meaden added that business                   Consultant of the Year –
  sits in the olden days… I don’t think   must become more like friendship.              Phoebe Dunn, Director,
                                                                                         Square Peg International

gAMINg boSS RoMPS To vICToRY                                                             Practice of the Year –
                                                                                         Square Peg International
                                                                                         Training and Development
                                          the accolade at the Cmi management             Management – Tube Lines
                                          and leadership awards in london.
                                             at a time when Tiga was being               Young Achiever – Kate
                                          threatened by its main competitor,             Speers, marketing manager,
                                                                                         ShredBank (pictured)
                                          Dr Wilson managed to turn the
                                          organisation’s fortunes around,                Achiever in the Face
                                          increasing its membership by 47%               of Adversity – Dr Jill
                                          in a year, its turnover by 62% and its         Jameson, director of
                                          profitability by 8%.                           research and enterprise,
                                            speaking at the ceremony, Dr Wilson          School of education,
                                                                                         University of Greenwich
                                          said: “i’m exceptionally proud of my team
                                          and what we’ve achieved at Tiga.” it was       Outstanding Leader –
                                          a great night for the trade body, which        Dr Richard Wilson,
                                          also scooped the coveted outstanding           chief executive, Tiga
                                          organisation award. “it’s a huge honour
The chief executive of the trade          to have my role recognised but especially      Outstanding
                                                                                         Management Team –
association representing the video        for Tiga to be named outstanding               Birmingham City Council
games industry, Tiga, has been named      organisation,” Dr Wilson added.
Cmi’s outstanding leader of the year.     l Colonel Neale Moss won National              Outstanding Organisation –
Dr richard Wilson (pictured) scooped      Chartered Manager of the Year (see page 39).   Tiga

                                                                                          _ 15

                                                                 Link up               Professional
                                                                 University            Manager goes online
                                                                 partnership           Wish you could find that brilliant
                                                                 Linking London        Professional Manager article at the
                                                                 and CMI joined        touch of a button? Want to invite your
                                                                 forces to create      colleagues to join the debate over the
                                                                 new opportunities     key management questions? Fancy
                                                                 for learners to       testing your own management skills
                                                                 develop the skills    on interactive features? now you can.
                                                                 demanded by UK           The new Professional Manager
                                                                 organisations.        website will provide the perfect
                                                                 Under the             electronic foil to Professional
                                                                 memorandum of         Manager magazine. It will incorporate
                                                                 understanding,        web-exclusive journalism from

Blog top dog                                                     CMI and Linking
                                                                 London will be
                                                                 able to work
                                                                                       the sharpest writers, interactive
                                                                                       features and the bright visuals that
                                                                                       readers expect from the relaunched
                                                                 with academic         Professional Manager brand.
Colin Miller has won CMI’s inaugural Ambassador                  institutions          seARCH – your favourite articles
blogging competition. All entries to the CMi Share               to introduce          from the magazine at your fingertips.
competition were put out to syndication – Colin’s entry          leadership skills     DisCOVeR – fresh web-only content,
achieved the highest audience.                                   development as        including brilliant new sections.
  Blogging gives managers a higher profile. “I now blog fairly   part of the schools   DeBATe – get interactive! Let us –
regularly,” said Miller. “This awesome new world is, without     curriculum. For       and the world – know your views on
doubt, the people you ‘meet’ – a former special agent with       more information      managers’ styles, key management
the FBI… people from just up the road to the other side of the   please visit www.     issues and current trends
world.” For more information on the Ambassador Programme         linkinglondon.           Log on today at
contact Daniel Symonds on       

Words of                         Satisfaction scores
wisdom                           The latest management research in numbers
CMI’s drive to create
an online knowledge-
transfer marketplace
for management research
is booming. CMI’s Top
Management Articles
enable academics in
UK business schools
and universities to
share their most                 37% of graduates                80% of UK workers               49% of business
accessible and relevant          are “very satisfied”            say they get to use             travellers are “very
research – and have              with their career               their strengths at              likely” to replace their
them rated by an                 three years after               work, while more                number one choice
audience of 90,000               leaving higher                  than 83% say they               hotel brand in favour
practitioners. All               education.                      are satisfied with              of a brand at a similar
articles and reviews                                             the work they do.               location and cost point
can be freely viewed                                                                             that offered free WiFi.
and downloaded by
                                 Source: Higher
anyone via CMI’s
                                 Education Statistics            Source: Gallup
website, although only           Agency. The data                Healthways’                     Source: BDRC
CMI members may post             reflects opinions of            2011 Well-Being                 Continental, British
reviews and ratings.             2006/07 leavers                 Index                           Hotel Guest Survey
At the last count the
initiative has attracted
more than 50 articles                    MAnAGeMenT sPeAk

                                                                 problem or project failure.     series of The Apprentice for
from an impressive range

                                 The act of deciding who         Sure, you might be told         boardroom survival tips just
of universities. Tap into        Blamestorming 1. v

                                 or what is to blame for a       it’s a “postmortem” when        in case? This will make sure
the wisdom of the UK’s

                                 failure. 2. n A meeting held    you get the emailed invite,     it’s not you that ends up on
best management brains

                                 to investigate the cause of a   but why not study the last      the slab.
now at www.managers.

16 _ professional manager _ Winter 2011/12
                                                                             POLiCy WATCH

                                                                            With university applications slumping, government
                                                                            moves to place students at the heart of further education
                                                                            reforms have never been timelier, says CMI policy and
                                                                            research director Petra wilton

                               market reforms should
                               boost student lives
                                             ou might say that           cuts to teaching grants, reduced           New student diet:   employers to help provide routes

                                  Y          Bis has been busy. A        capital investment and increased                               into employment.
                                                                                                                    university is
                                                                                                                    becoming less
                                             flurry of consultations     student fees, will be unknown for a        about traditional      In terms of supporting
                                             has emanated from           while. But the decisions to allocate       student             students, professional bodies
                               the Department for Business,              some places on price are likely to         experiences         such as CMI are well placed to
                                                                                                                    and more about
                               Innovation and Skills as the reality      see the re-emergence of a two-tier         getting the         offer management modules to
                               of exposing our further and higher        system. In the elite camp, there           most out of         undergraduates. Through our
                               education systems to greater              will be a few universities bidding         an education        Campus CMI initiative, we will
                                                                                                                    to secure a job
                               competition starts to hit home.           for highly qualified students, with                            be exploring how we can offer
                                  The concept of placing students’       more staff and higher levels of                                universities and colleges more
                               interests at the heart of reforms is      resources. But we are likely to find                           access to employment experiences.
                               likely to have a significant impact       a larger proportion of students                                   However, a university degree
                               on the university system, especially      will be taught at universities in the                          is not the only desirable route to
                               those that, historically, were driven     lower tier, through a combination                              employment. We welcome the
                               by research excellence rather than        of distance learning, colleges and                             government’s focus on raising the
                               student experience. Arguably, this        private sector providers.                                      profile of vocational routes.
                               new approach has never been more             But it is not yet clear how                                    Yet, at a time when economic
                               pertinent – applications for UK           students will respond. If Ucas                                 growth is more important than
                               university places are down 9% from        figures are anything to go by,                                 ever, the value of university-led
                               this time last year. The University       students are likely to hold back.                              research is also fundamental and
                               and Colleges Admissions Service           Given that higher education is still                           should not be ignored. As we await
                               (Ucas) has revealed that just under       oversubscribed, it is unlikely                                 the outcomes of the government’s
                               70,000 people have applied for            that this drop in applications                                 Growth Review at the end of
                               places in 2012. At this time last year,   will affect too many institutions.                             November, we will seek further
                               the number was almost 77,000.                Students will increasingly                                  recognition of the economic
                                  The number of older students           be looking for value for money,                                benefits of our education system.
                               applying for university has dropped       and there will be a much                                          There are already some
                               even faster. From those aged over         greater emphasis on the                                        successful partnerships between
                               25, applications have dropped by          student experience and                                         universities, colleges, professional
                               20%, and from those aged over 40,         satisfaction levels. Students                                  bodies and employers. It is through
                               applications are down by 28%.             will consider their future                                     these relationships that we will
                                  It’s clear that the consequences       employability and universities                                 build the skills, capacity and
                               of the new funding landscape, with        may begin relationships with                                   research needed to grow UK plc.

                                                                         two chartered managers have been elected            adopted at this year’s AGM. BDO LLP was
                                                                         to the Board of trustees. Judy Craske CMC,          reappointed as Auditor of the Institute.
                                                                         MIC, CMgr, FCMI and Ian Maceachern OBe,                A Special Resolution on the AGM agenda
                                                                         CMgr, FCMI will serve for three years. Judy         proposed amendments to the bye-laws
                                                   nOTiCes               and Ian will fill the two seats that fall vacant    in relation to the membership grades, the

                                                                         each year. There are six seats for elected          intention being to embed Chartered Manager
                                                                         members in total. Voting in the 2011 elections      within the grade structure. This Resolution
                                                                         began in September and closed in October in         was passed unanimously. The bye-law
                                                                         advance of the CMI Annual General Meeting           changes remain subject to Privy Council
                                                                         (AGM). Announcing the results at the AGM            approval. If approved, the Institute will revise
                                                                         on 20 October, CMI president Terry Morgan           and relaunch Chartered Manager, the aim
                                                                         congratulated the successful candidates and         being for it to grow in numbers and recognition,
                                                                         expressed thanks to all nominees.                   while retaining the rigour of the award. There
                                                                            In other news, the CMI annual report             will be further member communication and
                                                                         and financial statements were unanimously           consultation as this project progresses.

                                                                                                                                        _ 17
View from Westminster

                          HeLPinG HAnDs
                          neeDeD in HARD TiMes
                                             Developing the workforce with tailored-education measures and
                                             boosting the labour market with family-friendly policies are even
                                             more crucial in a slump, says Baroness Prosser

             one are the days when,             There have been                                               leading role in the world’s

   g         educated or otherwise,
             qualified or not, a person
                                             numerous legislative
                                             responses, such as the
                                                                                                              economic development.
                                                                                                                 Second, we need to
             could walk into a job and,      right to request flexible                                        invest in education and
if they didn’t like it, simply move on to    working introduced                                               training, to support
another one. The world of employment         by Labour. Despite the                                           pupils making choices, to
has changed drastically in recent            musings of some policy                                           create opportunities for
decades, with implications for the           advisers – most of whom                                          work experience and to
economy, education, welfare and public       have never set foot in                                           enable employers to build
services. Securing the UK’s future           a workplace outside of                                           relationships with schools.
prosperity means recognising how             Westminster – I believe                                          We need investment
change continues to affect us and            these steps are recognised                                       in vocational training,
acting accordingly.                          by most employers                name Margaret Theresa           including opportunities
    During the 1980s, globalisation made     as both helpful and              Prosser, Baroness Prosser,      for people to retrain or to
itself felt and manufacturing took flight,   essential. There has also        OBE                             take up apprenticeships.
                                                                              Party Labour
commencing its quest for the cheapest        been an emphasis on              Peerage Life peer of            Equally important are
dollar. Mines closed in their hundreds       education for all. I agree       Battersea, London Borough       second chances for
and new technologies took hold,              with the intention, but I        of Wandsworth                   women after children.
introducing easier and faster methods        question the bias towards        Became peer 2004                Increasing women’s
                                                                              Key roles Deputy chair,
of production. Much as I didn’t like the     academia at the expense          Equality and Human Rights       participation in the
government’s policies at the time, the       of vocational training. The Commission (since 2006),             workplace could be worth
truth was that most of the job losses        country needs people with Labour Party treasurer                 £15-23 billion each year.
in the power industry were due               practical skills, but we         (1996-2001),                       Third, we need to
                                                                              Trades Union Congress
to advancing technologies.                   have seen too many young         president (1996)                invest in research. High-
                                             people convinced that a          Political compass               volume manufacturing
“The uK needs people                         university education is the Centre-left                          is unlikely to return to
                                             only or best option.                                             this country, which is
with practical skills,                          Of course, the financial
                                                                              VOTinG ReCORD
                                                                              greater autonomy for            all the more reason to
but too many people                          situation is very difficult      schools Strongly against        invest in innovation.
                                             and it would be crass to                                            Finally, we need to
think university                                                              eu integration
                                             pretend otherwise. But the Strongly for                          acknowledge how far
is the only option”                                                           stricter asylum system
                                             Institute for Fiscal Studies Strongly for                        society has changed.
                                             has found that education                                         Groups left behind will
   We have seen profound changes in the      spending is being slashed                                        not tolerate being at the
labour market since then. After a sharp      by more than 13%, the largest cut since         bottom of the heap forever. Positive
fall in the 1980s, employment increased      the 1950s. By taking away Education             action programmes are needed to help
steadily, with an extra 4.8 million people   Maintenance Allowances, collapsing              employers understand that we cannot
in employment between 1992 and               the Future Jobs Fund, cancelling the            afford to leave great swathes of the
2008. Yet, as a recent report by centre-     right-to-work experience and increasing         population on the unemployment shelf.
left think tank the Institute for Public     fees to attend university, the coalition           Failure to act will not only see the UK
Policy Research showed, manufacturing        government is taking this debate in             become a has-been. It will also exacerbate
employment fell by 31% during that time.     completely the wrong direction.                 the already unacceptable wealth gap and
The increases came in sectors such as           So what do we need to do? First, we          lead to an unhappy and divided society. l
real estate, up by 103%, and information     need a long-term strategy that recognises Baroness Prosser is a member of the
and communication, up by 59%, as well as     we are a global player – none of us will        All-Party Parliamentary Group on
in health and social work, and education.    be thanked if we do not work to take a          Management and a CMI Companion.

                                                                                                    _ 19
Is it ever
right to fight?
Do arguments in the workplace boost
creativity? What happens when
disagreement becomes conflict?
Kayleigh Ziolo discovers the side
effects of confrontation in the office
                              Too often conflict is talked about
                              as being dysfunctional. it is actually
   yes                        far more worrying to be without it.
                              We need sparks to harness creativity
                              and innovation, and conflict
lYnne eisaguirre              avoidance causes the most damage
Speaker, consultant           within an organisation. When it
and author of The             comes to arguments, it is easy to look
Power of a Good Fight         to the aggressors as the problem,
                              but more often it is those who try to
                              please everyone or run from issues
                              altogether that are causing debate. it
                              is very rare that i see people skilfully
                              using arguments to a collective
                              advantage – they tend to fear it
                              and thus avoid it. Conflict is reality
                              and a part of life, and it is time we
                              embraced this in a positive way.
   When facing disagreements with a colleague, be sure to
confront them early. That doesn’t mean pick a fight, it just
means you should get things out in the open before it simmers
and escalates into a problem that is near impossible to resolve.
The longer we have an issue on our minds, the more it spirals
out of control. We lose sight of the person we are in conflict
with as a human being and they simply become a problem.
   i think there is increased conflict in today’s offices. This
is due to several factors: diversity has increased rapidly, and
often rules and attitudes have not moved quite as quickly.
people are looking to assert themselves and their rights, which
is a positive thing, but it is not always plain sailing. There is
also a vast age range in the workplace, with as many as four
generations, all with different expectations and needs.
   The way we communicate has changed. email is good for
facts, but when it comes to explanations it is better to have
a face-to-face conversation. facial expressions and tone of
voice are very important when confronting an issue.
   it is vital to recognise when a good fight goes bad. You need
to learn how to engage in a good fight and when to walk away
from a bad one. and it is a skill that can be learned. many
people think they do not have the capacity for conflict. The
truth is we all just have different styles. But it’s not only about
understanding the way in which you approach conflict yourself
– you also need to understand other people’s ways of dealing
with it. You should be as clear as possible about your needs.
express your motives for taking that position. once we start
talking, we can achieve productive and creative resolutions.

20_ professional manager _ Winter 2011/12

                               It is right to debate,
                               but not right to
    nO                         bulldoze your
                               opinions through
                               the office. i think
Jo ouston
                               shows such as The
Director of Jo Ouston
                               Apprentice contribute
& Co Career Coaching
                               to this negative idea of
and Personal
                               business being a self-
Presence and
                               aggrandising, shouting
former CMI Head of
                               environment, where
Advisory Services
                               everyone is ruthless
                               and those in authority
                               yell at subordinates. i
                               speak to many young
                               people who are put off
                               the idea of business
                               because of negative
                               images, which is very
                               sad. reality television
                               presents people out
for their own personal gain. i don’t believe this is
the intention of The Apprentice – it’s down to the
final editing – but, as a result, this damaging view
is broadcast to millions of people.
   When debate becomes less about championing
your views and more about self-importance,
that is when argument becomes unacceptable.
To raise your voice just to assert authority is
destructive and, in fact, gets you nowhere.
   Whatever your cause or belief, your physical
state is as important as your mental state. You
cannot have a positive mental attitude unless you
manage your physicality. in stressful situations,
whether feeling passionate about something or
in conflict, you can find that you tense up, with
your energy rising to the top of your chest. This
will make you look and feel less confident. Before
presenting your arguments, make sure you
lower your centre of gravity – either by relaxing
physically or by breathing deeply. This increases
the oxygen to your brain and enables you to
think more quickly so that your words will be
more cogent. The oxygen will also enhance your
peripheral vision. This is vital: in a heightened-
stress state you can develop tunnel vision – they
don’t call it narrow-mindedness for nothing –
and you cannot see how everyone around you is
reacting to what you say.
   people who remain at a high centre of gravity
are in fight mode – they become interested only
in winning. a healthy balanced debate is indeed
vital for business, to generate ideas and allow
creativity. However, if people are only in it to
make a point, those around them will realise this,
and things will descend into conflict. a shouting
match is never acceptable, and once you engage
in one with a colleague, so much tension is
created it is often difficult to restore relations.
   You should be looking to achieve something.
if you are not true to yourself, and only want to
win the debate, you should step out of the arena.

                 _ 21

having good office insurance is
good management
             ake two different scenarios:     such as office artwork and visitors’        in the event that your office is damaged

   t         You are working abroad in        personal effects, which are covered as      or essential business equipment is lost.
             a client’s office when your      standard. Portable equipment can be         As for those claims we mentioned at the
             laptop goes missing. Stolen or   added, giving you up to £25,000 in cover    start of the article? The client’s laptop
lost, it doesn’t matter, the impact on your   for items like laptops, Blackberries and    was replaced within two days. And the
business is the same, and the cost and        other smartphones. In addition, if you      business that was unable to operate
inconvenience can be significant.             have separate premises, buildings cover     from its office was able to claim under
   The second, as your run of bad luck        is also available with cover of up          its business interruption cover – so any
continues, sees a fire take hold at a         to £500,000.                                financial loss was minimal.
nearby business premises, rendering
your office unusable. Your team is            An unwelcome interruption
unable to access the premises and it is       It’s not just your office contents that
threatening to cost you a great deal in       are at risk however. Going back to the
terms of lost income and damage to your       earlier claims example, what if a fire or
business reputation.                          flood means you can’t work from your
   For CMI members, both examples             business premises? Hiscox also offers
represent two very different potential        business interruption cover as an option    For more
risks that can be damaging without the        with its office insurance. Business         and a quote,
appropriate insurance in place.               interruption will provide protection        please contact
                                              from unforeseen circumstances which         Tim Evans on
                                                                                          020 7929 3400 or
Home insurance might not                      result in your business being unable to     time@bannerman
cover you                                     operate from its normal premises. The
Many home-based management                    policy includes a payment to make up the
consultants are under the                     difference between your actual income
misapprehension that their home               and expected income following a fire
contents insurance will cover any loss        or a theft, while it will also pay out up
or damage to business equipment like          to 30% of the sum insured to cover the
laptops or a smart phone. Often this          additional costs you incur in order to
is not the case, and even if their home       continue running your business, such
policy does pay out, it certainly won’t       as setting up a temporary office
cover extras like loss of company data.       or recruiting additional staff.
    Considering a wider based office
cover, to complement your existing            Are you covered?
professional indemnity insurance,             Whether you are a home-based sole
should be high on every independent           trader or a small business operating
consultant’s list whether you work            from your own premises, it is essential
from home as a sole trader or operate         that you consider how you are covered
from business premises as a limited
company. Specialist small business
insurer Hiscox offers an office insurance
policy. This can be bought at a reduced
rate by CMI members if you already have        what if a fire or flood means you can’t work
your professional indemnity insurance          from your business premises? Hiscox also
through the Institute.
    As well as covering office contents          offers business interruption cover as an
which includes your business equipment               option with its office insurance.
for accidental damage or loss, the Hiscox
policy covers other non-standard items

22 _ professional manager _ Winter 2011/12
McAnDReW MeeTs…

            Dennis Hone
             The man charged with delivering the Olympic Park tells
             ITN’s special correspondent Daisy McAndrew why earning
             £400,000 a year is justifiable – when you’ve saved the
             nation nearly a billion pounds

            Dennis Hone is the first to admit he’s never tackled
            anything on such a, well, Olympic scale. But then
            again, who has? As the chief executive of the Olympic
            Delivery Authority (ODA), Hone must deliver one
            of the biggest construction projects in Europe on a
            highly contaminated site with a deadline that, for
            obvious reasons, allows for no slippage.
               “This is the pinnacle,” he says, with some slightly
            nervous lip-licking. “As soon as we won the bid it was
            the project I wanted to work on. But when I came to
            the project I thought: ‘This is a high-risk project –
            if we’re not on budget in two years we’ll all be fired.’
            And that was a fair assumption – it happened in both
            Australia and Athens.” So who could blame Hone for
            being a tad dry of mouth? As we sit chatting in a café,
            we glance across the canal every now and then at
            the “as near as dammit finished” Olympic Park. The
            sheer scale of it would scare most people: this giant
            construction site spreads some 600 acres across a
            forgotten corner of east London. The dimensions are
            stunning. The press centre is the size of six football
            pitches, and required the use of the UK’s biggest
            fork lift during the erection of its steel frame. The
            velodrome’s cable-net roof is made from 56,500 feet of
            cables – almost twice the height of Mount Everest. But
            Hone says the trick is all in the preparation – and that
            started with getting on the right side of the locals. That
            said, he bridles when I suggest a PR push must have
            been needed. “PR often gets confused with spin,” he
            insists, “and spin doesn’t win people’s hearts.”
               The trick, says Hone, is community engagement.
            “People fear change and the disruption that comes
            with it,” he says. “They fear that the new people

24 _ professional manager _ Winter 2011/12
Professional Manager November 2011
Professional Manager November 2011
Professional Manager November 2011
Professional Manager November 2011
Professional Manager November 2011
Professional Manager November 2011
Professional Manager November 2011
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Professional Manager November 2011

  • 1. £4.50 / FREE TO MEMBERS the chartered management institute magazine WInTER 2011/12 Gold digger Olympics building boss Dennis Hone on how he saved the public a fortune ARTS OF INSPIRATION Discover your literary leadership muse cONFlIcT clASh Is it ever right to fight? BRAIN DRAIN Why the best talent still slides south
  • 2. Professional Manager Winter 2011/12 Chartered Management news & views Institute (CMI) Management House, Cottingham Road, Corby, 07 Briefing Northamptonshire NN17 1TT Even Steve Jobs knew that great managers are made not born, t 01536 207307 says Simon Dolph e 08 Feedback Your letters and why being punctual won the Secret Staffer praise 12 Agenda Acting Chief Executive Michael Skapinker’s essentials plus CMI conference and news Chris Kinsella 19 View from Westminster Director of Marketing and Baroness Prosser on looking after your workforce in a slump Communications Simon Dolph 20 Debate Is it ever right to fight? Editor Ben Walker Senior Sub-editor Gemma Green 08 50 AOB Simon Caulkin on the golden rules of innovation Editorial Assistant Rebecca Kearley features Account Director Sam Gallagher Publishing Director Ian McAuliffe 24 McAndrew meets… Dennis Hone Advertise with us: For all ITN’s special correspondent discovers how the man charged with enquiries, contact Michael building the Olympics saved the public nearly a billion pounds Coulsey (t 020 8962 28 Leadership, by the book 1261, e michael.coulsey@ Meet the motivators: Shakespeare, Machiavelli and Sun Tzu. Iain or Hollingshead examines the management style of literary greats Vicci Rule (t 020 8962 2942, 32 Mind spaces e New office designs are changing the workplace, says Leon Walker 34 Brains sink south Professional Manager © 2011. Published on 24 The new Enterprise Zones aren’t powerful enough to stem the endless slide of talent to London, writes Dave Fawbert behalf of CMI by Think, The Pall Mall Deposit, cPd Planner 124-128 Barlby Road, London W10 6BL 39 PM profile t 020 8962 3020 Chartered Manager of the Year Colonel Neale Moss OBE e professional.manager@ 40 Masterclass Caitlin Mackesy Davies leads you on a voyage of discovery 42 Fleeting thoughts New motoring columnist Peter Rodger on beating the snow trap Member of the Audit Bureau 43 The personnel touch of Circulations 80,948 Alison Blackhurst on how to stop the Christmas party 1 July 2010 to turning sour 30 June 2011 40 44 Reviews and events Books rated – and our events diary to keep you in the know COVeR PHOTO: CHARLIe BeST Printed on UPM Star matt. Produced at a factory that holds ISO14001, environmental management certificate. CMI is incorporated by Royal Charter and registered as a charity (No. 1091035). CMI does not necessarily agree with, nor guarantee the accuracy of, statements Contributors made by contributors or advertisers or accept responsibility for any statements which they may express in this publication. ISSN 0969-6695© Daisy McAndrew Iain Hollingshead Peter Rodger ITN’s special Novelist and Daily Motoring expert correspondent Telegraph journalist Peter Rodger talks to Olympics takes a satirical rolls into the chief Dennis look at leaders Professional Hone p24 from the arts p28 Manager team p42 _ 03
  • 3. GeT MORe FROM CMi Simon Dolph, director of marketing and communications, CMI as a cmi member, you have access to a comprehensive range of products and services, all designed to help you on your path Can Apple replace to management success Steve Jobs? On THe WeB It seems Jobs With free checklists, e-learning modules, podcasts and an himself thought so “ask the researcher” service at As readers of editor Ben Walker’s Steve managementresources, the latest Jobs obituary on the new Professional thinking is just a click away. Manager website will discover, there were many facets of Jobs’ personality On yOuR CV one would not wish to replicate. Yet the enhance your professional great innovator certainly had something status with a CMI management going for him. What he did well was a vital grounding at the less-glamorous qualification, not to mention study to inspire: his natural charisma and Formula Renault, which he followed with tips when you need them the most. remarkable imagination almost made stints in Formulas 3 and 2. “The seeds up for his failings in his interaction of his current success were sown during in yOuR inBOx with subordinates. However, reports that early career,” says Red Bull Racing. Keeping on top of employment after his tragic death revealed that far Training is the key to everything, law changes and management from seeing himself as a one-off, Jobs especially to magic intangibles such updates has never been easier had charged Apple’s internal university as inspirational leadership. That’s why with our monthly e-newsletter with developing the next generation of CMI provides courses, resources and Membership Matters and e-alerts inspirational innovators, to ensure the ideas for creating the next generation of from our partners at BusinessHR. IT giant would continue to sparkle in stellar managers. What will not work is his wake. Perhaps this unpolished leaving company futures to chance by FOR THe jOuRney maverick knew something about promoting juniors without the relevant Make your next management management after all? training into management roles, and move with confidence using By 2017, the UK will need a net 2.2 expecting them to be natural leaders of our online continuing professional million new managers. However, there is people when they get there. They may development system and career more to this mind-boggling equation than be able to muddle through, they may guidance resources. the daunting question of how we find be effective at day-to-day processes. enough brains to fill those berths. The But inspired – and inspiring – they will On yOuR PHOne sum is a psychological puzzle as much not be. Those who cannot lead people, Want answers on the move? as a mathematical one. We need those cannot change processes. Without Then download our free CMI app brains to want to manage; to want to lead. change at the right times, UK ( Inspirational managers are made, not businesses will wither. or contact our legal helpline for born. The very best may be genetically Apple’s shares fell on the news of up-to-the-minute advice from a predisposed to greatness, but you still Steve Jobs’ death, as traders feared the qualified solicitor. have to polish a diamond. Take Red Bull brand would be compromised without Formula 1 team boss Christian Horner, its mercurial leader. Those traders in THe COMMuniTy a reportedly brilliant brain who took may well be wrong. Jobs knew how to Keep the conversation going the outfit in just seven seasons from inspire, and told Apple to train its future online – through our forums – perennial also-rans to back-to-back leaders to do the same. Thanks to Jobs’ or at one of our top regional title winners, eclipsing the great names forethought, it seems Apple has great networking events (see page 46). of Ferrari and McLaren in the process. leaders in reserve. Do you? Yet even Red Bull itself admits that its Find out more about great leadership nOT yeT A MeMBeR? great leader’s skills aren’t the product of from our ManagementDirect service at visit God-given genius. Rather, they are born or call 01536 207307 to of hard work, experience and training. Read our Steve Jobs obituary at join today. Horner’s motor sport career began with _ 07
  • 4. GeT in TOuCH Send your views to professional.manager@ Letters may be edited for length and clarity Your chance to comment on management matters PRize LeTTeR Gazza’s passion Fair’s fair for football often ended in tears Tom Peck’s feature on fairness and Daisy McAndrew’s interview with Trades Union Congress general secretary Brendan Barber (September/October issue) both raise important issues. Yet neither LeTTeR journalist mentions the work of PRize Elliott Jaques and the Glacier Project – which may be history but should not be forgotten. Barrie wins a spa Those working in an industrial break for two at PHOTO: REx FEATURES hierarchy were found to have Alexander House a very strong sense of what Hotel in West was a proper reward for their Sussex, courtesy contribution. Jaques called it felt- of Virgin experience fair pay and was able to use it as a Days. Perfect for tool in organisation analysis. He Christmas gifts, found that when pay differentials fell outside the felt-fair pay bands experiencedays. Managers should remember rather learn how to use the ones there was discontent in the is full of that the UK workforce is as good, who are already here. workforce. Employees who feel ideas for all or even better, than any in the Barrie Skelcher MCMI, BSc, that they have done a good honest budgets. Readers world. Those bosses who believe MSC, MRSC, C Chem, MSRP, job and contributed to the success can enjoy 20% otherwise should question their C Rad P of the enterprise expect to see that discount until own management style and rewarded. They do not appreciate 31 December 2011. enter code maybe go back and take lessons no woman, no cry directors and top executives PROF20 at the in motivation that used to be the Kayleigh Ziolo’s debate piece getting all the kudos and cash. online checkout. vogue in the 1960s and 1970s. This (September/October issue) asks When this happens it leads to Call 0844 504 country is already overpopulated whether it is okay to cry at work. strained industrial relations and 0844 for more and underemployed. We do not In my view, to answer her question, often trade union action. information. need to import more workers, but we need to examine two things. First, we need to look at the sector. As Dan Hill says in the piece, latest discussions on it is acceptable for sports people to cry. This is because they are using l why blogging can benefit principles, according to Europe – due to the early their emotions, aggression and you as a manager a Financial Times report adoption of computers passion as part of their job... crying “No single thing in the past that fuels the controversy in the UK. when they succeed or fail in their 15 years professionally has sparked by Labour leader been more important to my Ed Miliband’s division of stressed goal is a more natural outcome, life than blogging,” says US the business world into and so areas that need emotion business management author “producers” and “predators”. in the job are going to consider Tom Peters. Indeed, far from Early computers crying as more acceptable. Where being a pastime, blogging can ethics linked to lower emotions are less needed in a job stress levels improve our skills as bosses. – for example in administration l British workers less or accountancy – crying would, I blogging stressed than europeans imagine, be less acceptable. A Cambridge academic Second, we need to look at l Profits before ethics? has claimed that British Britain’s bosses are workers are less stressed gender. It is socially acceptable for prioritising profits over than those in continental females to cry in the office: some do it a lot. 08 _ professional manager _ Winter 2011/12
  • 5. Letters THinkinG This issue I’m discussing review OF PuLLinG time. Stressful for the monkeys, bureaucratic and time-devouring for A “siCkie”? the organ grinders. My store rates staff Average workers are becoming in 11 categories and each one has three exceptional in a culture where staff possible ranks: e for “excelling”, V for attendance levels and timekeeping “valued employee” and C for “could are not being taken seriously improve”. Of course, these terms are just management speech for good; okay; and “step it up, pal”. I did pretty well on my last review. Although I think it is socially Nine Vs and two es. Only two es? I acceptable for a man to cry for hear you cry. Well, under HR rules, no personal reasons, it is not, however, employee is allowed to be awarded socially acceptable for him to cry as more than two “excelling” ratings a result of something work-related. seCReT and is mandated to receive at least Indeed, if a man cries at work I sTAFFeR three suggestions for improvement. think this is likely to be a one-way I’ll leave you to decide exactly how street to a P45. little sense that makes, while I discuss Judy Craske MIC, CMC, one category in which I am officially a top performer: time CMgr, FCMI management and attendance. So what did I do to receive this A-grade rating on my Tears for fears timekeeping? Did I regularly volunteer to stay late or pick up When examining whether it’s extra hours when the shift hit the fan? No. Did I never swap ever acceptable to cry at work, shifts around with co-workers? No. Did I throw an unjustified I think you need to factor in the sickie? No. In my book, my performance was merely adequate, effect of stress, which can often be the basic level one should attain, not a model for others and work-related. Sometimes, when definitely not that of someone “excelling”. My record sounds things have been building up, even pretty average, right? erm, wrong. a minor thing can be the proverbial I discussed this a few days after my review with a colleague straw that breaks the camel’s back. – let’s call her Sophie – who started at the same time as me, In such circumstances, tears act but rose through the ranks to become department head – as a release of stress – without this surely a real exceller! I discovered that she agreed with me. outlet, the effect on the individual Sophie explained that, in her book, my attendance level was is potentially quite damaging. the minimum, not the goal, but that the attendance level of Jim Vasey CMgr, MCMI staff in her department was so poor that, in comparison with my peers, I was, indeed, excelling. Consider the story she The drugs do work recounted of one of her staff, a 37-year-old lady whom we’ll As the supplier of the smart drugs call Angela. Angela didn’t turn up for two days and didn’t call you tested (July/August issue) I to say she wouldn’t be there. When Sophie asked her why she found the results interesting. didn’t at least call to say she wasn’t coming in she said: “Yeah In particular, I was rather sorry, I got in a fight.” Two days later she turned up drunk and surprised that Picamilon was subsequently fired. scored the highest of everything is indeed relative. And realising that eternal the lot. truth definitely affected my performance – and not in a I wanted to make good way. This is a job I tolerate rather than love and I was a few comments on overachieving in my timekeeping and attendance. Realising the other products, just so your Find out more I had far more leeway than I previously thought, I’ve readers don’t write nootropics The Secret relaxed a bit on the clock-watching front and, as such, have off completely. Staffer’s occasionally arrived late – although I haven’t yet sunk to the Sulbutiamine has its non- experience depths of spending 48 hours AWOL due to brawling. There are responders but, in any event, shows how a few months until my next review, but I’ve still got a job so someone weighing 20st at a height standards can I’m obviously doing enough to cling onto it, which is really my of 6ft 6in would likely need to take slip if managers overall goal. And my “excelling” department head colleague? more than the recommended dose. fail to keep poor She just got sacked. For poor attendance. The product is probably our largest attendance and hit-or-miss supplement. Some love timekeeping it, some feel nothing, so the result under control. isn’t entirely surprising. For more tips Nonetheless, thanks for testing on managing the products and your subsequent absence, visit write-up. It is good to get feedback. www.managers. Raf, Mind Nutrition The Secret Staffer _ 09
  • 6. For the latest management news and views, visit Insights from across the world of management management minutes Financial Times associate editor and management specialist michael skapinker lists his regular round-up of the top 10 news items for managers 1 3 CBI to support primary education many workers still not after riots taking lunch breaks The Confederation of nearly a third of British Industry (CBI) said workers – 30% – said they it might shift its focus from didn’t take a regular lunch work experience to primary break, according to a survey education following August’s by Aviva Health. This was, riots in England. John however, an improvement Cridland, the CBI’s director- on 2009, when 37% said general, said raising education they didn’t take regular standards was crucial both lunch breaks. Pressure from to the development of the UK employers to skip lunch was economy and to preventing a less significant factor than further unrest. “The level of the availability of food. Some under-performers who make 43% said their managers no progress between the ages of 11 and 16 tells you that you encouraged them to take can’t solve the problem in lunch breaks but that eating secondary schools… perhaps options at the office were we need a shift in investment,” too limited. he told the Financial Times. 4 5 6 He praised a food company Relief at increase TUC hits back Boardroom diversity in Glasgow that sent factory in A-level maths at health and consultation workers to a primary school to and science safety “myths” The Financial Reporting help with children’s reading. The CBI was, however, still The Trades Union Congress Council (FRC) has begun concerned with secondary (TUC) said that the Health consulting on whether 2 Relevant work school results, although it and Safety Executive’s (HSE) companies should provide an experience welcomed the increasing campaign to show that many annual report on their policy more valuable number of pupils studying of its rules were myths should on gender diversity on their than degrees maths and science A-levels. not be used to undermine boards of directors. This was HR directors had comforting Dr Neil Bentley, CBI deputy workplace safety. HSE one of the recommendations in words for students whose director-general, said: “We’re denied, for example, that it Lord Davies’ review on women A-level results did not win encouraged that people was trying to prevent people on boards. Baroness Hogg, who them a university place. In have heeded the call to study celebrating the royal wedding. chairs the FRC, said diverse the last year before sharp A-level maths and science, but Brendan Barber, TUC general boards broadened increases in university fees, numbers are still low and must secretary, said the absence perspectives. competition for places was increase to meet employer of workplace issues from 7 intense and many missed demand. There is already a HSE’s list of myths But some out. A poll by YouGov found skills gap, with more than 40% showed the idea that disagree… that 85% of HR professionals of companies having difficulty the UK had an over- The Institute of believed work experience was recruiting people with science, zealous health and Directors responded more valuable to job seekers technology, engineering and safety culture was to the FRC’s than a non-vocational degree. maths skills.” itself a myth. consultation 12 _ professional manager _ Winter 2011/12
  • 7. news by saying that, while it shared the concern about the low number of female directors, tightening reporting requirements on this issue nine TO FiVe alone would not be a good idea. Gender was just one aspect THe MuseuM MAesTRO of diversity. It said companies House manager at Dennis Severs’ House, Mick Pedroli, and his team cast should be encouraged to spells that engage visitors to the attraction in Spitalfields, London, and report on broader diversity usher them briefly into another time characteristics, including professional background, 0900 i start the coal fire in the nationality, age, education, kitchen, then sift through emails and sector experience listen to messages. I like to be ahead and personality. of the game. 1000 the next stage is cleaning, 8 Family business and we divide tasks among the four workers happier or five people who work at the house. Employees of family- I don’t like to call the people I work owned businesses are happier, with “staff”. We work together to more loyal and work harder create the experience. than employees in other 1130 Before we open, I walk companies or in public sector around to see if anything isn’t right. organisations. A study for the Presentation is everything in this Unquoted Companies Group house. It is set up to overwhelm found that employees in these you, to make you putty in our companies put in such long hands. A guest won’t notice if hours that they effectively there is one candle missing or work an extra day every week. unlit, but I will. I see everything More than 20% of UK workers in detail in one glance. are employed by family. 1200 on monday afternoons more than 100 people come 9 Headhunters in over two hours. I’m very good at pledge to nominate organising the flow of people in the of the light. We are open every day female candidates house. Then I’ve usually got a few of the week, so it is a continuous story. A group of 19 executive search hours to relax and get the house 1700 once we open the doors we firms responded to the Lord ready for the evening session. sink into a very calming experience. Davies review by pledging that 1300 i may have a meeting with a So many people leave the house with at least 30% of their longlists journalist or a fashion editor. Movie tears in their eyes, and that shows for director’s position on FTSE stars visit the house to get into they have played our game and it 350 companies would be made their roles, and we get visits from works. That’s my only job: to give up of women. The headhunters creative people, such as designers, people a fantastic experience. said that they would consider who appreciate its sensory nature. 2100 when our guests have left “relevant skills and intrinsic Filming sometimes takes place we put the “curfew on the fires”, snuff personal qualities”. and I love the way film crews work candles, and cover up some items to together. It’s like clockwork and protect them from dust. Then we are 10 STEPHAnIE WOLFF; FRAnCESCO GUIDICInI/REx FEATURES Highest paid do similar to how we work together here. done. I cannot wait to go home. I live better than ever There is a closeness. a 15-minute bike ride away, which A report by 1430 in the winter, it’s dark in the clears my mind and lets me leave the independent High Pay house by now, and we need to run the house behind. Commission showed that, around to stay warm and to make use in 2002, FTSE 100 lead executives could expect bonuses worth 48% of their THe BOTTOM Line salaries. By 2010, the figure SHORT, SHARP AnD SMART SECRETS TO SUCCESS had risen to 90% of their salaries. Directors’ base salaries also increased by “investing in your team is the secret to 63.9% over 10 years. The success. you are only as good as those you average grant of shares that a have the privilege to work with.” lead executive could receive Tim Campbell, first UK winner of The Apprentice and rose from 100% of salary in founder of the Bright Ideas Trust 2002 to 200% in 2010. _ 13
  • 8. Men MenTOR WOMen COnFeRenCe Men resist external coaching CHALLenGes Women are far more likely than men to use an MAnAGeMenT external coach to develop their management and leadership skills, according THinkinG to recent research. Interim findings from CMI and Penna’s Impact of Management and Unimaginative thinking came under attack at CMI’s Leadership Development Management and Leadership Conference in London. study revealed that 40% of Instead, fresh ideas and innovative approaches were on show female respondents used an external management learning and development coach – compared to just 20% of men. And, worryingly, the findings also revealed that 61% of women and 46% of men thought that the mentoring support they did have came too late in their careers. The interim research was exclusively revealed at CMI’s Management and Leadership Conference in London. london rail project starved of skills A lack of skills means an infrastructure scheme cannot find enough workers, despite a recession and rising unemployment. Referring to staff as human resources being seen as part of a mechanism rather than The Crossrail project, can lead to managers failing to treat workers independent minds. due to open in 2018, as individuals, a senior government adviser “[The popular terms are] human resources requires tunnelling under on employee engagement has warned. and human capital,” MacLeod said. “But the city. But CMI president David MacLeod, who has been commissioned actually they are individuals.” Terry Morgan – who is by the Department for Business, Innovation and He also discussed how leaders can get the also Crossrail chairman Skills, fired the warning at CMI’s Management best out of their workers. “[There needs to be] – has warned of a lack of and Leadership Conference in London. The no gap between what the leaders say and what tunnelling experts. language used by modern business risked staff the employees see around them,” he warned. “We will be employing 15,000 people, but the skills challenge is huge,” he said l A competition in which delegates were asked to match figures at the conference at CMI’s Management and with their former jobs has been won by a management academic. Manchester Leadership Conference in Metropolitan University principal lecturer, senior learning and teaching fellow Chrissy London. “There are 500 Ogilvie matched all seven individuals to their former jobs. Congratulations Chrissy – tunnellers in the UK – an we are sending you a bottle of 2002 vintage Dom Perignon champagne for your efforts. average age of 55 – but I need 1,000 tunnellers.” 14 _ professional manager _ Winter 2011/12
  • 9. Agenda HERITAgE guARDIAN wINS golD the director general of the national trust has won CMI’s highest honour for her outstanding leadership of the cherished charity. Dame Fiona Reynolds DBe, who has overseen a boost in National Trust membership grow to four million for the first time, was handed the CMI Gold Medal in recognition of her brilliant work. Under her tenure, the Trust, which protects more than 600,000 acres of land, Kate Speers has become one of the largest membership and volunteer charities in the world. (middle) won “Dame Fiona’s commitment, ability to manage resources and lead teams the award for Young are skills that others should imitate,” said CMI president Terry Morgan. Achiever Accepting the award, Dame Fiona said: “The National Trust is a place where of the Year our people – volunteers and employees – are committed to what they do. They all share in this award and in accepting it I thank them all very much.” CMi MAnAGeMenT AnD LeADeRsHiP AWARD WinneRs Dragon breathes fire the customer is king. I don’t think on business mantra the customer wants to be king. People Management – the customer is no longer king. They want to be a respected friend.” Broadway Homelessness and Support That is the message from Dragons’ Meaden warned that the days of Den star Deborah Meaden. Instead customers dictating to suppliers Outstanding Training of kings, the multimillionaire were over. Suppliers should strive Provider – enterprise said clients should be “respected to work out what customers want. Northern Ireland friends”. “The customer is king?” “When you ask customers, ‘what Meaden asked delegates at CMI’s else would you like to see?’ they Change Management – Birmingham City Council Management and Leadership don’t offer anything inspirational.” Conference in London. “I think that Meaden added that business Consultant of the Year – sits in the olden days… I don’t think must become more like friendship. Phoebe Dunn, Director, Square Peg International gAMINg boSS RoMPS To vICToRY Practice of the Year – Square Peg International Training and Development the accolade at the Cmi management Management – Tube Lines and leadership awards in london. at a time when Tiga was being Young Achiever – Kate threatened by its main competitor, Speers, marketing manager, ShredBank (pictured) Dr Wilson managed to turn the organisation’s fortunes around, Achiever in the Face increasing its membership by 47% of Adversity – Dr Jill in a year, its turnover by 62% and its Jameson, director of profitability by 8%. research and enterprise, speaking at the ceremony, Dr Wilson School of education, University of Greenwich said: “i’m exceptionally proud of my team and what we’ve achieved at Tiga.” it was Outstanding Leader – a great night for the trade body, which Dr Richard Wilson, also scooped the coveted outstanding chief executive, Tiga organisation award. “it’s a huge honour The chief executive of the trade to have my role recognised but especially Outstanding Management Team – association representing the video for Tiga to be named outstanding Birmingham City Council games industry, Tiga, has been named organisation,” Dr Wilson added. Cmi’s outstanding leader of the year. l Colonel Neale Moss won National Outstanding Organisation – Dr richard Wilson (pictured) scooped Chartered Manager of the Year (see page 39). Tiga _ 15
  • 10. Agenda Link up Professional University Manager goes online partnership Wish you could find that brilliant Linking London Professional Manager article at the and CMI joined touch of a button? Want to invite your forces to create colleagues to join the debate over the new opportunities key management questions? Fancy for learners to testing your own management skills develop the skills on interactive features? now you can. demanded by UK The new Professional Manager organisations. website will provide the perfect Under the electronic foil to Professional memorandum of Manager magazine. It will incorporate understanding, web-exclusive journalism from Blog top dog CMI and Linking London will be able to work the sharpest writers, interactive features and the bright visuals that readers expect from the relaunched with academic Professional Manager brand. Colin Miller has won CMI’s inaugural Ambassador institutions seARCH – your favourite articles blogging competition. All entries to the CMi Share to introduce from the magazine at your fingertips. competition were put out to syndication – Colin’s entry leadership skills DisCOVeR – fresh web-only content, achieved the highest audience. development as including brilliant new sections. Blogging gives managers a higher profile. “I now blog fairly part of the schools DeBATe – get interactive! Let us – regularly,” said Miller. “This awesome new world is, without curriculum. For and the world – know your views on doubt, the people you ‘meet’ – a former special agent with more information managers’ styles, key management the FBI… people from just up the road to the other side of the please visit www. issues and current trends world.” For more information on the Ambassador Programme linkinglondon. Log on today at contact Daniel Symonds on Words of Satisfaction scores wisdom The latest management research in numbers CMI’s drive to create an online knowledge- transfer marketplace for management research is booming. CMI’s Top Management Articles enable academics in UK business schools and universities to share their most 37% of graduates 80% of UK workers 49% of business accessible and relevant are “very satisfied” say they get to use travellers are “very research – and have with their career their strengths at likely” to replace their them rated by an three years after work, while more number one choice audience of 90,000 leaving higher than 83% say they hotel brand in favour practitioners. All education. are satisfied with of a brand at a similar articles and reviews the work they do. location and cost point can be freely viewed that offered free WiFi. and downloaded by Source: Higher anyone via CMI’s Education Statistics Source: Gallup website, although only Agency. The data Healthways’ Source: BDRC CMI members may post reflects opinions of 2011 Well-Being Continental, British reviews and ratings. 2006/07 leavers Index Hotel Guest Survey At the last count the initiative has attracted more than 50 articles MAnAGeMenT sPeAk problem or project failure. series of The Apprentice for from an impressive range The act of deciding who Sure, you might be told boardroom survival tips just of universities. Tap into Blamestorming 1. v or what is to blame for a it’s a “postmortem” when in case? This will make sure the wisdom of the UK’s failure. 2. n A meeting held you get the emailed invite, it’s not you that ends up on best management brains to investigate the cause of a but why not study the last the slab. now at www.managers. 16 _ professional manager _ Winter 2011/12
  • 11. Agenda POLiCy WATCH With university applications slumping, government moves to place students at the heart of further education reforms have never been timelier, says CMI policy and research director Petra wilton market reforms should boost student lives ou might say that cuts to teaching grants, reduced New student diet: employers to help provide routes Y Bis has been busy. A capital investment and increased into employment. university is becoming less flurry of consultations student fees, will be unknown for a about traditional In terms of supporting has emanated from while. But the decisions to allocate student students, professional bodies the Department for Business, some places on price are likely to experiences such as CMI are well placed to and more about Innovation and Skills as the reality see the re-emergence of a two-tier getting the offer management modules to of exposing our further and higher system. In the elite camp, there most out of undergraduates. Through our education systems to greater will be a few universities bidding an education Campus CMI initiative, we will to secure a job competition starts to hit home. for highly qualified students, with be exploring how we can offer The concept of placing students’ more staff and higher levels of universities and colleges more interests at the heart of reforms is resources. But we are likely to find access to employment experiences. likely to have a significant impact a larger proportion of students However, a university degree on the university system, especially will be taught at universities in the is not the only desirable route to those that, historically, were driven lower tier, through a combination employment. We welcome the by research excellence rather than of distance learning, colleges and government’s focus on raising the student experience. Arguably, this private sector providers. profile of vocational routes. new approach has never been more But it is not yet clear how Yet, at a time when economic pertinent – applications for UK students will respond. If Ucas growth is more important than university places are down 9% from figures are anything to go by, ever, the value of university-led this time last year. The University students are likely to hold back. research is also fundamental and and Colleges Admissions Service Given that higher education is still should not be ignored. As we await (Ucas) has revealed that just under oversubscribed, it is unlikely the outcomes of the government’s 70,000 people have applied for that this drop in applications Growth Review at the end of places in 2012. At this time last year, will affect too many institutions. November, we will seek further the number was almost 77,000. Students will increasingly recognition of the economic The number of older students be looking for value for money, benefits of our education system. applying for university has dropped and there will be a much There are already some even faster. From those aged over greater emphasis on the successful partnerships between 25, applications have dropped by student experience and universities, colleges, professional 20%, and from those aged over 40, satisfaction levels. Students bodies and employers. It is through applications are down by 28%. will consider their future these relationships that we will It’s clear that the consequences employability and universities build the skills, capacity and of the new funding landscape, with may begin relationships with research needed to grow UK plc. two chartered managers have been elected adopted at this year’s AGM. BDO LLP was to the Board of trustees. Judy Craske CMC, reappointed as Auditor of the Institute. MIC, CMgr, FCMI and Ian Maceachern OBe, A Special Resolution on the AGM agenda CMgr, FCMI will serve for three years. Judy proposed amendments to the bye-laws nOTiCes and Ian will fill the two seats that fall vacant in relation to the membership grades, the ILLUSTRATIOn: qUInTOn WInTER each year. There are six seats for elected intention being to embed Chartered Manager members in total. Voting in the 2011 elections within the grade structure. This Resolution began in September and closed in October in was passed unanimously. The bye-law advance of the CMI Annual General Meeting changes remain subject to Privy Council (AGM). Announcing the results at the AGM approval. If approved, the Institute will revise on 20 October, CMI president Terry Morgan and relaunch Chartered Manager, the aim congratulated the successful candidates and being for it to grow in numbers and recognition, expressed thanks to all nominees. while retaining the rigour of the award. There In other news, the CMI annual report will be further member communication and and financial statements were unanimously consultation as this project progresses. _ 17
  • 12. View from Westminster HeLPinG HAnDs neeDeD in HARD TiMes Developing the workforce with tailored-education measures and boosting the labour market with family-friendly policies are even more crucial in a slump, says Baroness Prosser one are the days when, There have been leading role in the world’s g educated or otherwise, qualified or not, a person numerous legislative responses, such as the economic development. Second, we need to could walk into a job and, right to request flexible invest in education and if they didn’t like it, simply move on to working introduced training, to support another one. The world of employment by Labour. Despite the pupils making choices, to has changed drastically in recent musings of some policy create opportunities for decades, with implications for the advisers – most of whom work experience and to economy, education, welfare and public have never set foot in enable employers to build services. Securing the UK’s future a workplace outside of relationships with schools. prosperity means recognising how Westminster – I believe We need investment change continues to affect us and these steps are recognised in vocational training, acting accordingly. by most employers name Margaret Theresa including opportunities During the 1980s, globalisation made as both helpful and Prosser, Baroness Prosser, for people to retrain or to itself felt and manufacturing took flight, essential. There has also OBE take up apprenticeships. Party Labour commencing its quest for the cheapest been an emphasis on Peerage Life peer of Equally important are dollar. Mines closed in their hundreds education for all. I agree Battersea, London Borough second chances for and new technologies took hold, with the intention, but I of Wandsworth women after children. introducing easier and faster methods question the bias towards Became peer 2004 Increasing women’s Key roles Deputy chair, of production. Much as I didn’t like the academia at the expense Equality and Human Rights participation in the government’s policies at the time, the of vocational training. The Commission (since 2006), workplace could be worth truth was that most of the job losses country needs people with Labour Party treasurer £15-23 billion each year. in the power industry were due practical skills, but we (1996-2001), Third, we need to Trades Union Congress to advancing technologies. have seen too many young president (1996) invest in research. High- people convinced that a Political compass volume manufacturing “The uK needs people university education is the Centre-left is unlikely to return to only or best option. this country, which is with practical skills, Of course, the financial VOTinG ReCORD greater autonomy for all the more reason to but too many people situation is very difficult schools Strongly against invest in innovation. and it would be crass to Finally, we need to think university eu integration pretend otherwise. But the Strongly for acknowledge how far is the only option” stricter asylum system Institute for Fiscal Studies Strongly for society has changed. has found that education Groups left behind will We have seen profound changes in the spending is being slashed not tolerate being at the labour market since then. After a sharp by more than 13%, the largest cut since bottom of the heap forever. Positive fall in the 1980s, employment increased the 1950s. By taking away Education action programmes are needed to help steadily, with an extra 4.8 million people Maintenance Allowances, collapsing employers understand that we cannot in employment between 1992 and the Future Jobs Fund, cancelling the afford to leave great swathes of the 2008. Yet, as a recent report by centre- right-to-work experience and increasing population on the unemployment shelf. left think tank the Institute for Public fees to attend university, the coalition Failure to act will not only see the UK Policy Research showed, manufacturing government is taking this debate in become a has-been. It will also exacerbate employment fell by 31% during that time. completely the wrong direction. the already unacceptable wealth gap and The increases came in sectors such as So what do we need to do? First, we lead to an unhappy and divided society. l real estate, up by 103%, and information need a long-term strategy that recognises Baroness Prosser is a member of the and communication, up by 59%, as well as we are a global player – none of us will All-Party Parliamentary Group on in health and social work, and education. be thanked if we do not work to take a Management and a CMI Companion. _ 19
  • 13. Is it ever right to fight? Do arguments in the workplace boost creativity? What happens when disagreement becomes conflict? Kayleigh Ziolo discovers the side effects of confrontation in the office Too often conflict is talked about as being dysfunctional. it is actually yes far more worrying to be without it. We need sparks to harness creativity and innovation, and conflict lYnne eisaguirre avoidance causes the most damage Speaker, consultant within an organisation. When it and author of The comes to arguments, it is easy to look Power of a Good Fight to the aggressors as the problem, but more often it is those who try to please everyone or run from issues altogether that are causing debate. it is very rare that i see people skilfully using arguments to a collective advantage – they tend to fear it and thus avoid it. Conflict is reality and a part of life, and it is time we embraced this in a positive way. When facing disagreements with a colleague, be sure to confront them early. That doesn’t mean pick a fight, it just means you should get things out in the open before it simmers and escalates into a problem that is near impossible to resolve. The longer we have an issue on our minds, the more it spirals out of control. We lose sight of the person we are in conflict with as a human being and they simply become a problem. i think there is increased conflict in today’s offices. This is due to several factors: diversity has increased rapidly, and often rules and attitudes have not moved quite as quickly. people are looking to assert themselves and their rights, which is a positive thing, but it is not always plain sailing. There is also a vast age range in the workplace, with as many as four generations, all with different expectations and needs. The way we communicate has changed. email is good for facts, but when it comes to explanations it is better to have a face-to-face conversation. facial expressions and tone of voice are very important when confronting an issue. it is vital to recognise when a good fight goes bad. You need to learn how to engage in a good fight and when to walk away from a bad one. and it is a skill that can be learned. many people think they do not have the capacity for conflict. The truth is we all just have different styles. But it’s not only about understanding the way in which you approach conflict yourself – you also need to understand other people’s ways of dealing with it. You should be as clear as possible about your needs. express your motives for taking that position. once we start talking, we can achieve productive and creative resolutions. 20_ professional manager _ Winter 2011/12
  • 14. Debate It is right to debate, but not right to nO bulldoze your opinions through the office. i think Jo ouston shows such as The Director of Jo Ouston Apprentice contribute & Co Career Coaching to this negative idea of and Personal business being a self- Presence and aggrandising, shouting former CMI Head of environment, where Advisory Services everyone is ruthless and those in authority yell at subordinates. i speak to many young people who are put off the idea of business because of negative images, which is very sad. reality television presents people out for their own personal gain. i don’t believe this is the intention of The Apprentice – it’s down to the final editing – but, as a result, this damaging view is broadcast to millions of people. When debate becomes less about championing your views and more about self-importance, that is when argument becomes unacceptable. To raise your voice just to assert authority is destructive and, in fact, gets you nowhere. Whatever your cause or belief, your physical state is as important as your mental state. You cannot have a positive mental attitude unless you manage your physicality. in stressful situations, whether feeling passionate about something or in conflict, you can find that you tense up, with your energy rising to the top of your chest. This will make you look and feel less confident. Before presenting your arguments, make sure you lower your centre of gravity – either by relaxing physically or by breathing deeply. This increases the oxygen to your brain and enables you to think more quickly so that your words will be more cogent. The oxygen will also enhance your peripheral vision. This is vital: in a heightened- stress state you can develop tunnel vision – they don’t call it narrow-mindedness for nothing – and you cannot see how everyone around you is reacting to what you say. people who remain at a high centre of gravity are in fight mode – they become interested only in winning. a healthy balanced debate is indeed vital for business, to generate ideas and allow creativity. However, if people are only in it to make a point, those around them will realise this, and things will descend into conflict. a shouting match is never acceptable, and once you engage in one with a colleague, so much tension is created it is often difficult to restore relations. You should be looking to achieve something. if you are not true to yourself, and only want to win the debate, you should step out of the arena. _ 21
  • 15. Advertorial having good office insurance is good management ake two different scenarios: such as office artwork and visitors’ in the event that your office is damaged t You are working abroad in personal effects, which are covered as or essential business equipment is lost. a client’s office when your standard. Portable equipment can be As for those claims we mentioned at the laptop goes missing. Stolen or added, giving you up to £25,000 in cover start of the article? The client’s laptop lost, it doesn’t matter, the impact on your for items like laptops, Blackberries and was replaced within two days. And the business is the same, and the cost and other smartphones. In addition, if you business that was unable to operate inconvenience can be significant. have separate premises, buildings cover from its office was able to claim under The second, as your run of bad luck is also available with cover of up its business interruption cover – so any continues, sees a fire take hold at a to £500,000. financial loss was minimal. nearby business premises, rendering your office unusable. Your team is An unwelcome interruption unable to access the premises and it is It’s not just your office contents that threatening to cost you a great deal in are at risk however. Going back to the terms of lost income and damage to your earlier claims example, what if a fire or business reputation. flood means you can’t work from your For CMI members, both examples business premises? Hiscox also offers represent two very different potential business interruption cover as an option For more information risks that can be damaging without the with its office insurance. Business and a quote, appropriate insurance in place. interruption will provide protection please contact from unforeseen circumstances which Tim Evans on 020 7929 3400 or Home insurance might not result in your business being unable to time@bannerman cover you operate from its normal premises. The Many home-based management policy includes a payment to make up the consultants are under the difference between your actual income misapprehension that their home and expected income following a fire contents insurance will cover any loss or a theft, while it will also pay out up or damage to business equipment like to 30% of the sum insured to cover the laptops or a smart phone. Often this additional costs you incur in order to is not the case, and even if their home continue running your business, such policy does pay out, it certainly won’t as setting up a temporary office cover extras like loss of company data. or recruiting additional staff. Considering a wider based office cover, to complement your existing Are you covered? professional indemnity insurance, Whether you are a home-based sole should be high on every independent trader or a small business operating consultant’s list whether you work from your own premises, it is essential from home as a sole trader or operate that you consider how you are covered from business premises as a limited company. Specialist small business insurer Hiscox offers an office insurance policy. This can be bought at a reduced rate by CMI members if you already have what if a fire or flood means you can’t work your professional indemnity insurance from your business premises? Hiscox also through the Institute. As well as covering office contents offers business interruption cover as an which includes your business equipment option with its office insurance. for accidental damage or loss, the Hiscox policy covers other non-standard items 22 _ professional manager _ Winter 2011/12
  • 16.
  • 17. McAnDReW MeeTs… Dennis Hone The man charged with delivering the Olympic Park tells ITN’s special correspondent Daisy McAndrew why earning £400,000 a year is justifiable – when you’ve saved the nation nearly a billion pounds Dennis Hone is the first to admit he’s never tackled anything on such a, well, Olympic scale. But then again, who has? As the chief executive of the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA), Hone must deliver one of the biggest construction projects in Europe on a highly contaminated site with a deadline that, for obvious reasons, allows for no slippage. “This is the pinnacle,” he says, with some slightly nervous lip-licking. “As soon as we won the bid it was the project I wanted to work on. But when I came to the project I thought: ‘This is a high-risk project – if we’re not on budget in two years we’ll all be fired.’ And that was a fair assumption – it happened in both Australia and Athens.” So who could blame Hone for being a tad dry of mouth? As we sit chatting in a café, we glance across the canal every now and then at the “as near as dammit finished” Olympic Park. The sheer scale of it would scare most people: this giant construction site spreads some 600 acres across a forgotten corner of east London. The dimensions are stunning. The press centre is the size of six football pitches, and required the use of the UK’s biggest fork lift during the erection of its steel frame. The velodrome’s cable-net roof is made from 56,500 feet of cables – almost twice the height of Mount Everest. But Hone says the trick is all in the preparation – and that started with getting on the right side of the locals. That said, he bridles when I suggest a PR push must have been needed. “PR often gets confused with spin,” he insists, “and spin doesn’t win people’s hearts.” The trick, says Hone, is community engagement. “People fear change and the disruption that comes with it,” he says. “They fear that the new people 24 _ professional manager _ Winter 2011/12