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Presentation of Results

Katie Torpey and StephWesterman
Why did we do research?
The purpose of our research was to find out whether people where vegetarian or not.

We created this survey for people to fill out so that we knew what kinds of things people like that we could do to go on our recipe
To do this we asked a series of questions for the public.

The questions we asked are:
-How old are you?
-What is your gender?
-What are you? (Vegan/Vegetarian/Carnivore).
-Who does the household cooking?
-What is your favourite savoury meal?
-What is your favourite dessert?
-How many people do you cook for?
-Do you enjoy eating organic foods?
-Which countries food do you prefer?
-What food do you eat the most?

This helped us to get all the information we needed which would be helpful to us and to help us create a good recipe card.

All the questions helped us in different ways, but here is some reasons as to why the questions helped us:
‘How old are you’ and ‘What is your gender’ is a important question because we needed to know who filled in the survey more and
medium age group.
‘What are you’ is also a useful question for us because it helped us to find out which category people fall in to and how many
people are vegetarian over vegan’s and carnivores. This will help us to get a rough idea of the kind of people we will be targeting
to make our cards for.
‘Who does the household cooking’ and ‘How many people do you cook for’ is a useful question because to be able to make our
cards we need to make it apt to the person that is cooking and we will also need to make sure that the food serves the right
amount of people.
‘What is your favourite savoury meal’ and ‘What is your favourite dessert’ helped us to find out what kinds of food different people
preferred and it will also help us to include some of the food’s that they specified.
‘Do you enjoy eating organic foods’ isn’t as important as the other questions but still is at the same time in its own way.
This helped us to find different peoples opinion on food ethics.
‘What countries food do you prefer’ will help us to include different styles of food so that its something different and exciting for
people to eat. This will also help us to make our card look more interesting as we can have different themed cards.
How was the research carried out?
As we had to find out as much data as possible my team decided to use a method that would be a quick, simple easy way to collect
data from the target audience. We firstly decided to come up with 10 important questions that we wanted to find out about our
target audience. These questions ranged from the gender to the age and also if they was vegetarian or carnivore. We signed up to a
website called survey monkey. Using this website gave us the opportunity to create a questionnaire including 10 questions. We
decided to create a few closed optional questions and a few open questions. This gave us chance to get a wide variety of different
opinions, interests and data.

We decided to use survey monkey on the internet as a source of questions it was very easy and simple to use. We was able to put a
range of different questions that would help us find out relevant information. The advantages of using survey monkey is that the
survey is free and we was allowed up to 100 responses that we could view back. This gave us more than enough data that we can
evaluate and compare. Another advantage of using survey monkey is that it was a very good way to get response. We could email,
text, tell people the link of the survey and they was able to click straight onto the website and then answer the survey. This meant
that it saved a lot of time as people didn’t have to fill out paper questionnaires. Another advantage is that survey monkey calculates
up the results of the questionnaire and this means that we are able to compare and contrast the range of different answers. A
disadvantage to using survey monkey was that there is a 10-question limit this meant that we was only allowed to put 10 questions
on the survey which meant that we was restricted. Another disadvantage to using survey monkey is that is didn’t allow us to use a
range of different age groups.

As we needed as many responses as possible I decided to broadcast and advertise the url for the survey on social networking sites.
These included facebook, twitter and tumblr. This was a useful way to get results as it meant that more people will see it however
the disadvantage is that most of the people may not be vegetarian as that is was we was trying to find out. Using vegetarian forums
meant that we could publish our survey URL to the target audience which was vegetarians. This was helpful as it meant that we got
relevant responses that we needed. Friends and family was also another source of data where there was a chance to collect
information using different age categories.
Summary Of Data
Question 1 – How old are you?

                    This question was asked so that we knew
                    who was filling out the questionnaire. It was
                    also been filled out so that we had a rough
                    idea of who we would be doing the cards for.

                    Here is a table showing the results.

                    56% of the people that filled in the survey
                    where 16-20.

                    The second group of people that filled in the
                    survey where ages 5-15 at 14%.

                    Coming in close at third was 31-30 year olds
                    with 12%.

                    21-30 with 8%.

                    41-50 at 7%.

                    no 60+.

                    This showed us that the most people that
                    filled in the survey where 16-20.
Question 2 – What is your gender?

                      This question was asked so that we
                      knew who was filling out the
                      questionnaire, but again so that we
                      knew who we would most likely be
                      making the cards for.

                      Here is a table of other results that we

                      58% came in at Female.

                      40% Male.

                      2% Preferred not to say.

                      This showed us that over half of the
                      people that filled in the survey where
Question 3 – What are you?

                 This question was asked so that we knew
                 how many vegetarians, vegans and
                 carnivores there are. This gave us a better
                 idea of what kinds of card we would be doing
                 and who for.

                 Here’s a list of the different food types
                 different people are.

                 Coming first is Carnivore at 55%.

                 Vegetarian came second with 20%.

                 Other was third at 18%.

                 and coming last was vegan at 7%.

                 This showed us that more than half of the
                 people that did the survey where carnivore.
                 This showed us what percentage there where
                 of Carnivores, Vegan, Vegetarian and other.
Question 4 – Who does the most cooking in your household?

                                  This question was asked so that we knew
                                  who did the cooking in the household so
                                  that we knew who to do the cards for, for
                                  example, the style.

                                  Here is a table of who does the most
                                  cooking in the household.

                                  Mum came in at 62%.

                                  Other 21%.

                                  Dad with 14%.

                                  Finally children at 3%.

                                  This showed us that the person who does
                                  the most cooking in the household was the
                                  mother. This means that we would have to
                                  make the card so that it was apt to the
                                  female gender or more so than men.
Question 5 – What is your favourite savoury meal?


                                          This question showed us what meals
20                                        where peoples favourites, these are
                                          the top 3 people mentioned,
                                          Steak and Chips, Curry, and Pasta.
                                          These are some food types that we
                                          could include on our cards.
10                                        This is also giving us variety as Steak
                                          and Chips is English, Curry is Indian
                                          and Pasta is Italian.
                                          15 people decided that steak was
                                          their favourite dish, chips was second
0                                         with a response of 10 people choosing
                                          it. 13 people chose that curry was
       Steak    Chips    Curry    Pasta   their favourite dish and pasta was the
                                          most popular with 20 people voting
                                          for it .
Question 6 – What is your favourite dessert?

                             •   As question 6 was an open question there was a range of
                                 different answers to choose from I decided to pick the
                                 top 4 answers for desserts.

40                           •   These questions included chocolate cake, cheesecake, ice
35                               cream and yoghurt. As these was the top 4 answers I
30                               decided to find out how many people answered these.
15                           •    I found out that 35 people chose chocolate cake was
10                               their favourite dessert. 26 people decided that
 5                               cheesecake was there favourite dessert. Ice cream was
 0                               chosen by 23 people and yoghurt was the least wanted
                                 dessert which was voted by 15 people.

                             •   From these results I can see which people like the
Question 7– How many people do you cook for?

                       •   This question allowed us to see how big the recipes
                           should be as it asked the question how many people for
                           you cook for.

                       •   97 people out of 100 answered this question. 3 people
                           skipped it.

                       •   The results are shown as 27% of the people cook for 1
                           person, 15% of the audience cook for 2 people, 29% of
                           the people which answered this survey answered it that
                           they cook for people, 17% of the audience cook for 4
                           people and the rest of the people who answered this
                           survey cooked for and over.

                       •   Using these results I can identify how big my dish will be
                           and if it will suit my target audience.
Question 8– Do you enjoy eating organic foods?

                        •   This question in the survey was created to ask people if
                            they enjoyed eating organic foods.

                        •   The results show that most people ‘sometimes’ enjoy
                            eating organic foods wit 56% of the votes.
                        •   31% of the people answered yes that they do enjoy
                            eating organic food and the rest of the audience
                            answered with no which was 13%.

                        •   These results show that most people enjoy eating organic
                            food rather than not. This means I can plan to identify
                            different types of organic food to include in the recipes.
Question 9 – Which countries food do you prefer?

                          •   This question allows the audience to chose what type of
                              food they prefer out of
                              Italian, American, Spanish, Chinese, Indian, French and
                              English there is also an option for another type of food.

                          •   These results are very varied and the top 3 answers
                              include Italian which was 31%. Indian was also the
                              second favourite dish with 14%., and the 3rd favourite
                              dish was English food with 26%.

                          •   From these results I can work out recipes which will most
                              interest my target audience for example I could use pizza
                              for the Italian theme.
Question 10 – What food do you eat the most?

                        •   From these questions I can find out what my audience
                            eats the most so I could include this when decided what
                            products to make in my recipes cards.

                        •   From this questionnaire I can see that most of my
                            audience eats meat. With 62% eating meat the most
                            proves that most of my audience is carnivores.

                        •   19% of the audience eats vegetables and also fruit is
                            eaten by 11% of the audience these are more likely to be
Summary Of Data filtered by
  Vegetarians and Vegans
Question 1 – How old are you?

                    The most common age group that are
                    vegetarian and vegan is 16-20 year olds at

                    5-15 year olds came second with 18.42%.

                    21-30 came at 10.53%.

                    31-40 at 10.53%.

                    41-50 at 10.53%.

                    And finally 60+ with 0%.

                    We have a wide range of vegetarians that
                    are 16-20 years old because we published
                    our survey on face book and twitter and
                    other social networking sites. Our
                    connections and friends are in this range
                    group and this is why the results are more
                    likely to 16-20 year olds.
Question 2 – What is your gender?
                         This graph shows that there are
                         more Female vegetarians and
                         vegans than males.

                         16 Females filled this in and came
                         in at 59%

                         9 Males filled this survey in and it
                         came in at 33%.

                         2 people said that they preferred
                         not to say and this was 7%.

                         There was a greater percentage of
                         females to males because more
                         females knew about the survey as
                         most of our friends was females
                         instead of males. Also I think males
                         are less likely to fill in the survey.
Question 3 – What are you?
                    As we filtered our results so that only
                    vegetarian and vegan response was
                    shown. This question shows that there
                    was 20 people answered this said they
                    was vegetarian and 7 people answered
                    said that they was vegans.

                    74% of people that filled in this where

                    25% of people was vegans

                    Filtering our results allows us to focus on
                    the target audience and find out more
                    about what vegetarians like to eat and
                    what they are interested in.
Question 4 – Who does the most cooking in your household?
                                 Here is a table of who does the household

                                 65.79% said their mum does the cooking.

                                 18.42% said other.

                                 Father came in at 13.16%.

                                 And children came in at 2.62%

                                 this is showing that the mother does more
                                 cooking than the men, this means that we will
                                 have to make our cards more apt to women
                                 than men.

                                 When we make our cards this means that we
                                 will have to make the cards designed to how
                                 women are as they will be the ones mostly
                                 cooking the food, though we will still do some
                                 that are for men as well as there is still a high
                                 percentage of them.
Question 5 – What is your favourite savoury meal?
                                      There was a big group of food’s that people
                                      liked, but the top three where Pasta, Quorn
14                                    Steak and Chips plus Pizza.

12                                    These are some dishes that we could include
                                      in our cards.
 8                                    We could also do some different meals will
                                      pasta and bits of steak in and pizza with
 6                                    chips, this is because both carnivores, vegans
 4                                    and vegetarians can enjoy these meals.
 2                                    This is good because we will be able to have
 0                                    different cultured food, this will mean that
                                      there is more variety for people.
      Quorn   Pizza   Chips   Pasta   For example, Pasta is Italian, Steak and Chips is
      Steak                           English and Pizza is American.

                                      12 people decided that they enjoyed eating
                                      quorn steak the most another popular choice
                                      was chips with 9 people liking this the most.
                                      Pizza and pasta was less popular with
                                      responses from 6 & 7 people.
Question 6 – What is your favourite dessert?

                                                   As this question was an open question and there was a
9                                                        comment box and there was lots of different
8                                                        responses however I decided to pick the top 4
                                                         answers out the different responses given and
7                                                        the top answers were toffee fudge cake which
                                                         was chosen by 8 people. Chocolate cake was
6                                                        chosen by 7 people Fruit crumble was chosen by
5                                                        6 people as was ice cream.

4                                                  Seeing the range of these results shows the difference
3                                                        to non-vegetarian and vegetarian. From these
                                                         responses I can identify and carry out more
2                                                        research into the desserts. Using this question in
                                                         my survey let me find out the different desserts
1                                                        that was the most popular allowing me to include
0                                                        them in my recipe cards.

    Toffee fudge Chocolate   Crumble   Ice cream   As the vegetarians chose toffee fudge cake and
                                                         chocolate cake as there favourite dessert this will
        cake       cake                                  mean that I should look into adding these recipes
                                                         into my recipe cards as my target audience will
                                                         be more interested in these.

                                                   If choosing to make chocolate cake I will add factors
                                                         that make it suitable for my audience such as
                                                         adding organic chocolate into the ingredients.
Question 7– How many people do you cook for?

                          25 out of 27 vegetarians and vegans took part in this
                          question the other 3 people skipped this question.

                          I found out from these results about vegetarians that most
                          vegetarians and vegans cook for 1, 2, and also 3 people.
                          And they are lesson likely to cook for 4 and 5 people.

                          The results came in with vegetarians/vegans cooking for 1
                          people is 28. These results show that vegetarians are less
                          likely to cook for more people. As I am going to base my
                          recipes on vegetarians I can use these survey results to
                          base how big my portions are going to be. I found out that
                          most vegetarians/vegans cook for 1-3 people instead of 5+.

                          Using these results can help me identify how big my dish is
                          going to be.
Question 8– Do you enjoy eating organic foods?

                          This question was answered by 27 vegetarians/vegans and
                          it wasn’t skipped by anyone.

                          I found out that 13 people answered with the answer yes
                          that they do enjoy eating organic foods this is 48%. 3
                          people answered that they don’t enjoy eating organic
                          foods and which was 11% and 11 people that are
                          vegetarians answered with sometimes they enjoy eating
                          organic food which was 40%.

                          Using these results can help me decide weather to include
                          organic foods in my recipe cards. From these results I can
                          identify that most people enjoy eating organic foods so
                          that I can include organic ingredients in my recipe cards.

                          Including organic foods into the recipes will mean that my
                          audience and vegetarians are benefiting from a healthier
                          lifestyle and also they're benefiting because the majority of
                          people chose that they enjoy eating organic foods.
Question 9 – Which countries food do you prefer?

                            From this question it shows that 27 vegetarians and vegans
                            answered it and 0 people skipped it.

                            My results from this question ‘which countries food do you
                            prefer?’ is asking what type of food would my audience
                            prefer to eat. I found out that 5 vegetarians which was 18%
                            preferred eating Italian this includes pasta, pizza and also
                            breads. I found out that 6 people which was 22% preferred
                            eating American food which includes chips, burgers.
                            Another popular vote was also Indian 6 people voted this
                            as there favourite preferred food. This food includes
                            curries and rice. English food was another popular choice
                            with 22% of people choosing this this food will include fish
                            and chips, English breakfast and also bangers and mash.

                            Finding out about these different choices can help me to
                            make a decision of what different dishes I can include in
                            my recipe cards and finding out which theme will be the
                            most popular.
Question 10 – What food do you eat the most?

                       This question was created to find out what food was eaten
                             the most by vegetarians and vegans.

                       The majority of the results show that more vegetarians
                            and vegans eat more vegetables than anything else.
                            A another popular choice from vegetarian and vegans
                            was meat however from this result I think that some
                            people misunderstood the question or accidently
                            pressed on meat. As I filtered my results into just
                            seeing vegetarians and vegans I am not going to
                            count that response as it is invalid. However I am
                            going to focus on the other responses which included
                            vegetables, Quorn and also fruit as the top 3 popular

                       Carrying out this question allowed me to find out what
                            vegetarians like eating. Using this source will let me
                            identify which will be the most popular food product
                            to use in my recipe cards. For example as vegetables
                            is the most popular choice I will try and include
                            recipes with vegetables in.
Conclusion of Results
After looking through all the feedback from our food questionnaire, we can see that all the results are quite scattered
and varied but not too much, this can be because of gender, age, and what food type they are. Each question
helped us to find out what we needed to know about the people we are making the cards for and influence for what
kinds of food we could include on the cards.

The feedback that we were given has given us a greater idea of what we can put on our recipe cards, it has also
helped us to find out who our target audience and the audience profile.

Looking at the research we found out that more men than women do the household cooking, this has given us a
greater idea of who will be using our cards. This will mean that we will have to make our cards quite feminine but
also do some masculine ones for the men. To do this we would use feminine colours, for example, pink, purple, and
red which are all commonly known as feminine, we would also use a feminine font, for example, sans-serif, this is
because of all of the flicks which make it girly. For the men we could use colours like, blue, orange, or green, maybe
even purple if we were going for a classy look on the card this is because these colours are categorized as
masculine. The most popular gender for vegetarians was also Female, although there was still a high percentage in
men that where also vegetarian so again we will use feminine cards and do some masculine ones. Or create some
cards that fit for both genders.
We also found out during our research that the most popular food type is for Carnivore’s though we aren’t aloud to
do them kinds of recipes so we will have to stick to vegetarians, this will limit our audience but we could do them for
vegans as well to make up for this. To make these cards we will include recipes like quorn
steak, chips, Pasta, salads, and pizza, Etc.
‘What is your favourite meal’ has lots of different answers, though I managed to narrow it down to the most popular
ones, and I found out that steak and chips, pasta, and pizza where the favourite foods of vegans and
vegetarians, we found add some of these foods too our recipes.
All in all I feel that this survey helped us a lot to find out all the information that we needed and we wouldn’t have been able
to get the information without Survey Monkey.
I think that our research was very successful as we gathered a range of different results ranging from different ages as well
as different genders. We also got a lot of feedback from vegetarians as well as vegans and carnivore which gave us a lot of
information and help that we can use when creating our vegetarian recipe cards. We found out what vegetarians eat the
most and we identified a range of different foods that we can include for our recipes.

I think to improve our research we could’ve maybe asked a different range of people such as people over 30 and 40 as we
didn’t collect as many results for this age range. I think to improve this I think we could go out and target people who are
within of the age range of 20+ this means we would get a much wider range of results from different ages. Many of our
results came from people in 16-20 category. I also think we could’ve based our survey more on vegetarians as these are the
results that we was focusing on.

To do our research we used a online site which was free to use called ‘Survey Monkey’, this enabled us to create 10
questions for the general public to fill out online which was simple and easy for them to do. We advertised our survey on
social networking sites such as facebook and twitter although that there is a restricted age range for these websites as they
are mostly aimed at 16-20 year olds.

Overall I think that our research was good because we found out everything that we needed to know in order to get the right
idea of the people that we are going to be targeting to make the card, though if we were aloud to have more questions on
the survey I think we could have found out even more about our audience and gone in to more depth as our questions had
to be quick and simple.

To make the survey better I also think that we should have missed out the option ‘Other’ and ‘Carnivore’ on the question
‘What are you?’ so that we had just Vegans and Vegetarians as we have more Carnivores and Other than anything else.

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Presentation of results

  • 1. Presentation of Results Katie Torpey and StephWesterman
  • 2. Why did we do research? The purpose of our research was to find out whether people where vegetarian or not. We created this survey for people to fill out so that we knew what kinds of things people like that we could do to go on our recipe cards. To do this we asked a series of questions for the public. The questions we asked are: -How old are you? -What is your gender? -What are you? (Vegan/Vegetarian/Carnivore). -Who does the household cooking? -What is your favourite savoury meal? -What is your favourite dessert? -How many people do you cook for? -Do you enjoy eating organic foods? -Which countries food do you prefer? -What food do you eat the most? This helped us to get all the information we needed which would be helpful to us and to help us create a good recipe card. All the questions helped us in different ways, but here is some reasons as to why the questions helped us: ‘How old are you’ and ‘What is your gender’ is a important question because we needed to know who filled in the survey more and medium age group. ‘What are you’ is also a useful question for us because it helped us to find out which category people fall in to and how many people are vegetarian over vegan’s and carnivores. This will help us to get a rough idea of the kind of people we will be targeting to make our cards for. ‘Who does the household cooking’ and ‘How many people do you cook for’ is a useful question because to be able to make our cards we need to make it apt to the person that is cooking and we will also need to make sure that the food serves the right amount of people. ‘What is your favourite savoury meal’ and ‘What is your favourite dessert’ helped us to find out what kinds of food different people preferred and it will also help us to include some of the food’s that they specified. ‘Do you enjoy eating organic foods’ isn’t as important as the other questions but still is at the same time in its own way. This helped us to find different peoples opinion on food ethics. ‘What countries food do you prefer’ will help us to include different styles of food so that its something different and exciting for people to eat. This will also help us to make our card look more interesting as we can have different themed cards.
  • 3. How was the research carried out? As we had to find out as much data as possible my team decided to use a method that would be a quick, simple easy way to collect data from the target audience. We firstly decided to come up with 10 important questions that we wanted to find out about our target audience. These questions ranged from the gender to the age and also if they was vegetarian or carnivore. We signed up to a website called survey monkey. Using this website gave us the opportunity to create a questionnaire including 10 questions. We decided to create a few closed optional questions and a few open questions. This gave us chance to get a wide variety of different opinions, interests and data. We decided to use survey monkey on the internet as a source of questions it was very easy and simple to use. We was able to put a range of different questions that would help us find out relevant information. The advantages of using survey monkey is that the survey is free and we was allowed up to 100 responses that we could view back. This gave us more than enough data that we can evaluate and compare. Another advantage of using survey monkey is that it was a very good way to get response. We could email, text, tell people the link of the survey and they was able to click straight onto the website and then answer the survey. This meant that it saved a lot of time as people didn’t have to fill out paper questionnaires. Another advantage is that survey monkey calculates up the results of the questionnaire and this means that we are able to compare and contrast the range of different answers. A disadvantage to using survey monkey was that there is a 10-question limit this meant that we was only allowed to put 10 questions on the survey which meant that we was restricted. Another disadvantage to using survey monkey is that is didn’t allow us to use a range of different age groups. As we needed as many responses as possible I decided to broadcast and advertise the url for the survey on social networking sites. These included facebook, twitter and tumblr. This was a useful way to get results as it meant that more people will see it however the disadvantage is that most of the people may not be vegetarian as that is was we was trying to find out. Using vegetarian forums meant that we could publish our survey URL to the target audience which was vegetarians. This was helpful as it meant that we got relevant responses that we needed. Friends and family was also another source of data where there was a chance to collect information using different age categories.
  • 5. Question 1 – How old are you? This question was asked so that we knew who was filling out the questionnaire. It was also been filled out so that we had a rough idea of who we would be doing the cards for. Here is a table showing the results. 56% of the people that filled in the survey where 16-20. The second group of people that filled in the survey where ages 5-15 at 14%. Coming in close at third was 31-30 year olds with 12%. 21-30 with 8%. 41-50 at 7%. no 60+. This showed us that the most people that filled in the survey where 16-20.
  • 6. Question 2 – What is your gender? This question was asked so that we knew who was filling out the questionnaire, but again so that we knew who we would most likely be making the cards for. Here is a table of other results that we gained. 58% came in at Female. 40% Male. 2% Preferred not to say. This showed us that over half of the people that filled in the survey where women.
  • 7. Question 3 – What are you? This question was asked so that we knew how many vegetarians, vegans and carnivores there are. This gave us a better idea of what kinds of card we would be doing and who for. Here’s a list of the different food types different people are. Coming first is Carnivore at 55%. Vegetarian came second with 20%. Other was third at 18%. and coming last was vegan at 7%. This showed us that more than half of the people that did the survey where carnivore. This showed us what percentage there where of Carnivores, Vegan, Vegetarian and other.
  • 8. Question 4 – Who does the most cooking in your household? This question was asked so that we knew who did the cooking in the household so that we knew who to do the cards for, for example, the style. Here is a table of who does the most cooking in the household. Mum came in at 62%. Other 21%. Dad with 14%. Finally children at 3%. This showed us that the person who does the most cooking in the household was the mother. This means that we would have to make the card so that it was apt to the female gender or more so than men.
  • 9. Question 5 – What is your favourite savoury meal? 25 This question showed us what meals 20 where peoples favourites, these are the top 3 people mentioned, Steak and Chips, Curry, and Pasta. 15 These are some food types that we could include on our cards. 10 This is also giving us variety as Steak and Chips is English, Curry is Indian and Pasta is Italian. 5 15 people decided that steak was their favourite dish, chips was second 0 with a response of 10 people choosing it. 13 people chose that curry was Steak Chips Curry Pasta their favourite dish and pasta was the most popular with 20 people voting for it .
  • 10. Question 6 – What is your favourite dessert? • As question 6 was an open question there was a range of different answers to choose from I decided to pick the top 4 answers for desserts. 40 • These questions included chocolate cake, cheesecake, ice 35 cream and yoghurt. As these was the top 4 answers I 30 decided to find out how many people answered these. 25 20 15 • I found out that 35 people chose chocolate cake was 10 their favourite dessert. 26 people decided that 5 cheesecake was there favourite dessert. Ice cream was 0 chosen by 23 people and yoghurt was the least wanted dessert which was voted by 15 people. • From these results I can see which people like the desserts.
  • 11. Question 7– How many people do you cook for? • This question allowed us to see how big the recipes should be as it asked the question how many people for you cook for. • 97 people out of 100 answered this question. 3 people skipped it. • The results are shown as 27% of the people cook for 1 person, 15% of the audience cook for 2 people, 29% of the people which answered this survey answered it that they cook for people, 17% of the audience cook for 4 people and the rest of the people who answered this survey cooked for and over. • Using these results I can identify how big my dish will be and if it will suit my target audience.
  • 12. Question 8– Do you enjoy eating organic foods? • This question in the survey was created to ask people if they enjoyed eating organic foods. • The results show that most people ‘sometimes’ enjoy eating organic foods wit 56% of the votes. • 31% of the people answered yes that they do enjoy eating organic food and the rest of the audience answered with no which was 13%. • These results show that most people enjoy eating organic food rather than not. This means I can plan to identify different types of organic food to include in the recipes.
  • 13. Question 9 – Which countries food do you prefer? • This question allows the audience to chose what type of food they prefer out of Italian, American, Spanish, Chinese, Indian, French and English there is also an option for another type of food. • These results are very varied and the top 3 answers include Italian which was 31%. Indian was also the second favourite dish with 14%., and the 3rd favourite dish was English food with 26%. • From these results I can work out recipes which will most interest my target audience for example I could use pizza for the Italian theme.
  • 14. Question 10 – What food do you eat the most? • From these questions I can find out what my audience eats the most so I could include this when decided what products to make in my recipes cards. • From this questionnaire I can see that most of my audience eats meat. With 62% eating meat the most proves that most of my audience is carnivores. • 19% of the audience eats vegetables and also fruit is eaten by 11% of the audience these are more likely to be vegetarians.
  • 15. Summary Of Data filtered by Vegetarians and Vegans
  • 16. Question 1 – How old are you? The most common age group that are vegetarian and vegan is 16-20 year olds at 42.11%. 5-15 year olds came second with 18.42%. 21-30 came at 10.53%. 31-40 at 10.53%. 41-50 at 10.53%. And finally 60+ with 0%. We have a wide range of vegetarians that are 16-20 years old because we published our survey on face book and twitter and other social networking sites. Our connections and friends are in this range group and this is why the results are more likely to 16-20 year olds.
  • 17. Question 2 – What is your gender? This graph shows that there are more Female vegetarians and vegans than males. 16 Females filled this in and came in at 59% 9 Males filled this survey in and it came in at 33%. 2 people said that they preferred not to say and this was 7%. There was a greater percentage of females to males because more females knew about the survey as most of our friends was females instead of males. Also I think males are less likely to fill in the survey.
  • 18. Question 3 – What are you? As we filtered our results so that only vegetarian and vegan response was shown. This question shows that there was 20 people answered this said they was vegetarian and 7 people answered said that they was vegans. 74% of people that filled in this where vegetarian. 25% of people was vegans Filtering our results allows us to focus on the target audience and find out more about what vegetarians like to eat and what they are interested in.
  • 19. Question 4 – Who does the most cooking in your household? Here is a table of who does the household cooking. 65.79% said their mum does the cooking. 18.42% said other. Father came in at 13.16%. And children came in at 2.62% this is showing that the mother does more cooking than the men, this means that we will have to make our cards more apt to women than men. When we make our cards this means that we will have to make the cards designed to how women are as they will be the ones mostly cooking the food, though we will still do some that are for men as well as there is still a high percentage of them.
  • 20. Question 5 – What is your favourite savoury meal? There was a big group of food’s that people liked, but the top three where Pasta, Quorn 14 Steak and Chips plus Pizza. 12 These are some dishes that we could include in our cards. 10 8 We could also do some different meals will pasta and bits of steak in and pizza with 6 chips, this is because both carnivores, vegans 4 and vegetarians can enjoy these meals. 2 This is good because we will be able to have 0 different cultured food, this will mean that there is more variety for people. Quorn Pizza Chips Pasta For example, Pasta is Italian, Steak and Chips is Steak English and Pizza is American. 12 people decided that they enjoyed eating quorn steak the most another popular choice was chips with 9 people liking this the most. Pizza and pasta was less popular with responses from 6 & 7 people.
  • 21. Question 6 – What is your favourite dessert? As this question was an open question and there was a 9 comment box and there was lots of different 8 responses however I decided to pick the top 4 answers out the different responses given and 7 the top answers were toffee fudge cake which was chosen by 8 people. Chocolate cake was 6 chosen by 7 people Fruit crumble was chosen by 5 6 people as was ice cream. 4 Seeing the range of these results shows the difference 3 to non-vegetarian and vegetarian. From these responses I can identify and carry out more 2 research into the desserts. Using this question in my survey let me find out the different desserts 1 that was the most popular allowing me to include 0 them in my recipe cards. Toffee fudge Chocolate Crumble Ice cream As the vegetarians chose toffee fudge cake and chocolate cake as there favourite dessert this will cake cake mean that I should look into adding these recipes into my recipe cards as my target audience will be more interested in these. If choosing to make chocolate cake I will add factors that make it suitable for my audience such as adding organic chocolate into the ingredients.
  • 22. Question 7– How many people do you cook for? 25 out of 27 vegetarians and vegans took part in this question the other 3 people skipped this question. I found out from these results about vegetarians that most vegetarians and vegans cook for 1, 2, and also 3 people. And they are lesson likely to cook for 4 and 5 people. The results came in with vegetarians/vegans cooking for 1 people is 28. These results show that vegetarians are less likely to cook for more people. As I am going to base my recipes on vegetarians I can use these survey results to base how big my portions are going to be. I found out that most vegetarians/vegans cook for 1-3 people instead of 5+. Using these results can help me identify how big my dish is going to be.
  • 23. Question 8– Do you enjoy eating organic foods? This question was answered by 27 vegetarians/vegans and it wasn’t skipped by anyone. I found out that 13 people answered with the answer yes that they do enjoy eating organic foods this is 48%. 3 people answered that they don’t enjoy eating organic foods and which was 11% and 11 people that are vegetarians answered with sometimes they enjoy eating organic food which was 40%. Using these results can help me decide weather to include organic foods in my recipe cards. From these results I can identify that most people enjoy eating organic foods so that I can include organic ingredients in my recipe cards. Including organic foods into the recipes will mean that my audience and vegetarians are benefiting from a healthier lifestyle and also they're benefiting because the majority of people chose that they enjoy eating organic foods.
  • 24. Question 9 – Which countries food do you prefer? From this question it shows that 27 vegetarians and vegans answered it and 0 people skipped it. My results from this question ‘which countries food do you prefer?’ is asking what type of food would my audience prefer to eat. I found out that 5 vegetarians which was 18% preferred eating Italian this includes pasta, pizza and also breads. I found out that 6 people which was 22% preferred eating American food which includes chips, burgers. Another popular vote was also Indian 6 people voted this as there favourite preferred food. This food includes curries and rice. English food was another popular choice with 22% of people choosing this this food will include fish and chips, English breakfast and also bangers and mash. Finding out about these different choices can help me to make a decision of what different dishes I can include in my recipe cards and finding out which theme will be the most popular.
  • 25. Question 10 – What food do you eat the most? This question was created to find out what food was eaten the most by vegetarians and vegans. The majority of the results show that more vegetarians and vegans eat more vegetables than anything else. A another popular choice from vegetarian and vegans was meat however from this result I think that some people misunderstood the question or accidently pressed on meat. As I filtered my results into just seeing vegetarians and vegans I am not going to count that response as it is invalid. However I am going to focus on the other responses which included vegetables, Quorn and also fruit as the top 3 popular choices. Carrying out this question allowed me to find out what vegetarians like eating. Using this source will let me identify which will be the most popular food product to use in my recipe cards. For example as vegetables is the most popular choice I will try and include recipes with vegetables in.
  • 27. After looking through all the feedback from our food questionnaire, we can see that all the results are quite scattered and varied but not too much, this can be because of gender, age, and what food type they are. Each question helped us to find out what we needed to know about the people we are making the cards for and influence for what kinds of food we could include on the cards. The feedback that we were given has given us a greater idea of what we can put on our recipe cards, it has also helped us to find out who our target audience and the audience profile. Looking at the research we found out that more men than women do the household cooking, this has given us a greater idea of who will be using our cards. This will mean that we will have to make our cards quite feminine but also do some masculine ones for the men. To do this we would use feminine colours, for example, pink, purple, and red which are all commonly known as feminine, we would also use a feminine font, for example, sans-serif, this is because of all of the flicks which make it girly. For the men we could use colours like, blue, orange, or green, maybe even purple if we were going for a classy look on the card this is because these colours are categorized as masculine. The most popular gender for vegetarians was also Female, although there was still a high percentage in men that where also vegetarian so again we will use feminine cards and do some masculine ones. Or create some cards that fit for both genders. We also found out during our research that the most popular food type is for Carnivore’s though we aren’t aloud to do them kinds of recipes so we will have to stick to vegetarians, this will limit our audience but we could do them for vegans as well to make up for this. To make these cards we will include recipes like quorn steak, chips, Pasta, salads, and pizza, Etc. ‘What is your favourite meal’ has lots of different answers, though I managed to narrow it down to the most popular ones, and I found out that steak and chips, pasta, and pizza where the favourite foods of vegans and vegetarians, we found add some of these foods too our recipes.
  • 28. All in all I feel that this survey helped us a lot to find out all the information that we needed and we wouldn’t have been able to get the information without Survey Monkey. I think that our research was very successful as we gathered a range of different results ranging from different ages as well as different genders. We also got a lot of feedback from vegetarians as well as vegans and carnivore which gave us a lot of information and help that we can use when creating our vegetarian recipe cards. We found out what vegetarians eat the most and we identified a range of different foods that we can include for our recipes. I think to improve our research we could’ve maybe asked a different range of people such as people over 30 and 40 as we didn’t collect as many results for this age range. I think to improve this I think we could go out and target people who are within of the age range of 20+ this means we would get a much wider range of results from different ages. Many of our results came from people in 16-20 category. I also think we could’ve based our survey more on vegetarians as these are the results that we was focusing on. To do our research we used a online site which was free to use called ‘Survey Monkey’, this enabled us to create 10 questions for the general public to fill out online which was simple and easy for them to do. We advertised our survey on social networking sites such as facebook and twitter although that there is a restricted age range for these websites as they are mostly aimed at 16-20 year olds. Overall I think that our research was good because we found out everything that we needed to know in order to get the right idea of the people that we are going to be targeting to make the card, though if we were aloud to have more questions on the survey I think we could have found out even more about our audience and gone in to more depth as our questions had to be quick and simple. To make the survey better I also think that we should have missed out the option ‘Other’ and ‘Carnivore’ on the question ‘What are you?’ so that we had just Vegans and Vegetarians as we have more Carnivores and Other than anything else.