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Environmental care for
your well-being
care products
& air pollution
treated or not
An average person can consume as
much as 1769 particles of plastic every
week just from water
Individuals ingests approximately 5
grams of plastic per week.
Microplastics spell big problems for
future generations.
Did you know that microplastics
enter your body every day,
through the drinks you
consume and the food you eat?
The full health effects of
microplastics on the human body are
still unknown.
The long-term effects could be
potentially disastrous.
While there are many sources of microplastic pollution, the biggest microplastic
polluters today are lavanderies. Almost all commercial washing machines, whether in
homes or public businesses, create constant microplastic pollution.
Washing synthetic clothes accounts for 35%
of primary microplastics found in the
environment. With an estimated 9.4
trillion fibres released from washes
every week, people are ready to demand
165,000 tons
Washing machines are dumping around
165,000 tons of synthetic fibres
into the ocean each year, and an
additional 175,000 tons on land.
Simply washing your clothes pollutes the
environment and can pose unknown health
risks to your body.
We all contribute to the problem.
The majority of the clothes we wear are made using :
synthetic, plastic, or textiles.
Today’s consumers are all for sustainability, and they can use their
wallets will drive change.
60 %
80 %
87 %
Nine in ten Gen Z consumers believe companies have a
responsibility to address environmental and social issues.
Nearly 60% of consumers are willing to change their
shopping habits to reduce environmental impact.
80% of people say sustainability is important to them, and over 70% would pay a
premium of 35% on average to support sustainability practices.
87% of millennials would be more loyal to a company that helps them contribute
to environmental causes, and more than 9 in 10 would switch brands to one
associated with a cause.
The above consumer sentiment means
significant sales in both the B2C and
B2B spaces.
Where consumers want change,
businesses must make change, or they
risk losing their customers.
When consumers want change, companies will follow.
Customers are increasingly voting with their wallet, seeking out
products that avoid or reduce plastic waste. Being a category
leader in sustainability, such as reducing or avoiding plastic
waste, can be a true point of differentiation in the market today
rather than just competing on price.
Microplastic pollution can give you an edge on your competition.
Microplastic reduction can be a powerful tool to win new
customers and increase brand loyalty, strengthening our partners’
brand reputation.
The case for action is clear and growing.
Well’s mission resonates with the
following target audiences:
Both populations create the large majority of the future’s
consumer base, and their passion will drive the following
industries to implement our products:
Industrial businesses (retail,
Consumer-use facilities (lavanderies,
hotels, hospital )
Gen Z, which account for 67.2 million
people in the United States alone
Millennials, which account for 72.1 million
people in the United States alone
MicroEye: Easy-to-use tool that detects
microplastics in any water source and
makes the data accessible to the public,
bringing awareness to consumers and
driving change.
WellSocial: A platform & community to
show the public the positive changes our
partners are making to empowering
people to fight microplastic .
the cause
5 years
Our sustainable solutions include:
B2B Solution
InFree: Energy-efficient system that
cleans water for endless re-use and
prevents microplastics from entering our
oceans, via a filter that stops and dries out
the microfibers.
We are backed by over 5 years of
microplastic research, with patents
for several B2B and B2C anti-
pollution systems to be released in
the coming years.
A bit of story behind our MVP improvements.
In a conversation with Alliancelaundry (a market leader in coins laundry), they said that they are not
going to implement microfiber filters into laundry until it is mandatory by law because they cannot
make money by stopping microplastics. Through this conversation, we understand the main
challenge for us and for the environment is:
Our goal is to make money while doing something good.
This is why we developed a system that not just stops the microplastic but also allows laundry to
reuse the wastewater—we created a closed circle for industrial laundry.
Though this, they can make money by reducing the water consumption and they save money
because the water needs less energy to be heated as it remains at room temperature.
We want to help laundry businesses make a case out of there sustainability efforts.
We are developing a platform to help customers/launderers market their sustainability
efforts. The popular carbon food print platforms is our benchmark.
We believe data will drive costumers and legislation to make changes even fasters .
Sustainable LAUNDRY and water
preservation should be seen not only as
a call to action, but also a market
Sustainable laundry,
reducing microplastics,
and water preservation can
be a powerful tool to win
new customers and
increase brand loyalty.
InFree Solutions
We developed a device to make commercial laundry more
ethical and sustainable, by re-using wastewater and
preventing 100% of microplastics from entering our
The commercial laundry will no longer need drinking
water to clean our clothing while eliminating additional
microplastics from our environment.
With this system, both large and small corporations
can save money and build an ethical environment by
transforming laundromats across hotels, coin
laundries, hospitals, and ships.
Our In Free water filtration system can support large-scale
change, with the ability to connect to up to 6 washing machines
at once in commercial laundry facilities.
The product's innovation is based on a special membrane that allows very high-water flows with low pressure. The
pores of the membrane are 0.01 microns in size, allowing the membrane to retain all the particles in the area
of ​​the electron microscope. Thus, purified water is organoleptically cleaner than tap water, so it can be reused in
all washing processes for industrial purposes. In addition, no chemicals are used to operate the system. They use
an ozone generator to disinfect the membranes, which produces the optimal amount of ozone. The product
disinfects while also cleaning and maintaining water in tanks.
A long line of benefits
Advantages of our product:
● self-cleaning filtration,
● easy maintenance,
● there is no wastewater discharge due to the closed system,
● automatic operation and cleaning of membranes.
The product is better than anything on the market, and there are several reasons:
● due to the hydrophobic membrane, the water flow is much higher than with a classic filter, and the
consumption is twenty thousand times lower than with a classic filtration.
● energy consumption is up to 80 percent lower than with conventional filtration.
● our product works automatically and smoothly even under heavy loads.
● the water they purify is organoleptically cleaner than tap water.
● works without chemicals and does not burden the environment.
● the device automatically collects captured contaminants in a special compartment where they are dried.
Ventury tube
3-way Solenoid valve
Wastewater inlet
Ozone Generator
Purified water inlet
Purified water
Dryer Bag
Back Wash direction
Back Wash pump
Concentrate pump Distancer Membranes
Water reuse
TRL 4 – technology validated in the
How it works
The wastewater from the washing machine enters the central reservoir. This water is
full of microfibers with different dimensions and weights. The bottom of the container
has membranes. The water is pumped through the membrane with the pore size 0.01
micron. The purified water has no microfibers and is ready to be drained. Part of the
purified water is stored into the container and when needed the backwash pump uses
this water for cleaning the membranes. In the process of membrane cleaning small
amounts of ozone are added to the water for membrane disinfection. The pump pushes
the wastewater and the concentrate through the filter bag which catches and dries the
microfibers. When the bag is full it should be replaced with a new one. The full bag is
ready to be recycled. The process is fully automatic and is run by the controller. The
whole system does not need any chemical compounds.
Working prototype
We’re getting into the market now, ahead of
the potential legislation in 2025
that would mandate filters in all
washing machines. The professional
washing machine is replaced every 20 years, so even if
this law is implemented in 2025, we can still face 25
more years of daily microplastics pollution if
our filter isn’t distributed.
Take care of your well-being, and the health of those around you
Become environmentally responsible, protecting your children’s future
Do something good for the environment, and subsequently all future generations
Be a part of a global revolution to improve the health of our planet
Prevent a much larger microplastic pandemic by acting NOW
Create a conservation-centric society
Support a company that can enact larger changes for marine conservations
Encourage a society in which microfiber filters are mandated by law
Our systems can help all people/companys make a
difference, by allowing them to:
Join our mission, saving our environment
and protecting your own health. You can
be proud to be a part of our mission,
knowing that you’re protecting the ones
you love.
We want all people/company to
commit to using a microfiber filter
when doing their laundry, because all
of our individual actions add up to big
The EU has chosen to take on microplastic pollution as part of the European Strategy
for Plastics, and France has adopted a law proposing that every new washing machine
has a microfibre-catching filter by 2025.
The Marine Conservation Society has created the 'Stop Ocean Threads' campaign,
which calls for the UK government to mandate the use of the microfibre filters by law
within the next 4 years.
For every five adults surveyed, four supported the introduction of legal measures to
mandate the use of filters.
Over 12,000 people have signed the petition to call the UK government to require
washing machine manufacturers to include microfibre filters in all new machines
produced, with numbers rising as we speak.
26% of adults are willing to pay an extra £50 for their next washing machine if it came
with a microfibre filter included.
“Our research has found that the public is largely supportive of our call for legislation,
and consumers are willing to pay a little more to reduce the flow of microplastics into
the ocean” - Laura Foster, Marine Conservation Society
Why Now ?
We are not alone in this mission!
Market Overview
The global coin-operated laundries market size was valued at USD 14.6 billion in 2019 and
is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.4% from 2020 to 2027.
Laundry is a time-consuming task and has become a burden for people, especially the
working-class population. Time constraints due to increasing work pressure and hours
restrict people from doing their laundry. The working-class population has significantly
increased over the past few years, thereby contributing to the rising demand for coin-
operated laundries due to their convenience. The market for coin-operated laundries is
mainly driven by the increasing number of working women worldwide. According to
statistics provided by the World Bank, the female labor force has been substantially
increasing since 2012. In 2016, females accounted for a share of about 38.9% of the total
labor force worldwide; the percentage increased to 39.1% in 2017. These factors are
opening new avenues for coin-operated laundries and are likely to fuel the market growth
during the forecast period.
With the renting business
model, we will also prevent our
device from landing in the trash
one day, minimizing the
pollution we’d create as a
Our B2B business model will
be focused on renting rather
than selling. We will provide
long-term renting contracts
for our InFree device and
platforms, allowing
lavanderies to implement our
system into their own business
We are looking into a hybrid business
model combining the platform and the
With our platform, we are
going to empower every
individual to fight
microplastic pollution.
Our platform will bring greater
awareness to consumers on the
microplastic pollution that exists all
around them, driving motivation to
make a change and increased support
for our products and partner facilities.
We’re also developing a platform
& community for the public to
show the positive changes our
partner facilities are making.
We will provide all our
partner facilities a
sustainable label to
display their use of our
product, ensuring they are
recognized as a
sustainable facility.
At Well, we are selling a full
sustainability service and lifestyle
change, not just a single device
Investing in Well is investing in a larger brand
committed to sustainability.
Well is here to guide both
our partner companies
and all passionate
individuals who care
about the environment.
We want to remove the
blindfolds and show the world
the problem at hand, and how
we can all contribute to the
Support our technology, and you
empower every person on the planet to
take action themselves, igniting both
small and large-scale change.
Well is different from other start-ups you may come
across. Yes, our systems have incredible sales potential,
and we have years of entrepreneurial experience to back
our business plan. Well, however, is about much more
than a business. Our brand is centered around a larger
mission that will enact significant change across the
globe, and we know we’ll be able to improve the world
for the better with the future by our side
The current solutions offer microplastic filters with
cartridges, which require the user to return the used
cartridge once full after about 20 washes. The
inconvenience of this process discourages people from
purchasing the product.
The first washing machine
microplastic filter was introduced
in 2019
There aren’t many microplastic solutions in the market, and
those that do exist are flawed. The solutions on the market
are using plastic to catch microplastic. In the end they are
making more plastic waste in comparison to the microplastic
they are catching.
Changing industries for the better, protecting the environment and the well-being of all people in the
On our current trajectory, 1 million tons of tiny plastic fibers are released into wastewater each year.
The cost of water consumption is continuously increasing, and 80% of wastewater is not re-used.
We protect the environment and improve the
well-being of current and future generations.
We challenge mainstream thinking on
economic, environmental, and social
We create a society more aware of
the environmental pollution all around
them, and how it affects their health.
We can all, however, reduce our own
microplastic pollution by 30% with Well’s
product line.
We empower every single person to be a
part of the solution, making sustainability
realistic and accessible for all.
We provide innovative solutions that
stop microplastic pollution and
significantly reduce water waste across
several industries.
1. Increasing problem awareness via Instagram and social community building.
Today, consumers are becoming more aware of their impact on the environment. There is already a
rise of coverage regarding the microplastic problem, with many newspapers beginning to inform the
public of the microplastic pollution all around us. With the help of our patented technology, we are
going to run a problem awareness campaign that builds on this momentum and further opens the
public’s eyes to the global microplastic pollution problem. With our MicroEye technology, we will be
able to show users on the platform photos of the tap water specifically in their area, showing the
amount of microplastics present in the water. Showing the consumer exactly what is in the water
they’re drinking will drive public concern and ultimately lead them to make changes.
Through the combination of our MicroEye technology and our online awareness platform, we can
show people everywhere the contamination of their tap water, along with date stamps. All of our
solutions work together to drive as much impact as possible, protecting our environment and people
across the globe.
Our product opens the eyes of the consumer, showing them what microplastic pollution looks like and
putting a visual to this environmental danger. Once the consumers see the problem, they will be
motivated to be a part of the solution.
Simultaneously, we will seek out publications to share professional articles based on our research,
providing researchers and non-profit organizations useful data in return.
What the eye does not see,
the brain does not process. What the
brain does not process, the people will
not fight for.
2. Showing the consumer voice to the industry.
We are going to promote sustainability across industrial settings by showing the benefits it can provide.
By becoming a sustainable lavandery or hotel, our partners are branding themselves as
environmentally-friendly facilities, winning public favor. We will call on the public to push these
businesses to become more sustainable, driving them to change via public interest and the
simultaneous business benefits of saving money and increasing profits.
Members of the public will be encouraged to tweet their support of the campaign’s goals directly at,
clouts manufacturers, retailers washing machine manufacturers, sample below:
'Hey @HM @ZARA @Primark @Nike @MichaelKors @Hoover_UK @BoschUK @SamsungUK @.
We want a better future for our planet and our children. We can all take care of the environment and the
well-being of those around us by reducing our microplastic pollution. If every washing machine had
Well’s microplastic filter, we’d reduce microplastic pollution by up to 30%. Will you show your support of
the environment by using and selling these filters to consumers? Please retweet and share far and
Our partners will have the unique opportunity to be a part of our advanced solutions, and we will
support them by:
Highlighting the impact they are making for the environment and subsequently their customer‘s health,
helping them to secure consumer loyalty.
Including them in our platform & community for positive changes, acknowledging their positive actions.
Supporting their brand’s sustainability mission, and rewarding their business and customers for being a
part of our sustainability efforts.
Labeling their facility with a green label, indicating that they are taking action to protect the environment
What the eye does not see,
the brain does not process. What the
brain does not process, the people will
not fight for.
Hakin spent the last 5 years studying the
microplastics problem and making 1m tests to
understand the best solutions.
Meet the Creators
He is not new to inventing; he has successfully
developed and sold water treatment systems to
the Ministry of Defense and NATO, and he has
successfully sold other patents to independent
businesses in the past as well. He has not only
developed the In Free system in order to stop
microplastics pollution, but he also has patents
for several other new sustainable technologies,
all to be part of Well’s product line down the
Kostja is an entrepreneur who is
particularly passionate about
sustainability issues. He started his
career at age 24 as a wine and spirits
importer for Ex-Yugoslavia markets, and
he successfully ran the business for 8
year before deciding to sell it.
After enjoying his experience with
international business, Kostja moved to
London to continue his international
development, where he worked in a
food & beverage business. At the same
time, he developed his own, innovative
business of making tea as a
cappuccino; after this business’ growing
success, Kostja decided to sell this
brand in order to dedicate 100% of his
time to sustainable product
development to protect the environment
and his kids’ futures.
Where we will be in the future:
Create a more sustainable
Pilot the system in the real environment
and proof the business and marketing
Collect data:
• How much microplastic we caught
• How much water we save / how much
they saved on the cost of water
• How much electricity we save / how much
they saved on the cost of electricity
• What does the consumer think about the
sustainable efforts of an environmentally
friendly laundry business
Build the community and social
platform to measure and
promote sustainability in our
everyday lives, acknowledging
sustainable companies and
encouraging others to follow
Launch the InFree business
How you can help:
This is our first round of funding, and we are asking for
€60K for the pilot, proof of concept, and the marketing
Once profitable, we will search for additional VC funds.
We are an excellent opportunity for VC looking into the
sustainability space
To the left, is our summary financial plan. More details are
available upon request.
We are looking for financial partners to join us in our
mission to prevent a global microplastic pandemic. Invest
in us and know you’re making a difference!
Y3: Well
Y1: Well
Y2: Well
Cost Of Sales
Gross Profit
Gross Margin
Operating Costs
Cost A&P
Net Profit
Net Margin
Net Net Profit
Initial cost
Combining our sales potential and our truly world-changing mission,
Well is the perfect investment.
Environmental care for your well-being

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Pitch v2 presentation

  • 1. Environmental care for your well-being #Wellforyourwellbeing
  • 2. tyres synthetic textiles marine coatings personal care products consumer Plastics smog & air pollution wastewater treated or not An average person can consume as much as 1769 particles of plastic every week just from water
  • 3. Individuals ingests approximately 5 grams of plastic per week. Microplastics spell big problems for future generations. Did you know that microplastics enter your body every day, through the drinks you consume and the food you eat? The full health effects of microplastics on the human body are still unknown. The long-term effects could be potentially disastrous. ?
  • 4. While there are many sources of microplastic pollution, the biggest microplastic polluters today are lavanderies. Almost all commercial washing machines, whether in homes or public businesses, create constant microplastic pollution. Washing synthetic clothes accounts for 35% of primary microplastics found in the environment. With an estimated 9.4 trillion fibres released from washes every week, people are ready to demand change. 165,000 tons Washing machines are dumping around 165,000 tons of synthetic fibres into the ocean each year, and an additional 175,000 tons on land.
  • 5. Simply washing your clothes pollutes the environment and can pose unknown health risks to your body. We all contribute to the problem. The majority of the clothes we wear are made using : synthetic, plastic, or textiles.
  • 6. Today’s consumers are all for sustainability, and they can use their wallets will drive change. 60 % 80 % 87 % Nine in ten Gen Z consumers believe companies have a responsibility to address environmental and social issues. Nearly 60% of consumers are willing to change their shopping habits to reduce environmental impact. 80% of people say sustainability is important to them, and over 70% would pay a premium of 35% on average to support sustainability practices. 87% of millennials would be more loyal to a company that helps them contribute to environmental causes, and more than 9 in 10 would switch brands to one associated with a cause. The above consumer sentiment means significant sales in both the B2C and B2B spaces. Where consumers want change, businesses must make change, or they risk losing their customers. THE OPPORTUNITY
  • 7. When consumers want change, companies will follow. Customers are increasingly voting with their wallet, seeking out products that avoid or reduce plastic waste. Being a category leader in sustainability, such as reducing or avoiding plastic waste, can be a true point of differentiation in the market today rather than just competing on price. Microplastic pollution can give you an edge on your competition. Microplastic reduction can be a powerful tool to win new customers and increase brand loyalty, strengthening our partners’ brand reputation. The case for action is clear and growing. Why?
  • 8. THE OPPORTUNITY Well’s mission resonates with the following target audiences: Both populations create the large majority of the future’s consumer base, and their passion will drive the following industries to implement our products: Industrial businesses (retail, manufacturing) Consumer-use facilities (lavanderies, hotels, hospital ) Gen Z, which account for 67.2 million people in the United States alone Millennials, which account for 72.1 million people in the United States alone
  • 9. MicroEye: Easy-to-use tool that detects microplastics in any water source and makes the data accessible to the public, bringing awareness to consumers and driving change. WellSocial: A platform & community to show the public the positive changes our partners are making to empowering people to fight microplastic . Supporting the cause 5 years Our sustainable solutions include: B2B Solution InFree: Energy-efficient system that cleans water for endless re-use and prevents microplastics from entering our oceans, via a filter that stops and dries out the microfibers. We are backed by over 5 years of microplastic research, with patents for several B2B and B2C anti- pollution systems to be released in the coming years.
  • 10. A bit of story behind our MVP improvements. In a conversation with Alliancelaundry (a market leader in coins laundry), they said that they are not going to implement microfiber filters into laundry until it is mandatory by law because they cannot make money by stopping microplastics. Through this conversation, we understand the main challenge for us and for the environment is: HOW TO MAKE MOENY BY DOING GOOD ? Our goal is to make money while doing something good. This is why we developed a system that not just stops the microplastic but also allows laundry to reuse the wastewater—we created a closed circle for industrial laundry. Though this, they can make money by reducing the water consumption and they save money because the water needs less energy to be heated as it remains at room temperature.
  • 11. We want to help laundry businesses make a case out of there sustainability efforts. We are developing a platform to help customers/launderers market their sustainability efforts. The popular carbon food print platforms is our benchmark. We believe data will drive costumers and legislation to make changes even fasters .
  • 12. Sustainable LAUNDRY and water preservation should be seen not only as a call to action, but also a market opportunity. Sustainable laundry, reducing microplastics, and water preservation can be a powerful tool to win new customers and increase brand loyalty. I prefer the ethical lavendry?
  • 13. InFree Solutions We developed a device to make commercial laundry more ethical and sustainable, by re-using wastewater and preventing 100% of microplastics from entering our oceans. The commercial laundry will no longer need drinking water to clean our clothing while eliminating additional microplastics from our environment. With this system, both large and small corporations can save money and build an ethical environment by transforming laundromats across hotels, coin laundries, hospitals, and ships. Our In Free water filtration system can support large-scale change, with the ability to connect to up to 6 washing machines at once in commercial laundry facilities.
  • 14. The product's innovation is based on a special membrane that allows very high-water flows with low pressure. The pores of the membrane are 0.01 microns in size, allowing the membrane to retain all the particles in the area of ​​the electron microscope. Thus, purified water is organoleptically cleaner than tap water, so it can be reused in all washing processes for industrial purposes. In addition, no chemicals are used to operate the system. They use an ozone generator to disinfect the membranes, which produces the optimal amount of ozone. The product disinfects while also cleaning and maintaining water in tanks.
  • 15. A long line of benefits Advantages of our product: ● self-cleaning filtration, ● easy maintenance, ● there is no wastewater discharge due to the closed system, ● automatic operation and cleaning of membranes. The product is better than anything on the market, and there are several reasons: ● due to the hydrophobic membrane, the water flow is much higher than with a classic filter, and the consumption is twenty thousand times lower than with a classic filtration. ● energy consumption is up to 80 percent lower than with conventional filtration. ● our product works automatically and smoothly even under heavy loads. ● the water they purify is organoleptically cleaner than tap water. ● works without chemicals and does not burden the environment. ● the device automatically collects captured contaminants in a special compartment where they are dried.
  • 16. Controler Ventury tube 3-way Solenoid valve Wastewater inlet Ozone Generator Pump Purified water inlet Purified water Dryer Bag Back Wash direction wastewater Back Wash pump Wastewater Concentrate pump Distancer Membranes Water reuse Microfibers TRL 4 – technology validated in the lab.
  • 17. How it works The wastewater from the washing machine enters the central reservoir. This water is full of microfibers with different dimensions and weights. The bottom of the container has membranes. The water is pumped through the membrane with the pore size 0.01 micron. The purified water has no microfibers and is ready to be drained. Part of the purified water is stored into the container and when needed the backwash pump uses this water for cleaning the membranes. In the process of membrane cleaning small amounts of ozone are added to the water for membrane disinfection. The pump pushes the wastewater and the concentrate through the filter bag which catches and dries the microfibers. When the bag is full it should be replaced with a new one. The full bag is ready to be recycled. The process is fully automatic and is run by the controller. The whole system does not need any chemical compounds.
  • 19. We’re getting into the market now, ahead of the potential legislation in 2025 that would mandate filters in all washing machines. The professional washing machine is replaced every 20 years, so even if this law is implemented in 2025, we can still face 25 more years of daily microplastics pollution if our filter isn’t distributed.
  • 20. Take care of your well-being, and the health of those around you Become environmentally responsible, protecting your children’s future Do something good for the environment, and subsequently all future generations Be a part of a global revolution to improve the health of our planet Prevent a much larger microplastic pandemic by acting NOW Create a conservation-centric society Support a company that can enact larger changes for marine conservations Encourage a society in which microfiber filters are mandated by law Our systems can help all people/companys make a difference, by allowing them to: Join our mission, saving our environment and protecting your own health. You can be proud to be a part of our mission, knowing that you’re protecting the ones you love. We want all people/company to commit to using a microfiber filter when doing their laundry, because all of our individual actions add up to big change.
  • 21. The EU has chosen to take on microplastic pollution as part of the European Strategy for Plastics, and France has adopted a law proposing that every new washing machine has a microfibre-catching filter by 2025. The Marine Conservation Society has created the 'Stop Ocean Threads' campaign, which calls for the UK government to mandate the use of the microfibre filters by law within the next 4 years. For every five adults surveyed, four supported the introduction of legal measures to mandate the use of filters. Over 12,000 people have signed the petition to call the UK government to require washing machine manufacturers to include microfibre filters in all new machines produced, with numbers rising as we speak. 26% of adults are willing to pay an extra £50 for their next washing machine if it came with a microfibre filter included. “Our research has found that the public is largely supportive of our call for legislation, and consumers are willing to pay a little more to reduce the flow of microplastics into the ocean” - Laura Foster, Marine Conservation Society Why Now ? We are not alone in this mission! 1/4 £50
  • 22. Market Overview The global coin-operated laundries market size was valued at USD 14.6 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.4% from 2020 to 2027. Laundry is a time-consuming task and has become a burden for people, especially the working-class population. Time constraints due to increasing work pressure and hours restrict people from doing their laundry. The working-class population has significantly increased over the past few years, thereby contributing to the rising demand for coin- operated laundries due to their convenience. The market for coin-operated laundries is mainly driven by the increasing number of working women worldwide. According to statistics provided by the World Bank, the female labor force has been substantially increasing since 2012. In 2016, females accounted for a share of about 38.9% of the total labor force worldwide; the percentage increased to 39.1% in 2017. These factors are opening new avenues for coin-operated laundries and are likely to fuel the market growth during the forecast period.
  • 23. With the renting business model, we will also prevent our device from landing in the trash one day, minimizing the pollution we’d create as a business. Our B2B business model will be focused on renting rather than selling. We will provide long-term renting contracts for our InFree device and platforms, allowing lavanderies to implement our system into their own business BUSINESS MODEL We are looking into a hybrid business model combining the platform and the hardware.
  • 24. With our platform, we are going to empower every individual to fight microplastic pollution. Our platform will bring greater awareness to consumers on the microplastic pollution that exists all around them, driving motivation to make a change and increased support for our products and partner facilities. We’re also developing a platform & community for the public to show the positive changes our partner facilities are making. We will provide all our partner facilities a sustainable label to display their use of our environmentally-friendly product, ensuring they are recognized as a sustainable facility. At Well, we are selling a full sustainability service and lifestyle change, not just a single device
  • 25. Investing in Well is investing in a larger brand committed to sustainability. Well is here to guide both our partner companies and all passionate individuals who care about the environment. We want to remove the blindfolds and show the world the problem at hand, and how we can all contribute to the solution. Support our technology, and you empower every person on the planet to take action themselves, igniting both small and large-scale change.
  • 26. Well is different from other start-ups you may come across. Yes, our systems have incredible sales potential, and we have years of entrepreneurial experience to back our business plan. Well, however, is about much more than a business. Our brand is centered around a larger mission that will enact significant change across the globe, and we know we’ll be able to improve the world for the better with the future by our side
  • 27. The current solutions offer microplastic filters with cartridges, which require the user to return the used cartridge once full after about 20 washes. The inconvenience of this process discourages people from purchasing the product. The first washing machine microplastic filter was introduced in 2019 2019 There aren’t many microplastic solutions in the market, and those that do exist are flawed. The solutions on the market are using plastic to catch microplastic. In the end they are making more plastic waste in comparison to the microplastic they are catching.
  • 28. Changing industries for the better, protecting the environment and the well-being of all people in the process. THE REALITY: On our current trajectory, 1 million tons of tiny plastic fibers are released into wastewater each year. The cost of water consumption is continuously increasing, and 80% of wastewater is not re-used. THE IMPACT We protect the environment and improve the well-being of current and future generations. We challenge mainstream thinking on economic, environmental, and social issues. We create a society more aware of the environmental pollution all around them, and how it affects their health. We can all, however, reduce our own microplastic pollution by 30% with Well’s product line. SHORT TERM IMPACT: We empower every single person to be a part of the solution, making sustainability realistic and accessible for all. We provide innovative solutions that stop microplastic pollution and significantly reduce water waste across several industries. LONG TERM IMPACT:
  • 29. 1. Increasing problem awareness via Instagram and social community building. Today, consumers are becoming more aware of their impact on the environment. There is already a rise of coverage regarding the microplastic problem, with many newspapers beginning to inform the public of the microplastic pollution all around us. With the help of our patented technology, we are going to run a problem awareness campaign that builds on this momentum and further opens the public’s eyes to the global microplastic pollution problem. With our MicroEye technology, we will be able to show users on the platform photos of the tap water specifically in their area, showing the amount of microplastics present in the water. Showing the consumer exactly what is in the water they’re drinking will drive public concern and ultimately lead them to make changes. Through the combination of our MicroEye technology and our online awareness platform, we can show people everywhere the contamination of their tap water, along with date stamps. All of our solutions work together to drive as much impact as possible, protecting our environment and people across the globe. Our product opens the eyes of the consumer, showing them what microplastic pollution looks like and putting a visual to this environmental danger. Once the consumers see the problem, they will be motivated to be a part of the solution. Simultaneously, we will seek out publications to share professional articles based on our research, providing researchers and non-profit organizations useful data in return. THE MARKETING: STEP ONE What the eye does not see, the brain does not process. What the brain does not process, the people will not fight for.
  • 30. 2. Showing the consumer voice to the industry. We are going to promote sustainability across industrial settings by showing the benefits it can provide. By becoming a sustainable lavandery or hotel, our partners are branding themselves as environmentally-friendly facilities, winning public favor. We will call on the public to push these businesses to become more sustainable, driving them to change via public interest and the simultaneous business benefits of saving money and increasing profits. Members of the public will be encouraged to tweet their support of the campaign’s goals directly at, clouts manufacturers, retailers washing machine manufacturers, sample below: 'Hey @HM @ZARA @Primark @Nike @MichaelKors @Hoover_UK @BoschUK @SamsungUK @. We want a better future for our planet and our children. We can all take care of the environment and the well-being of those around us by reducing our microplastic pollution. If every washing machine had Well’s microplastic filter, we’d reduce microplastic pollution by up to 30%. Will you show your support of the environment by using and selling these filters to consumers? Please retweet and share far and wide.” Our partners will have the unique opportunity to be a part of our advanced solutions, and we will support them by: Highlighting the impact they are making for the environment and subsequently their customer‘s health, helping them to secure consumer loyalty. Including them in our platform & community for positive changes, acknowledging their positive actions. Supporting their brand’s sustainability mission, and rewarding their business and customers for being a part of our sustainability efforts. Labeling their facility with a green label, indicating that they are taking action to protect the environment THE MARKETING: STEP Two What the eye does not see, the brain does not process. What the brain does not process, the people will not fight for.
  • 31. Hakin spent the last 5 years studying the microplastics problem and making 1m tests to understand the best solutions. HAKIM EL KHIAR Meet the Creators He is not new to inventing; he has successfully developed and sold water treatment systems to the Ministry of Defense and NATO, and he has successfully sold other patents to independent businesses in the past as well. He has not only developed the In Free system in order to stop microplastics pollution, but he also has patents for several other new sustainable technologies, all to be part of Well’s product line down the road.
  • 32. Kostja is an entrepreneur who is particularly passionate about sustainability issues. He started his career at age 24 as a wine and spirits importer for Ex-Yugoslavia markets, and he successfully ran the business for 8 year before deciding to sell it. After enjoying his experience with international business, Kostja moved to London to continue his international development, where he worked in a food & beverage business. At the same time, he developed his own, innovative business of making tea as a cappuccino; after this business’ growing success, Kostja decided to sell this brand in order to dedicate 100% of his time to sustainable product development to protect the environment and his kids’ futures. KOSTJA KLABJAN
  • 33. Where we will be in the future: 2022 2021 Create a more sustainable world Pilot the system in the real environment and proof the business and marketing case. Collect data: • How much microplastic we caught • How much water we save / how much they saved on the cost of water • How much electricity we save / how much they saved on the cost of electricity • What does the consumer think about the sustainable efforts of an environmentally friendly laundry business Build the community and social platform to measure and promote sustainability in our everyday lives, acknowledging sustainable companies and encouraging others to follow suit Launch the InFree business
  • 34. How you can help: This is our first round of funding, and we are asking for €60K for the pilot, proof of concept, and the marketing case. Once profitable, we will search for additional VC funds. We are an excellent opportunity for VC looking into the sustainability space To the left, is our summary financial plan. More details are available upon request. We are looking for financial partners to join us in our mission to prevent a global microplastic pandemic. Invest in us and know you’re making a difference! Y3: Well 3,499,200 1,562,400 1,936,800 55% 191,050 276,000 270,000 1,199,750 34% 887,290 Y1: Well 989,650 357,580 632,070 64% 56,800 132,000 147,050 96,220 10% 96,220 200,000 Y2: Well 1,382,240 1,382,240 0 0% 93,080 174,000 141,600 -408,680 -30% -312,460 Summary: Revenue Cost Of Sales Gross Profit Gross Margin Operating Costs Salary Cost A&P Net Profit Net Margin Net Net Profit Initial cost
  • 35. Combining our sales potential and our truly world-changing mission, Well is the perfect investment. Environmental care for your well-being