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Final Report
Unpaid Care Work (UCW) refers to all unpaid services provided within a household
for its members (eg: …)
These activities are considered work, because theoretically one could pay a third
person to perform them (Note, 2018) (Ferrant, Pesando and Nowacka, 2014).
Usually, paid work (or just WORK) comprises formal sector: in
corporations/quasi-corporations, non-profit institutions and government, work for
household in primary production activities: like cash crops; construction
activities, in a household but for income (ILO, 2019).
It is uncontested in literature that women dedicate more time to UCW than men:
across the globe and with no exception, women dedicate more time than men to UCW (ILO, 2019)
Unfortunately, UCW leads to different consequences including inequalities in labor
force participation between men and women.
The heavy workload of UCW leaves women more vulnerable to violence due to their
roles and household poverty
As such, UCW reinforce discriminatory social norms and sustain violence (ILO, 2019;
Farrant et. al., 2014)
 It is uncontested in literature that women dedicate
more time to UCW than men: across the globe and with no
exception, women dedicate more time than men to UCW (ILO, 2019)
 Unfortunately, UCW leads to different consequences
including inequalities in labor force participation
between men and women.
 The heavy workload of UCW leaves women more
vulnerable to violence due to their roles and household
 As such, UCW reinforce discriminatory social norms and
sustain violence (ILO, 2019; Farrant et. al., 2014)
 The government of Rwanda has made great strides in developing
policies and strategies to support women’s empowerment and the
advancement of gender equality and numerous mechanisms have
been instituted to support their implementation.
 However, still, there exist inequalities resulting from the long
standing Rwandan culture (Gender Equality Strategy 2019-2022).
 Girls and women are still responsible for a disproportionate amount
of unpaid or underpaid care work.
 Culturally, a woman is seen as a mother of the house, one who
needs to care for the whole household members as well as
 Women therefore have less time for other important aspect of life:
 to engage in paid work, to network, to participate in activities for societal change, or
even to rest.
 Some scholars called this phenomenon: “women’s time’s poverty”.
 The situation undermines well-being, generates insecurities, fosters financial
dependence and limits options for decent work, even to the point of restricting
women to low-status, part-time jobs in the informal sector.
 The unpaid care work carried out by women and girls often
goes unnoticed and unrecognized in the calculations of a
country’s economy. It is not included in labour force
surveys or in GDP figures.
 As a result, the realities of women’s and girls’ work burdens
are excluded from the data that informs the policy making.
Therefore, women’s unpaid care work need to be
recognized, reduced, redistributed and rewarded.
 This is not for Rwanda only; Dugarova, (2020) states that no
country in the world has achieved equal share of unpaid
care work between men and women
This study was done to understand the status of unpaid care work for women
in Rwanda and recommend the needed strategies to address imbalances
between men and women.
Situation of UCW in Rwanda_1
In Rwanda the gender related inequality challenges are still evident and are mostly
the result of the societal cultural gender stereotype (men should do this and that
and women should do this and that)
The situation is amplified by:
 The lack of some essential physical infrastructures such as water, energy (electricity & cooking
gas) (Oxfam, 2020).
 Women literacy rates which remains lower than men’s (65% as compared to 72%) (Gender
Equality Strategy: UNDP Rwanda (2019-2022).
Situation of UCW in Rwanda_2
This further constrains women and girl’s already limited opportunities in terms of
accessing resources, creating and managing small businesses and participating in
decision-making processes at lower levels__ sometimes very critical levels for gender equality.
Among other things, high illiteracy rates between both genders limits awareness of
existing gender-sensitive laws (Gender Equality Strategy: UNDP Rwanda (2019-2022).
Situation of UCW in Rwanda_3
Patriarchal system is taken as an excuse in all levels of administration to explain the
reasons behind all failure or unachieved objectives in the regard of gender equality
This remains true even if they attended university or are engaged in the paid labor
Therefore, Unpaid Care Works assigned to girls and women are also merely taken as
cultural and natural assignment to be compulsorily done by female in Rwanda.
Objectives of the study
General objective: To generate evidence of the effect of unpaid care work (UCW) on women’s
economic participation in Rwanda to strengthen advocacy.
Specific objectives
i. Analyze national policies, strategies and legal instruments in relation to UCW recognition,
redistribution, reduction, representation and reward (5Rs);
ii. Explore the perceptions of men and women on the status of UCW in Rwanda
iii. Estimate economic impact and monetary value of unpaid care work for women in Rwanda
Research Methodology__1
Research design and approach: A cross sectional study design was used
Research strategy: Participatory Action research (PAR): Involvement of participants
who are either affected or work on this issue: local leaders, technical staff, policy-
makers at central government level
Primary and secondary Data Sources
 Primary sources included interview, survey questionnaire, focus group discussion and observation.
 Secondary sources included all relevant documents
Research Methodology__2
Study population and sample
The geographical scope of the study comprised nine (9) Districts: Gakenke, and Musanze in
Northern Province, Rubavu and Ngororero from Western province, Muhanga and Nyaruguru
from Southern, Kirehe and Nyagatare from Eastern province as well as Gasabo District from the
city of Kigali.
Targeted population and sampling process
Research population included participants from rural, suburbs and urban communities (Women
and Men), from all provinces and City of Kigali, government officials at all levels, private sector
and members of civil society organizations (CSOs).
Sample size and data collection process
 Approximately 583 selected in all the four provinces: two district in each
province were represented.
 A structured Questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data;
 Then documentary research was conducted for secondary data
collection, and some complimentary qualitative data was collected
through Focus group discussion with key informants.
Key Findings__1
National instruments potential to support efforts that address UCW
1. The Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 revised in 2015: Enshrines the
principles of gender equality and women’s rights and provides for the minimum 30% quota for
women in all decision-making organs.
2. Rwanda Vision 2050: This “current” long term national plan visions Rwanda an upper
middle-income country by 2035 and a high-income country by 2050. The plan highlights Gender
and Family Promotion as one of the crosscutting aspect. The plan sets a vision for a strong and
solid gender equality environment, where women and men realize their rights, potentials,
aspirations and be full partners and beneficiaries in the Country’s development.
Key Findings__2
National instruments potential to support efforts that address UCW
3. National Strategy for Transformation (2017- 2024): Considers gender equality as a cross-
cutting issue and commits to establish a gender friendly legal and policy framework.
4. National Gender Policy (2010): The policy envisages to set the Rwandan society free from all
forms of gender-based discrimination and create an environment where both men and women
equally contribute to and benefit from the national development goals.
5. Sector Gender Mainstreaming Strategies: All the sectors have to develop gender
mainstreaming strategies to guide their strategic interventions on the promotion of gender
equality and empowerment of women.
Key Findings__3
International instruments potential to support efforts that address UCW
1. ILO – The Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No.111):
Rwanda ratified it on 2nd February 1981. Article 2 stipulates that each state parties should undertake to declare
and pursue a national policy designed to promote, by methods appropriate to national conditions and practice,
equality of opportunity and treatment in respect of employment and occupation, with a view to eliminating
any discrimination in respect thereof.
2. Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women
(CEDAW): Rwanda signed it on 1st May 1980 and ratified on 2nd March 1981. This is an important instruments
relate to Unpaid Care work. Its preamble upholds that the full development and peace of a given country cannot be
attained without the maximum participation of women on equal terms with men in all fields (OHCHR, 1979).
Key Findings__4
International instruments potential to support efforts that address UCW
3. ILO – Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention (No. 156): Article 1, 3 and 4 hold
that obstacles and discrimination hindering men and women workers the possibilities to enter, participate and
advance in economic activities should be eliminated (ILO, 1981).
4. Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of
Women in Africa, 2003: Article 6 provides guideline to addressing issue related to unpaid care work. It states
that parties should make sure that men and women enjoy equally economic and cultural rights. Also, article 13
provide that state parties should put in place other measures to guarantee women equal opportunities in work and
career advancement and other economic opportunities.
Key Findings__5
Gaps and other aspects of the legal and policy instruments related to UCW
1. The National Employment Policy (2019):
 The policy aims to build the capacities of special groups including women, youth and persons with
disabilities to promote inclusive and job-rich growth.
 However, it doesn’t set guidelines on the UCW mostly done by women and consume more time
for them to compete with their male counterpart. Therefore, the policy in its implementation, will
not fix the gap found between women and men, which are profoundly caused by UCW.
 An average salary should be fixed as a benchmark to calculate the UCWs in Rwanda. This will enable
women mostly engaged in the informal sector including UCW.
Key Findings__6
Gaps and other aspects of the legal and policy instruments related to UCW
2. The Rwanda Girls’ education policy, 2008:
 The policy describes the UCW as the major barrier to equally access to education between both
girl and boy children in Rwanda.
 However, the policy does not set clear guidelines on addressing the limitations to accessing
education for girls or reduce the burden.
 Therefore, the situation persisted and evidenced through the school attendance and completion
whereby the number of girls gradually reduced from primary level to the university level of
Key Findings__7
Gaps and other aspects of the legal and policy instruments related to UCW
3. ILO – Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention (No. 156): Article 1, 3 and
4 hold that obstacles and discrimination hindering men and women workers the
possibilities to enter, participate and advance in economic activities should be
 Rwanda did not ratify it, and therefore the instrument is not binding due to the
principle of “pacta sunt servanda” as contained in Law of Treaties Article 26 of the of
the 1969 UN Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties(UN, 1969).
Key Findings__8
Gaps and other aspects of the legal and policy instruments related to UCW
4. National Strategy for Transformation (2017- 2024): The strategy defines Gender
and Family Promotion as one of the crosscutting areas.
 However, the document did not indicate clearly how UCW issues will be
addressed. There is need for engaging efforts to recognize, reduce, redistribute,
and reward UCW which is mostly done by women.
Key Findings__9
Gaps and other aspects of the legal and policy instruments related to UCW
5. National Policy against Gender Based Violence 2011:
The policy guides efforts to progressively eliminate gender-based violence through the
development of a preventive, protective, supportive and transformative environment.
 The policy, being the major instrument that addresses, should equally consider addressing
the form of violence related to UCW. To do that, the policy may consider providing
guidelines on the implementation of the 5Rs.
Key Findings__10
Gaps and other aspects of the legal and policy instruments related to UCW
6. National Gender Policy 2010: Similar to the National Policy against Gender Based
Violence 2011, the National Gender inequalities related to gender. Thus, the policy is
expected to address the challenges of UCW as the literature has indicated that Unpaid
Care Work still limits women from participation in other economic oriented activities
and others services
Unfortunately, the policy does not provide clear definitions and guidelines to addressing
Unpaid Care Work and mainstream efforts that enable recognition, redistribution,
reduction, representation and reward.
Key Findings__11
Estimates of time women and men spent on unpaid care work
 Time spent on unpaid care work varies according to areas where respondents live:
rural urban and peri-urban.
 The time spent by women in unpaid care work in suburbs is five hours as compared
to one hour for men in the same household spend on unpaid care work, therefore
a difference of four hours.
 Spending Four hours per day of UCW hinders women to engaging in any other
economic activity.
Key Findings__12
 Spending Four hours per day of UCW hinders women to engaging in any other economic activity.
Estimates of time women and men spent on unpaid care work
1,127,520 RWF per annum.
Note: It is important to note that the basis of this estimation is basically for unskilled labour. The
cost could be therefore much higher as qualifications of women increases.
Estimation of cost for unpaid care work done by women
If we can estimate a daily monetary value for UCW at 3132 with reference to some international
estimates, the estimated average cost of the labour force the cost of women unpaid care work in
general per month is
Key Findings__13
 The study indicated that the culture in Rwandan communities have persisted, and has
influenced the long standing patriarchal society to keep women into UCW, especially those
from the rural areas.
 This has contributed to the poor participation of women into economic development or
inadequate recognition of women contribution because they are mostly involved in the UCW.
 This study has proposed a Framework for Decent Care Work which can guide efforts to redress
and speed the recognition redistribution, reduction, representation and reward of the Unpaid
care work. The framework is adapted from ILO2018a.
Proposal for the 5R Framework for Decent Care Work
Main policy
Policy recommendations Policy measures
Care policies
Recognize, reduce and
redistribute unpaid care
• Measure all forms of care work and take unpaid care work into account in decision-making
• Invest in quality care services, care policies and care-relevant infrastructure
• Promote active labour market policies that support the attachment, reintegration and progress of
unpaid careers into the labour force
• Enact and implement family-friendly working arrangements for all workers
• Promote information and education for more gender-equal households, workplaces and societies
policies • Guarantee the right to universal access to quality care services
• Ensure care-friendly and gender-responsive social protection systems, including floors.
• Implement gender-responsive and publicly funded leave policies for all women and men
Reward: More and decent
work for care workers
• Regulate and implement decent terms and conditions of employment and achieve equal pay for work
of equal value for all care workers
• Ensure a safe, attractive and stimulating work environment for both women and men care workers
Labour policies • Enact laws and implement measures to protect migrant care workers
Representation, social
dialogue and collective
bargaining for care workers
• Ensure women full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of
decision-making in political, economic and public life
• Promote freedom of association for care workers and employers
• Promote social dialogue and strengthen the right to collective bargaining in care sectors
policies • Promote the building of alliances between trade unions representing care workers and civil society
organizations representing care recipients and unpaid careers
Source: Adapted from ILO, 2018a
Recommendations to Government, international and regional stakeholders
To have a comprehensive approach to address the issue of unpaid care work
recognition, reduction, representation and reward; all sectors of the economy
should have clear and documented mechanisms to address unpaid care work in
their respective sectors.
This would enforce legal framework pertaining to reducing effects of UCW
especially for women and promoting redistribution, recognition and reward of
UCW in all economic sectors.
Recommendations to Government, international and regional stakeholders
 The government, together with international and regional stakeholders, should
introduce subsidy programs for tools and equipment to reduce unpaid care work
at the household level including improving the access to clean water sources so that
they are more accessible by households;
Increase coverage of and access to electricity and especially devise mechanisms to
reduce the price of electricity to ensure increased use by low-income earners.
 Put more efforts in promoting positive masculinity and increased engagement of
men in the process of women empowerment.
We welcome your comments and contributions

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Presentation UCW research.ppt

  • 1. Design and deliver beautiful presentations with ease and confidence. Final Report NATIONAL-LEVEL RESEARCH TO ASSESS THE EFFECT OF UNPAID CARE WORK (UCW) ON WOMEN’S ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION IN RWANDA
  • 2. INTRODUCTION_1 Unpaid Care Work (UCW) refers to all unpaid services provided within a household for its members (eg: …) These activities are considered work, because theoretically one could pay a third person to perform them (Note, 2018) (Ferrant, Pesando and Nowacka, 2014). Usually, paid work (or just WORK) comprises formal sector: in corporations/quasi-corporations, non-profit institutions and government, work for household in primary production activities: like cash crops; construction activities, in a household but for income (ILO, 2019).
  • 3. INTRODUCTION_2 It is uncontested in literature that women dedicate more time to UCW than men: across the globe and with no exception, women dedicate more time than men to UCW (ILO, 2019) Unfortunately, UCW leads to different consequences including inequalities in labor force participation between men and women. The heavy workload of UCW leaves women more vulnerable to violence due to their roles and household poverty As such, UCW reinforce discriminatory social norms and sustain violence (ILO, 2019; Farrant et. al., 2014)
  • 4. INTRODUCTION_3  It is uncontested in literature that women dedicate more time to UCW than men: across the globe and with no exception, women dedicate more time than men to UCW (ILO, 2019)  Unfortunately, UCW leads to different consequences including inequalities in labor force participation between men and women.  The heavy workload of UCW leaves women more vulnerable to violence due to their roles and household poverty  As such, UCW reinforce discriminatory social norms and sustain violence (ILO, 2019; Farrant et. al., 2014)
  • 5. INTRODUCTION_4  The government of Rwanda has made great strides in developing policies and strategies to support women’s empowerment and the advancement of gender equality and numerous mechanisms have been instituted to support their implementation.  However, still, there exist inequalities resulting from the long standing Rwandan culture (Gender Equality Strategy 2019-2022).  Girls and women are still responsible for a disproportionate amount of unpaid or underpaid care work.  Culturally, a woman is seen as a mother of the house, one who needs to care for the whole household members as well as neighbors.
  • 6. INTRODUCTION_5  Women therefore have less time for other important aspect of life:  to engage in paid work, to network, to participate in activities for societal change, or even to rest.  Some scholars called this phenomenon: “women’s time’s poverty”.  The situation undermines well-being, generates insecurities, fosters financial dependence and limits options for decent work, even to the point of restricting women to low-status, part-time jobs in the informal sector.
  • 7. INTRODUCTION_6  The unpaid care work carried out by women and girls often goes unnoticed and unrecognized in the calculations of a country’s economy. It is not included in labour force surveys or in GDP figures.  As a result, the realities of women’s and girls’ work burdens are excluded from the data that informs the policy making. Therefore, women’s unpaid care work need to be recognized, reduced, redistributed and rewarded.  This is not for Rwanda only; Dugarova, (2020) states that no country in the world has achieved equal share of unpaid care work between men and women
  • 8. INTRODUCTION_7 This study was done to understand the status of unpaid care work for women in Rwanda and recommend the needed strategies to address imbalances between men and women.
  • 9. Situation of UCW in Rwanda_1 In Rwanda the gender related inequality challenges are still evident and are mostly the result of the societal cultural gender stereotype (men should do this and that and women should do this and that) The situation is amplified by:  The lack of some essential physical infrastructures such as water, energy (electricity & cooking gas) (Oxfam, 2020).  Women literacy rates which remains lower than men’s (65% as compared to 72%) (Gender Equality Strategy: UNDP Rwanda (2019-2022).
  • 10. Situation of UCW in Rwanda_2 This further constrains women and girl’s already limited opportunities in terms of accessing resources, creating and managing small businesses and participating in decision-making processes at lower levels__ sometimes very critical levels for gender equality. Among other things, high illiteracy rates between both genders limits awareness of existing gender-sensitive laws (Gender Equality Strategy: UNDP Rwanda (2019-2022).
  • 11. Situation of UCW in Rwanda_3 Patriarchal system is taken as an excuse in all levels of administration to explain the reasons behind all failure or unachieved objectives in the regard of gender equality This remains true even if they attended university or are engaged in the paid labor market Therefore, Unpaid Care Works assigned to girls and women are also merely taken as cultural and natural assignment to be compulsorily done by female in Rwanda.
  • 12. Objectives of the study General objective: To generate evidence of the effect of unpaid care work (UCW) on women’s economic participation in Rwanda to strengthen advocacy. Specific objectives i. Analyze national policies, strategies and legal instruments in relation to UCW recognition, redistribution, reduction, representation and reward (5Rs); ii. Explore the perceptions of men and women on the status of UCW in Rwanda iii. Estimate economic impact and monetary value of unpaid care work for women in Rwanda
  • 13. Research Methodology__1 Research design and approach: A cross sectional study design was used Research strategy: Participatory Action research (PAR): Involvement of participants who are either affected or work on this issue: local leaders, technical staff, policy- makers at central government level Primary and secondary Data Sources  Primary sources included interview, survey questionnaire, focus group discussion and observation.  Secondary sources included all relevant documents
  • 14. Research Methodology__2 Study population and sample The geographical scope of the study comprised nine (9) Districts: Gakenke, and Musanze in Northern Province, Rubavu and Ngororero from Western province, Muhanga and Nyaruguru from Southern, Kirehe and Nyagatare from Eastern province as well as Gasabo District from the city of Kigali. Targeted population and sampling process Research population included participants from rural, suburbs and urban communities (Women and Men), from all provinces and City of Kigali, government officials at all levels, private sector and members of civil society organizations (CSOs).
  • 15. Sample size and data collection process  Approximately 583 selected in all the four provinces: two district in each province were represented.  A structured Questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data;  Then documentary research was conducted for secondary data collection, and some complimentary qualitative data was collected through Focus group discussion with key informants.
  • 16. Key Findings__1 National instruments potential to support efforts that address UCW 1. The Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 revised in 2015: Enshrines the principles of gender equality and women’s rights and provides for the minimum 30% quota for women in all decision-making organs. 2. Rwanda Vision 2050: This “current” long term national plan visions Rwanda an upper middle-income country by 2035 and a high-income country by 2050. The plan highlights Gender and Family Promotion as one of the crosscutting aspect. The plan sets a vision for a strong and solid gender equality environment, where women and men realize their rights, potentials, aspirations and be full partners and beneficiaries in the Country’s development.
  • 17. Key Findings__2 National instruments potential to support efforts that address UCW 3. National Strategy for Transformation (2017- 2024): Considers gender equality as a cross- cutting issue and commits to establish a gender friendly legal and policy framework. 4. National Gender Policy (2010): The policy envisages to set the Rwandan society free from all forms of gender-based discrimination and create an environment where both men and women equally contribute to and benefit from the national development goals. 5. Sector Gender Mainstreaming Strategies: All the sectors have to develop gender mainstreaming strategies to guide their strategic interventions on the promotion of gender equality and empowerment of women.
  • 18. Key Findings__3 International instruments potential to support efforts that address UCW 1. ILO – The Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No.111): Rwanda ratified it on 2nd February 1981. Article 2 stipulates that each state parties should undertake to declare and pursue a national policy designed to promote, by methods appropriate to national conditions and practice, equality of opportunity and treatment in respect of employment and occupation, with a view to eliminating any discrimination in respect thereof. 2. Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW): Rwanda signed it on 1st May 1980 and ratified on 2nd March 1981. This is an important instruments relate to Unpaid Care work. Its preamble upholds that the full development and peace of a given country cannot be attained without the maximum participation of women on equal terms with men in all fields (OHCHR, 1979).
  • 19. Key Findings__4 International instruments potential to support efforts that address UCW 3. ILO – Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention (No. 156): Article 1, 3 and 4 hold that obstacles and discrimination hindering men and women workers the possibilities to enter, participate and advance in economic activities should be eliminated (ILO, 1981). 4. Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, 2003: Article 6 provides guideline to addressing issue related to unpaid care work. It states that parties should make sure that men and women enjoy equally economic and cultural rights. Also, article 13 provide that state parties should put in place other measures to guarantee women equal opportunities in work and career advancement and other economic opportunities.
  • 20. Key Findings__5 Gaps and other aspects of the legal and policy instruments related to UCW 1. The National Employment Policy (2019):  The policy aims to build the capacities of special groups including women, youth and persons with disabilities to promote inclusive and job-rich growth.  However, it doesn’t set guidelines on the UCW mostly done by women and consume more time for them to compete with their male counterpart. Therefore, the policy in its implementation, will not fix the gap found between women and men, which are profoundly caused by UCW.  An average salary should be fixed as a benchmark to calculate the UCWs in Rwanda. This will enable women mostly engaged in the informal sector including UCW.
  • 21. Key Findings__6 Gaps and other aspects of the legal and policy instruments related to UCW 2. The Rwanda Girls’ education policy, 2008:  The policy describes the UCW as the major barrier to equally access to education between both girl and boy children in Rwanda.  However, the policy does not set clear guidelines on addressing the limitations to accessing education for girls or reduce the burden.  Therefore, the situation persisted and evidenced through the school attendance and completion whereby the number of girls gradually reduced from primary level to the university level of education.
  • 22. Key Findings__7 Gaps and other aspects of the legal and policy instruments related to UCW 3. ILO – Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention (No. 156): Article 1, 3 and 4 hold that obstacles and discrimination hindering men and women workers the possibilities to enter, participate and advance in economic activities should be eliminated.  Rwanda did not ratify it, and therefore the instrument is not binding due to the principle of “pacta sunt servanda” as contained in Law of Treaties Article 26 of the of the 1969 UN Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties(UN, 1969).
  • 23. Key Findings__8 Gaps and other aspects of the legal and policy instruments related to UCW 4. National Strategy for Transformation (2017- 2024): The strategy defines Gender and Family Promotion as one of the crosscutting areas.  However, the document did not indicate clearly how UCW issues will be addressed. There is need for engaging efforts to recognize, reduce, redistribute, and reward UCW which is mostly done by women.
  • 24. Key Findings__9 Gaps and other aspects of the legal and policy instruments related to UCW 5. National Policy against Gender Based Violence 2011: The policy guides efforts to progressively eliminate gender-based violence through the development of a preventive, protective, supportive and transformative environment.  The policy, being the major instrument that addresses, should equally consider addressing the form of violence related to UCW. To do that, the policy may consider providing guidelines on the implementation of the 5Rs.
  • 25. Key Findings__10 Gaps and other aspects of the legal and policy instruments related to UCW 6. National Gender Policy 2010: Similar to the National Policy against Gender Based Violence 2011, the National Gender inequalities related to gender. Thus, the policy is expected to address the challenges of UCW as the literature has indicated that Unpaid Care Work still limits women from participation in other economic oriented activities and others services Unfortunately, the policy does not provide clear definitions and guidelines to addressing Unpaid Care Work and mainstream efforts that enable recognition, redistribution, reduction, representation and reward.
  • 26. Key Findings__11 Estimates of time women and men spent on unpaid care work  Time spent on unpaid care work varies according to areas where respondents live: rural urban and peri-urban.  The time spent by women in unpaid care work in suburbs is five hours as compared to one hour for men in the same household spend on unpaid care work, therefore a difference of four hours.  Spending Four hours per day of UCW hinders women to engaging in any other economic activity.
  • 27. Key Findings__12  Spending Four hours per day of UCW hinders women to engaging in any other economic activity. Estimates of time women and men spent on unpaid care work
  • 28. INTRODUCTION 1,127,520 RWF per annum. Note: It is important to note that the basis of this estimation is basically for unskilled labour. The cost could be therefore much higher as qualifications of women increases. Estimation of cost for unpaid care work done by women If we can estimate a daily monetary value for UCW at 3132 with reference to some international estimates, the estimated average cost of the labour force the cost of women unpaid care work in general per month is Key Findings__13
  • 29. Conclusion  The study indicated that the culture in Rwandan communities have persisted, and has influenced the long standing patriarchal society to keep women into UCW, especially those from the rural areas.  This has contributed to the poor participation of women into economic development or inadequate recognition of women contribution because they are mostly involved in the UCW.  This study has proposed a Framework for Decent Care Work which can guide efforts to redress and speed the recognition redistribution, reduction, representation and reward of the Unpaid care work. The framework is adapted from ILO2018a.
  • 30. Proposal for the 5R Framework for Decent Care Work Main policy areas Policy recommendations Policy measures Care policies Recognize, reduce and redistribute unpaid care work • Measure all forms of care work and take unpaid care work into account in decision-making • Invest in quality care services, care policies and care-relevant infrastructure • Promote active labour market policies that support the attachment, reintegration and progress of unpaid careers into the labour force • Enact and implement family-friendly working arrangements for all workers • Promote information and education for more gender-equal households, workplaces and societies Macroeconomic policies • Guarantee the right to universal access to quality care services • Ensure care-friendly and gender-responsive social protection systems, including floors. Social protection policies • Implement gender-responsive and publicly funded leave policies for all women and men Reward: More and decent work for care workers • Regulate and implement decent terms and conditions of employment and achieve equal pay for work of equal value for all care workers • Ensure a safe, attractive and stimulating work environment for both women and men care workers Labour policies • Enact laws and implement measures to protect migrant care workers Representation, social dialogue and collective bargaining for care workers • Ensure women full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life • Promote freedom of association for care workers and employers • Promote social dialogue and strengthen the right to collective bargaining in care sectors Migration policies • Promote the building of alliances between trade unions representing care workers and civil society organizations representing care recipients and unpaid careers Source: Adapted from ILO, 2018a
  • 31. Recommendations to Government, international and regional stakeholders To have a comprehensive approach to address the issue of unpaid care work recognition, reduction, representation and reward; all sectors of the economy should have clear and documented mechanisms to address unpaid care work in their respective sectors. This would enforce legal framework pertaining to reducing effects of UCW especially for women and promoting redistribution, recognition and reward of UCW in all economic sectors.
  • 32. Recommendations to Government, international and regional stakeholders  The government, together with international and regional stakeholders, should introduce subsidy programs for tools and equipment to reduce unpaid care work at the household level including improving the access to clean water sources so that they are more accessible by households; Increase coverage of and access to electricity and especially devise mechanisms to reduce the price of electricity to ensure increased use by low-income earners.  Put more efforts in promoting positive masculinity and increased engagement of men in the process of women empowerment.
  • 33. We welcome your comments and contributions