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Clustering of very
                     low energy particles
                     Carmen Iglesias
                     IFIC-University of Valencia
                     Dpt. Fisica AMN

ATLAS Calorimetry Calibration Workshop, Štrba, Slovakia Dec 1 - 4, 2004
   Summary of the last analysis
   Topoclusters in 8.2.0
   Study the overlapping
   Preliminary Combined TB analysis
     Tile Noise = 70 MeV, LArEM Noise = 70 MeV
     Tile Noise = 25 MeV, LArEM Noise = 70 MeV
                                                  Very preliminary!!!
     Seed_cut=4, Neigh_cut=2
     CaloNoiseTool aplied
Summary of the last
                         Seed Cell

Neighbour Cell

Summary last analysis (I)
   Use samples of single particles at very low Et (VLE), (because this is the range of
    energy better to apply Energy Flow Algorithm) at eta=0.3 and phi=1.59:
      π0’s of 1, 3, 5, 10 and 30 GeV
      Neutrons of 1, 3, 5, 10 and 30 GeV
      π+’s of 1, 3, 5, 10 and 30 GeV
    in order to generated ntuples with 1000 events.

   Start with these thresholds for Seed Cell and Neighbour cells of the Topocluster:
      Seed: E_cell/σ_noise=30 ->usual cut for particles of normal ET
      Neighbour: E_cell/σ_noise=3
     Compare different thresholds of the Noise in EM for the reconstruction of
     CaloTopoCluster of VLE particles:
      EM Noise=10 MeV (Non realistic case, only to check with VLE particles)
      EM Noise=70 MeV (Fix Value by default for EM cal in Sven’s code)
      CaloNoiseTool=true (package with a model for the electronic noise)

   Repeat the analysis for lower threshold of Seed Cell and Neighbour cells :
      Seed: E_cell/σ_noise=6, 5, 4 -> cut for particles of very low ET
      Neighbour: E_cell/σ_noise=3, 2.5, 2
Summary last analysis (II)
   First, calculate the ET deposited in all CELLs of the calorimeter and consider it as
    the “reference Energy Flow”, i.e., the best resolution that could be reach for the
    most sophisticated algorithm taking into account the whole ET in all the calorimeter.

   For π0’s, compare the resolution of “reference Energy Flow” with the resolution of:
      Sliding Window Cluster
      EGAMMA cluster
      TOPOcluster in EM calorim: XXX_topoEM
   For π+’s and neutrons, compare the resolution of “reference Energy Flow” with :
      TOPOcluster in EM and Tile: XXX_topoEM and XXX_topoTile (7.8.0 release)
      PT of TRACKS from XKalman

   Finally, study the ET inside a cone with a radius ∆R=√∆η2+∆φ2
         Neutral pions
            Cone’s centred in η-φ coord of EGAMMA cluster
            Cone’s centred in η-φ coord of TOPO cluster in EM cal
            Cone’s centred in η-φ coord of TRUTH generated π0
         Charged pions
            Cone’s centred in η-φ of TRUTH generated π±
            Cone’s centred in η-φ of TRACK position at 2nd layer
         Neutrons
            Cone’s centred in η-φ of TRUTH generated neutrons
Summary of the preliminary conclusions
   In TOPOCLUSTER using CaloNoiseTool package and applying:
        Seed_cut: E_cell/σ_noise = 4
        Neighbour_cut: E_cell/σ_noise = 2
    obtain the best values of resolution for π+'s, π0's and neutrons (Even better than
    EGamma resolution for π0’s)
    eliminate the low efficiency of TOPOclusters for single particles at 1, 3, and 5GeV.
    obtain the largest amount of ET deposited inside the TOPOclusters (Even larger
    than the ET deposited insider EGamma clusters for π0’s)

   The best algo for the recon of the clusters from single particles at very low ET is:
      For π±’s: Track-cone with ∆R<0.2
          TOPO give good results but worse than the two cone algorithms .

      For neutrons: Truth-cone with ∆R<0.2
             TOPO with Seed_cut=4 and Neigh_cut=2 is very near and it’s better at 1 and 3 GeV.
        For π0’s: Truth-cone with ∆R<0.1
             but TOPO is very near and it’s better at 1 GeV.
             EGAMMA give worse resolution, in general, is a better algo at 1 GeV

TOPO algorithm is very competitive for neutrons and π0’s, for π±’s TOPO is a good
algo but not enough, for now (I must test 8.2.0 release still)
Topoclusters in 8.2.0
Release 8.2.0
   Reconstruction Packages
        RecExample-00-00-94
        RecExCommon-00-02-09
        RecExTB-00-00-27
   Calorimeter Packages
        CaloRec-02-02-19

   Main Changes in this Release:
      “super-cluster”: one cluster for all calorim (EM+HEC+FCal+TCal=1region)

        Splitter: Split clusters based on topological neighboring and E density defined
         local maxima.
            The cells in a cluster are searched for local maxima by means of energy density.
            The so found local maxima are used as seeds for a topological clustering as in
            the CaloTopo-ClusterMaker.
        Information about cells wich form the TOPOcluster
              I can analyse the ET of the cells inside TOPOcluster I can study
              the best cut in ET of cell without and with noise.

   Can use macro ROOT
TopoClusters in 8.2.0
ET Resolution and Mean of ET_Cluster/ET_gen are better than in 7.8.0 Release, even
when the noise is applied. This improvement is larger at very low ET
  π+’s                     ET resolution          Mean of ET_Cluster/ET_gen
       ET (GeV)    7.8.0      8.2.0    % improv   7.8.0     8.2.0   % improv
          1        56.30      44.57        26.3   0.528     1.05      49.7
          3        45.65      38.87        17.4   0.5807   0.8708     41,9
          5        33.82      30.65        10.3   0.6522   0.8412     22.5
          10       22.41      20.84        7.5    0.7613   0.864      11.9
          30       13.91      13.36        4.1    0.8128   0.8515     4.9

   neu                     ET resolution          Mean of ET_Cluster/ET_gen
       ET (GeV)    7.8.0      8.2.0    % improv   7.8.0     8.2.0   % improv
          1        64.31                    ---   0.357               49.7
          3        57.54      46.19        24.6   0.406    0.681      40.4
          5        40.41      34.04        18.7   0.498    0.687      27.5
          10       23.98      22.43        7.5    0.643    0.749      14.9
          30       12.39      11.94        4.1    0.770    0.811      4.1
Study the overlapping
Efficiency of algorithm is limited by the overlap between
neutral and charged particles in the cell of the calorimeter

   Use samples of π±’s, neutrons
     and π0’s
    (instead of only single particles)

   Estimate the existence of overlapping (a neutral hadron inside the cluster defined
    from the track of the charged pion) and its influence in the ET resolution
       Particles far away in ∆R space
       Particles closer in ∆R space (∆R=0.1)
       Particles closer in ∆R space below 0.1

   Generate Root-tuples using:
      8.2.0 (without Splitter)
      8.2.0 (with Splitter)             compare the multiplicity and the ET resolution

   Do plots with Macro ROOT and see the maximum density points
Samples (nearby particles)
Multiparticles samples based on DC1 events simulated with electronic noise (but without
pile-up) in the barrel region (|η|<1.5)
                                                                                   η=0.35 and φ=1.63
    In general                    Particles far away in ∆R space
      Pi0pim55: π0=5GeV π+-=5GeV   Pi0pimneu10hfar: π0=10GeV π-+=10GeV neu=10 GeV
      Pi0pip28: π0= 2GeV π+=8GeV   Pi0pimneu10hfareta2
      Pi0pip82: π0= 8GeV π+=2GeV   Pi0pimneu5hfar: π0=5GeV π+=5GeV neu=5GeV
                                             Pi0pimneu5hfareta2
   Particles closer in ∆R space (∆R=0.1)
      Pi0pimneu10d1010: π0=10GeV π+-=10GeV neu=10 GeV
      Pi0pimneu555d1010: π0=5GeV π+-=5GeV neu=5GeV

           Froidevaux’s EFlow results: as long as particles not closer than ∆R=0.1, Eflow performance
           is stable…(but still needs improvement!)

   Particles closer in ∆R space below 0.1
      Pi0pim77d05: π0=7GeV π+-=7GeV in a distance ∆R=0.05
      Pi0pimneu555d0505: π0=5GeV π+-=5GeV neu=10 GeV at ∆R=0.05 and ∆R=0.05
      Pi0pip1010d05: π0=10GeV π+-=10GeV in a distance ∆R=0.05
      Pi0pip55d07: π0=5GeV π+=5GeV in a distance ∆R=0.07

           Froidevaux’s EFlow results: as ∆R between particles decrease below 0.1, Eflow response
           Degrades and develops significant tails (there is were the full use of ATLAS calor granularity,
           lateral and longitudinal, will surely provide improvements)
ROOT plots: Particles far away in ∆R space
Pi0pimneu10hfar (N0 Splitter)

 Is possible to distinguish 3 cluster from ECAL Middle layer up to Tile 2
ROOT plots: Particles closer in ∆R space (∆R=0.1)

Is possible to distinguish 3 cluster but only at the end of ECAL and in TILE
ROOT plots: Particles closer in ∆R space below 0.1
Pi0pip1010d05 (N0 Splitter)

 The two cluster are very closevery difficult to distinguish!!
ET resolution
Calculate resolution with and without Splitter Cluster applied in Topoclusters:
      Particles far away in ∆R space
                                   ET Resolution          Mean of ET_Cluster/ET_gen
                        No Splitter         Splitter    No Splitter       Spliter
      pi0pimneu10hfar      10.26             10.21       0.8171          0.8185
      pi0pimneu5hfar       14.97             14.70       0.7535          0.7543

      Particles closer in ∆R space (∆R=0.1)
                         No Splitter        Splitter    No Splitter       Spliter
 pi0pimneu10d1010           9.34             9.32        0.8282           0.8287
 pi0pimneu555d1010         13.96             14.17       0.7715           0.7717
      Particles closer in ∆R space below 0.1 (∆R=0.05 and ∆R=0.07)

                         No Splitter         Splitter   No Splitter        Spliter
  pi0pim77d05               11.87            11.89        0.8969           0.8975
  pi0pimneu555d0505         14.51            14.55        0.7786           0.7801
  pi0pip1010d05              9.04              9.00       0.9093            0.91
  pi0pip55d07               14.77            14.74        0.8926           0.8944
First conclusions
   Very similar results!!, even in the case of particles generated to be very
    close (∆R=0.05 and ∆R=0.07)

   EtDensityCut: All local maximum candidates must also pass it, specifying the
    min Et divided by the volume of the cell in order to be accepted as local max.
      The default value corresponds to Et= 500 MeV in a LArEM barrel layer 2 cell
              EtDensityCut = 500*MeV/600000*mm3

   Very low energetic particles don't produce big local maxima  as I I lowered the
    Seed_cut for topocluster maker I might to try lowering the seed cut in the splitter
    by the same factor
      I going to investigate the deposited ET in a LArEM barrel layer 2 cell by
           Charged Hadrons at VLE
           Neutral Hadrons at VLE
ET deposited in EM cell of 2nd layer
Charged pions

Neutral pions

the mean ET deposited in cell of EM on the 2nd layer for π±’s and π0’s at very low
ET is ~280 MeV. So I'm going to change the EtDensityCut from the default value
(500*MeV/600000*mm3) to 250*MeV/600000*mm3.
ET resolution with Splitter
 BUT the value of ET Resolution using the default EtDensityCut and
 250*MeV/600000*mm3 in the 3 cases:
       Particles far away in ∆R space
       Particles closer in ∆R space (∆R=0.1)
       Particles closer in ∆R space below 0.1 (∆R=0.05 and ∆R=0.07)
 are identical !!!

Even when I try to repeat the ROOT plots, I obtain the same plots!! 

 so :
 From my results(*), I only can conclude that Splitter cluster can not be used to
 study the overlap of particle at very low energy (only useful for energetic particles)

(*) I don’t think that it will be a code fault because I was talking with S. Menke about the way to
change EtDensityCut value in the code (in CaloRec/share/
Preliminary Combined
TB analysis (8.8.0)
Offline reconstruction root-tuple
     CALO/168 contains the eta, phi, energy (in MeV) per LAr cell
           nhit: total number of cells ecell: total energy   EtaCells: eta
           NCells: number of cells in ntuple                 PhiCells: phi
           ECells: energy (MeV)                              DetCells: pseudo identifier

     CALO/169 contains the same for Tile cell
     TB/Tree contains the information about clusters
          we have, for the time being, 4 times the final number of variables in the ntuple :
             em and combined clusters (sliding window),

             topo_em and topo_tile clusters.

    Emcluster: clusters from the sliding window algorithm
    Tbemclusters: clusters from an algorithm that have been used in previous
    test beam. It has been added to allow comparison. It is a window of 3 by 3 cells.
    Emclusters and tbemclusters use only cells from the Larg calorimeter.
    Cmbclusters: sliding window clusters but they are done on towers (larg+tile)
    and not anymore on cells. It is not working for the moment because of a coordinate
    problem between LAr and Tile, LAr is shifted with respect to Tile by "half module" :
          TileCal has just 3 modules -0.15 < eta < +0.15
           LAr has -0.2 < eta < 0.2,
          i.e. there are 3 slices with ∆φ=0.1 in Tile and 4 slices in LAr, shifted by half of the slice
    topo_em & topo_tile clusters:
Preliminary Results

By default LArEM Noise=70.0MeV
and in this case this value is also
used for Tile
ET Resolution
η= 0.20     run     EM_SW       TB_EM_SW        TOPO_Em       TOPO_Tile TOPO_total
  9 GeV   2101022      8.91          7.26           9.44          70.49       11.54
  8 GeV   2101024     10.09          8.15           10.80         57.34       13.93
  7 GeV   2101086     11.73          9.11           12.36         46.03       16.56
  6 GeV   2101025     13.47         10.35           14.24         41.87       38.50
  5 GeV   2101026     17.01         12.64           18.40         35.17       39.88
  3 GeV   2101087     16.19         22.34           71.12         23.80       33.33
  2 GeV   2101088     14.15         73.84           70.15         22.84       40.20
  1 GeV   2101089       ----        63.14           59.76        ----------   -------

          Sliding Window give an slightly better resolution than Topo

 Very strange plots at 1 GeV: may be due to the low number of cluster well-defined
  Very bad result at very low energy (3, 2 and 1 GeV) for TOPO_Em
  For TOPO_Tile the ET resolution decrease with the energy instead of increasing!!!
 There is a big lost of energy in Tile from 9 to 5 GeV, but from 3 GeV it decrease
Mean Value of ET_cluster/ET_generated
          run     EM_SW       TB_EM_SW       TOPO_Em       TOPO_Tile TOPO_total
9 GeV   2101022     1.108         1.015         1.048         0.221             1.061
8 GeV   2101024     1.076         0.9841        1.012         0.2588            1.029
7 GeV   2101086     1.065         0.974         0.9978         0.29             1.011
6 GeV   2101025     1.053         0.9622        0.981         0.3479        0.9106
5 GeV   2101026     1.021         0.9341        0.9393        0.4259        0.7064
3 GeV   2101087     1.187         0.8738        0.5521        0.6884        0.8787
2 GeV   2101088     1.629         0.3937        0.4946        1.029             1.144
1 GeV   2101089      ----         0.6067        0.7152       ----------         -------

For Sliding Window EM seems as the cluster energy is larger than the generated
energymay be due to double counted??

 Electron contamination distort the pions distribution for very low ET pions
There is a big lost of energy in Tile
Preliminary Results
From CIS analysis Richard claims that we
have 1.6 ADC counts per channel which
1.6/1023*800/64/1.1*sqrt(2) = 0.025 GeV -
electronics noise per cell
e/pi samples ET Resolution
                       TileNoise=70.0MeV                       TileNoise=25.0MeV
η= 0.20            Seed_Cut=4, Neigh_Cut=3                Seed_Cut=4, Neigh_Cut=2
             TOPO_Em      TOPO_Til    TOPO_total   TOPO_Em        TOPO_Tile   TOPO_total
    9 GeV      9.44(*)       70.49         11.54     9.89(*)        101.46         11.82
    8 GeV      10.80(*)      57.34         13.93     11.44(*)        90.44         14.17
    7 GeV      12.36(*)      46.03         16.56     12.89(*)        79.50         17.42
    6 GeV      14.24(*)      28.56         17.64     14.51(*)        28.35         15.67
    5 GeV      18.40(*)      25.56         22.30     18.67(*)        25.70         20.57
    3 GeV      30.68(*)      23.80         33.33     33.01(*)        23.98         32.52
    2 GeV      70.15(*)      22.84         40.20   71.45(*)      22.22      37.98
 Pions                                       TileNoise=25.0MeV, Seed_Cut=4,
η=0.45           run      SW EM      SW TB EM TOPO_Em TOPO_Tile TOPO_total
     9 GeV     2101179      23.51      22.07(*)    15.26(*)        84.70       19.40
     7 GeV     2101180      20.56      15.67(*)    19.76(*)        25.38       32.17
     6 GeV     2101154      13.69      10.44(*)    15.18(*)        26.44       16.37
     5 GeV     2101166      15.42      12.64(*)    19.84(*)        23.12       23.53
     4 GeV     2101151      14.42      20.93(*)    22.44(*)        21.18       42.22

(*) distributons with tails in left side
What is happening in TILE?
Changing TileNoise from 70 to 25 MeV increase the bad defined topocluster with
low energy (lower than ET generated) and its distorts the ET distribution. It will be
needed to apply new cuts!!!

 Why it happens only at larger ET?
 Cell_Cut = |E/σ noise|>Threshold so as σ noise has decrease to 25MeV, at larger E
 as 7, 8 and 9 GeV more cluster can pass the threshold.
What is happening in LArEM?
In SW TB EM and TOPO_Em the distribution of ET resolution has tails in left side.
These tails decrease with the ET of the particles. WHY?
               9 GeV                                          3 GeV

Tails means cluster with ET lower than generated ET. So clusters has been
reconstructed not completly.
Seed_Cut = |E/σnoise|>Tcell so as E decrease it’s more difficult for the Seed_cell
pass the threshold, but decreasing Tcell we’ll too much not real clusters.
Neighbor_Cut = |E/σnoise|>Tneigh , again as E decrease it’s more difficult for the
Neighbor cells pass the threshold and for this reason the cluster is not reconstructed
So, if we have reduce the tails, we must put:
 longer (lightly) the Seed_cut
 lower the Neighbor_Cut
Electrons                                    TileNoise=25.0MeV, Seed_Cut=4,
  η=0.40      run     SW EM    SW TB EM    TOPO_Em     (*) with a peak near 0
   9 GeV    2101204    9.26     8.27(*)     11.10(*)
   8 GeV    2101057    10.56    8.90 (*)    12.52 (*)
   5 GeV    2101200    15.50    13.56(*)    19.82(*)

- The best resolution from SW TB EM, i.e., clusters from an algorithm used in previous
TB (3x3), but it has peaks near 0 (cluster with very low ET respect to the generated ET)
- Clusters from the sliding window algorithm SW EM has not these peaks.(???)

           9 GeV

           8 GeV

The peaks near 0 values decrease with the ET of the particles
Next Steps:
    Sort time plans: reconstruct CombinedTB data using CaloNoiseTool. (For this
     Workshop was imposible for me )
       In future TestBeam release this tool will be available. (person in charge:
        Matthieu LECHOWSKI)
       May be Preliminary results about it nex week during SW workshop at

    Change the Threshold value for Seed_Cut and Neigh_Cut in order to validate my

    "Clustering of very low energy particles" ATLAS NOTE in preparation
    More Analysis with Combined TB real data
    Comparation with Combined TB Simulation data

    …Complete Clustering analysis for Rome Physics Workshop

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Presentacion en ATLAS Calorimetry Calibration Workshop,"Clustering of very low energy particles", 2004

  • 1. Clustering of very low energy particles Carmen Iglesias IFIC-University of Valencia Dpt. Fisica AMN ATLAS Calorimetry Calibration Workshop, Štrba, Slovakia Dec 1 - 4, 2004
  • 2. INDEX  Summary of the last analysis  Topoclusters in 8.2.0  Study the overlapping  Preliminary Combined TB analysis  Tile Noise = 70 MeV, LArEM Noise = 70 MeV  Tile Noise = 25 MeV, LArEM Noise = 70 MeV Very preliminary!!!  Seed_cut=4, Neigh_cut=2  CaloNoiseTool aplied
  • 3. Summary of the last analysis Seed Cell phi Neighbour Cell eta
  • 4. Summary last analysis (I)  Use samples of single particles at very low Et (VLE), (because this is the range of energy better to apply Energy Flow Algorithm) at eta=0.3 and phi=1.59:  π0’s of 1, 3, 5, 10 and 30 GeV  Neutrons of 1, 3, 5, 10 and 30 GeV  π+’s of 1, 3, 5, 10 and 30 GeV in order to generated ntuples with 1000 events.  Start with these thresholds for Seed Cell and Neighbour cells of the Topocluster:  Seed: E_cell/σ_noise=30 ->usual cut for particles of normal ET  Neighbour: E_cell/σ_noise=3 Compare different thresholds of the Noise in EM for the reconstruction of CaloTopoCluster of VLE particles:  EM Noise=10 MeV (Non realistic case, only to check with VLE particles)  EM Noise=70 MeV (Fix Value by default for EM cal in Sven’s code)  CaloNoiseTool=true (package with a model for the electronic noise)  Repeat the analysis for lower threshold of Seed Cell and Neighbour cells :  Seed: E_cell/σ_noise=6, 5, 4 -> cut for particles of very low ET  Neighbour: E_cell/σ_noise=3, 2.5, 2
  • 5. Summary last analysis (II)  First, calculate the ET deposited in all CELLs of the calorimeter and consider it as the “reference Energy Flow”, i.e., the best resolution that could be reach for the most sophisticated algorithm taking into account the whole ET in all the calorimeter.  For π0’s, compare the resolution of “reference Energy Flow” with the resolution of:  Sliding Window Cluster  EGAMMA cluster  TOPOcluster in EM calorim: XXX_topoEM  For π+’s and neutrons, compare the resolution of “reference Energy Flow” with :  TOPOcluster in EM and Tile: XXX_topoEM and XXX_topoTile (7.8.0 release)  PT of TRACKS from XKalman  Finally, study the ET inside a cone with a radius ∆R=√∆η2+∆φ2  Neutral pions  Cone’s centred in η-φ coord of EGAMMA cluster  Cone’s centred in η-φ coord of TOPO cluster in EM cal  Cone’s centred in η-φ coord of TRUTH generated π0  Charged pions  Cone’s centred in η-φ of TRUTH generated π±  Cone’s centred in η-φ of TRACK position at 2nd layer  Neutrons  Cone’s centred in η-φ of TRUTH generated neutrons
  • 6. Summary of the preliminary conclusions  In TOPOCLUSTER using CaloNoiseTool package and applying:  Seed_cut: E_cell/σ_noise = 4  Neighbour_cut: E_cell/σ_noise = 2 obtain the best values of resolution for π+'s, π0's and neutrons (Even better than EGamma resolution for π0’s) eliminate the low efficiency of TOPOclusters for single particles at 1, 3, and 5GeV. obtain the largest amount of ET deposited inside the TOPOclusters (Even larger than the ET deposited insider EGamma clusters for π0’s)  The best algo for the recon of the clusters from single particles at very low ET is:  For π±’s: Track-cone with ∆R<0.2  TOPO give good results but worse than the two cone algorithms .  For neutrons: Truth-cone with ∆R<0.2  TOPO with Seed_cut=4 and Neigh_cut=2 is very near and it’s better at 1 and 3 GeV.  For π0’s: Truth-cone with ∆R<0.1  but TOPO is very near and it’s better at 1 GeV.  EGAMMA give worse resolution, in general, is a better algo at 1 GeV TOPO algorithm is very competitive for neutrons and π0’s, for π±’s TOPO is a good algo but not enough, for now (I must test 8.2.0 release still)
  • 8. Release 8.2.0  Reconstruction Packages  RecExample-00-00-94  RecExCommon-00-02-09  RecExTB-00-00-27  Calorimeter Packages  CaloRec-02-02-19  Main Changes in this Release:  “super-cluster”: one cluster for all calorim (EM+HEC+FCal+TCal=1region)  Splitter: Split clusters based on topological neighboring and E density defined local maxima. The cells in a cluster are searched for local maxima by means of energy density. The so found local maxima are used as seeds for a topological clustering as in the CaloTopo-ClusterMaker.  Information about cells wich form the TOPOcluster I can analyse the ET of the cells inside TOPOcluster I can study the best cut in ET of cell without and with noise.  Can use macro ROOT
  • 9. TopoClusters in 8.2.0 ET Resolution and Mean of ET_Cluster/ET_gen are better than in 7.8.0 Release, even when the noise is applied. This improvement is larger at very low ET π+’s ET resolution Mean of ET_Cluster/ET_gen ET (GeV) 7.8.0 8.2.0 % improv 7.8.0 8.2.0 % improv 1 56.30 44.57 26.3 0.528 1.05 49.7 3 45.65 38.87 17.4 0.5807 0.8708 41,9 5 33.82 30.65 10.3 0.6522 0.8412 22.5 10 22.41 20.84 7.5 0.7613 0.864 11.9 30 13.91 13.36 4.1 0.8128 0.8515 4.9 neu ET resolution Mean of ET_Cluster/ET_gen ET (GeV) 7.8.0 8.2.0 % improv 7.8.0 8.2.0 % improv 1 64.31 --- 0.357 49.7 3 57.54 46.19 24.6 0.406 0.681 40.4 5 40.41 34.04 18.7 0.498 0.687 27.5 10 23.98 22.43 7.5 0.643 0.749 14.9 30 12.39 11.94 4.1 0.770 0.811 4.1
  • 10. Study the overlapping Efficiency of algorithm is limited by the overlap between neutral and charged particles in the cell of the calorimeter  Use samples of π±’s, neutrons and π0’s (instead of only single particles)  Estimate the existence of overlapping (a neutral hadron inside the cluster defined from the track of the charged pion) and its influence in the ET resolution  Particles far away in ∆R space  Particles closer in ∆R space (∆R=0.1)  Particles closer in ∆R space below 0.1  Generate Root-tuples using:  8.2.0 (without Splitter)  8.2.0 (with Splitter) compare the multiplicity and the ET resolution  Do plots with Macro ROOT and see the maximum density points
  • 11. Samples (nearby particles) Multiparticles samples based on DC1 events simulated with electronic noise (but without pile-up) in the barrel region (|η|<1.5) η=0.35 and φ=1.63 In general Particles far away in ∆R space Pi0pim55: π0=5GeV π+-=5GeV  Pi0pimneu10hfar: π0=10GeV π-+=10GeV neu=10 GeV Pi0pip28: π0= 2GeV π+=8GeV  Pi0pimneu10hfareta2 Pi0pip82: π0= 8GeV π+=2GeV  Pi0pimneu5hfar: π0=5GeV π+=5GeV neu=5GeV  Pi0pimneu5hfareta2  Particles closer in ∆R space (∆R=0.1)  Pi0pimneu10d1010: π0=10GeV π+-=10GeV neu=10 GeV  Pi0pimneu555d1010: π0=5GeV π+-=5GeV neu=5GeV Froidevaux’s EFlow results: as long as particles not closer than ∆R=0.1, Eflow performance is stable…(but still needs improvement!)  Particles closer in ∆R space below 0.1  Pi0pim77d05: π0=7GeV π+-=7GeV in a distance ∆R=0.05  Pi0pimneu555d0505: π0=5GeV π+-=5GeV neu=10 GeV at ∆R=0.05 and ∆R=0.05  Pi0pip1010d05: π0=10GeV π+-=10GeV in a distance ∆R=0.05  Pi0pip55d07: π0=5GeV π+=5GeV in a distance ∆R=0.07 Froidevaux’s EFlow results: as ∆R between particles decrease below 0.1, Eflow response Degrades and develops significant tails (there is were the full use of ATLAS calor granularity, lateral and longitudinal, will surely provide improvements)
  • 12. ROOT plots: Particles far away in ∆R space Pi0pimneu10hfar (N0 Splitter) Is possible to distinguish 3 cluster from ECAL Middle layer up to Tile 2
  • 13. ROOT plots: Particles closer in ∆R space (∆R=0.1) Pi0pimneu10d1010 Is possible to distinguish 3 cluster but only at the end of ECAL and in TILE
  • 14. ROOT plots: Particles closer in ∆R space below 0.1 Pi0pip1010d05 (N0 Splitter) The two cluster are very closevery difficult to distinguish!!
  • 15. ET resolution Calculate resolution with and without Splitter Cluster applied in Topoclusters:  Particles far away in ∆R space ET Resolution Mean of ET_Cluster/ET_gen No Splitter Splitter No Splitter Spliter pi0pimneu10hfar 10.26 10.21 0.8171 0.8185 pi0pimneu5hfar 14.97 14.70 0.7535 0.7543  Particles closer in ∆R space (∆R=0.1) No Splitter Splitter No Splitter Spliter pi0pimneu10d1010 9.34 9.32 0.8282 0.8287 pi0pimneu555d1010 13.96 14.17 0.7715 0.7717  Particles closer in ∆R space below 0.1 (∆R=0.05 and ∆R=0.07) No Splitter Splitter No Splitter Spliter pi0pim77d05 11.87 11.89 0.8969 0.8975 pi0pimneu555d0505 14.51 14.55 0.7786 0.7801 pi0pip1010d05 9.04 9.00 0.9093 0.91 pi0pip55d07 14.77 14.74 0.8926 0.8944
  • 16. First conclusions  Very similar results!!, even in the case of particles generated to be very close (∆R=0.05 and ∆R=0.07)  EtDensityCut: All local maximum candidates must also pass it, specifying the min Et divided by the volume of the cell in order to be accepted as local max.  The default value corresponds to Et= 500 MeV in a LArEM barrel layer 2 cell EtDensityCut = 500*MeV/600000*mm3  Very low energetic particles don't produce big local maxima  as I I lowered the Seed_cut for topocluster maker I might to try lowering the seed cut in the splitter by the same factor  I going to investigate the deposited ET in a LArEM barrel layer 2 cell by  Charged Hadrons at VLE  Neutral Hadrons at VLE
  • 17. ET deposited in EM cell of 2nd layer Charged pions Neutral pions the mean ET deposited in cell of EM on the 2nd layer for π±’s and π0’s at very low ET is ~280 MeV. So I'm going to change the EtDensityCut from the default value (500*MeV/600000*mm3) to 250*MeV/600000*mm3.
  • 18. ET resolution with Splitter BUT the value of ET Resolution using the default EtDensityCut and 250*MeV/600000*mm3 in the 3 cases:  Particles far away in ∆R space  Particles closer in ∆R space (∆R=0.1)  Particles closer in ∆R space below 0.1 (∆R=0.05 and ∆R=0.07) are identical !!! Even when I try to repeat the ROOT plots, I obtain the same plots!!  so : From my results(*), I only can conclude that Splitter cluster can not be used to study the overlap of particle at very low energy (only useful for energetic particles) (*) I don’t think that it will be a code fault because I was talking with S. Menke about the way to change EtDensityCut value in the code (in CaloRec/share/
  • 20. Offline reconstruction root-tuple  CALO/168 contains the eta, phi, energy (in MeV) per LAr cell nhit: total number of cells ecell: total energy EtaCells: eta NCells: number of cells in ntuple PhiCells: phi ECells: energy (MeV) DetCells: pseudo identifier  CALO/169 contains the same for Tile cell  TB/Tree contains the information about clusters  we have, for the time being, 4 times the final number of variables in the ntuple :  em and combined clusters (sliding window),  topo_em and topo_tile clusters. Emcluster: clusters from the sliding window algorithm Tbemclusters: clusters from an algorithm that have been used in previous test beam. It has been added to allow comparison. It is a window of 3 by 3 cells. Emclusters and tbemclusters use only cells from the Larg calorimeter. Cmbclusters: sliding window clusters but they are done on towers (larg+tile) and not anymore on cells. It is not working for the moment because of a coordinate problem between LAr and Tile, LAr is shifted with respect to Tile by "half module" : TileCal has just 3 modules -0.15 < eta < +0.15  LAr has -0.2 < eta < 0.2, i.e. there are 3 slices with ∆φ=0.1 in Tile and 4 slices in LAr, shifted by half of the slice topo_em & topo_tile clusters:
  • 21. Preliminary Results (TileNoise=70.0MeV) By default LArEM Noise=70.0MeV and in this case this value is also used for Tile
  • 22. ET Resolution η= 0.20 run EM_SW TB_EM_SW TOPO_Em TOPO_Tile TOPO_total 9 GeV 2101022 8.91 7.26 9.44 70.49 11.54 8 GeV 2101024 10.09 8.15 10.80 57.34 13.93 7 GeV 2101086 11.73 9.11 12.36 46.03 16.56 6 GeV 2101025 13.47 10.35 14.24 41.87 38.50 5 GeV 2101026 17.01 12.64 18.40 35.17 39.88 3 GeV 2101087 16.19 22.34 71.12 23.80 33.33 2 GeV 2101088 14.15 73.84 70.15 22.84 40.20 1 GeV 2101089 ---- 63.14 59.76 ---------- ------- Sliding Window give an slightly better resolution than Topo Very strange plots at 1 GeV: may be due to the low number of cluster well-defined  Very bad result at very low energy (3, 2 and 1 GeV) for TOPO_Em  For TOPO_Tile the ET resolution decrease with the energy instead of increasing!!! There is a big lost of energy in Tile from 9 to 5 GeV, but from 3 GeV it decrease
  • 23. Mean Value of ET_cluster/ET_generated run EM_SW TB_EM_SW TOPO_Em TOPO_Tile TOPO_total 9 GeV 2101022 1.108 1.015 1.048 0.221 1.061 8 GeV 2101024 1.076 0.9841 1.012 0.2588 1.029 7 GeV 2101086 1.065 0.974 0.9978 0.29 1.011 6 GeV 2101025 1.053 0.9622 0.981 0.3479 0.9106 5 GeV 2101026 1.021 0.9341 0.9393 0.4259 0.7064 3 GeV 2101087 1.187 0.8738 0.5521 0.6884 0.8787 2 GeV 2101088 1.629 0.3937 0.4946 1.029 1.144 1 GeV 2101089 ---- 0.6067 0.7152 ---------- ------- For Sliding Window EM seems as the cluster energy is larger than the generated energymay be due to double counted??  Electron contamination distort the pions distribution for very low ET pions There is a big lost of energy in Tile
  • 24. Preliminary Results (TileNoise=25.0MeV) From CIS analysis Richard claims that we have 1.6 ADC counts per channel which gives: 1.6/1023*800/64/1.1*sqrt(2) = 0.025 GeV - electronics noise per cell
  • 25. e/pi samples ET Resolution TileNoise=70.0MeV TileNoise=25.0MeV η= 0.20 Seed_Cut=4, Neigh_Cut=3 Seed_Cut=4, Neigh_Cut=2 TOPO_Em TOPO_Til TOPO_total TOPO_Em TOPO_Tile TOPO_total e 9 GeV 9.44(*) 70.49 11.54 9.89(*) 101.46 11.82 8 GeV 10.80(*) 57.34 13.93 11.44(*) 90.44 14.17 7 GeV 12.36(*) 46.03 16.56 12.89(*) 79.50 17.42 6 GeV 14.24(*) 28.56 17.64 14.51(*) 28.35 15.67 5 GeV 18.40(*) 25.56 22.30 18.67(*) 25.70 20.57 3 GeV 30.68(*) 23.80 33.33 33.01(*) 23.98 32.52 2 GeV 70.15(*) 22.84 40.20 71.45(*) 22.22 37.98 Pions TileNoise=25.0MeV, Seed_Cut=4, Neigh_Cut=2 η=0.45 run SW EM SW TB EM TOPO_Em TOPO_Tile TOPO_total 9 GeV 2101179 23.51 22.07(*) 15.26(*) 84.70 19.40 7 GeV 2101180 20.56 15.67(*) 19.76(*) 25.38 32.17 6 GeV 2101154 13.69 10.44(*) 15.18(*) 26.44 16.37 5 GeV 2101166 15.42 12.64(*) 19.84(*) 23.12 23.53 4 GeV 2101151 14.42 20.93(*) 22.44(*) 21.18 42.22 (*) distributons with tails in left side
  • 26. What is happening in TILE? Changing TileNoise from 70 to 25 MeV increase the bad defined topocluster with low energy (lower than ET generated) and its distorts the ET distribution. It will be needed to apply new cuts!!! Why it happens only at larger ET? Cell_Cut = |E/σ noise|>Threshold so as σ noise has decrease to 25MeV, at larger E as 7, 8 and 9 GeV more cluster can pass the threshold.
  • 27. What is happening in LArEM? In SW TB EM and TOPO_Em the distribution of ET resolution has tails in left side. These tails decrease with the ET of the particles. WHY? 9 GeV 3 GeV Tails means cluster with ET lower than generated ET. So clusters has been reconstructed not completly. Seed_Cut = |E/σnoise|>Tcell so as E decrease it’s more difficult for the Seed_cell pass the threshold, but decreasing Tcell we’ll too much not real clusters. Neighbor_Cut = |E/σnoise|>Tneigh , again as E decrease it’s more difficult for the Neighbor cells pass the threshold and for this reason the cluster is not reconstructed So, if we have reduce the tails, we must put:  longer (lightly) the Seed_cut  lower the Neighbor_Cut
  • 28. Electrons TileNoise=25.0MeV, Seed_Cut=4, Neigh_Cut=2 η=0.40 run SW EM SW TB EM TOPO_Em (*) with a peak near 0 9 GeV 2101204 9.26 8.27(*) 11.10(*) 8 GeV 2101057 10.56 8.90 (*) 12.52 (*) 5 GeV 2101200 15.50 13.56(*) 19.82(*) - The best resolution from SW TB EM, i.e., clusters from an algorithm used in previous TB (3x3), but it has peaks near 0 (cluster with very low ET respect to the generated ET) - Clusters from the sliding window algorithm SW EM has not these peaks.(???) 9 GeV 8 GeV The peaks near 0 values decrease with the ET of the particles
  • 29. Next Steps:  Sort time plans: reconstruct CombinedTB data using CaloNoiseTool. (For this Workshop was imposible for me )  In future TestBeam release this tool will be available. (person in charge: Matthieu LECHOWSKI)  May be Preliminary results about it nex week during SW workshop at CERN???  Change the Threshold value for Seed_Cut and Neigh_Cut in order to validate my hipothesis  "Clustering of very low energy particles" ATLAS NOTE in preparation  More Analysis with Combined TB real data  Comparation with Combined TB Simulation data  …Complete Clustering analysis for Rome Physics Workshop