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Poetry Analysis
Some of the poems and essays I have read during this class were relatable to me. Being away from college, I have struggled with not being at home.
I have become a different person when I am at school, but when I am home, I feel like I am my normal self again. Some of these authors of the
poems and essays that I have read throughout this class has struggled with being somewhere where they don't belong and that they are someone else
when they are not home. Unlike the other poems and essays we have read throughout the course. I enjoyed reading the ones about "home" because I
actually understood what they are going through and that I can relate. Some of these poems and essays include "Going Home" by Maurice Kenny,
Postcard from Kashmir", by Agha Shahid Ali, "Returning" by Elias Miguel Munoz and "Hometown" by Luis Cabalquinto. All of these poems deal with
In Luis Cablaquinto's poem, "Hometown," the speaker talks about how he is not himself when he is not at home. He wishes that he can would remain
where he grew up, "I have no wish but this place / To remain here at a stopped time / With stars moving on the water" (9–11). The speaker mentioned
that he can see the stars in his home because he cannot see it when he is in the city. That's how I feel when I am at Athens. When I get to go home for
a holiday, I just wish time would stand still and that I could stay there forever.
"Alone, myself, again away / From that other self in the city / On this piece of ancestor land /
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Poetry And Science Poem Analysis
Forest–Thomson advises this approach to a poem "falsifies our experience of poems" , we are seeing only a singular layer in which the reader is
coercing a specific meaning that is easily digestible and relatable. Rather than engaging in such false readings, or 'bad naturalisation' Forest–Thomson
demands a closer inspection of the genetic structure of a poem. To give each base element, or section of the sequence, the time and emphasis needed
to understand and negotiate the importance these elements have on the poem as a whole. In this manner, it can be seen that her theory of poetry
borrows from a biologist's mind set on the necessity to understand the smaller sub systems, so as to be able to view and retain an understanding of the more content...
He advocates that hoped to influence in some small measure a 'paradigm shift' within the methodologies of the sciences. This rather determined position
is highlighted in his postmodernist leanings, which are most poignantly shown in his belief that "absolute truth is nothing but absolute conformism."
Whilst throughout Against Method he argues for an epistemological anarchism that works contrary to the notion of co–option, his demanding of a
more expansive methodology that does not self–limit does align.
Feyerabend can be seen in some ways as the antithesis of Wilson's later Consilience. While Wilson argues for a unification of the separate fields of
knowledge under a monistic concept of truth and knowledge, Feyerabend consistently demands the opposite. That "knowledge is obtained from a
multiplicity of views rather than from the determined application [of] a preferred ideology" – the prevailing western scientific method. It is this
"pluralism of theories" that Feyeraband maintains is essential to both scientific progress and epistemological questioning. He also through this
determination that multiplicative views and ideas are required leads to a requirement of interexchange between other fields of understanding. Just as
poet and critic Forest–Thomson also consistently expresses as necessary in her published works. As Feyeraband advises it is this need to "step outside
the circle and either to invent a new conceptual system...or to import such
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Spoken Word Poetry Analysis
Spoken word is an art that connects people to another person's thoughts, ideas, opinions, or feelings. Artists such as Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou,
Sonia Sanchez, and other artists have brought forth a new flavor in the world poetry. Each and every one of these poets had their own way of
expressing their thoughts and emotions on paper. As each poet tried to discover themselves and their particular style, they always looked to their past,
pondered on present issues, or thought about the future. All poets have an opinion, emotion, or point that they want to get across to their audience. If
they choose to talk about any certain topic some may try to relate to their audience or they may passionately express their opinions through various
words that hit the hearts and minds of their audience. The main goal for a poet is to evoke emotion, mental conflict, and conviction within their
audience. They want the audience to question their beliefs, thoughts, and actions. They do this so that they may open their minds to different opinions
and learn for themselves. Poetry is not just an art that is written but spoken to pull out a reaction from their audience and bring about new ideas and
Each poet has their own style that they are known for and this sets them apart from one another. Spoken word is meant to be spoken with a type of
passion that attracts the eyes and ears of the audience. It may be controversial to some and to another eye opening. Many poets speak about
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Modernism Poetry Analysis
Modernism is a movement that took place between the late 19th and early 20th centuries around the idea that poetry and other works of art should
break the normal structure and break tradition. Imagisim is a movement that brought about modernism and was focused around the idea that poetry
should have a clear and descriptive language and should bring an image to the readers mind. In Archibald MacLeish's poem,"Ars Poetica" he asserts
that a poem carries meaning in itself and has just as much meaning as the thing it describes. The poem is structured as a guide to how a poem should
be written and is divided into three stanzas describing different aspects of a poem. In the first stanza, MacLeish is telling the reader to show and not to
tell. A poem should be palpable and mute As a globed fruit Dumb As old medallions to the thumb.(MacLeish 1
In these first two couplets MacLeish is telling us that poetry should have a certain authenticity to it, that rather than describing something it should
paint a picture in the mind of the reader. He is saying that when you describe something it is too specific and when you paint a picture in the readers
mind you use abstract ideas in order to allow them to fill in the blanks. MacLeish does this himself in these two couplets with the lines "...As a globed
fruit..." and "...As old medallions to the thumb..."(MacLeish 2–4). He uses word choice such as globed fruit to give the reader an idea as to what he
means but not tell them
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Understanding Poetry: Billy Collins, Introduction to Poetry Billy Collins uses dark rooms, oceans, hives, color slides and mouse mazes to describe
his poem "Introduction to Poetry", but also a way to analyze poetry in general. Growing up, students are advised by teachers how to analyze poetry.
The speaker of Introduction to Poetry, Billy Collins, attempts to guide the readers by teaching them a unique and appropriate way to analyze poetry.
The use of personification and imagery, by the author, gives the readers a new perspective to interpret and find the significance in poetry. In this
particular poem, the speaker does not want the reader to listen to the teachers of the reader's past, "tie the poem to a chair with rope and torture
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The speaker wants the readers, who take up the roll of students of the poem, to envision poetry as a color slide. The speaker wishes the reader to
understand that he cannot see the full detail of the slide if it is not held into light. When thinking of this in a metaphorical way, the speaker is asking
the reader to examine poetry and see all of its beauty and self–interpreted meaning. Most readers tend to base their interpretation on methods they have
been taught, but what the speaker wants the reader to do is to use their own mind to illuminate the poems meaning, much how you use you're to eyes to
decipher visual imagery. The sense motif continues into the next verse switching from visualization to hearing. The metaphor shifts from the
reader's eyes looking through a slide, to ears listening pressed up against a beehive. Just as the speaker is asking the reader to hold up a poem to
the light, he is also asking them to press their ears against a beehive, and listen to the bee's making the honey. The speaker wants readers to take
something they perceive as white noise, and listen more intently to hear the true intricacies of poetry. Readers fail to realize that poetry can hold the
sweetness of honey as well as clear colorful imagines as seen through a slide. In the third verse paragraph, the speaker is telling the reader to visualize
a mouse being placed into
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Poet Analysis : Poetry Analysis Of 'If'
Abhishek Regmi English 101–54 Kimberly Strickland November 15, 2017 Poetry Analysis for "IF" (Rudyard Kipling) "If" perhaps is the most
eminent poem composed by Rudyard Kipling. "If" is a didactic poem, an effort meant to present advice and guidance to the young. In this case,
"If" serves as an injunction in several determined attributes of a exceptional leader. Kipling offers this instruction not through listing peculiar
characteristics, but by providing concrete illustrations of the complex actions a man should or should not take which would reflect these
characteristics. In modern times, "If" remains widely anthologized and is regarded as a popular classic of English literature, not necessarily for a
display of artistry but for its familiarity and inspiration and also is inevitably unique due to the emergence of a word 'if' several times in every
stanza. The poem comprises four stanzas and carry eight sets of lines respectively. This poem is also written beautifully in rhyme. The poem has
consistently used various poetic devices which prolifically gives much sense to the reader, for the persona is talking to the reader in second person
and directly wants to interact with the reader. The poetic devices that Kipling has fixed up in the poems are: Personification, Metaphor, Imagery,
Allegory and so on where while in the upcoming paragraphs I would just be elaborating, Personification, Metaphor and Imagery. The theme of the
poem includes: growing up and becoming a man,
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Poetry Form Essay
Poems are a form of writing with a set meter. Most poems have an end rhyme scheme to accompany the meter. Poems, like short stories, have symbols.
Although short story symbols were not the easiest to identify, the symbols in poems are sometimes even harder to determine. Poems also include
metaphors, imagery, a certain tone, and always have a set audience. Lyrics are the most obvious type ofpoetry to date. A song has a rhythm and when
the lyrics are sung to the beat a poem is created. Lyrics are not the only form of poetry. There are many different forms poetry can take on. Sonnets
are probably the second most known form of poetry. Sonnets are made up of 14 lines, have end rhyme, and have a meter. There are two main forms of a
sonnet; Shakespearean (English) and Petrarchan (Italian).
The Italian sonnet was created by a man named Petrarch in the 14th century. This sonnet is made up of an octave (8 lines) and a sestet (6 lines)
adding up to the sonnets grand total of 14 lines. A Volta, or dramatic change in the emotion, comes after the octave. The theme of the Petrarchan sonnet
can generally be found within the ending sestet. Two centuries later a new type of sonnet was born. The Shakespearean sonnet was created by none
other than the late William Shakespeare. The English sonnet is made up of three quatrains (4 lines) and an ending couplet (2 lines) creating the iconic
14 lines. The Volta comes after the 3rd quatrain leaving the couplet as the space for the poems theme. Both
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Analysis Of The Poem ' Poetry '
Poetry is a beautiful way to express the subtext within it, using literary devices which enhances the poem 's beauty. Poetry is considered to take
distorted ideas and transforms it into beautiful words. Therefore, resulting the harsh truth being displayed in a form of a poem for readers to sink
into another point of view. These creators called poets, are a group of people with a wide variety of experiences that an average person does not
usually experience. They can create a more unified meaning in their masterpiece, without taking up 300 pages to exhibit their meaning, and still hold
different interpretations by different readers. Poets are known to uncover the truth, which could be their experiences or reality based ideas, by
beautifying the reality with literary devices to make it more relatable and enjoyable but still hold that very core of the meaning behind the poem. Poetry
is a powerful vessel, between creator and reader, to change a person's outlook of life or one's surroundings. A poem can change moods, enhances one's
personality, gain a sense of people knowledge and become a bit more sensitive around one 's world. Even if poets are not aware of the power poetry
holds, they still do it to convey an experience, a lesson or a journey. All of this relates to 'Love and Roses ' by Tracy Marshall, where the speaker is
telling the reader a journey of their blinding love. The abusive relationship exists in the speaker 's life but is distracted by the idea of the
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On The Subway Poem Analysis
In "On The Subway," the narrator Sharon Olds are comparing her to some boy who is sitting on the opposite side of a car they are in. Since
Sharon is well dressed compared to the boy in the car, it begins to make Sharon think of all the differences between the both of them; for example,
Sharon has all of the pros, while the boy has all of the cons. For example, Sharon mentions how she is wearing a coat made of an animal, while the
boy is wearing "red, like the inside of the body exposed," Sharon begins to think the boy might take her coat,briefcase, and life since she is wearing
something that he cannot eat.The way Sharon in "On The Subway" informs us readers how the boy keeps staring at her, let's us know that he might be
poor, and more content...
In other words, the narrator is basically referring to the fact that since he is black, he absorbs stuff, but possibly the bad stuff. For example, the sun
is bad because you do not want to absorb too much sun because it can severely burn you after hours. The narrator Sharon then begins to say how
her white skin makes her life so easy, but how the boy can take her life very easily since he does not have the benefits she has. Last, Sharon gives
an example of how "the boy's soul at birth was dark, fluid, and rich as the heart of a seedling ready to thrust up into any available light." In my
opinion, the narrator means that the boy in the car with her once had the opportunity to become something in life, and live a better life, perhaps
similar to hers, although, it did not happen. The way the narrator says "seedling ready to thrust up into any available light," is similar to if she
would have said the boy did not have to choose the life he lives, and that he needs to face the consequences. The narrator of "On The Subway"
compares her way of living to the black boys way of living. Sharon the narrator also try's to explain how the boy once has the chance to choose which
lifestyle he wanted to
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Poets are one of the treasured and appreciated artists in the society in the world today. Poets have unique talents that are hard to come by making them
popular among both the young and old generation. A poem is always defined as a piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song
that is always rhythmical and at times metaphors and other stylistic devices are utilized to make it interesting. Thus, poetry is literary work in which
special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm. On the other hand, a poetry explication is a
relatively short analysis which attempts to describe the possible meaning and relationships of all stylistic devices employed in a poem. more
Figurative language uses words and expressions with a hidden meaning that that is different from the literal meaning. Some of the commonly used form
of figurative language includes:
Metaphors – metaphors assists in using a phrase or a term to something to which is not literally applicable to suggest a resemblance or rather
something that is used to represent something else that does not have a direct comparison with the word. A good example of a metaphor is: it is going
to be a clear sky.
The use of similes – there is a strong correlation between a simile and a metaphor with the only difference occurring because a simile compares one
object to another through the use of the words like or as. An example of a simile is John runs as fast as the wind.
Personification – often, personification is used to give a nonliving object the abilities of a human being making it possible for these objects to perform
normally like living organisms. An example of personification includes: the wind whispered in my ears.
Paradox– Paradox focuses on the use of sound reasoning from the acceptable field that leads to a conclusion that seems senseless or unacceptable. A
good example of a paradox in a sentence is: John is a rich beggar.
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Essay on Analyzing Poetry
Analyzing Poetry It is possible to compare and contrast poetry from different literary periods by selecting a poem from each period and examining
its use of structure, style, and imagery to enhance its theme. In the Elizabethan period, "Lullaby," by Richard Rowlands; in the Romantic period,
Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Youth and Age;" in the Victorian period, "A Child's Laughter," by Algernon Charles Swinburne; and in the Modern
period, Jessica Hagedorn's "Sorcery," the reader will come to the conclusion that they have minor similarities as well as significant differences in the
areas of structure, style, theme and imagery. The Romantic poem called "Youth and Age," by Samuel T. Coleridge and the Modern poem, "Sorcery," by more content...
Furthermore, in "A Child's Laughter" the speaker addresses children, he states, "Something seen and heard of men Might be half as sweet as
when Laughs a child of seven." By this quotation, the audience can surmise that the speaker means that there is no sweeter sound he can hear, than
that of a child's laughter. In "Lullaby", the speaker's choice of subject is also children, he or she states, "Meantime his love maintains my life and
gives my senses her rest." In other words, this child is his or her only reason for living. The reader can infer that these poems are similar in theme
because both of their messages stress the innocence and sweetness of children. All of the poems that have been chosen appear to have a common
style. In Richard Rowlands' "Lullaby" and "A Child's Laughter," by Algernon Charles Swinburne both speakers mediate on his love or passion for
children. In Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Youth and Age," the speaker focuses on the nature of the aging human. Last but not least, in "Sorcery," by
Jessica Hagedorn, the speaker stresses the beauty of an individual. Because each of these poems mediate or focus on life, nature and/or love, they can
be classified as being lyrical in style. There is a drastic change in the use of language from the Elizabethan and the Romantic periods to the Victorian
and the Modern periods. In "Lullaby" and "Youth and Age," the
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Analysis Of The Poem ' Poetry '
Poetry is a reduced dialect that communicates complex emotions. To comprehend the numerous implications of a ballad, perusers must analyze its
words and expressing from the points of view of beat, sound, pictures, clear importance, and suggested meaning. Perusers then need to sort out reactions
to the verse into a consistent, point–by–point clarification. Poetry utilizes structures and traditions to propose differential translation to words, or to
summon emotive reactions. Gadgets, for example, sound similarity, similar sounding word usage, likeness in sound and cadence are at times used to
accomplish musical or incantatory impacts. The utilization of uncertainty, imagery, incongruity and other elaborate components of lovely expression more content...
An artist 's psyche can 't be placated by the ordinary or carried on by business as usual; it is parched to search out the human condition and to look
profound into individuals ' characters.
Numerous faultfinders consider Angelou 's life accounts more vital than her verse. In spite of the fact that her books have been smash hits, her verse
has been concentrated less. Angelou 's absence of basic praise has been ascribed to her famous achievement and to pundits ' inclinations for verse as
a composed frame as opposed to a talked, performed one. Angelou investigates a large portion of the same topics all through every one of her works,
in both her life accounts and verse. These topics incorporate adoration, excruciating misfortune, music, separation and bigotry, and battle. Her verse can
't without much of a stretch be set in classifications of topics or procedures.
It has been contrasted and music and musical structures, particularly soul, and like soul artist, Angelou utilizes chuckling or mock rather than tears to
adapt to minor aggravations, trouble, and awesome enduring. A large number of her sonnets are about affection, connections, or overcoming
hardships, as communicated in lyrics of hers, for example, "Still I Rise", I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, and Million Man March Poem. The
allegories in her verse serve as "coding", or litotes, for implications comprehended by different
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Analyzing The Broadcaster's Poem By Alden Nowlan
Broadcasting the Poem Have you ever felt like you were born to do something? Since I was born I felt like I was born to play baseball, but after that I
would love to be a broadcaster. That is why I have chosen to analyze "The Broadcaster's Poem" by Alden Nowlan. Analyzing a poem is not an easy
thing to accomplish for me. As I very rarely analyze anything I read, but you should try everything once. As my eyes read this poem and mymind
processes it, I ponder a question. What the heck is Nowlan talking about? Saying things like, "will I take off my glasses and throw them into the water,
although I'm half blind without them?" I have not the slightest idea what that means. If you are blind without glasses, then why would you want to take more content...
People say that they cannot believe things, because it is hard to imagine that what is happening is actually happening to them. Everyone has a
dream, a goal, an aspiration, maybe being a broadcaster was a dream Alden Nowlan. Nowlan writes of a crash he once covered as a reporter, where a
train crashed into a car killing three people. As if this is not bad enough to think about, he goes into a more vivid description. "One of
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Essay on Poetry Analysis
In the poem "An Echo Sonnet", author Robert Pack writes of a conversation between a person's voice and its echo. With the use of numerous literary
techniques, Pack is able to enhance the meaning of the poem: that we must depend on ourselves for answers because other opinions are just echoes of
our own ideas.
At first glance, the reader notices that the poem is divided into two parts in order to resemble a conversation. When reading the sonnet for the first time
the reader may make the mistake in thinking that what the "echo" replies is an answer to the questions the "voice" asks. But in reality the "echo" isn't
replying to the "voice" but is actually performing its normal job. The "echo" only repeats back the last prominent more content...
This occurs on line 5, where the author depends on imagery to enlighten us. The line reads "leaf blooms, burns red before delighted eyes", the
blooming or opening of leaves is a direct parallel to humans opening up their minds in order to learn something new. But at the end of the line we
notice that the "leaf" itself dies, the poet uses the dying leaf as a parallel to our former ideas dying. Because our minds were opened up to
something new, whatever former opinion we had died off when new information on a subject is presented. This is just one part of the learning
process so Pack separates it from the other parts with the use of a comma. After the comma, comes the action of understanding the information
presented to us. Whatever the reader sees is burning "red" and their eyes are left "delighted" which means the onlooker took interest to what they
saw developing before them. Pack uses this line filled with imagery in order to set a precedent to his readers. He wants us to open our minds to the
meaning of the poem and that fact we can find all answers in our own questions if we only depend on ourselves.
While reading the poem a second time over the audience notices a very controlled rhyme scheme. The poem consists of a rhyme scheme of
A,B,A,B,C,D,C,D ... until we reach the last two lines of the poem where Line 13 rhymes directly with Line 14. It is worth to note that the author
doesn't follow through to the end with
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Analysis of Love Poetry from Different Poets
As long as there has been poetry there has been 'love' poetry. Many poets express their feelings through their writing, therefore many poets write about
love and other emotions and feelings attached to it. Different poets have different styles of writing, so approach that particular subject in different
ways. "I am very bothered" by Simon Armitage, "I wouldn't thank you for a Valentine" by Liz Lochhead and "First Ice" by Andrei Voznesensky are
poems where the poet uses different styles of writing.
"I am very bothered." By Simon Armitage is a confessional monologue. The poet is reflecting on past events, he is addressing a woman he loved as a more content...
He wanted to put a ring on her finger for eternity, but different to the ones he put on her finger and thumb.
The poem shocked me, I was surprised at the way he got her attention; it seems quite extreme. The ending shocked me too but not in a disturbing
sense. He admits that it was a clumsy way to reveal his feelings for her and I was relieved that he realised that.
The poem "I wouldn't thank you for a Valentine" by the Scottish poet Liz Lochhead gives a negative view on romantic gestures. It is amusing with an
ironic look at love and romance. It is the poet's voice in the poem and she is addressing her lover.
The poem is arranged in four blocks of long lines. Unlike the previous poem the poet uses a rhyming pattern, the last word a line rhymes with the last
word of the next line for every two lines. The poem is humorous and rhyme is used to enhance the comic aspect.
The poet makes you picture all the typical decorations in towns and shopping centres on Valentine's Day; she makes you picture all the gifts and cards
that can be bought for lovers. The poet uses alliteration, "sticky, sickly saccharine," for more effect.
The poem is mocking but ironic. The poet is trying to persuade you that she does not care about expensive gifts, is she trying to act tough? Possibly,
that is until the last two words of the poem. At the end of every verse is the
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Poetry Analysis Of Poetry
Poetry Analysis Noemi Leibman Poetry can often reveal someone's true feelings about a subject, and is a way to release one's deepest emotions. It
commonly describes important messages and universal themes through a variety of figurative poetic devices. One such theme is the idea of panic
taking over ordinary everyday life. For example, Margaret Atwood in The City Planners, Richard Silken in Wishbone, and Sylvia Plath in Lesbos all
convey this unifying idea. Although Plath describes an inner turmoil, Siken a panicked and conflicted relationship, and Atwood a hysteria arising from
oppressive control, all of the pieces can be related back to this common thread. Authors such as Atwood, Plath, and Silken can use a variety of
techniques more content...
Margaret Atwood, for example, uses multiple metaphors when discussing the town in her piece, describing how "the driveways neatly / sidestep
hysteria" and how the windows seem to have a "too–fixed stare". Though she is talking about perfectly ordinary facets of everyday life–driveways,
windows, plastic hoses–she manages to imbue them with creepy, sinister qualities through her metaphorical language. Her use of personification gives
the objects a mind of their own, highlighting how unpredictable and dangerous life is in the neighborhood. It seems that madness is a constant in
Atwood's idea of suburbia. Metaphors are also present in Sylvia Plath's poem Lesbos. While describing one of her children, she writes, "The baby
smiles, fat snail, / From the polished lozenges of orange linoleum." The poem is primarily about her own inner battle–her mental illness getting in the
way of her family life. Her comparison of her own child to a fat snail creates an extremely negative connotation–the boy is being cast as slow and
sleazy, an unwelcome presence. The poem is a release of panicked emotions, and the metaphors present certainly mirror that. Finally, Richard Silken
is another author that employs metaphors skillfully in his work. His poem Wishbone uses many extended metaphors. For instance, he writes, "I say I
want you inside me / and you split me open with a knife. I'm battling monsters, half monkey, half tarantula, / I'm pulling you out of burning buildings
and you say I'll give you anything. / But you never come through." This extended metaphor refers to the narrator's fruitless struggles to get Henry to
reciprocate his feelings. Henry splitting the narrator open with a knife refers to Siken's hurt over Henry's obvious disgust at any hint of affection and
at homosexuality as a whole. Additionally, Silken's description of all the impossible feats he partakes in to keep Henry's friendship conveys his
tiredness at
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Analyzing the Elements of Poetry Essay
In my preparation for this essay I thought that there was going to be very little that I would learn about the elements of poetry. This is not because I
am an expert and have nothing new to learn, but rather the opposite. I have never really spent the time to break down and appreciate poetry. One of the
reasons I think that I haven't spent the time on poetry is due to my reading habits. I usually read to gather information and poetry is on the other end
of the spectrum. Fredrick Gruber sums this up, "Poetry tends to give general truths while history gives particular facts." (Gruber) Having said all of
this though, I did see a couple of things that I could apply to my own writing. I will first start off with some elements of poetry that more
Robert Frost uses assonance in "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening". He uses the soft i sound repetitively here: "His house is in the village
though" (Frost). Similarly to rhyming alliterations and assonances help create a flow and feel for the poem. They also draw the reader in and help
them anticipate lines. I have used alliterations before in my writing, but I use them sparingly because I use them very overtly. I do not have the nuance
that Robert Frost has so I will continue to use them sparingly.
Poems also have rhythm. Rhythm is built from the accent and meter of a poem. Depending on how and when accents hit in words it creates an
audible cadence. The pattern that is setup from this creates the meter. This is analogous to music. There are many parallels that can be drawn from
music and songs to poetry. I this is why you can consider many songs to be poems that are set to music accompaniment. In fact going all the way
back to the Odyssey we discover that many poems were actually meant to be sung instead of read. There are many ways to break down the rhythm
and I haven't spent the time learning what they are nor have I spent the time dissecting poems to discover their rhythm. I only know of rhythm from
what I feel when I read a poem with rhythm. Because of my lack of understanding and comprehension I do not purposefully use rhythm in my writing
and I do not plan to start either.
Poets use words to their full advantage. "Poets, who must also think of
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Analysis Of Spoken Word Poetry
Spoken word poetry is a category where poets write about any subject they desire, the most important part of spoken word poetry is the performance
the poem is delivered in. One of the major things in spoken word poetry is the way the poets expressed their words and try to draw emotions from the
audience. Many poets, without even knowing, use the basic structure of literature: ethos, logos, and pathos, to put a quality poem together. Spelling
Father by Marshall Davis–Jones, ties in a story while showing the audience how he dealt with a missing father figure. This is one of his many spoken
in which he uses the same basic structure many poets use to convey his story and message.
To introduce the author, Marshall Davis–Jones has somewhat of a private life with his Facebook page being the only source of information on him.
While he shows his fan base many of his thoughts in his post he also shares many things that touch his emotionally. He performs throughout the country
while being known for his TED talks shows. While having an achieving resume of shows he shared the podium with Marc Lamont Hill, Ambassador
Andrew Young, Henry Louis Gates, Etc (The BerkeleyPoetry). Being the professional is he has taken upon himself to keep his personal life and work
separate which many respect.
Another thing, Marshall Davis–Jones credibility makes his poems more appealing to his audience. Most of his works are based on his own experiences
in life. He is known to be a professional spoken
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Poem Analysis Of Tone
To me this is a very direct poem. Words are like axes, powerful and sharp, loud, emitting echoes, everyone can hear, everyone can see their effect.
They hurt. They cut into the tree which may symbolize a person, the sap which wells being tears. The tears are heavy like a rock and disturb the
calm waters which try to return to normality, Her life tries to return to normality. The tears grow old and covered in weeds, forgotten, but still there
forever. Later in life she encounters the words again, but now they are " dry and riderless" they have no effect, they are old and worn. This is while
her life is fixed, her destiny controlling her, waiting in the pool which may be the same one once disturbed by the rock, the weight of her tears and hurt.
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Poetry Analysis

  • 1. Poetry Analysis Some of the poems and essays I have read during this class were relatable to me. Being away from college, I have struggled with not being at home. I have become a different person when I am at school, but when I am home, I feel like I am my normal self again. Some of these authors of the poems and essays that I have read throughout this class has struggled with being somewhere where they don't belong and that they are someone else when they are not home. Unlike the other poems and essays we have read throughout the course. I enjoyed reading the ones about "home" because I actually understood what they are going through and that I can relate. Some of these poems and essays include "Going Home" by Maurice Kenny, Postcard from Kashmir", by Agha Shahid Ali, "Returning" by Elias Miguel Munoz and "Hometown" by Luis Cabalquinto. All of these poems deal with duality. In Luis Cablaquinto's poem, "Hometown," the speaker talks about how he is not himself when he is not at home. He wishes that he can would remain where he grew up, "I have no wish but this place / To remain here at a stopped time / With stars moving on the water" (9–11). The speaker mentioned that he can see the stars in his home because he cannot see it when he is in the city. That's how I feel when I am at Athens. When I get to go home for a holiday, I just wish time would stand still and that I could stay there forever. "Alone, myself, again away / From that other self in the city / On this piece of ancestor land / Get more content on
  • 2. Poetry And Science Poem Analysis Forest–Thomson advises this approach to a poem "falsifies our experience of poems" , we are seeing only a singular layer in which the reader is coercing a specific meaning that is easily digestible and relatable. Rather than engaging in such false readings, or 'bad naturalisation' Forest–Thomson demands a closer inspection of the genetic structure of a poem. To give each base element, or section of the sequence, the time and emphasis needed to understand and negotiate the importance these elements have on the poem as a whole. In this manner, it can be seen that her theory of poetry borrows from a biologist's mind set on the necessity to understand the smaller sub systems, so as to be able to view and retain an understanding of the more content... He advocates that hoped to influence in some small measure a 'paradigm shift' within the methodologies of the sciences. This rather determined position is highlighted in his postmodernist leanings, which are most poignantly shown in his belief that "absolute truth is nothing but absolute conformism." Whilst throughout Against Method he argues for an epistemological anarchism that works contrary to the notion of co–option, his demanding of a more expansive methodology that does not self–limit does align. Feyerabend can be seen in some ways as the antithesis of Wilson's later Consilience. While Wilson argues for a unification of the separate fields of knowledge under a monistic concept of truth and knowledge, Feyerabend consistently demands the opposite. That "knowledge is obtained from a multiplicity of views rather than from the determined application [of] a preferred ideology" – the prevailing western scientific method. It is this "pluralism of theories" that Feyeraband maintains is essential to both scientific progress and epistemological questioning. He also through this determination that multiplicative views and ideas are required leads to a requirement of interexchange between other fields of understanding. Just as poet and critic Forest–Thomson also consistently expresses as necessary in her published works. As Feyeraband advises it is this need to "step outside the circle and either to invent a new conceptual system...or to import such Get more content on
  • 3. Spoken Word Poetry Analysis Spoken word is an art that connects people to another person's thoughts, ideas, opinions, or feelings. Artists such as Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, Sonia Sanchez, and other artists have brought forth a new flavor in the world poetry. Each and every one of these poets had their own way of expressing their thoughts and emotions on paper. As each poet tried to discover themselves and their particular style, they always looked to their past, pondered on present issues, or thought about the future. All poets have an opinion, emotion, or point that they want to get across to their audience. If they choose to talk about any certain topic some may try to relate to their audience or they may passionately express their opinions through various words that hit the hearts and minds of their audience. The main goal for a poet is to evoke emotion, mental conflict, and conviction within their audience. They want the audience to question their beliefs, thoughts, and actions. They do this so that they may open their minds to different opinions and learn for themselves. Poetry is not just an art that is written but spoken to pull out a reaction from their audience and bring about new ideas and opinions. Each poet has their own style that they are known for and this sets them apart from one another. Spoken word is meant to be spoken with a type of passion that attracts the eyes and ears of the audience. It may be controversial to some and to another eye opening. Many poets speak about Get more content on
  • 4. Modernism Poetry Analysis Modernism is a movement that took place between the late 19th and early 20th centuries around the idea that poetry and other works of art should break the normal structure and break tradition. Imagisim is a movement that brought about modernism and was focused around the idea that poetry should have a clear and descriptive language and should bring an image to the readers mind. In Archibald MacLeish's poem,"Ars Poetica" he asserts that a poem carries meaning in itself and has just as much meaning as the thing it describes. The poem is structured as a guide to how a poem should be written and is divided into three stanzas describing different aspects of a poem. In the first stanza, MacLeish is telling the reader to show and not to tell. A poem should be palpable and mute As a globed fruit Dumb As old medallions to the thumb.(MacLeish 1 –4) In these first two couplets MacLeish is telling us that poetry should have a certain authenticity to it, that rather than describing something it should paint a picture in the mind of the reader. He is saying that when you describe something it is too specific and when you paint a picture in the readers mind you use abstract ideas in order to allow them to fill in the blanks. MacLeish does this himself in these two couplets with the lines "...As a globed fruit..." and "...As old medallions to the thumb..."(MacLeish 2–4). He uses word choice such as globed fruit to give the reader an idea as to what he means but not tell them Get more content on
  • 5. Understanding Poetry: Billy Collins, Introduction to Poetry Billy Collins uses dark rooms, oceans, hives, color slides and mouse mazes to describe his poem "Introduction to Poetry", but also a way to analyze poetry in general. Growing up, students are advised by teachers how to analyze poetry. The speaker of Introduction to Poetry, Billy Collins, attempts to guide the readers by teaching them a unique and appropriate way to analyze poetry. The use of personification and imagery, by the author, gives the readers a new perspective to interpret and find the significance in poetry. In this particular poem, the speaker does not want the reader to listen to the teachers of the reader's past, "tie the poem to a chair with rope and torture more content... The speaker wants the readers, who take up the roll of students of the poem, to envision poetry as a color slide. The speaker wishes the reader to understand that he cannot see the full detail of the slide if it is not held into light. When thinking of this in a metaphorical way, the speaker is asking the reader to examine poetry and see all of its beauty and self–interpreted meaning. Most readers tend to base their interpretation on methods they have been taught, but what the speaker wants the reader to do is to use their own mind to illuminate the poems meaning, much how you use you're to eyes to decipher visual imagery. The sense motif continues into the next verse switching from visualization to hearing. The metaphor shifts from the reader's eyes looking through a slide, to ears listening pressed up against a beehive. Just as the speaker is asking the reader to hold up a poem to the light, he is also asking them to press their ears against a beehive, and listen to the bee's making the honey. The speaker wants readers to take something they perceive as white noise, and listen more intently to hear the true intricacies of poetry. Readers fail to realize that poetry can hold the sweetness of honey as well as clear colorful imagines as seen through a slide. In the third verse paragraph, the speaker is telling the reader to visualize a mouse being placed into Get more content on
  • 6. Poet Analysis : Poetry Analysis Of 'If' Abhishek Regmi English 101–54 Kimberly Strickland November 15, 2017 Poetry Analysis for "IF" (Rudyard Kipling) "If" perhaps is the most eminent poem composed by Rudyard Kipling. "If" is a didactic poem, an effort meant to present advice and guidance to the young. In this case, "If" serves as an injunction in several determined attributes of a exceptional leader. Kipling offers this instruction not through listing peculiar characteristics, but by providing concrete illustrations of the complex actions a man should or should not take which would reflect these characteristics. In modern times, "If" remains widely anthologized and is regarded as a popular classic of English literature, not necessarily for a display of artistry but for its familiarity and inspiration and also is inevitably unique due to the emergence of a word 'if' several times in every stanza. The poem comprises four stanzas and carry eight sets of lines respectively. This poem is also written beautifully in rhyme. The poem has consistently used various poetic devices which prolifically gives much sense to the reader, for the persona is talking to the reader in second person and directly wants to interact with the reader. The poetic devices that Kipling has fixed up in the poems are: Personification, Metaphor, Imagery, Allegory and so on where while in the upcoming paragraphs I would just be elaborating, Personification, Metaphor and Imagery. The theme of the poem includes: growing up and becoming a man, Get more content on
  • 7. Poetry Form Essay Poems are a form of writing with a set meter. Most poems have an end rhyme scheme to accompany the meter. Poems, like short stories, have symbols. Although short story symbols were not the easiest to identify, the symbols in poems are sometimes even harder to determine. Poems also include metaphors, imagery, a certain tone, and always have a set audience. Lyrics are the most obvious type ofpoetry to date. A song has a rhythm and when the lyrics are sung to the beat a poem is created. Lyrics are not the only form of poetry. There are many different forms poetry can take on. Sonnets are probably the second most known form of poetry. Sonnets are made up of 14 lines, have end rhyme, and have a meter. There are two main forms of a sonnet; Shakespearean (English) and Petrarchan (Italian). The Italian sonnet was created by a man named Petrarch in the 14th century. This sonnet is made up of an octave (8 lines) and a sestet (6 lines) adding up to the sonnets grand total of 14 lines. A Volta, or dramatic change in the emotion, comes after the octave. The theme of the Petrarchan sonnet can generally be found within the ending sestet. Two centuries later a new type of sonnet was born. The Shakespearean sonnet was created by none other than the late William Shakespeare. The English sonnet is made up of three quatrains (4 lines) and an ending couplet (2 lines) creating the iconic 14 lines. The Volta comes after the 3rd quatrain leaving the couplet as the space for the poems theme. Both Get more content on
  • 8. Analysis Of The Poem ' Poetry ' Poetry is a beautiful way to express the subtext within it, using literary devices which enhances the poem 's beauty. Poetry is considered to take distorted ideas and transforms it into beautiful words. Therefore, resulting the harsh truth being displayed in a form of a poem for readers to sink into another point of view. These creators called poets, are a group of people with a wide variety of experiences that an average person does not usually experience. They can create a more unified meaning in their masterpiece, without taking up 300 pages to exhibit their meaning, and still hold different interpretations by different readers. Poets are known to uncover the truth, which could be their experiences or reality based ideas, by beautifying the reality with literary devices to make it more relatable and enjoyable but still hold that very core of the meaning behind the poem. Poetry is a powerful vessel, between creator and reader, to change a person's outlook of life or one's surroundings. A poem can change moods, enhances one's personality, gain a sense of people knowledge and become a bit more sensitive around one 's world. Even if poets are not aware of the power poetry holds, they still do it to convey an experience, a lesson or a journey. All of this relates to 'Love and Roses ' by Tracy Marshall, where the speaker is telling the reader a journey of their blinding love. The abusive relationship exists in the speaker 's life but is distracted by the idea of the Get more content on
  • 9. On The Subway Poem Analysis In "On The Subway," the narrator Sharon Olds are comparing her to some boy who is sitting on the opposite side of a car they are in. Since Sharon is well dressed compared to the boy in the car, it begins to make Sharon think of all the differences between the both of them; for example, Sharon has all of the pros, while the boy has all of the cons. For example, Sharon mentions how she is wearing a coat made of an animal, while the boy is wearing "red, like the inside of the body exposed," Sharon begins to think the boy might take her coat,briefcase, and life since she is wearing something that he cannot eat.The way Sharon in "On The Subway" informs us readers how the boy keeps staring at her, let's us know that he might be poor, and more content... In other words, the narrator is basically referring to the fact that since he is black, he absorbs stuff, but possibly the bad stuff. For example, the sun is bad because you do not want to absorb too much sun because it can severely burn you after hours. The narrator Sharon then begins to say how her white skin makes her life so easy, but how the boy can take her life very easily since he does not have the benefits she has. Last, Sharon gives an example of how "the boy's soul at birth was dark, fluid, and rich as the heart of a seedling ready to thrust up into any available light." In my opinion, the narrator means that the boy in the car with her once had the opportunity to become something in life, and live a better life, perhaps similar to hers, although, it did not happen. The way the narrator says "seedling ready to thrust up into any available light," is similar to if she would have said the boy did not have to choose the life he lives, and that he needs to face the consequences. The narrator of "On The Subway" compares her way of living to the black boys way of living. Sharon the narrator also try's to explain how the boy once has the chance to choose which lifestyle he wanted to Get more content on
  • 10. Poets are one of the treasured and appreciated artists in the society in the world today. Poets have unique talents that are hard to come by making them popular among both the young and old generation. A poem is always defined as a piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song that is always rhythmical and at times metaphors and other stylistic devices are utilized to make it interesting. Thus, poetry is literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm. On the other hand, a poetry explication is a relatively short analysis which attempts to describe the possible meaning and relationships of all stylistic devices employed in a poem. more content... Figurative language uses words and expressions with a hidden meaning that that is different from the literal meaning. Some of the commonly used form of figurative language includes: Metaphors – metaphors assists in using a phrase or a term to something to which is not literally applicable to suggest a resemblance or rather something that is used to represent something else that does not have a direct comparison with the word. A good example of a metaphor is: it is going to be a clear sky. The use of similes – there is a strong correlation between a simile and a metaphor with the only difference occurring because a simile compares one object to another through the use of the words like or as. An example of a simile is John runs as fast as the wind. Personification – often, personification is used to give a nonliving object the abilities of a human being making it possible for these objects to perform normally like living organisms. An example of personification includes: the wind whispered in my ears. Paradox– Paradox focuses on the use of sound reasoning from the acceptable field that leads to a conclusion that seems senseless or unacceptable. A good example of a paradox in a sentence is: John is a rich beggar. Question Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Analyzing Poetry Analyzing Poetry It is possible to compare and contrast poetry from different literary periods by selecting a poem from each period and examining its use of structure, style, and imagery to enhance its theme. In the Elizabethan period, "Lullaby," by Richard Rowlands; in the Romantic period, Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Youth and Age;" in the Victorian period, "A Child's Laughter," by Algernon Charles Swinburne; and in the Modern period, Jessica Hagedorn's "Sorcery," the reader will come to the conclusion that they have minor similarities as well as significant differences in the areas of structure, style, theme and imagery. The Romantic poem called "Youth and Age," by Samuel T. Coleridge and the Modern poem, "Sorcery," by more content... Furthermore, in "A Child's Laughter" the speaker addresses children, he states, "Something seen and heard of men Might be half as sweet as when Laughs a child of seven." By this quotation, the audience can surmise that the speaker means that there is no sweeter sound he can hear, than that of a child's laughter. In "Lullaby", the speaker's choice of subject is also children, he or she states, "Meantime his love maintains my life and gives my senses her rest." In other words, this child is his or her only reason for living. The reader can infer that these poems are similar in theme because both of their messages stress the innocence and sweetness of children. All of the poems that have been chosen appear to have a common style. In Richard Rowlands' "Lullaby" and "A Child's Laughter," by Algernon Charles Swinburne both speakers mediate on his love or passion for children. In Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Youth and Age," the speaker focuses on the nature of the aging human. Last but not least, in "Sorcery," by Jessica Hagedorn, the speaker stresses the beauty of an individual. Because each of these poems mediate or focus on life, nature and/or love, they can be classified as being lyrical in style. There is a drastic change in the use of language from the Elizabethan and the Romantic periods to the Victorian and the Modern periods. In "Lullaby" and "Youth and Age," the Get more content on
  • 12. Analysis Of The Poem ' Poetry ' Poetry is a reduced dialect that communicates complex emotions. To comprehend the numerous implications of a ballad, perusers must analyze its words and expressing from the points of view of beat, sound, pictures, clear importance, and suggested meaning. Perusers then need to sort out reactions to the verse into a consistent, point–by–point clarification. Poetry utilizes structures and traditions to propose differential translation to words, or to summon emotive reactions. Gadgets, for example, sound similarity, similar sounding word usage, likeness in sound and cadence are at times used to accomplish musical or incantatory impacts. The utilization of uncertainty, imagery, incongruity and other elaborate components of lovely expression more content... An artist 's psyche can 't be placated by the ordinary or carried on by business as usual; it is parched to search out the human condition and to look profound into individuals ' characters. Numerous faultfinders consider Angelou 's life accounts more vital than her verse. In spite of the fact that her books have been smash hits, her verse has been concentrated less. Angelou 's absence of basic praise has been ascribed to her famous achievement and to pundits ' inclinations for verse as a composed frame as opposed to a talked, performed one. Angelou investigates a large portion of the same topics all through every one of her works, in both her life accounts and verse. These topics incorporate adoration, excruciating misfortune, music, separation and bigotry, and battle. Her verse can 't without much of a stretch be set in classifications of topics or procedures. It has been contrasted and music and musical structures, particularly soul, and like soul artist, Angelou utilizes chuckling or mock rather than tears to adapt to minor aggravations, trouble, and awesome enduring. A large number of her sonnets are about affection, connections, or overcoming hardships, as communicated in lyrics of hers, for example, "Still I Rise", I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, and Million Man March Poem. The allegories in her verse serve as "coding", or litotes, for implications comprehended by different Get more content on
  • 13. Analyzing The Broadcaster's Poem By Alden Nowlan Broadcasting the Poem Have you ever felt like you were born to do something? Since I was born I felt like I was born to play baseball, but after that I would love to be a broadcaster. That is why I have chosen to analyze "The Broadcaster's Poem" by Alden Nowlan. Analyzing a poem is not an easy thing to accomplish for me. As I very rarely analyze anything I read, but you should try everything once. As my eyes read this poem and mymind processes it, I ponder a question. What the heck is Nowlan talking about? Saying things like, "will I take off my glasses and throw them into the water, although I'm half blind without them?" I have not the slightest idea what that means. If you are blind without glasses, then why would you want to take more content... People say that they cannot believe things, because it is hard to imagine that what is happening is actually happening to them. Everyone has a dream, a goal, an aspiration, maybe being a broadcaster was a dream Alden Nowlan. Nowlan writes of a crash he once covered as a reporter, where a train crashed into a car killing three people. As if this is not bad enough to think about, he goes into a more vivid description. "One of Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Poetry Analysis In the poem "An Echo Sonnet", author Robert Pack writes of a conversation between a person's voice and its echo. With the use of numerous literary techniques, Pack is able to enhance the meaning of the poem: that we must depend on ourselves for answers because other opinions are just echoes of our own ideas. At first glance, the reader notices that the poem is divided into two parts in order to resemble a conversation. When reading the sonnet for the first time the reader may make the mistake in thinking that what the "echo" replies is an answer to the questions the "voice" asks. But in reality the "echo" isn't replying to the "voice" but is actually performing its normal job. The "echo" only repeats back the last prominent more content... This occurs on line 5, where the author depends on imagery to enlighten us. The line reads "leaf blooms, burns red before delighted eyes", the blooming or opening of leaves is a direct parallel to humans opening up their minds in order to learn something new. But at the end of the line we notice that the "leaf" itself dies, the poet uses the dying leaf as a parallel to our former ideas dying. Because our minds were opened up to something new, whatever former opinion we had died off when new information on a subject is presented. This is just one part of the learning process so Pack separates it from the other parts with the use of a comma. After the comma, comes the action of understanding the information presented to us. Whatever the reader sees is burning "red" and their eyes are left "delighted" which means the onlooker took interest to what they saw developing before them. Pack uses this line filled with imagery in order to set a precedent to his readers. He wants us to open our minds to the meaning of the poem and that fact we can find all answers in our own questions if we only depend on ourselves. While reading the poem a second time over the audience notices a very controlled rhyme scheme. The poem consists of a rhyme scheme of A,B,A,B,C,D,C,D ... until we reach the last two lines of the poem where Line 13 rhymes directly with Line 14. It is worth to note that the author doesn't follow through to the end with Get more content on
  • 15. Analysis of Love Poetry from Different Poets As long as there has been poetry there has been 'love' poetry. Many poets express their feelings through their writing, therefore many poets write about love and other emotions and feelings attached to it. Different poets have different styles of writing, so approach that particular subject in different ways. "I am very bothered" by Simon Armitage, "I wouldn't thank you for a Valentine" by Liz Lochhead and "First Ice" by Andrei Voznesensky are poems where the poet uses different styles of writing. "I am very bothered." By Simon Armitage is a confessional monologue. The poet is reflecting on past events, he is addressing a woman he loved as a more content... He wanted to put a ring on her finger for eternity, but different to the ones he put on her finger and thumb. The poem shocked me, I was surprised at the way he got her attention; it seems quite extreme. The ending shocked me too but not in a disturbing sense. He admits that it was a clumsy way to reveal his feelings for her and I was relieved that he realised that. The poem "I wouldn't thank you for a Valentine" by the Scottish poet Liz Lochhead gives a negative view on romantic gestures. It is amusing with an ironic look at love and romance. It is the poet's voice in the poem and she is addressing her lover. The poem is arranged in four blocks of long lines. Unlike the previous poem the poet uses a rhyming pattern, the last word a line rhymes with the last word of the next line for every two lines. The poem is humorous and rhyme is used to enhance the comic aspect. The poet makes you picture all the typical decorations in towns and shopping centres on Valentine's Day; she makes you picture all the gifts and cards that can be bought for lovers. The poet uses alliteration, "sticky, sickly saccharine," for more effect. The poem is mocking but ironic. The poet is trying to persuade you that she does not care about expensive gifts, is she trying to act tough? Possibly, that is until the last two words of the poem. At the end of every verse is the
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  • 17. Poetry Analysis Of Poetry Poetry Analysis Noemi Leibman Poetry can often reveal someone's true feelings about a subject, and is a way to release one's deepest emotions. It commonly describes important messages and universal themes through a variety of figurative poetic devices. One such theme is the idea of panic taking over ordinary everyday life. For example, Margaret Atwood in The City Planners, Richard Silken in Wishbone, and Sylvia Plath in Lesbos all convey this unifying idea. Although Plath describes an inner turmoil, Siken a panicked and conflicted relationship, and Atwood a hysteria arising from oppressive control, all of the pieces can be related back to this common thread. Authors such as Atwood, Plath, and Silken can use a variety of techniques more content... Margaret Atwood, for example, uses multiple metaphors when discussing the town in her piece, describing how "the driveways neatly / sidestep hysteria" and how the windows seem to have a "too–fixed stare". Though she is talking about perfectly ordinary facets of everyday life–driveways, windows, plastic hoses–she manages to imbue them with creepy, sinister qualities through her metaphorical language. Her use of personification gives the objects a mind of their own, highlighting how unpredictable and dangerous life is in the neighborhood. It seems that madness is a constant in Atwood's idea of suburbia. Metaphors are also present in Sylvia Plath's poem Lesbos. While describing one of her children, she writes, "The baby smiles, fat snail, / From the polished lozenges of orange linoleum." The poem is primarily about her own inner battle–her mental illness getting in the way of her family life. Her comparison of her own child to a fat snail creates an extremely negative connotation–the boy is being cast as slow and sleazy, an unwelcome presence. The poem is a release of panicked emotions, and the metaphors present certainly mirror that. Finally, Richard Silken is another author that employs metaphors skillfully in his work. His poem Wishbone uses many extended metaphors. For instance, he writes, "I say I want you inside me / and you split me open with a knife. I'm battling monsters, half monkey, half tarantula, / I'm pulling you out of burning buildings and you say I'll give you anything. / But you never come through." This extended metaphor refers to the narrator's fruitless struggles to get Henry to reciprocate his feelings. Henry splitting the narrator open with a knife refers to Siken's hurt over Henry's obvious disgust at any hint of affection and at homosexuality as a whole. Additionally, Silken's description of all the impossible feats he partakes in to keep Henry's friendship conveys his tiredness at Get more content on
  • 18. Analyzing the Elements of Poetry Essay In my preparation for this essay I thought that there was going to be very little that I would learn about the elements of poetry. This is not because I am an expert and have nothing new to learn, but rather the opposite. I have never really spent the time to break down and appreciate poetry. One of the reasons I think that I haven't spent the time on poetry is due to my reading habits. I usually read to gather information and poetry is on the other end of the spectrum. Fredrick Gruber sums this up, "Poetry tends to give general truths while history gives particular facts." (Gruber) Having said all of this though, I did see a couple of things that I could apply to my own writing. I will first start off with some elements of poetry that more content... Robert Frost uses assonance in "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening". He uses the soft i sound repetitively here: "His house is in the village though" (Frost). Similarly to rhyming alliterations and assonances help create a flow and feel for the poem. They also draw the reader in and help them anticipate lines. I have used alliterations before in my writing, but I use them sparingly because I use them very overtly. I do not have the nuance that Robert Frost has so I will continue to use them sparingly. Poems also have rhythm. Rhythm is built from the accent and meter of a poem. Depending on how and when accents hit in words it creates an audible cadence. The pattern that is setup from this creates the meter. This is analogous to music. There are many parallels that can be drawn from music and songs to poetry. I this is why you can consider many songs to be poems that are set to music accompaniment. In fact going all the way back to the Odyssey we discover that many poems were actually meant to be sung instead of read. There are many ways to break down the rhythm and I haven't spent the time learning what they are nor have I spent the time dissecting poems to discover their rhythm. I only know of rhythm from what I feel when I read a poem with rhythm. Because of my lack of understanding and comprehension I do not purposefully use rhythm in my writing and I do not plan to start either. Poets use words to their full advantage. "Poets, who must also think of Get more content on
  • 19. Analysis Of Spoken Word Poetry Spoken word poetry is a category where poets write about any subject they desire, the most important part of spoken word poetry is the performance the poem is delivered in. One of the major things in spoken word poetry is the way the poets expressed their words and try to draw emotions from the audience. Many poets, without even knowing, use the basic structure of literature: ethos, logos, and pathos, to put a quality poem together. Spelling Father by Marshall Davis–Jones, ties in a story while showing the audience how he dealt with a missing father figure. This is one of his many spoken in which he uses the same basic structure many poets use to convey his story and message. To introduce the author, Marshall Davis–Jones has somewhat of a private life with his Facebook page being the only source of information on him. While he shows his fan base many of his thoughts in his post he also shares many things that touch his emotionally. He performs throughout the country while being known for his TED talks shows. While having an achieving resume of shows he shared the podium with Marc Lamont Hill, Ambassador Andrew Young, Henry Louis Gates, Etc (The BerkeleyPoetry). Being the professional is he has taken upon himself to keep his personal life and work separate which many respect. Another thing, Marshall Davis–Jones credibility makes his poems more appealing to his audience. Most of his works are based on his own experiences in life. He is known to be a professional spoken Get more content on
  • 20. Poem Analysis Of Tone To me this is a very direct poem. Words are like axes, powerful and sharp, loud, emitting echoes, everyone can hear, everyone can see their effect. They hurt. They cut into the tree which may symbolize a person, the sap which wells being tears. The tears are heavy like a rock and disturb the calm waters which try to return to normality, Her life tries to return to normality. The tears grow old and covered in weeds, forgotten, but still there forever. Later in life she encounters the words again, but now they are " dry and riderless" they have no effect, they are old and worn. This is while her life is fixed, her destiny controlling her, waiting in the pool which may be the same one once disturbed by the rock, the weight of her tears and hurt. Get more content on