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Master Lynn Yap
Fengshui Queen Singapore ®
3P Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd
Fengshui Queen SG
1) Short introduction about Master Lynn Yap
2) 18 Predictions for 2021
3) Which industries will do well
4) Fortune for 12 animal signs
5) Fengshui Queen SG Tip for 2021
6) Conclusion
Predictions 2021
 Age 60+
 BBA (NUS)(1982)
 Fengshui / Bazi experiences since 1989
 Learnt from many grandmasters and registered
Fengshui Queen, Singapore, 2000.
 Made several appearances in CNBC Asia, BBC
World, Discovery Channel, German TV, TCS 5, TCS
8, Channel U.
 Interviewed by numerous newspapers and
magazines worldwide.
 Each year there are numerous Fengshui projects and
life readings.
 Merits: Our Company became a statutory member of
Singapore Business Federation, 2009.
 Multiple property sole owner
Predictions 2021
Our Company’s
To provide affordable,
true and accurate
Fengshui / destiny
consultations to anyone.
Predictions 2021
Method of Fengshui
used :
1) Landscape Fengshui
2) Flying Star School of
3) Intuitive Fengshui
Predictions 2021
Predictions for the Goat Year
Predictions for the Ox Year
It is going to be an “challenging” year with
happenings on 3 main areas like infectious
diseases, riots and accidents.
• It is a “challenging” year because the first 6 months has “ying
metal” while the latter half has “ying earth”.
• The “metal” is sitting above the “earth” causing the year to be a
“weak earth” year.
• Hence, we can expect to see that the infectious diseases will be
tamed. Hopefully there are no new ones, and we can expect to
see riots and accidents happening.
• The Year 2021, is called a Metal Ox Year where we can also call it
a “White Ox” year and it is going to be “challenging”.
• The first 6 months is not a good year for the “wood” industry
because “metal” controls the “wood” element.
• The later 6 months is not a good year for the “water” industry
because “earth” controls the “water” element.
• Therefore, the first half is not good for politics while the second
half is not good for the aviation industry.
• This is a yeartwhere people are going to work very hard and luckily
this time, is only during the day.
• We can sleep peacefully at night. However, this is a year where
people around you will tend to be very stubborn. Try telling them
two times and after two times when they don’t listen then you will
have to let it go.
• The keyword for 2021 is “Infectious Diseases” while 2020 is
“Fraud” while for 2019 was “Money”, for 2018 was “Human
Errors””for 2017 is “Money” (Bitcoin/Stock Market) while
“Explosions” was the keyword for 2016 and “Infectious
Diseases” for 2015 and “Emotions” in 2014.
• The Ox is a “hardworking” animal and is the second animal of the
12 animal signs in the Chinese Horoscope.
• The Ox likes to work and working keeps him happy. If he/she is not
working, the Ox will be unhappy. Ox is also very stubborn and
tends not to listen to anyone except himself or herself.
• The Ox is also a very simple animal and is easily contented and
can be very very happy with grass to eat every day. So you may be
eating very simple food every day only. Look at your friends who
are born in the Ox year, can you see the similarity?
• Next year is the Tiger year, 2022, where we are going to be busy in
the evening time looking for food.
When is Chinese New Year ?
The 3rd February 2021 is the season of spring (Li Chun) and
is the beginning of a Chinese New Year. This is according to
the “solar” calendar.
However, Chinese all over the world would still celebrate
Chinese New Year on 12 February 2021 which follows the
lunar calendar.
It is a good year to get married and kindly ensure that you get a
Geomancer to pick some good and auspicious dates for you. If
you are going to pray to Tai Sui this year, ensure that you pray
after Li Chun or 12 February 2021 onwards.
It really depends on which Chinese New Year’s calendar you follow.
For the past few years since 2005 (made known in lynnyap8888
Instagram Account) many of us usually observe what “happens” to
us on the 3rd February (Li Chun) and if good things happen on that
day then it is going to be a very, very auspicious year.
If negative things occurs, then it means that the year is not going to
be good. So better visit your Fengshui Master /Destiny Reader to
alter the negative luck when that happens.
3rd February 2021 falls on a Wednesday where banks are open
and hence we can either go to the bank to bank in cash or deposit
cash using the ATM machine.
Money deposited on this day is GOOD as our wealth can GROW !!!
Every year since 2005, we had been doing this and our wealth did
grow !!! Many became multi-millionaires !!!
Please go to the bank, MUST
wear a red top, bank in cash or
cheque to your Name or to your
Company’s Name.
Kindly note that you will
have to wear a red top/red shawl,
if not it won’t work.
NOTE: There is also no necessity
to wait for a special timing.
3rd February 2021 – wear red top or shawl
Predictions for the Goat Year
Which animal
signs will not
do well in the
coming Lunar
New Year
Predictions for the Ox Year
A) Those born in the year of the
“Goat” , “Ox”
B) Those whose bazi (a form of life reading based on birth date,
time and country of birth) has a “Ox” or “Goat” in the hour
pillar (your time of birth), (1am till 3am) & (1pm to 3pm) also
will not have a good year.
Predictions for the Goat Year
What not to do
this year
Predictions for the Ox Year
1) Do not attend weddings or funerals.
2) Do not attend friend’s birthday parties and baby
showers. Do not eat the cakes and red eggs. They are
commonly known as the 4 events.
NOTE I: As long as your bazi has a “Ox” or a “Goat” in it, you
need to be extremely careful. You must never attend these if you
really want a “peaceful” year.
NOTE II: However; if you ever need to attend then wear “red
underwear” and carry 6 nails when attending funeral. Do not carry
nails when attending wedding.
Predictions for the Goat Year
Predictions for the Ox Year
1) Investment Outlook 2021 -
Gold Prices would fluctuate and will rise (overall outlook) -
2) Oil prices would fluctuate and can rise (overall outlook) -
3) There is a possibility of a terrorist attack -
4) Disaster Outlook 2021 –
There could be typhoons, tsunami, earthquakes, volcano
eruptions, happening around the South Eastern part of the
The “five yellow” energy is in the South East or anywhere that is
the “South Eastern” part of any country like USA, China, India,
Japan or New Zealand and Australia may encounter issues.
5) There could be a possibility of a riot – people are angry and
wants their rights heard. They also want to have changes to
what they fight for.
6) There can be new discovery in medicine – example is the
discovery of a vaccine for our current needs.
7) Characteristics of People –
People will tend to be stubborn have their own thinking and
cannot see the other people’s point of view. They also expect
others to listen to them.
8) There would be strong competition among the earth industries
like chemicals, medicine, vaccines, paints, cosmetic, real
estate developers, hospitals and funeral companies.
9) This year, the sicknesses to take note are – sensitive nose,
lungs, flu, skin issues, stomach matters and any heart related
10) Currency Outlook 2021 –
US dollar continues to fluctuate.
11) There is a possibility of a “vehicle crashing into a building” or a
sudden collapse of buildings/shopping centers or roads.
12) The younger males will tend to fall sick while the younger
females may need to be careful when driving or walking. Do
not do any dangerous activities.
13) Stock Market Outlook 2021 -
The Share prices in the stock market will collapse anytime.
14) There will be changes in regulations made in the “earth”
15) There can be mergers or acquisitions in the “earth” industry.
16) There may be the passing away of a very famous person.
17) Stock Market –
The share prices of “Metal Stocks” in the Stock Market will rise
the most. Check this out to see true or not.
18) We would need to work hard during the day only and at night
we can have a good sound sleep.
Note: Around the world where there are heavy rainfall and floods or
extreme cold weather will indicate that the Tiger Year, 2022 is here.
Predictions for the Goat year
industries will
do well ?
Predictions for the Ox Year
Fire Industry:
Properties of Fire: warm and gives off heat
Fire industries are those related to electrical products, stock
markets, restaurants, lighting shops, fast food chains,
bakery shops, security business and accounting firms.
Predictions for the Ox Year
Predictions for the Ox Year
Earth Industry:
Properties of Earth: hard and stillness
Earth Industries are those related to properties, human
resource, pet shops, chemicals, cosmetics, renovation
companies, property developers, agriculture, insurance,
construction firms, cosmetic surgery and Tibetan medicine.
Predictions for the Ox Year
Metal Industry:
Properties of Metal: hard and piercing
Metal Industries are those related to banking, machineries and
equipment, law firms, fortune telling, Fengshui consultancy,
gold-smith shops, robotics, steel, motor vehicles all types,
trains, rocket, space crafts and aerospace industries.
Predictions for the Ox Year
Water Industry:
Properties of Water: wavy
Water Industries are those that deal with internet, consultancy,
shipping, transportation, logistics, distribution, tourism, lottery,
cold beverages, hotels, shipbuilding, broadcasting, pubs/bars,
Big Data, Cloud computing information technology, marine
products, oil, money lending, telecommunications, airlines,
casino business, animation, digital computing, advertising,
online shops, gaming, space exploration, cyber security,
artificial intelligence and video computing.
Predictions for the Ox Year
Wood Industry:
Properties of Wood: hard and grows upwards
Wood Industries are those related to Government, printing,
seminars / events, universities, schools, textile firms, paper
and pulp, timber, furniture, fashion, clothes, politics,
nurseries, education, hair salons, photography, bookstores
and publishing.
Predictions for the Goat Year
for the 12
Predictions for the Ox Year
1) MONKEY – Good
This is a good year for you as the stars are bright however you
will be busy at work. Colleagues are in harmony with you and all
is well and projects gets done in record timing.
Business Outlook – For those in business, sales are picking up
this year and next year will be much better.
For students – This year, somehow you are busy with your studies
however school mates are very helpful.
Money and Work:
This year there is no Heaven’s luck therefore do not gamble or
buy lottery but plan to save more for retirement.
Start planning when you wish to “retire” where you can be debt
free and the house is fully paid and not working. If you are not
sure when then go see your Destiny reader.
This year you can make investments or buy a second property if
you wish to (all conditions apply).
This year, your health is less desirable meaning that you can
tend to fall sick like a small flu. So quickly see a medical doctor
as soon as possible.
Do continue with your foot and shoulder massages once or twice
a month depending on your body condition.
If not do your exercise, running or even yoga.
Love and Family:
This year, your relationship with spouse is much better. Family is
more in harmony and simply enjoy the year.
Do not be fussy about time, learn to relax and to give more. You
will be a lot happier.
If in a relationship – It is time to get married this year if
relationship is stable.
If single – There is no appearance of a special someone so
simply enjoy the year with friends.
2) ROOSTER – Good
This is a good year for you as work is smooth and there are
many helpful people around. This is a very relaxed year and
there is a tendency to get promoted.
Business Outlook – Economy is picking up hence sales is going
to improve. Simply enjoy the year.
For students – This year, you may find yourself having to study
much harder than last time. So be prepared to spend more time
on your studies.
Money and Work:
This year there is no Heaven’s luck therefore money comes from
earned income.
In life, it is best not to gamble as not many people are born with the
gambling luck. Money earned from gambling also cannot be kept
and must be spent away.
Hence we prefer money earned from income as these can be
invested and can grow.
However, you can still do some investment in shares if your bazi (a
form of life reading) agrees or invest in properties.
This year, your health is quite good. However, if you do have any
small ailments quickly see a medical doctor.
In life as we grow older, it is important to be active. To be active
means to have activities every day or things which keep you
Being active can be gainfully employed or simply have some form of
exercise or work out or even yoga.
As a rooster, you tend to have strong likes and dislikes hence do
those that you like to do is good enough.
Love and Family:
This year, your close relatives like brothers and sisters may need
your care and attention.
Relationship with spouse is good as long as you give way to him/her.
Bring family out for a vacation.
If in a relationship – This may be a year where you may plan to settle
down and get married.
If single – There is no romance this year hence enjoy your time well
spent with friends of the same sex and wait for another year.
3) DOG – Average+
This is an average+ year for you as at the work place there
appears an enemy who can find fault with you in whatever you do.
So this year become quite challenging for you.
Every household should have a rice bin in the kitchen to ensure
that career is good. This Fengshui tip applies to all animal signs.
Business Outlook – This year, your business is getting better.
Reduce cost in order to survive.
For students – This year, you will have to study harder then can
pass the exams. Do not spend too much time talking to school
Money and Work:
This year, there is no Heaven’s Luck hence income earned from
salary is the only source of money.
If you find that in your life, it is very difficult for you to save money
then try saving them in a two name account. The money there
would stay.
If you have some spare money and wish to buy a second property
then go ahead.
We will only buy the house if that house has a good Fengshui or
that that is a place where we don’t mind staying when we are old.
We will also buy the house if that house has our own “spiritual
This year your health is good. Maintain your regular running or
exercise routine.
If you can once in your life time, go free birds or fishes or insects as
these can give you, good health and long life.
Take your multi vitamins and go for body or foot massages
including bringing children to those places so that their body will not
feel lazy and they can study better.
Every two years, go do a full body check up. If you can try to rest
more this year, that is to slow down.
Love and Family:
This year children around you may need your attention hence
you are going to be busy. Relationship with spouse is good. Try
to plan for a vacation soon.
If in a relationship – This year there can be some small
misunderstandings. So be prepared for a rough time.
If single – There is love in the air so simply, enjoy the year.
4) PIG – Average+
This year is an average+ year for you hence enjoy the year by
paying attention to details at work as you may tend to miss.
Business Outlook – Economy is getting better and sales are also
slowly picking up. Embrace the year.
For students – This year, you tend to be restless, hence cannot
focus in school. Learn by heart again and again that way come
exam time, no need to worry, sure can pass.
Money and Work:
This year, there is little lottery luck as most money are earned
through working. If there are good investments around, you can
invest or buy some shares to keep for dividend income.
If you are planning for your retirement then buy annuities to have
reasonable payout when you reach say 65.
Those who has more disposable income can buy a second
property this year to rent out for rental income. If not then wait for
the right timing. Please do not anyhow buy as buying a property
is a big decision.
This year, your health is rather good. So continue to take your
multi vitamins and do some exercises daily before you go to
work could be the best.
If you like body/foot massages, go for them and pay for them
here instead of going elsewhere where it is cheaper. Your body
cannot wait. Always try to focus on your health.
You can try doing gua sha / cupping at least once every 6
Love and Family:
This year, younger people are going to take your attention. Be
generous and kind towards them then all is good.
If in a relationship – It is great time to get married. This year, try
to spend a bit more time on him/her would be good.
If single – This year, there is romance and your Mr. or Miss Right
can appear. Stay happy.
5) RAT – Excellent
This is an excellent year for you as there are many good stars
for you next year. Everything that you “touch will turn gold”
however do stay humble and help those less fortunate.
Do your yearly donations to maintain the good luck always.
Business Outlook – Business is getting better though slow. Cut
cost and maintain the year and wait for the next year.
For students – This year, you can study a bit and can get by. To
score good results, you will need to study harder.
Money and Work:
There is Heaven’s luck this year, hence you can gamble if you
wish or do some investments. Do read the small lines in the
contract before you sign.
For those born in the year of the rat, whatever words spoken
from your mouth can come true. So please say good things so
as to benefit everyone.
It may be time for you to plan for your retirement so spend some
time to think about it. One of the best plan is for you to be a
Your health is good this year so that means that you can travel
and enjoy travelling around the world. Keep doing your regular
exercise and take multi vitamins.
Go brisk walking or cycling or do any sports that you like. Every
two years go do a full body check up on your health report.
Love and Family:
This year, pay attention to older people in the family as they may
need your help more. Relationship with spouse is good as long
as you give way to him/her.
If in a relationship – This year relationship is stable and is time to
get married.
If single – If you are single, you can meet your special someone
this year. Enjoy the new relationship.
6) OX – Average
This is your year and therefore it is an average year for you.
There will be many changes like change house, change job or
change car.
Whatever you do is not smooth, hence in order to be smooth is
to wear a gold kirin or gold pixiu (Chinese mythical creature)
bought from the goldsmith shop will be good.
Business Outlook – Economy is picking up, however your sales
are slow. Go full vegetarian to ward it off.
For students – This year, you will have to study harder than other
years. Don’t stress yourself… just do your best at the exams.
Money and Work:
There is no Heaven’s luck for you this year and becareful that you
may lose a sum of money to strangers or to scam. So from 13
March onwards, go do a donation as this can help ward it off a bit.
You are also advised to shed blood on the 21 February 2021 and
onwards so as to ward off any bad events that can occur this year.
Career money has always been good. Do remember to save
however this year because it is your year, you may find it hard to
save. Therefore do not worry too much.
This year, your health may give rise to small issues like cold or
flu. So quickly see a medical doctor to get some medicine and it
will be fine.
Whatever you do this year, you will need to be careful with metal
objects like knives, etc as there is a tendency to get hurt.
Love and Family:
This year, everybody seems to be needing your help hence you
may find that you have less time to spend with family members.
If in a relationship – There is friction in the relationship so talk
less this year is best or everything also agree.
If you are single – There is a chance that he or she can appear.
So simply enjoy the new relationship.
7) TIGER – Good
This year is a lucky year for you as work is smooth and sales are
good. However, you may feel a bit of stress, just relax by
meditating and all will be well.
Do continue to practice your meditation if you already haven’t done
so then you can spread loving kindness to everyone that you meet
or with your positive energy.
Business Outlook – Try reducing cost so that your business can
still survive. Do more sales and promotions to increase sales.
For students – This year, there is a classmate that may need your
help in school. Try helping her / him. Helping others bring us inner
Money and Work:
There is Heaven’s luck for you this year. So if you wish to
gamble a bit is fine. After winning some money ensure that you
give treat to your family or friends so as to win again.
This year, if you plan to do some investments, yes you may do
so. Do remember to plan for your retirement income.
For the coming Chinese New Year, you may wish to place two
mandarin oranges together with the wrapper in the fridge for
some added good Fengshui luck. This can apply to all other
animal signs.
This year your health is quite good but do continue to take your
multi vitamins, exercise and stay healthy.
It is usually a good year before your own year, next year. So do
enjoy this year first.
It will be good to start planning for your retirement income where
when you reach the age of say 65, there is some passive income
for you like having a payout of something every month.
Love and Family:
This year, relationship with spouse and family members are
enjoyable and peaceful. If you have skilful means to handle them
then nothing is too difficult.
If in a relationship – This year can plan for a wedding especially
when relationship is smooth.
If single – There can be love in the air for you. Stay happy and
enjoy the new relationship.
8) RABBIT – Good
This is a good year for you where your boss appreciates your
skills at work and colleagues are helpful when you need them.
There is a possibility of a promotion in sight especially the first
Business Outlook – It might be a bit slow in sales but it should
pick up towards the second half of this year.
For students – This year studies are ok just that you have a
tendency to overspend.
Money and Work:
There is no Heaven’s luck this year so just be contented with the
income earned from work and spend within your means.
If you are not good at saving, then try this: keep your money in a
two-name account or simply keep cash at home in a metal tin
box and place it beside you where you are sleeping. This way,
the money stays.
Your health is generally good this year. So you can keep your
routine with yoga, running or even cycling to keep fit.
For some, foot and body massages are a must to allow the blood
to circulate as this keeps them healthy.
A benchmark to see if you need more exercise is when you feel
that you have put on too much weight. If you find that you did then
it is time to get back to the original weight.
Love and Family:
This year, you may find yourself having to strike a balance with
work and your family activities. Stay mindful of everything that
you do then all can be done quickly and fast and with good
If in a relationship – It is time to get married if your friend and you
have been going out for quite some time.
If single – There can appear a special someone this year. Get to
know the person well first before you jump into a relationship.
9) DRAGON – Good
This is a great year for you as everything will be smooth and
goes according to your wishes. People around you are very
helpful and projects get done smoothly too.
Business Outlook – Sales are picking up and should continue
into the next year of the Tiger.
For students – This year, you may need to study by heart a few
times then can remember as there are many things to need to
learn by heart. Put more effort into them and all are well. You
should do well in the exams.
Money and Work:
There is Heaven’s luck this year so if you wish to buy lottery to have
that “feel good” energy.
These winning money can not be kept hence we prefer money
earned from career as these money earned can be invested and
can grow.
This year, someone close to you can come and borrow money from
you. If you wish to help that someone who is close and very nice to
you, yes, please go ahead as this can allow you to practise
Your health is generally good this year except for a few minor pain
here and there.
Learn to be mindful by learning meditation in that way, you can
have good memory otherwise when getting older, you may also
have weak leg muscles.
Take multi vitamins or go for body or foot massages are good.
Make sure that this new year, do not eat any animal that is alive
and got killed for your food.
Love and Family:
This year, your relationship with everyone seems good as people
around you are generally nice. It is also a time for family travel
when you feel it is the right timing to do so.
If in a relationship – Relationship is stable and it is time to get
If single – There is no opportunity for you to meet that special
someone. Go out with friends for the time being.
10) SNAKE – Average
This is an average year for you, therefore whatever things you
want to do, you will need to be very careful in case you get hurt
or may even fall down. Strangers may also come forward to
blame you for something no fault of yours.
Business Outlook – Ensure that you reduce cost by spending
less even on salaries and ride through the slow year.
For students – The energies in the year do not favour you and
therefore you have to study harder by putting more effort. Then
you will do very well in the exams as snakes are very intelligent.
Money and Work:
There is no Heaven’s luck this year, hence do not spend
unnecessarily money buying lottery when you know that you are
not going to make any money.
It is best to save them up in a small metal box and keep them
beside you where you are sleeping. This metal element can
bring you some overall luck as well.
If working, career is good and ensure that you are a good team
player at work and lessen your ability to show off this year or
trying to control your colleagues.
This year health is not so good hence you are advised to go see
a medical doctor for check up if you have small ailments. If not
then do simple yoga or any form of exercise to keep the blood in
good circulation.
You may also wish to wear a watch that can measure your high
If you are a bit on the lazy side then go do body or foot
massages to improve health, both for the body as well as for
mental health.
Love and Family:
This year, family members around you tend to have issues
hence you would be busy with solving their problems. Do
remember to relax yourself and not to take their problems as
your own or worry about them. This is not the correct way to live
your life.
If in a relationship – It is time to get married this year or the
following year if your banquet can be booked.
If you are single – There is a special someone in sight this year.
He or she can appear and is a nice person. Spend time to know
the person first before going steady.
11) HORSE – Excellent
This year is a fantastic year for you so enjoy the year and do
remember to do some donations throughout the whole year.
Projects are smooth and you get credit for it and there is a
promotion for you.
Business Outlook – Business continue to pick up and sales are
For students – Horses are intelligent animal and they only need
short time to study then finished. Don’t let your parents’ nagging
get in the way. Smile at your heart and all will be well.
Money and Work:
This year, there is Heaven’s luck for you so you might win Toto first
prize or big sweep or any lottery. There is surely a win for you
however all depends on your individual bazi chart.
After wining some lottery money, some people keep them in
drawers until Li Chun day then deposit them.
If you have spare cash and wish to buy another property be it
second or third one, you can do so. Best Fengshui condo is the
one with facing either north or south. Without checking Fengshui,
they usually have good Fengshui.
This year, your health is good as you maintain it well by watching
what you eat.
Continue with your exercise routine and do take some multi
Try taking less meat and more on fruits and vegetables.
Love and Family:
Everyone in the family is in harmony and are happy and
contented. Do bring the family for a vacation when you can.
Vacation is a good time for family bonding.
If in a relationship – If he/she and you are in a stable relationship,
maybe it is time for you to plan to get married.
If single – There is someone special for you this year if you are
unattached. He/she can appear around May/June 2021.
12) GOAT – Average
This is not a good year for you as the Ox year clash with you.
Hence you can expect to see a few changes. If you wish to have
a smooth year, wear a gold kirin or gold pixiu (Chinese mythical
creature) the whole year or carry in the pocket.
This year, there can be miscommunications with bosses and
staff. Take note.
Business Outlook – Sales will not be good, so it is best to lie low
and wait for next year.
For students – No matter how hard you study the grades are not
fantastic. Go vegetarian if you wish to see better results or wear
your lucky colour clothes to the exams.
Money and Work:
This year, there is no Heaven’s luck and therefore your money is
hard to earn. You are advised to go do a donation from 13 March
2021 onwards to ward off some money that is supposed to be lost
this year.
When the Ox year clash with you, you can expect to see changes
in your work, your house or you may even change car. These
changes are supposed to be good changes. Just that everything
that you do will not be smooth so you may end up doing things two
times then get it right. It is best not to do any major investments
except buying property. You are advised to shed blood on 21
February 2021 onwards.
Your health is generally good this year however be careful of any
sharp metal objects like knives which can cut.
Do go for your regular running or body/foot massages to let the
blood flow in the body system.
For those on a vegetarian diet do remember to add some vitamins
into the diet so as to not feel so cold in air con places.
Try taking more ginger pieces whether dry or cooked as these can
help keep you warm or practise Qigong. Keep the Qi in your
Love and Family:
This year, relationship with spouse is not good as you are not your
normal self and the spouse will find it strange hence the conflict.
If in a relationship – this year relationship is not very good as
there can be many miscommunications. Talk less or everything
also agree is the best.
If single – This year, you may meet your partner however get to
know him/her well first before going into a relationship.
Predictions for the Goat Year
How to have
wealth ?
Predictions for the Ox Year
How to have better wealth ?
1) The romance star (4) is in the East
2) The water star (1) is in the South
3) The robbing star (7) is in the North West
4) The sickness star (2) is in the North
5) The legal star (3) is in the South West
6) The wealth star (8) is in the West
7) The helpful star (6) is in the Centre
8) The 5 yellow star (5) is in the South East
9) The fire star (9) is in the North East
When you wish to renovate your house this year, do not
renovate at the North and South East sectors of the house.
To activate wealth is to place a “pot of gold” (gold ingot shaped
bowl with lots of coins) in the West sector of the house.
When you feel that your luck is not smooth, go full vegetarian for
6 days.
All married ladies need to be careful of negative legal matters.
Small issues simply ward it off by saying “sorry” even if you are
not in the wrong.
Tip for 2021
Predictions for the Ox Year
2005 – Carry 88 grains of un-cooked rice in a red packet
and a gold pendant for good luck and protection.
2006 – Carry a “gold pendant abacus” in your wallet for
more money to count in the year.
2007 – Carry S$500/- cash in the zip pouch of your bag so
that with more money, you will be able to “attract” more
money to come to you.
2008 – Carry a small bagua, size of 20 cent coin in the
wallet for wealth, protection and power.
2009 – Throw lots of coins on the writing desk in your study
room or anywhere in the living room for additional Good Luck
and for your wealth to grow in 2009 !!!
2010 – Go and buy a real gold (916 gold) “ru yi” pendant for
your smooth career and place it in your wallet !!!
2011 – Place 8 big mandarin oranges individually wrapped in
the freezer and watch for Good results, 3 months later !!!
2012 – Carry a Jade laughing Buddha in your wallet !
2013 – Buy a big 3-legged toad (bronze) and place it in your
wealth area of your house.
2014 – Buy a laughing Buddha and place him on the floor behind
the house main door for added Good Luck !!!
2015 – Buy a bronze “Chye Sen Yeh” for Good Fortune all year
round !!!
2016 – Buy a 916 gold “Chye Sen Yeh” for Good Luck all year
round !!!
2017 – Carry 888 un-cooked rice in a red packet for Good Luck
2018 – Carry a Golden Bell for Good Fortune and Protection !!!
2019 – Wear 2 pink, rose quartz crystals on your left wrists for a
smooth year and Good Fortune !!!
2020 – Buy a crown porcelain frog and place him in the wealth
area !!!
Buy a gold “pixiu
or kirin” pendant,
keychain or photo
and carry or wear
for a smooth &
lucky year !!!
Fengshui Queen
Predictions for the Goat Year
Tips for 2021
Predictions for the Ox Year
1) Investment Tip: It is time to invest in shares or annuities for
retirement fund if need to. You must have a plan and stick to it.
2) Create Merits: It is important to donate every year to charity.
3) Follow Blog, “The Fengshui Savvy Investor” :
4) Go to Facebook to read the powerpoint slides.
5) Go to Tik Tok to learn more about “Mindfulness”.
to view the slides –
6) Join us in WeChat Group “Free Fengshui Chat”, where Master
Lynn Yap goes “live” every Friday night at 8pm.
AWESOME 2021 !!!!
Predictions for the Ox Year

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Predictions 2021

  • 1. PREDICTIONS 2021 Master Lynn Yap Fengshui Queen Singapore ® 3P Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd Fengshui Queen SG
  • 2. CONTENTS: 1) Short introduction about Master Lynn Yap 2) 18 Predictions for 2021 3) Which industries will do well 4) Fortune for 12 animal signs 5) Fengshui Queen SG Tip for 2021 6) Conclusion Predictions 2021
  • 3.  Age 60+  BBA (NUS)(1982)  Fengshui / Bazi experiences since 1989  Learnt from many grandmasters and registered Fengshui Queen, Singapore, 2000.  Made several appearances in CNBC Asia, BBC World, Discovery Channel, German TV, TCS 5, TCS 8, Channel U.  Interviewed by numerous newspapers and magazines worldwide.  Each year there are numerous Fengshui projects and life readings.  Merits: Our Company became a statutory member of Singapore Business Federation, 2009.  Multiple property sole owner Predictions 2021
  • 4. Our Company’s Mission: To provide affordable, true and accurate Fengshui / destiny consultations to anyone. Predictions 2021
  • 5. Method of Fengshui used : 1) Landscape Fengshui 2) Flying Star School of Fengshui 3) Intuitive Fengshui Predictions 2021
  • 6. Predictions for the Goat Year General Predictions Predictions for the Ox Year
  • 7. GENERAL FORECAST : It is going to be an “challenging” year with happenings on 3 main areas like infectious diseases, riots and accidents. THE YEAR 2021
  • 8. • It is a “challenging” year because the first 6 months has “ying metal” while the latter half has “ying earth”. • The “metal” is sitting above the “earth” causing the year to be a “weak earth” year. • Hence, we can expect to see that the infectious diseases will be tamed. Hopefully there are no new ones, and we can expect to see riots and accidents happening. THE YEAR 2021
  • 9. • The Year 2021, is called a Metal Ox Year where we can also call it a “White Ox” year and it is going to be “challenging”. • The first 6 months is not a good year for the “wood” industry because “metal” controls the “wood” element. • The later 6 months is not a good year for the “water” industry because “earth” controls the “water” element. • Therefore, the first half is not good for politics while the second half is not good for the aviation industry. THE YEAR 2021
  • 10. • This is a yeartwhere people are going to work very hard and luckily this time, is only during the day. • We can sleep peacefully at night. However, this is a year where people around you will tend to be very stubborn. Try telling them two times and after two times when they don’t listen then you will have to let it go. • The keyword for 2021 is “Infectious Diseases” while 2020 is “Fraud” while for 2019 was “Money”, for 2018 was “Human Errors””for 2017 is “Money” (Bitcoin/Stock Market) while “Explosions” was the keyword for 2016 and “Infectious Diseases” for 2015 and “Emotions” in 2014. THE YEAR 2021
  • 11. • The Ox is a “hardworking” animal and is the second animal of the 12 animal signs in the Chinese Horoscope. • The Ox likes to work and working keeps him happy. If he/she is not working, the Ox will be unhappy. Ox is also very stubborn and tends not to listen to anyone except himself or herself. • The Ox is also a very simple animal and is easily contented and can be very very happy with grass to eat every day. So you may be eating very simple food every day only. Look at your friends who are born in the Ox year, can you see the similarity? • Next year is the Tiger year, 2022, where we are going to be busy in the evening time looking for food. THE YEAR 2021
  • 12. When is Chinese New Year ? The 3rd February 2021 is the season of spring (Li Chun) and is the beginning of a Chinese New Year. This is according to the “solar” calendar. However, Chinese all over the world would still celebrate Chinese New Year on 12 February 2021 which follows the lunar calendar. It is a good year to get married and kindly ensure that you get a Geomancer to pick some good and auspicious dates for you. If you are going to pray to Tai Sui this year, ensure that you pray after Li Chun or 12 February 2021 onwards. THE YEAR 2021
  • 13. It really depends on which Chinese New Year’s calendar you follow. For the past few years since 2005 (made known in lynnyap8888 Instagram Account) many of us usually observe what “happens” to us on the 3rd February (Li Chun) and if good things happen on that day then it is going to be a very, very auspicious year. If negative things occurs, then it means that the year is not going to be good. So better visit your Fengshui Master /Destiny Reader to alter the negative luck when that happens. THE YEAR 2021
  • 14. THE YEAR 2021 3rd February 2021 falls on a Wednesday where banks are open and hence we can either go to the bank to bank in cash or deposit cash using the ATM machine. Money deposited on this day is GOOD as our wealth can GROW !!! Every year since 2005, we had been doing this and our wealth did grow !!! Many became multi-millionaires !!!
  • 15. Please go to the bank, MUST wear a red top, bank in cash or cheque to your Name or to your Company’s Name. Kindly note that you will have to wear a red top/red shawl, if not it won’t work. NOTE: There is also no necessity to wait for a special timing. THE YEAR 2021 3rd February 2021 – wear red top or shawl
  • 16. Predictions for the Goat Year Which animal signs will not do well in the coming Lunar New Year 2021? Predictions for the Ox Year
  • 17. A) Those born in the year of the “Goat” , “Ox” B) Those whose bazi (a form of life reading based on birth date, time and country of birth) has a “Ox” or “Goat” in the hour pillar (your time of birth), (1am till 3am) & (1pm to 3pm) also will not have a good year. THE YEAR 2021
  • 18. Predictions for the Goat Year What not to do this year 2021? Predictions for the Ox Year
  • 19. 1) Do not attend weddings or funerals. 2) Do not attend friend’s birthday parties and baby showers. Do not eat the cakes and red eggs. They are commonly known as the 4 events. NOTE I: As long as your bazi has a “Ox” or a “Goat” in it, you need to be extremely careful. You must never attend these if you really want a “peaceful” year. NOTE II: However; if you ever need to attend then wear “red underwear” and carry 6 nails when attending funeral. Do not carry nails when attending wedding. THE YEAR 2021
  • 20. Predictions for the Goat Year 18 Predictions Predictions for the Ox Year
  • 21. 1) Investment Outlook 2021 - Gold Prices would fluctuate and will rise (overall outlook) - 2) Oil prices would fluctuate and can rise (overall outlook) - 3) There is a possibility of a terrorist attack - THE YEAR 2021
  • 22. 4) Disaster Outlook 2021 – There could be typhoons, tsunami, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, happening around the South Eastern part of the world. The “five yellow” energy is in the South East or anywhere that is the “South Eastern” part of any country like USA, China, India, Japan or New Zealand and Australia may encounter issues. 5) There could be a possibility of a riot – people are angry and wants their rights heard. They also want to have changes to what they fight for. 6) There can be new discovery in medicine – example is the discovery of a vaccine for our current needs. THE YEAR 2021
  • 23. 7) Characteristics of People – People will tend to be stubborn have their own thinking and cannot see the other people’s point of view. They also expect others to listen to them. 8) There would be strong competition among the earth industries like chemicals, medicine, vaccines, paints, cosmetic, real estate developers, hospitals and funeral companies. 9) This year, the sicknesses to take note are – sensitive nose, lungs, flu, skin issues, stomach matters and any heart related issues. THE YEAR 2021
  • 24. 10) Currency Outlook 2021 – US dollar continues to fluctuate. 11) There is a possibility of a “vehicle crashing into a building” or a sudden collapse of buildings/shopping centers or roads. 12) The younger males will tend to fall sick while the younger females may need to be careful when driving or walking. Do not do any dangerous activities. THE YEAR 2021
  • 25. 13) Stock Market Outlook 2021 - The Share prices in the stock market will collapse anytime. 14) There will be changes in regulations made in the “earth” industry. 15) There can be mergers or acquisitions in the “earth” industry. 16) There may be the passing away of a very famous person. THE YEAR 2021
  • 26. 17) Stock Market – The share prices of “Metal Stocks” in the Stock Market will rise the most. Check this out to see true or not. 18) We would need to work hard during the day only and at night we can have a good sound sleep. Note: Around the world where there are heavy rainfall and floods or extreme cold weather will indicate that the Tiger Year, 2022 is here. THE YEAR 2021
  • 27. Predictions for the Goat year Which industries will do well ? Predictions for the Ox Year
  • 29. Fire Industry: FIRE: GOOD Properties of Fire: warm and gives off heat Fire industries are those related to electrical products, stock markets, restaurants, lighting shops, fast food chains, bakery shops, security business and accounting firms. Predictions for the Ox Year
  • 30. Predictions for the Ox Year Earth Industry: EARTH: GOOD Properties of Earth: hard and stillness Earth Industries are those related to properties, human resource, pet shops, chemicals, cosmetics, renovation companies, property developers, agriculture, insurance, construction firms, cosmetic surgery and Tibetan medicine.
  • 31. Predictions for the Ox Year Metal Industry: METAL: EXCELLENT Properties of Metal: hard and piercing Metal Industries are those related to banking, machineries and equipment, law firms, fortune telling, Fengshui consultancy, gold-smith shops, robotics, steel, motor vehicles all types, trains, rocket, space crafts and aerospace industries.
  • 32. Predictions for the Ox Year Water Industry: WATER: AVERAGE Properties of Water: wavy Water Industries are those that deal with internet, consultancy, shipping, transportation, logistics, distribution, tourism, lottery, cold beverages, hotels, shipbuilding, broadcasting, pubs/bars, Big Data, Cloud computing information technology, marine products, oil, money lending, telecommunications, airlines, casino business, animation, digital computing, advertising, online shops, gaming, space exploration, cyber security, artificial intelligence and video computing.
  • 33. Predictions for the Ox Year Wood Industry: WOOD: AVERAGE Properties of Wood: hard and grows upwards Wood Industries are those related to Government, printing, seminars / events, universities, schools, textile firms, paper and pulp, timber, furniture, fashion, clothes, politics, nurseries, education, hair salons, photography, bookstores and publishing.
  • 34. Predictions for the Goat Year Forecast for the 12 animal signs Predictions for the Ox Year
  • 35. 1) MONKEY – Good This is a good year for you as the stars are bright however you will be busy at work. Colleagues are in harmony with you and all is well and projects gets done in record timing. Business Outlook – For those in business, sales are picking up this year and next year will be much better. For students – This year, somehow you are busy with your studies however school mates are very helpful. THE YEAR 2021
  • 36. Money and Work: This year there is no Heaven’s luck therefore do not gamble or buy lottery but plan to save more for retirement. Start planning when you wish to “retire” where you can be debt free and the house is fully paid and not working. If you are not sure when then go see your Destiny reader. This year you can make investments or buy a second property if you wish to (all conditions apply). THE YEAR 2021
  • 37. Health: This year, your health is less desirable meaning that you can tend to fall sick like a small flu. So quickly see a medical doctor as soon as possible. Do continue with your foot and shoulder massages once or twice a month depending on your body condition. If not do your exercise, running or even yoga. THE YEAR 2021
  • 38. Love and Family: This year, your relationship with spouse is much better. Family is more in harmony and simply enjoy the year. Do not be fussy about time, learn to relax and to give more. You will be a lot happier. If in a relationship – It is time to get married this year if relationship is stable. If single – There is no appearance of a special someone so simply enjoy the year with friends. THE YEAR 2021
  • 39. 2) ROOSTER – Good This is a good year for you as work is smooth and there are many helpful people around. This is a very relaxed year and there is a tendency to get promoted. Business Outlook – Economy is picking up hence sales is going to improve. Simply enjoy the year. For students – This year, you may find yourself having to study much harder than last time. So be prepared to spend more time on your studies. THE YEAR 2021
  • 40. Money and Work: This year there is no Heaven’s luck therefore money comes from earned income. In life, it is best not to gamble as not many people are born with the gambling luck. Money earned from gambling also cannot be kept and must be spent away. Hence we prefer money earned from income as these can be invested and can grow. However, you can still do some investment in shares if your bazi (a form of life reading) agrees or invest in properties. THE YEAR 2021
  • 41. Health: This year, your health is quite good. However, if you do have any small ailments quickly see a medical doctor. In life as we grow older, it is important to be active. To be active means to have activities every day or things which keep you occupied. Being active can be gainfully employed or simply have some form of exercise or work out or even yoga. As a rooster, you tend to have strong likes and dislikes hence do those that you like to do is good enough. THE YEAR 2021
  • 42. Love and Family: This year, your close relatives like brothers and sisters may need your care and attention. Relationship with spouse is good as long as you give way to him/her. Bring family out for a vacation. If in a relationship – This may be a year where you may plan to settle down and get married. If single – There is no romance this year hence enjoy your time well spent with friends of the same sex and wait for another year. THE YEAR 2021
  • 43. 3) DOG – Average+ This is an average+ year for you as at the work place there appears an enemy who can find fault with you in whatever you do. So this year become quite challenging for you. Every household should have a rice bin in the kitchen to ensure that career is good. This Fengshui tip applies to all animal signs. Business Outlook – This year, your business is getting better. Reduce cost in order to survive. For students – This year, you will have to study harder then can pass the exams. Do not spend too much time talking to school friends. THE YEAR 2021
  • 44. Money and Work: This year, there is no Heaven’s Luck hence income earned from salary is the only source of money. If you find that in your life, it is very difficult for you to save money then try saving them in a two name account. The money there would stay. If you have some spare money and wish to buy a second property then go ahead. We will only buy the house if that house has a good Fengshui or that that is a place where we don’t mind staying when we are old. We will also buy the house if that house has our own “spiritual number” THE YEAR 2021
  • 45. Health: This year your health is good. Maintain your regular running or exercise routine. If you can once in your life time, go free birds or fishes or insects as these can give you, good health and long life. Take your multi vitamins and go for body or foot massages including bringing children to those places so that their body will not feel lazy and they can study better. Every two years, go do a full body check up. If you can try to rest more this year, that is to slow down. THE YEAR 2021
  • 46. Love and Family: This year children around you may need your attention hence you are going to be busy. Relationship with spouse is good. Try to plan for a vacation soon. If in a relationship – This year there can be some small misunderstandings. So be prepared for a rough time. If single – There is love in the air so simply, enjoy the year. THE YEAR 2021
  • 47. 4) PIG – Average+ This year is an average+ year for you hence enjoy the year by paying attention to details at work as you may tend to miss. Business Outlook – Economy is getting better and sales are also slowly picking up. Embrace the year. For students – This year, you tend to be restless, hence cannot focus in school. Learn by heart again and again that way come exam time, no need to worry, sure can pass. THE YEAR 2021
  • 48. Money and Work: This year, there is little lottery luck as most money are earned through working. If there are good investments around, you can invest or buy some shares to keep for dividend income. If you are planning for your retirement then buy annuities to have reasonable payout when you reach say 65. Those who has more disposable income can buy a second property this year to rent out for rental income. If not then wait for the right timing. Please do not anyhow buy as buying a property is a big decision. THE YEAR 2021
  • 49. Health: This year, your health is rather good. So continue to take your multi vitamins and do some exercises daily before you go to work could be the best. If you like body/foot massages, go for them and pay for them here instead of going elsewhere where it is cheaper. Your body cannot wait. Always try to focus on your health. You can try doing gua sha / cupping at least once every 6 months. THE YEAR 2021
  • 50. Love and Family: This year, younger people are going to take your attention. Be generous and kind towards them then all is good. If in a relationship – It is great time to get married. This year, try to spend a bit more time on him/her would be good. If single – This year, there is romance and your Mr. or Miss Right can appear. Stay happy. THE YEAR 2021
  • 51. 5) RAT – Excellent This is an excellent year for you as there are many good stars for you next year. Everything that you “touch will turn gold” however do stay humble and help those less fortunate. Do your yearly donations to maintain the good luck always. Business Outlook – Business is getting better though slow. Cut cost and maintain the year and wait for the next year. For students – This year, you can study a bit and can get by. To score good results, you will need to study harder. THE YEAR 2021
  • 52. Money and Work: There is Heaven’s luck this year, hence you can gamble if you wish or do some investments. Do read the small lines in the contract before you sign. For those born in the year of the rat, whatever words spoken from your mouth can come true. So please say good things so as to benefit everyone. It may be time for you to plan for your retirement so spend some time to think about it. One of the best plan is for you to be a landlord. THE YEAR 2021
  • 53. Health: Your health is good this year so that means that you can travel and enjoy travelling around the world. Keep doing your regular exercise and take multi vitamins. Go brisk walking or cycling or do any sports that you like. Every two years go do a full body check up on your health report. THE YEAR 2021
  • 54. Love and Family: This year, pay attention to older people in the family as they may need your help more. Relationship with spouse is good as long as you give way to him/her. If in a relationship – This year relationship is stable and is time to get married. If single – If you are single, you can meet your special someone this year. Enjoy the new relationship. THE YEAR 2021
  • 55. 6) OX – Average This is your year and therefore it is an average year for you. There will be many changes like change house, change job or change car. Whatever you do is not smooth, hence in order to be smooth is to wear a gold kirin or gold pixiu (Chinese mythical creature) bought from the goldsmith shop will be good. Business Outlook – Economy is picking up, however your sales are slow. Go full vegetarian to ward it off. For students – This year, you will have to study harder than other years. Don’t stress yourself… just do your best at the exams. THE YEAR 2021
  • 56. Money and Work: There is no Heaven’s luck for you this year and becareful that you may lose a sum of money to strangers or to scam. So from 13 March onwards, go do a donation as this can help ward it off a bit. You are also advised to shed blood on the 21 February 2021 and onwards so as to ward off any bad events that can occur this year. Career money has always been good. Do remember to save however this year because it is your year, you may find it hard to save. Therefore do not worry too much. THE YEAR 2021
  • 57. Health: This year, your health may give rise to small issues like cold or flu. So quickly see a medical doctor to get some medicine and it will be fine. Whatever you do this year, you will need to be careful with metal objects like knives, etc as there is a tendency to get hurt. THE YEAR 2021
  • 58. Love and Family: This year, everybody seems to be needing your help hence you may find that you have less time to spend with family members. If in a relationship – There is friction in the relationship so talk less this year is best or everything also agree. If you are single – There is a chance that he or she can appear. So simply enjoy the new relationship. THE YEAR 2021
  • 59. 7) TIGER – Good This year is a lucky year for you as work is smooth and sales are good. However, you may feel a bit of stress, just relax by meditating and all will be well. Do continue to practice your meditation if you already haven’t done so then you can spread loving kindness to everyone that you meet or with your positive energy. Business Outlook – Try reducing cost so that your business can still survive. Do more sales and promotions to increase sales. For students – This year, there is a classmate that may need your help in school. Try helping her / him. Helping others bring us inner happiness. THE YEAR 2021
  • 60. Money and Work: There is Heaven’s luck for you this year. So if you wish to gamble a bit is fine. After winning some money ensure that you give treat to your family or friends so as to win again. This year, if you plan to do some investments, yes you may do so. Do remember to plan for your retirement income. For the coming Chinese New Year, you may wish to place two mandarin oranges together with the wrapper in the fridge for some added good Fengshui luck. This can apply to all other animal signs. THE YEAR 2021
  • 61. Health: This year your health is quite good but do continue to take your multi vitamins, exercise and stay healthy. It is usually a good year before your own year, next year. So do enjoy this year first. It will be good to start planning for your retirement income where when you reach the age of say 65, there is some passive income for you like having a payout of something every month. THE YEAR 2021
  • 62. Love and Family: This year, relationship with spouse and family members are enjoyable and peaceful. If you have skilful means to handle them then nothing is too difficult. If in a relationship – This year can plan for a wedding especially when relationship is smooth. If single – There can be love in the air for you. Stay happy and enjoy the new relationship. THE YEAR 2021
  • 63. 8) RABBIT – Good This is a good year for you where your boss appreciates your skills at work and colleagues are helpful when you need them. There is a possibility of a promotion in sight especially the first half. Business Outlook – It might be a bit slow in sales but it should pick up towards the second half of this year. For students – This year studies are ok just that you have a tendency to overspend. THE YEAR 2021
  • 64. Money and Work: There is no Heaven’s luck this year so just be contented with the income earned from work and spend within your means. If you are not good at saving, then try this: keep your money in a two-name account or simply keep cash at home in a metal tin box and place it beside you where you are sleeping. This way, the money stays. THE YEAR 2021
  • 65. Health: Your health is generally good this year. So you can keep your routine with yoga, running or even cycling to keep fit. For some, foot and body massages are a must to allow the blood to circulate as this keeps them healthy. A benchmark to see if you need more exercise is when you feel that you have put on too much weight. If you find that you did then it is time to get back to the original weight. THE YEAR 2021
  • 66. Love and Family: This year, you may find yourself having to strike a balance with work and your family activities. Stay mindful of everything that you do then all can be done quickly and fast and with good accuracy. If in a relationship – It is time to get married if your friend and you have been going out for quite some time. If single – There can appear a special someone this year. Get to know the person well first before you jump into a relationship. THE YEAR 2021
  • 67. 9) DRAGON – Good This is a great year for you as everything will be smooth and goes according to your wishes. People around you are very helpful and projects get done smoothly too. Business Outlook – Sales are picking up and should continue into the next year of the Tiger. For students – This year, you may need to study by heart a few times then can remember as there are many things to need to learn by heart. Put more effort into them and all are well. You should do well in the exams. THE YEAR 2021
  • 68. Money and Work: There is Heaven’s luck this year so if you wish to buy lottery to have that “feel good” energy. These winning money can not be kept hence we prefer money earned from career as these money earned can be invested and can grow. This year, someone close to you can come and borrow money from you. If you wish to help that someone who is close and very nice to you, yes, please go ahead as this can allow you to practise generosity. THE YEAR 2021
  • 69. Health: Your health is generally good this year except for a few minor pain here and there. Learn to be mindful by learning meditation in that way, you can have good memory otherwise when getting older, you may also have weak leg muscles. Take multi vitamins or go for body or foot massages are good. Make sure that this new year, do not eat any animal that is alive and got killed for your food. THE YEAR 2021
  • 70. Love and Family: This year, your relationship with everyone seems good as people around you are generally nice. It is also a time for family travel when you feel it is the right timing to do so. If in a relationship – Relationship is stable and it is time to get married. If single – There is no opportunity for you to meet that special someone. Go out with friends for the time being. THE YEAR 2021
  • 71. 10) SNAKE – Average This is an average year for you, therefore whatever things you want to do, you will need to be very careful in case you get hurt or may even fall down. Strangers may also come forward to blame you for something no fault of yours. Business Outlook – Ensure that you reduce cost by spending less even on salaries and ride through the slow year. For students – The energies in the year do not favour you and therefore you have to study harder by putting more effort. Then you will do very well in the exams as snakes are very intelligent. THE YEAR 2021
  • 72. Money and Work: There is no Heaven’s luck this year, hence do not spend unnecessarily money buying lottery when you know that you are not going to make any money. It is best to save them up in a small metal box and keep them beside you where you are sleeping. This metal element can bring you some overall luck as well. If working, career is good and ensure that you are a good team player at work and lessen your ability to show off this year or trying to control your colleagues. THE YEAR 2021
  • 73. Health: This year health is not so good hence you are advised to go see a medical doctor for check up if you have small ailments. If not then do simple yoga or any form of exercise to keep the blood in good circulation. You may also wish to wear a watch that can measure your high blood. If you are a bit on the lazy side then go do body or foot massages to improve health, both for the body as well as for mental health. THE YEAR 2021
  • 74. Love and Family: This year, family members around you tend to have issues hence you would be busy with solving their problems. Do remember to relax yourself and not to take their problems as your own or worry about them. This is not the correct way to live your life. If in a relationship – It is time to get married this year or the following year if your banquet can be booked. If you are single – There is a special someone in sight this year. He or she can appear and is a nice person. Spend time to know the person first before going steady. THE YEAR 2021
  • 75. 11) HORSE – Excellent This year is a fantastic year for you so enjoy the year and do remember to do some donations throughout the whole year. Projects are smooth and you get credit for it and there is a promotion for you. Business Outlook – Business continue to pick up and sales are improving. For students – Horses are intelligent animal and they only need short time to study then finished. Don’t let your parents’ nagging get in the way. Smile at your heart and all will be well. THE YEAR 2021
  • 76. Money and Work: This year, there is Heaven’s luck for you so you might win Toto first prize or big sweep or any lottery. There is surely a win for you however all depends on your individual bazi chart. After wining some lottery money, some people keep them in drawers until Li Chun day then deposit them. If you have spare cash and wish to buy another property be it second or third one, you can do so. Best Fengshui condo is the one with facing either north or south. Without checking Fengshui, they usually have good Fengshui. THE YEAR 2021
  • 77. Health: This year, your health is good as you maintain it well by watching what you eat. Continue with your exercise routine and do take some multi vitamins. Try taking less meat and more on fruits and vegetables. THE YEAR 2021
  • 78. Love and Family: Everyone in the family is in harmony and are happy and contented. Do bring the family for a vacation when you can. Vacation is a good time for family bonding. If in a relationship – If he/she and you are in a stable relationship, maybe it is time for you to plan to get married. If single – There is someone special for you this year if you are unattached. He/she can appear around May/June 2021. THE YEAR 2021
  • 79. THE YEAR 2021 12) GOAT – Average This is not a good year for you as the Ox year clash with you. Hence you can expect to see a few changes. If you wish to have a smooth year, wear a gold kirin or gold pixiu (Chinese mythical creature) the whole year or carry in the pocket. This year, there can be miscommunications with bosses and staff. Take note. Business Outlook – Sales will not be good, so it is best to lie low and wait for next year. For students – No matter how hard you study the grades are not fantastic. Go vegetarian if you wish to see better results or wear your lucky colour clothes to the exams.
  • 80. Money and Work: This year, there is no Heaven’s luck and therefore your money is hard to earn. You are advised to go do a donation from 13 March 2021 onwards to ward off some money that is supposed to be lost this year. When the Ox year clash with you, you can expect to see changes in your work, your house or you may even change car. These changes are supposed to be good changes. Just that everything that you do will not be smooth so you may end up doing things two times then get it right. It is best not to do any major investments except buying property. You are advised to shed blood on 21 February 2021 onwards. THE YEAR 2021
  • 81. Health: Your health is generally good this year however be careful of any sharp metal objects like knives which can cut. Do go for your regular running or body/foot massages to let the blood flow in the body system. For those on a vegetarian diet do remember to add some vitamins into the diet so as to not feel so cold in air con places. Try taking more ginger pieces whether dry or cooked as these can help keep you warm or practise Qigong. Keep the Qi in your stomach. THE YEAR 2021
  • 82. Love and Family: This year, relationship with spouse is not good as you are not your normal self and the spouse will find it strange hence the conflict. If in a relationship – this year relationship is not very good as there can be many miscommunications. Talk less or everything also agree is the best. If single – This year, you may meet your partner however get to know him/her well first before going into a relationship. THE YEAR 2021
  • 83. Predictions for the Goat Year How to have better wealth ? Predictions for the Ox Year
  • 84. How to have better wealth ? 1) The romance star (4) is in the East 2) The water star (1) is in the South 3) The robbing star (7) is in the North West 4) The sickness star (2) is in the North 5) The legal star (3) is in the South West 6) The wealth star (8) is in the West 7) The helpful star (6) is in the Centre 8) The 5 yellow star (5) is in the South East 9) The fire star (9) is in the North East
  • 85. When you wish to renovate your house this year, do not renovate at the North and South East sectors of the house. To activate wealth is to place a “pot of gold” (gold ingot shaped bowl with lots of coins) in the West sector of the house. When you feel that your luck is not smooth, go full vegetarian for 6 days. All married ladies need to be careful of negative legal matters. Small issues simply ward it off by saying “sorry” even if you are not in the wrong.
  • 87. 2005 – Carry 88 grains of un-cooked rice in a red packet and a gold pendant for good luck and protection. 2006 – Carry a “gold pendant abacus” in your wallet for more money to count in the year. 2007 – Carry S$500/- cash in the zip pouch of your bag so that with more money, you will be able to “attract” more money to come to you. 2008 – Carry a small bagua, size of 20 cent coin in the wallet for wealth, protection and power.
  • 88. 2009 – Throw lots of coins on the writing desk in your study room or anywhere in the living room for additional Good Luck and for your wealth to grow in 2009 !!! 2010 – Go and buy a real gold (916 gold) “ru yi” pendant for your smooth career and place it in your wallet !!! 2011 – Place 8 big mandarin oranges individually wrapped in the freezer and watch for Good results, 3 months later !!! 2012 – Carry a Jade laughing Buddha in your wallet ! 2013 – Buy a big 3-legged toad (bronze) and place it in your wealth area of your house.
  • 89. 2014 – Buy a laughing Buddha and place him on the floor behind the house main door for added Good Luck !!! 2015 – Buy a bronze “Chye Sen Yeh” for Good Fortune all year round !!! 2016 – Buy a 916 gold “Chye Sen Yeh” for Good Luck all year round !!! 2017 – Carry 888 un-cooked rice in a red packet for Good Luck !!! 2018 – Carry a Golden Bell for Good Fortune and Protection !!! 2019 – Wear 2 pink, rose quartz crystals on your left wrists for a smooth year and Good Fortune !!! 2020 – Buy a crown porcelain frog and place him in the wealth area !!!
  • 90. Buy a gold “pixiu or kirin” pendant, keychain or photo and carry or wear for a smooth & lucky year !!! Fengshui Queen Singapore®
  • 91. Predictions for the Goat Year Conclusion: Fengshui Tips for 2021 Predictions for the Ox Year
  • 92. 1) Investment Tip: It is time to invest in shares or annuities for retirement fund if need to. You must have a plan and stick to it. 2) Create Merits: It is important to donate every year to charity. 3) Follow Blog, “The Fengshui Savvy Investor” : 4) Go to Facebook to read the powerpoint slides. 5) Go to Tik Tok to learn more about “Mindfulness”. to view the slides – 6) Join us in WeChat Group “Free Fengshui Chat”, where Master Lynn Yap goes “live” every Friday night at 8pm.