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Power Up: Life &
Commitment Resilience Motivation Communication
Power Up: Life & Work
Commit to Success
Overcome Adversity
Increase your EQ
Harness Criticism
Build Investment Relationships
Our Work: Together
 I’mMeg Duggan, your facilitator for the
 next 12 weeks. I am an entrepreneur,
 author, educator and non-profit
 executive. I’m here to ensure that you
 get the very best from this course, and am
 available to you throughout the run of the
 class. Please feel free to email me.
This course is all about putting theory into

Much of the information we’ll be presenting
will be familiar to you. Our work here will be
about applying these ideas to you daily life,
starting today.

Power up and reclaim the best of your life.
Our Schedule
  Odd Weeks              Even Weeks
 We’llspend 10 to      We’lldiscuss your
 15 minutes running     results from the
 through the week’s     previous week, and
 lesson and the rest    open the
 of our time in         discussion to points
 guided discussion.     of interest from
                        each of you.
Group Privacy Policy
Like Fine Wine provides a confidential, safe and non-
judgmental environment for women to come learn, grow and
share. We will not disclose any of your personal or particular
information without asking permission and then securing your
release in writing.
In return, we ask that every member of the class offer each
other the same courtesy. Actively participate in class
discussions and respect others while they are sharing their
insights. Feel free to talk about what you are learning in class.
Be excited to make a difference in your community. Do not,
however, discuss any names or personal information gathered
in the classroom. Take advantage of everything the LFW
community has to offer while respecting everyone in it.
We appreciate your enthusiasm and look forward to growing
with you
Week One
Commit     to Success

   Revitalize
            Your Commitment
   Take Ownership and Move Forward
   Re-Commit with Passion and Clarity
 Set the goal, see the steps, follow through.
 Commitment begins with WRITTEN goals.
 Measure your progress to maintain your
 Surround yourself with other committed
 Acknowledge your own power.
 Imagine it! Imagination is intelligence
  having fun…
Learn It and Live It
The Attributes of Committed People
   They write and verbalize their commitments. This
    doesn’t mean sitting around talking about what they
    want to do! They put their goals into words and then get
   They’re realistic. They don’t over-promise and under-
   They invest in achieving their goals.
   They don’t beat themselves up for falling short. They use
    experiences to learn and continue their process.
   They plan their lives around what it takes to achieve a
    goal. They are focused, and they make success a top
3 Things You Can Do
 Stay the course. If your goal is worth
  committing to, it is worth the price that
  comes with passionate commitment.
 Surround yourself with people who are
  equally committed and passionate.
 Clarify your commitments. Put your goals
  into words and write them down.
 Make an investment in yourself and your
Discussion Questions
   Does  it feel possible to take ownership and
    responsibility at work? Why or why not?
   What is taking precedence over your time
    and energy that is keeping you from meeting
    your career goals?
   Have you set your goals or has someone else
    set them for you? Can you clearly state a
    work goal that also encompasses your life
   Are there investments you should be making
    in yourself or other people? Your education?
This week….
                 Clarify your
                  commitment. Put your
                  goals into words and
                  write them down. For
                  next week, prepare
                  your personal elevator
                  statement. In 2
                  minutes or less,
                  describe what your
                  goals and dreams are
                  for YOURSELF for the
                  next 2 years.
Week Two - Discussion
 Share
      your elevator    Did you encounter
 speech.                any difficulties
                        while writing your
                        elevator speech?
                       Did you identify
                        any new goals?
Week Three: Overcoming
 Learning   to overcome adversity is a
  critical turning point on your road to
 Those who are effective in the face of
  adversity make a conscious choice to
  spend their energy attacking a problem
  and moving forward.
 Your choice is your power. Are you mired
  or motivated?
Five Steps to Success During
Adverse Times
 Recognize   - Acknowledge what is and
  what is not lost. Even in the worst of times,
  we need to understand that all is not lost
  and that we have the power to make
  choices and move forward.
 See – Find your vision. Adversity limits our
  sight and blinds us to all but the
  challenges of the moment. Move past
  “why” and see “where” in your future.
Five Steps (cont)
 Reach  – Allow help in. Don’t struggle
  alone when someone just a phone call
  away might be able to move you
 Move – Adversity causes many of us to
  panic, freeze and stop because all we
  can see are roadblocks and barriers.
  People respond best to crisis when they
  maximize their forward motion. Find
  something to do. Make a plan, any plan.
Five Steps (cont)
 Celebrate  - Find something to celebrate,
 however small it may seem. Celebration
 feeds our positive energy and our sense of
 hope. It nourishes our spirits, refreshes our
 attitudes, and gives us strength to fight off
 attacks of negativism and fear that
 accompany adversity.
Discussion Questions

    When   adversity strikes, do you get mired or
     motivated? When have you been mired or
     motivated? What got you motivated to
     move ahead?
    Who in your circle has admirably overcome
     adversity? What skills did they employ?
    When has adversity in your life turned out to
     be a “blessing in disguise?” When did you
     realize and celebrate adversity into
This Week…
             Think about an adverse
             event in your life. How did
             you overcome the event?
             Which of the five steps did
             you use? Do you have
             additional insights to share?
             What, if anything, would you
             differently today that might
             have mitigated your pain?
Week 4 - Discussion
 Share  your        What   tools for
 thoughts on an       overcoming
 adverse event in     adversity were
 your life.           brought into focus
                      for you?
                     Will you handle
                      adverse events
Week Five – Emotional
Intelligence Part One
 What accounts for the large part of
 success at work and at home that is not
 due to IQ, skills or specialized knowledge?
 Many believe it is Emotional Intelligence
 (EQ), the ability to understand and use
 emotions in a positive manner.
Emotional Intelligence – 4
Recognizing Emotions
Understanding Emotions
Regulating Emotions
Using Emotions
Attending To Yourself
   Recognizing your own emotions gives you
    important cues about your own judgments
    and behaviors.
   Recognizing emotions in others gives you
    critical information about them; emotions are
    information and are useful in the pursuit of
    your goals.
   Emotional cues include facial expressions,
    voice tone, volume and modulation and
    body language.
Understanding Your Emotions
 Ask yourself why? What is the cause of
  these emotions? What are the
  consequences of acting from this
 Anticipate how your emotions and
  emotional behavior will affect others.
 Learn to take another’s perspective.
  What is the other person feeling? Why?
Discussion Question –
Recognizing Emotions
 To a considerable degree, how you
 interpret and react to your own emotions
 and those of others is learned. Think about
 how your parents, siblings, friends,
 coworkers and bosses have been
 influential. How might you seek out and
 acquire new constructive responses?
Discussion Questions –
Recognizing Emotion
    I feel, I act?              I feel, I act.
   I am happy when:           Which emotions are
   I am sad when:              easiest for me to
   I am fearful when:         How do my reactions
   I am frustrated when:       and behavior reflect
   I am angry when:            my feelings?
   I am excited when:         How might outcomes
                                and relationships be
   I hate it when:             different if I react
   I am lonely when:           differently?
Discussion Questions –
Emotions in Others
    Attending to Others              Attending To Myself
   Which emotions in others        What distinguishes those
    am I able to accurately          situations in which I am
                                     accurately able to
    identify? On which do I          identify emotions in
    need work?                       others, from those in
   Am I more likely to attend       which I cannot?
    to facial expressions,          Do I assume that other’s
                                     words are accurate
    voice or body language?          reflections of their feelings
                                     and look no further?
                                    How do I react to others
                                     in emotional situations?
The Take Away
   Monitor your own emotional states frequently.
    Recognize your emotions and learn
    thoughtful and deliberate responses. Attend
    to how you feel and how you are reacting.
   Pay attention to what you are feeling and
    why you are feeling it. Notice the connection
    between what you are feeling and what you
    say or do.
   Take note of how your feelings are affecting
    your relationships with others.
For Next Week:
 Keep  an emotional diary for the next
  week. Record how you felt at various
  points throughout your day, what
  triggered those feelings and how you
 Also note your responses to other
  people’s emotions. What are your
  personal emotional dynamics?
Week 6 – Discussion
 Share
      from your      Did  you discover
 emotional diary.     any situations that
                      are highly charged
                      for you?
                     Does attending to
                      and monitoring
                      your emotions
                      change how you
                      express them?
Week 7 – Emotional
Intelligence Part 2
 Regulating   and Using Emotions

         Peak Performance

 Low Arousal               High Arousal
 Maximize    your performance
 Persist through frustration and temptation
 Inhibit destructive responses to
 Make it easier to “Do the Right Thing”
Paths to Emotional Regulation
 Self suppression – Delay responses, take a
  “time out”
 Cognitive Reappraisal – change the
  personal meaning you attach to the
 Shift attention – learn to focus your
  attention away from the situation that is
  causing you high arousal
On Anger…
 Anger    is one of the most destructive
  emotions at home and at work.
 You can control some of your anger and
  all of the ways you express anger.
 Controlling anger requires both external
  and internal processes.
 FIRST – you need time. Step away from
  the situation.
    Internal Controls                       External Controls
   Remind yourself that “angry” is        Explain that you are angry and
    not the image you want to               why, and that you want to
    present                                 discuss and resolve the issue.
   Repeat to yourself “I am in            Begin sentences with “I” rather
    control and the anger I feel will       than “you”
    pass.”                                 Never direct your anger at
   Reframe: "You make me                   another persons personality or
    angry” to “I will deal with my          intellect
    anger constructively”                  Balance expressed anger with
   Ask yourself what other                 care, concern and
    situations in your life might be        appreciation.
    contributing to your current           Don’t yet. Increased volume
    emotions?                               escalates emotions and
Regulating Emotions in Others

 Being emotionally intelligent means
 comforting, encouraging, motivating and
 calming others as you build relationships,
 reduce tension and resolve conflict.
 Listening will often be the first, best and
 sometimes the only thing you can do.
Active Listening
 Active
       listening means being attentive
 and working to understand the message
 and emotions being expressed. It means
 attending to verbal as well as nonverbal
 cues. Active Listening:
    Makes the speaker feel free to talk openly
     and honestly
    Makes the speaker feel he or she is being
Principles of Active Listening
   Ask open-ended questions rather than questions
    that can be answered with a “yes or no”
   Don’t be afraid on silence. After asking a
    question, wait long enough for the other person to
    think about and formulate their answer.
   Ask for examples to clarify
   Restate or summarize what you think has been
   Let the other person know when you understand
    and when you don’t.
Discussion Questions
   What changes have the
    greatest priority for
    you(e.g. recognizing or
    expressing emotions,
    controlling anger,
    attending to the
    emotional states of
   What changes, if not
    made, will be
    detrimental to your
    personal and
For Next Week…
   Continue on with your emotional diary, but
    assess yourself.
       What do I do well?
       What areas need improvement?
       Was I attentive to verbal and nonverbal cues?
       Am I accurate in my perspective taking?
       Am I honest and informative when I express my
       Do I control my emotions, or do they control
Week 8 - Discussion
 From  your diary,     What  techniques
  share what you do     did you apply last
  well.                 week? What
 In what areas         situations arose?
  could you stand to       Verbal/Non Verbal
 How well do you
                           Active Listening?
  control your
  emotions?                Self-regulation?
Week 9 – Give and Receive

 Criticism laser focuses fragmented
  attention on some of the more important
  aspects of our jobs and lives.
 Criticism is a teaching tool – but more
  importantly it is a learning tool.
Receiving Criticism
   Acknowledge criticism as feedback.
    Ask – who is offering this criticism? Are they
    qualified? Is their intent to help or hurt?
   Stay positive. Don’t put your self-esteem at
    the mercy of others.
   If the criticism seems personal, attempt to
    reframe it to specific behaviors.
   Pay attention to feedback and adjust your
    behaviors accordingly.
Make Criticism Your Choice
 Be  aware that criticism comes with
  success. Embrace it and learn from it.
 Accept constructive criticism as a gift. Let
  it enlighten you about the changes you
  need to make.
 Acknowledge that criticism is a learning
  tool, as well as a teaching tool.
Discussion Questions

Why is it our natural instinct to become
defensive about criticism? What can we do
about this reaction?

 Can you name a time when criticism was
 the catalyst of your success?

 Whencan criticism be correct, but
Giving Feedback to Others
 Constructive  criticism should address an
  area that needs improving but does not
  speak to the person’s self.
 Criticism should be a reasoned,
  unemotional response in an effort to
 Criticism works best when the timing is
Discussion Questions
 In your organization, is there a
  standardized, formal structure for
  feedback and criticism? Does it work?
 What improvements could be made to
  the system?
 How are your constructive criticism tools?
  Do you find that you are able to affect
  change with inflicting pain?
For Next Week:

 Write a criticism of this course and of your
Week 10 - Discussion
 Lets
     talk about this       Did you have an
 course! Is it helpful?    occasion to give or
 What could we be          receive feedback
 doing better?             last week? How
 What are we doing         did it go? Where
 well?                     you able to
                           separate the
                           personal from the
Week 11- Building Investment
Investing in Relationships
 The ability to develop trust and get along
  with others is a basic requirement for
 Healthy, energizing relationships take time
  and energy from both people involved.
  Healthy relationships will grow and
  change over time.
Individuals in Healthy
   Are interested in the feelings, concerns and
    dreams of others.
   Are wiling to take responsibility for improving
    the relationship and encourage other people
    to do the same.
   Understand that other people bring not only
    good but also bring some negative baggage
    from other relationships.
   Know that their actions affect other people’s
    happiness and success.
 Research  shows that the basis for all
 healthy relationships is trust. Trust in a
 relationship is characterized by:
   A  willingness to talk through problems
    Feeling safe to share openly
    The development of a comfortable way to
     share positive and negative feelings
Choose Wisely
 One  of the most important choices we
 make is whom we hang around with. We
 will become like the five people we spend
 the most time with. Be careful who you
 choose to invest your time in!
Improving Relationships
   Your relationships reflect the relationship you have
    with yourself. Treat yourself with caring
    acceptance and gentle compassion.
   Show people you care about them with positive
    thoughts and deeds. Inspire respect and cause
    others to value their relationship with you.
   Take time to make contact and nurture your
   Be willing to compromise. The ultimate test of a
    relationship is to disagree but to respect the other
   Practice forgiveness when the relationship is
The Take Away
   Focus on building positive relationships with
    your peers, subordinates, friends and bosses.
    Invest time in recognizing your professional
    relationships. For those who are making a
    difference in your life, take the time to write
    them a note and express your appreciation.
   Become a mentor for others.
   Make wise choices about relationship
Discussion Questions
 What   relationships are having the most
  impact on your success?
 How much time are you spending
  nurturing your relationships and mentoring
 What can you do, today, to develop
  positive relationships in your life?
For Next Week…
 What  was the most important take-away
  from our class?
 Have you made any changes and seen
  any improvements?
 What remains most difficult for you?
Week 12 – The Wrap Up
 Thanks  to you all for being so engaged
  and interested these past 12 weeks.
Lets talk about where we are now, and
where we hope to go!
 Anyone revise their elevator speech?
 Did you build any relationships in or out of
  our group?
 What’s changed for you?

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Power Up! Commitment, Resiliance, Motivation, Communication

  • 1. Power Up: Life & Work Commitment Resilience Motivation Communication
  • 2. Power Up: Life & Work Commit to Success Overcome Adversity Increase your EQ Harness Criticism Build Investment Relationships
  • 3. Our Work: Together  I’mMeg Duggan, your facilitator for the next 12 weeks. I am an entrepreneur, author, educator and non-profit executive. I’m here to ensure that you get the very best from this course, and am available to you throughout the run of the class. Please feel free to email me. 
  • 4. Overview This course is all about putting theory into practice. Much of the information we’ll be presenting will be familiar to you. Our work here will be about applying these ideas to you daily life, starting today. Power up and reclaim the best of your life.
  • 5. Our Schedule Odd Weeks Even Weeks  We’llspend 10 to  We’lldiscuss your 15 minutes running results from the through the week’s previous week, and lesson and the rest open the of our time in discussion to points guided discussion. of interest from each of you.
  • 6. Group Privacy Policy Like Fine Wine provides a confidential, safe and non- judgmental environment for women to come learn, grow and share. We will not disclose any of your personal or particular information without asking permission and then securing your release in writing. In return, we ask that every member of the class offer each other the same courtesy. Actively participate in class discussions and respect others while they are sharing their insights. Feel free to talk about what you are learning in class. Be excited to make a difference in your community. Do not, however, discuss any names or personal information gathered in the classroom. Take advantage of everything the LFW community has to offer while respecting everyone in it. We appreciate your enthusiasm and look forward to growing with you
  • 7. Week One Commit to Success  Revitalize Your Commitment  Take Ownership and Move Forward  Re-Commit with Passion and Clarity
  • 8.
  • 9. Commitment  Set the goal, see the steps, follow through.  Commitment begins with WRITTEN goals.  Measure your progress to maintain your commitment.  Surround yourself with other committed people.  Acknowledge your own power.  Imagine it! Imagination is intelligence having fun…
  • 10. Learn It and Live It The Attributes of Committed People  They write and verbalize their commitments. This doesn’t mean sitting around talking about what they want to do! They put their goals into words and then get busy.  They’re realistic. They don’t over-promise and under- deliver.  They invest in achieving their goals.  They don’t beat themselves up for falling short. They use experiences to learn and continue their process.  They plan their lives around what it takes to achieve a goal. They are focused, and they make success a top priority.
  • 11. 3 Things You Can Do  Stay the course. If your goal is worth committing to, it is worth the price that comes with passionate commitment.  Surround yourself with people who are equally committed and passionate.  Clarify your commitments. Put your goals into words and write them down.  Make an investment in yourself and your goals.
  • 12.
  • 13. Discussion Questions  Does it feel possible to take ownership and responsibility at work? Why or why not?  What is taking precedence over your time and energy that is keeping you from meeting your career goals?  Have you set your goals or has someone else set them for you? Can you clearly state a work goal that also encompasses your life goals?  Are there investments you should be making in yourself or other people? Your education?
  • 14. This week….  Clarify your commitment. Put your goals into words and write them down. For next week, prepare your personal elevator statement. In 2 minutes or less, describe what your goals and dreams are for YOURSELF for the next 2 years.
  • 15. Week Two - Discussion  Share your elevator  Did you encounter speech. any difficulties while writing your elevator speech?  Did you identify any new goals?
  • 16. Week Three: Overcoming Adversity  Learning to overcome adversity is a critical turning point on your road to success.  Those who are effective in the face of adversity make a conscious choice to spend their energy attacking a problem and moving forward.  Your choice is your power. Are you mired or motivated?
  • 17. Five Steps to Success During Adverse Times  Recognize - Acknowledge what is and what is not lost. Even in the worst of times, we need to understand that all is not lost and that we have the power to make choices and move forward.  See – Find your vision. Adversity limits our sight and blinds us to all but the challenges of the moment. Move past “why” and see “where” in your future.
  • 18. Five Steps (cont)  Reach – Allow help in. Don’t struggle alone when someone just a phone call away might be able to move you forward.  Move – Adversity causes many of us to panic, freeze and stop because all we can see are roadblocks and barriers. People respond best to crisis when they maximize their forward motion. Find something to do. Make a plan, any plan.
  • 19. Five Steps (cont)  Celebrate - Find something to celebrate, however small it may seem. Celebration feeds our positive energy and our sense of hope. It nourishes our spirits, refreshes our attitudes, and gives us strength to fight off attacks of negativism and fear that accompany adversity.
  • 20. Discussion Questions  When adversity strikes, do you get mired or motivated? When have you been mired or motivated? What got you motivated to move ahead?  Who in your circle has admirably overcome adversity? What skills did they employ?  When has adversity in your life turned out to be a “blessing in disguise?” When did you realize and celebrate adversity into adventure?
  • 21. This Week… Think about an adverse event in your life. How did you overcome the event? Which of the five steps did you use? Do you have additional insights to share? What, if anything, would you differently today that might have mitigated your pain?
  • 22. Week 4 - Discussion  Share your  What tools for thoughts on an overcoming adverse event in adversity were your life. brought into focus for you?  Will you handle forthcoming adverse events differently?
  • 23. Week Five – Emotional Intelligence Part One  What accounts for the large part of success at work and at home that is not due to IQ, skills or specialized knowledge? Many believe it is Emotional Intelligence (EQ), the ability to understand and use emotions in a positive manner.
  • 24.
  • 25. Emotional Intelligence – 4 Aspects Recognizing Emotions Understanding Emotions Regulating Emotions Using Emotions
  • 26. Attending To Yourself  Recognizing your own emotions gives you important cues about your own judgments and behaviors.  Recognizing emotions in others gives you critical information about them; emotions are information and are useful in the pursuit of your goals.  Emotional cues include facial expressions, voice tone, volume and modulation and body language.
  • 27. Understanding Your Emotions  Ask yourself why? What is the cause of these emotions? What are the consequences of acting from this emotion?  Anticipate how your emotions and emotional behavior will affect others.  Learn to take another’s perspective. What is the other person feeling? Why?
  • 29. Discussion Question – Recognizing Emotions  To a considerable degree, how you interpret and react to your own emotions and those of others is learned. Think about how your parents, siblings, friends, coworkers and bosses have been influential. How might you seek out and acquire new constructive responses?
  • 30. Discussion Questions – Recognizing Emotion I feel, I act? I feel, I act.  I am happy when:  Which emotions are  I am sad when: easiest for me to express?  I am fearful when:  How do my reactions  I am frustrated when: and behavior reflect  I am angry when: my feelings?  I am excited when:  How might outcomes and relationships be  I hate it when: different if I react  I am lonely when: differently?
  • 31.
  • 32. Discussion Questions – Emotions in Others Attending to Others Attending To Myself  Which emotions in others  What distinguishes those am I able to accurately situations in which I am accurately able to identify? On which do I identify emotions in need work? others, from those in  Am I more likely to attend which I cannot? to facial expressions,  Do I assume that other’s words are accurate voice or body language? reflections of their feelings and look no further?  How do I react to others in emotional situations?
  • 33. The Take Away  Monitor your own emotional states frequently. Recognize your emotions and learn thoughtful and deliberate responses. Attend to how you feel and how you are reacting.  Pay attention to what you are feeling and why you are feeling it. Notice the connection between what you are feeling and what you say or do.  Take note of how your feelings are affecting your relationships with others.
  • 34. For Next Week:  Keep an emotional diary for the next week. Record how you felt at various points throughout your day, what triggered those feelings and how you responded.  Also note your responses to other people’s emotions. What are your personal emotional dynamics?
  • 35. Week 6 – Discussion  Share from your  Did you discover emotional diary. any situations that are highly charged for you?  Does attending to and monitoring your emotions change how you express them?
  • 36. Week 7 – Emotional Intelligence Part 2  Regulating and Using Emotions Peak Performance Low Arousal High Arousal
  • 37. Benefits  Maximize your performance  Persist through frustration and temptation  Inhibit destructive responses to provocation  Make it easier to “Do the Right Thing”
  • 38. Paths to Emotional Regulation  Self suppression – Delay responses, take a “time out”  Cognitive Reappraisal – change the personal meaning you attach to the situation  Shift attention – learn to focus your attention away from the situation that is causing you high arousal
  • 39. On Anger…  Anger is one of the most destructive emotions at home and at work.  You can control some of your anger and all of the ways you express anger.  Controlling anger requires both external and internal processes.  FIRST – you need time. Step away from the situation.
  • 40.
  • 41. Anger… Internal Controls External Controls  Remind yourself that “angry” is  Explain that you are angry and not the image you want to why, and that you want to present discuss and resolve the issue.  Repeat to yourself “I am in  Begin sentences with “I” rather control and the anger I feel will than “you” pass.”  Never direct your anger at  Reframe: "You make me another persons personality or angry” to “I will deal with my intellect anger constructively”  Balance expressed anger with  Ask yourself what other care, concern and situations in your life might be appreciation. contributing to your current  Don’t yet. Increased volume emotions? escalates emotions and conflict.
  • 42. Regulating Emotions in Others  Being emotionally intelligent means comforting, encouraging, motivating and calming others as you build relationships, reduce tension and resolve conflict. Listening will often be the first, best and sometimes the only thing you can do.
  • 43. Active Listening  Active listening means being attentive and working to understand the message and emotions being expressed. It means attending to verbal as well as nonverbal cues. Active Listening:  Makes the speaker feel free to talk openly and honestly  Makes the speaker feel he or she is being understood.
  • 44. Principles of Active Listening  Ask open-ended questions rather than questions that can be answered with a “yes or no”  Don’t be afraid on silence. After asking a question, wait long enough for the other person to think about and formulate their answer.  Ask for examples to clarify  Restate or summarize what you think has been said.  Let the other person know when you understand and when you don’t.
  • 45. Discussion Questions  What changes have the greatest priority for you(e.g. recognizing or expressing emotions, controlling anger, attending to the emotional states of others)?  What changes, if not made, will be detrimental to your personal and professional relationships?
  • 46. For Next Week…  Continue on with your emotional diary, but assess yourself.  What do I do well?  What areas need improvement?  Was I attentive to verbal and nonverbal cues?  Am I accurate in my perspective taking?  Am I honest and informative when I express my feelings?  Do I control my emotions, or do they control me?
  • 47. Week 8 - Discussion  From your diary,  What techniques share what you do did you apply last well. week? What  In what areas situations arose? could you stand to  Verbal/Non Verbal improve? cuing?  How well do you  Active Listening? control your emotions?  Self-regulation?
  • 48. Week 9 – Give and Receive Criticism  CHOOSE TO EMBRACE CRITICISM!  Criticism laser focuses fragmented attention on some of the more important aspects of our jobs and lives.  Criticism is a teaching tool – but more importantly it is a learning tool.
  • 49.
  • 50. Receiving Criticism  Acknowledge criticism as feedback.  Ask – who is offering this criticism? Are they qualified? Is their intent to help or hurt?  Stay positive. Don’t put your self-esteem at the mercy of others.  If the criticism seems personal, attempt to reframe it to specific behaviors.  Pay attention to feedback and adjust your behaviors accordingly.
  • 51. Make Criticism Your Choice  Be aware that criticism comes with success. Embrace it and learn from it.  Accept constructive criticism as a gift. Let it enlighten you about the changes you need to make.  Acknowledge that criticism is a learning tool, as well as a teaching tool.
  • 52. Discussion Questions Why is it our natural instinct to become defensive about criticism? What can we do about this reaction?  Can you name a time when criticism was the catalyst of your success?  Whencan criticism be correct, but wrong?
  • 53.
  • 54. Giving Feedback to Others  Constructive criticism should address an area that needs improving but does not speak to the person’s self.  Criticism should be a reasoned, unemotional response in an effort to teach.  Criticism works best when the timing is right.
  • 55. Discussion Questions  In your organization, is there a standardized, formal structure for feedback and criticism? Does it work?  What improvements could be made to the system?  How are your constructive criticism tools? Do you find that you are able to affect change with inflicting pain?
  • 56. For Next Week:  Write a criticism of this course and of your facilitator.
  • 57. Week 10 - Discussion  Lets talk about this  Did you have an course! Is it helpful? occasion to give or What could we be receive feedback doing better? last week? How What are we doing did it go? Where well? you able to separate the personal from the professional?
  • 58. Week 11- Building Investment Relationships
  • 59. Investing in Relationships  The ability to develop trust and get along with others is a basic requirement for success.  Healthy, energizing relationships take time and energy from both people involved. Healthy relationships will grow and change over time.
  • 60. Individuals in Healthy Relationships…  Are interested in the feelings, concerns and dreams of others.  Are wiling to take responsibility for improving the relationship and encourage other people to do the same.  Understand that other people bring not only good but also bring some negative baggage from other relationships.  Know that their actions affect other people’s happiness and success.
  • 61. Trust  Research shows that the basis for all healthy relationships is trust. Trust in a relationship is characterized by: A willingness to talk through problems  Feeling safe to share openly  The development of a comfortable way to share positive and negative feelings
  • 62. Choose Wisely  One of the most important choices we make is whom we hang around with. We will become like the five people we spend the most time with. Be careful who you choose to invest your time in!
  • 63.
  • 64. Improving Relationships  Your relationships reflect the relationship you have with yourself. Treat yourself with caring acceptance and gentle compassion.  Show people you care about them with positive thoughts and deeds. Inspire respect and cause others to value their relationship with you.  Take time to make contact and nurture your relationships.  Be willing to compromise. The ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but to respect the other person.  Practice forgiveness when the relationship is tested.
  • 65. The Take Away  Focus on building positive relationships with your peers, subordinates, friends and bosses. Invest time in recognizing your professional relationships. For those who are making a difference in your life, take the time to write them a note and express your appreciation.  Become a mentor for others.  Make wise choices about relationship investments.
  • 66. Discussion Questions  What relationships are having the most impact on your success?  How much time are you spending nurturing your relationships and mentoring others?  What can you do, today, to develop positive relationships in your life?
  • 67. For Next Week…  What was the most important take-away from our class?  Have you made any changes and seen any improvements?  What remains most difficult for you?
  • 68. Week 12 – The Wrap Up  Thanks to you all for being so engaged and interested these past 12 weeks. Lets talk about where we are now, and where we hope to go!  Anyone revise their elevator speech?  Did you build any relationships in or out of our group?  What’s changed for you?

Editor's Notes

  1. Bees survive the winter by forming an ever moving ball. The bees on the inside are toasty warm while the bees on the outside are freezing. Then, they all change places. If the bees in the center were to refuse to change places, the entire hive would eventually die. The bees cannot survive without teamwork, nor can we.