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Ihor Bobak
Data Scientist, EPAM Systems
A Canadian company that provides different fleet management services.
E.g. it runs a call center that handles all the maintenance and repairs of vehicles (acts as a “proxy”
between a client and service providers).
Use case:
A fleet owner contacts the agent to ask for assistance with the maintenance. The agent contacts
nearby service providers, gets offers, selects the supplier, negotiates the price for each line of the
maintenance order.
a) Price negotiation takes agent’s time
b) Agents need to remember the details on cars/makes/models/spare parts to properly validate the
Price Prediction Web Service (based on ML) which predicts the maintenance price based on the
information about the vehicle, type of service, client location, etc.
Data Extraction
Destination: parquet files on HDFS,
scope: 2 last years, output: 28 mln. rows
Data Transformation
Filtering, joining, new fields/expressions,
destination: parquet files on HDFS, output: 5 mln. rows
ML Pipeline
label encoding, one hot encoding, vector assembling, training
XGBoost models, performance metrics.
Data Sources
Sybase, Cassandra, others
Typical scope of data scientist’s work: We made two models:
• classification model answering the question
“is the price for the repair relevant or not”?
• regression model (customer’s choice)
answering the question “what is the
recommended price for this maintenance
2 times boost in agents time
1.10 times decrease in savings (due to FN)
(scoring service
Scoring Web
Stack: Java, Spring
Data Extraction
Destination: parquet files on HDFS,
scope: 2 last years, output: 28 mln. rows
Data Transformation
Filtering, joining, new fields/expressions,
destination: parquet files on HDFS, output: 5 mln. rows
ML Pipeline
label encoding, one hot encoding, vector assembling, training
XGBoost models, performance metrics.
Data Sources
Sybase, Cassandra, others
Uploading Results
Upload models, training metrics, lookup tables, labels for
category variables. Destination: S3, output: 150MB zip archive
requests for
price prediction
new models
run of
Model Storage
models, variables, labels,
lookup tables
Training part:
• Jupyter notebook
• Spark 2.3.1
• Pandas, Numpy, Scikit-learn and other libraries
• XGBoost
Scoring part (web service):
• Java
• Spring Boot
• xgboost-predictor-java library
• Lots of other open source Java libraries
Exploration/Development Production
Training ScoringEnvironment:
• Python, Jupyter Notebook
• Spark/Scikit/XGBoost, etc.
• Get input data
• Rename fields
• Check values
• Modify field values
• Add new fields
• Filter rows
• Join other tables
• ML Pipeline tasks:
• Label encoding
• One hot encoding
• Train/test split
• Model training
• Metrics calculation
• Java, Spring Boot, etc.
We need to do the same things on Java:
“rename fields”, “check values”, “modify
field values”, “add fields”, “filter rows”,
“join other tables” and some of the
“ML pipepine tasks” (“label encoding”,
“one hot encoding”, “scoring by model”)
a) How to represent data?
b) What libraries to use for transformation?
c) What libraries to use for ML pipeline
d) What libraries to use for scoring?
• the same as exploration/development
re-use the same code as much as possible.
Other tasks that we need to do here:
• Scheduled running of the whole training
• Uploading of results to some storage
• Alerting if metrics are below the
• Alerting if errors occurred during
Spring Boot Web Service
Price Prediction Service Library
(Label Encoder,
ML Data
Serialized Models + vectorization info (variables, labels, data types).
Lookup tables (for enriching the feature records).
The scoring web service is a purely Java solution using the artifacts (“ML Data”) output by the Python’s training code.
*Many other things (payload shipment on S3/HDFS, updater of the ML Data files, management interface) are not shown here and will be shown later.
Price Prediction Service Library
(Label Encoder,
ML Data
Serialized Models + vectorization info (variables, labels, data types).
Lookup tables (for enriching the feature records).
Input Output
Input: maintenance order
• Order: VIN, country, supplier_id
• Line: repair code, ATA category, quantity.
Scoring web service needs to do the same
things as notebook, but on smaller data (5-10
lines per order):
a) It filters records (e.g. “remove Mexico data”)
b) It adds columns (=features), e.g. VIN =>
make, model, engine size, etc. Often done by
doing a lookup (=join to other table);
c) It generates features, e.g. ata_key =
aga_category + “_” + ata_subcategory.
Output: price prediction for every line.
Training notebook dumps lots of things: models, lookup tables, data for the integration tests
Root data
and lookups
ML models
and test
VIN Supplier_ID Repair code ATA cat. ATA subcat Qty
123456 REP 74 001003 1
[Same columns] Make Model Fuel Type … Supplier City
[Same columns] BMW X5 petrol … San Francisco
FeatureRecord - container for
FeatureRecordGroupedSet –
grouping by any field (in our
case – by order id)
Transformers – enrich FR with features:
• LookupTransformer – adds new columns
• ApplicableTransformer – stops processing
if some field is not in the lookup table
• OilGroupTransformer – groups similar
• Etc. (many others exist)
Make_BMW Make_Ford … Quantity … Prediction
1.0 0 … 1 … $55
vectorizes the feature record and
does prediction
Purpose: enrich the feature record with real features by making a lookup. Backed with:
• InMemoryIndexedDataFrame – a fast in-memory lookup
• IndexedDataFrameReader – reader of the df.csv.gz + df.schema pair of files
.schema file:
.scv.gz file example:
Full chain transformer
combines all the atomic
transformations to one chain
Running transform() gives the
same result as if the same
records were passed through
notebook’s PySpark ETL code.
MultiModel does two things: vectorization of the feature record (into sparce vector of
doubles) and prediction. Encapsulates many XGBoost models (separate model for every
ATA code – a subject of repair).
It uses biz.k11i.xgboost (
MultiModelReader is a class to load the global configuration and all the models from
the config provider.
ConfigProvider is an abstraction which allows to read resources from one place.
Currently there is just one implementation – ZipConfigProvider (to read everything
from a single zip file)
PricePredictionService – a class which combines FullChainTransformer and MultiModel.
Configuration structure (contents of the zip file):
• gg
• agg.json - aggregations configuration file
• <set of folders for each ata_key
• <set of pairs .csv.gz+.schema for each aggregation>,
e.g. agg_vin_model.csv.gz, agg_vin_model.schema
• config
• global.json – configuration file that describes all models, their variables, and
possible labels for cat. variables
• models
• <for every ata_key: .bin, .config and .txt file> - serialized models by the
• lookup
• <pairs of .csv.gz + .schema files for lookups>
ZipConfigProvider reads this zip file (size ≈ 200MB) produced by the notebook.
Uncompressed size in Java structures that we choose: 1.8 GB.
Unit test Integration test
Results depends only on Java code Results also depends on external systems/data
Easy to write and verify Setup of integration test might be complicated
A single class/unit is tested in isolation One or more components are tested
All dependencies are mocked if needed
No mocking is used (or only unrelated components are
Test verifies only implementation of code
Test verifies implementation of individual components and
their interconnection behavior when they are used together
A unit test uses only JUnit/TestNG and a mocking
An integration test can use real containers and real DBs as
well as special integration testings frameworks (e.g. Arquillian
or DbUnit)
Mostly used by developers Integration tests are also useful to QA, DevOps, Help Desk
A failed unit test is always a regression (if the
business has not changed)
A failed integration test can also mean that the code is still
correct but the environment has changed
Unit tests in an Enterprise application should last
about 5 minutes
Integration tests in an Enterprise application can last for hours
Goal: to ensure that the web service is doing EXACTLY THE SAME THINGS as the training notebook does.
Training notebook outputs:
• (200MB) - scoring configuration (ML models, lookups, variable configuration, etc.)
• (600 MB) – scoring configuration + IT data:
What do we check:
• Take the input dataset (VIN, supplier_id, country, odometer reading, ATA category/subcategory, repair code, parts
• Pass through FullChainTransformer and check if “Features by Python” = “Features by Java”
• Get predictions using MultiModel and check if “Prediction by Python” = “Prediction by Java”
Input Data
(all test dataset but JUST INPUT features)
VIN, supplier_id, ATA code, odom. reading, qnty
1M records
Test Data
with ALL features and predictions
All features (make, model, etc) + predictions
400K records
Maven life cycle phases:
1. validate - checks if the project is correct and all information is available
2. compile - compiles source code in binary artifacts
3. test - executes the tests
4. package - takes the compiled code and package it, for example
5. integration-test - takes the packaged result and executes additional tests, which require the packaging*
6. verify - performs checks if the package is valid
7. install - install the result of the package phase into the local Maven repository
8. deploy - deploys the package to a target, i.e. remote repository
Example of how to run:
mvn clean install –Dmldata=/path/to/
CheckedHashMap – an override of the HashMap, but with explicit operations.
Goal: avoid errors, increase control.
Overriden operations:
• put(): fails if the key already exists in the map
• get(): fails if the key doesn’t exist in the map
• remove(): fails if the key doesn’t exist in the map
New Operations:
• overwrite(): the key must exist, otherwise it will fail
• overwriteIfExists(): overwrites if the key exists, otherwise does nothing
• putIfNotExists(): doesn’t fail, works only if the key doesn’t exist
• putOrOverwrite(): no matter if the key exists or not, puts or overwrites it there
Left as is:
• getOrDefault(): if the key doesn’t exists, it will return a default
All operations do NOT allow null keys!
Double and float values inside CSV/LIBSVM files are written like this:
• 3.5/0000000000000c40 - for double values
• 5.1016541/c040a340 – for float values
At the python side:
At the Java side:
• HexParser class with helper static
methods to parse hex values – see the
• Using SuperCSV library – to read the
CSV files.
• Made a class ParseDoubleHex extending
SuperCSV’s CellProcessor leveraging
HexParser to get values out of
3.5/0000000000000c40 .
• The same for float type.
Advice: do a “pretty print” of error data. If you don’t do it, fixing bugs will be hard.
Example of how easy is to fix errors if we have pretty print:
Before re-design of integration tests: After re-design:
(added partitioning)
11 GB
3.8 GB
(three times less)
Citing “Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems”:
It may be surprising to the academic community to know that only a tiny fraction of the
code in many ML systems is actually devoted to learning or prediction:
Spring Boot Web Service
Price Prediction
Service Library
ML Data
(called a “config”)
REST Controller
(scoring service
Model Storage
models, variables,
labels, lookup tables
Payload Storage
Daily zip files of all the
VIN Decoder
(external REST service)
• /rest – for REST (RestControler class)
• /soap – for SOAP (SoapEndpoint class)
• /manage – for management REST requests
Overrides of default behavior:
• for REST: override exception resolver, JSON message
converter (fails on unknown properties)
• for SOAP: proper handling of IvalidXmlException
and SoapMessageCreation – doing “500 Internal
Server Error” instead of “400 bad request”.
• For both: async uploads of payloads (derived
MessageDispatcherServler and DispatcherServlet)
The algorithm is common for REST controller and SOAP endpoint:
• validate the input data
• get the instance of the PricePredictionService from the manager
• perform prediction
• check the status. If it is OK – return the result, otherwise log the error and return the error.
The web UI is rendered
by Swagger + Springfox
Caveat #1:
it cannot generate good
examples for the
properties of type
Map<Long, SomeClass>
Caveat #2:
It doesn’t cover SOAP
/swagger-ui.html - automatically generated endpoint for help on the REST methods
/manage/info – renders detailed information about the configuration and 10 previous operations
MemoryCleaner: utility class for cleaning memory.
Used on SWITCH operation.
• uses jlibs-core https://santhosh- RuntimeUtil.gc() - guarantees
garbage collection to happen, contrary to
• Runs a thread re-trying to free up RAM each T
seconds if
• at previous attempt we freed-up less than X MB
• we made not more than N attempts
Reason: old REST requests may still be running and hold
a reference to the old instance of the
Sonarqube is a tool for
continuous inspection
of code quality.
It helps to find
potential bugs, does
code review, check unit
test, coverage, etc.
Supports 20
try to cover all the code
with unit tests
This bug
Was found after
covering these lines
with unit tests
SonarQube shows
places in the code
where bugs may
Reference on explanation why we need the interrupt:
The worst
suggestion of
SonarQube I’ve
ever seen.
Part Lines
Total lines 18539
Source code lines 13139 (71%)
Comment lines 2786 (15%)
Blank lines 2614 (14%)
Goal: to re-use the code in exploration/development and in production
How it works: notebook.ipynb –o out -k "pyspark 2.3.1" -e dev -i 3 -z results_{}.zip -t 180 -m 5
-o = output folder
-k = kernel name
-e = environment
-i = the cell where to insert the environment load
-z = the zip file pattern (to put the ipynb + *.py files after the run)
-t = timeout for the kernel to start
-m = maximum number of times to try to start the kernel
• read the .ipynb file (just the code: omitting the output which may be there)
• insert some cells into position “-i”: a cell with profile name and override of the print function
• create “-out” folder and put there all modules, make this folder the working one.
• start the kernel, run the cells, output results to the “-out” folder
• zip the contents of the “-out” folder (notebook with executed content + py files)
How nbrun works:
• Nbformat –
for reading/writing ipynb, inserting/editing cells
• Nbconvert –
for running the notebook with a specified kernel and getting the output
Applied tricks:
• Override nbconvert.preprocessors.ExecutePreprocessor:
• preprocess_cell: to measure execution time and add
cell.metadata["ExecuteTime"] = {"end_time": time_end, "start_time": time_start}
• run_cell: to log the execution start/end and result just into console output of
• preprocess: to fix the bugs with shutting down the kernel process in the case if we couldn’t
connect to it, to change the timeout for kernel start and to do the “retry” starting if something
failed (what happens quite often with “heavy” kernels like PySpark).
This environment will be
loaded at development
Here will insert
a cell overriding the
This code
will dynamically load the
Notebook’s output
System’s output
The print() function is overridden and inserted by
Goal: to allow having the output in two places – the notebook and stdout of
Environment parameters:
• FILESYSTEM, DB_NAME: place where we will store temporary tables.
Supports: s3, hdfs, cassandra, local, FiloDB
• HDFS/LOCAL/S3 parameters (depending on the type)
• Spark unpersisting parameters: mode which will force the Spark to unpersist the dataframes
(related to a bug with Spark 1.4 which caused cascaded unpersisting)
• Upload parameters: S3/HDFS parameters of where to upload the results of the training
• Metrics limits: upper limits for ML metrics (if met, then the new models will be uploaded)
• Datasets: location, table names, SQL statements of how to get the source data
• Thresholds for category variables (e.g. “train for top 1000 makes, ignore the others”)
• TOP_N: how many models to train
• VIN decoder parameters: how to decode the VINs in the case if they’re absent in the lookup
Notebook’s code is split on sections:
• Environment loading (if run offline – will be made by
• Loading modules, initializing shared variables
• Data extraction
• Data transformations (filtering, joining, new features)
• Model training
• Building model metrics and analysis
• Dumping of artifacts (models, lookup, etc.), zipping results
and metrics
Each section reads data from the previous section results and
saves its own results.
Each section can be switched off during development (to save
execution time).
Functions were moved to the modules.
• Easy to debug
• Easy to see errors
• Easy to do unit tests
• PyCharm capabilities of
code navigation and type hints
Common variables are shared between modules.
Example of how to share variables:
1) Create a module with variables with
the same names as in the notebook
2) Call “init” at the beginning:
Memory profiling and usage of “del” at the
end of sections:
A simple way is to make some decorators.
After that for “heavy” frequently used
functions do this:
def your_func():
you will see how much memory the
notebook’s kernel consumed before and after
the function call.
Each section ends with checking unreleased Pandas and Spark dataframes.
• decreased memory of the notebook from 12GB to 4GB
• removed all cached Spark dataframes from the cluster memory (=decreased the demands for cluster
• to simplify usage of Sparks dataframes/SQL
• Implicit caching defaults for common operations
• to minimize errors.
Commonly used functions:
• load_df(db_name, table_name, ...), save_df(df, db_name, table_name, ...)
• change_df(a_select_cols, a_drop, a_replace, a_rename, a_add, a_distinct, a_order_by, a_drop_end, a_filter_df,
a_filter_columns, a_filter_not_df, a_filter_not_columns, a_where)
• join_df, group_by
• filter_by_where, filter_by_df, filter_by_not_df, filter_by_threshold, filter_duplicates
Example: new_df = change_df(df, a_add={"new_col": "case when col > 0.0 then 1 else 0 end"})
instead of new_df = df.withColumn("new_col", F.when(df["col"] > 0.0, 1).otherwise(0))
the sqlContext.createDataFrame() function doesn’t contain a numSlices parameter (that is present in the
sc.parallelize() and defines the number of partitions). This is true up to 2.3.1
Why it is important:
to control the number of partitions for conversion from the Pandas dataframe into Spark dataframe.
Solution: patch three functions (code is in the
• SparkSession._createFromLocal = _createFromLocalMonkeyPatch
• SparkSession.createDataFrame = createDataFrameMonkeyPatch_session
• SQLContext.createDataFrame = createDataFrameMonkeyPatch_sqlcontext
In all of the overrides add the numSlices and pass it accordingly to the sc.parallelize()
Marked are those parameters which we strongly advice to apply for a standalone Spark cluster:
"display_name": "pyspark cluster - ibobak - 3e 3c",
"language": "python",
"argv": ["/opt/conda/envs/py27/bin/python", "-m", "ipykernel_launcher", "-f", "{connection_file}"],
"env": {
"PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS":" --packages com.databricks:spark-avro_2.11:3.2.0
--driver-memory 5G --executor-memory 10G --num-executors 3 --executor-cores 3 --total-executor-cores 9
--master spark://
--conf spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer --conf spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=1024m
--conf spark.driver.extraJavaOptions="-Xss16m" --conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions="-Xss16m"
--conf spark.cassandra.output.consistency.level=ALL --conf spark.cassandra.input.consistency.level=ALL pyspark-shell"
All three params num-executors, executor-cores and total-executor-cores must be specified (otherwise the number of cores
will be unpredictable). Serialization parameters are strongly advices to speed up the dataframe caching. –Xss16m is advices
to avoid stackoverflow errors. Cassandra parameters are needed when you use writes to Cassandra and don’t want a
situation when records are lost after saving and re-loading them.
Jenkins jobs to run different parts of the flow:
• ml_build_scoreapi: builds the price prediction web service (Java), runs the unit tests, does SonarQube analysis,
uploads the jar to the artifactory.
• ml_config_scoreapi: takes the new config files form Git and puts them on the server (dev/qa/prod), restarts the
• ml_deploy_scoreapi: takes the jar file from the artifactory and puts them on the server (dev/qa/prod), restarts
the web service.
• ml_deploy_training: takes the notebooks from Git and puts them to the working folder of the training server.
• ml_run_training: runs on the training server these steps:
• Data extraction into parquet files.
• Offline running of the notebooks (using
• Integration tests
• Checking ML metrics
• Uploading the training results on S3
• Issuing /manage/syncswitch HTTP GET-request on the working instance of the scoring web service.
Ihor Bobak
Skype: ibobak

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Productionalizing ML : Real Experience

  • 1. PRODUCTIONALIZING ML: REAL EXPERIENCE Ihor Bobak Data Scientist, EPAM Systems
  • 3. 3 PROJECT INFO Customer: A Canadian company that provides different fleet management services. E.g. it runs a call center that handles all the maintenance and repairs of vehicles (acts as a “proxy” between a client and service providers). Use case: A fleet owner contacts the agent to ask for assistance with the maintenance. The agent contacts nearby service providers, gets offers, selects the supplier, negotiates the price for each line of the maintenance order. Problem: a) Price negotiation takes agent’s time b) Agents need to remember the details on cars/makes/models/spare parts to properly validate the price. Solution: Price Prediction Web Service (based on ML) which predicts the maintenance price based on the information about the vehicle, type of service, client location, etc.
  • 4. 4 DATA SCIENCE SCOPE Data Extraction Destination: parquet files on HDFS, scope: 2 last years, output: 28 mln. rows Data Transformation Filtering, joining, new fields/expressions, destination: parquet files on HDFS, output: 5 mln. rows ML Pipeline label encoding, one hot encoding, vector assembling, training XGBoost models, performance metrics. Data Sources Sybase, Cassandra, others Typical scope of data scientist’s work: We made two models: • classification model answering the question “is the price for the repair relevant or not”? • regression model (customer’s choice) answering the question “what is the recommended price for this maintenance item?” 2 times boost in agents time 1.10 times decrease in savings (due to FN)
  • 5. 5 SOLUTION ARCHITECTURE Client application (scoring service consumer) Scoring Web Service (SOAP+REST) Stack: Java, Spring Data Extraction Destination: parquet files on HDFS, scope: 2 last years, output: 28 mln. rows Data Transformation Filtering, joining, new fields/expressions, destination: parquet files on HDFS, output: 5 mln. rows ML Pipeline label encoding, one hot encoding, vector assembling, training XGBoost models, performance metrics. Data Sources Sybase, Cassandra, others Uploading Results Upload models, training metrics, lookup tables, labels for category variables. Destination: S3, output: 150MB zip archive HTTP (SOAP) requests for price prediction Downloading new models Scheduled run of training process Administrator HTTP (REST) management commands Model Storage (HDFS/S3) models, variables, labels, lookup tables
  • 6. 6 TECHNOLOGY STACK Training part: • Jupyter notebook • Spark 2.3.1 • Pandas, Numpy, Scikit-learn and other libraries • XGBoost Scoring part (web service): • Java • Spring Boot • xgboost-predictor-java library • Lots of other open source Java libraries
  • 7. 7 TASKS AT DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS Exploration/Development Production Training ScoringEnvironment: • Python, Jupyter Notebook • Spark/Scikit/XGBoost, etc. Tasks: • Get input data • Rename fields • Check values • Modify field values • Add new fields • Filter rows • Join other tables • ML Pipeline tasks: • Label encoding • One hot encoding • Train/test split • Model training • Metrics calculation Environment: • Java, Spring Boot, etc. Tasks/Challenges: We need to do the same things on Java: “rename fields”, “check values”, “modify field values”, “add fields”, “filter rows”, “join other tables” and some of the “ML pipepine tasks” (“label encoding”, “one hot encoding”, “scoring by model”) Challenges: a) How to represent data? b) What libraries to use for transformation? c) What libraries to use for ML pipeline tasks? d) What libraries to use for scoring? Environment: • the same as exploration/development Goal: re-use the same code as much as possible. Other tasks that we need to do here: • Scheduled running of the whole training cycle • Uploading of results to some storage (S3/HDFS) • Alerting if metrics are below the expectations • Alerting if errors occurred during training
  • 9. 9 Spring Boot Web Service Price Prediction Service Library SCORING WEB SERVICE ARCHITECTURE REST Controller SOAP Endpoint HTTP Request Transformers Vectorization (Label Encoder, One-hot encoder) Scoring (ML models) HTTP Response Payload Logging ML Data Serialized Models + vectorization info (variables, labels, data types). Lookup tables (for enriching the feature records). The scoring web service is a purely Java solution using the artifacts (“ML Data”) output by the Python’s training code. *Many other things (payload shipment on S3/HDFS, updater of the ML Data files, management interface) are not shown here and will be shown later.
  • 10. 10 PRICE PREDICTION SERVICE LIBRARY Price Prediction Service Library Transformers Vectorization (Label Encoder, One-hot encoder) Scoring ML Data Serialized Models + vectorization info (variables, labels, data types). Lookup tables (for enriching the feature records). Input Output Input: maintenance order • Order: VIN, country, supplier_id • Line: repair code, ATA category, quantity. Note: NO FEATURES HERE Scoring web service needs to do the same things as notebook, but on smaller data (5-10 lines per order): a) It filters records (e.g. “remove Mexico data”) b) It adds columns (=features), e.g. VIN => make, model, engine size, etc. Often done by doing a lookup (=join to other table); c) It generates features, e.g. ata_key = aga_category + “_” + ata_subcategory. Output: price prediction for every line.
  • 11. 11 NOTEBOOK DATA DUMPS Training notebook dumps lots of things: models, lookup tables, data for the integration tests Aggregations Root data and lookups Variables configuration ML models and test dataset
  • 12. 12 BASE CLASSES VIN Supplier_ID Repair code ATA cat. ATA subcat Qty 1HGBH41JXM N109186 123456 REP 74 001003 1 [Same columns] Make Model Fuel Type … Supplier City [Same columns] BMW X5 petrol … San Francisco FeatureRecord - container for features FeatureRecordGroupedSet – grouping by any field (in our case – by order id) Transformers – enrich FR with features: • LookupTransformer – adds new columns • ApplicableTransformer – stops processing if some field is not in the lookup table • OilGroupTransformer – groups similar records • Etc. (many others exist) Make_BMW Make_Ford … Quantity … Prediction 1.0 0 … 1 … $55 MultiModel: vectorizes the feature record and does prediction
  • 13. 13 LOOKUP TRANSFORMER Purpose: enrich the feature record with real features by making a lookup. Backed with: • InMemoryIndexedDataFrame – a fast in-memory lookup • IndexedDataFrameReader – reader of the df.csv.gz + df.schema pair of files .schema file: .scv.gz file example: ata_ctgy_cd,ata_sub_ctgy_cd,ata_cd_long_desc,english_cd_long_desc,cd_stat_ind 17,001100,NEW TIRE RADIAL STEEL BELTED,NEW TIRE RADIAL STEEL BELTED,A 17,003001,USED TIRE,USED TIRE,A 10,02,010045,MIRROR SPOT,MIRROR SPOT,A
  • 14. 14 FULL CHAIN TRANSFORMER Full chain transformer combines all the atomic transformations to one chain Running transform() gives the same result as if the same records were passed through notebook’s PySpark ETL code.
  • 15. 15 OTHER CLASSES MultiModel does two things: vectorization of the feature record (into sparce vector of doubles) and prediction. Encapsulates many XGBoost models (separate model for every ATA code – a subject of repair). It uses biz.k11i.xgboost ( MultiModelReader is a class to load the global configuration and all the models from the config provider. ConfigProvider is an abstraction which allows to read resources from one place. Currently there is just one implementation – ZipConfigProvider (to read everything from a single zip file) PricePredictionService – a class which combines FullChainTransformer and MultiModel.
  • 16. 16 CONFIGURATION Configuration structure (contents of the zip file): • gg • agg.json - aggregations configuration file • <set of folders for each ata_key • <set of pairs .csv.gz+.schema for each aggregation>, e.g. agg_vin_model.csv.gz, agg_vin_model.schema • config • global.json – configuration file that describes all models, their variables, and possible labels for cat. variables • models • <for every ata_key: .bin, .config and .txt file> - serialized models by the XGBoost • lookup • <pairs of .csv.gz + .schema files for lookups> ZipConfigProvider reads this zip file (size ≈ 200MB) produced by the notebook. Uncompressed size in Java structures that we choose: 1.8 GB.
  • 18. 18 UNIT VS. INTEGRATION TESTING Unit test Integration test Results depends only on Java code Results also depends on external systems/data Easy to write and verify Setup of integration test might be complicated A single class/unit is tested in isolation One or more components are tested All dependencies are mocked if needed No mocking is used (or only unrelated components are mocked) Test verifies only implementation of code Test verifies implementation of individual components and their interconnection behavior when they are used together A unit test uses only JUnit/TestNG and a mocking framework An integration test can use real containers and real DBs as well as special integration testings frameworks (e.g. Arquillian or DbUnit) Mostly used by developers Integration tests are also useful to QA, DevOps, Help Desk A failed unit test is always a regression (if the business has not changed) A failed integration test can also mean that the code is still correct but the environment has changed Unit tests in an Enterprise application should last about 5 minutes Integration tests in an Enterprise application can last for hours
  • 19. 19 INTEGRATION TESTING Goal: to ensure that the web service is doing EXACTLY THE SAME THINGS as the training notebook does. Training notebook outputs: • (200MB) - scoring configuration (ML models, lookups, variable configuration, etc.) • (600 MB) – scoring configuration + IT data: What do we check: • Take the input dataset (VIN, supplier_id, country, odometer reading, ATA category/subcategory, repair code, parts quantity). • Pass through FullChainTransformer and check if “Features by Python” = “Features by Java” • Get predictions using MultiModel and check if “Prediction by Python” = “Prediction by Java” Input Data (all test dataset but JUST INPUT features) VIN, supplier_id, ATA code, odom. reading, qnty 1M records Test Data with ALL features and predictions All features (make, model, etc) + predictions 400K records
  • 20. 20 INTEGRATION TESTING Maven life cycle phases: 1. validate - checks if the project is correct and all information is available 2. compile - compiles source code in binary artifacts 3. test - executes the tests 4. package - takes the compiled code and package it, for example 5. integration-test - takes the packaged result and executes additional tests, which require the packaging* 6. verify - performs checks if the package is valid 7. install - install the result of the package phase into the local Maven repository 8. deploy - deploys the package to a target, i.e. remote repository Example of how to run: mvn clean install –Dmldata=/path/to/
  • 21. 21 CHECKED HASH MAP AS FEATURE CONTAINER CheckedHashMap – an override of the HashMap, but with explicit operations. Goal: avoid errors, increase control. Overriden operations: • put(): fails if the key already exists in the map • get(): fails if the key doesn’t exist in the map • remove(): fails if the key doesn’t exist in the map New Operations: • overwrite(): the key must exist, otherwise it will fail • overwriteIfExists(): overwrites if the key exists, otherwise does nothing • putIfNotExists(): doesn’t fail, works only if the key doesn’t exist • putOrOverwrite(): no matter if the key exists or not, puts or overwrites it there Left as is: • getOrDefault(): if the key doesn’t exists, it will return a default All operations do NOT allow null keys!
  • 22. 22 SERIALIZATION IN HEX Double and float values inside CSV/LIBSVM files are written like this: • 3.5/0000000000000c40 - for double values • 5.1016541/c040a340 – for float values At the python side:
  • 23. 23 SERIALIZATION IN HEX At the Java side: • HexParser class with helper static methods to parse hex values – see the code. • Using SuperCSV library – to read the CSV files. • Made a class ParseDoubleHex extending SuperCSV’s CellProcessor leveraging HexParser to get values out of 3.5/0000000000000c40 . • The same for float type.
  • 24. 24 PRETTY PRINTING OF ERRORS Advice: do a “pretty print” of error data. If you don’t do it, fixing bugs will be hard.
  • 25. 25 PRETTY PRINTING OF ERRORS Example of how easy is to fix errors if we have pretty print:
  • 26. 26 MEMORY OPTIMIZATION FOR IT Before re-design of integration tests: After re-design: (added partitioning) 11 GB 3.8 GB (three times less)
  • 28. 28 Citing “Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems”: It may be surprising to the academic community to know that only a tiny fraction of the code in many ML systems is actually devoted to learning or prediction: TECHNICAL DEBT
  • 29. 29 Spring Boot Web Service Price Prediction Service Library SCORING WEB SERVICE ARCHITECTURE REST Controller SOAP Endpoint HTTP Request HTTP Response Payload Logging ML Data (called a “config”) Config Updater Payload Shipping Management REST Controller Client application (scoring service consumer) Model Storage (HDFS/S3) models, variables, labels, lookup tables HTTP Request Payload Storage (HDFS/S3) Daily zip files of all the payloads Payloads Scheduler (Spring) VIN Decoder (external REST service)
  • 30. 30 PRICE PREDICTION CONTROLLER/ENDPOINT Endpoints: • /rest – for REST (RestControler class) • /soap – for SOAP (SoapEndpoint class) • /manage – for management REST requests Overrides of default behavior: • for REST: override exception resolver, JSON message converter (fails on unknown properties) • for SOAP: proper handling of IvalidXmlException and SoapMessageCreation – doing “500 Internal Server Error” instead of “400 bad request”. • For both: async uploads of payloads (derived MessageDispatcherServler and DispatcherServlet)
  • 31. 31 PROCESSING ALGORITHM The algorithm is common for REST controller and SOAP endpoint: • validate the input data • get the instance of the PricePredictionService from the manager • perform prediction • check the status. If it is OK – return the result, otherwise log the error and return the error.
  • 34. 34 MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER The web UI is rendered by Swagger + Springfox Caveat #1: it cannot generate good examples for the properties of type Map<Long, SomeClass> Caveat #2: It doesn’t cover SOAP /swagger-ui.html - automatically generated endpoint for help on the REST methods
  • 35. 35 MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER /manage/info – renders detailed information about the configuration and 10 previous operations
  • 36. 36 MEMORY CLEANING MemoryCleaner: utility class for cleaning memory. Used on SWITCH operation. • uses jlibs-core https://santhosh- RuntimeUtil.gc() - guarantees garbage collection to happen, contrary to System.gc() • Runs a thread re-trying to free up RAM each T seconds if • at previous attempt we freed-up less than X MB • we made not more than N attempts Reason: old REST requests may still be running and hold a reference to the old instance of the PricePredictionService.
  • 38. 38 SONARQUBE Sonarqube is a tool for continuous inspection of code quality. It helps to find potential bugs, does code review, check unit test, coverage, etc. Supports 20 programming languages.
  • 39. 39 Advice: try to cover all the code with unit tests SONARQUBE: CODE COVERAGE This bug Was found after covering these lines with unit tests
  • 40. 40 SONARQUBE SonarQube shows places in the code where bugs may occur.
  • 41. 41 SONARQUBE: TRUE POSITIVES Reference on explanation why we need the interrupt:
  • 42. 42 SONARQUBE: BAD ADVICES The worst suggestion of SonarQube I’ve ever seen.
  • 43. 43 STATISTICS Part Lines Total lines 18539 Source code lines 13139 (71%) Comment lines 2786 (15%) Blank lines 2614 (14%)
  • 45. 45 RUNNING NOTEBOOKS OFFLINE Goal: to re-use the code in exploration/development and in production How it works: notebook.ipynb –o out -k "pyspark 2.3.1" -e dev -i 3 -z results_{}.zip -t 180 -m 5 -o = output folder -k = kernel name -e = environment -i = the cell where to insert the environment load -z = the zip file pattern (to put the ipynb + *.py files after the run) -t = timeout for the kernel to start -m = maximum number of times to try to start the kernel Algorithm: • read the .ipynb file (just the code: omitting the output which may be there) • insert some cells into position “-i”: a cell with profile name and override of the print function • create “-out” folder and put there all modules, make this folder the working one. • start the kernel, run the cells, output results to the “-out” folder • zip the contents of the “-out” folder (notebook with executed content + py files)
  • 46. 46 RUNNING NOTEBOOKS OFFLINE How nbrun works: • Nbformat – for reading/writing ipynb, inserting/editing cells • Nbconvert – for running the notebook with a specified kernel and getting the output Applied tricks: • Override nbconvert.preprocessors.ExecutePreprocessor: • preprocess_cell: to measure execution time and add cell.metadata["ExecuteTime"] = {"end_time": time_end, "start_time": time_start} • run_cell: to log the execution start/end and result just into console output of • preprocess: to fix the bugs with shutting down the kernel process in the case if we couldn’t connect to it, to change the timeout for kernel start and to do the “retry” starting if something failed (what happens quite often with “heavy” kernels like PySpark).
  • 47. 47 ENVIRONMENT REPLACEMENT This environment will be loaded at development time Here will insert a cell overriding the ENV_NAME This code will dynamically load the env_${ENV_NAME}.py
  • 48. 48 PATCHED PRINT FUNCTION Notebook’s output System’s output ( The print() function is overridden and inserted by Goal: to allow having the output in two places – the notebook and stdout of
  • 49. 49 ENVIRONMENT PARAMETERS Environment parameters: • FILESYSTEM, DB_NAME: place where we will store temporary tables. Supports: s3, hdfs, cassandra, local, FiloDB • HDFS/LOCAL/S3 parameters (depending on the type) • Spark unpersisting parameters: mode which will force the Spark to unpersist the dataframes (related to a bug with Spark 1.4 which caused cascaded unpersisting) • Upload parameters: S3/HDFS parameters of where to upload the results of the training • Metrics limits: upper limits for ML metrics (if met, then the new models will be uploaded) • Datasets: location, table names, SQL statements of how to get the source data • Thresholds for category variables (e.g. “train for top 1000 makes, ignore the others”) • TOP_N: how many models to train • VIN decoder parameters: how to decode the VINs in the case if they’re absent in the lookup table
  • 50. 50 NOTEBOOK STRUCTURE Notebook’s code is split on sections: • Environment loading (if run offline – will be made by • Loading modules, initializing shared variables • Data extraction • Data transformations (filtering, joining, new features) • Model training • Building model metrics and analysis • Dumping of artifacts (models, lookup, etc.), zipping results and metrics Each section reads data from the previous section results and saves its own results. Each section can be switched off during development (to save execution time).
  • 51. 51 MODULES Functions were moved to the modules. Reasons: • Easy to debug • Easy to see errors • Easy to do unit tests • PyCharm capabilities of code navigation and type hints Reference:
  • 52. 52 Common variables are shared between modules. Example of how to share variables: 1) Create a module with variables with the same names as in the notebook 2) Call “init” at the beginning: SHARED VARIABLES
  • 53. 53 MEMORY PROFILING OF THE NOTEBOOK Memory profiling and usage of “del” at the end of sections: A simple way is to make some decorators. After that for “heavy” frequently used functions do this: @profile def your_func(): ... you will see how much memory the notebook’s kernel consumed before and after the function call.
  • 54. 54 MEMORY PROFILING OF THE NOTEBOOK Each section ends with checking unreleased Pandas and Spark dataframes. Results: • decreased memory of the notebook from 12GB to 4GB • removed all cached Spark dataframes from the cluster memory (=decreased the demands for cluster resources).
  • 56. 56 HIGH LEVEL API Goals: • to simplify usage of Sparks dataframes/SQL • Implicit caching defaults for common operations • to minimize errors. Commonly used functions: • load_df(db_name, table_name, ...), save_df(df, db_name, table_name, ...) • change_df(a_select_cols, a_drop, a_replace, a_rename, a_add, a_distinct, a_order_by, a_drop_end, a_filter_df, a_filter_columns, a_filter_not_df, a_filter_not_columns, a_where) • join_df, group_by • filter_by_where, filter_by_df, filter_by_not_df, filter_by_threshold, filter_duplicates Example: new_df = change_df(df, a_add={"new_col": "case when col > 0.0 then 1 else 0 end"}) instead of new_df = df.withColumn("new_col", F.when(df["col"] > 0.0, 1).otherwise(0))
  • 57. 57 CREATEDATAFRAME MONKEY PATCH Problem: the sqlContext.createDataFrame() function doesn’t contain a numSlices parameter (that is present in the sc.parallelize() and defines the number of partitions). This is true up to 2.3.1 Why it is important: to control the number of partitions for conversion from the Pandas dataframe into Spark dataframe. Solution: patch three functions (code is in the • SparkSession._createFromLocal = _createFromLocalMonkeyPatch • SparkSession.createDataFrame = createDataFrameMonkeyPatch_session • SQLContext.createDataFrame = createDataFrameMonkeyPatch_sqlcontext In all of the overrides add the numSlices and pass it accordingly to the sc.parallelize()
  • 58. 58 NOTEBOOK KERNEL PARAMETERS Marked are those parameters which we strongly advice to apply for a standalone Spark cluster: { "display_name": "pyspark cluster - ibobak - 3e 3c", "language": "python", "argv": ["/opt/conda/envs/py27/bin/python", "-m", "ipykernel_launcher", "-f", "{connection_file}"], "env": { "SPARK_HOME":"/opt/spark", "PYTHONPATH":"/opt/spark/python/lib/", "PYTHONSTARTUP":"/opt/spark/python/pyspark/", "PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS":" --packages com.databricks:spark-avro_2.11:3.2.0 --driver-memory 5G --executor-memory 10G --num-executors 3 --executor-cores 3 --total-executor-cores 9 --master spark:// --conf spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer --conf spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=1024m --conf spark.driver.extraJavaOptions="-Xss16m" --conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions="-Xss16m" --conf spark.cassandra.output.consistency.level=ALL --conf spark.cassandra.input.consistency.level=ALL pyspark-shell" } } All three params num-executors, executor-cores and total-executor-cores must be specified (otherwise the number of cores will be unpredictable). Serialization parameters are strongly advices to speed up the dataframe caching. –Xss16m is advices to avoid stackoverflow errors. Cassandra parameters are needed when you use writes to Cassandra and don’t want a situation when records are lost after saving and re-loading them.
  • 60. 60 JENKINS JOBS Jenkins jobs to run different parts of the flow: • ml_build_scoreapi: builds the price prediction web service (Java), runs the unit tests, does SonarQube analysis, uploads the jar to the artifactory. • ml_config_scoreapi: takes the new config files form Git and puts them on the server (dev/qa/prod), restarts the service. • ml_deploy_scoreapi: takes the jar file from the artifactory and puts them on the server (dev/qa/prod), restarts the web service. • ml_deploy_training: takes the notebooks from Git and puts them to the working folder of the training server. • ml_run_training: runs on the training server these steps: • Data extraction into parquet files. • Offline running of the notebooks (using • Integration tests • Checking ML metrics • Uploading the training results on S3 • Issuing /manage/syncswitch HTTP GET-request on the working instance of the scoring web service.
  • 61. 61 CONTACTS Ihor Bobak E-mail: Skype: ibobak Linkedin:

Editor's Notes

  1. The customer selected the regression model based on business demands and on non-risk approach: the maintenance order should be manually reviewed anyway due to checking against policies (e.g. “does the client have right to wash the car?”).
  2. XGBoost actually replaced Spark’s GBT and RF after we discovered that on 5 million rows it is much better to train locally on multiple cores instead of doing this with Spark.
  3. We looked at MLeap in December, but faced with a set of problems: no XGBoost support at that time. At scoring part we need to transform just a couple of rows: much of the transformation logic either vanishes, or changes, so no “copy paste” of the training notebook’s code is possible (actually, that wouldn’t happen anyway: notebook has a PySpark code, while we need Java).
  4. There are two modules (jars): price-prediction-service.jar (the library): does all the price prediction stuff Price-prediction-web.jar (the web service): wraps the library into a Spring Boot microservice and provides a management interface, ML data version switching/syncing, payload shipments, VIN decoder testing, etc.
  5. After all the dumps has been finished, it creates two zip files: and (extended one, for integration tests)
  6. FeatureRecord: features (CheckedHashMap<String,Object>) – for holding feature names and values stopInfo (Map<String, String>) – for marking the record as “stopped” updateInfo (Map<String, String>) – for outputting information that “prediction was made to an updated value of some feature” predictionInfo (Map<String,String>) – for outputting the price prediction (potentially we can put there several predictions) All transformers should work like this: If the record is stopped, it should return it immediately without any processing If the record is “alive”, it should create a copy of it and apply the transformation, then return the transformed record.
  7. We considered many implementations: MySQL, SQLite, Memcached, but stopped on this simple one due to one reason: it fits in RAM into 2GB in our case. If it wouldn’t – we would do something more complicated.
  8. ATA = American Trucking Association Do not use XGBoost4J: slow, buggy, platform dependent (uses JNI)
  9. It is often a temptation to work in the training notebook with a dataset which already contains some of the features, like “make”, “model”, etc. The rule is next: if the scoring web service doesn’t get this feature from the client, then your notebook MUST have a part of ETL which takes this feature from some lookup or some external source or anything else.
  10. Such explicit control on feature management allowed us to avoid errors, especially they were easily detected during integration tests. The concept is as follows: if you did not put anything as a feature, then please DO NOT TRY TO GET IT. But Java’s HashMap, TreeMap and others simply return “null” in the case if you do map.get(“Feature_X”) while Feature_X simply doesn’t exist because no one ever put it.
  11. Often in the testing code we can see just “assertEquals(target, actual)”. OK, it will assert you. But how much time you will spend on searching for the reason? In our case, we’ve done a TreeMap of features and then printed them out to the logs, so that after running all tests we’ve got detailed output and could fix that in 10 minutes.
  12. The freeware comparison tool is called WinMerge.
  13. The second picture is intentionally decreased by height to see how much less memory it started to use.
  14. There are much more work to do than you thought at the beginning.
  15. Orange blocks are those pieces of functionality that are helper stuff: we could live without them, but life with them becomes easier.
  16. The prediction method is called “safePredict()” instead of just “predict()”. That means that we do not raise any exception from there: the error information will be encapsulated in the response. This pattern allows the controller/endpoint to not care about ML stuff: this is not their business what exception may happen inside the price prediction service. The PredictionResponse has getErrorDescriptionForServerLog() which will be logged for further analysis on the server side, but this won’t go our of the service to the external world.
  17. This is a sample of prediction request and response in JSON format. As you may see, not each order line contains a prediction: some of them may contain “stop” message, the other may contain additional “update” message which notifies that “we’ve made prediction to this item forcibly setting quantity = 1”, so no matter what value was there – 1 or not 1 – we predicted as if it was “1”.
  18. Serialization/deserialization into XML and JSON is done using the same classes – PredictionRequest/PredictionResponse. Fields are annotated both with JAXB and Jackson annotations.
  19. Swagger is good enough but NOT the best tool for documenting. A huge problem is properties with type Map<anything, SomeClass>: it cannot automatically generate good examples on the UI which allows to test how the service is working. To enable this swagger stuff having @Configuration class RestMvcConf extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport, we had to @Override protected void configureDefaultServletHandling(DefaultServletHandlerConfigurer configurer) { configurer.enable(); } otherwise the default request handler for /** was not enabled.
  20. A simple approach which we use everywhere is to return Map<String, Object> for /info methods: it will convert to JSON automatically and we shouldn’t care of types.
  21. SonarQube (formerly Sonar)[1] is an open source platform developed by SonarSource for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs, code smells and security vulnerabilities on 20+ programming languages. SonarQube offers reports on duplicated code, coding standards, unit tests, code coverage, code complexity, comments, bugs, and security vulnerabilities.[2][3]
  22. Why do we need interrupts: when you catch the InterruptException and swallow it, you essentially prevent any higher level methods/thread groups from noticing the interrupt. Which may cause problems. By calling Thread.currentThread().interrupt(), you set the interrupt flag of the thread, so higher level interrupt handlers will notice it and can handle it appropriately.
  23. An override of the print function is needed to make so that everything that notebook’s cells are printing should go both to the notebook and to the stdout of the
  24. The, etc. is a standard python file which contains variable assignments like VIN_DECODER_ENABLED=True VIN_DECODER_TIMEOUT_SECONDS=60 VIN_DECODER_URL=“https://servername:port/vinData” etc.