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AL YASMINA   ABU DHABI   Connect           issue 1
SCHOOL                   Bloom             2012/2013


                            AL YASMINA SCHOOL STRIVES TO BE AN
                            SCHOOL, MAXIMISING THE LEARNING
                            POTENTIAL OF ALL
Welcome to the first issue of The Primary PARTnership     It gives Al Yasmina School the chance to celebrate
for the 2012/2013 academic year. The Primary              progress and achievement and provide more in depth
PARTnership is the publication for Al Yasmina's primary   information to parents on a wide variety of subjects.
                                                          We welcome your feedback.

KEY FOCUS: CURRICULUM CHANGES                         		 4
BOOK WEEK BUZZ                        		 5
WATER WEEK                         		 7
YEAR 2 CLICK EXHIBITION                                            		 8
SPORTS ROUNDUP                                            		 13
BSME SWIM SUCCESS                                     		 14

The first Primary PARTnership for this academic year
Topics, trends, updates, views and news from the Al Yasmina Primary Department
Pictured on the cover: Students celebrate Book Week
AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                   issue 1

 Welcome to our first edition of the Primary PARTnership.            There is so much to celebrate about the primary school and
 I would like to take this opportunity to explain how this           this new look publication is an ideal platform to tell our story
 publication will work.                                              in greater depth. The year groups and features will be spread
                                                                     across the course of an academic year, matched to the calendar
 Each month we will publish this new look newsletter which will      of events wherever possible. This will enable us to give a
 complement our other publication, the Secondary PARTnership.        greater depth of information rather than featuring everything
 Each edition will have a theme. The Primary PARTnership             all at once.
 will form another invaluable platform from which we will
 communicate with our community.                                     We will continue with the parent weekly sheet and the week in
                                                                     photos. This will be issued through the School Communicator. I
 The aim of the Primary PARTnership is to celebrate the              appreciate there have been a number of changes in the primary
 achievements of our students at Al Yasmina. The publication         school. New leadership inevitably means change, but it has
 will have a common feel. Each monthly edition will feature:         been well planned and well executed to the benefit of all.

 - Editorial                                                         Change also brings opportunity and I hope you enjoy this, our
 - Key focus 	                                                       monthly ‘opportunity’ to read, share and understand what
 - Year group in focus                                               makes the primary school such a dynamic, vibrant and happy
 - Subject specialist in the spotlight 	                             place to learn.
 - General page – interesting snippets

 In some ways I have the easiest job in the world. Each day, I am
 amazed at the achievements of our students and the extent to        “If everyone is moving forward
 which the staff support and engage learners.                        together, then success takes
                                                                     care of itself” - Henry Ford

AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                    issue 1

This term marks the beginning of subtle changes to the primary       Students investigate a theme from all angles and understand
curriculum which will offer students a more creative and skills-     how subjects and topics are always connected.” Each topic
based approach to their learning.                                    must have a purpose to the learning and a definite realizable
                                                                     outcome, such as a theme day or exhibition. This will vary
The focus is moving from subject-based learning to working           depending on the age group. Year 2's recent Click topic is a
with themes which can be incorporated in innovative ways             great example. The students learned about the history of the
across a number of subjects. Some subjects, such as maths,           camera, the importance of setting in a picture, and who the
science and certain components of literacy need to stand alone       key character is, how photos are developed, and what can be
and will continue to do so, but wherever possible subjects will      done with the end product. The result was the Click exhibition
be linked to a common theme and explored from different              at which their framed work was displayed and staff and parents
angles. Miss Davies, Primary Assistant Head of Curriculum,           purchased their photos.
says the thematic-based approach has been proven to be very
effective elsewhere, driving up academic standards. It is known      In December Year 6 had its chocolate-making project, with
to be popular with students and, obviously, happy students           more of a business slant. They had to divide into teams, buy
make better learners. “As students progress through primary          their ingredients, create a chocolate recipe, plan the packaging
school using the creative curriculum, they should be armed           and marketing, keep to a budget, and then sell their product
with the skills they need to transition into Year 7, whether it is   to the rest of the school. They had to price the product so they
here at Al Yasmina or in their home country.”                        could pay back parents who had advanced a loan to cover costs
                                                                     but they also had to make a profit for their chosen charity.
Each topic starts with a “hook”, or exciting event, to awaken the
students’ interest in the subject, and then they are given the       Miss Davies says the curriculum team leaders will ensure
“big picture” of where they are going with the topic. Teachers       that the breadth of the curriculum is correctly taught and that
will establish what students already know about the topic, and       students progress through primary school with academic
what they want to know. They will incorporate these questions        standards strictly maintained. “If subjects are linked in a logical
into their learning, helping them to gain essential skills and       and meaningful way, students learn how to apply the knowledge
knowledge.The learning is student-led, but with structure, Miss      they learn in one lesson across all their studies.” She points out
Davies says.                                                         that the approach is particularly effective for students who have
                                                                     English as a second language. “If they are motivated and having
Students will be encouraged to do their own research, to think       fun then the hurdles of learning in another language appear
about diverse and practical ways of approaching the topic. The       less daunting.”
advantage for teachers is that, with occasional exceptions,
they can devote more time to “topic” spanning a number of the        The students get to give feedback at the end of the topic and
lesson slots. “It is a less fragmented approach. It encourages       what they have to say will be taken into consideration for next
immersion and passion.                                               year. “We want the children to know that they are part of this
AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                     issue 1

While the primary school celebrated Book Week with
numerous exciting activities, the flagship event was the
Readathon which raised almost 8000Dhs and will be spent on
books for World Challenge’s Jjezza School in Uganda.

The Readathon ran from February 14 to March 4 and involved
students getting sponsorship for every book they read, or lump
sum donations. More than 60 students got involved, earning a
total of 7964Dhs. Each participant received a certificate, with a
special one reserved for the student who read the most books
in each Key Stage. These were presented at an assembly on           BOOK DONATION TO HOSPITAL: Year 3 Terns class present Sheikh
March 7.                                                            Khalifa Medical City Children`s Ward with more than 500 books.

“The Readathon was a huge success,” says Year 4 teacher
and event co-ordinator Miss Phillips. “All the proceeds will go
directly into the purchase of books for Jjezza School and will
make a huge difference to the children there.”

The Year 12 World Challenge students will travel to Uganda in
June to continue the work begun at Jjezza by last year’s World
Challenge participants.

BOOK WEEK BUZZ                                                      BEST DRESSED ON BOOK CHARACTER DAY: Back: Tom Goodwin (Y3),
                                                                    Stella Venus (Y1), Alex Rashed (Y6), Seb Rossiter (Y4), Poppy Smith (Y5)
Activities included:                                                Front: Fatima Salam (FS2), Fergal Mitchell (FS2). Not Pictured: Mark
Book character parade – each year group chose a winning             Hart (Y2)
Weird and wacky places to read photo competition
Donate a book for a local hospital
Year groups writing their own story books
Mystery readers
Arabic lessons linked to stories and reading
Make your own story sack
Staff reading to other classes
Cross-year reading sessions
Assembly on the final day to celebrate the week and give prizes

                                                                     READ-A-THON WINNERS: Zack Toye               STORY SACK WINNER:
                                                                     and Leena Safareeni                          Alex Markou


                                BOOK DAY PARADE

AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                           issue 1

                                                                          WATER WEEK A WINNER
                                                                          Primary students spent five days celebrating Water Week, with the aim
                                                                          of raising money for a school in Ethiopia to enable it to build its own
                                                                          water harvest tanks.

                                                                          This was a project run across Aldar Academies, with all six Aldar
                                                                          schools taking part in their own way. It coincided with World Water Day
                                                                          on March 22, established by the UN as a means of focusing attention
                                                                          on the importance of fresh water and advocating its sustainable

                                                                          At Al Yasmina, the students enjoyed monitoring the amounts of water
                                                                          used both at home and at school by completing a water diary. During the
                                                                          week, they learned about the importance of water and how lucky we are
                                                                          in Abu Dhabi to have clean water readily available. They also researched
CYCLE FOR WATER: Joost Notenboom & Michiel Roodenburg visit Al            various ways to conserve water in our daily lives and created fantastic
Yasmina after their 20 month bicycle journey from the North to the
South Poles to raise awareness of a global water crisis that is leaving   posters advertising their “water saving” ideas.
more than 1 billion people around the world without access to safe
drinking water.
                                                                          Student scientists had the opportunity to enter the Water Science
                                                                          Challenge, with the winners announced in the Water Assembly at the
                                                                          end of the week. On March 21, the primary school held a “Blue Day”
                                                                          to celebrate water conservation, with every student wearing blue and
                                                                          contributing 10Dhs to this worthy cause. The children raised more than

SAVE WATER: Year 3 Buntings students show their ‘Save water’display.      WATER SCIENCE CHALLENGE WINNERS: Back: Christy Arkieh, Haroon        7
From left is Shaikha Al Ali, George Worth, Kaitlyn Strika, Yousef Al      Hanashi, Hashem El Nadi, Poppy Smith and Sandali Weerasekera.
Nowais                                                                    Front: Amaya Sanchez and Tien- Hom Woon
AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                  issue 1

Year 2’s Click project kicked off with a visit to Manaraat al     For this, we planned where we should visit and then took a day
Saadiyat to open the children’s eyes to what an exhibition is.    out, armed with cameras, to take snapshots in the city. Once
From this, they then began planning their own exhibition.         this was complete we could begin our leaflets.

The children were given the challenge of creating brochures       We learned all about using persuasive language to help us
for tourists visiting the city. Contact was made with Etihad      advertise what Abu Dhabi has to offer. The children also began
to allow us to place our leaflets in the seats on their planes.   editing their photos to add to their showcase for the exhibition.
The children loved this idea as it really gave them a purpose     Each child chose and edited two favourite photographs they had
for writing! Once the leaflets were complete the children         taken on the tour and these were then developed and framed.
were thrilled to see the photographs of the cabin crew and
passengers reading their leaflets.                                The exhibition was a huge success, with
                                                                  children selling their framed photographs
In order to create the leaflets the children had to plan what     to parents while also exhibiting all the work
they wanted their focus to be. They chose a select number of      they had produced throughout the topic.
landmarks in Abu Dhabi which lead on to our Click Photography     It was a great event and everyone was
Safari.                                                           very impressed by what the children had

                                                                  By Year 2 Leader Miss Phillips

                                                                                                          Photo taken by a Year
                                                                                                          student, Zane Dooley 2

What the parents had to say
                                                                  “Well done to all the pupils and teachers involved.
“Great event, very innovative, looking forward to                 Didn’t expect to see such wonderful and creative
seeing more of it.”                                               photos taken”
“Well done Year 2. Very professional work from the                “Fantastic work by all. The standard of the work and
budding photographers.”                                           the excitement of the children says it all! Well done
                                                                  from a very proud parent!”
“Can’t believe the photos were taken by Year 2
students.”                                                        “Very impressed with the high standard of work”                     8
AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                   issue 1


Without doubt, the highlight of the term for Year 5 was the long-    While 100 students went on the Dibba trip, there were 25
awaited three-day camp at Dibba.                                     students who remained at school and had fun activities
                                                                     organised for them linked to the latest Year 5 topic of Ancient
The students challenged themselves, supported each other,            China. They had lessons such as Chinese cookery, calligraphy
and generally had a fun time tackling outdoor adventure              and painting, and fun PE sessions. “We found the same sort of
activities – many for the first time. They tested their skills at    teamwork and support going on with this group as we did at
mountain biking, rock climbing, archery, GPS orienteering,           Dibba.”
and an assault course. They went on a torchlit wadi walk one
evening and wrapped up their stay with a talent show by the          The Ancient China topic kicked off with Chinese New Year in
campfire on the last night. “The children were so excited, they      February and ran until the end of the term. Students looked at
had been waiting for the camp since the school year began,”          the history of China, including some of the ancient dynasties,
says Year 5 Leader Mr Makda.                                         its geographical location, the rural/urban divide, and the
                                                                     importance of the sea to China. They also studied Chinese art
When it came to the activities, the students worked together to      and made beautiful silk paintings, elaborate kites and colourful
help each other overcome any fears. “It was really good to see       Chinese dragons. At the beginning of the month the students
them motivating each other. Some children were quite daunted         visited China Court at Ibn Battuta Mall, Dubai, where they
by what they were asked to do but they were cheered on and           perfected their chopstick skills at a Chinese restaurant , and
encouraged by their classmates, so there was a great sense of        got to see some Chinese architecture and a traditional junk,
accomplishment for them all.”                                        which they sketched beautifully. It was a great day out !

The camp was linked with the year group’s topic Changing             When Book Week arrived, Year 5 dressed up as their favourite
Coasts and the students could see for themselves how the             book characters, and each class created their own unique
coastline had changed over the years, with the high tide line        book. This involved planning and writing the story, adding
receding.                                                            illustrations and editing the story.

There was also a cultural component to the trip, with a visit        The remaining highlight of the term was International Day and
to an ancient coastal mosque and fort. “For the village there,       Mr Makda says the students loved it. “They saw how diverse
fishing was the primary source of income and we saw how the          the Year 5 cohort is, and it was fantastic to see them in their
fort was used as protection from marauders. We all squashed          traditional dress.” The year group followed up the school
into the fort and tried to recreate what it would have been like     parade with a buffet lunch of their own, where students brought
for villagers if they had been attacked and looked at why they       food from their home country. “It was good seeing children
built the fort in that particular way.”                              trying foods they have never tasted before.”

Mr Makda says the trip was a huge success, both in terms of          The students also made a small speech to their classmates
what the students achieved in the outdoor education activities       about their home country. “The children are really proud of
and in gaining a “hands-on” understanding of the Changing            where they are from.”
Coasts topic.


AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                                issue 1

Year 6 students Abigail Stanley and Iona Pollock were the only primary students in
Abu Dhabi to land star roles in the recent pantomime production of Snow White at
the National Theatre.

Visiting British company H2 Productions auditioned the girls, and they were given
key roles as the dwarfs Lazy (Abigail) and Sneezy (Iona). Not only did they take on
these demanding parts but they also performed in two other minor roles at each
show. The rest of the cast were either secondary students from other Abu Dhabi
schools or adults from the UK.

The girls belong to Fusion Dance Group and their names were put forward for
the show by their teacher. They have both been dancing for three years, but
only joined Fusion in September. The girls managed to juggle three weeks of
rehearsals followed by twice daily performances for a week and attended school
in the afternoon for important assessments.

Abigail’s mum, Beverley, says the pair had a great time and they have been asked             Iona “Sneezy” Pollock who played the orange dwarf and
to audition again when H2 return to Abu Dhabi to produce Peter Pan later this                Abigail “Lazy” Stanley who played the yellow dwarf.

The competition was tough but the victory was sweet as Al          It didn’t take long for Al Yasmina to make its mark on the
Yasmina took the Aldar Olympics trophy for the second year         hurdles event, recording a number of first places and fastest
running.                                                           times for their team. As the results from the field events came
                                                                   in, the standings began to take shape.
Al Yasmina hosted the Aldar Academies primary schools’
hotly contested annual athletics tournament on March 7. The        As the afternoon progressed it became apparent that Al Ain
Pearl, Al Muna, Al Mushrif and Al Ain International School all     International School was Al Yasmina’s only real threat for
sent squads of 32 of their best athletes. The event is seen an     the trophy. However, much credit must be given to the other
opportunity for each school to progress their talented children,   schools whose enthusiasm and dedication in each event really
providing them with competition beyond their usual PE setting,     shone through.
says Al Yasmina Head of Primary Physical Education, Miss
Oliver.                                                            As the tournament came to an end, the schools gathered
                                                                   together eagerly for the results. Mr Gale presented the awards
The event requires each athlete to compete in eight disciplines    to the winners. Many thanks went out to all those who had
on the day. These include the field events of high jump and        made the event possible through their support: FOY, the
long jump, javelin and shot putt, and track events consisting of   parents, the PE department and, of course, all the competitors.
the 75-metre sprint, hurdles, 300-metre race, and team relay.      The results were announced… Al Yasmina had successfully
Each student scores points for their team depending on their       defended its title to become undisputed champions in 2013!
performance in each event, first place scoring the most points     Not only did they defend the shield but each year team had also
and awarded the overall individual event winner.                   won their age groups outright.
The Year 5 and 6 children took to the track events first, while
                                                                   “What a great day for our athletes and for Al Yasmina school
the Year 3 and 4 teams started on the field events. Al Yasmina
                                                                   sport,” says Miss Oliver. “All the children involved received
students were ready to defend the title they had won at last
                                                                   medals which will hold fantastic memories for them in years
year’s event. Some were part of that 2012 winning team, for
                                                                   to come and hopefully they will have the opportunity to defend
others it was a new experience.
                                                                   their crown in 2014. We look forward to next year and building
Nerves and anticipation were clear to see from their faces as      on sporting successes as the year continues.”
they began the competition.                                                                                                      12
AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                               issue 1

Year 1 and 2 Sports Day is always a special event on the calendar for the children. They spend weeks looking forward to the day and use their PE
lessons to practice those all important skills! This year’s focus was on multi-ability stations where children could try out different skills such as
sprinting, hurdles, obstacle courses, golf, football and much more. With guidance from our Year 10 Junior Sports Leaders Awards students, the
children had heaps of fun and competed with great sportsmanship.

The Al Yasmina primary swim team remains unbeaten after the first five inter-school swimming galas this competitive season. March 11 proved to be
another victorious meet.

“Our swimmers yet again proved to be outstanding by winning against Al Ain International School, Pearl and Al Muna primary schools, and The
British International School of Abu Dhabi,” says swim coach Mr Todorov. “Our swimmers dominated the event and demonstrated great skill,
technique and physical abilities. They are a great pleasure to work with and make us all very proud.”

Fourteen members of the primary swim team also qualified to take part in the BSME swimming championships in Muscat last week (see report on
page 14).

I remember getting on the bus at the end of last year’s British
Schools in the Middle East swimming championships and saying
to the kids, “You have done it guys. Al Yasmina is no longer a
participant, Al Yasmina is a contender. I had my confidence in the
team but little did I know how right I was.”

We are back from the same competition a year later and my words
seem to be carved in stone now. Sixty medals – 11 gold, 25 silver,
24 bronze, six BSME records and memories for a lifetime. All
our swimmers achieved personal best times. This was the most
successful swimming event yet. Our school swim team is in the
top five teams in the GCC region.

Our swimmers provided some of the most exciting races of the
competition. From close races and battles to the last stroke to
record-breaking swims, they elevated us with great excitement
and pride.
                                                                     Record holders are:
The achievement of those results has not been without sacrifice.
Swimmers have committed time and effort in pursuit of goals          Isabelle Darling (Year 4) – 50 Freestyle 37.59 and
and dreams. Early mornings while most people are still in bed,       50 Butterfly 43.19
our children are covering an average of 4km in the pool, late
afternoons another 4 -5km, weekends training, and competitions.      Hayden Woodrow (Year 4) – 200 Freestyle 3.00.34
Hard work, discipline and team ethos have been at the core of our
success. We aim to achieve excellence and we can only do so by
been excellent every day, every practice, every stroke and turn.     Cameron Oliver (Year 10) – 50 Backstroke 28.94,
                                                                     100 Backstroke 1.02.51 and 200 Freestyle 2.04.51
Congratulations to all swimmers. We are very proud of you.

By Al Yasmina Swim Instructor Mr Todorov                                                                                  14
With the support of UAE Touch, Al Yasmina has this year helped to form
the Abu Dhabi Touch Rugby Series, aimed at developing the game of
touch at school level. Al Yasmina has played host to numerous schools
from around the city who have been coming here each week to compete
in both the U9 and U11 mixed age group categories. With the help of
touch rugby being delivered in PE lessons and an ECA programme also
catering for the sport, the Al Yasmina teams have had a successful

U9 Final
The Al Yasmina A team went into the tournament ahead on points,
needing to reach the final to win the league outright. It was an anxious
start with a draw against Brighton 0-0. They then went on to secure
wins against BISAD and Al Yasmina B team to reach the final showdown
against Al Muna. It was a must-win game, as Al Muna trailed Al
Yasmina by just 2 points in the league standings. Despite a close and
nervy game, a try by Daniel Cooper secured a 1-0 win. The team was

U11 Final
The Under 11 teams entered the final tournament of the series with
confidence and excitement. They had finished 2nd to only Brighton
College in the previous tournaments so this was the day they wanted
to leave their mark. Putting all their skills to the test the teams took
to the field. The B team played well but slipped to 4th position after
results didn’t go their way. The A team won all their group games,
qualifying for a final showdown against Brighton. It was close and
tense, 0-0 at full time, golden try extra time was played with 3 vs 3 on
the pitch. In the fourth minute, Al Yasmina made a break with Nicolas
Vorster sprinting down the wing. The game was won, Al Yasmina
were the tournament victors! Despite finishing the season on a high,
Brighton took the overall league title due to previous results but this
winning finish was a very positive and significant result to build on for
next year’s series.

AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                   issue 1

The Friends of Al Yasmina (FOY) have been able to contribute to
several exciting school activities this year. These have included
providing refreshments at functions such as the various sports
and swimming days, the Year 2 Click Exhibition, welcome coffee
mornings, and the Aldar Olympics. Putting the funds raised by
FOY to a good cause is what we are all about and fortunately this
month we are able to donate quite a bit.

We have also been very lucky this term to have been helped by
a very enterprising young lady in Year 6 - Layla Jawhari who has
raised the huge amount sum 1200Dhs on her own, and has very
kindly donated it to FOY. This will be added to an amount at the
end of the year that will be donated to charity.

FOY Veg has been getting some assistance with the vegetable
boxes from the World Challenge team, so the funds raised this
month have been donated to them to help with their Uganda
fundraising. This month amounted to 1255Dhs. Further
proceeds from FOY Veg will also go towards the World Challenge

A total donation of 2000Dhs was distributed by FOY to all of the
stalls participating in the hugely successful International Day.
The Primary drama production of The Wiz will benefit from the
donation of 5000 Dhs. Funds will help with props, costumes and

The Al Yasmina Spring Ball is a major event on the calendar next
term and the funds raised will go towards Operation Smile, the
charity which helps improve the quality of life for children with
facial disfigurements. Make sure you get some friends together
and organise a table or come on your own and meet some new
people for a great night out.

We are looking at further ideas to assist the primary and whole
school and will have an update as soon as it's available.
Come along to the next FOY meeting on Thursday, April 18 at 8am.
It is a great way to be involved with your child's education and
contribute to some really worthwhile fundraising.

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Pp issue 1 2012 2013

  • 2. WELCOME Welcome to the first issue of The Primary PARTnership It gives Al Yasmina School the chance to celebrate for the 2012/2013 academic year. The Primary progress and achievement and provide more in depth PARTnership is the publication for Al Yasmina's primary information to parents on a wide variety of subjects. school. We welcome your feedback. CONTENTS WELCOME From the HEAD OF SCHOOL 3 KEY FOCUS: CURRICULUM CHANGES 4 BOOK WEEK BUZZ 5 WATER WEEK 7 YEAR 2 CLICK EXHIBITION 8 YEAR 5 IN FOCUS 9 SNOW WHITE STARS 11 ALDAR OLYMPICS 12 SPORTS ROUNDUP 13 BSME SWIM SUCCESS 14 The first Primary PARTnership for this academic year Topics, trends, updates, views and news from the Al Yasmina Primary Department Pictured on the cover: Students celebrate Book Week 2
  • 3. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 1 2012/2013 FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL, MR GALE Welcome to our first edition of the Primary PARTnership. There is so much to celebrate about the primary school and I would like to take this opportunity to explain how this this new look publication is an ideal platform to tell our story publication will work. in greater depth. The year groups and features will be spread across the course of an academic year, matched to the calendar Each month we will publish this new look newsletter which will of events wherever possible. This will enable us to give a complement our other publication, the Secondary PARTnership. greater depth of information rather than featuring everything Each edition will have a theme. The Primary PARTnership all at once. will form another invaluable platform from which we will communicate with our community. We will continue with the parent weekly sheet and the week in photos. This will be issued through the School Communicator. I The aim of the Primary PARTnership is to celebrate the appreciate there have been a number of changes in the primary achievements of our students at Al Yasmina. The publication school. New leadership inevitably means change, but it has will have a common feel. Each monthly edition will feature: been well planned and well executed to the benefit of all. - Editorial Change also brings opportunity and I hope you enjoy this, our - Key focus monthly ‘opportunity’ to read, share and understand what - Year group in focus makes the primary school such a dynamic, vibrant and happy - Subject specialist in the spotlight place to learn. - General page – interesting snippets In some ways I have the easiest job in the world. Each day, I am amazed at the achievements of our students and the extent to “If everyone is moving forward which the staff support and engage learners. together, then success takes care of itself” - Henry Ford 3
  • 4. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 1 2012/2013 CURRICULUM BECOMES MORE CREATIVE This term marks the beginning of subtle changes to the primary Students investigate a theme from all angles and understand curriculum which will offer students a more creative and skills- how subjects and topics are always connected.” Each topic based approach to their learning. must have a purpose to the learning and a definite realizable outcome, such as a theme day or exhibition. This will vary The focus is moving from subject-based learning to working depending on the age group. Year 2's recent Click topic is a with themes which can be incorporated in innovative ways great example. The students learned about the history of the across a number of subjects. Some subjects, such as maths, camera, the importance of setting in a picture, and who the science and certain components of literacy need to stand alone key character is, how photos are developed, and what can be and will continue to do so, but wherever possible subjects will done with the end product. The result was the Click exhibition be linked to a common theme and explored from different at which their framed work was displayed and staff and parents angles. Miss Davies, Primary Assistant Head of Curriculum, purchased their photos. says the thematic-based approach has been proven to be very effective elsewhere, driving up academic standards. It is known In December Year 6 had its chocolate-making project, with to be popular with students and, obviously, happy students more of a business slant. They had to divide into teams, buy make better learners. “As students progress through primary their ingredients, create a chocolate recipe, plan the packaging school using the creative curriculum, they should be armed and marketing, keep to a budget, and then sell their product with the skills they need to transition into Year 7, whether it is to the rest of the school. They had to price the product so they here at Al Yasmina or in their home country.” could pay back parents who had advanced a loan to cover costs but they also had to make a profit for their chosen charity. Each topic starts with a “hook”, or exciting event, to awaken the students’ interest in the subject, and then they are given the Miss Davies says the curriculum team leaders will ensure “big picture” of where they are going with the topic. Teachers that the breadth of the curriculum is correctly taught and that will establish what students already know about the topic, and students progress through primary school with academic what they want to know. They will incorporate these questions standards strictly maintained. “If subjects are linked in a logical into their learning, helping them to gain essential skills and and meaningful way, students learn how to apply the knowledge knowledge.The learning is student-led, but with structure, Miss they learn in one lesson across all their studies.” She points out Davies says. that the approach is particularly effective for students who have English as a second language. “If they are motivated and having Students will be encouraged to do their own research, to think fun then the hurdles of learning in another language appear about diverse and practical ways of approaching the topic. The less daunting.” advantage for teachers is that, with occasional exceptions, they can devote more time to “topic” spanning a number of the The students get to give feedback at the end of the topic and lesson slots. “It is a less fragmented approach. It encourages what they have to say will be taken into consideration for next immersion and passion. year. “We want the children to know that they are part of this process.” 4
  • 5. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 1 2012/2013 READATHON RAISES ALMOST 8000DHS While the primary school celebrated Book Week with numerous exciting activities, the flagship event was the Readathon which raised almost 8000Dhs and will be spent on books for World Challenge’s Jjezza School in Uganda. The Readathon ran from February 14 to March 4 and involved students getting sponsorship for every book they read, or lump sum donations. More than 60 students got involved, earning a total of 7964Dhs. Each participant received a certificate, with a special one reserved for the student who read the most books in each Key Stage. These were presented at an assembly on BOOK DONATION TO HOSPITAL: Year 3 Terns class present Sheikh March 7. Khalifa Medical City Children`s Ward with more than 500 books. “The Readathon was a huge success,” says Year 4 teacher and event co-ordinator Miss Phillips. “All the proceeds will go directly into the purchase of books for Jjezza School and will make a huge difference to the children there.” The Year 12 World Challenge students will travel to Uganda in June to continue the work begun at Jjezza by last year’s World Challenge participants. BOOK WEEK BUZZ BEST DRESSED ON BOOK CHARACTER DAY: Back: Tom Goodwin (Y3), Stella Venus (Y1), Alex Rashed (Y6), Seb Rossiter (Y4), Poppy Smith (Y5) Activities included: Front: Fatima Salam (FS2), Fergal Mitchell (FS2). Not Pictured: Mark Book character parade – each year group chose a winning Hart (Y2) costume Weird and wacky places to read photo competition Donate a book for a local hospital Year groups writing their own story books Mystery readers Arabic lessons linked to stories and reading Make your own story sack Staff reading to other classes Cross-year reading sessions Assembly on the final day to celebrate the week and give prizes READ-A-THON WINNERS: Zack Toye STORY SACK WINNER: and Leena Safareeni Alex Markou 5
  • 6. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 1 2012/2013 BOOK DAY PARADE 6
  • 7. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 1 2012/2013 WATER WEEK A WINNER Primary students spent five days celebrating Water Week, with the aim of raising money for a school in Ethiopia to enable it to build its own water harvest tanks. This was a project run across Aldar Academies, with all six Aldar schools taking part in their own way. It coincided with World Water Day on March 22, established by the UN as a means of focusing attention on the importance of fresh water and advocating its sustainable management. At Al Yasmina, the students enjoyed monitoring the amounts of water used both at home and at school by completing a water diary. During the week, they learned about the importance of water and how lucky we are in Abu Dhabi to have clean water readily available. They also researched CYCLE FOR WATER: Joost Notenboom & Michiel Roodenburg visit Al various ways to conserve water in our daily lives and created fantastic Yasmina after their 20 month bicycle journey from the North to the South Poles to raise awareness of a global water crisis that is leaving posters advertising their “water saving” ideas. more than 1 billion people around the world without access to safe drinking water. Student scientists had the opportunity to enter the Water Science Challenge, with the winners announced in the Water Assembly at the end of the week. On March 21, the primary school held a “Blue Day” to celebrate water conservation, with every student wearing blue and contributing 10Dhs to this worthy cause. The children raised more than 7000Dhs. SAVE WATER: Year 3 Buntings students show their ‘Save water’display. WATER SCIENCE CHALLENGE WINNERS: Back: Christy Arkieh, Haroon 7 From left is Shaikha Al Ali, George Worth, Kaitlyn Strika, Yousef Al Hanashi, Hashem El Nadi, Poppy Smith and Sandali Weerasekera. Nowais Front: Amaya Sanchez and Tien- Hom Woon
  • 8. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 1 2012/2013 CLICK PROJECT PUSHES ALL THE RIGHT BUTTONS Year 2’s Click project kicked off with a visit to Manaraat al For this, we planned where we should visit and then took a day Saadiyat to open the children’s eyes to what an exhibition is. out, armed with cameras, to take snapshots in the city. Once From this, they then began planning their own exhibition. this was complete we could begin our leaflets. The children were given the challenge of creating brochures We learned all about using persuasive language to help us for tourists visiting the city. Contact was made with Etihad advertise what Abu Dhabi has to offer. The children also began to allow us to place our leaflets in the seats on their planes. editing their photos to add to their showcase for the exhibition. The children loved this idea as it really gave them a purpose Each child chose and edited two favourite photographs they had for writing! Once the leaflets were complete the children taken on the tour and these were then developed and framed. were thrilled to see the photographs of the cabin crew and passengers reading their leaflets. The exhibition was a huge success, with children selling their framed photographs In order to create the leaflets the children had to plan what to parents while also exhibiting all the work they wanted their focus to be. They chose a select number of they had produced throughout the topic. landmarks in Abu Dhabi which lead on to our Click Photography It was a great event and everyone was Safari. very impressed by what the children had achieved. By Year 2 Leader Miss Phillips Photo taken by a Year student, Zane Dooley 2 Cullinane What the parents had to say “Well done to all the pupils and teachers involved. “Great event, very innovative, looking forward to Didn’t expect to see such wonderful and creative seeing more of it.” photos taken” “Well done Year 2. Very professional work from the “Fantastic work by all. The standard of the work and budding photographers.” the excitement of the children says it all! Well done from a very proud parent!” “Can’t believe the photos were taken by Year 2 students.” “Very impressed with the high standard of work” 8
  • 9. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 1 2012/2013 DIBBA TOPS THE TERM FOR YEAR 5 Without doubt, the highlight of the term for Year 5 was the long- While 100 students went on the Dibba trip, there were 25 awaited three-day camp at Dibba. students who remained at school and had fun activities organised for them linked to the latest Year 5 topic of Ancient The students challenged themselves, supported each other, China. They had lessons such as Chinese cookery, calligraphy and generally had a fun time tackling outdoor adventure and painting, and fun PE sessions. “We found the same sort of activities – many for the first time. They tested their skills at teamwork and support going on with this group as we did at mountain biking, rock climbing, archery, GPS orienteering, Dibba.” and an assault course. They went on a torchlit wadi walk one evening and wrapped up their stay with a talent show by the The Ancient China topic kicked off with Chinese New Year in campfire on the last night. “The children were so excited, they February and ran until the end of the term. Students looked at had been waiting for the camp since the school year began,” the history of China, including some of the ancient dynasties, says Year 5 Leader Mr Makda. its geographical location, the rural/urban divide, and the importance of the sea to China. They also studied Chinese art When it came to the activities, the students worked together to and made beautiful silk paintings, elaborate kites and colourful help each other overcome any fears. “It was really good to see Chinese dragons. At the beginning of the month the students them motivating each other. Some children were quite daunted visited China Court at Ibn Battuta Mall, Dubai, where they by what they were asked to do but they were cheered on and perfected their chopstick skills at a Chinese restaurant , and encouraged by their classmates, so there was a great sense of got to see some Chinese architecture and a traditional junk, accomplishment for them all.” which they sketched beautifully. It was a great day out ! The camp was linked with the year group’s topic Changing When Book Week arrived, Year 5 dressed up as their favourite Coasts and the students could see for themselves how the book characters, and each class created their own unique coastline had changed over the years, with the high tide line book. This involved planning and writing the story, adding receding. illustrations and editing the story. There was also a cultural component to the trip, with a visit The remaining highlight of the term was International Day and to an ancient coastal mosque and fort. “For the village there, Mr Makda says the students loved it. “They saw how diverse fishing was the primary source of income and we saw how the the Year 5 cohort is, and it was fantastic to see them in their fort was used as protection from marauders. We all squashed traditional dress.” The year group followed up the school into the fort and tried to recreate what it would have been like parade with a buffet lunch of their own, where students brought for villagers if they had been attacked and looked at why they food from their home country. “It was good seeing children built the fort in that particular way.” trying foods they have never tasted before.” Mr Makda says the trip was a huge success, both in terms of The students also made a small speech to their classmates what the students achieved in the outdoor education activities about their home country. “The children are really proud of and in gaining a “hands-on” understanding of the Changing where they are from.” 9 Coasts topic.
  • 10. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 1 2012/2013 DIBBA FUN 10
  • 11. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 1 2012/2013 ABIGAIL AND IONA STAR IN SNOW WHITE PANTO Year 6 students Abigail Stanley and Iona Pollock were the only primary students in Abu Dhabi to land star roles in the recent pantomime production of Snow White at the National Theatre. Visiting British company H2 Productions auditioned the girls, and they were given key roles as the dwarfs Lazy (Abigail) and Sneezy (Iona). Not only did they take on these demanding parts but they also performed in two other minor roles at each show. The rest of the cast were either secondary students from other Abu Dhabi schools or adults from the UK. The girls belong to Fusion Dance Group and their names were put forward for the show by their teacher. They have both been dancing for three years, but only joined Fusion in September. The girls managed to juggle three weeks of rehearsals followed by twice daily performances for a week and attended school in the afternoon for important assessments. Abigail’s mum, Beverley, says the pair had a great time and they have been asked Iona “Sneezy” Pollock who played the orange dwarf and to audition again when H2 return to Abu Dhabi to produce Peter Pan later this Abigail “Lazy” Stanley who played the yellow dwarf. year. 11
  • 12. AL YASMINA TAKES ALDAR OLYMPICS TROPHY The competition was tough but the victory was sweet as Al It didn’t take long for Al Yasmina to make its mark on the Yasmina took the Aldar Olympics trophy for the second year hurdles event, recording a number of first places and fastest running. times for their team. As the results from the field events came in, the standings began to take shape. Al Yasmina hosted the Aldar Academies primary schools’ hotly contested annual athletics tournament on March 7. The As the afternoon progressed it became apparent that Al Ain Pearl, Al Muna, Al Mushrif and Al Ain International School all International School was Al Yasmina’s only real threat for sent squads of 32 of their best athletes. The event is seen an the trophy. However, much credit must be given to the other opportunity for each school to progress their talented children, schools whose enthusiasm and dedication in each event really providing them with competition beyond their usual PE setting, shone through. says Al Yasmina Head of Primary Physical Education, Miss Oliver. As the tournament came to an end, the schools gathered together eagerly for the results. Mr Gale presented the awards The event requires each athlete to compete in eight disciplines to the winners. Many thanks went out to all those who had on the day. These include the field events of high jump and made the event possible through their support: FOY, the long jump, javelin and shot putt, and track events consisting of parents, the PE department and, of course, all the competitors. the 75-metre sprint, hurdles, 300-metre race, and team relay. The results were announced… Al Yasmina had successfully Each student scores points for their team depending on their defended its title to become undisputed champions in 2013! performance in each event, first place scoring the most points Not only did they defend the shield but each year team had also and awarded the overall individual event winner. won their age groups outright. The Year 5 and 6 children took to the track events first, while “What a great day for our athletes and for Al Yasmina school the Year 3 and 4 teams started on the field events. Al Yasmina sport,” says Miss Oliver. “All the children involved received students were ready to defend the title they had won at last medals which will hold fantastic memories for them in years year’s event. Some were part of that 2012 winning team, for to come and hopefully they will have the opportunity to defend others it was a new experience. their crown in 2014. We look forward to next year and building Nerves and anticipation were clear to see from their faces as on sporting successes as the year continues.” they began the competition. 12
  • 13. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 1 2012/2013 SPORTS ROUNDUP YEAR 1 AND 2 SPORTS DAY Year 1 and 2 Sports Day is always a special event on the calendar for the children. They spend weeks looking forward to the day and use their PE lessons to practice those all important skills! This year’s focus was on multi-ability stations where children could try out different skills such as sprinting, hurdles, obstacle courses, golf, football and much more. With guidance from our Year 10 Junior Sports Leaders Awards students, the children had heaps of fun and competed with great sportsmanship. PRIMARY SWIM TEAM UNBEATEN SO FAR The Al Yasmina primary swim team remains unbeaten after the first five inter-school swimming galas this competitive season. March 11 proved to be another victorious meet. “Our swimmers yet again proved to be outstanding by winning against Al Ain International School, Pearl and Al Muna primary schools, and The British International School of Abu Dhabi,” says swim coach Mr Todorov. “Our swimmers dominated the event and demonstrated great skill, technique and physical abilities. They are a great pleasure to work with and make us all very proud.” Fourteen members of the primary swim team also qualified to take part in the BSME swimming championships in Muscat last week (see report on page 14). 13
  • 14. TALENT, DISCIPLINE, HARD WORK, PAYS OFF FOR SWIMMERS I remember getting on the bus at the end of last year’s British Schools in the Middle East swimming championships and saying to the kids, “You have done it guys. Al Yasmina is no longer a participant, Al Yasmina is a contender. I had my confidence in the team but little did I know how right I was.” We are back from the same competition a year later and my words seem to be carved in stone now. Sixty medals – 11 gold, 25 silver, 24 bronze, six BSME records and memories for a lifetime. All our swimmers achieved personal best times. This was the most successful swimming event yet. Our school swim team is in the top five teams in the GCC region. Our swimmers provided some of the most exciting races of the competition. From close races and battles to the last stroke to record-breaking swims, they elevated us with great excitement and pride. Record holders are: The achievement of those results has not been without sacrifice. Swimmers have committed time and effort in pursuit of goals Isabelle Darling (Year 4) – 50 Freestyle 37.59 and and dreams. Early mornings while most people are still in bed, 50 Butterfly 43.19 our children are covering an average of 4km in the pool, late afternoons another 4 -5km, weekends training, and competitions. Hayden Woodrow (Year 4) – 200 Freestyle 3.00.34 Hard work, discipline and team ethos have been at the core of our success. We aim to achieve excellence and we can only do so by been excellent every day, every practice, every stroke and turn. Cameron Oliver (Year 10) – 50 Backstroke 28.94, 100 Backstroke 1.02.51 and 200 Freestyle 2.04.51 Congratulations to all swimmers. We are very proud of you. By Al Yasmina Swim Instructor Mr Todorov 14
  • 15. TOUCH RUGBY With the support of UAE Touch, Al Yasmina has this year helped to form the Abu Dhabi Touch Rugby Series, aimed at developing the game of touch at school level. Al Yasmina has played host to numerous schools from around the city who have been coming here each week to compete in both the U9 and U11 mixed age group categories. With the help of touch rugby being delivered in PE lessons and an ECA programme also catering for the sport, the Al Yasmina teams have had a successful series. U9 Final The Al Yasmina A team went into the tournament ahead on points, needing to reach the final to win the league outright. It was an anxious start with a draw against Brighton 0-0. They then went on to secure wins against BISAD and Al Yasmina B team to reach the final showdown against Al Muna. It was a must-win game, as Al Muna trailed Al Yasmina by just 2 points in the league standings. Despite a close and nervy game, a try by Daniel Cooper secured a 1-0 win. The team was U11 Final The Under 11 teams entered the final tournament of the series with confidence and excitement. They had finished 2nd to only Brighton College in the previous tournaments so this was the day they wanted to leave their mark. Putting all their skills to the test the teams took to the field. The B team played well but slipped to 4th position after results didn’t go their way. The A team won all their group games, qualifying for a final showdown against Brighton. It was close and tense, 0-0 at full time, golden try extra time was played with 3 vs 3 on the pitch. In the fourth minute, Al Yasmina made a break with Nicolas Vorster sprinting down the wing. The game was won, Al Yasmina were the tournament victors! Despite finishing the season on a high, Brighton took the overall league title due to previous results but this winning finish was a very positive and significant result to build on for next year’s series. 15
  • 16. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 1 2012/2013 LATEST NEWS FROM FRIENDS OF AL YASMINA The Friends of Al Yasmina (FOY) have been able to contribute to several exciting school activities this year. These have included providing refreshments at functions such as the various sports and swimming days, the Year 2 Click Exhibition, welcome coffee mornings, and the Aldar Olympics. Putting the funds raised by FOY to a good cause is what we are all about and fortunately this month we are able to donate quite a bit. We have also been very lucky this term to have been helped by a very enterprising young lady in Year 6 - Layla Jawhari who has raised the huge amount sum 1200Dhs on her own, and has very kindly donated it to FOY. This will be added to an amount at the end of the year that will be donated to charity. FOY Veg has been getting some assistance with the vegetable boxes from the World Challenge team, so the funds raised this month have been donated to them to help with their Uganda fundraising. This month amounted to 1255Dhs. Further proceeds from FOY Veg will also go towards the World Challenge fundraising. A total donation of 2000Dhs was distributed by FOY to all of the stalls participating in the hugely successful International Day. The Primary drama production of The Wiz will benefit from the donation of 5000 Dhs. Funds will help with props, costumes and lighting. The Al Yasmina Spring Ball is a major event on the calendar next term and the funds raised will go towards Operation Smile, the charity which helps improve the quality of life for children with facial disfigurements. Make sure you get some friends together and organise a table or come on your own and meet some new people for a great night out. We are looking at further ideas to assist the primary and whole school and will have an update as soon as it's available. Come along to the next FOY meeting on Thursday, April 18 at 8am. It is a great way to be involved with your child's education and contribute to some really worthwhile fundraising.