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Existing advert analysis
     Now and then
Lynx- vice

This advert was created in 2007. The advert
consists of 4 women standing as if criminals
posing for a photo-shoot in front of a detective,
in this case Morgan Freeman plays the role.
In the first shot, a long shot is used to set the
Upon this first viewing of the advert you can
recognize the classic female roles with one
female as a nurse, another as a librarian, a
pregnant female and a young school girl. The fact
that these roles have been used is ironic because
these females you would never expect to be the
stereotypical criminal. This represents that every
female, no matter their role or age, can still turn
naughty even if nice after smelling this deodorant
on a male.
Lynx- vice
With every cut a cross-fade is used. This confirms that the
women are being watched through the glass.
This links with the male gaze. The male gaze is a feminist
theory that was first developed by Laura Mulvey in 1975. The
male gaze occurs usually when the audience is put into the
perspective of a heterosexual male, in this case we are shown
the male and then what the male is looking at,this is a
cutaway edit. Mulvey believed that women should enjoy the
attention of attracting the gaze, and put themselves in
positions to be looked at. In filming, following the gaze of a
male character, the audience is directed to look at the female.
At which point, the woman is already in a position where
people can look at her. Usually the audience sees the camera
surveying women by panning their bodies before zooming in
to their faces; suggesting how women should be viewed. In
the feminist theory, the male gaze expresses an unequal
power relationship between the viewer and viewed, or the
gazer and the gazed. The woman is passive to the active gaze
from the man. This adds an element of ‘patriarchal’ order and
it is often seen in "illusionistic narrative film".Mulvey argues
that, in mainstream filming, the male gaze typically takes
precedence over the female gaze, reflecting an underlying
power asymmetry.
Lynx- vice
Another theorist John Berger says, “Men act and
women appear. Men look at women.”In both filming
and imagery, masculinity is connected with the
organizing logic of the gaze, whereas femininity is
associated with fragmentation, lack, and passion
associated with the object of the gaze.
Jacques Lacan was also one of the first people to study
the gaze, he discovered that In traditional
psychoanalytic theory, the gaze is linked to fantasy and
desire. The psychological effect, Lacan argues, is that
the subject loses some sense of autonomy upon
realizing that he or she is a visible object.
In another shot within the ad a pan is used of all the
women, this mid shot enables the audience to see the
emotions and the facial expressions of the women.
During the shot a blonde female is shown suggestively
biting her lip while the male is gazing at her.
This suggests according to Barky that women feel the
need to look sensually pleasing to men. Barky also says
that women in patriarchal societies feel constantly
watched by men, much like prisoners, which is well
represented in this lynx ad.
Lynx- vice

In the final shot of the advert the product Lynx Vice is show
with its own slogan, ‘turns nice girls naughty’. This advert is
effective because it gives the impression that if you wear lynx
you’ll have the nice girls turn naughty for you. This is an
ideology that men want women to love them and this product
will therefore help them to reach that outcome.
Also within this last shot the alliterative phrase “forbidden
fruits” is used. This is a biblical reference and refers to the
temptation of the forbidden fruit in the Adam and Eve creation
story. Using this concept within the ad suggests that the
deodorant is a temptation with consequences such as naughty
women, similarly just like in the garden of Eden, where Eve
gave into temptation and therefore there were consequences
to her actions also. For example after eating the fruit being
naked was seen as immodest and childbirth was painful.
It also could be argued that using this phrase in the ad where
women are the criminals could be reinforcing the idea that
problems are all originally from a female, Eve. And that all
other females do give into the temptation, in this instance the
BT- Vision for girls
This advert was created in 2007. The character within the advert is
in a series of BT commercials with other members of her family.
The first shot we see in the advert is setting the scene of the women
leaving the work place (shown right). As we come into another shot
of the women at mid view we then hear what I would call a first
person voice over.This voice over expresses her thoughts of all the
programmes she could possibly watch when she gets home, from
work. Programmes such as ten years younger to desperate
housewives are on the list. This shows she uses the things she
watches for specific gratifications in her spare time.
This links in with the uses and gratification theory. Theorists, Blumler
and Katz’s suggest that media users play an active role in using and
choosing the media.The theory discusses how users proactively
search for media that will not only meet a given need but enhance
knowledge, social interactions and diversion.
From the ad I think that two needs are being portrayed to be met
and the type of programmes that she thinks about reflect this. The
first need is the social integrative need. This need encompasses the
need to socialize with family, friends and relations in society.
Therefore you may watch the same things as other people so you
have common topics of discussion and the same interests. The next
need is the tension free need and for entertainment. Some people
use the media as a means of escapism and to relieve from tension, In
this case it is to relax after a day at work.
BT- Vision for girls
Throughout the whole of the women's journey home from work
there is a non-diegetic melody playing in the background. This
gradually creates a build up alongside the music for when she
gets to watch the TV, however when she gets back, she catches
Adam who she doesn’t think will be in watching TV.
Adam is watching football which is typically considered a male
In the ad gender roles are reinforced. The theorist Morley studies
this and found out that there was a strong male preference for
'factual' programmes such as news, current affairs
documentaries, and sports. Where as female preference was for
fictional programmes, soaps, melodrama and sitcoms. This
theory would link to the ad as the male and female both show or
state what programmes they like to watch which are directly
related to their gender roles.
As the advert draws to a close the voice over changes and leaves
the slogan ‘ For TV on your terms’
This advert is effective because it relates to everyday life and
shows how it can fit in with yours. Also Watching tv is what
people tend to do to relax which generates a realistic synario.The
concept that you can catch up on programmes you’ve missed is
channelled well in this ad as it shows how you have freedom of
choice with this technology and its on your terms.
Nokia- Forgive him

This advert was created in 2006. The
advert starts with a high shot looking
down on someone walking along the
beach, a shot like this sets the scene
of the advert. As this opening shot
changes to a mid shot a non- diegetic
melody plays in the background as if
you can hear what she’s listening to
through the headphones. The sound
relates back to the product that is
being advertised as it sounds like a
phone ring tone or jingle.
Nokia- Forgive him
A close up of her foot has been used to show her mood, that she
is comfortable and to walk on the waters edge is a natural thing
to do. The following shot is a track this has been used which
follows the main focus within the shot, in this case it’s the girl.
A voice over cuts in front of the music as she moves the phone
away from her ear saying ‘up 15,000 tracks, one will make you
want to forgive him.’ The products then appears and a slogan is
said, ‘ Nokia, music gets you talking.’
The concept of forgiveness used within this is ad could be
portrayed as the storyline or feminists could argue that it is
gendered. Kathryn Norlock a theorist wrote the book Forgiveness
from a feminist perspective. Norlock claims that forgiveness is
gendered. Her book raises the question of whether or not
forgiveness will be significantly different for women as opposed
to men. She believes that women are expected to forgive far
more than men are.
Also the fact that it says it will make the girl want to forgive him
implies that women would listen to emotional slow songs that
are reflective and therefore giving the stereotypical
characteristics of being vulnerable, innocent and forgiving.
Levi’s- Spaceman
This advert starts with setting the scene of a space style world. Using this
theme within the advert links directly to the slogan at the end of the
advert, ‘The only jeans in the universe cut with 01 denim.’ From the
beginning and throughout the whole of the advert there is also a non-
diegetic sound of backing music that once again links with the space
As the spaceship comes into a more detailed view you can recognize that
it’s in the shape of an iron. This could have been used to reinforce gender
roles within the advert and also creates a stereotypical idea about
women, such as being domestic, hence the iron. Stereotypical roles are
highly generalized within the media and usually shows that, despite some
improvements over the years towards more divergent and realistic
portrayals, it still occurs . For example according to Eschholz et al 2002
although there are more female characters on television and women are
playing increasingly varied parts, they are still underrepresented in
relation to men and to their actual numbers in society just like within this
advert there are only 2 women shown in comparison to all the men. Also
most women who do appear are generally young and try and portray sex
appeal and attention. Griffin 1998 has also highlighted the fact that in
the US media, there are several common images of women that tend to
reinforce ideas of sex difference, including hetero-sexy beauty queens,
wholesome girls next door, cute pixies, and wives and mothers.
Furthermore according to Nelson & Paek 2005, in spite of social and
economic advances US women have made in recent years, the media
continue to portray them primarily as sex objects, reinforcing the “sex
kitten” stereotype.
Levi’s - Spaceman
Next in the ad what is commonly used and known in adverts is the
     male gaze. When the young female comes into view of the
     main male character he is shocked and looks bewildered by
     her. The advert portrays this as him being shocked by her
     coming from space, however feminists, especially during the
     second wave movement would argue that the objectification of
     her body is the main reason for his expression and him looking
     at her up and down is shown as a pan shot within the ad.
Close ups of her body are also used within the ad which emphasis’
     her skinny but curvaceous body. This refers to the concept of
     sexual objectification ,the practice of regarding or treating
     another person merely as an instrument towards one's sexual
     pleasure, and a sex object is a person who is regarded simply as
     an object of sexual gratification or who is sexually attractive.
     Objectification more broadly is an attitude that regards a
     person as a commodity or as an object for use, with little or no
     regard for a person's personality or sentience. Many feminists
     would also argue that women being portrayed in this way adds
     to the gender inequality.
Pro-feminist cultural critics such as Robert Jenson and Sut Jhally
     believe that adverts like this and many others within the mass
     media promote the objectification of women in order to
     promote products and services.
Levi’s - Spaceman

In the next shot the female aliens face is shown, this is
     predictable within feminist theory because her body close
     ups are used before and seen as more important within the
     promotion of the product. The females expression is seems
     to be very happy and she comes across as liking the
     attention she receives from the men. In feminist terms it
     could be considered to make her feel empowered and
     independent, however critics would argue that its actually
     making her oppressed within the patriarchal society that
     we live in.
Overall I believe that this is a good advert and has been
     promoted well in that men and women would both idolise
     the female within the advert from space. Therefore
     females would want to buy the product for two reasons,
     one to look and feel like her and two so men can find them
Castella – A little bit bigger
The advert starts by setting the scene on a busy beach. Using this setting
directly establishes the British culture, as the sea side is considered a
British tradition within the summer.
The first character we meet in the advert is a muscular male. He stands
posing and flexing his muscles for the attraction of women.
This relates to the male body image and the concerns that usually result
from external pressures to conform to a specific "body-builder"
physique: broad shoulders, V-shaped back, and a muscular body. This
stereotypical idea of the male is represented in this advert. Males
receive these pressures from the media's definition of masculinity or
from teasing and expectations from family and friends. Comparing their
own bodies with the media ideal may cause many males to become
dissatisfied with their bodies. Men are bombarded with media images of
superheroes, action figures, and bodybuilders, all of which suggest that
they should work towards having dense and muscular bodies. Family
members and friends can also be the source of destructive information.
Teasing and unrealistic expectations often cause males to seek to
modify their bodies. This also links in with the recent research that has
only focused on he male body image. According to a BBC article the
researcher found that out of 161 men those who regularly read
magazines were more likely to be influenced by the imagery within also
more worryingly, the majority said they were also more likely to
consider using anabolic steroids to improve their appearance.
Castella– A little bit bigger
We then meet three women posing for the muscular males
attention. This also relates to stereotypical roles and how women
are objectified for the satisfaction for others.
There are theories of this and how women have been undermined
and treated, one theory is Feminist epistemology. Feminist
epistemology and philosophy of science studies the ways in which
gender influences our conceptions of knowledge, the knowing
subject and practices of inquiry and justification. It identifies ways
in which dominant conceptions and practices of knowledge
attribution, acquisition and justification systematically
disadvantage women and strives to reform these conceptions and
practices so that they serve the interests of other groups, in this
case it’s the male their posing for. Various theorists of feminist
epistemology argue that dominant knowledge practices
disadvantage women by excluding them from inquiry, denying
them epistemic authority,denigrating their “feminine” cognitive
styles and modes of knowledge. As well as producing theories of
women that represent them as inferior, deviant, or significant
only in the ways they serve male interests, producing theories of
social phenomena that render women's activities and interests
and gender power relations.
Castella – A little bit bigger
As the main male bullies the ‘geek’ he is
unfortunate to be landed in sand, on the left.
This provides the advert with a story and a
moral, for if you are mean to others the same
will happen to you. In this case the male
didn’t look so masculine anymore and the
girls turn their attention to the male who is
smoking a cigar. He is considered in there
eyes to be cool and a real man they idolize
him and then the voiceover appears ‘castella
classic’. This advert is affective because the
use of the cigar at the end shows that you will
be the one who gets the female attention, as
well as look fashionable and cool if you smoke
castella, which is what they thought back in
the time when this advert was made.

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Ppt for media research advert analysis

  • 2. Lynx- vice This advert was created in 2007. The advert consists of 4 women standing as if criminals posing for a photo-shoot in front of a detective, in this case Morgan Freeman plays the role. In the first shot, a long shot is used to set the scene. Upon this first viewing of the advert you can recognize the classic female roles with one female as a nurse, another as a librarian, a pregnant female and a young school girl. The fact that these roles have been used is ironic because these females you would never expect to be the stereotypical criminal. This represents that every female, no matter their role or age, can still turn naughty even if nice after smelling this deodorant on a male.
  • 3. Lynx- vice With every cut a cross-fade is used. This confirms that the women are being watched through the glass. This links with the male gaze. The male gaze is a feminist theory that was first developed by Laura Mulvey in 1975. The male gaze occurs usually when the audience is put into the perspective of a heterosexual male, in this case we are shown the male and then what the male is looking at,this is a cutaway edit. Mulvey believed that women should enjoy the attention of attracting the gaze, and put themselves in positions to be looked at. In filming, following the gaze of a male character, the audience is directed to look at the female. At which point, the woman is already in a position where people can look at her. Usually the audience sees the camera surveying women by panning their bodies before zooming in to their faces; suggesting how women should be viewed. In the feminist theory, the male gaze expresses an unequal power relationship between the viewer and viewed, or the gazer and the gazed. The woman is passive to the active gaze from the man. This adds an element of ‘patriarchal’ order and it is often seen in "illusionistic narrative film".Mulvey argues that, in mainstream filming, the male gaze typically takes precedence over the female gaze, reflecting an underlying power asymmetry.
  • 4. Lynx- vice Another theorist John Berger says, “Men act and women appear. Men look at women.”In both filming and imagery, masculinity is connected with the organizing logic of the gaze, whereas femininity is associated with fragmentation, lack, and passion associated with the object of the gaze. Jacques Lacan was also one of the first people to study the gaze, he discovered that In traditional psychoanalytic theory, the gaze is linked to fantasy and desire. The psychological effect, Lacan argues, is that the subject loses some sense of autonomy upon realizing that he or she is a visible object. In another shot within the ad a pan is used of all the women, this mid shot enables the audience to see the emotions and the facial expressions of the women. During the shot a blonde female is shown suggestively biting her lip while the male is gazing at her. This suggests according to Barky that women feel the need to look sensually pleasing to men. Barky also says that women in patriarchal societies feel constantly watched by men, much like prisoners, which is well represented in this lynx ad.
  • 5. Lynx- vice In the final shot of the advert the product Lynx Vice is show with its own slogan, ‘turns nice girls naughty’. This advert is effective because it gives the impression that if you wear lynx you’ll have the nice girls turn naughty for you. This is an ideology that men want women to love them and this product will therefore help them to reach that outcome. Also within this last shot the alliterative phrase “forbidden fruits” is used. This is a biblical reference and refers to the temptation of the forbidden fruit in the Adam and Eve creation story. Using this concept within the ad suggests that the deodorant is a temptation with consequences such as naughty women, similarly just like in the garden of Eden, where Eve gave into temptation and therefore there were consequences to her actions also. For example after eating the fruit being naked was seen as immodest and childbirth was painful. It also could be argued that using this phrase in the ad where women are the criminals could be reinforcing the idea that problems are all originally from a female, Eve. And that all other females do give into the temptation, in this instance the deodorant.
  • 6. BT- Vision for girls This advert was created in 2007. The character within the advert is in a series of BT commercials with other members of her family. The first shot we see in the advert is setting the scene of the women leaving the work place (shown right). As we come into another shot of the women at mid view we then hear what I would call a first person voice over.This voice over expresses her thoughts of all the programmes she could possibly watch when she gets home, from work. Programmes such as ten years younger to desperate housewives are on the list. This shows she uses the things she watches for specific gratifications in her spare time. This links in with the uses and gratification theory. Theorists, Blumler and Katz’s suggest that media users play an active role in using and choosing the media.The theory discusses how users proactively search for media that will not only meet a given need but enhance knowledge, social interactions and diversion. From the ad I think that two needs are being portrayed to be met and the type of programmes that she thinks about reflect this. The first need is the social integrative need. This need encompasses the need to socialize with family, friends and relations in society. Therefore you may watch the same things as other people so you have common topics of discussion and the same interests. The next need is the tension free need and for entertainment. Some people use the media as a means of escapism and to relieve from tension, In this case it is to relax after a day at work.
  • 7. BT- Vision for girls Throughout the whole of the women's journey home from work there is a non-diegetic melody playing in the background. This gradually creates a build up alongside the music for when she gets to watch the TV, however when she gets back, she catches Adam who she doesn’t think will be in watching TV. Adam is watching football which is typically considered a male programme. In the ad gender roles are reinforced. The theorist Morley studies this and found out that there was a strong male preference for 'factual' programmes such as news, current affairs documentaries, and sports. Where as female preference was for fictional programmes, soaps, melodrama and sitcoms. This theory would link to the ad as the male and female both show or state what programmes they like to watch which are directly related to their gender roles. As the advert draws to a close the voice over changes and leaves the slogan ‘ For TV on your terms’ This advert is effective because it relates to everyday life and shows how it can fit in with yours. Also Watching tv is what people tend to do to relax which generates a realistic synario.The concept that you can catch up on programmes you’ve missed is channelled well in this ad as it shows how you have freedom of choice with this technology and its on your terms.
  • 8. Nokia- Forgive him This advert was created in 2006. The advert starts with a high shot looking down on someone walking along the beach, a shot like this sets the scene of the advert. As this opening shot changes to a mid shot a non- diegetic melody plays in the background as if you can hear what she’s listening to through the headphones. The sound relates back to the product that is being advertised as it sounds like a phone ring tone or jingle.
  • 9. Nokia- Forgive him A close up of her foot has been used to show her mood, that she is comfortable and to walk on the waters edge is a natural thing to do. The following shot is a track this has been used which follows the main focus within the shot, in this case it’s the girl. A voice over cuts in front of the music as she moves the phone away from her ear saying ‘up 15,000 tracks, one will make you want to forgive him.’ The products then appears and a slogan is said, ‘ Nokia, music gets you talking.’ The concept of forgiveness used within this is ad could be portrayed as the storyline or feminists could argue that it is gendered. Kathryn Norlock a theorist wrote the book Forgiveness from a feminist perspective. Norlock claims that forgiveness is gendered. Her book raises the question of whether or not forgiveness will be significantly different for women as opposed to men. She believes that women are expected to forgive far more than men are. Also the fact that it says it will make the girl want to forgive him implies that women would listen to emotional slow songs that are reflective and therefore giving the stereotypical characteristics of being vulnerable, innocent and forgiving.
  • 10. Levi’s- Spaceman filename=VA0818 This advert starts with setting the scene of a space style world. Using this theme within the advert links directly to the slogan at the end of the advert, ‘The only jeans in the universe cut with 01 denim.’ From the beginning and throughout the whole of the advert there is also a non- diegetic sound of backing music that once again links with the space theme. As the spaceship comes into a more detailed view you can recognize that it’s in the shape of an iron. This could have been used to reinforce gender roles within the advert and also creates a stereotypical idea about women, such as being domestic, hence the iron. Stereotypical roles are highly generalized within the media and usually shows that, despite some improvements over the years towards more divergent and realistic portrayals, it still occurs . For example according to Eschholz et al 2002 although there are more female characters on television and women are playing increasingly varied parts, they are still underrepresented in relation to men and to their actual numbers in society just like within this advert there are only 2 women shown in comparison to all the men. Also most women who do appear are generally young and try and portray sex appeal and attention. Griffin 1998 has also highlighted the fact that in the US media, there are several common images of women that tend to reinforce ideas of sex difference, including hetero-sexy beauty queens, wholesome girls next door, cute pixies, and wives and mothers. Furthermore according to Nelson & Paek 2005, in spite of social and economic advances US women have made in recent years, the media continue to portray them primarily as sex objects, reinforcing the “sex kitten” stereotype.
  • 11. Levi’s - Spaceman Next in the ad what is commonly used and known in adverts is the male gaze. When the young female comes into view of the main male character he is shocked and looks bewildered by her. The advert portrays this as him being shocked by her coming from space, however feminists, especially during the second wave movement would argue that the objectification of her body is the main reason for his expression and him looking at her up and down is shown as a pan shot within the ad. Close ups of her body are also used within the ad which emphasis’ her skinny but curvaceous body. This refers to the concept of sexual objectification ,the practice of regarding or treating another person merely as an instrument towards one's sexual pleasure, and a sex object is a person who is regarded simply as an object of sexual gratification or who is sexually attractive. Objectification more broadly is an attitude that regards a person as a commodity or as an object for use, with little or no regard for a person's personality or sentience. Many feminists would also argue that women being portrayed in this way adds to the gender inequality. Pro-feminist cultural critics such as Robert Jenson and Sut Jhally believe that adverts like this and many others within the mass media promote the objectification of women in order to promote products and services.
  • 12. Levi’s - Spaceman In the next shot the female aliens face is shown, this is predictable within feminist theory because her body close ups are used before and seen as more important within the promotion of the product. The females expression is seems to be very happy and she comes across as liking the attention she receives from the men. In feminist terms it could be considered to make her feel empowered and independent, however critics would argue that its actually making her oppressed within the patriarchal society that we live in. Overall I believe that this is a good advert and has been promoted well in that men and women would both idolise the female within the advert from space. Therefore females would want to buy the product for two reasons, one to look and feel like her and two so men can find them attractive.
  • 13. Castella – A little bit bigger filename=VA0563 The advert starts by setting the scene on a busy beach. Using this setting directly establishes the British culture, as the sea side is considered a British tradition within the summer. The first character we meet in the advert is a muscular male. He stands posing and flexing his muscles for the attraction of women. This relates to the male body image and the concerns that usually result from external pressures to conform to a specific "body-builder" physique: broad shoulders, V-shaped back, and a muscular body. This stereotypical idea of the male is represented in this advert. Males receive these pressures from the media's definition of masculinity or from teasing and expectations from family and friends. Comparing their own bodies with the media ideal may cause many males to become dissatisfied with their bodies. Men are bombarded with media images of superheroes, action figures, and bodybuilders, all of which suggest that they should work towards having dense and muscular bodies. Family members and friends can also be the source of destructive information. Teasing and unrealistic expectations often cause males to seek to modify their bodies. This also links in with the recent research that has only focused on he male body image. According to a BBC article the researcher found that out of 161 men those who regularly read magazines were more likely to be influenced by the imagery within also more worryingly, the majority said they were also more likely to consider using anabolic steroids to improve their appearance.
  • 14. Castella– A little bit bigger We then meet three women posing for the muscular males attention. This also relates to stereotypical roles and how women are objectified for the satisfaction for others. There are theories of this and how women have been undermined and treated, one theory is Feminist epistemology. Feminist epistemology and philosophy of science studies the ways in which gender influences our conceptions of knowledge, the knowing subject and practices of inquiry and justification. It identifies ways in which dominant conceptions and practices of knowledge attribution, acquisition and justification systematically disadvantage women and strives to reform these conceptions and practices so that they serve the interests of other groups, in this case it’s the male their posing for. Various theorists of feminist epistemology argue that dominant knowledge practices disadvantage women by excluding them from inquiry, denying them epistemic authority,denigrating their “feminine” cognitive styles and modes of knowledge. As well as producing theories of women that represent them as inferior, deviant, or significant only in the ways they serve male interests, producing theories of social phenomena that render women's activities and interests and gender power relations.
  • 15. Castella – A little bit bigger As the main male bullies the ‘geek’ he is unfortunate to be landed in sand, on the left. This provides the advert with a story and a moral, for if you are mean to others the same will happen to you. In this case the male didn’t look so masculine anymore and the girls turn their attention to the male who is smoking a cigar. He is considered in there eyes to be cool and a real man they idolize him and then the voiceover appears ‘castella classic’. This advert is affective because the use of the cigar at the end shows that you will be the one who gets the female attention, as well as look fashionable and cool if you smoke castella, which is what they thought back in the time when this advert was made.