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No. 7
Part One
Section II
World War II caused
Davidians to
organize themselves
into an Association.
The Davidian Propaganda:
“The General Association of Davidian
Seventh-day Adventists was formed
because the SDA church would not
provide letters to Davidians to prove
that they were members of the SDA
church, so as to be exempt from
combat duties in World War II. Faced
with this dilemma the prophet was
forced to form an association.”
True or False?
World History Davidian History
Event Date Event
Stock Market on Wall Street
Franklin Roosevelt elected
President of the USA
Hitler became Fuhrer of
First Present Truth study given
by Bro. Victor T. Houteff
Shepherd’s Rod Volume two
The General Association of
Shepherd’s Rod Seventh-day
Adventists organized
The General Association
The Shepherd's Rod Seventh-Day Adventists
{3SC2: 3}
World History Davidian History
Event Date Event
Stock Market on Wall Street
Franklin Roosevelt elected
President of the USA
Hitler became Fuhrer of
9/1/1939 Nazis invaded Poland
Britain, France, Australia &
New Zealand declared war
on Germany
9/14/1940 Conscription Bill passed
First Present Truth study given
by Bro. Victor T. Houteff
Shepherd’s Rod Volume two
The General Association of
Shepherd’s Rod Seventh-day
Adventists organized
First commemoration of history
review – Day of Days
10/26/1939 First child born on Mt. Carmel
Signed into law by Franklin Roosevelt in 1940, the Act
established the first peace-time draft in United States
history. Under the Selective Training and Service Act,
all American males between twenty-one and thirty-six
years of age registered for the draft. The government
selected men through a lottery system. If drafted, a
man served for twelve months.
Section 5(g) of the Act contained a provision for
conscientious objection:
Nothing contained in this Act shall be constructed to require
any person to be subject to combatant training and service in
the land and naval forces of the United States who, by reason
of religious training and belief, is conscientiously opposed to
participation in war in any form. Any such person claiming
such exemption from combatant training and service because
of such conscientious objections whose claim is sustained by
the local draft board shall, if he is inducted into the land or
naval forces under this Act, be assigned to noncombatant
service as defined by the President, or shall if he is found to
be conscientiously opposed to participation in such
noncombatant service, in lieu of such induction, be assigned
to work of national importance under civilian direction.
The draft began in October 1940. By the early summer of
1941, President Franklin Roosevelt asked the U.S. Congress to
extend the term of duty for the draftees beyond twelve
months. On August 12, the United States House of
Representatives approved the extension by a single vote. The
Senate approved it by a wider margin, and Roosevelt signed
the bill into law on August 18, 1941.
World History Davidian History
Event Date Event
Stock Market on Wall Street
Franklin Roosevelt elected
President of the USA
Hitler became Fuhrer of
9/1/1939 Nazis invaded Poland
Britain, France, Australia &
New Zealand declared war
on Germany
9/14/1940 Conscription Bill passed
First Present Truth study given
by Bro. Victor T. Houteff
Shepherd’s Rod Volume two
The General Association of
Shepherd’s Rod Seventh-day
Adventists organized
First commemoration of history
review – Day of Days
10/26/1939 First child born on Mt. Carmel
SROD SDA’s position on
For All SROD Members Of Military Conscription Age
(These principles underlie our conscientious objections to
signing either Statement A or Statement B, unqualified, under
"Claim for Exemption" in "Special Form for Conscientious
6SC7-12: 11.1.1
CONTINGENT CONCLUSION: Should the "Selective Service Regulations"
Authorities honor the position herein set forth (vegetarian diet and
Sabbath privileges), enjoined upon us by our faith, we then, in all
conscience must sign Statement A.
Statement A________ or
Our principles do not permit us to acquiesce in signing Statement B if
you can make it possible for us to sign Statement A. In the light of this
explanation, will the Authorities be so kind as to please designate which
statement they would prefer us to sign? We are at a loss to know how
to proceed, until we hear from you.
The Government's answer to this appeal is as follows:
Headquarters of The Shepherd's Rod December 10, 1940
Seventh Day Adventists
Waco, Texas RE: Conscientious Objectors
Your communications dated December 6th, 1940, have been received by State
Headquarters of Selective Service and referred to this department for reply.
Volume Three, paragraphs 363-366, inclusive, of Selective Service Regulations
set up the procedure to be followed on claims of conscientious objectors and
their classification. {6SC7-12: 12}
A wide discretion is vested in the Local Boards in passing on
such claims. Paragraph 363 provides that "a registrant who
claims to be a conscientious objector shall offer information
in substantiation of his claim on a special form (Form 47)
which when filed shall become a part of his questionnaire.
The local board, upon request, shall furnish any person
claiming to be a conscientious objector, a copy of such special
form (Form 47). In the case of any registrant who claims to be
a conscientious objector, the local board shall proceed in the
ordinary course to classify him upon all other grounds of
deferment, and shall investigate and pass upon his claim as a
conscientious objector only if, after physical examination, but
for such claim, he would have been placed in Class I-A, Class I-
B, Class I-D, or Class I-E. The procedure for appeal from a
decision of the local board on a claim for conscientious
objection is provided for in paragraph 375.“{6SC7-12: 12}
It would therefore follow from the above Quoted Regulations that each claim
depends upon its own merits which must be presented to the local board
having jurisdiction over the claim. It is not possible to issue any blanket rule or
regulation which will be applicable to all claims of conscientious objectors.
Further, we can not assume that all members of your sect will feel exactly alike
or will assert claims based on the same identical facts, so it is our opinion that
all members of your sect who desire to present claims for classification as
conscientious objectors shall present them to their respective boards having
jurisdiction over their claims and that the local boards act on their Individual
claims based on the facts presented by each individual registrant.
In the event any of the Local boards desire an opinion from the Director of
Selective Service or this department on any individual registrant's claim, then
such board will request of the Director or of this department an opinion in the
event one is desired.
For the Director
Signed: Q. C. Taylor Major, J. A. G. D.
QCT:zp Legal Division
{6SC7-12: 12}
World History Davidian History
Event Date Event
Stock Market on Wall Street
Franklin Roosevelt elected
President of the USA
Hitler became Fuhrer of
9/1/1939 Nazis invaded Poland
Britain, France, Australia &
New Zealand declared war
on Germany
9/14/1940 Conscription Bill passed
12/7/1941 Japan bombed Pearl Harbor
First Present Truth study given
by Bro. Victor T. Houteff
Shepherd’s Rod Volume two
The General Association of
Shepherd’s Rod Seventh-day
Adventists organized
First commemoration of history
review – Day of Days
10/26/1939 First child born on Mt. Carmel
Flag of Christ’s Kingdom
SROD SDA’s position on
12/8/1941 USA declared war on Japan
9/2/1945 2/5/1955
SROD SDA’s received a new
name from God – Davidian SDA
To keep alive the hope that the brethren as a whole would
sooner or later embrace the sealing message, the Divine
Author of this "closing work for the church" (Testimonies, Vol.
3, p. 266) has hitherto given His messengers no title. Hence
the name of their publication, The Shepherd's Rod, has
naturally been attached to them. {8SC1-12: 24.1.1}
Having now, though, at the closing of its twelfth year,
progressed to the publication of the "Leviticus," the
Association receives from this governmental organ, the name,
Davidian Seventh-day Adventists. No longer, therefore, does
it borrow its name from its publications. The inception of this
governmental set-up, along with the name, suggests that the
long-predicted Davidian Kingdom is about to be ushered in.
{8SC1-12: 24.1.2}
World History Davidian History
Event Date Event
Stock Market on Wall Street
Franklin Roosevelt elected
President of the USA
Hitler became Fuhrer of
9/1/1939 Nazis invaded Poland
Britain, France, Australia &
New Zealand declared war
on Germany
9/14/1940 Conscription Bill passed
12/7/1941 Japan bombed Pearl Harbor
First Present Truth study given
by Bro. Victor T. Houteff
Shepherd’s Rod Volume two
The General Association of
Shepherd’s Rod Seventh-day
Adventists organized
First commemoration of history
review – Day of Days
10/26/1939 First child born on Mt. Carmel
Flag of Christ’s Kingdom
SROD SDA’s position on
12/8/1941 USA declared war on Japan
5/8/1945 V-E Day (Victory in Europe)
9/2/1945 Japan’s formal surrender 2/5/1955 Bro. Victor T. Houteff died
SROD SDA’s received a new
name from God – Davidian SDA
The Davidian Propaganda:
“The General Association of Davidian
Seventh-day Adventists was formed
because the SDA church would not
provide letters to Davidians to prove that
they were members of the SDA church, so
as to be exempt from combat duties in
World War II. Faced with this dilemma
the prophet was forced to form an
Accepting the additions to
the Shepherd’s Rod Message
and teaching for doctrines
the errors therein.
Suppose you would add an element to the milk, would it not be
a strange one? And if it be a strange one to the milk, would it
be foreign to the human system? If this be true, we must
conclude it would be poison to the human body. "But," you say,
"suppose I add the element of iron, it would not then be
poison." By adding another element, it would put the milk out
of balance, and it would be milk no longer. It is impossible for
human wisdom to improve on God's work. Just so, it is
impossible for us to neglect one of God's words and yet
maintain spiritual life, neither can we add, though the thing
may be good, as we may see it. It would throw the Word out
of balance, and it would be God's Word no longer, just as the
milk would be milk no longer. God's Word must be kept in the
human heart, pure and unadulterated, if we must live by it.
"This robe, woven in the loom of heaven has in it not one thread
of human devising."--Christ's Object Lessons, page 311.
{SR1: 143.2}
11 Symbolic Code No. 1
11 Symbolic Code No. 1
11 Symbolic Code No. 1
11SC2: 3:
From time to time, as the Lord directs, it will be the privilege of The
Symbolic Code to publish certain sermons delivered by the late Brother
V. T. Houteff through the years before the Timely Greetings series was
started. These sermons will be judiciously selected on the basis of their
current application to our present needs, from the most complete
collection of existing notes on his addresses since 1929. These
discourses should prove just as encouraging and helpful and perhaps
even more timely in view of the closing phase of the work for the church
than they were when they were delivered.
The sermon selected for this issue is the one the servant of the Lord
delivered May 13, 1944:
New Code 1st Sermon Date Intervening Years2nd Sermon Date Date Published
11SC No. 2 5/13/19 44 11 YearsDec. 1955
11SC No. 3 11/11/1944 11 YearsJan. 1956
11SC No. 4 5/27/1944 11 YearsFeb. 1956
11SC No. 6 3/31/1934 22 Years6/16/1934 Apr. 1956
11SC No. 7 9/21/1936 13 Years2/27/1943 May 1956
11SC No. 8 6/10/1944 12 YearsJune 1956
11SC No. 12 6/8/1946 10 YearsOct. 1956
12SC No. 1 3/14/1942 14 Years6/30/1942 Nov. 1956
12SC No. 2 7/20/1946 10 YearsDec. 1956
12SC No. 3 3/18/1939 17 YearsJan. 1957
12SC No. 4 5/6/1944 12 YearsFeb. 1957
12SC Nos. 5 7/15/1944 12 YearsMarch 1957
12SC Nos. 6, 7 4/24/1943 14 YearsApril-May 1957
12SC Nos. 8, 9 3/6/1943 13 YearsJune-July 1957
13SC No. 1, 2 6/15/1945 12 YearsNov.-Dec. 1957
13SC Nos. 3, 4 9/30/1939 18 Years6/22/1940 Jan.-Feb. 1958
In coming from the "golden altar," the command, "Loose the four angels," shows that
the sixth trumpet sounded sometime before the vail to the Most Holy apartment of
the heavenly sanctuary was lifted. Otherwise the voice would have come from the
throne -- the Most Holy place. (For detailed treatment of the lifting of the vail, see
Tract No. 3, The Harvest.) But as has been shown, we are still in the period of the fifth
trumpet, a fact which evokes the question: How, then, could the sixth trumpet have
sounded before the eventsof the fifth had expired? {T5: 78.4} 1942
It will be observed that though each of the trumpets begin at a definite time, yet
one overlaps the other, and all seven extend to the second coming of Christ. This is
seen in the coexistence of the truths of all seven. The flood (first trumpet), the Exodus
movement (second trumpet), the giving of the Old Testament Scriptures (third
trumpet), the church's going into captivity (fourth trumpet), Christ's first advent and
subsequent events (fifth trumpet), are all sounding louder today than ever before.
And as these truths constitute the gospel for today, it is evident that though the
trumpets run in consecutive order, each beginning at a different time, they all
continue in force to the end of the world, terminating therewith. Thus the rejection
of one being tantamount to the rejection of all seven, the lesson is sharply drawn that
to reject one truth is to reject the whole truth. {T5: 79.1} 1942
With the fourteenth verse of Revelation 9 begins the description of the sixth
trumpet, and it ends with the fourteenth verse of Revelation 11, which announces:
"The second woe [sixth trumpet] is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly."
Accordingly, each prophetic event recorded between Revelation 9:14 and 11:14 must
find its fulfillment in the period of the sixth trumpet -- between the first and the
second woes. {T5: 79.2} 1942
The subject of our study is found in Revelation, chapters 10 and 11.
We shall begin with-- Rev. 10:1 {2TG15: 3.1}
The subject of our study is found in Revelation, chapters 10 and 11.
We shall begin with-- Rev. 10:1 {2TG15: 3.1}
With the fourteenth verse of Revelation 9 begins the description of
the sixth trumpet, and it ends with the fourteenth verse of Revelation
11, ……... {T5: 79.2} 1942
The subject of our study is found in Revelation, chapters 10 and 11. We shall
begin with-- Rev. 10:1 {2TG15: 3.1}
With the fourteenth verse of Revelation 9 begins the description of the sixth
trumpet, and it ends with the fourteenth verse of Revelation 11, which
announces: "The second woe [sixth trumpet] is past; and, behold, the third
woe cometh quickly." Accordingly, each prophetic event recorded between
Revelation 9:14 and 11:14 must find its fulfillment in the period of the sixth
trumpet -- between the first and the second woes. {T5: 79.2} 1942
Rev. 10:8-10 -- "And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me
again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of
the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. And I went
unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said
unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it
shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. And I took the little book out of
the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey:
and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter."
To eat the book is, as it were, to "swallow" its sayings. The honey
sweet must be the joy that comes from its promises, and obviously the
bitter denotes inability to digest, to comprehend all, and thus a
disappointment. These, you know met fulfillment in the days of the
First Advent Movement, when through the study of the book of Daniel,
they learned that the cleansing of the Sanctuary (Dan. 8:14) was to
begin in the year 1844, but who misunderstood the cleansing to mean
the end of the world and the return of Christ. The disappointment came
after the set date had passed and after the expectation of the people
failed to materialize. {2TG15: 5.2}
Rev. 10:11--"And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many
peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings."
After the disappointment they were commanded to prophesy again; that is,
again to proclaim the cleansing of the Sanctuary. This work they were to do
among many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings, obviously not to all.
{2TG15: 6.1}
Thus it was that the first Advent Movement was reorganized and renamed,
Seventh-day Adventists. The Seventh-day Adventist organization, therefore,
will not finish the work. Its message does not go to all people, to all nations,
tongues, and kings. Consequently, the Church, too, is to be reorganized if the
Gospel of the Kingdom is to be preached to all nations. "'A revival and a
reformation must take place under the ministration of the Holy Spirit. Revival
and reformation are two different things. Revival signifies a renewal of
spiritual life, a quickening of the powers of mind and heart, a resurrection from
spiritual death. Reformation signifies a reorganization, a change in ideas and
theories, habits and practices.'" -- Christ Our Righteousness, pg. 121, 1941
edition. {2TG15: 6.2}
In coming from the "golden altar,"
the command, "Loose the four
angels," shows that the sixth
trumpet sounded sometime before
the vail to the Most Holy apartment
of the heavenly sanctuary was
lifted. Otherwise the voice would
have come from the throne -- the
Most Holy place. (For detailed
treatment of the lifting of the vail,
see Tract No. 3, The Harvest.) But as
has been shown, we are still in the
period of the fifth trumpet, a fact
which evokes the question: How,
then, could the sixth trumpet have
sounded before the events of the
fifth had expired?
Now we wish to ascertain what period we
are living in. At the sounding of the sixth
trumpet, the four angels are to be let loose
and they are then to kill a third part of men;
and their army, moreover, is to number
200,000,000 "horsemen" and that many
"horses." Since no such thing as this has
ever happened, it therefore speaks for itself
that the sixth trumpet is yet in the
future. It has not yet commenced to
In view of the fact that we are not living
in the sixth trumpet, let us ascertain
whether we may be in the sounding of the
fifth trumpet, or whether it, too, is yet
Florence Houteff’s Exec. CouncilThe Shepherd’s Rod
12SC2: 4.1-2 (7/20/46)TN5: 78.4 (1942)
Tract No. 5 – 1942
78.4 & 79.2
12 Symbolic Code No. 2 –
Sermon delivered 7/20/1946
Timely Greetings Vol. 2 No. 15
Study given 11/15/1947
Page 78.4: “…. the sixth
trumpet sounded
sometime before the
vail to the Most Holy
apartment of the
heavenly sanctuary
was lifted….”
Page 79.2: “With the
fourteenth verse of
Revelation 9 begins
the description of the
sixth trumpet, and it
ends with the
fourteenth verse of
Revelation 11 ….”
Page 4.1: “….. that the
sixth trumpet is yet in the
future. It has not yet
commenced to sound.”
Page 4.2: “In view of the
fact that we are not living
in the sixth trumpet, …..”
Page 8.0: “…we find
ourselves therefore living in
the period of the sounding
of the fifth trumpet—the
Christian period—before
the sounding of the sixth
Rev. 10:8-10 :
“…. These, you know
met fulfillment in the
days of the First
Advent Movement ….”
Rev. 10:11 :
“Thus it was that the
first Advent
Movement was
reorganized and
renamed, Seventh-day
Adventists. …”
Sermons taken from the
1955 to 1958 Symbolic Codes
Published by Florence Houteff & Company
The Symbolic Code
Volumes 1 – 5
That He remained in the tomb two nights and rose on Sunday; that the three days and
three nights is the time from His first legal trial to the time of His resurrection; that the
heart of the earth has been erroneously interpreted to mean the grave, when, instead,
it is, as Jonah's experience shows, symbolical of Christ's imprisonment in the hands of
sinners and in the tomb (Matt. 20:19; 16:21; 17:22, 23; 27:63; Luke 9:22; 24:21; 18:33;
24:7; -- "Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the
dead the third day." (Luke 24:46); that the sign of the "three days and three nights"
literally is fulfilled from Thursday morning, the time of His legal trial, to Sunday
morning when He arose; that the paschal lamb, which was about to be killed when
Jesus was on the cross, was not that which was killed on the first day of the Passover
week, the fourteenth day of the month, but that which was killed on the sixteenth day,
the second day of the feasts; -- all these conclusions are firmly
founded on the solid facts established herein in simplicity;
not, dear reader, on fables or on translations unknown to you,
or on so-called "original manuscripts," which you yourself
cannot read, and which are not accessible to you, and some
of which do not even exist! {TN10: 15.1}

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Presentation no. 7 – part one – section ii – continued

  • 1.
  • 3. World War II caused Davidians to organize themselves into an Association. TRUE or FALSE?
  • 4. The Davidian Propaganda: “The General Association of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists was formed because the SDA church would not provide letters to Davidians to prove that they were members of the SDA church, so as to be exempt from combat duties in World War II. Faced with this dilemma the prophet was forced to form an association.” True or False?
  • 5. World History Davidian History Date 10/29/1929 Event Date Event Stock Market on Wall Street crashed 11/8/1932 Franklin Roosevelt elected President of the USA 8/19/1934 Hitler became Fuhrer of Germany 9/1/1939 9/3/1939 9/14/1940 12/7/1941 1/6/1929 First Present Truth study given by Bro. Victor T. Houteff 10/2/1932 Shepherd’s Rod Volume two published 1934 The General Association of Shepherd’s Rod Seventh-day Adventists organized 10/25/1939 10/26/1939 12/8/1941 5/8/1945 9/2/1945 11/1941 12/10/1940 2/5/1955 1943
  • 6. DIRECTORY of The General Association of The Shepherd's Rod Seventh-Day Adventists ORGANIZED 1934 TERRITORY: THE WORLD {3SC2: 3}
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. World History Davidian History Date 10/29/1929 Event Date Event Stock Market on Wall Street crashed 11/8/1932 Franklin Roosevelt elected President of the USA 8/19/1934 Hitler became Fuhrer of Germany 9/1/1939 Nazis invaded Poland 9/3/1939 Britain, France, Australia & New Zealand declared war on Germany 9/14/1940 Conscription Bill passed 12/7/1941 1/6/1929 First Present Truth study given by Bro. Victor T. Houteff 10/2/1932 Shepherd’s Rod Volume two published 1934 The General Association of Shepherd’s Rod Seventh-day Adventists organized 10/25/1939 First commemoration of history review – Day of Days 10/26/1939 First child born on Mt. Carmel 12/8/1941 5/8/1945 9/2/1945 11/1941 12/10/1940 2/5/1955 1943
  • 13. Signed into law by Franklin Roosevelt in 1940, the Act established the first peace-time draft in United States history. Under the Selective Training and Service Act, all American males between twenty-one and thirty-six years of age registered for the draft. The government selected men through a lottery system. If drafted, a man served for twelve months.
  • 14. Section 5(g) of the Act contained a provision for conscientious objection: Nothing contained in this Act shall be constructed to require any person to be subject to combatant training and service in the land and naval forces of the United States who, by reason of religious training and belief, is conscientiously opposed to participation in war in any form. Any such person claiming such exemption from combatant training and service because of such conscientious objections whose claim is sustained by the local draft board shall, if he is inducted into the land or naval forces under this Act, be assigned to noncombatant service as defined by the President, or shall if he is found to be conscientiously opposed to participation in such noncombatant service, in lieu of such induction, be assigned to work of national importance under civilian direction.
  • 15. The draft began in October 1940. By the early summer of 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt asked the U.S. Congress to extend the term of duty for the draftees beyond twelve months. On August 12, the United States House of Representatives approved the extension by a single vote. The Senate approved it by a wider margin, and Roosevelt signed the bill into law on August 18, 1941.
  • 16. World History Davidian History Date 10/29/1929 Event Date Event Stock Market on Wall Street crashed 11/8/1932 Franklin Roosevelt elected President of the USA 8/19/1934 Hitler became Fuhrer of Germany 9/1/1939 Nazis invaded Poland 9/3/1939 Britain, France, Australia & New Zealand declared war on Germany 9/14/1940 Conscription Bill passed 12/7/1941 1/6/1929 First Present Truth study given by Bro. Victor T. Houteff 10/2/1932 Shepherd’s Rod Volume two published 1934 The General Association of Shepherd’s Rod Seventh-day Adventists organized 10/25/1939 First commemoration of history review – Day of Days 10/26/1939 First child born on Mt. Carmel 12/8/1941 5/8/1945 9/2/1945 11/1941 12/6/1940 SROD SDA’s position on conscription 2/5/1955 1943
  • 17. SPECIAL NOTICE For All SROD Members Of Military Conscription Age THE SHEPHERD'S ROD SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS' DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES CONCERNING CONSCRIPTION (These principles underlie our conscientious objections to signing either Statement A or Statement B, unqualified, under "Claim for Exemption" in "Special Form for Conscientious Objectors.") 6SC7-12: 11.1.1
  • 18. CONTINGENT CONCLUSION: Should the "Selective Service Regulations" Authorities honor the position herein set forth (vegetarian diet and Sabbath privileges), enjoined upon us by our faith, we then, in all conscience must sign Statement A. PROVISIONAL (FINAL) CONCLUSION: Statement A________ or B________ NOTE: Our principles do not permit us to acquiesce in signing Statement B if you can make it possible for us to sign Statement A. In the light of this explanation, will the Authorities be so kind as to please designate which statement they would prefer us to sign? We are at a loss to know how to proceed, until we hear from you. Signed: THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE {6SC7-12: 11.2.5-6}
  • 19. The Government's answer to this appeal is as follows: STATE HEADQUARTERS FOR SELECTIVE SERVICE AUSTIN, TEXAS Headquarters of The Shepherd's Rod December 10, 1940 Seventh Day Adventists Waco, Texas RE: Conscientious Objectors Gentlemen: Your communications dated December 6th, 1940, have been received by State Headquarters of Selective Service and referred to this department for reply. Volume Three, paragraphs 363-366, inclusive, of Selective Service Regulations set up the procedure to be followed on claims of conscientious objectors and their classification. {6SC7-12: 12}
  • 20. A wide discretion is vested in the Local Boards in passing on such claims. Paragraph 363 provides that "a registrant who claims to be a conscientious objector shall offer information in substantiation of his claim on a special form (Form 47) which when filed shall become a part of his questionnaire. The local board, upon request, shall furnish any person claiming to be a conscientious objector, a copy of such special form (Form 47). In the case of any registrant who claims to be a conscientious objector, the local board shall proceed in the ordinary course to classify him upon all other grounds of deferment, and shall investigate and pass upon his claim as a conscientious objector only if, after physical examination, but for such claim, he would have been placed in Class I-A, Class I- B, Class I-D, or Class I-E. The procedure for appeal from a decision of the local board on a claim for conscientious objection is provided for in paragraph 375.“{6SC7-12: 12}
  • 21. It would therefore follow from the above Quoted Regulations that each claim depends upon its own merits which must be presented to the local board having jurisdiction over the claim. It is not possible to issue any blanket rule or regulation which will be applicable to all claims of conscientious objectors. Further, we can not assume that all members of your sect will feel exactly alike or will assert claims based on the same identical facts, so it is our opinion that all members of your sect who desire to present claims for classification as conscientious objectors shall present them to their respective boards having jurisdiction over their claims and that the local boards act on their Individual claims based on the facts presented by each individual registrant. In the event any of the Local boards desire an opinion from the Director of Selective Service or this department on any individual registrant's claim, then such board will request of the Director or of this department an opinion in the event one is desired. For the Director Signed: Q. C. Taylor Major, J. A. G. D. QCT:zp Legal Division {6SC7-12: 12}
  • 22. World History Davidian History Date 10/29/1929 Event Date Event Stock Market on Wall Street crashed 11/8/1932 Franklin Roosevelt elected President of the USA 8/19/1934 Hitler became Fuhrer of Germany 9/1/1939 Nazis invaded Poland 9/3/1939 Britain, France, Australia & New Zealand declared war on Germany 9/14/1940 Conscription Bill passed 12/7/1941 Japan bombed Pearl Harbor 1/6/1929 First Present Truth study given by Bro. Victor T. Houteff 10/2/1932 Shepherd’s Rod Volume two published 1934 The General Association of Shepherd’s Rod Seventh-day Adventists organized 10/25/1939 First commemoration of history review – Day of Days 10/26/1939 First child born on Mt. Carmel 11/1941 Flag of Christ’s Kingdom designed 12/10/1940 SROD SDA’s position on conscription 12/8/1941 USA declared war on Japan 5/8/1945 9/2/1945 2/5/1955 1943 SROD SDA’s received a new name from God – Davidian SDA
  • 23. AFTER TWELVE YEARS To keep alive the hope that the brethren as a whole would sooner or later embrace the sealing message, the Divine Author of this "closing work for the church" (Testimonies, Vol. 3, p. 266) has hitherto given His messengers no title. Hence the name of their publication, The Shepherd's Rod, has naturally been attached to them. {8SC1-12: 24.1.1} Having now, though, at the closing of its twelfth year, progressed to the publication of the "Leviticus," the Association receives from this governmental organ, the name, Davidian Seventh-day Adventists. No longer, therefore, does it borrow its name from its publications. The inception of this governmental set-up, along with the name, suggests that the long-predicted Davidian Kingdom is about to be ushered in. {8SC1-12: 24.1.2}
  • 24. World History Davidian History Date 10/29/1929 Event Date Event Stock Market on Wall Street crashed 11/8/1932 Franklin Roosevelt elected President of the USA 8/19/1934 Hitler became Fuhrer of Germany 9/1/1939 Nazis invaded Poland 9/3/1939 Britain, France, Australia & New Zealand declared war on Germany 9/14/1940 Conscription Bill passed 12/7/1941 Japan bombed Pearl Harbor 1/6/1929 First Present Truth study given by Bro. Victor T. Houteff 10/2/1932 Shepherd’s Rod Volume two published 1934 The General Association of Shepherd’s Rod Seventh-day Adventists organized 10/25/1939 First commemoration of history review – Day of Days 10/26/1939 First child born on Mt. Carmel 11/1941 Flag of Christ’s Kingdom designed 12/10/1940 SROD SDA’s position on conscription 12/8/1941 USA declared war on Japan 5/8/1945 V-E Day (Victory in Europe) 9/2/1945 Japan’s formal surrender 2/5/1955 Bro. Victor T. Houteff died 1943 SROD SDA’s received a new name from God – Davidian SDA
  • 25. The Davidian Propaganda: “The General Association of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists was formed because the SDA church would not provide letters to Davidians to prove that they were members of the SDA church, so as to be exempt from combat duties in World War II. Faced with this dilemma the prophet was forced to form an association.” False
  • 26. Accepting the additions to the Shepherd’s Rod Message and teaching for doctrines the errors therein.
  • 27. Suppose you would add an element to the milk, would it not be a strange one? And if it be a strange one to the milk, would it be foreign to the human system? If this be true, we must conclude it would be poison to the human body. "But," you say, "suppose I add the element of iron, it would not then be poison." By adding another element, it would put the milk out of balance, and it would be milk no longer. It is impossible for human wisdom to improve on God's work. Just so, it is impossible for us to neglect one of God's words and yet maintain spiritual life, neither can we add, though the thing may be good, as we may see it. It would throw the Word out of balance, and it would be God's Word no longer, just as the milk would be milk no longer. God's Word must be kept in the human heart, pure and unadulterated, if we must live by it. "This robe, woven in the loom of heaven has in it not one thread of human devising."--Christ's Object Lessons, page 311. {SR1: 143.2}
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33. 11SC2: 3: From time to time, as the Lord directs, it will be the privilege of The Symbolic Code to publish certain sermons delivered by the late Brother V. T. Houteff through the years before the Timely Greetings series was started. These sermons will be judiciously selected on the basis of their current application to our present needs, from the most complete collection of existing notes on his addresses since 1929. These discourses should prove just as encouraging and helpful and perhaps even more timely in view of the closing phase of the work for the church than they were when they were delivered. The sermon selected for this issue is the one the servant of the Lord delivered May 13, 1944:
  • 34. New Code 1st Sermon Date Intervening Years2nd Sermon Date Date Published 11SC No. 2 5/13/19 44 11 YearsDec. 1955 11SC No. 3 11/11/1944 11 YearsJan. 1956 11SC No. 4 5/27/1944 11 YearsFeb. 1956 11SC No. 6 3/31/1934 22 Years6/16/1934 Apr. 1956 11SC No. 7 9/21/1936 13 Years2/27/1943 May 1956 11SC No. 8 6/10/1944 12 YearsJune 1956 11SC No. 12 6/8/1946 10 YearsOct. 1956 12SC No. 1 3/14/1942 14 Years6/30/1942 Nov. 1956 12SC No. 2 7/20/1946 10 YearsDec. 1956 12SC No. 3 3/18/1939 17 YearsJan. 1957 12SC No. 4 5/6/1944 12 YearsFeb. 1957 12SC Nos. 5 7/15/1944 12 YearsMarch 1957 12SC Nos. 6, 7 4/24/1943 14 YearsApril-May 1957 12SC Nos. 8, 9 3/6/1943 13 YearsJune-July 1957 13SC No. 1, 2 6/15/1945 12 YearsNov.-Dec. 1957 13SC Nos. 3, 4 9/30/1939 18 Years6/22/1940 Jan.-Feb. 1958
  • 35. In coming from the "golden altar," the command, "Loose the four angels," shows that the sixth trumpet sounded sometime before the vail to the Most Holy apartment of the heavenly sanctuary was lifted. Otherwise the voice would have come from the throne -- the Most Holy place. (For detailed treatment of the lifting of the vail, see Tract No. 3, The Harvest.) But as has been shown, we are still in the period of the fifth trumpet, a fact which evokes the question: How, then, could the sixth trumpet have sounded before the eventsof the fifth had expired? {T5: 78.4} 1942 It will be observed that though each of the trumpets begin at a definite time, yet one overlaps the other, and all seven extend to the second coming of Christ. This is seen in the coexistence of the truths of all seven. The flood (first trumpet), the Exodus movement (second trumpet), the giving of the Old Testament Scriptures (third trumpet), the church's going into captivity (fourth trumpet), Christ's first advent and subsequent events (fifth trumpet), are all sounding louder today than ever before. And as these truths constitute the gospel for today, it is evident that though the trumpets run in consecutive order, each beginning at a different time, they all continue in force to the end of the world, terminating therewith. Thus the rejection of one being tantamount to the rejection of all seven, the lesson is sharply drawn that to reject one truth is to reject the whole truth. {T5: 79.1} 1942 With the fourteenth verse of Revelation 9 begins the description of the sixth trumpet, and it ends with the fourteenth verse of Revelation 11, which announces: "The second woe [sixth trumpet] is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly." Accordingly, each prophetic event recorded between Revelation 9:14 and 11:14 must find its fulfillment in the period of the sixth trumpet -- between the first and the second woes. {T5: 79.2} 1942
  • 36. THAT WHICH IS TO BE DURING THE SIXTH TRUMPET WHILE PROBATION STILL LASTS TEXT OF ADDRESS BY V.T. HOUTEFF, MINISTER OF D. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS SABBATH, NOVEMBER 15,1947 MT. CARMEL CHAPEL WACO, TEXAS The subject of our study is found in Revelation, chapters 10 and 11. We shall begin with-- Rev. 10:1 {2TG15: 3.1}
  • 37. THAT WHICH IS TO BE DURING THE SIXTH TRUMPET WHILE PROBATION STILL LASTS TEXT OF ADDRESS BY V.T. HOUTEFF, MINISTER OF D. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS SABBATH, NOVEMBER 15,1947 MT. CARMEL CHAPEL WACO, TEXAS The subject of our study is found in Revelation, chapters 10 and 11. We shall begin with-- Rev. 10:1 {2TG15: 3.1} With the fourteenth verse of Revelation 9 begins the description of the sixth trumpet, and it ends with the fourteenth verse of Revelation 11, ……... {T5: 79.2} 1942
  • 38. THAT WHICH IS TO BE DURING THE SIXTH TRUMPET WHILE PROBATION STILL LASTS TEXT OF ADDRESS BY V.T. HOUTEFF, MINISTER OF D. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS SABBATH, NOVEMBER 15,1947 MT. CARMEL CHAPEL WACO, TEXAS The subject of our study is found in Revelation, chapters 10 and 11. We shall begin with-- Rev. 10:1 {2TG15: 3.1} With the fourteenth verse of Revelation 9 begins the description of the sixth trumpet, and it ends with the fourteenth verse of Revelation 11, which announces: "The second woe [sixth trumpet] is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly." Accordingly, each prophetic event recorded between Revelation 9:14 and 11:14 must find its fulfillment in the period of the sixth trumpet -- between the first and the second woes. {T5: 79.2} 1942
  • 39. Rev. 10:8-10 -- "And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter." To eat the book is, as it were, to "swallow" its sayings. The honey sweet must be the joy that comes from its promises, and obviously the bitter denotes inability to digest, to comprehend all, and thus a disappointment. These, you know met fulfillment in the days of the First Advent Movement, when through the study of the book of Daniel, they learned that the cleansing of the Sanctuary (Dan. 8:14) was to begin in the year 1844, but who misunderstood the cleansing to mean the end of the world and the return of Christ. The disappointment came after the set date had passed and after the expectation of the people failed to materialize. {2TG15: 5.2}
  • 40. Rev. 10:11--"And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings." After the disappointment they were commanded to prophesy again; that is, again to proclaim the cleansing of the Sanctuary. This work they were to do among many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings, obviously not to all. {2TG15: 6.1} Thus it was that the first Advent Movement was reorganized and renamed, Seventh-day Adventists. The Seventh-day Adventist organization, therefore, will not finish the work. Its message does not go to all people, to all nations, tongues, and kings. Consequently, the Church, too, is to be reorganized if the Gospel of the Kingdom is to be preached to all nations. "'A revival and a reformation must take place under the ministration of the Holy Spirit. Revival and reformation are two different things. Revival signifies a renewal of spiritual life, a quickening of the powers of mind and heart, a resurrection from spiritual death. Reformation signifies a reorganization, a change in ideas and theories, habits and practices.'" -- Christ Our Righteousness, pg. 121, 1941 edition. {2TG15: 6.2}
  • 41. In coming from the "golden altar," the command, "Loose the four angels," shows that the sixth trumpet sounded sometime before the vail to the Most Holy apartment of the heavenly sanctuary was lifted. Otherwise the voice would have come from the throne -- the Most Holy place. (For detailed treatment of the lifting of the vail, see Tract No. 3, The Harvest.) But as has been shown, we are still in the period of the fifth trumpet, a fact which evokes the question: How, then, could the sixth trumpet have sounded before the events of the fifth had expired? Now we wish to ascertain what period we are living in. At the sounding of the sixth trumpet, the four angels are to be let loose and they are then to kill a third part of men; and their army, moreover, is to number 200,000,000 "horsemen" and that many "horses." Since no such thing as this has ever happened, it therefore speaks for itself that the sixth trumpet is yet in the future. It has not yet commenced to sound. In view of the fact that we are not living in the sixth trumpet, let us ascertain whether we may be in the sounding of the fifth trumpet, or whether it, too, is yet future. Florence Houteff’s Exec. CouncilThe Shepherd’s Rod 12SC2: 4.1-2 (7/20/46)TN5: 78.4 (1942)
  • 42. Tract No. 5 – 1942 78.4 & 79.2 12 Symbolic Code No. 2 – Sermon delivered 7/20/1946 Timely Greetings Vol. 2 No. 15 Study given 11/15/1947 Page 78.4: “…. the sixth trumpet sounded sometime before the vail to the Most Holy apartment of the heavenly sanctuary was lifted….” Page 79.2: “With the fourteenth verse of Revelation 9 begins the description of the sixth trumpet, and it ends with the fourteenth verse of Revelation 11 ….” Page 4.1: “….. that the sixth trumpet is yet in the future. It has not yet commenced to sound.” Page 4.2: “In view of the fact that we are not living in the sixth trumpet, …..” Page 8.0: “…we find ourselves therefore living in the period of the sounding of the fifth trumpet—the Christian period—before the sounding of the sixth trumpet.” THAT WHICH IS TO BE DURING THE SIXTH TRUMPET WHILE PROBATION STILL LASTS Rev. 10:8-10 : “…. These, you know met fulfillment in the days of the First Advent Movement ….” Rev. 10:11 : “Thus it was that the first Advent Movement was reorganized and renamed, Seventh-day Adventists. …”
  • 43. Sermons taken from the 1955 to 1958 Symbolic Codes Published by Florence Houteff & Company The Symbolic Code Volumes 1 – 5
  • 44. That He remained in the tomb two nights and rose on Sunday; that the three days and three nights is the time from His first legal trial to the time of His resurrection; that the heart of the earth has been erroneously interpreted to mean the grave, when, instead, it is, as Jonah's experience shows, symbolical of Christ's imprisonment in the hands of sinners and in the tomb (Matt. 20:19; 16:21; 17:22, 23; 27:63; Luke 9:22; 24:21; 18:33; 24:7; -- "Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day." (Luke 24:46); that the sign of the "three days and three nights" literally is fulfilled from Thursday morning, the time of His legal trial, to Sunday morning when He arose; that the paschal lamb, which was about to be killed when Jesus was on the cross, was not that which was killed on the first day of the Passover week, the fourteenth day of the month, but that which was killed on the sixteenth day, the second day of the feasts; -- all these conclusions are firmly founded on the solid facts established herein in simplicity; not, dear reader, on fables or on translations unknown to you, or on so-called "original manuscripts," which you yourself cannot read, and which are not accessible to you, and some of which do not even exist! {TN10: 15.1}