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A Pragmatic Solution for Identity and Access Management                                                                                   1

          Tokio Marine Management (TMM), the                              central directory. 3 Adding such functionality to new
management company for the Tokio Marine Nishido family                    applications would have increased development costs and
of insurance companies operating in the United States,                    extended their ‘go live’ target deadlines4. TMM devised a
committed to improve IT controls on identity and access                   solution to improve managing entitlements to these
management (IDM) due to the two factors. First, growth in                 applications without affecting them operationally. TMM had
the number of applications now required an enterprise                     to ensure that the provisioning (which includes de-
approach for more secure and efficient IDM. Secondly,                     provisioning) tasks were effective and adhere to corporate
TMM was subjected to complying with Japan’s Financial                     policy across 87 applications, 723 Active Directory groups,
Instrument and Exchange Law (FIEL). FIEL is similar to                    304 Lotus Notes groups, 300+ servers, 298 roles, and
the United States’ Sarbanes-Oxley law and commonly                        17,982 entitlements for 629 people. We also had to ensure
referred to as ‘J-SOX1’. From the IDM standpoint, the                     that ‘orphaned accounts’ were eliminated. Orphaned
objectives of both regulations are similar. TMM identified                accounts are active accounts for terminated people, which
61 key Information Technology General Controls (ITGC)                     present a security threat by potentially allowing
for J-SOX compliance with eight related to IDM. The nature                unauthorized access5.
of the controls and their effectiveness is proprietary                              TMM built a stand-alone application that manages
information. This IDM solution considered each of these                   work orders, which represent access entitlements and
eight key controls and provided the functionality to ensure               leveraged existing, manual provisioning. This avoids the
the controls were effective. The external auditors found no               issues related to automated provisioning and directory
ITGC deficiencies after deploying this IDM solution. See                  synchronization, both of which present more risk and
Table 1 for the list of requirements. This paper shows how                complexity than TMM was willing to undertake. The two
TMM accomplished meeting regulatory compliance and the                    drivers to this solution were: 1) fixed compliance deadline;
issues encountered.                                                       and 2) there was no reason to take on the difficulties in
                                                                          developing automated provisioning and directory
                                                                          synchronization when these functions could be purchased in
                                                                          the future, if required. The improvements over the prior
                                                                          entitlement processes relate to a new governance model
                                                                          with automated workflows, authoritative sources, a central
                                                                          repository, and easier recertification and reconciliation
                                                                                    The original access processes were paper-based
                                                                          with no effective automation. Determining the status of an
                                                                          access request was difficult due to the request existing
                                                                          somewhere in an email. There was no definitive way to
                                                                          associate all accounts for a single person without a
                                                                          consolidation of the entitlements. In terminating a person,
                                                                          Human Resources would address an email using a
                                                                          distribution list, which notified all downstream account
                                                                          administrators that, ‘Joe Bloggs resigned.’ ‘Joe Bloggs’ was
                                                                          usually not the account identifier, which compromised the
                                                                          de-provisioning task due to lack of specificity. This required
                                                                          the downstream account administrators to resolve: ‘What is
                                                                          Joe’s identifier in the each system?’ Terminated staff at
                                                                          times, left orphaned accounts due to the absence of
                                                                          consolidated entitlements. There was no authoritative source
                                                                          for non-employees, which means there was no reliable
                                                                          record of non-employees engaged with the firm.
                                                                          Reconciliation of a downstream directory was an imprecise
          The company has 459 employees, 170 non-                         process due to the absence of a definitive, common
employees and generates $500M in revenue. There are                       identifier and, for non-employees, the lack of an
seven offices with headquarters in New York City NY. The                  authoritative source with which to reconcile against. There
IT staff, mostly located in New York City, employs 47                     was a clear need for new processes and tools to achieve
people and manages primarily the Windows platform along                   more effective and efficient identity management objectives
with Red Hat and Solaris. Third parties host some                         and meet regulatory compliance.
applications on the mainframe and client-server platforms.                          If there were only one directory for validating
          TMM did not use an enterprise directory or                      authentication and authorization requests, access
features like LDAP 2 for authentication and authorization                 management would have been considerably easier to
making access management difficult. Organizations                         implement and maintain. It is precisely due to having more
typically have many applications built on legacy                          than one directory that raises problems for IDM:
technology, and it therefore is impractical to interface with a           synchronization is required and we found more than 80
                                                                          application directories. Potential security and audit issues
A Pragmatic Solution for Identity and Access Management                                                                                   2

(e.g., separation of duties conflicts and orphaned accounts)              due to the dynamics of people, titles, roles and the number
lingered in the absence of a consistent, enterprise-wide                  of resources, and in TMM’s case, managing almost 18,000
approach for trans-directory integrity, workflows, account                entitlements. The Ponemon Institute notes that
provisioning, and recertification. Options were to either                 ‘organizations are not able to keep pace with changes in
implement a commercial IDM product or build a bespoke                     users’ roles as a result of transfers, terminations, and
application. Commercial products can require significant                  revisions to job responsibilities. As a result, they face
customization, which translates into expense and                          serious noncompliance and business risks.’10 Paladin
complexity. A Request for Information initiative disclosed                addressed role-base access control via the ‘role prototype’
that commercial products were beyond the available budget.                and entitlement recertification, both of which will follow.
See Rencana’s The Impact of Total Cost of Ownership in
                                                                          The Paladin Application
IAM Investment Decisions6, which compares the costs of
five commercial products. The TMM solution presents a                               The project, code name ‘Paladin,’ built a custom
significantly lower Total Cost of Ownership due to the                    application to manage the representation of access rights (or
absence of licensing, service, and customizations fees.                   entitlements) for more than 1,100 IDM-related resources.
Using the Rencana model for medium sized firms (7,500                     Note that Paladin does not manage the actual, operational
end users), it is estimated that TMM’s Total Cost of                      access rights. Paladin manages representations of these IDM
Ownership, using five year present value, is about 80% less               objects in a stand-alone data store. The development team
than the commercial products in the Rencana report 7.                     comprised of two people. One and one-half full time
          Given the time and budget constraints, TMM                      equivalent (FTEs) developed Paladin within six months.
decided to develop a custom application and TMM launched                  One web developer, a contractor, worked full time for six
project ‘Paladin’ in April 2010. This decision seems                      months and the other one-half FTE was the project manager,
counterintuitive, but we limited the scope and complexity of              who was also the business analyst, database designer and
the application, which minimized the development effort                   conversion analyst. Paladin’s implementation uses two non-
and focused our resources to meet specifically stated                     dedicated servers, one to host the web-based application and
objectives and nothing more.                                              the other for the database.
          Minimizing complexity was a key factor and taking                         Paladin provided a foundation for optionally
on too much functionality would have jeopardized the time                 implementing a third-party product since defining resources,
constraint. The complexity included how to address                        roles, and associating account identifiers to people is also
directory synchronization, associating accounts to a person,              required for any IDM solution. This effort focused on
and removing accounts for terminated staff. Automated                     identifying and resolving the data relationships among
provisioning requires customizations for each directory to                people, resources, entitlements, and roles. Since
synchronize with the authoritative source. TMM’s diversity                authentication and authorization for applications does not
of applications, each with its unique directory structure,                require Paladin in real-time, employing other products with
across multiple computing platforms (i.e., Windows, Linux,                features such as LDAP does not present a conflict in the
Solaris, OS/2, MVS/370), presented a significant challenge                approach. TMM can still leverage the IDM objects if, and
for automating account provisioning. In response, Paladin                 when, the firm acquires a commercial product.
did not automate account provisioning and kept the manual                           Managers request entitlements for their staff. The
tasks in place using a common repository to organize IDM                  various departments designated ‘resource owners,’ who
objects through managed work orders. This also added a                    approve entitlement requests to their applications,
benefit for its security: as a system gets more complex, they             represented as resources in Paladin. The help desk staffed
get less secure8. Paladin became the basis of this pragmatic              the downstream account administrator positions. Human
approach to IDM and allowed TMM to defer automated                        resources, the authoritative source for employees, add and
provisioning to commercial products, if, and when, time and               terminate employees. All other people with access rights are
budget became available and after achieving the 2010                      considered non-employees, which includes contractors,
objectives.                                                               vendors, temporary staff, external auditors, etc. The
          A significant issue concerned relating accounts to              authoritative source for non-employees is the hiring
people. One person has many accounts, usually with                        manager, who adds and terminates these people using the
different identifiers. Accounts were difficult to tie back to             Paladin web interface. Recertification calls for 1) managers
an individual in the absence of a common key. Joe Bloggs’                 recertifying the non-employees on their staff; 2) human
identifiers could be ‘JBloggs,’ BloggsJo,’ ‘XE34R,’ etc.,                 resources recertifying employees; and 3) resource owners
and names make poor identifiers. Imprecise account                        recertifying entitlements.
associations raise various security risks by producing
orphaned accounts, not knowing who has what rights to                     Impact on the Staff
which applications, or making it difficult to determine if                          Paladin users are those people designated as
there is separation of duties issue9. ‘Recertification,’ the              managers, resource owners, account administrators, human
periodic validation of rights, helps ensure that when a role              resource specialist, or Paladin administrators. The total
changes, a person will only have the rights they need to                  number of users was 163 people out of a population of 629.
perform their job. Prior to Paladin, recertification was                  Access to the application requires membership in any of five
difficult due to relying on a person’s name. Role-base                    Active Directory groups where each group represents a
access control is one of the more difficult aspects of IDM,               different Paladin role (e.g., manager, resource owner, etc.,).
A Pragmatic Solution for Identity and Access Management                                                                                   3

Membership in these groups determines which menu items                    directory. Storing the account identifier in the meta-
are exposed and limits the user’s actions in the application.             directory also avoids converting identifiers in the
Paladin treats membership in these groups as any other                    downstream directories. The alternative is standardizing all
resource managed by Paladin and subject to the same                       account identifiers for a person, which represents significant
workflows and recertification processes. Managers now use                 effort and risk. The risk stems from an adverse impact on
a web interface to request an entitlement. For training, the              the business, as imperfect changes to the account identifiers
managers received a video file consisting of screen shots                 will disrupt a person’s access.
with narrated animations of the manager functions. There                            The account administrator is the ‘synchronizer’
were 132 managers out of 459 employees. The project                       between the meta-directory and the downstream directories
manager trained the 48 resource owners and 38 user                        (See Figure 2). Paladin had little impact on the account
administrators using a web-based meeting tool where                       administrators. They still maintained accounts as they did
trainees can see the trainer’s web session. We conducted                  prior to Paladin, so little training was required. The
two sessions for each of these two user groups.                           workflow provided them with a queue of pending work
                                                                          orders through a web interface. The account administrator’s
A Two Phased Approach
                                                                          role actually diminished in the reconciliation task: for
    1.   Phase One: Meta-directory, workflows, conversion,                automatable directory extracts, account administrators were
         and recertify people and entitlements                            no longer involved, save applying corrections. More on
                                                                          reconciliation will follow.
    2.   Phase Two: Directory reconciliation, Separation of
         Duties and reporting

Phase One – The Meta-Directory, Workflows,
Converting the Data, and Recertification
          We inventoried the various identity management
objects, and due to the number of them and their
relationships, we employed database technology to organize
the results. The database, or meta-directory, is a repository
for all IDM objects such as applications, people, groups,
staff organization, and entitlements11.

          Managers request access rights for their staff and
                                                                                    The meta-directory does not perform real-time
resource owners approve or reject these requests (See
                                                                          authentication or authorization nor does it contain
Figure 1). The account administrators receive work orders
                                                                          passwords. The only interfaces with other systems are the
(i.e., approved requests) from the meta-directory and must
                                                                          employee roster file and a real-time Active Directory update
update their downstream directories accordingly. They then
                                                                          for terminations. This design avoids integration issues and
add the new account identifier to the work order, which
                                                                          run-time complexities. Programming began with processing
represents the entitlement in the meta-directory. This update
                                                                          the employee roster file, which contains all active
is key in Paladin’s ability to provide significant value while
                                                                          employees and relevant details. A comparison between the
avoiding the synchronization complexities. Having the
                                                                          roster file and the meta-directory generates additions (i.e.,
account identifier in the meta-directory now enables easier
                                                                          new hires), changes, and deletions (i.e., terminated staff)
reconciliation by comparing it to the one in the downstream
                                                                          and updates the meta-directory. For terminated staff, Paladin
directory. An application’s account naming standard is
                                                                          invokes the de-provisioning process, which triggers the
irrelevant to Paladin and there is no requirement that Joe
                                                                          removal of all entitlements. The hiring manager, using a
Bloggs has to have the same account identifier in every
                                                                          web browser, provides the additions, changes, and
A Pragmatic Solution for Identity and Access Management                                                                                   4

terminations for their non-employees. One part-time (0.1
FTE) Paladin administrator keeps the meta-directory up to
date with new resources.
          The next step was to define the relevant roles
within the resources. Roles represent authorization rights for
an application and were well understood, since they are
already in use. Resource owners can add specific roles to
resources as required.
          Automating workflows entailed defining the
various work order status fields and based on values in these
fields, presenting the work orders to a user for some action
via the web user interface. When requesting an entitlement,
the manager selects a staff member, resource, role and
environment (i.e., production, test, etc.,). For example,
‘supervisor’ or ‘service manager’ are roles for the customer
information system, the resource. Relationships between
resources and roles support the presentation of the list of
relevant roles for a resource when requesting entitlements.
In this manner, a manager is limited to selecting a role from
only those roles defined to a resource12. Upon approval of
an entitlement request, the downstream account
administrator creates the account in the downstream
application and closes the work order by including the new
account identifier. This keeps the downstream directory in
synchronization with the meta-directory and supports
subsequent reconciliations between them. (See Figure 3)

                                                                                   A decision was required regarding if existing rights
                                                                          should be loaded into the meta-directory. The case for not
                                                                          converting was to avoid adding suspect data to the new
                                                                          meta-directory. Not converting them would require that
                                                                          managers enter new entitlements for their staff. It was
                                                                          unacceptable to ask managers to enter over 17,000
                                                                          entitlements and therefore the employees’ rights were
                                                                          converted. However, we did not convert entitlements for
                                                                          non-employees due to not having had an authoritative
                                                                          source for them. In this case, the managers did create new
                                                                          non-employee records and entitlements. This was a
                                                                          reasonable foundation for populating the new meta-
                                                                          directory. The conversion used the available account
                                                                          information in each user directory and transformed it into an
                                                                          entitlement record in the meta-directory with the association
                                                                          to (hopefully) the proper person. The quality of this
                                                                          association was dependent on data available in the
                                                                          downstream directory, which was not always adequate.
                                                                          Reconciliation in Phase Two addresses discovering and
                                                                          correcting discrepancies in the data conversion as well as
                                                                          day-to-day entitlement processing13.
                                                                          The ‘role prototype’

A Pragmatic Solution for Identity and Access Management                                                                                   5

           To assist managers requesting entitlements, Paladin
provides a special type of person object, the ‘role
prototype.’ The role prototype is a set of fictitious persons,
such as ‘Claims Manager’ and associates a set of
entitlements with this ‘person.’ Hiring or promoting a real
person as a ‘Claims Manager’ automatically assigns all of
the entitlements defined for that role prototype. Identifying
the various role prototypes required working with human
resources to standardize job titles and determine which
entitlements are appropriate for each job. The role prototype
serves as a starting point for assigning access rights and then
the manager adds or removes specific rights. There is still
additional work required to complete the implementation of
this feature mostly due to the efforts in normalizing job
titles, descriptions, and identifying appropriate resources.
TMM uses job titles to help comply with various states’
labor regulations and therefore titles provide little help in
applying role-based access control. Additional functional
job titles are required and entail considerable effort.
Applying role-based access control is an ongoing challenge
and continues to require efforts from IT, business units, and
human resources due to refinements, legacy resources, and
role changes14. A benefit of using role prototypes is that
they abstract much of the technology internals (i.e., Active                       Phase One delivered the functionality to meet
Directory group memberships, virtual private network, etc.,)              compliance and security objectives. However, it provides no
which confuses managers15. A manager can choose from                      way to validate the downstream directories. Phase Two’s
over 1,100 resources and understanding which ones are                     reconciliation feature provides that mechanism.
relevant has been overwhelming. We could not implement
all role-prototypes within the available time; however, we                Phase Two: Reconciliation, Separation of Duties and
could address the remaining ones after the initial application            Reporting
                                                                                    Reconciliation compares a downstream directory’s
Recertification: Periodically Confirming Access Rights                    entries with the corresponding entitlements in the meta-
                                                                          directory. This task recognizes errors caused by the
          Phase One implements recertification, which                     provisioning functions or other out-of-synchronization
separately validates people and entitlements. Paladin sends               conditions. For example, there may have been terminations
email notifications every day within 15 days of an                        but the downstream directory still has active accounts for
expiration date to managers, who recertify non-employees,                 these former people (i.e., orphaned accounts).
or resource owners, who recertify rights (See figure 4).                  Reconciliation automatically recognizes if there are more
Both people and rights have expiration dates. The employee                entries in the user directory than in the meta-directory
roster file recertifies each employee every time HR submits               (evidence of an unauthorized change) or if there are missing
the file. The hiring manager recertifies their non-employees              entries in the user directory (evidence of either a timing
every 90 days. Ignoring a recertification request will                    issue or an ignored work order)16.
automatically invoke the termination tasks after the                                In pre-Paladin, reconciliation was a an arduous
entitlement or person’s expiration date passes. This                      process, manually extracting data from the downstream
Draconian tactic provides a fail-safe mechanism against                   directories into spreadsheets and, using whatever data was
expired rights or people no longer engaged with the firm.                 available, matching entries against the employee roster file
                                                                          (another spreadsheet). This match was susceptible to
                                                                          incorrect pairings or non-matches due to using names
                                                                          instead of unique keys (i.e., the account identifier).
                                                                                    Within Paladin, the reconciliation process extracts
                                                                          a downstream directory’s contents and adds them to the
                                                                          meta-directory’s reconciliation table. A computer program
                                                                          then matches on the account identifiers and detects
                                                                          discrepancies. Each discrepancy generates a corrective work
                                                                          order for the account administrator. Automating the
                                                                          extraction task is dependent on the availability and
                                                                          complexity of the downstream directory. If the directory is
                                                                          accessible, a computer program performs the extract and
                                                                          loads the entries into Paladin. If the directory is not directly

A Pragmatic Solution for Identity and Access Management                                                                                    6

accessible or the data structures containing the account ID               conflict. Upon detecting this situation, the requestor would
and role information is too complex to extract using                      be prevented from completing the request.
automation, the account administrator extracts or obtains the                       Since the SoD conflict prevention was
data into a standardized file, as in pre-Paladin. A directory             implemented after the conversion of the pre-Paladin existing
may not be available if a vendor manages it in a hosted                   entitlements, a program was written to look for existing
environment, and TMM had several. The project assessed                    entitlements, for individuals, that would now be considered
each downstream directory in terms of priority and degree                 an SoD conflict. This report runs whenever there are
of difficulty to automate the extraction. Regardless of using             changes made to the SoD ‘role pair’ table.
automation or a manual task for extraction, the subsequent
steps (i.e., matching, discrepancy detection, work order
generation) are identical and use the same program code                             Reporting is facilitated entirely from the data
(See figure 5). Standardizing the data extraction and the                 contained in the Paladin meta directory. Each record
consistent format of the meta-directory objects eases the                 contains attributes that define status, data of status change,
reconciliation process. The frequency of discrepancies                    date of insertion, last modification, deletion, etc., so that
pointed out the error rates for each downstream account                   comprehensive reports can be created. No records are ever
administrator and guided any needed remediation.                          physically deleted from the meta directory. A scheme is
                                                                          used to ‘logically’ delete records, which easily identifies
                                                                          which records are ‘active’ and which records would have
                                                                          been deleted if physical deletions were performed. In
                                                                          addition, a separate table is used as a repository for
                                                                          recording defined transactions or other activities (i.e.,
                                                                          tracing). Records are inserted into this table when an event
                                                                          occurs. Suitable encoding enables reporting events for a
                                                                          variety of perspectives, include chronological, specific
                                                                          approver, account administrator, reconciliation, separation
                                                                          of duties conflicts, etc.,
                                                                          Lessons Learned
                                                                                    The most difficult task was organizing the sheer
                                                                          number of Active Directory groups that were in use without
                                                                          a definitive understanding how each related to a particular
                                                                          job function. Group names provide few clues regarding how
                                                                          they are used. Managers were uncertain when to include an
                                                                          entitlement that required one of these groups. While the role
                                                                          prototypes help reduce this confusion, managing and
                                                                          documenting these groups still requires effort mapping all
                                                                          groups to role prototypes or retiring them.


                                                                                    TMM remediated all issues related to identity
                                                                          management and passed JSOX compliance. The security
                                                                          posture improved via the continual confirmation of accounts
Separation of Duties (SoD)                                                and roles. Terminating accounts after their expiration date
          The effort to implement role prototypes provided a              has passed now automatically generates termination work
second dividend after enabling role-base access controls.                 orders. Paladin uses a single process for all entitlements,
This ability detects and prevents requesting access rights                which eliminates user’s confusion regarding how to obtain
that would create a Separation of Duties conflict.                        access to a resource. Business owners have control as to
Segregation of Duties is the separation of incompatible                   who can perform which functions within their applications.
duties that could allow one person to commit and conceal                  This IDM approach also provides an attractive Total Cost of
fraud that may result in financial loss or misstatement to the            Ownership when compared to the implementation of a
company. Segregation of duties may be within an                           commercial product.
application or within the infrastructure. 17                                        On the technology side, Paladin’s single repository
          Business and IT subject matter experts, working                 for all IDM objects facilitates data management and audit
together, identified role pairs that represented SoD conflicts.           trails. Paladin achieved directory synchronization without
These ‘role pairs’ were incorporated into the meta-directory.             the complexity required by automated synchronization.
When an entitlement was requested, the ‘role pairs’ would                 Isolating the meta-directory from the downstream user
be checked if there was already an existing entitlement that,             directories resulted in no operational impact on applications,
with this additional, new entitlement, would create an SoD                which reduces operational risk. Reconciliation essentially

A Pragmatic Solution for Identity and Access Management                                                                                          7

audits each directory against an authoritative source to                       methodology and used it to remediate I.T. controls to achieve
recognize and correct errors. Supplementing manual tasks                       regulatory compliance.
with automated workflows and database technology                                          Publications: “Establishing the Year 2000 Testing
circumvents the complexities of end-to-end automated                           Environment,” Year/2000 Journal, (1999)
                                                                                          Hank has also worked with Marsh & McLennan,
directory synchronization and provisioning. These benefits                     American Express, Merrill Lynch, Wolters Kluwer, MacMillan
taken together, Paladin offers a pragmatic approach for an                     Publishing, Dun & Bradstreet, McNeil Pharmaceutical,
effective IDM system.                                                          International Flavors & Fragrances, Core States Bank, Travelers
                                                                               Insurance in both employee and consulting roles.
                                                                                          He holds an M.S.C.S. from Villanova University, a
References                                                                     B.B.A. from Temple University, and awarded certifications:
                                                                               Certified Information Security Manager, Certified in Risk and
Office of Government Commerce, ITIL Service Design, U.K.,                      Information Systems Controls, Project Management Professional,
2007,                                                            and ITIL Foundation v2 and v3.
                                                                                          Contact Hank at
ISO, ISO/IEC 27002:2005 Information technology -- Security
techniques -- Code of practice for information security


          Hank Gruenberg, CISM, CRISC, PMP, is responsible for
IT compliance and information security at Tokio Marine
Management, Inc., a property-casualty insurance company. His
background includes having founded, developed and brought to
market JetAlerts, Inc., conceived and designed the Paladin IDM

 J-SOX is the nickname of Japan's Financial Instruments and Exchange
Law, which was promulgated in June 2006. Inspired by corporate scandals
such as the Kanebo, Livedoor, and Murakami Fund episodes, the law is
referred to as the Japanese version of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, hence J-
  Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol, Standard Track Requests for comments (RFCs) as detailed in RFC
   Williamson, Graham, et. al., Identity Management: A Primer, (Ketchum
ID: Mc Press, 2009), location 27
   Mather, Tim, et. al., Cloud Security and Privacy (Theory in
Practice),(Sebastopol CA: O’Reilly Media, 2009), location 248
   Op cit. Williamson, location 118
    Rencana LLC,
  Paladin five year Present Value (PV) is $571,738 compared to $2,865,712
for the lowest PV in the Rencana report.
  Schneier , Bruce, Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World,
(Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2004), location 5838
  Todorov, Dobromir, Mechanics of User Identification and Authorization:
Fundamentals of Identity Management, (Boca Raton: Auerbach
Publications, 2007), location 278
   Ponemon Institute, 2008 National Survey on Access Governance – U.S.
Study of IT Practitioners, 2008, reprinted with permission.
   Windley, Phillip J., Digital Identity, (Sebastopol CA: O’Reilly Media,
2008), location 85
   Op cit. Williamson, location 118
     ibid., location 145
     ibid., location 90
   Ferraiolo, David F., et. al., Role-Base Access Control (Norwood: Artech
House, 2003), p. 29
   Scheidel, Jeff, Designing an IAM Framework with Oracle Identity and
Access Management Suite, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010), location 1558
   Deloitte Development LLC. Segregation of Duties Solutions


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Pragmatic Identity & Access Management

  • 1. A Pragmatic Solution for Identity and Access Management 1 Tokio Marine Management (TMM), the central directory. 3 Adding such functionality to new management company for the Tokio Marine Nishido family applications would have increased development costs and of insurance companies operating in the United States, extended their ‘go live’ target deadlines4. TMM devised a committed to improve IT controls on identity and access solution to improve managing entitlements to these management (IDM) due to the two factors. First, growth in applications without affecting them operationally. TMM had the number of applications now required an enterprise to ensure that the provisioning (which includes de- approach for more secure and efficient IDM. Secondly, provisioning) tasks were effective and adhere to corporate TMM was subjected to complying with Japan’s Financial policy across 87 applications, 723 Active Directory groups, Instrument and Exchange Law (FIEL). FIEL is similar to 304 Lotus Notes groups, 300+ servers, 298 roles, and the United States’ Sarbanes-Oxley law and commonly 17,982 entitlements for 629 people. We also had to ensure referred to as ‘J-SOX1’. From the IDM standpoint, the that ‘orphaned accounts’ were eliminated. Orphaned objectives of both regulations are similar. TMM identified accounts are active accounts for terminated people, which 61 key Information Technology General Controls (ITGC) present a security threat by potentially allowing for J-SOX compliance with eight related to IDM. The nature unauthorized access5. of the controls and their effectiveness is proprietary TMM built a stand-alone application that manages information. This IDM solution considered each of these work orders, which represent access entitlements and eight key controls and provided the functionality to ensure leveraged existing, manual provisioning. This avoids the the controls were effective. The external auditors found no issues related to automated provisioning and directory ITGC deficiencies after deploying this IDM solution. See synchronization, both of which present more risk and Table 1 for the list of requirements. This paper shows how complexity than TMM was willing to undertake. The two TMM accomplished meeting regulatory compliance and the drivers to this solution were: 1) fixed compliance deadline; issues encountered. and 2) there was no reason to take on the difficulties in developing automated provisioning and directory synchronization when these functions could be purchased in the future, if required. The improvements over the prior entitlement processes relate to a new governance model with automated workflows, authoritative sources, a central repository, and easier recertification and reconciliation processes. The original access processes were paper-based with no effective automation. Determining the status of an access request was difficult due to the request existing somewhere in an email. There was no definitive way to associate all accounts for a single person without a consolidation of the entitlements. In terminating a person, Human Resources would address an email using a distribution list, which notified all downstream account administrators that, ‘Joe Bloggs resigned.’ ‘Joe Bloggs’ was usually not the account identifier, which compromised the de-provisioning task due to lack of specificity. This required the downstream account administrators to resolve: ‘What is Joe’s identifier in the each system?’ Terminated staff at times, left orphaned accounts due to the absence of consolidated entitlements. There was no authoritative source for non-employees, which means there was no reliable record of non-employees engaged with the firm. Reconciliation of a downstream directory was an imprecise The company has 459 employees, 170 non- process due to the absence of a definitive, common employees and generates $500M in revenue. There are identifier and, for non-employees, the lack of an seven offices with headquarters in New York City NY. The authoritative source with which to reconcile against. There IT staff, mostly located in New York City, employs 47 was a clear need for new processes and tools to achieve people and manages primarily the Windows platform along more effective and efficient identity management objectives with Red Hat and Solaris. Third parties host some and meet regulatory compliance. applications on the mainframe and client-server platforms. If there were only one directory for validating TMM did not use an enterprise directory or authentication and authorization requests, access features like LDAP 2 for authentication and authorization management would have been considerably easier to making access management difficult. Organizations implement and maintain. It is precisely due to having more typically have many applications built on legacy than one directory that raises problems for IDM: technology, and it therefore is impractical to interface with a synchronization is required and we found more than 80 application directories. Potential security and audit issues COPYRIGHT 2011 HANK GRUENBERG. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS MATERIAL MAY BE FREELY COPIED AND DISTRIBUTED SUBJECT TO THE INCLUSION OF THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. HGRUENBERG@pragmaticIDM.COM
  • 2. A Pragmatic Solution for Identity and Access Management 2 (e.g., separation of duties conflicts and orphaned accounts) due to the dynamics of people, titles, roles and the number lingered in the absence of a consistent, enterprise-wide of resources, and in TMM’s case, managing almost 18,000 approach for trans-directory integrity, workflows, account entitlements. The Ponemon Institute notes that provisioning, and recertification. Options were to either ‘organizations are not able to keep pace with changes in implement a commercial IDM product or build a bespoke users’ roles as a result of transfers, terminations, and application. Commercial products can require significant revisions to job responsibilities. As a result, they face customization, which translates into expense and serious noncompliance and business risks.’10 Paladin complexity. A Request for Information initiative disclosed addressed role-base access control via the ‘role prototype’ that commercial products were beyond the available budget. and entitlement recertification, both of which will follow. See Rencana’s The Impact of Total Cost of Ownership in The Paladin Application IAM Investment Decisions6, which compares the costs of five commercial products. The TMM solution presents a The project, code name ‘Paladin,’ built a custom significantly lower Total Cost of Ownership due to the application to manage the representation of access rights (or absence of licensing, service, and customizations fees. entitlements) for more than 1,100 IDM-related resources. Using the Rencana model for medium sized firms (7,500 Note that Paladin does not manage the actual, operational end users), it is estimated that TMM’s Total Cost of access rights. Paladin manages representations of these IDM Ownership, using five year present value, is about 80% less objects in a stand-alone data store. The development team than the commercial products in the Rencana report 7. comprised of two people. One and one-half full time Given the time and budget constraints, TMM equivalent (FTEs) developed Paladin within six months. decided to develop a custom application and TMM launched One web developer, a contractor, worked full time for six project ‘Paladin’ in April 2010. This decision seems months and the other one-half FTE was the project manager, counterintuitive, but we limited the scope and complexity of who was also the business analyst, database designer and the application, which minimized the development effort conversion analyst. Paladin’s implementation uses two non- and focused our resources to meet specifically stated dedicated servers, one to host the web-based application and objectives and nothing more. the other for the database. Minimizing complexity was a key factor and taking Paladin provided a foundation for optionally on too much functionality would have jeopardized the time implementing a third-party product since defining resources, constraint. The complexity included how to address roles, and associating account identifiers to people is also directory synchronization, associating accounts to a person, required for any IDM solution. This effort focused on and removing accounts for terminated staff. Automated identifying and resolving the data relationships among provisioning requires customizations for each directory to people, resources, entitlements, and roles. Since synchronize with the authoritative source. TMM’s diversity authentication and authorization for applications does not of applications, each with its unique directory structure, require Paladin in real-time, employing other products with across multiple computing platforms (i.e., Windows, Linux, features such as LDAP does not present a conflict in the Solaris, OS/2, MVS/370), presented a significant challenge approach. TMM can still leverage the IDM objects if, and for automating account provisioning. In response, Paladin when, the firm acquires a commercial product. did not automate account provisioning and kept the manual Managers request entitlements for their staff. The tasks in place using a common repository to organize IDM various departments designated ‘resource owners,’ who objects through managed work orders. This also added a approve entitlement requests to their applications, benefit for its security: as a system gets more complex, they represented as resources in Paladin. The help desk staffed get less secure8. Paladin became the basis of this pragmatic the downstream account administrator positions. Human approach to IDM and allowed TMM to defer automated resources, the authoritative source for employees, add and provisioning to commercial products, if, and when, time and terminate employees. All other people with access rights are budget became available and after achieving the 2010 considered non-employees, which includes contractors, objectives. vendors, temporary staff, external auditors, etc. The A significant issue concerned relating accounts to authoritative source for non-employees is the hiring people. One person has many accounts, usually with manager, who adds and terminates these people using the different identifiers. Accounts were difficult to tie back to Paladin web interface. Recertification calls for 1) managers an individual in the absence of a common key. Joe Bloggs’ recertifying the non-employees on their staff; 2) human identifiers could be ‘JBloggs,’ BloggsJo,’ ‘XE34R,’ etc., resources recertifying employees; and 3) resource owners and names make poor identifiers. Imprecise account recertifying entitlements. associations raise various security risks by producing orphaned accounts, not knowing who has what rights to Impact on the Staff which applications, or making it difficult to determine if Paladin users are those people designated as there is separation of duties issue9. ‘Recertification,’ the managers, resource owners, account administrators, human periodic validation of rights, helps ensure that when a role resource specialist, or Paladin administrators. The total changes, a person will only have the rights they need to number of users was 163 people out of a population of 629. perform their job. Prior to Paladin, recertification was Access to the application requires membership in any of five difficult due to relying on a person’s name. Role-base Active Directory groups where each group represents a access control is one of the more difficult aspects of IDM, different Paladin role (e.g., manager, resource owner, etc.,). COPYRIGHT 2011 HANK GRUENBERG. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS MATERIAL MAY BE FREELY COPIED AND DISTRIBUTED SUBJECT TO THE INCLUSION OF THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. HGRUENBERG@pragmaticIDM.COM
  • 3. A Pragmatic Solution for Identity and Access Management 3 Membership in these groups determines which menu items directory. Storing the account identifier in the meta- are exposed and limits the user’s actions in the application. directory also avoids converting identifiers in the Paladin treats membership in these groups as any other downstream directories. The alternative is standardizing all resource managed by Paladin and subject to the same account identifiers for a person, which represents significant workflows and recertification processes. Managers now use effort and risk. The risk stems from an adverse impact on a web interface to request an entitlement. For training, the the business, as imperfect changes to the account identifiers managers received a video file consisting of screen shots will disrupt a person’s access. with narrated animations of the manager functions. There The account administrator is the ‘synchronizer’ were 132 managers out of 459 employees. The project between the meta-directory and the downstream directories manager trained the 48 resource owners and 38 user (See Figure 2). Paladin had little impact on the account administrators using a web-based meeting tool where administrators. They still maintained accounts as they did trainees can see the trainer’s web session. We conducted prior to Paladin, so little training was required. The two sessions for each of these two user groups. workflow provided them with a queue of pending work orders through a web interface. The account administrator’s A Two Phased Approach role actually diminished in the reconciliation task: for 1. Phase One: Meta-directory, workflows, conversion, automatable directory extracts, account administrators were and recertify people and entitlements no longer involved, save applying corrections. More on reconciliation will follow. 2. Phase Two: Directory reconciliation, Separation of Duties and reporting Phase One – The Meta-Directory, Workflows, Converting the Data, and Recertification We inventoried the various identity management objects, and due to the number of them and their relationships, we employed database technology to organize the results. The database, or meta-directory, is a repository for all IDM objects such as applications, people, groups, staff organization, and entitlements11. Managers request access rights for their staff and The meta-directory does not perform real-time resource owners approve or reject these requests (See authentication or authorization nor does it contain Figure 1). The account administrators receive work orders passwords. The only interfaces with other systems are the (i.e., approved requests) from the meta-directory and must employee roster file and a real-time Active Directory update update their downstream directories accordingly. They then for terminations. This design avoids integration issues and add the new account identifier to the work order, which run-time complexities. Programming began with processing represents the entitlement in the meta-directory. This update the employee roster file, which contains all active is key in Paladin’s ability to provide significant value while employees and relevant details. A comparison between the avoiding the synchronization complexities. Having the roster file and the meta-directory generates additions (i.e., account identifier in the meta-directory now enables easier new hires), changes, and deletions (i.e., terminated staff) reconciliation by comparing it to the one in the downstream and updates the meta-directory. For terminated staff, Paladin directory. An application’s account naming standard is invokes the de-provisioning process, which triggers the irrelevant to Paladin and there is no requirement that Joe removal of all entitlements. The hiring manager, using a Bloggs has to have the same account identifier in every web browser, provides the additions, changes, and COPYRIGHT 2011 HANK GRUENBERG. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS MATERIAL MAY BE FREELY COPIED AND DISTRIBUTED SUBJECT TO THE INCLUSION OF THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. HGRUENBERG@pragmaticIDM.COM
  • 4. A Pragmatic Solution for Identity and Access Management 4 terminations for their non-employees. One part-time (0.1 FTE) Paladin administrator keeps the meta-directory up to date with new resources. The next step was to define the relevant roles within the resources. Roles represent authorization rights for an application and were well understood, since they are already in use. Resource owners can add specific roles to resources as required. Automating workflows entailed defining the various work order status fields and based on values in these fields, presenting the work orders to a user for some action via the web user interface. When requesting an entitlement, the manager selects a staff member, resource, role and environment (i.e., production, test, etc.,). For example, ‘supervisor’ or ‘service manager’ are roles for the customer information system, the resource. Relationships between resources and roles support the presentation of the list of relevant roles for a resource when requesting entitlements. In this manner, a manager is limited to selecting a role from only those roles defined to a resource12. Upon approval of an entitlement request, the downstream account administrator creates the account in the downstream application and closes the work order by including the new account identifier. This keeps the downstream directory in synchronization with the meta-directory and supports subsequent reconciliations between them. (See Figure 3) A decision was required regarding if existing rights should be loaded into the meta-directory. The case for not converting was to avoid adding suspect data to the new meta-directory. Not converting them would require that managers enter new entitlements for their staff. It was unacceptable to ask managers to enter over 17,000 entitlements and therefore the employees’ rights were converted. However, we did not convert entitlements for non-employees due to not having had an authoritative source for them. In this case, the managers did create new non-employee records and entitlements. This was a reasonable foundation for populating the new meta- directory. The conversion used the available account information in each user directory and transformed it into an entitlement record in the meta-directory with the association to (hopefully) the proper person. The quality of this association was dependent on data available in the downstream directory, which was not always adequate. Reconciliation in Phase Two addresses discovering and correcting discrepancies in the data conversion as well as day-to-day entitlement processing13. The ‘role prototype’ COPYRIGHT 2011 HANK GRUENBERG. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS MATERIAL MAY BE FREELY COPIED AND DISTRIBUTED SUBJECT TO THE INCLUSION OF THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. HGRUENBERG@pragmaticIDM.COM
  • 5. A Pragmatic Solution for Identity and Access Management 5 To assist managers requesting entitlements, Paladin provides a special type of person object, the ‘role prototype.’ The role prototype is a set of fictitious persons, such as ‘Claims Manager’ and associates a set of entitlements with this ‘person.’ Hiring or promoting a real person as a ‘Claims Manager’ automatically assigns all of the entitlements defined for that role prototype. Identifying the various role prototypes required working with human resources to standardize job titles and determine which entitlements are appropriate for each job. The role prototype serves as a starting point for assigning access rights and then the manager adds or removes specific rights. There is still additional work required to complete the implementation of this feature mostly due to the efforts in normalizing job titles, descriptions, and identifying appropriate resources. TMM uses job titles to help comply with various states’ labor regulations and therefore titles provide little help in applying role-based access control. Additional functional job titles are required and entail considerable effort. Applying role-based access control is an ongoing challenge and continues to require efforts from IT, business units, and human resources due to refinements, legacy resources, and role changes14. A benefit of using role prototypes is that they abstract much of the technology internals (i.e., Active Phase One delivered the functionality to meet Directory group memberships, virtual private network, etc.,) compliance and security objectives. However, it provides no which confuses managers15. A manager can choose from way to validate the downstream directories. Phase Two’s over 1,100 resources and understanding which ones are reconciliation feature provides that mechanism. relevant has been overwhelming. We could not implement all role-prototypes within the available time; however, we Phase Two: Reconciliation, Separation of Duties and could address the remaining ones after the initial application Reporting deployment. Reconciliation compares a downstream directory’s Recertification: Periodically Confirming Access Rights entries with the corresponding entitlements in the meta- directory. This task recognizes errors caused by the Phase One implements recertification, which provisioning functions or other out-of-synchronization separately validates people and entitlements. Paladin sends conditions. For example, there may have been terminations email notifications every day within 15 days of an but the downstream directory still has active accounts for expiration date to managers, who recertify non-employees, these former people (i.e., orphaned accounts). or resource owners, who recertify rights (See figure 4). Reconciliation automatically recognizes if there are more Both people and rights have expiration dates. The employee entries in the user directory than in the meta-directory roster file recertifies each employee every time HR submits (evidence of an unauthorized change) or if there are missing the file. The hiring manager recertifies their non-employees entries in the user directory (evidence of either a timing every 90 days. Ignoring a recertification request will issue or an ignored work order)16. automatically invoke the termination tasks after the In pre-Paladin, reconciliation was a an arduous entitlement or person’s expiration date passes. This process, manually extracting data from the downstream Draconian tactic provides a fail-safe mechanism against directories into spreadsheets and, using whatever data was expired rights or people no longer engaged with the firm. available, matching entries against the employee roster file (another spreadsheet). This match was susceptible to incorrect pairings or non-matches due to using names instead of unique keys (i.e., the account identifier). Within Paladin, the reconciliation process extracts a downstream directory’s contents and adds them to the meta-directory’s reconciliation table. A computer program then matches on the account identifiers and detects discrepancies. Each discrepancy generates a corrective work order for the account administrator. Automating the extraction task is dependent on the availability and complexity of the downstream directory. If the directory is accessible, a computer program performs the extract and loads the entries into Paladin. If the directory is not directly COPYRIGHT 2011 HANK GRUENBERG. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS MATERIAL MAY BE FREELY COPIED AND DISTRIBUTED SUBJECT TO THE INCLUSION OF THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. HGRUENBERG@pragmaticIDM.COM
  • 6. A Pragmatic Solution for Identity and Access Management 6 accessible or the data structures containing the account ID conflict. Upon detecting this situation, the requestor would and role information is too complex to extract using be prevented from completing the request. automation, the account administrator extracts or obtains the Since the SoD conflict prevention was data into a standardized file, as in pre-Paladin. A directory implemented after the conversion of the pre-Paladin existing may not be available if a vendor manages it in a hosted entitlements, a program was written to look for existing environment, and TMM had several. The project assessed entitlements, for individuals, that would now be considered each downstream directory in terms of priority and degree an SoD conflict. This report runs whenever there are of difficulty to automate the extraction. Regardless of using changes made to the SoD ‘role pair’ table. automation or a manual task for extraction, the subsequent Reporting steps (i.e., matching, discrepancy detection, work order generation) are identical and use the same program code Reporting is facilitated entirely from the data (See figure 5). Standardizing the data extraction and the contained in the Paladin meta directory. Each record consistent format of the meta-directory objects eases the contains attributes that define status, data of status change, reconciliation process. The frequency of discrepancies date of insertion, last modification, deletion, etc., so that pointed out the error rates for each downstream account comprehensive reports can be created. No records are ever administrator and guided any needed remediation. physically deleted from the meta directory. A scheme is used to ‘logically’ delete records, which easily identifies which records are ‘active’ and which records would have been deleted if physical deletions were performed. In addition, a separate table is used as a repository for recording defined transactions or other activities (i.e., tracing). Records are inserted into this table when an event occurs. Suitable encoding enables reporting events for a variety of perspectives, include chronological, specific approver, account administrator, reconciliation, separation of duties conflicts, etc., Lessons Learned The most difficult task was organizing the sheer number of Active Directory groups that were in use without a definitive understanding how each related to a particular job function. Group names provide few clues regarding how they are used. Managers were uncertain when to include an entitlement that required one of these groups. While the role prototypes help reduce this confusion, managing and documenting these groups still requires effort mapping all groups to role prototypes or retiring them. Conclusion TMM remediated all issues related to identity management and passed JSOX compliance. The security posture improved via the continual confirmation of accounts Separation of Duties (SoD) and roles. Terminating accounts after their expiration date The effort to implement role prototypes provided a has passed now automatically generates termination work second dividend after enabling role-base access controls. orders. Paladin uses a single process for all entitlements, This ability detects and prevents requesting access rights which eliminates user’s confusion regarding how to obtain that would create a Separation of Duties conflict. access to a resource. Business owners have control as to Segregation of Duties is the separation of incompatible who can perform which functions within their applications. duties that could allow one person to commit and conceal This IDM approach also provides an attractive Total Cost of fraud that may result in financial loss or misstatement to the Ownership when compared to the implementation of a company. Segregation of duties may be within an commercial product. application or within the infrastructure. 17 On the technology side, Paladin’s single repository Business and IT subject matter experts, working for all IDM objects facilitates data management and audit together, identified role pairs that represented SoD conflicts. trails. Paladin achieved directory synchronization without These ‘role pairs’ were incorporated into the meta-directory. the complexity required by automated synchronization. When an entitlement was requested, the ‘role pairs’ would Isolating the meta-directory from the downstream user be checked if there was already an existing entitlement that, directories resulted in no operational impact on applications, with this additional, new entitlement, would create an SoD which reduces operational risk. Reconciliation essentially COPYRIGHT 2011 HANK GRUENBERG. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS MATERIAL MAY BE FREELY COPIED AND DISTRIBUTED SUBJECT TO THE INCLUSION OF THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. HGRUENBERG@pragmaticIDM.COM
  • 7. A Pragmatic Solution for Identity and Access Management 7 audits each directory against an authoritative source to methodology and used it to remediate I.T. controls to achieve recognize and correct errors. Supplementing manual tasks regulatory compliance. with automated workflows and database technology Publications: “Establishing the Year 2000 Testing circumvents the complexities of end-to-end automated Environment,” Year/2000 Journal, (1999) Hank has also worked with Marsh & McLennan, directory synchronization and provisioning. These benefits American Express, Merrill Lynch, Wolters Kluwer, MacMillan taken together, Paladin offers a pragmatic approach for an Publishing, Dun & Bradstreet, McNeil Pharmaceutical, effective IDM system. International Flavors & Fragrances, Core States Bank, Travelers Insurance in both employee and consulting roles. He holds an M.S.C.S. from Villanova University, a References B.B.A. from Temple University, and awarded certifications: Certified Information Security Manager, Certified in Risk and Office of Government Commerce, ITIL Service Design, U.K., Information Systems Controls, Project Management Professional, 2007, and ITIL Foundation v2 and v3. Contact Hank at ISO, ISO/IEC 27002:2005 Information technology -- Security techniques -- Code of practice for information security management Biography Hank Gruenberg, CISM, CRISC, PMP, is responsible for IT compliance and information security at Tokio Marine Management, Inc., a property-casualty insurance company. His background includes having founded, developed and brought to market JetAlerts, Inc., conceived and designed the Paladin IDM Endnotes 1 J-SOX is the nickname of Japan's Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, which was promulgated in June 2006. Inspired by corporate scandals such as the Kanebo, Livedoor, and Murakami Fund episodes, the law is referred to as the Japanese version of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, hence J- SOX 2 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, Standard Track Requests for comments (RFCs) as detailed in RFC 4510 3 Williamson, Graham, et. al., Identity Management: A Primer, (Ketchum ID: Mc Press, 2009), location 27 4 Mather, Tim, et. al., Cloud Security and Privacy (Theory in Practice),(Sebastopol CA: O’Reilly Media, 2009), location 248 5 Op cit. Williamson, location 118 6 Rencana LLC, 7 Paladin five year Present Value (PV) is $571,738 compared to $2,865,712 for the lowest PV in the Rencana report. 8 Schneier , Bruce, Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World, (Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2004), location 5838 9 Todorov, Dobromir, Mechanics of User Identification and Authorization: Fundamentals of Identity Management, (Boca Raton: Auerbach Publications, 2007), location 278 10 Ponemon Institute, 2008 National Survey on Access Governance – U.S. Study of IT Practitioners, 2008, reprinted with permission. 11 Windley, Phillip J., Digital Identity, (Sebastopol CA: O’Reilly Media, 2008), location 85 12 Op cit. Williamson, location 118 13 ibid., location 145 14 ibid., location 90 15 Ferraiolo, David F., et. al., Role-Base Access Control (Norwood: Artech House, 2003), p. 29 16 Scheidel, Jeff, Designing an IAM Framework with Oracle Identity and Access Management Suite, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010), location 1558 17 Deloitte Development LLC. Segregation of Duties Solutions COPYRIGHT 2011 HANK GRUENBERG. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS MATERIAL MAY BE FREELY COPIED AND DISTRIBUTED SUBJECT TO THE INCLUSION OF THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. HGRUENBERG@pragmaticIDM.COM