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16 January 2013
Brought to you by:
By Master Lynn Yap

Fengshui Queen Singapore ®
3P Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd







1) Short intro about Master Lynn Yap
2) 17 Predictions for 2013
3) Which industries will do well

4) Fortune for 12 animal signs
5) FengshuiQueen SG Tip for 2013

6) Conclusion







Age 50+
BBA (NUS)(1982)
Fengshui/bazi experiences since 1989 Learnt from many grandmasters and
registered Fenghui Queen, Singapore.
Made several appearances in CNBC Asia,
BBC world, Discovery channel, German TV,
TCS 5, TCS 8, Channel U.
Interviewed by numerous newspapers and
magazines worldwide
Each year there are numerous fengshui
projects and life readings and with 7 listed
companies clients, to-date
Merits : Our Company became a statutory
member of Singapore Business Federation.
Multi property owner


Method of Fengshui


Flying Star School of


Landscape fengshui


Intuitive fengshui



It is going to be a “murky” year
with happenings on three main areas like money
matters, sex scandals and property matters.
 It

is a “murky” year (dim, gloomy) because - the
first 6 months has “YING WATER while the latter 6
months has “YANG FIRE

The “WATER sitting above the “FIRE causing the
Snake year to be a year of “instability.
The “WATER controls the “FIRE hence the year of
the snake is a year where “anything you want to do,
you cannot move”.
 The

year, 2013 is called a “Gui Si ” year (Water
Snake Year) where we can also called it a “Blue
Snake” year where it is going to be a “blue” (sad)

 It

is going to be a year of the survival of the
fittest. You will need to know how to “sustain”
well throughout this year.
 It’s

a Blue Snake Year because :

 The

“water” weakens the “fire” causing it to be an
“unstable”, “fickle” year.

 (“Yang

Water” is black, last year was black
dragon year while “Ying Water” is blue hence
the colour “blue”).
The “fire” in the year will bring rise to “sex”
scandals, fraud in particular “accounting fraud”
and cheating cases. “fire” also represents
“gunshots”, explosions.
 The

combination of “Gui and Si” will make the
Snake year a year where money can still be the
main issue and can cause Global financial crisis.

 Snake

is a “cunning” animal as out of the 12
animal signs, it is “flat” and “curvy” which means
that it can be quite an “interesting” year.
 The

Snake is the sixth animal of the 12 animal

 The

Snake is also a very hard working animal
and therefore many people are going to be
working long hours and very hard.

 The

Snake also seldom smiles and therefore it is
going to be a “sad” year with tears.


It will be a “smart alec” snake trying to make the most of
a “murky” year. When things don’t go right, go watch a
movie or go pray.
 When

is Chinese New Year ?


February 2013, the season of spring (Li Chun
Li Chun)
is the beginning of the new year. This is
according to the “solar” calendar.

 However,

Chinese all over the world would still
celebrate Chinese New Year on 10 February
2013 which follows the “Lunar calendar.
 Therefore,

it really depends on which Chinese
New Year’s “calendar” you follow.
For the last few years since 2005, many of us
usually observe what happens to us on the 4th
February 2013 and if good things happen on that
day then it is going to be a FANTASTIC year !!!

 If

negative things occur then it means that the
year is not going to be smooth.
 Since

4 February 2013 falls on a Monday and the
Banks are open, therefore, we will need to go to
the bank and bank in some money on this date
so that our wealth can grow.

 We

had been doing this, the last few years and
our wealth did grow. Over the years, many
became millionaires and much more.
 4th

February 2013 falls on a Monday Please go to the bank, wear red top and bank
in a cheque or cash to your name or
Company’s name.

 Did

it work for you last year 2012? If it did then

Which two (2) animal
signs will face
difficulties in the
coming New Year ?
A) Those born in the year of the
“Snake” and “Pig”

B) Those whose bazi (a form of life reading
based on birthdate and time) has a “Snake” or
“Pig” in the hour pillar (your time of birth)
(9am till 11am) & (9pm to 11pm) will also not
have a good year.

What not to do
this year ?
 1)

Do not attend funerals or weddings especially
for those born in the animal signs of “Snake” and

 2)

Do not attend birthday parties, baby one
month old parties and cannot take the cake if you
have to attend.


NOTE I: As long as your bazi has a “Snake” or a “Pig” in
it, you would have to be extremely careful. You must
never attend these.


NOTE II However, if you ever need to attend then wear
red “underwear” to ward it off.


1) Investment Outlook 2013 Gold Prices will fall, Oil prices will rise -


2) There will be many more sex scandals -


3) There will be accounting frauds being
exposed -
 4)

Disaster Outlook 2013 -

There would still be natural disasters – big
fires, floods, strong winds, typhoon,
volcanoes, tsunami, earthquakes  5)

 6)

Property prices will remain stable and rise
towards the end -

Money could be quite tight for some and some
could go bankrupt while some may loose their
job causing tightness in money -
 7)

Characteristics of People - People will become
more hot tempered and even tell lies. Some
would start to have roving eyes. People would
want to have more sex.

 8)

There is a strong competition among fire
industries like those in electrical and electronic
companies, restaurants, stock exchanges,
lighting shops, accounting firms.

 9)

This year, the sicknesses to take note are heart attacks, high blood pressure, heat stroke,
kidney, sexual organs, urine infection and Aids.
 10)

Currency Outlook 2013 -

US Dollars will remain stable  11)
 12)

There is a possibility of a terrorist attack -

There will still be car/plane/ship accidents but
lesser than last year’s.
 13)

Market Outlook 2013 Share prices in the stock market would be
unstable and even fall but rises towards the end -

 14)

There will be more regulations made by the
Stock Exchange -

 15)

More people would be feeling very sad,
unhappy most of the time. Some may even loose
hot temper and get very agitated, angry or even
violent -
 16)

Stock Market - the share prices of “Earth
Stocks” in the Stock Market will rise the most
hence property stocks or company which build
houses (property developers) would do very well.

 17)

An explosion or any fire in forest occurring
anywhere will indicate that the Wooden Horse
Year, 2014 is here.

Which industries
will do well ?


METAL INDUSTRY: Unfavourable
Fire Industry
Properties of fire: warm and gives off heat
Fire industries are those related to electrical
products, stock markets, restaurants, lighting
shops, fast food chains, bakery shops,
accounting firms.
Earth Industry
EARTH Excellent
Properties of earth: hard and stillness
Earth Industries are those related to
properties, human resource, pet shops,
chemicals, cosmetics, renovation companies,
property developers, agriculture, insurance,
construction firms, cosmetic surgery etc.
Metal Industry
METAL : Unfavourable
Properties of metal: hard and piercing
Metal Industries are those related to banking,
machineries and equipment, law firms, fortune
telling, gold-smith, robotics, steel, vehicles.
Water Industry
WATER Average
Properties of water: Wavy
Water Industries are those that deal with
internet, consultancy, shipping, transportation,
logistics, distribution, tourism, lottery, cold
beverages, hotels, shipbuilding, broadcasting,
information technology, marine products, oil,
money lending, telecommunications, airlines,
casino business, animation and advertising.
Wood Industry
Wood : Average
Properties of wood: hard and grows upwards
Wood Industries are those related to
Government, printing, seminars / events,
universities, schools, textile firms, paper and
pulp, timber, furniture, fashion, politics,
education, hair salons and photography.

for the
1) MONKEY - Average Year – 7/10

This year, things would turn out smooth for you
however one need to be humble at work and
continue to do good deeds. There is also a
promotion in sight.
This is also a good time to do any investments
as well as your own business development
however do remember to partner only with the
“right” partner. Try to get a car park fine the first
few days of the Chinese New Year.
 Money

and Work

There is money luck in the year however do
remember to keep a low profile. Do not be too
flashy and invite trouble.
If you wish to go to the casino, you “can go” but
play “small”.
There is money from your past investments and
do reap them if you wish.
“When there is a steep slope, walk slowly as there can
be danger ahead”
 Health

This year, your health is pretty good as generally
any person born under this animal sign are
usually quite healthy and fit.
Do not stress yourself too much as you normally
would and stay away from emotional matters as
this year, you can be quite weak when it comes
to handling these.
 Love

and Family

 If

married, relationships with spouse might not be
too good. Try to spend more time with your
spouse and “speak” less. Just enjoy the spouse’s
company. Try having dinner alone with your
spouse at least once a week.

 If

you are single, it may be quite difficult for you to
start a relationship however still must try. If you
are a male, chase the lady. If you are a lady, go
chase the male. This is a modern world.
2) ROOSTER - Good Year – 8
There are some lucky stars for you this year and
hence it is going to be a good year.

Career is good and there should be no work
issues. In short, there could be a promotion with
increased income. However watch your “mouth”
as roosters tend to be sharp tongued. There may
be a legal matter hence get a car park fine, the
first few days of Chinese New Year.
“When your mind is still, you can “read” more”
 Health
 Your

health is good however do be careful of
sharp edges near to you in case you get hurt.

 Do

not climb too high either, no mountain

 You

should also avoid any water activities this
year and don’t go near water.

 Exercise


regularly like you always do and sleep
 Money

and Work :

 Money

luck is “weak” so be mindful of expenses
if not they can be more than your income.

 There

is no gambling luck hence don’t gamble
unlike last year.

 Be

careful of a theft or a robbery though.
 Love

and Family

 You

will enjoy good relationships with spouse and
relatives. Take time to travel with family at least
twice a year.

 There

would also be many invitations to socialise.

 Handle

your relationships with people with care
this year.
3) DOG – Average Year – 7
This year, career is smooth though there may be
some obstacles at work. You will need to be
careful when handling business relationship with
Some people may tend to find fault with you so
learn to be patient or handle these with care.
There can be obstacles in work related matters.
Handle these well with your “wisdom”.
 Money

and Work

This year, your money matters are better than
last year’s. However, you may still need to
watch your expenses. Try not to over spend.
Your luck this year is good and opportunities are
there, however do not be too greedy.
If you wish to do some form of investments, go
”Be kind to others”
 Health

There is the normal flu and cold and all is well
with your health. No major issues unlike last year.
 Don’t
 Older

sleep too late and exercise regularly.

dogs generally find their legs weakening
hence do more leg exercises to strengthen the
muscles around the leg area. Climbing staircases
are good exercises. However, if you have knee
joint problem then running is still the best.
 Love

and Family

 Your

relationship with spouse or girlfriend is good
and stable and would grow. There can be good
news within the family.

 If

single, you may have to wait for a while before
anyone that you like appears.
4) PIG - Unfavourable Year - 6
This year, because pigs clash with the snake in
the year, ideally should go and pray to Tai Sui
(a deity) for a smooth year.
This year, you can have many changes:
change house, change job, change car. All these
are actually good changes only things may not be
smooth, just bear with it.
“When things are not smooth, look for solutions”
 Money

and Work

 This

year, you will need to be careful of financial
matters and watch your expenses. Do not make
any major investments or even going to the
casino to gamble. Be careful of theft too.

 This

year, also be careful of being “con” by
people. Hence when come to money matters,
hold on to your “cash”. This “cheating” matter
can occur around end April or early May, 2013.
 Health
 Your

health is good this year and ensure that you
don’t “climb high” for example: Do not go
mountain climbing as chances of falling is there.
Occasional flu is good.

 Fengshui

cure : During the first 15 days of
Chinese New Year, “drop fall” gently in your
house to ward it off.

 This

year, you would also need to “shed blood”
during the first 15 days of Chinese New Year.
 Love

and Family

 This

year, try not to talk “too much” to your
spouse or relationships may have some
difficulties. Try “communicating well” with your
spouse, girlfriend. If difficult to explain use sms,
whatsapp or emails.

 Example:

Agree with the person first before you
give your opinion.

 If

you are single, you may find the right partner.
5) RAT - Excellent Year – 9
This is a fantastic year for you! There is a
promotion and all is promising at the work place
with good results.
Your fortune is also very good this year. However
there can be some gossips about you, just bear
with it, ignore and all will be well.
If you haven’t done anything negative, there is
nothing to fear.
 Money

and Work

 Lady

Luck comes to you this year and money is
fantastic. You may wish to go to the casino to try
your luck, however do remember to wear your
lucky colour.

 Whatever

you do, do not be too greedy than the
money will come.

 This

is also a good time to do some investments.
Investing in shares might be good this year.
 Health
 Your

health is in good progress however some
minor sickness like flu is normal.

 Sleep

early and don’t stress up that body of
yours. Learn to listen to the body.

 Exercise


“Be Generous with your money”
 Love

and Family

 Relationship

with spouse or girlfriend is good and
communication is smooth. The conflicts and
disagreements are less this year.

 Rats

need to be careful not to have roving eyes
this year as some form of unwanted romance is
there. Hence if you are married, be careful.

 If

single, romance is good.
6) OX - Average Year - 7
This is not a smooth year and you are advised to
take things easy. However, there are still some
lucky stars that will guide you through the year.
Hence, there are helpful people around to help
especially at the work place.

There can be some gossips about you. Ignore
them. Use your “insights” to help you through
this year.
 Money

and Work

 The

money star is “weak” therefore there is no
lottery luck. Money, therefore will have to come
from career rather than lottery. If need to gamble,
play small or less.

 Do

not do any investments whether it is buying
properties (big ticket item). Buying shares (small
amount) is fine.

 Spend

only on necessary items for the family
and no luxury items this year, bear with it.
 Health

Your health is still good, sleep early and have a
good rest. These are important to have a fresh
mind the next day at work and to be able to
tackle work issues.
If driving, pay special attention on the road.
“There is a right timing for everything”
 Love

and Family

 Ox

have a tendency to take things for granted
even in a relationship. Hence they are advised to
pay more attention to their spouse or girlfriend or
spend more time with them.

 Spending

more time can mean either calling
them or sending sms. If you think it is too much
effort, well everything needs effort for it to show
good results.
7) TIGER – Good Year – 8
This is a good year and everything is smooth and
good. Avoid being too sensitive to people’s words
then you can be peaceful. Workplace is good
and bosses are easy to deal with.
There is a possibility of a promotion this year with
higher pay.
”A peaceful person has the greatest smile”
 Money

and Work

 Money

luck is “bright” and you may see profits in
your investments. Whether it is the right timing to
sell off your investments, check with your master.

 “Lottery

 Time

luck” is good.

to do investments if you wish however do
not be too greedy. Greed never pays.
 Health

Health is good however be mindful when driving.
Take care of your headaches though.
Exercise regularly and eat well.
If you wish, learn reiki, yoga or meditation is
good. Maybe then you may find the route to
Nirvana by being calm, compassionate and
 Love

and Family

This year, you may need to learn to be more
forgiving and generous in your relationship with
your spouse or girlfriend. Maybe buy her an
expensive gift or a very special present to touch
her heart.
 If

you are still single, there is a chance that “he”
will appear. This is the right timing for you to
meet your Mr Right.
8) RABBIT – Average Year – 7
This year, it is important not to find fault with
people or issues at the work place. This is not the
right timing to show people how good you are,
your strengths.
You may need to have a good “communication
skill” to handle people and especially gossips.
“Whoever can handle gossips well are those who can be
successful at work”
 Money

and Work

There is no lottery luck this year hence you are
advised to pay special care in your expenses as
the money has to come in the form of career
luck. Hence just spend within your means.
This year, be careful of people who might cheat
you of your money so no major investments or
you might loose big money.
 Health

Pay special attention to your health this year as
there can be some minor illness like cough and
If you are driving also be mindful when at the
In a nutshell, health is good.
 Love

and Family

Relationship with spouse or girlfriend is not
smooth with some major disagreements this
year. Simply watch what you say or be mindful of
every words spoken. Say sorry even if it is not
your fault.
Sometimes, words not spoken are good and is
enough. Speak less is good this year.
9) DRAGON - Average year – 7
This year is going to be a “busy” year hence do
take care of your health. Everything is going to be
much smoother than last year’s. Career luck is
good though there can still be some careless
mistakes being made.
There is a promotion in sight. Be thankful.
 Money

and Work
Fortune luck is slightly “bright” so can have some
lottery money. Buy lottery numbers that are
“favourable” for you.
This year, you may do some investments and do
try to save some money each month by
transferring some to a particular favourable
colour account where money goes in and don’t
go out.

Continue to do good deeds to create more future
good luck.
 Health

Your health is generally good this year though
you might accidently slip and fall. Try not to over
work and when your body is tired, go sleep early.
There is an elderly family member who might
need your help this year.
“To stay healthy, listen to your body”
 Love

and Family

 Relationships

with spouse or girlfriends are
good. All is well at home. Everything is smooth
and you may plan for a vacation twice a year to
rekindle the love.

 If

you are single there is “romance”.
10) SNAKE – Unfavourable Year – 6
This year is your year therefore things are not
smooth and there can be obstacles at work,
many issues, one after another. You will need to
stay “clear minded” throughout. Plenty of gossips.
This year, you may change your house, change
job or even change car.
Go pray to “Tai Sui (a deity) if you can and is
Tai Sui”
very, very helpful. If need to, pray twice a year.
 Money

and Work:

This year, you might loose a big amount of
money hence watch your money very tightly or
you might spend an unusually huge amount of
money. Be careful of being cheated by people.
Try not to do any big investments, small ones are
There is no lottery luck so try not to gamble if you
At the work place, some areas of work may be
taken away from you, it is meant to be like this,
this year. Just accept.
“Look at the bigger picture, always”
 Health

This year, your health is not very good. Therefore
during the first 15 days of Chinese New Year, try
to “see blood” to ward it off.
When walking, working or driving, do be
It is also good to get a “car park fine” during the
second lunar month of the year to ward off a
legal matter.
 Love

and Family

You will need to pay attention to relationships
with your spouse or girlfriend and watch your
speech and temper. Sometimes, it is your temper
that irritates your partner.
Try to stay calm, loose less temper and forgive
then all is well. If you ever need to forgive your
partner, always remember, “one more time”.
11) HORSE - Good Year- 8
YearThis is a good year for horses and everything
would be smooth. There might be a promotion for
you with a higher grade.
There are no enemies at work so all is peaceful
and calm. If you wish to expand your business
overseas this is a favourable year and the right
timing for you.
 Money

and Work

This year, be contented with your money as
there is very little “gambling” luck.
Do not be too greedy or do any major
investments. Do not over spend this year or
money may be tight.
“To grow your wealth is to take small steps at a time”
 Health

Horses usually have good health and this year,
you will be fine. Continue with your gym or
running “activities” to keep fit.
Take vitamins and drink plenty of water will be
good for you as there would be too much “fire”
element around causing “heatiness” in your

Take care of your heart too and take your
medicine if you have high blood pressure.
 Love

and Family

Romance is good this year with your spouse or
girlfriend. Bring the family out for a good holiday
this year. If you can do it twice a year to have
family bonding. Short trips are great too.

If you are single, there is someone for you soon.
12) GOAT – Average Year – 7
This year, try not to be too emotional at the work
place. Think carefully first before you react as
this year, career is not smooth. You may need to
work harder than ever and long hours too. Be
patient as it won’t be for long.

You may also need to change your mind-set by
looking at work problems, differently. Be mindful
at work so that you can handle any obstacles
 Money

& Work

Your income is good but watch where your
money goes. If your expenses are more than
your income, it is good to do a “check” and see
where “can cut”.
This year, you are advised not to do any major
investments and there may still be some lottery
luck only when you can control your temper.
 Health

This year, your health is good. However, do pay
more attention to your stomach so eat regularly.
When driving, be-careful of accidents in the third
lunar month. Drive carefully.

You may need to pay special attention to an
elderly person living with you.
 Love

and Family

Relationships with spouse and girlfriend are
good and there is love and romance.

If single, yes, there is romance and is lasting
“Harmony in relationship is important”

How to have
better wealth?
Fengshui for 2013
1) The 5 yellow (5) is in the Centre

2) The sickness (2) is in the South West
3) The wealth (8) is in the North East

4) The legal (3) is in the East
5) The romance (4) is in the South East

6) The fire star (9) is in the South
7) The robbing (7) is in the West

8) The helpful sector (6) is in the North West
9) The water star (1) is in the North
 Fengshui

for 2013

 Please

ensure that should you wish to
renovate your house this year, do not renovate
at the Centre, East, South West sectors of the

 To

activate wealth is to place a “pot of gold” in
the North East sector of the house.

Fengshui Queen®
Singapore Tip for

2013 -


2005 – Carry 88 grains of uncooked rice in a red packet
and a gold pendant for good luck and protection for the
year 2005 in another red packet.
2006 – Carry a “gold pendant abacus” in your wallet for
more money to count in the year.
2007 - Carry S$500 cash in the zip pouch of your bag so
that with more money, you will be able to “attract” more
money to come to you.
2008 - Carry a small bagua, size of 20 cent coin in the
wallet for wealth, protection and power.


2009 - Throw lots of coins on the writing desk in your
study room or anywhere in the living room for additional
Good Luck and for your wealth to grow in 2009 !!!
2010 - Go and buy a real gold (916 gold) “ru yi” pendant
for your smooth career and place it in your wallet !!!
2011 - Place 8 big mandarin oranges individually
wrapped in the freezer and watch for Good results,
3 months later !!!

2012 – Carry a Jade laughing Buddha in your wallet !

Buy a big, 3 legged toad (bronze)
and placed it in
your wealth area
of your house.

Conclusion :

3 Successful
FS Tips for 2013
1) Investment Tip : Keep cash or invest in Reits
for dividend income or wait for opportunities to
go into the stock market. Go in only when the
stock market is very… very… low -

2) Create Merits : Be kind to those who are in
front of you 3) Read my Blog, “The Fengshui Savy Investor”
to find out MORE about my latest updates or join
me in Facebook (fengshui queen Singapore)
(Lynn Yap) –




2013 !!!
3P Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd

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Predictions 2014 by master lynn yap

  • 2. PREDICTIONS 2013 By Master Lynn Yap Fengshui Queen Singapore ® BBA (NUS) 3P Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd F E N G S H U I Q U E E N . C O M
  • 3. FENGSHUIQUEEN.COM CONTENTS: 1) Short intro about Master Lynn Yap 2) 17 Predictions for 2013 3) Which industries will do well 4) Fortune for 12 animal signs 5) FengshuiQueen SG Tip for 2013 6) Conclusion
  • 4. FENGSHUIQUEEN.COM          Age 50+ BBA (NUS)(1982) Fengshui/bazi experiences since 1989 Learnt from many grandmasters and registered Fenghui Queen, Singapore. Made several appearances in CNBC Asia, BBC world, Discovery channel, German TV, TCS 5, TCS 8, Channel U. Interviewed by numerous newspapers and magazines worldwide Each year there are numerous fengshui projects and life readings and with 7 listed companies clients, to-date Merits : Our Company became a statutory member of Singapore Business Federation. Multi property owner
  • 5. FENGSHUIQUEEN.COM  Method of Fengshui used: 1. Flying Star School of Fengshui 2. Landscape fengshui 3. Intuitive fengshui
  • 7. THE YEAR 2013  GENERAL FORECAST : It is going to be a “murky” year with happenings on three main areas like money matters, sex scandals and property matters.
  • 8. THE YEAR 2013  It is a “murky” year (dim, gloomy) because - the first 6 months has “YING WATER while the latter 6 YING WATER” months has “YANG FIRE YANG FIRE”. The “WATER sitting above the “FIRE causing the WATER” FIRE” Snake year to be a year of “instability. The “WATER controls the “FIRE hence the year of WATER” FIRE” the snake is a year where “anything you want to do, you cannot move”.
  • 9. THE YEAR 2013  The year, 2013 is called a “Gui Si ” year (Water Snake Year) where we can also called it a “Blue Snake” year where it is going to be a “blue” (sad) year.  It is going to be a year of the survival of the fittest. You will need to know how to “sustain” well throughout this year.
  • 10. THE YEAR 2013  It’s a Blue Snake Year because :  The “water” weakens the “fire” causing it to be an “unstable”, “fickle” year.  (“Yang Water” is black, last year was black dragon year while “Ying Water” is blue hence the colour “blue”). The “fire” in the year will bring rise to “sex” scandals, fraud in particular “accounting fraud” and cheating cases. “fire” also represents “gunshots”, explosions.
  • 11. THE YEAR 2013  The combination of “Gui and Si” will make the Snake year a year where money can still be the main issue and can cause Global financial crisis.  Snake is a “cunning” animal as out of the 12 animal signs, it is “flat” and “curvy” which means that it can be quite an “interesting” year.
  • 12. THE YEAR 2013  The Snake is the sixth animal of the 12 animal signs.  The Snake is also a very hard working animal and therefore many people are going to be working long hours and very hard.  The Snake also seldom smiles and therefore it is going to be a “sad” year with tears.  It will be a “smart alec” snake trying to make the most of alec” a “murky” year. When things don’t go right, go watch a movie or go pray.
  • 13. THE YEAR 2013  When is Chinese New Year ? 4 February 2013, the season of spring (Li Chun Li Chun) is the beginning of the new year. This is according to the “solar” calendar.  However, Chinese all over the world would still celebrate Chinese New Year on 10 February 2013 which follows the “Lunar calendar. Lunar”
  • 14. THE YEAR 2013  Therefore, it really depends on which Chinese New Year’s “calendar” you follow. For the last few years since 2005, many of us usually observe what happens to us on the 4th February 2013 and if good things happen on that day then it is going to be a FANTASTIC year !!!  If negative things occur then it means that the year is not going to be smooth.
  • 15. THE YEAR 2013  Since 4 February 2013 falls on a Monday and the Banks are open, therefore, we will need to go to the bank and bank in some money on this date so that our wealth can grow.  We had been doing this, the last few years and our wealth did grow. Over the years, many became millionaires and much more.
  • 16. THE YEAR 2013  4th February 2013 falls on a Monday Please go to the bank, wear red top and bank in a cheque or cash to your name or Company’s name.  Did it work for you last year 2012? If it did then continue.
  • 17. PREDICTIONS FOR THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE Which two (2) animal 2 signs will face difficulties in the coming New Year ?
  • 18. THE YEAR 2013 A) Those born in the year of the “Snake” and “Pig” B) Those whose bazi (a form of life reading based on birthdate and time) has a “Snake” or “Pig” in the hour pillar (your time of birth) (9am till 11am) & (9pm to 11pm) will also not have a good year.
  • 19. PREDICTIONS FOR THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE What not to do this year ?
  • 20. THE YEAR 2013  1) Do not attend funerals or weddings especially for those born in the animal signs of “Snake” and “Pig”.  2) Do not attend birthday parties, baby one month old parties and cannot take the cake if you have to attend.  NOTE I: As long as your bazi has a “Snake” or a “Pig” in it, you would have to be extremely careful. You must never attend these.  NOTE II However, if you ever need to attend then wear II: red “underwear” to ward it off.
  • 22. THE YEAR 2013  1) Investment Outlook 2013 Gold Prices will fall, Oil prices will rise -  2) There will be many more sex scandals -  3) There will be accounting frauds being exposed -
  • 23. THE YEAR 2013  4) Disaster Outlook 2013 - There would still be natural disasters – big fires, floods, strong winds, typhoon, volcanoes, tsunami, earthquakes  5)  6) Property prices will remain stable and rise towards the end - Money could be quite tight for some and some could go bankrupt while some may loose their job causing tightness in money -
  • 24. THE YEAR 2013  7) Characteristics of People - People will become more hot tempered and even tell lies. Some would start to have roving eyes. People would want to have more sex.  8) There is a strong competition among fire industries like those in electrical and electronic companies, restaurants, stock exchanges, lighting shops, accounting firms.  9) This year, the sicknesses to take note are heart attacks, high blood pressure, heat stroke, kidney, sexual organs, urine infection and Aids.
  • 25. THE YEAR 2013  10) Currency Outlook 2013 - US Dollars will remain stable  11)  12) There is a possibility of a terrorist attack - There will still be car/plane/ship accidents but lesser than last year’s.
  • 26. THE YEAR 2013  13) Market Outlook 2013 Share prices in the stock market would be unstable and even fall but rises towards the end -  14) There will be more regulations made by the Stock Exchange -  15) More people would be feeling very sad, unhappy most of the time. Some may even loose hot temper and get very agitated, angry or even violent -
  • 27. THE YEAR 2013  16) Stock Market - the share prices of “Earth Stocks” in the Stock Market will rise the most hence property stocks or company which build houses (property developers) would do very well.  17) An explosion or any fire in forest occurring anywhere will indicate that the Wooden Horse Year, 2014 is here.
  • 28. PREDICTIONS FOR THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE Which industries will do well ?
  • 30. PREDICTIONS FOR THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE Fire Industry Industry: FIRE: FIRE Good Properties of fire: warm and gives off heat Fire industries are those related to electrical products, stock markets, restaurants, lighting shops, fast food chains, bakery shops, accounting firms.
  • 31. PREDICTIONS FOR THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE Earth Industry Industry: EARTH: EARTH Excellent Properties of earth: hard and stillness Earth Industries are those related to properties, human resource, pet shops, chemicals, cosmetics, renovation companies, property developers, agriculture, insurance, construction firms, cosmetic surgery etc.
  • 32. PREDICTIONS FOR THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE Metal Industry Industry: METAL : Unfavourable Properties of metal: hard and piercing Metal Industries are those related to banking, machineries and equipment, law firms, fortune telling, gold-smith, robotics, steel, vehicles.
  • 33. PREDICTIONS FOR THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE Water Industry Industry: WATER: WATER Average Properties of water: Wavy Water Industries are those that deal with internet, consultancy, shipping, transportation, logistics, distribution, tourism, lottery, cold beverages, hotels, shipbuilding, broadcasting, information technology, marine products, oil, money lending, telecommunications, airlines, casino business, animation and advertising.
  • 34. PREDICTIONS FOR THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE Wood Industry Industry: Wood : Average Properties of wood: hard and grows upwards Wood Industries are those related to Government, printing, seminars / events, universities, schools, textile firms, paper and pulp, timber, furniture, fashion, politics, education, hair salons and photography.
  • 35. PREDICTIONS FOR THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE Forecast for the 12 animals
  • 36. THE YEAR 2013 1) MONKEY - Average Year – 7/10 This year, things would turn out smooth for you however one need to be humble at work and continue to do good deeds. There is also a promotion in sight. This is also a good time to do any investments as well as your own business development however do remember to partner only with the “right” partner. Try to get a car park fine the first few days of the Chinese New Year.
  • 37. THE YEAR 2013  Money and Work Work: There is money luck in the year however do remember to keep a low profile. Do not be too flashy and invite trouble. If you wish to go to the casino, you “can go” but play “small”. There is money from your past investments and do reap them if you wish. “When there is a steep slope, walk slowly as there can be danger ahead”
  • 38. THE YEAR 2013  Health Health: This year, your health is pretty good as generally any person born under this animal sign are usually quite healthy and fit. Do not stress yourself too much as you normally would and stay away from emotional matters as this year, you can be quite weak when it comes to handling these.
  • 39. THE YEAR 2013  Love and Family Family:  If married, relationships with spouse might not be too good. Try to spend more time with your spouse and “speak” less. Just enjoy the spouse’s company. Try having dinner alone with your spouse at least once a week.  If you are single, it may be quite difficult for you to start a relationship however still must try. If you are a male, chase the lady. If you are a lady, go chase the male. This is a modern world.
  • 40. THE YEAR 2013 2) ROOSTER - Good Year – 8 There are some lucky stars for you this year and hence it is going to be a good year. Career is good and there should be no work issues. In short, there could be a promotion with increased income. However watch your “mouth” as roosters tend to be sharp tongued. There may be a legal matter hence get a car park fine, the first few days of Chinese New Year. “When your mind is still, you can “read” more”
  • 41. THE YEAR 2013  Health Health:  Your health is good however do be careful of sharp edges near to you in case you get hurt.  Do not climb too high either, no mountain climbing.  You should also avoid any water activities this year and don’t go near water.  Exercise early. regularly like you always do and sleep
  • 42. THE YEAR 2013  Money and Work :  Money luck is “weak” so be mindful of expenses if not they can be more than your income.  There is no gambling luck hence don’t gamble unlike last year.  Be careful of a theft or a robbery though.
  • 43. THE YEAR 2013  Love and Family Family:  You will enjoy good relationships with spouse and relatives. Take time to travel with family at least twice a year.  There would also be many invitations to socialise.  Handle your relationships with people with care this year.
  • 44. THE YEAR 2013 3) DOG – Average Year – 7 This year, career is smooth though there may be some obstacles at work. You will need to be careful when handling business relationship with people. Some people may tend to find fault with you so learn to be patient or handle these with care. There can be obstacles in work related matters. Handle these well with your “wisdom”.
  • 45. THE YEAR 2013  Money and Work Work: This year, your money matters are better than last year’s. However, you may still need to watch your expenses. Try not to over spend. Your luck this year is good and opportunities are there, however do not be too greedy. If you wish to do some form of investments, go ahead. ”Be kind to others”
  • 46. THE YEAR 2013  Health Health: There is the normal flu and cold and all is well with your health. No major issues unlike last year.  Don’t  Older sleep too late and exercise regularly. dogs generally find their legs weakening hence do more leg exercises to strengthen the muscles around the leg area. Climbing staircases are good exercises. However, if you have knee joint problem then running is still the best.
  • 47. THE YEAR 2013  Love and Family Family:  Your relationship with spouse or girlfriend is good and stable and would grow. There can be good news within the family.  If single, you may have to wait for a while before anyone that you like appears.
  • 48. THE YEAR 2013 4) PIG - Unfavourable Year - 6 This year, because pigs clash with the snake in the year, ideally should go and pray to Tai Sui (a deity) for a smooth year. This year, you can have many changes: change house, change job, change car. All these are actually good changes only things may not be smooth, just bear with it. “When things are not smooth, look for solutions”
  • 49. THE YEAR 2013  Money and Work Work:  This year, you will need to be careful of financial matters and watch your expenses. Do not make any major investments or even going to the casino to gamble. Be careful of theft too.  This year, also be careful of being “con” by people. Hence when come to money matters, hold on to your “cash”. This “cheating” matter can occur around end April or early May, 2013.
  • 50. THE YEAR 2013  Health Health:  Your health is good this year and ensure that you don’t “climb high” for example: Do not go mountain climbing as chances of falling is there. Occasional flu is good.  Fengshui cure : During the first 15 days of Chinese New Year, “drop fall” gently in your house to ward it off.  This year, you would also need to “shed blood” during the first 15 days of Chinese New Year.
  • 51. THE YEAR 2013  Love and Family Family:  This year, try not to talk “too much” to your spouse or relationships may have some difficulties. Try “communicating well” with your spouse, girlfriend. If difficult to explain use sms, whatsapp or emails.  Example: Agree with the person first before you give your opinion.  If you are single, you may find the right partner.
  • 52. THE YEAR 2013 5) RAT - Excellent Year – 9 This is a fantastic year for you! There is a promotion and all is promising at the work place with good results. Your fortune is also very good this year. However there can be some gossips about you, just bear with it, ignore and all will be well. If you haven’t done anything negative, there is nothing to fear.
  • 53. THE YEAR 2013  Money and Work Work:  Lady Luck comes to you this year and money is fantastic. You may wish to go to the casino to try your luck, however do remember to wear your lucky colour.  Whatever you do, do not be too greedy than the money will come.  This is also a good time to do some investments. Investing in shares might be good this year.
  • 54. THE YEAR 2013  Health Health:  Your health is in good progress however some minor sickness like flu is normal.  Sleep early and don’t stress up that body of yours. Learn to listen to the body.  Exercise  regularly. “Be Generous with your money”
  • 55. THE YEAR 2013  Love and Family amily:  Relationship with spouse or girlfriend is good and communication is smooth. The conflicts and disagreements are less this year.  Rats need to be careful not to have roving eyes this year as some form of unwanted romance is there. Hence if you are married, be careful.  If single, romance is good.
  • 56. THE YEAR 2013 6) OX - Average Year - 7 This is not a smooth year and you are advised to take things easy. However, there are still some lucky stars that will guide you through the year. Hence, there are helpful people around to help especially at the work place. There can be some gossips about you. Ignore them. Use your “insights” to help you through this year.
  • 57. THE YEAR 2013  Money and Work Work:  The money star is “weak” therefore there is no lottery luck. Money, therefore will have to come from career rather than lottery. If need to gamble, play small or less.  Do not do any investments whether it is buying properties (big ticket item). Buying shares (small amount) is fine.  Spend only on necessary items for the family and no luxury items this year, bear with it.
  • 58. THE YEAR 2013  Health Health: Your health is still good, sleep early and have a good rest. These are important to have a fresh mind the next day at work and to be able to tackle work issues. If driving, pay special attention on the road. “There is a right timing for everything”
  • 59. THE YEAR 2013  Love and Family Family:  Ox have a tendency to take things for granted even in a relationship. Hence they are advised to pay more attention to their spouse or girlfriend or spend more time with them.  Spending more time can mean either calling them or sending sms. If you think it is too much effort, well everything needs effort for it to show good results.
  • 60. THE YEAR 2013 7) TIGER – Good Year – 8 This is a good year and everything is smooth and good. Avoid being too sensitive to people’s words then you can be peaceful. Workplace is good and bosses are easy to deal with. There is a possibility of a promotion this year with higher pay. ”A peaceful person has the greatest smile”
  • 61. THE YEAR 2013  Money and Work Work:  Money luck is “bright” and you may see profits in your investments. Whether it is the right timing to sell off your investments, check with your master.  “Lottery  Time luck” is good. to do investments if you wish however do not be too greedy. Greed never pays.
  • 62. THE YEAR 2013  Health Health: Health is good however be mindful when driving. Take care of your headaches though. Exercise regularly and eat well. If you wish, learn reiki, yoga or meditation is good. Maybe then you may find the route to Nirvana by being calm, compassionate and patient.
  • 63. THE YEAR 2013  Love and Family Family: This year, you may need to learn to be more forgiving and generous in your relationship with your spouse or girlfriend. Maybe buy her an expensive gift or a very special present to touch her heart.  If you are still single, there is a chance that “he” will appear. This is the right timing for you to meet your Mr Right.
  • 64. THE YEAR 2013 8) RABBIT – Average Year – 7 This year, it is important not to find fault with people or issues at the work place. This is not the right timing to show people how good you are, your strengths. You may need to have a good “communication skill” to handle people and especially gossips. “Whoever can handle gossips well are those who can be successful at work”
  • 65. THE YEAR 2013  Money and Work Work: There is no lottery luck this year hence you are advised to pay special care in your expenses as the money has to come in the form of career luck. Hence just spend within your means. This year, be careful of people who might cheat you of your money so no major investments or you might loose big money.
  • 66. THE YEAR 2013  Health Health: Pay special attention to your health this year as there can be some minor illness like cough and flu. If you are driving also be mindful when at the wheels. In a nutshell, health is good.
  • 67. THE YEAR 2013  Love and Family Family: Relationship with spouse or girlfriend is not smooth with some major disagreements this year. Simply watch what you say or be mindful of every words spoken. Say sorry even if it is not your fault. Sometimes, words not spoken are good and is enough. Speak less is good this year.
  • 68. THE YEAR 2013 9) DRAGON - Average year – 7 This year is going to be a “busy” year hence do take care of your health. Everything is going to be much smoother than last year’s. Career luck is good though there can still be some careless mistakes being made. There is a promotion in sight. Be thankful.
  • 69. THE YEAR 2013  Money and Work Work: Fortune luck is slightly “bright” so can have some lottery money. Buy lottery numbers that are “favourable” for you. This year, you may do some investments and do try to save some money each month by transferring some to a particular favourable colour account where money goes in and don’t go out. Continue to do good deeds to create more future good luck.
  • 70. THE YEAR 2013  Health Health: Your health is generally good this year though you might accidently slip and fall. Try not to over work and when your body is tired, go sleep early. There is an elderly family member who might need your help this year. “To stay healthy, listen to your body”
  • 71. THE YEAR 2013  Love and Family Family:  Relationships with spouse or girlfriends are good. All is well at home. Everything is smooth and you may plan for a vacation twice a year to rekindle the love.  If you are single there is “romance”.
  • 72. THE YEAR 2013 10) SNAKE – Unfavourable Year – 6 This year is your year therefore things are not smooth and there can be obstacles at work, many issues, one after another. You will need to stay “clear minded” throughout. Plenty of gossips. This year, you may change your house, change job or even change car. Go pray to “Tai Sui (a deity) if you can and is Tai Sui” very, very helpful. If need to, pray twice a year.
  • 73. THE YEAR 2013  Money and Work: This year, you might loose a big amount of money hence watch your money very tightly or you might spend an unusually huge amount of money. Be careful of being cheated by people. Try not to do any big investments, small ones are ok. There is no lottery luck so try not to gamble if you can. At the work place, some areas of work may be taken away from you, it is meant to be like this, this year. Just accept. “Look at the bigger picture, always”
  • 74. THE YEAR 2013  Health Health: This year, your health is not very good. Therefore during the first 15 days of Chinese New Year, try to “see blood” to ward it off. When walking, working or driving, do be “mindful”. It is also good to get a “car park fine” during the second lunar month of the year to ward off a legal matter.
  • 75. THE YEAR 2013  Love and Family Family: You will need to pay attention to relationships with your spouse or girlfriend and watch your speech and temper. Sometimes, it is your temper that irritates your partner. Try to stay calm, loose less temper and forgive then all is well. If you ever need to forgive your partner, always remember, “one more time”.
  • 76. THE YEAR 2013 11) HORSE - Good Year- 8 YearThis is a good year for horses and everything would be smooth. There might be a promotion for you with a higher grade. There are no enemies at work so all is peaceful and calm. If you wish to expand your business overseas this is a favourable year and the right timing for you.
  • 77. THE YEAR 2013  Money and Work Work: This year, be contented with your money as there is very little “gambling” luck. Do not be too greedy or do any major investments. Do not over spend this year or money may be tight. “To grow your wealth is to take small steps at a time”
  • 78. THE YEAR 2013  Health Health: Horses usually have good health and this year, you will be fine. Continue with your gym or running “activities” to keep fit. Take vitamins and drink plenty of water will be good for you as there would be too much “fire” element around causing “heatiness” in your body. Take care of your heart too and take your medicine if you have high blood pressure.
  • 79. THE YEAR 2013  Love and Family amily: Romance is good this year with your spouse or girlfriend. Bring the family out for a good holiday this year. If you can do it twice a year to have family bonding. Short trips are great too. If you are single, there is someone for you soon.
  • 80. THE YEAR 2013 12) GOAT – Average Year – 7 This year, try not to be too emotional at the work place. Think carefully first before you react as this year, career is not smooth. You may need to work harder than ever and long hours too. Be patient as it won’t be for long. You may also need to change your mind-set by looking at work problems, differently. Be mindful at work so that you can handle any obstacles well.
  • 81. THE YEAR 2013  Money & Work Work: Your income is good but watch where your money goes. If your expenses are more than your income, it is good to do a “check” and see where “can cut”. This year, you are advised not to do any major investments and there may still be some lottery luck only when you can control your temper.
  • 82. THE YEAR 2013  Health Health: This year, your health is good. However, do pay more attention to your stomach so eat regularly. When driving, be-careful of accidents in the third lunar month. Drive carefully. You may need to pay special attention to an elderly person living with you.
  • 83. THE YEAR 2013  Love and Family Family: Relationships with spouse and girlfriend are good and there is love and romance. If single, yes, there is romance and is lasting “Harmony in relationship is important”
  • 84. PREDICTIONS FOR THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE How to have better wealth? Fengshui for 2013
  • 85. HOW TO HAVE BETTER WEALTH ? 1) The 5 yellow (5) is in the Centre 2) The sickness (2) is in the South West 3) The wealth (8) is in the North East 4) The legal (3) is in the East 5) The romance (4) is in the South East 6) The fire star (9) is in the South 7) The robbing (7) is in the West 8) The helpful sector (6) is in the North West 9) The water star (1) is in the North
  • 86. THE YEAR 2013  Fengshui for 2013 2013:  Please ensure that should you wish to renovate your house this year, do not renovate at the Centre, East, South West sectors of the house.  To activate wealth is to place a “pot of gold” in the North East sector of the house.
  • 87. PREDICTIONS FOR THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE Fengshui Queen® Singapore Tip for 2013 -
  • 88. FENGSHUIQUEEN SG TIP 2005 – Carry 88 grains of uncooked rice in a red packet and a gold pendant for good luck and protection for the year 2005 in another red packet. 2006 – Carry a “gold pendant abacus” in your wallet for more money to count in the year. 2007 - Carry S$500 cash in the zip pouch of your bag so that with more money, you will be able to “attract” more money to come to you. 2008 - Carry a small bagua, size of 20 cent coin in the wallet for wealth, protection and power.
  • 89. FENGSHUIQUEEN SG TIP 2009 - Throw lots of coins on the writing desk in your study room or anywhere in the living room for additional Good Luck and for your wealth to grow in 2009 !!! 2010 - Go and buy a real gold (916 gold) “ru yi” pendant for your smooth career and place it in your wallet !!! 2011 - Place 8 big mandarin oranges individually wrapped in the freezer and watch for Good results, 3 months later !!! 2012 – Carry a Jade laughing Buddha in your wallet !
  • 90. FENGSHUIQUEEN SG TIP 2013 Buy a big, 3 legged toad (bronze) and placed it in your wealth area of your house. house. FengShuiQ ueen Singapore
  • 91. PREDICTIONS FOR THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE Conclusion : 3 Successful FS Tips for 2013
  • 92. THE YEAR 2013 1) Investment Tip : Keep cash or invest in Reits for dividend income or wait for opportunities to go into the stock market. Go in only when the stock market is very… very… low - 2) Create Merits : Be kind to those who are in front of you 3) Read my Blog, “The Fengshui Savy Investor” to find out MORE about my latest updates or join me in Facebook (fengshui queen Singapore) (Lynn Yap) – http://www.lynnyap8888.blogspot.