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Research at Sussex

                                                                                                                                                                 Research at Sussex Postgraduate studies at Sussex
                                                                                                           From the excellent University Library, with its
                                                                                                           globally recognised Mass Observation Archive,
                                                                                                           to cutting-edge medical imaging equipment, the
Postgraduate studies at Sussex                                                                             resources available to postgraduate students at
                                                                                                           Sussex are impressive.
                                                                                                           Sussex is building on its strengths by investing in
                                                                                                           purpose-built facilities to enhance the research
                                                                                                           environment. Almost £20 million has been
                                                                                                           spent on research centres, including the BSMS
                                                                                                           Medical Research Building, The Freeman Centre
                                                                                                           and the Genome Damage and Stability Centre.

T    he University of Sussex is a leading research
     institution. Our reputation is international and our
award-winning faculty are engaged in high-quality
                                                                                                           Similar investment is taking place in
                                                                                                           infrastructure and includes a new nuclear
                                                                                                           magnetic resonance facility and purpose-built
                                                                                                           apparatus in cryogenic research that is among
scholarship across a broad range of subjects. Whether you                                                  the best in the world. The University has received
                                                                                                           millions of pounds from the Science Research
are considering a postgraduate diploma, a Masters or                                                       Investment Fund (SRIF) to support our work in
a DPhil you will be joining an institution committed to                                                    biological sciences, particle physics, and science
your graduate education.                                                                                   and technology policy research. We are also
                                                                                                           home to the £4-million Centre of Excellence in
                                                                                                           Teaching and Learning in Creativity, with state-of-
                                                                                                           the-art facilities that encourage innovative work.
Research excellence                                    (a partnership between the Universities of Sussex
Sussex has a dynamic and thriving research             and Brighton) provides fruitful opportunities for   Nurturing research talent
culture. Our strengths range across the arts,          biomedical research. For more information about     Development of the flow of junior research talent
social sciences, science and medicine, with            the exciting and innovative research activity       is important to us at Sussex. Overall applications
excellence demonstrated both within individual         at Sussex, see pages 8-13 and the individual        to postgraduate research study at Sussex
subjects and across thematic areas.                    subject entries (pages 41-170).                     continue to grow, and we have launched a new
                                                                                                           junior research associate scheme, which will fund
In the latest Times Higher University World            Collaborative links
                                                                                                           40 undergraduate students in summer 2008 to
Rankings 2007, Sussex is ranked in the top 25          At Sussex we recognise the importance of
in the UK, the top 50 in Europe and the top 150                                                            develop skills in preparation for research.
                                                       supporting research through collaboration.
in the world. Within those rankings, Sussex            We have important academic partnerships             Funding opportunities
is ranked 5th overall in the UK in terms of the        with, among others, American Express and            We recognise that finding funding for
impact of its research. In science we are ranked       Rolls-Royce, with the Thermo-Fluid Mechanics        postgraduate study can seem daunting, but
7th in the UK for the impact and influence of our      Research Centre based on campus. In 2008 we         choosing a university with a strong reputation in
research (Thomson Scientific Index 2007, for the       announced a new strategic partnership with the
                                                                                                           graduate education can make your task easier.
period 2002-06).                                       Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, which will enable
                                                                                                           The quality of research at Sussex means that
Our status as a leading research university was        us to work together on important research across
                                                                                                           we attract a high level of funding every year. In
confirmed in the Higher Education Funding              plant sciences and the wealth of historic archive
                                                       art and scientific materials.                       addition, there are the schemes that Sussex
Council’s (HEFCE) 2001 Research Assessment                                                                 operates to provide financial help to both UK
Exercise (RAE). Every one of our subject areas         We have also been able to announce a major          and non-UK students. For example we have
was rated either grade 4 or 5, recognising             collaborative partnership with a consortium         a graduate assistantship scheme for doctoral
research of national and international standard        of five other university physics departments
                                                                                                           students, and a range of scholarships such as
respectively. Over 90 per cent of staff are            with the creation of the South East Physics
                                                                                                           the Chancellor’s International Scholarship.
researching at this high level, the majority in        Network (SEPNet), funded by £12.5 million of
areas of international excellence. In the 2008         government grants to support vital UK science       For more information, see pages 176-186.
RAE we are looking to improve our position still       research, teaching and development.
Over the last year, many research areas have           Cross-disciplinary research at the Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics
received increased research income, particularly       is exploiting the interfaces between biological and computational sciences. By studying
from national research councils and other high-        the navigation techniques of insects such as ants and bees, we are advancing biological
profile funding agencies. Approximately one            knowledge as well as developing new kinds of robotic systems
fifth of our overall income, some £22.5 million,
comes from our research activity.
Distinguished faculty
Sussex’s international reputation helps to
attract leading researchers. We are proud to
have counted three Nobel Prize winners, 13
Fellows of the Royal Society, six Fellows of the
British Academy and a winner of the prestigious
Crafoord Prize on our faculty.
A pioneering approach to
A refusal to be confined by traditional disciplinary
boundaries characterises some of the most
distinctive research at Sussex. For example,
research in English and other literatures enjoys
a strong international reputation, and the
prominence of researchers working in critical
theory exemplifies our interdisciplinary approach,
while the Brighton and Sussex Medical School

                                                          Research at Sussex: arts                                                                                                 career perspective
Research at Sussex: arts Postgraduate studies at Sussex

                                                                                                                                                                          x was attracted to study at the University of Sussex
                                                          Postgraduate studies at Sussex                                                                                  because of its reputation as an extremely forward-
                                                                                                                                                                          thinking place. When I was looking for a supervisor
                                                                                                                                                                          x my thesis, I was drawn to Sussex because I knew
                                                                                                                                                                          x needed someone who was embedded in a lively and
                                                                                                                                                                          vibrant research community. The vision and open-
                                                                                                                                                                          mindedness of my supervisor greatly impressed me,
                                                                                                                                                                          x I found that he was able to help and encourage
                                                                                                                                                                          x throughout.
                                                                                                                                                                          ‘My thesis examined the importance of dance in
                                                                                                                                                                          African culture and analysed the ways in which
                                                                                                                                                                          x importance attributed to dance survived the

                                                          I  n the past four decades the University of Sussex has
                                                             established itself as a leading research university in
                                                          the arts and humanities. American studies, art history,
                                                                                                                                                                          Atlantic crossing and the traumatic experience of the
                                                                                                                                                                          slave trade and persisted in the new communities
                                                                                                                                                                          established among the slaves in the plantations
                                                                                                                                                                          x the Caribbean. This dance survival has already
                                                          English, European literature and culture, history,                                                              aroused interest in a number of academic studies
                                                                                                                                                                          and much useful work has been done over what was
                                                          linguistics and English language, music and philosophy                                                          culturally lost and over what survived from African
                                                                                                                                                                          culture as a result of the horrifying experience
                                                          all have reputations for excellence and innovation.                                                             of
                                                                                                                                                                          x slavery.
                                                                                                                                                                          x a result of my studies at Sussex I was able
                                                                                                                                                                          x obtain a full-time senior lecturing post at the
                                                                                                                                                                          University of Lincoln.’

                                                                                                                   The Centre for Material Digital Culture was            Rodriguez King-Dorset
                                                          Research in the arts                                                                                            DPhil in the field of
                                                          Sussex has always moved beyond the                       established to co-ordinate research into the           American studies
                                                          boundaries of single disciplines, questioning            cultural impacts of new media systems.
                                                          and challenging received ideas. Sussex has               The Centre for Modernist Studies provides a
                                                          pioneered interdisciplinary studies in the               focus for the interdisciplinary study of Anglo-
                                                          humanities, unifying a strong focus on historical        American and European traditions in literary and
                                                          study with the exploration of modern and                 cultural modernism.
                                                          post-modern theory. Excellence in the arts and
                                                          humanities was confirmed by the last Research            The Centre for Research in Opera and Music
                                                          Assessment Exercise, which awarded a top                 Theatre is a national and international centre for
                                                          rating to American studies, English, art history,        research and development in the practice and
                                                          philosophy and music.                                    theory of contemporary opera, musical theatre
                                                                                                                   and multimedia performance.
                                                          The international status of Sussex and
                                                          Sussex arts and humanities was powerfully                The Centre for the Study of Sexual Dissidence
                                                          demonstrated by the most recent Times Higher             draws together and promotes new work on
                                                          Education Supplement’s World University                  lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, transsexual
                                                          Rankings 2007, in which the University was               and transgender studies from a wide range of           Masters and research programmes
                                                          ranked in the top 25 in the UK, top 50 in Europe,        disciplines in the arts and humanities.                Support for postgraduate study is organised
                                                          and top 150 in the world. In the most recent                                                                    across our arts and humanities departments,
                                                                                                                   The Centre for Visual Fields is designed to foster
                                                          (2006) top 100 Arts and Humanities Universities                                                                 creating a research community of postgraduate
                                                                                                                   research in a wide range of interests in visual
                                                          rankings, Sussex was placed 13th in the UK and                                                                  students and academic staff. Building on
                                                                                                                   studies, across media, disciplines and cultures.
                                                          62nd internationally.                                                                                           existing strengths and faculty interests, we
                                                                                                                   The Centre for War, Representation and                 promote pioneering research and teaching
                                                          Research centres in the arts                             Society brings together a number of Sussex             across disciplines.
                                                          Sussex supports several interdisciplinary                faculty around the central idea that war had a
                                                          research centres:                                                                                               Individual subject entries for these areas can be
                                                                                                                   fundamental effect on British society in the long
                                                                                                                                                                          found under:
                                                          The Centre for Colonial and Post-Colonial Studies        20th century.
                                                                                                                                                                          • American studies (pages 42-43)
                                                          reflects significant interdisciplinary interest in the   The Cunliffe Centre for the Study of the American
                                                          histories and cultures of colonialism, and in post-      South facilitates research in the social, political,   • Art history (pages 48-49)
                                                          colonial studies.                                        economic and cultural history of the American          • Creative writing (pages 72-73)
                                                          The Centre for Early Modern Studies has been             South from the colonial period to the present.         • English language teaching (page 98)
                                                          established to pursue interdisciplinary research         The Sussex Centre for Byzantine Cultural History       • English literature (pages 99-102)
                                                          in all areas of the early modern period, broadly         brings together art historians, textual scholars
                                                          1350-1800.                                                                                                      • Gender studies (pages 106-108)
                                                                                                                   and archaeologists from the Universities of
                                                                                                                   Sussex, Newcastle and Queen’s, Belfast.                • History (pages 115-120)
                                                          The Centre for German-Jewish Studies is
                                                          concerned with the contribution made by                  The Sussex Centre for Cultural Studies brings          • Linguistics and English language
                                                          German-speaking Jewish communities to                    together scholars from across disciplines to             (pages 128-129)
                                                          modern European civilisation.                            support the highly distinctive and successful          • Media and film studies (pages 134-137)
                                                          The Centre for Intellectual History was                  research work at Sussex in cultural studies.           • Music (pages 142-143)
                                                          established to continue the University’s                                                                        • Philosophy (pages 146-147).
                                                          distinguished tradition in intellectual history
                                                          while widening the agenda to include the history                                                                Support for students
                                                          of philosophy and religious thought and their                                                                   Sussex offers a stimulating intellectual,
                                                          connections with science.                                                                                       social and physical environment for students
                                                                                                                                                                          and faculty. Alongside study rooms for DPhil
                                                          The Centre for Literature and Philosophy builds                                                                 students, we provide a common room, which
                                                          on Sussex’s long tradition of fruitful collaboration                                                            offers a meeting place and a venue for events.
                                                          between literature and philosophy and develops
                                                          new areas of enquiry addressing issues that arise                                                               We have an effective and friendly system of
                                                          at the intersection of the two disciplines.                                                                     student support, valued by younger and mature
                                                                                                                                                                          postgraduates alike for listening and advising.

Research training

                                                                                                                                                                   Research at Sussex: arts Postgraduate studies at Sussex
Core research education is provided in MA
courses and research supervision. Also, across
the arts and humanities we organise a series of
seminars and workshops, focusing on research
training, method and methodology for taught
and research postgraduate students.
The starting point for this interdisciplinary
approach to research education is the
recognition that, within the arts and humanities,
most issues are subject to important intellectual
Thus, the main objective of research training at
Sussex is to stimulate reflection on some of the
central issues concerning theory and research
in the arts and humanities, provoking broad-
ranging discussion.
Sessions on subjects such as bibliographical
research, databases, competing approaches,
the use of evidence, and textual and visual
archives are accompanied by discussions on
publishing, sessions on academic writing,
preparation for the viva and careers, and advice
on funding.
We also provide graduate workshops that give
research students the opportunity to present
and discuss their findings in the setting of an
interdisciplinary academic conference.
Graduate seminars, work-in-progress sessions,
and colloquia feature regularly in many MA
and research programmes. These occasions
generate all kinds of social and intellectual          European Co-operation                                        Shamira’s
networks.                                              From its inception, the University of Sussex                 perspective
                                                       has been strongly committed to European            ‘I
                                                                                                          x became interested in my subject while writing
                                                       cooperation, and Sussex now offers one of          my
                                                                                                          x MA dissertation and was attracted to Sussex
                                                       the best-supported European study abroad           because of its history of interdisciplinary study.
                                                       programmes in Britain. SOCRATES grants provide     As
                                                                                                          x my thesis includes postcolonial and queer theory,
                                                       MA and research students in the humanities with    it
                                                                                                          x has been absolutely vital that both strands of my
                                                       substantial opportunities to study and undertake   work have been supported. I’ve been able to attend
                                                       research at one of our European partner            colloquia and seminars in specific and related
                                                       institutions. We are developing postgraduate       subjects and these have been incredibly useful for
                                                       programmes and projects with the universities      furthering ideas and developing my thesis.
          Kevin’s                                      of Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Bologna, Cluj,    ‘Despite being a part-time student I’ve managed,
          perspective                                  Gröningen, Helsinki, Konstanz, Lyon and Perugia.   with the support of my supervisor and the
                                                                                                          postgraduate community here, to gain teaching
x first came to Sussex as an undergraduate and
                                                       Funding and scholarships                           experience and also to present at conferences.
x now researching a history DPhil looking at the
Nuremberg and Tokyo International Military Trials
                                                       For information on funding and scholarships, see   Sussex has been very supportive of postgraduate
after the Second World War.
                                                       pages 17 and 182-186.                              students and three of us have set up sus(sex)ualities,
                                                                                                          which is a student-led seminar series on sexual
‘Engagement with the postgraduate community at
                                                                                                          themes. As a university-wide research space, it’s led
Sussex has been really enjoyable, providing many
                                                                                                          x some excellent discussions.
opportunities, in my case, to become involved in
                                                                                                          ‘When I was considering where to apply for doctoral
organising conferences and working on the student-
                                                                                                          studies I knew that I wanted to be somewhere with
x online contemporary history journal
                                                                                                          a strong and active postgraduate community,
                                                                                                          because for me, this is the key to developing. I can
‘The journal offers opportunities to engage with
                                                                                                          honestly say that despite all the warnings about
postgraduate research around the UK and beyond.
                                                                                                          “the lonely life of a research student”, I’ve yet to
x x all articles within it are reviewed by external
                                                                                                          experience this!’
reviewers, it works in much the same way as any
well-regarded print journal. Involvement with it,
x                                                                                                         Shamira A Meghani
therefore, stands as great experience to add to an
x                                                                                                         DPhil in English
academic CV. The same can be said of my work as an
associate tutor, which has helped not only with my
confidence in teaching but also in considering wider
perspectives relating to my own research. This is an
experience I couldn’t have envisaged before starting
my DPhil, but it’s been invaluable.’

Kevin Reynolds
DPhil in History

                                                                                                          Further information
                                                                                                          For further details of programmes and for
                                                                                                          specific contact information, refer to the subject
                                                                                                          entries dealing with the research area or subject
                                                                                                          of your interests (pages 41-170).

                                                             Research at Sussex:                                                                                              perspective
Research at Sussex: science Postgraduate studies at Sussex

                                                                                                                                                                     ‘After having done my first degree and my MPhil

                                                             science                                                                                                 in Pure Maths, I wanted to move into studying
                                                                                                                                                                     applications, so I started looking for a place to study
                                                                                                                                                                     Applied Maths. Sussex has a strong group in this
                                                                                                                                                                     field and that was what attracted me to study here
                                                             Postgraduate studies at Sussex                                                                          as
                                                                                                                                                                     x a visiting DPhil student for a short stay of six
                                                                                                                                                                     months. The experience was fantastic. I found an
                                                                                                                                                                     amazing and friendly atmosphere where I could work
                                                                                                                                                                     x exchange ideas – not just with my postgraduate
                                                                                                                                                                     colleagues but also with the faculty members
                                                                                                                                                                     who are very inspiring and approachable. All this,
                                                                                                                                                                     combined with my ambition to become a researcher

                                                             S   ussex offers exciting research opportunities for postgraduate
                                                                 study in a wide variety of related scientific disciplines. The
                                                             University has been home to the research of three Nobel Prize
                                                                                                                                                                     helped me decide to study at Sussex.
                                                                                                                                                                     ‘I’ve really enjoyed studying in such an engaging
                                                                                                                                                                     x dynamic environment. As part of my DPhil I’ve
                                                                                                                                                                     x the opportunity to become a graduate teaching
                                                                                                                                                                     assistant – I’ve found this experience incredibly
                                                             winners in science and the winner of the prestigious Crafoord                                           rewarding. I really enjoy being able to help the
                                                             Prize (in biosciences). We have many Fellows of the Royal                                               undergraduates throughout their studies.’

                                                             Society on our staff, with another elected in 2007.                                                     Raquel Barreira
                                                                                                                                                                     DPhil in Mathematics

                                                             Research in science                                  Biology
                                                             Sussex offers many opportunities for research        Genes and development; aspects of animal
                                                             and activity that crosses subject boundaries         behaviour; plant science; evolution and
                                                             both within sciences and across the University       natural selection (including the application
                                                             to the arts and social sciences. One of the major    of mathematical theory) and ecology and
                                                             driving forces in current research at Sussex is      conservation. There is also a considerable
                                                             the interdisciplinary approach to the pursuit of     overlap in research interests with the Genome
                                                             knowledge at the important interfaces between        Damage and Stability Centre, and the
                                                             subjects.                                            environmental science, biochemistry and
                                                                                                                  neuroscience groups.
                                                             Research groups and centres in
                                                             science                                              Chemistry
                                                             The research activity of Sussex in its science       Chemical biology, polymer science;
                                                             departments is organised into research groups,       nanotechnology and molecular enzymology;
                                                                                                                                                                     Fundamental studies of the molecular,
                                                             which are focal points for faculty, research staff   chemical physics and spectroscopy; natural
                                                                                                                                                                     cellular, electrophysiological and behavioural
                                                             and graduate students with common research           product synthesis; synthetic methodology;
                                                                                                                                                                     mechanisms of brain function including sensory
                                                             interests. Research at Sussex is carried out in      organic synthesis and reactions; organometallic
                                                                                                                                                                     physiology, hearing research, vision, motor
                                                             a flexible and adaptive fashion with recognised      chemistry; materials science; transition metal,    control, learning and memory.
                                                             centres of excellence acting as focal points for     main group and f-element chemistry; cluster
                                                             multidisciplinary interests.                         science; and theoretical chemistry.                Physics and astronomy
                                                             Membership of the research groups and centres                                                           Research is organised into a number of groups:
                                                                                                                  Engineering and design                             Astronomy Centre; Atomic, Molecular and
                                                             of excellence can be quite informal and it is not    Research is organised into a number of groups:
                                                             unusual for faculty and their research students                                                         Optical Physics; Experimental Particle Physics;
                                                                                                                  Automotive Dynamics and Control Group;             and Theoretical Particle Physics.
                                                             to participate in the activities of more than one    Centre for Physical Electronics and Quantum
                                                             of them.                                             Technology; Communications and Space Science       Psychology
                                                                                                                  Research Group; Industrial Informatics and         Research is organised into five groups: Biological
                                                             Many research groups have strong links with
                                                                                                                  Manufacturing Systems Research Centre; and         and Clinical Psychology, Cognition and Language,
                                                             particular taught Masters degree programmes.
                                                                                                                  the Thermo-Fluid Mechanics Research Centre.        Developmental Psychology, Perception and
                                                             Typically, these groups hold regular meetings,
                                                                                                                                                                     Communication, as well as Social and Health
                                                             often weekly and with external speakers, to          Environmental science                              Psychology.
                                                             discuss ongoing or published research and to         Processes controlling the mobility, persistence
                                                             plan future objectives.                              and availability of toxic substances in soil and   Support for students
                                                             An overview of the research activities in science    aquatic systems. Environmental hazards,            Sussex provides a supportive environment in
                                                             is provided below. For more detailed information     sampling and uncertainty, endocrine disruption,    which to undertake challenging taught and
                                                             on subjects of particular interest and the work      and genotoxicology.                                research science degrees.
                                                             of specific research groups and centres of                                                              Generally, support for Masters students is
                                                             excellence, refer to the subject entries in this
                                                                                                                  Research is organised into a number of groups:     provided by the programme convenor and the
                                                             prospectus starting on page 41 or go to                                                                 dissertation supervisor, and for research students
                                                                         Centre for VLSI and Computer Graphics;
                                                                                                                                                                     by a supervisor and a co-supervisor, or a thesis
                                                                                                                  Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems; Foundations
                                                             Biochemistry                                         of Computing; Human-Centred Technology;
                                                             Structural biology; gene expression and cell         Natural Language Processing; Philosophy of         A monitoring committee, chaired by a
                                                             signalling and genomics; genome stability and        AI and Cognitive Science; Representation and       departmental research degree convenor, receives
                                                             cancer. There is considerable overlap in research    Cognition; and the Systems Group.                  formal reports from all research students and
                                                             interests between these areas and with other                                                            supervisors and co-supervisors, monitors student
                                                             areas within life sciences, such as the Genome                                                          progress and advises on research plans.
                                                                                                                  Research is organised into a number of groups:
                                                             Damage and Stability Centre, the Brighton and
                                                                                                                  Analysis and Partial Differential Equations;       Directors of Doctoral Studies and Directors of
                                                             Sussex Medical School (BSMS) and the new
                                                                                                                  Mathematics Applied to Biology; and Numerical      Taught Programmes oversee the whole process.
                                                             Centre for Chemical Biology.
                                                                                                                  Analysis and Scientific Computing.                 Professional student advisors are also available.
                                                                                                                                                                     These members of faculty are assisted by the
                                                                                                                                                                     student welfare office, which is overseen by the
                                                                                                                                                                     Director of Student Support.

Wider academic activity                              As part of their research training, many research
Sussex is the centre for a wide range of activity,   students take courses in their first year, often

                                                                                                                                                                    Research at Sussex: science Postgraduate studies at Sussex
and the informal atmosphere enables students         drawn from courses available to Masters
to get to know each other and the research           students.
teams, very quickly.                                 Some departments and research groups
You will quickly become associated with, and         organise annual residential conferences for all
integrated into, one or more of the research         their research students, providing an excellent
groups mentioned above.                              opportunity to present work and meet other
                                                     students. Students are also encouraged to
Importantly these groups also provide a broader      present their work at national and international
and informal framework of additional academic        events of various kinds and some financial
support. For example, they are the focal point for   support is available to fund this.
a wide range of activities enabling you to become
familiar with the various technologies that are      Research/industry links
available to you and to draw on the wide range of    Research is motivated by social, economic
research expertise that exists at Sussex.            and industrial needs. Strong links have been
                                                     developed with local and national industry – not
Every week during term time, across the
                                                     least because most practical problems requiring
University, there is an enormous range of
                                                     research also demand an interdisciplinary
research seminars to choose from, some of
                                                     approach. We have many links with industry,
which will be highly focused on areas of special
                                                     especially in the agrochemical, engineering,
relevance to your research, and others that will
                                                     pharmaceutical and IT sectors. Support is
provide a much broader perspective in science,
                                                     provided in the form of staff consultancy and joint
philosophy, sociology and the arts.
                                                     projects, including support for students (CASE
We regard participation in a selection of these      awards).
events as an essential part of the postgraduate
                                                     Relationships with industry are further exemplified
                                                     in the University’s Innovation Centre, where
Postgraduate skills training –                       several of the companies are involved in research
research students                                    areas pursued by Sussex.
MPhil and DPhil degrees are awarded primarily        Professional engineering standards are of
for research, but there is recognition of the        particular concern to the University, and are
need for a broader formal training for graduate      regulated by the professional bodies. Our
students, particularly in transferable skills.       involvement is reflected in the senior positions
Research students participate in the Graduate        held by our members of staff in engineering                    Raj’s
Training Programme, which includes a series          institutions such as the Institution of Mechanical             career perspective
of lectures and seminars providing a grounding       Engineers.
                                                                                                           ‘Having completed a BEng in Computer Systems
in research and career skills such as health         Social activities                                     Engineering at Sussex I decided I wanted to continue
and safety, tutoring and demonstrating skills,       There is a Student Committee, whose members           my
                                                                                                           x studies here by taking on a Masters degree. My
research methods and techniques, experimental        welcome and look after new students, and              eventual aim was to start my own web technology
design and statistics, computing skills, library     arrange social functions and parties for students     business. Sussex is one of the world-leading
and presentation skills, project management,         and staff. They also represent student interests
                                                                                                           universities in this field, so I knew that I wanted to
and career development.                              on the relevant University committees. We
                                                                                                           stay here.
                                                                                                           ‘I found the University’s emphasis on research
All science postgraduates are eligible for           also organise welcome and induction day, and          and
                                                                                                           x the facilities available in the labs to be really
training in skills such as time management,          social functions. A variety of intramural sports      useful throughout my studies. On the MRes in
project management, science writing, interview       and games are organised on an informal basis          Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence we
techniques and communication skills. Courses         within the science departments and across the         were encouraged to mix and match courses to suit
are delivered by members of the University and       University.                                           our
                                                                                                           x x interests. This meant I was able to focus my
specialist external consultants.                                                                           attention on the areas of computer science that I
                                                     Funding and scholarships                              knew I wanted to specialise in.
Many of these courses are provided by the            For information on funding and scholarships, see      ‘Another fantastic thing about the University is the
Science Postgraduate Support Group throughout        pages 17 and 182-186.                                 societies in the Student Union. I was the president of
the academic year. Opportunities are also                                                                  the
                                                                                                           x Asian Society and an active member of ilumus –
available to pursue topics relevant to future                                                              the Student Enterprise Society. Both helped me work
careers, such as intellectual property rights,       Further information                                   on
                                                                                                           x my leadership skills and get a taste of what I could
budgetary control and grant writing. You will also   For further details of programmes and for             expect in business.
be encouraged to present your work regularly         specific contact information, refer to the subject    ‘Now, together with a Brighton-based entrepreneur
within the University and at national and            entries dealing with the research area or subject     and
                                                                                                           x researcher, I’m running my own business,
international research conferences.                  of your interests (pages 41-170).           , a social networking software.
                                                                                                           We’re based at the Sussex Innovation Centre, a
                                                                                                           business incubator on campus and, via the Career
                                                                                                           Development and Employment Centre, we look to
                                                                                                           x students involved in our business. I really like the
                                                                                                           x that the Innovation Centre was where I began my
                                                                                                           career – I was a computer science intern here during
                                                                                                           x BEng, so it’s really rewarding to have established
                                                                                                           my business here.’

                                                                                                           Raj Anand
                                                                                                           MRes in Computer Science
                                                                                                           and Artificial Intelligence

                                                                     Research at Sussex:
Research at Sussex: social sciences Postgraduate studies at Sussex

                                                                                                                                                                                        career perspective
                                                                                                                                                                               x studied Migration Studies at Sussex having

                                                                     social sciences                                                                                           previously worked in the voluntary sector both in the
                                                                                                                                                                               x and abroad. I chose this programme because I
                                                                                                                                                                               wanted to further my career by developing specialist
                                                                                                                                                                               knowledge in a field that really interested me:
                                                                     Postgraduate studies at Sussex                                                                            refugees and migration.
                                                                                                                                                                               x was attracted to study this at Sussex because
                                                                                                                                                                               x structure of the programme was broad but the
                                                                                                                                                                               choice of courses also gave you the opportunity to
                                                                                                                                                                               specialise by focusing on quite specific elements
                                                                                                                                                                               such as forced migration. Another benefit of the

                                                                                                                                                                               degree was that we were given the option to take
                                                                          ur research work in the social sciences is committed to                                              courses from other MA degree programmes, which
                                                                          cutting-edge and critical research that addresses key                                                I
                                                                                                                                                                               x took advantage of by learning about international
                                                                                                                                                                               human rights and humanitarian law. This gave me
                                                                     social, economic, political, technological, environmental and                                             a
                                                                                                                                                                               x great overview of how institutions function in
                                                                                                                                                                               refugee-producing crises.
                                                                     cultural transformations in the contemporary world. Sussex                                                ‘One of the greatest advantages of having a
                                                                     has an international reputation for interdisciplinary research                                            postgraduate degree in Migration Studies is that it
                                                                                                                                                                               puts you well above the competition, especially when
                                                                     and specialises in comparative and cross-cultural approaches.                                             applying for jobs in the refugee sector. In addition to
                                                                                                                                                                               this, the Research Methods course offered at Sussex
                                                                                                                                                                               x the opportunities to work on short-term research
                                                                                                                                                                               projects advertised through the Department meant
                                                                                                                                                                               that I developed a great working knowledge of the
                                                                     Research in the social sciences                       • Justice and Violence Research Centre              research process that was crucial to helping me
                                                                     Much of our work looks out from the University to                                                         secure jobs in this area. I now work as a research
                                                                                                                           • Sussex Centre for Migration Research
                                                                     provide essential knowledge and skills relevant                                                           project co-ordinator at the Refugee Council. I feel
                                                                                                                           • Sussex Energy Group                               that without the degree and the other skills I got from
                                                                     for the complexities of the 21st century and to
                                                                                                                           • Sussex European Institute                         Sussex, I wouldn’t be where I am today.’
                                                                     enable positive change in individuals and their
                                                                     societies.                                            We are also home to world-leading institutions      Kavita Brahmbhatt
                                                                     Our stimulating and accessible programmes             such as the Institute for Development Studies       MA in Migration Studies
                                                                     provide opportunities for learning, reflection and    (IDS) and SPRU – Science and Technology Policy
                                                                     debate in a vibrant environment. We value the         Research.
                                                                     existing experience of our postgraduates and
                                                                     are especially concerned to equip people with         Masters and research programmes
                                                                     the advanced knowledge and skills necessary to        Sussex offers a wide range of exciting
                                                                     understand the present and make the most of           postgraduate opportunities through a variety of
                                                                     their future.                                         taught and research degrees. You can find our
                                                                     Sussex research also influences and is involved       social sciences programmes under the headings:
                                                                     in policy and practice in fields such as education,   • Anthropology (pages 44-46)
                                                                     social work, community development, and law.
                                                                                                                           • Archaeology (page 47)
                                                                     In the most recent top 100 rankings published by
                                                                                                                           • Contemporary European studies (pages
                                                                     the Times Higher Education Supplement (2006),
                                                                     Sussex was ranked in the top 10 in the UK and
                                                                     in the top 70 institutions worldwide for the social   • Creative writing (pages 72-73)                    MSc programmes in research
                                                                     sciences.                                             • Development studies (pages 74-82)                 methods
                                                                                                                                                                               If you wish to study for a research degree in
                                                                     Research centres in the social                        • Economics (pages 83-85)                           the social sciences, or if you want to learn
                                                                     sciences                                              • Education and teaching (pages 86-90)              about research methods, you might want to
                                                                     Sussex is home to a number of leading                 • Finance (pages 104-105)                           consider our innovative MSc programmes in
                                                                     interdisciplinary research centres of excellence,                                                         research methods. We offer two distinct MSc
                                                                     which provide an unrivalled interdisciplinary         • Gender studies (pages 106-108)                    programmes:
                                                                     context for the study of the contemporary world:      • Geography (pages 109-113)
                                                                                                                                                                               • MSc in Comparative and Cross-Cultural
                                                                     • Centre for Analysis of Regional Integration at      • Globalisation, ethnicity and culture (page 114)     Research Methods
                                                                       Sussex                                              • History (pages 115-120)                           • MSc in Social Research Methods.
                                                                     • Centre for Colonial and Post-Colonial Studies       • Human rights (page 121)                           These programmes are also designed as stand-
                                                                     • Centre for Educational Innovation                   • International relations (pages 122-124)           alone one-year Masters for those who wish to
                                                                     • Centre for Gender Studies                                                                               apply advanced research methodologies to
                                                                                                                           • Law (pages 125-127)
                                                                                                                                                                               an area of academic or policy interest without
                                                                     • Centre for Higher Education and                     • Management (pages 130-131)                        continuing to a doctorate.
                                                                       Equity Research
                                                                                                                           • Media and film studies (pages 134-137)            See individual subject pages for full details.
                                                                     • Centre for International Education
                                                                                                                           • Medicine and health studies (pages 138-139)
                                                                     • Centre for Life History and Life Writing                                                                Masters programmes support
                                                                                                                           • Migration studies (pages 140-141)                 The University offers a range of distinct Masters
                                                                                                                           • Politics (pages 151-152)                          programmes, which provides the opportunity to
                                                                     • Centre for Research in Health and Medicine
                                                                                                                           • Science and technology policy and                 explore in-depth a specific area of research or
                                                                     • Centre for Responsibilities, Rights and the Law                                                         policy and practice.
                                                                                                                             management (pages 158-161)
                                                                     • Centre for Social and Political Thought                                                                 Programmes last for one year, and largely follow
                                                                                                                           • Social and political thought (pages 162-163)
                                                                     • Centre for the Study of Parties and                                                                     a common structure that includes both core and
                                                                                                                           • Social work and social care pages 164-166)
                                                                       Democracies in Europe                                                                                   optional elements and a final dissertation.
                                                                                                                           • Sociology (pages 167-168).
                                                                     • Centre for World Environmental History                                                                  Our MA programmes are offered both by
                                                                     • Culture, Development and Environment Centre                                                             departments and by our Interdisciplinary
                                                                                                                                                                               Research Centres.

Postgraduate prospectus 2009 section 3   Postgraduate Studies At Sussex
Postgraduate prospectus 2009 section 3   Postgraduate Studies At Sussex
Postgraduate prospectus 2009 section 3   Postgraduate Studies At Sussex
Postgraduate prospectus 2009 section 3   Postgraduate Studies At Sussex
Postgraduate prospectus 2009 section 3   Postgraduate Studies At Sussex

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Postgraduate prospectus 2009 section 3 Postgraduate Studies At Sussex

  • 1. Superb resources Research at Sussex Research at Sussex Postgraduate studies at Sussex From the excellent University Library, with its globally recognised Mass Observation Archive, to cutting-edge medical imaging equipment, the Postgraduate studies at Sussex resources available to postgraduate students at Sussex are impressive. Sussex is building on its strengths by investing in purpose-built facilities to enhance the research environment. Almost £20 million has been spent on research centres, including the BSMS Medical Research Building, The Freeman Centre and the Genome Damage and Stability Centre. T he University of Sussex is a leading research institution. Our reputation is international and our award-winning faculty are engaged in high-quality Similar investment is taking place in infrastructure and includes a new nuclear magnetic resonance facility and purpose-built apparatus in cryogenic research that is among scholarship across a broad range of subjects. Whether you the best in the world. The University has received millions of pounds from the Science Research are considering a postgraduate diploma, a Masters or Investment Fund (SRIF) to support our work in a DPhil you will be joining an institution committed to biological sciences, particle physics, and science your graduate education. and technology policy research. We are also home to the £4-million Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Creativity, with state-of- the-art facilities that encourage innovative work. Research excellence (a partnership between the Universities of Sussex Sussex has a dynamic and thriving research and Brighton) provides fruitful opportunities for Nurturing research talent culture. Our strengths range across the arts, biomedical research. For more information about Development of the flow of junior research talent social sciences, science and medicine, with the exciting and innovative research activity is important to us at Sussex. Overall applications excellence demonstrated both within individual at Sussex, see pages 8-13 and the individual to postgraduate research study at Sussex subjects and across thematic areas. subject entries (pages 41-170). continue to grow, and we have launched a new junior research associate scheme, which will fund In the latest Times Higher University World Collaborative links 40 undergraduate students in summer 2008 to Rankings 2007, Sussex is ranked in the top 25 At Sussex we recognise the importance of in the UK, the top 50 in Europe and the top 150 develop skills in preparation for research. supporting research through collaboration. in the world. Within those rankings, Sussex We have important academic partnerships Funding opportunities is ranked 5th overall in the UK in terms of the with, among others, American Express and We recognise that finding funding for impact of its research. In science we are ranked Rolls-Royce, with the Thermo-Fluid Mechanics postgraduate study can seem daunting, but 7th in the UK for the impact and influence of our Research Centre based on campus. In 2008 we choosing a university with a strong reputation in research (Thomson Scientific Index 2007, for the announced a new strategic partnership with the graduate education can make your task easier. period 2002-06). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, which will enable The quality of research at Sussex means that Our status as a leading research university was us to work together on important research across we attract a high level of funding every year. In confirmed in the Higher Education Funding plant sciences and the wealth of historic archive art and scientific materials. addition, there are the schemes that Sussex Council’s (HEFCE) 2001 Research Assessment operates to provide financial help to both UK Exercise (RAE). Every one of our subject areas We have also been able to announce a major and non-UK students. For example we have was rated either grade 4 or 5, recognising collaborative partnership with a consortium a graduate assistantship scheme for doctoral research of national and international standard of five other university physics departments students, and a range of scholarships such as respectively. Over 90 per cent of staff are with the creation of the South East Physics the Chancellor’s International Scholarship. researching at this high level, the majority in Network (SEPNet), funded by £12.5 million of areas of international excellence. In the 2008 government grants to support vital UK science For more information, see pages 176-186. RAE we are looking to improve our position still research, teaching and development. further. Over the last year, many research areas have Cross-disciplinary research at the Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics received increased research income, particularly is exploiting the interfaces between biological and computational sciences. By studying from national research councils and other high- the navigation techniques of insects such as ants and bees, we are advancing biological profile funding agencies. Approximately one knowledge as well as developing new kinds of robotic systems fifth of our overall income, some £22.5 million, comes from our research activity. Distinguished faculty Sussex’s international reputation helps to attract leading researchers. We are proud to have counted three Nobel Prize winners, 13 Fellows of the Royal Society, six Fellows of the British Academy and a winner of the prestigious Crafoord Prize on our faculty. A pioneering approach to interdisciplinarity A refusal to be confined by traditional disciplinary boundaries characterises some of the most distinctive research at Sussex. For example, research in English and other literatures enjoys a strong international reputation, and the prominence of researchers working in critical theory exemplifies our interdisciplinary approach, while the Brighton and Sussex Medical School 7
  • 2. Rodriguez’s Research at Sussex: arts career perspective Research at Sussex: arts Postgraduate studies at Sussex ‘I x was attracted to study at the University of Sussex Postgraduate studies at Sussex because of its reputation as an extremely forward- x thinking place. When I was looking for a supervisor x for x my thesis, I was drawn to Sussex because I knew I x needed someone who was embedded in a lively and vibrant research community. The vision and open- x mindedness of my supervisor greatly impressed me, x and x I found that he was able to help and encourage me x throughout. ‘My thesis examined the importance of dance in x African culture and analysed the ways in which x the x importance attributed to dance survived the I n the past four decades the University of Sussex has established itself as a leading research university in the arts and humanities. American studies, art history, Atlantic crossing and the traumatic experience of the xx slave trade and persisted in the new communities x established among the slaves in the plantations x of x the Caribbean. This dance survival has already English, European literature and culture, history, aroused interest in a number of academic studies x and much useful work has been done over what was x linguistics and English language, music and philosophy culturally lost and over what survived from African xx culture as a result of the horrifying experience x all have reputations for excellence and innovation. of x slavery. ‘As x a result of my studies at Sussex I was able to x obtain a full-time senior lecturing post at the University of Lincoln.’ The Centre for Material Digital Culture was Rodriguez King-Dorset Research in the arts DPhil in the field of Sussex has always moved beyond the established to co-ordinate research into the American studies boundaries of single disciplines, questioning cultural impacts of new media systems. and challenging received ideas. Sussex has The Centre for Modernist Studies provides a pioneered interdisciplinary studies in the focus for the interdisciplinary study of Anglo- humanities, unifying a strong focus on historical American and European traditions in literary and study with the exploration of modern and cultural modernism. post-modern theory. Excellence in the arts and humanities was confirmed by the last Research The Centre for Research in Opera and Music Assessment Exercise, which awarded a top Theatre is a national and international centre for rating to American studies, English, art history, research and development in the practice and philosophy and music. theory of contemporary opera, musical theatre and multimedia performance. The international status of Sussex and Sussex arts and humanities was powerfully The Centre for the Study of Sexual Dissidence demonstrated by the most recent Times Higher draws together and promotes new work on Education Supplement’s World University lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, transsexual Rankings 2007, in which the University was and transgender studies from a wide range of Masters and research programmes ranked in the top 25 in the UK, top 50 in Europe, disciplines in the arts and humanities. Support for postgraduate study is organised and top 150 in the world. In the most recent across our arts and humanities departments, The Centre for Visual Fields is designed to foster (2006) top 100 Arts and Humanities Universities creating a research community of postgraduate research in a wide range of interests in visual rankings, Sussex was placed 13th in the UK and students and academic staff. Building on studies, across media, disciplines and cultures. 62nd internationally. existing strengths and faculty interests, we The Centre for War, Representation and promote pioneering research and teaching Research centres in the arts Society brings together a number of Sussex across disciplines. Sussex supports several interdisciplinary faculty around the central idea that war had a research centres: Individual subject entries for these areas can be fundamental effect on British society in the long found under: The Centre for Colonial and Post-Colonial Studies 20th century. • American studies (pages 42-43) reflects significant interdisciplinary interest in the The Cunliffe Centre for the Study of the American histories and cultures of colonialism, and in post- South facilitates research in the social, political, • Art history (pages 48-49) colonial studies. economic and cultural history of the American • Creative writing (pages 72-73) The Centre for Early Modern Studies has been South from the colonial period to the present. • English language teaching (page 98) established to pursue interdisciplinary research The Sussex Centre for Byzantine Cultural History • English literature (pages 99-102) in all areas of the early modern period, broadly brings together art historians, textual scholars 1350-1800. • Gender studies (pages 106-108) and archaeologists from the Universities of Sussex, Newcastle and Queen’s, Belfast. • History (pages 115-120) The Centre for German-Jewish Studies is concerned with the contribution made by The Sussex Centre for Cultural Studies brings • Linguistics and English language German-speaking Jewish communities to together scholars from across disciplines to (pages 128-129) modern European civilisation. support the highly distinctive and successful • Media and film studies (pages 134-137) The Centre for Intellectual History was research work at Sussex in cultural studies. • Music (pages 142-143) established to continue the University’s • Philosophy (pages 146-147). distinguished tradition in intellectual history while widening the agenda to include the history Support for students of philosophy and religious thought and their Sussex offers a stimulating intellectual, connections with science. social and physical environment for students and faculty. Alongside study rooms for DPhil The Centre for Literature and Philosophy builds students, we provide a common room, which on Sussex’s long tradition of fruitful collaboration offers a meeting place and a venue for events. between literature and philosophy and develops new areas of enquiry addressing issues that arise We have an effective and friendly system of at the intersection of the two disciplines. student support, valued by younger and mature postgraduates alike for listening and advising. 8
  • 3. Research training Research at Sussex: arts Postgraduate studies at Sussex Core research education is provided in MA courses and research supervision. Also, across the arts and humanities we organise a series of seminars and workshops, focusing on research training, method and methodology for taught and research postgraduate students. The starting point for this interdisciplinary approach to research education is the recognition that, within the arts and humanities, most issues are subject to important intellectual controversy. Thus, the main objective of research training at Sussex is to stimulate reflection on some of the central issues concerning theory and research in the arts and humanities, provoking broad- ranging discussion. Sessions on subjects such as bibliographical research, databases, competing approaches, the use of evidence, and textual and visual archives are accompanied by discussions on publishing, sessions on academic writing, preparation for the viva and careers, and advice on funding. We also provide graduate workshops that give research students the opportunity to present and discuss their findings in the setting of an interdisciplinary academic conference. Graduate seminars, work-in-progress sessions, and colloquia feature regularly in many MA and research programmes. These occasions generate all kinds of social and intellectual European Co-operation Shamira’s networks. From its inception, the University of Sussex perspective has been strongly committed to European ‘I x became interested in my subject while writing cooperation, and Sussex now offers one of my x MA dissertation and was attracted to Sussex the best-supported European study abroad because of its history of interdisciplinary study. x programmes in Britain. SOCRATES grants provide As x my thesis includes postcolonial and queer theory, MA and research students in the humanities with it x has been absolutely vital that both strands of my substantial opportunities to study and undertake work have been supported. I’ve been able to attend x research at one of our European partner colloquia and seminars in specific and related x institutions. We are developing postgraduate subjects and these have been incredibly useful for x programmes and projects with the universities furthering ideas and developing my thesis. x Kevin’s of Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Bologna, Cluj, ‘Despite being a part-time student I’ve managed, x perspective Gröningen, Helsinki, Konstanz, Lyon and Perugia. with the support of my supervisor and the x postgraduate community here, to gain teaching x ‘I x first came to Sussex as an undergraduate and I’m Funding and scholarships experience and also to present at conferences. xx x now researching a history DPhil looking at the Nuremberg and Tokyo International Military Trials For information on funding and scholarships, see Sussex has been very supportive of postgraduate x x after the Second World War. x pages 17 and 182-186. students and three of us have set up sus(sex)ualities, x which is a student-led seminar series on sexual x ‘Engagement with the postgraduate community at x themes. As a university-wide research space, it’s led x Sussex has been really enjoyable, providing many x x some excellent discussions. to opportunities, in my case, to become involved in x ‘When I was considering where to apply for doctoral xx organising conferences and working on the student- x studies I knew that I wanted to be somewhere with x run x online contemporary history journal a strong and active postgraduate community, ( x because for me, this is the key to developing. I can x ‘The journal offers opportunities to engage with x honestly say that despite all the warnings about x postgraduate research around the UK and beyond. x “the lonely life of a research student”, I’ve yet to As x x all articles within it are reviewed by external experience this!’ reviewers, it works in much the same way as any x well-regarded print journal. Involvement with it, x Shamira A Meghani therefore, stands as great experience to add to an x DPhil in English academic CV. The same can be said of my work as an x associate tutor, which has helped not only with my x confidence in teaching but also in considering wider xx perspectives relating to my own research. This is an x experience I couldn’t have envisaged before starting my DPhil, but it’s been invaluable.’ Kevin Reynolds DPhil in History Further information For further details of programmes and for specific contact information, refer to the subject entries dealing with the research area or subject of your interests (pages 41-170). 9
  • 4. Raquel’s Research at Sussex: perspective Research at Sussex: science Postgraduate studies at Sussex ‘After having done my first degree and my MPhil x science in Pure Maths, I wanted to move into studying x applications, so I started looking for a place to study x Applied Maths. Sussex has a strong group in this x field and that was what attracted me to study here x Postgraduate studies at Sussex as x a visiting DPhil student for a short stay of six months. The experience was fantastic. I found an x amazing and friendly atmosphere where I could work x and x exchange ideas – not just with my postgraduate colleagues but also with the faculty members x who are very inspiring and approachable. All this, x combined with my ambition to become a researcher x S ussex offers exciting research opportunities for postgraduate study in a wide variety of related scientific disciplines. The University has been home to the research of three Nobel Prize helped me decide to study at Sussex. xx ‘I’ve really enjoyed studying in such an engaging x and x dynamic environment. As part of my DPhil I’ve had x the opportunity to become a graduate teaching assistant – I’ve found this experience incredibly x winners in science and the winner of the prestigious Crafoord rewarding. I really enjoy being able to help the x Prize (in biosciences). We have many Fellows of the Royal undergraduates throughout their studies.’ Society on our staff, with another elected in 2007. Raquel Barreira DPhil in Mathematics Research in science Biology Sussex offers many opportunities for research Genes and development; aspects of animal and activity that crosses subject boundaries behaviour; plant science; evolution and both within sciences and across the University natural selection (including the application to the arts and social sciences. One of the major of mathematical theory) and ecology and driving forces in current research at Sussex is conservation. There is also a considerable the interdisciplinary approach to the pursuit of overlap in research interests with the Genome knowledge at the important interfaces between Damage and Stability Centre, and the subjects. environmental science, biochemistry and neuroscience groups. Research groups and centres in science Chemistry The research activity of Sussex in its science Chemical biology, polymer science; Neuroscience departments is organised into research groups, nanotechnology and molecular enzymology; Fundamental studies of the molecular, which are focal points for faculty, research staff chemical physics and spectroscopy; natural cellular, electrophysiological and behavioural and graduate students with common research product synthesis; synthetic methodology; mechanisms of brain function including sensory interests. Research at Sussex is carried out in organic synthesis and reactions; organometallic physiology, hearing research, vision, motor a flexible and adaptive fashion with recognised chemistry; materials science; transition metal, control, learning and memory. centres of excellence acting as focal points for main group and f-element chemistry; cluster multidisciplinary interests. science; and theoretical chemistry. Physics and astronomy Membership of the research groups and centres Research is organised into a number of groups: Engineering and design Astronomy Centre; Atomic, Molecular and of excellence can be quite informal and it is not Research is organised into a number of groups: unusual for faculty and their research students Optical Physics; Experimental Particle Physics; Automotive Dynamics and Control Group; and Theoretical Particle Physics. to participate in the activities of more than one Centre for Physical Electronics and Quantum of them. Technology; Communications and Space Science Psychology Research Group; Industrial Informatics and Research is organised into five groups: Biological Many research groups have strong links with Manufacturing Systems Research Centre; and and Clinical Psychology, Cognition and Language, particular taught Masters degree programmes. the Thermo-Fluid Mechanics Research Centre. Developmental Psychology, Perception and Typically, these groups hold regular meetings, Communication, as well as Social and Health often weekly and with external speakers, to Environmental science Psychology. discuss ongoing or published research and to Processes controlling the mobility, persistence plan future objectives. and availability of toxic substances in soil and Support for students An overview of the research activities in science aquatic systems. Environmental hazards, Sussex provides a supportive environment in is provided below. For more detailed information sampling and uncertainty, endocrine disruption, which to undertake challenging taught and on subjects of particular interest and the work and genotoxicology. research science degrees. of specific research groups and centres of Generally, support for Masters students is excellence, refer to the subject entries in this Informatics Research is organised into a number of groups: provided by the programme convenor and the prospectus starting on page 41 or go to dissertation supervisor, and for research students Centre for VLSI and Computer Graphics; by a supervisor and a co-supervisor, or a thesis Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems; Foundations committee. Biochemistry of Computing; Human-Centred Technology; Structural biology; gene expression and cell Natural Language Processing; Philosophy of A monitoring committee, chaired by a signalling and genomics; genome stability and AI and Cognitive Science; Representation and departmental research degree convenor, receives cancer. There is considerable overlap in research Cognition; and the Systems Group. formal reports from all research students and interests between these areas and with other supervisors and co-supervisors, monitors student Mathematics areas within life sciences, such as the Genome progress and advises on research plans. Research is organised into a number of groups: Damage and Stability Centre, the Brighton and Analysis and Partial Differential Equations; Directors of Doctoral Studies and Directors of Sussex Medical School (BSMS) and the new Mathematics Applied to Biology; and Numerical Taught Programmes oversee the whole process. Centre for Chemical Biology. Analysis and Scientific Computing. Professional student advisors are also available. These members of faculty are assisted by the student welfare office, which is overseen by the Director of Student Support. 10
  • 5. Wider academic activity As part of their research training, many research Sussex is the centre for a wide range of activity, students take courses in their first year, often Research at Sussex: science Postgraduate studies at Sussex and the informal atmosphere enables students drawn from courses available to Masters to get to know each other and the research students. teams, very quickly. Some departments and research groups You will quickly become associated with, and organise annual residential conferences for all integrated into, one or more of the research their research students, providing an excellent groups mentioned above. opportunity to present work and meet other students. Students are also encouraged to Importantly these groups also provide a broader present their work at national and international and informal framework of additional academic events of various kinds and some financial support. For example, they are the focal point for support is available to fund this. a wide range of activities enabling you to become familiar with the various technologies that are Research/industry links available to you and to draw on the wide range of Research is motivated by social, economic research expertise that exists at Sussex. and industrial needs. Strong links have been developed with local and national industry – not Every week during term time, across the least because most practical problems requiring University, there is an enormous range of research also demand an interdisciplinary research seminars to choose from, some of approach. We have many links with industry, which will be highly focused on areas of special especially in the agrochemical, engineering, relevance to your research, and others that will pharmaceutical and IT sectors. Support is provide a much broader perspective in science, provided in the form of staff consultancy and joint philosophy, sociology and the arts. projects, including support for students (CASE We regard participation in a selection of these awards). events as an essential part of the postgraduate Relationships with industry are further exemplified experience. in the University’s Innovation Centre, where Postgraduate skills training – several of the companies are involved in research research students areas pursued by Sussex. MPhil and DPhil degrees are awarded primarily Professional engineering standards are of for research, but there is recognition of the particular concern to the University, and are need for a broader formal training for graduate regulated by the professional bodies. Our students, particularly in transferable skills. involvement is reflected in the senior positions Research students participate in the Graduate held by our members of staff in engineering Raj’s Training Programme, which includes a series institutions such as the Institution of Mechanical career perspective of lectures and seminars providing a grounding Engineers. ‘Having completed a BEng in Computer Systems x in research and career skills such as health Social activities Engineering at Sussex I decided I wanted to continue x and safety, tutoring and demonstrating skills, There is a Student Committee, whose members my x studies here by taking on a Masters degree. My research methods and techniques, experimental welcome and look after new students, and eventual aim was to start my own web technology x design and statistics, computing skills, library arrange social functions and parties for students business. Sussex is one of the world-leading x and presentation skills, project management, and staff. They also represent student interests universities in this field, so I knew that I wanted to x and career development. on the relevant University committees. We stay here. x ‘I found the University’s emphasis on research x All science postgraduates are eligible for also organise welcome and induction day, and and x the facilities available in the labs to be really training in skills such as time management, social functions. A variety of intramural sports useful throughout my studies. On the MRes in x project management, science writing, interview and games are organised on an informal basis Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence we x techniques and communication skills. Courses within the science departments and across the were encouraged to mix and match courses to suit x are delivered by members of the University and University. our x x interests. This meant I was able to focus my specialist external consultants. attention on the areas of computer science that I x Funding and scholarships knew I wanted to specialise in. x Many of these courses are provided by the For information on funding and scholarships, see ‘Another fantastic thing about the University is the x Science Postgraduate Support Group throughout pages 17 and 182-186. societies in the Student Union. I was the president of x the academic year. Opportunities are also the x Asian Society and an active member of ilumus – available to pursue topics relevant to future the Student Enterprise Society. Both helped me work careers, such as intellectual property rights, Further information on x my leadership skills and get a taste of what I could budgetary control and grant writing. You will also For further details of programmes and for expect in business. x be encouraged to present your work regularly specific contact information, refer to the subject ‘Now, together with a Brighton-based entrepreneur x within the University and at national and entries dealing with the research area or subject and x researcher, I’m running my own business, international research conferences. of your interests (pages 41-170)., a social networking software. x We’re based at the Sussex Innovation Centre, a x business incubator on campus and, via the Career x Development and Employment Centre, we look to x get x students involved in our business. I really like the fact x that the Innovation Centre was where I began my career – I was a computer science intern here during x my x BEng, so it’s really rewarding to have established my business here.’ Raj Anand MRes in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence 11
  • 6. Kavita’s Research at Sussex: Research at Sussex: social sciences Postgraduate studies at Sussex career perspective ‘I x studied Migration Studies at Sussex having social sciences previously worked in the voluntary sector both in the x UK x and abroad. I chose this programme because I wanted to further my career by developing specialist x knowledge in a field that really interested me: x Postgraduate studies at Sussex refugees and migration. x ‘I x was attracted to study this at Sussex because the x structure of the programme was broad but the choice of courses also gave you the opportunity to x specialise by focusing on quite specific elements x such as forced migration. Another benefit of the x O degree was that we were given the option to take x ur research work in the social sciences is committed to courses from other MA degree programmes, which xx cutting-edge and critical research that addresses key I x took advantage of by learning about international human rights and humanitarian law. This gave me x social, economic, political, technological, environmental and a x great overview of how institutions function in refugee-producing crises. x cultural transformations in the contemporary world. Sussex ‘One of the greatest advantages of having a x has an international reputation for interdisciplinary research postgraduate degree in Migration Studies is that it x puts you well above the competition, especially when x and specialises in comparative and cross-cultural approaches. applying for jobs in the refugee sector. In addition to x this, the Research Methods course offered at Sussex x and x the opportunities to work on short-term research projects advertised through the Department meant x that I developed a great working knowledge of the x Research in the social sciences • Justice and Violence Research Centre research process that was crucial to helping me x Much of our work looks out from the University to secure jobs in this area. I now work as a research x • Sussex Centre for Migration Research provide essential knowledge and skills relevant project co-ordinator at the Refugee Council. I feel x • Sussex Energy Group that without the degree and the other skills I got from x for the complexities of the 21st century and to • Sussex European Institute Sussex, I wouldn’t be where I am today.’ enable positive change in individuals and their societies. We are also home to world-leading institutions Kavita Brahmbhatt Our stimulating and accessible programmes such as the Institute for Development Studies MA in Migration Studies provide opportunities for learning, reflection and (IDS) and SPRU – Science and Technology Policy debate in a vibrant environment. We value the Research. existing experience of our postgraduates and are especially concerned to equip people with Masters and research programmes the advanced knowledge and skills necessary to Sussex offers a wide range of exciting understand the present and make the most of postgraduate opportunities through a variety of their future. taught and research degrees. You can find our Sussex research also influences and is involved social sciences programmes under the headings: in policy and practice in fields such as education, • Anthropology (pages 44-46) social work, community development, and law. • Archaeology (page 47) In the most recent top 100 rankings published by • Contemporary European studies (pages the Times Higher Education Supplement (2006), 69-71) Sussex was ranked in the top 10 in the UK and in the top 70 institutions worldwide for the social • Creative writing (pages 72-73) MSc programmes in research sciences. • Development studies (pages 74-82) methods If you wish to study for a research degree in Research centres in the social • Economics (pages 83-85) the social sciences, or if you want to learn sciences • Education and teaching (pages 86-90) about research methods, you might want to Sussex is home to a number of leading • Finance (pages 104-105) consider our innovative MSc programmes in interdisciplinary research centres of excellence, research methods. We offer two distinct MSc which provide an unrivalled interdisciplinary • Gender studies (pages 106-108) programmes: context for the study of the contemporary world: • Geography (pages 109-113) • MSc in Comparative and Cross-Cultural • Centre for Analysis of Regional Integration at • Globalisation, ethnicity and culture (page 114) Research Methods Sussex • History (pages 115-120) • MSc in Social Research Methods. • Centre for Colonial and Post-Colonial Studies • Human rights (page 121) These programmes are also designed as stand- • Centre for Educational Innovation • International relations (pages 122-124) alone one-year Masters for those who wish to • Centre for Gender Studies apply advanced research methodologies to • Law (pages 125-127) an area of academic or policy interest without • Centre for Higher Education and • Management (pages 130-131) continuing to a doctorate. Equity Research • Media and film studies (pages 134-137) See individual subject pages for full details. • Centre for International Education • Medicine and health studies (pages 138-139) • Centre for Life History and Life Writing Masters programmes support • Migration studies (pages 140-141) The University offers a range of distinct Masters Research • Politics (pages 151-152) programmes, which provides the opportunity to • Centre for Research in Health and Medicine • Science and technology policy and explore in-depth a specific area of research or • Centre for Responsibilities, Rights and the Law policy and practice. management (pages 158-161) • Centre for Social and Political Thought Programmes last for one year, and largely follow • Social and political thought (pages 162-163) • Centre for the Study of Parties and a common structure that includes both core and • Social work and social care pages 164-166) Democracies in Europe optional elements and a final dissertation. • Sociology (pages 167-168). • Centre for World Environmental History Our MA programmes are offered both by • Culture, Development and Environment Centre departments and by our Interdisciplinary Research Centres. 12