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AL YASMINA          ABU DHABI         Connect   issue 2
SCHOOL                                Bloom     MARCH 2012


Welcome to the second issue of The Secondary                            It also gives Al Yasmina School the chance to celebrate
PARTNERSHIP, the official newsletter of the secondary                   progress and achievement and provide more in depth
department at Al Yasmina School. It is emailed to parents               information to parents on a wide variety of subjects.
on the 1st day of every month or on the last day of term.
The Secondary PARTNERSHIP keeps you up-to-date                          We welcome your feedback.
with student activities across the secondary department.      

Welcome from the head of school, Mr Gale	                                                                  3

Airline food, snowball fights and disco moves:
reports from the ski slopes	                                                                               4

Focusing on the Arabic Department	                                                                         5

Study tips from Year 11 students	                                                                          7

The joys of volunteering	                                                                                  8

How the school supports students	                                                                          9

Al Yasmina set to become community recycling centre	                                                     10

All about maths	                                                                                         11

Work experience sharpens career goals	                                                                   12

Snippets: a quick look at the history trip,
second-hand uniforms and science week	                                                                   13

Students of the month	                                                                                   14

Sports news	                                                                                             15

Family fun day 	                                                                                         16

Topics, trends, updates, views and news from the Al Yasmina Secondary Department

FUN IN THE SNOW: Pictured on the cover are Al Yasmina's skiers and snowboarders on the slopes in Kitzbuhel, Austria.              2
AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                    issue 2
                                                                     MARCH 2012

It’s just 22 days since the inaugural issue of The Secondary
PARTNERSHIP was sent out to our parent community. I’m
delighted to bring you the second edition, along with some of
the comments from parents. Improving our communication is
a key objective as we move through the round of changes in the
school; it’s good to know you think we are on the right track.

The end of the term is always a time for reflection and to focus
on what’s ahead. This is especially the case at Al Yasmina
as we enter into a new phase at the school. As I said in the
last newsletter, the show must go on - and it has. Since the
change in the school leadership we have been doing some hard
thinking. We’re in the process of scrutinising areas of strength
and weakness. In other words, we’re having a good, long hard
look at what we do and how we do it - and the good news is
there will be a very clear way forward. We will tap into expert
advice from external providers who will provide support for the
school and our staff along the way. The outcome will be a very      Comments, feedback and suggestions:
clear, realigned vision for the school.
Both myself and our teachers will take time over the holidays to
reflect on what we want the school to become and how we want        “I always knew that there was
it to look in September when we open our doors. Our students
                                                                    a lot going on in the secondary
will also need to do some thinking over the holidays, focusing
on what they need to do to move their learning forward and to       school, but I had no idea of the
become better learners. There is no time to draw breath as          breadth of activities until I read
we look towards the final term of the school year. Our GCSE
and AS students will need to be focused and determined as
                                                                    this newsletter. The school
their exams continue. Our teachers are behind our students          should be proud of its pupils
100 per cent, supporting and nurturing them and encouraging         and the range of opportunities
them to aspire to be the best they can. Read more about these
support measures on page 9. Hard work reaps rewards and             it makes available to them. Well
we’ve again recognised our hard working students who have           done.” Year 8 parent.
made significant progress by awarding them as students of the
month (page 14). Students are nominated by curriculum team
leaders in recognition of their effort, progress and attitude. We   “I’ve just got one thing to
acknowledge student achievement on a frequent basis, ranging
from awarding weekly house points, and then by monthly,             say - WOW! This magazine is
termly and finally yearly rewards which recognise attainment        amazing. I’m looking forward to
and achievement. Today you’ll be able to access your child’s
report online and will be able to see for yourself what progress
                                                                    the next issue.” Year 10 parent.
they have made.

This has been a particularly action packed term. In term two        “Thanks Al Yasmina for such a
every year group has had some kind of enriching experience,         brilliant magazine. There is a lot
whether it is in the classroom, as part of involvement in a show,
through after school clubs, educational visits or school trips.
                                                                    to be proud of in the secondary
Design deadlines mean we can’t feature some of the events           school. I’m forwarding this to
over the last couple of days, such as the spring fling, the House   the family in the UK who are
swimming competitions and the spring concert, but look out for
photos next month. Students on the Year 10 Germany trip are         always asking just what school
travelling from Munich to Berlin today. They arrive back in Abu     is like in Abu Dhabi.” Year 11 parent.
Dhabi on Monday. Look for pictures and an account of their visit
in the next issue of The Secondary PARTNERSHIP. Meanwhile,
this issue focuses on the Arabic Department and in the next
edition, on May 1, we will look at PE. Enjoy your holidays and
thank you for your continuing support.                                                                    3
AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                    issue 2
                                                                     MARCH 2012


By Emily Green, Year 10                                              By Mitchell Bryant, Year 10

On February 18, 38 excited students headed out on their skiing       Travelling is not always much fun! Airplane food, crying babies
adventure to Kitzbuhel, Austria. I was in the beginner ski group     and uncomfortable seats. Well, ignoring that, this year’s ski
as I had never skied before. Mr. Stanley, my form tutor, had         trip was awesome. The views were out of this world! After
some of the funniest falls at the most random moments! Miss          spending 2 years in Abu Dhabi without seeing natural snow it
Williams also specialised in falling spectacularly and skiing        was breathtaking. On the first day, we were shown to our rooms,
unintentionally off-piste, whilst Miss Fenning expertly navigated    given out gear for the week and were taken out to a small slope
her way down and across the slopes. Mr Ward also looked              just to practice. The majority of the time we were out on the
impressive on a snow board before the week was out. Even             slopes or left to have our own snowball fights. I planned to have
when we were off the skis we were having fun. Ice skating was        built a ramp by the end of the week, but couldn’t do anything
hilarious and I got an amazing video of Mr Stanley and Mr Ward       without being pelted with a snowball. Every year we have a disco
dancing hand in hand on the ice! But the best bit other than         at a local club in the town and every year the vibe is great! People
skiing would have to be the disco. Everyone had a great time and     I didn’t expect to see dancing were in the middle of the dance
the dance offs were pretty funny. Karim did a fine job of advising   floor. I even ended up having a dance battle against my own
the DJ of the latest tracks for the group to bust a move to, and     brother! On the last day, everyone was a little depressed knowing
rustling up the crowd into a dancing frenzy! Overall it was an       we have to leave the winter wonderland that is Kitzbuhel. Overall
amazing trip. Everyone had a great time and improved their           it was an amazingly fun trip and I am sad to not be able to go next
skiing skills hugely. I have made so many new friends and have       year.
some wonderful memories from our week in Austria.                                                                                       4
AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                    issue 2
                                                                     MARCH 2012


PRACTISE MAKES PERFECT: Mr Abu Saleh encourages students to speak modern standard Arabic at home

Practising speaking Arabic at home is essential if students want     by the United Nations as the world’s sixth most widely spoken
to advance their knowledge of the standard spoken language,          language. There are many job opportunities for Arabic speakers
the Curriculum Team Leader for Arabic, Islamic Studies               in the West. “From work, business and study Arabic is a must
and Social Studies, Mr Abu Saleh says. Students are taught           for the universal co-existence of the cultures. If you know the
modern standard Arabic (MSA) which is not spoken in the              basic vocabulary of modern standard Arabic it will immediately
everyday world where different dialects of Arabic dominate. It       open doors for better understanding of Arab and Muslim
is, however, an international Arab language and is increasingly      worlds,” Mr Abu Saleh says.
being used in business, media and commerce. It is also used
the world over by all Muslims when the Qur’an is recited, in
their liturgical activities and during Friday sermons, ensuring it     ARABIC: WHO TAKES WHAT?
will always thrive and never become totally extinct.                   The following requirements are set by the Ministry of
                                                                       Education and Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC):
“The children are not getting the environmental support to             • The Arabic language is mandatory for all students from
further enhance and develop the skills which they are learning         Year 1 to Year 10. Native speakers and some non-native
in the classroom,” Mr Abu Saleh says. “This is a problem for           speakers also start their GCSE Arabic as a second language
both native and non native speakers. I once asked a group of           in Y10.
more than 200 parents how many spoke modern standard                   • Emirati students without exception have to study Ministry
Arabic at home and no hands were raised. I am therefore asking         Arabic & Islamic Studies syllabi throughout to pass a
parents to spend 15 minutes a night at the dinner table using          Unified Exam conducted by ADEC in Y12.
MSA. Your child needs your support to apply the grammar and            • Other Arab nationals and non-Arab have to study the two
structures that we are teaching them.”                                 subjects in Y11 & Y12 only if they intend to get a Secondary
                                                                       Equivalence Certificate at the end of Y12. Secondary
MSA is spoken by the Arabic department’s 20 teachers, both             Equivalence Certificate is a prerequisite for admission to
amongst themselves and in the classroom. “Modern standard              UAE-based colleges and universities recognised by the
Arabic is always appreciated and highly regarded. If you speak         Ministry of Higher Education.
it, you will get respect,” Mr Abu Saleh says. He recognises that       • Islamic Studies is mandatory for all Muslim students from
Arabic is a challenging language to learn. But he says there           Year 1 to Year 12.
are many reasons to continue with Arabic studies beyond Key            • UAE Social Studies, taught in English, is compulsory for
Stage 3. “Arabic is a doorway to the rich Arabic culture. The          non-Arab students from Year 4 to Year 9
language will also help you know about Islam, the religion of 1.4      • Arab National students must also study Social Studies,
billion people around the world.” Twenty-two countries have            which is taught in Arabic, from Year 1 to Year 9
Arabic as their official language and it has been acknowledged

AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                           issue 2
                                                                            MARCH 2012

Sixteen-year-old Nicola Burgess is used to taxi drivers and
shopkeepers staring at her in surprise. That’s because the
Year 11 student talks to them in Arabic, conversing easily with
them and often choosing to use Arabic when they have difficulty
understanding her Australian accent. She also practices
whatever she has learnt in the classroom in the ‘real world’ as
often as she can, seeing it as part of her homework. Nicola is
the only European student in her Year 11 GCSE Arabic class.
Her interest in the language began before she joined Al Yasmina
School when she received intensive one-to-one tutoring. Part
of the appeal of Arabic, Nicola says, is the written language.
“It’s like writing calligraphy. It’s completely different from other
languages. It was difficult to learn at first, but as I learn more it        FOCUSING ON ARABIC: Nicola Burgess says learning Arabic is challenging,
                                                                             but rewarding
becomes easier.”

                                                                           ARABIC IS A CHALLENGE, EVEN FOR
                                                                           NATIVE SPEAKERS
                                                                           They may be native Arabic speakers, but for three Year 11
                                                                           students learning modern standard Arabic is almost like
                                                                           learning a whole new language. Lina Sabry (15), Ahmed Aman
                                                                           (15) and Mohamed Arar (16) say that the language is very
                                                                           formal and learning it is at times challenging. The structure
                                                                           and framework is different from the Arabic they use to the
                                                                           point where even saying ‘please’ is different. But they can all
                                                                           see the logic in learning a common form of Arabic that will be
                                                                           understood by those who have a formal education. They see it
                                                                           as an advantage when it comes to job hunting as they can see
                                                                           the drawbacks in speaking Arabic with a regional dialect where
                                                                           the slang used - by both elders and the younger generation - at
                                                                           times makes it difficult for even native speakers to understand
  LANGUAGE LINKS: Ahmed Aman (left), Mohamed Arar and Lina Sabry           each other.

The first ever Arabic spelling competition (Fursan Al-’Imal’)
at Al Yasmina School is underway. Eliminations will be held
throughout the competition until a winner is revealed at the
end of April. It is hoped the competition will nip in the bud the
increasingly common practice of using English letters instead of
Arabic text when students are writing Arabic words. Fantastic
prizes - cash and engraved crystal plaques - are being offered
for the top three place getters and the two next best performers.
Students will get in extra practice with 10 minutes of each
lesson devoted to spelling. Fursan Al-‘Imla’ literally means
‘horse riders of spelling’. In Arabic, the word Faris (singular of
Fursan) means horse rider and depicts someone as master or
expert so in this case, a spelling expert.

                                                                           COURSE GRADUATES
                                                                           A two-day course specifically for Arabic teachers has
                                                                           been completed by the department’s 20 staff. The course,
                                                                           “Foundations of Interactive Arabic Teaching”, by Pearson,
                                                                           focused on a variety of topics, ranging from recognising different
                                                                           learning styles through to motivating Arabic speakers.

  PROUD GRADUATES: Teachers in the Arabic department complete their two-
  day professional development programme
AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                               issue 2
                                                                                MARCH 2012

Year 12 students have received their first exam results - and they show that 66 per cent are either achieving beyond their predicted
grades or are exactly where they should be at this stage of their AS programme.

The 19 students sat 44 exams in Applied ICT, Biology, Business and Economics, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology in January. They
were tested on aspects of the curriculum that they were taught between September and December last year. Al Yasmina uses ALPS
(advanced level performance system) which is designed to provide a school with analysis on how students have performed against
national benchmarks. It is linked to their attainment in GCSE exams. Post -16 Learning and Progress Leader Mr Ridpath says that at
this stage of the academic year marks from the January exam should be within one grade of the students’ target grade. “ALPS says if
they are within one grade in January they should in theory achieve their grade by the May/June exam series,” he says.

The results show that 43 per cent of students have already achieved their ALPS target and 29 out of the 44 students - or 66 per
cent - are within one grade of their target. Mr Ridpath says while these results are very encouraging for most students, some need
extra help and intervention is being put in place for students who did not reach their goals (see ‘What Kind of Help Do Year 11 and 12
Students Receive?”, page 9) The next set of exams are between May 14 and June 1, when the Year 12 cohort will sit assessments in
17 different subjects.The second ALPS assessment was done last week so these, along with the exam results, were discussed at a
parent’s evening, Mr Ridpath says.”Parents were presented with up-to-date data on how the student is performing at this moment. It
meant we were able to have very frank conversations with parents about what students need to do to progress to the next step.”

Year 12 student Amr Fakhry says hard work, a realistic revision schedule
and “amazingly helpful” teachers helped him through his first set of AS
exams. He sat Biology, Economics and Business and Physics exams and
while he’s “more or less” happy with the marks he achieved, he aims to
do even better next time.

Amr says it’s essential to come to terms with the techniques, styles and
methods needed to answer AS exam questions, which differ completely
from what is required for IGCSE and GCSE exams. All answers for AS
exams need depth, knowledge, application, evaluation and sometimes
analysis. Amr says achieving a balance between study and leisure time
is crucial to creating a productive revision schedule. He didn’t study if
he was bored or annoyed or hadn’t had a chance to have a night out and
a complete break from his revision.

“The three weeks off in December were crucial for me, as that’s the             STUDY TIPS: Jess Vickery and Amr Fakhry
point where you either forget everything before your exams, or use them
to achieve what you want. Three to five hours a day were what I needed          STOP PRESS!
to have time to study, revise, and practice exam questions. The constant
motivation by teachers is amazingly helpful. They push you to achieve           GCSE GEOGRAPHY AND PRACTICAL PE RESULTS
what you’re capable of and sometimes for you to break your expectation          Year 11 GCSE Geography students received exceptional results in
level and look beyond, especially if your result wasn’t as satisfying or        their recent exams. The 18 students sat the Human Environment
what you expected.” He says how hard to work is up to the individual. “It       geography exam in January and were tested on settlement change
all depends on what you want to be. If you’re looking for a decent proper       and a moving world (migration). It is worth 25 per cent of their final
career and life, you need to work hard enough to get into the competitive       grade.
market of universities, and the better the university, the better chance
of having a better life.” Is there anything in particular he has have learnt    • 78% of students smashed their CATs predictions
after completing his first of your AS exams? “They’re easy once you’ve          • 55% of students gained an A or A*
put in the effort, and they’re not the same as IGCSE/GCSE.”                     • Priyanka Iyer and Hannah Morris achieved 98% each on their
                                                                                papers. (This equates to 100/100 on the uniform mark scale).
Learn as you go along, rather than leaving study to the last minute -           • Abigail Alexander achieved 96% on her paper
that’s the advice from AS student Jess Vickery. “AS exams are very
intense and you need to learn over a period of time, so it’s hard to cram       Year 11 PE students also completed the practical component
at the last minute,” she says. Jess says she revised a lot before her           of their GCSE exam, which is worth 60 per cent of their total
exams, although this was hard to manage at times because she was                marks. The students excelled themselves, achieving on average
back in the UK for the holidays. “I literally had to sit in a room and focus.   about seven per cent higher than the previous year›s results. The
I was studying quite intensely. What I find effective is studying for an        students were assessed in front of an external moderator in rugby,
hour, having half an hour break and then going back over the work I’d           netball, personal survival, competitive swimming and fitness. Every
just done.” Jess says she struck a balance between studying and leisure,        student scored over 70 per cent with Clare Barwell excelling with 94
finishing her revision by 11am so she could have the rest of the day off.       per cent. The theory paper, worth 40 per cent of marks, is in May.

AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                              issue 2
                                                               MARCH 2012

VOLUNTEER WORK                                               LESSON TIME: Nick Bryant (left) and Sonny Matchett

FOR POST-16                                                    THE JOY OF
STUDENTSNTS                                                    VOLUNTEERING
Al Yasmina’s Year 12 students are involved in a wide range
of volunteer activities as part of the school’s community      It’s easy to see that Nick Bryant has a special relationship with
service award programme. The scheme allows them                Year 2 student Sonny Matchett. The six-year-old’s eyes light
to contribute to the wider community and to develop            up when he sees the Year 12 student and he is eager to show
self esteem and interpersonal skills and provides an           him stories he has written, pictures he has drawn and to tell
opportunity for the type of part-time work that they           him about how he got all his words right in a recent spelling
would have access to in their home countries. It also          test. Nick spends two hours a week in the classroom, helping
adds weight to CVs prepared for university application.        Sonny with his reading and writing and assisting teachers with
Students undertaking three A levels commit to two hours        administration. He also helped finish off some of the sets for a
a week; those studying four A levels contribute one hour       recent primary production. “It’s something I never thought I’d
a week. Students begin in October and finish in April. The     do, but it’s really easy and enjoyable,” Nick says. “Working with
students do not participate in the scheme during the lead      the little kids is so rewarding because they take in everything
up to exams. Two students are involved in the school’s         you say and pay a lot of attention. It’s a good feeling to do
sustainability programme (see story page 10), one assists      something and not expect anything in return.”
in the Geography department, four help PE teachers,
two run a GCSE history support club, three help in the         Fellow Year 12 student Yasmeen Luqman is also discovering
art department and three work in the music department.         the sense of satisfaction that comes with volunteering. She
The school is keen to hear from parents who have any           helps Year 2 students with handwriting, reading, Arabic and
volunteer opportunities for students.                          science experiments. Yasmeen’s work at the school has led
                                                               to her doing further volunteer work with Takatof, a voluntary                                      social programme designed by the Emirates Foundation.
                                                               “Volunteering gives you an open mind,” Yasmeen says. “At
                                                               school I’ve learnt how to be patient with the little kids and find
                                                               ways to explain things to them. It’s fun and what I’m doing
                                                               makes me feel good on the inside.”


                                                             BOOK TIME: Yasmeen Luqman with Leo Rhodes (partly obscured), Rasha Hassan
                                                             Beck and Hadi Sayed

AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                        issue 2
                                                                         MARCH 2012

Al Yasmina School has comprehensive support networks in                WHO DO I CONTACT?
place for students and systems to let parents know how their           There is a clear structure at Al Yasmina for dealing with parents'
children are progressing. The Secondary PARTNERSHIP talks              concerns. For a pastoral matter, start with your child's Learning
to the school’s Learning and Progress Leader for Students, Mrs         Mentor. If you feel the situation has not been adequately
Peacock.                                                               resolved, then talk to your child's Year Leader. If you are not
                                                                       satisfied with the solutions suggested, then refer your concerns
                                                                       to Mrs Peacock, the school's Learning and Progress Leader for
HOW DO I KNOW HOW WELL MY CHILD IS                                     Students. There is a different process for academic concerns.
PROGRESSING IN SCHOOL?                                                 The first port of call for parents is their child's subject teacher.
You will receive specific feedback from parent teacher                 If the issue has not been resolved, parents should make an
consultations, which are held twice a year. Parents get a              appointment with the student's Curriculum Team Leader. The
five-minute slot with each subject teacher who will talk to you        third step is to involve the Learning and Progress Leader for
about your child's target level or target grade. Target level is       Curriculum, Mr Commons. At times, a Learning Mentor may
for students in key stage three or Years 7, 8 and 9 and a target       contact parents about a matter that may concern them about a
grade is given to students in key stage four, or Years 10 and 11.      pupil.
Teachers will cover the progress your child is making in meeting
their target and outline what they need to do to reach this goal.      When the school was smaller, and before comprehensive
Any secondary school ‘spring fling’ disco this month is the -
   A issues that are preventing them from making progress              systems were in place, parents would talk directly to the
whetherfundraiser for a academic or behavioural nature - will
   major it is of a social, group of World Challenge Year 12           Principal, and many of the parents of our older students are
be discussed. are raising money to help build a school in a
   students who                                                    The team members are Rafeh Safdar. Jon Alexander, Daniel
                                                                       used to this approach. Now the school is much larger, this
   Ugandan village.                                                Brundan, workable.Bryant, Liam Troup, Stefan Bennett, Khalifa in
                                                                       isn't Nicholas Please use the email addresses below to get
Reports, which are issued at the end of every term, will also      Abdulla, Chloe Moss, Emily Prest, Nicole Crighton and Jess Vickery.
                                                                       touch with the relevant staff member if you need to discuss your
give you a clear disco is being organised by child is progressing. Meanwhile, progress.
   The March 20 indication of how well your 11 students who            child's the next cohort of Duke of Edinburgh candidates
The structure of each of the10. Some of the group arefirst term completed the adventure section of their silver medal last weekend,
   leave for Uganda on June three reports differs. The doing
   the World Challenge as an adventure in its own right, while
report provides a target grade or level, indicates whether a       spending three daysOF HELP DO YEAR 11 AND 12to know
                                                                       WHAT KIND and two nights in the desert. Want
student is above,partor underperforming and of Edinburghareas more about the Duke of Edinburgh programme?
   for others it is on of the gold medal Duke outlines key             STUDENTS RECEIVE?
toaward. Uganda was providesfrom a list and the term three
    work on. Term two chosen data only of developing      Year 11 students through a variety
                                                                       Extra support is offered to all
report givesby the group, and one or level combined with an
   countries an end of year grade of the reasons was a team            of ways. Voluntary revision sessions are offered by all subject
   member’s father was reports comment numerically on class at lunchtimes or through extra curriculum
evaluative comment. Allborn there, says Chloe Moss, one of             teachers, either
work,students fundraisingand the trip. The group has been
   the attitude, homework for participation in class.                  activities. Specific advice is provided at Year 11 assemblies on
   on a training exercise in the desert and while conditions           dealing with issues such as stress, and this information is also
Students resemble the Ugandan countryside, theyawards each
   did not are nominated for progress and subject were able            provided to parents. Students practice completing questions
   to rehearse situations that could occur under arduous
term by their teachers. This is a great way to help parents            under timed conditions and hone their skills on reading
see the progress their child is making – and for the school to         interpreting exam questions. Marking schemes are explained so
celebrate students’ achievements. Nominations are made at the          students can better understand what examiners are looking for.
end of looked at what to do if someone got lost, or if there was
   “We each term with certificates given out in award assemblies
atan injury to someone following term. Certificates areother
    the beginning of the in the party. We also practiced also          Other measures are put in place for students who need extra
   skills such as sanitising water,” Chloe says. “We worked
given for 100 per cent attendance; the link between attendance         assistance. Students who may be struggling with specific
and academic outcomes is clearly proven so on the roles and
   on getting the team together and focusing recognising               subjects work with a teacher on a one-to-one basis either after
rewarding outstandingto play in the group.”Now the practice
   that everyone needs attendance is essential. House points           school or at lunchtime. The school identifies borderline grade
and the more informal notes ingroup’s attention has turned
   run has been completed, the the school planner also help            C/D students and puts plans in place to provide them with extra
parents to keep a trackRecent fundraising activities include
   back to fundraising. of their child’s progress.                     support. This could mean small group work, or restructuring
   selling Valentine’s sweets bags, providing refreshments at          classes in the final months before exams begin so intensive
   events, organising a cake sale and a charity football               support can be provided. Students who need extra support in
REPORT? Year 12 boys and the teachers (the teachers
   between the                                                         multiple subjects are indentified in the second term and are
   emerged victorious). It was attended by Radio One DJs               assigned mentors. This is a teacher with whom they have a
All end of term reports are scrutinised by Year Leaders. If a
   Serena, Danny Cee and Flo. Five team members also                   good relationship and who helps with prioritising, establishing
student is getting a 3 or 4 for attitude in five or more subjects
   raised around 6000dhs by completing a sponsored climb up            a revision timetable and helping the student stay motivated. The
then the school contacts parents and the student is put on
   Jebel Hafeet in Al Ain.                                             mentor will act as a mediator if a student is having difficulties
a monitoring report. Usually any issues with attitude are
remedied over the two-week period while the student is on              with a particular subject, approaching the subject teacher on
   In Uganda, the team will spend a week trekking in the               their behalf.
report. Key indicators for attitude are having all equipment
   jungle and a week helping out in a village. The students
needed for lessons, being on task and getting work completed.
   plan to add a roof to an unfinished school building and carry
Teachers rate the child's attitude using the amber, green or red       Key contact details
   out any other carpentry work that they can. Fundraising
system to provide a quick visual snapshot of the student's day.        Year leaders:
   will go to buy extra building materials in Uganda. It is the
Being on report has a focusing affect for the student and is a         Year 7: Mr Hetherington
   end of the monsoon season and the team is expecting wet,
supportive way - which involves parents - of looking through a         Year 8: Miss Waggett
   muddy conditions with humid conditions in the forest and
school day over a period of time to find patterns of behaviour         Year 9: Miss Williams
   cooler conditions as they climb higher. Chloe says the
and helping the student to remedy these.                               Year 10: Mr MacKinnon
   group is able to access an comprehensive evacuation plan
                                                                       Year 11: Miss Fenning
   and will carry a satellite beacon and satellite phone. “It
                                                                       Post-16: Mr Ridpath
   is very remote, and at times it will be quite scary, but that
                                                                       Learning and progress leader for students:
   is part of the challenge. But we know if something goes
   wrong, we can get out quickly. The silver medal for the
                                                                       Learning and progress leader for curriculum:
   Duke of Edinburgh is testing, it does push you to the limit,
   and Uganda will do that too. We will work as a team and I
   will really get to know the people I go to school with!”
AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                  issue 2
                                                                   MARCH 2012

AL YASMINA TO                                                      TAB TOTAL
BECOME                                                             The Al Yasmina School

RECYCLING SCHOOL                                                   community has put its weight
                                                                   behind a campaign to help
                                                                   Filipino families living in
Two Post-16 students are spearheading a drive to introduce         poverty. Around 10,300 ring
recycling into Al Yasmina School next term. Brandon Rowland        pull tabs from soft drink cans
and Rafeh Safdar, both in Year 12, plan to get the wider school    were brought into the school
community on board by the end of the summer term, eventually       in an eight-week period and
establishing Al Yasmina as a recycling drop off point for local    will be sent to the Philippines
residents.                                                         where they are used to
                                                                   make handcrafts and other
Paper recycling boxes will be placed in classrooms in the first    merchandise. These items are then sold to help raise money to
or second week after the holidays and recycling stations for       provide shelter, food and education for children who were living
paper, aluminum, polystyrene, plastic and glass will be located    on dump sites. The Recycle for a Cause campaign is organised
on the first and second floors, in the atrium and by the seating   by the Philippine Community Fund (PCF). The ring pulls brought
areas near the netball courts. If the recycling is successful at   into Al Yasmina School weigh around 2.5kg and will allow PCF
the school, the programme will be rolled out to the school         to create and sell products worth AED5134. Each ring pull
community several weeks later, beginning with the families         is worth 50 fils to PCF. The box is starting to fill up again, so
of FS1 and 2 students and moving up through the year groups.       keep bring the tabs into school so PCF can turn your trash into
Recycling boxes will be emptied into large metal cages these       treasure.
will be emptied by a contractor when they are full and taken to
the company's recycling plant. "We plan to start off educating
students and then we'll focus on the parents and the school
community in general," Brandon says. "We hope our efforts will
also reflect positively on Al Yasmina School generally."

The students' decision to become involved in a sustainable
development is part of their Community Service Award, which
involves students working towards a community cause in
their free time. They began in the first term by arranging the
removal of plastic cups from the school. Brandon and Rafeh
have written a proposal to scrap the use of polystyrene from
the cafeteria in favour of a more sustainable option. This is
being considered by environmental representatives on Student
Voice. Geography teacher Miss Williams says she hopes that the
initiatives by the school will make people think about more than
just disposing of rubbish in an environmentally friendly manner.
"The main emphasis is on reducing what ends up in landfill
and challenging our personal consumption and ensuring that          RING FINGER: Brandon Rowland
                                                                    with the ring pull tabs from soft
recycling is not used to appease our conscience," she says.
                                                                    drink cans

                                                                   GREEN FOR EARTH
                                                                   Want to help save the planet? World Earth Day on April 22 is
                                                                   an opportunity for students to get on board by paying 1dhs to
                                                                   make a green pledge and 10dhs to take part in a non uniform
                                                                   day. Students are encouraged to wear green to mark Earth
                                                                   Day, which is the world’s most widely celebrated environmental
                                                                   event. Geography teacher Mr McGuinness says members of
                                                                   the Eco Club will address a whole school assembly next term
                                                                   about Al Yasmina’s involvement. Meanwhile they are focusing
                                                                   on making posters about World Earth Day and decorating the
                                                                   paper and card recycling boxes which are being delivered to
 POSTER DESIGN: Eva Salter (left), Jenny Howell, Afrah Ali         classrooms.
 and Noor Sanie-Eldin work on promotional material for
 Earth Day
AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                  issue 2
                                                                   MARCH 2012

Secondary pupils honed their numerical skills and fundraised
for charity as the school joined a worldwide community of
mathematicians for World Maths Day. Students raised more
than 10,000dhs for Unicef, the official charity for World Maths
Day, and the Year 12 World Challenge trip to Uganda. The
Uganda trip coffers were boosted by a number of activities
organised by Year 12 students, including an opportunity to throw
a sponge at a teacher, and to stock up at a popular tuck shop,     Endeavour was the winning House on the day, topping the
Maths Curriculum Team Leader Mrs Volynchook-Wilson says.           points table in activities in maths, science, art and history
                                                                   and edging out Voyager who came a close second, taking the
Secondary students were split into House groups and took           most points in English, Humanities and PE. In third place was
part in activities with a mathematical theme organised by          Challenger and Discovery followed in fourth place.
six different departments. An on-line stock exchange which
allowed students to buy and sell shares made the most
profit. The most popular activity was organised by the science

department and involved students buying items to make a

parachute to enable an egg to float gently to the ground from

the school roof. Students also joined an online community of 5.5


million mathematicians on the World Maths Day website where

                                                                    800                                                       challenger 

they entered live challenges with up to three students the same     600 

age and mathematical ability. “It was a great day for all the       400 

students, who hopefully improved their maths skills, had fun        200 

and also raised money for charity and to help the Year 12 group       0 

on the road to Uganda,” Mrs Volynchook-Wilson says.                        Discovery    Endeavour    challenger    voyager 

Last month's solution is shown below. Well done to Taisir Al
Saqri for thinking outside the box. The challenge was: Without
lifting your pencil from the page and only drawing 4 straight
lines can you pass through every dot in the square below?
Tasir's solution is below.

  Paul is half as old as Sarah. One year ago Paul’s age was just two fifths of Sarah’s age one year from
  now. How old are Paul and Sarah? Please email your answers. The solution and the person who solved
  it correctly will be published in the next newsletter.

AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                       issue 2
                                                                        MARCH 2012

More than a hundred books found new homes when secondary
students turned out in force for the Big Book Swap. The event
was part of World Book Day, which celebrates books, authors,
illustrators and reading. Students were asked to bring in books
they no longer needed and were given a voucher for each book
they donated which they used to exchange for another book on the
day. Unclaimed books were donated to the library. Year 7 students
swapped the most books, with Year 8 coming a close second. Most
of the book swappers were girls. Goals for next year are to attract
more male readers and to double the number of books swapped.
Thanks to the Year 8s who organised the Big Book Swap: Kelsi
Friedenthal, Sarah Binnie, Jess Schonberg, Lamya Al Yazdi, Aya
Zeidan and Ramya Iyer.

                                                                         BOOKWORMS: Students at the big book swap.

  ON THE JOB: Harrison Crawford at the New York University construction site.

LEARNT ON WORK                                                          then try and get the best price for it. He says the week has helped
                                                                        him focus on a possible career. "Before I didn't have a clue about

EXPERIENCE                                                              what I wanted to do but now I would like to do something with
                                                                        commerce, or possibly procurement as well." Harrison says the
                                                                        staff he met were keen to tell him about their jobs and he had the
Work experience has helped one Year 10 pupil sharpen his                opportunity to ask lots of questions. He also sat in on meetings. He
career goals. Harrison Crawford spent the week with Al Futtaim          says what made the week so successful for him was that he was
Carillion, which provides services in building construction and civil   doing something that interested him. "I would recommend work
engineering works. The company sent him to the site offices of          experience, but I would say look for something that you would like
New York University on Saadiyat Island, which is due to open next       to do."
year. During his work experience week Harrison spent each of his
five days looking at different aspects of the company's operations,     Work experience co-coordinator Miss Stephenson says the general
beginning with health and safety and moving on to the supply chain,     feedback has been positive from both employers and students,
design management, procurement and commercial.                          with many students realising a more focused idea of their future
                                                                        career choices. "We have forged some positive relationships
He enjoyed being given real tasks to do, such as working out the        with local companies which we hope to maintain and develop into
best costs for water proofing in one of the buildings and reviewing     partnerships for work experience placements in the future," she
door schedules and finding numerous discrepancies in the items          says. "Students will use their appraisal forms from employers to
ordered. Harrison says he enjoyed working both in commercial and        do some self-reflection and assess their strengths in the workplace
procurement. "Commercial is good because it's numbers, which I          in light of employers’ comments. This will take the form of
like, but procurement was interesting too because of the bargaining     reflective sessions in PSHE after the Easter holidays when all the
side. You don't just buy the item, you scout out the best item and      appraisals have been received from employers."

AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                                 issue 2
                                                                                  MARCH 2012

                                                                                  THOSE VEXING
                                                                                  Why don’t my eyes fall out when I sneeze? If I fell into a black hole, where
                                                                                  would I go?

                                                                                  If you think you know the answers to questions like these - and can
                                                                                  scientifically prove your answers - then you may be the winner of a
                                                                                  competition being organised by the school as part of National Science
                                                                                  Week. This is a week of activities organised by the British Science
                                                                                  Association and is designed to highlight how science, technology,
 BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO GERMAN: Students on the Year 10 history trip receive         engineering and maths relates to our everyday lives and to inspire a new
 some German tips from languages teacher Mr Dumange before their departure.       generation of scientists. Science teacher Mr Wan says students in Years
                                                                                  7, 8 and 9 will receive a series of question to try and solve and a booklet
                                                                                  of experiments to try at home. Students who produce the most scientific

A FIRST-HAND LOOK                                                                 response to the questions and produce the best book, poster or booklet to
                                                                                  show how they did at least two of the experiments from the accompanying

AT HISTORY                                                                        booklet could be the competition winners. The deadline for entries is April
                                                                                  10. “Students will hopefully enjoy doing the experiments, be given a chance
                                                                                  to research themes more deeply and gain practical skills and independent
The past will come to life for 28 GCSE History students, who are on a week-       investigation skills also,” Mr Wan says.
long trip to Munich and Berlin. The trip supports two GCSE examination
topics - the rise of the Nazis and the Cold War. Curriculum Team Leader for
History, Miss Frampton, says the visit will extend the students’ knowledge and
increase their empathy for the past. Highlights of the trip include a visit to
Checkpoint Charlie and the Brandenburg Gate. The trip has been organised
by North Star. Accompanying Al Yasmina staff on the trip is North Star            FRESH
Director Paul Flaherty, a former British military soldier who speaks fluent
German and patrolled the Berlin Wall as part of NATO forces. The students         VEGETABLES
                                                                                  EACH WEEK
return to Abu Dhabi on Sunday.

                                                                                  Punyaporn Richmond and two of her
                                                                                  children, Rebecca and Alexander,
                                                                                  collect a box of fresh vegetables from
                                                                                  FOY (Friends of Yasmina) volunteers.
                                                                                  Orders are placed and paid for by the
                                                                                  first Monday of each month. Email your
                                                                                  order to Lindy at
                                                                                  and put the payment in the Vegappetit
                                                                                  box at reception. Include your name and mobile number. Then, pick
                                                                                  up your box each Wednesday after school outside the secondary
                                                                                  library. It’s 30dhs for a 2.5kg box and a 5kg box is 55dhs.
 HARD YARDS: Strong winds and limited visibility meant testing conditions for
 International Award candidates.

                                                                                  Second-hand Al Yasmina School
Participants in International Award for Young People silver medal expedition
                                                                                  uniforms are for sale each Thursday
battled severe sand storms and high winds during the final day and night
                                                                                  from 12.30pm - 3pm in the atrium.      UNIFORM DEALS: FOY volunteer
of their three-day trek at Fossil Rock, Sharjah. The winds sweeping in from
                                                                                  Anyone interested in buying or selling Urooj Ahmedani
Saudi Arabia resulted in poor visibility and high levels of dust for the 22
                                                                                  uniforms that are surplus to their
students on the trek, who were forced to remove fly sheets from their tents to
                                                                                  requirements should email Urooj at
stop them blowing away. The students completed their final 9km trek in the
hazardous conditions, battling through clouds of horizontally blowing sand.
The group spent their first day in Wadi Tawian in the emirate of Fujeirah. They
used GPS systems to help them navigate through the dry wadi bed and up a
challenging hill before selecting a camp site on a flat area at the bottom of
the hill. Day two began with a flat trek through another wadi, passing quarries
and small oases and covering the 7km in record time.
                                                                                  SAVE A DATE
                                                                                  Circle May 4 on your calendars - it’s the date for the Al Yasmina ball
                                                                                  at the Crowne Plaza on Yas Island which is being organised by FOY.
The Duke of Edinburgh award was established in 1956 and quickly spread to         Further details - including how to get your tickets - will follow in
Commonwealth countries and beyond, leading to the formation of the Duke           the next newsletter.
of Edinburgh’s International Association. The International Award for Young
People is used to describe the award worldwide.
AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                             issue 2
                                                              MARCH 2012


              Abdulla Bukhashim           Hassan Al Asmawi                 Claire Lynch          William Ayass
              Arabic Islamic Native       Drama                            Economics             Music

                                          Rebecca Von Cotta
              Haya Hassan                 Schonberg                        Alice Von Wedel       Raseel Abu Hassan
              Arabic Islamic Non-native   Drama                            English               PE

              Amro Luqman                 Jess Vickery                     Karen Alexis Girgis   Jess Vickery
              Arabic Native               Drama                            French                Psychology

              Sara Ali                    Wynona Bautista                  Max Buldock           Clara Ziada
              Arabic Non-native           Drama                            Geography             Science

              Shamma Biny Sied            Tommy Wouters                    Mohammad Shahrour     Alina Kamal
              Arabic Social Studies       Drama                            History               Spanish

              Lara Wahed                  Faris Al Ali                     Chloe Quinn
              Art                         Drama                            ICT

              Jenny Goldsmith             Elliott Wilkinson                Shamma Biny Sied
              Business Studies            DT                               Maths

AL YASMINA SCHOOL                                                        issue 2
                                                                         MARCH 2012


QUICK HANDS: Members of the London Saracens Rugby Club put students
through their paces.                                                     NEW SKILLS: KS3 students after their eight weeks rugby coaching.

The Saracens Rugby Club has had a noticeable presence at Al Yasmina School over the past month, with regular coaching sessions by the
local club and a visit from former international players now with the club in London. Al Yasmina students were joined by fellow rugby players
from Brighton College Abu Dhabi and the British International School of Abu Dhabi for a one-off coaching session with the London-based
players, who included Joe Maddock, a former member of the New Zealand Maori team. The students were put into groups and were put
through a series of drills by the professionals, who then took part in a question and answer session with students. Meanwhile, girls and boys
in Key Stage 3 have developed their rugby skills under the guidance of Josh Goad, a coach from the Abu Dhabi Saracens, who spent eight
weeks working with the students during their PE lessons.

POOL SAFE                                                                THIRD PLACE FOR
Six Al Yasmina PE teachers have become qualified lifeguards after        GIRLS IN SEVENS
completing a six-day training programme. The course covered
rescue techniques both in and out of the pool, first aid and also        COMPETITION
focused on recognising conditions that swimmers may have, such
as diabetes and epilepsy, that could contribute to them getting into     Al Yasmina's U-12 and U- 14 girls' football teams both walked away
difficulty in the water.                                                 with third place honours in the annual Dubai football 7s tournament
                                                                         earlier this month. It was the first time many of the players had
Swimming teacher Sarah Brundan says the qualification meets              competed in the tournament, which is the largest football event
new regulations in the UAE which make it compulsory for staff who        ever held in the Middle East. PE teacher Miss Oliver says the day
work around swimming pools to be trained lifeguards. “We also did        was filled with some great performances and solid results for both
the course to make sure we are up-to-date with all issues about          teams. "It was a great day and I would like to send out my thanks to
health and safety in and around the pool,” she says. “Our main           the parents who took the time out of their weekend to transport and
focus is about the safety of all our students while they are in this     support their daughters. Looking forward to next year!"
area.” Al Yasmina has 10 PE teachers, seven of whom are qualified

AL YASMINA SCHOOL                           issue 2
                                            MARCH 2012

                      FAMILY FUN
                     A tug of war, sack races, and an obstacle
                    assault course - these are just some of the
                    activities that brought around 130 families
                        together for Al Yasmina’s first family
                     sports day. The emphasis was on fun for
                    the families who attended, with some fine
                     sporting prowess and a competitive spirit
                    being shown by both the parents and their
                       children. The day was organised by Al
                    Yasmina’s PE department and will become
                    a regular occurrence on the school’s social

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Al yasmina school newsletter issue2

  • 2. WELCOME Welcome to the second issue of The Secondary It also gives Al Yasmina School the chance to celebrate PARTNERSHIP, the official newsletter of the secondary progress and achievement and provide more in depth department at Al Yasmina School. It is emailed to parents information to parents on a wide variety of subjects. on the 1st day of every month or on the last day of term. The Secondary PARTNERSHIP keeps you up-to-date We welcome your feedback. with student activities across the secondary department. CONTENTS Welcome from the head of school, Mr Gale 3 Airline food, snowball fights and disco moves: reports from the ski slopes 4 Focusing on the Arabic Department 5 Study tips from Year 11 students 7 The joys of volunteering 8 How the school supports students 9 Al Yasmina set to become community recycling centre 10 All about maths 11 Work experience sharpens career goals 12 Snippets: a quick look at the history trip, second-hand uniforms and science week 13 Students of the month 14 Sports news 15 Family fun day 16 The Secondary PARTNERSHIP Topics, trends, updates, views and news from the Al Yasmina Secondary Department FUN IN THE SNOW: Pictured on the cover are Al Yasmina's skiers and snowboarders on the slopes in Kitzbuhel, Austria. 2
  • 3. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 2 MARCH 2012 FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL It’s just 22 days since the inaugural issue of The Secondary PARTNERSHIP was sent out to our parent community. I’m delighted to bring you the second edition, along with some of the comments from parents. Improving our communication is a key objective as we move through the round of changes in the school; it’s good to know you think we are on the right track. The end of the term is always a time for reflection and to focus on what’s ahead. This is especially the case at Al Yasmina as we enter into a new phase at the school. As I said in the last newsletter, the show must go on - and it has. Since the change in the school leadership we have been doing some hard thinking. We’re in the process of scrutinising areas of strength and weakness. In other words, we’re having a good, long hard look at what we do and how we do it - and the good news is there will be a very clear way forward. We will tap into expert advice from external providers who will provide support for the school and our staff along the way. The outcome will be a very Comments, feedback and suggestions: clear, realigned vision for the school. Both myself and our teachers will take time over the holidays to reflect on what we want the school to become and how we want “I always knew that there was it to look in September when we open our doors. Our students a lot going on in the secondary will also need to do some thinking over the holidays, focusing on what they need to do to move their learning forward and to school, but I had no idea of the become better learners. There is no time to draw breath as breadth of activities until I read we look towards the final term of the school year. Our GCSE and AS students will need to be focused and determined as this newsletter. The school their exams continue. Our teachers are behind our students should be proud of its pupils 100 per cent, supporting and nurturing them and encouraging and the range of opportunities them to aspire to be the best they can. Read more about these support measures on page 9. Hard work reaps rewards and it makes available to them. Well we’ve again recognised our hard working students who have done.” Year 8 parent. made significant progress by awarding them as students of the month (page 14). Students are nominated by curriculum team leaders in recognition of their effort, progress and attitude. We “I’ve just got one thing to acknowledge student achievement on a frequent basis, ranging from awarding weekly house points, and then by monthly, say - WOW! This magazine is termly and finally yearly rewards which recognise attainment amazing. I’m looking forward to and achievement. Today you’ll be able to access your child’s report online and will be able to see for yourself what progress the next issue.” Year 10 parent. they have made. This has been a particularly action packed term. In term two “Thanks Al Yasmina for such a every year group has had some kind of enriching experience, brilliant magazine. There is a lot whether it is in the classroom, as part of involvement in a show, through after school clubs, educational visits or school trips. to be proud of in the secondary Design deadlines mean we can’t feature some of the events school. I’m forwarding this to over the last couple of days, such as the spring fling, the House the family in the UK who are swimming competitions and the spring concert, but look out for photos next month. Students on the Year 10 Germany trip are always asking just what school travelling from Munich to Berlin today. They arrive back in Abu is like in Abu Dhabi.” Year 11 parent. Dhabi on Monday. Look for pictures and an account of their visit in the next issue of The Secondary PARTNERSHIP. Meanwhile, this issue focuses on the Arabic Department and in the next edition, on May 1, we will look at PE. Enjoy your holidays and thank you for your continuing support. 3
  • 4. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 2 MARCH 2012 KITZBUHEL MEMORIES By Emily Green, Year 10 By Mitchell Bryant, Year 10 On February 18, 38 excited students headed out on their skiing Travelling is not always much fun! Airplane food, crying babies adventure to Kitzbuhel, Austria. I was in the beginner ski group and uncomfortable seats. Well, ignoring that, this year’s ski as I had never skied before. Mr. Stanley, my form tutor, had trip was awesome. The views were out of this world! After some of the funniest falls at the most random moments! Miss spending 2 years in Abu Dhabi without seeing natural snow it Williams also specialised in falling spectacularly and skiing was breathtaking. On the first day, we were shown to our rooms, unintentionally off-piste, whilst Miss Fenning expertly navigated given out gear for the week and were taken out to a small slope her way down and across the slopes. Mr Ward also looked just to practice. The majority of the time we were out on the impressive on a snow board before the week was out. Even slopes or left to have our own snowball fights. I planned to have when we were off the skis we were having fun. Ice skating was built a ramp by the end of the week, but couldn’t do anything hilarious and I got an amazing video of Mr Stanley and Mr Ward without being pelted with a snowball. Every year we have a disco dancing hand in hand on the ice! But the best bit other than at a local club in the town and every year the vibe is great! People skiing would have to be the disco. Everyone had a great time and I didn’t expect to see dancing were in the middle of the dance the dance offs were pretty funny. Karim did a fine job of advising floor. I even ended up having a dance battle against my own the DJ of the latest tracks for the group to bust a move to, and brother! On the last day, everyone was a little depressed knowing rustling up the crowd into a dancing frenzy! Overall it was an we have to leave the winter wonderland that is Kitzbuhel. Overall amazing trip. Everyone had a great time and improved their it was an amazingly fun trip and I am sad to not be able to go next skiing skills hugely. I have made so many new friends and have year. some wonderful memories from our week in Austria. 4
  • 5. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 2 MARCH 2012 STUDENTS URGED TO PRACTISE SPEAKING ARABIC OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM PRACTISE MAKES PERFECT: Mr Abu Saleh encourages students to speak modern standard Arabic at home Practising speaking Arabic at home is essential if students want by the United Nations as the world’s sixth most widely spoken to advance their knowledge of the standard spoken language, language. There are many job opportunities for Arabic speakers the Curriculum Team Leader for Arabic, Islamic Studies in the West. “From work, business and study Arabic is a must and Social Studies, Mr Abu Saleh says. Students are taught for the universal co-existence of the cultures. If you know the modern standard Arabic (MSA) which is not spoken in the basic vocabulary of modern standard Arabic it will immediately everyday world where different dialects of Arabic dominate. It open doors for better understanding of Arab and Muslim is, however, an international Arab language and is increasingly worlds,” Mr Abu Saleh says. being used in business, media and commerce. It is also used the world over by all Muslims when the Qur’an is recited, in their liturgical activities and during Friday sermons, ensuring it ARABIC: WHO TAKES WHAT? will always thrive and never become totally extinct. The following requirements are set by the Ministry of Education and Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC): “The children are not getting the environmental support to • The Arabic language is mandatory for all students from further enhance and develop the skills which they are learning Year 1 to Year 10. Native speakers and some non-native in the classroom,” Mr Abu Saleh says. “This is a problem for speakers also start their GCSE Arabic as a second language both native and non native speakers. I once asked a group of in Y10. more than 200 parents how many spoke modern standard • Emirati students without exception have to study Ministry Arabic at home and no hands were raised. I am therefore asking Arabic & Islamic Studies syllabi throughout to pass a parents to spend 15 minutes a night at the dinner table using Unified Exam conducted by ADEC in Y12. MSA. Your child needs your support to apply the grammar and • Other Arab nationals and non-Arab have to study the two structures that we are teaching them.” subjects in Y11 & Y12 only if they intend to get a Secondary Equivalence Certificate at the end of Y12. Secondary MSA is spoken by the Arabic department’s 20 teachers, both Equivalence Certificate is a prerequisite for admission to amongst themselves and in the classroom. “Modern standard UAE-based colleges and universities recognised by the Arabic is always appreciated and highly regarded. If you speak Ministry of Higher Education. it, you will get respect,” Mr Abu Saleh says. He recognises that • Islamic Studies is mandatory for all Muslim students from Arabic is a challenging language to learn. But he says there Year 1 to Year 12. are many reasons to continue with Arabic studies beyond Key • UAE Social Studies, taught in English, is compulsory for Stage 3. “Arabic is a doorway to the rich Arabic culture. The non-Arab students from Year 4 to Year 9 language will also help you know about Islam, the religion of 1.4 • Arab National students must also study Social Studies, billion people around the world.” Twenty-two countries have which is taught in Arabic, from Year 1 to Year 9 Arabic as their official language and it has been acknowledged 5
  • 6. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 2 MARCH 2012 CHOOSING ARABIC AS A GCSE SUBJECT Sixteen-year-old Nicola Burgess is used to taxi drivers and shopkeepers staring at her in surprise. That’s because the Year 11 student talks to them in Arabic, conversing easily with them and often choosing to use Arabic when they have difficulty understanding her Australian accent. She also practices whatever she has learnt in the classroom in the ‘real world’ as often as she can, seeing it as part of her homework. Nicola is the only European student in her Year 11 GCSE Arabic class. Her interest in the language began before she joined Al Yasmina School when she received intensive one-to-one tutoring. Part of the appeal of Arabic, Nicola says, is the written language. “It’s like writing calligraphy. It’s completely different from other languages. It was difficult to learn at first, but as I learn more it FOCUSING ON ARABIC: Nicola Burgess says learning Arabic is challenging, but rewarding becomes easier.” ARABIC IS A CHALLENGE, EVEN FOR NATIVE SPEAKERS They may be native Arabic speakers, but for three Year 11 students learning modern standard Arabic is almost like learning a whole new language. Lina Sabry (15), Ahmed Aman (15) and Mohamed Arar (16) say that the language is very formal and learning it is at times challenging. The structure and framework is different from the Arabic they use to the point where even saying ‘please’ is different. But they can all see the logic in learning a common form of Arabic that will be understood by those who have a formal education. They see it as an advantage when it comes to job hunting as they can see the drawbacks in speaking Arabic with a regional dialect where the slang used - by both elders and the younger generation - at times makes it difficult for even native speakers to understand LANGUAGE LINKS: Ahmed Aman (left), Mohamed Arar and Lina Sabry each other. ARABIC SPELLING BEE The first ever Arabic spelling competition (Fursan Al-’Imal’) at Al Yasmina School is underway. Eliminations will be held throughout the competition until a winner is revealed at the end of April. It is hoped the competition will nip in the bud the increasingly common practice of using English letters instead of Arabic text when students are writing Arabic words. Fantastic prizes - cash and engraved crystal plaques - are being offered for the top three place getters and the two next best performers. Students will get in extra practice with 10 minutes of each lesson devoted to spelling. Fursan Al-‘Imla’ literally means ‘horse riders of spelling’. In Arabic, the word Faris (singular of Fursan) means horse rider and depicts someone as master or expert so in this case, a spelling expert. COURSE GRADUATES A two-day course specifically for Arabic teachers has been completed by the department’s 20 staff. The course, “Foundations of Interactive Arabic Teaching”, by Pearson, focused on a variety of topics, ranging from recognising different learning styles through to motivating Arabic speakers. PROUD GRADUATES: Teachers in the Arabic department complete their two- day professional development programme 6
  • 7. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 2 MARCH 2012 ENCOURAGING EXAM RESULTS FOR YEAR 12 STUDENTS Year 12 students have received their first exam results - and they show that 66 per cent are either achieving beyond their predicted grades or are exactly where they should be at this stage of their AS programme. The 19 students sat 44 exams in Applied ICT, Biology, Business and Economics, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology in January. They were tested on aspects of the curriculum that they were taught between September and December last year. Al Yasmina uses ALPS (advanced level performance system) which is designed to provide a school with analysis on how students have performed against national benchmarks. It is linked to their attainment in GCSE exams. Post -16 Learning and Progress Leader Mr Ridpath says that at this stage of the academic year marks from the January exam should be within one grade of the students’ target grade. “ALPS says if they are within one grade in January they should in theory achieve their grade by the May/June exam series,” he says. The results show that 43 per cent of students have already achieved their ALPS target and 29 out of the 44 students - or 66 per cent - are within one grade of their target. Mr Ridpath says while these results are very encouraging for most students, some need extra help and intervention is being put in place for students who did not reach their goals (see ‘What Kind of Help Do Year 11 and 12 Students Receive?”, page 9) The next set of exams are between May 14 and June 1, when the Year 12 cohort will sit assessments in 17 different subjects.The second ALPS assessment was done last week so these, along with the exam results, were discussed at a parent’s evening, Mr Ridpath says.”Parents were presented with up-to-date data on how the student is performing at this moment. It meant we were able to have very frank conversations with parents about what students need to do to progress to the next step.” DISCIPLINE AND AMBITION - AND DON’T LEAVE IT TO THE LAST MINUTE Year 12 student Amr Fakhry says hard work, a realistic revision schedule and “amazingly helpful” teachers helped him through his first set of AS exams. He sat Biology, Economics and Business and Physics exams and while he’s “more or less” happy with the marks he achieved, he aims to do even better next time. Amr says it’s essential to come to terms with the techniques, styles and methods needed to answer AS exam questions, which differ completely from what is required for IGCSE and GCSE exams. All answers for AS exams need depth, knowledge, application, evaluation and sometimes analysis. Amr says achieving a balance between study and leisure time is crucial to creating a productive revision schedule. He didn’t study if he was bored or annoyed or hadn’t had a chance to have a night out and a complete break from his revision. “The three weeks off in December were crucial for me, as that’s the STUDY TIPS: Jess Vickery and Amr Fakhry point where you either forget everything before your exams, or use them to achieve what you want. Three to five hours a day were what I needed STOP PRESS! to have time to study, revise, and practice exam questions. The constant motivation by teachers is amazingly helpful. They push you to achieve GCSE GEOGRAPHY AND PRACTICAL PE RESULTS what you’re capable of and sometimes for you to break your expectation Year 11 GCSE Geography students received exceptional results in level and look beyond, especially if your result wasn’t as satisfying or their recent exams. The 18 students sat the Human Environment what you expected.” He says how hard to work is up to the individual. “It geography exam in January and were tested on settlement change all depends on what you want to be. If you’re looking for a decent proper and a moving world (migration). It is worth 25 per cent of their final career and life, you need to work hard enough to get into the competitive grade. market of universities, and the better the university, the better chance of having a better life.” Is there anything in particular he has have learnt • 78% of students smashed their CATs predictions after completing his first of your AS exams? “They’re easy once you’ve • 55% of students gained an A or A* put in the effort, and they’re not the same as IGCSE/GCSE.” • Priyanka Iyer and Hannah Morris achieved 98% each on their papers. (This equates to 100/100 on the uniform mark scale). Learn as you go along, rather than leaving study to the last minute - • Abigail Alexander achieved 96% on her paper that’s the advice from AS student Jess Vickery. “AS exams are very intense and you need to learn over a period of time, so it’s hard to cram Year 11 PE students also completed the practical component at the last minute,” she says. Jess says she revised a lot before her of their GCSE exam, which is worth 60 per cent of their total exams, although this was hard to manage at times because she was marks. The students excelled themselves, achieving on average back in the UK for the holidays. “I literally had to sit in a room and focus. about seven per cent higher than the previous year›s results. The I was studying quite intensely. What I find effective is studying for an students were assessed in front of an external moderator in rugby, hour, having half an hour break and then going back over the work I’d netball, personal survival, competitive swimming and fitness. Every just done.” Jess says she struck a balance between studying and leisure, student scored over 70 per cent with Clare Barwell excelling with 94 finishing her revision by 11am so she could have the rest of the day off. per cent. The theory paper, worth 40 per cent of marks, is in May. 7
  • 8. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 2 MARCH 2012 VOLUNTEER WORK LESSON TIME: Nick Bryant (left) and Sonny Matchett FOR POST-16 THE JOY OF STUDENTSNTS VOLUNTEERING Al Yasmina’s Year 12 students are involved in a wide range of volunteer activities as part of the school’s community It’s easy to see that Nick Bryant has a special relationship with service award programme. The scheme allows them Year 2 student Sonny Matchett. The six-year-old’s eyes light to contribute to the wider community and to develop up when he sees the Year 12 student and he is eager to show self esteem and interpersonal skills and provides an him stories he has written, pictures he has drawn and to tell opportunity for the type of part-time work that they him about how he got all his words right in a recent spelling would have access to in their home countries. It also test. Nick spends two hours a week in the classroom, helping adds weight to CVs prepared for university application. Sonny with his reading and writing and assisting teachers with Students undertaking three A levels commit to two hours administration. He also helped finish off some of the sets for a a week; those studying four A levels contribute one hour recent primary production. “It’s something I never thought I’d a week. Students begin in October and finish in April. The do, but it’s really easy and enjoyable,” Nick says. “Working with students do not participate in the scheme during the lead the little kids is so rewarding because they take in everything up to exams. Two students are involved in the school’s you say and pay a lot of attention. It’s a good feeling to do sustainability programme (see story page 10), one assists something and not expect anything in return.” in the Geography department, four help PE teachers, two run a GCSE history support club, three help in the Fellow Year 12 student Yasmeen Luqman is also discovering art department and three work in the music department. the sense of satisfaction that comes with volunteering. She The school is keen to hear from parents who have any helps Year 2 students with handwriting, reading, Arabic and volunteer opportunities for students. science experiments. Yasmeen’s work at the school has led to her doing further volunteer work with Takatof, a voluntary social programme designed by the Emirates Foundation. “Volunteering gives you an open mind,” Yasmeen says. “At school I’ve learnt how to be patient with the little kids and find ways to explain things to them. It’s fun and what I’m doing makes me feel good on the inside.” BOOK TIME: Yasmeen Luqman with Leo Rhodes (partly obscured), Rasha Hassan Beck and Hadi Sayed 8
  • 9. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 2 MARCH 2012 SUPPORTING STUDENTS TO MAKE PROGRESS I NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT MY CHILD. Al Yasmina School has comprehensive support networks in WHO DO I CONTACT? place for students and systems to let parents know how their There is a clear structure at Al Yasmina for dealing with parents' children are progressing. The Secondary PARTNERSHIP talks concerns. For a pastoral matter, start with your child's Learning to the school’s Learning and Progress Leader for Students, Mrs Mentor. If you feel the situation has not been adequately Peacock. resolved, then talk to your child's Year Leader. If you are not satisfied with the solutions suggested, then refer your concerns to Mrs Peacock, the school's Learning and Progress Leader for HOW DO I KNOW HOW WELL MY CHILD IS Students. There is a different process for academic concerns. PROGRESSING IN SCHOOL? The first port of call for parents is their child's subject teacher. You will receive specific feedback from parent teacher If the issue has not been resolved, parents should make an consultations, which are held twice a year. Parents get a appointment with the student's Curriculum Team Leader. The five-minute slot with each subject teacher who will talk to you third step is to involve the Learning and Progress Leader for about your child's target level or target grade. Target level is Curriculum, Mr Commons. At times, a Learning Mentor may for students in key stage three or Years 7, 8 and 9 and a target contact parents about a matter that may concern them about a grade is given to students in key stage four, or Years 10 and 11. pupil. Teachers will cover the progress your child is making in meeting their target and outline what they need to do to reach this goal. When the school was smaller, and before comprehensive Any secondary school ‘spring fling’ disco this month is the - A issues that are preventing them from making progress systems were in place, parents would talk directly to the whetherfundraiser for a academic or behavioural nature - will major it is of a social, group of World Challenge Year 12 Principal, and many of the parents of our older students are be discussed. are raising money to help build a school in a students who The team members are Rafeh Safdar. Jon Alexander, Daniel used to this approach. Now the school is much larger, this Ugandan village. Brundan, workable.Bryant, Liam Troup, Stefan Bennett, Khalifa in isn't Nicholas Please use the email addresses below to get Reports, which are issued at the end of every term, will also Abdulla, Chloe Moss, Emily Prest, Nicole Crighton and Jess Vickery. touch with the relevant staff member if you need to discuss your give you a clear disco is being organised by child is progressing. Meanwhile, progress. The March 20 indication of how well your 11 students who child's the next cohort of Duke of Edinburgh candidates The structure of each of the10. Some of the group arefirst term completed the adventure section of their silver medal last weekend, leave for Uganda on June three reports differs. The doing the World Challenge as an adventure in its own right, while report provides a target grade or level, indicates whether a spending three daysOF HELP DO YEAR 11 AND 12to know WHAT KIND and two nights in the desert. Want student is above,partor underperforming and of Edinburghareas more about the Duke of Edinburgh programme? for others it is on of the gold medal Duke outlines key STUDENTS RECEIVE? toaward. Uganda was providesfrom a list and the term three work on. Term two chosen data only of developing Year 11 students through a variety Extra support is offered to all report givesby the group, and one or level combined with an countries an end of year grade of the reasons was a team of ways. Voluntary revision sessions are offered by all subject member’s father was reports comment numerically on class at lunchtimes or through extra curriculum evaluative comment. Allborn there, says Chloe Moss, one of teachers, either work,students fundraisingand the trip. The group has been the attitude, homework for participation in class. activities. Specific advice is provided at Year 11 assemblies on on a training exercise in the desert and while conditions dealing with issues such as stress, and this information is also Students resemble the Ugandan countryside, theyawards each did not are nominated for progress and subject were able provided to parents. Students practice completing questions to rehearse situations that could occur under arduous term by their teachers. This is a great way to help parents under timed conditions and hone their skills on reading conditions. see the progress their child is making – and for the school to interpreting exam questions. Marking schemes are explained so celebrate students’ achievements. Nominations are made at the students can better understand what examiners are looking for. end of looked at what to do if someone got lost, or if there was “We each term with certificates given out in award assemblies atan injury to someone following term. Certificates areother the beginning of the in the party. We also practiced also Other measures are put in place for students who need extra skills such as sanitising water,” Chloe says. “We worked given for 100 per cent attendance; the link between attendance assistance. Students who may be struggling with specific and academic outcomes is clearly proven so on the roles and on getting the team together and focusing recognising subjects work with a teacher on a one-to-one basis either after rewarding outstandingto play in the group.”Now the practice that everyone needs attendance is essential. House points school or at lunchtime. The school identifies borderline grade and the more informal notes ingroup’s attention has turned run has been completed, the the school planner also help C/D students and puts plans in place to provide them with extra parents to keep a trackRecent fundraising activities include back to fundraising. of their child’s progress. support. This could mean small group work, or restructuring selling Valentine’s sweets bags, providing refreshments at classes in the final months before exams begin so intensive WHAT DOES IT MEAN IF A STUDENT IS ON match events, organising a cake sale and a charity football support can be provided. Students who need extra support in REPORT? Year 12 boys and the teachers (the teachers between the multiple subjects are indentified in the second term and are emerged victorious). It was attended by Radio One DJs assigned mentors. This is a teacher with whom they have a All end of term reports are scrutinised by Year Leaders. If a Serena, Danny Cee and Flo. Five team members also good relationship and who helps with prioritising, establishing student is getting a 3 or 4 for attitude in five or more subjects raised around 6000dhs by completing a sponsored climb up a revision timetable and helping the student stay motivated. The then the school contacts parents and the student is put on Jebel Hafeet in Al Ain. mentor will act as a mediator if a student is having difficulties a monitoring report. Usually any issues with attitude are remedied over the two-week period while the student is on with a particular subject, approaching the subject teacher on In Uganda, the team will spend a week trekking in the their behalf. report. Key indicators for attitude are having all equipment jungle and a week helping out in a village. The students needed for lessons, being on task and getting work completed. plan to add a roof to an unfinished school building and carry Teachers rate the child's attitude using the amber, green or red Key contact details out any other carpentry work that they can. Fundraising system to provide a quick visual snapshot of the student's day. Year leaders: will go to buy extra building materials in Uganda. It is the Being on report has a focusing affect for the student and is a Year 7: Mr Hetherington end of the monsoon season and the team is expecting wet, supportive way - which involves parents - of looking through a Year 8: Miss Waggett muddy conditions with humid conditions in the forest and school day over a period of time to find patterns of behaviour Year 9: Miss Williams cooler conditions as they climb higher. Chloe says the and helping the student to remedy these. Year 10: Mr MacKinnon group is able to access an comprehensive evacuation plan Year 11: Miss Fenning and will carry a satellite beacon and satellite phone. “It Post-16: Mr Ridpath is very remote, and at times it will be quite scary, but that Learning and progress leader for students: is part of the challenge. But we know if something goes wrong, we can get out quickly. The silver medal for the Learning and progress leader for curriculum: Duke of Edinburgh is testing, it does push you to the limit, and Uganda will do that too. We will work as a team and I will really get to know the people I go to school with!” 9
  • 10. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 2 MARCH 2012 AL YASMINA TO TAB TOTAL BECOME The Al Yasmina School RECYCLING SCHOOL community has put its weight behind a campaign to help Filipino families living in Two Post-16 students are spearheading a drive to introduce poverty. Around 10,300 ring recycling into Al Yasmina School next term. Brandon Rowland pull tabs from soft drink cans and Rafeh Safdar, both in Year 12, plan to get the wider school were brought into the school community on board by the end of the summer term, eventually in an eight-week period and establishing Al Yasmina as a recycling drop off point for local will be sent to the Philippines residents. where they are used to make handcrafts and other Paper recycling boxes will be placed in classrooms in the first merchandise. These items are then sold to help raise money to or second week after the holidays and recycling stations for provide shelter, food and education for children who were living paper, aluminum, polystyrene, plastic and glass will be located on dump sites. The Recycle for a Cause campaign is organised on the first and second floors, in the atrium and by the seating by the Philippine Community Fund (PCF). The ring pulls brought areas near the netball courts. If the recycling is successful at into Al Yasmina School weigh around 2.5kg and will allow PCF the school, the programme will be rolled out to the school to create and sell products worth AED5134. Each ring pull community several weeks later, beginning with the families is worth 50 fils to PCF. The box is starting to fill up again, so of FS1 and 2 students and moving up through the year groups. keep bring the tabs into school so PCF can turn your trash into Recycling boxes will be emptied into large metal cages these treasure. will be emptied by a contractor when they are full and taken to the company's recycling plant. "We plan to start off educating students and then we'll focus on the parents and the school community in general," Brandon says. "We hope our efforts will also reflect positively on Al Yasmina School generally." The students' decision to become involved in a sustainable development is part of their Community Service Award, which involves students working towards a community cause in their free time. They began in the first term by arranging the removal of plastic cups from the school. Brandon and Rafeh have written a proposal to scrap the use of polystyrene from the cafeteria in favour of a more sustainable option. This is being considered by environmental representatives on Student Voice. Geography teacher Miss Williams says she hopes that the initiatives by the school will make people think about more than just disposing of rubbish in an environmentally friendly manner. "The main emphasis is on reducing what ends up in landfill and challenging our personal consumption and ensuring that RING FINGER: Brandon Rowland with the ring pull tabs from soft recycling is not used to appease our conscience," she says. drink cans GREEN FOR EARTH DAY Want to help save the planet? World Earth Day on April 22 is an opportunity for students to get on board by paying 1dhs to make a green pledge and 10dhs to take part in a non uniform day. Students are encouraged to wear green to mark Earth Day, which is the world’s most widely celebrated environmental event. Geography teacher Mr McGuinness says members of the Eco Club will address a whole school assembly next term about Al Yasmina’s involvement. Meanwhile they are focusing on making posters about World Earth Day and decorating the paper and card recycling boxes which are being delivered to POSTER DESIGN: Eva Salter (left), Jenny Howell, Afrah Ali classrooms. and Noor Sanie-Eldin work on promotional material for Earth Day 10
  • 11. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 2 MARCH 2012 FUN MATHS DAY Secondary pupils honed their numerical skills and fundraised for charity as the school joined a worldwide community of mathematicians for World Maths Day. Students raised more than 10,000dhs for Unicef, the official charity for World Maths Day, and the Year 12 World Challenge trip to Uganda. The Uganda trip coffers were boosted by a number of activities organised by Year 12 students, including an opportunity to throw a sponge at a teacher, and to stock up at a popular tuck shop, Endeavour was the winning House on the day, topping the Maths Curriculum Team Leader Mrs Volynchook-Wilson says. points table in activities in maths, science, art and history and edging out Voyager who came a close second, taking the Secondary students were split into House groups and took most points in English, Humanities and PE. In third place was part in activities with a mathematical theme organised by Challenger and Discovery followed in fourth place. six different departments. An on-line stock exchange which allowed students to buy and sell shares made the most profit. The most popular activity was organised by the science 1800  department and involved students buying items to make a 1600  parachute to enable an egg to float gently to the ground from 1400  the school roof. Students also joined an online community of 5.5 1200  Discovery  million mathematicians on the World Maths Day website where 1000  Endeavour  800  challenger  they entered live challenges with up to three students the same 600  voyager  age and mathematical ability. “It was a great day for all the 400  students, who hopefully improved their maths skills, had fun 200  and also raised money for charity and to help the Year 12 group 0  on the road to Uganda,” Mrs Volynchook-Wilson says. Discovery  Endeavour  challenger  voyager  MATHS CHALLENGE Last month's solution is shown below. Well done to Taisir Al Saqri for thinking outside the box. The challenge was: Without lifting your pencil from the page and only drawing 4 straight lines can you pass through every dot in the square below? Tasir's solution is below. THIS MONTH’S CHALLENGE Paul is half as old as Sarah. One year ago Paul’s age was just two fifths of Sarah’s age one year from now. How old are Paul and Sarah? Please email your answers. The solution and the person who solved it correctly will be published in the next newsletter. 11
  • 12. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 2 MARCH 2012 BIG BOOK SWAP More than a hundred books found new homes when secondary students turned out in force for the Big Book Swap. The event was part of World Book Day, which celebrates books, authors, illustrators and reading. Students were asked to bring in books they no longer needed and were given a voucher for each book they donated which they used to exchange for another book on the day. Unclaimed books were donated to the library. Year 7 students swapped the most books, with Year 8 coming a close second. Most of the book swappers were girls. Goals for next year are to attract more male readers and to double the number of books swapped. Thanks to the Year 8s who organised the Big Book Swap: Kelsi Friedenthal, Sarah Binnie, Jess Schonberg, Lamya Al Yazdi, Aya Zeidan and Ramya Iyer. BOOKWORMS: Students at the big book swap. ON THE JOB: Harrison Crawford at the New York University construction site. VALUABLE LESSONS LEARNT ON WORK then try and get the best price for it. He says the week has helped him focus on a possible career. "Before I didn't have a clue about EXPERIENCE what I wanted to do but now I would like to do something with commerce, or possibly procurement as well." Harrison says the staff he met were keen to tell him about their jobs and he had the Work experience has helped one Year 10 pupil sharpen his opportunity to ask lots of questions. He also sat in on meetings. He career goals. Harrison Crawford spent the week with Al Futtaim says what made the week so successful for him was that he was Carillion, which provides services in building construction and civil doing something that interested him. "I would recommend work engineering works. The company sent him to the site offices of experience, but I would say look for something that you would like New York University on Saadiyat Island, which is due to open next to do." year. During his work experience week Harrison spent each of his five days looking at different aspects of the company's operations, Work experience co-coordinator Miss Stephenson says the general beginning with health and safety and moving on to the supply chain, feedback has been positive from both employers and students, design management, procurement and commercial. with many students realising a more focused idea of their future career choices. "We have forged some positive relationships He enjoyed being given real tasks to do, such as working out the with local companies which we hope to maintain and develop into best costs for water proofing in one of the buildings and reviewing partnerships for work experience placements in the future," she door schedules and finding numerous discrepancies in the items says. "Students will use their appraisal forms from employers to ordered. Harrison says he enjoyed working both in commercial and do some self-reflection and assess their strengths in the workplace procurement. "Commercial is good because it's numbers, which I in light of employers’ comments. This will take the form of like, but procurement was interesting too because of the bargaining reflective sessions in PSHE after the Easter holidays when all the side. You don't just buy the item, you scout out the best item and appraisals have been received from employers." 12
  • 13. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 2 MARCH 2012 SNIPPETS THOSE VEXING QUESTIONS... Why don’t my eyes fall out when I sneeze? If I fell into a black hole, where would I go? If you think you know the answers to questions like these - and can scientifically prove your answers - then you may be the winner of a competition being organised by the school as part of National Science Week. This is a week of activities organised by the British Science Association and is designed to highlight how science, technology, BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO GERMAN: Students on the Year 10 history trip receive engineering and maths relates to our everyday lives and to inspire a new some German tips from languages teacher Mr Dumange before their departure. generation of scientists. Science teacher Mr Wan says students in Years 7, 8 and 9 will receive a series of question to try and solve and a booklet of experiments to try at home. Students who produce the most scientific A FIRST-HAND LOOK response to the questions and produce the best book, poster or booklet to show how they did at least two of the experiments from the accompanying AT HISTORY booklet could be the competition winners. The deadline for entries is April 10. “Students will hopefully enjoy doing the experiments, be given a chance to research themes more deeply and gain practical skills and independent The past will come to life for 28 GCSE History students, who are on a week- investigation skills also,” Mr Wan says. long trip to Munich and Berlin. The trip supports two GCSE examination topics - the rise of the Nazis and the Cold War. Curriculum Team Leader for History, Miss Frampton, says the visit will extend the students’ knowledge and increase their empathy for the past. Highlights of the trip include a visit to Checkpoint Charlie and the Brandenburg Gate. The trip has been organised by North Star. Accompanying Al Yasmina staff on the trip is North Star FRESH Director Paul Flaherty, a former British military soldier who speaks fluent German and patrolled the Berlin Wall as part of NATO forces. The students VEGETABLES EACH WEEK return to Abu Dhabi on Sunday. Punyaporn Richmond and two of her children, Rebecca and Alexander, collect a box of fresh vegetables from FOY (Friends of Yasmina) volunteers. Orders are placed and paid for by the first Monday of each month. Email your order to Lindy at and put the payment in the Vegappetit box at reception. Include your name and mobile number. Then, pick up your box each Wednesday after school outside the secondary library. It’s 30dhs for a 2.5kg box and a 5kg box is 55dhs. HARD YARDS: Strong winds and limited visibility meant testing conditions for International Award candidates. TESTING CONDITIONS SECOND FOR INTERNATIONAL HAND AWARD PARTICIPANTS TREASURES Second-hand Al Yasmina School Participants in International Award for Young People silver medal expedition uniforms are for sale each Thursday battled severe sand storms and high winds during the final day and night from 12.30pm - 3pm in the atrium. UNIFORM DEALS: FOY volunteer of their three-day trek at Fossil Rock, Sharjah. The winds sweeping in from Anyone interested in buying or selling Urooj Ahmedani Saudi Arabia resulted in poor visibility and high levels of dust for the 22 uniforms that are surplus to their students on the trek, who were forced to remove fly sheets from their tents to requirements should email Urooj at stop them blowing away. The students completed their final 9km trek in the hazardous conditions, battling through clouds of horizontally blowing sand. The group spent their first day in Wadi Tawian in the emirate of Fujeirah. They used GPS systems to help them navigate through the dry wadi bed and up a challenging hill before selecting a camp site on a flat area at the bottom of the hill. Day two began with a flat trek through another wadi, passing quarries and small oases and covering the 7km in record time. SAVE A DATE Circle May 4 on your calendars - it’s the date for the Al Yasmina ball at the Crowne Plaza on Yas Island which is being organised by FOY. The Duke of Edinburgh award was established in 1956 and quickly spread to Further details - including how to get your tickets - will follow in Commonwealth countries and beyond, leading to the formation of the Duke the next newsletter. of Edinburgh’s International Association. The International Award for Young People is used to describe the award worldwide. 13
  • 14. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 2 MARCH 2012 STUDENTS OF THE MONTH Abdulla Bukhashim Hassan Al Asmawi Claire Lynch William Ayass Arabic Islamic Native Drama Economics Music Rebecca Von Cotta Haya Hassan Schonberg Alice Von Wedel Raseel Abu Hassan Arabic Islamic Non-native Drama English PE Amro Luqman Jess Vickery Karen Alexis Girgis Jess Vickery Arabic Native Drama French Psychology Sara Ali Wynona Bautista Max Buldock Clara Ziada Arabic Non-native Drama Geography Science Shamma Biny Sied Tommy Wouters Mohammad Shahrour Alina Kamal Arabic Social Studies Drama History Spanish Lara Wahed Faris Al Ali Chloe Quinn Art Drama ICT Jenny Goldsmith Elliott Wilkinson Shamma Biny Sied Business Studies DT Maths 14
  • 15. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 2 MARCH 2012 SPORTS NEWS QUICK HANDS: Members of the London Saracens Rugby Club put students through their paces. NEW SKILLS: KS3 students after their eight weeks rugby coaching. SARACENS VISITORS The Saracens Rugby Club has had a noticeable presence at Al Yasmina School over the past month, with regular coaching sessions by the local club and a visit from former international players now with the club in London. Al Yasmina students were joined by fellow rugby players from Brighton College Abu Dhabi and the British International School of Abu Dhabi for a one-off coaching session with the London-based players, who included Joe Maddock, a former member of the New Zealand Maori team. The students were put into groups and were put through a series of drills by the professionals, who then took part in a question and answer session with students. Meanwhile, girls and boys in Key Stage 3 have developed their rugby skills under the guidance of Josh Goad, a coach from the Abu Dhabi Saracens, who spent eight weeks working with the students during their PE lessons. POOL SAFE THIRD PLACE FOR Six Al Yasmina PE teachers have become qualified lifeguards after GIRLS IN SEVENS completing a six-day training programme. The course covered rescue techniques both in and out of the pool, first aid and also COMPETITION focused on recognising conditions that swimmers may have, such as diabetes and epilepsy, that could contribute to them getting into Al Yasmina's U-12 and U- 14 girls' football teams both walked away difficulty in the water. with third place honours in the annual Dubai football 7s tournament earlier this month. It was the first time many of the players had Swimming teacher Sarah Brundan says the qualification meets competed in the tournament, which is the largest football event new regulations in the UAE which make it compulsory for staff who ever held in the Middle East. PE teacher Miss Oliver says the day work around swimming pools to be trained lifeguards. “We also did was filled with some great performances and solid results for both the course to make sure we are up-to-date with all issues about teams. "It was a great day and I would like to send out my thanks to health and safety in and around the pool,” she says. “Our main the parents who took the time out of their weekend to transport and focus is about the safety of all our students while they are in this support their daughters. Looking forward to next year!" area.” Al Yasmina has 10 PE teachers, seven of whom are qualified lifeguards. 15
  • 16. AL YASMINA SCHOOL issue 2 MARCH 2012 FAMILY FUN A tug of war, sack races, and an obstacle assault course - these are just some of the activities that brought around 130 families together for Al Yasmina’s first family sports day. The emphasis was on fun for the families who attended, with some fine sporting prowess and a competitive spirit being shown by both the parents and their children. The day was organised by Al Yasmina’s PE department and will become a regular occurrence on the school’s social calendar.