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Practical HTML5:
Using It Today
Doris Chen Ph.D.
Developer Evangelist
Who am I?
 Developer Evangelist at Microsoft based in Silicon
  Valley, CA
    Blog:
    Twitter @doristchen
    Email:
 over 15 years of experience in the software industry
  focusing on web technologies
 Spoke and published widely at JavaOne, O'Reilly, Silicon
  Valley Code Camp, SD West, SD Forum and worldwide
  User Groups meetings
 Doris received her Ph.D. from the University of California
  at Los Angeles (UCLA)

PAGE 2   twitter @doristchen   Blog
               Browser Fragmentation

               Feature Detection

               Polyfills and Shims

               Polyfills and Shims: Examples

               Summary and Resources

PAGE 3   twitter @doristchen   Blog
Browser Fragmentation
Non-Modern Browsers
          Most non-modern browsers have trouble
             Non-modern Browsers (ref:
                    IE 6 - 8
                    Firefox 3.6 and below
                    Safari 4.0 and below
                    Chrome 7
                    Opera 10.x and below

          Even modern browsers have issues
          Varying levels of feature support across all major
PAGE 5      twitter @doristchen   Blog
Browser Fragmentation
 Varying Levels of Support
      Across browsers
      Across browser versions
      New versions released
 Browser detection doesn’t
      Fixes based on assumptions
      Full-time job tracking
 PAGE 7    twitter @doristchen   Blog
Feature Detection
Feature Detection
 Based on what browsers support, not their versions
 Check for the feature you want to use
          Object, Method, Property, Behavior

 Detect for standards-based features
     Browsers often support both standards and
     Standards are your most stable ground to build
 Dynamically load custom code to mimic missing
PAGE 9      twitter @doristchen   Blog
Why not Check for a
    // If not IE then use addEventListener…
    if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") == -1) {

          window.addEventListener( “load”, popMessage, false );

    } else if (window.attachEvent) {

          window.attachEvent( “onload”, popMessage);

PAGE 10    twitter @doristchen   Blog
Why not Check for a
    if (window.addEventListener) {

         window.addEventListener( “load”, popMessage,
    false );

    } else if (window.attachEvent) {

          window.attachEvent( “onload”, popMessage);

PAGE 11   twitter @doristchen   Blog
What Happens When Feature Detection
Looks Like This…
Yuck! Even the monkey is freaked!

        sheet, bool,
        head = docHead || docElement,
        style = document.createElement("style"),
        impl = document.implementation || { hasFeature: function() { return false; } };

        style.type = 'text/css';
        head.insertBefore(style, head.firstChild);
        sheet = style.sheet || style.styleSheet;

        var supportAtRule = impl.hasFeature('CSS2', '') ?
             function(rule) {
                if (!(sheet && rule)) return false;
                var result = false;
                try {
                    sheet.insertRule(rule, 0);
                    result = (/src/i).test(sheet.cssRules[0].cssText);
                    sheet.deleteRule(sheet.cssRules.length - 1);
                } catch(e) { }
                return result;
             function(rule) {
                if (!(sheet && rule)) return false;
                sheet.cssText = rule;

                  return sheet.cssText.length !== 0 && (/src/i).test(sheet.cssText) &&
                       .replace(/r+|n+/g, '')
                       .indexOf(rule.split(' ')[0]) === 0;

        bool = supportAtRule('@font-face { font-family: "font"; src: url(data:,); }');
        return bool;

 PAGE 12                      twitter @doristchen             Blog
Feature Detection
  Best option in my opinion for this…

PAGE 13   twitter @doristchen   Blog
 Best feature detection Support
           Detects:
             All major HTML5 features
             All major CSS3 features
           Includes HTML5Shim for semantic tag support
           Widespread adoption
             Twitter, National Football League, Burger King,
              and many more…
           Constantly updated

           Shipping with ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools update
Get Custom Build
Test for @font-face
You can do this

                                       sheet, bool,
                                       head = docHead || docElement,
                                       style = document.createElement("style"),
                                       impl = document.implementation || { hasFeature: function() { return false; } };

                                       style.type = 'text/css';
                                       head.insertBefore(style, head.firstChild);
                                       sheet = style.sheet || style.styleSheet;

                                       var supportAtRule = impl.hasFeature('CSS2', '') ?
                                            function(rule) {
                                               if (!(sheet && rule)) return false;
                                               var result = false;
                                               try {
                                                   sheet.insertRule(rule, 0);
                                                   result = (/src/i).test(sheet.cssRules[0].cssText);
                                                   sheet.deleteRule(sheet.cssRules.length - 1);
                                               } catch(e) { }
                                               return result;
                                            function(rule) {
                                               if (!(sheet && rule)) return false;
                                               sheet.cssText = rule;

                                                 return sheet.cssText.length !== 0 && (/src/i).test(sheet.cssText) &&
                                                      .replace(/r+|n+/g, '')
                                                      .indexOf(rule.split(' ')[0]) === 0;

                                       bool = supportAtRule('@font-face { font-family: "font"; src: url(data:,); }');
                                       return bool;

PAGE 16   twitter @doristchen            Blog
Test for @font-face
Or ….

                          if (Modernizr.fontface){

PAGE 17   twitter @doristchen   Blog
Polyfills and Shims
Polyfills & Shims

           What are they?
             Typically JavaScript, HTML & CSS code
           What do they do?
             Provides the technology that you, the developer,
              expect the browser to provide natively
             Provides support for missing features
           When do you use them?
             Use them to fallback gracefully or mimic

PAGE 20      twitter @doristchen   Blog
What’s the Difference?

           Polyfill:
              Replicates the real, standard feature API
              You can develop for the future

           Shims
              Provides own API to a missing feature
              Doesn’t adhere to a specification but fills the
              Generally provides more features

PAGE 22       twitter @doristchen   Blog
Polyfills & Shims

           Big List of Polyfills:
              Some are good, some not so good
           Some frequently used Polyfills & Shims
              Polyfill:
                      HTML5Shim - Semantic tag support
                      Storage Polyfill - HTML5 localStorage
                      H5F – Simulates new HTML5 form types
              Shims:
                      Amplify Store – persistent client-side storage using
                       localStorage, globalStorage, sessionStorage & userData
                      easyXDM – Cross-domain messaging

PAGE 23       twitter @doristchen   Blog
Consider This
  You need to vet the code
           Does it work as expected?
           Cross-browser?
  You may need to support it in the future
           Developer abandons work
           Do you have the skills to maintain it?
  API Consistency
           Will you need to rewrite your code later?

PAGE 24      twitter @doristchen   Blog
Polyfills & Shims: Examples
  Semantic Tags
  Video Tags
  Media Queries
  Conditional Resource Loader
HTML5 Semantics
Semantic Document Structure
 HTML5 introduces a new semantic
     Replacing the use of DIV, SPAN
      and other elements with class and
      ID attributes
 New elements include header, nav,                                            NAV
  article, section, aside, and footer


    PAGE 26   twitter @doristchen   Blog
HTML5 Semantic Tags
Supported in Internet Explorer 9
<body>                                                                       <mark>Doris dancing!</mark>
 <header>                                                                    </section>
  <hgroup>                                                                 </article>
   <h1>Doris Chen Dancing</h1>                                             ...
   <h2>Funky Town!</h2>                                                    </section>
 </header>                                                                  <aside>Aside items (i.e.
 <ul>Navigation links</ul>                                                 <figure>
 </nav>                                                                     <img src="..." />
 <section>                                                                dancing</figcaption>
 <article>                                                                 </figure>
    <h1>Can you believe it?</h1>                                           <footer>Copyright © 2011</footer>
  <section>                                                               </body>
   PAGE 27   twitter @doristchen   Blog
               <div id=”header”>

                 <div id=”nav”>

   <div id=”sidebar”>    <div id=”article”>

                <div id=”footer”>
New Semantic HTML Tags



Recognition & Styling
 Non-modern browsers don’t recognize the new
 Internal stylesheets not updated
 You can’t style elements not recognized

   PAGE 30   twitter @doristchen   Blog
Semantic Tags
Polyfills & Shims: Examples
  Semantic Tags
  Video Tags
  Media Queries
  Conditional Resource Loader
HTML5 Video & Audio
 <audio     <video
 src=       src=       The url to the audio or video
            width=     The width of the video element
            height=    The height of the video element
            poster=    The url to the thumbnail of the video
 preload=   preload=   (none, metadata, auto) Start downloading
 autoplay   autoplay   Audio or video should play immediately
 loop       loop       Audio or video should return to start and play
 controls   controls   Will show controls (play, pause, scrub bar)
 >          >
 …          …
 </audio>   </video>
Compatibility Table
HTML5 <video>

vCurrent                        9                      6                   5.0.4                  11.01

                                                     Yes                   No (*)      Yes         Yes

H.264 video
                                                  No (*)                    Yes       Yes (*)     No (*)
    PAGE 34   twitter @doristchen   Blog
Elements With Fall Backs

  Browsers won’t render elements
  they don’t understand...

       For example:
           <video src=“video.mp4”>
               What will it render?

  But, they will render what’s
  between those elements

  PAGE 35   twitter @doristchen   Blog
HTML5 <video> : Degrading Gracefully
 Multiple video sources to support multiple browsers

   <video id="myVideo" controls="controls" autoplay>
   <source src="videos/video.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
   <source src="videos/video.webm" type="video/webm" />

   <!-- Flash/Silverlight video here -->

   <object type="application/x-silverlight-2" width="640" height="384">
          <param name="source" value="/resources/VideoPlayer10_01_18.xap"></param>
          <param name="initParams"
          <param name="background" value="#00FFFFFF"></param>
          <param name="x-allowscriptaccess" value="never"></param>
          <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never" />
          <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />

      PAGE 36   twitter @doristchen   Blog
Video, fall back
Polyfills & Shims: Examples
  Semantic Tags
  Video Tags
  Media Queries
  Conditional Resource Loader
Use Respond.js for Media Queries
  Respond.js
       Enable responsive web designs in browsers
       A fast polyfill for CSS3 Media Queries
               Lightweight: 3kb minified / 1kb gzipped
               for Internet Explorer 6-8 and more
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <link href="test.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
        <script src="../respond.min.js"></script>

  PAGE 39   twitter @doristchen   Blog
Use Respond for Media Queries

Polyfills & Shims: Examples
  Semantic Tags
  Video Tags
  Media Queries
  Conditional Resource Loader
 Asynchronous conditional resource loader for JavaScript and CSS

 Integrated into Modernizr , only 1.6kb

 Load only the scripts that your users need

 Fully decouples preloading from execution
     full control of when your resource is executed
     change that order on the fly


   PAGE 42   twitter @doristchen   Blog
Yepnope and Modernizr
<script type="text/javascript"
  <script type="text/javascript">
          test : Modernizr.geolocation,
          yep : 'normal.js',
          nope : ['polyfill.js', 'wrapper.js']

   PAGE 43   twitter @doristchen   Blog
 Asynchronous conditional resource loader for JavaScript and CSS

  Integrated into Modernizr , only 1.6kb

  Load only the scripts that your users need

  Fully decouples preloading from execution
           full control of when your resource is executed
           change that order on the fly


PAGE 44       twitter @doristchen   Blog
Yepnope and Modernizr
<script type="text/javascript"
  <script type="text/javascript">
          test : Modernizr.geolocation,
          yep : 'normal.js',
          nope : ['polyfill.js', 'wrapper.js']

PAGE 45   twitter @doristchen   Blog
MSNBC site:
Building Cross Browser Plugin-
free Experiences
Building Cross Browser Plugin-free
 “Plug-in” refers broadly to browser extensions that run
  native client code using low-level browser interfaces
    Adobe Flash
    ActiveX controls and Browser Helper Objects
    Some of Webkit’s Approach
 More browsers start to adopt plug-in-free approach
    Lots of Web browsing simply don’t support plug-ins
             IE 10 Metro
    Browsers that do support plugins offer many ways to run
     plugin free
             YouTube
 MSNBC plugin-free experience for rich media
    Styles and Scripts

  PAGE 47   twitter @doristchen   Blog
Need Plugin on Old MSNBC Site

Step 1: Declare Standards Mode and
Valid Markup for Modern Browsers
 Ensure that you are operating in standards mode
 Use valid markup
    include the HTML5 doctype at the top of your document
    <!DOCTYPE html>

  PAGE 49   twitter @doristchen   Blog
Step 2: Update CSS3 vendor prefixes
 The CSS3 language is constantly in a state of change
    New features suggested, updated, and standardized
    For learning, browser vendors offer experimental
     implementations via prefixed
 Ensure that prefixes from each vendor are included in
  your site

  PAGE 50   twitter @doristchen   Blog
Ensure all CSS3 prefixes included
background: -webkit-gradient(
  left top,
  left bottom,
  color-stop(1, rgba(192,192,192,.6)),
  color-stop(0.5, rgba(0,0,0,.6))
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(
  top, rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) 0%, rgba( 0,                       0, 0, 0.6 ) 50% );
background: -moz-linear-gradient(
  top, rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) 0%, rgba( 0,                       0, 0, 0.6 ) 50% );
background: -ms-linear-gradient(
  top, rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) 0%, rgba( 0,                       0, 0, 0.6 ) 50% );
background: -o-linear-gradient(
  top, rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) 0%, rgba( 0,                       0, 0, 0.6 ) 50% );
background: linear-gradient(
  top, rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) 0%, rgba( 0,                       0, 0, 0.6 ) 50% );

    PAGE 51   twitter @doristchen   Blog
Step 3: Get rid of browser Sniffing
 Methods to determine what the user’s browser and
  device are capable of
   if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPad") > -1 ) {
     // Load HTML5 Experience
   } else {
     // Load Flash Experience

   if ( tests.IE ) {
     j = /msie.(d.d+)/i;
     k = navigator.userAgent.match(j)[1];

 The user agent string is not immutable
    easily changed by plugins, or even the user.
    Most modern browsers include the ability to easily change this value from
     their development tools
  PAGE 52   twitter @doristchen   Blog
Sniffing Methods

Feature Detection
 Remove the browser sniffing code, and replace it with
  feature detection code

      if ( ) {
        // Load HTML5 Video

      if ( !!document.createElement(“video”).canPlayType ) {
        // Load HTML5 Video
      } else {
        // Load Flash Video
     PAGE 54   twitter @doristchen   Blog
Use Fiddler (no direct access):
 Modify remote files as though they were on
  my local machine
 A great way for testing changes without
  the risk of breaking your live site
if (!(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("ipad")>-1)){
  // Flash Experience
Replace with:

 if ( !document.createElement("video").canPlayType ) {
  // Flash Experience
   PAGE 55   twitter @doristchen   Blog
Fiddle: Setup AutoResponder

MSNBC : Cross Browser Plugin-free
Take Away

           Avoid browser detection
                Browsers change
                Varying levels of feature support across all major browsers

           Use feature detection
                Check for the feature you want to use
                Detect for standards first
           Use Modernizr –
                Cleaner code & they’ve done the work for you
           Polyfills and Shims
                mimics a standard API to avoid a rewrite

             Use Yepnope
                For conditional resource loader, work with Modernizr

PAGE 58         twitter @doristchen   Blog
• HTML5 Cheat Sheets
• Free HTML5 Video Training
• Feature-specific demos
• Real-world demos

PAGE 59   twitter @doristchen   Blog

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Practical HTML5: Using It Today

  • 1. Practical HTML5: Using It Today Doris Chen Ph.D. Developer Evangelist Microsoft @doristchen
  • 2. Who am I?  Developer Evangelist at Microsoft based in Silicon Valley, CA  Blog:  Twitter @doristchen  Email:  over 15 years of experience in the software industry focusing on web technologies  Spoke and published widely at JavaOne, O'Reilly, Silicon Valley Code Camp, SD West, SD Forum and worldwide User Groups meetings  Doris received her Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) PAGE 2 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 3. Agenda Browser Fragmentation Feature Detection Polyfills and Shims Polyfills and Shims: Examples Summary and Resources PAGE 3 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 5. Non-Modern Browsers  Most non-modern browsers have trouble  Non-modern Browsers (ref:  IE 6 - 8  Firefox 3.6 and below  Safari 4.0 and below  Chrome 7  Opera 10.x and below  Even modern browsers have issues  Varying levels of feature support across all major browsers PAGE 5 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 7. Fragmentation  Varying Levels of Support  Across browsers  Across browser versions  New versions released constantly  Browser detection doesn’t work  Fixes based on assumptions  Full-time job tracking changes PAGE 7 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 9. Feature Detection  Based on what browsers support, not their versions  Check for the feature you want to use  Object, Method, Property, Behavior  Detect for standards-based features first  Browsers often support both standards and legacy  Standards are your most stable ground to build upon  Dynamically load custom code to mimic missing features PAGE 9 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 10. Why not Check for a Browser? Bad // If not IE then use addEventListener… if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") == -1) { window.addEventListener( “load”, popMessage, false ); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent( “onload”, popMessage); } PAGE 10 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 11. Why not Check for a Browser? Good if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener( “load”, popMessage, false ); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent( “onload”, popMessage); } PAGE 11 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 12. What Happens When Feature Detection Looks Like This… Yuck! Even the monkey is freaked! function(){ var sheet, bool, head = docHead || docElement, style = document.createElement("style"), impl = document.implementation || { hasFeature: function() { return false; } }; style.type = 'text/css'; head.insertBefore(style, head.firstChild); sheet = style.sheet || style.styleSheet; var supportAtRule = impl.hasFeature('CSS2', '') ? function(rule) { if (!(sheet && rule)) return false; var result = false; try { sheet.insertRule(rule, 0); result = (/src/i).test(sheet.cssRules[0].cssText); sheet.deleteRule(sheet.cssRules.length - 1); } catch(e) { } return result; }: function(rule) { if (!(sheet && rule)) return false; sheet.cssText = rule; return sheet.cssText.length !== 0 && (/src/i).test(sheet.cssText) && sheet.cssText .replace(/r+|n+/g, '') .indexOf(rule.split(' ')[0]) === 0; }; bool = supportAtRule('@font-face { font-family: "font"; src: url(data:,); }'); head.removeChild(style); return bool; }; PAGE 12 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 13. Feature Detection  Best option in my opinion for this…  PAGE 13 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 14.  Best feature detection Support  Detects:  All major HTML5 features  All major CSS3 features  Includes HTML5Shim for semantic tag support  Widespread adoption  Twitter, National Football League, Burger King, and many more…  Constantly updated PAGE 14  Shipping with ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools update
  • 16. Test for @font-face You can do this function(){ var sheet, bool, head = docHead || docElement, style = document.createElement("style"), impl = document.implementation || { hasFeature: function() { return false; } }; style.type = 'text/css'; head.insertBefore(style, head.firstChild); sheet = style.sheet || style.styleSheet; var supportAtRule = impl.hasFeature('CSS2', '') ? function(rule) { if (!(sheet && rule)) return false; var result = false; try { sheet.insertRule(rule, 0); result = (/src/i).test(sheet.cssRules[0].cssText); sheet.deleteRule(sheet.cssRules.length - 1); } catch(e) { } return result; }: function(rule) { if (!(sheet && rule)) return false; sheet.cssText = rule; return sheet.cssText.length !== 0 && (/src/i).test(sheet.cssText) && sheet.cssText .replace(/r+|n+/g, '') .indexOf(rule.split(' ')[0]) === 0; }; bool = supportAtRule('@font-face { font-family: "font"; src: url(data:,); }'); head.removeChild(style); return bool; }; PAGE 16 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 17. Test for @font-face Or …. if (Modernizr.fontface){ … } PAGE 17 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 18. Demo
  • 20. Polyfills & Shims  What are they?  Typically JavaScript, HTML & CSS code  What do they do?  Provides the technology that you, the developer, expect the browser to provide natively  Provides support for missing features  When do you use them?  Use them to fallback gracefully or mimic functionality PAGE 20 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 21. 21
  • 22. What’s the Difference?  Polyfill:  Replicates the real, standard feature API  You can develop for the future  Shims  Provides own API to a missing feature  Doesn’t adhere to a specification but fills the gap  Generally provides more features PAGE 22 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 23. Polyfills & Shims  Big List of Polyfills:  Some are good, some not so good  Some frequently used Polyfills & Shims  Polyfill:  HTML5Shim - Semantic tag support  Storage Polyfill - HTML5 localStorage  H5F – Simulates new HTML5 form types  Shims:  Amplify Store – persistent client-side storage using localStorage, globalStorage, sessionStorage & userData  easyXDM – Cross-domain messaging PAGE 23 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 24. Consider This  You need to vet the code  Does it work as expected?  Cross-browser?  You may need to support it in the future  Developer abandons work  Do you have the skills to maintain it?  API Consistency  Will you need to rewrite your code later? PAGE 24 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 25. Polyfills & Shims: Examples Semantic Tags Video Tags Media Queries Conditional Resource Loader
  • 26. HTML5 Semantics Semantic Document Structure  HTML5 introduces a new semantic structure  Replacing the use of DIV, SPAN HEADER and other elements with class and ID attributes  New elements include header, nav, NAV article, section, aside, and footer ARTICLE ASIDE FOOTER PAGE 26 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 27. HTML5 Semantic Tags Supported in Internet Explorer 9 <body> <mark>Doris dancing!</mark> <header> </section> <hgroup> </article> <h1>Doris Chen Dancing</h1> ... <h2>Funky Town!</h2> </section> </hgroup> </header> <aside>Aside items (i.e. links)</aside> <nav> <ul>Navigation links</ul> <figure> </nav> <img src="..." /> <figcaption>Doris <section> dancing</figcaption> <article> </figure> <header> <h1>Can you believe it?</h1> <footer>Copyright © 2011</footer> </header> <section> </body> PAGE 27 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 28. HTML Tags <div id=”header”> <div id=”nav”> <div id=”sidebar”> <div id=”article”> <div id=”footer”>
  • 29. New Semantic HTML Tags <header> <nav> <section> <aside> <article> <footer>
  • 30. Recognition & Styling  Non-modern browsers don’t recognize the new tags  Internal stylesheets not updated  You can’t style elements not recognized PAGE 30 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 32. Polyfills & Shims: Examples Semantic Tags Video Tags Media Queries Conditional Resource Loader
  • 33. HTML5 Video & Audio <audio <video src= src= The url to the audio or video width= The width of the video element height= The height of the video element poster= The url to the thumbnail of the video preload= preload= (none, metadata, auto) Start downloading autoplay autoplay Audio or video should play immediately loop loop Audio or video should return to start and play controls controls Will show controls (play, pause, scrub bar) > > … … </audio> </video>
  • 34. Compatibility Table HTML5 <video> 10.0.648.20 vCurrent 9 6 5.0.4 11.01 4 VP8 (WebM) Yes No (*) Yes Yes video support Yes H.264 video No (*) Yes Yes (*) No (*) format PAGE 34 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 35. Elements With Fall Backs Browsers won’t render elements they don’t understand... For example: <video src=“video.mp4”> What will it render? </video> But, they will render what’s between those elements PAGE 35 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 36. HTML5 <video> : Degrading Gracefully  Multiple video sources to support multiple browsers <video id="myVideo" controls="controls" autoplay> <source src="videos/video.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> <source src="videos/video.webm" type="video/webm" /> <!-- Flash/Silverlight video here --> <object type="application/x-silverlight-2" width="640" height="384"> <param name="source" value="/resources/VideoPlayer10_01_18.xap"></param> <param name="initParams" value="m=,autostart=true,autohide=true></param> <param name="background" value="#00FFFFFF"></param> <param name="x-allowscriptaccess" value="never"></param> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never" /> <param name="wmode" value="opaque" /> </object> </video> PAGE 36 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 38. Polyfills & Shims: Examples Semantic Tags Video Tags Media Queries Conditional Resource Loader
  • 39. Use Respond.js for Media Queries  Respond.js  Enable responsive web designs in browsers  A fast polyfill for CSS3 Media Queries  Lightweight: 3kb minified / 1kb gzipped  for Internet Explorer 6-8 and more  <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <link href="test.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <script src="../respond.min.js"></script> </head> PAGE 39 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 40. Use Respond for Media Queries Realife: Demo
  • 41. Polyfills & Shims: Examples Semantic Tags Video Tags Media Queries Conditional Resource Loader
  • 42.  Asynchronous conditional resource loader for JavaScript and CSS  Integrated into Modernizr , only 1.6kb  Load only the scripts that your users need  Fully decouples preloading from execution  full control of when your resource is executed  change that order on the fly  PAGE 42 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 43. Yepnope and Modernizr <script type="text/javascript" src="yepnope.1.0.2-min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> yepnope({ test : Modernizr.geolocation, yep : 'normal.js', nope : ['polyfill.js', 'wrapper.js'] }); </script> PAGE 43 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 44.  Asynchronous conditional resource loader for JavaScript and CSS  Integrated into Modernizr , only 1.6kb  Load only the scripts that your users need  Fully decouples preloading from execution  full control of when your resource is executed  change that order on the fly  PAGE 44 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 45. Yepnope and Modernizr <script type="text/javascript" src="yepnope.1.0.2-min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> yepnope({ test : Modernizr.geolocation, yep : 'normal.js', nope : ['polyfill.js', 'wrapper.js'] }); </script> PAGE 45 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 46. MSNBC site: Building Cross Browser Plugin- free Experiences
  • 47. Building Cross Browser Plugin-free Experiences  “Plug-in” refers broadly to browser extensions that run native client code using low-level browser interfaces  Adobe Flash  ActiveX controls and Browser Helper Objects  Some of Webkit’s Approach  More browsers start to adopt plug-in-free approach  Lots of Web browsing simply don’t support plug-ins  IE 10 Metro  Browsers that do support plugins offer many ways to run plugin free  YouTube  MSNBC plugin-free experience for rich media  Styles and Scripts PAGE 47 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 48. Need Plugin on Old MSNBC Site PAGE 48
  • 49. Step 1: Declare Standards Mode and Valid Markup for Modern Browsers  Ensure that you are operating in standards mode  Use valid markup  include the HTML5 doctype at the top of your document  <!DOCTYPE html> PAGE 49 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 50. Step 2: Update CSS3 vendor prefixes  The CSS3 language is constantly in a state of change  New features suggested, updated, and standardized  For learning, browser vendors offer experimental implementations via prefixed  Ensure that prefixes from each vendor are included in your site PAGE 50 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 51. Ensure all CSS3 prefixes included background: -webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(1, rgba(192,192,192,.6)), color-stop(0.5, rgba(0,0,0,.6)) ); background: -webkit-linear-gradient( top, rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) 0%, rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.6 ) 50% ); background: -moz-linear-gradient( top, rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) 0%, rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.6 ) 50% ); background: -ms-linear-gradient( top, rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) 0%, rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.6 ) 50% ); background: -o-linear-gradient( top, rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) 0%, rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.6 ) 50% ); background: linear-gradient( top, rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) 0%, rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.6 ) 50% ); PAGE 51 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 52. Step 3: Get rid of browser Sniffing methods  Methods to determine what the user’s browser and device are capable of if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPad") > -1 ) { // Load HTML5 Experience } else { // Load Flash Experience } if ( tests.IE ) { j = /msie.(d.d+)/i; k = navigator.userAgent.match(j)[1]; }  The user agent string is not immutable  easily changed by plugins, or even the user.  Most modern browsers include the ability to easily change this value from their development tools PAGE 52 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 54. Feature Detection  Remove the browser sniffing code, and replace it with feature detection code if ( ) { // Load HTML5 Video } Or if ( !!document.createElement(“video”).canPlayType ) { // Load HTML5 Video } else { // Load Flash Video } PAGE 54 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 55. Use Fiddler (no direct access):  Modify remote files as though they were on my local machine  A great way for testing changes without the risk of breaking your live site if (!(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("ipad")>-1)){ // Flash Experience } Replace with: if ( !document.createElement("video").canPlayType ) { // Flash Experience } PAGE 55 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 57. Demo MSNBC : Cross Browser Plugin-free
  • 58. Take Away  Avoid browser detection  Browsers change  Varying levels of feature support across all major browsers  Use feature detection  Check for the feature you want to use  Detect for standards first  Use Modernizr –  Cleaner code & they’ve done the work for you  Polyfills and Shims  mimics a standard API to avoid a rewrite  Use Yepnope  For conditional resource loader, work with Modernizr PAGE 58 twitter @doristchen Blog
  • 59. RESOURCES • HTML5 Cheat Sheets • Free HTML5 Video Training • Feature-specific demos • • Real-world demos • PAGE 59 twitter @doristchen Blog