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Probabilistic Control of Uncertain Linear Systems Using
Stochastic Reachability
Leonhard Asselborn Olaf Stursberg
Control and System Theory
University of Kassel (Germany)
• discrete-time uncertain linear system: xk+1 = Axk + Buk + Gvk
• Gaussian distribution of the initial states and the disturbances
• input constraints
• steer the uncertain linear system into a terminal region T with a defined
confidence δ
Solution Approach:
• forward propagation of ellipsoidal reachable sets Xδ
k with predefined
• offline algorithmic synthesis by semidefinite programming (SDP)
• time-variant control laws for set-to-set transitions
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 2
Relevant literature (excerpt):
• Girard [2005]: uncertain linear systems, reachability computations, no
controller synthesis
• Rakovic, Kerrigan, Mayne, and Lygeros [2006]: linear system dynamics,
polytopic sets, input-dependend disturbance, no controller synthesis
• Cannon, Kouvaritakis, Ng [2009]: polytopic confidence sets, finite support
of random disturbance, model predictive control
• Althoff, Stursberg, Buss [2009]: linear system dynamics, verification, no
controller synthesis, confidence sets
• Asselborn, Gross, Stursberg [2013]: nonlinear system dynamics with
disturbances, controller synthesis
• Bashkirtseva, Ryashko [2013]: nonlinear system dynamics with
disturbances, no controller synthesis, confidence sets
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 3
Basics: Sets, Distribution and Dynamic System
1. Set representation:
Ellipsoid: E = ε(q, Q) = x ∈ Rn
|(x − q)T
(x − q) ≤ 1
with q ∈ Rn
, Q ∈ Rn×n
2. Multivariate Normal Distribution
ξ ∼ N(µ, Ω)
The sum of two Gaussian variables ξ1 ∼ N(µ1, Ω1) and ξ2 ∼ N(µ2, Ω2) is
again a Gaussian variable:
ξ1 + ξ2 ∼ N(µ1 + µ2, Ω1 + Ω2)
3. Dynamical system:
xk+1 = Axk + Buk + Gvk, k ∈ {0, 1, 2, . . .}
x0 ∼ N(q0, Q0), xk ∈ Rn
vk ∼ N(0, Σ), vk ∈ Rn
uk ∈ ε(p, P) = U ⊆ Rm
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 4
Basics: Probabilistic Reachable Sets with Confidence δ
• Surfaces of equal density for ξ ∼ N(µ, Ω)
(Krzanowski and Marriott [1994]):
(ξ − µ)T
(ξ − µ) = c
c is a χ2
-distributed random variable.
δ := Pr (ξ ∈ ε(µ, Ωc)) = Fχ2 (c, n)
cumulativ distribution function
• Initial state confidence ellipsoid:
0 := ε(q0, Q0c) with Pr(x0 ∈ Xδ
0 ) = δ
contour of pdf
samples of ξ ∼ N (µ, Ω)
• Evolution of the initial state distribution:
qk+1 = Aqk + Buk, Qk+1 = AQkAT
, Xδ
k+1 := ε(qk+1, Qk+1c
k+1 is the confidence ellipsoid for xk+1 with confidence δ.
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 5
Stochastic Stability
Stability with confidence δ
The uncertain linear system is said to be stable with confidence δ, if finite
parameters ¯q ∈ Rn
and ¯Q ∈ Rn×n
exist for any initial condition x0 ∈ Xδ
0 and
any vk ∈ V δ
= ε(0, Σc) holds:
||qN || ≤ ||¯q||, ||QN || ≤ || ¯Q||,
and for any 0 ≤ k ≤ N − 1:
||qk+1|| ≤ ||qk||, ||Qk+1|| ≤ ||Qk||.
• Mean value qk has to converge to a finite neighbourhood of the origin.
• The covariance matrix Qk converges, such that the confidence ellipsoid is
of decreasing size over k (while rotation is still possible).
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 6
Problem Definition
Determine a control law uk = κ(xk, k), for which it holds that:
• uk ∈ U and xk ∈ X δ
k ∀ k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , N − 1}, N ∈ N
• the closed-loop system is rendered stable with confidence δ,
• Xδ
N ⊆ T in a finite number of N steps.
Thus, any initial state x0 ∈ Xδ
0 has to be transferred into the terminal set T
with probability δ after N steps.
• Selected structure of the control law for xk ∈ Xδ
k = ε(qk, Qkc):
uk = −Kkxk
• Closed loop dynamic:
xk+1 = Axk + Buk + Gvk = (A − BKk)
xk + Gvk.
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 7
Solution based on SDP: Covariance Matrix and Expected Value
Convergence of the covariance matrix Qk:
• Covariance matrix of the pdf N(qk+1, Qk+1):
Qk+1 = Acl,kQkAT
cl,k + GΣGT
• constrained by a symmetric matrix to be optimized in SDP:
Sk+1 ≥ Qk+1.
• or with the Schur complement:
Sk+1 Acl,kQk GΣ
cl,k Qk 0
0 Σ
 ≥ 0
Convergence of the expected value qk
• is achieved implicitly by the convergence of the covariance matrix.
|λi(Acl,k)| < 1, i ∈ {1, . . . , n}
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 8
Solution based on SDP: Input Constraint
• Set-valued mapping of the control law:
¯Uk = −KkXδ
k = ε(−Kkqk, KkQδ
k ) ⊆ U
• Over-approximation of the shape matrix:
¯Pk ≥ KkQδ
k → ε(−Kkqk, ¯Pk)
⊆ ε(p, P)
• Matrix inequality for an ellipse-in-ellipse
problem (Lemma 3.7.3 in Boyd et al.
−P p + Kkqk
(p + Kkqk)T
λ − 1 0
k 0 −λI
 ≤ 0, λ > 0
• Overapproximation of ¯P
k :
˜Pk ≥ ¯P
¯Uk = ε(−Kkqk, KkQδ
k )
ε(−Kkqk, ¯Pk)
ε(−Kkqk, ˜P 2
k )
U = ε(p, P )
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 9
Formulation of the SDP
Semidefinite program to be solved in any k:
Sk+1,λ, ˜Pk, ¯Pk,Kk
ellipsoidal shape convergence:
Sk+1 Acl,kQk GΣ
cl,k Qk 0
0 Σ
 ≥ 0
trace(Sk+1) ≤ trace(Qk)
input constraint:
¯Pk KkQδ
k Qδ
≥ 0
0 ≤ ˜Pk ≤ P1/2
−P p + Kkqk
(p + Kkqk)T
λ − 1 0
˜Pk 0 −λI
 ≤ 0
¯Pk ≤ α2
i P − j,h
∂g( ˜Pk)
∂ ˜pk,jh ˜Pk=PL
j ( ˜Pk − αiP)eh
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 10
Algorithm for Controller Synthesis (1)
Probabilistic Ellipsoidal Control Algorithm (PECA)
Given: (A, B, G), x0 ∼ N(q0, Q0), vk ∼ N(0, Σ), and U = ε(p, P), as well as
T, δ, γmin, αi ∈ [0, 1], i ∈ {1, . . . , nα}.
Define: k := 0, γ0 = γmin
while Xδ
k T and γk ≥ γmin do
• compute the confidence ellipsoid Xδ
k for N(qk, Qk)
• solve the optimization problem for any αi and choose the best solution
according to the cost function
if no feasible Kk is found do
stop algorithm (synthesis failed)
end if
• compute the distribution of xk+1 ∼ N(qk+1, Qk+1)
• compute γk+1 = ||qk+1 − qk||
• k := k + 1
end while
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 11
Termination of PECA
The control problem with a confidence δ, an initialization x0 ∼ N(q0, Q0),
vk ∼ N(0, Σ), and uk ∈ U ∀ k is successfully solved with selected parameters
γmin and αi i = {1, . . . , nα}, if PECA terminates in N steps with Xδ
N ⊆ T.
Proof (sketch):
• Successful termination of the control algorithm implies that Xδ
N ∈ T and
consequently xN ∈ Xδ
N ⊆ T holds for all initial states x0 ∈ Xδ
0 and all
disturbances vk ∼ N(0, Σ).
• By construction Pr(xk ∈ Xδ
k) = δ is ensured for each time step k.
• A successful termination shows stability with confidence δ; ¯q and ¯Q are
provided by the terminal region T.
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 12
Example in 3-D: Problem (1)
Initial distribution and disturbance:
x0 ∼ N(q0, Q0) with q0 =
 , Q0 =
0.2 0.5 0
0.5 0.1 0.5
0 0.5 0.2
 (1)
vk ∼ N(0, Σ) with Σ =
0.2 0.5 0
0.5 0.1 0.5
0 0.5 0.2
 (2)
System dynamics:
xk+1 =
0.87 0.06 −0.03
0 1.09 1.20
0 0.06 0.91
 xk
0.64 0.0003
−0.24 0.34
0.62 0.61
 uk +
0.1 0 0
0 0.2 0
0 0 0.3
 vk (3)
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 13
Example in 3-D: Problem (2)
Input constraints:
uk ∈ U = ε
30 15
15 30
Target set
T = ε
 ,
0.96 0.64 0.24
0.64 0.8 0.64
0.24 0.64 0.96
 (5)
PECA is parametrized by: δ = 0.95, γmin = 0.01, and αi = 1
i for i ∈ 0, . . . , 6.
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 14
3-Dimensional Example: Results (1)
Sample trajectory of the linear dynamic
Target set T
Confidence reachable sets Xδ
k, δ = 0.95
6 −5
• Termination after 20 time
steps in 80s using 2.8 Ghz
Quad-Core CPU.
• Implementation with Matlab
7.12.0, YALMIP 3.0, SeDuMi
1.3, and ellipsoidal toolbox ET
(Kurzhanskiy and Varaiya
k P r(xk ∈ Xδ
k) k P r(xk ∈ Xδ
0 95.0% 10 96.4%
1 96.2% 11 95.0%
2 95.3% 12 95.8%
3 95.4% 13 94.6%
4 94.7% 14 94.7%
5 95.0% 15 94.1%
6 95.2% 16 95.2%
7 95.6% 17 95.6%
8 95.7% 18 94.7%
9 95.8% 19 95.4%
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 15
3-Dimensional Example: Results (2)
Sample trajectory of the linear dynamic
Target set T
Confidence reachable sets Xδ
k, δ = 0.8
6 −5
10 15
• Modified confidence:
δ = 0.8
• Termination after 15 time
• Smaller reachable sets lead
to more freedom in
choosing Kk within the
input constraints.
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 16
Conclusion and Outlook
• Algorithm for the stabilization with confidence δ of an uncertain
discrete-time linear system
• Control law synthesis based on probabilistic reachability analysis
• Explicit consideration of input constraints
• Stabilization problem reformulated as an iterative problem
• Resorts, if PECA terminates without success: adjust δ, γmin
• Numerical example to show a successful application
Future work:
• Extension to switched dynamics (ADHS’15)
• Different confidence levels for the state and disturbance distribution
• Chance constraints for the state
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 17
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Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 20
Input constraint (1)
˜Pk ≥ ¯P
g( ˜Pk) = ¯Pk − ˜P2
k ≤ 0.
A first-order Taylor approximation:
g( ˜Pk) ≈ ˜g( ˜Pk) = g(PL) + dg( ˜Pk) ≤ 0.
˜g( ˜Pk) = g(PL) +
∂g( ˜Pk)
∂ ˜pk,jh ˜Pk=PL
= g(PL) +
∂g( ˜Pk)
∂ ˜pk,11 ˜Pk=PL
d˜pk,11 + . . . +
∂g( ˜Pk)
∂ ˜pk,mm ˜Pk=PL
= ¯Pk − P2
L +
∂g( ˜Pk)
∂ ˜pk,11 ˜Pk=PL
d˜pk,11 + . . . +
∂g( ˜Pk)
∂ ˜pk,mm ˜Pk=PL
d˜pk,jh = ˜pk,jh − pL,jh.
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 21
Input constraint (2)
The linearization point PL,k is limited by the shape matrix of the input ellipsoid
PL = αP1/2
, α ∈ [0, 1]
With this expression, the resulting constraints for ¯Pk and ˜Pk are:
0 ≤ ˜Pk ≤ P1/2
¯Pk ≤ α
i P −
∂g( ˜Pk)
∂ ˜pk,11 ˜Pk=PL
(˜pk,11 − αip11) − . . . −
∂g( ˜Pk )
∂ ˜pk,mm ˜Pk=PL
(˜pk,mm − αipmm)
In order to obtain a matrix inequality which is linear in ¯Pk and ˜Pk,:
¯Pk ≤ α2
i P −
∂g( ˜Pk)
∂ ˜pk,jh ˜Pk=PL
j ( ˜Pk − αiP)eh
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 22

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Probabilistic Control of Uncertain Linear Systems Using Stochastic Reachability

  • 1. Probabilistic Control of Uncertain Linear Systems Using Stochastic Reachability Leonhard Asselborn Olaf Stursberg Control and System Theory University of Kassel (Germany)
  • 2. Introduction Problem: • discrete-time uncertain linear system: xk+1 = Axk + Buk + Gvk • Gaussian distribution of the initial states and the disturbances • input constraints • steer the uncertain linear system into a terminal region T with a defined confidence δ Solution Approach: • forward propagation of ellipsoidal reachable sets Xδ k with predefined confidence • offline algorithmic synthesis by semidefinite programming (SDP) • time-variant control laws for set-to-set transitions Xδ 0 Xδ N x2 x1 T Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 2
  • 3. Relevant literature (excerpt): • Girard [2005]: uncertain linear systems, reachability computations, no controller synthesis • Rakovic, Kerrigan, Mayne, and Lygeros [2006]: linear system dynamics, polytopic sets, input-dependend disturbance, no controller synthesis • Cannon, Kouvaritakis, Ng [2009]: polytopic confidence sets, finite support of random disturbance, model predictive control • Althoff, Stursberg, Buss [2009]: linear system dynamics, verification, no controller synthesis, confidence sets • Asselborn, Gross, Stursberg [2013]: nonlinear system dynamics with disturbances, controller synthesis • Bashkirtseva, Ryashko [2013]: nonlinear system dynamics with disturbances, no controller synthesis, confidence sets Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 3
  • 4. Basics: Sets, Distribution and Dynamic System 1. Set representation: Ellipsoid: E = ε(q, Q) = x ∈ Rn |(x − q)T Q−1 (x − q) ≤ 1 with q ∈ Rn , Q ∈ Rn×n 2. Multivariate Normal Distribution ξ ∼ N(µ, Ω) The sum of two Gaussian variables ξ1 ∼ N(µ1, Ω1) and ξ2 ∼ N(µ2, Ω2) is again a Gaussian variable: ξ1 + ξ2 ∼ N(µ1 + µ2, Ω1 + Ω2) 3. Dynamical system: xk+1 = Axk + Buk + Gvk, k ∈ {0, 1, 2, . . .} x0 ∼ N(q0, Q0), xk ∈ Rn vk ∼ N(0, Σ), vk ∈ Rn uk ∈ ε(p, P) = U ⊆ Rm Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 4
  • 5. Basics: Probabilistic Reachable Sets with Confidence δ • Surfaces of equal density for ξ ∼ N(µ, Ω) (Krzanowski and Marriott [1994]): (ξ − µ)T Ω−1 (ξ − µ) = c c is a χ2 -distributed random variable. δ := Pr (ξ ∈ ε(µ, Ωc)) = Fχ2 (c, n) cumulativ distribution function • Initial state confidence ellipsoid: Xδ 0 := ε(q0, Q0c) with Pr(x0 ∈ Xδ 0 ) = δ contour of pdf samples of ξ ∼ N (µ, Ω) ξ2 ξ1 • Evolution of the initial state distribution: qk+1 = Aqk + Buk, Qk+1 = AQkAT + GΣGT , Xδ k+1 := ε(qk+1, Qk+1c =:Qδ k+1 ) Xδ k+1 is the confidence ellipsoid for xk+1 with confidence δ. Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 5
  • 6. Stochastic Stability Stability with confidence δ The uncertain linear system is said to be stable with confidence δ, if finite parameters ¯q ∈ Rn and ¯Q ∈ Rn×n exist for any initial condition x0 ∈ Xδ 0 and any vk ∈ V δ = ε(0, Σc) holds: ||qN || ≤ ||¯q||, ||QN || ≤ || ¯Q||, and for any 0 ≤ k ≤ N − 1: ||qk+1|| ≤ ||qk||, ||Qk+1|| ≤ ||Qk||. Interpretation: • Mean value qk has to converge to a finite neighbourhood of the origin. • The covariance matrix Qk converges, such that the confidence ellipsoid is of decreasing size over k (while rotation is still possible). Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 6
  • 7. Problem Definition Problem Determine a control law uk = κ(xk, k), for which it holds that: • uk ∈ U and xk ∈ X δ k ∀ k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , N − 1}, N ∈ N • the closed-loop system is rendered stable with confidence δ, • Xδ N ⊆ T in a finite number of N steps. Thus, any initial state x0 ∈ Xδ 0 has to be transferred into the terminal set T with probability δ after N steps. • Selected structure of the control law for xk ∈ Xδ k = ε(qk, Qkc): uk = −Kkxk • Closed loop dynamic: xk+1 = Axk + Buk + Gvk = (A − BKk) :=Acl,k xk + Gvk. Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 7
  • 8. Solution based on SDP: Covariance Matrix and Expected Value Convergence of the covariance matrix Qk: • Covariance matrix of the pdf N(qk+1, Qk+1): Qk+1 = Acl,kQkAT cl,k + GΣGT • constrained by a symmetric matrix to be optimized in SDP: Sk+1 ≥ Qk+1. • or with the Schur complement:   Sk+1 Acl,kQk GΣ QkAT cl,k Qk 0 ΣGT 0 Σ   ≥ 0 Convergence of the expected value qk • is achieved implicitly by the convergence of the covariance matrix. |λi(Acl,k)| < 1, i ∈ {1, . . . , n} Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 8
  • 9. Solution based on SDP: Input Constraint • Set-valued mapping of the control law: ¯Uk = −KkXδ k = ε(−Kkqk, KkQδ kKT k ) ⊆ U • Over-approximation of the shape matrix: ¯Pk ≥ KkQδ kKT k → ε(−Kkqk, ¯Pk) ! ⊆ ε(p, P) • Matrix inequality for an ellipse-in-ellipse problem (Lemma 3.7.3 in Boyd et al. [1994]):    −P p + Kkqk ¯P 1/2 k (p + Kkqk)T λ − 1 0 ¯P 1/2 k 0 −λI    ≤ 0, λ > 0 • Overapproximation of ¯P 1/2 k : ˜Pk ≥ ¯P 1/2 k ¯Uk = ε(−Kkqk, KkQδ kKT k ) ε(−Kkqk, ¯Pk) ε(−Kkqk, ˜P 2 k ) U = ε(p, P ) Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 9
  • 10. Formulation of the SDP Semidefinite program to be solved in any k: min Sk+1,λ, ˜Pk, ¯Pk,Kk trace(Sk+1) ellipsoidal shape convergence:       Sk+1 Acl,kQk GΣ QkAT cl,k Qk 0 ΣGT 0 Σ    ≥ 0 trace(Sk+1) ≤ trace(Qk) input constraint:    ¯Pk KkQδ k Qδ kKT k Qδ k ≥ 0 0 ≤ ˜Pk ≤ P1/2    −P p + Kkqk ˜Pk (p + Kkqk)T λ − 1 0 ˜Pk 0 −λI    ≤ 0 ¯Pk ≤ α2 i P − j,h ∂g( ˜Pk) ∂ ˜pk,jh ˜Pk=PL eT j ( ˜Pk − αiP)eh Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 10
  • 11. Algorithm for Controller Synthesis (1) Algorithm Probabilistic Ellipsoidal Control Algorithm (PECA) Given: (A, B, G), x0 ∼ N(q0, Q0), vk ∼ N(0, Σ), and U = ε(p, P), as well as T, δ, γmin, αi ∈ [0, 1], i ∈ {1, . . . , nα}. Define: k := 0, γ0 = γmin while Xδ k T and γk ≥ γmin do • compute the confidence ellipsoid Xδ k for N(qk, Qk) • solve the optimization problem for any αi and choose the best solution according to the cost function if no feasible Kk is found do stop algorithm (synthesis failed) end if • compute the distribution of xk+1 ∼ N(qk+1, Qk+1) • compute γk+1 = ||qk+1 − qk|| • k := k + 1 end while Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 11
  • 12. Termination of PECA Lemma The control problem with a confidence δ, an initialization x0 ∼ N(q0, Q0), vk ∼ N(0, Σ), and uk ∈ U ∀ k is successfully solved with selected parameters γmin and αi i = {1, . . . , nα}, if PECA terminates in N steps with Xδ N ⊆ T. Proof (sketch): • Successful termination of the control algorithm implies that Xδ N ∈ T and consequently xN ∈ Xδ N ⊆ T holds for all initial states x0 ∈ Xδ 0 and all disturbances vk ∼ N(0, Σ). • By construction Pr(xk ∈ Xδ k) = δ is ensured for each time step k. • A successful termination shows stability with confidence δ; ¯q and ¯Q are provided by the terminal region T. Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 12
  • 13. Example in 3-D: Problem (1) Initial distribution and disturbance: x0 ∼ N(q0, Q0) with q0 =   2 9 2   , Q0 =   0.2 0.5 0 0.5 0.1 0.5 0 0.5 0.2   (1) vk ∼ N(0, Σ) with Σ =   0.2 0.5 0 0.5 0.1 0.5 0 0.5 0.2   (2) System dynamics: xk+1 =   0.87 0.06 −0.03 0 1.09 1.20 0 0.06 0.91   xk +   0.64 0.0003 −0.24 0.34 0.62 0.61   uk +   0.1 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.3   vk (3) Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 13
  • 14. Example in 3-D: Problem (2) Input constraints: uk ∈ U = ε 0 0 , 30 15 15 30 (4) Target set T = ε     0 0 0   ,   0.96 0.64 0.24 0.64 0.8 0.64 0.24 0.64 0.96     (5) PECA is parametrized by: δ = 0.95, γmin = 0.01, and αi = 1 6 i for i ∈ 0, . . . , 6. Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 14
  • 15. 3-Dimensional Example: Results (1) Sample trajectory of the linear dynamic Target set T Confidence reachable sets Xδ k, δ = 0.95 x3 x2 x1 −2 0 2 4 6 −5 0 5 10 15 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 • Termination after 20 time steps in 80s using 2.8 Ghz Quad-Core CPU. • Implementation with Matlab 7.12.0, YALMIP 3.0, SeDuMi 1.3, and ellipsoidal toolbox ET (Kurzhanskiy and Varaiya [2006]). k P r(xk ∈ Xδ k) k P r(xk ∈ Xδ k) 0 95.0% 10 96.4% 1 96.2% 11 95.0% 2 95.3% 12 95.8% 3 95.4% 13 94.6% 4 94.7% 14 94.7% 5 95.0% 15 94.1% 6 95.2% 16 95.2% 7 95.6% 17 95.6% 8 95.7% 18 94.7% 9 95.8% 19 95.4% Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 15
  • 16. 3-Dimensional Example: Results (2) Sample trajectory of the linear dynamic Target set T Confidence reachable sets Xδ k, δ = 0.8 x3 x2 x1 −2 0 2 4 6 −5 0 5 10 15 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 • Modified confidence: δ = 0.8 • Termination after 15 time steps. • Smaller reachable sets lead to more freedom in choosing Kk within the input constraints. Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 16
  • 17. Conclusion and Outlook Summary: • Algorithm for the stabilization with confidence δ of an uncertain discrete-time linear system • Control law synthesis based on probabilistic reachability analysis • Explicit consideration of input constraints • Stabilization problem reformulated as an iterative problem • Resorts, if PECA terminates without success: adjust δ, γmin • Numerical example to show a successful application Future work: • Extension to switched dynamics (ADHS’15) • Different confidence levels for the state and disturbance distribution • Chance constraints for the state Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 17
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  • 21. Input constraint (1) ˜Pk ≥ ¯P 1/2 k g( ˜Pk) = ¯Pk − ˜P2 k ≤ 0. A first-order Taylor approximation: g( ˜Pk) ≈ ˜g( ˜Pk) = g(PL) + dg( ˜Pk) ≤ 0. ˜g( ˜Pk) = g(PL) + m j,h ∂g( ˜Pk) ∂ ˜pk,jh ˜Pk=PL d˜pk,jh = g(PL) + ∂g( ˜Pk) ∂ ˜pk,11 ˜Pk=PL d˜pk,11 + . . . + ∂g( ˜Pk) ∂ ˜pk,mm ˜Pk=PL d˜pk,mm = ¯Pk − P2 L + ∂g( ˜Pk) ∂ ˜pk,11 ˜Pk=PL d˜pk,11 + . . . + ∂g( ˜Pk) ∂ ˜pk,mm ˜Pk=PL d˜pk,mm, with: d˜pk,jh = ˜pk,jh − pL,jh. Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 21
  • 22. Input constraint (2) The linearization point PL,k is limited by the shape matrix of the input ellipsoid U: PL = αP1/2 , α ∈ [0, 1] With this expression, the resulting constraints for ¯Pk and ˜Pk are: 0 ≤ ˜Pk ≤ P1/2 , ¯Pk ≤ α 2 i P − ∂g( ˜Pk) ∂ ˜pk,11 ˜Pk=PL (˜pk,11 − αip11) − . . . − ∂g( ˜Pk ) ∂ ˜pk,mm ˜Pk=PL (˜pk,mm − αipmm) In order to obtain a matrix inequality which is linear in ¯Pk and ˜Pk,: ¯Pk ≤ α2 i P − m jh ∂g( ˜Pk) ∂ ˜pk,jh ˜Pk=PL eT j ( ˜Pk − αiP)eh Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 22