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Digital Graphic Narrative Planning
Use this booklet to help structure your planning and collate your planning documents.
There are lots of things to consider in this project. Fill out each section in detail to show you have thought about each one. You
should imagine that this is a live project, so considerations like cost, quantity and codes of practice must be thought about in that
context rather than just as a college project.
Costs: The costs in making this at college have been nothing, because we are provided with all the software
and equipment we needed and because it is all done and presented on PowerPoint we also have no printing
top up costs to pay for this project. If we were to do this as a live project the costs could be much more, as we
would have to get our own software and pay the printing costs of printing drafts and test pages ourselves.
Available resources: The resources available to me here at college include access to Photoshop, which I
need to create my book, by doing all the test pages and then the final book. I can also access the internet
easily at college, which I needed to use which I used to create my first storyboard, I also
used the internet to find a script for my book. If I was doing this as a live project, I would’ve struggled because
I do not have access to Photoshop at home, that would be another software cost as I mentioned above.
Quantity: If I was doing a book as a live project and it was going to be printed and sold, I would make quite a
large amount of copies to be sold in various bookshops all over the country, this would help to promote the
book and help it appeal to a wider audience because more people would know about it, as I am appealing to a
mass market as a starting point and first batch I would print around 1000 copies, because I think this is a
popular and well liked story, so this would sell, I also think this would be a good first amount because then we
can see whether we need to go up or down on the numbers of the next batch and where more need to be sent
to compared with other places.
Audience and Target Market: The audience of my book is children aged, 4-6 years old as it contains a wolf
who terrorises the three little pigs and this may be too much for a younger child. The target market for my
book will be different to the target audience because it is likely that the children will get this book bought for
them by parents or grandparents so they are my target audience, this means it has to appeal to many ages for
it to succeed in selling lots of copies, I plan to do this by making it look just like a typical children’s book so its
not too different to other trusted fairytales, this will then make them think mine is just another well-known
trusted story and encourage them to buy it. I plan to make it appeal to the child by making it nice and bright,
slightly realistic but slightly cartoony as well as this appeals to children and this style has worked well in many
other books, I am doing this by rotoscoping my images as this technique achieves this effect well. I think the
class of my audience and target market will be across all classes it is just a well-known and well liked story
that appeals to every child and family, I plan to make this accessible to all classes by not making it too
Quality Factors: a lot of things need to be thought through in order to produce a children’s book which is as
good as it can possibly be, this can be things such as techniques used and how I will use them to get the best
out of them. I could also be checking through work as i finish each page for things such as spelling mistakes
or bad rotoscoping. Things that could effect the quality of my work is being late, missing days, talking or not
concentrating on my work fully, I plan on not doing any of these things so I can produce the best book I can. If
trying to make it look professional and good in the first place doesn’t work I can go back over it in any spare
time I may have left over to look back on it, I can do this by comparing pages.
Codes of Practice: I am using a publisher’s code of practice to pick out relevant parts that relate to my work,
these parts include Time, Standard and quality and Defamation or illegality. The time part applies to my work
because it talks about deadlines of the work and how the publishers are allowed to withhold part of the pay or
even all of it, this applies to my work because I have to work within deadlines to produce my work and hand it
in on time. The Standard and quality is a big part of any work because it has to be done well and to a high
standard in order for it to sell or do well, this is part of the publishers code of practice and states that the work
is good but is not accepted by the publisher the author is able to keep any money already paid to them,
however if it is not good quality the publisher has the right to reclaim that money, this applies to my work
because it shows how the work always has to be at a good standard. The defamation and illegality, this
means that the publisher does not have publish work that they think may be illegal or breach an act.
Regulation: if a book is deemed to be more than a book, for example if it comes with a toy or has various
different textures or interactive parts it, it has to be tested by the Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC. A lot of
children’s books now have to go through this testing stage to check that they are suitable to be given to
children. However, this directive will not apply to my book because it will have no toy aspect to it and will just
be a simple children’s book. Another act which some books have to go through is The Obscene Publications
Act 1959, this doesn’t apply to many children’s book because of the fact it is a children’s book and they don’t
have any obscene parts in them so therefore this will not apply to my book either.
Copyright: Copyright is something that applies to all types of books, whether they are children’s books or not.
This will apply to my book because I am thinking of using a font from ‘’ some of these fonts are
free for private use and some have to be bought to be used publically or some are just free completely for all
types of use, if I want to use these fonts I will have to think about this and the copyright implications of it.
Another aspect of my work where I will have to think about copyright is when I am using source images for
rotoscoping, this is ok to do if nothing of the original image is left and the new version is completely my own
work, if nothing remains then my work is exempt from copyright.
Ethical Issues: Ethical issues is a big issues to consider when producing the book and also covers many
other issues underneath it which need to be thought about such as, Decency, Representation and cultural
issues. An issue of Decency will not apply to my work because my audience is only young so it needs to be
kept in line with that and be appropriate for that age group. The fact all of the characters in my book are male
shows how they were represented in the times when this tale first came around as the main people of the
villages where they lived, this issue comes under both representation and cultural sensitivity as this could be a
sensitive area in the story if all the characters are male. Another issue I have come across which could come
under cultural sensitivity is the ending of my book because in the original version the wolf is meant to die at
the end I thought this would be a delicate subject for younger children so I have changed the to that he only
burns his tail and then runs away.
A successful project relies on good planning. Considering all the resources you will need for a project and then assessing which
you already have and which you need will help ensure you are ready to start your project.
If there is a resource you don’t currently have, then consider how you are going to get it before you go in to production.
Do you have
it? What do you need to do to get it?
Adobe Photoshop CS6.
Yes, but only
at college.
To get and use this program I need to come into college every
day I have my lessons and get on, as they are only an hour and
a half lessons so I need to get as much done as possible.
Mood board
Yes, on my
I created various mood boards on my characters, their houses
and the wolf. I did these to give me inspiration when planning
but also during production so I need to keep referencing this.
A laptop or computer
Yes, at
college and
at home.
To get this equipment won’t be difficult because I have access
to them both at college and at home, they will be useful to do
any research for my book at home and then do my production at
Yes, at
college and
at home.
I have this equipment both at home and at college, I need this
software to view my PowerPoint so I can see my development
pro-forma which has my Storyboard, mood board, proposal etc.
which I will need to reference during production
Yes, on my
I need this as it is the first proper draft I produced to show how
my book will look and be laid out so I will need to keep
referencing this during my production stage.
Yes, on my
My script is a very important part of my book. I will need it not
only to put into my book but also to help me decide on the best
layout and content in my final book.
Flat plans and Test page Yes.
These are very important and will help to me to create my final
pages, the test pages will tell me where to put my text and
images on the final copy, the test page will be very useful
because it will give me a pattern and style to help me follow
when creating my other pages.
Production Schedule:
Delivering your project on time is vital. In order to do this, you need a solid plan of action. This will help you divide up your work in
to manageable chunks to be tackled one at a time. It will also allow you to plan which tasks need to be done in which order. It will
also allow you to track your progress each day. If you are falling behind, you will need to modify the way you work. If you work
faster than expected, you can clearly see what the next steps you need to take are.
Each session is a half day of college.
Session 1: Tuesday, Morning session
In this morning session, I plan to create at least one and a half pages to go in my book, in that session I
will be working on Photoshop to create my first page and then hopefully make a start on the second one,
the boxes below show the times I plan to follow
Tuesday 9am – 10:30am: I will make a start on my first page and aim to get that finished so after the
break I can start on my second one, I will be using Photoshop in this to rotoscope and then I will be
putting together my page.
Tuesday 10:50am – 12:20pm: in this session I will be finishing off anything that is incomplete in my first
page and then making a start on my second page which I plan to finish or nearly finish in that session.
Session 2: Wednesday, Morning and afternoon session
Wednesday, 9am – 10:30am: in this session I plan to quickly finish anything that is incomplete from
yesterday and then make a start on page 3, this will be very similar to what I did yesterday in the sense
that I will be using the same tools on this work (rotoscoping)
Wednesday, 10:50am – 12:20pm: in this session I plan on finishing page 3 if it needs it and starting
page 4, this will also be rotoscoping.
Wednesday, 13:10 – 14:30: this is my last timetabled session on Wednesdays, so this will enable me to
do a little bit more than usual, I plan to finish off page 4 and make a start on page 5, this will also be
Session 3: Thursday, Afternoon session
Thursday, 13:10 – 14:40: here, I will be finishing page 5 and starting in page 6, this will include
rotoscoping any characters/backgrounds/objects I haven’t already rotoscoped or changing them slightly
to suit the page better.
Thursday, 14:50 – 16:20: in this session I will be finishing page 6 and starting page 7, this will be the
same thing of rotoscoping etc.
Session 4: Friday, Morning Session
Friday, 9:00am – 10:30am: In this session I will be finishing page 7 and starting page 8. This will be
again rotoscoping to go into my book.
Friday, 9:00am – 10:50am: in this session I will be finishing page 8 and starting page 9, this is how most
of my sessions will work so that I can get it finished in good time.
Session 5: Tuesday, 9:00am – 10:30am
Tuesday 9am – 10:30am: I will finish page 9 and start page 10, I will be using Photoshop in this to
rotoscope and then I will be putting together my page.
Tuesday 10:50am – 12:20pm: in this session I will be finishing off page 10 and starting page 11 which I
plan to finish or nearly finish in that session.
Session 6: Wednesday, Morning and afternoon session
Wednesday, 9am – 10:30am: in this session I plan to start my last page (page 12) and hopefully finish it
in this session, if I get any delays I have made sure I have enough time to go over it and finish it or make
any changes that need doing.
Wednesday, 10:50am – 12:20pm: from now on I will be going over my book, doing any changes,
finishing any bits off, and checking all aspects of it thoroughly to make sure it is all up to a good
Session 7: Thursday, afternoon session
Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 1 images checking and text
Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 2 images checking and text
Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 3 images checking and text
Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 4 images checking and text
Session 8:
Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 5 images checking and text
Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 6 images checking and text
Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 7 images checking and text
Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 8 images checking and text
Session 9:
Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 8 images checking and text
Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 9 image checking and text
Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 10 image checking and text
Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 11 image checking and text
Session 10:
Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 12 image checking and text
Checking, finishing and perfecting. Checking over.
Checking, finishing and perfecting. Checking over
Checking, finishing and perfecting. Checking over
Health and safety:
Your health and safety and that of those around you is very important. Just like in industry, an accident could prevent you from
working. Whilst we don’t work in a highly dangerous environment, there are still risks. Some are short term, such as trips and
spillages whilst others, such as long term damage to eyesight or back problems, may affect you much later in life.
Consider the risks based on the activities you will be undertaking during the project. Explain how you could prevent them from
Ensure you reference appropriate pieces of legislation, design to protect people at work.
Health and Safety Issues How can you prevent it?
Trip hazards
Bags, cables/leads and chairs
I can prevent this by making sure all wires and cables are
out of the way or taped down. Another trip hazard would
be bags in the way of people so they might trip over, we
can prevent this by making sure all bags are out of the
way for example, under tables. Another trip hazard would
be chairs left pushed out or in the way, where people
could trip we can make sure we push chairs in, out of the
Sitting in front of computer for too long.
This makes reference to the health and safety (display
screen equipment) 1992, it states that a person should not
sit in front of a computer or too long without breaks, the
specific times stated are a 5-10 minute break every 60
minutes or a 15 minute break every two hours however
the first option is normally better.
A chair leading to back problems
The display screen equipment act states about
workchairs that “This should have a seat that is adjustable
in height, with a seat back adjustable in height and tilt. A
footrest should be available.” This can prevent back
problems long term.
Drinks or liquid spilling on computers
If a drink spills on a computer or laptop this can be
dangerous, if a fizzy drink spills on it this could damage
the computer long term as the sugar from the drink could
get into it and ruin the computer and therefore affect my
work and the ability to do it. To prevent this and drinks
should be consumed away from any electrical equipment
and the drinks allowed should be kept at just water.
Too close to computer.
This can cause eye and sight problems in the long term if
you sit too close to the screen, to prevent this, don’t get to
close and zoom in on computer or laptop to help you see
if you need to.

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Planning Booklet Pro-Forma Finished

  • 1. Digital Graphic Narrative Planning Use this booklet to help structure your planning and collate your planning documents. Considerations: There are lots of things to consider in this project. Fill out each section in detail to show you have thought about each one. You should imagine that this is a live project, so considerations like cost, quantity and codes of practice must be thought about in that context rather than just as a college project. Costs: The costs in making this at college have been nothing, because we are provided with all the software and equipment we needed and because it is all done and presented on PowerPoint we also have no printing top up costs to pay for this project. If we were to do this as a live project the costs could be much more, as we would have to get our own software and pay the printing costs of printing drafts and test pages ourselves. Available resources: The resources available to me here at college include access to Photoshop, which I need to create my book, by doing all the test pages and then the final book. I can also access the internet easily at college, which I needed to use which I used to create my first storyboard, I also used the internet to find a script for my book. If I was doing this as a live project, I would’ve struggled because I do not have access to Photoshop at home, that would be another software cost as I mentioned above.
  • 2. Quantity: If I was doing a book as a live project and it was going to be printed and sold, I would make quite a large amount of copies to be sold in various bookshops all over the country, this would help to promote the book and help it appeal to a wider audience because more people would know about it, as I am appealing to a mass market as a starting point and first batch I would print around 1000 copies, because I think this is a popular and well liked story, so this would sell, I also think this would be a good first amount because then we can see whether we need to go up or down on the numbers of the next batch and where more need to be sent to compared with other places. Audience and Target Market: The audience of my book is children aged, 4-6 years old as it contains a wolf who terrorises the three little pigs and this may be too much for a younger child. The target market for my book will be different to the target audience because it is likely that the children will get this book bought for them by parents or grandparents so they are my target audience, this means it has to appeal to many ages for it to succeed in selling lots of copies, I plan to do this by making it look just like a typical children’s book so its not too different to other trusted fairytales, this will then make them think mine is just another well-known trusted story and encourage them to buy it. I plan to make it appeal to the child by making it nice and bright, slightly realistic but slightly cartoony as well as this appeals to children and this style has worked well in many other books, I am doing this by rotoscoping my images as this technique achieves this effect well. I think the class of my audience and target market will be across all classes it is just a well-known and well liked story that appeals to every child and family, I plan to make this accessible to all classes by not making it too expensive. Quality Factors: a lot of things need to be thought through in order to produce a children’s book which is as good as it can possibly be, this can be things such as techniques used and how I will use them to get the best out of them. I could also be checking through work as i finish each page for things such as spelling mistakes or bad rotoscoping. Things that could effect the quality of my work is being late, missing days, talking or not concentrating on my work fully, I plan on not doing any of these things so I can produce the best book I can. If trying to make it look professional and good in the first place doesn’t work I can go back over it in any spare time I may have left over to look back on it, I can do this by comparing pages.
  • 3. Codes of Practice: I am using a publisher’s code of practice to pick out relevant parts that relate to my work, these parts include Time, Standard and quality and Defamation or illegality. The time part applies to my work because it talks about deadlines of the work and how the publishers are allowed to withhold part of the pay or even all of it, this applies to my work because I have to work within deadlines to produce my work and hand it in on time. The Standard and quality is a big part of any work because it has to be done well and to a high standard in order for it to sell or do well, this is part of the publishers code of practice and states that the work is good but is not accepted by the publisher the author is able to keep any money already paid to them, however if it is not good quality the publisher has the right to reclaim that money, this applies to my work because it shows how the work always has to be at a good standard. The defamation and illegality, this means that the publisher does not have publish work that they think may be illegal or breach an act. Regulation: if a book is deemed to be more than a book, for example if it comes with a toy or has various different textures or interactive parts it, it has to be tested by the Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC. A lot of children’s books now have to go through this testing stage to check that they are suitable to be given to children. However, this directive will not apply to my book because it will have no toy aspect to it and will just be a simple children’s book. Another act which some books have to go through is The Obscene Publications Act 1959, this doesn’t apply to many children’s book because of the fact it is a children’s book and they don’t have any obscene parts in them so therefore this will not apply to my book either. Copyright: Copyright is something that applies to all types of books, whether they are children’s books or not. This will apply to my book because I am thinking of using a font from ‘’ some of these fonts are free for private use and some have to be bought to be used publically or some are just free completely for all types of use, if I want to use these fonts I will have to think about this and the copyright implications of it. Another aspect of my work where I will have to think about copyright is when I am using source images for rotoscoping, this is ok to do if nothing of the original image is left and the new version is completely my own work, if nothing remains then my work is exempt from copyright.
  • 4. Ethical Issues: Ethical issues is a big issues to consider when producing the book and also covers many other issues underneath it which need to be thought about such as, Decency, Representation and cultural issues. An issue of Decency will not apply to my work because my audience is only young so it needs to be kept in line with that and be appropriate for that age group. The fact all of the characters in my book are male shows how they were represented in the times when this tale first came around as the main people of the villages where they lived, this issue comes under both representation and cultural sensitivity as this could be a sensitive area in the story if all the characters are male. Another issue I have come across which could come under cultural sensitivity is the ending of my book because in the original version the wolf is meant to die at the end I thought this would be a delicate subject for younger children so I have changed the to that he only burns his tail and then runs away. Resources: A successful project relies on good planning. Considering all the resources you will need for a project and then assessing which you already have and which you need will help ensure you are ready to start your project. If there is a resource you don’t currently have, then consider how you are going to get it before you go in to production. Resource: Do you have it? What do you need to do to get it? Adobe Photoshop CS6. Yes, but only at college. To get and use this program I need to come into college every day I have my lessons and get on, as they are only an hour and a half lessons so I need to get as much done as possible. Mood board Yes, on my development Pro-forma. I created various mood boards on my characters, their houses and the wolf. I did these to give me inspiration when planning but also during production so I need to keep referencing this.
  • 5. A laptop or computer Yes, at college and at home. To get this equipment won’t be difficult because I have access to them both at college and at home, they will be useful to do any research for my book at home and then do my production at college PowerPoint Yes, at college and at home. I have this equipment both at home and at college, I need this software to view my PowerPoint so I can see my development pro-forma which has my Storyboard, mood board, proposal etc. which I will need to reference during production Storyboard Yes, on my development Pro-forma. I need this as it is the first proper draft I produced to show how my book will look and be laid out so I will need to keep referencing this during my production stage. Script Yes, on my development Pro-Forma. My script is a very important part of my book. I will need it not only to put into my book but also to help me decide on the best layout and content in my final book. Flat plans and Test page Yes. These are very important and will help to me to create my final pages, the test pages will tell me where to put my text and images on the final copy, the test page will be very useful because it will give me a pattern and style to help me follow when creating my other pages. Production Schedule: Delivering your project on time is vital. In order to do this, you need a solid plan of action. This will help you divide up your work in to manageable chunks to be tackled one at a time. It will also allow you to plan which tasks need to be done in which order. It will also allow you to track your progress each day. If you are falling behind, you will need to modify the way you work. If you work faster than expected, you can clearly see what the next steps you need to take are. Each session is a half day of college. Session 1: Tuesday, Morning session
  • 6. In this morning session, I plan to create at least one and a half pages to go in my book, in that session I will be working on Photoshop to create my first page and then hopefully make a start on the second one, the boxes below show the times I plan to follow Tuesday 9am – 10:30am: I will make a start on my first page and aim to get that finished so after the break I can start on my second one, I will be using Photoshop in this to rotoscope and then I will be putting together my page. Tuesday 10:50am – 12:20pm: in this session I will be finishing off anything that is incomplete in my first page and then making a start on my second page which I plan to finish or nearly finish in that session. Session 2: Wednesday, Morning and afternoon session Wednesday, 9am – 10:30am: in this session I plan to quickly finish anything that is incomplete from yesterday and then make a start on page 3, this will be very similar to what I did yesterday in the sense that I will be using the same tools on this work (rotoscoping) Wednesday, 10:50am – 12:20pm: in this session I plan on finishing page 3 if it needs it and starting page 4, this will also be rotoscoping. Wednesday, 13:10 – 14:30: this is my last timetabled session on Wednesdays, so this will enable me to do a little bit more than usual, I plan to finish off page 4 and make a start on page 5, this will also be rotoscoping. Session 3: Thursday, Afternoon session
  • 7. Thursday, 13:10 – 14:40: here, I will be finishing page 5 and starting in page 6, this will include rotoscoping any characters/backgrounds/objects I haven’t already rotoscoped or changing them slightly to suit the page better. Thursday, 14:50 – 16:20: in this session I will be finishing page 6 and starting page 7, this will be the same thing of rotoscoping etc. Session 4: Friday, Morning Session Friday, 9:00am – 10:30am: In this session I will be finishing page 7 and starting page 8. This will be again rotoscoping to go into my book. Friday, 9:00am – 10:50am: in this session I will be finishing page 8 and starting page 9, this is how most of my sessions will work so that I can get it finished in good time. Session 5: Tuesday, 9:00am – 10:30am
  • 8. Tuesday 9am – 10:30am: I will finish page 9 and start page 10, I will be using Photoshop in this to rotoscope and then I will be putting together my page. Tuesday 10:50am – 12:20pm: in this session I will be finishing off page 10 and starting page 11 which I plan to finish or nearly finish in that session. Session 6: Wednesday, Morning and afternoon session Wednesday, 9am – 10:30am: in this session I plan to start my last page (page 12) and hopefully finish it in this session, if I get any delays I have made sure I have enough time to go over it and finish it or make any changes that need doing. Wednesday, 10:50am – 12:20pm: from now on I will be going over my book, doing any changes, finishing any bits off, and checking all aspects of it thoroughly to make sure it is all up to a good standard. Session 7: Thursday, afternoon session
  • 9. Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 1 images checking and text Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 2 images checking and text Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 3 images checking and text Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 4 images checking and text Session 8: Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 5 images checking and text Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 6 images checking and text Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 7 images checking and text Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 8 images checking and text
  • 10. Session 9: Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 8 images checking and text Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 9 image checking and text Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 10 image checking and text Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 11 image checking and text Session 10: Checking, finishing and perfecting. Page 12 image checking and text Checking, finishing and perfecting. Checking over.
  • 11. Checking, finishing and perfecting. Checking over Checking, finishing and perfecting. Checking over Health and safety:
  • 12. Your health and safety and that of those around you is very important. Just like in industry, an accident could prevent you from working. Whilst we don’t work in a highly dangerous environment, there are still risks. Some are short term, such as trips and spillages whilst others, such as long term damage to eyesight or back problems, may affect you much later in life. Consider the risks based on the activities you will be undertaking during the project. Explain how you could prevent them from happening. Ensure you reference appropriate pieces of legislation, design to protect people at work. Health and Safety Issues How can you prevent it? Trip hazards Bags, cables/leads and chairs I can prevent this by making sure all wires and cables are out of the way or taped down. Another trip hazard would be bags in the way of people so they might trip over, we can prevent this by making sure all bags are out of the way for example, under tables. Another trip hazard would be chairs left pushed out or in the way, where people could trip we can make sure we push chairs in, out of the way. Sitting in front of computer for too long. This makes reference to the health and safety (display screen equipment) 1992, it states that a person should not sit in front of a computer or too long without breaks, the specific times stated are a 5-10 minute break every 60 minutes or a 15 minute break every two hours however the first option is normally better.
  • 13. A chair leading to back problems The display screen equipment act states about workchairs that “This should have a seat that is adjustable in height, with a seat back adjustable in height and tilt. A footrest should be available.” This can prevent back problems long term. Drinks or liquid spilling on computers If a drink spills on a computer or laptop this can be dangerous, if a fizzy drink spills on it this could damage the computer long term as the sugar from the drink could get into it and ruin the computer and therefore affect my work and the ability to do it. To prevent this and drinks should be consumed away from any electrical equipment and the drinks allowed should be kept at just water. Too close to computer. This can cause eye and sight problems in the long term if you sit too close to the screen, to prevent this, don’t get to close and zoom in on computer or laptop to help you see if you need to.