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Pornography and the New Media Essay
Pornography and New Media Pornography, depending on how one defines it, has existed for thousands of years in the forms of picture, sculpture,
performance, and writing. Over the centuries the advent of new media has broadened the flow of distribution of pornography and erotica to the
masses, making it readily accessible. From the printing press, to photography, to film, each new medium has provoked a call for censorship from
concerned citizens during the early stages of its existence. Pornography has taken major steps, particularly in the last fifty years: Playboy, the first
magazine of its type, produced its first issue in 1955; pornographic film gained widespread popularity in the 1970's; the invention of the VCR allowed
consumers more content...
Because Internet cannot be contained within states, or even countries, there is little the government can do to control content without hindering first
amendment rights, despite past attempts.
The most aggressive attempt at internet control was made in 1996 with the development of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) which proposed
to make it illegal to send "indecent material by the Internet into others computers" (Wilkins 1996). While the bill passed through congress quickly, it
was immediately attacked as unconstitutional under the first amendment. The famous case of Reno v. ACLU, the Supreme Court ruled that the act was
unconstitutional and the law was never put into place. The primary argument being that, while the CDA aimed to protect people, particularly minors,
from exposure to pornographic material, it could not do so without impinging on adults' freedom of speech (Wilkins, 1996). Preexisting laws pertaining
to obscenity and child pornography, neither of which is protected by the first amendment, were broadened to include the Internet. Even in that case,
however, enforcement of the law is extremely difficult given the nature of the medium. Charles Hogg notes, "In the meantime, the most offensive of the
material remains illegal in the United States, and problems with this material on the Internet remain a matter of enforcement rather than a matter of
legality" (Hogg, 1999). The use of Internet pornography needs to
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Pornography Addiction Essay
Sexual exploitation by selling sex is one of the oldest businesses in human history. But the world has never seen such an increase in the acceptance of
pornography than in the last 25 years. Neither has the world ever been in a place where sexually explicit material is so accessible to everyone, in the
privacy of their own homes, due to the internet. Because of the growth of the social acceptance and universal accessibility of pornography, the effects
have been widespread and damaging. Pornography has significant effects on the viewer, their brain and their real life relationships; it has effects on
the people making the porn, and in turn, our society and our world has been greatly affected by the extensive use of porn.
As porn has more content...
This happens in the context of relationships where the partners are committed to each other and are in tune with each other's emotions. Surveys in the
U.S. have found that the people who have the best sex and the most thrilling sex are those in long term happy relationships.(Dr Sue...) When having
sex in a committed long term relationship one's body chemically allows the pleasure to continue and deeply bonds them with their partner; contrarily,
when engaging in porn, one's body chemically causes pleasure to diminish with each encounter as the viewer is not bonding emotionally with another
person. Porn allows the viewer to have temporary desires fulfilled with decreasing pleasure and lack of any deep, personal relationships.
To take the effects of consumption of porn in the context of a relationship to a level of depth of scientific research, complaints from porn users in their
teens and twenties are reported complaining that they can't maintain an erection (Is Internet Porn..). " The 2001–2002 rates for older men 40–80 were
about 13% in Europe. By 2011, ED rates in young Europeans, 18–40, ranged from 14%–28% and older men would be expected to have far higher ED
rates than the negligible rates of younger men." (Is Internet Porn...). Since the introduction of internet pornography,
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Pornography Analysis
In the article written by Brian Doucet who is a senior lecturer at Erasmus University and Drew Philp who is an author and journalist. Both composers
question "what do we learn from viewing an abandoned house dissociated from its context". The authors are making a claim that rather than viewing
"ruin porn" as an aesthetic and tourist attraction. We should be trying to help one another "as global citizens". I agree this article should be published
on Shorthorns (University of Texas at Arlington's newspaper). In this analysis, I will be evaluating the effectiveness of rhetorical appeals, analyzing
the rhetorical appeals of the writer and explaining on why I agree it should be published. What is "ruin porn"? Don't be quick to assume such as myself
and think about the social taboo of "porn". In reality, ruin porn is a recent movement in photography that takes the decline of the built–environment
(cities, buildings, infrastructure) as its subject to make it into this aesthetic photo to be publicized. However, the authors manage to speak the truth that
although such "shocking photographs" only serve to "obscure the humanity and the complexity behind the city's long struggle". The authors are able to
evoke a feeling of empathy to the audience by signaling that although the photographs of Detroit seem "aesthetic", these are the enduring struggles of
Detroit citizens. If reading that those "abandoned and gutted" houses are the homes of individuals still doesn't
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Essay on Censoring Internet Pornography
Pornography engages people on many levels. Some people enjoy pornography while others believe that the world would be best without it. Some
would think that a song like It's Nice to be Nude is a cute song that is celebrating the joys of the human body. Others may think that it is obscene and
not worth listening to.
Pornography is highly subjective in respect to what it is, how it is defined, and its merits. The intent of this paper is to discuss pornography in a
historical context and how it affects librarians in regards to its presence on the Internet.
Definitions: Getting to Know All About "It"
* Pornography:
The word pornography originates from the Greek pornographes meaning more content...
From drawings on cave walls7 to HBOs Sex and the City the depiction of sex appears to be one of the threads that ties the centuries together.
Montgomery Hyde, while exploring the roots of Western pornography, found that even in the Bible "there is an abundance of material in the Old
Testament on the subject of pornography in its original sense of writing about prostitutes and their patrons, as there are also references which are
certainly obscene if not pornographic in the wider sense as it is generally understood today."8
In early Greece, "representations of men and women enjoying various forms of sexual intercourse were even depicted on the bottoms of children's
drinking bowls and plates, so that they could have something amusing to look at when they were having their meals."9 About the time of the birth of
Christ, Ovid wrote for a Roman audience Ars Amorato ? a work "if not pornographic in the strictest sense, at least highly erotic."10
The pornographic tradition continued in Western culture with works such as "the Decameron, The Canterbury Tales in England, and the Heptameron
in France."11 Fascination with the bawdy is also the basis for many a literary classic. Much of Shakespeare's writing, for example, is of "uninhibited
ribaldries and obscenities."12 The depiction of the naked, sexual human form is also found throughout the art world.13 Indeed, walk into virtually any
museum, art
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The Pros and Cons of Pornography Essay
For centuries, humans have been creating explicit images to depict their sexual fantasies and desires. Times have drastically changed, however, since
the first known sex guide, Kama Sutra, was illustrated in 5th–century India (King 412). The selling of sexually explicit material is a multibillion dollar
industry (King 411). Today, with just the click of a mouse, millions world–wide are able to access pornography and see their sexual fantasies come to
life (King 418). According to King, "One third of all use of the internet is connected to porn sites," (419). With explicit sexual material nearly
impossible to avoid, it may be difficult to decipher between what is normal sexual behavior and what is merely fantasy. There is belief that
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It is no wonder that many women think negatively about most pornographic material. After viewing pornography, women tend to feel less confident
and insecure about their bodies (King, 2012).
If pornography is degrading and uncomfortable for women to watch, why have 41% of women intentionally viewed porn (King, 2012)? Contrary to the
anti–pornography feminism movement, proponents of pornography believe that porn "liberates women" and allows them to take part in "less
traditional" sexual behavior (Evans–Cicco, 2012). Some women agree with this claim and use porn to explore their own sexuality (Paul 2012).
Pornography for these women is a resource. It is a method for them to discover new sex positions and "ways to act sexy" (Paul 2012). According to
Paul, a "[change] in women's expectations and attitudes toward their sexuality are driving women to pornography." This statement indicates that some
women want to replicate acts that are presented in pornographic material. It may also suggest that women believe sexual behaviors used in pornography
are not only the norm, but expected.
To discover if women and men's attitudes about female sexuality have been influenced by pornography, I will conduct interviews based on the
strategies that Sterk used when interviewing prostitutes. Sterk made it easier for the women to speak about this difficult topic by first building
relationships with them. She also promoted conversations and
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Positive And Negative Effects On Pornography
The use of porn has positive and negative effects. However, the negative effects overrule the positive. People who watch porn endlessly, tend to be
depressed, have low self esteem, and have no relationships. Porn can relieve stress, and some people would rather watch porn because it can, to a
certain extent, prevent pregnancy. Also, porn is a stress reliever and can fulfil your sexual desires. Constantly watching porn can cause sexual
dysfunction. Meaning, if a person continues to masterbate it can slow down their ejaculation rate and inability to reach an orgasim. Porn addicts spend
hours and sometimes days watching porn. Staying in the house for that long is not good for your health. Porn addiction is a serious illness that can
affect one's personal health, family and friends. Child pronography has been a major problem within the last decade. According to Center for
Problem–Oriented Policing, most children who participate in child pronography have not been forced to participate. Children are told that this type of
activity is allowable. Child pornography is a type of child abuse. Physical abuse against a child takes place before the sexual assault. Child pornography
does not only affect children, it also affects adults. Child pornogaphy can trigger pedophilia amung adults. Children who participate in child
pornography do not realize the negative effects that it has on children. Pornography should only be viewed by adults that are 18 and older, but porn
is getting more easier for children to access. Most parents are worried that their children are being exposed to pornography at a very young age. Porn
is mostly consumed by young men. Two–thirds of young men say that it is morally okay to watch porn on a daily basis; half of many young women
say that is it morally okay to watch porn in general. As of 2011, many people suggested that the government have control over major porn companies,
such as pornhub. If the government had more control of major porn companies, it would protect children from viewing this kind of content. Also, the
government should prevent which type of porn videos that are uploaded to the internet. For an example, porn videos that immitates rape and children
should not be uploaded to
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Essay on The Pornography Debate
The Pornography Debate
Pornography has been the topic of discussion in the court systems for years. Many would like to see legislation against it and software to filter it. The
problem is it's not that easy and making laws against it would pose a problem against the first amendment. There have many issues brought up on the
grounds that it is demoralizing to women and is filth for the eyes of children. But, is pornography really that harmful?
There are many reasons why the government is having trouble putting restrictions on pornography. AsCynthia Stark states in Social Theory and
Practice," just because some find certain materials offensive is not a sufficient reason for restricting those materials." There has to be proper grounds more content...
We also need to determine was is appropriate for children and why is it so "dirty" for the viewing of children that we need to use software to block
it. The internet is free to roam by anyone and it's not hard to stumble across websites that use "mask" web addresses to lure people into them. So
how can we block these websites that are explicit for our kids to view? These pornographic sites are free to show whatever they want due to the free
speech clause, so isn't the CIPA going against that? Another act that is in progress right now that the House of Representatives have recently
reinstated is an act that outlaws virtual child pornography. This act would ban any computer images that were real child pornography and not
digitally created images. The problem with this act as Texas Republican Lamar Smith says is that prosecutors would find it impossible to prove if the
digital picture or movie was an actual photograph or a digitally made image on a scanner or computer. There is no way to tell and so the court system
is just adding more problems to their list because it is such a touchy subject when regarding the Constitution.
On the other hand, a lot of people think pornography is demoralizing to women, is "filth" and should be restricted from public display. There have
been instances were women are sexually assaulted, beaten, abused and harassed on camera. There are also records of children that have been raped and
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Essay on The Negative Consequences of Pornography
It's a multi billion dollar industry, it easily accessible by adults and adolescents, its addiction rate is very high. Its not video games or cigarettes it's
Pornography. Pornography is tearing the fabric of society in half and the demand for it is higher than ever. Some people think pornography is just the
simple viewing of scantily clad women but it is more than that. The psychological and mental state it puts people in is the worst. Some people think
that there isn't a problem with it but it takes a toll when you don't notice the effects it is having on your character. With the introduction of the computer
and/or internet, the distribution and viewing of these images is easier than ever. The time has come to eliminate the bonds more
Today's standard is to somehow "sexualize" maturing girls at a young age so that they have more of a passion for putting themselves out there. Also
part of the problem would be the parents. The parents are supposed to keep the children in check. If the parents dress as promiscuous as the children
then it is not helping the problem. The media also plays a huge role. Current fashion trends and celebrities play into the hand that is pornography.
Some current statistics are pornographic websites make up for 12% of all websites, that s 4.2 million. 90% of 8–16 year olds have viewed porn online,
most while doing homework. Over 40 million adults access porn everyday. It s easy to see with these statistics no one is safe from the hypnotic trance
that is pornography.
It's normal for a man or a woman to lust after the opposite sex but with pornography it becomes unhealthy. This is so because it's all you want to watch,
other people having intercourse with other people. Adults and/or kids escape to this world because they themselves can't have a normal, healthy
relationship with someone. It's easy to stumble upon the material with the internet around but its accessibility to kids it's an easily controlling addiction.
What makes pornography so bad is not just the addiction but the actions performed. It is the sexual submissive, degradation of women through pictures
and/or words. When women called themselves names like "slut or whore" it a problem.
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Pornography And Its Effects On Society
Pornography and Its Effects What is pornography? Porn or porno is any visual, audial or printed material, created with the sole purpose of bringing
arousal or sexual excitement to audiences. Internet driven pornography is most common form of porn, as it provides free unregulated and
unrestricted access to different forms of pornographic materials. It makes porn readily available for viewing at any place, ranging from homes to
offices, and at any time. The regular consumption of porn by a male has negative effects on the choices he makes and alters his behavior and psyche in
the process. Pornography demeans and objectifies women, and as a result degrades the perception most male porn consumers have about women.
Prolonged consumption of pornography by men produces stronger notions of women as commodities or as 'sex objects'. "The diffusion of such a
distorted view of women's nature in our society as it exists supports sexist (i.e., male–centered) attitudes and thus reinforces the oppression and
exploitation of women" (Longino 48). Many males believe that females should be submissive to them. Porno reinforces these preexisting inclinations
and perceptions males already have about women, increasing the likelihood of males sexually harassing females. Aggressive and violent behaviors and
sexually hostility to women are not only tolerated but encouraged in porn. Thus, excessive viewing of porn alters many males perception about women,
and increases the likelihood of aggression,
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Reflection On Pornography
In just five days I had my view of pornography taken apart, dissected and reassembled, and while I don't believe my views on pornography have
drastically changed, my perspective has certainly shifted. There truly is so much to consider when attempting to form an opinion of porn, it's
mind–boggling, but in many ways, it is essential. My genuine feeling after taking this course is that in a perfect world, everyone who enjoys
pornographic entertainment, or is curious about it, would take this class. Because although my views on porn haven't changed drastically, they are far
better informed and I now feel equipped to defend them with gusto, should I ever have to do so. My initial self–reflection focused on my views on
violence and addiction related to pornography. However, because there is so much to discuss, I limit myself in this self–critique to revisiting the
subject of violence; mainly, I consider the cultural context of the relationship between pornography and violence, as well as contemporary research
surrounding said relationship.
From my perspective, it didn't make sense why people would be so panicked over pornography when even widely–loved movies and television shows
depict scenes of intense, non–consensual sexual violence (i.e., Game of Thrones, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, etc.). Contemporary scholars note
that anti–porn works, such as those of Gail Dines, Catharine MacKinnon, and Karen Boyle, deny the power and agency of porn performers and
women more generally, as sexualized bodies within the context of pornography (Allen 2001; Altimore 1991; Attwod 2005; Weitzer 2011). As a
woman and a sexual being, I find these assertions very troubling and have developed something of a bias against anti–pornography feminist works.
However, having since learned about the history of pornography, I understand why, for some, pornography and violence appear intertwined. The
Golden Age of pornography (1968–1980) and "porno chic" (late 60s–early 70s) – was a time of highly publicized and glamourized pornography,
coinciding with the rise of radical feminist groups, drawing attention to rampant domestic and sexual violence occurring in the lives of women. From
my perspective, the simultaneous rise of radical
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Should Pornography Be Restricted?
The controversy over whether pornography should or should not be restricted has been a widely debated topic over the past few decades. Proponents of
such restriction bring to light the degrading message pornography depicts that perpetrates the silencing of women. Even though the silencing and
subordination of women is a real phenomenon, the overall significance and effect the pornography industry has on it seems widely overestimated.
Furthermore, the implications of such restriction seem far more severe when compared to the overall disadvantages the pornography industry creates.
To begin, premise one is that if pornography restricts women's freedom of speech, then pornography silences and subordinates women. Premise two is
that pornography restricts women's freedom of speech. The conclusion, therefore, is that pornography silences and subordinates women. Premise one
is true because anything that silences or restricts a person from being able to say what they mean in a way that they mean it is restricting that person's
freedom of speech. Premise two is true because a woman could say no, but her lack of consent would not be taken seriously. There is a growing rape
culture present in society. The context of the scenes depicted in pornography and goals of the pornography industry all together inadvertently
objectifies women. "Catherine McKinnon states that pornography is the sexually explicitly subordination of women," according to Langton. It is
essential to look beyond what
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Feminist Perspective On Pornography
Many people have argued that pornography is a form of artistic expression, protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution, others feel there is a
distinct line between art and "porn" (Pornogrpahy). Pornography is made to provide sexual pleasure to anyone who hears, sees or reads it, it involves
erotic acts. Pornography could be talking, "acting," or anything that may sexually stimulate someone. Pornography is also, the portrayal of sexual
activities and it comes in the form of magazines, movies, videos, and more. Pornography is often seen to overstep the bounds of the First
Amendment and misrepresent what is means by freedom of speech. Pornography isn't something that everyone can agree on. For example, feminist
are one group of people have a variety of feelings and beliefs towards pornography. While feminist usually share the same way of thinking this is one
topic that causes a major division between them. Disagreeing to agree is a common compromise that people face in life, but in the case of
pornography feminist can not seem to do so. Andrea Dworkin and Catharine A. Mackinnon(Feminist Perspectives), are just two of the women that
have stood up against pornography. There are a plethora of feminist see pornography as a way to keep women oppressed and subjected to man.
Almost as if porn is taking women in a step backwards.Mackinnon believes porn is an act of sexual violence (McElroy) and Dworkin sees it as
sexist and a "deliberate means of subordinating women to men" (Feminist Perspectives). Dworkin and Mackinnon collectively view pornography as
not a form of speech, but as an active discrimination and violence against women (Feminist Perspectives). Popular pornography includes abusive
scenes and language that is extremely derogatory towards women. Through research it is also believed that due to the acts of violence and sexual
abuse depicted in pornography it is causing men to reenact and bring what they've watched to life (Purcell). Consequently, due to the voices of the
anti–porn feminist there has been many legal actions taken against the porn industry. There has been several ordinances drawn up, a few were done by
Catharine A. Mackinnon. Mackinnon and Dworkin had a civil rights ordinance that
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Impact Of Pornography On Society
Society Impacts of Pornography
"I believe and hope that Playboy [has] played some small part in changing the values – social and sexual – of our time," (Gross). Hugh Hefner made his
goal to change our society. His goal, as we can see through our culture, was accomplished. He ultimately changed our culture in the way people
interpret sexuality to what we have accepted in our sexual exploits. The word, pornography in Greek times meant prostitute. Today, referring to "porn"
means emphasizing the sensuous or sensational aspects of a non–sexual subject in stimulating an impulsive interest in their audience. Just as the word
pornography has evolved, our acceptance of the word has evolved as well. Ultimately, the acceptance, normalization, and desensitization we have
towards pornography have changed over time...and not for the better. Consequently, we must identify the problem with pornography, next we will
uncover the effects that pornography has caused, and finally, we will find solutions to our porn addiction. First, we must identify exactly what the
problem is with our language and use of the word "porn." Out of curiosity, I decided in my research to search how many "porn sites" there were. What
I found was car, food, make–up, word, poem, and truck porn...and a trip to the office to explain my searches. When I was explaining my somewhat
convoluted thesis, I explained that when we accept food porn, we more or less celebrate our enjoyments labeling them as "porn". By accepting porn
and allowing people to believe it is normal, it could cause a higher demand for it, worsening the situation. Essentially porn isn't a fulfilling as many
may imagine. Many people that take part in the production of pornography are involved with drugs, surgeries, and abuse, just to construct a perfect
sex scene in order to earn a profit. There is no real emotion in porn, so why are we associating porn with subjects that we show emotion towards?
Furthermore, food porn was made because of delicious foods people like to eat. People began taking pictures of their delicious looking foods and
posting them on their social medias, and sooner or later people began labeling that as "food porn." What many don't realize is, initially food
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Reflection on Pornography and Its Effects
Reflection on Pornography
Pornography industry is emerging as a booming business throughout the world. However, the effect Pornography has on individuals is impaling.
Different ideologies are given in support for this industry while human rights activities vehemently denounce this as a social vice.
Reflection on Pornography
The view on pornography that I strongly endorse is complete censorship of pornography. In the work of Dworkin (2009) and Groarke (2005), there is
clear exemplification of the challenges inherent to pornography. I find their argument compelling because women have been turned into objects of
sexual pleasure. A large majority of these sites tend to have monetary gains for acts that are obscene. Women have been used to satisfy men's urge for
sexual gratification.
I support objective censorship of pornographic sites because many of these sites have monetary gains attached to their content. A large majority of
viewers online are willing to part with some money for greater and intense sexual satisfaction. McElroy (2005) points out that people have the freedom
to choose and that their freedom should not be infringed. However, McElroy uses a subjective argument where women have sexual desires that need
gratification too. I term this as a subjective view because, while it is true that women have sexual desires that need to be fulfilled, not many would like
to have their intimacy experience published. Dworkin (2009) highlights current trends where
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The Effects Of Pornography
The existence of pornography is since prehistoric times. People started portraying nude sketch but don't have an idea of pornography. Pornography
was strictly prohibited by the laws starting from 18th century. But people hid their porn related property and there was no laws to take actions. When
the Empire of the Romans was so powerful, pornography became the luxury thing for authorized people and wealthy society. At times, pornography has
banned from public. In 1857, the authorities started to from a committee which is to take legalized actions upon pornography. At the later of 18th
century, people realized that they can get large amount of income from porn industry. But censorship was still used in 19th century.
During the last three decades, more content...
Pornography can disturb marriage and the family life might collapse.
Even though pornography is assumed as a bad thing, it has a strong infrastructure in
World wide economy. More than 25 million websites can earn $ 3,075.64 every second. Even
11 years old children are concerned with pornography. A popular porn star can earn money in
Millions. The more viewer the porn industry has, the more the porn industry grow. From the view of economy, porn industry is one of the desirable
place to invest.
Teenagers have become the victims of pornography. Many of porn websites contents intend to persuade the teenage children. Young people might get
trapped in such websites by spending a lot of money. They can think that havingsex is the priority and don't need responsibility and love. More than
that, they can imitate to have sex in real life and suffer sexually transmitted diseases by addicting pornography. Underage pregnancy can increase in
society. Their lives can be ruined because of incorrect message.
Pornography is also a considerable factor for couples. Some women cannot accept their partners watching porn because they feel that they have been
cheated. They also get jealous when their life partners watch female porn stars. But for men, watching porn may
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Essay On Watching Pornography Is Wrong
Whether Watching Pornography is Wrong Pornography has been around for ages and has always been a controversial subject. Pornography is the
depiction of sexual objects that are designed to give pleasure to those who read, see, hear or handle these objects. This ethics report will focus on
individuals that are at least 18 years old which is the legal voting age and whether watching pornography is wrong. Heterosexual pornography will
be the focus. Pornography has been around for hundreds or possibly thousands of years. The depictions initially were in the forms of sculptures,
paintings and even in cave drawings. The issue is important a person of the legal age should be allowed legally to have their personal enjoyment
in the privacy of their home and not feel as if they are doing anything wrong. Critics say that it is immoral, sinful, nasty and not ethical to view
pornography. This report will discuss my views the Cultural Relativist views, how a Divine Command Theorist might view, the Aristotelian view
and the Hobbesian Contractarian. Mutual sex from consenting adults should not be viewed as lewd and obscene. We have a choice on what we do
as law abiding citizens. The Cultural Relativist first would not even see watching pornography as being wrong it is allowed by culture. The relativist
believes that there is not a standard for what is morally right or wrong because it depends on your culture if it is allowed or not. So, if there are a
group of individuals that
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Pornography, Protection, And Privacy
In 2015 Jiz Lee, pornographic performer, activist, and triathlete, published Coming Out Like a Porn Star: Essays on Pornography, Protection, and
Privacy. Their work is a unique collection of personal essays written by more than fifty current and former adult professionals, including performers,
directors, website founders, and CEOs. Raw, honest, and occasionally hilarious, the book provides critical insight into the difficulties of maintaining
privacy, facing stigma, and finding support. Coming Out Like a Porn Star (COLAPS) serves as a contribution to the destigmatization of pornography,
the recognition of the legitimacy of pornographic careers, and the appreciation of sexual performance as labor.
As its full title suggests, the more content...
The internet has made birth names more searchable and created a permanence of visibility, not just for porn performers who have started recently,
but also for ones who had, for a time, faded into obscurity on dissolving reels of VHS tape." (Habib, C., "The Name of Your First Pet and The Street
You Grew Up On" in COLAPS, pg. 105)
In other cases, individuals chose to use their legal names, feeling that it was impossible to maintain impermeable privacy. Some have even adopted
their porn names for such reasons as identification among fans and supporters or as a method of disowning shame associated with their identity as
queer, a porn performer, or otherwise (e.g. Habib, C., pg. 103–106; Halili Orbacedo, M., pg. 246–249; Lowrance, C., pg. 75–76). These individuals,
who chose to use their legal names, largely acknowledged that their ability to do so was a privilege, that not many in the industry are afforded. As a
collective, these essays emphasize privacy as a primary method of protection. Many writers, including Anonymous (pg. 38–40), Cyd Nova (pg.
118–122), and Kitty Stryker (pg. 216–219), convey that, were it not for the misconceptions and negative connotations surrounding their work, there
would not be such a great need for methods of maintaining desperately–needed privacy.
In the context of COLAPS, three themes related to stigma recur throughout the book. The first has been
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Discourses Of Pornography
Discourses of Harm This brings the debate to how the 'pornification' of acts, namely violent, hurtful and discriminatory ones, have effected parts of
society and will most likely continue to do so if pornography still portrays these said acts. With the population viewing pornography at younger ages
than ever before (Turner), and using the porn that they view as a form of education, then the violent and harmful porn that exists must be taken into
consideration when talking about the effects it has on society. In 1987, James B. Weaver's investigated how violence and rape portrayed on screen was
read by men and women. The test group was shown various scenes from popular films of neutral/not sexual content, consensual sex, female–instigated
sex, male–coerced sex, and eroticised violence which included scenes of a "slasher" film. The investigation interestingly found that "the men spotted
some aggressiveness in consenting sex, whereas the women did not. But more significantly, the men judged rape to be about half as violent as
murder, whereas the women considered rape to be about as brutal a crime as murder" (Zillmann 115). It should also be noted that the sexual scenes
shown were heterosexual. Baron and Byrne found in their 1977 investigation that "sexual acts involving aggression and violence are among the least
arousing sexual depictions for men and females" (Nelson 178). A number of studies mentioned by Nelson found that there were low levels of arousal in
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Anti Porn Feminist Research Paper
The feminist movement is thought to be the drive to end women's oppression, be it a biological woman or an individual who identifies as a woman.
However, many feminists have varying ideas when it comes to women in the sex industry. In today's society we are taught to look down on sex and to
act as if it is something to be ashamed of. Anti–porn feminists believe that pornography degrades women, can lead to violence against women, and that
the women involved in pornography are mentally damaged in some way that they can not give actual consent to take part. I am a pro–sex feminist. I
believe that a woman should have the right to do with her body as she pleases, whether that be to cover it up completely, or to bare it all for the world
to see.
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  • 1. Pornography and the New Media Essay Pornography and New Media Pornography, depending on how one defines it, has existed for thousands of years in the forms of picture, sculpture, performance, and writing. Over the centuries the advent of new media has broadened the flow of distribution of pornography and erotica to the masses, making it readily accessible. From the printing press, to photography, to film, each new medium has provoked a call for censorship from concerned citizens during the early stages of its existence. Pornography has taken major steps, particularly in the last fifty years: Playboy, the first magazine of its type, produced its first issue in 1955; pornographic film gained widespread popularity in the 1970's; the invention of the VCR allowed consumers more content... Because Internet cannot be contained within states, or even countries, there is little the government can do to control content without hindering first amendment rights, despite past attempts. The most aggressive attempt at internet control was made in 1996 with the development of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) which proposed to make it illegal to send "indecent material by the Internet into others computers" (Wilkins 1996). While the bill passed through congress quickly, it was immediately attacked as unconstitutional under the first amendment. The famous case of Reno v. ACLU, the Supreme Court ruled that the act was unconstitutional and the law was never put into place. The primary argument being that, while the CDA aimed to protect people, particularly minors, from exposure to pornographic material, it could not do so without impinging on adults' freedom of speech (Wilkins, 1996). Preexisting laws pertaining to obscenity and child pornography, neither of which is protected by the first amendment, were broadened to include the Internet. Even in that case, however, enforcement of the law is extremely difficult given the nature of the medium. Charles Hogg notes, "In the meantime, the most offensive of the material remains illegal in the United States, and problems with this material on the Internet remain a matter of enforcement rather than a matter of legality" (Hogg, 1999). The use of Internet pornography needs to Get more content on
  • 2. Pornography Addiction Essay Sexual exploitation by selling sex is one of the oldest businesses in human history. But the world has never seen such an increase in the acceptance of pornography than in the last 25 years. Neither has the world ever been in a place where sexually explicit material is so accessible to everyone, in the privacy of their own homes, due to the internet. Because of the growth of the social acceptance and universal accessibility of pornography, the effects have been widespread and damaging. Pornography has significant effects on the viewer, their brain and their real life relationships; it has effects on the people making the porn, and in turn, our society and our world has been greatly affected by the extensive use of porn. As porn has more content... This happens in the context of relationships where the partners are committed to each other and are in tune with each other's emotions. Surveys in the U.S. have found that the people who have the best sex and the most thrilling sex are those in long term happy relationships.(Dr Sue...) When having sex in a committed long term relationship one's body chemically allows the pleasure to continue and deeply bonds them with their partner; contrarily, when engaging in porn, one's body chemically causes pleasure to diminish with each encounter as the viewer is not bonding emotionally with another person. Porn allows the viewer to have temporary desires fulfilled with decreasing pleasure and lack of any deep, personal relationships. To take the effects of consumption of porn in the context of a relationship to a level of depth of scientific research, complaints from porn users in their teens and twenties are reported complaining that they can't maintain an erection (Is Internet Porn..). " The 2001–2002 rates for older men 40–80 were about 13% in Europe. By 2011, ED rates in young Europeans, 18–40, ranged from 14%–28% and older men would be expected to have far higher ED rates than the negligible rates of younger men." (Is Internet Porn...). Since the introduction of internet pornography, Get more content on
  • 3. Pornography Analysis In the article written by Brian Doucet who is a senior lecturer at Erasmus University and Drew Philp who is an author and journalist. Both composers question "what do we learn from viewing an abandoned house dissociated from its context". The authors are making a claim that rather than viewing "ruin porn" as an aesthetic and tourist attraction. We should be trying to help one another "as global citizens". I agree this article should be published on Shorthorns (University of Texas at Arlington's newspaper). In this analysis, I will be evaluating the effectiveness of rhetorical appeals, analyzing the rhetorical appeals of the writer and explaining on why I agree it should be published. What is "ruin porn"? Don't be quick to assume such as myself and think about the social taboo of "porn". In reality, ruin porn is a recent movement in photography that takes the decline of the built–environment (cities, buildings, infrastructure) as its subject to make it into this aesthetic photo to be publicized. However, the authors manage to speak the truth that although such "shocking photographs" only serve to "obscure the humanity and the complexity behind the city's long struggle". The authors are able to evoke a feeling of empathy to the audience by signaling that although the photographs of Detroit seem "aesthetic", these are the enduring struggles of Detroit citizens. If reading that those "abandoned and gutted" houses are the homes of individuals still doesn't Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Censoring Internet Pornography Introduction Pornography engages people on many levels. Some people enjoy pornography while others believe that the world would be best without it. Some would think that a song like It's Nice to be Nude is a cute song that is celebrating the joys of the human body. Others may think that it is obscene and not worth listening to. Pornography is highly subjective in respect to what it is, how it is defined, and its merits. The intent of this paper is to discuss pornography in a historical context and how it affects librarians in regards to its presence on the Internet. Definitions: Getting to Know All About "It" * Pornography: The word pornography originates from the Greek pornographes meaning more content... From drawings on cave walls7 to HBOs Sex and the City the depiction of sex appears to be one of the threads that ties the centuries together. Montgomery Hyde, while exploring the roots of Western pornography, found that even in the Bible "there is an abundance of material in the Old Testament on the subject of pornography in its original sense of writing about prostitutes and their patrons, as there are also references which are certainly obscene if not pornographic in the wider sense as it is generally understood today."8 In early Greece, "representations of men and women enjoying various forms of sexual intercourse were even depicted on the bottoms of children's drinking bowls and plates, so that they could have something amusing to look at when they were having their meals."9 About the time of the birth of Christ, Ovid wrote for a Roman audience Ars Amorato ? a work "if not pornographic in the strictest sense, at least highly erotic."10 The pornographic tradition continued in Western culture with works such as "the Decameron, The Canterbury Tales in England, and the Heptameron in France."11 Fascination with the bawdy is also the basis for many a literary classic. Much of Shakespeare's writing, for example, is of "uninhibited ribaldries and obscenities."12 The depiction of the naked, sexual human form is also found throughout the art world.13 Indeed, walk into virtually any
  • 5. museum, art Get more content on
  • 6. The Pros and Cons of Pornography Essay For centuries, humans have been creating explicit images to depict their sexual fantasies and desires. Times have drastically changed, however, since the first known sex guide, Kama Sutra, was illustrated in 5th–century India (King 412). The selling of sexually explicit material is a multibillion dollar industry (King 411). Today, with just the click of a mouse, millions world–wide are able to access pornography and see their sexual fantasies come to life (King 418). According to King, "One third of all use of the internet is connected to porn sites," (419). With explicit sexual material nearly impossible to avoid, it may be difficult to decipher between what is normal sexual behavior and what is merely fantasy. There is belief that more content... It is no wonder that many women think negatively about most pornographic material. After viewing pornography, women tend to feel less confident and insecure about their bodies (King, 2012). If pornography is degrading and uncomfortable for women to watch, why have 41% of women intentionally viewed porn (King, 2012)? Contrary to the anti–pornography feminism movement, proponents of pornography believe that porn "liberates women" and allows them to take part in "less traditional" sexual behavior (Evans–Cicco, 2012). Some women agree with this claim and use porn to explore their own sexuality (Paul 2012). Pornography for these women is a resource. It is a method for them to discover new sex positions and "ways to act sexy" (Paul 2012). According to Paul, a "[change] in women's expectations and attitudes toward their sexuality are driving women to pornography." This statement indicates that some women want to replicate acts that are presented in pornographic material. It may also suggest that women believe sexual behaviors used in pornography are not only the norm, but expected. To discover if women and men's attitudes about female sexuality have been influenced by pornography, I will conduct interviews based on the strategies that Sterk used when interviewing prostitutes. Sterk made it easier for the women to speak about this difficult topic by first building relationships with them. She also promoted conversations and Get more content on
  • 7. Positive And Negative Effects On Pornography The use of porn has positive and negative effects. However, the negative effects overrule the positive. People who watch porn endlessly, tend to be depressed, have low self esteem, and have no relationships. Porn can relieve stress, and some people would rather watch porn because it can, to a certain extent, prevent pregnancy. Also, porn is a stress reliever and can fulfil your sexual desires. Constantly watching porn can cause sexual dysfunction. Meaning, if a person continues to masterbate it can slow down their ejaculation rate and inability to reach an orgasim. Porn addicts spend hours and sometimes days watching porn. Staying in the house for that long is not good for your health. Porn addiction is a serious illness that can affect one's personal health, family and friends. Child pronography has been a major problem within the last decade. According to Center for Problem–Oriented Policing, most children who participate in child pronography have not been forced to participate. Children are told that this type of activity is allowable. Child pornography is a type of child abuse. Physical abuse against a child takes place before the sexual assault. Child pornography does not only affect children, it also affects adults. Child pornogaphy can trigger pedophilia amung adults. Children who participate in child pornography do not realize the negative effects that it has on children. Pornography should only be viewed by adults that are 18 and older, but porn is getting more easier for children to access. Most parents are worried that their children are being exposed to pornography at a very young age. Porn is mostly consumed by young men. Two–thirds of young men say that it is morally okay to watch porn on a daily basis; half of many young women say that is it morally okay to watch porn in general. As of 2011, many people suggested that the government have control over major porn companies, such as pornhub. If the government had more control of major porn companies, it would protect children from viewing this kind of content. Also, the government should prevent which type of porn videos that are uploaded to the internet. For an example, porn videos that immitates rape and children should not be uploaded to Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on The Pornography Debate The Pornography Debate Pornography has been the topic of discussion in the court systems for years. Many would like to see legislation against it and software to filter it. The problem is it's not that easy and making laws against it would pose a problem against the first amendment. There have many issues brought up on the grounds that it is demoralizing to women and is filth for the eyes of children. But, is pornography really that harmful? There are many reasons why the government is having trouble putting restrictions on pornography. AsCynthia Stark states in Social Theory and Practice," just because some find certain materials offensive is not a sufficient reason for restricting those materials." There has to be proper grounds more content... We also need to determine was is appropriate for children and why is it so "dirty" for the viewing of children that we need to use software to block it. The internet is free to roam by anyone and it's not hard to stumble across websites that use "mask" web addresses to lure people into them. So how can we block these websites that are explicit for our kids to view? These pornographic sites are free to show whatever they want due to the free speech clause, so isn't the CIPA going against that? Another act that is in progress right now that the House of Representatives have recently reinstated is an act that outlaws virtual child pornography. This act would ban any computer images that were real child pornography and not digitally created images. The problem with this act as Texas Republican Lamar Smith says is that prosecutors would find it impossible to prove if the digital picture or movie was an actual photograph or a digitally made image on a scanner or computer. There is no way to tell and so the court system is just adding more problems to their list because it is such a touchy subject when regarding the Constitution. On the other hand, a lot of people think pornography is demoralizing to women, is "filth" and should be restricted from public display. There have been instances were women are sexually assaulted, beaten, abused and harassed on camera. There are also records of children that have been raped and Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on The Negative Consequences of Pornography It's a multi billion dollar industry, it easily accessible by adults and adolescents, its addiction rate is very high. Its not video games or cigarettes it's Pornography. Pornography is tearing the fabric of society in half and the demand for it is higher than ever. Some people think pornography is just the simple viewing of scantily clad women but it is more than that. The psychological and mental state it puts people in is the worst. Some people think that there isn't a problem with it but it takes a toll when you don't notice the effects it is having on your character. With the introduction of the computer and/or internet, the distribution and viewing of these images is easier than ever. The time has come to eliminate the bonds more content... Today's standard is to somehow "sexualize" maturing girls at a young age so that they have more of a passion for putting themselves out there. Also part of the problem would be the parents. The parents are supposed to keep the children in check. If the parents dress as promiscuous as the children then it is not helping the problem. The media also plays a huge role. Current fashion trends and celebrities play into the hand that is pornography. Some current statistics are pornographic websites make up for 12% of all websites, that s 4.2 million. 90% of 8–16 year olds have viewed porn online, most while doing homework. Over 40 million adults access porn everyday. It s easy to see with these statistics no one is safe from the hypnotic trance that is pornography. It's normal for a man or a woman to lust after the opposite sex but with pornography it becomes unhealthy. This is so because it's all you want to watch, other people having intercourse with other people. Adults and/or kids escape to this world because they themselves can't have a normal, healthy relationship with someone. It's easy to stumble upon the material with the internet around but its accessibility to kids it's an easily controlling addiction. What makes pornography so bad is not just the addiction but the actions performed. It is the sexual submissive, degradation of women through pictures and/or words. When women called themselves names like "slut or whore" it a problem. Get more content on
  • 10. Pornography And Its Effects On Society Pornography and Its Effects What is pornography? Porn or porno is any visual, audial or printed material, created with the sole purpose of bringing arousal or sexual excitement to audiences. Internet driven pornography is most common form of porn, as it provides free unregulated and unrestricted access to different forms of pornographic materials. It makes porn readily available for viewing at any place, ranging from homes to offices, and at any time. The regular consumption of porn by a male has negative effects on the choices he makes and alters his behavior and psyche in the process. Pornography demeans and objectifies women, and as a result degrades the perception most male porn consumers have about women. Prolonged consumption of pornography by men produces stronger notions of women as commodities or as 'sex objects'. "The diffusion of such a distorted view of women's nature in our society as it exists supports sexist (i.e., male–centered) attitudes and thus reinforces the oppression and exploitation of women" (Longino 48). Many males believe that females should be submissive to them. Porno reinforces these preexisting inclinations and perceptions males already have about women, increasing the likelihood of males sexually harassing females. Aggressive and violent behaviors and sexually hostility to women are not only tolerated but encouraged in porn. Thus, excessive viewing of porn alters many males perception about women, and increases the likelihood of aggression, Get more content on
  • 11. Reflection On Pornography In just five days I had my view of pornography taken apart, dissected and reassembled, and while I don't believe my views on pornography have drastically changed, my perspective has certainly shifted. There truly is so much to consider when attempting to form an opinion of porn, it's mind–boggling, but in many ways, it is essential. My genuine feeling after taking this course is that in a perfect world, everyone who enjoys pornographic entertainment, or is curious about it, would take this class. Because although my views on porn haven't changed drastically, they are far better informed and I now feel equipped to defend them with gusto, should I ever have to do so. My initial self–reflection focused on my views on violence and addiction related to pornography. However, because there is so much to discuss, I limit myself in this self–critique to revisiting the subject of violence; mainly, I consider the cultural context of the relationship between pornography and violence, as well as contemporary research surrounding said relationship. From my perspective, it didn't make sense why people would be so panicked over pornography when even widely–loved movies and television shows depict scenes of intense, non–consensual sexual violence (i.e., Game of Thrones, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, etc.). Contemporary scholars note that anti–porn works, such as those of Gail Dines, Catharine MacKinnon, and Karen Boyle, deny the power and agency of porn performers and women more generally, as sexualized bodies within the context of pornography (Allen 2001; Altimore 1991; Attwod 2005; Weitzer 2011). As a woman and a sexual being, I find these assertions very troubling and have developed something of a bias against anti–pornography feminist works. However, having since learned about the history of pornography, I understand why, for some, pornography and violence appear intertwined. The Golden Age of pornography (1968–1980) and "porno chic" (late 60s–early 70s) – was a time of highly publicized and glamourized pornography, coinciding with the rise of radical feminist groups, drawing attention to rampant domestic and sexual violence occurring in the lives of women. From my perspective, the simultaneous rise of radical Get more content on
  • 12. Should Pornography Be Restricted? The controversy over whether pornography should or should not be restricted has been a widely debated topic over the past few decades. Proponents of such restriction bring to light the degrading message pornography depicts that perpetrates the silencing of women. Even though the silencing and subordination of women is a real phenomenon, the overall significance and effect the pornography industry has on it seems widely overestimated. Furthermore, the implications of such restriction seem far more severe when compared to the overall disadvantages the pornography industry creates. To begin, premise one is that if pornography restricts women's freedom of speech, then pornography silences and subordinates women. Premise two is that pornography restricts women's freedom of speech. The conclusion, therefore, is that pornography silences and subordinates women. Premise one is true because anything that silences or restricts a person from being able to say what they mean in a way that they mean it is restricting that person's freedom of speech. Premise two is true because a woman could say no, but her lack of consent would not be taken seriously. There is a growing rape culture present in society. The context of the scenes depicted in pornography and goals of the pornography industry all together inadvertently objectifies women. "Catherine McKinnon states that pornography is the sexually explicitly subordination of women," according to Langton. It is essential to look beyond what Get more content on
  • 13. Feminist Perspective On Pornography Many people have argued that pornography is a form of artistic expression, protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution, others feel there is a distinct line between art and "porn" (Pornogrpahy). Pornography is made to provide sexual pleasure to anyone who hears, sees or reads it, it involves erotic acts. Pornography could be talking, "acting," or anything that may sexually stimulate someone. Pornography is also, the portrayal of sexual activities and it comes in the form of magazines, movies, videos, and more. Pornography is often seen to overstep the bounds of the First Amendment and misrepresent what is means by freedom of speech. Pornography isn't something that everyone can agree on. For example, feminist are one group of people have a variety of feelings and beliefs towards pornography. While feminist usually share the same way of thinking this is one topic that causes a major division between them. Disagreeing to agree is a common compromise that people face in life, but in the case of pornography feminist can not seem to do so. Andrea Dworkin and Catharine A. Mackinnon(Feminist Perspectives), are just two of the women that have stood up against pornography. There are a plethora of feminist see pornography as a way to keep women oppressed and subjected to man. Almost as if porn is taking women in a step backwards.Mackinnon believes porn is an act of sexual violence (McElroy) and Dworkin sees it as sexist and a "deliberate means of subordinating women to men" (Feminist Perspectives). Dworkin and Mackinnon collectively view pornography as not a form of speech, but as an active discrimination and violence against women (Feminist Perspectives). Popular pornography includes abusive scenes and language that is extremely derogatory towards women. Through research it is also believed that due to the acts of violence and sexual abuse depicted in pornography it is causing men to reenact and bring what they've watched to life (Purcell). Consequently, due to the voices of the anti–porn feminist there has been many legal actions taken against the porn industry. There has been several ordinances drawn up, a few were done by Catharine A. Mackinnon. Mackinnon and Dworkin had a civil rights ordinance that Get more content on
  • 14. Impact Of Pornography On Society Society Impacts of Pornography "I believe and hope that Playboy [has] played some small part in changing the values – social and sexual – of our time," (Gross). Hugh Hefner made his goal to change our society. His goal, as we can see through our culture, was accomplished. He ultimately changed our culture in the way people interpret sexuality to what we have accepted in our sexual exploits. The word, pornography in Greek times meant prostitute. Today, referring to "porn" means emphasizing the sensuous or sensational aspects of a non–sexual subject in stimulating an impulsive interest in their audience. Just as the word pornography has evolved, our acceptance of the word has evolved as well. Ultimately, the acceptance, normalization, and desensitization we have towards pornography have changed over time...and not for the better. Consequently, we must identify the problem with pornography, next we will uncover the effects that pornography has caused, and finally, we will find solutions to our porn addiction. First, we must identify exactly what the problem is with our language and use of the word "porn." Out of curiosity, I decided in my research to search how many "porn sites" there were. What I found was car, food, make–up, word, poem, and truck porn...and a trip to the office to explain my searches. When I was explaining my somewhat convoluted thesis, I explained that when we accept food porn, we more or less celebrate our enjoyments labeling them as "porn". By accepting porn and allowing people to believe it is normal, it could cause a higher demand for it, worsening the situation. Essentially porn isn't a fulfilling as many may imagine. Many people that take part in the production of pornography are involved with drugs, surgeries, and abuse, just to construct a perfect sex scene in order to earn a profit. There is no real emotion in porn, so why are we associating porn with subjects that we show emotion towards? (Coppa) Furthermore, food porn was made because of delicious foods people like to eat. People began taking pictures of their delicious looking foods and posting them on their social medias, and sooner or later people began labeling that as "food porn." What many don't realize is, initially food Get more content on
  • 15. Reflection on Pornography and Its Effects Reflection on Pornography Introduction Pornography industry is emerging as a booming business throughout the world. However, the effect Pornography has on individuals is impaling. Different ideologies are given in support for this industry while human rights activities vehemently denounce this as a social vice. Reflection on Pornography The view on pornography that I strongly endorse is complete censorship of pornography. In the work of Dworkin (2009) and Groarke (2005), there is clear exemplification of the challenges inherent to pornography. I find their argument compelling because women have been turned into objects of sexual pleasure. A large majority of these sites tend to have monetary gains for acts that are obscene. Women have been used to satisfy men's urge for sexual gratification. I support objective censorship of pornographic sites because many of these sites have monetary gains attached to their content. A large majority of viewers online are willing to part with some money for greater and intense sexual satisfaction. McElroy (2005) points out that people have the freedom to choose and that their freedom should not be infringed. However, McElroy uses a subjective argument where women have sexual desires that need gratification too. I term this as a subjective view because, while it is true that women have sexual desires that need to be fulfilled, not many would like to have their intimacy experience published. Dworkin (2009) highlights current trends where Get more content on
  • 16. The Effects Of Pornography The existence of pornography is since prehistoric times. People started portraying nude sketch but don't have an idea of pornography. Pornography was strictly prohibited by the laws starting from 18th century. But people hid their porn related property and there was no laws to take actions. When the Empire of the Romans was so powerful, pornography became the luxury thing for authorized people and wealthy society. At times, pornography has banned from public. In 1857, the authorities started to from a committee which is to take legalized actions upon pornography. At the later of 18th century, people realized that they can get large amount of income from porn industry. But censorship was still used in 19th century. During the last three decades, more content... Pornography can disturb marriage and the family life might collapse. Even though pornography is assumed as a bad thing, it has a strong infrastructure in World wide economy. More than 25 million websites can earn $ 3,075.64 every second. Even 11 years old children are concerned with pornography. A popular porn star can earn money in Millions. The more viewer the porn industry has, the more the porn industry grow. From the view of economy, porn industry is one of the desirable place to invest. Teenagers have become the victims of pornography. Many of porn websites contents intend to persuade the teenage children. Young people might get trapped in such websites by spending a lot of money. They can think that havingsex is the priority and don't need responsibility and love. More than that, they can imitate to have sex in real life and suffer sexually transmitted diseases by addicting pornography. Underage pregnancy can increase in society. Their lives can be ruined because of incorrect message. Pornography is also a considerable factor for couples. Some women cannot accept their partners watching porn because they feel that they have been cheated. They also get jealous when their life partners watch female porn stars. But for men, watching porn may Get more content on
  • 17. Essay On Watching Pornography Is Wrong Whether Watching Pornography is Wrong Pornography has been around for ages and has always been a controversial subject. Pornography is the depiction of sexual objects that are designed to give pleasure to those who read, see, hear or handle these objects. This ethics report will focus on individuals that are at least 18 years old which is the legal voting age and whether watching pornography is wrong. Heterosexual pornography will be the focus. Pornography has been around for hundreds or possibly thousands of years. The depictions initially were in the forms of sculptures, paintings and even in cave drawings. The issue is important a person of the legal age should be allowed legally to have their personal enjoyment in the privacy of their home and not feel as if they are doing anything wrong. Critics say that it is immoral, sinful, nasty and not ethical to view pornography. This report will discuss my views the Cultural Relativist views, how a Divine Command Theorist might view, the Aristotelian view and the Hobbesian Contractarian. Mutual sex from consenting adults should not be viewed as lewd and obscene. We have a choice on what we do as law abiding citizens. The Cultural Relativist first would not even see watching pornography as being wrong it is allowed by culture. The relativist believes that there is not a standard for what is morally right or wrong because it depends on your culture if it is allowed or not. So, if there are a group of individuals that Get more content on
  • 18. Pornography, Protection, And Privacy In 2015 Jiz Lee, pornographic performer, activist, and triathlete, published Coming Out Like a Porn Star: Essays on Pornography, Protection, and Privacy. Their work is a unique collection of personal essays written by more than fifty current and former adult professionals, including performers, directors, website founders, and CEOs. Raw, honest, and occasionally hilarious, the book provides critical insight into the difficulties of maintaining privacy, facing stigma, and finding support. Coming Out Like a Porn Star (COLAPS) serves as a contribution to the destigmatization of pornography, the recognition of the legitimacy of pornographic careers, and the appreciation of sexual performance as labor. As its full title suggests, the more content... The internet has made birth names more searchable and created a permanence of visibility, not just for porn performers who have started recently, but also for ones who had, for a time, faded into obscurity on dissolving reels of VHS tape." (Habib, C., "The Name of Your First Pet and The Street You Grew Up On" in COLAPS, pg. 105) In other cases, individuals chose to use their legal names, feeling that it was impossible to maintain impermeable privacy. Some have even adopted their porn names for such reasons as identification among fans and supporters or as a method of disowning shame associated with their identity as queer, a porn performer, or otherwise (e.g. Habib, C., pg. 103–106; Halili Orbacedo, M., pg. 246–249; Lowrance, C., pg. 75–76). These individuals, who chose to use their legal names, largely acknowledged that their ability to do so was a privilege, that not many in the industry are afforded. As a collective, these essays emphasize privacy as a primary method of protection. Many writers, including Anonymous (pg. 38–40), Cyd Nova (pg. 118–122), and Kitty Stryker (pg. 216–219), convey that, were it not for the misconceptions and negative connotations surrounding their work, there would not be such a great need for methods of maintaining desperately–needed privacy. In the context of COLAPS, three themes related to stigma recur throughout the book. The first has been Get more content on
  • 19. Discourses Of Pornography Discourses of Harm This brings the debate to how the 'pornification' of acts, namely violent, hurtful and discriminatory ones, have effected parts of society and will most likely continue to do so if pornography still portrays these said acts. With the population viewing pornography at younger ages than ever before (Turner), and using the porn that they view as a form of education, then the violent and harmful porn that exists must be taken into consideration when talking about the effects it has on society. In 1987, James B. Weaver's investigated how violence and rape portrayed on screen was read by men and women. The test group was shown various scenes from popular films of neutral/not sexual content, consensual sex, female–instigated sex, male–coerced sex, and eroticised violence which included scenes of a "slasher" film. The investigation interestingly found that "the men spotted some aggressiveness in consenting sex, whereas the women did not. But more significantly, the men judged rape to be about half as violent as murder, whereas the women considered rape to be about as brutal a crime as murder" (Zillmann 115). It should also be noted that the sexual scenes shown were heterosexual. Baron and Byrne found in their 1977 investigation that "sexual acts involving aggression and violence are among the least arousing sexual depictions for men and females" (Nelson 178). A number of studies mentioned by Nelson found that there were low levels of arousal in Get more content on
  • 20. Anti Porn Feminist Research Paper The feminist movement is thought to be the drive to end women's oppression, be it a biological woman or an individual who identifies as a woman. However, many feminists have varying ideas when it comes to women in the sex industry. In today's society we are taught to look down on sex and to act as if it is something to be ashamed of. Anti–porn feminists believe that pornography degrades women, can lead to violence against women, and that the women involved in pornography are mentally damaged in some way that they can not give actual consent to take part. I am a pro–sex feminist. I believe that a woman should have the right to do with her body as she pleases, whether that be to cover it up completely, or to bare it all for the world to see. Get more content on