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Master Lynn Yap
Fengshui Queen Singapore ®
3P Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd
1) Short intro about Master Lynn Yap
2) 18 Predictions for 2017
3) Which industries will do well
4) Fortune for 12 animal signs
5) FengshuiQueen SG Tip for 2017
6) Conclusion
 Age 50+
 BBA (NUS)(1982)
 Fengshui / bazi experiences since 1989
 Learnt from many grandmasters and registered
Fenghui Queen, Singapore 2000.
 Made several appearances in CNBC Asia,
BBC World, Discovery Channel, German TV,
TCS 5, TCS 8, Channel U.
 Interviewed by numerous newspapers and
magazines worldwide.
 Each year there are numerous Fengshui projects
and life readings and with 8 listed companies
clients, to-date.
 Merits : Our Company became a statutory member
of Singapore Business Federation, 2009.
 Multiple property sole owner
 Our Company’s
To provide affordable,
true and accurate
fengshui / destiny
consultations to
 Method of Fengshui
1) Flying Star School of
2) Landscape Fengshui
3) Intuitive Fengshui
Predictions for the Goat Year
Predictions for the Rooster Year
It is going to be a “challenging” year with
happenings on 3 main areas like natural
disasters, financial matters and small explosions.
 It is a “challenging” year because the first 6
months has “ying fire” while the latter half has
“ying metal”.
 The “fire” sitting above the “metal” causing the
year to be a weak metal year.
 Hence, we can expect to see financial matters,
terrorist attacks, small fire explosions and
earthquakes happening around the world.
 The year, 2017 is called a “Ding You” year (Fire Rooster
Year) where we can also called it a “Red Rooster” year as
it is going to be a year full of “happenings” where everyone
may feel very “difficult’ and unhappy for no reason.
It is also not a good year for the “water” industry.
Therefore, if you need to travel, try not to fly long distance.
 The combination of “Ding and You” will make the Rooster
year a year where people can be very stubborn, rigid in
their mindset and feeling sad.
 The keyword for this year is “Money” while “Explosions”
was the keyword for 2016 and “Infectious Diseases” was
the keyword for 2015 , “Emotions” in 2014.
 The Rooster is an intelligent person, very neat, fussy and
like to show off. Sometimes, they talk big too and dream
“very big”. The Rooster always crow in the morning and is
therefore very punctual.
 Though they tend to work very hard and is a no nonsense
type of person, they tend to excel in their job and usually
hold very high positions in Companies.
 The Rooster is the 10th animal of the 12 animal signs.
 Since the Rooster like to “show off” which means that we
are all going to be a bit “showy” and extremely
“hardworking” and this will guide us through the whole
 The Rooster year can also make people very stressful and
frustrated. The fire in the year would make people more
hot tempered and angry.
 Next year, is the Earth Dog year where we can all be more
down to earth and practical.
“It will be like a “Red Rooster” doing his cock a doodle do and everyone had
to pay attention”
When is Chinese New Year ?
 The 3rd February 2017 is the season of spring (Li Chun)
and is the beginning of a New Year. This is according to
the “solar” calendar.
However, Chinese all over the world would still celebrate
Chinese New Year on 28th January 2017 which follows the
lunar calendar.
It is a good year to get married. If you are going to pray to
Tai Sui this year, ensure that you pray after Li Chun, if not
it may still be the Monkey year.
It really depends on which Chinese New Year’s calendar.
For the past few years since 2005, many of us usually
observe what “happen” to us on the 4th February (Li Chun)
and if good things happen on that day then it is going to be
a very auspicious year !
If negative things occur then it means that the year is not
going to be smooth. Go see your Fengshui Master
/Destiny reader when that happens.
This year, Li Chun is 3rd February.
Why not, observe both days ?
 Since 3rd February 2017 falls on a Friday and the Banks
are open, therefore, we will need to go to the bank and
bank in some money (cash or cheque) on this day so that
your wealth can grow.
 We had been doing this since 2005 (originates from us)
and wealth did grow. Over the past 10 years, many
became multi millionaires and much more.
 On 3rd February 2017, Friday
Please go to the bank, wear
red top and bank in cash or
cheque to your name or
your Company’s name.
 This year, you may wish to do
two days but kindly note that
Li Chun is not always on the
4th February.
Predictions for the Goat Year
Which animal
signs will not do
well in the
coming Lunar
New Year 2017 ?
Predictions for the Rooster Year
A) Those born in the year of the
B) Those whose bazi (a form of life reading
based on birth date, time and country of birth) has a
“Rooster” or “Rabbit” in the hour pillar (your time of birth)
(5pm till 7pm) & (5am to 7am) will also not have a
good year.
Predictions for the Goat year
What not to do
this year ?
Predictions for the Rooster Year
 1) Do not attend funerals or weddings.
 2) Do not attend friend’s birthday parties and baby
 NOTE I: As long as your bazi has a “Rooster” or a “Rabbit”
in it, you would have to be extremely careful. You must
never attend these if you want a peaceful year.
 NOTE II: However, if you ever need to attend them then
wear “red underwear” and carry 6 nails when attending
funeral. Do not carry nails when attending wedding.
Predictions for the Goat year
Predictions for the Rooster Year
 1) Investment Outlook 2017 -
Gold Prices will fluctuate (overall is down) -
If you can try not to invest in gold this year as it can
be quite difficult to predict it’s movement.
 2) Oil prices would continue to rise slightly but
remain stable towards the end of the year.
 3) Disaster Outlook 2017 - There could be small fire
explosions, earthquakes, typhoons, tsunami, accidents
happening around the southern part of the world.
The “five yellow” star is in the South or anywhere that is
the “southern” part of any city / country.
 4) Property prices continue to drop - now is the best to
invest in the property market.
 5) There can be new discovery for those in “metal”
industry : new technology in teeth, robotics or aerospace.
 6) Characteristics of People - People will tend to be
rather arrogant and stubborn.
 7) There would be strong competition among the metal
industries like banks, goldsmiths shops, metal / steel
industries, motor vehicle industries, aerospace industries
and robotics industries.
 8) This year, the sicknesses to take note are - heart
problems, strokes, high blood pressure, heatiness,
cough, lung issues, running nose, knee joint pains, liver,
muscle crumps, excessive sweating and often
accompanied by dehydration.
 9) Currency Outlook 2017 -
US dollars continue to be strong.
 10) There is a possibility of a terrorist attacks in “metal”
buildings / structures or a possible “cold / hot war”.
 11) The older married males will tend to fall sick while the
younger females may need to be careful when driving or
walking. Do not do any dangerous activities.
 12) The year will give rise to money difficulties with many
people having “not enough money”.
 13) Market Outlook 2017 -
The Share prices in the stock market would fluctuate and
fall around September / October.
 14) There will be changes in regulations made in the
metal Industries like banks, metal / steel industries,
motor vehicle industries, robotics industries and
aerospace industries.
 15) There can be mergers or acquisitions in the “metal”
 16) There may be discoveries of more financial fraud.
 17) Stock Market - the share prices of “Water Stocks” in
the Stock Market will rise the most.
Therefore telecommunication companies, water industries
will do well.
 18) A small earthquake or a collapse of a building
occurring anywhere in the world will indicate that the
Earth Dog Year 2018 is here.
Predictions for the Goat year
Which industries
will do well ?
Predictions for the Rooster Year
WOOD INDUSTRY: Unfavourable
Fire Industry:
FIRE: Good
Properties of fire: warm and gives off heat
Fire industries are those related to electrical products,
stock markets, restaurants, lighting shops, fast food
chains, bakery shops, security business and
accounting firms.
Predictions for the Rooster Year
Predictions for the Rooster Year
Earth Industry:
EARTH: Average
Properties of earth: hard and stillness
Earth Industries are those related to properties, human
resource, pet shops, chemicals, cosmetics, renovation
companies, property developers, agriculture, insurance,
construction firms, cosmetic surgery and Tibetan
Predictions for the Rooster Year
Metal Industry:
METAL : Average
Properties of metal: hard and piercing
Metal Industries are those related to banking, machineries
and equipment, law firms, fortune telling, fengshui
consultancy, gold-smith shops, robotics, steel, motor
vehicles, and aerospace industries.
Predictions for the Rooster Year
Water Industry:
WATER: Average
Properties of water: Wavy
Water Industries are those that deal with internet,
consultancy, shipping, transportation, logistics,
distribution, tourism, lottery, cold beverages, hotels,
shipbuilding, broadcasting, pubs/bars,
Information technology, marine products, oil, money
lending, telecommunications, airlines, casino business,
animation, advertising, online shops and gaming.
Predictions for the Rooster Year
Wood Industry:
Wood : Unfavourable
Properties of wood: hard and grows upwards
Wood Industries are those related to Government,
printing, seminars / events, universities, schools, textile
firms, paper and pulp, timber, furniture, fashion, politics,
nurseries, education, hair salons, photography, book
stores and publishing.
Predictions for the Goat year
for the
12 animals
Predictions for the Rooster Year
1) MONKEY - Mixed Year - 7/10
There are some inauspicious stars this year to make this a
mixed year. Therefore if you work hard, you can see good
However there are gossips or “enemy” at the work place.
Business outlook - try not to have any expansion plans this
year as money is slow.
For students - this is a much better year but you will still
need to study hard in order to get good results.
 Money and Work:
There is no Heaven’s luck therefore you may need to be
careful at the work place and work hard since career is not very
When work is not smooth and full of obstacles then you may
need to go vegetarian for 3 days. Then things turn for the better.
This year, you may also lose a sum of water therefore be
You may also feel stressed but will need to endure till 22
December 2017 then all is well.
“A beautiful soul will always be beautiful”
 Health:
This year, your health is not so good and you may tend to
fall sick frequently.
Hence you may need to pay attention to your diet. Do
some exercise everyday if you can or go run at least once
a week.
Do be careful when driving or walking on the road and
don’t stay out too late in the night.
 Love and Family:
Relationship with spouse may not be smooth. Therefore it
is best to plan for a family trip. A family that travels
together stays together.
Then when overseas, it may be good to buy or collect your
lucky “items” back.
If in a relationship - there may be disagreements over
money issues.
If single - you may meet your Mr / Miss right this year.
2) ROOSTER - Mixed Year - 7
This is not an auspicious year for you. Therefore it is best to lie
low at the work place.
This year, you may change house, change job or change car.
On the first lunar month around 10th or 11th, try to brush teeth
and shed blood then everything is smooth.
You may wish to wear a 3D 916 Gold Kirin pendant for a
smoother year and go pray to Tai Sui.
Business outlook - it is going to be a difficult year.
For students - you may meet obstacles in your studies.
“Follow your heart…….”
 Money and Work :
There is no heaven’s luck therefore do not gamble nor do
any major investments.
This year, you might lose some money therefore in the
second lunar month of the year, go do a generous
donation to ward it off.
Do not do any investments this year, would be the best.
You may need to watch your money very carefully.
 Health:
Your health may not be good this year because of the
presence of a “sickness” star.
When driving, working or walking, be careful.
Try not to fly long distance (more than 12 hours) this year
then everything will be smooth.
Do not do any dangerous activities like mountain climbing
 Love and Family:
This year, relationship with spouse is not good. Therefore,
it may be wise to talk less.
It would be good to give and forgive then all is well.
If in a relationship - it is time to get married.
If single - there may be romance this year but the person
is not a good one. Be careful.
3) DOG - Good Year - 8+
This is a good year for you with the presence of some
auspicious stars.
Career opportunities are good and you may change job.
If you remain in the current job there is a promotion.
Business outlook - there are many good happenings and
there is money to be made.
For students - look for an air-con place to study as the
weather can be rather humid and you may still need to
study hard as you tend to be forgetful.
 Money and Work:
There is Heaven’s luck this year therefore do enjoy the
year. It is also a good time to buy friends lunch / dinner so
as to strike again.
Do not lose your temper or the luck will be gone. This year,
you can win lottery a few times. Hence, enjoy the year !
You may wish to keep all your winnings in a big red packet
then on Li Chun next year, go bank them in.
 Health:
This year, your health is good. However, you will still need
to pay attention to what you eat everyday.
Try to take more vegetables and less meat for better health
in the long run and drink more warm ginger tea.
Go for your regular foot or body massage.
“Ignorance itself should not exist”
 Love and Family:
This year, relationship with spouse is good and everyone
is in harmony. Your spouse may tend to be more caring.
As usual, plan for a yearly family trip and you may travel
to far away places.
If in a relationship - if you are a female then simply listen to
the male then all will be well.
If single - this year there is romance and sparks fly.
4) PIG - Mixed Year - 7+
There are some inauspicious stars to make this a mixed
There are obstacles at the work place. However, if you are
hardworking matters tend to get solved and all is well.
You may need to work smart and there is a helpful person
at work.
Business outlook - business is rough with strong
For students - study hard and long hours then the year is
 Money and Work:
There is no Heaven’s luck and only income from career
which is stable.
You may need to manage your cash flow properly and do
not gamble if you can. Try to have some savings by the
end of the year.
It is not a good time for any investments except property.
People born in the year of the pig generally tend to have
very good property luck.
 Health:
This year, you may need to pay extra attention on
your health. If there are some small sickness quickly
see a medical doctor.
Try to go vegetarian for some days if you can for
better health. It is to cleanse the body.
Exercise regularly or go for yoga or massage.
“The seed of the Buddha nature is in everyone”
 Love and Family:
This year, you may need to control your emotions if not
relationship with spouse can be troublesome.
There is little harmony at home as young children are
difficult. Try to plan two short family trips this year.
If in a relationship - relationships are smooth and the right
timing to get married.
If single - there is no romance this year, just friends.
5) RAT - Good Year - 8
Because of the presence of some auspicious stars this is
a good year.
You can have fame and recognition. However, you will
need to pay attention to money / work so as not to be
cheated by friends or a scam.
You will be extra busy at work, just work hard and all is
Business outlook - there are business expansion in the
pipeline, just follow.
For students - this is a smooth year for you as school
results are good.
 Money and Work:
There is Heaven’s luck as well as money from earned
income. However you will still need to be cautious with
your money. Do not spend too freely.
If you wish to do some investments be careful. Study the
proposals first before making any decision.
This year, you may need to do more donations so as to
create more merits.
 Health:
Your health is good this year. Simply do your exercise
regularly and all will be well.
On the first and fifteen day of the lunar month, if you can
try to go vegetarian the whole day.
If you can’t, then if you can try to free two birds (minimum)
once in your lifetime would be good.
 Love and Family:
There is love and romance at home. Married couples
are in harmony.
If in a relationship - it is best to quickly get married or
this relationship might break.
If single - this year the person you meet might not be
the right one remain as friends.
“The ultimate truth is the real truth. Can you see ?”
6) OX - Good Year - 8+
With the presence of some lucky stars, this is a good year
for you. However you will still need to work hard and if
there are any career opportunities, you may consider the
move if prospects are bright.
Business outlook - watch your cash flow and all will be
For students - this year, you may need to study very hard
but there is recognition for you, an award.
 Money and Work:
There is only a slight Heaven’s luck. Money has to come
from earned income. Try not to gamble if you can and
save your money in your lucky bank colour.
Avoid buying shares or doing any investments if not you
may find yourself in a tight money situation.
Some people are suited to invest more in shares while
others are better in properties. It will be good to find out
what is yours and follow that “investment path”.
“Everything changes, nothing remains stagnant”
 Health :
Your health is not so good this year. Therefore, it is best to
go see a medical doctor for early treatment when not
feeling well.
If you tend to fall sick often that is normal as the year is
like that.
Just drink more warm ginger tea and exercise regularly
then all will be well.
 Love and Family:
Relationship with family members will be stressed.
Therefore, handle them carefully especially with your
spouse as it is all about money, the lack of it.
If in a relationship - this is the time to respect him / her and
not find fault over small matters.
If you are single - there is no soul mate in sight.
Wait for another year.
7) TIGER - Good Year - 8
The presence of some lucky stars will make this a good
year for you. There can be changes at the work place
hence be adaptable and enjoy the year.
There are many opportunities for you to make more
money. Can go for them.
Business Outlook - it may be good to partner with friends
in a new business.
For students - you may need to study hard while you can.
“Spirituality is about going deeper into your self”
 Money and Work:
Money comes in all directions to you this year : windfall
money and income earned.
It will be good if you can donate 2% of your income away
each year to charity as this can help in creating merits for
yourself and your family.
If you can donate money to help other people’s health then
your own health will also be very good.
 Health:
This year, your health is good. If you keep a good healthy
lifestyle then you may be able to live long.
Do your regular exercise or take more vegetables and less
meat. Also go for your yearly medical check up.
 Love and Family:
This year, family is in harmony with all at home. A family
that eats together stays together. It is also time to have
more children.
If in a relationship - it is time to get married.
If single - this year, you may not meet the right partner. Be
8) RABBIT – Average Year - 7
This year is a not a good year for you as the Rooster in the
year clashes. Therefore you may change house, change
car or change job.
Work is not smooth at the work place. Hence on the 10th or
11th day of the lunar month, you may need to shed “blood”
then all is well.
You may wish to wear a 3D 916 gold pendant Kirin bought
from the Goldsmith shop to ward it off. Also go pray to Tai
Business outlook - it is not the right timing for you to
expand your business.
For students - you may need to study extra hard this year
and be patient.
 Money and Work:
There is some Heaven’s luck this year however you are
advised to be careful of your cash flow.
This year, try not to do any major investments or gambling.
If you need to, it is better to consult your own fengshui
master (si fu) for advice first. Be safe than sorry.
Be careful in everything that you do and only take
calculated risks as this year you are suppose to lose a
sum of money.
Therefore on 16th February 2017 onwards, write a cheque
and make a donation to ward this off.
 Health:
You may need to watch what you eat this year if not health
might not be good. Do your regular exercise and take
vitamins regularly then all is well.
If can once a year, go full day vegetarian to cleanse the
Sickness to take note are headaches and running nose.
“Your soul speaks to you in quiet moments”
 Love and Family:
This year, there might be some disagreements over
money matters with your spouse. Try to give way then all
is smooth.
If in a relationship - this year, there can be more frequent
arguments than normal.
If single - this year there is no romance. Go for holidays to
enjoy yourself.
9) DRAGON - Excellent Year - 9
It is a good year for you because of the presence of very
good stars. There are opportunity for you to change job if
you wish.
It is also quite a good year for money and you can be quite
Business outlook - it is possible to expand your business
overseas this year.
For students - study is smooth and all is well.
 Money and Work:
There is lottery luck this year and hence you may wish to
go to the casino.
If you wish to win money, make sure that you wear your
lucky colour shirt / blouse and is also a bit “high tide” then
is good and sure to win.
After winning, do remember to treat your friends / family as
this is like taking their luck and then can win again.
 Health:
Health is good this year and do try to sleep early.
Do just regular exercise and it just might be good to do
some “cupping” or “qua sha” (traditional chinese medicine)
once in 4 months.
This year, you may have to pay attention on the road.
Do not rush even when you are late.
“There is always hope when you dream hard enough”
 Love and Family:
This year, family relations are good and everyone is in
You may wish to plan for family trips this year. When you
travel overseas, it might be good to engrave your Chinese
names onto red chopsticks to ensure that career would
always be good.
If in a relationship - relationship is smooth and progresses.
If single - you may meet your rightful partner this year.
10) SNAKE - Mixed Year - 7+
It is a mixed year because of the presence of some lucky
stars. You may have to work extra hard and try to remain
calm in any work situations.
Double check your important documents before submitting.
Business outlook - sales are slow hence watch your cash
For students - you may need to study hard this year but
can study smart.
 Money and Work:
There is no windfall money this year only income earned.
Therefore it is best to be thrifty. Spend only what is
necessary if not wait.
It is also possible that you may lose a sum of money
therefore we recommend that on 16th February 2017 to do
a generous donation.
Do not do any major investments.
“There is power in having a compassionate heart”
 Health:
Your health might not be good this year. Nothing major
just some small sicknesses only.
If you can eat less meat and more vegetables that would
be ideal. It will also be good if you can observe one full
day vegetarian once a year, particularly on Vesak Day.
Go for your regular massage if you can, either foot or body
or go jogging.
 Love and Family:
This year you may need to be very patient with your
spouse as you tend to get irritated easily.
If in a relationship - there are frequent disagreements.
If you are single - it will be difficult to meet your partner this
year. Try solving your single or married friend’s problems,
the more you help, the faster he / she can appear.
11) HORSE - Good Year - 8
With the presence of some lucky stars, this is going to be
one of your better years. There is fame and recognition.
The year is smooth and all your wishes will be fulfilled.
There is a possibility of a promotion too.
Business outlook - there are business opportunity, go for
For students - you will still need to study hard and results
are good.
 Money and Work:
There is Heaven’s luck for you and a small windfall.
Money earned from income remains good and stable.
If you wish to make some investments this year, be careful
so as not be cheated.
Investment in property is always good and at the right
timing. However if investing in shares, you may need to
be cautious this year.
 Health:
Health is good this year however, try not to over eat and
indulge in fatty food.
Moderate eating and exercise can go a long way.
Do your exercise or go for yoga regularly and once in a
while take vegetarian and no meat to create merits.
 Love and Family:
There are less disagreements and all is well and happy at
home. Married couples are happy with each other.
If in a relationship - it is time to tie the knot.
If single - there is a chance of meeting your Mr / Miss right
this year.
“Never give up as miracles happen everyday”
12) GOAT – Mixed - 7+
Because of the presence of some inauspicious stars this is
a mixed year for you.
If your mindset is positive all the time then work becomes
Try focusing on events that make you happy all the time
then you will be smiling.
Business outlook - you may need to relook into the cash
flow of the company as sales are slow.
For students - you may need to study longer hours this
year but try to study smart.
 Money & Work:
Income earned from career remains stable while there is
no windfall this year. Therefore gamble less if you can.
Try not to do any investments this year if not you may lose
the funds. Also try not to spend too much and watch your
cash flow.
 Health:
You may tend to face some minor health issues like flu or
Go for your regular exercise and if possible take more
vegetables and less meat.
If you can, once a year, go full day vegetarian to cleanse
your body system.
 Love and Family:
Relationship with spouse can be quite bad this year. You
may need to learn patience and forgiveness.
You may need to plan for a trip with your spouse to
rekindle that familiar love relationship.
If in a relationship - relationships may break this year
especially when timing is right. If you can understand this
then maybe the breakup may not be too painful.
If single - there is no new romance so just enjoy the year.
“One who endures well is the winner”
How to have
better wealth?
Predictions for the Rooster Year
How to have better wealth ?
1) The romance star (4) is in the North East
2) The water star (1) is in the Centre
3) The robbing star (7) is in the South West
4) The sickness star (2) is in the North West
5) The legal star (3) is in the West
6) The wealth star (8) is in the East
7) The helpful star (6) is in the North
8) The 5 yellow star (5) is in the South
9) The fire star (9) is in the South East
 Fengshui Tips for 2017:
When you wish to renovate your house this year, do not
renovate at the North West, Centre and South sectors
of the house.
To activate wealth is to place a “pot of gold” (gold ingot
shaped bowl with lots of coins) in the East sector of the
When events don’t go smooth, go vegetarian for 3 days
to change the luck.
Fengshui Queen®
Singapore Tip for
2017 -
Predictions for the Rooster Year
FengshuiQueen SG Tip
2005 – Carry 88 grains of uncooked rice in a red packet
and a gold pendant for good luck and protection.
2006 – Carry a “gold pendant abacus” in your wallet for
more money to count in the year.
2007 - Carry S$500/- cash in the zip pouch of your bag so
that with more money, you will be able to “attract” more
money to come to you.
2008 - Carry a small bagua, size of 20 cent coin in the
wallet for wealth, protection and power.
2009 - Throw lots of coins on the writing desk in your
study room or anywhere in the living room for additional
Good Luck and for your wealth to grow in 2009 !!!
FengshuiQueen SG Tip
2010 - Go and buy a real gold (916 gold) “ru yi” pendant
for your smooth career and place it in your wallet !!!
2011 - Place 8 big mandarin oranges individually wrapped
in the freezer and watch for Good results, 3 months later
2012 - Carry a Jade laughing Buddha in your wallet !
2013 - Buy a big 3 legged toad (bronze) and placed it in
your wealth area of your house.
2014 - Buy a laughing Buddha and place him on the floor
behind the house main door for added Good Luck !!!
FengshuiQueen SG Tip
2015 – Buy a bronze “chye sen yeh” for Good Fortune all
year round !!!
2016 – Buy a 916 gold Chye Sen Yeh for Good Luck all
year round !!!
Carry 888 uncooked
rice in a red packet
for Good Luck !!!
Singapore ®
Fengshui Tips
for 2017
Predictions for the Rooster Year
1) Investment Tip: Keep cash or buy Reits -
2) Create Merits: Be very generous when doing
donations -
3) Read my Blog, “The Fengshui Savvy Investor” to
find out more about my updates or join me in Facebook,
FengshuiQueen Singapore, Lynn Yap, Twitter, Instagram,
LinkedIn and Youtube -
4) Go to to view the slides -
© 3P Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd

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Predictions 2017

  • 1. PREDICTIONS 2017 Master Lynn Yap Fengshui Queen Singapore ® 3P Fengshui Consultancy Pte Ltd
  • 2. CONTENTS: 1) Short intro about Master Lynn Yap 2) 18 Predictions for 2017 3) Which industries will do well 4) Fortune for 12 animal signs 5) FengshuiQueen SG Tip for 2017 6) Conclusion
  • 3.  Age 50+  BBA (NUS)(1982)  Fengshui / bazi experiences since 1989  Learnt from many grandmasters and registered Fenghui Queen, Singapore 2000.  Made several appearances in CNBC Asia, BBC World, Discovery Channel, German TV, TCS 5, TCS 8, Channel U.  Interviewed by numerous newspapers and magazines worldwide.  Each year there are numerous Fengshui projects and life readings and with 8 listed companies clients, to-date.  Merits : Our Company became a statutory member of Singapore Business Federation, 2009.  Multiple property sole owner
  • 4.  Our Company’s Mission: To provide affordable, true and accurate fengshui / destiny consultations to anyone
  • 5.  Method of Fengshui used: 1) Flying Star School of Fengshui 2) Landscape Fengshui 3) Intuitive Fengshui
  • 6. Predictions for the Goat Year General Predictions Predictions for the Rooster Year
  • 7.  GENERAL FORECAST : It is going to be a “challenging” year with happenings on 3 main areas like natural disasters, financial matters and small explosions. THE YEAR 2017
  • 8.  It is a “challenging” year because the first 6 months has “ying fire” while the latter half has “ying metal”.  The “fire” sitting above the “metal” causing the year to be a weak metal year.  Hence, we can expect to see financial matters, terrorist attacks, small fire explosions and earthquakes happening around the world. THE YEAR 2017
  • 9.  The year, 2017 is called a “Ding You” year (Fire Rooster Year) where we can also called it a “Red Rooster” year as it is going to be a year full of “happenings” where everyone may feel very “difficult’ and unhappy for no reason. It is also not a good year for the “water” industry. Therefore, if you need to travel, try not to fly long distance. THE YEAR 2017
  • 10.  The combination of “Ding and You” will make the Rooster year a year where people can be very stubborn, rigid in their mindset and feeling sad.  The keyword for this year is “Money” while “Explosions” was the keyword for 2016 and “Infectious Diseases” was the keyword for 2015 , “Emotions” in 2014.  The Rooster is an intelligent person, very neat, fussy and like to show off. Sometimes, they talk big too and dream “very big”. The Rooster always crow in the morning and is therefore very punctual.  Though they tend to work very hard and is a no nonsense type of person, they tend to excel in their job and usually hold very high positions in Companies. THE YEAR 2017
  • 11.  The Rooster is the 10th animal of the 12 animal signs.  Since the Rooster like to “show off” which means that we are all going to be a bit “showy” and extremely “hardworking” and this will guide us through the whole year.  The Rooster year can also make people very stressful and frustrated. The fire in the year would make people more hot tempered and angry.  Next year, is the Earth Dog year where we can all be more down to earth and practical. “It will be like a “Red Rooster” doing his cock a doodle do and everyone had to pay attention” THE YEAR 2017
  • 12. When is Chinese New Year ?  The 3rd February 2017 is the season of spring (Li Chun) and is the beginning of a New Year. This is according to the “solar” calendar. However, Chinese all over the world would still celebrate Chinese New Year on 28th January 2017 which follows the lunar calendar. It is a good year to get married. If you are going to pray to Tai Sui this year, ensure that you pray after Li Chun, if not it may still be the Monkey year. THE YEAR 2017
  • 13. It really depends on which Chinese New Year’s calendar. For the past few years since 2005, many of us usually observe what “happen” to us on the 4th February (Li Chun) and if good things happen on that day then it is going to be a very auspicious year ! If negative things occur then it means that the year is not going to be smooth. Go see your Fengshui Master /Destiny reader when that happens. This year, Li Chun is 3rd February. Why not, observe both days ? THE YEAR 2017
  • 14.  Since 3rd February 2017 falls on a Friday and the Banks are open, therefore, we will need to go to the bank and bank in some money (cash or cheque) on this day so that your wealth can grow.  We had been doing this since 2005 (originates from us) and wealth did grow. Over the past 10 years, many became multi millionaires and much more. THE YEAR 2017
  • 15.  On 3rd February 2017, Friday Please go to the bank, wear red top and bank in cash or cheque to your name or your Company’s name.  This year, you may wish to do two days but kindly note that Li Chun is not always on the 4th February. THE YEAR 2017
  • 16. Predictions for the Goat Year Which animal signs will not do well in the coming Lunar New Year 2017 ? Predictions for the Rooster Year
  • 17. A) Those born in the year of the “ROOSTER” and “RABBIT” B) Those whose bazi (a form of life reading based on birth date, time and country of birth) has a “Rooster” or “Rabbit” in the hour pillar (your time of birth) (5pm till 7pm) & (5am to 7am) will also not have a good year. THE YEAR 2017
  • 18. Predictions for the Goat year What not to do this year ? Predictions for the Rooster Year
  • 19.  1) Do not attend funerals or weddings.  2) Do not attend friend’s birthday parties and baby showers.  NOTE I: As long as your bazi has a “Rooster” or a “Rabbit” in it, you would have to be extremely careful. You must never attend these if you want a peaceful year.  NOTE II: However, if you ever need to attend them then wear “red underwear” and carry 6 nails when attending funeral. Do not carry nails when attending wedding. THE YEAR 2017
  • 20. Predictions for the Goat year 18 Predictions Predictions for the Rooster Year
  • 21.  1) Investment Outlook 2017 - Gold Prices will fluctuate (overall is down) - If you can try not to invest in gold this year as it can be quite difficult to predict it’s movement.  2) Oil prices would continue to rise slightly but remain stable towards the end of the year. THE YEAR 2017
  • 22.  3) Disaster Outlook 2017 - There could be small fire explosions, earthquakes, typhoons, tsunami, accidents happening around the southern part of the world. The “five yellow” star is in the South or anywhere that is the “southern” part of any city / country.  4) Property prices continue to drop - now is the best to invest in the property market.  5) There can be new discovery for those in “metal” industry : new technology in teeth, robotics or aerospace. THE YEAR 2017
  • 23.  6) Characteristics of People - People will tend to be rather arrogant and stubborn.  7) There would be strong competition among the metal industries like banks, goldsmiths shops, metal / steel industries, motor vehicle industries, aerospace industries and robotics industries.  8) This year, the sicknesses to take note are - heart problems, strokes, high blood pressure, heatiness, cough, lung issues, running nose, knee joint pains, liver, muscle crumps, excessive sweating and often accompanied by dehydration. THE YEAR 2017
  • 24.  9) Currency Outlook 2017 - US dollars continue to be strong.  10) There is a possibility of a terrorist attacks in “metal” buildings / structures or a possible “cold / hot war”.  11) The older married males will tend to fall sick while the younger females may need to be careful when driving or walking. Do not do any dangerous activities.  12) The year will give rise to money difficulties with many people having “not enough money”. THE YEAR 2017
  • 25.  13) Market Outlook 2017 - The Share prices in the stock market would fluctuate and fall around September / October.  14) There will be changes in regulations made in the metal Industries like banks, metal / steel industries, motor vehicle industries, robotics industries and aerospace industries.  15) There can be mergers or acquisitions in the “metal” industries.  16) There may be discoveries of more financial fraud. THE YEAR 2017
  • 26.  17) Stock Market - the share prices of “Water Stocks” in the Stock Market will rise the most. Therefore telecommunication companies, water industries will do well.  18) A small earthquake or a collapse of a building occurring anywhere in the world will indicate that the Earth Dog Year 2018 is here. THE YEAR 2017
  • 27. Predictions for the Goat year Which industries will do well ? Predictions for the Rooster Year
  • 29. Fire Industry: FIRE: Good Properties of fire: warm and gives off heat Fire industries are those related to electrical products, stock markets, restaurants, lighting shops, fast food chains, bakery shops, security business and accounting firms. Predictions for the Rooster Year
  • 30. Predictions for the Rooster Year Earth Industry: EARTH: Average Properties of earth: hard and stillness Earth Industries are those related to properties, human resource, pet shops, chemicals, cosmetics, renovation companies, property developers, agriculture, insurance, construction firms, cosmetic surgery and Tibetan medicine.
  • 31. Predictions for the Rooster Year Metal Industry: METAL : Average Properties of metal: hard and piercing Metal Industries are those related to banking, machineries and equipment, law firms, fortune telling, fengshui consultancy, gold-smith shops, robotics, steel, motor vehicles, and aerospace industries.
  • 32. Predictions for the Rooster Year Water Industry: WATER: Average Properties of water: Wavy Water Industries are those that deal with internet, consultancy, shipping, transportation, logistics, distribution, tourism, lottery, cold beverages, hotels, shipbuilding, broadcasting, pubs/bars, Information technology, marine products, oil, money lending, telecommunications, airlines, casino business, animation, advertising, online shops and gaming.
  • 33. Predictions for the Rooster Year Wood Industry: Wood : Unfavourable Properties of wood: hard and grows upwards Wood Industries are those related to Government, printing, seminars / events, universities, schools, textile firms, paper and pulp, timber, furniture, fashion, politics, nurseries, education, hair salons, photography, book stores and publishing.
  • 34. Predictions for the Goat year Forecast for the 12 animals Predictions for the Rooster Year
  • 35. 1) MONKEY - Mixed Year - 7/10 There are some inauspicious stars this year to make this a mixed year. Therefore if you work hard, you can see good results. However there are gossips or “enemy” at the work place. Business outlook - try not to have any expansion plans this year as money is slow. For students - this is a much better year but you will still need to study hard in order to get good results. THE YEAR 2017
  • 36.  Money and Work: There is no Heaven’s luck therefore you may need to be careful at the work place and work hard since career is not very smooth. When work is not smooth and full of obstacles then you may need to go vegetarian for 3 days. Then things turn for the better. This year, you may also lose a sum of water therefore be careful. You may also feel stressed but will need to endure till 22 December 2017 then all is well. “A beautiful soul will always be beautiful” THE YEAR 2017
  • 37.  Health: This year, your health is not so good and you may tend to fall sick frequently. Hence you may need to pay attention to your diet. Do some exercise everyday if you can or go run at least once a week. Do be careful when driving or walking on the road and don’t stay out too late in the night. THE YEAR 2017
  • 38.  Love and Family: Relationship with spouse may not be smooth. Therefore it is best to plan for a family trip. A family that travels together stays together. Then when overseas, it may be good to buy or collect your lucky “items” back. If in a relationship - there may be disagreements over money issues. If single - you may meet your Mr / Miss right this year. THE YEAR 2017
  • 39. 2) ROOSTER - Mixed Year - 7 This is not an auspicious year for you. Therefore it is best to lie low at the work place. This year, you may change house, change job or change car. On the first lunar month around 10th or 11th, try to brush teeth and shed blood then everything is smooth. You may wish to wear a 3D 916 Gold Kirin pendant for a smoother year and go pray to Tai Sui. Business outlook - it is going to be a difficult year. For students - you may meet obstacles in your studies. “Follow your heart…….” THE YEAR 2017
  • 40.  Money and Work : There is no heaven’s luck therefore do not gamble nor do any major investments. This year, you might lose some money therefore in the second lunar month of the year, go do a generous donation to ward it off. Do not do any investments this year, would be the best. You may need to watch your money very carefully. THE YEAR 2017
  • 41.  Health: Your health may not be good this year because of the presence of a “sickness” star. When driving, working or walking, be careful. Try not to fly long distance (more than 12 hours) this year then everything will be smooth. Do not do any dangerous activities like mountain climbing etc. THE YEAR 2017
  • 42.  Love and Family: This year, relationship with spouse is not good. Therefore, it may be wise to talk less. It would be good to give and forgive then all is well. If in a relationship - it is time to get married. If single - there may be romance this year but the person is not a good one. Be careful. THE YEAR 2017
  • 43. 3) DOG - Good Year - 8+ This is a good year for you with the presence of some auspicious stars. Career opportunities are good and you may change job. If you remain in the current job there is a promotion. Business outlook - there are many good happenings and there is money to be made. For students - look for an air-con place to study as the weather can be rather humid and you may still need to study hard as you tend to be forgetful. THE YEAR 2017
  • 44.  Money and Work: There is Heaven’s luck this year therefore do enjoy the year. It is also a good time to buy friends lunch / dinner so as to strike again. Do not lose your temper or the luck will be gone. This year, you can win lottery a few times. Hence, enjoy the year ! You may wish to keep all your winnings in a big red packet then on Li Chun next year, go bank them in. THE YEAR 2017
  • 45.  Health: This year, your health is good. However, you will still need to pay attention to what you eat everyday. Try to take more vegetables and less meat for better health in the long run and drink more warm ginger tea. Go for your regular foot or body massage. “Ignorance itself should not exist” THE YEAR 2017
  • 46.  Love and Family: This year, relationship with spouse is good and everyone is in harmony. Your spouse may tend to be more caring. As usual, plan for a yearly family trip and you may travel to far away places. If in a relationship - if you are a female then simply listen to the male then all will be well. If single - this year there is romance and sparks fly. THE YEAR 2017
  • 47. 4) PIG - Mixed Year - 7+ There are some inauspicious stars to make this a mixed year. There are obstacles at the work place. However, if you are hardworking matters tend to get solved and all is well. You may need to work smart and there is a helpful person at work. Business outlook - business is rough with strong competition. For students - study hard and long hours then the year is good. THE YEAR 2017
  • 48.  Money and Work: There is no Heaven’s luck and only income from career which is stable. You may need to manage your cash flow properly and do not gamble if you can. Try to have some savings by the end of the year. It is not a good time for any investments except property. People born in the year of the pig generally tend to have very good property luck. THE YEAR 2017
  • 49.  Health: This year, you may need to pay extra attention on your health. If there are some small sickness quickly see a medical doctor. Try to go vegetarian for some days if you can for better health. It is to cleanse the body. Exercise regularly or go for yoga or massage. “The seed of the Buddha nature is in everyone” THE YEAR 2017
  • 50.  Love and Family: This year, you may need to control your emotions if not relationship with spouse can be troublesome. There is little harmony at home as young children are difficult. Try to plan two short family trips this year. If in a relationship - relationships are smooth and the right timing to get married. If single - there is no romance this year, just friends. THE YEAR 2017
  • 51. 5) RAT - Good Year - 8 Because of the presence of some auspicious stars this is a good year. You can have fame and recognition. However, you will need to pay attention to money / work so as not to be cheated by friends or a scam. You will be extra busy at work, just work hard and all is well. Business outlook - there are business expansion in the pipeline, just follow. For students - this is a smooth year for you as school results are good. THE YEAR 2017
  • 52.  Money and Work: There is Heaven’s luck as well as money from earned income. However you will still need to be cautious with your money. Do not spend too freely. If you wish to do some investments be careful. Study the proposals first before making any decision. This year, you may need to do more donations so as to create more merits. THE YEAR 2017
  • 53.  Health: Your health is good this year. Simply do your exercise regularly and all will be well. On the first and fifteen day of the lunar month, if you can try to go vegetarian the whole day. If you can’t, then if you can try to free two birds (minimum) once in your lifetime would be good. THE YEAR 2017
  • 54.  Love and Family: There is love and romance at home. Married couples are in harmony. If in a relationship - it is best to quickly get married or this relationship might break. If single - this year the person you meet might not be the right one remain as friends. “The ultimate truth is the real truth. Can you see ?” THE YEAR 2017
  • 55. 6) OX - Good Year - 8+ With the presence of some lucky stars, this is a good year for you. However you will still need to work hard and if there are any career opportunities, you may consider the move if prospects are bright. Business outlook - watch your cash flow and all will be well. For students - this year, you may need to study very hard but there is recognition for you, an award. THE YEAR 2017
  • 56.  Money and Work: There is only a slight Heaven’s luck. Money has to come from earned income. Try not to gamble if you can and save your money in your lucky bank colour. Avoid buying shares or doing any investments if not you may find yourself in a tight money situation. Some people are suited to invest more in shares while others are better in properties. It will be good to find out what is yours and follow that “investment path”. “Everything changes, nothing remains stagnant” THE YEAR 2017
  • 57.  Health : Your health is not so good this year. Therefore, it is best to go see a medical doctor for early treatment when not feeling well. If you tend to fall sick often that is normal as the year is like that. Just drink more warm ginger tea and exercise regularly then all will be well. THE YEAR 2017
  • 58.  Love and Family: Relationship with family members will be stressed. Therefore, handle them carefully especially with your spouse as it is all about money, the lack of it. If in a relationship - this is the time to respect him / her and not find fault over small matters. If you are single - there is no soul mate in sight. Wait for another year. THE YEAR 2017
  • 59. 7) TIGER - Good Year - 8 The presence of some lucky stars will make this a good year for you. There can be changes at the work place hence be adaptable and enjoy the year. There are many opportunities for you to make more money. Can go for them. Business Outlook - it may be good to partner with friends in a new business. For students - you may need to study hard while you can. “Spirituality is about going deeper into your self” THE YEAR 2017
  • 60.  Money and Work: Money comes in all directions to you this year : windfall money and income earned. It will be good if you can donate 2% of your income away each year to charity as this can help in creating merits for yourself and your family. If you can donate money to help other people’s health then your own health will also be very good. THE YEAR 2017
  • 61.  Health: This year, your health is good. If you keep a good healthy lifestyle then you may be able to live long. Do your regular exercise or take more vegetables and less meat. Also go for your yearly medical check up. THE YEAR 2017
  • 62.  Love and Family: This year, family is in harmony with all at home. A family that eats together stays together. It is also time to have more children. If in a relationship - it is time to get married. If single - this year, you may not meet the right partner. Be patient. THE YEAR 2017
  • 63. 8) RABBIT – Average Year - 7 This year is a not a good year for you as the Rooster in the year clashes. Therefore you may change house, change car or change job. Work is not smooth at the work place. Hence on the 10th or 11th day of the lunar month, you may need to shed “blood” then all is well. You may wish to wear a 3D 916 gold pendant Kirin bought from the Goldsmith shop to ward it off. Also go pray to Tai Sui. Business outlook - it is not the right timing for you to expand your business. For students - you may need to study extra hard this year and be patient. THE YEAR 2017
  • 64.  Money and Work: There is some Heaven’s luck this year however you are advised to be careful of your cash flow. This year, try not to do any major investments or gambling. If you need to, it is better to consult your own fengshui master (si fu) for advice first. Be safe than sorry. Be careful in everything that you do and only take calculated risks as this year you are suppose to lose a sum of money. Therefore on 16th February 2017 onwards, write a cheque and make a donation to ward this off. THE YEAR 2017
  • 65.  Health: You may need to watch what you eat this year if not health might not be good. Do your regular exercise and take vitamins regularly then all is well. If can once a year, go full day vegetarian to cleanse the body. Sickness to take note are headaches and running nose. “Your soul speaks to you in quiet moments” THE YEAR 2017
  • 66.  Love and Family: This year, there might be some disagreements over money matters with your spouse. Try to give way then all is smooth. If in a relationship - this year, there can be more frequent arguments than normal. If single - this year there is no romance. Go for holidays to enjoy yourself. THE YEAR 2017
  • 67. 9) DRAGON - Excellent Year - 9 It is a good year for you because of the presence of very good stars. There are opportunity for you to change job if you wish. It is also quite a good year for money and you can be quite “prosperous”. Business outlook - it is possible to expand your business overseas this year. For students - study is smooth and all is well. THE YEAR 2017
  • 68.  Money and Work: There is lottery luck this year and hence you may wish to go to the casino. If you wish to win money, make sure that you wear your lucky colour shirt / blouse and is also a bit “high tide” then is good and sure to win. After winning, do remember to treat your friends / family as this is like taking their luck and then can win again. THE YEAR 2017
  • 69.  Health: Health is good this year and do try to sleep early. Do just regular exercise and it just might be good to do some “cupping” or “qua sha” (traditional chinese medicine) once in 4 months. This year, you may have to pay attention on the road. Do not rush even when you are late. “There is always hope when you dream hard enough” THE YEAR 2017
  • 70.  Love and Family: This year, family relations are good and everyone is in harmony. You may wish to plan for family trips this year. When you travel overseas, it might be good to engrave your Chinese names onto red chopsticks to ensure that career would always be good. If in a relationship - relationship is smooth and progresses. If single - you may meet your rightful partner this year. THE YEAR 2017
  • 71. 10) SNAKE - Mixed Year - 7+ It is a mixed year because of the presence of some lucky stars. You may have to work extra hard and try to remain calm in any work situations. Double check your important documents before submitting. Business outlook - sales are slow hence watch your cash flow. For students - you may need to study hard this year but can study smart. THE YEAR 2017
  • 72.  Money and Work: There is no windfall money this year only income earned. Therefore it is best to be thrifty. Spend only what is necessary if not wait. It is also possible that you may lose a sum of money therefore we recommend that on 16th February 2017 to do a generous donation. Do not do any major investments. “There is power in having a compassionate heart” THE YEAR 2017
  • 73.  Health: Your health might not be good this year. Nothing major just some small sicknesses only. If you can eat less meat and more vegetables that would be ideal. It will also be good if you can observe one full day vegetarian once a year, particularly on Vesak Day. Go for your regular massage if you can, either foot or body or go jogging. THE YEAR 2017
  • 74.  Love and Family: This year you may need to be very patient with your spouse as you tend to get irritated easily. If in a relationship - there are frequent disagreements. If you are single - it will be difficult to meet your partner this year. Try solving your single or married friend’s problems, the more you help, the faster he / she can appear. THE YEAR 2017
  • 75. 11) HORSE - Good Year - 8 With the presence of some lucky stars, this is going to be one of your better years. There is fame and recognition. The year is smooth and all your wishes will be fulfilled. There is a possibility of a promotion too. Business outlook - there are business opportunity, go for them. For students - you will still need to study hard and results are good. THE YEAR 2017
  • 76.  Money and Work: There is Heaven’s luck for you and a small windfall. Money earned from income remains good and stable. If you wish to make some investments this year, be careful so as not be cheated. Investment in property is always good and at the right timing. However if investing in shares, you may need to be cautious this year. THE YEAR 2017
  • 77.  Health: Health is good this year however, try not to over eat and indulge in fatty food. Moderate eating and exercise can go a long way. Do your exercise or go for yoga regularly and once in a while take vegetarian and no meat to create merits. THE YEAR 2017
  • 78.  Love and Family: There are less disagreements and all is well and happy at home. Married couples are happy with each other. If in a relationship - it is time to tie the knot. If single - there is a chance of meeting your Mr / Miss right this year. “Never give up as miracles happen everyday” THE YEAR 2017
  • 79. 12) GOAT – Mixed - 7+ Because of the presence of some inauspicious stars this is a mixed year for you. If your mindset is positive all the time then work becomes smoother. Try focusing on events that make you happy all the time then you will be smiling. Business outlook - you may need to relook into the cash flow of the company as sales are slow. For students - you may need to study longer hours this year but try to study smart. THE YEAR 2017
  • 80.  Money & Work: Income earned from career remains stable while there is no windfall this year. Therefore gamble less if you can. Try not to do any investments this year if not you may lose the funds. Also try not to spend too much and watch your cash flow. THE YEAR 2017
  • 81.  Health: You may tend to face some minor health issues like flu or cough. Go for your regular exercise and if possible take more vegetables and less meat. If you can, once a year, go full day vegetarian to cleanse your body system. THE YEAR 2017
  • 82.  Love and Family: Relationship with spouse can be quite bad this year. You may need to learn patience and forgiveness. You may need to plan for a trip with your spouse to rekindle that familiar love relationship. If in a relationship - relationships may break this year especially when timing is right. If you can understand this then maybe the breakup may not be too painful. If single - there is no new romance so just enjoy the year. “One who endures well is the winner” THE YEAR 2017
  • 83. How to have better wealth? Fengshui 2017 Predictions for the Rooster Year
  • 84. How to have better wealth ? 1) The romance star (4) is in the North East 2) The water star (1) is in the Centre 3) The robbing star (7) is in the South West 4) The sickness star (2) is in the North West 5) The legal star (3) is in the West 6) The wealth star (8) is in the East 7) The helpful star (6) is in the North 8) The 5 yellow star (5) is in the South 9) The fire star (9) is in the South East
  • 85.  Fengshui Tips for 2017: When you wish to renovate your house this year, do not renovate at the North West, Centre and South sectors of the house. To activate wealth is to place a “pot of gold” (gold ingot shaped bowl with lots of coins) in the East sector of the house. When events don’t go smooth, go vegetarian for 3 days to change the luck. THE YEAR 2017
  • 86. Fengshui Queen® Singapore Tip for 2017 - Predictions for the Rooster Year
  • 87. FengshuiQueen SG Tip 2005 – Carry 88 grains of uncooked rice in a red packet and a gold pendant for good luck and protection. 2006 – Carry a “gold pendant abacus” in your wallet for more money to count in the year. 2007 - Carry S$500/- cash in the zip pouch of your bag so that with more money, you will be able to “attract” more money to come to you. 2008 - Carry a small bagua, size of 20 cent coin in the wallet for wealth, protection and power. 2009 - Throw lots of coins on the writing desk in your study room or anywhere in the living room for additional Good Luck and for your wealth to grow in 2009 !!!
  • 88. FengshuiQueen SG Tip 2010 - Go and buy a real gold (916 gold) “ru yi” pendant for your smooth career and place it in your wallet !!! 2011 - Place 8 big mandarin oranges individually wrapped in the freezer and watch for Good results, 3 months later !!! 2012 - Carry a Jade laughing Buddha in your wallet ! 2013 - Buy a big 3 legged toad (bronze) and placed it in your wealth area of your house. 2014 - Buy a laughing Buddha and place him on the floor behind the house main door for added Good Luck !!!
  • 89. FengshuiQueen SG Tip 2015 – Buy a bronze “chye sen yeh” for Good Fortune all year round !!! 2016 – Buy a 916 gold Chye Sen Yeh for Good Luck all year round !!!
  • 90. FENGSHUI QUEEN SG TIP 2017 Carry 888 uncooked rice in a red packet for Good Luck !!! Fengshui Queen Singapore ® © FengshuiQuee
  • 92. THE YEAR 2017 1) Investment Tip: Keep cash or buy Reits - 2) Create Merits: Be very generous when doing donations - 3) Read my Blog, “The Fengshui Savvy Investor” to find out more about my updates or join me in Facebook, FengshuiQueen Singapore, Lynn Yap, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Youtube - 4) Go to to view the slides -