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Persuasive Essay Death Penalty
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Persuasive Essay Death Penalty AgainstPersuasive Essay Death Penalty Against
The Role Of The CIA Aid In Afghanistan
The CIA has played a prominent role combating radical Islamic groups in Afghanistan, Pakistan,
and the Middle East since 1979. After the soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the CIA even
funded some of these groups in order to embarrass their main enemy at the time, the Soviet Union.
They did not, however, account for the fallout that would occur after the Soviets left. To a certain
extent, the terrorist attacks on 9/11 were a blowback from CIA policies in that region, and the
attacks, arguably, could have been prevented.
Firstly, it is important to understand the reasoning for the United States to support the Afghani
rebels, or the Mujahedeen, against their Soviet invaders. Afghanistan was a mess. In 1978, the
President Mohammad Daoud ... Show more content on ...
They emerged in 1994 and quickly started gaining territory. Originally, they were seen by the CIA
as a group that could bring order to Chaos. Many thought they might reduce factional bloodshed,
curtail heroin trafficking, and create conditions for realistic peace talks, they believed. The
response of American officials to their quick rise however, was indifference. They did not favor the
Taliban, they just didn t want to get engaged (Coll 299). The rise of the Taliban can not really be
seen as an intelligence blunder because regardless of their opinions on them, they had a hands off
policy at this time. They would however, fail to predict that the Taliban would bring stability to the
region, as they would not stop fighting until their opponents were all dead, and they continuously
racked up more opponents. They also failed to predict the alliance that would form between al
Qaeda and the
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Amanda Case Summary
During what appears to be the prosecution s case, Amanda is cross examining Warren Attinger.
She successfully portrays him to the Jury as a bad Husband who stays out all night and is rude
as well as violent towards his wife, all the while nudging the defendant towards speaking of how
enraged and provoked she was upon finding what she did and that to be the only reason why she
shot her husband in the first place. In the beginning of the movie it was clearly depicted that the
facts showing she had already purchased a gun and shot inside the room before entering that seeing
the mistress and her husband together wouldn t have actually changed her mind. On the other hand,
Adam (prosecutor) starts with a series of yes or no questions of the following
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Analysis Of The Film Dances With Wolves
The 1990 film Dances With Wolves directed by Kevin Costner covers a number of topics such as
the Civil War, westward expansion, and white Indian relations. Being set in the frontier during the
Civil War, the primary issue the film raises is the white cruelty towards Native Americans during
this time period. This film can be classified as a realistic historical fiction because it depicts the
humanity and morals of the SiouxIndians while, at the same time, showing how they were treated
by the white American soldiers.
Dances With Wolves starts out by introducing the main character, John Dunbar, as a soldier in the
Civil War. John is portrayed as a strong man because he refuses his foot to be amputated, and he
rides a horse out onto the ... Show more content on ...
Because he was dressed like an Indian, the soldiers treated him as such, beating and calling him
a traitor. When he did not return for a few days, the Indians knew something was wrong, and
they sent a search party. In the same way that John helped the Sioux fight the Pawnee, the Sioux
were now helping John fight the soldiers. The rescue attempt was successful and they all made it
back to the village. Although Dances With Wolves is not a historically accurate and true story of
the Civil War, it is a historical fiction that is based on many true facts. The film starts off with a
very unrealistic beginning. It is set in the Civil War, on a battlefield, and John Dunbar rides a
horse openly right past the opposing side without getting shot. This seems to be the only
unrealistic part of this film, however. For example, the Sioux Indians not being total savages was
true. White people did treat all Indians poorly, and they justified their actions by saying that all
Indians are savages. This film shows that in fact, not all Indians were cruel and bloodthirsty, the
Pawnee were the only mean Indians depicted. The Sioux are portrayed as mostly peaceful humans
with great moral standards. They only fight when they feel threatened, such as by the Pawnee tribe,
or the white soldiers that imprisoned Dances With Wolves (John Dunbar). Furthermore, the problem
of white men hunting buffalo was also based on true facts. The Indians did not feel that it was the
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The General Strike of 1926 Essay
The General Strike of 1926 In 1926 the General Council of the Trades Union Congress (TUC)
called out workers throughout the country on a general strike for nine days in an attempt to
force the government to act to prevent the wages and conditions of coal miners being lowered.
There is no one reason why the General Strike of 1926 took place, instead a large number of long
and short term causes led towards the event, which was finally set off by a trigger cause. An
example of a long term cause would be the history of bad relations between mine owners and their
workers, a short term cause would be the Samuel Report and a trigger the Daily Mail article. Each
cause led towards the strike and this essay... Show more content on ...
Unemployment was rising rapidly and had reached over 2 million men by the summer of 1921
people were losing their jobs in shipyards, cotton mills and coalmines across Britain. This was
quite an important factor which helped to lead to the General Strike. If post war England had
been how it was anticipated to be then it is extremely improbable people would have been
inclined to strike, in this way the General Strike may have been prevented. However since they
were dissatisfied with the conditions they were working in they went on strike with the miners
with the conception it would prevent their working conditions from being lowered. Another
long term factor of similar importance to the misplaced post war optimism was pre war union
activity. There were many active trade unions, for example the National Transport Workers
Federation (NTWF) and the National Union of Railwaymen (NUR) were widely known. During
the 19th Century working conditions were very bad, people worked long hours for little pay.
They aimed to campaign for improved working hours and pay for their workers. There was a
wave of strikes before the First World War, one being the strike of railwaymen and boiler men in
1910. Strikes in the past had been successful and membership of trade unions was rising rapidly in
1918 membership of unions was only 750,000 by 1918 this
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Measuring A Rural And An Urban Catchment
Understanding a rivers response to the differences of a catchments characteristics demonstrates
how the processes that occur in the hydrological cycle operate differently, which influences
discharge, runoff and stream flow of a river (Davie, 2002). River response is the adjustment of
processes during rainfall events through infrastructure, the geomorphic and biological
characteristics (Kang and Kazama, 2013). A catchments characteristic influence the flow rates
(build up) and discharge (wash off) into a river system (Liu et al. 2013). A catchment, either rural
or urban, is the area of land in which water flows and is directed towards a river system, leading to
the sea. Catchments can vary in size from hectares to millions of ... Show more content on ...
2004). At the completion of the first catchment simulation, the majority of the water in sponge was
removed, and 1000 millilitre tube topped up with water to have exactly 1000 millilitres. The repeat
of this simulation was to have a plastic A4 sheet placed on the sponge to represent an urban
catchment, and the same process was implemented. To keep the simulations fair and balanced, the
roles in the experiment have to be consistent, and the motion in which the water is deposited needs
to be kept nearly identical.
The hydrograph that is produced (Figure 1) has data that represents both a rural catchment and an
urban catchment experiments. Both experiments had a steep rising limb which both had a peak
flow event of 1160 millilitres per minute, but the urban catchments peak flow occurred 0.25 minutes
earlier (0.75 minutes) than the rural catchments peak flow (1.00 minutes). From here, a sharp
falling limb occurs after the peak flows occurrence, with the urban catchments discharge dropping
520 millilitres per minute, and rural catchments discharge drops 514 millilitres per minute. From
1.50 minutes both catchments on the hydrograph have a steady decline, and plateau from 3 minutes
until the completion of the simulation.
The simulations conducted are only carried out on a much smaller scale and time frame compared
to an actual river system, and how it responds to a rainfall event due to time restraints. The Leith
river is subjected to a mainly urban
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The United Nations Operation Of The Congo
The United Nations Operation in the Republic of the Congo (ONUC) is best summarized by
Walter Dorn as, the largest, most complex, and most expensive UN peacekeeping mission during
the Cold War ( The UN s First Air Force ). The ONUC was established on July 14, 1960 and
ended in June 1964. The initial mandate by the Security Council called for the withdrawal of
Belgian forces from the Republic of the Congo, however, quickly became the first peacemaking
operation to use all necessary measures ( ONUC ). Decolonization and the height of the Cold War
added to the complexity of the ONUC. The ONUC successfully halted the secession of the
Katanga, however, failed to address the financial and operational problems. This would negatively...
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Under Article 99 of the UN Charter, Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld, informed the
Security Council of a threat to international peace and security ( ONUC ). The ONUC was
established shortly after on July 14, 1960. The Congo Crisis advanced when tension arose among
Prime Minister Lumumba and President Kasavubu. On September 5, 1960, President Kasavubu
went on radio to announce the dismissal of Lumumba as prime minister, blaming him for the
Kasai massacres (Durch 321). Lumumba responded by claiming to fire President Kasavubu. By
mid September, Colonel Joseph Mobutu, declared all government factions neutralized in what was,
in effect, a coup d Г©tat (Durch 321). Colonel Joseph Mobutu would later change his name to
Mobutu Sese Seko and play an important role in future conflict within the Congo and its neighbors.
By January 1961, Prime Minister Lumumba was killed and the Congo Crisis continued for another
two years. Decolonization and the height of the Cold War played a significant role in their
involvement. According to William Durch, Great Power attitudes toward ONUC ranged all the way
from supportive (United States) to tepid (United Kingdom), to obstructionist (France), and hostile
(Soviet Union) (Durch 345). While the United States supported UN intervention in the Republic of
the Congo, they manipulated Congolese factions and their supporters, along with the United
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Summary OfFranciscan Missions In Alta California
In the introduction, the author wrote that California was a happy place which was not true. The
article Franciscan Missions in Alta California, explains that the missionaries brought hardships
to the people of California killing thousands of people by the mission system. The Spaniards
brought diseases and drastic lifestyle changes that decreased the number of Native people. The
author mentions that hostile Indians made travel dangerous, except for the brave and well
armed. Yet, the Natives would often cooperate by showing the Spaniards where the fresh water
was, providing food, and helping their explores. The Indians were willing to welcome the
Spaniards into the trading system. A chain of 13 prosperous missions stretched along coastal,
however, Serra founded a chain of missions that depended upon the labor of the Indians and their
indoctrinations. The author of the article mentions that thousands of Natives had a worse life
than the lives that they had before. A ten year old Indian boy was baptized at a mission, but the
Native people were only exploited for the benefit of the church, the Spaniards, and the individual
missionaries themselves. The article continues by explaining that Spaniards hoped to assimilate
the Natives to a Hispanic way since they believed their way of life was superior (language,
religion, crop raising techniques). By the year 1800 there were over 500 Indians living at the
missions, but the Indians were in captivity, enforced labor,
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Symptoms And Treatment Of Phobias
Fear is an aspect of life people deal with every day. Being afraid is part of what makes people
human. Fear that grows with adulthood or causes people to have different conduct is known as a
phobia. A phobia can elicit physical or emotional discomfort when it comes to the fear of an object
or situation that can be treated by therapy or medication in most cases, or untreatable in others.
There are four subtypes of specific phobias known as: blood injection injury, animal, situational, and
natural environment. Sometimes treatment of phobias can be difficult to determine because of the
wide range of phobias that exist. There has not been an adequate amount of research conducted on
phobias which makes it difficult to study or comprehend... Show more content on ...
A research group stated Specific phobia is one of the most prevalent disorders in the general
population and yet it has received limited attention from researchers in the growing field of
neuroscience (Caseras et al., 2010). The need for understanding phobias is imperative for the people
who are suffering from the symptoms that challenge their daily life. One study has done research
on links between the phobias and neurobiological substrates. The authors state:
Moreover the degree of provoked anxiety by phobia relevant images was strongly associated with
activity in the dorsal ACC and the anterior insula in the SP phobics but not in the BII phobics.
These differences in blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) response could suggest the existence
of distinct neurobiological substrates associated with specific phobia subtypes, challenging the
view of specific phobia as a unitary entity (Caseras et al., 2010).
This study may prove that there could be a cure to phobic reactions if they can find the cause of
the phobia. These studies of the dynamics of the brain could be revolutionary in the world of
phobia diagnosis and treatment of patients.
There are excessive amounts of phobias that have been medically determined. About 4.4% percent
of the adult population in the USA has one or more phobias which will mostly persist for years and
become chronic; complete remissions without
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Napanee Beer Business Strategy
Student name: Farah Ahmed
Student ID: 3262523
Course name: Organizational Behaviour
Course number: ORGB 364
Assignment 1
Part A
1. Marketing specialists at Napanee Beer Co. developed a new advertising campaign for summer
sales. The ads were particularly aimed at sports events where Napanee Beer sold kegs of beer on
tap. The marketing group worked for months with a top advertising firm on the campaign. Their
effort was successful in terms of significantly higher demand for Napanee Beer s keg beer at sports
stadiums. However, the production department had not been notified of the marketing campaign
and was not prepared for the increased demand.
The company was forced to buy empty kegs at a premium price. It also had to brew some of the ...
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These factors create certain expectations and requirements for organizations, which in turns
determine the organization s direction and strategy. Whereas internal environment is made up of
several internal subsystems. Internal subsystems work together systematically and drive the
organization in the direction which is in conformity to external environment demands; thereby
making the organization effective and a good fit with external environment. (McShane amp; Steen,
2012, p.6)
Open systems perspective also suggests that organization s efficiency is equally important to it s
success. An organization is efficient when it produces more outputs with less then normally
required inputs, and when it s internal subsystems have good coordination among them. But this is
difficult in reality. Because there are some negative elements in subsystems such as
miscommunication and hostilities, which undermine efficiency of organization. These elements
cannot be eliminated as subsystems of an organization are also open systems and organization gets
affected by them also. (McShane amp; Steen, 2012, p.6)
According to the open systems theory (McShane amp; Steen,2012), The subsystems of organization
Napanee Beer were not operating efficiently, because there was absence of diligent communication
between the marketing group and the production team. Production department was unaware of the
increased demand for the product and could
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It s Time To Reckless Driving
There is no easy way to even bring up the courage to talk to someone you have paralyzed due to
reckless driving. The amount of suffering, ever prevalent in your mind, of the sheer extents of
misery and pain you have caused that person is an experience you will never forget. Although
this has not happened due to my careless driving, it very well could have, and too many people
across the country have been involved in an accident that leaves them immobile for the rest of
their lives. If I was ever to blame in a situation like that, this would be my only way of making
things right: Hey, I know I may be the last face you wantto see right now, but I needed to see you.
You may be thinking about how there is no apology or enough words in the
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Speech On Exams
Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
Albert Einstein wrote, Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it
will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
The purpose of this speech is to explain how exams fail to fulfil their purpose of indicating ability.
Examinations, by definition, are a formal test of a person s knowledge or proficiency in a subject or
skill . However, this definition itself is flawed; a student s ability to pass a test is a shallow
assessment of their proficiency in the career they choose to pursue. This brings me to my primary
question: Do examinations really provide as an adequate indication of ability?
Imagine a world where intelligence was not limited to the answers students ... Show more content
on ...
Exams have caused a lack of enthusiasm in the mindset of scholars and encouraged students to
have superficial knowledge which doesn t last long. At the cost of writing exams are many
individuals who do not succeed in a certain profession because they performed poorly on a
particular exam. A change needs to be made to the system of education by creating a scheme which
encourages students to work consistently and enthusiastically, and offers greater opportunity for
each and every student to
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Meriwether Lewis s Suicide
Meriwether Lewis played a vital role in finding Louisiana. He went through a life threatening
journey with William Clark, but it payed off. He became the governor of Louisiana, promoted by
Jefferson. But, on October 11th, 1809, Lewis was gruesomely murdered at the Grinder Inn. His
murder has been ruled a suicidefor decades, but as more people investigate this case, it s evident that
suicide is not what happened.
It s impossible Meriwether Lewis would have killed himself. According to the investigation by the
medical examiner (exhibit B), there were two shots taken that ended Lewis life. One shot was to
the back of his head. The bullet got lodged in his brain and caused part of his skull to come off.
The second gun shot was a shot to the ... Show more content on ...
Priscilla Grinder was the only witness to Lewis murder. Priscilla was questioned three times,
and each time her story changed. According to exhibit C, in the first account Priscilla stated the
alleged suicide had taken place at 3 am. She said there were two gun shots and Lewis servants
had come into his room. Then, Lewis had asked for water. In the second account, the two gun
shots were heard at dusk. She stated Lewis lived for TWO HOURS after the shots were fired. In
the final account, Priscilla said men had come and called for lodging. Lewis had challenged the
men to a duel, but the men declined and continued down to the next house which was five miles
away. Later, there were three gun shots fired at two or three hours before day. Lewis allegedly
knocked on Ms. Grinders door, but she did not answer. Looking through a crack in the wall, she
reported Lewis was crawling across the street on his hands and knees. As seen in exhibit B, it
would ve been impossible for Lewis to survive for long after these shots were taken. Crawling
across the street, living for two more hours after the shots, or simply asking for water wouldn t
have happened. Her accounts changed drastically three times, not one story being like the last. Her
stories are inconsistent, and overall, simply
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Qnt-561 Week 1 Essay
Week Four Team Paper xxxxxxxxxxxxxx QNT/561
August 1, 2012 xxxxxxxxx Week 4 Team Paper
Best Buy is a company that has 40 years of history with a very accomplished sense of success. In
1966 Best Buy was a small electronics store in that originated in St. Paul Minnesota by Richard
Schulze and an acquainted business partner. Considering that technology changes so rapidly, Best
Buy has had to transform from just being the little electronics store down the way into a
competitive, customer driven, talent powered company that emphasizes on pleasing the customers
as it pertains to the life of technology. In 1993 Best Buy was recognized as the nation s second
largest electronics retailer and was recognized by ... Show more content on ...
For an accurate estimate of the relationship between variables, a descriptive study usually needs a
sample of hundreds or even thousands of subjects (The Association for Educational
Communications and Technology). The estimate of the relationship is less likely to be biased if
you have a high participation rate in a sample selected randomly from a population.
Operational Definitions
Operational Definitions
Data of Interest #1The number of products sold during the Holiday Season
How will it be measured #1If the product was sold between November 15 and January 5
Data of Interest #2Number of temporary employees during the Holiday Season
How will it be measured #2If a temporary employee was active after November 15 and inactive
after January 15
Sample Data Collection Designs
There are various methods of collecting data such that the information collected can be used to
draw inferences about the target population. The sales forecast is the key component for the
problem statement and for accuracy it is important to know what consumers prefer over Best Buy.
Participation in business surveys is usually voluntary and the quality of the results depends
crucially on the willingness of enterprises to co operate. A promising approach to getting high
response rates is to make compliance as painless as possible
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Literary Analysis Of The Storm
Kate Chopin implies in the selection, The Storm that the setting and the plot reinforces each
character s action, but only two characters exemplify the title itself, Calixta and Alcee. The storm
becomes the central element of Alcee s unrequited love for Calixta and ultimately the instrument of
their forbidden loveto each other. Hurston concurs in the The Storm that a forbidden relationship
can become a cancerous love and silent death sentence. The Storm s theme was based on Love,
Immoral affair, and Freedom. Chopin s technique of foreshadowing, symbolism, irony, tone, and
imagery set the plot for Alcee, Calixta, Bobinot, and Clarisse in this short story. A bolt struck a
tall chinaberry tree at the edge of the field. It filled all visible space with a blinding glare and
crash seemed to invade the very boards they stood upon (425). The writer used Imagery to depict
how nature shook the foundation of their respective marriages. The significance of the tall
chinaberry tree that crashed the boards was that it made Bobinot and Clarisse almost irrelevant in
the story. The author used the metaphorical expression to indicate how the storm schemed Bobinot
and Clarisse out of the reckoning. The author employed the use of symbolism in the description of
the storm. Storm, a natural phenomenon that brings about extreme weather condition that might
lead to an undesirable outcome. The Storm in the context of the selection brought about a positive
outcome. The storm in the story is not the physical storm that occurred outside with heavy
downpour, but the coming together of Alcee and Bobinot. A physical storm forms when the
atmosphere is saturated with water and droplets of water pour out from the sky. The symbolic
importance of the storm represents the liberation of Alcee and Calixta, from the shackles of
societal or moral expectation. He pushed her hair back from her face that was warm and streaming
her (425). Although Alcee pushed Calixta s hair back to see her face, the author s interpretation
was not physical. Chopin meant that Alcee was able to set Calixta free from the bondage of marriage
temporarily. Bobinot played a major role in the plot that led to infidelity between Calixta and Alcee.
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Richard Scheick s Poem Richard Cory
To the average eye Richard Cory would seem to have the world and no worries in life with his
wealth and social status. However, Richard Cory would turn out to be unhappy and uneasy with
the life around him which would seemingly lead to his death in the end. In the poem Richard
Cory Richard Cory is a humble man who is revered by the townspeople because of his status as a
wealthy individual. Many of the towns people wanted to be in his shoes and thought of him as
king. However, he seemed to be no more than a simple man regardless of his social status. The
narrator even states that he would He was a gentleman from sole to crown/Clean favored, and
imperially slim/And he was always quietly arrayed/and he was always human when he talked
(Robinson... Show more content on ...
Most would agree that he would soon become lonely and began to wonder what life would be
with his social status. If the townspeople wished they were in his place because of his wealth, he
in turn wished he were one of them because they were rich in one another s company (Scheick1).
While everybody wished they were in his shoes, they never actually took the time to get to know
Richard Cory as just a human which is all he was a simple human. [As] Nowhere in the poem is it
suggested that the people try to come to Richard Cory, no where is it either intimated that they
approach him, much less respond to him (Sweet Jr 2). This gives the reader an indication of how
because of his wealth he was somewhat shunned from the towns society unintentionally as they
believed that he was much more than a regular
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The Ethical Proprietaries Of Crispr-Cas. L. Dedroog. Bachelor
The Ethical proprietaries of CRISPR Cas
Bachelor in de Farmaceutische en Biologische Laboratoriumtechnologie
OPO: Beroepsethiek
Academiejaar 2016 2017
UC Leuven Limburg
Gezondheid en Welzijn Campus Gasthuisberg
Herestraat 49 3000 Leuven 1. Introduction
Over the past decade there has been an enormous increase in high efficient techniques for studying
the cell on a molecular level [1]. These techniques are responsible for a better understanding of the
human body and the invention of a plethora of clinical treatments, ranging from cancer drugs to
vaccinations [2].
Due to the increased knowledge of the human body, there should be asked what the ethical
concerns might be of being able to have a surpassing ... Show more content on ...
This is done so the reader can have the fullest understanding of the concerns.
3.1 Modifying our children s children
To exemplify this ethical aspects of CRISPR Cas, we will view the application as a means of
knocking out pathogenic genes in a fetus which might carries a heritable disease.
To knock out the pathogenic gene in a therapeutic way all cells must be affected, for this the right
dosage of the nuclease (Cas9) must be administered. The delicate part is determining the right
dosage; if the dosage is too low not all cells will be affected and the pathogenic gene may still be
functional. On the other hand, if the dosage is too high the nuclease may cut unspecific and knock
out required genes, which can even result in losing the life of the patient [3].
For this reason scientists tend to focus on modifying human embryos instead of somatic cells (after
birth). In doing so the number of cells can be determined beforehand and the dose can easier be
optimized. The method will be applied during in vitro fertilization, more specifically in the post
fertilization period of the zygote, just before implantation in the mother. After the treatment with
nuclease, the cells can be screened for the presence of the pathogen gene [8]. As a result the child
will live free of the disease. Although this sounds very promising, the use of genetically modifying
therapeutics on embryos awakens many ethical concerns.
The most conspicuous concern
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Neasha The Great Sparknotes
Neasha the Great Fighting for what you believe in, is powerful way to strengthen yourself and
people around you. There was once a beautiful New Zealand girl named Neasha that lived on a
green luscious island called Popomi. She had long, curly, brown hair that passed her hips and
big light brown eyes that shined as bright as the sun. Neasha and her family were in a tribe
called Tuamo that was all about peace and love for the island. There was another tribe called Api
i and they were all about taking over the lands. One day Api i was trying to take over Tuamo s
land. The Tuamo people were so innocent that they were letting Api i take over. Neasha then
refused to let them take control of their land and home. She then plans to go to the territory of Api
i and was going to try take the Ledgens of the Spear, to make a peace treaty with the tribe. Neasha
then starts her adventure through a dark, misty, forest to get to the tribe. She then sees two big, tall,
muscled men who were guarding the front entrance to the Api i tribe. She then plans out how to
distract them from seeing her pass through the entrance. Above her, she sees a shadow... There was
a group of monkey s passing above her. She then grab a fallen banana that was right beside her on
a rock. Neasha throws it past the guards, down the hill, and then the... Show more content on ...
At this point she feels that she can t complete the plan that she wanted achieve. As she was
panicking she yelled, Help! I am stuck in a ditch! Help! Then she sees a dark shadow above her.
She notices that it was Hapa a to save her. He then grabs vines and pulls her out of the ditch.
Neasha says Thank you so much for rescuing me! She said with a smile. Neasha then realizes
that he actually likes her and that s why he came back for her. As they were walking to the cave in
which lies the Ledgens of the Spear. Hapa a wanted to tell
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I Am A United States Army Soldier
I have always wanted to be a United States Army soldier. The purpose of the Army is to preserve
peace and security and providing for the defense of the United States, the commonwealths,
possessions and any areas occupied by the United States. While being apart of this strong,
ambitious and motivated group, I would like to be apart of the communication and networking
field by becoming a radio operator. At the age of eleven years old, I was able to fix my radio that
had been broken with ripped wiring. That s what motivated me and made me interested in
pursuing a career in radio operating. Also, growing up as a young man, I have always enjoyed
assisting and helping people. The reason I chose this career is because I want to make a difference...
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Also, it is important that I study and do well for the ASVAB. (Armed Services Vocational
Aptitude Battery) This is a multiple choice test broken into sections consisting of mathematics,
general science and arithmetic reasoning. Throughout the testing process, I will have to take
another course dealing with paragraph and mechanical understanding. This course and test will
help me better understand my strengths and identifying which Army jobs are best for me. The
higher I am able to score on the test, means the more job opportunities that are available for me.
When my ASVAB test is complete and I have a ship off date, I will be starting basic training.
After these requirements are met then I will have to complete basic training. Basic Training is a
course that transforms civilians into soldiers. Over the course of ten weeks, this training will
test me mentally and physically. Before basic training, it is important that I get into the process
of getting in shape. Getting in shape before the military is beneficial so that PT (physical
training) will not be as challenging. Lots of running and daily exercise will also help prior to
basic training. Towards the end of training, I will have to pass a PT test which consist of 3
categories. To pass this test I will have to complete 35 push ups, 47 sit ups and a 2 mile run that is
required to be under 16 minutes and 36
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Virtual Reality
Oxford Dictionary defines virtual reality as The computer generated simulation of a three
dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way
by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves
fitted with sensors.
Wikipedia says Virtual Reality(VR), which can be referred to as immersive multimedia or computer
simulated life, replicates an environment that simulates physical presence in places in the real world
or imagined worlds. Virtual reality can recreate sensory experiences, which include virtual taste,
sight, smell, sound, and touch.
As with the definition goes,Virtual Reality (VR) in simple way to define I would say it is the use
of computer technology embedded with many different sensors which mimics the natural
environment and make us feel as if ... Show more content on ...
Haptic systems that provide physical feedback or allow a fully articulated presence within an
environment are clumsy and can cause problems during use. The type of hardware that even
simple head mounted displays use can break the sense of immersion as adjustments to the device
need to be made and components such as wires and headphones turn into obstacles to natural
movement.Socially, some of the disadvantages of using virtual reality as entertainment have
already started to surface, even without an experience that fully removes a person from his or her
surrounding stimuli. One issue is social isolation, in which the user of virtual reality relies more on
interactions that take place in a virtual world than on experiences in the real world. This lack of
true, physical interaction has the potential to create incorrect associations that are not part of real
social settings. The isolation could eventually cause depression, disassociation and other conditions,
if it is severe
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Pollution And Its Effects On The United States
Hazardous Pollution Water Pollution has been an increasing problem over the last few years.
Pollution comes from many different things; agricultural, urban runoff, industrial, sedimentary,
animal wastes, and leeching from landfills/septic systems just to name a few (Resources). The
reason why pollution has increased over the years is because the rise in population and the
advancements in technology the society has made. If society plans on having their resources here
for many years to come they are going to have to make some drastic changes in the way they treat
the earth, and these changes will have to start with their pollutants (Foundation). Tar Pamlico River
is one of the many rivers in North Carolina. It runs one hundred eighty... Show more content on ...
Home to 10 million hogs, North Carolina is the number two producer of swine in the United
States. Swine produce about ten times the fecal waste of an average human being, resulting in
roughly thirteen million pounds of waste per day from the North Carolina herd (Smith Jernigan).
Research has found that hog and poultry feces and urine are leaking out of open air, unlined
cesspools, draining off the waste disposal fields used by the facilities and polluting the Tar River.
Samples have shown that fifty eight percent of watersheds have shown swine or poultry manure
effects (Henderson). In addition, the large corporations behind this industry will not be liable for
mismanagement of animal waste and the harm it causes public health and the environment. The
corporations may own the hogs and the feed, but they do not take ownership of the waste. The
waste, and its liability, becomes the problem of the contract growers and the state of North
Carolina. Until the corporations are held accountable for externalizing the true cost of their
business to the public, hog lagoons and spray fields will continue to plague eastern North Carolina
for a very long time (Foundation). Polluted storm water runoff, including sediment from poorly
maintained construction sites, is the number one reason for poor water quality in North Carolina.
Sediment can cause severe problems for creeks, rivers and estuaries on which we
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Using Oral Corrective Feedback And Understanding Of...
Research Concept Paper
Research title: Using Oral Corrective Feedback Collaborate with Written Corrective Feedback to
Encourage long term improvement and understanding of English Writing Skill
Introduction Nowadays, English is one of important languages in the world because it is used as an
international language in all fields around the world. From this reason, it is necessary to know all
aspects of this language. Academic English writing is also an important skill since it is used
extensively in higher education and in the workplace makes English writing ability becomes a
necessary skill. However, many Thai students who don t have good writing ability are not able to
write accurately even English major students. This study will find out the way to improve writing
skill in university students. The researchers believe that one of the factors affecting the writing
ability is the way of giving corrective feedback of teachers and the feedback can help learners
develop their writing skill. There are two types of corrective feedback which usually found in
university writing courses: written corrective feedback and oral corrective feedback. However, the
lecturers normally use only written corrective feedback in their classes. This teaching strategy still
has a gap that some students don t understand why the mistakes are not correct. Moreover, this gap
of using only one method of using corrective feedbacks cannot make students improve their writing
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Canine s Thyroid Disease
There are diseases in which an animal s body does not function properly. Companion animals
whose body produce excess amounts of thyroxin (T3 T4), a thyroid hormone from the thyroid
gland, is diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism, also called thyrotoxicosis. This disease is not
recognized in livestock like in companion pets. Felines who are adult age are the companion animal
designated to contract this disease. Canine s thyroidcomposition can handle and dispose of any
excessive hormone surplus, so hyperthyroidismsymptoms only occur when a tumor is present. Each
species of animal has its own anatomical thyroid gland. In general, non cancerous adenomas are
known to enlarge thyroid glands, whereas thyroid adenocarcinomas also enlarge the gland, but...
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Heart and kidney function, as well as the brain and eyes can be damaged when hypertension is
secondary to hyperthyroidism. Signs of the disease are hyperexcitability, vomiting, diarrhea,
increased thirst, increased urination, and weight loss even with increased appetite. The
hyperthyroidism is diagnosed by clinical signs, symptoms, and blood tests to check hormone levels
and chemistry panels.
Surgery to remove the thyroid is a cure to eliminate hyperthyroidism, but a thyroidectomy will
require hormone medication for the rest of the animal s life. As with any surgery with
anesthesia, there is a risk, and since the parathyroid gland is in close proximity to the thyroid
gland, care must be taken to not damage the parathyroid gland. Medication to control the
production of excess T3 and T4 hormone is a treatment, not a cure for the disease. However, if
the animal has side effects which have to be dealt with, daily dosing of anti thyroid medication,
and veterinarian visits for blood tests fall to the responsibility of the owner. Radioactive iodine
therapy is a safe, effective way to kill the thyroid abnormal tissue, providing another cure for
hyperthyroidism. An injection of the radioactive iodine is performed by the veterinarian and the
iodine is engrossed by the bloodstream, with no adverse side effects or the risk of anesthesia. Since
this treatment is radioactive, hospitalization after injection must be adhered until the
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Comparing Montagues And Capulets In The City Of Verona
Shakespeare is saying that two families which we know from reading the story are the
Montagues and Capulets. They are both similar in many ways. They have equally high
reputations in the City of Verona so therefore they are equally respected. We can tell from this
that the play takes place in the city of Verona and based on further explanation we know that
Verona was a city in Italy. We also can tell from the prologue that the two families hold a grudge
between the other and this is a long occurring event as everyone from the families despises the
other aside from Romeo and Juliet. We already know that they are well respected in the city of
Verona so they probably fall under the rich. Knowing this we can say that their reputation is of the
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The Progressive Era Of Social And Political Reform
During the time from the 1890s to the 1920s a period of social and political reform took place in
the United States known as the Progressive Era. The era saw the expansion of political and
economic freedom through the reinvigoration of the moment for woman suffrage, the use of
political power to expand workers rights and efforts to improve democratic government by
weakening the power of the city bosses and giving ordinary citizens more influence on legislation.
The progressive reformers from this time gained a majority of their support from the education
middle class of urban areas. Another term used to describe these reformers is Muckrakers.
Muckrakers were investigative journalists who tried to make the public aware of the problems in
society that needed fixing. They stemmed from yellow journalism, which was a style of reporting
that used exaggeration to attract readers. In a speech made by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt in
1906, the term muckraker was used in a derogatory way, he borrowed the word from John Bunyan
s Puritan story Pilgrim s Progress, which spoke of a man with a Muck rake in his hand who raked
filth rather than look up to nobler things. However, it eventually came to take on a positive
overtone due to the serious social issues of the progressive era the muckrakers had underlined. The
muckrakers during the progressive era inspired Americans to take action and hence are responsible
for the social change that took place at that time.
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Notes On Bloom s Connection Puzzles
Bloom s Connection Puzzles
a. The course content I would use this strategy for would be in Social Studies. However, this
concept could be applied to any area that would be taught in the eighth grade.
b. The learner will identify significant events, people, and documents in the major eras of United
States history.
c. This selected activity would work well for this content because it will allow the students to
explore different areas of a topic to help finish the puzzle. My thoughts are that this would be an
ongoing project that might take several days, weeks, or even the entire year as the students
explore United States history. My vision for this activity is to use puzzle pieces that are color
coded. One specific color for who, what, where, when, why, and how. The start of any puzzle
column could be any color and will be created by either the teacher or the student. The students and
teachers will then finish the puzzle column with as many different puzzle colors that are possible
that will help to explain the original puzzle piece. For instance, I might start with a who puzzle
piece with the name Rosa Parks. The students would then search that person to find how further
information to place on connecting color coded puzzle pieces. Another start might be a what with
Stamp Act written on it. The students would then find out further information to finish the puzzle.
Each column of the puzzle pieces would sit side by side to create a larger puzzle of our United
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A P Lab
Evaluate how the name of a muscle can distinguish its location, action, shape, and function. Select
five different muscles to make this distinction. Descriptive terms are used to name skeletal muscles.
Some names give the location in the body. The temporalis muscle is attached to the temporal bone
in the skull. The brachialis muscle is attached to the humerus bone, but brachial refers to the main
artery in the arm. Some muscles are named for their origins and insertions, like the genioglossus
muscle, for example, originates at the chin (geneion) and inserts in the tongue (glossus). Some
muscles are named for the arrangement of the fascicle groups. For example the rectus abdominus is
the straight muscle that is in the adbominus.... Show more content on ...
scapula Mandible and skin of the cheek Depresses mandible; tenses skin of neck Facial nerve
Sternocleido mastoid clavicular head attaches to sternal end of clavicle; sternal head attaches to
manubrium clavicular head attaches to sternal end of clavicle; sternal head attaches to
manubrium Together, they flex the neck; alone, one side bends head toward shoulder and turns
face to opposite side Accessory nerve (N XI) and cervical spinal nerves (C2 C3) of cervical plexus
Splenius Spinous processes and ligaments connecting inferior cervical and superior thoracic
vertebrae Mastoid process, occipital bone of skull, and superior cervical vertebrae Together, the
two sides extend neck; alone, each rotates and laterally flexes neck to that side Cervical spinal
nerves Scalenes Transverse and costal processes of cervical vertebrae Superior surfaces of first two
ribs Elevate ribs or flex neck Cervical spinal nerves External Coastals Inferior border of each rib
Superior border of more inferior rib Elevate ribs Intercostal nerves (branches of thoracic spinal
nerves) External Oblique External and inferior borders of ribs 5 12 Linea alba and iliac crest
Compresses abdomen, depresses ribs, flexes or bends spine Intercostal, iliohypogastric, and
ilioinguinal nerves Diaphragm Xiphoid process, cartilages of ribs 4 10, and anterior surfaces of
lumbar vertebrae Central tendinous sheet Contraction expands thoracic cavity, compresses
abdominopelvic cavity Phrenic
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Dodge Grand Caravan Research Paper
Have you been looking for an affordable family vehicle that will safely carry children, has the
ability to get important tasks done, and has a fuel efficient engine with plenty of get up and go?
Stop by Campbell Chrysler Dodge to see the trims of the 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan near
Olympia. The Dodge Grand Caravan has been around for thirty years, revolutionizing the way
families travel. The 2015 Grand Caravan continues the legacy with a versatile interior with ample
safety and comfort amenities, and an athletic fuel efficient engine. Trims of the 2015 Dodge
Grand Caravan near Olympia The trims of the 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan near Olympia are
American Value Package (AVP), SE, SE Plus, SXT, SXT Plus, and R/T. No matter which trim you
select, you will drive home in an affordable and versatile minivanwith seating for up to eight
passengers, with plenty of room for their cargo. In fact, the Grand Caravan has 33 cubic feet of
cargo space, which can be increased to approximately 144 cubic feet by folding the stow and go
second and third row seats into the floor.... Show more content on ...
In addition, the new Grand Caravan has a wealth of comfort features, including a four speaker
sound system with auxiliary jack and CD player, dual zone air conditioning, tilt and telescoping
steering wheel, and conversation mirror. If your family enjoys watching movies, the Grand Caravan
has an optional Blu ray and DVD duel screen entertainment system with wireless infrared
headphones, remote control, and an HDMI
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Understanding The Hidden Layers And Complexities That Lie...
2.According to Cloke and Goldsmith (2011), one way of understanding the hidden layers and
complexities that lie beneath the surface of our conflicts is by using the metaphor of the iceberg
(p. 66). Just like an iceberg, there are layers in conflicts. What we see is only a portion of what is
happening. Below the water line, is much more. In fact, the portion that we see on the surface is the
current issue at hand. The issue is usually easy to observe. On the other hand, there is always things
that is happening under the surface. They are usually less easy to point out. Beneath the surface,
there are personalities. People behave, communicate, and get things done in different ways. After,
there is emotions. To reach the best resolution we can, each party in a conflictshould be true about
their emotions by bringing empathy into the picture. Next, there is interests, needs, and desires.
This is where each party should be curious. It is important to ask questions in order to find out the
needs and concerns behind people s action. Also, self perceptions and self esteem. In the iceberg
of conflict, there are hidden expectations. Here is when the conflicting parties should use their
active listening skills to figure out the missing links. They should listen and try to understand the
other party perspectives. Lastly, there is unresolved issues from the past. Keeping an open mind is
critical in this stage. If you are still angry, it is wise to calm
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Ketchup Research Papers
Do you like eating something sweet? You may say yes, or no. But no matter what you answer, it
s sure that you will ingest sugar more or less every day, since the main food like rice, wheat and
potato are mostly made of a kind of sugar called starch. Besides of eating main food, most of us
will eat some snacks, like candy, potato chips, or have some soft drinks. It seems this kind of life is
normal, but WTO (2015) suggests that an adult male should reduce the sugarintake to around 8
teaspoons (about 32 grams) and adult woman should reduce to around 6 teaspoons (about 24
grams). What s the concept about this? We should know a fact that a teaspoon of ketchup
contains about 1 teaspoon of sugar and a bottle of soft drinks contains about 10 teaspoons of
sugar. What we eat are now full of sugar. We re in an age of excessive sugar , which can be
harmful to the health. And the situation should be... Show more content on ...
This can be associated with a concept named sugar addiction . It seems it s hard to connect sugar
with addiction , because we eat sugar every day, and we tend to connect addiction to something
that sounds more chemical like drugs. But some researches show that sugar addiction really
exists. According to the research of Avena, Rada and Hoebel (2008), sugar can be a kind of
addiction material. It is found that sugar can make human body to release opioids and dopamine,
which are two kinds of substances that are considered as addictable. This article summarizes the
evidence of sugar dependence in an animal model, and the evidence supports the hypothesis that
rats can become sugar addicted under certain circumstances. Also, the research of Wideman,
Nadzam and Murphy (2005) indicates the effects of sugar addiction, withdrawal and relapse are
similar to the effects of drugs addiction. From the researches about the mechanism of being
addicted to sugar, we can see that it s possible to let a man become addicted to
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The Assessment Of Water Quality And Stream Health Essay
cology Lab Four: The Assessment of Water Quality and Stream Health in Local (Lowell MA)
Freshwater Systems via the Analysis of Biotic and Abiotic Indicators Abstract: Overall the
objective of this lab exercise was to introduce students to watershed ecology and the ecological
factors that affect water quality. Students used biotic (macroinvertebrates ) and abiotic
indicators to asses the quality of water in a freshwater body. Specifically students collected
water chemistry data (hardness, nitrate/phosphate concentrations, dissolved O2 and pH) to
asses the quality of water. Additionally macroinvertebrates from the benthic environment of a
respective field site were collected, analyzed as well as catalogued. Collectively the results
indicated that a greater species diversity was indicative of greater water quality(Lenat). Likewise
within a freshwater ecosystems a negative correlation was found to exist between fluctuating
abiotic factors,species diversity and water quality. It can be concluded that amongst the three
field sites the ranking of water quality from highest to lowest is as follows; Great Brook Farm,
Russell Mill pond, Lawrence Street Stream. Introduction: There are two categories for bodies of
freshwater, these are lentic and lotic. A lentic body of water in stationary such as a lake or pond
and a lotic body of water is flowing such as a river or stream. Lentic or lotic, a productive body of
freshwater is a resource that provides water for drinking,agriculture,
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Lao Tzu And Tao Te Ching
Taoism is one of the most indigenous philosophical practices of China that is defined as a way of
maximizing power. Many people believed that Taoism originated based on the teachings of Lao
Tzu, who lived in the 6th century. Tao Te Ching and Chaung Tzu focused on two most prominent
Taoist writings in that era. Tao Te Ching
, written by Lao Tzu translated the literary piece known as
The Classic of the Way and its Power . Taoism symbolizes the idea of oneness; it introduces
philosophical concepts such as ying and yang. Yin is related to darkness while yang is associated
with brightness and interrelates with the wu wei. Although the wu wei means non action, not only
does it correlate with the Tao but also guides individuals the way to an enlightened human being....
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We wei underlines the way of life in an active yet yielding manner; it emphasizes the importance
of preventing, forceful, aggressive and self assertive actions. Wu wei methodologically interprets
that it is wiser to accept the opposing force of presence rather than reject it; however, it indicates
not completely surrendering to the opposition at the expense of one s own existence. As Lao Tzu
asserted in Tao Te Ching, the symbolism of water is the most acute representation of we wei in
Taoism. Water in a spiritual way is ubiquitous, under heaven nothing is more soft and yielding than
water, yet for attacking the solid and strong nothing is better (seventy eight). It implies that water
can conform into any shape that the vessel holds; for example, what Lao Tzu means by soft and
yielding is that water can change its shape and transform into solid; it represents different energetic
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Gender Roles And The Media
In the 21st century, we see women in the media have many roles that men have, such as, police
officer, doctor and running to become president, while a nurse and teacher have emerged as both
men and women jobs. Over time, the media show how gender role had changed but are what the
media is showing the truth about the genderroles in the United States. Historian and scholar had
written about this subject of gender roles and how the media affect our view.
Thesis statement
Reality vs. Fiction Is the media giving the public a reality of how gender roles are portrayed during
a period or is it a fiction story that helps people cope with the fact of gender role during the time.
The media played an important role as people tried to deal with and interpreted the social change in
their midst.
In A Thoroughbred girl image of female gender role in turn of the century media. They give the
history of women and how they should act by telling a story. Janet Mickish and Patricia Searles
article published in 1984, even though this article is over 32 year old, their viewpoint is still a
subject that is still talked about today. Mickish and Searles analyze The Ladies home Journal,
which first published in 1883, but they pick articles that issued in 1905. Patricia Searles and
Janet Mickish are not a historian, but many others have cited their work over the year. Melissa R.
Klapper books, Jewish Girl s Coming of Age in America, 1860 1920 use Mickish and Searle s
article in her
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Project Management with Reference to the Construction of...
The Roman engineers were the first in history to discover that proper management of men and
resources could greatly decrease the time it takes to complete a construction project. The
management structure the Romans employed on their many public construction projects was very
simple, but very effective in communicating information through the appropriate channels.
Coupling this management structure with previous experience, the Romans were able to increase
the efficiency of their endless labour force. Given that no scriptures on the topic of project
managementhave been discovered, it is hard to know whether the Romans knew exactly what they
had achieved. However, even though they are more complex, the processes used today can be quite
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The next level of men consisted of contractors and foreman that supervised small crews of men.
The foremen had to have a very good understanding of what they were being asked to do and how
to organize their crews to work as efficiently and fast as possible. Foremen were also required to
physically demonstrate to the men being supervised what they were expected to do and probably
administered discipline to men for poor work. Another branch of men , not directly related to
physical work, lead to the engineers. This branch contained the levellers and surveyors. They
worked under the engineer and maintained communication with the contractor but they did not
really fit between either. These men were educated in a variety of subjects but especially math. The
surveyors used simple tools to perform very important elevation calculations and with the engineers
they plotted the paths of the aqueducts. They communicated with the contractor(s) to explain the
path and the slope that the labours were being asked to construct.
The most important people in the construction team were the engineers. Everything that happened
on the project fell to them to deal with. For this reason Vitruvius gives many examples of things that
engineers needed to know and should have studied, including math and some unusual topics such as
philosophy and music (Vitruvius: On Architecture, 2006). The engineers
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Toys Are Today s Society Essay
Toys Are Us
In today s society, parents throughout the United States differ on their views towards children s
toys. Some children face different options and consequences when wanting a toy from the
opposite gender section. Occasionally, you will see in the headlines of a newspaper saying how
progressive a mother is because she allows her son to wear a princess costume. Mainly, the toys
that are aimed towards boys are associated with sports and aggression. Yet for girls, the toys that
are aimed towards them are associated with homemaking and glamor. These qualities are so
recognized and known that I have decided to do an essay on them to see what is alike and what
is different in the areas of the toys. I decided to follow two families for this analysis. These two
families both come from a Mexican culture. In household X, the family is both Mexican and
American. In household Y, the family comes from a strict Mexican culture. In response to my
analysis, based on what I have seen in both of the households I visited, I feel as though the children
should choose what matters to them in relevance to the fun. Allowing the children to have a variety
of toys opens up different skills. Different toys bring different challenges. Parents should not restrict
their children to strong gender toys, as though it could not help them develop physically,
academically, artistically, cognitively, and musically.
In household X, the family of six had a young daughter who is approximately three years
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Taking a Look at Eurasian Milfoil
Invasive species are organisms that harm a new environment that they are not native to. Many
invasive species like Eurasian milfoil are easily able to reproduce and can do so fast. Due to this,
the limited space in a body of water or area of land is quickly taken over by the invasive species so
other native plants face the risk of death or even extinction. Overall, these invasive speciescan do
great harm to an ecosystemor an economy, causing problems that are destructive to numerous
Eurasian milfoil or Myriophyllum spicatum is an aquatic invasive plant that can be found
throughout the Chicagoland area and in surrounding bodies of water. This plant can be a
hinderance to swimming, boating, and fishing because of their thick, tangled stems and mats of
vegetation. According to the Minnesota Sea Grant, Eurasian milfoil also overcrowd a body of
water which leaves little room for the plants native to the Great Lakes. One prediction is that if the
Eurasian milfoil is not stopped, a reduction of biodiversity may result in Chicago and the areas
surrounding it. If this was to occur, the ecosystems of the Midwest region would be significantly
impacted in a negative way. As reported by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture),
Eurasian milfoil, which is native to Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa, was most likely accidentally
introduced to the United States through ballast water, which is water from other places that is
dumped into another body of water to aid in
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West Memphis Three Case
In 1993, three boys were murdered in West Memphis, Arkansas. Because of the condition the
victims were in, the authorities believed that they were involved in a satanic ritual. Three teenagers
were accused and convicted because they were outcasts and no other leads were pursued. Even
though the West Memphis Three got justice after almost two decades of serving time, the original
trial was prejudiced.
The three teenagers were Jessie Misskelley, Jason Baldwin, and Damien Echols. They had records
of criminal activity and violent behaviour. Furthermore, Misskelley and Echols had dropped out of
school. Echols and Baldwin were close friends, but only acquainted with Misskelley. Echols is
declared to have a ...serious mental illness characterized ... Show more content on ...
Before the jury made a decision about the guilt of the defendants, the jury foreman talked to both
an attorney and the judge involved. A former attorney for the defendant Misskelley later noted that
he heard the judge and foreman speaking during a lunch break, and the foreman stated that the
jury was almost to a conclusion while Judge Burnett responded, You ll need food for when you
come back for sentencing, ( 1). The judge was implying that the defendants
were guilty before the jury reached a verdict. It was known that the foreman was advocating that
the defendants were liable for the scandal. Although there was a retrial, it was still unjust because
of the circumstances of the deal. After many requests for retrial, the West Memphis Three received
an Alford plea deal. The deal is where the accused plead guilty while still professing their actual
innocence, in cases where they accept that prosecutors have sufficient information to acquire a
conviction. The Alford plea contrived that the defendants served 18 years and 78 days, which was
the time that they served, and could not seek domestic help for improper imprisonment. Even
though the original convictions were repealed, the West Memphis Three still didn t receive justice
for their
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Compilation of Mathematicians and Their Contributions
I. Greek Mathematicians
Thales of Miletus
Birthdate: 624 B.C.
Died: 547 546 B. C.
Nationality: Greek
Title: Regarded as Father of Science
Contributions: * He is credited with the first use of deductive reasoning applied to geometry. *
Discovery that a circle is bisected by its diameter, that the base angles of an isosceles triangle are
equal and that vertical angles are equal. * Accredited with foundation of the Ionian school of
Mathematics that was a centre of learning and research. * Thales theorems used in Geometry:
1. The pairs of opposite angles formed by two intersecting lines are equal. 2. The base angles of an
isosceles triangle are equal. 3. The sum of the angles in a triangle is 180В°. 4. An angle ... Show
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The attribution is held to be anachronistic however by J J O Connor and E F Robertson who name
Theon of Alexandria as a more likely author. 4. Phaenomena, a treatise on spherical astronomy,
survives in Greek; it is quite similar to On the Moving Sphere by Autolycus of Pitane, who
flourished around 310 BC.
* Famous five postulates of Euclid as mentioned in his book Elements
1. Point is that which has no part. 2. Line is a breadthless length. 3. The extremities of lines are
points. 4. A straight line lies equally with respect to the points on itself. 5. One can draw a straight
line from any point to any point.
* The Elements also include the following five common notions : 1. Things that are equal to the
same thing are also equal to one another (Transitive property of equality). 2. If equals are added to
equals, then the wholes are equal. 3. If equals are subtracted from equals, then the remainders are
equal. 4. Things that coincide with one another equal one another (Reflexive Property). 5. The
whole is greater than the part.
Birthdate: 424/423 B.C.
Died: 348/347 B.C.
Nationality: Greek
Contributions: * He helped to distinguish between pure and applied mathematics by widening the
gap between arithmetic , now called number theory and logistic , now called arithmetic. * Founder
of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the
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Leap Year Traditions
Leap Year Traditions to Try in Your Home
Research: http:/
/ 20 craziest facts about leap
Meta Description: Looking for a way to add some fun to this year s leap day? Try bringing one of
these traditions into your home.
Meta Keywords: Leap year traditions, Leap year, Leap day traditions, February 29 tradition
Make Leap Day a Holiday This Year with One of These Traditions
Well, we re in another anomalous year this year. It s a leap year and at the end of February we
will correct an oddity of the Earth s orbit and add a day to the calendar. The tradition of adding
February twenty ninth to the calendar dates back ... Show more content on ...
There is one big one, but we ll save it for last. Leap Day does have some interesting associations
though, ones that you could borrow from to create your own traditions. Read on for our list of two
fictional traditions and one true tradition that you can try in your home.
Frog Catching and Jumping Day
Depending on your location and the weather at the end of February, the twenty ninth may or may
not be a good time to gather the children and head to the local creek, pond, or other wetland in
search of frogs. Leap Year, for obvious reasons has long been associated with frogs and frogs are
seen as good luck on the twenty ninth. Gather your frogs and bring them home for an old fashioned
frog jumping contest. For bonus points consider the traditional frog leg feast of the twenty ninth.
Gioacchino Rossini Day
You may not realize this, but the great Italian opera composer Giaocchino Rossini was born on
Leap Day in 1792. To celebrate, dress the familyup in period costume and put on your own
production of The Barber of Seville or William Tell. For bonus points consider adding a little
danger to the mix with real archery and real
... Get more on ...
Pool Halls Research Paper
When putting together a bar there is a lot more than what hits the eye. A study by the sociology
department at Ohio State University conducted a study about pool halls. What they found was that
when you out the pool table in the front of bar people take less care of something that they have
easy access to. When you put the pooltable at the back you get more traffic at the barraising the
number of drinks sold thus giving the bar more money. With the pool tables in the back people
will spend more time at the bars and less time at the pool table.
The people who go there to just play pool and know how to play pool will be able to play without
people walking in their way. The people who will continue to come and continue to come will set a
... Show more content on ...
Telling them that we are telling you. The Culture change will be the hardest to get but all of this
is possible. We need workers and bartenders who will be able to adjust and excel in the new work
Naysayer s will argue that the supply and demand are not there. There just aren t enough people to
fill the bar. There are 15,000 students enrolled this semester there are enough people to fill a bar.
You just need to find out where they are going athe why they are going to those places. Then
figuring out what will get them back.
We just told you why Billiard Players aren t going to the bar maybe other people are having the
same issue. I was hanging out with a friend and he was recently in there saying that he likes The
Point but it has some issues. The video game controllers are gross and the nobs doesn t have any
soft rubber on them anymore.
Cost can be an issue for a lot of us and where will we be able to get the money to make the
changes needed. We can raise the tuition $100 for one semester and that about $100,000 that we
can put into for an even better experience. The next semester will drop back down. For those of
you who think that is wrong then we can host tournaments with $50 entrence fee and have a pot of
money for the
... Get more on ...
Confederation In 1865
1. The first major reason of confederation was the threat of an American takeover. From 1861 to
1865, a Civil War occurred in America between Northern states fighting the Southern states. The
issue was whether North and South should remain united or whether the South would separate.
Canada became involved in the tension in 1864. A group of Southern soldiers raided the village of
St Albans in Vermont, a Northern state. They robbed banks, set houses on fire, and then dashed
across the border into Canada to escape. The Northern state saw this incident as evidence that
Canada was hostile to the North cause. When North won the Civil War in 1865, Canadians really
began to worry; they wondered whether North would now turn its armies on them. The... Show
more content on ...
This new organized commerce law is horrendous for us! We can no more make a benefit by
exchanging with the Americans, and the greater part of our trench frameworks and flour plants are
no more use to us! We have no benefit! We require assets from different states! Americans Here are
some alternate points of view and responses of the new organized commerce law, expressing that
Britain would permit merchandise from any nation without duty. The new unhindered commerce
law is incredible for us! We can now openly exchange with Great Britain for no assessment, and
make a considerably more prominent benefit! Presently we can put resources into more channel
frameworks and flour factories to make a fortune! English North American Colonies Great
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How Does Woolf Present Women In The Great Gatsby
Women and Expectations in the 1920s Virginia Woolf expresses a lot of different aspects of
characters in Mrs. Dalloway, and one of them is the relation of the characteristics of Clarissa
Dalloway and women in the 1920s in general. In this story, Clarissa Dalloway is a character who
most likely to be expressed as mellow and miserable. She is miserable and sad because she is
most likely stuck in her previous life, regarding her previous relationship and memories with
somebody. She has been thinking about it every single day and she cannot get rid of it. Her
unhappiness is caused by her lack of activities and social life, and she was encouraged to choose
quick decision by her mindset at that time period. Women in the 20s apparently have the same
thoughts and ideas, and Clarissa is one of them. In... Show more content on ...
They are expected to have a partner for their life, and Clarissa had Peter. However, she eventually
chose Richard over Peter, and ended up marrying him. Nonetheless, her feelings were too fast.
She was still stuck on her past with Peter. It was not a good choice for her. She would still think
about Peter even the years after. But with Peter everything had to be showed, everything gone
into (Woolf 8) This evidence from the book shows that she is still comparing her relationship
with Peter and Richard. She is still very guilty in the inside. Her relationship and Richard was
fairly open, but this does not support Clarissa s feelings towards Richard. For in marriage a little
license, a little independence there must be between people living together day in day out in the
same house; which Richard gave her, and she him. (Woolf) This sentence would be the evidence
of their independent relationship, and it does not make her happy. Marriage did not work for
Clarissa, and the fact that women were all married in that time period, relates to her sadness
because it seems like it rushes her time and her feelings towards
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The Game Of The Basketball State Playoffs Essay
It is the first round of the Basketball State playoffs, and with eight seconds left, the talented
Northwest team is down by three. The star point guard speed dribbles up the court, the tension on
and off the court is immense, the pressure is even greater. Everyone during and prior to this game,
had witnessed a season full of promise, and the consensus conclusion for most recognized this team
as the best team to have ever come out Northwest High School. This was our best and likely only
chance for success. So as the point guard puts the ball up, time nearly stops, it has a chance, but in
like in life, the game of basketballis unforgiving, he misses. As most made their pre conceived
predictions of the future, or lack thereof, a young sophomore and his Junior Varsity teammates,
inspired by our elders walking off the court, and the doubters going home, bonded together.
Believing we were destined for something historical, and mythological outside our small circle
thus a community was born. The 2016 Northwest Varsity Basketball team, the discourse
community, where I developed relationships with people I call my brothers, a community which
has shaped my work ethic, and has given me the knowledge of the amount of work it takes to be
successful. Work which came in the efforts of a particular goal which at the time was unknown
amongst teammates. To us the future was still a mystery, a mystery in which we knew would
outline some kind of success.
Fast forward two years since the
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The United States And The American Revolution
Throughout American history, there have been countless monumental events. Learning about the
past is a great way to understand where you came from, what happened to make the world how it
is today, and to feel connected to your country and your roots.
In 1607, the thirteen colonies were founded. These colonies were classified into three different
groups, the New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies. The states
included in these groups were New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New
York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina
and Georgia. The thirteen colonies played an important role in expansion, farming, politics, religion,
and freedom. I ... Show more content on ...
Living close enough to Boston to be able to take day trips every now and then made me become
very interested in it s past.
In 1869, Africans were brought over to Jamestown, Virginia to work as slaves, and aid in the
production of important, popular crops such as tobacco and cotton. Throughout the years slavery
became more and more popular, until the Civil War put an end to it. Slavery had a severe impact
on the world, causing problems such as segregation, government corruption, wars, and excessive
violence. I chose this topic because I feel that it s an important event to learn about, despite the
shame or guilt most Americans feel for enslaving so many people.
The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments listed in the U.S Constitution. These ten amendments
include the freedom of speech and religion, the right to bear arms, and no quartering of soldiers.
They also include freedom from unfair arrests or searches, the right to due process of law, allowed
public and speedy trials, and the right of trial by jury in civil cases. Lastly, the Bill of Rights
protected citizens from unreasonable punishments, allowed other rights for the people, and ensured
that power was reserved to the states. Although this just briefly sums up the Bill of Rights, they
played an extremely important role in the foundation of America. Without them, the nation would
have been lawless and out of control. Without freedom of speech,
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Advantages And Disadvantages
A.C 1.1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of different networking systems, types and topologies.
Analyse and clearly identify the requirements of the system for this network in order to convince
the management of the given case study company.
There are many types of networks here are a few examples of them; WAN, LAN, MAN PAN.
WAN (Wide Area Network) is a network which maybe computer or telecommunications network
that extends in a large geographical distance, it interconnects a multiple of (LANs) Local Area
The Advantages of a WAN are;
WANs allow a great and more intricate network also can cover a near infinite geographical
distance. WANs mainly occur in large environments, Connections are available from country to
country, building to building etc. in other words the internet. The typical large size of a WAN is
what separates it from a LAN, WANs are generally slower than LANs, the further the distance the
slower the network.
One of the biggest Disadvantages of WAN is the cost that it can come with, having a private
WAN is often expensive. One of the main reason WANs are expensive is because of the
technology used to expand on massive scales. Speaking on large scale, the larger the network the
less speed which causes latency (Works, 2017).
Here is a diagram of a wide area network:
Figure 1: wide area network (NetPrivateer, 2013)
LAN (Local Area Network) is a computer network that interconnects clients(computers) in limited
space i.e. a
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Essay The Elvis Craze
The Elvis Craze The public made Elvis Presley larger than life, better known than Jimi Hendrix,
John Lennon and in some cases God Himself. I cannot quite understand the Elvis craze. I don t
think he was a handsome man, I don t enjoy his music, I won t waste my time trying to sit
through one of his boring, talentless movies, and if, God forbid, I end up on my deathbed with
some horrible, incurable disease, I certainly won t make a pilgrimage to Graceland to be
miraculously healed. Jack Gould conveyed some of my feeling in the essay TV: New Phenomenon
when he wrote, Mr. Presley has no discernible singing ability. Although he gave away cars, cash,
and gifts to friends, family, and sometimes, strangers, I can t think of any of his... Show more
content on ...
In his teen years, Elvis absorbed the cultural aspects and musical style of Country, Gospel, and
Rhythm Blues. He lived in the South, where Country music was most prevalent, it was sort of a
given for him for him to adopt the country music style. His parents were devout churchgoers, and
Elvis frequently attended the all night revivals, where he enjoyed jumping around and singing
the gospel. It is also known that Elvis spent quite a bit of time on Memphis s Beale Street,
known for its Rhythm Blues clubs. When Elvis did unoriginal songs that had been sung
previously by other artists, he added his own flavor that was made up of his mixed Gospel,
Country, and R B background. His style drew diverse crowds, and songs such as Hound Dog and
Don t Be Cruel went to #1 in the Country, R B and Pop charts. None of this justifies the
deification of Elvis. After a brief stint in the US Army, Elvis started concentrating more on
movies. He made a wide variety of movies, GI Blues, Blue Hawaii, Viva Las Vegas, and Fun in
Acapulco to name a few. Although the movies were basically glorified music videos, as they
contained no real plot and a lot of singing, these movies and their songs made millions. I honestly
think that if the Elvis myth that is discussed in Griel Marcus s essay, Presliad, had not already
been put in place by Elvis s fans, the movies would not have grossed half the money,
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The Malleus Maleficarum, By Dominican Inquisitors Heinrich...
The Malleus Maleficarum, published in 1487 and authored by Dominican Inquisitors Heinrich
Kramer and Jacob Sprenger, was used by Catholics and Protestants as a bank of knowledge on
how to locate and prosecute witches. Though the text was published in 1487, it was still used as
the premier text on witches well into the 18th century. The text is incredibly thorough, covering
the topics of witch identification, explanations of how witches make their pacts with the devil,
and how to effectively conduct a trial. This text was written to be read by upper class members
of the clergy and secular governments. The audience of this text largely informed the language
and content which Kramer and Sprenger used and included. Because of the very clear and
directed audience who was intended to read this text, the authors got away with rhetoric which
would not necessarily be believed or agreed with by the laypeople who would actually be affected
by the contents of The Malleus Maleficarum. The Malleus Maleficarum is explicitly misogynistic
when addressing who can be a witch, when describing the pact that a woman makes with the
devil, and the process by which an accused witch is questioned and tried. The Malleus
Maleficarum is very explicit about which gender is more likely to practice witchcraft. Multiple
sections of the texts specifically reference the fact that women are more likely to be witches, and
gives details about why women are more likely to be coerced into witchcraft by the
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Control Over The Mind In George Orwell s 1984
Charles Darwin, founder of theory of evolution, once said, The highest possible stage in moral
culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts. If the highest point is control
over thoughts, then the lowest point must be when individuals have no control over their own
minds. This is evident through Ingsoc regime s philosophy on thoughtcontrol in Orwell s 1984
where people don t have freedom of thought. Another example which demonstrates how control
over mindleads to corruption of humanity itself is through Stanley s criticism on 1984 where he
illustrates that by controlling what is in minds of people government puts one in a stage of
unconsciousness which helps gov abuse people as mindless machine. Moreover, North Korea and
ISIS government s manipulation of children s mind proofs that these children loose morals as a
result of being dictated these thoughts and having it controlled by gov without even knowing it.
Furthermore, the abuse of humanity through... Show more content on ...
A few days after torturing Winston, he is getting his physical condition back from before but he
demonstrates how he s completely brain washed and filled with party values by the party by
saying, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY... TWO AND TWO MAKE FIVE (Orwell 277). The setting of
this quote is important because Winston is now in a better health condition and he s not under
torture so by saying the lines above he s admitting that he does not have freedom to say two and
two makes four and he is signing the agreement that mentally, he is completely convinced with the
party s ideology and now he is another mindless machine under their control. In addition, The
instant in which Winston s giving up his freedom is symbolizing how as the concepts of freedom
and slavery are melding together and becoming one when people s mind doesn t recognize the
difference between these
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Essay On Polyvagal Theory
Polyvagal Theory Counselling today theory practice/
Reference Posted on Counselling today, on the 27th of June 2016, written by By Dee Wagner.
(Accessed on the 21/3/17)
Summary This article is about the Polyvagal theory and it goes into depth about it and what it
involves. The author explains the three parts of the nervous system and vagal nerve functioning
which gives understanding and knowledge on what the theory entails. It explores what was thought
before the theory was introduced and how it has changed our understanding of the nervous system.
The purpose of this article is to explore the scientific background of the theory and how the systems
function in our bodies.
Usefulness This ... Show more content on ...
It states information that can be found in various websites but it makes more comparisons between
the systems and changes that have been made. The information presented in this article is factual
and is all referenced meaning it comes from a reliable source.
Validity This article in comparison to other sources is harder to understand and contains minimal
information about the theory compared to previous sources. There is factual information stated
throughout the article but gaining a clear understanding comes with greater difficulty than it did
with the other articles. It makes poorer points on the systems as it does not explore them in as
much depth as other sources did.
Capabilities I have now utilised and started developing both the literacy and critical and creative
thinking capability. I have applied skills from the literacy capability as I have been reading,
viewing and writing on this source in which I also had to apply accessing, analysing and selecting
skills in order to chose the article.I have developed critical and creative thinking as I have to learn
and apply new knowledge to the answering of my
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Robots Disadvantages
By the year 2050 robots will transform our lives, by being like another family member in the
house and a co worker at work. As well as helping people walk and move. They are learning to
perform surgeries, and delivering food to our bedrooms, which is increasing their efficiency and
practicality, making our lives easier. I know when many people hear the word robots they think
of them as bad because there as been many movies where they are depicted as bad but in fact
robots can help us in many tasks. Robots are being used a lot in our century which will have a
positive impact on the human race. CNN news says that robots have become the norm in numerous
industries. They are right there as many industries that are using robots today. One of the major
ways robots can have a positive impact on the human race is that Robots can save companies time
and money by being able to produce a greater magnitude of products a.nd reduce haggard amount of
wasted materials. Also are they are faster, quicker and more importantly, very accurate. Which will
prevent worker injures. One of the most important places where robots are being introduced are in
hospitals. This will really shape the future of hospitals. They be able to help doctors in the operating
room because they have greater visualization, Enhanced dexterity, and Greater precision. Which
studied to traditional surgery with incisions, robots can make smaller incisions proceed in less pain
and scarring. Robotic surgery allows surgeons to perform complicated surgical tasks through tiny
openings using robotic technology. Surgical robots are self powered, computer controlled devices
that can be programmed to aid in the positioning and manipulation of surgical instruments. This
provides surgeons with better accuracy, flexibility and control. Surgeons at the children s national
medical center have overseen an autonomous robot performing soft tissue surgery, stitching together
a pig s stomach during open surgery and doing so better than a human surgeon. Tony Beldame,
professor of cognitive systems and robotics at Plymouth University states, They are instruments for
the surgeons to use for keyhole surgery, as they offer greater precision than handheld tools,
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Jfk Assassination Research Paper
The assassination that shocked the nation
ВЁ We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light the candle that can guide us through that
darkness to a safe and sane futureВЁ John F. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy was born on May 27th
1917. He became the 35th president of the united states in January 1961. The JFK assassination
shocked the world and left many pieces to an uncompleted puzzle behind it.
First things first, The JFK assassination impacted the nation for some period of time. The JFK
assassination was in Dallas November 22th, 1963 and was considered the crime of the century
(Warren commission). Next, The gunman Lee Harvey Oswald was also hired to kill officer Tippit
and then fled to a movie theater where he was caught (Diane Brown ... Show more content on ...
First It has been revealed that some information regarding the plot of the murder will never be
released (Sarah Putt). Next ВЁ someone also tipped off a London reporter about ВЁbig newsВЁ
in the United States 20 minutes before the assassination (Sarah Putt). Robert Rawls told a navy
intelligence officer that he overheard someone at a bar bet 100$ on Kennedy s death (Sara Putt).
An ex CIA officer believes the white house and the agency are actually concealing the most
important documents (Sarah Putt). The evidence suggests Oswald could have been part of a
conspiracy, but the theory has not yet been proven. The second theory is proven by the evidence
presented by Sarah Putt which gives a strong case and gives theorists a difficult challenge.
Lastly, even though JFK s death was tragic the puzzle left behind, it is one filled with twists and
turns. The 1st theory shows how the assassination could have been revenge for Fidel Castro. The
2nd theory gives evidence that could suggest that Oswald could have been part of a much larger
conspiracy. The assassination of John F. Kennedywas a tragedy that set the nation in a period of
grief and shocked the world. These are just two theories how many could there be? Maybe the
world will never know the truth about this
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Major League Baseball Salary
Major League Baseball Salary
1/C Morris, 2/C Morris and 2/C Turner
Major League Baseball players average just over four million a year making it the second highest
paying sport. Players determine win loss records which drives ticket sales which creates revenue
and so on. This is why player salaries is one of the most critical aspects of running a MLB team.
These salaries are negotiated using statistics such as batting average, on base percentage, hits and
more. When negotiations are not working, an arbitration process is used which is unique to the
Within Major League Baseball there are two trade deadlines. The first is July 31 (or August 1 for
leap years) and the second is August 31. Before the July deadline, teams face no penalties or
additional fees in trading. However, after July 31 and before August 31 trades can take place
with waivers and additional fees. While this discourages trades after the July 31 deadline, if a
player is truly desired by a team, especially in the upcoming postseason, no barrier will prevent a
team from acquiring that player. After the world series free agents are free to move from team to
team. For roughly five days teams will try and negotiate a new contract with their expiring
players. Most of the time this works but if a contract cannot be reached salary arbitration is used.
Both the player and the team will present a proposal salary to the arbitrators who then select the
proposal they believe to be the fairest. Arbitration is rare
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The Day Of My Meditation Practice
It is now the 8th day of my meditation practice. I can t believe how far I have come since the first
day. I was already addicted to the feeling and idea of meditation. I was surprised at how clear my
mind was today before I began my mantra recitation. As always, I felt the tension in my body
fade away as I got into my meditative practice. At the end of today s session I felt really good!
I sat on my bed and got comfortable before beginning my meditative practice today. I started off
with concentrating on my breathing before reciting my mantra. I felt my body relax. I was surprise
at the feeling of ease and relation mediation was providing to me. I feel very good about this
Today I decided to do something a little different. Instead of repeating my mantra in my head
using my own voice, I decided to listen to an audio playing of the mantra. I sat on my bed and got
comfortable before putting on my ear buds on and playing the mantra. It felt different listening to
someone else s voice, however I did enjoy it. I found myself more easily being able to concentrate
on the mantra, without having to think about the words. I felt my body relax and I enjoyed the
sensation that was running through my bones.
Once again, I choose to opt to listen to the audio playing of my mantra. I sat down and
concentrated on my breathing before hitting play. I enjoyed listening to someone else s voice, it
was oddly very calming. At the end of my session, I felt very joyful. I hoped to
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Persuasive Essay Death Penalty Against

  • 1. Persuasive Essay Death Penalty Against 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Persuasive Essay Death Penalty AgainstPersuasive Essay Death Penalty Against
  • 2. The Role Of The CIA Aid In Afghanistan The CIA has played a prominent role combating radical Islamic groups in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Middle East since 1979. After the soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the CIA even funded some of these groups in order to embarrass their main enemy at the time, the Soviet Union. They did not, however, account for the fallout that would occur after the Soviets left. To a certain extent, the terrorist attacks on 9/11 were a blowback from CIA policies in that region, and the attacks, arguably, could have been prevented. Firstly, it is important to understand the reasoning for the United States to support the Afghani rebels, or the Mujahedeen, against their Soviet invaders. Afghanistan was a mess. In 1978, the President Mohammad Daoud ... Show more content on ... They emerged in 1994 and quickly started gaining territory. Originally, they were seen by the CIA as a group that could bring order to Chaos. Many thought they might reduce factional bloodshed, curtail heroin trafficking, and create conditions for realistic peace talks, they believed. The response of American officials to their quick rise however, was indifference. They did not favor the Taliban, they just didn t want to get engaged (Coll 299). The rise of the Taliban can not really be seen as an intelligence blunder because regardless of their opinions on them, they had a hands off policy at this time. They would however, fail to predict that the Taliban would bring stability to the region, as they would not stop fighting until their opponents were all dead, and they continuously racked up more opponents. They also failed to predict the alliance that would form between al Qaeda and the ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Amanda Case Summary During what appears to be the prosecution s case, Amanda is cross examining Warren Attinger. She successfully portrays him to the Jury as a bad Husband who stays out all night and is rude as well as violent towards his wife, all the while nudging the defendant towards speaking of how enraged and provoked she was upon finding what she did and that to be the only reason why she shot her husband in the first place. In the beginning of the movie it was clearly depicted that the facts showing she had already purchased a gun and shot inside the room before entering that seeing the mistress and her husband together wouldn t have actually changed her mind. On the other hand, Adam (prosecutor) starts with a series of yes or no questions of the following ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Analysis Of The Film Dances With Wolves The 1990 film Dances With Wolves directed by Kevin Costner covers a number of topics such as the Civil War, westward expansion, and white Indian relations. Being set in the frontier during the Civil War, the primary issue the film raises is the white cruelty towards Native Americans during this time period. This film can be classified as a realistic historical fiction because it depicts the humanity and morals of the SiouxIndians while, at the same time, showing how they were treated by the white American soldiers. Dances With Wolves starts out by introducing the main character, John Dunbar, as a soldier in the Civil War. John is portrayed as a strong man because he refuses his foot to be amputated, and he rides a horse out onto the ... Show more content on ... Because he was dressed like an Indian, the soldiers treated him as such, beating and calling him a traitor. When he did not return for a few days, the Indians knew something was wrong, and they sent a search party. In the same way that John helped the Sioux fight the Pawnee, the Sioux were now helping John fight the soldiers. The rescue attempt was successful and they all made it back to the village. Although Dances With Wolves is not a historically accurate and true story of the Civil War, it is a historical fiction that is based on many true facts. The film starts off with a very unrealistic beginning. It is set in the Civil War, on a battlefield, and John Dunbar rides a horse openly right past the opposing side without getting shot. This seems to be the only unrealistic part of this film, however. For example, the Sioux Indians not being total savages was true. White people did treat all Indians poorly, and they justified their actions by saying that all Indians are savages. This film shows that in fact, not all Indians were cruel and bloodthirsty, the Pawnee were the only mean Indians depicted. The Sioux are portrayed as mostly peaceful humans with great moral standards. They only fight when they feel threatened, such as by the Pawnee tribe, or the white soldiers that imprisoned Dances With Wolves (John Dunbar). Furthermore, the problem of white men hunting buffalo was also based on true facts. The Indians did not feel that it was the white ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The General Strike of 1926 Essay The General Strike of 1926 In 1926 the General Council of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) called out workers throughout the country on a general strike for nine days in an attempt to force the government to act to prevent the wages and conditions of coal miners being lowered. There is no one reason why the General Strike of 1926 took place, instead a large number of long and short term causes led towards the event, which was finally set off by a trigger cause. An example of a long term cause would be the history of bad relations between mine owners and their workers, a short term cause would be the Samuel Report and a trigger the Daily Mail article. Each cause led towards the strike and this essay... Show more content on ... Unemployment was rising rapidly and had reached over 2 million men by the summer of 1921 people were losing their jobs in shipyards, cotton mills and coalmines across Britain. This was quite an important factor which helped to lead to the General Strike. If post war England had been how it was anticipated to be then it is extremely improbable people would have been inclined to strike, in this way the General Strike may have been prevented. However since they were dissatisfied with the conditions they were working in they went on strike with the miners with the conception it would prevent their working conditions from being lowered. Another long term factor of similar importance to the misplaced post war optimism was pre war union activity. There were many active trade unions, for example the National Transport Workers Federation (NTWF) and the National Union of Railwaymen (NUR) were widely known. During the 19th Century working conditions were very bad, people worked long hours for little pay. They aimed to campaign for improved working hours and pay for their workers. There was a wave of strikes before the First World War, one being the strike of railwaymen and boiler men in 1910. Strikes in the past had been successful and membership of trade unions was rising rapidly in 1918 membership of unions was only 750,000 by 1918 this ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Measuring A Rural And An Urban Catchment Introduction Understanding a rivers response to the differences of a catchments characteristics demonstrates how the processes that occur in the hydrological cycle operate differently, which influences discharge, runoff and stream flow of a river (Davie, 2002). River response is the adjustment of processes during rainfall events through infrastructure, the geomorphic and biological characteristics (Kang and Kazama, 2013). A catchments characteristic influence the flow rates (build up) and discharge (wash off) into a river system (Liu et al. 2013). A catchment, either rural or urban, is the area of land in which water flows and is directed towards a river system, leading to the sea. Catchments can vary in size from hectares to millions of ... Show more content on ... 2004). At the completion of the first catchment simulation, the majority of the water in sponge was removed, and 1000 millilitre tube topped up with water to have exactly 1000 millilitres. The repeat of this simulation was to have a plastic A4 sheet placed on the sponge to represent an urban catchment, and the same process was implemented. To keep the simulations fair and balanced, the roles in the experiment have to be consistent, and the motion in which the water is deposited needs to be kept nearly identical. Results The hydrograph that is produced (Figure 1) has data that represents both a rural catchment and an urban catchment experiments. Both experiments had a steep rising limb which both had a peak flow event of 1160 millilitres per minute, but the urban catchments peak flow occurred 0.25 minutes earlier (0.75 minutes) than the rural catchments peak flow (1.00 minutes). From here, a sharp falling limb occurs after the peak flows occurrence, with the urban catchments discharge dropping 520 millilitres per minute, and rural catchments discharge drops 514 millilitres per minute. From 1.50 minutes both catchments on the hydrograph have a steady decline, and plateau from 3 minutes until the completion of the simulation. The simulations conducted are only carried out on a much smaller scale and time frame compared to an actual river system, and how it responds to a rainfall event due to time restraints. The Leith river is subjected to a mainly urban ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The United Nations Operation Of The Congo The United Nations Operation in the Republic of the Congo (ONUC) is best summarized by Walter Dorn as, the largest, most complex, and most expensive UN peacekeeping mission during the Cold War ( The UN s First Air Force ). The ONUC was established on July 14, 1960 and ended in June 1964. The initial mandate by the Security Council called for the withdrawal of Belgian forces from the Republic of the Congo, however, quickly became the first peacemaking operation to use all necessary measures ( ONUC ). Decolonization and the height of the Cold War added to the complexity of the ONUC. The ONUC successfully halted the secession of the Katanga, however, failed to address the financial and operational problems. This would negatively... Show more content on ... Under Article 99 of the UN Charter, Secretary General Dag HammarskjГ¶ld, informed the Security Council of a threat to international peace and security ( ONUC ). The ONUC was established shortly after on July 14, 1960. The Congo Crisis advanced when tension arose among Prime Minister Lumumba and President Kasavubu. On September 5, 1960, President Kasavubu went on radio to announce the dismissal of Lumumba as prime minister, blaming him for the Kasai massacres (Durch 321). Lumumba responded by claiming to fire President Kasavubu. By mid September, Colonel Joseph Mobutu, declared all government factions neutralized in what was, in effect, a coup d Г©tat (Durch 321). Colonel Joseph Mobutu would later change his name to Mobutu Sese Seko and play an important role in future conflict within the Congo and its neighbors. By January 1961, Prime Minister Lumumba was killed and the Congo Crisis continued for another two years. Decolonization and the height of the Cold War played a significant role in their involvement. According to William Durch, Great Power attitudes toward ONUC ranged all the way from supportive (United States) to tepid (United Kingdom), to obstructionist (France), and hostile (Soviet Union) (Durch 345). While the United States supported UN intervention in the Republic of the Congo, they manipulated Congolese factions and their supporters, along with the United ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Summary OfFranciscan Missions In Alta California In the introduction, the author wrote that California was a happy place which was not true. The article Franciscan Missions in Alta California, explains that the missionaries brought hardships to the people of California killing thousands of people by the mission system. The Spaniards brought diseases and drastic lifestyle changes that decreased the number of Native people. The author mentions that hostile Indians made travel dangerous, except for the brave and well armed. Yet, the Natives would often cooperate by showing the Spaniards where the fresh water was, providing food, and helping their explores. The Indians were willing to welcome the Spaniards into the trading system. A chain of 13 prosperous missions stretched along coastal, however, Serra founded a chain of missions that depended upon the labor of the Indians and their indoctrinations. The author of the article mentions that thousands of Natives had a worse life than the lives that they had before. A ten year old Indian boy was baptized at a mission, but the Native people were only exploited for the benefit of the church, the Spaniards, and the individual missionaries themselves. The article continues by explaining that Spaniards hoped to assimilate the Natives to a Hispanic way since they believed their way of life was superior (language, religion, crop raising techniques). By the year 1800 there were over 500 Indians living at the missions, but the Indians were in captivity, enforced labor, ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Symptoms And Treatment Of Phobias Fear is an aspect of life people deal with every day. Being afraid is part of what makes people human. Fear that grows with adulthood or causes people to have different conduct is known as a phobia. A phobia can elicit physical or emotional discomfort when it comes to the fear of an object or situation that can be treated by therapy or medication in most cases, or untreatable in others. There are four subtypes of specific phobias known as: blood injection injury, animal, situational, and natural environment. Sometimes treatment of phobias can be difficult to determine because of the wide range of phobias that exist. There has not been an adequate amount of research conducted on phobias which makes it difficult to study or comprehend... Show more content on ... A research group stated Specific phobia is one of the most prevalent disorders in the general population and yet it has received limited attention from researchers in the growing field of neuroscience (Caseras et al., 2010). The need for understanding phobias is imperative for the people who are suffering from the symptoms that challenge their daily life. One study has done research on links between the phobias and neurobiological substrates. The authors state: Moreover the degree of provoked anxiety by phobia relevant images was strongly associated with activity in the dorsal ACC and the anterior insula in the SP phobics but not in the BII phobics. These differences in blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) response could suggest the existence of distinct neurobiological substrates associated with specific phobia subtypes, challenging the view of specific phobia as a unitary entity (Caseras et al., 2010). This study may prove that there could be a cure to phobic reactions if they can find the cause of the phobia. These studies of the dynamics of the brain could be revolutionary in the world of phobia diagnosis and treatment of patients. There are excessive amounts of phobias that have been medically determined. About 4.4% percent of the adult population in the USA has one or more phobias which will mostly persist for years and become chronic; complete remissions without ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Napanee Beer Business Strategy Student name: Farah Ahmed Student ID: 3262523 Course name: Organizational Behaviour Course number: ORGB 364 Assignment 1 Part A 1. Marketing specialists at Napanee Beer Co. developed a new advertising campaign for summer sales. The ads were particularly aimed at sports events where Napanee Beer sold kegs of beer on tap. The marketing group worked for months with a top advertising firm on the campaign. Their effort was successful in terms of significantly higher demand for Napanee Beer s keg beer at sports stadiums. However, the production department had not been notified of the marketing campaign and was not prepared for the increased demand. The company was forced to buy empty kegs at a premium price. It also had to brew some of the ... Show more content on ... These factors create certain expectations and requirements for organizations, which in turns determine the organization s direction and strategy. Whereas internal environment is made up of several internal subsystems. Internal subsystems work together systematically and drive the organization in the direction which is in conformity to external environment demands; thereby making the organization effective and a good fit with external environment. (McShane amp; Steen, 2012, p.6) Open systems perspective also suggests that organization s efficiency is equally important to it s success. An organization is efficient when it produces more outputs with less then normally required inputs, and when it s internal subsystems have good coordination among them. But this is difficult in reality. Because there are some negative elements in subsystems such as miscommunication and hostilities, which undermine efficiency of organization. These elements cannot be eliminated as subsystems of an organization are also open systems and organization gets affected by them also. (McShane amp; Steen, 2012, p.6) According to the open systems theory (McShane amp; Steen,2012), The subsystems of organization Napanee Beer were not operating efficiently, because there was absence of diligent communication between the marketing group and the production team. Production department was unaware of the increased demand for the product and could ... Get more on ...
  • 11. It s Time To Reckless Driving There is no easy way to even bring up the courage to talk to someone you have paralyzed due to reckless driving. The amount of suffering, ever prevalent in your mind, of the sheer extents of misery and pain you have caused that person is an experience you will never forget. Although this has not happened due to my careless driving, it very well could have, and too many people across the country have been involved in an accident that leaves them immobile for the rest of their lives. If I was ever to blame in a situation like that, this would be my only way of making things right: Hey, I know I may be the last face you wantto see right now, but I needed to see you. You may be thinking about how there is no apology or enough words in the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Speech On Exams Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Albert Einstein wrote, Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. The purpose of this speech is to explain how exams fail to fulfil their purpose of indicating ability. Examinations, by definition, are a formal test of a person s knowledge or proficiency in a subject or skill . However, this definition itself is flawed; a student s ability to pass a test is a shallow assessment of their proficiency in the career they choose to pursue. This brings me to my primary question: Do examinations really provide as an adequate indication of ability? Imagine a world where intelligence was not limited to the answers students ... Show more content on ... Exams have caused a lack of enthusiasm in the mindset of scholars and encouraged students to have superficial knowledge which doesn t last long. At the cost of writing exams are many individuals who do not succeed in a certain profession because they performed poorly on a particular exam. A change needs to be made to the system of education by creating a scheme which encourages students to work consistently and enthusiastically, and offers greater opportunity for each and every student to ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Meriwether Lewis s Suicide Meriwether Lewis played a vital role in finding Louisiana. He went through a life threatening journey with William Clark, but it payed off. He became the governor of Louisiana, promoted by Jefferson. But, on October 11th, 1809, Lewis was gruesomely murdered at the Grinder Inn. His murder has been ruled a suicidefor decades, but as more people investigate this case, it s evident that suicide is not what happened. It s impossible Meriwether Lewis would have killed himself. According to the investigation by the medical examiner (exhibit B), there were two shots taken that ended Lewis life. One shot was to the back of his head. The bullet got lodged in his brain and caused part of his skull to come off. The second gun shot was a shot to the ... Show more content on ... Priscilla Grinder was the only witness to Lewis murder. Priscilla was questioned three times, and each time her story changed. According to exhibit C, in the first account Priscilla stated the alleged suicide had taken place at 3 am. She said there were two gun shots and Lewis servants had come into his room. Then, Lewis had asked for water. In the second account, the two gun shots were heard at dusk. She stated Lewis lived for TWO HOURS after the shots were fired. In the final account, Priscilla said men had come and called for lodging. Lewis had challenged the men to a duel, but the men declined and continued down to the next house which was five miles away. Later, there were three gun shots fired at two or three hours before day. Lewis allegedly knocked on Ms. Grinders door, but she did not answer. Looking through a crack in the wall, she reported Lewis was crawling across the street on his hands and knees. As seen in exhibit B, it would ve been impossible for Lewis to survive for long after these shots were taken. Crawling across the street, living for two more hours after the shots, or simply asking for water wouldn t have happened. Her accounts changed drastically three times, not one story being like the last. Her stories are inconsistent, and overall, simply ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Qnt-561 Week 1 Essay Week Four Team Paper xxxxxxxxxxxxxx QNT/561 August 1, 2012 xxxxxxxxx Week 4 Team Paper Best Buy is a company that has 40 years of history with a very accomplished sense of success. In 1966 Best Buy was a small electronics store in that originated in St. Paul Minnesota by Richard Schulze and an acquainted business partner. Considering that technology changes so rapidly, Best Buy has had to transform from just being the little electronics store down the way into a competitive, customer driven, talent powered company that emphasizes on pleasing the customers as it pertains to the life of technology. In 1993 Best Buy was recognized as the nation s second largest electronics retailer and was recognized by ... Show more content on ... For an accurate estimate of the relationship between variables, a descriptive study usually needs a sample of hundreds or even thousands of subjects (The Association for Educational Communications and Technology). The estimate of the relationship is less likely to be biased if you have a high participation rate in a sample selected randomly from a population. Operational Definitions Operational Definitions VariableDefinition Data of Interest #1The number of products sold during the Holiday Season How will it be measured #1If the product was sold between November 15 and January 5 Data of Interest #2Number of temporary employees during the Holiday Season How will it be measured #2If a temporary employee was active after November 15 and inactive after January 15 Sample Data Collection Designs There are various methods of collecting data such that the information collected can be used to draw inferences about the target population. The sales forecast is the key component for the problem statement and for accuracy it is important to know what consumers prefer over Best Buy. Participation in business surveys is usually voluntary and the quality of the results depends crucially on the willingness of enterprises to co operate. A promising approach to getting high response rates is to make compliance as painless as possible ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Literary Analysis Of The Storm Kate Chopin implies in the selection, The Storm that the setting and the plot reinforces each character s action, but only two characters exemplify the title itself, Calixta and Alcee. The storm becomes the central element of Alcee s unrequited love for Calixta and ultimately the instrument of their forbidden loveto each other. Hurston concurs in the The Storm that a forbidden relationship can become a cancerous love and silent death sentence. The Storm s theme was based on Love, Immoral affair, and Freedom. Chopin s technique of foreshadowing, symbolism, irony, tone, and imagery set the plot for Alcee, Calixta, Bobinot, and Clarisse in this short story. A bolt struck a tall chinaberry tree at the edge of the field. It filled all visible space with a blinding glare and crash seemed to invade the very boards they stood upon (425). The writer used Imagery to depict how nature shook the foundation of their respective marriages. The significance of the tall chinaberry tree that crashed the boards was that it made Bobinot and Clarisse almost irrelevant in the story. The author used the metaphorical expression to indicate how the storm schemed Bobinot and Clarisse out of the reckoning. The author employed the use of symbolism in the description of the storm. Storm, a natural phenomenon that brings about extreme weather condition that might lead to an undesirable outcome. The Storm in the context of the selection brought about a positive outcome. The storm in the story is not the physical storm that occurred outside with heavy downpour, but the coming together of Alcee and Bobinot. A physical storm forms when the atmosphere is saturated with water and droplets of water pour out from the sky. The symbolic importance of the storm represents the liberation of Alcee and Calixta, from the shackles of societal or moral expectation. He pushed her hair back from her face that was warm and streaming her (425). Although Alcee pushed Calixta s hair back to see her face, the author s interpretation was not physical. Chopin meant that Alcee was able to set Calixta free from the bondage of marriage temporarily. Bobinot played a major role in the plot that led to infidelity between Calixta and Alcee. ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Richard Scheick s Poem Richard Cory To the average eye Richard Cory would seem to have the world and no worries in life with his wealth and social status. However, Richard Cory would turn out to be unhappy and uneasy with the life around him which would seemingly lead to his death in the end. In the poem Richard Cory Richard Cory is a humble man who is revered by the townspeople because of his status as a wealthy individual. Many of the towns people wanted to be in his shoes and thought of him as king. However, he seemed to be no more than a simple man regardless of his social status. The narrator even states that he would He was a gentleman from sole to crown/Clean favored, and imperially slim/And he was always quietly arrayed/and he was always human when he talked (Robinson... Show more content on ... Most would agree that he would soon become lonely and began to wonder what life would be with his social status. If the townspeople wished they were in his place because of his wealth, he in turn wished he were one of them because they were rich in one another s company (Scheick1). While everybody wished they were in his shoes, they never actually took the time to get to know Richard Cory as just a human which is all he was a simple human. [As] Nowhere in the poem is it suggested that the people try to come to Richard Cory, no where is it either intimated that they approach him, much less respond to him (Sweet Jr 2). This gives the reader an indication of how because of his wealth he was somewhat shunned from the towns society unintentionally as they believed that he was much more than a regular ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Ethical Proprietaries Of Crispr-Cas. L. Dedroog. Bachelor The Ethical proprietaries of CRISPR Cas L. DEDROOG Bachelor in de Farmaceutische en Biologische Laboratoriumtechnologie OPO: Beroepsethiek Academiejaar 2016 2017 UC Leuven Limburg Gezondheid en Welzijn Campus Gasthuisberg Herestraat 49 3000 Leuven 1. Introduction Over the past decade there has been an enormous increase in high efficient techniques for studying the cell on a molecular level [1]. These techniques are responsible for a better understanding of the human body and the invention of a plethora of clinical treatments, ranging from cancer drugs to vaccinations [2]. Due to the increased knowledge of the human body, there should be asked what the ethical concerns might be of being able to have a surpassing ... Show more content on ... This is done so the reader can have the fullest understanding of the concerns. 3.1 Modifying our children s children To exemplify this ethical aspects of CRISPR Cas, we will view the application as a means of knocking out pathogenic genes in a fetus which might carries a heritable disease. To knock out the pathogenic gene in a therapeutic way all cells must be affected, for this the right dosage of the nuclease (Cas9) must be administered. The delicate part is determining the right dosage; if the dosage is too low not all cells will be affected and the pathogenic gene may still be functional. On the other hand, if the dosage is too high the nuclease may cut unspecific and knock out required genes, which can even result in losing the life of the patient [3]. For this reason scientists tend to focus on modifying human embryos instead of somatic cells (after birth). In doing so the number of cells can be determined beforehand and the dose can easier be optimized. The method will be applied during in vitro fertilization, more specifically in the post fertilization period of the zygote, just before implantation in the mother. After the treatment with nuclease, the cells can be screened for the presence of the pathogen gene [8]. As a result the child will live free of the disease. Although this sounds very promising, the use of genetically modifying therapeutics on embryos awakens many ethical concerns. The most conspicuous concern ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Neasha The Great Sparknotes Neasha the Great Fighting for what you believe in, is powerful way to strengthen yourself and people around you. There was once a beautiful New Zealand girl named Neasha that lived on a green luscious island called Popomi. She had long, curly, brown hair that passed her hips and big light brown eyes that shined as bright as the sun. Neasha and her family were in a tribe called Tuamo that was all about peace and love for the island. There was another tribe called Api i and they were all about taking over the lands. One day Api i was trying to take over Tuamo s land. The Tuamo people were so innocent that they were letting Api i take over. Neasha then refused to let them take control of their land and home. She then plans to go to the territory of Api i and was going to try take the Ledgens of the Spear, to make a peace treaty with the tribe. Neasha then starts her adventure through a dark, misty, forest to get to the tribe. She then sees two big, tall, muscled men who were guarding the front entrance to the Api i tribe. She then plans out how to distract them from seeing her pass through the entrance. Above her, she sees a shadow... There was a group of monkey s passing above her. She then grab a fallen banana that was right beside her on a rock. Neasha throws it past the guards, down the hill, and then the... Show more content on ... At this point she feels that she can t complete the plan that she wanted achieve. As she was panicking she yelled, Help! I am stuck in a ditch! Help! Then she sees a dark shadow above her. She notices that it was Hapa a to save her. He then grabs vines and pulls her out of the ditch. Neasha says Thank you so much for rescuing me! She said with a smile. Neasha then realizes that he actually likes her and that s why he came back for her. As they were walking to the cave in which lies the Ledgens of the Spear. Hapa a wanted to tell ... Get more on ...
  • 19. I Am A United States Army Soldier I have always wanted to be a United States Army soldier. The purpose of the Army is to preserve peace and security and providing for the defense of the United States, the commonwealths, possessions and any areas occupied by the United States. While being apart of this strong, ambitious and motivated group, I would like to be apart of the communication and networking field by becoming a radio operator. At the age of eleven years old, I was able to fix my radio that had been broken with ripped wiring. That s what motivated me and made me interested in pursuing a career in radio operating. Also, growing up as a young man, I have always enjoyed assisting and helping people. The reason I chose this career is because I want to make a difference... Show more content on ... Also, it is important that I study and do well for the ASVAB. (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) This is a multiple choice test broken into sections consisting of mathematics, general science and arithmetic reasoning. Throughout the testing process, I will have to take another course dealing with paragraph and mechanical understanding. This course and test will help me better understand my strengths and identifying which Army jobs are best for me. The higher I am able to score on the test, means the more job opportunities that are available for me. When my ASVAB test is complete and I have a ship off date, I will be starting basic training. After these requirements are met then I will have to complete basic training. Basic Training is a course that transforms civilians into soldiers. Over the course of ten weeks, this training will test me mentally and physically. Before basic training, it is important that I get into the process of getting in shape. Getting in shape before the military is beneficial so that PT (physical training) will not be as challenging. Lots of running and daily exercise will also help prior to basic training. Towards the end of training, I will have to pass a PT test which consist of 3 categories. To pass this test I will have to complete 35 push ups, 47 sit ups and a 2 mile run that is required to be under 16 minutes and 36 ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Virtual Reality Oxford Dictionary defines virtual reality as The computer generated simulation of a three dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors. Wikipedia says Virtual Reality(VR), which can be referred to as immersive multimedia or computer simulated life, replicates an environment that simulates physical presence in places in the real world or imagined worlds. Virtual reality can recreate sensory experiences, which include virtual taste, sight, smell, sound, and touch. As with the definition goes,Virtual Reality (VR) in simple way to define I would say it is the use of computer technology embedded with many different sensors which mimics the natural environment and make us feel as if ... Show more content on ... Haptic systems that provide physical feedback or allow a fully articulated presence within an environment are clumsy and can cause problems during use. The type of hardware that even simple head mounted displays use can break the sense of immersion as adjustments to the device need to be made and components such as wires and headphones turn into obstacles to natural movement.Socially, some of the disadvantages of using virtual reality as entertainment have already started to surface, even without an experience that fully removes a person from his or her surrounding stimuli. One issue is social isolation, in which the user of virtual reality relies more on interactions that take place in a virtual world than on experiences in the real world. This lack of true, physical interaction has the potential to create incorrect associations that are not part of real social settings. The isolation could eventually cause depression, disassociation and other conditions, if it is severe ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Pollution And Its Effects On The United States Hazardous Pollution Water Pollution has been an increasing problem over the last few years. Pollution comes from many different things; agricultural, urban runoff, industrial, sedimentary, animal wastes, and leeching from landfills/septic systems just to name a few (Resources). The reason why pollution has increased over the years is because the rise in population and the advancements in technology the society has made. If society plans on having their resources here for many years to come they are going to have to make some drastic changes in the way they treat the earth, and these changes will have to start with their pollutants (Foundation). Tar Pamlico River is one of the many rivers in North Carolina. It runs one hundred eighty... Show more content on ... Home to 10 million hogs, North Carolina is the number two producer of swine in the United States. Swine produce about ten times the fecal waste of an average human being, resulting in roughly thirteen million pounds of waste per day from the North Carolina herd (Smith Jernigan). Research has found that hog and poultry feces and urine are leaking out of open air, unlined cesspools, draining off the waste disposal fields used by the facilities and polluting the Tar River. Samples have shown that fifty eight percent of watersheds have shown swine or poultry manure effects (Henderson). In addition, the large corporations behind this industry will not be liable for mismanagement of animal waste and the harm it causes public health and the environment. The corporations may own the hogs and the feed, but they do not take ownership of the waste. The waste, and its liability, becomes the problem of the contract growers and the state of North Carolina. Until the corporations are held accountable for externalizing the true cost of their business to the public, hog lagoons and spray fields will continue to plague eastern North Carolina for a very long time (Foundation). Polluted storm water runoff, including sediment from poorly maintained construction sites, is the number one reason for poor water quality in North Carolina. Sediment can cause severe problems for creeks, rivers and estuaries on which we ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Using Oral Corrective Feedback And Understanding Of... Research Concept Paper Research title: Using Oral Corrective Feedback Collaborate with Written Corrective Feedback to Encourage long term improvement and understanding of English Writing Skill Introduction Nowadays, English is one of important languages in the world because it is used as an international language in all fields around the world. From this reason, it is necessary to know all aspects of this language. Academic English writing is also an important skill since it is used extensively in higher education and in the workplace makes English writing ability becomes a necessary skill. However, many Thai students who don t have good writing ability are not able to write accurately even English major students. This study will find out the way to improve writing skill in university students. The researchers believe that one of the factors affecting the writing ability is the way of giving corrective feedback of teachers and the feedback can help learners develop their writing skill. There are two types of corrective feedback which usually found in university writing courses: written corrective feedback and oral corrective feedback. However, the lecturers normally use only written corrective feedback in their classes. This teaching strategy still has a gap that some students don t understand why the mistakes are not correct. Moreover, this gap of using only one method of using corrective feedbacks cannot make students improve their writing ability. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Canine s Thyroid Disease There are diseases in which an animal s body does not function properly. Companion animals whose body produce excess amounts of thyroxin (T3 T4), a thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland, is diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism, also called thyrotoxicosis. This disease is not recognized in livestock like in companion pets. Felines who are adult age are the companion animal designated to contract this disease. Canine s thyroidcomposition can handle and dispose of any excessive hormone surplus, so hyperthyroidismsymptoms only occur when a tumor is present. Each species of animal has its own anatomical thyroid gland. In general, non cancerous adenomas are known to enlarge thyroid glands, whereas thyroid adenocarcinomas also enlarge the gland, but... Show more content on ... Heart and kidney function, as well as the brain and eyes can be damaged when hypertension is secondary to hyperthyroidism. Signs of the disease are hyperexcitability, vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst, increased urination, and weight loss even with increased appetite. The hyperthyroidism is diagnosed by clinical signs, symptoms, and blood tests to check hormone levels and chemistry panels. Surgery to remove the thyroid is a cure to eliminate hyperthyroidism, but a thyroidectomy will require hormone medication for the rest of the animal s life. As with any surgery with anesthesia, there is a risk, and since the parathyroid gland is in close proximity to the thyroid gland, care must be taken to not damage the parathyroid gland. Medication to control the production of excess T3 and T4 hormone is a treatment, not a cure for the disease. However, if the animal has side effects which have to be dealt with, daily dosing of anti thyroid medication, and veterinarian visits for blood tests fall to the responsibility of the owner. Radioactive iodine therapy is a safe, effective way to kill the thyroid abnormal tissue, providing another cure for hyperthyroidism. An injection of the radioactive iodine is performed by the veterinarian and the iodine is engrossed by the bloodstream, with no adverse side effects or the risk of anesthesia. Since this treatment is radioactive, hospitalization after injection must be adhered until the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Comparing Montagues And Capulets In The City Of Verona Shakespeare is saying that two families which we know from reading the story are the Montagues and Capulets. They are both similar in many ways. They have equally high reputations in the City of Verona so therefore they are equally respected. We can tell from this that the play takes place in the city of Verona and based on further explanation we know that Verona was a city in Italy. We also can tell from the prologue that the two families hold a grudge between the other and this is a long occurring event as everyone from the families despises the other aside from Romeo and Juliet. We already know that they are well respected in the city of Verona so they probably fall under the rich. Knowing this we can say that their reputation is of the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Progressive Era Of Social And Political Reform During the time from the 1890s to the 1920s a period of social and political reform took place in the United States known as the Progressive Era. The era saw the expansion of political and economic freedom through the reinvigoration of the moment for woman suffrage, the use of political power to expand workers rights and efforts to improve democratic government by weakening the power of the city bosses and giving ordinary citizens more influence on legislation. The progressive reformers from this time gained a majority of their support from the education middle class of urban areas. Another term used to describe these reformers is Muckrakers. Muckrakers were investigative journalists who tried to make the public aware of the problems in society that needed fixing. They stemmed from yellow journalism, which was a style of reporting that used exaggeration to attract readers. In a speech made by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt in 1906, the term muckraker was used in a derogatory way, he borrowed the word from John Bunyan s Puritan story Pilgrim s Progress, which spoke of a man with a Muck rake in his hand who raked filth rather than look up to nobler things. However, it eventually came to take on a positive overtone due to the serious social issues of the progressive era the muckrakers had underlined. The muckrakers during the progressive era inspired Americans to take action and hence are responsible for the social change that took place at that time. Lincoln ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Notes On Bloom s Connection Puzzles Bloom s Connection Puzzles a. The course content I would use this strategy for would be in Social Studies. However, this concept could be applied to any area that would be taught in the eighth grade. b. The learner will identify significant events, people, and documents in the major eras of United States history. c. This selected activity would work well for this content because it will allow the students to explore different areas of a topic to help finish the puzzle. My thoughts are that this would be an ongoing project that might take several days, weeks, or even the entire year as the students explore United States history. My vision for this activity is to use puzzle pieces that are color coded. One specific color for who, what, where, when, why, and how. The start of any puzzle column could be any color and will be created by either the teacher or the student. The students and teachers will then finish the puzzle column with as many different puzzle colors that are possible that will help to explain the original puzzle piece. For instance, I might start with a who puzzle piece with the name Rosa Parks. The students would then search that person to find how further information to place on connecting color coded puzzle pieces. Another start might be a what with Stamp Act written on it. The students would then find out further information to finish the puzzle. Each column of the puzzle pieces would sit side by side to create a larger puzzle of our United ... Get more on ...
  • 27. A P Lab Evaluate how the name of a muscle can distinguish its location, action, shape, and function. Select five different muscles to make this distinction. Descriptive terms are used to name skeletal muscles. Some names give the location in the body. The temporalis muscle is attached to the temporal bone in the skull. The brachialis muscle is attached to the humerus bone, but brachial refers to the main artery in the arm. Some muscles are named for their origins and insertions, like the genioglossus muscle, for example, originates at the chin (geneion) and inserts in the tongue (glossus). Some muscles are named for the arrangement of the fascicle groups. For example the rectus abdominus is the straight muscle that is in the adbominus.... Show more content on ... scapula Mandible and skin of the cheek Depresses mandible; tenses skin of neck Facial nerve Sternocleido mastoid clavicular head attaches to sternal end of clavicle; sternal head attaches to manubrium clavicular head attaches to sternal end of clavicle; sternal head attaches to manubrium Together, they flex the neck; alone, one side bends head toward shoulder and turns face to opposite side Accessory nerve (N XI) and cervical spinal nerves (C2 C3) of cervical plexus Splenius Spinous processes and ligaments connecting inferior cervical and superior thoracic vertebrae Mastoid process, occipital bone of skull, and superior cervical vertebrae Together, the two sides extend neck; alone, each rotates and laterally flexes neck to that side Cervical spinal nerves Scalenes Transverse and costal processes of cervical vertebrae Superior surfaces of first two ribs Elevate ribs or flex neck Cervical spinal nerves External Coastals Inferior border of each rib Superior border of more inferior rib Elevate ribs Intercostal nerves (branches of thoracic spinal nerves) External Oblique External and inferior borders of ribs 5 12 Linea alba and iliac crest Compresses abdomen, depresses ribs, flexes or bends spine Intercostal, iliohypogastric, and ilioinguinal nerves Diaphragm Xiphoid process, cartilages of ribs 4 10, and anterior surfaces of lumbar vertebrae Central tendinous sheet Contraction expands thoracic cavity, compresses abdominopelvic cavity Phrenic ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Dodge Grand Caravan Research Paper Have you been looking for an affordable family vehicle that will safely carry children, has the ability to get important tasks done, and has a fuel efficient engine with plenty of get up and go? Stop by Campbell Chrysler Dodge to see the trims of the 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan near Olympia. The Dodge Grand Caravan has been around for thirty years, revolutionizing the way families travel. The 2015 Grand Caravan continues the legacy with a versatile interior with ample safety and comfort amenities, and an athletic fuel efficient engine. Trims of the 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan near Olympia The trims of the 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan near Olympia are American Value Package (AVP), SE, SE Plus, SXT, SXT Plus, and R/T. No matter which trim you select, you will drive home in an affordable and versatile minivanwith seating for up to eight passengers, with plenty of room for their cargo. In fact, the Grand Caravan has 33 cubic feet of cargo space, which can be increased to approximately 144 cubic feet by folding the stow and go second and third row seats into the floor.... Show more content on ... In addition, the new Grand Caravan has a wealth of comfort features, including a four speaker sound system with auxiliary jack and CD player, dual zone air conditioning, tilt and telescoping steering wheel, and conversation mirror. If your family enjoys watching movies, the Grand Caravan has an optional Blu ray and DVD duel screen entertainment system with wireless infrared headphones, remote control, and an HDMI ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Understanding The Hidden Layers And Complexities That Lie... II. CASE STUDY ANALYSIS: 1. 2.According to Cloke and Goldsmith (2011), one way of understanding the hidden layers and complexities that lie beneath the surface of our conflicts is by using the metaphor of the iceberg (p. 66). Just like an iceberg, there are layers in conflicts. What we see is only a portion of what is happening. Below the water line, is much more. In fact, the portion that we see on the surface is the current issue at hand. The issue is usually easy to observe. On the other hand, there is always things that is happening under the surface. They are usually less easy to point out. Beneath the surface, there are personalities. People behave, communicate, and get things done in different ways. After, there is emotions. To reach the best resolution we can, each party in a conflictshould be true about their emotions by bringing empathy into the picture. Next, there is interests, needs, and desires. This is where each party should be curious. It is important to ask questions in order to find out the needs and concerns behind people s action. Also, self perceptions and self esteem. In the iceberg of conflict, there are hidden expectations. Here is when the conflicting parties should use their active listening skills to figure out the missing links. They should listen and try to understand the other party perspectives. Lastly, there is unresolved issues from the past. Keeping an open mind is critical in this stage. If you are still angry, it is wise to calm ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Ketchup Research Papers Do you like eating something sweet? You may say yes, or no. But no matter what you answer, it s sure that you will ingest sugar more or less every day, since the main food like rice, wheat and potato are mostly made of a kind of sugar called starch. Besides of eating main food, most of us will eat some snacks, like candy, potato chips, or have some soft drinks. It seems this kind of life is normal, but WTO (2015) suggests that an adult male should reduce the sugarintake to around 8 teaspoons (about 32 grams) and adult woman should reduce to around 6 teaspoons (about 24 grams). What s the concept about this? We should know a fact that a teaspoon of ketchup contains about 1 teaspoon of sugar and a bottle of soft drinks contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar. What we eat are now full of sugar. We re in an age of excessive sugar , which can be harmful to the health. And the situation should be... Show more content on ... This can be associated with a concept named sugar addiction . It seems it s hard to connect sugar with addiction , because we eat sugar every day, and we tend to connect addiction to something that sounds more chemical like drugs. But some researches show that sugar addiction really exists. According to the research of Avena, Rada and Hoebel (2008), sugar can be a kind of addiction material. It is found that sugar can make human body to release opioids and dopamine, which are two kinds of substances that are considered as addictable. This article summarizes the evidence of sugar dependence in an animal model, and the evidence supports the hypothesis that rats can become sugar addicted under certain circumstances. Also, the research of Wideman, Nadzam and Murphy (2005) indicates the effects of sugar addiction, withdrawal and relapse are similar to the effects of drugs addiction. From the researches about the mechanism of being addicted to sugar, we can see that it s possible to let a man become addicted to ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Assessment Of Water Quality And Stream Health Essay cology Lab Four: The Assessment of Water Quality and Stream Health in Local (Lowell MA) Freshwater Systems via the Analysis of Biotic and Abiotic Indicators Abstract: Overall the objective of this lab exercise was to introduce students to watershed ecology and the ecological factors that affect water quality. Students used biotic (macroinvertebrates ) and abiotic indicators to asses the quality of water in a freshwater body. Specifically students collected water chemistry data (hardness, nitrate/phosphate concentrations, dissolved O2 and pH) to asses the quality of water. Additionally macroinvertebrates from the benthic environment of a respective field site were collected, analyzed as well as catalogued. Collectively the results indicated that a greater species diversity was indicative of greater water quality(Lenat). Likewise within a freshwater ecosystems a negative correlation was found to exist between fluctuating abiotic factors,species diversity and water quality. It can be concluded that amongst the three field sites the ranking of water quality from highest to lowest is as follows; Great Brook Farm, Russell Mill pond, Lawrence Street Stream. Introduction: There are two categories for bodies of freshwater, these are lentic and lotic. A lentic body of water in stationary such as a lake or pond and a lotic body of water is flowing such as a river or stream. Lentic or lotic, a productive body of freshwater is a resource that provides water for drinking,agriculture, ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Lao Tzu And Tao Te Ching Taoism is one of the most indigenous philosophical practices of China that is defined as a way of maximizing power. Many people believed that Taoism originated based on the teachings of Lao Tzu, who lived in the 6th century. Tao Te Ching and Chaung Tzu focused on two most prominent Taoist writings in that era. Tao Te Ching , written by Lao Tzu translated the literary piece known as The Classic of the Way and its Power . Taoism symbolizes the idea of oneness; it introduces philosophical concepts such as ying and yang. Yin is related to darkness while yang is associated with brightness and interrelates with the wu wei. Although the wu wei means non action, not only does it correlate with the Tao but also guides individuals the way to an enlightened human being.... Show more content on ... We wei underlines the way of life in an active yet yielding manner; it emphasizes the importance of preventing, forceful, aggressive and self assertive actions. Wu wei methodologically interprets that it is wiser to accept the opposing force of presence rather than reject it; however, it indicates not completely surrendering to the opposition at the expense of one s own existence. As Lao Tzu asserted in Tao Te Ching, the symbolism of water is the most acute representation of we wei in Taoism. Water in a spiritual way is ubiquitous, under heaven nothing is more soft and yielding than water, yet for attacking the solid and strong nothing is better (seventy eight). It implies that water can conform into any shape that the vessel holds; for example, what Lao Tzu means by soft and yielding is that water can change its shape and transform into solid; it represents different energetic ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Gender Roles And The Media In the 21st century, we see women in the media have many roles that men have, such as, police officer, doctor and running to become president, while a nurse and teacher have emerged as both men and women jobs. Over time, the media show how gender role had changed but are what the media is showing the truth about the genderroles in the United States. Historian and scholar had written about this subject of gender roles and how the media affect our view. Thesis statement Reality vs. Fiction Is the media giving the public a reality of how gender roles are portrayed during a period or is it a fiction story that helps people cope with the fact of gender role during the time. The media played an important role as people tried to deal with and interpreted the social change in their midst. Body In A Thoroughbred girl image of female gender role in turn of the century media. They give the history of women and how they should act by telling a story. Janet Mickish and Patricia Searles article published in 1984, even though this article is over 32 year old, their viewpoint is still a subject that is still talked about today. Mickish and Searles analyze The Ladies home Journal, which first published in 1883, but they pick articles that issued in 1905. Patricia Searles and Janet Mickish are not a historian, but many others have cited their work over the year. Melissa R. Klapper books, Jewish Girl s Coming of Age in America, 1860 1920 use Mickish and Searle s article in her ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Project Management with Reference to the Construction of... The Roman engineers were the first in history to discover that proper management of men and resources could greatly decrease the time it takes to complete a construction project. The management structure the Romans employed on their many public construction projects was very simple, but very effective in communicating information through the appropriate channels. Coupling this management structure with previous experience, the Romans were able to increase the efficiency of their endless labour force. Given that no scriptures on the topic of project managementhave been discovered, it is hard to know whether the Romans knew exactly what they had achieved. However, even though they are more complex, the processes used today can be quite ... Show more content on ... The next level of men consisted of contractors and foreman that supervised small crews of men. The foremen had to have a very good understanding of what they were being asked to do and how to organize their crews to work as efficiently and fast as possible. Foremen were also required to physically demonstrate to the men being supervised what they were expected to do and probably administered discipline to men for poor work. Another branch of men , not directly related to physical work, lead to the engineers. This branch contained the levellers and surveyors. They worked under the engineer and maintained communication with the contractor but they did not really fit between either. These men were educated in a variety of subjects but especially math. The surveyors used simple tools to perform very important elevation calculations and with the engineers they plotted the paths of the aqueducts. They communicated with the contractor(s) to explain the path and the slope that the labours were being asked to construct. The most important people in the construction team were the engineers. Everything that happened on the project fell to them to deal with. For this reason Vitruvius gives many examples of things that engineers needed to know and should have studied, including math and some unusual topics such as philosophy and music (Vitruvius: On Architecture, 2006). The engineers ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Toys Are Today s Society Essay Toys Are Us In today s society, parents throughout the United States differ on their views towards children s toys. Some children face different options and consequences when wanting a toy from the opposite gender section. Occasionally, you will see in the headlines of a newspaper saying how progressive a mother is because she allows her son to wear a princess costume. Mainly, the toys that are aimed towards boys are associated with sports and aggression. Yet for girls, the toys that are aimed towards them are associated with homemaking and glamor. These qualities are so recognized and known that I have decided to do an essay on them to see what is alike and what is different in the areas of the toys. I decided to follow two families for this analysis. These two families both come from a Mexican culture. In household X, the family is both Mexican and American. In household Y, the family comes from a strict Mexican culture. In response to my analysis, based on what I have seen in both of the households I visited, I feel as though the children should choose what matters to them in relevance to the fun. Allowing the children to have a variety of toys opens up different skills. Different toys bring different challenges. Parents should not restrict their children to strong gender toys, as though it could not help them develop physically, academically, artistically, cognitively, and musically. In household X, the family of six had a young daughter who is approximately three years ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Taking a Look at Eurasian Milfoil Invasive species are organisms that harm a new environment that they are not native to. Many invasive species like Eurasian milfoil are easily able to reproduce and can do so fast. Due to this, the limited space in a body of water or area of land is quickly taken over by the invasive species so other native plants face the risk of death or even extinction. Overall, these invasive speciescan do great harm to an ecosystemor an economy, causing problems that are destructive to numerous organisms. Eurasian milfoil or Myriophyllum spicatum is an aquatic invasive plant that can be found throughout the Chicagoland area and in surrounding bodies of water. This plant can be a hinderance to swimming, boating, and fishing because of their thick, tangled stems and mats of vegetation. According to the Minnesota Sea Grant, Eurasian milfoil also overcrowd a body of water which leaves little room for the plants native to the Great Lakes. One prediction is that if the Eurasian milfoil is not stopped, a reduction of biodiversity may result in Chicago and the areas surrounding it. If this was to occur, the ecosystems of the Midwest region would be significantly impacted in a negative way. As reported by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), Eurasian milfoil, which is native to Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa, was most likely accidentally introduced to the United States through ballast water, which is water from other places that is dumped into another body of water to aid in ... Get more on ...
  • 37. West Memphis Three Case In 1993, three boys were murdered in West Memphis, Arkansas. Because of the condition the victims were in, the authorities believed that they were involved in a satanic ritual. Three teenagers were accused and convicted because they were outcasts and no other leads were pursued. Even though the West Memphis Three got justice after almost two decades of serving time, the original trial was prejudiced. The three teenagers were Jessie Misskelley, Jason Baldwin, and Damien Echols. They had records of criminal activity and violent behaviour. Furthermore, Misskelley and Echols had dropped out of school. Echols and Baldwin were close friends, but only acquainted with Misskelley. Echols is declared to have a ...serious mental illness characterized ... Show more content on ... Before the jury made a decision about the guilt of the defendants, the jury foreman talked to both an attorney and the judge involved. A former attorney for the defendant Misskelley later noted that he heard the judge and foreman speaking during a lunch break, and the foreman stated that the jury was almost to a conclusion while Judge Burnett responded, You ll need food for when you come back for sentencing, ( 1). The judge was implying that the defendants were guilty before the jury reached a verdict. It was known that the foreman was advocating that the defendants were liable for the scandal. Although there was a retrial, it was still unjust because of the circumstances of the deal. After many requests for retrial, the West Memphis Three received an Alford plea deal. The deal is where the accused plead guilty while still professing their actual innocence, in cases where they accept that prosecutors have sufficient information to acquire a conviction. The Alford plea contrived that the defendants served 18 years and 78 days, which was the time that they served, and could not seek domestic help for improper imprisonment. Even though the original convictions were repealed, the West Memphis Three still didn t receive justice for their ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Compilation of Mathematicians and Their Contributions I. Greek Mathematicians Thales of Miletus Birthdate: 624 B.C. Died: 547 546 B. C. Nationality: Greek Title: Regarded as Father of Science Contributions: * He is credited with the first use of deductive reasoning applied to geometry. * Discovery that a circle is bisected by its diameter, that the base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal and that vertical angles are equal. * Accredited with foundation of the Ionian school of Mathematics that was a centre of learning and research. * Thales theorems used in Geometry: 1. The pairs of opposite angles formed by two intersecting lines are equal. 2. The base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal. 3. The sum of the angles in a triangle is 180В°. 4. An angle ... Show more content on ... The attribution is held to be anachronistic however by J J O Connor and E F Robertson who name Theon of Alexandria as a more likely author. 4. Phaenomena, a treatise on spherical astronomy, survives in Greek; it is quite similar to On the Moving Sphere by Autolycus of Pitane, who flourished around 310 BC. * Famous five postulates of Euclid as mentioned in his book Elements 1. Point is that which has no part. 2. Line is a breadthless length. 3. The extremities of lines are points. 4. A straight line lies equally with respect to the points on itself. 5. One can draw a straight line from any point to any point. * The Elements also include the following five common notions : 1. Things that are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another (Transitive property of equality). 2. If equals are added to equals, then the wholes are equal. 3. If equals are subtracted from equals, then the remainders are equal. 4. Things that coincide with one another equal one another (Reflexive Property). 5. The whole is greater than the part. Plato Birthdate: 424/423 B.C. Died: 348/347 B.C. Nationality: Greek Contributions: * He helped to distinguish between pure and applied mathematics by widening the gap between arithmetic , now called number theory and logistic , now called arithmetic. * Founder
  • 39. of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Leap Year Traditions Leap Year Traditions to Try in Your Home Research: http:/ / 20 craziest facts about leap years.html Meta Description: Looking for a way to add some fun to this year s leap day? Try bringing one of these traditions into your home. Meta Keywords: Leap year traditions, Leap year, Leap day traditions, February 29 tradition Make Leap Day a Holiday This Year with One of These Traditions Well, we re in another anomalous year this year. It s a leap year and at the end of February we will correct an oddity of the Earth s orbit and add a day to the calendar. The tradition of adding February twenty ninth to the calendar dates back ... Show more content on ... There is one big one, but we ll save it for last. Leap Day does have some interesting associations though, ones that you could borrow from to create your own traditions. Read on for our list of two fictional traditions and one true tradition that you can try in your home. Frog Catching and Jumping Day Depending on your location and the weather at the end of February, the twenty ninth may or may not be a good time to gather the children and head to the local creek, pond, or other wetland in search of frogs. Leap Year, for obvious reasons has long been associated with frogs and frogs are seen as good luck on the twenty ninth. Gather your frogs and bring them home for an old fashioned frog jumping contest. For bonus points consider the traditional frog leg feast of the twenty ninth. Gioacchino Rossini Day You may not realize this, but the great Italian opera composer Giaocchino Rossini was born on Leap Day in 1792. To celebrate, dress the familyup in period costume and put on your own production of The Barber of Seville or William Tell. For bonus points consider adding a little danger to the mix with real archery and real ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Pool Halls Research Paper When putting together a bar there is a lot more than what hits the eye. A study by the sociology department at Ohio State University conducted a study about pool halls. What they found was that when you out the pool table in the front of bar people take less care of something that they have easy access to. When you put the pooltable at the back you get more traffic at the barraising the number of drinks sold thus giving the bar more money. With the pool tables in the back people will spend more time at the bars and less time at the pool table. The people who go there to just play pool and know how to play pool will be able to play without people walking in their way. The people who will continue to come and continue to come will set a ... Show more content on ... Telling them that we are telling you. The Culture change will be the hardest to get but all of this is possible. We need workers and bartenders who will be able to adjust and excel in the new work culture. Naysayer s will argue that the supply and demand are not there. There just aren t enough people to fill the bar. There are 15,000 students enrolled this semester there are enough people to fill a bar. You just need to find out where they are going athe why they are going to those places. Then figuring out what will get them back. We just told you why Billiard Players aren t going to the bar maybe other people are having the same issue. I was hanging out with a friend and he was recently in there saying that he likes The Point but it has some issues. The video game controllers are gross and the nobs doesn t have any soft rubber on them anymore. Cost can be an issue for a lot of us and where will we be able to get the money to make the changes needed. We can raise the tuition $100 for one semester and that about $100,000 that we can put into for an even better experience. The next semester will drop back down. For those of you who think that is wrong then we can host tournaments with $50 entrence fee and have a pot of money for the ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Confederation In 1865 1. The first major reason of confederation was the threat of an American takeover. From 1861 to 1865, a Civil War occurred in America between Northern states fighting the Southern states. The issue was whether North and South should remain united or whether the South would separate. Canada became involved in the tension in 1864. A group of Southern soldiers raided the village of St Albans in Vermont, a Northern state. They robbed banks, set houses on fire, and then dashed across the border into Canada to escape. The Northern state saw this incident as evidence that Canada was hostile to the North cause. When North won the Civil War in 1865, Canadians really began to worry; they wondered whether North would now turn its armies on them. The... Show more content on ... This new organized commerce law is horrendous for us! We can no more make a benefit by exchanging with the Americans, and the greater part of our trench frameworks and flour plants are no more use to us! We have no benefit! We require assets from different states! Americans Here are some alternate points of view and responses of the new organized commerce law, expressing that Britain would permit merchandise from any nation without duty. The new unhindered commerce law is incredible for us! We can now openly exchange with Great Britain for no assessment, and make a considerably more prominent benefit! Presently we can put resources into more channel frameworks and flour factories to make a fortune! English North American Colonies Great ... Get more on ...
  • 43. How Does Woolf Present Women In The Great Gatsby Women and Expectations in the 1920s Virginia Woolf expresses a lot of different aspects of characters in Mrs. Dalloway, and one of them is the relation of the characteristics of Clarissa Dalloway and women in the 1920s in general. In this story, Clarissa Dalloway is a character who most likely to be expressed as mellow and miserable. She is miserable and sad because she is most likely stuck in her previous life, regarding her previous relationship and memories with somebody. She has been thinking about it every single day and she cannot get rid of it. Her unhappiness is caused by her lack of activities and social life, and she was encouraged to choose quick decision by her mindset at that time period. Women in the 20s apparently have the same thoughts and ideas, and Clarissa is one of them. In... Show more content on ... They are expected to have a partner for their life, and Clarissa had Peter. However, she eventually chose Richard over Peter, and ended up marrying him. Nonetheless, her feelings were too fast. She was still stuck on her past with Peter. It was not a good choice for her. She would still think about Peter even the years after. But with Peter everything had to be showed, everything gone into (Woolf 8) This evidence from the book shows that she is still comparing her relationship with Peter and Richard. She is still very guilty in the inside. Her relationship and Richard was fairly open, but this does not support Clarissa s feelings towards Richard. For in marriage a little license, a little independence there must be between people living together day in day out in the same house; which Richard gave her, and she him. (Woolf) This sentence would be the evidence of their independent relationship, and it does not make her happy. Marriage did not work for Clarissa, and the fact that women were all married in that time period, relates to her sadness because it seems like it rushes her time and her feelings towards ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The Game Of The Basketball State Playoffs Essay It is the first round of the Basketball State playoffs, and with eight seconds left, the talented Northwest team is down by three. The star point guard speed dribbles up the court, the tension on and off the court is immense, the pressure is even greater. Everyone during and prior to this game, had witnessed a season full of promise, and the consensus conclusion for most recognized this team as the best team to have ever come out Northwest High School. This was our best and likely only chance for success. So as the point guard puts the ball up, time nearly stops, it has a chance, but in like in life, the game of basketballis unforgiving, he misses. As most made their pre conceived predictions of the future, or lack thereof, a young sophomore and his Junior Varsity teammates, inspired by our elders walking off the court, and the doubters going home, bonded together. Believing we were destined for something historical, and mythological outside our small circle thus a community was born. The 2016 Northwest Varsity Basketball team, the discourse community, where I developed relationships with people I call my brothers, a community which has shaped my work ethic, and has given me the knowledge of the amount of work it takes to be successful. Work which came in the efforts of a particular goal which at the time was unknown amongst teammates. To us the future was still a mystery, a mystery in which we knew would outline some kind of success. Fast forward two years since the ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The United States And The American Revolution Throughout American history, there have been countless monumental events. Learning about the past is a great way to understand where you came from, what happened to make the world how it is today, and to feel connected to your country and your roots. In 1607, the thirteen colonies were founded. These colonies were classified into three different groups, the New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies. The states included in these groups were New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. The thirteen colonies played an important role in expansion, farming, politics, religion, and freedom. I ... Show more content on ... Living close enough to Boston to be able to take day trips every now and then made me become very interested in it s past. In 1869, Africans were brought over to Jamestown, Virginia to work as slaves, and aid in the production of important, popular crops such as tobacco and cotton. Throughout the years slavery became more and more popular, until the Civil War put an end to it. Slavery had a severe impact on the world, causing problems such as segregation, government corruption, wars, and excessive violence. I chose this topic because I feel that it s an important event to learn about, despite the shame or guilt most Americans feel for enslaving so many people. The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments listed in the U.S Constitution. These ten amendments include the freedom of speech and religion, the right to bear arms, and no quartering of soldiers. They also include freedom from unfair arrests or searches, the right to due process of law, allowed public and speedy trials, and the right of trial by jury in civil cases. Lastly, the Bill of Rights protected citizens from unreasonable punishments, allowed other rights for the people, and ensured that power was reserved to the states. Although this just briefly sums up the Bill of Rights, they played an extremely important role in the foundation of America. Without them, the nation would have been lawless and out of control. Without freedom of speech, ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Advantages And Disadvantages A.C 1.1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of different networking systems, types and topologies. Analyse and clearly identify the requirements of the system for this network in order to convince the management of the given case study company. There are many types of networks here are a few examples of them; WAN, LAN, MAN PAN. WAN (Wide Area Network) is a network which maybe computer or telecommunications network that extends in a large geographical distance, it interconnects a multiple of (LANs) Local Area Networks. The Advantages of a WAN are; WANs allow a great and more intricate network also can cover a near infinite geographical distance. WANs mainly occur in large environments, Connections are available from country to country, building to building etc. in other words the internet. The typical large size of a WAN is what separates it from a LAN, WANs are generally slower than LANs, the further the distance the slower the network. One of the biggest Disadvantages of WAN is the cost that it can come with, having a private WAN is often expensive. One of the main reason WANs are expensive is because of the technology used to expand on massive scales. Speaking on large scale, the larger the network the less speed which causes latency (Works, 2017). Here is a diagram of a wide area network: Figure 1: wide area network (NetPrivateer, 2013) LAN (Local Area Network) is a computer network that interconnects clients(computers) in limited space i.e. a ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Essay The Elvis Craze The Elvis Craze The public made Elvis Presley larger than life, better known than Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon and in some cases God Himself. I cannot quite understand the Elvis craze. I don t think he was a handsome man, I don t enjoy his music, I won t waste my time trying to sit through one of his boring, talentless movies, and if, God forbid, I end up on my deathbed with some horrible, incurable disease, I certainly won t make a pilgrimage to Graceland to be miraculously healed. Jack Gould conveyed some of my feeling in the essay TV: New Phenomenon when he wrote, Mr. Presley has no discernible singing ability. Although he gave away cars, cash, and gifts to friends, family, and sometimes, strangers, I can t think of any of his... Show more content on ... In his teen years, Elvis absorbed the cultural aspects and musical style of Country, Gospel, and Rhythm Blues. He lived in the South, where Country music was most prevalent, it was sort of a given for him for him to adopt the country music style. His parents were devout churchgoers, and Elvis frequently attended the all night revivals, where he enjoyed jumping around and singing the gospel. It is also known that Elvis spent quite a bit of time on Memphis s Beale Street, known for its Rhythm Blues clubs. When Elvis did unoriginal songs that had been sung previously by other artists, he added his own flavor that was made up of his mixed Gospel, Country, and R B background. His style drew diverse crowds, and songs such as Hound Dog and Don t Be Cruel went to #1 in the Country, R B and Pop charts. None of this justifies the deification of Elvis. After a brief stint in the US Army, Elvis started concentrating more on movies. He made a wide variety of movies, GI Blues, Blue Hawaii, Viva Las Vegas, and Fun in Acapulco to name a few. Although the movies were basically glorified music videos, as they contained no real plot and a lot of singing, these movies and their songs made millions. I honestly think that if the Elvis myth that is discussed in Griel Marcus s essay, Presliad, had not already been put in place by Elvis s fans, the movies would not have grossed half the money, ... Get more on ...
  • 48. The Malleus Maleficarum, By Dominican Inquisitors Heinrich... The Malleus Maleficarum, published in 1487 and authored by Dominican Inquisitors Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger, was used by Catholics and Protestants as a bank of knowledge on how to locate and prosecute witches. Though the text was published in 1487, it was still used as the premier text on witches well into the 18th century. The text is incredibly thorough, covering the topics of witch identification, explanations of how witches make their pacts with the devil, and how to effectively conduct a trial. This text was written to be read by upper class members of the clergy and secular governments. The audience of this text largely informed the language and content which Kramer and Sprenger used and included. Because of the very clear and directed audience who was intended to read this text, the authors got away with rhetoric which would not necessarily be believed or agreed with by the laypeople who would actually be affected by the contents of The Malleus Maleficarum. The Malleus Maleficarum is explicitly misogynistic when addressing who can be a witch, when describing the pact that a woman makes with the devil, and the process by which an accused witch is questioned and tried. The Malleus Maleficarum is very explicit about which gender is more likely to practice witchcraft. Multiple sections of the texts specifically reference the fact that women are more likely to be witches, and gives details about why women are more likely to be coerced into witchcraft by the ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Control Over The Mind In George Orwell s 1984 Charles Darwin, founder of theory of evolution, once said, The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts. If the highest point is control over thoughts, then the lowest point must be when individuals have no control over their own minds. This is evident through Ingsoc regime s philosophy on thoughtcontrol in Orwell s 1984 where people don t have freedom of thought. Another example which demonstrates how control over mindleads to corruption of humanity itself is through Stanley s criticism on 1984 where he illustrates that by controlling what is in minds of people government puts one in a stage of unconsciousness which helps gov abuse people as mindless machine. Moreover, North Korea and ISIS government s manipulation of children s mind proofs that these children loose morals as a result of being dictated these thoughts and having it controlled by gov without even knowing it. Furthermore, the abuse of humanity through... Show more content on ... A few days after torturing Winston, he is getting his physical condition back from before but he demonstrates how he s completely brain washed and filled with party values by the party by saying, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY... TWO AND TWO MAKE FIVE (Orwell 277). The setting of this quote is important because Winston is now in a better health condition and he s not under torture so by saying the lines above he s admitting that he does not have freedom to say two and two makes four and he is signing the agreement that mentally, he is completely convinced with the party s ideology and now he is another mindless machine under their control. In addition, The instant in which Winston s giving up his freedom is symbolizing how as the concepts of freedom and slavery are melding together and becoming one when people s mind doesn t recognize the difference between these ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Essay On Polyvagal Theory Polyvagal Theory Counselling today theory practice/ Reference Posted on Counselling today, on the 27th of June 2016, written by By Dee Wagner. (Accessed on the 21/3/17) Summary This article is about the Polyvagal theory and it goes into depth about it and what it involves. The author explains the three parts of the nervous system and vagal nerve functioning which gives understanding and knowledge on what the theory entails. It explores what was thought before the theory was introduced and how it has changed our understanding of the nervous system. The purpose of this article is to explore the scientific background of the theory and how the systems function in our bodies. Usefulness This ... Show more content on ... It states information that can be found in various websites but it makes more comparisons between the systems and changes that have been made. The information presented in this article is factual and is all referenced meaning it comes from a reliable source. Validity This article in comparison to other sources is harder to understand and contains minimal information about the theory compared to previous sources. There is factual information stated throughout the article but gaining a clear understanding comes with greater difficulty than it did with the other articles. It makes poorer points on the systems as it does not explore them in as much depth as other sources did. Capabilities I have now utilised and started developing both the literacy and critical and creative thinking capability. I have applied skills from the literacy capability as I have been reading, viewing and writing on this source in which I also had to apply accessing, analysing and selecting skills in order to chose the article.I have developed critical and creative thinking as I have to learn and apply new knowledge to the answering of my ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Robots Disadvantages By the year 2050 robots will transform our lives, by being like another family member in the house and a co worker at work. As well as helping people walk and move. They are learning to perform surgeries, and delivering food to our bedrooms, which is increasing their efficiency and practicality, making our lives easier. I know when many people hear the word robots they think of them as bad because there as been many movies where they are depicted as bad but in fact robots can help us in many tasks. Robots are being used a lot in our century which will have a positive impact on the human race. CNN news says that robots have become the norm in numerous industries. They are right there as many industries that are using robots today. One of the major ways robots can have a positive impact on the human race is that Robots can save companies time and money by being able to produce a greater magnitude of products a.nd reduce haggard amount of wasted materials. Also are they are faster, quicker and more importantly, very accurate. Which will prevent worker injures. One of the most important places where robots are being introduced are in hospitals. This will really shape the future of hospitals. They be able to help doctors in the operating room because they have greater visualization, Enhanced dexterity, and Greater precision. Which studied to traditional surgery with incisions, robots can make smaller incisions proceed in less pain and scarring. Robotic surgery allows surgeons to perform complicated surgical tasks through tiny openings using robotic technology. Surgical robots are self powered, computer controlled devices that can be programmed to aid in the positioning and manipulation of surgical instruments. This provides surgeons with better accuracy, flexibility and control. Surgeons at the children s national medical center have overseen an autonomous robot performing soft tissue surgery, stitching together a pig s stomach during open surgery and doing so better than a human surgeon. Tony Beldame, professor of cognitive systems and robotics at Plymouth University states, They are instruments for the surgeons to use for keyhole surgery, as they offer greater precision than handheld tools, particularly ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Jfk Assassination Research Paper The assassination that shocked the nation ВЁ We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light the candle that can guide us through that darkness to a safe and sane futureВЁ John F. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy was born on May 27th 1917. He became the 35th president of the united states in January 1961. The JFK assassination shocked the world and left many pieces to an uncompleted puzzle behind it. First things first, The JFK assassination impacted the nation for some period of time. The JFK assassination was in Dallas November 22th, 1963 and was considered the crime of the century (Warren commission). Next, The gunman Lee Harvey Oswald was also hired to kill officer Tippit and then fled to a movie theater where he was caught (Diane Brown ... Show more content on ... First It has been revealed that some information regarding the plot of the murder will never be released (Sarah Putt). Next ВЁ someone also tipped off a London reporter about ВЁbig newsВЁ in the United States 20 minutes before the assassination (Sarah Putt). Robert Rawls told a navy intelligence officer that he overheard someone at a bar bet 100$ on Kennedy s death (Sara Putt). An ex CIA officer believes the white house and the agency are actually concealing the most important documents (Sarah Putt). The evidence suggests Oswald could have been part of a conspiracy, but the theory has not yet been proven. The second theory is proven by the evidence presented by Sarah Putt which gives a strong case and gives theorists a difficult challenge. Lastly, even though JFK s death was tragic the puzzle left behind, it is one filled with twists and turns. The 1st theory shows how the assassination could have been revenge for Fidel Castro. The 2nd theory gives evidence that could suggest that Oswald could have been part of a much larger conspiracy. The assassination of John F. Kennedywas a tragedy that set the nation in a period of grief and shocked the world. These are just two theories how many could there be? Maybe the world will never know the truth about this ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Major League Baseball Salary Major League Baseball Salary 1/C Morris, 2/C Morris and 2/C Turner Major League Baseball players average just over four million a year making it the second highest paying sport. Players determine win loss records which drives ticket sales which creates revenue and so on. This is why player salaries is one of the most critical aspects of running a MLB team. These salaries are negotiated using statistics such as batting average, on base percentage, hits and more. When negotiations are not working, an arbitration process is used which is unique to the MLB. Within Major League Baseball there are two trade deadlines. The first is July 31 (or August 1 for leap years) and the second is August 31. Before the July deadline, teams face no penalties or additional fees in trading. However, after July 31 and before August 31 trades can take place with waivers and additional fees. While this discourages trades after the July 31 deadline, if a player is truly desired by a team, especially in the upcoming postseason, no barrier will prevent a team from acquiring that player. After the world series free agents are free to move from team to team. For roughly five days teams will try and negotiate a new contract with their expiring players. Most of the time this works but if a contract cannot be reached salary arbitration is used. Both the player and the team will present a proposal salary to the arbitrators who then select the proposal they believe to be the fairest. Arbitration is rare ... Get more on ...
  • 54. The Day Of My Meditation Practice It is now the 8th day of my meditation practice. I can t believe how far I have come since the first day. I was already addicted to the feeling and idea of meditation. I was surprised at how clear my mind was today before I began my mantra recitation. As always, I felt the tension in my body fade away as I got into my meditative practice. At the end of today s session I felt really good! I sat on my bed and got comfortable before beginning my meditative practice today. I started off with concentrating on my breathing before reciting my mantra. I felt my body relax. I was surprise at the feeling of ease and relation mediation was providing to me. I feel very good about this practice. Today I decided to do something a little different. Instead of repeating my mantra in my head using my own voice, I decided to listen to an audio playing of the mantra. I sat on my bed and got comfortable before putting on my ear buds on and playing the mantra. It felt different listening to someone else s voice, however I did enjoy it. I found myself more easily being able to concentrate on the mantra, without having to think about the words. I felt my body relax and I enjoyed the sensation that was running through my bones. Once again, I choose to opt to listen to the audio playing of my mantra. I sat down and concentrated on my breathing before hitting play. I enjoyed listening to someone else s voice, it was oddly very calming. At the end of my session, I felt very joyful. I hoped to ... Get more on ...