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              Starting 2013 informed and focused
              By Catherine Elder, December 2012

Catherine Elder                         1

* Predictions are really an extended projection of current
* They will never be true for everyone
* What was true in the past remains true until it’s not – there
    are early adopters and there are laggards and giving a
    prediction for the early adopters serves no purpose for the
    laggards who know that it won’t happen for them for years
* Understanding the trends and putting them in your own
    context can help you strategically plan your activities

                  I’m Canadian so I’ll just add a
                  pre-apology for some ranting…
Catherine Elder                    2

* Mobile
* Social
* Gamification
* Cloud computing
* Big data
* SoLoMoCoDa
* I end with content, some things to consider and commentary

Catherine Elder                3

* Multi-channel, splinternet
* Multi-screen
* Context
* Responsive design
* Augmented reality & the Outernet
* Digital wallet
* Consumerization
* Privacy & security
* Apps
* Online freelancers

Catherine Elder               4
     * 163% increase in mobile internet users from 2010 to 2014
     * 4.7 billion own an internet-enabled mobile device
     * Tablet sales increase 12.8%;
         * 41 million Americans own a tablet
         * 5% of tablets purchased are secondary tablets
     * Time spent on mobile internet increased 54% in the last year
     * 1/3 of time spent on mobile is when the user is at home
     * Apps:
         * Users are spending 12.9% (smartphones) and 9.5% (tablets) time on using
           apps. There are literally thousands of apps available
         * tablet users tend to spend more time using apps, an average of 8.2
           minutes per session compared with 4.10 minutes for smartphone users but
           smartphone users may access apps more often (12.9% vs. 9.5%).
         * HTML 5 use will increase but native apps will continue to increase
                                                                        Yahoo! Ipsos Reid study
                                                                        Rivetlogic citing Gartner
Catherine Elder                             5
* More mobile use and the increase of the tablet market share means users are going to be
    using multi-channels and multi-screens even more – and they expect a consistent
     *   Users are using their mobile devices in front of the television and will want to interact more
         using devices to connect to other devices
     *   Users expect that they will be able to use whatever device they are on for what they want at
         that time
     *   Companies will turn to responsive design for a simple solution to delivering on multi-screens
         but if they don’t take into account context they won’t be as successful
          *   9 out of 10 consumers have accessed mobile web while in-store
          *   1/3 of mobile users (and some studies have up to 68% of smart phone use) is at home
          *   Most mobile enabled sites aren’t providing contextual content for people on the go – think
              directions, maps, locations, hours, coupons
               *   There is already an over use of apps – the average mobile user has 3 apps and only used them once
               *   Case in point – large pharmacy promoting their app and their site not mobile context friendly – you can’t find
                   locations and hours on it
          *   The increase use of smartphones as digital wallets -using near field communications (NFC) chips
              for ease of scanning short distance – will increase once security has been better addressed
          *   Privacy and security will continue to be hot topics; look for changes in password security on
              mobile (Deloitte); m-commerce and mobile wallets still need some work
          *   Apps will increase and companies will be challenged to create apps that continue the experience
              users get on the website and mobile web and provide value; apps must be sustained and offer
              targeted use or multi-use, i.e. if the user only sees potential for one use they will be abandoned

Catherine Elder                                                    6

* Mobile becomes a way of life – flex hours and remote workers
    evolve to the mobile workforce
     * Millennials increasingly are becoming online freelancers and
        entrepreneurs and their numbers are expecting to double next
        year with 25% of graduates opting to work for themselves –
        according to Elance in a article
         * Smart companies will encourage this as they can lower office costs
            and attract talent who will pay less to commute in cost and time

Catherine Elder                            7

* Responsibility for social experience
* Personalization
* Neuro-marketing
* Community

Catherine Elder                  8
*   Over 50% of social media users follow brands and 1/3 of those post brand related content
*   Facebook
     *   845 million users posting a billion times per da;
     *   45 million unique video viewers per month
*   Twitter
     *   465 million users posting 175 million times per day
*   YouTube
     *   157 million unique viewers per month
*   Google+
     *   90 million users adding 635,000 per week
*   Instagram
     *   growing at 10 million new users every 10 days (we’ll see if this continues after their controversy of using
*   Pinterest
     *   19 million users
*   Foursquare
     *   15 million users growing at 50% year over year

Catherine Elder                                                9
                                                                                    Source: The new content marketer – Brightcove
* Social isn’t a fad, it’s not going away and its growing
* Privacy and security still need some work, and social sites need to
  get their act together on their privacy and security policies (just
  look up Instagram)
* Millennials aren’t shy about sharing everything on their social sites
  and this feeds into Big Data and Neuro-marketing (getting into mind
  of consumer via functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging - fMRI) with
  the resulting expectation being that they will get a personalized
  experience that they can customize – oh and can you entertain
  them (gamification) while you’re at it?
* Communities will grow and evolve
     * The wealth of LinkedIn groups will streamline into niche markets
       and active conversations with others dying a natural death
     * The big fish will consume the little fish

Catherine Elder                        10

* It wasn’t long ago that the term “edutainment” was bandied
    about as the demand to make education and information
    more digestible by making it entertaining
* With the advent of mobile and the ability to interact between
    devices, including gaming accessories, users are expecting
    the functionality and ease of use they have with their games
    to be translated into all their online experiences

Catherine Elder                   11

* More talk about the cloud and software as a service (SaaS)
* The impact of the mobile workforce and BYOD (bring your
    own device) will play into the cloud and see a growth of SaaS
    – Let’s see how the big fish respond
* IT departments are going to have to find a way to support
    cloud and BYOD - this is going to take some time and create
    challenges as software and versioning challenge support and
    users alike

Catherine Elder                   12
* With all this digital activity comes the capture and collection of
  more data
* According to ZDNET:
     * Big data requires tapping into silos, warehouses, and external
        systems using new techniques. While some big data will be single
        function, many of the more intriguing possibilities requires a lot of
        cooperation across the business and with external vendors, not at
        easy task.
* Once we get a handle on big data and start analyzing we’ll be able
  to link it to predict economic waves, market evolution, product
  trends and user behaviour.
* Once we understand what the data is telling us we can impact the
  purchasing journey and create content that provides the user with a
  highly personalized, localized and customized experience (if you’re
  a laggard company ignore this) on every channel and device they
  use when they use it.

Catherine Elder                          13    trends-of-the-next-half-decade-mobile-social-cloud-

* This is actually a good way to summarize – techies do love
    their acronyms
     * Social
     * Local
     * Mobile
     * Commerce
     * Data
* Can’t say it better so:
     * “Organizations need to think and plan from an omnichannel
        perspective – understanding customer interaction occasions in all
        touchpoints and planning for consistent experiences across all of
        them…”- Mr. Nawara quoted on mobilemarketer.

Catherine Elder                       14   Source:

* The biggest challenge online is still content and this
    challenge has just grown exponentially
* If content is king, context is queen
     * Content will need to be contextual – serving the situation and
        device for the optimum user experience while being of consistent
        standards and maintaining the user experience across channels.
     * Mobile content must have the context for a mobile user –
        whether they are using their smartphone in front of the TV at
        home or on-the-go
     * You can’t cut and paste pieces of blog content on all your social
        channels and think that it’s working
     * Quality content is about being simple, relatable and easy to
        understand – best example:

Catherine Elder                        15
*99% of every text message is read
     * 90% of those are read within the first 3 minutes upon receipt
*Consumer generated content is increasing with the ease
    of video creation and sharing
     * A few year’s ago the say was “You don’t own your brand – Google does”; now
        your brand is in the hands of everyone with “Like” and “Share” at their fingertips

*eBooks continue to grow in popularity
     * even with the near saturation of the market with eReaders, and
     * the ability to read on tablets that will out reach PCs in a few
        short years
*The growth of visual content, including videos and
    infographics is continuing, especially since tablets are a
    good visual display device

                                                                           Source: Sitecore
Catherine Elder                               16
* Photos
     *   Photos of real people out-perform stock photos by 95%
* Video     growth is predicted to be 5.6% to 178.7 million viewers
     *   mobile is up 19.8% in viewership with smartphone video views up 21.8% and an increase of
         TV & movie viewing online of approx13-16%
     *   Video viewership is up 58% year over year in the Canadian market
* Videos (YouTube) – not only do users enjoy watching but consumer generated content on
    video is increasing as it’s become more accessible to film and upload content and then
    share it
*   Infographics – will grow in popularity and then drop off, visual story telling is only
    effective if you have a good story to tell
*   Tiling graphics – this is the current design fad that will probably morph into something else
    soon, please
*   Pinterest – photo collections by category; Instagram – let’s see if this app survives
*   QR codes
     *   1.4 million Canadian smartphone subscribers scanned QR codes at least once a month with an
         additional 329,000 scanning monthly
     *   the primary reason for scanning a QR code is for product information

                                                         • Marketing Experiments as cited by HubSpot’s Website Must haves
Catherine Elder                                     17   •
                                                         • Forrester
*   Words that are mis-used and over used:
     *   Collaboration: let’s face it, companies still don’t have this down, especially when talking about
         intranets, social intranets, collaboration tools and social collaboration
     *   Knowledge management: the brain drain might not be as prevalent as a few years back when
         everyone went south however with an aging workforce knowledge is still walking out the door and
         not being effectively captured and shared
     *   Innovation: “I don’t think that means what you think it means” from The Princess Bride
     *   Integration: again, what does this really mean? Not having 500 user names and passwords? And
         we’re right back into that privacy and security conversation…
     *   Curration of content: content is not meant to be a museum piece; you can aggregated content,
         have consumer generated content, and share content but it all needs to have context and be
         written for the user for the device …
*   Hot topics: privacy & security still – especially in relation to mobile, apps and health
*   Hot issues:
     *   Mental health – especially around depression – look for creative ways to address it (e.g. Lady Gaga
         just announced counselling booths at all her concerts)
     *   Wellness challenges – either make it or break it in the fight against obesity
     *   Accessibility – because as we go to smaller screens we need to be even more sensitive to the user
         experience for all
*   Beware of: social commentary being used as a news source
*   Watch: Shazam ( – app that identifies music, TV shows etc.; used by
    The Bay to promote daily sales items, over 250 million users worldwide. Let’s see where they
    take it next…

Catherine Elder                                         18
* Augmented reality (also called Outernet) is a technology that allows for
    computer-generated virtual imagery information to be superimposed onto a live
    direct or indirect real world environment in real time - devices like smartphones
    and tablet computers contain these elements which often include a camera and
    MEMS sensors such as accelerometer, GPS, and solid state compass, making
    them suitable AR platforms.[2] - according to Wikipedia
     * Outernet (megatrend), a trend describing the increasing convergence of virtual
        elements with real environments. (also referred to as augmented reality) –
        Source Wikipedia
* Crowdsourcing is a process that involves outsourcing tasks to a distributed
  group of people. This process can occur both online and offline.[1]
  Crowdsourcing is different from an ordinary outsourcing since it is a task or
  problem that is outsourced to an undefined public rather than a specific body. -
* Solid state storage (SSS) is a type of computer storage media that is made from
  silicon microchips. SSS stores data electronically instead of magnetically, as
  spinning hard disk drives or magnetic oxide tape

Catherine Elder                               19
* Millennials are the incoming workforce and the new consumer and
  they are very different
* 18-29 year olds
* By 2014 they will make up 36% of the workforce
* 64% ask about social media policies during job interviews
     * 24% say that answer will impact their offer acceptance
* 1 in 3 would prioritize social media freedom, device flexibility and
  work mobility over salary
* 35% have a side business
* Switch their attention between media platforms 27 times per hour
  compared with 17 times for other age groups
* 91% have public Facebook and Foursquare sites
* 52% have over 300 Facebook friends
* 43% have liked more than 20 brands
                                                      Source: infographic by:

Catherine Elder                       20

* Most companies continue to be laggards with the sad truth
    being that if they are behind now then next year they will be
    stepping backwards exponentially
* Less than 50% of companies have a social media policy
* 12% of firms using social media feel they are using it
    effectively (ergo 88% of those using it aren’t sure)
* 40% of small to medium businesses still don’t have a website
* Websites are still letting people down, and then users reach
    for the phone
     * 17% that couldn’t complete their goal on the website went to
* Some things will stay the same.
                                          • 1&1 Internet report cited in Hubspot’s Website Must Haves
                                          • Forrester Research 2012 “Websites that don’t support
                                             customers waste millions”
Catherine Elder                      21   •

* Every year there is a slew of predictions followed by
    whitepapers and self serving studies that help vendors sell
    their wares and services.
* There is a preponderance of statistics that are used but
    aren’t necessarily analyzed or in context.
* The predictions are so general or self evident that they are
    useless – yes use of social media is going to increase...
* But…
     * If they make you think and pay attention, well then they’ve
        served their purpose.

Catherine Elder                      22
*          LinkedIn

                           By Catherine Elder
                              December 2012

Catherine Elder       23

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BP110: The Mobile Distruption - Why XPages Development is targeting Mobile First


  • 1. * Starting 2013 informed and focused By Catherine Elder, December 2012 Catherine Elder 1
  • 2. * * Predictions are really an extended projection of current trends * They will never be true for everyone * What was true in the past remains true until it’s not – there are early adopters and there are laggards and giving a prediction for the early adopters serves no purpose for the laggards who know that it won’t happen for them for years * Understanding the trends and putting them in your own context can help you strategically plan your activities I’m Canadian so I’ll just add a pre-apology for some ranting… Catherine Elder 2
  • 3. * * Mobile * Social * Gamification * Cloud computing * BYOD * Big data * SoLoMoCoDa * I end with content, some things to consider and commentary Catherine Elder 3
  • 4. * * Multi-channel, splinternet * Multi-screen * Context * Responsive design * Augmented reality & the Outernet * Digital wallet * Consumerization * Privacy & security * Apps * Online freelancers Catherine Elder 4
  • 5. * * MORE, MORE, MORE * 163% increase in mobile internet users from 2010 to 2014 * 4.7 billion own an internet-enabled mobile device * Tablet sales increase 12.8%; * 41 million Americans own a tablet * 5% of tablets purchased are secondary tablets * Time spent on mobile internet increased 54% in the last year * 1/3 of time spent on mobile is when the user is at home * Apps: * Users are spending 12.9% (smartphones) and 9.5% (tablets) time on using apps. There are literally thousands of apps available * tablet users tend to spend more time using apps, an average of 8.2 minutes per session compared with 4.10 minutes for smartphone users but smartphone users may access apps more often (12.9% vs. 9.5%). * HTML 5 use will increase but native apps will continue to increase Sources: Yahoo! Ipsos Reid study Rivetlogic citing Gartner Catherine Elder 5
  • 6. * * More mobile use and the increase of the tablet market share means users are going to be using multi-channels and multi-screens even more – and they expect a consistent experience. * Users are using their mobile devices in front of the television and will want to interact more using devices to connect to other devices * Users expect that they will be able to use whatever device they are on for what they want at that time * Companies will turn to responsive design for a simple solution to delivering on multi-screens but if they don’t take into account context they won’t be as successful * 9 out of 10 consumers have accessed mobile web while in-store * 1/3 of mobile users (and some studies have up to 68% of smart phone use) is at home * Most mobile enabled sites aren’t providing contextual content for people on the go – think directions, maps, locations, hours, coupons * There is already an over use of apps – the average mobile user has 3 apps and only used them once * Case in point – large pharmacy promoting their app and their site not mobile context friendly – you can’t find locations and hours on it * The increase use of smartphones as digital wallets -using near field communications (NFC) chips for ease of scanning short distance – will increase once security has been better addressed * Privacy and security will continue to be hot topics; look for changes in password security on mobile (Deloitte); m-commerce and mobile wallets still need some work * Apps will increase and companies will be challenged to create apps that continue the experience users get on the website and mobile web and provide value; apps must be sustained and offer targeted use or multi-use, i.e. if the user only sees potential for one use they will be abandoned forever Catherine Elder 6
  • 7. * * Mobile becomes a way of life – flex hours and remote workers evolve to the mobile workforce * Millennials increasingly are becoming online freelancers and entrepreneurs and their numbers are expecting to double next year with 25% of graduates opting to work for themselves – according to Elance in a article * Smart companies will encourage this as they can lower office costs and attract talent who will pay less to commute in cost and time Catherine Elder 7
  • 8. * * Responsibility for social experience * Personalization * Neuro-marketing * Community Catherine Elder 8
  • 9. * * Over 50% of social media users follow brands and 1/3 of those post brand related content * Facebook * 845 million users posting a billion times per da; * 45 million unique video viewers per month * Twitter * 465 million users posting 175 million times per day * YouTube * 157 million unique viewers per month * Google+ * 90 million users adding 635,000 per week * Instagram * growing at 10 million new users every 10 days (we’ll see if this continues after their controversy of using photos) * Pinterest * 19 million users * Foursquare * 15 million users growing at 50% year over year Catherine Elder 9 Source: The new content marketer – Brightcove
  • 10. * * MORE, MORE, MORE * Social isn’t a fad, it’s not going away and its growing * Privacy and security still need some work, and social sites need to get their act together on their privacy and security policies (just look up Instagram) * Millennials aren’t shy about sharing everything on their social sites and this feeds into Big Data and Neuro-marketing (getting into mind of consumer via functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging - fMRI) with the resulting expectation being that they will get a personalized experience that they can customize – oh and can you entertain them (gamification) while you’re at it? * Communities will grow and evolve * The wealth of LinkedIn groups will streamline into niche markets and active conversations with others dying a natural death * The big fish will consume the little fish Catherine Elder 10
  • 11. * * It wasn’t long ago that the term “edutainment” was bandied about as the demand to make education and information more digestible by making it entertaining * With the advent of mobile and the ability to interact between devices, including gaming accessories, users are expecting the functionality and ease of use they have with their games to be translated into all their online experiences Catherine Elder 11
  • 12. * * More talk about the cloud and software as a service (SaaS) * The impact of the mobile workforce and BYOD (bring your own device) will play into the cloud and see a growth of SaaS – Let’s see how the big fish respond * IT departments are going to have to find a way to support cloud and BYOD - this is going to take some time and create challenges as software and versioning challenge support and users alike Catherine Elder 12
  • 13. * * With all this digital activity comes the capture and collection of more data * According to ZDNET: * Big data requires tapping into silos, warehouses, and external systems using new techniques. While some big data will be single function, many of the more intriguing possibilities requires a lot of cooperation across the business and with external vendors, not at easy task. * Once we get a handle on big data and start analyzing we’ll be able to link it to predict economic waves, market evolution, product trends and user behaviour. * Once we understand what the data is telling us we can impact the purchasing journey and create content that provides the user with a highly personalized, localized and customized experience (if you’re a laggard company ignore this) on every channel and device they use when they use it. Source: Catherine Elder 13 trends-of-the-next-half-decade-mobile-social-cloud- consumerization-and-big-data/1811
  • 14. * * This is actually a good way to summarize – techies do love their acronyms * Social * Local * Mobile * Commerce * Data * Can’t say it better so: * “Organizations need to think and plan from an omnichannel perspective – understanding customer interaction occasions in all touchpoints and planning for consistent experiences across all of them…”- Mr. Nawara quoted on mobilemarketer. Catherine Elder 14 Source:
  • 15. * * The biggest challenge online is still content and this challenge has just grown exponentially * If content is king, context is queen * Content will need to be contextual – serving the situation and device for the optimum user experience while being of consistent standards and maintaining the user experience across channels. * Mobile content must have the context for a mobile user – whether they are using their smartphone in front of the TV at home or on-the-go * You can’t cut and paste pieces of blog content on all your social channels and think that it’s working * Quality content is about being simple, relatable and easy to understand – best example: Catherine Elder 15
  • 16. * *99% of every text message is read * 90% of those are read within the first 3 minutes upon receipt *Consumer generated content is increasing with the ease of video creation and sharing * A few year’s ago the say was “You don’t own your brand – Google does”; now your brand is in the hands of everyone with “Like” and “Share” at their fingertips *eBooks continue to grow in popularity * even with the near saturation of the market with eReaders, and * the ability to read on tablets that will out reach PCs in a few short years *The growth of visual content, including videos and infographics is continuing, especially since tablets are a good visual display device Source: Sitecore Catherine Elder 16
  • 17. * * Photos * Photos of real people out-perform stock photos by 95% * Video growth is predicted to be 5.6% to 178.7 million viewers * mobile is up 19.8% in viewership with smartphone video views up 21.8% and an increase of TV & movie viewing online of approx13-16% * Video viewership is up 58% year over year in the Canadian market * Videos (YouTube) – not only do users enjoy watching but consumer generated content on video is increasing as it’s become more accessible to film and upload content and then share it * Infographics – will grow in popularity and then drop off, visual story telling is only effective if you have a good story to tell * Tiling graphics – this is the current design fad that will probably morph into something else soon, please * Pinterest – photo collections by category; Instagram – let’s see if this app survives * QR codes * 1.4 million Canadian smartphone subscribers scanned QR codes at least once a month with an additional 329,000 scanning monthly * the primary reason for scanning a QR code is for product information Sources: • Marketing Experiments as cited by HubSpot’s Website Must haves • Catherine Elder 17 • • Forrester
  • 18. * * Words that are mis-used and over used: * Collaboration: let’s face it, companies still don’t have this down, especially when talking about intranets, social intranets, collaboration tools and social collaboration * Knowledge management: the brain drain might not be as prevalent as a few years back when everyone went south however with an aging workforce knowledge is still walking out the door and not being effectively captured and shared * Innovation: “I don’t think that means what you think it means” from The Princess Bride * Integration: again, what does this really mean? Not having 500 user names and passwords? And we’re right back into that privacy and security conversation… * Curration of content: content is not meant to be a museum piece; you can aggregated content, have consumer generated content, and share content but it all needs to have context and be written for the user for the device … * Hot topics: privacy & security still – especially in relation to mobile, apps and health * Hot issues: * Mental health – especially around depression – look for creative ways to address it (e.g. Lady Gaga just announced counselling booths at all her concerts) * Wellness challenges – either make it or break it in the fight against obesity * Accessibility – because as we go to smaller screens we need to be even more sensitive to the user experience for all * Beware of: social commentary being used as a news source * Watch: Shazam ( – app that identifies music, TV shows etc.; used by The Bay to promote daily sales items, over 250 million users worldwide. Let’s see where they take it next… Catherine Elder 18
  • 19. * * Augmented reality (also called Outernet) is a technology that allows for computer-generated virtual imagery information to be superimposed onto a live direct or indirect real world environment in real time - devices like smartphones and tablet computers contain these elements which often include a camera and MEMS sensors such as accelerometer, GPS, and solid state compass, making them suitable AR platforms.[2] - according to Wikipedia * Outernet (megatrend), a trend describing the increasing convergence of virtual elements with real environments. (also referred to as augmented reality) – Source Wikipedia * Crowdsourcing is a process that involves outsourcing tasks to a distributed group of people. This process can occur both online and offline.[1] Crowdsourcing is different from an ordinary outsourcing since it is a task or problem that is outsourced to an undefined public rather than a specific body. - * Solid state storage (SSS) is a type of computer storage media that is made from silicon microchips. SSS stores data electronically instead of magnetically, as spinning hard disk drives or magnetic oxide tape do. Catherine Elder 19
  • 20. * * Millennials are the incoming workforce and the new consumer and they are very different * 18-29 year olds * By 2014 they will make up 36% of the workforce * 64% ask about social media policies during job interviews * 24% say that answer will impact their offer acceptance * 1 in 3 would prioritize social media freedom, device flexibility and work mobility over salary * 35% have a side business * Switch their attention between media platforms 27 times per hour compared with 17 times for other age groups * 91% have public Facebook and Foursquare sites * 52% have over 300 Facebook friends * 43% have liked more than 20 brands Source: infographic by: Catherine Elder 20
  • 21. * * Most companies continue to be laggards with the sad truth being that if they are behind now then next year they will be stepping backwards exponentially * Less than 50% of companies have a social media policy * 12% of firms using social media feel they are using it effectively (ergo 88% of those using it aren’t sure) * 40% of small to medium businesses still don’t have a website * Websites are still letting people down, and then users reach for the phone * 17% that couldn’t complete their goal on the website went to competitors. * Some things will stay the same. Sources: • 1&1 Internet report cited in Hubspot’s Website Must Haves • Forrester Research 2012 “Websites that don’t support customers waste millions” Catherine Elder 21 • 8-2967511-5-ways-social-media-will-change-your-job-in-2013
  • 22. * * Every year there is a slew of predictions followed by whitepapers and self serving studies that help vendors sell their wares and services. * There is a preponderance of statistics that are used but aren’t necessarily analyzed or in context. * The predictions are so general or self evident that they are useless – yes use of social media is going to increase... * But… * If they make you think and pay attention, well then they’ve served their purpose. Catherine Elder 22
  • 23. * LinkedIn By Catherine Elder December 2012 Catherine Elder 23

Editor's Notes

  1. - videos, companies can have their own channels and playlistsInfographic examples: ttp:// ; examples:; – LinkedIn’s home page; - – preference tiling of videos