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Jason L. Johnson
             Experienced Marketing Manager
                                                                TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S
Thank you for taking a moment to view my marketing
portfolio. The content included highlights some of the
projects I have enjoyed working on the most over my 10 year       • DESIGN SAMPLES
career in marketing and communications. Hopefully these
samples will give you an idea of my strength as a marketing
and communications professional, but also as a strong         • WEB AND PRINT CONTENT
project manager who is able to drive project to successful

Thank you for reviewing my work .
                                                                • ONLINE MARKETING
Sincerely,                                                            A NA LY T I C S

Jason L. Johnson                                          • PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT
Design Samples

  •   Print Ad – Visual comparison of Old Ad and New Ad for Foothold
      Technology as well as project details.
  •   Additional Collateral Samples

  •   Website Design – Visual comparison of old website and new website for
      Foothold Technology as well as project details.
  •   E-mail Communication Samples

  •   Online Video – Samples of online video produced for corporate website and
      online marketing.
Advertising Samples – Print Ad

Old Foothold Technology Print   New Foothold Technology Print
Advertisement (2001-2010)       Advertisement (2010)
Project Details:
Scope: Create an ad that can
be used for publication in
print behavioral healthcare
magazines, targeted at human
service agencies who are using
paper systems for client
tracking and case
Budget: $1,500
Role: Conceptualist (created
design concept and selected
images) & Project Manager;
contracted a outside graphic
designer to create final
Reaction: Company leaders
and publications had positive
reactions to the final design,
finding it visually striking and
effective for print.
Advertising – Additional Samples

One Sheet                           One Sheet
Role: Designer and Author           Role: Co- designer and Author
Internet Development Samples – Website Design

Old Foothold Technology Website   New Website (2010)
(2008 – 2010)           
Project Details:

Scope: Create new corporate website
that, 1) incorporates new “human”
focused branding, 2) includes “Web
2.0” elements such as a blogs, social
media, video, news feeds, etc. 3)
update content for search engine
optimization and PPC campaigns.

Budget: $10,000

Role: Designer (created original
design and layout) , copy writer and
editor, HTML code writer, online
video producer and co-editor, social
media manager and content manager;
contracted website developer to
execute design and create new
modules within CMS to support

Reaction: Viewed as a tremendous
upgrade from previous site from
management, who was initially
reluctant to approve the project. One
of our top competitors offered his
praise for the new site and suggested
he may “steal” some our elements.
Internet Development Samples – Email

Email Promotion                  Corporate Newsletter
Role: Designer and Copy Writer   Role: Designer and Copy Writer
Multi Media Samples – Online Video

 Event Promotion                                               Product Demonstration

                    Click Video to Watch                                            Click Video to Watch

Scope: Create a video from our 2010 Users Conference that be   Scope: Create a product demonstration video for the website
                                                               that gives a general overview of the software features and
used to promote the 2011 Users Conference
Budget: $1,000                                                 functionality.
                                                               Budget: $1,500
Role: Producer, director, co-editor
                                                               Role: Producer, director, and co-editor
Reaction: Staff and Users Conference planning committee were
                                                               Reaction: Management, staff and prospects find it the final
all pleased with the final outcome.
                                                               product both useful and easy to follow.
Web & Print Content Development

    •   Press release announce partnership between Foothold Technology and a
        New Jersey mental health association.

    •   Blog post on discussing a new federal law that
        impacts both clients and prospects.

  • W H I T E PA P E R
    •   Corporate white paper discussing how Foothold Technology’s software
        impacts agency efficiency.
Foothold Announces New Partnership with New Jersey Mental Health Association
                           11.15.2010 Mercerville, NJ - NJAMHAA (New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction Agencies)
Press Release              is delighted to announce that it has entered into a new partnership with Foothold Technology to offer
                           Foothold's AWARDS software as a choice for members interested in implementing an electronic health
                           records solution. AWARDS is an integrated case management and client tracking software package that all
                           human service organizations can utilize.

                           The AWARDS application is comprised of three main components used for data management: General
                           Information, Chart Records, and Administration. Each component contains several related modules that are
Featured on                used to perform various executive, fiscal, operational, and/or program services tasks. However, when you sign,     up with Foothold, you receive full functionality within the system.

Foothold Monthly Digest,   The modules, features, and uses of the AWARDS application may vary from agency to agency as Foothold
and            Technology offers a version of AWARDS configured to each organization's specific needs. AWARDS is a
                           vastly detailed application with thousands of data-tracking options, and Foothold recognizes that not all
                           information that flows through the system is needed by all nonprofit organizations. Therefore, customized
Role: Co-Author            reports can be created, data fields can be added or subtracted, and screens can be modified for each customer.

                           Foothold is already working with more than 200 provider organizations throughout the state with their
                           homeless programs and is excited to work with NJAMHAA to show members the full functionality available
                           within the AWARDS electronic chart.

                           Foothold Technology is committed to working with NJAMHAA to make software even more affordable and
                           will provide NJAMHAA members with a 10 percent discount on certain purchase and implementation costs.

                           About Foothold Technology
                           Foothold Technology is the leader in client tracking and case management software for human service
                           agencies and behavioral healthcare providers. Foothold’s software, AWARDS, is an enterprise-wide web-based
                           software application with functionality for electronic health charts, supportive housing, human resources,
                           facilities maintenance, internal email, insurance billing and more.

                  212-780-1450 /

                           Press contact: Jason Johnson, phone 212-780-1450 X8025
What's So Meaningful about Meaningful Use?
Corporate Blog           The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Stimulus Bill) included a
                         subsection called HiTECH which provides funds to incentivize hospitals and doctors
Post                     to purchase and implement an electronic health record (EHR). To determine whether
                         a doctor or hospital has implemented such a system, and is thus qualified to receive
                         the incentive, the government created a concept called Meaningful Use. Not included
                         in the Recovery Act were behavioral health providers, including alcohol and
Featured on              substance abuse and mental health services as well as other non-physical healthcare   providers. To rectify this omission, Congress introduced two bills (HR 5040 and
                         S3709) aimed at specifically making these providers eligible for Medicaid incentives.
Role: Author             Most experts believe that these two bills will pass, thus making funds available to
                         behavioral healthcare agencies that meet the Meaningful Use criteria and adopt a
                         certified electronic health record. The Federal government has issued standards to
                         assess which organizations qualify as meaningful users as well as which vendors
                         provide the necessary functionality. Both requirements must be met for an agency to
                         The Federal Department of Health and Human Services is currently taking
                         applications from standards and certification organizations that can administer the
                         EHR certification test. Presently, three companies are authorized to conduct
                         certifications, with more to follow. The substance of the certification process is very
                         closely related to the Meaningful Use definitions.
                         As agencies prepare to become meaningful users, Foothold Technology is making
                         the necessary updates to our software to become a certified vendor. Foothold’s
                         application development team is putting everything in place to code, test and deploy
                         the functionality required to get certified and keep our community of agencies in
Improving Agency Efficiency: 4 Ways an EHR System can help
                             your agency!
White Paper
                             Client tracking and case management is an integral part of providing human services and behavioral healthcare to clients in
                             agencies and treatment facilities. Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems dramatically impact agencies, by streamlining and
                             standardizing case management, making reporting faster and easier, and decreasing the amount of time spent on staff management.
                             Agencies that have implemented EHR’s can testify to the improved efficiency that these systems offer.

                             Tracking Clients and Services
Used as printed collateral   All medical and physical health providers have a system in place that is used to admit clients and track the
                             services they receive. Some agencies have built systems on their own, others find ways to use applications such
and featured on              as MS Word, Excel, and Access to store information, and some continue to use paper systems. While
                             agencies have found ways to make these type of systems work, none of them have proven to offer the       functionality of an Electronic Health Record.
                             An electronic health record, commonly referred to as an EHR is an electronic record of patient health
                             information created by an encounter in any health care setting. The use of EHR’s are most popular in
Role: Author                 hospitals and physical medical treatment facilities, however more and more human service agencies and
                             behavioral healthcare providers are seeing the benefits of an EHR system, specifically as it relates to improving
                             agency efficiency, reducing cost, and improving service delivery.
                             The goal of this white paper is to describe how an EHR can impact an agency on all staff levels, and
                             specifically how implementing a web based solution such as AWARDS, Foothold Technology’s EHR system,
                             can have an immediate and positive impact on your agency.

                             Technology Makes It Easier, For Everyone
                             For the clinician, the manager, and the executive, an EHR system provides an electronic method of tracking
                             and clients services from admission to discharge. In addition to client tracking there is also the case
                             management functionality. The most basic systems will provide a client history record, progress notes,
                             medications, and report out on patient demographics. For clinicians, an EHR provides a streamlined and
                             standardized process for managing their clients, resulting in less time spent on handling records and more time
                             spent on service delivery.

                             The ways that an EHR improves office efficiency begins with the clinician, but doesn’t end there. The
                             administrative features of an electronic system makes managing an agency a less time – consuming process.
                             While the clinician uses the system to track the movement of the client, the manager uses the system to track
                             the workflow of the clinician as he or she works with a specific or multiple clients.

                             Executives are responsible for the organization and effectiveness of the agency, and must have access to real
                             time outcomes based reporting on every aspect of the agency. EHR systems track and report out in real time
                             on all the information necessary for service quality management, advocacy and seeking funding.
4 Ways an Electronic Health Record Improves Agency Efficiency
Whether an agency is currently using a paper system or a home built application, none will offer the features and functionality of a web based (ASP Model) electronic health
record system such as AWARDS. Good functionality that’s designed specifically for a behavioral healthcare and human services environment will produce an immediate
impact on agency’s work flow and service delivery.
Here are four ways that clients of Foothold Technology have experienced improved efficiency since implementing our EHR:

A web based EHR allows for clinicians to have access to their client’s records no matter where there located. With AWARDS, if a staff member is out in the field at an off-
site location, they can log into the database using a unique username and password and make any changes are updates to the client’s record, including progress notes,
treatment plans, attendance, or medical records. Having the ability to update records as they are happening eliminates having to back and update at a later time, decreasing
the chances of information being forgotten or notes being lost, and frees up time for service delivery.

Clinical Staff Management
Electronic systems eliminate the need for managers to pull and sort through paper charts to monitor and evaluate a clinician’s work. With a few clicks, managers can view
all of the activity a staff member has had with a client, or view the activity of their entire case load for any given period of time. In AWARDS, this functionality also
includes the ability to automatically track the timeliness of their staff in completing required tasks. For example, if clinicians are required to complete a group note within 2
days of a group meeting, the manager has the ability to not only see if that note has been completed on time, but also prevent backdating. This functionality, as well as
others similar allow managers to conduct an ongoing audit of all programs and all staff, rather than rushing at the last minute to put this data together.

Real Time Medical and Incident Tracking
In both physical and behavioral medical treatment, the exchange of medical information is believed to be one of the greatest causes of delays in service delivery. An EHR
system provides staff with the ability to keep an up to date HIPAA compliant record of hospital visits, medical conditions, allergies, prescriptions diagnosis, and other
relevant medical information. This is a time saver in cases where medical and health information is required by a program in order to admit or provide services in another
program within the same organization. Clinicians no longer have to wait to receive information, as it is electronically available.
There is also the critical functionality of tracking incidents. With an EHR, and AWARDS specifically, clinicians can track any incident that involves a client and in real time
attach it to their client history report. This is important in making any potential threats or concerns known as clients move throughout programs within an organization.

One of the most time consuming activities in a human services agency is compiling reports. With an EHR that process is practically eliminated. Our EHR, AWARDS, is a
relational database – meaning all of the information gathered is connected and available for reporting not only in the canned reports that we’ve created based on commonly
required data, but also for customized reports based on the information the executive, staff, grantor or funder requires. No matter how large the database or how much
information is being requested, these reports can be completed in a matter of minutes for viewing, printing, and exporting.

Time Equals Money, and People too
In a traditional business, improving efficiency of any processes translates into increased profits. Less time spend usually equals less money spent. In a human service
environment, less time spent on processes can not only mean less money spent, but also more people served. Not only have Foothold Client’s found this to be true, they’ve
also found that implanting an EHR system has positively affected every aspect of their agency, from the time spent in admitting a new client to a new program to the length
of director’s meetings. The AWARDS in Action section highlights one of our client’s experience since transitioning from a paper system to AWARDS.
Transitional Services of New York – Mental Health
New York, New York                                                                                                               AWARDS in Action
Peter Amato, Director of Quality Assurance & Information Technology

Why did TSI decide to switch to an electronic system?
For 25 years we relied on paper files and charts for our client tracking and case management needs. At some point, we realized that in order to become more efficient, and
to provide our funders with the information they required, we had to switch to an electronic system of tracking our consumers and the services they received.

Why did you choose AWARDS for your EHR?
After an exhaustive process evaluating several available systems, we chose AWARDS because it was a web based program, and required no technical infrastructure that had
to be supported on our end. We’re a social service agency, not a software company. Foothold Technology understands the way social service agencies work. This proved
to be an invaluable asset in the process.

How has your agency improved since implementing AWARDS?
Virtually every aspect of the agency has been positively affected. Internal communication has increased two thousand percent. Directors meetings that use to last two hours
now last 30 minutes. I attribute this to how AWARDS has allowed us to capture and transmit information to each other in a highlight efficient manner.

Have you made any changes to your agency as a result of implementing AWARDS?
Once we got our staff trained on using AWARDS we eliminated the paper forms. Case management at TSI has been streamlined and standardized, reporting is faster and
easier, and the agency has saved tens of thousands of dollars using the ASP model for the software deployment since there is no hardware required.

A Solution That Works For You: Foothold Technology and AWARDS

At Foothold Technology, our goal is to provide you with the tools necessary to allow you to Freedom To Focus On Your Mission™. We are the leader in client tracking and case
management software for human service agencies and behavioral healthcare providers. Our electronic health record system, AWARDS, was built by human service
providers for human service providers.

The Software: AWARDS, is an enterprise-wide web-based software application with functionality for electronic health charts, supportive housing, human resources,
facilities maintenance, internal email, insurance billing and more.

The Support: Foothold clients receive superior customer support. We assign each organization client a Senior Project Manager that works with you from implementation
through the entire life of your contract to ensure the software continues to meet the agency’s needs.

The Community. Our clients are member of a community of users that interact and collaborate on using the software, working together to make product enhancements
To learn more about how an electronic health record, such as AWARDS, can impact your agency, visit
Online Marketing

   •   Google Analytics report for 2010 tracking web site traffic from organic

• PA Y P E R C L I C K ( G O O G L E A D W O R D S )
   •   Google Analytics report for 2010 tracking web site traffic from pay per
       click advertisements (Google Adwords).
Online Marketing - Search Engine Optimization

Reports shows progress of web search visitors from organic searches over the course of 2010.
A SEO strategy was implemented on July 1, resulting in the initial spike beginning in July. In August,
senior manager requested changes to several key SEO tactics against the recommendations of both the
consultant and myself. After demonstrating that those changes had a negative result, they were reversed in
September, resulting in increases for the remainder of the year.

Role: Project Manager and Search Engine Optimizer (initially hired consultant, once I learned how to edit
the CMS I took over as the lead “optimizer”
Online Marketing – PPC/Google Adwords

Reports shows progress of web search visitors from paid searches over the course of 2010.
A Pay Per Click campaign using Google Adwords on January 1, 2010. In April 2010, management
requested a reduction in the budget for the Adwords campaign. After seeing the decline management
agreed to increase the budget, but not back to the original amount. To maximize clicks within the set
budget, a strategy was implemented to create landing pages for specific ads, which increased the ad quality
score and decreased the cost per click.

Role: Project Manager and Ad creator /manager
Program Development

• M A R K E T I N G C A M PA I G N S T R A T E G Y
   •   Sample marketing plan is a response to a 2007 Harvard Business School
       business case, requested by a client in an RFP.

   •   Lead generation program created to foster partnerships between Foothold
       Technology and behavioral healthcare associations across the country to gain
       greater access to their membership for sales and marketing activities.
Program Development - Marketing Campaign Strategy

Summary of Recommendations
This report recommends CircleLending, Inc. use television, radio and online advertising supported by direct mail and public relations tools to achieve its corporate,
marketing and marketing communications objectives.

A national advertising campaign will reach all demographics with emphasis in markets with heavy make up of CircleLending’s target audience.

Internet advertising on related websites will enable CircleLending to establish its interactive nature and presence as the first Internet based person-to-person loan
administration company.

Direct mail pieces (postcards) to target audience and other segments will reinforce television, radio and online advertisements, while reaching consumers not touched by
media advertisements.

Public relations will increase public awareness of products and services and open opportunities for partnerships and cross promotion.

Sale discounts on products and services will allow CircleLending to increase their short-term sales.

Constant evaluation and control is strongly recommended to reach the objectives of the campaign. A contingency budget should be assigned to deal with unforeseen events
or to make necessary changes to current campaign tactics.

The Introduction
The following report is designed to support the marketing campaign to expand outreach, increase lead generation and sales for CircleLending’s products and services. The
main marketing activities are television, radio, and online advertising. The supporting activities are direct mail, public relations and sales incentives. In order to attract the
target audience, differentiated marketing messages will be used to communicate the two categories of products CircleLending offers.

The campaign will be launched on July 6, 2009 in order to maintain consistency with the first quarter and first half of FY10. The campaign will last for approximately 23

Evaluation of all marketing activities developed in this plan will take place at the end of each 4 th week and at the end of each quarter (final evaluation at the end of the
second quarter/end of first half of FY10). Tracking will establish the effectiveness of the activities in terms of response rate, lead generation and sales.

A contingency plan will be implemented in the event that during monitoring and evaluation it becomes apparent that the current campaign is unsuccessful or overwhelming.
There has been a portion of the budget set aside to allow for additional marketing tools to be developed for the contingency plan.
Launch Date

Marketing and advertising activities will commence on July 6, 2009 and last for 23 weeks ending approximately December 18th. The rationale for this is to complete
evaluation of campaign effectiveness at the mid point of the fiscal year and make decisions about what activities will continue in the second half of FY10.


A budget of 3.19 million dollars has been allocated for this campaign.


The target audience for this campaign will be segmented based on demographics, social, and economic characteristics of lenders and borrows in family/friend transactions
and Housing related seller financed transactions as collected and reported by the Survey of Consumer Finances (2004).

Potential customers for CircleLending’s products and services include consumers from all groups. However, based on the lending characteristics, targeted customers for this
campaign are white (non-Hispanic), age 35-65, in the 40-80% income percentile group.


Due to the fact that CircleLending products fall into two categories, mortgage and non-mortgage, differentiated marketing messages will be used for this campaign. Two
programs will be developed and incorporated into advertisements, first one to reach individuals lending/borrowing to/from family and friends and second for individual’s
lending/borrowing for the sale of property.


CircleLending will be positioned by benefits (loan documentation, customized payment schedules, electronic billing, payment collection, and online account management,


CircleLending wants to attract consumers who lend money to friends and family. The message of the campaign should reflect the benefits of having a third party company
manage this process.

One of the possible messages is: Protect Your Money and Your Relationships. This message reflects the premium context of CircleLending and stresses the emotional
aspect of mixing money and relationships.

CircleLending manages the repayment process and reports to the credit agencies. This fact should not be overlooked and should be referenced in the advertisements: Secure
Your Loans to Family and Friends.
While it is assumed that the lender is the target customer, marketing messages should not leave out the borrower and the benefits that would interest them in CircleLending’s
products and services: Improve Your Credit History By Repaying Your Family and Friends.

While the placement of advertisements and direct mail pieces will be distributed based on the target audience, images in the advertisement will reflect diversity in race,
occupation and socio-economical backgrounds.

Marketing Strategy

To achieve the best possible results it is best to use a mixture of pull and push marketing. Pull strategies will be used to achieve awareness. Push strategies will allow
CircleLending to reach maximize numbers of potential consumers.

Print Advertising

This initial phase of the marketing campaign will not include any print advertising. However, this option will be reviewed in planning marketing activities for the second half
of FY10.

Internet Advertising
Internet activities for CircleLending will include upgrading the web site (content and optimization) to be consistent with the national advertising and direct mail campaign

Internet advertising will reach target consumers who spend a significant amount of time online. Banners will be based on CPM (cost per thousand impressions) and will
cost CircleLending $100,000. Online advertisement will be the key medium to reach young borrowers. Banners will be positioned on web sites pertaining to educational
loans, car purchases, and etc.

Advertising via search engines will also take place using Google Adwords. This activity is projected to cost CircleLending $100,000. Internet advertising will take place
throughout the entire campaign.

Television Advertising
Television advertising will be the main activity of this campaign. CircleLending will work with Cheap TV Spots, Inc to produce a quality 30-second commercial that includes
the marketing messages and images outlined in this campaign.

Cheap TV Spots will manage the entire advertising process, including purchasing airtime and ensuring the delivery of the commercial to the networks. Targeted ad
placement will be mid day and afternoons during court shows (i.e. Judge Hatchet, Judge Judy, Judge Mathis, etc.) and during evening game shows before prime time.

Cheap TV Spots will work within the budget of $1 Million to secure as much airtime as possible over the course of the 23-week campaign.
Radio Advertising

Radio advertising will also be a major activity in this campaign. CircleLending will partner with Clear Channel and Total Radius to create and distribute a 30 second radio
advertisement across Clear Channels radio stations, which include over 110 million weekly listeners.

Clear Channel and Total Radius will manage the production and airtime selection process based on the established target audience and will follow a similar script used in the
television ads.

Targeted times will include morning and evening rush hour, as well as midday.

Clear Channel and Total Radius will work within the budget of $750,000 to secure as much airtime as possible to cover the course of the 23-week campaign.

Direct Marketing

Direct marketing will be used to reach prospects, thus increasing the amount of potential customers visiting the CircleLending web site or contacting a representative. Direct
marketing for this campaign will take the form of direct mail (3X5 Postcards), which will be distributed to 500,000 homes (10,000 in each state) across the U.S.

Postcards will follow the same marketing messages as television, radio and online advertisements.

The design, printing and mailing of these postcards will be executed by Marketing Bridge, which will cost $1.40 per postcard totaling $700,000. This activity will also require
a list rental, which will cost $0.40 per contact totaling $200,000.

The total direct mail cost will be $900,000.

Approximately 4% of the direct mail will be distributed each week of the 23-week campaign.

Public Relations
Public Relations will be a part of CircleLending’s profile strategy. The goal of this activity will be to build awareness and interest around the company’s products and
services. Since editorial coverage is virtually free advertising, we will rely on PR to supplement paid advertising as a low-cost way to interface our target markets and receive
awareness. Public Relations activities will include press releases, newsletters and on-going dialogue with editors and writers from key publications. CircleLending will
continue with speaking engagements and various events and seminars. Public Relations will take place throughout the campaign. Projected spending on Public Relation will
be $50,000.

Collateral Materials

The only collateral material that will be printed and distributed as a part of this campaign is the direct mail postcard.

Consumers will have the ability to download a color brochure, white papers and fact sheets that outline CircleLending’s products and services as well as benefits and
features from the web site.
Contingency Planning

A very important aspect of this campaign will be contingency planning. With an integrated campaign of this size there are several risks that must be managed. Therefore,
instead of the usual 5% this campaign will allow for 10% of the budget ($290,000) for contingency planning. This money will be spent to replace the activities that fail to
work, add additional promotion, or hire/contract additional staff to manage leads and sales.

Evaluation and Control

Monitoring and evaluation will take place throughout the campaign, with major assessment and reporting taking place every 4 th week of the campaign, and at the end of each

Sales and revenue figures will be tracked on a daily basis, as well as the response source. This will help CircleLending determine the effectiveness of activities within the


This report was designed to support the marketing campaign to expand outreach, increase lead generation and sales for CircleLending’s products and services. The main
marketing activities chosen for this campaign were television, radio, and online adverting. The supporting activities were direct mail, public relations and sales incentives.

Every step was taken to ensure that there was continuity throughout the whole campaign and each marketing tool complemented each other. This is so that the product
values will be reinforced through each type of marketing tool and there will be less chance for the message to be misinterpreted or neglected by the consumers. Continuous
evaluation will be performed throughout the campaign and is accounted for in the budget.
Program Development – Affinity Program
              NEW YORK, NY
             TEL: 347-949-2028


       © 2 0 1 1 . A L L R I G H T S R E S E RV E D

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  • 1. Jason L. Johnson Experienced Marketing Manager Hello, TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Thank you for taking a moment to view my marketing portfolio. The content included highlights some of the projects I have enjoyed working on the most over my 10 year • DESIGN SAMPLES career in marketing and communications. Hopefully these samples will give you an idea of my strength as a marketing and communications professional, but also as a strong • WEB AND PRINT CONTENT project manager who is able to drive project to successful SAMPLES completion. Thank you for reviewing my work . • ONLINE MARKETING Sincerely, A NA LY T I C S Jason L. Johnson • PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT 347-949-2028
  • 2. Design Samples • A DV E RT ISIN G • Print Ad – Visual comparison of Old Ad and New Ad for Foothold Technology as well as project details. • Additional Collateral Samples • INTERNET DEVELOPMENT • Website Design – Visual comparison of old website and new website for Foothold Technology as well as project details. • E-mail Communication Samples • MULTI-MEDIA • Online Video – Samples of online video produced for corporate website and online marketing.
  • 3. Advertising Samples – Print Ad Old Foothold Technology Print New Foothold Technology Print Advertisement (2001-2010) Advertisement (2010)
  • 4. Project Details: Scope: Create an ad that can be used for publication in print behavioral healthcare magazines, targeted at human service agencies who are using paper systems for client tracking and case management. Budget: $1,500 Role: Conceptualist (created design concept and selected images) & Project Manager; contracted a outside graphic designer to create final product. Reaction: Company leaders and publications had positive reactions to the final design, finding it visually striking and effective for print.
  • 5. Advertising – Additional Samples One Sheet One Sheet Role: Designer and Author Role: Co- designer and Author
  • 6. Internet Development Samples – Website Design Old Foothold Technology Website New Website (2010) (2008 – 2010)
  • 7. Project Details: Scope: Create new corporate website that, 1) incorporates new “human” focused branding, 2) includes “Web 2.0” elements such as a blogs, social media, video, news feeds, etc. 3) update content for search engine optimization and PPC campaigns. Budget: $10,000 Role: Designer (created original design and layout) , copy writer and editor, HTML code writer, online video producer and co-editor, social media manager and content manager; contracted website developer to execute design and create new modules within CMS to support design. Reaction: Viewed as a tremendous upgrade from previous site from management, who was initially reluctant to approve the project. One of our top competitors offered his praise for the new site and suggested he may “steal” some our elements.
  • 8. Internet Development Samples – Email Email Promotion Corporate Newsletter Role: Designer and Copy Writer Role: Designer and Copy Writer
  • 9. Multi Media Samples – Online Video  Event Promotion  Product Demonstration Click Video to Watch Click Video to Watch Scope: Create a video from our 2010 Users Conference that be Scope: Create a product demonstration video for the website that gives a general overview of the software features and used to promote the 2011 Users Conference Budget: $1,000 functionality. Budget: $1,500 Role: Producer, director, co-editor Role: Producer, director, and co-editor Reaction: Staff and Users Conference planning committee were Reaction: Management, staff and prospects find it the final all pleased with the final outcome. product both useful and easy to follow.
  • 10. Web & Print Content Development • PRESS RELEASE • Press release announce partnership between Foothold Technology and a New Jersey mental health association. • CORPORATE BLOG • Blog post on discussing a new federal law that impacts both clients and prospects. • W H I T E PA P E R • Corporate white paper discussing how Foothold Technology’s software impacts agency efficiency.
  • 11. Foothold Announces New Partnership with New Jersey Mental Health Association 11.15.2010 Mercerville, NJ - NJAMHAA (New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction Agencies) Press Release is delighted to announce that it has entered into a new partnership with Foothold Technology to offer Foothold's AWARDS software as a choice for members interested in implementing an electronic health records solution. AWARDS is an integrated case management and client tracking software package that all human service organizations can utilize. The AWARDS application is comprised of three main components used for data management: General Information, Chart Records, and Administration. Each component contains several related modules that are Featured on used to perform various executive, fiscal, operational, and/or program services tasks. However, when you sign, up with Foothold, you receive full functionality within the system. Foothold Monthly Digest, The modules, features, and uses of the AWARDS application may vary from agency to agency as Foothold and Technology offers a version of AWARDS configured to each organization's specific needs. AWARDS is a vastly detailed application with thousands of data-tracking options, and Foothold recognizes that not all information that flows through the system is needed by all nonprofit organizations. Therefore, customized Role: Co-Author reports can be created, data fields can be added or subtracted, and screens can be modified for each customer. Foothold is already working with more than 200 provider organizations throughout the state with their homeless programs and is excited to work with NJAMHAA to show members the full functionality available within the AWARDS electronic chart. Foothold Technology is committed to working with NJAMHAA to make software even more affordable and will provide NJAMHAA members with a 10 percent discount on certain purchase and implementation costs. About Foothold Technology Foothold Technology is the leader in client tracking and case management software for human service agencies and behavioral healthcare providers. Foothold’s software, AWARDS, is an enterprise-wide web-based software application with functionality for electronic health charts, supportive housing, human resources, facilities maintenance, internal email, insurance billing and more. 212-780-1450 / Press contact: Jason Johnson, phone 212-780-1450 X8025
  • 12. What's So Meaningful about Meaningful Use? Corporate Blog The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Stimulus Bill) included a subsection called HiTECH which provides funds to incentivize hospitals and doctors Post to purchase and implement an electronic health record (EHR). To determine whether a doctor or hospital has implemented such a system, and is thus qualified to receive the incentive, the government created a concept called Meaningful Use. Not included in the Recovery Act were behavioral health providers, including alcohol and Featured on substance abuse and mental health services as well as other non-physical healthcare providers. To rectify this omission, Congress introduced two bills (HR 5040 and S3709) aimed at specifically making these providers eligible for Medicaid incentives. Role: Author Most experts believe that these two bills will pass, thus making funds available to behavioral healthcare agencies that meet the Meaningful Use criteria and adopt a certified electronic health record. The Federal government has issued standards to assess which organizations qualify as meaningful users as well as which vendors provide the necessary functionality. Both requirements must be met for an agency to qualify. The Federal Department of Health and Human Services is currently taking applications from standards and certification organizations that can administer the EHR certification test. Presently, three companies are authorized to conduct certifications, with more to follow. The substance of the certification process is very closely related to the Meaningful Use definitions. As agencies prepare to become meaningful users, Foothold Technology is making the necessary updates to our software to become a certified vendor. Foothold’s application development team is putting everything in place to code, test and deploy the functionality required to get certified and keep our community of agencies in compliance.
  • 13. Improving Agency Efficiency: 4 Ways an EHR System can help your agency! White Paper Client tracking and case management is an integral part of providing human services and behavioral healthcare to clients in agencies and treatment facilities. Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems dramatically impact agencies, by streamlining and standardizing case management, making reporting faster and easier, and decreasing the amount of time spent on staff management. Agencies that have implemented EHR’s can testify to the improved efficiency that these systems offer. Tracking Clients and Services Used as printed collateral All medical and physical health providers have a system in place that is used to admit clients and track the services they receive. Some agencies have built systems on their own, others find ways to use applications such and featured on as MS Word, Excel, and Access to store information, and some continue to use paper systems. While agencies have found ways to make these type of systems work, none of them have proven to offer the functionality of an Electronic Health Record. An electronic health record, commonly referred to as an EHR is an electronic record of patient health information created by an encounter in any health care setting. The use of EHR’s are most popular in Role: Author hospitals and physical medical treatment facilities, however more and more human service agencies and behavioral healthcare providers are seeing the benefits of an EHR system, specifically as it relates to improving agency efficiency, reducing cost, and improving service delivery. The goal of this white paper is to describe how an EHR can impact an agency on all staff levels, and specifically how implementing a web based solution such as AWARDS, Foothold Technology’s EHR system, can have an immediate and positive impact on your agency. Technology Makes It Easier, For Everyone For the clinician, the manager, and the executive, an EHR system provides an electronic method of tracking and clients services from admission to discharge. In addition to client tracking there is also the case management functionality. The most basic systems will provide a client history record, progress notes, medications, and report out on patient demographics. For clinicians, an EHR provides a streamlined and standardized process for managing their clients, resulting in less time spent on handling records and more time spent on service delivery. The ways that an EHR improves office efficiency begins with the clinician, but doesn’t end there. The administrative features of an electronic system makes managing an agency a less time – consuming process. While the clinician uses the system to track the movement of the client, the manager uses the system to track the workflow of the clinician as he or she works with a specific or multiple clients. Executives are responsible for the organization and effectiveness of the agency, and must have access to real time outcomes based reporting on every aspect of the agency. EHR systems track and report out in real time on all the information necessary for service quality management, advocacy and seeking funding.
  • 14. 4 Ways an Electronic Health Record Improves Agency Efficiency Whether an agency is currently using a paper system or a home built application, none will offer the features and functionality of a web based (ASP Model) electronic health record system such as AWARDS. Good functionality that’s designed specifically for a behavioral healthcare and human services environment will produce an immediate impact on agency’s work flow and service delivery. Here are four ways that clients of Foothold Technology have experienced improved efficiency since implementing our EHR: Accessibility A web based EHR allows for clinicians to have access to their client’s records no matter where there located. With AWARDS, if a staff member is out in the field at an off- site location, they can log into the database using a unique username and password and make any changes are updates to the client’s record, including progress notes, treatment plans, attendance, or medical records. Having the ability to update records as they are happening eliminates having to back and update at a later time, decreasing the chances of information being forgotten or notes being lost, and frees up time for service delivery. Clinical Staff Management Electronic systems eliminate the need for managers to pull and sort through paper charts to monitor and evaluate a clinician’s work. With a few clicks, managers can view all of the activity a staff member has had with a client, or view the activity of their entire case load for any given period of time. In AWARDS, this functionality also includes the ability to automatically track the timeliness of their staff in completing required tasks. For example, if clinicians are required to complete a group note within 2 days of a group meeting, the manager has the ability to not only see if that note has been completed on time, but also prevent backdating. This functionality, as well as others similar allow managers to conduct an ongoing audit of all programs and all staff, rather than rushing at the last minute to put this data together. Real Time Medical and Incident Tracking In both physical and behavioral medical treatment, the exchange of medical information is believed to be one of the greatest causes of delays in service delivery. An EHR system provides staff with the ability to keep an up to date HIPAA compliant record of hospital visits, medical conditions, allergies, prescriptions diagnosis, and other relevant medical information. This is a time saver in cases where medical and health information is required by a program in order to admit or provide services in another program within the same organization. Clinicians no longer have to wait to receive information, as it is electronically available. There is also the critical functionality of tracking incidents. With an EHR, and AWARDS specifically, clinicians can track any incident that involves a client and in real time attach it to their client history report. This is important in making any potential threats or concerns known as clients move throughout programs within an organization. Reporting One of the most time consuming activities in a human services agency is compiling reports. With an EHR that process is practically eliminated. Our EHR, AWARDS, is a relational database – meaning all of the information gathered is connected and available for reporting not only in the canned reports that we’ve created based on commonly required data, but also for customized reports based on the information the executive, staff, grantor or funder requires. No matter how large the database or how much information is being requested, these reports can be completed in a matter of minutes for viewing, printing, and exporting. Time Equals Money, and People too In a traditional business, improving efficiency of any processes translates into increased profits. Less time spend usually equals less money spent. In a human service environment, less time spent on processes can not only mean less money spent, but also more people served. Not only have Foothold Client’s found this to be true, they’ve also found that implanting an EHR system has positively affected every aspect of their agency, from the time spent in admitting a new client to a new program to the length of director’s meetings. The AWARDS in Action section highlights one of our client’s experience since transitioning from a paper system to AWARDS.
  • 15. Transitional Services of New York – Mental Health New York, New York AWARDS in Action Peter Amato, Director of Quality Assurance & Information Technology Why did TSI decide to switch to an electronic system? For 25 years we relied on paper files and charts for our client tracking and case management needs. At some point, we realized that in order to become more efficient, and to provide our funders with the information they required, we had to switch to an electronic system of tracking our consumers and the services they received. Why did you choose AWARDS for your EHR? After an exhaustive process evaluating several available systems, we chose AWARDS because it was a web based program, and required no technical infrastructure that had to be supported on our end. We’re a social service agency, not a software company. Foothold Technology understands the way social service agencies work. This proved to be an invaluable asset in the process. How has your agency improved since implementing AWARDS? Virtually every aspect of the agency has been positively affected. Internal communication has increased two thousand percent. Directors meetings that use to last two hours now last 30 minutes. I attribute this to how AWARDS has allowed us to capture and transmit information to each other in a highlight efficient manner. Have you made any changes to your agency as a result of implementing AWARDS? Once we got our staff trained on using AWARDS we eliminated the paper forms. Case management at TSI has been streamlined and standardized, reporting is faster and easier, and the agency has saved tens of thousands of dollars using the ASP model for the software deployment since there is no hardware required. A Solution That Works For You: Foothold Technology and AWARDS At Foothold Technology, our goal is to provide you with the tools necessary to allow you to Freedom To Focus On Your Mission™. We are the leader in client tracking and case management software for human service agencies and behavioral healthcare providers. Our electronic health record system, AWARDS, was built by human service providers for human service providers. The Software: AWARDS, is an enterprise-wide web-based software application with functionality for electronic health charts, supportive housing, human resources, facilities maintenance, internal email, insurance billing and more. The Support: Foothold clients receive superior customer support. We assign each organization client a Senior Project Manager that works with you from implementation through the entire life of your contract to ensure the software continues to meet the agency’s needs. The Community. Our clients are member of a community of users that interact and collaborate on using the software, working together to make product enhancements To learn more about how an electronic health record, such as AWARDS, can impact your agency, visit
  • 16. Online Marketing • SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION • Google Analytics report for 2010 tracking web site traffic from organic searches. • PA Y P E R C L I C K ( G O O G L E A D W O R D S ) • Google Analytics report for 2010 tracking web site traffic from pay per click advertisements (Google Adwords).
  • 17. Online Marketing - Search Engine Optimization Reports shows progress of web search visitors from organic searches over the course of 2010. A SEO strategy was implemented on July 1, resulting in the initial spike beginning in July. In August, senior manager requested changes to several key SEO tactics against the recommendations of both the consultant and myself. After demonstrating that those changes had a negative result, they were reversed in September, resulting in increases for the remainder of the year. Role: Project Manager and Search Engine Optimizer (initially hired consultant, once I learned how to edit the CMS I took over as the lead “optimizer”
  • 18. Online Marketing – PPC/Google Adwords Reports shows progress of web search visitors from paid searches over the course of 2010. A Pay Per Click campaign using Google Adwords on January 1, 2010. In April 2010, management requested a reduction in the budget for the Adwords campaign. After seeing the decline management agreed to increase the budget, but not back to the original amount. To maximize clicks within the set budget, a strategy was implemented to create landing pages for specific ads, which increased the ad quality score and decreased the cost per click. Role: Project Manager and Ad creator /manager
  • 19. Program Development • M A R K E T I N G C A M PA I G N S T R A T E G Y • Sample marketing plan is a response to a 2007 Harvard Business School business case, requested by a client in an RFP. • AFFINITY PROGRAM • Lead generation program created to foster partnerships between Foothold Technology and behavioral healthcare associations across the country to gain greater access to their membership for sales and marketing activities.
  • 20. Program Development - Marketing Campaign Strategy Summary of Recommendations This report recommends CircleLending, Inc. use television, radio and online advertising supported by direct mail and public relations tools to achieve its corporate, marketing and marketing communications objectives. A national advertising campaign will reach all demographics with emphasis in markets with heavy make up of CircleLending’s target audience. Internet advertising on related websites will enable CircleLending to establish its interactive nature and presence as the first Internet based person-to-person loan administration company. Direct mail pieces (postcards) to target audience and other segments will reinforce television, radio and online advertisements, while reaching consumers not touched by media advertisements. Public relations will increase public awareness of products and services and open opportunities for partnerships and cross promotion. Sale discounts on products and services will allow CircleLending to increase their short-term sales. Constant evaluation and control is strongly recommended to reach the objectives of the campaign. A contingency budget should be assigned to deal with unforeseen events or to make necessary changes to current campaign tactics. The Introduction The following report is designed to support the marketing campaign to expand outreach, increase lead generation and sales for CircleLending’s products and services. The main marketing activities are television, radio, and online advertising. The supporting activities are direct mail, public relations and sales incentives. In order to attract the target audience, differentiated marketing messages will be used to communicate the two categories of products CircleLending offers. The campaign will be launched on July 6, 2009 in order to maintain consistency with the first quarter and first half of FY10. The campaign will last for approximately 23 weeks. Evaluation of all marketing activities developed in this plan will take place at the end of each 4 th week and at the end of each quarter (final evaluation at the end of the second quarter/end of first half of FY10). Tracking will establish the effectiveness of the activities in terms of response rate, lead generation and sales. A contingency plan will be implemented in the event that during monitoring and evaluation it becomes apparent that the current campaign is unsuccessful or overwhelming. There has been a portion of the budget set aside to allow for additional marketing tools to be developed for the contingency plan.
  • 21. Launch Date Marketing and advertising activities will commence on July 6, 2009 and last for 23 weeks ending approximately December 18th. The rationale for this is to complete evaluation of campaign effectiveness at the mid point of the fiscal year and make decisions about what activities will continue in the second half of FY10. Budget A budget of 3.19 million dollars has been allocated for this campaign. Segmentation The target audience for this campaign will be segmented based on demographics, social, and economic characteristics of lenders and borrows in family/friend transactions and Housing related seller financed transactions as collected and reported by the Survey of Consumer Finances (2004). Potential customers for CircleLending’s products and services include consumers from all groups. However, based on the lending characteristics, targeted customers for this campaign are white (non-Hispanic), age 35-65, in the 40-80% income percentile group. Targeting Due to the fact that CircleLending products fall into two categories, mortgage and non-mortgage, differentiated marketing messages will be used for this campaign. Two programs will be developed and incorporated into advertisements, first one to reach individuals lending/borrowing to/from family and friends and second for individual’s lending/borrowing for the sale of property. Positioning CircleLending will be positioned by benefits (loan documentation, customized payment schedules, electronic billing, payment collection, and online account management, etc). Messaging CircleLending wants to attract consumers who lend money to friends and family. The message of the campaign should reflect the benefits of having a third party company manage this process. One of the possible messages is: Protect Your Money and Your Relationships. This message reflects the premium context of CircleLending and stresses the emotional aspect of mixing money and relationships. CircleLending manages the repayment process and reports to the credit agencies. This fact should not be overlooked and should be referenced in the advertisements: Secure Your Loans to Family and Friends.
  • 22. While it is assumed that the lender is the target customer, marketing messages should not leave out the borrower and the benefits that would interest them in CircleLending’s products and services: Improve Your Credit History By Repaying Your Family and Friends. While the placement of advertisements and direct mail pieces will be distributed based on the target audience, images in the advertisement will reflect diversity in race, occupation and socio-economical backgrounds. Marketing Strategy To achieve the best possible results it is best to use a mixture of pull and push marketing. Pull strategies will be used to achieve awareness. Push strategies will allow CircleLending to reach maximize numbers of potential consumers. Print Advertising This initial phase of the marketing campaign will not include any print advertising. However, this option will be reviewed in planning marketing activities for the second half of FY10. Internet Advertising Internet activities for CircleLending will include upgrading the web site (content and optimization) to be consistent with the national advertising and direct mail campaign ($2500). Internet advertising will reach target consumers who spend a significant amount of time online. Banners will be based on CPM (cost per thousand impressions) and will cost CircleLending $100,000. Online advertisement will be the key medium to reach young borrowers. Banners will be positioned on web sites pertaining to educational loans, car purchases, and etc. Advertising via search engines will also take place using Google Adwords. This activity is projected to cost CircleLending $100,000. Internet advertising will take place throughout the entire campaign. Television Advertising Television advertising will be the main activity of this campaign. CircleLending will work with Cheap TV Spots, Inc to produce a quality 30-second commercial that includes the marketing messages and images outlined in this campaign. Cheap TV Spots will manage the entire advertising process, including purchasing airtime and ensuring the delivery of the commercial to the networks. Targeted ad placement will be mid day and afternoons during court shows (i.e. Judge Hatchet, Judge Judy, Judge Mathis, etc.) and during evening game shows before prime time. Cheap TV Spots will work within the budget of $1 Million to secure as much airtime as possible over the course of the 23-week campaign.
  • 23. Radio Advertising Radio advertising will also be a major activity in this campaign. CircleLending will partner with Clear Channel and Total Radius to create and distribute a 30 second radio advertisement across Clear Channels radio stations, which include over 110 million weekly listeners. Clear Channel and Total Radius will manage the production and airtime selection process based on the established target audience and will follow a similar script used in the television ads. Targeted times will include morning and evening rush hour, as well as midday. Clear Channel and Total Radius will work within the budget of $750,000 to secure as much airtime as possible to cover the course of the 23-week campaign. Direct Marketing Direct marketing will be used to reach prospects, thus increasing the amount of potential customers visiting the CircleLending web site or contacting a representative. Direct marketing for this campaign will take the form of direct mail (3X5 Postcards), which will be distributed to 500,000 homes (10,000 in each state) across the U.S. Postcards will follow the same marketing messages as television, radio and online advertisements. The design, printing and mailing of these postcards will be executed by Marketing Bridge, which will cost $1.40 per postcard totaling $700,000. This activity will also require a list rental, which will cost $0.40 per contact totaling $200,000. The total direct mail cost will be $900,000. Approximately 4% of the direct mail will be distributed each week of the 23-week campaign. Public Relations Public Relations will be a part of CircleLending’s profile strategy. The goal of this activity will be to build awareness and interest around the company’s products and services. Since editorial coverage is virtually free advertising, we will rely on PR to supplement paid advertising as a low-cost way to interface our target markets and receive awareness. Public Relations activities will include press releases, newsletters and on-going dialogue with editors and writers from key publications. CircleLending will continue with speaking engagements and various events and seminars. Public Relations will take place throughout the campaign. Projected spending on Public Relation will be $50,000. Collateral Materials The only collateral material that will be printed and distributed as a part of this campaign is the direct mail postcard. Consumers will have the ability to download a color brochure, white papers and fact sheets that outline CircleLending’s products and services as well as benefits and features from the web site.
  • 24. Contingency Planning A very important aspect of this campaign will be contingency planning. With an integrated campaign of this size there are several risks that must be managed. Therefore, instead of the usual 5% this campaign will allow for 10% of the budget ($290,000) for contingency planning. This money will be spent to replace the activities that fail to work, add additional promotion, or hire/contract additional staff to manage leads and sales. Evaluation and Control Monitoring and evaluation will take place throughout the campaign, with major assessment and reporting taking place every 4 th week of the campaign, and at the end of each quarter. Sales and revenue figures will be tracked on a daily basis, as well as the response source. This will help CircleLending determine the effectiveness of activities within the campaign. Conclusion This report was designed to support the marketing campaign to expand outreach, increase lead generation and sales for CircleLending’s products and services. The main marketing activities chosen for this campaign were television, radio, and online adverting. The supporting activities were direct mail, public relations and sales incentives. Every step was taken to ensure that there was continuity throughout the whole campaign and each marketing tool complemented each other. This is so that the product values will be reinforced through each type of marketing tool and there will be less chance for the message to be misinterpreted or neglected by the consumers. Continuous evaluation will be performed throughout the campaign and is accounted for in the budget.
  • 25. Program Development – Affinity Program