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It’s noisy, it’s subject to fads,
and it’s insanely popular

Yes, social media is here to stay. With Facebook engaging more than 800 million monthly active
users worldwide and earning more than 3 billion dollars in annual ad revenue, there‟s no doubt that
social media infiltrates our lives and affects our behavior.

But can it boost your company‟s bottom line? The insight presented here examines the impact of
social media and its potential to drive more than mere awareness.

In this presentation, you’ll discover:

•   Who‟s likely to buy from social media sites
•   How marketers are using social today
•   What you need to do to master social marketing

With this compilation of the industry‟s latest data and insights, you‟ll get the information you need to
take social media to the next level - and to seize new opportunities for marketing success.

The Adobe Digital Marketing Team
Putting the marketing in
Social media marketing
This presentation is part of MarketingCharts‟ Data Insights series featuring trends, data and research. This
collection brings together months of surveys, reports and insights released by research and marketing

The charts in this collection are ready to (re)use and embed. Feel free to share the whole presentation or any
slide, with your colleagues and business partners, but please preserve credits to our sponsor Adobe, the
organizations that provided the source data, and our links to

                                                                                                   SPONSORED BY
Is social media a marketing treadmill?
                                SPONSORED BY
Yes, social media is a busy, noisy environment…


36% of tweets “worth
reading” are gobbled
by boring majority
Carnegie Mellon University, Jan. 2012

                                        Do not use any social media   Ads Not very/not useful   Ads Very/somewhat useful

                                          while a solid majority of Americans
                                          either don‟t use social media or don‟t
                                          find ads in social media too useful
                                          Epsilon, Dec. 2011

                                                                                                         SPONSORED BY
…subject to fads and fashions.

                 Dec-11   Jan-12            All of a sudden you
30%                                         keep hearing about
                                            Meanwhile where are Bebo, MySpace,
                                            Digg, Second Life, Slashdot,
20%                                         Friendster, and countless other social
                                            networks and online communities
                                            whose heyday came and went?
                                            Shareholic, Jan. 2012



           Referral traffic by source

                                                                    SPONSORED BY
And it is “free” only if you don‟t account for time spent.

                                                           63% of community
                                                           managers spend more
                                                           than 30 hours a week
15%                                                        on their community, with a plurality
                                                           spending 41-50 hours (26%). In other
                                                           words, management of corporate
                                                           social media has become a full-time
10%                                                        job in many marketing departments.

                                                           Social Fresh, Jan. 2012


         Most time-consuming task for community managers

                                                                              SPONSORED BY
Account proliferation contributes to overload…

             Twitter                                  39.2       Companies with
                Blog                           31.9              1,000+ employees
           Facebook                          29.9
                                                                 have an average of
                                                                 178 social media
            LinkedIn                        28.8
Forum/Message board/                                             only 48% have a coordinated
    Communities                                                  approach to social media
                                                                 deployments across the company

                                                                 Altimeter Group, Jan. 2012
          Foursquare     6.3


               Flickr   0.3

             Gowalla    0.3

   Number of corporate-owned social media accounts

                                                                                    SPONSORED BY
…and resources can be a challenge.
                                              Top social marketing challenge


                                                                            34%              33%


    Lack of sufficient   Measuring   Managing and      Integrating        Integrating   Monitoring social      Managing        Social media
       resources           ROI       growing social     social with       social with        media            publishing of      training
                                       presence       lead gen and          rest of                          social content
                                                          sales            marketing                        across platforms

 77% of marketers feel they lack resources
 A majority also struggle to measure ROI… which usually doesn‟t help getting more resources!

 Awareness, Dec. 2011

                                                                                                                                    SPONSORED BY
Yet… can you argue with success?
900M                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     60%


600M                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     40%


300M                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     20%


 0M                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      0%



















                                                                                                                   MAUs                            DAUs                            Daily/Monthly

 Facebook going towards 1 billion
 monthly active users (MAUs) worldwide
 An unprecedented scale, with a daily use rate (DAUs as a %age of MAUs) sustained above 50% of total users

 Company SEC filing, Feb. 2012

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SPONSORED BY
Facebook and Youtube have emerged as
 behemoths that cannot be ignored.
                                                                 The two market leaders
      YouTube                                                    dwarf everyone else with
        Twitter                                                  an undeniable critical
Yahoo! Answers
                                                                 mass in terms of time
                                                                 spent by users

                                                                 Experian Hitwise, Feb. 2012





                  0%   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%   70%

           US market share of visits, January 2012

                                                                                               SPONSORED BY
Social media does affect behavior
                                SPONSORED BY
Social recommendation improves media perception

                                                                     14% uplift in enjoyment
                                                       7%            of recommended video
                 12%                                                 and 41% decrease in the proportion of
                                                                     people who didn‟t like the video.
                                                                     Decipher/Unruly Media, Feb. 2012

                                                       65%           See also Trendrr.TV analysis and
30%                                                                  Hollywood Reporter / Penn Schoen
                                                                     Berland survey, March 2012


               Browsing                         Via Recommendation

                       Enjoyed video   Did not enjoy

       Impact of social recommendation on video perception

                                                                                            SPONSORED BY
Social login contributes to website stickiness
                                                                           Users logged in via a
                                                                           social plugin stay more
                                                                           than twice as long as
                                                                           visitors that don‟t log in at all. They
                                                                           stay 12 minutes on average, which
                                                                           beats standard login visits too.
                                                                           Gigya, Jan. 2012




            Social login            Standard login         Not logged in

                       Website session length in minutes

                                                                                                   SPONSORED BY
Social sharing increases email click-through

10%                                                                     9.6%

                                                                                       Email CTR twice
                                                                                       higher or more
                                                                                       thanks to social sharing buttons
                                                                                       GetResponse, Jan. 2012


3%          2.6%



      CTR without sharing   CTR with Twitter   CTR with Facebook   CTR with LinkedIn

                   CTR with or without social sharing

                                                                                                            SPONSORED BY
Social networks are used to find local businesses

                                                            15%           In 4 years the role of
14%                                                                       social networks moved
12%                                                                       from anecdotal to
                                                                          nontrivial in helping
                                            9%                            people find information
                                                                          about local businesses
                                                                          Localeze/15miles/comScore, Feb.
           4%                                                             2012


          2008             2009             2010            2011

              Social Network Local Business Search Usage
 (% of respondents citing social media as primary and secondary source)

                                                                                             SPONSORED BY
Social can drive sales
but faces perception challenges
                                  SPONSORED BY
Women‟s influence on purchasing decisions
 expands through social networks
                                                                       Millenials       Xers        Boomers        Seniors
I am an influential information source                                    73%           53%            51%           44%
I regularly influence friends and family to buy or not to buy a
particular product or service                                             69%           49%            41%           27%
Using social network sites has made it easier for me to decide
on what to buy                                                            61%           46%            36%           29%
Using social network sites to share my shopping and product
experiences make me feel more empowered                                   51%           33%            19%            9%
 Women’s marketplace influence self-assessment

                                                                       73% of young adult women
                                                                       describe themselves as
                                                                       influential information sources
                                                                       Ipsos Mendelsohn / Fleishman Hillard /Hearst, Jan.

                                                                                                              SPONSORED BY
Online orders via social media are larger on average

            Affiliates                 average
                                       across digital          Social media appears to
      Natural Search                   channels
                                                               drive less bargain-
               Email                                           seeking “transactional”
Comparison Shopping                                            shoppers than other
        Paid Search                                            digital channels
                                                               ClearSaleing, Feb. 2012
        Social Media

                         $-   $100         $200         $300

            Average order size by digital channel

                                                                                         SPONSORED BY
Social sharing can trickle down to orders

                                                                   A quarter of online
                                                                   shoppers, who shop
                 All shoppers (100%)                               at least quarterly
                                                             62%   online and login to
             Read friend comments (62%)                            their Facebook
                                                       75%         account at least
             Click through to retailer (47%)                       monthly, have made a
                                                                   purchase based on a
                Purchase product (25%)                             social
    % of online shoppers who are also Facebook users               Sociable Labs, March 2012

                                                                                       SPONSORED BY
Social media barely registers for holiday deal seekers

         Companies' websites                                               24%
                                                                                 Facebook and Twitter
                          Print                               15%                way behind other online
            Email newsletters                               13%                  and offline ways to
Talking with friends and family                        9%
                                                                                 share good holiday
                  Online flyers                  5%
                                                                                 Crowd Science, Jan. 2012
                    Facebook                3%

                        Twitter        1%

                   RSS feeds           1%

                         Other                   5%

         No preferred method                                               24%

                                  0%        5%        10%   15%     20%   25%

                  Favorite way to find holiday shopping deals

                                                                                                            SPONSORED BY
Younger people trust online reviews more…


 49%                                                                     51% of millenials say
                                                                         user-generated content
                                                             34%         on a company website
                                                                         most likely to influence
                                                                         their opinion when
                                                                         making a purchase
                                                                         BazaarVoice survey, Jan. 2012
 From friends and family                   From online content reviews

                           Millenials   Boomers

       Recommendations as Purchase Influencers

                                                                                                SPONSORED BY
…but personalization and privacy expectations
    are less often met while shopping on Facebook…

     On tablet      23%                    61.5%                  15.5%    Shopping
                                                                           personalization more
                                                                           than twice as likely to be
On smartphone     18.5%                  64.7%                    16.8%
                                                                           found lacking on
                                                                           21% also found their privacy
  On Facebook      22.9%                  61.4%                   15.7%    expectations were not met.

                                                                           Baynote survey, Jan. 2012

On e-commerce
      site          24%                      69.3%                  6.6%

                 Exceeded expectations         Met expectations

                       Personalized shopping experience

                                                                                                   SPONSORED BY
…and direct shopping on Facebook is a mixed picture.

35%      34%

                                                                      Only 19% have or would
25%                                                                   shop on Facebook
                                                                      Less than the proportion of people saying
                                                                      they wouldn‟t ever. But a plurality of
20%                                                                   people polled either didn‟t use Facebook
                                                                      or didn‟t know they could make
                                   15%                                purchases there.
                                                                      Oracle, Dec. 2011
10%                                                          9%


      would never   Do no use   Did not know    Would       Have
       purchase     Facebook      possible     purchase   purchased
           Product purchase intent via retailer’s FB page

                                                                                              SPONSORED BY
Social commerce trust skews towards
       young, male, more affluent.


90%                                                                        Majority of females and
80%                                                                        people of age 54+
                                                                           are less likely to be comfortable giving
70%                                                                        their credit card information to a known
60%                                                                        brand through a secure payment process
                                                                           on a social media site.
                                                                           Digitas/Harris Interactive, Feb. 2012

                                              49%      49%         50%
20%                38%          40%

        54+        $35K-      Female         18-54     Male        $35K+

                           More likely   Less likely

              Likelihood of giving credit card information

                                                                                                    SPONSORED BY
Trust and privacy concerns
  limit what people are willing to share.

90%                                                                                    For all the talk about
80%                                                                                    online over-sharing,
                                                                                       real world concerns still affect what
                                                                                       people are willing to share online.
60%                                                                                    Women tend to keep to themselves data
                                                                                       that could be used to find them.

40%                                                                                    uSamp, Feb. 2012




       Men   Women   Men    Women    Men      Women    Men       Women   Men   Women
         Name        Email address   Phone number Physical address        Location
                        Yes    Probably not     Definitely not

                         Are you willing to share…

                                                                                                            SPONSORED BY
Social media advertising: more data
needed to understand momentum
                                SPONSORED BY
Facebook now generating $3B+ in ad revenue per year
                     Growth rate          Ad revenue ($M)

                                                                              Facebook‟s 2011 ad
$3.5B                                                                  200%
$3.0B                                                                         revenue is equivalent to
                                                                              Google‟s in 2004
$2.5B                                                                  140%
                                                                              Meanwhile, LinkedIn and Twitter‟s 2011
                                                                       120%   ad revenue were at around $155M and
                                                     $1,868M                  $140M respectively.
                                                                       80%    Company SEC filings, Feb. 2012

                                                                              Facebook had a 28%
                                      $764M                            40%
                                                                              market share
          $151M        $269M
                                                                       20%    of the US online display ad market in
$0.0B                                                                  0%
          2007      2008           2009          2010          2011
                                                                              Comscore, Feb. 2012
          Facebook’s ad revenue ($M) and growth rate (%)

                                                                                                        SPONSORED BY
Facebook ahead of PPC/SEM among small businesses




                                                                           Facebook advertising
                                                                           used by almost one in
                                                                           four small businesses
                                                                           MerchantCircle, Dec. 2011
  Print     Direct mail Facebook ads PPC & SEM   Group deals     Online
newspaper                                                      newspaper

             Small business marketing channel use

                                                                                                       SPONSORED BY
While Google is promoting Google+ aggressively


                                                                                     How many people really
                                                                                     adopt and use Google+
140                                                                                  and how Google continues to integrate it
                                                                                     with both Adwords and organic search
                                                                                     results could have a major impact on
                                                                                     both SEO and SEM practices and
                                                                                     Google hasn‟t released numbers for
 60                                                                                  daily/monthly G+ active users so a fair
                                                                                     comparison with other networks is hard
 40                                                                                  to make.

 20                                                                                  (Rough) estimate of G+ users: Paul Allen
                                                                                     with a few datapoints from Google;
  0                                                                                  MarketingCharts filling in the gaps
      Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12

                   Google+ global registered users (millions)

                                                                                                            SPONSORED BY
But people are ambivalent about personalized search

                                                                 A strong minority doesn‟t
                                                                 like the idea of
                                                                 personalized web
 45%                                   Yes, but I do have some   and its supporters seem rather
                                       concerns about privacy
                                                                 lukewarm. If there‟s strong user
                                                                 pushback then Google will have another
                                       No, I think everyone      failed social platform in its track record.
                                       should see the same
                                       results when searching    Ask Your Target Market, Jan. 2012
                                       the same keyword

 Do you like the idea of personalizing search results
  based on past searches and info from your social
                   networking sites?

                                                                                                    SPONSORED BY
A lot of data is missing on social advertising,
monetization, and genuine active use

                               There is a lot of data that companies such as
                               Facebook, Google or Twitter are not sharing:

                               - How many advertisers does Facebook have?
                               - How many people really use Google+ on a
                                 daily basis?
                               - What is the proportion of all these social
                                 media accounts that might be duplicates,
                                 fakes, empty shells, or otherwise worthless?
                               - Are people sticking to any social network for
                                 more than just a few years?

                               The social media momentum is real but all
                               datapoints should not be taken at face value
                               and marketers need to do their homework in
                               their specific market.

                                                                          SPONSORED BY
The state of social media marketing
practices: peer benchmarking
                                SPONSORED BY
Even blue-chip industries like banking
      have ramped up their social media presence.
         Internet websites    76%

SocNet pages and postings     47%

          Online or mobile
          video segments      41%

           Print magazines    39%

       Online communities
        and affinity groups   31%                                Almost half of bank
         Digital signage
       and point-of-service   29%                                marketers use social
  Digital media formats
(mobile, tablets, eReaders)   25%                                media to deliver
     eMagazines (dynamic
      publishing systems)     24%                                branded marketing
             DVD products     15%
                                                                 and close to 40% use social media
              Infomercials    7%                                 analytics and conversation monitoring

           IP-TV programs     4%                                 CMO Council, December 2011

                     Other    14%

       Marketing channels used by banks for their content

                                                                                          SPONSORED BY
Marketers are excited by social media engagement

       Social media engagement                                                         54%

              Mobile optimization                                           38%

            Content optimization                                            37%

    Conversion rate optimization                                      31%
                                                                                              Social media
  Brand building / viral marketing                                27%
                                                                                              engagement tops
                 Video marketing                                24%                           the list of digital marketing initiatives that
                                                                                              gets marketing professionals excited.
Joining up online and offline data                              23%
                                                                                              39% also make it a top priority.
           Social media analytics                         19%
                                                                                              Adobe / Econsultancy, Feb. 2012
               Content marketing                          18%
                                                                                              See also Pointroll/Kelton Research
           Marketing automation                     11%
                                                                                              survey, March 2012
                     Gamification              6%

               Sponsored tweets           2%

                                     0%               20%               40%             60%
             Most exciting digital marketing opportunities
             (Total > 100% because respondents were asked their top 3)

                                                                                                                           SPONSORED BY
They think it‟s a source of success, competitive
       advantage, and even survival

  Companies that                                                                         A majority of senior
don't fully embrace
                            16              26                39                    20
social media will not
                                                                                         marketers think
                                                                                         businesses must
Companies can gain                                                                       embrace social media
   advantage by            13          17             36                       35        Facebook / Forrester, March 2012
 leveraging social

    Social media
 enables businesses
                           13               28                42                    18
     to be more

                  Strongly disagree      Disagree   Agree     Strongly agree

                                      % of senior marketers

                                                                                                                SPONSORED BY
They use social sites to listen & engage…

     Improved customer listening,
    engagement and conversations       55%

      Opened new avenues to
 gather and further market insights    55%

       Increased the complexity of
               marketing,…             47%

  Opened opportunities to survey,
test and research products/services                        More than half of
    Improved customer intelligence     20%                 marketers have
    New efficiencies / effectiveness
                                                           improved how they
     in our go-to-market programs

      Increased headcount to add
                                                           interact with customers
     talent to manage social media     14%
                                                           and gather market
 Reduced advertising/media spend       14%                 insights
                   Lowered cost of
                  customer service     5%                  CMO Council, Dec. 2011

                              Other    11%

        Social Media Impact on Marketing Operations

                                                                                    SPONSORED BY
…and collect valuable data.

     Prior marketing campaigns (e.g. for
                remarketing)                                                           3.7
                Web analytics providers                                          3.4
Social media and/or mobile applications                                         3.3
                        Search engines                                     3.1
  Data originators (e.g. survey / market
                research)                                                 3.0                Social media comes
Commercial data compilers (focused on
             offline data)
                                                                                             third among third-party
        Online ad networks / exchanges                                   2.9
Offline audience measurement platforms
                                                                                             data sources ranked by
            (e.g. Nielsen, IRI)
             Publisher registration data                             2.8                     value
                       Data exchanges                           2.6
                                                                                             Winterberry Group, Jan. 2012
             List brokers and managers                         2.5       average = 3.0

                                           0   1       2             3                  4

                      To what extent is your company realizing value
                      from the utilization of third-party marketing data?

                                                                                                                     SPONSORED BY
CRM with a social layer lifts sales productivity

                              21%                    21%

                                          16%               More than half of social-
                                                            enabled CRM saw a
                                                            10%+ rise in productivity
7%                                                          Nucleus Research, March 2012

0%    1-5%        5-10%      10-15%      15-20%      >20%

     Improved Sales Productivity from Social CRM
                  (% of respondents)

                                                                                   SPONSORED BY
But practitioners lack standard ROI metrics,


                               24%                                        Fewer marketers tie
                                                                          social media marketing
                                                       15%                to sales/revenue
                                                                          though their number is growing

                                                                          Wildfire, Jan. 2012

 Increased fans, likes,   Increased revenue   Increased brand awareness
comments, interactions

        Measuring ROI on Social Media Campaigns

                                                                                                   SPONSORED BY
…tend to focus on “soft” goals…


                                                                       Brand awareness
                                                                       growth & customer
                                                                       engagement dominate
                                                                       Wildfire, Jan. 2012

                                                                       See also Social Media Examiner, April
Grow brand    Engage in dialogue   Increase sales and   Reduce costs
awareness                             partnerships

             Benefits of Social Media Campaigns

                                                                                                SPONSORED BY
…such as awareness and reach.

                    Awareness building                                                        64%
                                                                                                    Low expectations for
Building customer loyalty and retention                                           48%               lead gen and
    Expanding reach to new audience                                             44%
                                                                                                    revenue generation
                                                                                                    StrongMail/Zoomerang, Dec. 2011
              New customer acquisition                                    36%

                   B2B lead generation                        19%

                         Driving revenue                  14%

   Not sure/still trying to figure that out             11%

                   I don't see any value           3%

                                    Other          2%

                                              0%    10%   20%       30%   40%   50%     60%   70%

                      Primary value of social media as a marketing channel
                            (total above 100% because multiple answers were allowed)

                                                                                                                    SPONSORED BY
Is a Facebook „Like‟ an actionable marketing event?

         Engage in futher conversation
              with the customer             31%
 Foster more community conversations
                                                       For most
     to spark ongoing engagement
           Allow organic conversations,
                                                       organizations what
              no censorship or editing
       Deliver special offers, discounts,
                                                       to do after a
          or deals exclusive to fans
               Deliver more targeted,
                                                       Facebook „Like‟
              individualized messaging
             Not sure how to respond,
            but we have a lot of "likes"    21%
                                                       remains rather fuzzy
             Deliver more advertising
            to a more captive audience      10%
                                                       and informal
              Provide enhanced service
                     and support            10%        CMO Council, Dec. 2011
                      Promote perks,
                    privileges or benefit   7%
       Reward power-posters and
build advocacy among brand champions        7%
           Work to provide faster
     handling and better customer care      4%
                 Develop new products
                    or innovations          4%

                                   Other    15%

                                                                       SPONSORED BY
The relationship between email and social is uncertain…

                                                                                               Marketers are split
                                                                                               on whether email
                                                                                               and social are
                                                                                               complementary or
    36%                                                                                        separate channels
                                                                                               Adestra & Econsultancy, March


                                                1%       1%

Complementary channels   Separate channels   Conflicting channels   We don't do social media
                                    2011        2012

                                                                                                               SPONSORED BY
… and many miss easy integration opportunities…

                  Do you use sign-up forms to grow your lists?                                                                      79%

Do you tell your subscribers specifically what they will receive?                                                               76%

    Do you send confirmation emails to your new subscribers?                                                                  71%

      Is your web form on your homepage and above the fold?                                                       58%

            Do you use incentives to encourage subscriptions?                                               52%

 Do you have a newsletter sign-up form included at your blog?                                               52%

        Do you collect contacts offline (tradeshows, stores…)?                                       44%

 Do you run a Facebook page with a newsletter sign-up form?                                         42%

                                                                    0%   10%   20%    30%     40%     50%     60%       70%     80%

                                                                     A majority of small and medium
                                                                     business don‟t collect email
                                                                     subscriptions from FB page
                                                                     GetResponse, Feb. 2012

                                                                                                                        SPONSORED BY
…though they intend to correct that.

Social media marketing                                                        68%   Social tops integration
                                                                                    initiatives planned by
               Mobile                                       44%                     email marketers for
               Search                  17%                                          StrongMail/Zoomerang, Dec. 2011

               Display               14%

                Other           8%

                         0%    10%     20%    30%     40%    50%       60%   70%

                              Channels planned for integration with email

                                                                                                        SPONSORED BY
A majority will still focus on “feeding the beast” in 2012…

                                                                                            More volume in a
                     59%                                                                    universe of ever-
                                      50%                                                   expanding online
                                                                                            is what many marketing professionals
                                                                       33%                  planned for 2012, such as adding a
                                                                                            Google+ presence.

                                                                                            Awareness, Dec. 2011
                                                                                            Simply Measured, Feb. 2012


   Increased        Increased      More robust      More robust     More social     Other
presence across   frequency of   social marketing   social media   media presence
  social media       content       management        monitoring
   platforms        publishing

            Top Corporate Social Marketing Investment Areas in 2012

                                                                                                                 SPONSORED BY
…which means being all over the place.

YouTube/video                                    76                                       14       1 33

    Facebook                                 72                                           23         24   A solid majority of
      Twitter                                69                                       23            1 7   marketers plans to
        Blogs                               68                                      18         2    12    increase activity
     Google+                                67                                 11     1        21         across half a dozen
     LinkedIn                               66                                      23         1    11    platforms.
Photo sharing
    sites                      38                           21       1                40

      Forums                  34                           24        2                40                  Social Media Examiner, April 2012
 bookmarking                  31                      22         2                  45

 Geo-location            23                 19        1                       57

   Daily deals      12         13       3                                72

                 Increase          Stay the same       Decrease          No plans to utilize

                     Future social media activities (% of marketers)

                                                                                                                               SPONSORED BY
But they will have to face questions of
sustainability and media selection…                                                      74%
 Type of social media in use at Inc. 500 companies


               37%                      36%
                           33%                33%

                                 15%                             16%

       Blogging      Message/Bulletin    Online video          Podcasting      Facebook              Twitter
                                               2009     2010    2011

 The increase in Facebook and Twitter use is done at the expense of previous
 generations of online (social) media such as blogs.

 University of Massachusetts Dartmouth’s Center for Marketing Research, Jan. 2012

                                                                                                       SPONSORED BY
…even for channels that most find effective.

90%                                                                                             Facebook joined
                                                                                                other social
                                                                                                channels in
                                                                                                marketing success
                                                                                                back in 2010
                                                                                                Presumably lower reach and
                                                                                                channel proliferation push
                                                                                                marketers to drop efforts that
20%                                                                                             are otherwise deemed
                                                                                                University of Massachusetts
 0%                                                                                             Dartmouth’s Center for
       Message/    Blogging Online video   Twitter     Facebook Podcasting Foursquare MySpace
        Bulletin                                                                                Marketing Research, Jan.
        boards                                                                                  2012
                                       2009     2010    2011

                   Social media marketing success rate by channel

                                                                                                            SPONSORED BY
Is increased spending the answer?


                                                        CMOs plan to
                                                19.5%   raise spending by

                                                        more than 2x over
                                                        the next 5 years
                            10.8%                       Duke University’s Fuqua
                                                        School of Business, Feb. 2012


       Current levels   Next 12 months   Next 5 years

                                                                     SPONSORED BY
Data sources

    Data sources in this presentation include:

    Adestra - Altimer Group - Awareness - Baynote - BazaarVoice - Carnegie Mellon University -
    Comscore - CMO Council - Crowd Science - Decipher - Digitas - Duke University -
    Econsultancy - Epsilon - Forrester - Gygia - Harris Interactive - Ipsos Mendelsohn - Nucleus
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Some food for thought and action
based on the data and trends…
• Have you tried advertising on Facebook? It is still
  cheap, is relatively easy to operate, and comes with
  powerful demographics targeting.
• Are there social channels you can safely discontinue?
  Others you should experiment with?
• Do you have a plan to do more than just chase
  fleeting social exposure?
• Are you able to measure how social media really
  contributes to your business?

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Productive social-marketing

  • 1. It’s noisy, it’s subject to fads, and it’s insanely popular Yes, social media is here to stay. With Facebook engaging more than 800 million monthly active users worldwide and earning more than 3 billion dollars in annual ad revenue, there‟s no doubt that social media infiltrates our lives and affects our behavior. But can it boost your company‟s bottom line? The insight presented here examines the impact of social media and its potential to drive more than mere awareness. In this presentation, you’ll discover: • Who‟s likely to buy from social media sites • How marketers are using social today • What you need to do to master social marketing With this compilation of the industry‟s latest data and insights, you‟ll get the information you need to take social media to the next level - and to seize new opportunities for marketing success. Enjoy! The Adobe Digital Marketing Team
  • 2. Putting the marketing in Social media marketing This presentation is part of MarketingCharts‟ Data Insights series featuring trends, data and research. This collection brings together months of surveys, reports and insights released by research and marketing organizations. The charts in this collection are ready to (re)use and embed. Feel free to share the whole presentation or any slide, with your colleagues and business partners, but please preserve credits to our sponsor Adobe, the organizations that provided the source data, and our links to SPONSORED BY DATA INSIGHTS
  • 3. Is social media a marketing treadmill? SPONSORED BY 3
  • 4. Yes, social media is a busy, noisy environment… 37% 35% 36% of tweets “worth reading” are gobbled 13% by boring majority Carnegie Mellon University, Jan. 2012 Do not use any social media Ads Not very/not useful Ads Very/somewhat useful sites while a solid majority of Americans either don‟t use social media or don‟t find ads in social media too useful Epsilon, Dec. 2011 SPONSORED BY 4
  • 5. …subject to fads and fashions. Dec-11 Jan-12 All of a sudden you 30% keep hearing about 25% Pinterest Meanwhile where are Bebo, MySpace, Digg, Second Life, Slashdot, 20% Friendster, and countless other social networks and online communities whose heyday came and went? 15% Shareholic, Jan. 2012 10% 5% 0% Referral traffic by source SPONSORED BY 5
  • 6. And it is “free” only if you don‟t account for time spent. 25% 63% of community 20% managers spend more than 30 hours a week 15% on their community, with a plurality spending 41-50 hours (26%). In other words, management of corporate social media has become a full-time 10% job in many marketing departments. Social Fresh, Jan. 2012 5% 0% Most time-consuming task for community managers SPONSORED BY 6
  • 7. Account proliferation contributes to overload… Twitter 39.2 Companies with Blog 31.9 1,000+ employees Facebook 29.9 have an average of 178 social media LinkedIn 28.8 accounts, Forum/Message board/ only 48% have a coordinated 23.4 Communities approach to social media YouTube deployments across the company 9.4 Altimeter Group, Jan. 2012 Foursquare 6.3 All 5.3 others Flickr 0.3 Gowalla 0.3 Number of corporate-owned social media accounts SPONSORED BY 7
  • 8. …and resources can be a challenge. Top social marketing challenge 77% 58% 42% 37% 34% 33% 31% 22% Lack of sufficient Measuring Managing and Integrating Integrating Monitoring social Managing Social media resources ROI growing social social with social with media publishing of training presence lead gen and rest of social content sales marketing across platforms 77% of marketers feel they lack resources A majority also struggle to measure ROI… which usually doesn‟t help getting more resources! Awareness, Dec. 2011 SPONSORED BY 8
  • 9. Yet… can you argue with success? 900M 60% 800M 50% 700M 600M 40% 500M 30% 400M 300M 20% 200M 10% 100M 0M 0% Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jul-09 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jul-10 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Jul-11 Oct-09 Oct-10 Nov-09 Feb-10 Feb-11 Oct-11 Aug-09 Dec-09 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jun-09 Sep-09 Jan-10 Jun-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Jan-11 Jun-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 MAUs DAUs Daily/Monthly Facebook going towards 1 billion monthly active users (MAUs) worldwide An unprecedented scale, with a daily use rate (DAUs as a %age of MAUs) sustained above 50% of total users Company SEC filing, Feb. 2012 SPONSORED BY 9
  • 10. Facebook and Youtube have emerged as behemoths that cannot be ignored. Facebook The two market leaders YouTube dwarf everyone else with Twitter an undeniable critical Yahoo! Answers mass in terms of time spent by users Tagged Experian Hitwise, Feb. 2012 Linkedin Pinterest MySpace Google+ myYearbook 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% US market share of visits, January 2012 SPONSORED BY 10
  • 11. Social media does affect behavior SPONSORED BY 11
  • 12. Social recommendation improves media perception 80% 14% uplift in enjoyment 70% 7% of recommended video 12% and 41% decrease in the proportion of 60% people who didn‟t like the video. 50% Decipher/Unruly Media, Feb. 2012 40% 65% See also Trendrr.TV analysis and 30% Hollywood Reporter / Penn Schoen 57% Berland survey, March 2012 20% 10% 0% Browsing Via Recommendation Enjoyed video Did not enjoy Impact of social recommendation on video perception SPONSORED BY 12
  • 13. Social login contributes to website stickiness 14 Users logged in via a 12 12 social plugin stay more than twice as long as visitors that don‟t log in at all. They 10 stay 12 minutes on average, which beats standard login visits too. 8 8 Gigya, Jan. 2012 6 5 4 2 - Social login Standard login Not logged in Website session length in minutes SPONSORED BY 13
  • 14. Social sharing increases email click-through 10% 9.6% 9% Email CTR twice 8% higher or more thanks to social sharing buttons 7% GetResponse, Jan. 2012 6% 5.4% 5.0% 5% 4% 3% 2.6% 2% 1% 0% CTR without sharing CTR with Twitter CTR with Facebook CTR with LinkedIn CTR with or without social sharing SPONSORED BY 14
  • 15. Social networks are used to find local businesses 16% 15% In 4 years the role of 14% social networks moved 12% from anecdotal to nontrivial in helping 10% 9% people find information 8% 7% about local businesses 6% Localeze/15miles/comScore, Feb. 4% 2012 4% 2% 0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 Social Network Local Business Search Usage (% of respondents citing social media as primary and secondary source) SPONSORED BY 15
  • 16. Social can drive sales but faces perception challenges SPONSORED BY 16
  • 17. Women‟s influence on purchasing decisions expands through social networks Millenials Xers Boomers Seniors I am an influential information source 73% 53% 51% 44% I regularly influence friends and family to buy or not to buy a particular product or service 69% 49% 41% 27% Using social network sites has made it easier for me to decide on what to buy 61% 46% 36% 29% Using social network sites to share my shopping and product experiences make me feel more empowered 51% 33% 19% 9% Women’s marketplace influence self-assessment 73% of young adult women describe themselves as influential information sources Ipsos Mendelsohn / Fleishman Hillard /Hearst, Jan. 2012 SPONSORED BY 17
  • 18. Online orders via social media are larger on average Affiliates average across digital Social media appears to Natural Search channels drive less bargain- Email seeking “transactional” Comparison Shopping shoppers than other Paid Search digital channels Display ClearSaleing, Feb. 2012 Social Media $- $100 $200 $300 Average order size by digital channel SPONSORED BY 18
  • 19. Social sharing can trickle down to orders A quarter of online shoppers, who shop All shoppers (100%) at least quarterly 62% online and login to Read friend comments (62%) their Facebook 75% account at least Click through to retailer (47%) monthly, have made a purchase based on a 53% Purchase product (25%) social recommendation % of online shoppers who are also Facebook users Sociable Labs, March 2012 SPONSORED BY 19
  • 20. Social media barely registers for holiday deal seekers Companies' websites 24% Facebook and Twitter Print 15% way behind other online Email newsletters 13% and offline ways to Talking with friends and family 9% share good holiday deals Online flyers 5% Crowd Science, Jan. 2012 Facebook 3% Twitter 1% RSS feeds 1% Other 5% No preferred method 24% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Favorite way to find holiday shopping deals SPONSORED BY 20
  • 21. Younger people trust online reviews more… 66% 51% 49% 51% of millenials say user-generated content 34% on a company website most likely to influence their opinion when making a purchase BazaarVoice survey, Jan. 2012 From friends and family From online content reviews Millenials Boomers Recommendations as Purchase Influencers SPONSORED BY 21
  • 22. …but personalization and privacy expectations are less often met while shopping on Facebook… On tablet 23% 61.5% 15.5% Shopping personalization more than twice as likely to be On smartphone 18.5% 64.7% 16.8% found lacking on Facebook 21% also found their privacy On Facebook 22.9% 61.4% 15.7% expectations were not met. Baynote survey, Jan. 2012 On e-commerce site 24% 69.3% 6.6% Exceeded expectations Met expectations Personalized shopping experience SPONSORED BY 22
  • 23. …and direct shopping on Facebook is a mixed picture. 35% 34% 32% 30% Only 19% have or would 25% shop on Facebook Less than the proportion of people saying they wouldn‟t ever. But a plurality of 20% people polled either didn‟t use Facebook or didn‟t know they could make 15% purchases there. 15% Oracle, Dec. 2011 10% 10% 9% 5% 0% would never Do no use Did not know Would Have purchase Facebook possible purchase purchased Product purchase intent via retailer’s FB page SPONSORED BY 23
  • 24. Social commerce trust skews towards young, male, more affluent. 100% 90% Majority of females and 80% people of age 54+ are less likely to be comfortable giving 70% their credit card information to a known 60% brand through a secure payment process on a social media site. 50% Digitas/Harris Interactive, Feb. 2012 40% 30% 49% 49% 50% 20% 38% 40% 35% 10% 0% 54+ $35K- Female 18-54 Male $35K+ More likely Less likely Likelihood of giving credit card information SPONSORED BY 24
  • 25. Trust and privacy concerns limit what people are willing to share. 100% 90% For all the talk about 80% online over-sharing, real world concerns still affect what 70% people are willing to share online. 60% Women tend to keep to themselves data that could be used to find them. 50% 40% uSamp, Feb. 2012 30% 20% 10% 0% Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Name Email address Phone number Physical address Location Yes Probably not Definitely not Are you willing to share… SPONSORED BY 25
  • 26. Social media advertising: more data needed to understand momentum SPONSORED BY 26
  • 27. Facebook now generating $3B+ in ad revenue per year Growth rate Ad revenue ($M) Facebook‟s 2011 ad $3.5B 200% $3,154M 180% $3.0B revenue is equivalent to 160% Google‟s in 2004 $2.5B 140% Meanwhile, LinkedIn and Twitter‟s 2011 120% ad revenue were at around $155M and $2.0B $1,868M $140M respectively. 100% $1.5B 80% Company SEC filings, Feb. 2012 60% $1.0B Facebook had a 28% $764M 40% $0.5B market share $151M $269M 20% of the US online display ad market in 2011 $0.0B 0% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Comscore, Feb. 2012 Facebook’s ad revenue ($M) and growth rate (%) SPONSORED BY 27
  • 28. Facebook ahead of PPC/SEM among small businesses 25% 24% 23% 18% 12% 11% Facebook advertising used by almost one in four small businesses MerchantCircle, Dec. 2011 Print Direct mail Facebook ads PPC & SEM Group deals Online newspaper newspaper Small business marketing channel use SPONSORED BY 28
  • 29. While Google is promoting Google+ aggressively 180 160 How many people really adopt and use Google+ 140 and how Google continues to integrate it with both Adwords and organic search 120 results could have a major impact on both SEO and SEM practices and 100 spending. 80 Google hasn‟t released numbers for 60 daily/monthly G+ active users so a fair comparison with other networks is hard 40 to make. 20 (Rough) estimate of G+ users: Paul Allen with a few datapoints from Google; 0 MarketingCharts filling in the gaps Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 Google+ global registered users (millions) SPONSORED BY 29
  • 30. But people are ambivalent about personalized search A strong minority doesn‟t like the idea of Yes 16% personalized web search 45% Yes, but I do have some and its supporters seem rather concerns about privacy lukewarm. If there‟s strong user pushback then Google will have another No, I think everyone failed social platform in its track record. 39% should see the same results when searching Ask Your Target Market, Jan. 2012 the same keyword Do you like the idea of personalizing search results based on past searches and info from your social networking sites? SPONSORED BY 30
  • 31. A lot of data is missing on social advertising, monetization, and genuine active use There is a lot of data that companies such as Facebook, Google or Twitter are not sharing: - How many advertisers does Facebook have? - How many people really use Google+ on a daily basis? - What is the proportion of all these social media accounts that might be duplicates, fakes, empty shells, or otherwise worthless? - Are people sticking to any social network for more than just a few years? The social media momentum is real but all datapoints should not be taken at face value and marketers need to do their homework in their specific market. SPONSORED BY 31
  • 32. The state of social media marketing practices: peer benchmarking SPONSORED BY 32
  • 33. Even blue-chip industries like banking have ramped up their social media presence. Internet websites 76% SocNet pages and postings 47% Online or mobile video segments 41% Print magazines 39% Online communities and affinity groups 31% Almost half of bank Digital signage and point-of-service 29% marketers use social Digital media formats (mobile, tablets, eReaders) 25% media to deliver eMagazines (dynamic publishing systems) 24% branded marketing DVD products 15% content and close to 40% use social media Infomercials 7% analytics and conversation monitoring IP-TV programs 4% CMO Council, December 2011 Other 14% Marketing channels used by banks for their content SPONSORED BY 33
  • 34. Marketers are excited by social media engagement Social media engagement 54% Mobile optimization 38% Content optimization 37% Conversion rate optimization 31% Social media Brand building / viral marketing 27% engagement tops Video marketing 24% the list of digital marketing initiatives that gets marketing professionals excited. Joining up online and offline data 23% 39% also make it a top priority. Social media analytics 19% Adobe / Econsultancy, Feb. 2012 Content marketing 18% See also Pointroll/Kelton Research Marketing automation 11% survey, March 2012 Gamification 6% Sponsored tweets 2% 0% 20% 40% 60% Most exciting digital marketing opportunities (Total > 100% because respondents were asked their top 3) SPONSORED BY 34
  • 35. They think it‟s a source of success, competitive advantage, and even survival Companies that A majority of senior don't fully embrace 16 26 39 20 social media will not survive marketers think businesses must Companies can gain embrace social media competitive advantage by 13 17 36 35 Facebook / Forrester, March 2012 leveraging social media Social media enables businesses 13 28 42 18 to be more successful Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree % of senior marketers SPONSORED BY 35
  • 36. They use social sites to listen & engage… Improved customer listening, engagement and conversations 55% Opened new avenues to gather and further market insights 55% Increased the complexity of marketing,… 47% Opened opportunities to survey, 25% test and research products/services More than half of Improved customer intelligence 20% marketers have New efficiencies / effectiveness 20% improved how they in our go-to-market programs Increased headcount to add interact with customers talent to manage social media 14% and gather market Reduced advertising/media spend 14% insights Lowered cost of customer service 5% CMO Council, Dec. 2011 Other 11% Social Media Impact on Marketing Operations SPONSORED BY 36
  • 37. …and collect valuable data. Prior marketing campaigns (e.g. for remarketing) 3.7 Web analytics providers 3.4 Social media and/or mobile applications 3.3 Search engines 3.1 Data originators (e.g. survey / market research) 3.0 Social media comes Commercial data compilers (focused on 3.0 offline data) third among third-party Online ad networks / exchanges 2.9 Offline audience measurement platforms 2.8 data sources ranked by (e.g. Nielsen, IRI) Publisher registration data 2.8 value Data exchanges 2.6 Winterberry Group, Jan. 2012 List brokers and managers 2.5 average = 3.0 0 1 2 3 4 To what extent is your company realizing value from the utilization of third-party marketing data? SPONSORED BY 37
  • 38. CRM with a social layer lifts sales productivity 21% 21% 19% 15% 16% More than half of social- enabled CRM saw a 10%+ rise in productivity 7% Nucleus Research, March 2012 0% 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% >20% Improved Sales Productivity from Social CRM (% of respondents) SPONSORED BY 38
  • 39. But practitioners lack standard ROI metrics, 38% 24% Fewer marketers tie social media marketing 15% to sales/revenue though their number is growing Wildfire, Jan. 2012 Increased fans, likes, Increased revenue Increased brand awareness comments, interactions Measuring ROI on Social Media Campaigns SPONSORED BY 39
  • 40. …tend to focus on “soft” goals… 88% 85% 58% Brand awareness growth & customer 41% engagement dominate expectations Wildfire, Jan. 2012 See also Social Media Examiner, April 2012 Grow brand Engage in dialogue Increase sales and Reduce costs awareness partnerships Benefits of Social Media Campaigns SPONSORED BY 40
  • 41. …such as awareness and reach. Awareness building 64% Low expectations for Building customer loyalty and retention 48% lead gen and Expanding reach to new audience 44% revenue generation StrongMail/Zoomerang, Dec. 2011 New customer acquisition 36% B2B lead generation 19% Driving revenue 14% Not sure/still trying to figure that out 11% I don't see any value 3% Other 2% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Primary value of social media as a marketing channel (total above 100% because multiple answers were allowed) SPONSORED BY 41
  • 42. Is a Facebook „Like‟ an actionable marketing event? Engage in futher conversation with the customer 31% Foster more community conversations 30% For most to spark ongoing engagement Allow organic conversations, 30% organizations what no censorship or editing Deliver special offers, discounts, 22% to do after a or deals exclusive to fans Deliver more targeted, 22% Facebook „Like‟ individualized messaging Not sure how to respond, but we have a lot of "likes" 21% remains rather fuzzy Deliver more advertising to a more captive audience 10% and informal Provide enhanced service and support 10% CMO Council, Dec. 2011 Promote perks, privileges or benefit 7% Reward power-posters and build advocacy among brand champions 7% Work to provide faster handling and better customer care 4% Develop new products or innovations 4% Other 15% SPONSORED BY 42
  • 43. The relationship between email and social is uncertain… Marketers are split on whether email 51% and social are 45% complementary or 39% 36% separate channels Adestra & Econsultancy, March 2012 19% 9% 1% 1% Complementary channels Separate channels Conflicting channels We don't do social media 2011 2012 SPONSORED BY 43
  • 44. … and many miss easy integration opportunities… Do you use sign-up forms to grow your lists? 79% Do you tell your subscribers specifically what they will receive? 76% Do you send confirmation emails to your new subscribers? 71% Is your web form on your homepage and above the fold? 58% Do you use incentives to encourage subscriptions? 52% Do you have a newsletter sign-up form included at your blog? 52% Do you collect contacts offline (tradeshows, stores…)? 44% Do you run a Facebook page with a newsletter sign-up form? 42% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% A majority of small and medium business don‟t collect email subscriptions from FB page GetResponse, Feb. 2012 SPONSORED BY 44
  • 45. …though they intend to correct that. Social media marketing 68% Social tops integration initiatives planned by Mobile 44% email marketers for 2012 Search 17% StrongMail/Zoomerang, Dec. 2011 Display 14% Other 8% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Channels planned for integration with email SPONSORED BY 45
  • 46. A majority will still focus on “feeding the beast” in 2012… 70% More volume in a 59% universe of ever- 50% expanding online 45% content is what many marketing professionals 33% planned for 2012, such as adding a Google+ presence. Awareness, Dec. 2011 Simply Measured, Feb. 2012 6% Increased Increased More robust More robust More social Other presence across frequency of social marketing social media media presence social media content management monitoring platforms publishing Top Corporate Social Marketing Investment Areas in 2012 SPONSORED BY 46
  • 47. …which means being all over the place. YouTube/video 76 14 1 33 Facebook 72 23 24 A solid majority of Twitter 69 23 1 7 marketers plans to Blogs 68 18 2 12 increase activity Google+ 67 11 1 21 across half a dozen LinkedIn 66 23 1 11 platforms. Photo sharing sites 38 21 1 40 Forums 34 24 2 40 Social Media Examiner, April 2012 Social bookmarking 31 22 2 45 Geo-location 23 19 1 57 Daily deals 12 13 3 72 Increase Stay the same Decrease No plans to utilize Future social media activities (% of marketers) SPONSORED BY 47
  • 48. But they will have to face questions of sustainability and media selection… 74% 71% Type of social media in use at Inc. 500 companies 64% 61% 59% 52% 50% 45% 37% 36% 33% 33% 28% 24% 15% 16% 12% 6% Blogging Message/Bulletin Online video Podcasting Facebook Twitter boards 2009 2010 2011 The increase in Facebook and Twitter use is done at the expense of previous generations of online (social) media such as blogs. University of Massachusetts Dartmouth’s Center for Marketing Research, Jan. 2012 SPONSORED BY 48
  • 49. …even for channels that most find effective. 100% 90% Facebook joined 80% other social 70% channels in 60% perceived 50% marketing success back in 2010 40% Presumably lower reach and 30% channel proliferation push marketers to drop efforts that 20% are otherwise deemed successful. 10% University of Massachusetts 0% Dartmouth’s Center for Message/ Blogging Online video Twitter Facebook Podcasting Foursquare MySpace Bulletin Marketing Research, Jan. boards 2012 2009 2010 2011 Social media marketing success rate by channel SPONSORED BY 49
  • 50. Is increased spending the answer? 25% CMOs plan to 19.5% raise spending by 20% more than 2x over 15% the next 5 years 10.8% Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, Feb. 2012 10% 7.4% 5% 0% Current levels Next 12 months Next 5 years SPONSORED BY 50
  • 51. Data sources Data sources in this presentation include: Adestra - Altimer Group - Awareness - Baynote - BazaarVoice - Carnegie Mellon University - Comscore - CMO Council - Crowd Science - Decipher - Digitas - Duke University - Econsultancy - Epsilon - Forrester - Gygia - Harris Interactive - Ipsos Mendelsohn - Nucleus Research - Sociable Labs - Social Fresh - Social Media Examiner - Umass Dartmouth – Winterberry Group - Wildfire - Zoomerang - Some public companies via their SEC filings This slideshow was put together by, part of the Watershed Publishing network of business-to-business online trade publications. You can find our content on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. Please contact Sarah Roberts at to become a sponsor of a Data Insights package like this one. SPONSORED BY 51
  • 52. Some food for thought and action based on the data and trends… • Have you tried advertising on Facebook? It is still cheap, is relatively easy to operate, and comes with powerful demographics targeting. • Are there social channels you can safely discontinue? Others you should experiment with? • Do you have a plan to do more than just chase fleeting social exposure? • Are you able to measure how social media really contributes to your business?