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Deborah Jones, Kevin Jones, AngeleinaValentine and
Michael Johnson (VA facilitator)
 Power to Choose is a Christ-Centered
Program to help individuals access God’s
power for making life-changing decisions
over life-controlling problems. ~Mike S.
 To help self discover who they are and
who they are in Christ and/or to help
someone else
 Sunday School,Veterans Administration
(now a mandatory program), New
Beginnings Deliverance Journey (IAM)
 Alcohol
 Caffeine
 Caretaking
 The chase
 Children
 Chronic illness
 Church activity
 Cleaning
 Compulsive lying
 Computers
 Control
 Credit card/buying
 Drugs
 Emotional abuse
 Exercise
 Fights
 Food
 Gambling
 Love
Could I possibly have a problem
 Taking a look at self is not always easy
 Reality Check for Addictions
 Reality check for Codependency
 (handout)
Training Outline
 Step 1We admitted we were
powerless over our human
condition- that our lives had become
◦ Romans 7:19 For the good that I would I do
not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.
Step 1: Objectives
 In this step we come to the end of
ourselves and find out that we’re
powerless over a person, a place, a
chemical, a habit, a compulsion, or
anything/something like that.
 Eventually we’ll learn that we’re
powerless period.
 In our human condition – that is our
fallen, self-centered nature – we have no
 This is our dilemma – lack of power!
Step 1: Content
 Unmanageable
◦ Counseling
◦ Change relationships
◦ Get married
◦ Get divorced
◦ Get in/out of
◦ Quit/start jobs
◦ Start a business
Step 1: Content
 Dis-ease
◦ Out of ease
◦ No peace
◦ We are body, soul and
◦ Dis-ease affects the
whole man
Step 1: Content
 Body
◦ I can stop anytime!
Feel good
Self Pity
Step 1: Content
 Soul
◦ Obsession
◦ Denial
◦ Rationalization
◦ Worry
◦ Battle
Step 1: Content
 Spirit
◦ Hardening of the heart
Step 1: Content
 Powerless
◦ I can’t not do whatever it is that I’m doing
that’s killing me or causing my life to be
Step 1: Content
 Admission,
willingness and grace
 Powerless vs.
 The Power to
 God’s Power
 Power, Control, and
Step 1:Wrap-up
 Conclusion and Summarize Important
 Questions?
 Pray
Training Outline
 Step 2: Step 2 Came to believe that a Power greater
than ourselves could restore us to sanity
◦ Romans 7:24-25a “O wretched man that I am!Who shall deliver
me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ
our Lord.”
 Step 3:We made a decision to turn our will and our
lives over to the care of God as we understood Him
◦ Romans 12:1 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of
God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable
unto God, which is your reasonable service
Step 2-3: Objectives
 Step 2 – We’re powerless, and all of us need a power
by which we can live, and it has to be a power that has
the power to run our lives, and there’s only two
powers.There’s either God’s power or the power He
allows Satan to have. Everybody serves somebody, and
on a daily basis, you’ll either serve God or you’re serve
the devil or self.
 Step 3 – Having developed some trust in God in taking
Step 2, we now let God have these pieces of our lives
over which we’ve been trying unsuccessfully, to control
and exercise our own self-will power.
Step 2: Content
 Came to believe
◦ Believe what we believe
◦ Stop believing what we
don’t believe
◦ Power
◦ Sanity
◦ A power greater than
 A relationship
 “That” and “Could”
Step 3: Content
 Made a decision
◦ Faith andTrust
 The care of God
◦ Wants and Needs
◦ As we understood Him
◦ Christianity
 Sermon on the Mount
 Are you ready?
Step 2-3:Wrap-up
 Summarize important points.
 Allow time for questions.
 Pray
Training Outline
 Step 4: Made a searching and
fearless moral inventory of ourselves
◦ Lam 3:40 Let us search and try our ways, and
turn again to the Lord.
Step 4: Objectives
 Step 4 This inventory is an actual writing-
picking up paper, writing down and
mirroring ourselves on paper as to who
we are, what we are, and what we’ve
done.We are looking for patterns in our
lives that have been destructive to others.
Step 4: Content
 A window into
 Shame Corral
◦ A look inside
◦ Examine ourselves
 Write it down
◦ Some things to look at
 God
 Religion
 Sex
Step 4: Content
 Write it down
◦ Some things to look at
 Marriage
 Family
 Relationships
 Career
 Finances
 One more question
Step 4: Content
 Amends,
resentments, and
 Consequences and
gratitude list
 Caution
Training Outline
 Step 5: Admitted to God, to
ourselves, and to another human
being the exact nature of our
◦ James 5:16a Confess your faults one to
another, and pray one for another, that you
may be healed.The effectual fervent prayer of
a righteous man avails much..
Step 5: Objectives
 Step 5 We share the writing of Step 4
with God, ourselves, and another human
being. This is a very humbling process, but
very necessary if we are to gain the
freedom that we seek through these
Step 5: Content
 Humility
 Secrets
 Admit to God and
◦ We can’t do it
 Admit to another
◦ Choose someone
◦ Pray
◦ Don’t hold back
Step 5: Content
 Admit to another
◦ Feedback
◦ Promises
 Quiet time
 Warning
 Steps 1-5
Step 5:Wrap-up
 Summarize important points.
 Allow time for questions.
Training Outline
 Step 6:Were entirely ready to have
God remove all these defects of
◦ James 4:10 Humble yourselves in the sight of
the Lord, and He shall lift you up.
 Step 7: Humbly asked Him to
remove our shortcomings.
◦ Ps 51:7,10 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall
be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than
snow.” Create in me a clean heart, O God;
and renew a right spirit within me.
Step 6-7: Objectives
 Step 6 We’re going to find one or two
defects of character in four and five, even
though we are perfected in Christ Jesus.
We become willing to have those
removed in step six.
 Step 7 We actually get down on our
knees and pray a deliberate specific, and
sincere prayer.We begin to release our
faith in the ability of God to actually
remove those defects of character.
Step 6: Content
 We’re entirely ready
◦ Willingness
◦ Enabling hinders
 Religion verses
◦ First impressions
◦ Clear the tunnel
◦ Religious abuse
◦ Drop the baggage
 Step 6 is important
Step 7: Content
 Humility
◦ Humiliation
◦ False humility
◦ True humility
◦ Repentance
 Grieving
◦ Losing the defects
◦ A revelation
◦ powerless
Step 7: Content
 Taking the step
 Motives
◦ From God or self
◦ Self-pity
 Back to humility
Step 6-7:Wrap-up
 Summarize important points.
 Allow time for questions.
Training Outline
 Step 8: Made a list of all persons we
had harmed and became willing to
make amends to them all
◦ Luke 6:31 And as you would have men should
do to you, do also to them likewise.
Step 8: Objectives
 Step 8 We’re going to have three lists:
defects, amends, and resentments.We’ll
will need God to help us get rid of our
resentments and defects, and we’re going
to have to become willing to make our
Step 8: Content
 Selfishness
 People we have
 Shame
◦ Dysfunctional families
◦ Destructive shame
◦ A false self
◦ Male intimacy
◦ Control-Fear-Anger
Step 8: Content
 Shame
◦ Volunteer victim
◦ Still powerless
◦ Forgiveness
 Bottom line
 Self-examination-
amends list
Step 8:Wrap-up
 Summarize important points.
 Allow time for questions.
Training Outline
 Step 9: Made direct amends to such people wherever
possible, except when to do so would injure them or
◦ Matt 5:23-24Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and
there remember that your brother has ought against you; leave
there your gift before the altar, and go your way; first be
reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.
 Step 10: Continued to take personal inventory and
when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
◦ 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive
us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Step 9-10: Objectives
 Step 9 In this step we make direct
amends to those we’ve harmed, either by
telephone, by letter, or in a face-to-face
visit.There are right and wrong ways of
taking this step.
 Step 10We go back into steps four
through nine.There are three types of
inventories in Step 10: daily, ongoing and
Step 9: Content
 Made direct amends
wherever possible
◦ A personal story
◦ Wherever possible
 Amends
◦ Apology
◦ Restitution
◦ Forgive yourself
Step 9: Content
 Except when to do
so would injure them
or others
◦ Others
◦ Freedom from
◦ Procrastination
 Take action
 A right attitude
◦ Another story
Step 9: Content
 A right attitude
◦ Check yourself out
 Peace
 Promises
Step 10: Content
 Continued to take
personal inventory
◦ Ongoing inventory
◦ Daily inventory
◦ Periodic inventory
 When we were wrong,
promptly admitted it
 Goals
◦ You’re worth it
 Promises
 Finally
Step 9-10:Wrap-up
 Summarize important points.
 Allow time for questions.
Training Outline
 Step 11: Sought through prayer and
meditation to improve our conscious
contact with God as we understood Him,
praying only for the knowledge of His will
for us and the power to carry that out.
 Step12: Having had a spiritual awakening
as the result of these steps, we tried to
carry this message to others, and to
practice these principles in all our affairs.
Training Outline
 Step 11: Psa 5:1-2; Psa 25:4 Give ear to my words, O Lord,
consider my meditation. Hearken unto the voice of my cry,
my King, and my God: for unto you will I pray. Show me your
way, O Lord; teach me your paths.
 Step12: Matt 28:18-20 And Jesus came and spoke unto them,
saying,“All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go
therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father and of the son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching
them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded
you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the
Step 11-12: Objectives
 Step 11 We continue to grow in our experience
and our walk with God through prayer and
meditation. Step 11 is an enormous undertaking
as it is designed to implement our walk in Christ
in our lives on a daily basis
 Step 12 In Step 12 we’re going to give this
process or this awakening away to other people.
We’re going to find that Step 12 tells us how we’ll
know when it’s timely to give that away and what
we’re to give away.We’ll also look at what it
means to practice all these principles in our
Step 11 Content
 Peace with God
 Prayer and
◦ The committee
◦ My time in prayer and
 To improve our
conscious contact
with God
 As we understood
Step 11 Content
 Praying only for the
knowledge of His will
for us and the power
to carry that out
◦ God’s heart
 Knowledge of His
 Ask, seek, knock
 Doings
◦ Come as children
◦ God loves us
Step 12 Content
 Having had a spiritual
awakening as the
result of these steps
 We tried to carry
this message
◦ The message
◦ We tried to carry this
message to others
◦ A testimony
 Practice these
principles in all our
 No turning back
Step 11-12:Wrap-up
 Summarize important points.
 Allow time for questions.
Summary of Training
 Important points
◦ Step 1
◦ Step 2
◦ Step 3
◦ Step 4
◦ Step 5
◦ Step 6
 Important points
◦ Step 7
◦ Step 8
◦ Step 9
◦ Step 10
◦ Step 11
◦ Step 12
 Resources for more information about
the subject can be found:
◦ Akron Alcoholic Anonymous
◦ Power to Choose – Mike O’neil
Assessment and Evaluation
 Survey Handout for participants to see if
they found the training beneficial.

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Power to choose overview presentation

  • 1. POWER TO CHOOSE Deborah Jones, Kevin Jones, AngeleinaValentine and Michael Johnson (VA facilitator)
  • 2. Introduction  Power to Choose is a Christ-Centered Program to help individuals access God’s power for making life-changing decisions over life-controlling problems. ~Mike S. O’neil  To help self discover who they are and who they are in Christ and/or to help someone else  Sunday School,Veterans Administration (now a mandatory program), New Beginnings Deliverance Journey (IAM)
  • 3. HOW DOYOU MEDICATE?  Alcohol  Caffeine  Caretaking  The chase  Children  Chronic illness  Church activity  Cleaning  Compulsive lying  Computers  Control  Credit card/buying  Drugs  Emotional abuse  Exercise  Fights  Food  Gambling  Love
  • 4. Could I possibly have a problem  Taking a look at self is not always easy  Reality Check for Addictions  Reality check for Codependency  (handout)
  • 5. Training Outline  Step 1We admitted we were powerless over our human condition- that our lives had become unmanageable. ◦ Romans 7:19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.
  • 6. Step 1: Objectives  In this step we come to the end of ourselves and find out that we’re powerless over a person, a place, a chemical, a habit, a compulsion, or anything/something like that.  Eventually we’ll learn that we’re powerless period.  In our human condition – that is our fallen, self-centered nature – we have no power.  This is our dilemma – lack of power!
  • 7. Step 1: Content  Unmanageable ◦ Counseling ◦ Change relationships ◦ Get married ◦ Get divorced ◦ Get in/out of relationships ◦ Quit/start jobs ◦ Start a business
  • 8. Step 1: Content  Dis-ease ◦ Out of ease ◦ No peace ◦ We are body, soul and spirit ◦ Dis-ease affects the whole man Body Soul Spirit
  • 9. Step 1: Content  Body ◦ I can stop anytime! Body Soul Spirit Feel good Average Self Pity
  • 10. Step 1: Content  Soul ◦ Obsession ◦ Denial ◦ Rationalization ◦ Worry ◦ Battle Soul Spirit
  • 11. Step 1: Content  Spirit ◦ Hardening of the heart Spirit
  • 12. Step 1: Content  Powerless ◦ I can’t not do whatever it is that I’m doing that’s killing me or causing my life to be unmanageable.
  • 13. Step 1: Content  Admission, willingness and grace  Powerless vs. helplessness  The Power to Choose  God’s Power  Power, Control, and authority
  • 14. Step 1:Wrap-up  Conclusion and Summarize Important Points  Questions?  Pray
  • 15. Training Outline  Step 2: Step 2 Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity ◦ Romans 7:24-25a “O wretched man that I am!Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.”  Step 3:We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him ◦ Romans 12:1 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service
  • 16. Step 2-3: Objectives  Step 2 – We’re powerless, and all of us need a power by which we can live, and it has to be a power that has the power to run our lives, and there’s only two powers.There’s either God’s power or the power He allows Satan to have. Everybody serves somebody, and on a daily basis, you’ll either serve God or you’re serve the devil or self.  Step 3 – Having developed some trust in God in taking Step 2, we now let God have these pieces of our lives over which we’ve been trying unsuccessfully, to control and exercise our own self-will power.
  • 17. Step 2: Content  Came to believe ◦ Believe what we believe ◦ Stop believing what we don’t believe ◦ Power ◦ Sanity ◦ A power greater than ourselves  A relationship  “That” and “Could”
  • 18. Step 3: Content  Made a decision ◦ Faith andTrust  The care of God ◦ Wants and Needs ◦ As we understood Him ◦ Christianity  Sermon on the Mount  Are you ready?
  • 19. Step 2-3:Wrap-up  Summarize important points.  Allow time for questions.  Pray
  • 20. Training Outline  Step 4: Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves ◦ Lam 3:40 Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord.
  • 21. Step 4: Objectives  Step 4 This inventory is an actual writing- picking up paper, writing down and mirroring ourselves on paper as to who we are, what we are, and what we’ve done.We are looking for patterns in our lives that have been destructive to others.
  • 22. Step 4: Content  A window into ourselves  Shame Corral ◦ A look inside ◦ Examine ourselves  Write it down ◦ Some things to look at  God  Religion  Sex
  • 23. Step 4: Content  Write it down ◦ Some things to look at  Marriage  Family  Relationships  Career  Finances  One more question SHAME JOY HATE FEAR REJECTION HURT LOVE SADNESS CONFUSION MISUNDERSTOOD WORTHLESSNESS
  • 24. Step 4: Content  Amends, resentments, and defects  Consequences and gratitude list  Caution
  • 25. Training Outline  Step 5: Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. ◦ James 5:16a Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed.The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much..
  • 26. Step 5: Objectives  Step 5 We share the writing of Step 4 with God, ourselves, and another human being. This is a very humbling process, but very necessary if we are to gain the freedom that we seek through these steps.
  • 27. Step 5: Content  Humility  Secrets  Admit to God and ourselves ◦ We can’t do it  Admit to another person ◦ Choose someone ◦ Pray ◦ Don’t hold back
  • 28. Step 5: Content  Admit to another person ◦ Feedback ◦ Promises  Quiet time  Warning  Steps 1-5
  • 29. Step 5:Wrap-up  Summarize important points.  Allow time for questions.
  • 30. Training Outline  Step 6:Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character ◦ James 4:10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.  Step 7: Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. ◦ Ps 51:7,10 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
  • 31. Step 6-7: Objectives  Step 6 We’re going to find one or two defects of character in four and five, even though we are perfected in Christ Jesus. We become willing to have those removed in step six.  Step 7 We actually get down on our knees and pray a deliberate specific, and sincere prayer.We begin to release our faith in the ability of God to actually remove those defects of character.
  • 32. Step 6: Content  We’re entirely ready ◦ Willingness ◦ Enabling hinders willingness  Religion verses Spirituality ◦ First impressions ◦ Clear the tunnel ◦ Religious abuse ◦ Drop the baggage  Step 6 is important
  • 33. Step 7: Content  Humility ◦ Humiliation ◦ False humility ◦ True humility ◦ Repentance  Grieving ◦ Losing the defects ◦ A revelation ◦ powerless
  • 34. Step 7: Content  Taking the step  Motives ◦ From God or self ◦ Self-pity  Back to humility
  • 35. Step 6-7:Wrap-up  Summarize important points.  Allow time for questions.
  • 36. Training Outline  Step 8: Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all ◦ Luke 6:31 And as you would have men should do to you, do also to them likewise.
  • 37. Step 8: Objectives  Step 8 We’re going to have three lists: defects, amends, and resentments.We’ll will need God to help us get rid of our resentments and defects, and we’re going to have to become willing to make our amends.
  • 38. Step 8: Content  Selfishness  People we have harmed  Shame ◦ Dysfunctional families ◦ Destructive shame ◦ A false self ◦ Male intimacy ◦ Control-Fear-Anger
  • 39. Step 8: Content  Shame ◦ Volunteer victim ◦ Still powerless ◦ Forgiveness  Bottom line  Self-examination- amends list
  • 40. Step 8:Wrap-up  Summarize important points.  Allow time for questions.
  • 41. Training Outline  Step 9: Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. ◦ Matt 5:23-24Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has ought against you; leave there your gift before the altar, and go your way; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.  Step 10: Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. ◦ 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
  • 42. Step 9-10: Objectives  Step 9 In this step we make direct amends to those we’ve harmed, either by telephone, by letter, or in a face-to-face visit.There are right and wrong ways of taking this step.  Step 10We go back into steps four through nine.There are three types of inventories in Step 10: daily, ongoing and periodic
  • 43. Step 9: Content  Made direct amends wherever possible ◦ A personal story ◦ Wherever possible  Amends ◦ Apology ◦ Restitution ◦ Forgive yourself
  • 44. Step 9: Content  Except when to do so would injure them or others ◦ Others ◦ Freedom from resentments ◦ Procrastination  Take action  A right attitude ◦ Another story
  • 45. Step 9: Content  A right attitude ◦ Check yourself out  Peace  Promises
  • 46. Step 10: Content  Continued to take personal inventory ◦ Ongoing inventory ◦ Daily inventory ◦ Periodic inventory  When we were wrong, promptly admitted it  Goals ◦ You’re worth it  Promises  Finally
  • 47. Step 9-10:Wrap-up  Summarize important points.  Allow time for questions.
  • 48. Training Outline  Step 11: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for the knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.  Step12: Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
  • 49. Training Outline  Step 11: Psa 5:1-2; Psa 25:4 Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my meditation. Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto you will I pray. Show me your way, O Lord; teach me your paths.  Step12: Matt 28:18-20 And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying,“All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
  • 50. Step 11-12: Objectives  Step 11 We continue to grow in our experience and our walk with God through prayer and meditation. Step 11 is an enormous undertaking as it is designed to implement our walk in Christ in our lives on a daily basis  Step 12 In Step 12 we’re going to give this process or this awakening away to other people. We’re going to find that Step 12 tells us how we’ll know when it’s timely to give that away and what we’re to give away.We’ll also look at what it means to practice all these principles in our affairs.
  • 51. Step 11 Content  Peace with God  Prayer and meditation ◦ The committee ◦ My time in prayer and meditation  To improve our conscious contact with God  As we understood Him
  • 52. Step 11 Content  Praying only for the knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out ◦ God’s heart  Knowledge of His will  Ask, seek, knock  Doings ◦ Come as children ◦ God loves us
  • 53. Step 12 Content  Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps  We tried to carry this message ◦ The message ◦ We tried to carry this message to others ◦ A testimony  Practice these principles in all our affairs  No turning back
  • 54. Step 11-12:Wrap-up  Summarize important points.  Allow time for questions.
  • 55. Summary of Training  Important points from ◦ Step 1 ◦ Step 2 ◦ Step 3 ◦ Step 4 ◦ Step 5 ◦ Step 6  Important points from ◦ Step 7 ◦ Step 8 ◦ Step 9 ◦ Step 10 ◦ Step 11 ◦ Step 12
  • 56. Resources  Resources for more information about the subject can be found: ◦ Akron Alcoholic Anonymous ◦ Power to Choose – Mike O’neil
  • 57. Assessment and Evaluation  Survey Handout for participants to see if they found the training beneficial.

Editor's Notes

  1. Power to Choose is a Christ-Centered, working program and is a tool to help individuals access God’s power to help make life-changing decisions over life-controlling problems/issues. This tool/workbook was written by Mike Oneil and is intended for anyone, not just those that have a drug or alcohol issue. (Addiction handout)Looks very familiar to a 12-step program but it is a Christ Centered program which fits directly under the mission statement of our church, Christ centered, Family focused, and Community Conscious.It is a tool to help discover who we are and who we are in Christ and/or help someone else make that discovery. Some may say, ‘Oh, don’t get it twisted, I know who I am and who I am in Christ, I am saved, sanctified, and fire baptized and I have POWER! But as you go through these steps you may very well find an area in even your life that may just need to be looked at, or worked on.This tool is being used not only in a Sunday School setting which is taught by Evangelist Deborah Jones, Elder Kevin Jones, Minister Angeleina Valentine and Brother Mike Johnson but is also used at New Beginnings Deliverance Journey which is an addiction after care program held here at the church and is facilitated by Elder Kevin Jones, and is also now offered at the Veterans Administration in Cleveland as a mandatory (in their book) program for Veterans and is facilitated by Mike Johnson.
  2. Reality Check! HandoutsEven Paul being a great man of God had some issues. His name meant “small”. Physically he was “a man of small stature, bald head, crooked legs, eyebrows that met and a hooked nose.Paul was present at the stoning of Stephen, and though he did not participate, he encouraged the violent act that destroyed the first of the martyrs. He then participated in a general persecution including, "going from house to house, he dragged out the believers, both men and women and threw them into jail.“ Paul was even stoned, though not killed, in Lystra. It was an ironic twist that Paul underwent the same gruesome punishment he had sanctioned for Stephen and for the very cause Stephen had suffered.It almost seemed that everywhere Paul went, and everything that Paul did seemed to cause confusion and he was the one always in the middle of it (all for Christ’s sake – for his glory)
  3. Objectives:But the bible says in Acts 1:8 and after the Holy Ghost you shall receive power. True – the word of God is always true. We will as we go through these steps actually find out what kind of power we do have and what kind of power we don’t have.Our human condition - This human Condition that all of us suffer is a result of being born of Adam, of coming into this World with that fallen, self-centered, fleshly nature. lt’s our human condition that Separates us from God and puts some form of ídolatrous behavior in place of Where God should be.
  4. Unmanagable- The only reason We consider that there’s something Wrong, or that We :need to go talk to somebody, or that We need to take these steps, or talk to the pastor, or anything-is because Some area of life, or all areas of our lives, have become unmanageable. It may be over a relationship. It may be over` a chemical. It may be food. It could be money. It could be religion. It can be anything or anyone that is driving our bus. It signals us that something is Wrong, and We attempt to interrupt it. We find, however, that whatever it is, we’re powerless to stop doing it.We tell ourselves over and over again, ‘Tm a new creature in Christ, l I should be able to do this. Why can’t I do this? I must be defective. Something’s wrong. I didn’t get enough of the Holy Ghost. I’ve got to go get re-baptized. Maybe when they dunked me, they didn’t dunk me deep enough. I need to go get sprinkled, dipped, and dry-cleaned. Next Sunday, going to be down front one more time. Maybe if they hang me upside down and shake me and pray over me, this’ll fall out of me.” So We do those things. Some of us will go to counseling, change relationships, get married, get divorced, get in a relationship-«out of a relationship, quit a job-start a job, start our own business. Whatever it is. And it doesn’t stop. It just transfers from one obsession to another.
  5. Dis-Ease The human condition is a dis – ease. It is out of ease or in other words no peaceIt’s a 3 fold disease or dis-easePhysicalMentalSpiritualThe body is also 3 foldBodySoulSpiritWe are all 3 of those thingsThe disease or dis ease affects the whole man. We cannot live with only one of those things or just two of those things. We need all 3 in order to live
  6. Body: When we talk about the body and we’re talking about our human condition, we are talking about an allergy of the body. Like Lays potato chips. You can’t just have oneAn alcoholic can’t just have one drink – I can stop anytimeOne pepsi just won’t do – I can stop anytimeOne piece of cake just won’t do – I can stop anytimeOne pair of shoes just won’t do – I have to have them in 3 different colorsOne service a week (beyond Sunday) just won’t do. I have to be there every time the doors are open (but there’s more)One church service just won’t do – I have to run all over town where the Holy Ghost is moving“Running all over town to spiritual services several times a Week Where the Holy Ghost is moving, and running down front and getting that buzz and those Warm fuzzies makes me feel good Now the kids haven’t eaten this Week, and Ive been missing Work, but, boy, Im high on God! Yeah, buddy. Man, God and I-We’re groovin’. We are feeling good! One of my kids got arrested last night, but I couldn’t be home – haven’t been able to be home for the last three months. But God and I are going to take care of it and it’s going to be just fine. I’ll go get some more Warm fuzzies and the kid will get it by association.”How ever you medicate yourself to make you feel good affects the body. Anything and anyplace that We get our significance outside of God is potentially a disease-a dis-ease. It’s out of order. It’s a lie. It’s an imitation. It’s a counterfeit. It’s a deception. And it’s potentially addictive. Because We Want to feel that Way all the time.Scale: The only other thing We would rather do other than feel good is feel sorry for ourselves. Self Pity. So, We’ve got to be number one, either at one end of the spectrum or the other. And whatever We use to get us to either end can become our allergy of the body.
  7. Soul: Obsession of the mind. Mental obsession. We come to a place where we just can’t do this anymore. Then the mental obsession comes back with rationalization. If we’re not feeling good then we rationalize our behavior and why we need to keep doing what we’re doing.Denial: The mind is where the battleground is and denial is what is going on in the mind All part of rationalization. In my Dis-ease, in my mind I am convincing myself that I don’t have a problem after all others do it too. In my mind I’m convincing myself that there are others much more worse than I am.Rationalization: In my mind I’m saying that it’s ok to do what I’m doing or to continue to do what I’m doing because if you walked in my shoes you would do it too.Worry: Worry is meditating on the lies of the devil. Worry is never godly. It’s a gateway into the area of the soul and the mind. It takes away our power of choice. As long as we keep the hands of our mind on something, God can’t get his hands on it. Let go of the steering wheel.Battle: The mental obsession. This is where the attack is. We pray and we DO pray! The war goes on in the heavenlies but the war goes on in me in my head. That is the battleground.
  8. Spirit - Spiritually speaking, define the dis-ease as a “blocking of the spirit.” _ The Bible calls this a hardening of the heart. Through activities, through the obsession of the mind, through guilt, fear, anxiety-We build up a blocking of the spirit man. We block off the Spirit of God. We remove ourselves. We’re powerless over our separation from God-Which is our human condition.Our answer is in the removal of the blockage of the spiritWe must get well spiritually first, and then the mental and physical straightens out automaticallyThe problem is if we cut off the Spirit, or separated from the spirit, then we’ve lost our wholenessSome people call this thing sin but we must understand that sin is a symptom of the problem and our reaction to the problem. We need to address the problem.
  9. Powerless - I pray about it. I exercise about it. I do everything that I can do to stop it but I can’t stop it. (Romans 7:19)I have to admit to myself and to God, I can’t do this, I am powerless to not do thisNow think about this, and look at the whole picture. If the disease has blocked my wholeness -- blocked off my spirit from the Spirit of God-then no matter what Í do to fix my problem, it doesn’t work becauseof my source of power. Where am I getting it from? From self. From the soul area (the mind) and the body area (physical). Self. Now What opens up the wall around the spirit? The admission that, in and of myself, l can’t stop this behavior or compulsion. Though it seems like a little bitty thing to overcome, l cannot do it.
  10. Admission, Willingness and Grace: So what knocks a hole in the wall that is blocking the spirit. Our willingness to admit our powerlessness and our being willing to let God do for us what we can’t do for ourselves. It knocks a hole in the wall that surrounds our spirit so that God’s grace can go in open the spirit, come back out and grab those areas that have become unmanageable such as alcohol, drugs, exercise, overeating, abuse, those self destructive patterns.His grace is sufficient because we are willing to allow him to do this. Because of our willingness and openness he can remove those desires and cravings. God, you remove it, I can’t, I’ve tried, didn’t work. I’m going to take my hands off of it. I cannot think my way out of my problem, I must act my way out of my problem, I can’t think my way into right living, I must act my way into right living. Willingness is the heart and soul and essence of the first stepPowerless vs. helplessness - Powerlessness is not the same thing has helplessness. Helplessness is self pity and keeps us in bondage. We can only be 2 ways. Choose who you will serve. Self Centered or Christ CenteredThe Power to Choose – this is the only power we have and it is enough. Power to choose right from wrong, life or deathGod’s Power – when we get into self we are serving self and Satan and that’s when he runs our lives and he takes away our power of choice. We want God’s powerPower, Control, and Authority – Sometimes people will intimidate or manipulate, that’s not power that’s control. Sometimes we think we have power because we’re the boss or in charge of making decisions, that’s not power that is authority. Real power is the power to change the nature of a created thing. Only God alone has the power to effect change and that’s the power that is working in and through us.Power changes: Control copes and authority rules.
  11. Conclusion– Step one is critical. It is the only step that has to be taken perfectly. This is a step that has to be taken and has to be taken perfectly. Important Points: You have to admit that 1) you are totally powerless and 2) that you life has become unmanageable. Until you come to that conclusion you cannot move forward and you will not make peace with God.
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  18. Baptizing in the name of the Father (Jesus), the son (Jesus) and the Holy Ghost (Jesus).
  19. Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
  20. Step 1 finding out that we’re powerless, some things in life have become unmanageableStep 2 God is our power source. It is God’s power that can restore us. Not our powerStep 3 Making a choice to give it to GodStep 4 Don’t point fingers. Take inventory of yourselfStep 5 We have to actually admit our wrongs to (1) God (2) ourselves (3) to someone elseStep 6 Be ready to have God remove the defectsStep 7 As God to remove the defectsStep 8 List those people we’ve hurt and be willing to make amendsStep 9 Physically make amends unless it will cause harm to them or othersStep 10 Take personal inventory daily, everyday and periodicallyStep 11 Pray, pray, prayStep 12 Practice the principles and carry to help someone else