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042 American studies

           044 Anthropology
           047 Archaeology
           048 Art history
           050 Astronomy and cosmology
           052 Biochemistry
           056 Biology
           059 Chemistry
           062 Computing, artificial intelligence and IT
           069 Contemporary European studies
           072 Creative writing
           074 Development studies
           083 Economics
           086 Education and teaching
           091 Engineering and design
           128 English language (see Linguistics and
               English language)
           098 English language teaching
           099 English literature
           103 Environmental science
           104 Finance
           099 French (see English literature)
           106 Gender studies
           109 Geography
           099 German (see English literature)
           114 Globalisation, ethnicity and culture
           115 History
           048 History of art (see Art history)
           121 Human rights
           122 International relations
           125 Law
           128 Linguistics and English language
           130 Management
           132 Mathematics
           134 Media and film studies
           138 Medicine and health studies
           140 Migration studies
           142 Music
           144 Neuroscience
           146 Philosophy
           148 Physics
           158 Policy studies (see Science and technology
               policy and management)
           151 Politics
           153 Psychology
           099 Renaissance studies (see English literature)
           158 Science and technology policy and management
           162 Social and political thought
           164 Social work and social care
           167 Sociology
           086, 098 Teaching (see Education and teaching,
                and English language teaching)
           169 Visual arts and conservation studies

American studies
American studies

                   Essentials                                                                                               Programme structure
                                                                        • Our faculty research achieved grade 5
                                                                                                                            Autumn and spring terms: all students take
                   Taught programme                                       (recognising research of national and
                                                                                                                            Theory in Practice: Readings in Contemporary
                   MA American Literature: Critical Reading               international excellence) in the most recent
                                                                                                                            Theory and Literature, plus three of the following
                                                                          Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) and
                   Research programmes                                                                                      options: Anglo-American Modernism: Poetry
                                                                          our publications have attracted a number of
                   MPhil, DPhil American History and Literature                                                             and Poetics; American Poetry after Modernism:
                                                                          prestigious prizes and nominations for both
                                                                                                                            Retreat? Redirection? Rediscovery?;
                   Admissions requirements                                British and American awards.
                                                                                                                            Fictions of Capital: Case Studies in American
                   For information on overseas qualifications that      • American studies at Sussex offers flexibility     Narrative; Representing the Great Depression;
                   meet the admissions requirements, see pages            and choice. For postgraduate students, we         ImagiNation: Fiction and American History.
                   172-175                                                offer a taught MA in American Literature:
                   MA                                                                                                       Up to two options may be taken from related MA
                                                                          Critical Reading, an MPhil in American History
                   A literature-based upper second-class                                                                    programmes.
                                                                          and Literature, and a wide range of expertise
                   undergraduate honours degree                           for the supervision of doctoral research in       Summer term and vacation: you undertake
                   MPhil                                                                                                    supervised work on the MA dissertation.
                                                                          all aspects of the subject: literary, cultural,
                   A first- or upper second-class undergraduate
                                                                          political and historical. MA students may also    Assessment
                   honours degree in history, literature or
                                                                          take courses from MA programmes in English.       You are assessed by four 5,000-word term
                   American studies
                   DPhil                                                • We have an active and friendly research           papers and a dissertation of 20,000 words, for
                   A Masters degree in a subject relevant to              culture at all levels, including regular open     which you will receive one-to-one supervision.
                   your chosen area of research. For advice               seminars with guest speakers, and frequent
                   on research supervision, prospective DPhil             symposia and academic conferences.
                   applicants are encouraged to look at the                                                                 Research programmes
                                                                        • Particular strengths include race and
                   research areas and faculty interests listed on the
                                                                          ethnic relations, labour history and              MPhil in American History and Literature
                   right, and to contact Doug Haynes at the address
                                                                          slavery, discourses of migration, aesthetic       1-2 years full-time/up to 4 years part-time
                   listed below
                                                                          modernism, modern poetry, popular culture         An MPhil is a Masters-level research degree
                   English language requirements                          and 20th-century writing.                         on a topic of your choice, achieved through
                   IELTS 6.5, with not less than 6.5 in Writing and                                                         personal research and the close guidance of an
                                                                        • American Studies houses the Cunliffe Centre
                   6.0 in the other sections. For more information                                                          academic supervisor with relevant expertise. A
                                                                          for the Study of the American South and
                   and alternative English language requirements,                                                           highly flexible qualification, your MPhil can either
                                                                          has close associations with the Centre for
                   see page 174                                                                                             be ‘stand-alone’ or, via an upgrade examination,
                                                                          Modernist Studies, based here at Sussex.
                   Fees                                                   We also have close associations with the          can form part of doctoral-level work, extending
                   See pages 176-181 for information on fees              leading literary journal Textual Practice.        your thesis further and leading to a DPhil.

                   Further information                                  • All degrees may be undertaken on a part- or       To facilitate greater autonomy and develop a
                   Dr Doug Haynes,                                        full-time basis.                                  range of appropriate skills, all MPhil students are
                   American Studies,                                                                                        normally required to take one or more research
                   University of Sussex, Falmer,                                                                            training courses during the first year of their
                   Brighton BN1 9QN, UK                                 Taught programme                                    study.
                   T +44 (0)1273 877304                                                                                     Titles of recently completed theses include:
                   F +44 (0)1273 625972                                 MA in American Literature: Critical Reading
                                                                                                                            Selective Amnesia: Truth and Reconciliation
                   E                            1 year full-time/2 years part-time
                                                                                                                            in the American South and Savage Desert,
                              Designed for those with a critical interest in or
                                                                                                                            American Garden: Popular Imagery in the Selling
                                                                        informed curiosity about modern American
                                                                                                                            of California, 1876-1929.
                                                                        literature, this programme explores key topics in
                                                                        primarily 20th-century fiction and poetry.          Assessment
                                                                                                                            You are assessed by a 40,000-word thesis.
                                                                        Beginning with questioning how contemporary
                                                                        literary theory might inform all our readings,      DPhil
                                                                        you will go on to investigate subjects such as      Research applications are actively sought in
                                                                        modernism and its legacy in Anglo-American          the following areas: 20th-century American
                                                                        writing, the relation between economic              poetry and fiction; literature and migration;
                                                                        structures and narrative form, literary and         autobiographical studies; popular culture;
                                                                        filmic representations of nationhood, or the        African-American history; Southern history;
                                                                        relationship between culture, language and          and Atlantic world topics. Proposals on other or
                                                                        politics during the Great Depression.               related topics are welcome.
                                                                        This MA is associated with the Centre for           Funding
                                                                        Modernist Studies (                EU applicants may apply to the AHRC (see Fees
                                                                        modernist).                                         and funding on pages 176-186).
                                                                        Funding                                             There are opportunities for research students to
                                                                        EU applicants may apply to the AHRC. For            teach undergraduate courses.
                                                                        information on AHRC funding, see Fees and
                                                                        funding on pages 176-186.

Recent thesis titles                                  Faculty research interests
Technology, the public sphere and American

                                                                                                                                                                  American studies
writing since 1960                                    Stephen Burman International political
                                                      economy; class and race in the US; international
Colonialism 1590-1730: the racialisation              foreign policy. Author of The Black Progress
of space                                              Question: Explaining the African-American
Selective amnesia: truth and reconciliation in the    Predicament (1995). Currently working on a
American South                                        book on US foreign policy in the 1990s.
Myth and sites of resistance: the structuring of      Professor Robert Cook Political and social
identity in contemporary US counter-discourse of      history; the American Civil War; civil rights. Author
race and gender                                       of Troubled Commemoration: The American
                                                      Civil War Centennial, 1961-1965 (2007) and
‘Slavish pleasures and mechanical leisures’: the      Baptism of Fire: The Republican Party in Iowa,
problem of leisure in America during the 1930s        1838-1878 (1993).
Blank fiction: culture, consumption and the           Sue Currell American literature and culture
contemporary American novel                           1890-1940; the emergence and production
Do you see what I mean? An ‘inner law of form’ in     of 20th-century mass culture; the thirties;
Susan Howe’s historicism                              Taylorism/Fordism in relation to identity, language
                                                      and the self; eugenics and popular culture; self-
‘City of refuge’: Harlem and the urban aesthetic
                                                      help literature of the inter-war era. Author of The
in 20th-century American literature
                                                      March of Spare Time: The Problem and Promise
                                                      of Leisure in the 1930s (2005).
Specialist facilities                                 Richard Follett 19th-century US social
                                                      and economic history; slavery; antebellum
American subjects have formed an important            southern history; comparative slavery and race
part of the humanities at Sussex since the            relations; demography; agricultural and rural
University was founded. Consequently, the             history. Author of Louisiana’s Sugar Country
University’s Library has large holdings of serials    (2005). Currently working on slave demography
and printed books relating to the US, plus            and fertility patterns.
electronic resources such as ECHO, and Early
American Imprints.                                    Doug Haynes European and American
                                                      modernism, postmodernism and avant-garde
Manuscript collections include: the Harvey            writing and culture, particularly as these intersect
Matusow Papers, covering the McCarthy                                                                         Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother is an icon both
                                                      with critical theory. Publications on Thomas            of the endurance of Depression Americans and of
hearings in the 1950s; the Kenneth Allsop             Pynchon, William Burroughs, surrealism, and             the documentary mode itself, subjects covered in
Papers, reflecting that author’s interest in          Nathanael West.                                         the courses Representing the Great Depression,
American society, literature and popular culture;                                                             and Fictions of Capital: Case Studies in American
and a series of letters from Margaret Mead to         Daniel Kane 20th-century American literature;           Narrative
Geoffrey Gorer, exploring aspects of their shared     the avant-garde; the beats; poetry since the
interest in American national identity.               1960s. Author of All Poets Welcome: The Lower
                                                      East Side Poetry Scene in the 1960s (2003) and
For the more advanced or specialised graduate         What Is Poetry: Conversations with the American
student, the incomparable American holdings of        Avant-Garde (2003).
the British Library and the Institute of Historical
Studies – as well as London’s other repositories      Maria Lauret American feminist fiction and
of books, serials, manuscripts, films and the         theory; the American 1960s; gender, language
fine arts – are all within easy commuting distance    and migration; race and ethnicity; women’s
of the University.                                    autobiography. Author of Liberating Literature:
                                                      Feminist Fiction in America (1994), and Alice
                                                      Walker (2000). Working on race and ethnicity in
Academic activities                                   women’s writing; narratives of migration.

Open seminars in subjects related to the various      Professor Peter Nicholls International
Americanist disciplines – history, critical theory,   modernism; literary radicalism of the 1930s
English literature, lesbian and gay studies,          and 1960s; contemporary American poetry and
international relations, post-colonialism – are       poetics. Author of Modernisms: A Literary Guide
scheduled in addition to the regular American         (1995). Currently working on contemporary
studies seminar.                                      experimental poetry in America.

Website information                                   Jarod Roll Race, work and protest in the political
The American studies web pages are regularly          economy of rural America, especially in the
updated and are the most reliable source of           20th century. Publications on African-American
information for faculty research interests,           grassroots radicalism, American farmers and
as well as programme changes. Visit                   labour relations in the New Cotton South, 1890-                      1945.
                                                      Clive Webb Race and ethnic relations in the
                                                      19th and 20th centuries, particularly in the
                                                      southern states; racial and religious prejudice,
                                                      racial violence, and the civil rights movement.
                                                      Author of Fight Against Fear: Southern Jews
                                                      and Black Civil Rights (2001); (ed) Massive
                                                      Resistance: Southern Opposition to the Second
                                                      Reconstruction (2005).

MA in Anthropology (Africa)
               Anthropology                                                                                             1 year full-time/2 years part-time

                                                                                                                        MA students are eligible to apply for a Sasakawa
                                                                                                                        Scholarship (see Fees and funding on pages
                                                                                                                        Programme structure
                                                                                                                        Autumn term: you are provided with a foundation
                                                                                                                        in the discipline, taking Anthropology and
                                                                                                                        Ethnography; and Understanding Processes of
                                                                                                                        Social Change.
                                                                                                                        Spring term: you take Culture and Society
                                                                                                                        in Africa and an option from the other MA
               Essentials                                         • Anthropology at Sussex received a grade 5           anthropology programmes.
               Taught programmes                                    (recognising research of national and
                                                                    international excellence) in the most recent        Summer term and vacation: you undertake
               MA degrees                                                                                               supervised work on your dissertation.
               Anthropology                                         Research Assessment Exercise (RAE).
               Anthropology (Africa)                              • Anthropology was also awarded a grade of            See below for assessment methods.
               Anthropology (Europe)                                ‘excellent’ in an earlier assessment of teaching    Contact the programme convenor Jon Mitchell
               Anthropology (South Asia)                            quality.                                            ( for further
               Anthropology of Conflict, Violence                                                                       information
               and Conciliation                                   • We maintain a concern with the traditional
               Anthropology of Development and                      categories of British social anthropology           MA in Anthropology (Europe)
               Social Transformation                                (political and economic anthropology, kinship,      1 year full-time/2 years part-time
               Medical Anthropology                                 religion and ritual), while developing research     Funding
                                                                    that focuses on contemporary global society.        MA students are eligible to apply for a Sasakawa
               MSc degree                                                                                               Scholarship (see Fees and funding on pages
               Comparative and Cross-Cultural Research            • We have a long-standing involvement in the
                                                                    issues surrounding policy-making and applied        176-186).
               Methods (Anthropology)
                                                                    anthropology, and in the anthropological critique   Programme structure
               Research programmes                                  of development.                                     Autumn term: you are provided with a foundation
               MPhil, DPhil Social Anthropology
                                                                  • Faculty have undertaken consultancy and             in the discipline, taking Anthropology and
               New Route DPhil Social Anthropology
                                                                    commissioned work, and many of our graduates        Ethnography; and Understanding Processes of
               Admissions requirements                              have found employment in these fields.              Social Change.
               For information on overseas qualifications that      We also have a significant commitment to the
               meet the admissions requirements, see pages                                                              Spring term: you take European Transformations
                                                                    ethnographic exploration of cultural phenomena      and an option from the other MA anthropology
               172-175                                              such as religious ritual, music, dance
               MA                                                                                                       programmes.
                                                                    performance, heritage and film.
               An upper second-class undergraduate                                                                      Summer term and vacation: you undertake
               honours degree in anthropology or any other                                                              supervised work on your dissertation.
               relevant subject area                              Taught programmes
               MSc, MPhil and New Route DPhil                                                                           See below for assessment methods.
               An upper second-class undergraduate honours        These programmes combine a thorough                   Contact the programme convenor Jon Mitchell
               degree in anthropology or a related discipline,    grounding in the history, theory and methodology      ( for further
               but applicants from other backgrounds may be       of anthropology. They permit you to specialise in     information
               considered. Applicants should submit an outline    a region or specific focus if you wish, or to
               (two to three pages) of their research interests                                                         MA in Anthropology (South Asia)
                                                                  maintain a more general interest in the
               DPhil                                                                                                    1 year full-time/2 years part-time
               A Masters degree in anthropology, although                                                               Funding
               those with a degree in a closely related           MA in Anthropology                                    MA students are eligible to apply for a Sasakawa
               discipline may also be considered. Applicants      1 year full-time/2 years part-time                    Scholarship (see Fees and funding on pages
               should submit an outline research proposal         Funding                                               176-186).
               indicating the nature, ambitions and primary       MA students are eligible to apply for a Sasakawa
                                                                                                                        Programme structure
               questions of the research project                  Scholarship (see Fees and funding on pages
                                                                                                                        Autumn term: you are provided with a foundation
               English language requirements                                                                            in the discipline, taking Anthropology and
               IELTS 6.5, with not less than 6.5 in Writing and   Programme structure                                   Ethnography; and Understanding Processes of
               6.0 in the other sections. For more information    Autumn term: you are provided with a foundation       Social Change.
               and alternative English language requirements,     in the discipline, taking Anthropology and
                                                                                                                        Spring term: you take Society and Economy in
               see page 174                                       Ethnography; and Understanding Processes of
                                                                                                                        South Asia and an option from the other MA
                                                                  Social Change.
               Fees                                                                                                     anthropology programmes.
               See pages 176-181 for information on fees          Spring term: you are given the chance to adapt
                                                                                                                        Summer term and vacation: you undertake
                                                                  the programme more to your interests. You take
               Further information                                                                                      supervised work on your dissertation.
                                                                  one of Culture and Society in Africa; European
               Contact the degree convenors indicated for each
                                                                  Transformations; and Society and Economy in           See below for assessment methods.
               taught programme, or for general inquiries:
                                                                  South Asia, plus one course from another of the
               Professor Simon Coleman,                                                                                 Contact the programme convenor Jon Mitchell
                                                                  MA programmes.
               Department of Anthropology, University of                                                                ( for further
               Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9SJ, UK               Summer term and vacation: you undertake               information.
               E                         supervised work on your dissertation.
                                                                                                                        Assessment for the four programmes above
                                                                        Courses are assessed by a 5,000-word term
                                                                  See below right for assessment methods.
                                                                                                                        paper, except for Anthropology and Ethnography,
                                                                  Contact the programme convenor Jon Mitchell           which is assessed through two 2,000-word book
                                                                  ( for further               reviews. The dissertation is 10,000 words.

MA in Anthropology of Conflict,                      MA in Medical Anthropology
Violence and Conciliation                            1 year full-time/2 years part-time

1 year full-time/2 years part-time                   This MA is concerned with cross-cultural
This MA is concerned with modern conflicts           understandings of medicine, health and
and violence, ranging from war to domestic           healing, with the experience of pain and illness,
violence, and with conciliation, whether local       and with the political economy of health. It will
or international. It will be of interest to those    be of interest to both anthropologists and those
concerned with research into these fields as well    with experience, or considering a career, in the
as those with experience, or considering a career,   medical or health professions, social services, or
in conflict prevention, relief and conciliation.     development. Contact the programme convenor
Contact the programme convenor Mark Leopold          Maya Unnithan ( for
( for further               more information.
information.                                         Funding
Funding                                              MA students are eligible to apply for a Sasakawa
MA students are eligible to apply for a Sasakawa     Scholarship (see Fees and funding on pages
Scholarship (see Fees and funding on pages           176-186).
176-186).                                            Programme structure
Programme structure                                  Autumn term: you take Medical Anthropology
Autumn term: you take Researching and                and one of Anthropologists and Development;
Reporting Conflict: Anthropological Perspectives;    Researching and Reporting Conflict:
and Understanding Processes of Social Change.        Anthropological Perspectives; and Understanding
Spring term: you take Embodiment and                 Processes of Social Change.
Institutionalisation of Violence, Conflict and       Spring term: you take Cultural Understandings of
Conciliation and an option from another MA           Health and Healing and one of Anthropology of
programme.                                           Childbirth and Reproductive Health; Embodiment
Summer term and vacation: you take                   and Institutionalisation of Violence, Conflict
Anthropology of Reconciliation and                   and Conciliation; Households, Rural Livelihoods
Reconstruction and undertake supervised work         and Development Intervention; and Knowledge,
on your dissertation.                                Power and Resistance.
Assessment                                           Summer term and vacation: you either take
Each course is assessed by a 5,000-word term         Evaluation and Appraisal or Anthropology of
paper. The dissertation is 10,000 words.             Reconciliation and Reconstruction, and write a       Performance of a young men’s masquerade cult in
MA in Anthropology of Development                    short dissertation; or you undertake supervised      south-eastern Nigeria
and Social Transformation                            work on a longer dissertation.
                                                                                                          Autumn term: you take a research elective,
1 year full-time/2 years part-time                   Assessment                                           Philosophy of Science and Social Science
Concerned with the anthropological study of          Each course in the autumn and spring terms is        Research Practice, and Research Design in a
the complex economic, political and cultural         assessed by a 5,000-word term paper.                 Cross-Cultural Context.
processes of social transformation in the            Where appropriate, you may also either write
developing world, this MA provides an entry into     a 5,000-word term paper on your optional             Spring term: you take courses in quantitative and
the anthropology of development and will be of       summer-term course followed by a 10,000-             qualitative data collection and analysis.
interest to those with experience, or considering    word dissertation, or write a 20,000-word            Summer term: you choose from a selection of
a career, in the development field. For further      dissertation.                                        courses in cross-cultural and comparative data
information, contact Katy Gardner
                                                     MSc in Comparative and Cross-Cultural                collection and analysis. The research elective
                                                     Research Methods (Anthropology)                      continues across all terms, culminating in the
Funding                                              1 year full-time/2 years part-time                   writing of a dissertation.
MA students are eligible to apply for a Sasakawa     A Postgraduate Diploma and Certificate are also      Assessment
Scholarship (see Fees and funding on pages           available. See Routes to postgraduate study at       Taught courses are variously assessed by term
176-186).                                            Sussex on pages 14-15.                               papers of 3,000-5,000 words or equivalent
Programme structure                                  This MSc provides an alternative route for           coursework portfolios, depending on the courses
Autumn term: you take Understanding Processes        doctoral candidates who require more focused         chosen. The research elective is assessed by a
of Social Change; and Anthropologists and            research skills training.                            10,000-word dissertation that incorporates a
Development.                                                                                              research report and fieldwork proposal.
                                                     For further information, contact the MSc
Spring term: you take Households, Livelihoods        Anthropology convenor Professor Simon
and Development Intervention; and Knowledge,         Coleman (                  Specialist facilities
Power and Resistance.
                                                     Funding                                              Extensive computing facilities are available, and
Summer term and vacation: you either take            This programme qualifies for ESRC support
Evaluation and Appraisal and write a short                                                                office space is usually given to students taking
                                                     under its 1+3 system of doctoral support. For        research degrees. Students have full access to
dissertation; or you undertake supervised work       information on ESRC and other funding, see Fees
on a longer dissertation.                                                                                 the University’s main Library, and to the British
                                                     and funding on pages 176-186.                        Library of Development Studies at the Institute of
If available, an option from another MA can be                                                            Development Studies (IDS), which is located on
                                                     Programme structure
substituted for one of the spring- or summer-                                                             the Sussex campus.
                                                     There are three main elements to the MSc
term courses.
                                                     programme that run concurrently through the          There is close academic collaboration between
Assessment                                           academic year: a research elective involving         social anthropology faculty and other
Each course in the autumn and spring terms is        supervised reading in your individual research       departments and interdisciplinary research
assessed by a 5,000-word term paper.                 area and the writing of a dissertation; credited     centres, notably history, migration studies,
Where appropriate, you may also either write         courses in the philosophy and methodology of         geography and gender studies. Particularly
a 5,000-word term paper on your summer-              research; and training in both quantitative and      important links have been developed with IDS
term option course followed by a 10,000-             qualitative research skills.                         and the Sussex Law School.
word dissertation, or write a 20,000-word

Research programmes                                   Paul Basu Scotland, India, Sierra Leone, visual       Pam Kea Gambia, West Africa: gender relations,
                                                                     anthropology, globalisation, transnationalism,        migrant farm labour, politics of difference, social

               We welcome students wishing to undertake              migration, politics of identity, anthropology,        relations of agrarian production; globalisation,
               research in the main areas of faculty interests.      memory and history. Author of Highland                processes of accumulation, child labour and
               Funding                                               Homecomings: Genealogy and Heritage-Tourism           education. Author of The Politics of Difference:
               Anthropology has full 1+3 and +3 recognition          in the Scottish Diaspora (2007).                      Female Farmers and Agrarian Transformation
               from the ESRC. This includes access to five                                                                 in a Gambian Political and Cultural Economy
                                                                     Professor Simon Coleman Sweden, UK
               interdisciplinary research studentships in                                                                  (2007).
                                                                     and US; religion and pilgrimage, identity,
               2009. For further information on ESRC and             human rights, globalisation, modernity;               Mark Leopold Violence, peacemaking and
               other funding, see Fees and funding on pages
                                                                     space, movement and health. Author of The             memory, Uganda, Sudan, history, conflict,
               176-186. For further advice on funding, contact
                                                                     Globalisation of Charismatic Christianity (2000),     political culture and public morality. Author
               Professor Simon Coleman at the address listed
                                                                     and editor of (with M Crang) Tourism: Between         of Inside West Nile: Violence, History and
               in Essentials.
                                                                     Place and Performance (2003).                         Representation on an African Frontier (2005).
               There are three modes of entry for research           Professor Jane Cowan Greece; southern                 Peter Luetchford Costa Rica, Spain;
               students. First is traditional entry to an MPhil or   Balkans; nationalism, memory and identity;            cooperatives, alternative trade organisations,
               DPhil. Second is the MSc plus DPhil pathway,          conceptualising and administering ‘difference’        alternative food provision. Author of Fair Trade
               which is the 1+3 route required by the ESRC           in Balkan contexts; culture and rights; minority      and a Global Commodity: Coffee in Costa Rica
               for their studentship support. Third is the New       politics; gender relations; music and dance           (2007).
               Route DPhil offering an integrated four-year          performance, embodiment and experience.
                                                                                                                           Jon P Mitchell Malta: history, memory, politics
               programme of taught coursework in research            Editor of (with M Dembour and R Wilson),
                                                                                                                           and national identity; religion and belief. Author
               methods and professional skills together with         Culture and Rights: Anthropological
                                                                                                                           of Ambivalent Europeans: Ritual, Memory and
               supervised doctoral research.                         Perspectives (2001).
                                                                                                                           the Public Sphere in Malta (2001) and (with R
               For those studying for an MPhil or DPhil, during      Geert de Neve India; Tamilnadu; informal labour;      Wilson) Rights, Claims and Entitlements (2002).
               the autumn and spring terms of the initial training   power; caste and kinship; industrialisation; social   Co-editor of, with P Clough, Powers of Good and
               year you normally take a social anthropology          change; globalisation. Publications include The       Evil (2001).
               course, working closely with a designated             Everyday Politics of Labour: Working Lives in
                                                                                                                           Filippo Osella Kerala, South India: social
               supervisor. Where appropriate, you may take           India’s Informal Economy (2005), and (with
                                                                                                                           reproduction and stratification; migration
               courses from other specialist MA options as part      Maya Unnithan-Kumar) Critical Journeys: The
                                                                                                                           and globalisation; masculinity; consumption.
               of your research training. If you already have        Making of Anthropologists (2006).
                                                                                                                           Author of, with C Osella, Social Mobility in
               an MA degree, you are not necessarily required
                                                                     Professor Marie-Bénédicte Dembour Central             Kerala (2000), and (with C Osella) Men and
               to take courses as part of your pre-fieldwork
                                                                     Africa; Europe; colonialism; memory, life stories;    Masculinities in South India (2007).
               training. New research students will normally
                                                                     law and human rights; (based in the Sussex
               be required to take two or three courses in                                                                 Jeffrey Pratt Italy, Europe: political movements
                                                                     Law School). Author of Who Believes in Human
               research methods from those offered within                                                                  and ideologies; religious practice; rural
                                                                     Rights? Reflections on the European Convention
               the MSc in Comparative and Cross-Cultural                                                                   transformations. Author of The Politics of
               Research Methods (Anthropology). Each course                                                                Recognition (2001) and Class and Nationalist
               is assessed, but assessment does not contribute       Nigel Eltringham Human rights, conflict,              Movements in Europe (2002).
               to the award of the degree.                           genocide and the Great Lakes region of Africa.
                                                                                                                           Dinah Rajak South Africa, UK: intersection
                                                                     Author of The Ethics of Anthropology Debates and
               Fieldwork                                                                                                   of the anthropology of development and
                                                                     Dilemmas (2003), and Accounting for Horror:
               Research degrees usually involve fieldwork.                                                                 globalisation; and in the relationship between the
                                                                     Post-Genocide Debates in Rwanda (2004).
               After the first year, you usually spend the second                                                          state, business and civil society in the process
               year in the field and return to Sussex to write       Professor James Fairhead Africa south of              of development. Author of ‘Uplift and Empower:
               up your thesis in the third year. Those on a 1+3      the Sahara; UK: agriculture and ecology; health       The Market, The Gift and Corporate Social
               programme can usually go to the field by the          and fertility; colonialism; science and medicine.     Responsibility on South Africa’s Platinum Belt’, in
               middle of their second year.                          Author of Science, Society and Power (2003),          Research in Economic Anthropology (2008).
                                                                     and (with M Leach, T Geysbeek and S Holsoe)
               Recent thesis titles                                                                                        Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner China, Japan:
                                                                     African-American Exploration Inland from Liberia
               On the Perama waterfront: the social, economic                                                              genomics, biobanking practices, genetic
               and cultural aspects of employment structure in                                                             testing and population policy-making, stem-cell
               a suburb of Piraeus, Athens                           Anne-Meike Fechter Indonesia, South-East              research in Asian societies. Author of Academic
                                                                     Asia: corporate expatriates, transnationalism,        Nations in China and Japan: Framed by Concepts
               Transnational lives, plurinational subjects:
                                                                     development practitioners. Author of Transnational    of Nature, Culture and the Universal (2004).
               identity, migration and difference amongst
                                                                     Lives: Expatriates in Indonesia (2007).
               Moroccan women in Italy                                                                                     Professor Jock Stirrat Sri Lanka: aid and
                                                                     Katy Gardner Bangladesh, Islam, migration,            development; economic anthropology; Asian
               Knowledge, risk and power: agriculture and
                                                                     diaspora, development, Asians in the UK. Author       religions, Catholicism. Author of (with R Grillo)
               development discourse in a coastal village in
                                                                     of (with D Lewis) Development, Anthropology           Discourses of Development: Anthropological
                                                                     and the Postmodern Challenge (1996), and Age,         Perspectives (1997).
               The politics of identity in left-wing Bologna         Narrative and Migration: The Life Course and
                                                                                                                           Maya Unnithan-Kumar India, Rajasthan:
                                                                     Life Histories Amongst Bengali Elders in London
               Senegalese transmigrants and the construction                                                               kinship, caste and gender; development, popular
               of immigration in Emilia Romagna                                                                            religion, fertility and reproductive health; medical
                                                                     Elizabeth Harrison Zambia, Malawi, Kenya:             anthropology. Author of (with V Damodaran)
               If you won’t do these things for me, I won’t
                                                                     technology transfer, discourse of development,        Postcolonial India (2000), and (with G de Neve)
               do these things for you: local and regional
                                                                     gender relations. Editor of (with A Cornwall          Critical Journeys: The Making of Anthropologists
               constructions of seclusion ideologies and
                                                                     and A Whitehead) Feminisms in Development:            (2006). Editor of Desire and Ambivalence in
               practices in Kano, Northern Nigeria
                                                                     Contradictions, Contestation and Challenges           Human Reproduction (forthcoming).
               Abortion discourses: an exploration of the social,    (2006).
                                                                                                                           Professor Ann Whitehead Africa south of the
               cultural and organisational context of abortion
                                                                     Raminder Kaur India and UK; politics and              Sahara; western Europe: gender relations and
               decision-making in contemporary Britain
                                                                     popular culture, festivals, Indian cinema,            social transformation; economic anthropology;
                                                                     censorship, nationalism, diaspora, nuclear            family, kinship and marriage; epistemology and
               Faculty research interests                            issues. Author of Performative Politics and the       methodology; race, gender and difference.
                                                                     Cultures of Hinduism (2003); and Co-author of,        Author of ‘Continuities and discontinuities in
               Research interests are briefly described below.       Liquid Notions: Critical Reflections on Diaspora      political constructions of the working man in
               For more detailed information, see                    and Hybridity (2004).                                 rural sub-Saharan Africa: the lazy man in African
                                                                             agriculture’ in European Journal of Development
                                                                                                                           Research (2000).


Essentials                                          Taught programme
Taught programme                                    MA in Field Archaeology
MA Field Archaeology (full-time and part-time)      1 year full-time/2 years part-time
Research programmes                                 Our archaeological heritage is a valuable,
MPhil, DPhil Archaeology                            finite and vulnerable resource, which requires
                                                    investigation, recording and analysis to very
Admissions requirements                             high professional standards. This MA has been
For information on overseas qualifications that     developed to provide you with the practical
meet the admissions requirements, see pages         knowledge and skills, underpinned by theory, that
172-175                                             will enable you to make a positive contribution to
MA                                                  field archaeology.
An upper second-class undergraduate
honours degree in archaeology (including            You may already work for an archaeological
joint degrees), or an undergraduate diploma         organisation or you may want to gain skills
in archaeology with level 2 passes averaging        and a qualification to enable you to enter
60 per cent or higher. Consideration will also      the profession of field archaeology. Or, as an
be given to others who can demonstrate              amateur archaeologist, you may wish to enhance
extensive and relevant experience (including        your skills to a high professional standard.
individual research)                                Funding
MPhil and DPhil                                     Successful applicants are advised to check the       Students on the MA in Field Archaeology
Normally a Masters degree in archaeology            Fees and funding information on pages 176-           excavating at Barcombe Roman Villa, Sussex
English language requirements                       186. If you are considering taking this degree
IELTS 6.5, with not less than 6.5 in Writing and    programme for professional development, your         Most projects are within the Ouse Valley Research
6.0 in the other sections. For more information     employer may be able to help with the payment        Project (East Sussex), although it is also possible
and alternative English language requirements,      of fees.                                             to work on approved personal projects. For
see page 174                                                                                             current field research projects, see
                                                    Programme structure                        
Fees                                                This MA consists of five core courses, taken
See pages 176-181 for information on fees           full-time in one year or part-time over two years.   Year 2
                                                    These courses are taught as a series of day          Autumn term: you take Archaeological
Further information                                                                                      Reporting. This course looks at the theory and
                                                    schools to facilitate access for students living
David Rudling,                                                                                           practice of archaeological reporting, including
                                                    at a distance or undertaking the programme as
Archaeology, Centre for Continuing Education,                                                            traditional journal, client and synthetic reports,
                                                    continuing professional development. Teaching
Sussex Institute, University of Sussex,                                                                  together with associated archives and wider
                                                    includes lectures, seminars, group fieldwork,
Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QQ, UK                                                                            dissemination.
                                                    excavations and independent work towards a
T + 44 (0) 01273 873527
                                                    dissertation.                                        Spring and summer terms: you take Independent
E                    The programme structure of the part-time MA          Study: Field Archaeology. You will undertake an
                                                    can be found below:                                  approved extended piece of supervised research
                                                                                                         related to the aims of the programme. It will be
• Highly dedicated faculty offer a range of         Year 1                                               based on an original archaeological project (field-
  expertise, and specialise in field archaeology,   Autumn term: you take Field Archaeology,             or artefact-based) within its wider geographical
  British prehistory, Romano-British archaeology,   covering methods and techniques used to              and/or theoretical context.
  environmental archaeology and cultural            locate, excavate and record field data. Following
                                                    a consideration of theoretical aspects of field      Assessment
  resource management.                                                                                   A wide variety of modes of assessment are used
                                                    archaeology, sampling and site formation, part
• Students receive a thorough knowledge and         one covers how archaeological sites are located.     within the programme. These include essays,
  practical experience of modern approaches to      Part two covers the full process of archaeological   projects, practical reports, research plans and
  field archaeology.                                excavation including logistics, health and safety,   poster presentations. The final dissertation is up
                                                    and excavation methods.                              to 15,000 words.
• Each programme of study is designed to cater
  for an individual’s background experience and     Spring term: you take Artefact Studies, looking
  aims within practical archaeology.                at the archaeological analysis of material culture   Faculty research interests
                                                    recovered by archaeologists. The emphasis is
• Archaeology students are based in the
                                                    on the identification and analysis of ceramics,      Research interests are briefly described below.
  Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), which
                                                    lithics and metals, together with the technology     Richard Carter Stone Age hunter-gatherers,
  provides an academic community that fosters
                                                    of manufacture and the social context of such        archaeology of animals, environmental
  intellectual and social links with students and
                                                    processes. The course includes hands-on              archaeology.
  faculty in other disciplines.
                                                    analysis of artefact groups, archaeological
                                                    illustration and finds reports.                      David Rudling Field archaeology, landscape
                                                                                                         archaeology, Romano-British archaeology,
                                                    Summer term: you take Archaeological Field           numismatics.
                                                    Practice, which is a practical course based on
                                                    a sample excavation of an archaeological site.
                                                    Each student is allocated a site or part of a
                                                    site, for which they design an excavation and
                                                    sampling strategy and undertake the excavation.

Art history
Art history

              Essentials                                        • The Art History Department received a grade 5       Research programmes
              Taught programme                                    (recognising research of national and               We offer research supervision in the history
              MA Art History                                      international excellence) in the most recent        of art and architecture. Special areas of
                                                                  Research Assessment Exercise (RAE).                 interest include the history of the visual
              Research programmes
              MPhil, DPhil Art History                          • The skills of the faculty represent a unique        arts and architecture of western Europe
                                                                  array across European and American art and          in the early modern and modern periods,
              Admissions requirements                             culture, and include the study of methodology       Byzantine art, Renaissance art, 18th-century
              For information on overseas qualifications that     and critical theory.                                art, North American art of the 20th century,
              meet the admissions requirements, see pages                                                             and contemporary visual culture, especially
              172-175                                           • Art history at Sussex has strong links with
                                                                                                                      photography. Shared concerns across period
              MA                                                  museums and galleries, both locally and
                                                                                                                      interests include issues of methodology,
              An upper second-class undergraduate honours         nationally.
                                                                                                                      historiography and critical theory, as well as
              degree in art history or another arts or social   • For MA and research students alike, art             material and visual culture.
              sciences discipline                                 history at Sussex provides a friendly and
              MPhil and DPhil                                                                                         Funding
                                                                  stimulating environment for the exchange of
              A Masters degree in art history or a related                                                            The Department has a strong track record in
                                                                  ideas, in which intellectual life and scholarly
              discipline such as history, architecture,                                                               obtaining studentships from the AHRC, the Royal
                                                                  endeavour thrive.
              English, archaeology, anthropology or cultural                                                          Historical Society, the Social Sciences Research
              studies, and proof of engagement with art         • Sussex graduate students have gone on               Council of Canada and the Green Foundation.
              history at an advanced level. Training in           to find employment in higher education,             A limited amount of funding may be available
              research skills and methodologies is provided       publishing, the art market, conservation and        for outstanding research students, which may
                                                                  museum management.                                  involve some teaching.
              English language requirements
              IELTS 6.5, with not less than 6.5 in Writing                                                            Recent thesis titles
              and 6.0 in the other sections. For more                                                                 Narrative and figurative imagery in the English
                                                                Taught programme
              information and alternative English language                                                            domestic interior c1558-c1640
              requirements, see page 174                        MA in Art History                                     The fashions of the Florentine court: wearing,
                                                                1 year full-time/2 years part-time                    buying and making clothing, 1560-1620
              Fees                                              This MA is associated with the Centre for Visual
              See pages 176-181 for information on fees                                                               On relocating contemporary Chinese art
                                                                Fields (
              Further information                                                                                     Light in early Byzantium. The Church of
                                                                Funding                                               Hagia Sophia in Constantinople
              Sarah Maddox,
                                                                UK applicants for the full-time MA are eligible
              School of Humanities, Arts A,                                                                           Studies in the symbolism and spirituality
                                                                to apply for AHRC studentships (see Fees and
              University of Sussex, Falmer,                                                                           of the Arts and Crafts Movement
                                                                funding on pages 176-186).
              Brighton, BN1 9SH, UK                                                                                   Representing rebellion: visual aspects of
              E                           Programme structure                                   counter-insurgency in colonial India
                           The MA programme looks at global perspectives
                                                                in the history of art, concentrating on the           From mimesis to metaphor: images of the
                                                                art object, its appearance, reception and             Holocaust in contemporary photographic and
                                                                manufacture. In the core course, you share a          installation art
                                                                common taught experience, examining methods           Commemoration and academic ‘self-fashioning’:
                                                                and theories relating to themes such as material      funerary monuments to professors c1700
                                                                culture, globalisation, space, historiography and
                                                                The core course, Objects and Methods, is
                                                                complemented by three options selected from
                                                                those on offer in any one year, which may include:
                                                                Postcolonialism and Visual Culture; Photography
                                                                and 20th-Century Visual Culture; Modernity in
                                                                Europe and America; Body and Society; Creating
                                                                the Court; Power of Images in Byzantium; Art
                                                                and Text in Byzantium; and 18th-Century British
                                                                Art and Italy. You may, with the agreement of the
                                                                programme director, take an option from other
                                                                humanities postgraduate programmes. The
                                                                dissertation is undertaken by full-time students
                                                                in the third term, and by part-time students in the
                                                                third and sixth terms.
                                                                You are assessed by term papers and a
                                                                dissertation of 20,000 words.

                                                                The early 19th-century Egyptian House at
                                                                Penzance epitomises the influence of other
                                                                civilisations on European art and architecture

Specialist facilities

                                                                                                                                                                Art history
Facilities include a well-equipped slide library
containing over 100,000 colour transparencies,
the Bridson Collection of photographs, access
to computing and word-processing training, and
a library well stocked with secondary literature
in the discipline and with online access to the
British Library and other repositories.
You are encouraged, where appropriate, to take
advantage of local sites of art-historical interest:
the Barlow Collection of Chinese art situated
on campus; extensive collections in the Royal
Pavilion and the museums of Brighton & Hove;
and local country houses such as Petworth, Firle
and Charleston.

Academic activities
A regular research seminar, to which outside
speakers are invited, provides a major focus of
debate. You are also able and encouraged to
attend seminars in other disciplines such as
history, English, philosophy and anthropology.
The Department of Art History is linked to the
Victoria and Albert Museum in London through
an exchange programme that extends and
enhances the research and teaching expertise
of both institutions. Each year a member of staff
from the museum teaches at Sussex, while a
member of the University faculty undertakes
research based on the museum collections.
                                                       Researchers in the Sussex Centre for Byzantine Cultural History are working with international
The Department of Art History plays a part in          colleagues on an interdisciplinary project investigating how, when and where glass tesserae, the
the Sussex Centre for Research in Visual and           building blocks of mosaics, were made. As well as providing insights into artistic practices of the
Material Culture, the Sussex Centre for Early          Byzantium era, this will contribute to wider debates about the nature of trade and exchange within the
                                                       Mediterranean during this period and into our understanding of political and social changes within the
Modern Studies and the Sussex Centre for
                                                       Mediterranean world
Byzantine Cultural History. These form foci for
a range of lectures, conferences and funded
research projects.                                     Faculty research interests                            Professor David Alan Mellor 20th-century
                                                                                                             painting, film and photography; all aspects of
                                                       These cover a broad chronological spread from         cultural history and visual representation c1900
                                                       Byzantium to the present and a wide range of          to the present; photography in Europe and the
                                                       interests, from 20th-century photography to           US, 1920 to the present. Author of Works on
                                                       women art critics, Tudor architecture, art and        Paper Attributed to Francis Bacon: the Barry
                                                       travel.                                               Joule Archive (2000), Tracing Light (2001), and
                                                       Research interests are briefly described below.       Liliane Lijn: Works, 1959-1980 (2005).
                                                       For more detailed information, see                    Michelle O’Malley Italian Renaissance painting,
The 18th-century hall ceiling of Clandon Park,
by an Italian plasterer, demonstrates the cross-                                                             commissioning, consumption and production.
fertilisation of European expertise during this        Meaghan Clarke 19th-century art; women and            Author of The Business of Art: Contracts and
period                                                 writing. Author of Critical Voices in British Art:    Commissioning in Renaissance Italy (2004),
                                                       Women Writing 1880-1905 (2004).                       and The Material Renaissance: Cost and
                                                                                                             Consumption in Italy 1400-1650 (2005).
                                                       Flora Dennis Renaissance art and music.
                                                       Author of At Home in Renaissance Italy (2006).        Geoffrey Quilley 18th-century art, travel and
                                                                                                             empire. Author of Conflicting Visions: War and
                                                       Professor Maurice Howard Tudor art and                Visual Culture in Britain and France, c1700-
                                                       architecture; French architecture 1500-1600;          1830 (2005), and Art and the British Empire
                                                       issues in Dutch and Netherlandish painting; the       (2007).
                                                       history of ornament. Author of The Tudor Image
                                                       (1995), Ornament: A Social History since 1450         Associated faculty
                                                       (1996), and The Building of Elizabethan and           Vibhuti Sachdev Associate Fellow: architectural
                                                       Jacobean England (2008).                              theory, contemporary architectural practice
                                                                                                             and urban design in India. Author of Indian
                                                       Professor Liz James Classical and Byzantine           Architectural Theory: Contemporary Uses of
                                                       art, light and colour, gender. Author of Light and    Vastu Vidya (1998), and Building Jaipur: The
                                                       Colour in Byzantine Art (1996), Women, Men            Making of an Indian City (2002).
                                                       and Eunuchs in Byzantium (1996), Desire and
                                                       Denial in Byzantium (ed) (1999), Empresses and
                                                       Power in Early Byzantium (2001), and editor of
                                                       Art and Text in Byzantine Culture (2007).

Astronomy and
Astronomy and cosmology


                          Essentials                                                                                              Programme structure (full-time)
                                                                            • The Department of Physics and Astronomy
                                                                                                                                  Your time is split equally between taught
                          Taught programmes                                   received a grade 5 (recognising research
                                                                                                                                  courses and a research project. You have a
                          MSc degrees                                         of national and international excellence)
                                                                                                                                  supervisor who oversees your work in general
                          Astronomy                                           in the most recent Research Assessment
                                                                                                                                  and is responsible for supervision of your
                          Cosmology                                           Exercise (RAE). Sussex also tops the latest UK
                                                                                                                                  project. Supervisors and topics are allocated, in
                                                                              rankings for having the highest citation rate
                          Research programmes                                                                                     consultation with you, early in the autumn term.
                                                                              in astronomy and space science (Thomson
                          MPhil, DPhil Astronomy                                                                                  Projects may be theoretical, or involve simulation
                                                                              Scientific, 2001-05).
                                                                                                                                  or data reduction. In many cases the projects
                          Admissions requirements                           • The Department is one of six in the South           form the basis of research papers later published
                          For information on overseas qualifications that     East of England to receive a joint award            in scientific journals.
                          meet the admissions requirements, see pages         of £12.5 million, for the academic years
                          172-175                                                                                                 Autumn and spring terms: you take four
                                                                              2008-13, to enhance collaboration in
                          MSc                                                                                                     compulsory courses: Cosmology; Stellar
                                                                              graduate teaching and learning in physics and
                          A first- or second-class undergraduate                                                                  Structure; Galactic Structure (all comprising 20
                          honours degree in a physics-, mathematics- or                                                           lectures and 10 problem classes); and Research
                          astronomy-based programme. Other degrees          • Students are based in the Astronomy Centre,         Skills. You also choose two options from a range
                          will be considered on an individual basis           which is part of the Department of Physics and      of courses available. These are taught on topics
                          MPhil and DPhil                                     Astronomy. The Centre was founded in 1965           relating to research interests within the group,
                          A first- or an upper second-class honours           and over 250 MSc and 100 DPhil students             and vary from year to year, but generally cover
                          degree in a relevant subject: physics,              have graduated from it.                             a wide range of topics. Options might include:
                          astronomy or mathematics                          • The Astronomy Centre carries out world-             Astronomical Detectors; Computer Simulations
                                                                              leading research in many branches of                in Physics; Data Analysis Techniques; Galaxy
                          English language requirements
                                                                              theoretical and observational astrophysics,         Formation; Introduction to C; and General
                          IELTS 6.0, with not less than 6.0 in each
                                                                              with current emphasis on the early universe,        Relativity. You start work on your project and give
                          section. For more information and alternative
                                                                              large-scale structure, the high-redshift            an assessed talk on this towards the end of the
                          English language requirements, see page 174
                                                                              universe, and galaxy formation and clustering.      spring term.
                                                                            • There are close links with other groups             Summer term: after examinations, the final three
                          See pages 176-181 for information on fees
                                                                              in physics, especially those working on             months are devoted to project work, including
                          Admissions and further information                                                                      preparation of a poster display.
                                                                              theoretical particle physics.
                          Postgraduate Coordinator,
                          School of Science and Technology,                 • At any one time there are about 20 to 30            Programme structure (part-time)
                          University of Sussex,                               graduate students, of whom about one-third          You take the four compulsory courses in the
                          Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QJ, UK                        are from overseas. Together with permanent          autumn and spring terms of year 1. After the
                          T +44 (0)1273 678940                                faculty, postdoctoral fellows and visitors, there   examinations in the summer term, you will begin
                          F +44 (0)1273 877873                                is a community of about 50 astronomers in           work on your project. Project work continues
                          E                         total.                                              during year 2 when you will also take two options
                                                                                                from the above list.
                                                                            Taught programmes                                     Assessment for the taught courses is by
                                                                            MSc in Astronomy                                      coursework and unseen examination.
                                                                            1 year full-time/2 years part-time                    Assessment for the project is by seminar, poster
                                                                            The MSc programme is intended for honours             presentation and a dissertation of not more than
                                                                                                                                  20,000 words. The exams are normally taken
                                                                            graduates with an applied mathematics or
                                                                                                                                  in May and the project dissertation must be
                                                                            physics-based degree who wish to learn how
                                                                                                                                  submitted by the end of August.
                                                                            to apply their knowledge to astronomy. It is one
                                                                            of only three full-time, broad-based astronomy        A distinction is awarded on the basis of
                                                                            MSc degrees in the UK. It covers the major fields     excellence in both the lecture courses and
                                                                            of astronomy and astrophysics at an advanced          the project.
                                                                            level, with an emphasis in the lecture courses on     MSc in Cosmology
                                                                            theoretical astronomy.                                1 year full-time/2 years part-time
                                                                            The programme has a high reputation, both             The MSc programme is intended for honours
                                                                            nationally and internationally, and there are         graduates from an applied mathematics or
                                                                            MSc graduates from the Sussex Astronomy               physics-based degree who wish to learn how to
                                                                            Centre all over the world. Many of our graduates      apply their knowledge to cosmology. It is one of
                                                                            go on to take a research degree and often find        only two MScs in this subject area in the UK. The
                                                                            a permanent job in astronomy. Others have             emphasis is on observational and theoretical
                                                                            become science journalists and writers.               cosmology in the pre- and post-recombination
                                                                            Instruction is by lectures, exercise classes,
                                                                            seminars and personal supervision.                    Instruction is by lectures, exercise classes,
                                                                                                                                  seminars and personal supervision.

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University of Sussex postgraduate prospectus section 7: Subjects
University of Sussex postgraduate prospectus section 7: Subjects
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University of Sussex postgraduate prospectus section 7: Subjects

  • 1. 042 American studies Subjects Subjects 044 Anthropology 047 Archaeology 048 Art history 050 Astronomy and cosmology 052 Biochemistry 056 Biology 059 Chemistry 062 Computing, artificial intelligence and IT 069 Contemporary European studies 072 Creative writing 074 Development studies 083 Economics 086 Education and teaching 091 Engineering and design 128 English language (see Linguistics and English language) 098 English language teaching 099 English literature 103 Environmental science 104 Finance 099 French (see English literature) 106 Gender studies 109 Geography 099 German (see English literature) 114 Globalisation, ethnicity and culture 115 History 048 History of art (see Art history) 121 Human rights 122 International relations 125 Law 128 Linguistics and English language 130 Management 132 Mathematics 134 Media and film studies 138 Medicine and health studies 140 Migration studies 142 Music 144 Neuroscience 146 Philosophy 148 Physics 158 Policy studies (see Science and technology policy and management) 151 Politics 153 Psychology 099 Renaissance studies (see English literature) 158 Science and technology policy and management 162 Social and political thought 164 Social work and social care 167 Sociology 086, 098 Teaching (see Education and teaching, and English language teaching) 169 Visual arts and conservation studies 41
  • 2. American studies American studies Essentials Programme structure • Our faculty research achieved grade 5 Autumn and spring terms: all students take Taught programme (recognising research of national and Theory in Practice: Readings in Contemporary MA American Literature: Critical Reading international excellence) in the most recent Theory and Literature, plus three of the following Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) and Research programmes options: Anglo-American Modernism: Poetry our publications have attracted a number of MPhil, DPhil American History and Literature and Poetics; American Poetry after Modernism: prestigious prizes and nominations for both Retreat? Redirection? Rediscovery?; Admissions requirements British and American awards. Fictions of Capital: Case Studies in American For information on overseas qualifications that • American studies at Sussex offers flexibility Narrative; Representing the Great Depression; meet the admissions requirements, see pages and choice. For postgraduate students, we ImagiNation: Fiction and American History. 172-175 offer a taught MA in American Literature: MA Up to two options may be taken from related MA Critical Reading, an MPhil in American History A literature-based upper second-class programmes. and Literature, and a wide range of expertise undergraduate honours degree for the supervision of doctoral research in Summer term and vacation: you undertake MPhil supervised work on the MA dissertation. all aspects of the subject: literary, cultural, A first- or upper second-class undergraduate political and historical. MA students may also Assessment honours degree in history, literature or take courses from MA programmes in English. You are assessed by four 5,000-word term American studies DPhil • We have an active and friendly research papers and a dissertation of 20,000 words, for A Masters degree in a subject relevant to culture at all levels, including regular open which you will receive one-to-one supervision. your chosen area of research. For advice seminars with guest speakers, and frequent on research supervision, prospective DPhil symposia and academic conferences. applicants are encouraged to look at the Research programmes • Particular strengths include race and research areas and faculty interests listed on the ethnic relations, labour history and MPhil in American History and Literature right, and to contact Doug Haynes at the address slavery, discourses of migration, aesthetic 1-2 years full-time/up to 4 years part-time listed below modernism, modern poetry, popular culture An MPhil is a Masters-level research degree English language requirements and 20th-century writing. on a topic of your choice, achieved through IELTS 6.5, with not less than 6.5 in Writing and personal research and the close guidance of an • American Studies houses the Cunliffe Centre 6.0 in the other sections. For more information academic supervisor with relevant expertise. A for the Study of the American South and and alternative English language requirements, highly flexible qualification, your MPhil can either has close associations with the Centre for see page 174 be ‘stand-alone’ or, via an upgrade examination, Modernist Studies, based here at Sussex. Fees We also have close associations with the can form part of doctoral-level work, extending See pages 176-181 for information on fees leading literary journal Textual Practice. your thesis further and leading to a DPhil. Further information • All degrees may be undertaken on a part- or To facilitate greater autonomy and develop a Dr Doug Haynes, full-time basis. range of appropriate skills, all MPhil students are American Studies, normally required to take one or more research University of Sussex, Falmer, training courses during the first year of their Brighton BN1 9QN, UK Taught programme study. T +44 (0)1273 877304 Titles of recently completed theses include: F +44 (0)1273 625972 MA in American Literature: Critical Reading Selective Amnesia: Truth and Reconciliation E 1 year full-time/2 years part-time in the American South and Savage Desert, Designed for those with a critical interest in or American Garden: Popular Imagery in the Selling informed curiosity about modern American of California, 1876-1929. literature, this programme explores key topics in primarily 20th-century fiction and poetry. Assessment You are assessed by a 40,000-word thesis. Beginning with questioning how contemporary literary theory might inform all our readings, DPhil you will go on to investigate subjects such as Research applications are actively sought in modernism and its legacy in Anglo-American the following areas: 20th-century American writing, the relation between economic poetry and fiction; literature and migration; structures and narrative form, literary and autobiographical studies; popular culture; filmic representations of nationhood, or the African-American history; Southern history; relationship between culture, language and and Atlantic world topics. Proposals on other or politics during the Great Depression. related topics are welcome. This MA is associated with the Centre for Funding Modernist Studies ( EU applicants may apply to the AHRC (see Fees modernist). and funding on pages 176-186). Funding There are opportunities for research students to EU applicants may apply to the AHRC. For teach undergraduate courses. information on AHRC funding, see Fees and funding on pages 176-186. 42
  • 3. Recent thesis titles Faculty research interests Technology, the public sphere and American American studies writing since 1960 Stephen Burman International political economy; class and race in the US; international Colonialism 1590-1730: the racialisation foreign policy. Author of The Black Progress of space Question: Explaining the African-American Selective amnesia: truth and reconciliation in the Predicament (1995). Currently working on a American South book on US foreign policy in the 1990s. Myth and sites of resistance: the structuring of Professor Robert Cook Political and social identity in contemporary US counter-discourse of history; the American Civil War; civil rights. Author race and gender of Troubled Commemoration: The American Civil War Centennial, 1961-1965 (2007) and ‘Slavish pleasures and mechanical leisures’: the Baptism of Fire: The Republican Party in Iowa, problem of leisure in America during the 1930s 1838-1878 (1993). Blank fiction: culture, consumption and the Sue Currell American literature and culture contemporary American novel 1890-1940; the emergence and production Do you see what I mean? An ‘inner law of form’ in of 20th-century mass culture; the thirties; Susan Howe’s historicism Taylorism/Fordism in relation to identity, language and the self; eugenics and popular culture; self- ‘City of refuge’: Harlem and the urban aesthetic help literature of the inter-war era. Author of The in 20th-century American literature March of Spare Time: The Problem and Promise of Leisure in the 1930s (2005). Specialist facilities Richard Follett 19th-century US social and economic history; slavery; antebellum American subjects have formed an important southern history; comparative slavery and race part of the humanities at Sussex since the relations; demography; agricultural and rural University was founded. Consequently, the history. Author of Louisiana’s Sugar Country University’s Library has large holdings of serials (2005). Currently working on slave demography and printed books relating to the US, plus and fertility patterns. electronic resources such as ECHO, and Early American Imprints. Doug Haynes European and American modernism, postmodernism and avant-garde Manuscript collections include: the Harvey writing and culture, particularly as these intersect Matusow Papers, covering the McCarthy Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother is an icon both with critical theory. Publications on Thomas of the endurance of Depression Americans and of hearings in the 1950s; the Kenneth Allsop Pynchon, William Burroughs, surrealism, and the documentary mode itself, subjects covered in Papers, reflecting that author’s interest in Nathanael West. the courses Representing the Great Depression, American society, literature and popular culture; and Fictions of Capital: Case Studies in American and a series of letters from Margaret Mead to Daniel Kane 20th-century American literature; Narrative Geoffrey Gorer, exploring aspects of their shared the avant-garde; the beats; poetry since the interest in American national identity. 1960s. Author of All Poets Welcome: The Lower East Side Poetry Scene in the 1960s (2003) and For the more advanced or specialised graduate What Is Poetry: Conversations with the American student, the incomparable American holdings of Avant-Garde (2003). the British Library and the Institute of Historical Studies – as well as London’s other repositories Maria Lauret American feminist fiction and of books, serials, manuscripts, films and the theory; the American 1960s; gender, language fine arts – are all within easy commuting distance and migration; race and ethnicity; women’s of the University. autobiography. Author of Liberating Literature: Feminist Fiction in America (1994), and Alice Walker (2000). Working on race and ethnicity in Academic activities women’s writing; narratives of migration. Open seminars in subjects related to the various Professor Peter Nicholls International Americanist disciplines – history, critical theory, modernism; literary radicalism of the 1930s English literature, lesbian and gay studies, and 1960s; contemporary American poetry and international relations, post-colonialism – are poetics. Author of Modernisms: A Literary Guide scheduled in addition to the regular American (1995). Currently working on contemporary studies seminar. experimental poetry in America. Website information Jarod Roll Race, work and protest in the political The American studies web pages are regularly economy of rural America, especially in the updated and are the most reliable source of 20th century. Publications on African-American information for faculty research interests, grassroots radicalism, American farmers and as well as programme changes. Visit labour relations in the New Cotton South, 1890- 1945. Clive Webb Race and ethnic relations in the 19th and 20th centuries, particularly in the southern states; racial and religious prejudice, racial violence, and the civil rights movement. Author of Fight Against Fear: Southern Jews and Black Civil Rights (2001); (ed) Massive Resistance: Southern Opposition to the Second Reconstruction (2005). 43
  • 4. MA in Anthropology (Africa) Anthropology 1 year full-time/2 years part-time Anthropology Funding MA students are eligible to apply for a Sasakawa Scholarship (see Fees and funding on pages 176-186). Programme structure Autumn term: you are provided with a foundation in the discipline, taking Anthropology and Ethnography; and Understanding Processes of Social Change. Spring term: you take Culture and Society in Africa and an option from the other MA Essentials • Anthropology at Sussex received a grade 5 anthropology programmes. Taught programmes (recognising research of national and international excellence) in the most recent Summer term and vacation: you undertake MA degrees supervised work on your dissertation. Anthropology Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). Anthropology (Africa) • Anthropology was also awarded a grade of See below for assessment methods. Anthropology (Europe) ‘excellent’ in an earlier assessment of teaching Contact the programme convenor Jon Mitchell Anthropology (South Asia) quality. ( for further Anthropology of Conflict, Violence information and Conciliation • We maintain a concern with the traditional Anthropology of Development and categories of British social anthropology MA in Anthropology (Europe) Social Transformation (political and economic anthropology, kinship, 1 year full-time/2 years part-time Medical Anthropology religion and ritual), while developing research Funding that focuses on contemporary global society. MA students are eligible to apply for a Sasakawa MSc degree Scholarship (see Fees and funding on pages Comparative and Cross-Cultural Research • We have a long-standing involvement in the issues surrounding policy-making and applied 176-186). Methods (Anthropology) anthropology, and in the anthropological critique Programme structure Research programmes of development. Autumn term: you are provided with a foundation MPhil, DPhil Social Anthropology • Faculty have undertaken consultancy and in the discipline, taking Anthropology and New Route DPhil Social Anthropology commissioned work, and many of our graduates Ethnography; and Understanding Processes of Admissions requirements have found employment in these fields. Social Change. For information on overseas qualifications that We also have a significant commitment to the meet the admissions requirements, see pages Spring term: you take European Transformations ethnographic exploration of cultural phenomena and an option from the other MA anthropology 172-175 such as religious ritual, music, dance MA programmes. performance, heritage and film. An upper second-class undergraduate Summer term and vacation: you undertake honours degree in anthropology or any other supervised work on your dissertation. relevant subject area Taught programmes MSc, MPhil and New Route DPhil See below for assessment methods. An upper second-class undergraduate honours These programmes combine a thorough Contact the programme convenor Jon Mitchell degree in anthropology or a related discipline, grounding in the history, theory and methodology ( for further but applicants from other backgrounds may be of anthropology. They permit you to specialise in information considered. Applicants should submit an outline a region or specific focus if you wish, or to (two to three pages) of their research interests MA in Anthropology (South Asia) maintain a more general interest in the DPhil 1 year full-time/2 years part-time discipline. A Masters degree in anthropology, although Funding those with a degree in a closely related MA in Anthropology MA students are eligible to apply for a Sasakawa discipline may also be considered. Applicants 1 year full-time/2 years part-time Scholarship (see Fees and funding on pages should submit an outline research proposal Funding 176-186). indicating the nature, ambitions and primary MA students are eligible to apply for a Sasakawa Programme structure questions of the research project Scholarship (see Fees and funding on pages Autumn term: you are provided with a foundation 176-186). English language requirements in the discipline, taking Anthropology and IELTS 6.5, with not less than 6.5 in Writing and Programme structure Ethnography; and Understanding Processes of 6.0 in the other sections. For more information Autumn term: you are provided with a foundation Social Change. and alternative English language requirements, in the discipline, taking Anthropology and Spring term: you take Society and Economy in see page 174 Ethnography; and Understanding Processes of South Asia and an option from the other MA Social Change. Fees anthropology programmes. See pages 176-181 for information on fees Spring term: you are given the chance to adapt Summer term and vacation: you undertake the programme more to your interests. You take Further information supervised work on your dissertation. one of Culture and Society in Africa; European Contact the degree convenors indicated for each Transformations; and Society and Economy in See below for assessment methods. taught programme, or for general inquiries: South Asia, plus one course from another of the Professor Simon Coleman, Contact the programme convenor Jon Mitchell MA programmes. Department of Anthropology, University of ( for further Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9SJ, UK Summer term and vacation: you undertake information. E supervised work on your dissertation. Assessment for the four programmes above Courses are assessed by a 5,000-word term See below right for assessment methods. paper, except for Anthropology and Ethnography, Contact the programme convenor Jon Mitchell which is assessed through two 2,000-word book ( for further reviews. The dissertation is 10,000 words. information. 44
  • 5. MA in Anthropology of Conflict, MA in Medical Anthropology Violence and Conciliation 1 year full-time/2 years part-time Anthropology 1 year full-time/2 years part-time This MA is concerned with cross-cultural This MA is concerned with modern conflicts understandings of medicine, health and and violence, ranging from war to domestic healing, with the experience of pain and illness, violence, and with conciliation, whether local and with the political economy of health. It will or international. It will be of interest to those be of interest to both anthropologists and those concerned with research into these fields as well with experience, or considering a career, in the as those with experience, or considering a career, medical or health professions, social services, or in conflict prevention, relief and conciliation. development. Contact the programme convenor Contact the programme convenor Mark Leopold Maya Unnithan ( for ( for further more information. information. Funding Funding MA students are eligible to apply for a Sasakawa MA students are eligible to apply for a Sasakawa Scholarship (see Fees and funding on pages Scholarship (see Fees and funding on pages 176-186). 176-186). Programme structure Programme structure Autumn term: you take Medical Anthropology Autumn term: you take Researching and and one of Anthropologists and Development; Reporting Conflict: Anthropological Perspectives; Researching and Reporting Conflict: and Understanding Processes of Social Change. Anthropological Perspectives; and Understanding Spring term: you take Embodiment and Processes of Social Change. Institutionalisation of Violence, Conflict and Spring term: you take Cultural Understandings of Conciliation and an option from another MA Health and Healing and one of Anthropology of programme. Childbirth and Reproductive Health; Embodiment Summer term and vacation: you take and Institutionalisation of Violence, Conflict Anthropology of Reconciliation and and Conciliation; Households, Rural Livelihoods Reconstruction and undertake supervised work and Development Intervention; and Knowledge, on your dissertation. Power and Resistance. Assessment Summer term and vacation: you either take Each course is assessed by a 5,000-word term Evaluation and Appraisal or Anthropology of paper. The dissertation is 10,000 words. Reconciliation and Reconstruction, and write a Performance of a young men’s masquerade cult in MA in Anthropology of Development short dissertation; or you undertake supervised south-eastern Nigeria and Social Transformation work on a longer dissertation. Autumn term: you take a research elective, 1 year full-time/2 years part-time Assessment Philosophy of Science and Social Science Concerned with the anthropological study of Each course in the autumn and spring terms is Research Practice, and Research Design in a the complex economic, political and cultural assessed by a 5,000-word term paper. Cross-Cultural Context. processes of social transformation in the Where appropriate, you may also either write developing world, this MA provides an entry into a 5,000-word term paper on your optional Spring term: you take courses in quantitative and the anthropology of development and will be of summer-term course followed by a 10,000- qualitative data collection and analysis. interest to those with experience, or considering word dissertation, or write a 20,000-word Summer term: you choose from a selection of a career, in the development field. For further dissertation. courses in cross-cultural and comparative data information, contact Katy Gardner MSc in Comparative and Cross-Cultural collection and analysis. The research elective ( Research Methods (Anthropology) continues across all terms, culminating in the Funding 1 year full-time/2 years part-time writing of a dissertation. MA students are eligible to apply for a Sasakawa A Postgraduate Diploma and Certificate are also Assessment Scholarship (see Fees and funding on pages available. See Routes to postgraduate study at Taught courses are variously assessed by term 176-186). Sussex on pages 14-15. papers of 3,000-5,000 words or equivalent Programme structure This MSc provides an alternative route for coursework portfolios, depending on the courses Autumn term: you take Understanding Processes doctoral candidates who require more focused chosen. The research elective is assessed by a of Social Change; and Anthropologists and research skills training. 10,000-word dissertation that incorporates a Development. research report and fieldwork proposal. For further information, contact the MSc Spring term: you take Households, Livelihoods Anthropology convenor Professor Simon and Development Intervention; and Knowledge, Coleman ( Specialist facilities Power and Resistance. Funding Extensive computing facilities are available, and Summer term and vacation: you either take This programme qualifies for ESRC support Evaluation and Appraisal and write a short office space is usually given to students taking under its 1+3 system of doctoral support. For research degrees. Students have full access to dissertation; or you undertake supervised work information on ESRC and other funding, see Fees on a longer dissertation. the University’s main Library, and to the British and funding on pages 176-186. Library of Development Studies at the Institute of If available, an option from another MA can be Development Studies (IDS), which is located on Programme structure substituted for one of the spring- or summer- the Sussex campus. There are three main elements to the MSc term courses. programme that run concurrently through the There is close academic collaboration between Assessment academic year: a research elective involving social anthropology faculty and other Each course in the autumn and spring terms is supervised reading in your individual research departments and interdisciplinary research assessed by a 5,000-word term paper. area and the writing of a dissertation; credited centres, notably history, migration studies, Where appropriate, you may also either write courses in the philosophy and methodology of geography and gender studies. Particularly a 5,000-word term paper on your summer- research; and training in both quantitative and important links have been developed with IDS term option course followed by a 10,000- qualitative research skills. and the Sussex Law School. word dissertation, or write a 20,000-word dissertation. 45
  • 6. Research programmes Paul Basu Scotland, India, Sierra Leone, visual Pam Kea Gambia, West Africa: gender relations, anthropology, globalisation, transnationalism, migrant farm labour, politics of difference, social Anthropology We welcome students wishing to undertake migration, politics of identity, anthropology, relations of agrarian production; globalisation, research in the main areas of faculty interests. memory and history. Author of Highland processes of accumulation, child labour and Funding Homecomings: Genealogy and Heritage-Tourism education. Author of The Politics of Difference: Anthropology has full 1+3 and +3 recognition in the Scottish Diaspora (2007). Female Farmers and Agrarian Transformation from the ESRC. This includes access to five in a Gambian Political and Cultural Economy Professor Simon Coleman Sweden, UK interdisciplinary research studentships in (2007). and US; religion and pilgrimage, identity, 2009. For further information on ESRC and human rights, globalisation, modernity; Mark Leopold Violence, peacemaking and other funding, see Fees and funding on pages space, movement and health. Author of The memory, Uganda, Sudan, history, conflict, 176-186. For further advice on funding, contact Globalisation of Charismatic Christianity (2000), political culture and public morality. Author Professor Simon Coleman at the address listed and editor of (with M Crang) Tourism: Between of Inside West Nile: Violence, History and in Essentials. Place and Performance (2003). Representation on an African Frontier (2005). Coursework There are three modes of entry for research Professor Jane Cowan Greece; southern Peter Luetchford Costa Rica, Spain; students. First is traditional entry to an MPhil or Balkans; nationalism, memory and identity; cooperatives, alternative trade organisations, DPhil. Second is the MSc plus DPhil pathway, conceptualising and administering ‘difference’ alternative food provision. Author of Fair Trade which is the 1+3 route required by the ESRC in Balkan contexts; culture and rights; minority and a Global Commodity: Coffee in Costa Rica for their studentship support. Third is the New politics; gender relations; music and dance (2007). Route DPhil offering an integrated four-year performance, embodiment and experience. Jon P Mitchell Malta: history, memory, politics programme of taught coursework in research Editor of (with M Dembour and R Wilson), and national identity; religion and belief. Author methods and professional skills together with Culture and Rights: Anthropological of Ambivalent Europeans: Ritual, Memory and supervised doctoral research. Perspectives (2001). the Public Sphere in Malta (2001) and (with R For those studying for an MPhil or DPhil, during Geert de Neve India; Tamilnadu; informal labour; Wilson) Rights, Claims and Entitlements (2002). the autumn and spring terms of the initial training power; caste and kinship; industrialisation; social Co-editor of, with P Clough, Powers of Good and year you normally take a social anthropology change; globalisation. Publications include The Evil (2001). course, working closely with a designated Everyday Politics of Labour: Working Lives in Filippo Osella Kerala, South India: social supervisor. Where appropriate, you may take India’s Informal Economy (2005), and (with reproduction and stratification; migration courses from other specialist MA options as part Maya Unnithan-Kumar) Critical Journeys: The and globalisation; masculinity; consumption. of your research training. If you already have Making of Anthropologists (2006). Author of, with C Osella, Social Mobility in an MA degree, you are not necessarily required Professor Marie-Bénédicte Dembour Central Kerala (2000), and (with C Osella) Men and to take courses as part of your pre-fieldwork Africa; Europe; colonialism; memory, life stories; Masculinities in South India (2007). training. New research students will normally law and human rights; (based in the Sussex be required to take two or three courses in Jeffrey Pratt Italy, Europe: political movements Law School). Author of Who Believes in Human research methods from those offered within and ideologies; religious practice; rural Rights? Reflections on the European Convention the MSc in Comparative and Cross-Cultural transformations. Author of The Politics of (2006). Research Methods (Anthropology). Each course Recognition (2001) and Class and Nationalist is assessed, but assessment does not contribute Nigel Eltringham Human rights, conflict, Movements in Europe (2002). to the award of the degree. genocide and the Great Lakes region of Africa. Dinah Rajak South Africa, UK: intersection Author of The Ethics of Anthropology Debates and Fieldwork of the anthropology of development and Dilemmas (2003), and Accounting for Horror: Research degrees usually involve fieldwork. globalisation; and in the relationship between the Post-Genocide Debates in Rwanda (2004). After the first year, you usually spend the second state, business and civil society in the process year in the field and return to Sussex to write Professor James Fairhead Africa south of of development. Author of ‘Uplift and Empower: up your thesis in the third year. Those on a 1+3 the Sahara; UK: agriculture and ecology; health The Market, The Gift and Corporate Social programme can usually go to the field by the and fertility; colonialism; science and medicine. Responsibility on South Africa’s Platinum Belt’, in middle of their second year. Author of Science, Society and Power (2003), Research in Economic Anthropology (2008). and (with M Leach, T Geysbeek and S Holsoe) Recent thesis titles Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner China, Japan: African-American Exploration Inland from Liberia On the Perama waterfront: the social, economic genomics, biobanking practices, genetic (forthcoming). and cultural aspects of employment structure in testing and population policy-making, stem-cell a suburb of Piraeus, Athens Anne-Meike Fechter Indonesia, South-East research in Asian societies. Author of Academic Asia: corporate expatriates, transnationalism, Nations in China and Japan: Framed by Concepts Transnational lives, plurinational subjects: development practitioners. Author of Transnational of Nature, Culture and the Universal (2004). identity, migration and difference amongst Lives: Expatriates in Indonesia (2007). Moroccan women in Italy Professor Jock Stirrat Sri Lanka: aid and Katy Gardner Bangladesh, Islam, migration, development; economic anthropology; Asian Knowledge, risk and power: agriculture and diaspora, development, Asians in the UK. Author religions, Catholicism. Author of (with R Grillo) development discourse in a coastal village in of (with D Lewis) Development, Anthropology Discourses of Development: Anthropological Bangladesh and the Postmodern Challenge (1996), and Age, Perspectives (1997). The politics of identity in left-wing Bologna Narrative and Migration: The Life Course and Maya Unnithan-Kumar India, Rajasthan: Life Histories Amongst Bengali Elders in London Senegalese transmigrants and the construction kinship, caste and gender; development, popular (2002). of immigration in Emilia Romagna religion, fertility and reproductive health; medical Elizabeth Harrison Zambia, Malawi, Kenya: anthropology. Author of (with V Damodaran) If you won’t do these things for me, I won’t technology transfer, discourse of development, Postcolonial India (2000), and (with G de Neve) do these things for you: local and regional gender relations. Editor of (with A Cornwall Critical Journeys: The Making of Anthropologists constructions of seclusion ideologies and and A Whitehead) Feminisms in Development: (2006). Editor of Desire and Ambivalence in practices in Kano, Northern Nigeria Contradictions, Contestation and Challenges Human Reproduction (forthcoming). Abortion discourses: an exploration of the social, (2006). Professor Ann Whitehead Africa south of the cultural and organisational context of abortion Raminder Kaur India and UK; politics and Sahara; western Europe: gender relations and decision-making in contemporary Britain popular culture, festivals, Indian cinema, social transformation; economic anthropology; censorship, nationalism, diaspora, nuclear family, kinship and marriage; epistemology and Faculty research interests issues. Author of Performative Politics and the methodology; race, gender and difference. Cultures of Hinduism (2003); and Co-author of, Author of ‘Continuities and discontinuities in Research interests are briefly described below. Liquid Notions: Critical Reflections on Diaspora political constructions of the working man in For more detailed information, see and Hybridity (2004). rural sub-Saharan Africa: the lazy man in African agriculture’ in European Journal of Development Research (2000). 46
  • 7. Archaeology Archaeology Essentials Taught programme Taught programme MA in Field Archaeology MA Field Archaeology (full-time and part-time) 1 year full-time/2 years part-time Research programmes Our archaeological heritage is a valuable, MPhil, DPhil Archaeology finite and vulnerable resource, which requires investigation, recording and analysis to very Admissions requirements high professional standards. This MA has been For information on overseas qualifications that developed to provide you with the practical meet the admissions requirements, see pages knowledge and skills, underpinned by theory, that 172-175 will enable you to make a positive contribution to MA field archaeology. An upper second-class undergraduate honours degree in archaeology (including You may already work for an archaeological joint degrees), or an undergraduate diploma organisation or you may want to gain skills in archaeology with level 2 passes averaging and a qualification to enable you to enter 60 per cent or higher. Consideration will also the profession of field archaeology. Or, as an be given to others who can demonstrate amateur archaeologist, you may wish to enhance extensive and relevant experience (including your skills to a high professional standard. individual research) Funding MPhil and DPhil Successful applicants are advised to check the Students on the MA in Field Archaeology Normally a Masters degree in archaeology Fees and funding information on pages 176- excavating at Barcombe Roman Villa, Sussex English language requirements 186. If you are considering taking this degree IELTS 6.5, with not less than 6.5 in Writing and programme for professional development, your Most projects are within the Ouse Valley Research 6.0 in the other sections. For more information employer may be able to help with the payment Project (East Sussex), although it is also possible and alternative English language requirements, of fees. to work on approved personal projects. For see page 174 current field research projects, see Programme structure Fees This MA consists of five core courses, taken See pages 176-181 for information on fees full-time in one year or part-time over two years. Year 2 These courses are taught as a series of day Autumn term: you take Archaeological Further information Reporting. This course looks at the theory and schools to facilitate access for students living David Rudling, practice of archaeological reporting, including at a distance or undertaking the programme as Archaeology, Centre for Continuing Education, traditional journal, client and synthetic reports, continuing professional development. Teaching Sussex Institute, University of Sussex, together with associated archives and wider includes lectures, seminars, group fieldwork, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QQ, UK dissemination. excavations and independent work towards a T + 44 (0) 01273 873527 dissertation. Spring and summer terms: you take Independent E The programme structure of the part-time MA Study: Field Archaeology. You will undertake an can be found below: approved extended piece of supervised research related to the aims of the programme. It will be • Highly dedicated faculty offer a range of Year 1 based on an original archaeological project (field- expertise, and specialise in field archaeology, Autumn term: you take Field Archaeology, or artefact-based) within its wider geographical British prehistory, Romano-British archaeology, covering methods and techniques used to and/or theoretical context. environmental archaeology and cultural locate, excavate and record field data. Following a consideration of theoretical aspects of field Assessment resource management. A wide variety of modes of assessment are used archaeology, sampling and site formation, part • Students receive a thorough knowledge and one covers how archaeological sites are located. within the programme. These include essays, practical experience of modern approaches to Part two covers the full process of archaeological projects, practical reports, research plans and field archaeology. excavation including logistics, health and safety, poster presentations. The final dissertation is up and excavation methods. to 15,000 words. • Each programme of study is designed to cater for an individual’s background experience and Spring term: you take Artefact Studies, looking aims within practical archaeology. at the archaeological analysis of material culture Faculty research interests recovered by archaeologists. The emphasis is • Archaeology students are based in the on the identification and analysis of ceramics, Research interests are briefly described below. Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), which lithics and metals, together with the technology Richard Carter Stone Age hunter-gatherers, provides an academic community that fosters of manufacture and the social context of such archaeology of animals, environmental intellectual and social links with students and processes. The course includes hands-on archaeology. faculty in other disciplines. analysis of artefact groups, archaeological illustration and finds reports. David Rudling Field archaeology, landscape archaeology, Romano-British archaeology, Summer term: you take Archaeological Field numismatics. Practice, which is a practical course based on a sample excavation of an archaeological site. Each student is allocated a site or part of a site, for which they design an excavation and sampling strategy and undertake the excavation. 47
  • 8. Art history Art history Essentials • The Art History Department received a grade 5 Research programmes Taught programme (recognising research of national and We offer research supervision in the history MA Art History international excellence) in the most recent of art and architecture. Special areas of Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). interest include the history of the visual Research programmes MPhil, DPhil Art History • The skills of the faculty represent a unique arts and architecture of western Europe array across European and American art and in the early modern and modern periods, Admissions requirements culture, and include the study of methodology Byzantine art, Renaissance art, 18th-century For information on overseas qualifications that and critical theory. art, North American art of the 20th century, meet the admissions requirements, see pages and contemporary visual culture, especially 172-175 • Art history at Sussex has strong links with photography. Shared concerns across period MA museums and galleries, both locally and interests include issues of methodology, An upper second-class undergraduate honours nationally. historiography and critical theory, as well as degree in art history or another arts or social • For MA and research students alike, art material and visual culture. sciences discipline history at Sussex provides a friendly and MPhil and DPhil Funding stimulating environment for the exchange of A Masters degree in art history or a related The Department has a strong track record in ideas, in which intellectual life and scholarly discipline such as history, architecture, obtaining studentships from the AHRC, the Royal endeavour thrive. English, archaeology, anthropology or cultural Historical Society, the Social Sciences Research studies, and proof of engagement with art • Sussex graduate students have gone on Council of Canada and the Green Foundation. history at an advanced level. Training in to find employment in higher education, A limited amount of funding may be available research skills and methodologies is provided publishing, the art market, conservation and for outstanding research students, which may museum management. involve some teaching. English language requirements IELTS 6.5, with not less than 6.5 in Writing Recent thesis titles and 6.0 in the other sections. For more Narrative and figurative imagery in the English Taught programme information and alternative English language domestic interior c1558-c1640 requirements, see page 174 MA in Art History The fashions of the Florentine court: wearing, 1 year full-time/2 years part-time buying and making clothing, 1560-1620 Fees This MA is associated with the Centre for Visual See pages 176-181 for information on fees On relocating contemporary Chinese art Fields ( Further information Light in early Byzantium. The Church of Funding Hagia Sophia in Constantinople Sarah Maddox, UK applicants for the full-time MA are eligible School of Humanities, Arts A, Studies in the symbolism and spirituality to apply for AHRC studentships (see Fees and University of Sussex, Falmer, of the Arts and Crafts Movement funding on pages 176-186). Brighton, BN1 9SH, UK Representing rebellion: visual aspects of E Programme structure counter-insurgency in colonial India The MA programme looks at global perspectives in the history of art, concentrating on the From mimesis to metaphor: images of the art object, its appearance, reception and Holocaust in contemporary photographic and manufacture. In the core course, you share a installation art common taught experience, examining methods Commemoration and academic ‘self-fashioning’: and theories relating to themes such as material funerary monuments to professors c1700 culture, globalisation, space, historiography and museology. The core course, Objects and Methods, is complemented by three options selected from those on offer in any one year, which may include: Postcolonialism and Visual Culture; Photography and 20th-Century Visual Culture; Modernity in Europe and America; Body and Society; Creating the Court; Power of Images in Byzantium; Art and Text in Byzantium; and 18th-Century British Art and Italy. You may, with the agreement of the programme director, take an option from other humanities postgraduate programmes. The dissertation is undertaken by full-time students in the third term, and by part-time students in the third and sixth terms. Assessment You are assessed by term papers and a dissertation of 20,000 words. The early 19th-century Egyptian House at Penzance epitomises the influence of other civilisations on European art and architecture 48
  • 9. Specialist facilities Art history Facilities include a well-equipped slide library containing over 100,000 colour transparencies, the Bridson Collection of photographs, access to computing and word-processing training, and a library well stocked with secondary literature in the discipline and with online access to the British Library and other repositories. You are encouraged, where appropriate, to take advantage of local sites of art-historical interest: the Barlow Collection of Chinese art situated on campus; extensive collections in the Royal Pavilion and the museums of Brighton & Hove; and local country houses such as Petworth, Firle and Charleston. Academic activities A regular research seminar, to which outside speakers are invited, provides a major focus of debate. You are also able and encouraged to attend seminars in other disciplines such as history, English, philosophy and anthropology. The Department of Art History is linked to the Victoria and Albert Museum in London through an exchange programme that extends and enhances the research and teaching expertise of both institutions. Each year a member of staff from the museum teaches at Sussex, while a member of the University faculty undertakes research based on the museum collections. Researchers in the Sussex Centre for Byzantine Cultural History are working with international The Department of Art History plays a part in colleagues on an interdisciplinary project investigating how, when and where glass tesserae, the the Sussex Centre for Research in Visual and building blocks of mosaics, were made. As well as providing insights into artistic practices of the Material Culture, the Sussex Centre for Early Byzantium era, this will contribute to wider debates about the nature of trade and exchange within the Mediterranean during this period and into our understanding of political and social changes within the Modern Studies and the Sussex Centre for Mediterranean world Byzantine Cultural History. These form foci for a range of lectures, conferences and funded research projects. Faculty research interests Professor David Alan Mellor 20th-century painting, film and photography; all aspects of These cover a broad chronological spread from cultural history and visual representation c1900 Byzantium to the present and a wide range of to the present; photography in Europe and the interests, from 20th-century photography to US, 1920 to the present. Author of Works on women art critics, Tudor architecture, art and Paper Attributed to Francis Bacon: the Barry travel. Joule Archive (2000), Tracing Light (2001), and Research interests are briefly described below. Liliane Lijn: Works, 1959-1980 (2005). For more detailed information, see Michelle O’Malley Italian Renaissance painting, The 18th-century hall ceiling of Clandon Park, by an Italian plasterer, demonstrates the cross- commissioning, consumption and production. fertilisation of European expertise during this Meaghan Clarke 19th-century art; women and Author of The Business of Art: Contracts and period writing. Author of Critical Voices in British Art: Commissioning in Renaissance Italy (2004), Women Writing 1880-1905 (2004). and The Material Renaissance: Cost and Consumption in Italy 1400-1650 (2005). Flora Dennis Renaissance art and music. Author of At Home in Renaissance Italy (2006). Geoffrey Quilley 18th-century art, travel and empire. Author of Conflicting Visions: War and Professor Maurice Howard Tudor art and Visual Culture in Britain and France, c1700- architecture; French architecture 1500-1600; 1830 (2005), and Art and the British Empire issues in Dutch and Netherlandish painting; the (2007). history of ornament. Author of The Tudor Image (1995), Ornament: A Social History since 1450 Associated faculty (1996), and The Building of Elizabethan and Vibhuti Sachdev Associate Fellow: architectural Jacobean England (2008). theory, contemporary architectural practice and urban design in India. Author of Indian Professor Liz James Classical and Byzantine Architectural Theory: Contemporary Uses of art, light and colour, gender. Author of Light and Vastu Vidya (1998), and Building Jaipur: The Colour in Byzantine Art (1996), Women, Men Making of an Indian City (2002). and Eunuchs in Byzantium (1996), Desire and Denial in Byzantium (ed) (1999), Empresses and Power in Early Byzantium (2001), and editor of Art and Text in Byzantine Culture (2007). 49
  • 10. Astronomy and Astronomy and cosmology cosmology Essentials Programme structure (full-time) • The Department of Physics and Astronomy Your time is split equally between taught Taught programmes received a grade 5 (recognising research courses and a research project. You have a MSc degrees of national and international excellence) supervisor who oversees your work in general Astronomy in the most recent Research Assessment and is responsible for supervision of your Cosmology Exercise (RAE). Sussex also tops the latest UK project. Supervisors and topics are allocated, in rankings for having the highest citation rate Research programmes consultation with you, early in the autumn term. in astronomy and space science (Thomson MPhil, DPhil Astronomy Projects may be theoretical, or involve simulation Scientific, 2001-05). or data reduction. In many cases the projects Admissions requirements • The Department is one of six in the South form the basis of research papers later published For information on overseas qualifications that East of England to receive a joint award in scientific journals. meet the admissions requirements, see pages of £12.5 million, for the academic years 172-175 Autumn and spring terms: you take four 2008-13, to enhance collaboration in MSc compulsory courses: Cosmology; Stellar graduate teaching and learning in physics and A first- or second-class undergraduate Structure; Galactic Structure (all comprising 20 astronomy. honours degree in a physics-, mathematics- or lectures and 10 problem classes); and Research astronomy-based programme. Other degrees • Students are based in the Astronomy Centre, Skills. You also choose two options from a range will be considered on an individual basis which is part of the Department of Physics and of courses available. These are taught on topics MPhil and DPhil Astronomy. The Centre was founded in 1965 relating to research interests within the group, A first- or an upper second-class honours and over 250 MSc and 100 DPhil students and vary from year to year, but generally cover degree in a relevant subject: physics, have graduated from it. a wide range of topics. Options might include: astronomy or mathematics • The Astronomy Centre carries out world- Astronomical Detectors; Computer Simulations leading research in many branches of in Physics; Data Analysis Techniques; Galaxy English language requirements theoretical and observational astrophysics, Formation; Introduction to C; and General IELTS 6.0, with not less than 6.0 in each with current emphasis on the early universe, Relativity. You start work on your project and give section. For more information and alternative large-scale structure, the high-redshift an assessed talk on this towards the end of the English language requirements, see page 174 universe, and galaxy formation and clustering. spring term. Fees • There are close links with other groups Summer term: after examinations, the final three See pages 176-181 for information on fees in physics, especially those working on months are devoted to project work, including Admissions and further information preparation of a poster display. theoretical particle physics. Postgraduate Coordinator, School of Science and Technology, • At any one time there are about 20 to 30 Programme structure (part-time) University of Sussex, graduate students, of whom about one-third You take the four compulsory courses in the Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QJ, UK are from overseas. Together with permanent autumn and spring terms of year 1. After the T +44 (0)1273 678940 faculty, postdoctoral fellows and visitors, there examinations in the summer term, you will begin F +44 (0)1273 877873 is a community of about 50 astronomers in work on your project. Project work continues E total. during year 2 when you will also take two options from the above list. Assessment Taught programmes Assessment for the taught courses is by MSc in Astronomy coursework and unseen examination. 1 year full-time/2 years part-time Assessment for the project is by seminar, poster The MSc programme is intended for honours presentation and a dissertation of not more than 20,000 words. The exams are normally taken graduates with an applied mathematics or in May and the project dissertation must be physics-based degree who wish to learn how submitted by the end of August. to apply their knowledge to astronomy. It is one of only three full-time, broad-based astronomy A distinction is awarded on the basis of MSc degrees in the UK. It covers the major fields excellence in both the lecture courses and of astronomy and astrophysics at an advanced the project. level, with an emphasis in the lecture courses on MSc in Cosmology theoretical astronomy. 1 year full-time/2 years part-time The programme has a high reputation, both The MSc programme is intended for honours nationally and internationally, and there are graduates from an applied mathematics or MSc graduates from the Sussex Astronomy physics-based degree who wish to learn how to Centre all over the world. Many of our graduates apply their knowledge to cosmology. It is one of go on to take a research degree and often find only two MScs in this subject area in the UK. The a permanent job in astronomy. Others have emphasis is on observational and theoretical become science journalists and writers. cosmology in the pre- and post-recombination universe. Instruction is by lectures, exercise classes, seminars and personal supervision. Instruction is by lectures, exercise classes, seminars and personal supervision. 50