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Poetry of the moment
     :Volume 2

      Short Poetry

Poetry of the moment :Volume 2
          Short Poetry

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Ashes                                           1

Existence                                       2

On return to Mumbai                             3

The interview                                   4

Sleep                                           5

Wounds                                          7

The lasting silence                             8

The angel in red stole my clothes               9

The death of a leader                           10

The last lecture                                11

Terror in a cafe                                12

On failing to get admittance to the Taj Mahal   13

On my mother’s first death anniversary          14

At the GRT hotel in Chennai                     15

Images in a train journey                       16

Evening in the Hampi rocks                      17
Clay-pot                                                  18

At the Jehan Numa Hotel in Bhopal                         19

A dog’s death                                             20

The Vaishnavite                                           21

Death of a woman                                          22

Mother Kali                                               23

My fellow-passenger in the train                          24

Tracking the elephants in the Wyanad forest               25

Existence                                                 26

The laughing Buddha                                       27

This is a mere dream                                      28

Possession                                                29

An October morning                                        30

The destitute children of Mumbai                          31

The stone-cutter                                          32

On visit to Kalady ,the birthplace of Adi Sankaracharya   33

Assurance                                                 34
Tribute to the Buddha at the Shanti Stupa in Leh   35

White memory                                       36

My falling sick                                    37

The death of a leader                              38

The death of a communist                           39

Scatter                                            40

Our beautiful birds are yet to come                41

Break is not another morning                       42

Girl in the park                                   43

The box                                            44

The joke                                           45

Spring                                             46

Winter                                             47

Midnight music                                     48

Words                                              49

Bodies of consciousness                            50

The megalomaniac quiz master                       51
Marriage                  52

The white tiger of Rewa   53

Phases                    54

Then the drama continued
As the chants were spoken
From the guttural depths
Of a middleman’s throat.
The pursuit of silver went on
In the waters in sound and words
Chasing multitudes of
Life and death shadows
The waters flowed silently
Over the rocks nurturing life
And its golden-brown ashes.

(As I watched the ritual of immersion of ashes of the dead being
performed in a river in Karnataka)


Here a talking man is sleeping,
His arms akimbo, feet in the air.
Then were wild gesticulations,
Sweat on brow, fire in the eyes
Now vacant and unconnected.
He no longer exists in space
But he had happened in time
Whatever begins shall remain.

(On the death of Ramachandra Rao ,a relative )

On return to Mumbai

The city is daylong and sea –backed
The sea-child deeply dangled his feet
Into the sea at the misty radio club
Near the cockroach-ridden sea palace
Bringing back a tide of memories
Years ago, I had bought my identity
Here, in a piece of paper, full of lies
And endless possibilities of hurt
In the fragrant harbour to come .
Now the sea is calm but afraid
I see Rukmini’s lying-in hospital
Along with the juice hair parlours.
Stock- brokers rub rotund stomachs.
Scared dons account for deaths
There ,at the junction , in a sea of cars
Stand these muddy-haired children
They have a nasty habit of poking
Their outstretched grubby hands
Directly into the holes of your eyes.
(On return from a three year stint in Hong Kong-literally the fragrant

The interview

One went into deep slumber fully aware
The air did not touch nor melodiously sing
The tweet of the gray bird went over and again
As the helpless chick tried to find way
Hemmed in by clusters of grass squares
The mind’s baby gurgled as if threatening
It got mixed up in the easily penetrable skull
The story of someone deeply drowning
Hold your breath and flap your wings
While your daughter’s saving dupatta floats
The elephant-God whispered in your ears
As the sun went down the shimmering lake
We all waited impatiently to be hurt deeply
The head- shrinker asked several searing questions
Pretending petrified wisdom of the pure mind
The phantoms went their way, their job done.

(The promotion interview where the head shrinker thought I was not
fit enough for the onerous position of general manager)


The birdsong came back
This time with a bearded man
The sky was deep blue
In the mountains and beyond
And gently touching them.
The man’s eyes slept for long
The blue in them disappeared,
Above the yellowed stone shelter,
Into the translucent April sky.
It had rained from the white sky
And he had slept and slept
As if he had not woken up
From yesterday’s deep sleep
And the sleep of the day before
When my car had passed.
His breathing was rhythmic
And there was no warm life.
Yesterday his eyes were open
And today his breath stirred
Under the unkempt beard
Tomorrow under the blue sky
When my car will pass this way
There will be a gray space
Then my eyes will turn away
I shall roll down the panes.
(Concerning a vagrant I used to see sleeping in a stone shelter
every day when I was commuting in my car between Sivakasi and

Rajapalayam in Tamilnadu)


In the recent monsoon
Our rivers felt as if
The mountains had bled
From fresh wounds
Their flesh has gone,
Across the green seas,
To the distant Chinaman
To fill out his bones.

(Iron ore exports to China in the wake of the pre-Olympics
construction boom have left deep wounds on our mountain scape in
the Hospet region)

The lasting silence

When your eyes go astray and balled
No thumping on the chest revives music
Distant listening and hair in a close mat
An electric shock here, needle piercing there
Does nothing to bring your world back.
There is this red liquid and a trail of words
There is then lasting silence where rhythm was.
(As I watched my mother breathing her last)

The angel in red stole my clothes

The angel in the red had taken my bag
My body arrived all in a piece as a guest
In the sky- land of a liquor comeuppance
As the red bird had flown low and high
It forgot my bag’s existence in the universe
But brought this bag of bones with verse
And would, with an apologetic click, reverse.
My honor was surely at stake for the day
As it ended with everything red and dead
With not even clothes for this bag of bones.

(My baggage ,booked in Jabalpur airport for Raipur went astray and
I had to wait for a full day before I could reclaim my luggage)

The death of a leader

He always looked for a catch
Amid complex loops of reason-
In the people logic of democracy
And the fine arithmetic of men.
He had them coming everywhere;
He promised them rice and jobs.
His words were hopes, sparks
That flew off from under his toes
As he walked their mud tracks.
His eyes now float upwards
On the hill, in the thick forest
His pockets are full of rain
And the helicopter’s whir.

(The Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Mr.Rajasekhara Reddy has
been killed in a helicopter crash in the dense forests on his way to a
public meeting)

The last lecture

In the last lecture there is space left
Briefly only to be occupied all time
The space that will exist all time, lacking
In substance like a quarry in the hillock,
Which exists as long as the hillock lasts.

Let us imagine the quarry hole filled with dark;
You stand on the rim of the hole that exists
In absence of space and presence of time.
You now hit tangentially Randy Pausche’s lecture
You do not immediately get into his circle-
The circle of an inspiring cancer death,
The circle of dark quarry humor with a twist.

You merely stand on the rim and lean into the dark
Straining your eyes to see own reflection down there.

(Randy Pausch’s        Last    Lecture:       Really   Achieving   Your

Terror in a cafe

Reluctantly we set this down
Surely somebody up there
Is holding our lovely earth up
And the blue sky and the stars
And all else from falling.

Except in the Leopold café
Where bodies fall from behind
Which have just eaten roti.
If only they knew that waiting
For rice would make them fall.
A young man with rucksack
Had just come across the sea .
There was a gleam in his eye.

(Concerning the death of Mr.Gopalakrishnan ,our colleague in the
terror shootout in the Leopold cafe in Mumbai where he had come
to eat his dinner with some colleagues).

On failing to get admittance to the Taj Mahal

Yesterday’s eye-red was but a phase
Having lost the moonlight all the way
Behind large doors and khaki authority
(When we pray in marble mosques
We tend to get killed on Fridays
Because beauty does not really matter
But only the blood-red duty-call)
In the end we see where the king went
In the cold cellar,past earthly beauty
The priest’s God-call pierced the vault
As beauty is not truth,only coldness.

On my mother’s first death anniversary

At four the morning was night.
A bird landed on the plastic sheet
Waking up too early for the worms
For the other birds’ comfort on the tree.
The tube light whined sorrowfully
Against Octavio Paz and certain poet
In the inner tube of my computer.
Mother would come with rice balls
In Sanskrit incantations and dhoti
Tied across my waist and thread.
All we lay stretched on the floor
Remembering her dead a year ago.
Night will soon be morning birds
Their noisy calls were like that time
When she laughed the last time.

At the GRT hotel in Chennai

I sat in the crowded ground floor cafe
Sipping brown coffee over a pastry
A white man came down with a thud
In the hotel lift, bright and gleaming
The white woman wore fresh and fragrant
Threads of strung jasmines in her hair
Just like the other ebony-backed woman
With luminescent flowers on her back.
That black woman down there laughed
As her curled pigtail wavered rhythmically.
She had no jasmines in her matted hair.
The rains were so much like back home
The filth overpowering and strangely familiar.

I look down on the world through the glass
Behind the blue-haze of the rain-curtains
From the sixth floor room of my hotel
Wondering if the twitch of that woman in red
Meant unequivocally that I actually existed.

Images in a train journey

The woman there was a mere image
The way her eyes flashed at her husband
As she changed the nappies of the child
The child swung in the cloth-cradle, gently,
Like a weaver bird swings in the fibrous nest
He cried , he gurgled ,he knocked about-
A mere image in another image’s existence
This woman did not know she was an image
But I knew she was an image ,just an image.

Evening in the Hampi rocks

The evening swapped the orange sky
For a silver-lined cloud in tatters
The rocks sizzled through the day;
At sundown their fever subsided.
Their blazing orange desires ebbed
In the nucleus of their inner being.
Time had burnt them to perfection
Beyond the pale of their stony selves.
Their sun-smell touched the bushes
Quickening life in their brown limbs.
As the sun sank behind the world’s edge
Their shadows disappeared in the sky.


The lights glistened forgetfully
Yesterday over fried potatoes.
It was just a whiff of thought
These bones in the clay-pot.

(Memory of my mother)

At the Jehan Numa Hotel in Bhopal

In yesterday’s laughing wind and rain
The trees waved helplessly on my window
A spiritual lady separated my spirit
From my morbid mind, body and intellect
Buffeted by a moist wind-blown illness
In this history room the royals reveled
Separated by sunless fog-screens of time
The wind howled all through the night
My consciousness grappled with the body.

A dog’s death

He had come into us, running,
Yelling, in crescendo of pain.
Then all was peremptorily still.
The car stopped, screeching
Only to scrape bloody flesh
Off the muddy bumper: actually
He was chasing steel shadows
Which had no business there.

(Homage to a dog which came under our car on a highway in

The Vaishnavite

The luminous red-and-white chalk-lines
On our profoundly furrowed foreheads

Extended ,over temple towers and tenement tops,
Into anarchic aggregation of scriptural argument

The truth lay, not in monistic oneness,
Not even in dualistic separateness
But in the fiery union of the flesh with the spirit.

Death of a woman

She stared at the wooden beam
The wood that was once a tree
A tailless lizard came from the beam
kitta kitta kitta said the lizard
She who had become ‘it’ stared
At the beam that was once a tree
The beam looked at the lizard
The continuum flowed endlessly .

(Upon the passing away of my mother-in-law)

Mother Kali

Mother Kali’s magnificent eyes
Were moist with maternal tears
As Bengal squirmed at bygone glory
The loss of its literature trophy
Has left its bhadralok bewildered
and bereft, entirely.
(concerning the mysterious theft of the Nobel prize for Literature
won by Rabindra Nath Tagore)

My fellow-passenger in the train

She sat,cross-legged ,
With her eyes screwed up .
Energy swelled within her
In waves after rising waves
Only to break, boisterously,
On rocky shores of nothingness.
Her cell phone rang fitfully
Interrupting gradual formation
Of penciled shapes,in her mind,
Of her future textile creations.
Her shapes, not still forms,
But frenetically moving images
Sizzled and then vaporized
In split-second transience.

Tracking the elephants in the Wyanad forest

The elephants were hard to come out;
They had their strong sylvan reasons.
Our timid tribal guide called out to Surya
Who had his elephant feet tied to the tree.
There was black fear in his beady eyes.


Here a talking man is sleeping,
His arms akimbo, feet in the air.
Then were wild gesticulations,
Sweat on brow, fire in the eyes
Now vacant and unconnected.
He no longer exists in space
But he had happened in time
Whatever begins shall remain.

The laughing Buddha

He had an answer to all our questions
But no questions to our ready answers
His ears were long and non-hearing
As were his eyes small and crinkly.
It was not he who patted his tummy
And laughed to the vulgar crowds loud
Just a yellow figurine on dusty shelves.
Did you say he had frozen in bronze
With an enormous stomach side-splitting?
Actually our fears froze behind his ears
I can hear their crunch in these leaves.

This is a mere dream

A lone crab struggled
In a puddle of scalding water
There were voices around
All happened in a split-second
When someone shouted
Pull him out, for God’s sake;
This is a mere dream.


She lay there sprawled, wailing.
Anger burst out of the bounds
She had crossed all body-barriers
Just when sanity finally returned.
A mere transient ischemic attack
Or a turmeric- yellow Goddess
Extending dominion over disbelief?

An October morning

The house there wakes up bleary-eyed
Hesitating shadows emerge from its walls-
A varnished gate, the midget of a woman
On the concrete bench, in the garden
Measuring the length of her shadow.

The destitute children of Mumbai

There ,at the junction , in a sea of cars
Stand these muddy-haired children
They have a nasty habit of poking
Their outstretched grubby hands
Directly into the holes of your eyes.

The stone-cutter

The man is not worried
About ecology too much
When he breaks stones
From tall mountains
To make comfy houses
For those whose shirts
Smell of currency notes.
His shirt does not smell
He does not have any.
His back has streams
Of glistening sweat
Like mountain streams
Forming giant rivers.

On visit to Kalady ,the birthplace of Adi Sankaracharya

He seemed to have called us over for lunch
In Kalady’s heat the stomach yearned for it
When we had gone past the river of green
Which had changed the course at his behest
To suit his mother in old age, her water pot.
The river with the crocodile of death in its belly
The crocodile which had set his foot free
On the promise of his forsaking the world.


assurance comes as phone message
from the frosty silence of the nameless
as the mind grapples with questions
that emerge from its dark and dusty attic.

(An assuring phone message from Sai Baba)

Tribute to the Buddha at the Shanti Stupa in Leh

The hills rose in brown and blue
Fluffy clouds cast shadows on them
And sprinkled powdery evanescent snow
On their reddish-tinged stones.
Deep in the mountains he smiled
Raising his speaking hand for us.

White memory

White is coarse -spun cloth shirt
And the white of a squint eye
Operating from beyond the world
Two years is long time for an eye- white
Not to merge in the sky’s white.

(Remembering a dear relative who departed two years ago)

My falling sick

When my mother was not a mere idea
My falling sick was a cosmic event.
Now it is like the forest tree which fell
In the storm, noticed only by the birds
And the big black ants living at the root.
It is now a mere idea ,like my mother,
An idea which comes to its fruition
And fades away in the cosmic sky.

The death of a leader

He had them coming everywhere;
He promised them rice and jobs.
His words were hopes, sparks
That flew off from under his toes
As he walked their mud tracks.
His eyes now float upwards
On the hill, in the forest
His pockets are full of rain
And the helicopter’s whir.

(The Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Mr.Rajasekhar Reddy has
been killed
in a helicopter crash in the dense forests on his way to a public

The death of a communist

My mind overflows the body
Take my body- I don’t need it-
And my bags in the corner.
Give them to the medical student
And to the Kolkata rag picker.

(On the demise of Mr.Jyoti Basu, the veteran communist at the ripe
age of 96)


This jewel of a girl is not now girl
Because she held the key to jewels.
She needs Vishnu. She is scattered.

(This is about the recent incident of murder of a ten year old girl,
Vaishnavi literally the consort of Vishnu, the chief Hindu God) by her
step-mother’s brothers in the wake of fears of her father
bequeathing all his property to her at the cost of her step-brothers)

Our beautiful birds are yet to come

The lake promenade is a promise.
It is in their minds and our thought.
Our beautiful birds are yet to come
This winter will be harsh in Siberia
Let us fill blanks with noise and verse.

Break is not another morning

Break is what touches metal
And nerves and mental state.
Break is sound and disconnect
From life and living and love.
Break is midnight and strange
Huge buses cutting down life.
Break is not another morning.

Girl in the park

Her fleet-footed long strides
And click-clock of walking shoes
Fill the park’s rhythmic round
Telling an eye story of purpose.

The box

We make the usual circular motions
Dutifully in our own square boxes.
We look up to see standing people
In balconies of red-and-blue houses
Bursting with morning men and lungis.
They should be back in their box soon.

The joke

Since nobody laughed at our joke-
A two rupees joke on the cell- phone-
We sat deeply on the foundation,
As our legs dangled in empty space
Through the waving grass of the breeze
Showing bits of sunrise behind the hill.


Child of the wind-
Tickle my leaves
And take my laughter
To the distant hills.


It is time you slept-
Your eyes have wept

Midnight music

Midnight music is the rising ocean
Called by a reddening of the moon.

Midnight music is the pipal leaves
Playing the wind’s exotic hill music
As its fingers touch their spiked ends.

Midnight music is the invisible cricket
Singing from the silences of the bush.


Let me say my words
And live life in images
As in deep sleep, so that
I hear the tree falling
In the forest of dream,
And every tree’s falling
In every forest of sky.

Bodies of consciousness

Opposite are some bodies of consciousness.
Here, on the green park bench, I cogitate
On the fevered awareness of my body.
There, an old body is moving towards me
Pointing other body things to another old body.
Like an old body that whispered, pretty dear,
To the wasp that sat on the window-sill
Still but seemed to be saying something.

The megalomaniac quiz master

He is quizzing because he is not sure.
He gets into a maze of wordy thoughts
And his words confuse you and him.
They hit you in your solar plexus and his.
Now, now, he wants to saunter leisurely
On the frosty wastes of the snowed hills
As I saunter leisurely now in this night
On the frozen darkness of my years.


There was the girl of the cross-eye
Her long pigtail tucked in blouse.
The nose told stories like eyes.
Her long back arched silently
As she crouched and waited
For history to break and begin
With fresh stories in the making.

The white tiger of Rewa

This tiger is pale, pearl-white and pure
Its purity shone from its fine taxidermy.
Rewa’s royal pride shines forth indeed
In the stuffed purity of its whiteness.


A mere single phase electric line
Makes me much afraid in the dark.
I am in the first phase of my old age
Groping for a matchstick with unsteady hand
In the dark recesses of my mud-wall.
In the quiet afternoon, I sit by myself
Much afraid of the crow’s metallic caw
Marking my life’s phases matter-of-factly.

Poetry of the Moment Volume 2

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Poetry of the Moment Volume 2

  • 1. Poetry of the moment :Volume 2 Short Poetry nisheedhi
  • 2. Poetry of the moment :Volume 2 Short Poetry nisheedhi
  • 3. This file was generated by an automated blog to book conversion system. Its use is governed by the licensing terms of the original content hosted at Powered by
  • 4. Contents Ashes 1 Existence 2 On return to Mumbai 3 The interview 4 Sleep 5 Wounds 7 The lasting silence 8 The angel in red stole my clothes 9 The death of a leader 10 The last lecture 11 Terror in a cafe 12 On failing to get admittance to the Taj Mahal 13 On my mother’s first death anniversary 14 At the GRT hotel in Chennai 15 Images in a train journey 16 Evening in the Hampi rocks 17
  • 5. Clay-pot 18 At the Jehan Numa Hotel in Bhopal 19 A dog’s death 20 The Vaishnavite 21 Death of a woman 22 Mother Kali 23 My fellow-passenger in the train 24 Tracking the elephants in the Wyanad forest 25 Existence 26 The laughing Buddha 27 This is a mere dream 28 Possession 29 An October morning 30 The destitute children of Mumbai 31 The stone-cutter 32 On visit to Kalady ,the birthplace of Adi Sankaracharya 33 Assurance 34
  • 6. Tribute to the Buddha at the Shanti Stupa in Leh 35 White memory 36 My falling sick 37 The death of a leader 38 The death of a communist 39 Scatter 40 Our beautiful birds are yet to come 41 Break is not another morning 42 Girl in the park 43 The box 44 The joke 45 Spring 46 Winter 47 Midnight music 48 Words 49 Bodies of consciousness 50 The megalomaniac quiz master 51
  • 7. Marriage 52 The white tiger of Rewa 53 Phases 54
  • 8. Ashes Then the drama continued As the chants were spoken From the guttural depths Of a middleman’s throat. The pursuit of silver went on In the waters in sound and words Chasing multitudes of Life and death shadows The waters flowed silently Over the rocks nurturing life And its golden-brown ashes. (As I watched the ritual of immersion of ashes of the dead being performed in a river in Karnataka) 1
  • 9. Existence Here a talking man is sleeping, His arms akimbo, feet in the air. Then were wild gesticulations, Sweat on brow, fire in the eyes Now vacant and unconnected. He no longer exists in space But he had happened in time Whatever begins shall remain. (On the death of Ramachandra Rao ,a relative ) 2
  • 10. On return to Mumbai The city is daylong and sea –backed The sea-child deeply dangled his feet Into the sea at the misty radio club Near the cockroach-ridden sea palace Bringing back a tide of memories Years ago, I had bought my identity Here, in a piece of paper, full of lies And endless possibilities of hurt In the fragrant harbour to come . Now the sea is calm but afraid I see Rukmini’s lying-in hospital Along with the juice hair parlours. Stock- brokers rub rotund stomachs. Scared dons account for deaths There ,at the junction , in a sea of cars Stand these muddy-haired children They have a nasty habit of poking Their outstretched grubby hands Directly into the holes of your eyes. (On return from a three year stint in Hong Kong-literally the fragrant harbor) 3
  • 11. The interview One went into deep slumber fully aware The air did not touch nor melodiously sing The tweet of the gray bird went over and again As the helpless chick tried to find way Hemmed in by clusters of grass squares The mind’s baby gurgled as if threatening It got mixed up in the easily penetrable skull The story of someone deeply drowning Hold your breath and flap your wings While your daughter’s saving dupatta floats The elephant-God whispered in your ears As the sun went down the shimmering lake We all waited impatiently to be hurt deeply The head- shrinker asked several searing questions Pretending petrified wisdom of the pure mind The phantoms went their way, their job done. (The promotion interview where the head shrinker thought I was not fit enough for the onerous position of general manager) 4
  • 12. Sleep The birdsong came back This time with a bearded man The sky was deep blue In the mountains and beyond And gently touching them. The man’s eyes slept for long The blue in them disappeared, Above the yellowed stone shelter, Into the translucent April sky. It had rained from the white sky And he had slept and slept As if he had not woken up From yesterday’s deep sleep And the sleep of the day before When my car had passed. His breathing was rhythmic And there was no warm life. Yesterday his eyes were open And today his breath stirred Under the unkempt beard Tomorrow under the blue sky When my car will pass this way There will be a gray space Then my eyes will turn away I shall roll down the panes. (Concerning a vagrant I used to see sleeping in a stone shelter every day when I was commuting in my car between Sivakasi and 5
  • 14. Wounds In the recent monsoon Our rivers felt as if The mountains had bled From fresh wounds Their flesh has gone, Across the green seas, To the distant Chinaman To fill out his bones. (Iron ore exports to China in the wake of the pre-Olympics construction boom have left deep wounds on our mountain scape in the Hospet region) 7
  • 15. The lasting silence When your eyes go astray and balled No thumping on the chest revives music Distant listening and hair in a close mat An electric shock here, needle piercing there Does nothing to bring your world back. There is this red liquid and a trail of words There is then lasting silence where rhythm was. (As I watched my mother breathing her last) 8
  • 16. The angel in red stole my clothes The angel in the red had taken my bag My body arrived all in a piece as a guest In the sky- land of a liquor comeuppance As the red bird had flown low and high It forgot my bag’s existence in the universe But brought this bag of bones with verse And would, with an apologetic click, reverse. My honor was surely at stake for the day As it ended with everything red and dead With not even clothes for this bag of bones. (My baggage ,booked in Jabalpur airport for Raipur went astray and I had to wait for a full day before I could reclaim my luggage) 9
  • 17. The death of a leader He always looked for a catch Amid complex loops of reason- In the people logic of democracy And the fine arithmetic of men. He had them coming everywhere; He promised them rice and jobs. His words were hopes, sparks That flew off from under his toes As he walked their mud tracks. His eyes now float upwards On the hill, in the thick forest His pockets are full of rain And the helicopter’s whir. (The Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Mr.Rajasekhara Reddy has been killed in a helicopter crash in the dense forests on his way to a public meeting) 10
  • 18. The last lecture In the last lecture there is space left Briefly only to be occupied all time The space that will exist all time, lacking In substance like a quarry in the hillock, Which exists as long as the hillock lasts. Let us imagine the quarry hole filled with dark; You stand on the rim of the hole that exists In absence of space and presence of time. You now hit tangentially Randy Pausche’s lecture You do not immediately get into his circle- The circle of an inspiring cancer death, The circle of dark quarry humor with a twist. You merely stand on the rim and lean into the dark Straining your eyes to see own reflection down there. (Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood) 11
  • 19. Terror in a cafe Reluctantly we set this down Surely somebody up there Is holding our lovely earth up And the blue sky and the stars And all else from falling. Except in the Leopold café Where bodies fall from behind Which have just eaten roti. If only they knew that waiting For rice would make them fall. A young man with rucksack Had just come across the sea . There was a gleam in his eye. (Concerning the death of Mr.Gopalakrishnan ,our colleague in the terror shootout in the Leopold cafe in Mumbai where he had come to eat his dinner with some colleagues). 12
  • 20. On failing to get admittance to the Taj Mahal Yesterday’s eye-red was but a phase Having lost the moonlight all the way Behind large doors and khaki authority (When we pray in marble mosques We tend to get killed on Fridays Because beauty does not really matter But only the blood-red duty-call) In the end we see where the king went In the cold cellar,past earthly beauty The priest’s God-call pierced the vault As beauty is not truth,only coldness. 13
  • 21. On my mother’s first death anniversary At four the morning was night. A bird landed on the plastic sheet Waking up too early for the worms For the other birds’ comfort on the tree. The tube light whined sorrowfully Against Octavio Paz and certain poet In the inner tube of my computer. Mother would come with rice balls In Sanskrit incantations and dhoti Tied across my waist and thread. All we lay stretched on the floor Remembering her dead a year ago. Night will soon be morning birds Their noisy calls were like that time When she laughed the last time. 14
  • 22. At the GRT hotel in Chennai I sat in the crowded ground floor cafe Sipping brown coffee over a pastry A white man came down with a thud In the hotel lift, bright and gleaming The white woman wore fresh and fragrant Threads of strung jasmines in her hair Just like the other ebony-backed woman With luminescent flowers on her back. That black woman down there laughed As her curled pigtail wavered rhythmically. She had no jasmines in her matted hair. The rains were so much like back home The filth overpowering and strangely familiar. I look down on the world through the glass Behind the blue-haze of the rain-curtains From the sixth floor room of my hotel Wondering if the twitch of that woman in red Meant unequivocally that I actually existed. 15
  • 23. Images in a train journey The woman there was a mere image The way her eyes flashed at her husband As she changed the nappies of the child The child swung in the cloth-cradle, gently, Like a weaver bird swings in the fibrous nest He cried , he gurgled ,he knocked about- A mere image in another image’s existence This woman did not know she was an image But I knew she was an image ,just an image. 16
  • 24. Evening in the Hampi rocks The evening swapped the orange sky For a silver-lined cloud in tatters The rocks sizzled through the day; At sundown their fever subsided. Their blazing orange desires ebbed In the nucleus of their inner being. Time had burnt them to perfection Beyond the pale of their stony selves. Their sun-smell touched the bushes Quickening life in their brown limbs. As the sun sank behind the world’s edge Their shadows disappeared in the sky. 17
  • 25. Clay-pot The lights glistened forgetfully Yesterday over fried potatoes. It was just a whiff of thought These bones in the clay-pot. (Memory of my mother) 18
  • 26. At the Jehan Numa Hotel in Bhopal In yesterday’s laughing wind and rain The trees waved helplessly on my window A spiritual lady separated my spirit From my morbid mind, body and intellect Buffeted by a moist wind-blown illness In this history room the royals reveled Separated by sunless fog-screens of time The wind howled all through the night My consciousness grappled with the body. 19
  • 27. A dog’s death He had come into us, running, Yelling, in crescendo of pain. Then all was peremptorily still. The car stopped, screeching Only to scrape bloody flesh Off the muddy bumper: actually He was chasing steel shadows Which had no business there. (Homage to a dog which came under our car on a highway in Kerala) 20
  • 28. The Vaishnavite The luminous red-and-white chalk-lines On our profoundly furrowed foreheads Extended ,over temple towers and tenement tops, Into anarchic aggregation of scriptural argument The truth lay, not in monistic oneness, Not even in dualistic separateness But in the fiery union of the flesh with the spirit. 21
  • 29. Death of a woman She stared at the wooden beam The wood that was once a tree A tailless lizard came from the beam kitta kitta kitta said the lizard She who had become ‘it’ stared At the beam that was once a tree The beam looked at the lizard The continuum flowed endlessly . (Upon the passing away of my mother-in-law) 22
  • 30. Mother Kali Mother Kali’s magnificent eyes Were moist with maternal tears As Bengal squirmed at bygone glory The loss of its literature trophy Has left its bhadralok bewildered and bereft, entirely. (concerning the mysterious theft of the Nobel prize for Literature won by Rabindra Nath Tagore) 23
  • 31. My fellow-passenger in the train She sat,cross-legged , With her eyes screwed up . Energy swelled within her In waves after rising waves Only to break, boisterously, On rocky shores of nothingness. Her cell phone rang fitfully Interrupting gradual formation Of penciled shapes,in her mind, Of her future textile creations. Her shapes, not still forms, But frenetically moving images Sizzled and then vaporized In split-second transience. 24
  • 32. Tracking the elephants in the Wyanad forest The elephants were hard to come out; They had their strong sylvan reasons. Our timid tribal guide called out to Surya Who had his elephant feet tied to the tree. There was black fear in his beady eyes. 25
  • 33. Existence Here a talking man is sleeping, His arms akimbo, feet in the air. Then were wild gesticulations, Sweat on brow, fire in the eyes Now vacant and unconnected. He no longer exists in space But he had happened in time Whatever begins shall remain. 26
  • 34. The laughing Buddha He had an answer to all our questions But no questions to our ready answers His ears were long and non-hearing As were his eyes small and crinkly. It was not he who patted his tummy And laughed to the vulgar crowds loud Just a yellow figurine on dusty shelves. Did you say he had frozen in bronze With an enormous stomach side-splitting? Actually our fears froze behind his ears I can hear their crunch in these leaves. 27
  • 35. This is a mere dream A lone crab struggled In a puddle of scalding water There were voices around All happened in a split-second When someone shouted Pull him out, for God’s sake; This is a mere dream. 28
  • 36. Possession She lay there sprawled, wailing. Anger burst out of the bounds She had crossed all body-barriers Just when sanity finally returned. A mere transient ischemic attack Or a turmeric- yellow Goddess Extending dominion over disbelief? 29
  • 37. An October morning The house there wakes up bleary-eyed Hesitating shadows emerge from its walls- A varnished gate, the midget of a woman On the concrete bench, in the garden Measuring the length of her shadow. 30
  • 38. The destitute children of Mumbai There ,at the junction , in a sea of cars Stand these muddy-haired children They have a nasty habit of poking Their outstretched grubby hands Directly into the holes of your eyes. 31
  • 39. The stone-cutter The man is not worried About ecology too much When he breaks stones From tall mountains To make comfy houses For those whose shirts Smell of currency notes. His shirt does not smell He does not have any. His back has streams Of glistening sweat Like mountain streams Forming giant rivers. 32
  • 40. On visit to Kalady ,the birthplace of Adi Sankaracharya He seemed to have called us over for lunch In Kalady’s heat the stomach yearned for it When we had gone past the river of green Which had changed the course at his behest To suit his mother in old age, her water pot. The river with the crocodile of death in its belly The crocodile which had set his foot free On the promise of his forsaking the world. 33
  • 41. Assurance assurance comes as phone message from the frosty silence of the nameless as the mind grapples with questions that emerge from its dark and dusty attic. (An assuring phone message from Sai Baba) 34
  • 42. Tribute to the Buddha at the Shanti Stupa in Leh The hills rose in brown and blue Fluffy clouds cast shadows on them And sprinkled powdery evanescent snow On their reddish-tinged stones. Deep in the mountains he smiled Raising his speaking hand for us. 35
  • 43. White memory White is coarse -spun cloth shirt And the white of a squint eye Operating from beyond the world Two years is long time for an eye- white Not to merge in the sky’s white. (Remembering a dear relative who departed two years ago) 36
  • 44. My falling sick When my mother was not a mere idea My falling sick was a cosmic event. Now it is like the forest tree which fell In the storm, noticed only by the birds And the big black ants living at the root. It is now a mere idea ,like my mother, An idea which comes to its fruition And fades away in the cosmic sky. 37
  • 45. The death of a leader He had them coming everywhere; He promised them rice and jobs. His words were hopes, sparks That flew off from under his toes As he walked their mud tracks. His eyes now float upwards On the hill, in the forest His pockets are full of rain And the helicopter’s whir. (The Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Mr.Rajasekhar Reddy has been killed in a helicopter crash in the dense forests on his way to a public meeting) 38
  • 46. The death of a communist My mind overflows the body Take my body- I don’t need it- And my bags in the corner. Give them to the medical student And to the Kolkata rag picker. (On the demise of Mr.Jyoti Basu, the veteran communist at the ripe age of 96) 39
  • 47. Scatter This jewel of a girl is not now girl Because she held the key to jewels. She needs Vishnu. She is scattered. (This is about the recent incident of murder of a ten year old girl, Vaishnavi literally the consort of Vishnu, the chief Hindu God) by her step-mother’s brothers in the wake of fears of her father bequeathing all his property to her at the cost of her step-brothers) 40
  • 48. Our beautiful birds are yet to come The lake promenade is a promise. It is in their minds and our thought. Our beautiful birds are yet to come This winter will be harsh in Siberia Let us fill blanks with noise and verse. 41
  • 49. Break is not another morning Break is what touches metal And nerves and mental state. Break is sound and disconnect From life and living and love. Break is midnight and strange Huge buses cutting down life. Break is not another morning. 42
  • 50. Girl in the park Her fleet-footed long strides And click-clock of walking shoes Fill the park’s rhythmic round Telling an eye story of purpose. 43
  • 51. The box We make the usual circular motions Dutifully in our own square boxes. We look up to see standing people In balconies of red-and-blue houses Bursting with morning men and lungis. They should be back in their box soon. 44
  • 52. The joke Since nobody laughed at our joke- A two rupees joke on the cell- phone- We sat deeply on the foundation, As our legs dangled in empty space Through the waving grass of the breeze Showing bits of sunrise behind the hill. 45
  • 53. Spring Child of the wind- Tickle my leaves And take my laughter To the distant hills. 46
  • 54. Winter It is time you slept- Your eyes have wept Enough. 47
  • 55. Midnight music Midnight music is the rising ocean Called by a reddening of the moon. Midnight music is the pipal leaves Playing the wind’s exotic hill music As its fingers touch their spiked ends. Midnight music is the invisible cricket Singing from the silences of the bush. 48
  • 56. Words Let me say my words And live life in images As in deep sleep, so that I hear the tree falling In the forest of dream, And every tree’s falling In every forest of sky. 49
  • 57. Bodies of consciousness Opposite are some bodies of consciousness. Here, on the green park bench, I cogitate On the fevered awareness of my body. There, an old body is moving towards me Pointing other body things to another old body. Like an old body that whispered, pretty dear, To the wasp that sat on the window-sill Still but seemed to be saying something. 50
  • 58. The megalomaniac quiz master He is quizzing because he is not sure. He gets into a maze of wordy thoughts And his words confuse you and him. They hit you in your solar plexus and his. Now, now, he wants to saunter leisurely On the frosty wastes of the snowed hills As I saunter leisurely now in this night On the frozen darkness of my years. 51
  • 59. Marriage There was the girl of the cross-eye Her long pigtail tucked in blouse. The nose told stories like eyes. Her long back arched silently As she crouched and waited For history to break and begin With fresh stories in the making. 52
  • 60. The white tiger of Rewa This tiger is pale, pearl-white and pure Its purity shone from its fine taxidermy. Rewa’s royal pride shines forth indeed In the stuffed purity of its whiteness. 53
  • 61. Phases A mere single phase electric line Makes me much afraid in the dark. I am in the first phase of my old age Groping for a matchstick with unsteady hand In the dark recesses of my mud-wall. In the quiet afternoon, I sit by myself Much afraid of the crow’s metallic caw Marking my life’s phases matter-of-factly. 54