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Control & System
Control of Discrete-Time Piecewise Affine Probabilistic
Systems using Reachability Analysis
Leonhard Asselborn Olaf Stursberg
Control and System Theory
University of Kassel (Germany)
CACSD 2016 21.09.2016
Introduction: Motivation in Uncertain and Partitioned Environment Control & System
• piecewise linearization of nonlinear dynamic system
• different dynamics in different regions of the state space
• stochastic disturbances (wind, waves)
• stochastic initialization (GPS coordinates)
• input constraints: uk ∈ U
• steer the system into a terminal region T with confidence δ
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 2
Relevant Literature (Excerpt): Control & System
Piecewise Linear Systems
• Sontag [1981], Kerrigan and Mayne [2002], Rakovic et al. [2004], Koutsoukos
and Antsaklis [2003]: piecewise linearization and controller synthesis
Reachability sets for stochastic hybrid systems
• Hu et al. [2000], Blom and Lygeros [2006], Cassandras and Lygeros [2006],
Kamgarpour et al. [2013], Abate et al. [2008]: control design
Previous own work
• Controller synthesis for nonlinear systems: [NOLCOS, 2013]
• Synthesis for stochastic discrete-time linear systems: [ROCOND, 2015]
• Synthesis for stochastic discrete-time switched linear systems: [ADHS, 2015]
• Synthesis for stochastic discrete-time switched linear systems with chance
constraints: [ECC, 2016]
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 3
Contribution Control & System
Controller synthesis based on probabilistic reachability computation for
discrete-time piecewise affine probabilistic systems
Solution Approach:
• forward propagation of ellipsoidal reachable sets Xδ
k with confidence δ
• offline controller synthesis by semi-definite programming (SDP)
• push-and-branch procedure introduced
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 4
Sets, Distributions and Dynamic System (1) Control & System
Set representation:
• Ellipsoid: E := ε(q, Q) = x ∈ Rn
| (x − q)T
(x − q) ≤ 1
with q ∈ Rn
, Q ∈ Rn×n
• Polytope: P := {x ∈ Rn
| Rx ≤ b} with R ∈ Rnp×n
, b ∈ Rnp
Multivariate Normal Distribution:
ξ ∼ N(µ, Ω)
The sum of two Gaussian variables ξ1 ∼ N(µ1, Ω1) and ξ2 ∼ N(µ2, Ω2) is
again a Gaussian variable:
ξ1 + ξ2 ∼ N(µ1 + µ2, Ω1 + Ω2)
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 5
Sets, Distributions and Dynamic System (2) Control & System
Piecewise Affine Probabilistic System (PWAPS):
xk+1 = Azk xk + Bzk uk + Gzk vk (1)
x0 ∼ N(qx,0, Qx,0) (2)
vk ∼ N(qv, Qv) (3)
uk ∈ U = {uk ∈ Rm
| Ruuk ≤ bu} (4)
zk ∈ Z = {1, 2, . . . , nz} (5)
¯Θ = {Θ(1)
, . . . , Θ(nz)
} (6)
Feasible system execution for k ∈ N0:
1. given the continuous and discrete state is xk ∈ Θ(i)
and zk = i,
2. sample the disturbance vk ∼ N(qv, Qv)
3. choose a suitable input uk ∈ U
4. evaluate the continuous dynamics with the tuple (Azk , Bzk , Gzk ) to
compute xk+1
5. compute zk+1 according to the current partition element, which contains
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 6
Probabilistic Reachable Sets with Confidence δ Control & System
• Surfaces of equal density for ξ ∼ N(µ, Ω)
(Krzanowski and Marriott [1994]):
(ξ − µ)T
(ξ − µ) = c
with χ2
-distributed random variable and:
δ := Pr (ξ ∈ ε(µ, Ωc)) = Fχ2 (c, n)
cumulative distribution function
• Initial state confidence ellipsoid:
0 := ε(qx,0, Qx,0c) with Pr(x0 ∈ Xδ
0 ) = δ contour of pdf
samples of ξ ∼ N (µ, Ω)
• Evolution of the state distribution:
qx,k+1 = Azk qk + Bzk uk, Qx,k+1 = Azk Qx,kAT
+ Gzk QvGT
k+1 := ε(qx,k+1, Qx,k+1c
k+1 is the confidence ellipsoid for xk+1 with confidence δ.
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 7
Problem Definition Control & System
Given PWAPS, determine a control law κk = λk(xk) for which it holds that:
• uk = λk(xk) ∈ U and xk ∈ Xδ
k ∀ k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , N − 1}, N ∈ N
• Xδ
N ⊆ T for a finite N ≤ Nmax.
Thus, any initial state x0 ∈ Xδ
0 has to be transferred into the terminal set T
with probability δ after N steps.
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 8
Main Idea Control & System
Solution procedure:
• Solution of an SDP provides continuous control law:
uk = λ(xk) = −Kkxk + dk
with closed-loop dynamics:
xk+1 = Azk xk + Bzk uk + Gzk vk
= (Azk − Bzk Kk)
xk + Bzk dk + Gzk vk
Main Challenge:
• intersection of reachable set with any boundary:
k ∩ ∂Θ(i)
= ∅
• partial consideration of reachable set is intractable
Idea: push-and-branch procedure to retain ellipsoidal set representation
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 9
Solution based on SDP (1) Control & System
• Convergence of the covariance matrix of N(qx,k+1, Qx,k+1):
Sk+1 ≥ Qx,k+1 = Acl,k,zk
+ Gzk QvGT
or with Schur complement:
Sk+1 Acl,k,zk
Qx,k Gzk Qv
Qx,k 0
0 Qv
 ≥ 0
• Convergence of the expected value qx,k
use of flexible Lyapunov functions. (Lazar et al. [2009] ) suitable for
switched dynamics
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 10
Solution based on SDP (2) Control & System
The input constraint uk = −Kkxk + dk ∈ U holds for Kk, dk and all xk ∈ Xδ
(bu,i − ru,idk)In −ru,iKk(Qδ
x,k)− 1
x,k)− 1
2 KT
k rT
u,i bu,i − ru,idk
≥ 0 ∀i = {1, . . . , nu}.
• ru,i and bu,i denote the i−th row of Ru and bu, respectively.
• Xδ
k is mapped into a unit ball by a suitable coordinate transformation
• the Euclidean norm ||h(xk)||2 ≤ 1 can be expressed as LMI, which results
in the above formulation
• complete proof can be found in Asselborn et al. [2013]
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 11
Determination of the Continuous Controller Control & System
Semidefinite program to be solved for chosen zk ∈ Z:
center point convergence:
− ρqT
x,kLqx,k ≤ αk
= (Azk − Bzk Kk)qx,k + Bzk dk
αk ≤ maxl∈{1,...,k} ωl
ellipsoidal shape convergence:
Sk+1 Acl,k,zk
Qx,k Gzk Qv
Qx,k 0
0 Qv
 ≥ 0
trace(Sk+1) ≤ trace(Qk)
input constraint:
(bu,i − ru,idk)In −ru,iKk(Qδ
x,k)− 1
x,k)− 1
2 KT
k rT
u,i bu,i − ru,idk
≥ 0,
∀i = {1, . . . , nu}
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 12
Push-and-Branch Procedure (1) Control & System
• initial solution for Xδ
k+1 intersects with boundary
• solve SDP again for each intersecting region with additional constraints:
j qx,k+1 − b
j ≥ max ∆(Qδ
• choose best solution (if available)
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 13
Push-and-Branch Procedure (2) Control & System
• branching is needed, if it fails to push the reachable set Xδ
k+1 into any
region Θ(i)
• entire, instead of a partial, consideration of Xδ
k+1 for the controller
synthesis for k + 2 → preserve the ellipsoidal set representation
• required tree structure: Γk = {γ1, . . . , γnγ,k }, with
γi = (Preγ, Sucγ , Xδ
k, Zint,k, ǫγ )
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 14
Push-and-Branch Procedure (3) Control & System
Probabilistic branch evaluation:
• Probability for each region:
ǫγi := Pr xk+1 ∈ Θ(i)
N(qx,k+1, Qx,k+1)dζ
= getProbPart(Xδ
k, Θ(i)
) · ǫP re(γi)
• Approximation of multidimensional integral adopted from Asselborn and
Stursberg [2015], Blackmore and Ono [2009]
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 15
Controller Synthesis Control & System
Probabilistic Ellipsoidal Control Algorithm (PECA)
given: PWAPS with x0 ∼ N (qx,0, Qx,0), vk ∼ N (qv, Qv), ¯Θ, and U = {uk | Ruuk ≤ bu}; T, δ, πmin, ω, ρ,
and α0
define: k := 0, Zint,0 = getIntReg(Xδ
0 , ¯Θ), π0 := πmin, γ1 = (∅, ∅, Xδ
0 , Zint,0, 1), Γ0 := {γ1}
while ∃ γ ∈ Γk with Xδ
k T and πk ≥ πmin do
Γk+1 := ∅
for γi ∈ Γk do
for p ∈ Zint,k do
solve the SDP with zk = p
⋆ compute the distribution of xk+1,p
compute Xδ
Zint,k+1 := getIntReg(Xδ
k+1,p , ¯Θ)
if |Zint,k+1| > 1 do
“push” Xδ
k+1,p into one region by solving the SDP with the additional distance-constraint
if a feasible solution exists do go to line ⋆
for j ∈ Zint,k+1 do
ǫj := getP robP art Xδ
k+1,p, Θ(j) · ǫ(γi)
γj := (γi, ∅, Xδ
k+1,p, Zint,k+1, ǫγj
), Sucγi
:= Sucγi
∪ γj
Γk+1 := Γk+1 ∪ γj
end end end end end
compute πk+1
k := k + 1
end while
return (Kk,γ , dk,γ) for all γ ∈ Γk and 0 ≤ k ≤ N − 1
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 16
Termination with success Control & System
The control problem with a confidence δ, an initialization x0 ∼ N(qx,0, Qx,0),
vk ∼ N(0, Σ), λk(xk) ∈ U ∀ k, and Pr(xk ∈ Xk) ≥ δx is successfully solved
with selected parameters γmin, ω, ρ and α0, if PECA terminates in N steps
with Xδ
⊆ T, ∀γi ∈ ΓN .
Proof: by construction
If no success: adjust δ, πmin, ω, ρ, α0.
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 17
Numerical Example (1) Control & System
Initial distribution and disturbance:
x0 ∼ N(qx,0, Qx,0) with qx,0 =
, Qx,0 =
1 0
0 1
vk ∼ N(0, Σ) with Σ =
0.02 0.01
0.01 0.02
The continuous dynamic is specified by the following system matrices:
A1 =
9.41 0.19
−0.38 9.99
, A2 =
9.22 0.19
−0.58 10.4
, A3 =
11.2 −0.21
0.42 9.79
B1 =
1.98 0.02
3.96 2.00
, B2 =
1.96 0.02
4.02 2.04
, B3 =
2.12 −0.04
0.04 3.96
G1 = G2 = G3 =
0.1 0.05
0.08 0.2
Note that all three subsystems are chosen to have unstable state matrices.
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 18
Numerical Example (2) Control & System
Input constraints:
uk ∈ U =
u ∈ R2
1 0
0 1
−1 0
0 −1
 u ≤
Target set:
T = ε 0,
0.96 0.64
0.64 0.8
Cost function:
Jk = trace
Sk+1 0
0 0.8 qx,k+1
Discrete input set: Z = {1, 2, 3}
State space partition: ¯Θ := {Θ(1)
, Θ(2)
, Θ(3)
Parameters: δ = 0.95, γmin = 0.01, α0 = 10−4
, ω = 0.8 and ρ = 0.98
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 19
Numerical Example (3) Control & System
• Termination with N = 30 steps
in 48s using a standard PC (Intel
Core i7 − 6700 CPU, 16GB
• Implementation with Matlab
2016a, YALMIP 3.0, SeDuMi
1.3, and ellipsoidal toolbox ET
(Kurzhanskiy and Varaiya [2006])
• Branching occurs after 3 time
steps with ǫγ1 = 0.89 and
ǫγ2 = 0.11
• Attractiveness to each other
results from the underlying
Lyapunov condition
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 20
Conclusion and Outlook Control & System
• Algorithm for control of PWAPS
• Offline control law synthesis based on probabilistic reachability analysis
• Explicit consideration of input constraints
• Push-and-Branch procedure to preserve the ellipsoidal set representation
Future work:
• Development of methods to reduce the computational complexity
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 21
End Control & System
Thank you for your attention!
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 22
Probailistic branch evaluation Control & System
Probability of necessity for non-existing controller
xk+1 /∈
 = 1 −
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 23
Attractivity and Stochastic Stability Control & System
Stability with confidence δ
The switched uncertain linear system is called attractive with confidence δ on a
bounded time domain [0, N], if for any initial condition x0 ∈ Xδ
0 and any
vk ∈ ε(0, Σc), finite parameters ¯q ∈ Rn
and ¯Q ∈ Rn×n
exist such that:
||qN || ≤ ||¯q||, ||QN || ≤ || ¯Q||.
The system is said stable with confidence δ on a bounded time domain [0, N] if
in addition
||qk+1|| ≤ ||qk||, ||Qk+1|| ≤ ||Qk||.
holds for any 0 ≤ k ≤ N − 1.
• qk converges to a finite neighborhood of the origin
• covariance matrix Qk converges, such that the confidence ellipsoid is of
decreasing size over k (while rotation is still possible).
Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 24
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Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 27

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Control of Discrete-Time Piecewise Affine Probabilistic Systems using Reachability Analysis

  • 1. Control & System Theory Control of Discrete-Time Piecewise Affine Probabilistic Systems using Reachability Analysis Leonhard Asselborn Olaf Stursberg Control and System Theory University of Kassel (Germany) CACSD 2016 21.09.2016
  • 2. Introduction: Motivation in Uncertain and Partitioned Environment Control & System Theory • piecewise linearization of nonlinear dynamic system • different dynamics in different regions of the state space • stochastic disturbances (wind, waves) • stochastic initialization (GPS coordinates) • input constraints: uk ∈ U • steer the system into a terminal region T with confidence δ x0 p p xN Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 2
  • 3. Relevant Literature (Excerpt): Control & System Theory Piecewise Linear Systems • Sontag [1981], Kerrigan and Mayne [2002], Rakovic et al. [2004], Koutsoukos and Antsaklis [2003]: piecewise linearization and controller synthesis Reachability sets for stochastic hybrid systems • Hu et al. [2000], Blom and Lygeros [2006], Cassandras and Lygeros [2006], Kamgarpour et al. [2013], Abate et al. [2008]: control design Previous own work • Controller synthesis for nonlinear systems: [NOLCOS, 2013] • Synthesis for stochastic discrete-time linear systems: [ROCOND, 2015] • Synthesis for stochastic discrete-time switched linear systems: [ADHS, 2015] • Synthesis for stochastic discrete-time switched linear systems with chance constraints: [ECC, 2016] Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 3
  • 4. Contribution Control & System Theory Controller synthesis based on probabilistic reachability computation for discrete-time piecewise affine probabilistic systems Solution Approach: • forward propagation of ellipsoidal reachable sets Xδ k with confidence δ Xδ 0 Θ(1) Xδ N Θ(2) T • offline controller synthesis by semi-definite programming (SDP) • push-and-branch procedure introduced Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 4
  • 5. Sets, Distributions and Dynamic System (1) Control & System Theory Set representation: • Ellipsoid: E := ε(q, Q) = x ∈ Rn | (x − q)T Q−1 (x − q) ≤ 1 with q ∈ Rn , Q ∈ Rn×n • Polytope: P := {x ∈ Rn | Rx ≤ b} with R ∈ Rnp×n , b ∈ Rnp Multivariate Normal Distribution: ξ ∼ N(µ, Ω) The sum of two Gaussian variables ξ1 ∼ N(µ1, Ω1) and ξ2 ∼ N(µ2, Ω2) is again a Gaussian variable: ξ1 + ξ2 ∼ N(µ1 + µ2, Ω1 + Ω2) Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 5
  • 6. Sets, Distributions and Dynamic System (2) Control & System Theory Piecewise Affine Probabilistic System (PWAPS): xk+1 = Azk xk + Bzk uk + Gzk vk (1) x0 ∼ N(qx,0, Qx,0) (2) vk ∼ N(qv, Qv) (3) uk ∈ U = {uk ∈ Rm | Ruuk ≤ bu} (4) zk ∈ Z = {1, 2, . . . , nz} (5) ¯Θ = {Θ(1) , . . . , Θ(nz) } (6) Feasible system execution for k ∈ N0: 1. given the continuous and discrete state is xk ∈ Θ(i) and zk = i, 2. sample the disturbance vk ∼ N(qv, Qv) 3. choose a suitable input uk ∈ U 4. evaluate the continuous dynamics with the tuple (Azk , Bzk , Gzk ) to compute xk+1 5. compute zk+1 according to the current partition element, which contains xk+1 Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 6
  • 7. Probabilistic Reachable Sets with Confidence δ Control & System Theory • Surfaces of equal density for ξ ∼ N(µ, Ω) (Krzanowski and Marriott [1994]): (ξ − µ)T Ω−1 (ξ − µ) = c with χ2 -distributed random variable and: δ := Pr (ξ ∈ ε(µ, Ωc)) = Fχ2 (c, n) cumulative distribution function • Initial state confidence ellipsoid: Xδ 0 := ε(qx,0, Qx,0c) with Pr(x0 ∈ Xδ 0 ) = δ contour of pdf samples of ξ ∼ N (µ, Ω) ξ2 ξ1 • Evolution of the state distribution: qx,k+1 = Azk qk + Bzk uk, Qx,k+1 = Azk Qx,kAT zk + Gzk QvGT zk Xδ k+1 := ε(qx,k+1, Qx,k+1c =:Qδ x,k+1 ) Xδ k+1 is the confidence ellipsoid for xk+1 with confidence δ. Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 7
  • 8. Problem Definition Control & System Theory Problem Given PWAPS, determine a control law κk = λk(xk) for which it holds that: • uk = λk(xk) ∈ U and xk ∈ Xδ k ∀ k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , N − 1}, N ∈ N • Xδ N ⊆ T for a finite N ≤ Nmax. Thus, any initial state x0 ∈ Xδ 0 has to be transferred into the terminal set T with probability δ after N steps. Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 8
  • 9. Main Idea Control & System Theory Solution procedure: • Solution of an SDP provides continuous control law: uk = λ(xk) = −Kkxk + dk with closed-loop dynamics: xk+1 = Azk xk + Bzk uk + Gzk vk = (Azk − Bzk Kk) :=Acl,k,zk xk + Bzk dk + Gzk vk Main Challenge: • intersection of reachable set with any boundary: Xδ k ∩ ∂Θ(i) = ∅ • partial consideration of reachable set is intractable Idea: push-and-branch procedure to retain ellipsoidal set representation Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 9
  • 10. Solution based on SDP (1) Control & System Theory • Convergence of the covariance matrix of N(qx,k+1, Qx,k+1): Sk+1 ≥ Qx,k+1 = Acl,k,zk Qx,kAT cl,k,zk + Gzk QvGT zk or with Schur complement:   Sk+1 Acl,k,zk Qx,k Gzk Qv Qx,kAT cl,k,zk Qx,k 0 QvGT zk 0 Qv   ≥ 0 • Convergence of the expected value qx,k use of flexible Lyapunov functions. (Lazar et al. [2009] ) suitable for switched dynamics V k Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 10
  • 11. Solution based on SDP (2) Control & System Theory Proposition The input constraint uk = −Kkxk + dk ∈ U holds for Kk, dk and all xk ∈ Xδ k if: (bu,i − ru,idk)In −ru,iKk(Qδ x,k)− 1 2 −(Qδ x,k)− 1 2 KT k rT u,i bu,i − ru,idk ≥ 0 ∀i = {1, . . . , nu}. • ru,i and bu,i denote the i−th row of Ru and bu, respectively. • Xδ k is mapped into a unit ball by a suitable coordinate transformation h(xk) • the Euclidean norm ||h(xk)||2 ≤ 1 can be expressed as LMI, which results in the above formulation • complete proof can be found in Asselborn et al. [2013] Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 11
  • 12. Determination of the Continuous Controller Control & System Theory Semidefinite program to be solved for chosen zk ∈ Z: min Sk+1,Kk,dk Jk,zk center point convergence:    qT x,k+1,zk Lqx,k+1,zk − ρqT x,kLqx,k ≤ αk qx,k+1,zk = (Azk − Bzk Kk)qx,k + Bzk dk αk ≤ maxl∈{1,...,k} ωl αk−l ellipsoidal shape convergence:       Sk+1 Acl,k,zk Qx,k Gzk Qv Qx,kAT cl,k,zk Qx,k 0 QvGT zk 0 Qv    ≥ 0 trace(Sk+1) ≤ trace(Qk) input constraint:    (bu,i − ru,idk)In −ru,iKk(Qδ x,k)− 1 2 −(Qδ x,k)− 1 2 KT k rT u,i bu,i − ru,idk ≥ 0, ∀i = {1, . . . , nu} Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 12
  • 13. Push-and-Branch Procedure (1) Control & System Theory Push: Xδ k Xδ k+1 Θ(1) Θ(2) • initial solution for Xδ k+1 intersects with boundary • solve SDP again for each intersecting region with additional constraints: r (i) j qx,k+1 − b (i) j ≥ max ∆(Qδ x,k) • choose best solution (if available) Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 13
  • 14. Push-and-Branch Procedure (2) Control & System Theory Branch: Xδ k Xδ k+1 Xδ k+2,γ1 Xδ k+2,γ2 Θ(1) Θ(2) • branching is needed, if it fails to push the reachable set Xδ k+1 into any region Θ(i) • entire, instead of a partial, consideration of Xδ k+1 for the controller synthesis for k + 2 → preserve the ellipsoidal set representation • required tree structure: Γk = {γ1, . . . , γnγ,k }, with γi = (Preγ, Sucγ , Xδ k, Zint,k, ǫγ ) Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 14
  • 15. Push-and-Branch Procedure (3) Control & System Theory Probabilistic branch evaluation: Xδ k+1 Xδ k+2,γ1 Xδ k+2,γ2 Θ(1) Θ(2) • Probability for each region: ǫγi := Pr xk+1 ∈ Θ(i) = ζ∈Θ(i) N(qx,k+1, Qx,k+1)dζ = getProbPart(Xδ k, Θ(i) ) · ǫP re(γi) • Approximation of multidimensional integral adopted from Asselborn and Stursberg [2015], Blackmore and Ono [2009] Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 15
  • 16. Controller Synthesis Control & System Theory Probabilistic Ellipsoidal Control Algorithm (PECA) given: PWAPS with x0 ∼ N (qx,0, Qx,0), vk ∼ N (qv, Qv), ¯Θ, and U = {uk | Ruuk ≤ bu}; T, δ, πmin, ω, ρ, and α0 define: k := 0, Zint,0 = getIntReg(Xδ 0 , ¯Θ), π0 := πmin, γ1 = (∅, ∅, Xδ 0 , Zint,0, 1), Γ0 := {γ1} while ∃ γ ∈ Γk with Xδ k T and πk ≥ πmin do Γk+1 := ∅ for γi ∈ Γk do for p ∈ Zint,k do solve the SDP with zk = p ⋆ compute the distribution of xk+1,p compute Xδ k+1,p Zint,k+1 := getIntReg(Xδ k+1,p , ¯Θ) if |Zint,k+1| > 1 do “push” Xδ k+1,p into one region by solving the SDP with the additional distance-constraint if a feasible solution exists do go to line ⋆ else for j ∈ Zint,k+1 do ǫj := getP robP art Xδ k+1,p, Θ(j) · ǫ(γi) γj := (γi, ∅, Xδ k+1,p, Zint,k+1, ǫγj ), Sucγi := Sucγi ∪ γj Γk+1 := Γk+1 ∪ γj end end end end end compute πk+1 k := k + 1 end while return (Kk,γ , dk,γ) for all γ ∈ Γk and 0 ≤ k ≤ N − 1 Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 16
  • 17. Termination with success Control & System Theory Lemma The control problem with a confidence δ, an initialization x0 ∼ N(qx,0, Qx,0), vk ∼ N(0, Σ), λk(xk) ∈ U ∀ k, and Pr(xk ∈ Xk) ≥ δx is successfully solved with selected parameters γmin, ω, ρ and α0, if PECA terminates in N steps with Xδ N,γi ⊆ T, ∀γi ∈ ΓN . Proof: by construction If no success: adjust δ, πmin, ω, ρ, α0. Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 17
  • 18. Numerical Example (1) Control & System Theory Initial distribution and disturbance: x0 ∼ N(qx,0, Qx,0) with qx,0 = −10 50 , Qx,0 = 1 0 0 1 vk ∼ N(0, Σ) with Σ = 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 . The continuous dynamic is specified by the following system matrices: A1 = 9.41 0.19 −0.38 9.99 10−1 , A2 = 9.22 0.19 −0.58 10.4 10−1 , A3 = 11.2 −0.21 0.42 9.79 10−1 B1 = 1.98 0.02 3.96 2.00 10−1 , B2 = 1.96 0.02 4.02 2.04 10−1 , B3 = 2.12 −0.04 0.04 3.96 10−1 G1 = G2 = G3 = 0.1 0.05 0.08 0.2 Note that all three subsystems are chosen to have unstable state matrices. Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 18
  • 19. Numerical Example (2) Control & System Theory Input constraints: uk ∈ U =    u ∈ R2 |     1 0 0 1 −1 0 0 −1     u ≤     4 4 4 8        , Target set: T = ε 0, 0.96 0.64 0.64 0.8 Cost function: Jk = trace Sk+1 0 0 0.8 qx,k+1 Discrete input set: Z = {1, 2, 3} State space partition: ¯Θ := {Θ(1) , Θ(2) , Θ(3) } Parameters: δ = 0.95, γmin = 0.01, α0 = 10−4 , ω = 0.8 and ρ = 0.98 Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 19
  • 20. Numerical Example (3) Control & System Theory Θ(1) Θ(2) Θ(3) x1 x2 Xδ 0 branching T • Termination with N = 30 steps in 48s using a standard PC (Intel Core i7 − 6700 CPU, 16GB RAM) • Implementation with Matlab 2016a, YALMIP 3.0, SeDuMi 1.3, and ellipsoidal toolbox ET (Kurzhanskiy and Varaiya [2006]) • Branching occurs after 3 time steps with ǫγ1 = 0.89 and ǫγ2 = 0.11 • Attractiveness to each other results from the underlying Lyapunov condition Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 20
  • 21. Conclusion and Outlook Control & System Theory Summary: • Algorithm for control of PWAPS • Offline control law synthesis based on probabilistic reachability analysis • Explicit consideration of input constraints • Push-and-Branch procedure to preserve the ellipsoidal set representation Future work: • Development of methods to reduce the computational complexity Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 21
  • 22. End Control & System Theory Thank you for your attention! Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 22
  • 23. Probailistic branch evaluation Control & System Theory Probability of necessity for non-existing controller Pr  xk+1 /∈   i∈Zint,k+1 Θ(i)     = 1 − i∈Zint,k+1 ǫi Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 23
  • 24. Attractivity and Stochastic Stability Control & System Theory Stability with confidence δ The switched uncertain linear system is called attractive with confidence δ on a bounded time domain [0, N], if for any initial condition x0 ∈ Xδ 0 and any vk ∈ ε(0, Σc), finite parameters ¯q ∈ Rn and ¯Q ∈ Rn×n exist such that: ||qN || ≤ ||¯q||, ||QN || ≤ || ¯Q||. The system is said stable with confidence δ on a bounded time domain [0, N] if in addition ||qk+1|| ≤ ||qk||, ||Qk+1|| ≤ ||Qk||. holds for any 0 ≤ k ≤ N − 1. Interpretation: • qk converges to a finite neighborhood of the origin • covariance matrix Qk converges, such that the confidence ellipsoid is of decreasing size over k (while rotation is still possible). Introduction Problem Definition Method Example Conclusion Appendix 24
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